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Former Ukrainian government official and diplomat Andrii Telizhenko joins Aaron Maté to discuss how, in his view, powerful US figures including Joe Biden have used Ukraine for personal corruption and the geopolitical aim of bleeding Russia — all to the detriment of Ukrainians.

Telizhenko worked for the Ukrainian prosecutor general’s office in Kyiv before moving to Ukraine’s US Embassy in 2015. He went on to work for Blue Star Strategies, a Democrat-run lobbying firm that represented Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company that appointed Biden’s son Hunter to a lucrative board seat.

Telizhenko, who cooperated with Rudy Giuliani’s effort to dig up information about the Bidens’ alleged corruption in Ukraine, has been sanctioned by the US Treasury Department for “having directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign influence in a United States election.”

Guest: Andrii Telizhenko. Political consultant who was previously a Ukrainian government official and diplomat.


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Political Theater in Nepal Is Driving Citizen Flight

July 17th, 2023 by Barbara Nimri Aziz

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With unwelcome regularity, every few months Kathmandu Valley experiences a nationally watched theatrical production. This month’s will surely be unrivalled. Yet, each new production seems to outdo the last in commercial evaluations and the celebrity of its leading actors.

At the same time however, apart from eager journalists, the public does not attend. In fact, the Nepali public is largely focused beyond the valley, further than Everest, further than Darjeeling and Assam in N.W. India, the former go-to-destination for fleeing disenchanted youths and dreamers 3-4 generations ago. (Today, as we will see, they prefer to watch this drama from much further afield.)

Today’s dramas – offering commercial successes (for some), rich fodder for investigative journalists, and political accolades or disrepute for others – are an unending series of scandals. All have a similar theme – riches through corruption.

For the past decade, increasing as the national treasury of this new democracy swells, corruption and greed have grown at a rapid rate. It seeps into every corner of the nation, along newly-bulldozed roadways to once-remote nomad camps, into district headquarters in far flung provinces, and through engorged urban centers. It embraces a visa-and-passport racket; it spills over the gilded surfaces of the country’s holiest Hindu site; it entraps politicians of all political persuasions; it captures former ministers, members of parliament and their staff, a myriad of government agencies along with Nepal’s richest, most prominent merchants.

To review only the three most recent dramas: there’s the Bhutanese passport scandal. Almost 20 years ago, 100,000 ethnic Nepalese who’d been expelled from Bhutan where they’d been settled for generations, were sequestered in refugee camps within Nepal. Following international appeals, they were granted refugee status and could apply for asylum abroad. (The U.S. accepted more than 85,000.) But what about ordinary Nepalis? (Hadn’t thousands managed foreign visas from their fraudulent claims of lost homes in the 2015 earthquake?) It seemed unfair to the tens of thousands who wait more than two years even for a tourist visa to America, for example. Some aspiring-emigres who decided to claim Bhutanese refugee status won the sympathy of officials in relevant ministries who would furnish the necessary papers for 1-2 million rupees ($US 10,000- 18,000) each. When the racket was exposed, numerous culprits were identified and charged with treason, fraud and forgery; they included ministerial level officials, a police chief and a deputy prime minister along with lower-level clerks. (How any of the foreign embassies who might stamp these false papers responded to the exposé is unrecorded.) Nepal’s media had a field day publicizing the details, naming names; officials who had pursued the criminals were applauded. But how many of the named and accused were exempted, how many convicted, and how many of all of them are actually in jail today seem to be uncertain, or forgotten.

The obscurity that follows these exposés may be because, hardly a month later, a new political theater eclipses the last drama. Journalists excitedly pursue new celebrities. (Nepal’s press, a throng of papers, TV stations and online outlets, arose following the arrival of free speech – starting in 1990 and swelling after the blossoming of democracy in 2008. With so much corruption, between inter-and-intra-party scandals, press attention has increasingly turned in this direction, even as questions about the integrity of the nation’s young free press are raised.)

That Bhutanese ID drama follows a much discussed ‘gift’ of gold by Nepal’s former prime minister K.P. Oli and former president Mrs. B.D. Bhandari. Together, perhaps in search of spiritual merit after retirement, the pair committed government funds to purchase a massive quantity of gold (Jalahari) to adorn Nepal’s most sacred site Pashupatinath Temple in Kathmandu. An initial revelation that the funds were not their own, but from the State Treasury, reportedly resulted in the plates being exhumed and the engraved names of their esteemed benefactors removed. (As far as is known the Treasury still honored the cost of the gift.) The final act of that drama highlighted a supposed discrepancy (approximately 10 kilograms of gold) between the 100 kg weight of the reported gift and what was eventually recorded.

Sometime after or between these hot affairs was another equally serious production, a spectacular property deal. Called the Lalita Niwas land scandal. It too involved ministers and other officials, businessmen, and huge sums of money. Lalita Nawas is a tract of government property (about 15 hectares) in Baluwatar, one of the capital’s most elite suburbs.) Corruption charges were filed against 175 individuals upon discovery that plots there had been illegally transferred in the name of individuals through collusion with officials, among then land revenue personnel and the election commissioner. The sums involved are staggering. Investigations are ongoing (as jails fill, or trials are delayed).

The effect of this on the public is profound, and long-lasting. After less than two decades of democratic liberties most Nepalis are losing confidence in their modern republic. (Maoists who fought to end the dictatorship are among the most corrupt, it is believed.)

A deeper, more troubling consequence of the corruption is found among school graduates and in applications for foreign visas. “Education is now a means to escape the country”, observes secondary school director Bhagwan Shrestha. From his many years in the field, he sadly concludes that education for the sake of learning is of low priority: “We are producing educated Nepalis for outside”. Few want to stay. He also notes the difficulties simple families endure to pay increasingly high school fees, hoping this would open a path abroad for their children. “Their dream is for their children to escape”, Shrestha adds. “Education is simply a ticket out.” He also suggests that this condition lowers the appeal of teaching as a profession.

Youths who leave after the compulsory 10th class have aspirations to find work as laborers in Malaysia and Gulf Cooperation Council states. Those able to complete university do so with their eyes on Australia, Europe and the U.S. and Canada, with the U.S. most preferred. One thirty-year-old who intends to stay in Nepal notes: “From my graduating class of 131 students, almost 90 are outside – working abroad”.

One need only glance at the lines of aspirants at the gates of foreign embassies. From the airport, flights leave night and day ferrying mainly young men abroad. (800,000 are expected to be issued labor permits this year). They and their families consider themselves fortunate, despite tales of difficult conditions abroad. Their hardships, often exaggerated, may be sympathetically recorded in international papers. But however severe the stresses and risks abroad, Nepali youths view those as preferable to dim prospects at home where corruption is so invasive. With their overseas earnings they can leverage possibilities for themselves in their homeland. In fact, most return with sufficient savings to open a modest business, pay off mortgaged land, and afford school fees for their children to obtain a better education (and perhaps win a visa to a first-class destination!). Their remittances back to Nepal are not insubstantial. If Nepal’s government were really responsible, instead of the outflow generated by corruption and the lack of opportunities for citizens, it could foster local industry and agricultural innovation. What enterprise one finds in Nepal is in the private sector; this in a nation which, during its 15 years of democracy, has largely been led by socialist parties (Maoist, Marxist and Communist) with access to billions of rupees to offer fraudsters.


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Barbara Nimri Aziz whose anthropological research has focused on the peoples of the Himalayas is the author of the newly published “Yogmaya and Durga Devi: Rebel Women of Nepal”, available on Amazon

She is a regular contributor to Global Research.

“Yogmaya and Durga Devi: Rebel Women of Nepal”

By Barbara Nimri Aziz

A century ago Yogmaya and Durga Devi, two women champions of justice, emerged from a remote corner of rural Nepal to offer solutions to their nation’s social and political ills. Then they were forgotten.

Years after their demise, in 1980 veteran anthropologist Barbara Nimri Aziz first uncovered their suppressed histories in her comprehensive and accessible biographies. Revelations from her decade of research led to the resurrection of these women and their entry into contemporary Nepali consciousness.

This book captures the daring political campaigns of these rebel women; at the same time it asks us to acknowledge their impact on contemporary feminist thinking. Like many revolutionaries who were vilified in their lifetimes, we learn about the true nature of these leaders’ intelligence, sacrifices, and vision during an era of social and economic oppression in this part of Asia.

After Nepal moved from absolute monarchy to a fledgling democracy and history re-evaluated these pioneers, Dr. Aziz explores their legacies in this book.

Psychologically provocative and astonishingly moving, “Yogmaya and Durga Devi” is a seminal contribution to women’s history.

Click here to order.

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Watch The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal address the UN Security Council on the role of US military aid to Ukraine in escalating the conflict with Russia and the real motives behind Washington’s support for Kiev’s proxy war.


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The US-led West is not interested in peace or in any kind of compromise to put an end to the current conflict in Ukraine. According to University of Chicago political science professor John Mearsheimer, “Western leaders have additional goals, which include regime change in Moscow, putting Putin on trial as a war criminal, and possibly breaking up Russia into smaller states.” Journalist Anchal Vohra, writing for Foreign Policy, tells us that “Western analysts and Russian dissidents” have been publicly calling for the “decolonization of Russia itself.”

Take, for example, the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (an independent US. government agency): already in 2022, Vohra reminds us, it published a report called “Decolonizing Russia”, which declared that such decolonizing should be “a moral and strategic objective.”

This extreme stance is not a “reaction” to the escalation of the ongoing conflict (but rather one of its external causes); in fact, such views are nothing new at all. Take, for instance, the late Zbigniew Brzezinski, the influential diplomat and foreign policy expert who served as a national advisor to former US President Jimmy Carter: he openly called for the further fragmentation of Russia (after the collapse of the Soviet state). In his 1997 Foreign Affairs piece, he called for a “loosely confederated Russia – composed of a European Russia, a Siberian Republic and a Far Eastern Republic.” Brzezinski advocated all this while also speaking about  “America’s global primacy” – extending all the way over to the Eurasiatic landmass too, of course. According to him, the US should “perpetuate the prevailing geopolitical pluralism on the map of Eurasia”, so as to prevent even “the remote possibility of any one state” seeking to “challenge America’s primacy”. To put it simply, for the American establishment, Russian simply cannot be.

This attitude, distorted as it is, makes some sense, from a certain American perspective, focused on global supremacy and the pursuit and maintenance of unipolarity. This has been shaped by the geopolitical thinking of Sir Halford John Mackinder and his concept of the struggle for the Heartland, and also by US Navy captain Alfred Thayer Mahan (and his 1890 The Atlantic article “The United States Looking Outward”). One must also add American exceptionalism to geopolitical thinking – that in turn can be traced back to the Puritan’s biblical metaphor about the “city upon a hill”.

We are talking about a nation that, according to retired Navy captain Jerry Hendrix (formerly an adviser to Pentagon senior officials), engages in land wars, while also seeking naval hegemony. Furthermore, it is actively pursuing a dual containment policy against both Russia and China, simultaneously. When it comes to Great Powers, for the United States, there can only be one.

Under this framework, Washington has consistently refused to acknowledge Moscow’s global role as the Great Power it is. American rhetoric up to early 2022 routinely described Russia as a “paper tiger” and a “declining power”. NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated on December 16, 2021 that “Russia is a power in decline, meaning the economic importance of Russia, the GDP is not keeping track with many other countries in the world”, albeit, at the same time, adding that “even an economy in decline and a power in economic decline can be a threat and a challenge.” This contradictory view could be seen mirrored in US President Joe Biden’s July 2022 dismissing remarks about Moscow “sitting on top of an economy that has nuclear weapons and oil wells and nothing else.” This denial attitude goes so far as to deny Russia’s role as a regional power even.

Many post-Soviet states have sought to maintain their ties with Moscow, which is exemplified by their ongoing adhesion over the last years to economic and security alliances such as the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), and, more recently, the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU).  This reflects geoeconomic and geopolitical convergent interests which are a function of both geography and history: Russian civilization has a common history and has for centuries kept economic, political, and religious relations with a number of Slavic and Turkic peoples as well as many other ethnic groups.

In denial of all such basic facts and data, from an American perspective, Moscow is not to have even a “zone of influence” of its own. Moreover, for many influential US policy makers, political scientists, and thinkers (as we’ve seen) Russia should in fact cease to exist altogether as a polity.

Earlier attempts to “cancel” Russia into irrelevance or into virtual “non-existence” should thus be seen as examples of this peculiar mindset. The refusal to realistically and properly assess Moscow’s role and status in the global arena is not merely Western wishful thinking: the American Establishment seems to be unable to think of its own country outside of the context of a unipolar world. The very existence of a Russian state is thus perceived as a threat.

Rather than prolonging a proxy attrition war (which the Europeans themselves are tired of) “to the last Ukrainian”, responsible leaders should engage in good diplomacy and lots of table talks, which are needed more than ever, so as to minimize the risk of a global thermonuclear war (a scenario no one can afford). However, any such dialogue is hampered, among other things, by American exceptionalism.


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Uriel Araujo is a researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts.

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Godless Fake Science. The Importance of Truth

July 16th, 2023 by Mark Keenan

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The Importance of Truth

Is not my intention to unsettle those persons unwilling to disturb their cerebral repose by confronting uncomfortable facts, thus I forewarn this article may cause cognitive dissonance, which results from the mind’s inability to hold two conflicting beliefs simultaneously. However, truth is vitally important and such topics must be addressed.

Modern society has been subjected to a network of lies and false narratives so pervasive it has become the accepted ‘norm’. However, the lies are certainly not accepted by all people. We have all been subjected to fake science and related ideologies that we were ‘born into’, and ‘educated’ to accept, and have thus been living in a ‘systematized delusion’.

A ‘systemized delusion’ being defined as one based on a false premise, pursued by a logical process of reasoning to an insane conclusion; there being one central delusion, around which other aberrations of the mind converge.”, see Endnote [i]. Truth is important for without it we are lost, adrift, and rudderless in a sea of lies. If left to condition you, such fake narratives are going to send you sailing in the wrong direction. The importance of truth should not be discounted. All things rest upon truth, and only by truth can the world be sustained.

“No face which we can give to a matter will stead us so well at last as the truth. This alone wears well… Say what you have to say, not what you ought. Any truth is better than make-believe.” –Henry David Thoreau

“Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth. I sat at a table where were rich food and wine in abundance, and obsequious attendance, but sincerity and truth were not; and I went away hungry from the inhospitable board. “ – Henry David Thoreau

“As if there were safety in stupidity alone.” – Henry David Thoreau

“I do not know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy, playing on the sea shore… finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell… whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.”- Sir Isaac Newton, Famous scientist

Fake Science 

The book Godless Fake Science demonstrates that much of the scientific narrative we have been taught from our school days onwards, is based on falsehood, and that the institution of ‘science’ itself has in many ways been hijacked by financial interests seeking to advance their own narrative and agenda. Modern science, like economics, banking, and corporate-owned mass media, has become part of a paradigm borne by deceit, and corporate greed; and which paints God out of the picture.

The manipulation and fraudulent distortion of scientific and economic data has long been used by the ‘new world order crowd’ to promote false and deceptive agendas. These agendas stem from the top echelons of the international political, mega-corporate and financial system, and those few so-called financial elites who control it. These agendas also include bogus science posing as fact, which is then utilised to promote an ulterior agenda. The financialists that have a controlling interest in the world banking and corporate system have been able to do so as they have owned and controlled the money creation process itself for the past century.  By fully controlling the source of money creation and distribution the money-masters have been able to fund any agenda they wish and, similarly, defund anything they wish.

“Give me control of a nation’s money supply and I care not who makes its laws.” – Mayer Amschel Rothschild (banker)

The money creation process was hijacked by this same line of corporate mechanics in the Federal Reserve coup of 1913, and has been under private control ever since. See the book Demonic Economics and the Tricks of the Bankers for more details. There is ‘nothing new under the sun’, certain narcissistic folks are always seeking power and control.  The unpalatable reality is that both economic and scientific tricks are used by this new world order Davos group, and their cohorts at the UN, WEF, and WHO, etc., to increase their own economic power/control over world society. Communist control ideology; monopoly capitalism; along with corporate, banking, political, and media control, are the everyday tools of this group. Thus, society has become inundated with godless fake science and subversive ideologies that serve an ulterior agenda.

Fake Climate Science

An example of a false scientific narrative is that CO2, or methane emissions from livestock, such as cows, causes climate change – this is detailed in this previous article. The cult of ‘manmade climate change’ is a media and UN politically-promoted ‘ideology’, that is used for a wider agenda of control. Manmade climate change from CO2 emissions or methane from livestock, is not based in fact and has hijacked real environmentalism. A chapter in the book Godless Fake Science is dedicated to this subject, and see also the books Transcending the Climate Change Deception and CO2 Climate Hoax. In addition, note the video presentations by renowned scientists on the Irish Climate Science Forum website:

“in the long history of the earth there has been almost no correlation between climate and co2… the paloeclimate record shows unambiguously that Co2 is not a control knob… the narrative is absurd…  it gives governments the power to control the energy sector… for about 33 years, many of us have been battling against the climate hysteria… There were more important leading people who were objecting to it, they were unfortunately older and by now most of them dead…

Elites are always searching for ways to advertise their virtue and assert their authority. They believe they are entitled to view science as a source of authority rather than a process, and they try to appropriate science, suitably and incorrectly simplified, as the basis for their movement. Movements need goals, and these goals are generally embedded in legislation. The effect of legislation long outlasts the alleged science. As long as scientists are rewarded for doing so they are unlikely to oppose the exploitation of science.” – Richard L Lindzen, Professor Emeritus of Atmospheric Sciences, MIT

Via decades of climate propaganda, the financialists behind all the CO2 Hoax have misdirected the ‘educuated’ (indoctrinated) masses into a doomsday frenzy. For example, a neighbor, a nice woman, will now not even burn wood logs in her stove to heat her house, for fear of climate change, and criticizes others who do so; and a local grocery store manager, a man in his 50s, confided to me he was in severe anxiety about the climate disaster. It is hardly surprising that a ‘climate activist’ posted a review here of the book on Amazon last week, with the hysterical accusation of “denial, denial, denial”. Labelling someone as a “denier” is what some people resort to when they have no scientific argument or sound evidential basis. It obvious from the three-sentence review, that the reviewer had not actually read the book. If they had they would see their statements dismantled and worries fade away. The listing also shows they had not purchased the book. How can we communicate with such a brainwashed person? I do not deny the climate is changing for it appears to have always gradually changed naturally in its own cycle, however, the reality is carbon emissions or methane from livestock, such as cows, are not the cause. Richard L Lindzen, Professor Emeritus of Atmospheric Sciences at MIT summarises the battle against the climate hysteria as follows:

“The ‘educated’ class is most vulnerable to the absurd narrative… when we talk about science we are to talking to people who have no idea even of the vocabulary… the educated masses are aware of their scientific ignorance and this leaves them very insecure… they need simple narratives it allows them to believe that they actually do understand the science, and as we see today with climate it allows them to become ignorantly proud of their alleged accomplishment… the situation is compounded when it comes to climate where… most scientists are also ignorant, but where their support for the narrative comforts the non-scientists.  I suspect… this elite (educated class) feels they need to show they too have met challenges even if the challenges are purely imaginary, this seems particularly true of young people… most ordinary people don’t have these problems.

Our task is to show the relevant people the people who make decisions for us, the political people, the overall stupidity of this issue rather than punching away at the details… it is likely that we have to capitalise on the insecurity of the educated elite and make them look silly instead of superior and virtuous. We must remember that they are impervious to real science unless it is reduced to their level… Whether we are capable of doing is an open question.” – Richard L Lindzen, Professor Emeritus of Atmospheric Sciences, MIT

Victims of the climate catastrophe narrative believe that “on the ground, more and more people are dying from heat wave flooding, wildfires and communities are being wiped out by rising seas.”  Dr Nils-Axel Mörner, a former Committee Chairman at the original UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and former head of the Paleo Geo-physics and Geo-dynamics department in Stockholm, has exposed this narrative as false.  Dr Mörner resigned in protest of the lies and fake science contained in the UN IPPC documents. Yet none of this information is provided to students in the universities of the world today, not to mention on television. He states:

“I was the chairman of the only international committee on sea levels changes and as such a person I was elected to be the expert reviewer on the (UN IPPC) sea levels chapter. It was written by 38 persons and not a single one was a sea level specialist… I was shocked by the low quality it was like a student paper… I went through it and showed them that it was wrong and wrong and wrong – in one case I said look at your own diagram it shows that what you are writing is wrong, and what did they do? They took off their diagram and left the writing!…

The scientific truth is on the side of the sceptics… When you come to the idea of ‘97% of scientists agree’ – this is just a lobbying trick 97%. I have thousands of high ranked scientists all over the world who agree that NO, CO2 is not the driving mechanism and that everything is exaggerated. There is no way that sea levels can rise by two meters by the beginning of the next century… this is against physics…

In the field of physics 80 to 90% of physicists know that the Co2 hypothesis is wrong – amongst geologists and astronomers 80% know the hypothesis… is wrong. Of course, metrologists they believe in this because that is their own profession – they live on it… I suspect that behind-the-scenes promoters… have an ulterior motive… It’s a wonderful way of controlling taxation controlling people.” – Dr Nils-Axel Mörner, a former Committee Chairman at the UN IPPC.

Professor John R. Christy, Director of Atmospheric and Earth Sciences, University of Alabama, has provided detailed analysis of climate data, and has also shattered the narrative that “on the ground, more and more people are dying”, see Endnote [ii]. I summarise the main points from his analysis below:

“temperatures were higher in the 1930s than today… the number of major tornadoes between 1954 and 1986 averaged 56/year, but between 1987 and 2020 the average was only 34/year; between 1895 and 2015 on average there has been no change in the number of very wet days per month, and no change in the number of very dry days per month, and the 20 driest months were before 1988. Between 1950 and 2019 the percentage of land area experiencing droughts has not increased globally – the trend is flat; the incidence of wildfires in North America between 1600 and 2000 has decreased substantially… Antarctic sea ice coverage has increased up to 2014, then dropped for 3 years, and has been increasing significantly again since 2017; there is much more sea ice today than there was 2,000 years ago, coverage has been dropping in recent years in the artic…

Sea levels rose 12.5 cm per decade for 8,000 years and then it levelled off, now it rising only 2.5 cm per decade… worrying about 30 cm rise in sea level in a decade is ridiculous, in a hurricane the east coast of the U.S. gets a 20 foot rise in 6 hours, so a 30 cm rise will be easily handled!… climate related deaths have plummeted; hundreds of thousands of people used to die from hurricanes now it’s just dozens.” – Professor John R. Christy, Director of Atmospheric and Earth Sciences, University of Alabama

Fake Pandemic

Chapter 2 of Godless Fake Science provides evidence of the fake Covid-19 pandemic; and details research indicating that a so-called Covid-19 virus does not actually exist (there was no virus leak from a lab in Wuhan), and that the entire discipline of virology took a wrong turn (to put it kindly) in 1950s. Countless millions of viruses exist in nature that have no detrimental effect to us. The research of Dr Stefan Lanka, amongst other scientists and doctors, indicates pathogenic viruses that cause disease simply do not exist. Virus pandemics are a mega-corporate scam. Toxins are a cause of disease in the body – is it not time that modern-day vaccine adjuvants containing substances, such as the toxin aluminium, came under closer scrutiny? Additional significant aspects are detailed in the article No Worries No Virus and also in the book No Worries No Virus.  

Fake Science in the Biopharmaceutical Sector

Another area rife with fake science is the Bio-pharma and vaccine industry. Are you aware that Big pharma has paid more than $35 billion in criminal penalties for falsifying science? An area where the bio-pharmaceutical companies can be sued is for falsifying science. For example, Glaxo, Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson, and Merck, these companies have paid $35 billion in criminal penalties for lying to doctors, for defrauding and falsifying science, and for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans, due detrimental aspects and side effects of their drugs and health products.

Furthermore, whistleblowers have informed us that the pharmaceutical industry routinely modifies trial results to secure official approval for a new drug. In such instances, the motivation is profit. In 2015, Dr Richard Horton, then editor-in-chief of the Lancet, the prestigious medical journal, made the following observation:

”A lot of what is published is incorrect”… this symposium – on the reproducibility and reliability of biomedical research… touched on one of the most sensitive issues in science today… much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness. As one participant put it, “poor methods get results”… The apparent endemicity of bad research behaviour is alarming… scientists too often sculpt data to fit their preferred theory of the world. Or they retrofit hypotheses to fit their data…” – Dr Richard Horton

An area of note is in relation to cholesterol, and statin drugs, the so-called miracle drugs widely prescribed to lower blood cholesterol levels. Statins are perhaps the most profitable drug in the history of medicine. According to Dr. Malcolm Kendrick:

“… the protection provided by statins is so small as to be not worth bothering about for most men and all women. Statins have many more side effects than has been admitted and their advocates should be treated with scepticism due to their links with the drugs’ manufacturers.” – Dr. Malcolm Kendrick

Neo-Darwinian Evolution – Falsehood Posing as Fact

Another prime example of godless scientific falsehood posing as fact is the atheistic theory of neo-Darwinian evolution that has been incessantly promoted since the 1850s. In 2008, over 700 scientists, all with doctorate degrees, see Endnote [iii], made a joint declaration titled A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism, stating:

“We are sceptical of claims for the ability of natural selection and random mutation to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged”

Chapter 3 of Godless Fake Science provides comprehensive evidence and testimony that Darwin’s theory has no evidential basis; and details the research of scientists and biologists that have exposed these flaws. Yet, the theory is being taught by government education systems worldwide to billions of children, and students, in schools and universities; and to the rest of us via nature documentaries, movies, etc., on TV. The reality is our ancestors were not monkeys. If want to believe your ancestors were monkeys you have every right to do so, but it just isn’t true. You have been brainwashed over decades by the education (indoctrination) and media system. You can unlock yourself from that mental zoo at any time.  The groups behind the historical promotion and dissemination of this fake scientific doctrine are steeped in atheistic ideology.

“scientists did accept the theory before it was rigorously tested…. Evolutionary science became the search for confirming evidence, and the explaining away of negative evidence” – Phillip Johnson, Berkely law professor, Author

“Evolution became in a sense a scientific religion. Almost all scientists have accepted it and many are prepared to ‘bend’ their observations to fit with it. To my mind the theory does not stand up at all.” – Lipson HS, “A Physicist Looks at Evolution”, Physics Bulletin, vol.31 (May 1980), p.138.

“Question is: Can you tell me anything you know about evolution, any one thing that is true? I tried this question on geology staff at the Field Museum of Natural History and the only answer I got was silence. Then I woke up and realized that all my life I had been duped into taking evolutionism as revealed truth in some way.” – Dr. Colin Patterson, Evolution and Creationism, Speech at the American Museum of Natural History, New York (November 5, 1981), pp.1,2.

The Fossil Record Proves Darwin’s’ Theory Is Completely Incorrect

The fossil record does not support Darwin’s theory of evolution, or the mainstream theoretical evolutionary timeline that we were taught in school. Billions of organisms have been fossilized providing a record of life over millions of years yet instead of demonstrating gradual transition from one species to another, the fossil record clearly indicates a pattern in which species suddenly emerge fully formed, then exist virtually unchanged until they disappear from the fossil layers upon extinction. Darwin himself wrote:

“the number of intermediate [transitional] species… must be truly enormous. Why then is not every geological formation full of such intermediate links? Geology does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; this perhaps is the most obvious and serious objection against the Theory [of Evolution].” – Charles Darwin

And while there may be rare instances of species that seem part ape, part human, there is no evidence the one came from the other. To overcome this problem, Darwin argued, with no proof whatsoever, that the fossil record is extremely inaccurate and littered with gaps. He argued that future generations of paleontologists would fill these gaps via their research. (Paleontologists study the history and process of evolution by examining fossils). After 150 years has the diligent research of modern paleontologists fulfilled Darwin’s prediction?

The Search for Speciation – There Are No Intermediate Fossils

As the following scientific extracts demonstrate, the answer to the above question is a resounding “NO”. Over the past 150 years hundreds of thousands of fossils of extinct species have been found, but the entire fossil record shows no example of a transition from one species to another species anywhere.

“One hundred and twenty years of paleontological research later, it has become abundantly clear that the fossil record will not confirm this part of Darwin’s predictions. Nor is the problem a miserably poor record. The fossil record simply shows that this prediction is wrong. … The observation that species are amazingly conservative and static entities throughout long periods of time has all the qualities of the emperor’s new clothes: everyone knew it but preferred to ignore it. Paleontologists, faced with a recalcitrant record obstinately refusing to yield Darwin’s predicted pattern, simply looked the other way.” – Eldredge, N. and Tattersall, I., The Myths of Human Evolution, 1982, p.45-46.

“But fossil species remain unchanged throughout most of their history and the record fails to contain a single example of a significant transition.” – Woodroof, D.S., Science, vol.208, 1980, pg.716.

“The curious thing is that there is a consistency about the fossil gaps; the fossils are missing in all the important places.” – Hitching, Francis, Where Darwin Went Wrong, Penguin Books, 1982, pg, 19.

“the fossil material is now so complete that the lack of transitional species cannot be explained as due to scarcity of material. The deficiencies are real; they will never be filled.” – Professor Nils Heribert-Nilsson, Lund University, Sweden, 1954

Darwin himself even admits the absence of intermediate species “presses hard” on his theory. See the screenshot below from his Origin of Species book, pg 354:

“The number of intermediate species, which have formerly existed on the earth, must be truly enormous. Why then is not every geological record and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against my theory. “ – quote from ‘Origin of the Species’ (pg 308) by Charles Darwin

“But I do not pretend that I should ever have suspected how poor was the record in the best preserved geological sections, had not the absence of innumerable transitional links between the species which lived at the commencement and close of each formation, pressed so hardly on my theory.” – Charles Darwin, Origin of Species, pg 354

Thus, there is no satisfactory mechanism to account for how new species appeared. Furthermore, speciation (the forming of new species) has never been observed. Variations within a species were observed in Darwin’s day as they are now. However, ‘evolution’ beyond variations within one species to create an entirely new different species remains completely hypothetical, and lacks an evidential confirmation to this day. This conclusion is supported by quotations from evolutionary biologists listed below.

“… throughout 150 years of bacteriology, there is no evidence that one species of bacteria has changed into another… since there is no evidence for species changes between the simplest forms of unicellular life, it is not surprising that there is no evidence for evolution from prokaryotic to eukaryotic cells, let alone throughout the whole array of higher multicellular organisms.” – Alan H. Linton,  Bacteriologist

“… speciation [the forming of a new species] whether in the remote galapagos, in the laboratory cages of the drosophilosopers, or in the crowded sediments of the palaeontologists, still has never been traced.” – Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan, Evolutionary biologists

The book Godless Fake Science contains two comprehensive chapters examining the flaws in Darwin’s theory of evolution, with reference to the research work of scientists and authors, such as Lief A. Jensen, who have exposed these flaws over the past decades. These chapters also detail the following topics:

  • The Cambrian explosion shows species emerged suddenly and fully formed
  • Nature exhibits irreducible complexity that refutes Darwin’s theory
  • The first cells could not have been created by random chance as evolutionists claim
  • Additional comprehensive evidence that the theory of evolution is incorrect
  • No evidence that breeding or natural selection creates a new species
  • Fake embryo drawings in college textbooks
  • Miller Urey experiment – textbooks present false proof on the origin of life
  • The Piltdown man forgery and false claims of evolution
  • Fossils that indicate advanced humans existed in the distant ancient past, thereby, refuting the neo-Darwinian evolutionary timeline
  • Neanderthals were not the ancestors of humans
  • The emergence of Darwinism and the atheistic groups that promoted it
  • Diving deeper into the atheistic communist ideology behind Darwinism

The Limitation of Mechanistic Science

“… the fundamental and indispensable postulates of every genuinely productive science are not based on pure logic but rather on the metaphysical hypothesis – which no rules of logic can refute…  It is only through the immediate dictate of our consciousness that we know that this world exists.” – Max Planck, Scientist

Modern science is mechanistic in its approach and is based on the premise that everything can be explained via observation and measurement of physical substances. The problem is that attempting to describe everything in a quantitative mathematical way has its limits. As soon as you try to explain in numbers, in mathematics, something like consciousness, conscience, instinct, inspiration, spiritual experiences, or life itself you run into problems.

Modern mechanistic science is therefore fairly limited as it is based on the effects of processes, but does not grasp their fundamental root causes. It assumes that we can describe the world independently of the existence of God. The direction of science over the past two centuries has been to see how far this approach can take us – to what extent can we explain nature, the world, the universe and everything whilst completely ignoring any reference to God, the soul and spiritual origins of everything.

This mechanistic approach has produced a system of industrial globalisation that has exploited and polluted nature for the sole purpose of maximising GDP and corporate profits – globalisation has been sawing off the branch upon which humanity sits. Most day jobs of the ‘system’ are embedded within in a globalised corporate matrix in which material greed is the operating principle. In this system those relatively few people who own and control the mega-corporations and mega-banks, by design, become richer and richer.

A long list of curious scientists and philosophers throughout human history have endeavoured to explain the fundamental truths of life, such as consciousness, inspiration, the origin or life, and what it all means. Most have concluded that material science is unable to explain or solve these conundrums. Material science cannot validly explain consciousness, inspiration, love, or where these realities come from.  The missing element in the mechanistic approach of modern-day science can be described as the spiritual element.

So, modern science describes quantity very well, but it fails in the area of quality, cause, and meaning of life. Such qualities cannot be defined or described in a ‘paint by numbers’ approach. Modern mechanistic science has responded to such questions with the animalistic “survival of the fittest”. However, the reality is that humans are not animals. As spiritual beings we should not assume that our lives are meaningless or insignificant. However, that is the bleak room that mechanistic science leaves us in. We have the potential for behaviours that are beyond animalistic, and, even, beyond humanistic. As sparks of our Creator, we have the potential for inspired creativity, and divine accomplishments.

Attempts to describe everything by mathematics and mechanistic science are becoming more and more ludicrous. Scientist, Marcus Schmieke, summed this up saying:

 “the approach seems to be that most current theories require an invented, and as yet, neither proven nor unproven component, a new particle or a previously unheard-of constant, in order to appear conclusive.”

This is exemplified by gaping holes in the theory of modern physics and the search for the media-hyped inventions, such as the Higgs boson particle. Theoretical physicists attempted for decades to present a purely mathematical description of the world and, thus, became entangled in ever more complex models. The “God particle” or “Higgs boson”, became famous for a time, but its existence was never proved, despite all the money that was thrown at it.

In 1931 Austrian mathematician Kurt Gödel actually proved that humankind will never be able to describe the universe by a final mechanistic theory – Gödel’s proof is outlined in the above book. At the last hurdle science always needs God. Werner Heisenberg, Nobel Laureate, once said “The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you”. In modern times, this final gulp of reality is unthinkable for the atheistic scientists.

“For nearly 100 years, Western natural science has tried to keep their struggle for the absolute truth open, using all kinds of trickery; it simply appeared unthinkable for them to ever lose that fight. The tricks employed mostly consisted of inventing new elements, new particles and new rules, the exact definition of which one could safely postpone.” – Marcus Schmieke, Scientist and Inventor

“For believers God is in the beginning, and for physicists He is at the end of all considerations” – Max Planck, Physicist

“We ought to value the privilege of knowing God’s truth far beyond anything we can have in this world.” – Michael Faraday, Scientist 

The Church of Godless Scientism

The church of godless scientism is a religion in which the church goers do not realize, or even admit, they are members of a church, or that there even is a church. No, they claim to be proponents of ‘science’, but they are simply regurgitating a rigid belief mostly based on faith, i.e., faith in scientism – the scientism they are indoctrinated into by television, government funded schools, corporate media, and media-induced popular opinion, without a shred of ‘real’ evidence.

This denial of God can be traced back to a hijacking of science in the 1800s by the atheistic promoters of Darwin’s theory of evolution, a theory which implies that God does not exist. Prior to this pivotal agenda most scientists believed in the existence of the Creator. After the well-funded popularization of Darwin’s theory, spirituality was expelled from science and, thus, modern science became a shackled servant of materialistic minds, and profit-making agendas.

Charles Darwin, who proposed the theory of evolution in the 1800s had strong links with the Royal Society science institution. It has been asserted by various authors that the members of this institution were almost all atheistic freemasons. It appears that, driven by the network mechanisms of such influential groups, the completely unproven theory of evolution has been force fed to the world population for the past 150 years, and is the ideological basis by which ‘modern science’ excludes the existence of God. Darwin’s theory provided the intellectual justification for removing God as the Creator. Darwinian evolution was then promoted not because of its scientific basis, but because of its ideological implications. Since then, origins involving God have been rejected by the scientific orthodoxy.

Hence, the cold reality is that in 2023, by teaching and promoting Darwin’s theory, scientific and academic institutions worldwide imply that God does not exist. Unfortunately, in 2023, even Christian universities are rigorously teaching the ideology of neo-Darwinian evolution. Numerous scientists that have challenged Darwin’s theory of evolution, or hinted at the possibility of ‘intelligent design’ and the existence of an intelligent designer, have been ostracised by the academic orthodoxy. This is evidenced in the documentary film Expelled – No Intelligence Allowed.  In this documentary, a number of senior scientists and university Professors describe that their funding was cut, or that they lost their jobs, when their research indicated intelligent design in nature and biology. If intelligent design of nature, human biology, and the universe was admitted by modern science, the obvious scientific question becomes “who was the intelligent designer?”.

The Knowledge Filter – Scientific Ideologies and Lies Accepted as Fact

Dr. Richard L. Thompson (1947 – 2008), was one of the world’s foremost scientists in areas including probability theory, statistical mechanics, quantum physics and mathematical biology. He also comprehensively refuted the big bang theory, and Darwin’s theory of evolution. Thompson and his team produced video presentations on how modern educational institutions, especially in the field of science, were operating what he called a ‘knowledge filter’. Any information that did not fit with the dominant ideologies, such as the theory of evolution, simply was not presented to the students. This was not necessarily a conscious decision; it was often done unconsciously. Recognizing the existence of this knowledge filter, Thompson decided to analyze the professional archeological literature that pre-dated the general acceptance of the theory of evolution, to find out if there were any evidences that contradicted the theory. He found so much evidence refuting the theory of evolution he collated it into a 900-page book titled Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race.

It has become increasingly clear that in the realm of modern science, whether it be climate science, virology, particle physics, evolutionary theory, paleontology, anthropology, archeology, etc., that which is presented to the public as established fact, is nothing more than a consensus fabricated by powerful groups of people. Over the past century in particular, the consensus of the institutional scientific community worldwide has been inevitably shaped according to which projects are funded and which are not. Therefore, it is those financialists that control and own the money creation and distribution system that have been controlling the scientific stories and narratives that are presented to us as ‘modern science’.

God Is the Greatest Scientist – Atheistic Scientists Are Like Thieves

Atheistic scientists are like thieves – they take matter that God created, manipulate it, and then claim that they have created something wonderful. At least if they would admit that they have taken the matter from Gods creation, that would be good. Instead, they say that ‘science’ is the creator, and that everything comes from ‘science’. Can any scientist create a flower in the laboratory from nothing? No scientist can replicate what a cow does – turn grass into milk. No scientist can replicate what a hen does – make an egg. A small seed can turn into a huge tree, but no scientist can create even the smallest seed. No scientist can produce a single living being in a laboratory. In vitro fertilization, is merely a manipulation of sources of ‘raw materials’ that God created. They cannot even create even a few grains of sand. God created everything. Scientists cannot manufacture even a small mosquito. Science and engineering can manufacture a 747 aeroplane, but a mosquito is actually far more advanced than a 747, a mosquito does not crash.

Scientists have taken from nature, but they are thieves because they have taken from God’s creation. If we do not acknowledge that things have been taken from God’s creation, and instead claim them as our own wonderful creation, then surely we are thieves. The perfection of science is to scientifically explain that God is the original source. Then your knowledge is perfect. The following are quotes from just few of the many scientists that have realized the existence of God:

“Overwhelming strong proofs of intelligent and benevolent design lie around us. The atheistic idea is so nonsensical that I cannot put it into word” – Lord Kelvin, the scientific father of thermodynamics

“Those who say that the study of science makes a man an atheist must be rather silly people” – Physics Noble laurate Max Born

“There is no incompatibility between science and religion. Science proves that God exists. “ – Chemistry Noble Laurate Derek Barton

“When I examine the orderliness, understandability, and beauty of the universe, I am led to the conclusion that a higher intelligence designed what I see. My scientific appreciation of the coherence, the delightful simplicity, of physics strengthens my belief in God… a God who is both the creator of the universe and is ultimately concerned with the welfare of the creatures of that universe…. I believe that scientific research is a deeply religious calling” – William D. Phillips, Nobel Laureate in Physics, University of Maryland

“An equation for me has no meaning, unless it represents a thought of God.” – Ramanujan, Famous mathematics genius

“The universe has been brought for us by a supremely good and orderly creator” – Nicholas Copernicus

“For a person whose spiritual orientation is in the framework of a supreme benevolent entity, the world is the handiwork of that entity. The study of the intricacies and beauty of the world is an act of devotion. Pursuing science becomes an act of worship… Contemporary science looks at the world in terms of utility (technology and standard of life)… But never does it aim to see uninterrupted happiness as the aim of all disciplines… “ – E.C. G Sudarshan, Particle Physicist, University of Texas

“I saw in it (the atom) the key to the deepest secret of nature, and it revealed to me the greatness of the creation and the Creator.” – Max Born, one of the pioneers of quantum physics

“Although 2,000 years of Aristotelian worldview maintained that insects are devoid of any internal organs, Swammerdam showed that they are as complex as the large mammals. For him the source of this artistic design, complexity and natural order could only be divine, and his only response was rapture.” – Dr T. D. Singh PhD referring to the work of Dutch anatomist and pioneer microscopist Jan Swammerdam (1637-80)

“I find that existence can no more be separated from the essence of God than from the essence of a rectilinear triangle can be separated the equality of its three angles to two right angles, or, indeed, if you please, from the idea of a mountain the idea of a valley” – Descartes

“I am convinced of the afterlife, independent of theology. If the world is rationally constructed, there must be an afterlife” – Kurt Gödel, Famous mathematician

“I think only an idiot can be an atheist” – Christan B. Anfinsen, Noble Laureate chemist

“Little science takes you away from God but more of it takes you to him” – Louis Pasteur, Founder of Microbiology

“All things are indeed contrived and ordered with singular providence, divine wisdom, and most admirable and incomprehensible skill. And to none can these attributes be referred save to the Almighty.” – Sir William Harvey, Founder of Modern Medicine

“For me the idea of a creation is inconceivable without God. One cannot be exposed to the law and order of the universe without concluding that there must be a divine intent behind it all.” – Wemher Von Braun, Founder of Astronautics

“We feed our bodies; our Souls are also to be fed: The Food of the Soul is Knowledge, especially Knowledge in the Things of God,” – John Ray, Founder of Modern Biology

“When I reflect on so many profoundly marvelous things that persons have grasped, sought, and done, I recognize even more clearly that human intelligence is a work of God, and one of the most excellent” – Galileo Galilei, Founder of Experimental Physics

“There are two books laid before us to study, to prevent our failing into error, the first, the volume of Scriptures, which reveal the will of God; then the volume of the creatures, which express His power.” – Sir Francis Bacon, Founder of the Scientific Inductive Method

Realisation that God is the supreme intelligence, the greatest scientist of all, and a loving father to us all, is the path to improving your life, and that of the society we live in. The Sanskrit word Tattvajijnasa, refers to inquiry into the Absolute Truth or the Ultimate Reality, tattva meaning truth and jijnasa meaning inquiry. Individuals can turn toward God, and original (not altered) scriptures, for guidance, or be continually entangled by the atheistic and demonic illusions. The essence of all genuine scripture is the same – love of God our Father and Creator, regardless of the time period or geographic location the scripture originates from.

Synthesis of Scientific Enquiry and Spirituality for Human Wellbeing

The Christian Bible says do not take any false gods before me, yet some people have made the choice of taking modern science, the government system, the UN, etc., to be their godly authority or worshipable master. Thus, they are subject to the dictates of much fake science, or of government policy based on fake science.

 “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” – King James Bible. Deuteronomy 5:7.

It appears to me that modern science is constrained within an atheistic box because it is ultimately funded via a debt-money and corporate system that is owned and controlled by people who have no interest in promoting a God-conscious society and instead wish to promote an atheistic society. A paradigm shift is now needed, in which material science is re-united with the science of spirituality. In his 1962 book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Thomas Kuhn describes the important role paradigms play in all scientific work. Kuhn pointed out:

“… scientists working within a paradigm no longer adequate are nevertheless still comfortable with it. Either they don’t see the anomalies as anomalous, or they don’t consider them a problem for the paradigm because they are convinced that with further research the paradigm will be able to account for them. Typically, its scientist from other fields – or even interested lay scientists – who notice the inadequacy of a paradigm and propose a new one. “ – Thomas Kuhn, Author

The ancient Vedic scriptures pre-date Christianity, and principles of the Vedic Vedanta also appear to be echoed in the Christian Bible. The Christian verse Matthew 7:7: “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you” is pointing toward a universal spiritual truth. I also note the following verses from the Christian texts, are consistent with the descending knowledge process described in the ancient Vedic Vedanta:

“James 1:5. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.”

“Proverbs 1:7. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

In contrast to what Wikipedia tells us, my research indicates that Vedic culture is the world’s oldest culture, and Sanskrit, the language of the Vedas, is the world’s oldest language. I note that the ancient Vedic Vedanta details this synthesis of material and spiritual science. In modern times this approach to knowledge appears to be confined to Vedic colleges and organisations, for an example see Endnote [iv]. Vedic culture is today most associated with India, where the last, sometimes distorted, remnants remain. Yet my research indicates it was, thousands of years ago, a worldwide monotheistic culture from which various religious traditions emanated (for example, Vedic symbols exist in ancient traditions and on ancient architecture worldwide).

Science Has for Decades Bypassed the Pre-cautionary/Safety Principle

Another topic of importance is that modern science has, for over a century, bypassed the pre-cautionary principle. A principle informing us we should not adopt technologies and processes for which we do not know the long term potentially harmful effects upon human health and nature. We see this for example, in recent decades with the advent of nanotechnology; GMOs; microwave-based mobile phone and WIFI technology; thousands of new manmade chemical compounds; the emissions of thousands of types of pollutants via modern industrial processes; the use of substances and additives that are toxic to humans in processed foods, pharmaceuticals and everyday products, for example, the use of aspartame in foods; and the controversial use of aluminium adjuvants in vaccines, etc.

In relation to aluminium, I note the work of Professor Christopher Exley of Keele University, a world-renowned expert on the subject of aluminium who has published dozens of peer-reviewed scientific papers on the subject. Professor Exley and his research team had conducted research on the harmful health effects of aluminum on humans, and established a connection between aluminum in vaccines and Alzheimer’s disease. He also has become known for research claiming to link aluminium adjuvants in vaccines with autism. This work has led to him losing research funding. In 2022 his research was suddenly defunded, and his projects were shut down by the university. Why would the professor’s work be defunded and his research projects be shut down when the research relates to human health? Could this be another example of godless scientism at work? Vaccine companies make trillions of dollars in revenue and many governments are tied into contracts that are extremely lucrative for the vaccine companies.  Was Professor Exley’s work a threat to this money-making machine?

GMO and the Pre-cautionary Principle

With modern biotechnology, researchers can now take a single gene from a plant or animal cell and insert it in another plant or animal cell to give it a desired characteristic. For example, they can insert genes from a cold-water fish into a tomato to create a frost-resistant plant, or use bacterial genes to make herbicide-tolerant corn. The results are known as living modified organisms (LMOs) or, more popularly, GMOs. For many people, however, this rapidly advancing science raises a tangle of ethical, environmental, social and human health issues. Much about the interaction of LMOs with various ecosystems, and the human body, is not yet known. Many of the concerns about the technology involve potential adverse effects and potential risks to human health.

Because biotechnology is such a revolutionary science, and has spawned such a powerful industry, it has great potential to alter the world around us. It is already changing agriculture and what many of us eat. Critics argue that modern biotechnology transcends that which humans should be doing; and that there is currently little evidence to support the claims of increased agricultural yields from GMOs. Critics also assert that from a health point of view, there is currently insufficient information regarding toxicity and allergenicity of food products derived from GMOs. Furthermore, the socio-economic consequences are potentially severe, for example, through displacement of cash crops or traditional crops, and disruption of small-scale farming systems that are prevalent in developing countries. The patenting of living organisms, genes and/or genetic resources is also unacceptable to many farmers. As has been the case for thousands of years, it is important that farmers are able to keep seed from one season to the next, however, with GMO farmers must buy these expensive seeds each year or else be liable for patent infringement.

There exists a global biosafety clearinghouse of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), in service to an international treaty, the Cartagena Global Protocol on Biosafety (CPB). GMOs are subject to regulation under the CPB. The CPB is supposed to be based on the precautionary approach, whereby the lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as an excuse to postpone action when there is a threat of serious or irreversible damage. The worldwide utilisation of new so-called gene-therapy Covid-19 vaccines has been in full swing since the fake pandemic occurred. These vaccines were rolled out without long-term health and safety studies, and this could be viewed as a violation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. However, it appears that LMOs that are pharmaceuticals for humans are excluded from the scope of the Protocol if they are covered by other international agreements or arrangements. What good is the CPB if it does not safeguard human health from a worldwide utilisation of experimental GMO-based vaccines?

My conclusion, is that the process of industrial globalization, by manipulating the substances of nature, has produced many thousands of new man-made substances, including GMOs, that are in violation of the scientific pre-cautionary principle.

Additional Fake Science

Additional fake science has been exposed by numerous scientists and authors in the areas of psychiatry, Freudian psychoanalysis, the big bang theory, particle physics, and cosmology. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), an independent agency of the U.S. federal government, has also been accused of fakery. These additional topics are also detailed in the book Godless Fake Science.

The ancient text, the Srimad Bhagavatam (SB), was written in Sanskrit. The translation of SB 1.1.2, see Endnote [v],  states: “The highest truth is reality distinguished from illusion for the welfare of all”. These words are as true today as when they were written in ancient times.


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Mark Keenan is a former scientist at the UK Government Dept. of Energy and Climate Change, and at the United Nations Environment Division. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). 

He is author of the following books available on Amazon:



[i] Source: McClintock, 112 S.W. 405, 412, 87 Ark. 243. (West’s Judicial Words and Phrases (1914)). I thank a correspondent from Canada for kindly sending me this definition.

[ii] Source: Irish Climate Science Forum lecture titled Testing Climate Claims 2021 Update available at

[iii] The list of scientists and their qualifications is available at

[iv] For example, the Vedanta and Science Educational Research Foundation. Website:

[v] I am referring to the 1972 translation into English by renowned Vedic scholar and spiritual leader, Srila Prabhupada.

Featured image is from 123RF

Godless Fake Science

By Mark Keenan


Publisher:Independently published (July 2, 2023)


The author, a former science advisor at the UK government and at the United Nations, evidences the matrix of fake science that has polluted modern society for decades. Including in the areas of manmade climate change, Covid-19, virology, psychiatry, pharmaceuticals, evolution, the big bang, paleontology, particle physics, and cosmology. By excluding the existence of God in the scientific world, the atheistic manipulators have left themselves in a cul-de-sac unable to explain the scientific puzzle of creation, consciousness, and existence. Civilisation has been misdirected by large-scale lies that advance corporate greed and a godless agenda. The author is also a student of the Christian and Vedic scriptures, and calls for a re-establishment of truth and God-consciousness.

Click here to purchase.

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Video: America is at War with Europe

July 16th, 2023 by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

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First published on February 16, 2023

Update: There Never Was a “Secret Operation” 

There never was a “Secret Operation” with a view to preventing that the act of sabotage of Nord Stream be “traceable to the United States”.

The project had been discussed behind closed doors in 2021 as outlined by Seymour Hersh, but the actual planning of this so-called “secret operation” started in December 2021 extending to its execution in June 2022 and the actual sabotage on September 26-27, 2023. (see map below).



In late December  2021, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan convened what was described as “a newly formed task force” (Joint Chiefs of Staff, CIA, State Department, and Treasury) pertaining to Russia’s War preparations.

Within the group, there was debate as to what action was to be taken regarding North Stream. “The CIA argued that whatever was done, it would have to be covert. Everyone [in the task force] involved understood the stakes”

Let us look briefly at the timeline of this alleged “Secret Operation”: Late December 2021 – June 2022 – September 26-27 2022: A period of nine months:

Late December 2021: “newly formed (inter-agency) Task force” convened by National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan

Early 2022:  A covert operation was envisaged. The CIA reported to the Task Force: “We have a way to blow up the pipelines.” i.e. which is “untraceable”.

A month later:

February 7, 2022: White House Press Conference together with Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz (on an official visit to the U.S.),  President Biden makes the following statement: 

If Russia invades “there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2”

June 10, 2022: (approximate date)

The underwater planting of the bombs. Biden “wanted the right to bomb anytime, to set the bombs off anytime remotely by us”.

September 26-27, 2022 

Six bombs exploded underwater close to the island of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea, destroying 3 of the 4 major pipelines of Nord Stream 1 and 2.(See S. Hersh, see map above)

The Biden-Scholz February 7, 2022 White House Press Conference:

See the video of the Press Conference in Annex to the article. See also The White House Transcript .

There was nothing “Secret”.  The public statements made regarding Nord Stream by President Biden and Chancellor Scholz are abundantly clear:

Andrea (Reuters) Q    Thank you, Mr.  President.  And thank you, Chancellor Scholz.  Mr.  President, I have wanted to ask you about this Nord Stream project that you’ve long opposed.  You didn’t mention it just now by name, nor did Chancellor Scholz.  Did you receive assurances from Chancellor Scholz today that Germany will, in fact, pull the plug on this project if Russia invades Ukraine?  And did you discuss what the definition of “invasion” could be?

PRESIDENT BIDEN:  The first question first.  If Germany — if Russia invades — that means tanks or troops crossing the — the border of Ukraine again — then there will be — we — there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2.  We will bring an end to it. 

Q    But how will you — how will you do that exactly, since the project and control of the project is within Germany’s control?

PRESIDENT BIDENWe will — I promise you, we’ll be able to do it.  (White House Press Conference emphasis added)

“The Project is within Germany’s Control”

Chancellor Olaf Scholz responds to Reuter’s journalist pertaining to Biden’s decision to “pull the plug” on Nord Stream 2:

Andreas (Reuters) Q  [to Chancellor Scholz]  And will you commit today — will you commit today to turning off and pulling the plug on Nord Stream 2?  You didn’t mention it, and you haven’t mentioned it.

CHANCELLOR SCHOLZ:  As I’ve already said, we are acting together, we are absolutely united, and we will not be taking different steps.  We will do the same steps, and they will be very, very hard to Russia, and they should understand.  (emphasis added)

He casually ignores the journalist’s question: Nord Stream is “under control of Germany” of which he is the head of government. Chancellor Scholz fully abides by Washington’s demand, acting as a political proxy. “we will not be taking different steps”, he says.  

Read Chancellor Scholz’s response above: Has Germany become a  “Semicolony” of the United States? 

“Secret Operation” Made Public at a White House Press Conference

Biden’s Press Conference statement supported by Germany’s Chancellor Scholz, invalidates the notion that a so-called “secret operation” was unfolding, and that the US attack would be “untraceable”.

“Biden’s and Nuland’s indiscretion, if that is what it was, might have frustrated some of the planners. But it also created an opportunity. According to the source, some of the senior officials of the CIA determined that blowing up the pipeline “no longer could be considered a covert option because the President just announced that we knew how to do it.” (Seymour Hersh)

This was not a blunder on the part of Joe Biden. It was a political decision by the president and his political entourage including Nuland to make known that a U.S. act of sabotage against Nord Stream was envisaged (with the support of Germany’s government).  ( See analysis in article below) 

Biden’s public statement de facto acknowledges that the planned sabotage operation would be “traceable to the White House”. It was no longer a “secret operation”.

Biden’s statement was formulated with the endorsement of  Germany’s Chancellor Scholz several months before the so-called secret act of sabotage carried out in June 2022. 

Several analysts and journalists have pondered  as to “who was responsible for the sabotage”. This is a nonsensical exercise.  The answer is obvious. POTUS, The President of the United States in consultation with Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz. 

President Biden’s February 7, 2022 pronouncement granted “the green light” for the implementation of the act of sabotage, which was no longer part of a covert operation.  Those (within the team) who had undertaken the sabotage were carrying out instructions emanating from the White House with the endorsement of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany. 

As outlined in my article, the sabotage of Nord Stream was an U.S. Act of War against both Germany and the European Union. 

And Germany’s Chancellor was fully aware that an act of sabotage against Nord Stream had been envisaged by the US, to the detriment of more than 400 million Europeans. (See analysis below). In this regard, Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s acceptance of the U.S. initiative was an act of treason.


Michel Chossudovsky, February 16, 2023


America is at War with Europe

by Michel Chossudovsky

Global Research, February 12, 2023

“Throughout “all of this scheming,” the source said, “some working guys in the CIA and the State Department were saying, ‘Don’t do this. It’s stupid and will be a political nightmare if it comes out.’”

 “This is not kiddie stuff,” the source said. If the attack were traceable to the United States, “It’s an act of war.” 

(How America Took Out the Nord Stream PipelineBy Seymour M. Hersh, February 08, 2023, emphasis added)

Unfolding “Political Nightmare”

The evidence amply confirms that The Nord Stream was the object of an act of sabotage ordered by President Joe Biden.

Nord Stream –which originates in Russia– transits through the (maritime) territorial jurisdiction of four member states of the European Union. In international law, “Territorial Integrity” extends to “properties” located within the territorial waters of the Nation State.

From a legal standpoint (International Law: UN Charter, Law of the Sea) this was a U.S. Act of War against the European Union.

The deliberate destruction of said “properties” within a country’s territorial waters by or on behalf of a foreign state actor constitutes an act of war. 

Germany’s Prosecutor General Peter Frank confirmed in an in-depth investigation that:

“there is no evidence to blame Russia for the destruction of the Nord Stream gas pipelines”.

If it Wasn’t Russia, Who was Behind it?

According to the Prosecutor General:

“[The suspicion] that there had been a foreign sabotage act [in this case], has so far not been substantiated”

Peter Frank casually dispels the role of the US president (which is amply confirmed) (see below).

The Attack is “Traceable”. It’s an Act of Economic and Social Warfare against the European Union.

The US act of sabotage coupled with the sanctions regime has created social havoc and hardship throughout the European Union. Inflation spearheaded by rising energy costs has gone fly high. People are freezing, unable to pay their heating bills.

While media reports fail to acknowledge the social and economic impacts of the US act of sabotage,  official EU sources confirm (without mentioning the cause) that:

“the number of its citizens living in energy poverty could be as high as 125 million” (28% of its total population).

Europe is experiencing an unprecedented Debt Crisis. The Welfare State is being dismantled.

Destabilizing the EU Economy

The EU economy which has relied on cheap energy from Russia is in a shambles, marked by disruptions in the entire fabric of industrial production (manufacturing), transportation and commodity trade.

A string of corporate bankruptcies resulting in lay-offs and unemployment is unfolding across the European Union. Small and medium sized enterprises are slated to be wiped of map:

“Rocketing energy costs are savaging German industry”…  

“Germany’s manufacturing industry — which accounts for more than one fifth of the country’s economic output — is worried some of its companies won’t see the crisis through. …”

“Industry behemoths like Volkswagen (VLKAF) and Siemens (SIEGY) are grappling with supply chain bottlenecks too, but it is Germany’s roughly 200,000 small and medium-sized manufacturers who are less able to withstand the shock [of rising energy prices]

These companies are a vital part of the “Mittelstand,” the 2.6 million small- and medium-sized enterprises that account for more than half of German economic output and nearly two-thirds of the country’s jobs. Many are family-owned and deeply integrated into rural communities”

Thanks to Joe Biden

At a Press Conference (February 2022)  “Biden Spilled the Beans”:

“We will, I promise you, we will be able to do that”, said Joe Biden

Joe Biden: “There will be no longer a Nord Stream 2”



scroll down for details

VIDEO: Interview of Caroline Mailloux with Michel Chossudovsky


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Related Articles

How America Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline

By Seymour M. Hersh, February 09, 2023


America is no longer “An Ally” of the EU. Quite the opposite. The insidious role of the US in carrying out acts of sabotage against the EU is amply documented. Beyond doubt.

Meanwhile corrupt EU politicians are not only blaming Russia, they are collaborating with the U.S., setting the stage for the destruction of the European Union on behalf of Washington. 

They are “Sleeping with the Enemy” to the Detriment of  the People of Europe.

Treason constitutes an act of betrayal by European politicians in high office on behalf of a foreign power, which through various means is actively and deliberately triggering economic and social chaos throughout the European Union. The U.S. is not an ally of the EU. Quite the opposite. Washington is waging war against Europe, with the support of  corrupt government officials in high office. It’s an act of treason.

What is required is “Regime Change” throughout the European Union as well criminal prosecutions directed against corrupt politicians.

The Media’s Response

According to the Daily Mail (February 9, 2023):

“Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh cited an unidentified source as saying that U.S. navy divers had destroyed the pipelines with explosives on the orders of President Joe Biden.

Reuters was unable to corroborate the allegations. The White House dismissed them as ‘utterly false and complete fiction’. Norway’s foreign ministry said the allegations were ‘nonsense’.

“Fake News” according to the Media.

Here is What the White House Calls “Complete Fiction” 

In a televised news February 2022 interview the President of the United States acknowledged that the United States would act against Nord Stream if required. This statement was made 3 weeks prior to the Russian invasion:

President Joe Biden: “If Russia invades that means tanks and troops crossing the border of Ukraine again, then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2.”

Reporter: “But how will you exactly do that, since the project is in Germany’s control?”

Biden:“We will, I promise you, we will be able to do that.”  (emphasis added)

Joe Biden: “There will be no longer a Nord Stream 2”

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NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg admitted that the alliance had prepared Ukraine for war with Russia since 2014. At the same time, French Defence Minister Sébastien Lecornu announced on July 12 that the French military has already trained 5,200 Ukrainian troops and plans to train a total of 7,000 troops by year’s end.

“France’s support for Ukraine is not weakening. […] Almost 5,200 Ukrainian soldiers have already been trained by France, including 1,600 in Poland. There will be almost 7,000 by the end of the year,” Lecornu tweeted.

According to Lecornu, Ukrainian troops are learning how to operate French military equipment transferred to them and practice modern combat tactics, such as forming battalions that can manoeuvre as a coherent tactical unit.

Meanwhile, the British government announced that more than 19,000 Ukrainian soldiers had been trained in the country over the past six months and that Ukraine can expect more material support.

“In the past six months, the UK has also expanded its military training programme for Ukrainian recruits. This programme has trained more than 19,000 soldiers to date and training for Ukrainian pilots in the UK will begin this summer,” the British government said in a statement.

The UK, through NATO, also plans to establish a medical rehabilitation centre “to support the recovery and return of soldiers to Ukraine’s lines of defence after being injured in combat.”

“[The British PM announced a] major new tranche of support for Ukraine, including thousands of additional rounds of Challenger 2 ammunition, more than 70 combat and logistics vehicles and a £50m support package for equipment repair,” the statement added.

Although these announcements are recent revelations, NATO training of the Ukrainian military is not new. Stoltenberg said that the Alliance began supporting the Ukrainian military long before the start of the war. 

“I welcome the military support that Allies have provided now for months, actually starting back in 2014,” Jens Stoltenberg told a press conference after the first day of the Alliance summit.

The NATO chief had previously confessed that Western military preparations began nine years ago. 

“Since 2014 […] NATO has implemented the biggest reinforcement of our collective defence in a generation. With, for the first time in our history, combat ready troops in the eastern part of the Alliance, with higher readiness, with more exercises, and also with more defence spending,” he said on May 24. “So when President Putin launched his full-fledged invasion last year, we were prepared.”

In a joint statement after the first day of the summit in Vilnius, NATO leaders declared that the deepening partnership between China and Russia is contrary to the values ​​and interests of the alliance.

For his part, Russian President Dmitry Peskov said, before referencing NATO as an alliance that is “aggressive in nature,” that Moscow-Beijing relations “have never been aimed against third countries or alliances in any way.”

“It is not an alliance that was conceived, created, and built with the goal of ensuring stability and security. It is an offensive alliance. It is an alliance that breeds instability and aggression,” Peskov said of NATO.

During the NATO summit’s first day, member countries agreed to bring Ukraine closer to the alliance. However, the concrete provisions proposed to achieve this disappointed Ukraine. It was not lost on major outlets, such as the New York Times, that Zelensky criticised NATO’s attitude. 

Zelensky regretted in a tweet the “uncertainty” and “weakness” of NATO before the summit even started. “It seems there is no readiness neither to invite Ukraine to NATO nor to make it a member of the Alliance,” the tweet added.

Considering the humiliation Zelensky has experienced for being photographed isolated and alone at the NATO summit while member leaders talked amongst themselves, the Kiev regime should have realised that they are being used as nothing more than pawns in a now failed attempt to weaken and contain Russia.

It is evident that NATO is doing all it can to support Ukraine, short of using member states’ conventional militaries, and will continue with such a policy until at least the end of 2023, as the French and British announcements demonstrate.

Nonetheless, despite this support from France and Britain, Zelensky chastised NATO’s wider admission policy as “absurd,” prompting even UK Secretary of Defence Ben Wallace to highlight that Kiev does not express enough “gratitude” for the support it receives. Yet, this constant humiliation and the complete destruction of its military and economy has not been enough for the Kiev regime to realise that it is nothing more than an expendable proxy for NATO.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Who Owns the Federal Reserve?

July 16th, 2023 by Ellen Brown

This article was first published by Global Research in October 2008

“Some people think that the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government institutions. They are private monopolies which prey upon the people of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers; foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers; and rich and predatory money lenders.” – The Honorable Louis McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee in the 1930s

The Federal Reserve (or Fed) has assumed sweeping new powers in the last year. In an unprecedented move in March 2008, the New York Fed advanced the funds for JPMorgan Chase Bank to buy investment bank Bear Stearns for pennies on the dollar. The deal was particularly controversial because Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan, sits on the board of the New York Fed and participated in the secret weekend negotiations.1 In September 2008, the Federal Reserve did something even more unprecedented, when it bought the world’s largest insurance company. The Fed announced on September 16 that it was giving an $85 billion loan to American International Group (AIG) for a nearly 80% stake in the mega-insurer. The Associated Press called it a “government takeover,” but this was no ordinary nationalization. Unlike the U.S. Treasury, which took over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac the week before, the Fed is not a government-owned agency. Also unprecedented was the way the deal was funded. The Associated Press reported:

“The Treasury Department, for the first time in its history, said it would begin selling bonds for the Federal Reserve in an effort to help the central bank deal with its unprecedented borrowing needs.”2

This is extraordinary. Why is the Treasury issuing U.S. government bonds (or debt) to fund the Fed, which is itself supposedly “the lender of last resort” created to fund the banks and the federal government? Yahoo Finance reported on September 17:

“The Treasury is setting up a temporary financing program at the Fed’s request. The program will auction Treasury bills to raise cash for the Fed’s use. The initiative aims to help the Fed manage its balance sheet following its efforts to enhance its liquidity facilities over the previous few quarters.”

Normally, the Fed swaps green pieces of paper called Federal Reserve Notes for pink pieces of paper called U.S. bonds (the federal government’s I.O.U.s), in order to provide Congress with the dollars it cannot raise through taxes. Now, it seems, the government is issuing bonds, not for its own use, but for the use of the Fed! Perhaps the plan is to swap them with the banks’ dodgy derivatives collateral directly, without actually putting them up for sale to outside buyers. According to Wikipedia (which translates Fedspeak into somewhat clearer terms than the Fed’s own website):

“The Term Securities Lending Facility is a 28-day facility that will offer Treasury general collateral to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s primary dealers in exchange for other program-eligible collateral. It is intended to promote liquidity in the financing markets for Treasury and other collateral and thus to foster the functioning of financial markets more generally. . . . The resource allows dealers to switch debt that is less liquid for U.S. government securities that are easily tradable.”

“To switch debt that is less liquid for U.S. government securities that are easily tradable” means that the government gets the banks’ toxic derivative debt, and the banks get the government’s triple-A securities. Unlike the risky derivative debt, federal securities are considered “risk-free” for purposes of determining capital requirements, allowing the banks to improve their capital position so they can make new loans. (See E. Brown, “Bailout Bedlam,”, October 2, 2008.)

In its latest power play, on October 3, 2008, the Fed acquired the ability to pay interest to its member banks on the reserves the banks maintain at the Fed. Reuters reported on October 3:

“The U.S. Federal Reserve gained a key tactical tool from the $700 billion financial rescue package signed into law on Friday that will help it channel funds into parched credit markets. Tucked into the 451-page bill is a provision that lets the Fed pay interest on the reserves banks are required to hold at the central bank.”3

If the Fed’s money comes ultimately from the taxpayers, that means we the taxpayers are paying interest to the banks on the banks’ own reserves – reserves maintained for their own private profit. These increasingly controversial encroachments on the public purse warrant a closer look at the central banking scheme itself. Who owns the Federal Reserve, who actually controls it, where does it get its money, and whose interests is it serving?

Not Private and Not for Profit?

The Fed’s website insists that it is not a private corporation, is not operated for profit, and is not funded by Congress. But is that true? The Federal Reserve was set up in 1913 as a “lender of last resort” to backstop bank runs, following a particularly bad bank panic in 1907. The Fed’s mandate was then and continues to be to keep the private banking system intact; and that means keeping intact the system’s most valuable asset, a monopoly on creating the national money supply. Except for coins, every dollar in circulation is now created privately as a debt to the Federal Reserve or the banking system it heads.4 The Fed’s website attempts to gloss over its role as chief defender and protector of this private banking club, but let’s take a closer look. The website states:

* “The twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks, which were established by Congress as the operating arms of the nation’s central banking system, are organized much like private corporations – possibly leading to some confusion about “ownership.” For example, the Reserve Banks issue shares of stock to member banks. However, owning Reserve Bank stock is quite different from owning stock in a private company. The Reserve Banks are not operated for profit, and ownership of a certain amount of stock is, by law, a condition of membership in the System. The stock may not be sold, traded, or pledged as security for a loan; dividends are, by law, 6 percent per year.”

* “[The Federal Reserve] is considered an independent central bank because its decisions do not have to be ratified by the President or anyone else in the executive or legislative branch of government, it does not receive funding appropriated by Congress, and the terms of the members of the Board of Governors span multiple presidential and congressional terms.”

* “The Federal Reserve’s income is derived primarily from the interest on U.S. government securities that it has acquired through open market operations. . . . After paying its expenses, the Federal Reserve turns the rest of its earnings over to the U.S. Treasury.”5

So let’s review:

1. The Fed is privately owned.

Its shareholders are private banks. In fact, 100% of its shareholders are private banks. None of its stock is owned by the government.

2. The fact that the Fed does not get “appropriations” from Congress basically means that it gets its money from Congress without congressional approval, by engaging in “open market operations.”

Here is how it works: When the government is short of funds, the Treasury issues bonds and delivers them to bond dealers, which auction them off. When the Fed wants to “expand the money supply” (create money), it steps in and buys bonds from these dealers with newly-issued dollars acquired by the Fed for the cost of writing them into an account on a computer screen. These maneuvers are called “open market operations” because the Fed buys the bonds on the “open market” from the bond dealers. The bonds then become the “reserves” that the banking establishment uses to back its loans. In another bit of sleight of hand known as “fractional reserve” lending, the same reserves are lent many times over, further expanding the money supply, generating interest for the banks with each loan. It was this money-creating process that prompted Wright Patman, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee in the 1960s, to call the Federal Reserve “a total money-making machine.” He wrote:

“When the Federal Reserve writes a check for a government bond it does exactly what any bank does, it creates money, it created money purely and simply by writing a check.”

3. The Fed generates profits for its shareholders.

The interest on bonds acquired with its newly-issued Federal Reserve Notes pays the Fed’s operating expenses plus a guaranteed 6% return to its banker shareholders. A mere 6% a year may not be considered a profit in the world of Wall Street high finance, but most businesses that manage to cover all their expenses and give their shareholders a guaranteed 6% return are considered “for profit” corporations.

In addition to this guaranteed 6%, the banks will now be getting interest from the taxpayers on their “reserves.” The basic reserve requirement set by the Federal Reserve is 10%. The website of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York explains that as money is redeposited and relent throughout the banking system, this 10% held in “reserve” can be fanned into ten times that sum in loans; that is, $10,000 in reserves becomes $100,000 in loans. Federal Reserve Statistical Release H.8 puts the total “loans and leases in bank credit” as of September 24, 2008 at $7,049 billion. Ten percent of that is $700 billion. That means we the taxpayers will be paying interest to the banks on at least $700 billion annually – this so that the banks can retain the reserves to accumulate interest on ten times that sum in loans.

The banks earn these returns from the taxpayers for the privilege of having the banks’ interests protected by an all-powerful independent private central bank, even when those interests may be opposed to the taxpayers’ — for example, when the banks use their special status as private money creators to fund speculative derivative schemes that threaten to collapse the U.S. economy. Among other special benefits, banks and other financial institutions (but not other corporations) can borrow at the low Fed funds rate of about 2%. They can then turn around and put this money into 30-year Treasury bonds at 4.5%, earning an immediate 2.5% from the taxpayers, just by virtue of their position as favored banks. A long list of banks (but not other corporations) is also now protected from the short selling that can crash the price of other stocks.

Time to Change the Statute?

According to the Fed’s website, the control Congress has over the Federal Reserve is limited to this:

“[T]he Federal Reserve is subject to oversight by Congress, which periodically reviews its activities and can alter its responsibilities by statute.”

As we know from watching the business news, “oversight” basically means that Congress gets to see the results when it’s over. The Fed periodically reports to Congress, but the Fed doesn’t ask; it tells. The only real leverage Congress has over the Fed is that it “can alter its responsibilities by statute.” It is time for Congress to exercise that leverage and make the Federal Reserve a truly federal agency, acting by and for the people through their elected representatives. If the Fed can demand AIG’s stock in return for an $85 billion loan to the mega-insurer, we can demand the Fed’s stock in return for the trillion-or-so dollars we’ll be advancing to bail out the private banking system from its follies.

If the Fed were actually a federal agency, the government could issue U.S. legal tender directly, avoiding an unnecessary interest-bearing debt to private middlemen who create the money out of thin air themselves. Among other benefits to the taxpayers. a truly “federal” Federal Reserve could lend the full faith and credit of the United States to state and local governments interest-free, cutting the cost of infrastructure in half, restoring the thriving local economies of earlier decades.

Ellen Brown, J.D., developed her research skills as an attorney practicing civil litigation in Los Angeles. In Web of Debt, her latest book, she turns those skills to an analysis of the Federal Reserve and “the money trust.” She shows how this private cartel has usurped the power to create money from the people themselves, and how we the people can get it back. Her eleven books include the bestselling Nature’s Pharmacy, co-authored with Dr. Lynne Walker, and Forbidden Medicine. Her websites are  and .

Video: Victoria Nuland Inciting WWIII with Russia

July 16th, 2023 by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

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GR Editor’s Note 

We are not in a position to corroborate the alleged controversial statement of Victoria Nuland regarding WWIII. 

What she upholds is a “long war” against Russia, which could lead humanity into a WWIII scenario

Has the alleged statement by Nuland from the video conference been removed? The latter was held under the auspices of the Kyiv Security Forum together with the Atlantic Council.

🌐 @AtlanticCouncil was proud to join @ksfopenukraine to co-host a panel on US support for Ukraine.

Below is the video of the Conference

We suggest you view the National Security Video below. It confirms the Biden Administration’s foreign policy stance with regard to Ukraine. 

The Conference debate centres on Ukraine NATO membership as well as US-NATO’s “commitment” to waging a long war against Russia which would eventually lead to an “official” deployment of US-NATO forces in the Ukraine battlefield. 

Victoria Nuland’s three Statements are recorded.

The Third Statement at 1.15:00 is more substantive, explaining NATO’s commitment to Ukraine. 

While Nuland does not explicitly refer to WWIII, what she describes is a “long war” scenario, which inevitably could evolve towards WWIII. 

“we are here for the long-term”, 

“as long as it takes” in a war against Russia.

“It’s about the long-term”. US-NATO is there for the long-run. 

We are already working with the Kiev government to ensure what we need for the long term. 

Dangerous crossroads:

Her statements confirm a long-term war with Russia, as outlined in the NeoCons Project for the New American Century: 

The PNAC dispels the planning of “consecutive” military operations: it describes:

America’s “Long War” as follows: 

“fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars”

The conduct of  “Simultaneous theater Wars” is the backbone of America’s hegemonic Agenda.

It’s a project of global warfare. The PNAC controlled by the NeoCons also dispels the holding of real peace negotiations. 


The broader debate as well as Nuland’s statements suggest that Ukraine will be part of NATO.

“There is no other option”.

Also there will be “more and more NATO forces on the battlefield” which intimates that the war is slated to evolve towards a US-NATO confrontation with Russia, which in turn could lead to a nuclear war. 

Peace negotiations are simply not mentioned. 

In anticipation of the July 11 Vilnius Summit, NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg made the following statement: (official NATO website:

“I expect Allied leaders will agree a package with three elements, to bring Ukraine closer to NATO.

First, we will agree a multi-year programme of assistance [long-term military aid]. To ensure full interoperability between the Ukrainian armed forces and NATO.

Second, we will upgrade our political ties. By establishing the NATO-Ukraine Council.

And third, I expect Allied leaders will reaffirm that Ukraine will become a member of NATO. And unite on how to bring Ukraine closer to its goal.” (emphasis added)

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, June 11, 2023

Video Kyiv Security Conference. A. Yatsenuk Foundation

Victoria Nuland at 1.04:00,  1.11.00 and 11.14.00

UPDATE (July 12, 2023)

The Vilnius Summit Communiqué, Issued by NATO Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Vilnius 11 July 2023

The thrust of the Summit Communiqué points dangerously in the direction of  the deployment of US-NATO forces in the Ukraine battlefield, which could eventually lead to direct US-NATO military confrontation against the Russian Federation. The tendency is towards military escalation and a WWIII scenario.  

The NATO Communique does not mention procedures, diplomatic or otherwise which could lead to peace negotiations, nor does it recognize that the Kiev government including its military and intelligence apparatus is largely controlled by Neo-Nazis, which are responsible for crimes against humanity. 

Selected excerpts which broadly confirm the statements expressed in the May Kyiv Security Conference.  (emphasis added).

Global Research will be publishing a review of the NATO Communiqué. 



5.           Peace in the Euro-Atlantic area has been shattered.  The Russian Federation has violated the norms and principles that contributed to a stable and predictable European security order.  The Russian Federation is the most significant and direct threat to Allies’ security and to peace and stability in the Euro-Atlantic areaTerrorism, in all its forms and manifestations, is the most direct asymmetric threat to the security of our citizens and to international peace and prosperity.  The threats we face are global and interconnected.

6.           Strategic competition, pervasive instability and recurrent shocks define our broader security environment.  Conflict, fragility and instability in Africa and the Middle East directly affect our security and the security of our partners.  The People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) stated ambitions and coercive policies challenge our interests, security and values.  We remain open to constructive engagement with the PRC, including to build reciprocal transparency, with a view to safeguarding the Alliance’s security interests.  We continue to be confronted by cyber, space, hybrid and other asymmetric threats, and by the malicious use of emerging and disruptive technologies.

7.           Russia bears full responsibility for its illegal, unjustifiable, and unprovoked war of aggression against Ukraine, which has gravely undermined Euro-Atlantic and global security and for which it must be held fully accountable.  …  We do not and will never recognise Russia’s illegal and illegitimate annexations, including Crimea.  There can be no impunity for Russian war crimes and other atrocities, such as attacks against civilians and the destruction of civilian infrastructure that deprives millions of Ukrainians of basic human services.  All those responsible must be held accountable for violations and abuses of human rights and international humanitarian law, particularly against Ukraine’s civilian population, including the forced deportation of children and conflict-related sexual violence.  The destruction of the Kakhovka dam highlights the brutal consequences of the war started by Russia.  Russia’s war has had a profound impact on the environment, nuclear safety, energy and food security, the global economy, and the welfare of billions of people around the world.  Allies are working to enable exports of Ukrainian grain and actively support international efforts to alleviate the global food crisis.

8.           Russia must immediately stop this illegal war of aggression, cease its use of force against Ukraine, and completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its forces and equipment from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders, extending to its territorial waters. 

We urge all countries not to provide any kind of assistance to Russia’s aggression and condemn all those who are actively facilitating Russia’s war.  Belarus’ support has been instrumental as it continues to provide its territory and infrastructure to allow Russian forces to attack Ukraine and sustain Russia’s aggression.  In particular Belarus, but also Iran, must end their complicity with Russia and return to compliance with international law

11.         We fully support Ukraine’s right to choose its own security arrangements.  Ukraine’s future is in NATO.  …  Ukraine has become increasingly interoperable and politically integrated with the Alliance, and has made substantial progress on its reform path.

9.          ….We welcome and support President Zelenskyy’s commitment in setting out the principles for such a peace through his Peace Formula.  We are committed to achieving a just and lasting peace that upholds the principles of the UN Charter, in particular sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence.  We underline that this cannot be realised without Russia’s complete and unconditional withdrawal.  While we have called on Russia to engage constructively in credible negotiations with Ukraine, Russia has not shown any genuine openness to a just and lasting peace.

12.         The security of Ukraine is of great importance to Allies and the Alliance.  To support Ukraine’s further integration with NATO, today we have agreed a substantial package of expanded political and practical support.  We have decided to establish the NATO-Ukraine Council, a new joint body where Allies and Ukraine sit as equal members to advance political dialogue, engagement, cooperation, and Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations for membership in NATO.  It will provide for joint consultations, decision-making, and activities, and will also serve as a crisis consultation mechanism between NATO and Ukraine.

14.         Russia has increased its multi-domain military build-up and presence in the Baltic, Black, and Mediterranean Sea regions, and maintains significant military capabilities in the Arctic.  Russia’s more assertive posture, novel military capabilities, and provocative activities, including near NATO borders, as well as its large-scale no-notice and snap exercises, continue to threaten the security of the Euro-Atlantic area.  In the High North, its capability to disrupt Allied reinforcements and freedom of navigation across the North Atlantic is a strategic challenge to the Alliance.  NATO and Allies will continue to undertake necessary, calibrated, and coordinated activities, including by exercising relevant plans.

16.         … We condemn Russia’s irresponsible nuclear rhetoric and coercive nuclear signalling.  We recall the Joint Statement of the Leaders of the Five Nuclear Weapons States issued on 3 January 2022 on Preventing Nuclear War and Avoiding Arms Races.  We call on Russia to recommit – in words and deeds – to the principles enshrined in that Statement.

17.         Russia’s actions demonstrate a posture of strategic intimidation and underline the continued need for NATO to monitor all of these developments and adapt its posture as necessary.  Allies will continue to work closely together to address the threats and challenges posed by Russia and reiterate that any use of Chemical, Biological, Radiological or Nuclear weapons by Russia would be met with severe consequences.

19.         We seek stability and predictability in the Euro-Atlantic area and between NATO and Russia.  NATO does not seek confrontation and poses no threat to Russia.  In light of its hostile policies and actions, we cannot consider Russia to be our partner.  Any change in our relationship depends on Russia halting its aggressive behaviour and fully complying with international law.  We remain willing to keep open channels of communication with Moscow to manage and mitigate risks, prevent escalation, and increase transparency.  

20.         We categorically reject and condemn terrorism in the strongest possible terms.  Countering terrorism in all its forms and manifestations is essential to our collective defence.     As part of a broader effort to better respond collectively to this threat, we will further develop Allies’ capabilities, and continue to engage with the Global Coalition to Defeat Da’esh and with partner countries in order to support their efforts and to help them build their capacity to counter terrorism. 

23.         The People’s Republic of China’s stated ambitions and coercive policies challenge our interests, security and values.  The PRC employs a broad range of political, economic, and military tools to increase its global footprint and project power, while remaining opaque about its strategy, intentions and military build-up.  The PRC’s malicious hybrid and cyber operations and its confrontational rhetoric and disinformation target Allies and harm Alliance security.  The PRC seeks to control key technological and industrial sectors, critical infrastructure, and strategic materials and supply chains.  It uses its economic leverage to create strategic dependencies and enhance its influence.  It strives to subvert the rules-based international order, including in the space, cyber and maritime domains.

25.         The deepening strategic partnership between the PRC and Russia and their mutually reinforcing attempts to undercut the rules-based international order run counter to our values and interests.  We call on the PRC to play a constructive role as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, to condemn Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, ….

33.         Guided by our sovereign decisions, and in response to the threats we face, we remain vigilant and stand together in solidarity ensuring a substantial and persistent presence of our military forces across the Alliance on land, in the air and at sea, in line with our 360-degree approach.  NATO’s deterrence and defence posture is based on an appropriate mix of nuclear, conventional and missile defence capabilities, complemented by space and cyber capabilities.  It is defensive, proportionate and fully in line with our international commitments.  We will employ military and non-military tools in a proportionate, coherent and integrated way to respond to all threats to our security in the manner, timing and in the domain of our choosing.



Victoria Nuland Inciting WWIII with Russia

By Helena Glass,

May 30, 2023

Victoria Nuland, of the US State Department, has officially stated in a video conference with Kyiv that WWIII will effectively begin on July 11th stating that the US and its partners will fight as long as it takes – 16 years or more… The scheduled date was chosen to coincide with the NATO Summit, a one day meeting in Lithuania. I wonder how much this WAR will affect climate change… And what happened to the deadline 2030 for all things Great RESET?  

Two months away, and NATO has yet to determine the topic for the Summit. But I imagine it will involve WWIII and how to protect Europe from the inevitable backlash. How many F-16’s will make it to Ukraine without crashing or being ‘exploded’ midair might be on the table for discussion as well.

The defacto US and EU trying to pretend they are not involved has fallen. The pretenses are mute and the reality has been openly spilled by Nuland.

The event where Nuland spoke was co-chaired by the US Atlantic Council whose representative declared, “transatlantic unity and robust support can help Ukraine defeat Russia and renew European security.”

The Atlantic Council calls itself nonpartisan because that is the only way to register a 501©(3) charity. They are anything but ‘charitable’.

While they do NOT provide the legally required Form 990 for public view, their nonaudited financials reveal they are NOT a charity at all. But then they own the IRS. Funding sources for the Council come from the common array of foundations:Rockefeller, Goldman, Facebook, Google, US State Depart, i.e. Nuland, – however, one stand out funder is Burisma Holdings.   The same Burisma that was paying Hunter Biden and Big Daddy.

The Circle is Complete.

The reason the NGO’s are going ballistic over the debt ceiling is that the bulk of their funding is Discretionary spending.  

Discretionary spending recipients are supposed to be the last to receive funding after Mandatory debts, which includes Social Security and Veteran pay. Goldman Sachs has stated that the US Treasury has just $30 billion in its vault – the bare minimum.   But that doesn’t even begin to make sense given we are in the midst of tax season which garnered $4.9 trillion in Treasury Funds last year…   Where are our Tax Dollars?

John Rogers is Chairman of the Board of the Atlantic Council while serving as Executive VP of Goldman Sachs. His wife is a journalist with the Huffington Post and previously worked in the Clinton Administration. Cozy Group.

We thus have linked Clinton, Soros, Rockefeller, Department of State, the Atlantic Council and the current WH establishment to the Agenda of assassinating Putin. All while invoking Peace and using US Taxpayer Funding to achieve this end.

Although Nuland called the upcoming July 11th attack a ‘counteroffensive’ the target is Moscow. The point is to militarily take out Putin and insert a provisional government with Navalny at the head of the table.

The global response to a Putin assassination would be interesting indeed. Although there is no mention of Lavrov, Putin’s right hand man, it is likely he has access to the ‘red button’. And Russia is quite aware who can be spared, and who cannot in the continuance of Russia as an independent nation. Russia’s Medvedev has stated that a preemptive nuclear strike would only be undertaken should Western nations provide Kyiv with a nuclear weapon. Otherwise all weapons will be tit-for-tat.

What is strikingly NOT on the table is any discussions of a peace deal by Western governments.  

Contrary to an interview posted by General Milley in which he declares a counteroffensive is not forthcoming, the Atlantic Council’s, Richard Hooker, Jr. details the means: Attack Crimea in June affecting massive civilian losses to morally debilitate Russians using special ops from the US and UK. Take out the land bridge between Crimea and Russia. Then drive a northern advancement to retake all Russian occupied territory. Without F-16’s.  

The largess fear of striking The Bear is the retaliation possibility of nukes aimed at various points throughout the EU and possibly Washington, DC. By contrast, unleashing a nuke on Russian soil is NOT preferred given these Cabalists still vie for Russia’s vast wealth of Resources – black soil and Lake Baikal.


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Fentanilo, la crisis que viene

July 15th, 2023 by Mouris Salloum George

La Natto raddopia

July 15th, 2023 by

Dopo l’entrata della Finlandia nella NATO lo scorso aprile, al Summit di Vilnius in Lituania il segretario generale Stoltenberg ha annunciato il 10 luglio che anche Ankara, dopo essersi accordata con Stoccolma, dà luce verde all’entrata della Svezia alla NATO. Tra non molto, quindi, la NATO si estenderà a 32 paesi: il doppio  di quelli che aveva al termine della Guerra Fredda, quando assicurava che non si sarebbe estesa “neppure di un solo pollice ad Est”. Dopo aver inglobato tutti i paesi dell’ex Patto di Varsavia, le tre repubbliche baltiche prima facenti parte dell’URSS e altri paesi già parte della Federazione Jugoslava (demolita dalla NATO con la guerra), la NATO dispone ora dei territori finlandese e svedese per lo schieramento di basi e forze anche nucleari ancora più a ridosso della Russia.

Al Summit di Vilnius è stato annunciato che la NATO ha varato i piani militari più completi dalla fine della Guerra Fredda. Essi prevedono lo schieramento permanente in Europa, sotto comando USA, di truppe ad alta prontezza operativa, comprendenti 300.000 soldati e una grossa potenza aerea e navale.

Allo stesso tempo, al Summit di Vilnius, “gli Alleati hanno concordato un forte pacchetto per avvicinare l’Ucraina alla NATO. Esso prevede di ricostruire il settore ucraino della Difesa e costituire un nuovo Consiglio NATO-Ucraina, Abbiamo ribadito che l’Ucraina diventerà membro della NATO. E abbiamo concordato di cambiare il percorso di adesione dell’Ucraina da un processo in due fasi a un processo in una sola fase.”

Tutto ciò comporta un ulteriore aumento della spesa militare. Come documenta la stessa NATO, essa è cresciuta (al netto dell’inflazione) a un livello più alto di quello della  fase finale della Guerra Fredda.  Il segretario generale ha annunciato che “la spesa per la Difesa degli Alleati europei aumenterà dell’8,3% nel 2023: si tratta dell’aumento più consistente degli ultimi decenni.” In tale quadro la spesa militare italiana dovrà aumentare in breve tempo dall’attuale media di 80 milioni di euro al giorno ad oltre 100 milioni di euro al giorno. Pagati dai cittadini italiani con denaro pubblico sottratto alle spese sociali e agli investimenti produttivi.

Manlio Dinucci



This article  first published by GR on February 26, 2014  in the immediate wake of the EuroMaidan focusses on the complicity of US-NATO-EU in turning “a blind eye” to the ongoing actions of Neo-Nazi factions directed against Ukraine’s Jewish community. 

And now, in the wake of the Vilnius NATO Summit, the 31 member states of NATO (many of which were the victims of Nazism) have committed themselves to supporting the Kiev Neo-Nazi regime. 

M.C.  July 15, 2023


The US and the  EU are supporting the formation of  a coalition government integrated by Neo-Nazis which are directly involved in the repression of the Ukrainian Jewish community. 

There are about 200,000 Jews living in Ukraine [2014], most of them in Kiev. This community is described as “one of the most vibrant Jewish communities in the world, with dozens of active Jewish organizations and institutions”. A significant part of this community is made up of family members of holocaust survivors.

“Three million Ukrainians were murdered by the Nazis during their occupation of Ukraine, including 900,000 Jews.” (, January 29, 2014).

Ukrainian Jews were the target of the Third Reich’s Einsatzgruppen (Task Groups or Deployment Groups) which were supported by Ukrainian Nazi collaborators led by Stepan Bandera (Wikipedia).

These “task forces” were paramilitary death squads deployed in occupied territories.

Source: Dennis Nilsson

Contemporary Neo-Nazi Threat against Ukraine’s Jewish community

While the Western media has not covered the issue, the contemporary Neo-Nazi threat against the Jewish community in the Ukraine is real. Ukrainian Neo-Nazis pay tribute to Stepan Bandera, a World War II-era Nazi collaborator who led the pro-Nazi Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B). The contemporary Neo-Nazi Svoboda Party which is supported by Washington follows in the footsteps of the OUN-B.

The OUN-B was also responsible for the genocide conducted against Poles within Ukraine.

Reuters / Gleb Garanich

Neo-Nazis Honoring Stepan Bandera

Reports from Kiev confirm that the Jewish community is the target of the Right Sector and the Neo-Nazi Svoboda party, which is supported and financed through various channels by Washington and Brussels:

“Ukrainian Rabbi Moshe Reuven Azman asked Kiev Jews to leave the city and, if possible, the country, due to fears that Jews might be targeted [by Svoboda Brown Shirts] in the ongoing chaos. …

Some Jewish shops have been vandalized and other threats to the Jewish community have been received.

“I told my congregation to leave the city center or the city all together and if possible the country too… I don’t want to tempt fate…but there are constant warnings concerning intentions to attack Jewish institutions,” Rabbi Azman told Maariv. (JN, February 24, 2014)

The leaders of the Ukrainian Jewish Community contacted Israel’s Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman requesting the assistance of Israel. (Edward Dolinsky, head of the umbrella organization of Ukraine’s Jews).

Israel –which is unofficially a member of the Western military alliance (US-NATO-Israel)– has remained mum on the subject: Real Politik Uber Alles. No statement has emanated from Tel Aviv.  The Israeli government has not responded to the request of the Ukrainian Jewish Community nor has it made any statements.

America’s pro-Israeli lobby The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has not taken a stance on the issue. Not a word from Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu.

The Western Media: Talking about the Neo-Nazi Threat to Ukraine’s Jewish Community is Taboo

Within the Western media, news coverage of the Neo-Nazi threat to the Jewish community in Ukraine is a taboo. There is a complete media blackout: confirmed by Google News search,  mainstream coverage of the threat to the Jewish community in Ukraine is virtually absent.

An article in the current issue of The New York Review of Books constitutes the pinnacle of falsehood and media distortion. The Jewish community in Ukraine is portrayed as an unbending supporter of the Maidan protest movement led by Right Sector Neo-Nazis:

The protesters represent every group of Ukrainian citizens: Russian speakers and Ukrainian speakers (although most Ukrainians are bilingual), people from the cities and the countryside, people from all regions of the country, members of all political parties, the young and the old, Christians, Muslims, and Jews. Every major Christian denomination is represented by believers and most of them by clergy. The Crimean Tatars march in impressive numbers, and Jewish leaders have made a point of supporting the movement.

In its broader coverage of the Ukraine “protest movement”, the Western media has failed to acknowledge the nature of the opposition, casually referring to “radical elements”.

What is not mentioned is that these “radical elements” supported and financed by the West are Neo-Nazis who are waging a hate campaign against Ukraine’s Jewish community.

Reunion of SS and UPA Nazi collaborators and their suporters in 2006 in the Ukraine. Civilisation Ukrainian-Style: Vandalising the Memorials to the Soldiers of the Anti-Hitler Coalition

The Israeli Media and the State of Israel

The Israeli media toes the line. The hate campaign against the Ukrainian Jewish community is not the object of concern. The Jerusalem Post casually dismisses the evidence of crimes committed against Ukraine’s Jewish community under the title:

“Although there is “no information of Jews being targeted” as of yet, Jewish institutions are under self-imposed lock-down”.

According to the JP, there is no “defined threat against them”:

There is currently “no information of Jews being targeted, but there is a danger because of vigilante groups,” Chief Rabbi Yaakov Bleich told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday.

“We have not seen any random attacks and we hope people are basically interested in law and order and not in mayhem,” he said, expressing his hope that protesters would begin turning in their arms tomorrow as scheduled.

“We are definitely worried about security and everybody should keep their guard up,” the American-born rabbi cautioned. “That’s because of the general situation. There are no threats that we know of.”

… There is a great deal of uncertainty among Kiev’s Jews, said one community member, speaking anonymously. She said that while there has been no direct threat against Jewish institutions, two Jews were attacked during the protests and the general feeling of insecurity pervading the city has affected its Jews as well.

Things will calm down within a week, but life is still far from normal at the moment, she said.” (Ukraine’s Jews ponder their future, Jerusalem PostFeb 24, 2014)

According to “expert opinion” quoted by the JP, the spread of swastikas in Kiev’s urban landscape should be of no concern. According to Vyacheslav Likhachev, “an expert on the far-right associated with the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress”, the Svoboda Neo-Nazi activists are not attacking Jews. In an utterly twisted logic expert Likhachev quoted by the JP intimates that the (former) Yanukovych government is responsible for anti-semitic violence;

The two incidents of anti-Semitic violence since the beginning of the protests, he alleged, were most likely provocations by the government looking for a pretext to clamp down on its political opponents.

“There is no real special danger for the Jewish community due to anti-Semitism from protesters,” he said.

According to Likhachev, the authorities tried to recruit him to take part in a propaganda campaign against the protesters and he believes that, given the lack of emphasis placed on Jews and other ethnic minorities by the opposition, including such factions as Svoboda, it is more likely that the attacks were part of this alleged campaign. (Ibid)

According to the JP, the issue is one of “transition”, which will be resolved once a new government is installed .

“Despite his [Likhashov’s] optimism fear pervades the local Jewish community, as it does the entire Ukraine, during the transition period.”

Ironically, while the Israeli media dismisses the matter, the Arab media has provided a far more balanced assessment of the threat to the Jewish community in Ukraine.

Rabbis in Kiev and across Ukraine spoke out, warning their congregations to stay off the streets and remain in their homes. The Jewish Agency in Jerusalem has moved swiftly to offer aid to elderly Jews living in greater Kiev. Food-delivery men are braving gunshots and Molotov cocktails to help them. Reports from Kiev say the police have been replaced by roving bands of undetermined loyalty.

… The fresh report of the firebombing of a new synagogue in Zaporizhia, 250 miles southeast of Kiev, increased the alarm in Israel and accelerated planning for all contingencies, including evacuations. (John Batchelor, Ultranationalist neo-Nazi parties on the march in Ukraine, Al Jazeera, February 25, 2014

nuland in ukraine

US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland together with Neo Nazi Svoboda leader Oleh Tyahnybok, left

The Politics of Anti-SemitismAnti-Semitism Practiced at a Political Level

Ironically, while renowned scholars critical of the State of Israel for violating the fundamental rights of Palestinians are accused of being “anti-semitic”, nobody bats an eye lid when John McCain (see image right with the leader of the Neo-Nazi Svoboda Party Oleh Tyahnybok, centre), Victoria Nuland (image above together with Oleh Tyahnybok, left), EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton (also with Oleh Tyahnybok, below), John Kerry, Francois Hollande and Angela Merkel (among others) openly pay lip service to Neo-Nazism in the Ukraine.

Is the Western media “anti-semitic” when it fails to report crimes committed against the Jewish population in Ukraine?

Is the self-proclaimed “international community” anti-semitic when it upholds in the name of “democracy” a “protest movement” led by Neo-Nazis?

Is Netanyahu an anti-semite by tacitly supporting  US-EU-NATO geopolitical interests in Ukraine, with total disregard to the rising tide of fascism and anti-semitism?
ewish Agency Offers Emergency Help to Ukraine’s Jews By: JTA Published: February 23rd, 2014 print tell a friend The Jewish Agency said it would offer immediate emergency assistance to Ukraine’s Jewish community and will help secure the country’s Jewish institutions. Saturday evening’s announcement by Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky came hours after Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych fled Kiev and the Ukrainian parliament announced new presidential elections for late May. Violent protests led to the deaths of dozens in the days leading up to the coup. There are about 200,000 Jews living in Ukraine, most in the Ukrainian capital Kiev, according to the Jewish Agency. Sharanksky said in a statement that Ukraine “one of most vibrant Jewish communities in the world, with dozens of active Jewish organizations and institutions. Recent events have shown that we must strengthen these institutions’ security measures. We have a moral responsibility to ensure the safety and security of Ukraine’s Jews,” said Sharansky. Sharansky told Jewish Agency leadership on Saturday night that the organization is in “constant contact” with the Jewish community leadership in Ukraine, and is following events there closely. Assistance will come from The Jewish Agency’s Emergency Assistance Fund for Jewish Communities, which provides financial assistance to enable Jewish communities to strengthen security measures in Jewish communities at risk. Rabbi Moshe Reuven Azman told the Israeli daily Maariv that he advised his congregation to leave Kiev and the country, if possible. Azman closed the Kiev Jewish community’s schools due to the violence, Maariv reported. Azman also told the newspaper that the Israeli embassy advised the members of the Jewish community to remain in their homes.Read more at:
Jewish Agency Offers Emergency Help to Ukraine’s Jews By: JTA Published: February 23rd, 2014 print tell a friend The Jewish Agency said it would offer immediate emergency assistance to Ukraine’s Jewish community and will help secure the country’s Jewish institutions. Saturday evening’s announcement by Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky came hours after Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych fled Kiev and the Ukrainian parliament announced new presidential elections for late May. Violent protests led to the deaths of dozens in the days leading up to the coup. There are about 200,000 Jews living in Ukraine, most in the Ukrainian capital Kiev, according to the Jewish Agency. Sharanksky said in a statement that Ukraine “one of most vibrant Jewish communities in the world, with dozens of active Jewish organizations and institutions. Recent events have shown that we must strengthen these institutions’ security measures. We have a moral responsibility to ensure the safety and security of Ukraine’s Jews,” said Sharansky. Sharansky told Jewish Agency leadership on Saturday night that the organization is in “constant contact” with the Jewish community leadership in Ukraine, and is following events there closely. Assistance will come from The Jewish Agency’s Emergency Assistance Fund for Jewish Communities, which provides financial assistance to enable Jewish communities to strengthen security measures in Jewish communities at risk. Rabbi Moshe Reuven Azman told the Israeli daily Maariv that he advised his congregation to leave Kiev and the country, if possible. Azman closed the Kiev Jewish community’s schools due to the violence, Maariv reported. Azman also told the newspaper that the Israeli embassy advised the members of the Jewish community to remain in their homes.Read more at:
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The Netherlands has been chosen as a pilot area in the EU to be climate neutral with a transition in protein food and a transformation of healthcare into a telemedicine, data, and AI-driven connected system approach led by Public Private Partnerships. A closure of 55-70 percent of traditional farming is foreseen to be replaced by tech-driven vertical farming, gene-edited crops, edible insects, veganism, 15-minute cities and a CBDC passport covering personal health data. 

Citizens will pay for the transition by increasing prices for energy, food, healthcare services, and insurance.

A U-turn of these EU-driven policies is highly needed. Health and wealth have been decreasing in the past years due to pandemic measures, inflation, and recently implemented policies. The Netherlands, famous for farming and innovations, can best win this challenge to re-establish healthcare driven by traditional farmers producing nutritious whole food that prevents famine, improves the soil and the immune system for healthy lives.

Dutch Farmers Will No Longer Accept Harmful Policies

The Netherlands, a small country conveniently situated within the EU, has been economically growing by generations of farming and fishing. In July 2022 the Dutch policies on farming led to the article No farmers No Food No Life

Large demonstrations initiated by farmers and fishermen took place in July 2022, November 2022, and March 2023 in The Hague and Brussels respectively, which received much attention worldwide. Now, half a year later an even bigger demonstration initiated by Dutch farmers took place on June 29,2023 in The Hague. Farmers and citizens have drawn the line. 

The new policies pushed forward by politicians in Rutte IV could be disastrous for farmers and humanity. This will not only affect the Netherlands. Changes in farming in the Netherlands, being the second largest export country for food, will affect many people worldwide

Last week the negotiations with farmers and agricultural society on the Agriculture Agreement IN MOVEMENT to meet the governmental goals for climate change on CO2 and Nitrogen reduction in 2040 collapsed. In the draft Agreement a 25-30 percent reduction of farmers and cattle and loss of agricultural fields is foreseen in 2035. 

It could even be a reduction of 55-70 percent of farmers to transform the Netherlands together with Flanders and North-Rhine Westphalia in one region ‘Tristate city’ “a large green world city with 30 million inhabitants.” This is a concept that was introduced in 2016 as a marketing strategy, established as a place brand, and initiated by the private sector. The concept was found by visiting emerging markets in China. The opinion of thought leaders is that it will be a success, but there is no way of knowing this would be the case. 

When the new agreement is signed farmers need to fulfill 122 measures; most of them will not be able to meet them. Farmers are warning that if the eighth EU Nitrogen rule will be forced for the ability to grow vegetables and fruit, it will be impossible to continue farming. This year the use of certain crop protection spreads has become restricted in the Netherlands while other countries are allowed to use it. A 40 percent reduction in yield is expected. 

The only way out for farmers seems to be to accept the offer by the government to sell their ownings for 120 percent of the value with a restriction not to be allowed to start another farm within the EU area. Many farmers still refuse the offers made. ‘Even when they pay 400 percent of the value I won’t leave, my son is going to be the next generation farmer.’

The draft agreement does not present information on effects on farmers’ income and consumers’ behavior. The advisory report from Wageningen University and Research (WUR) writes that they cannot advise on this topic as they do not have the information. With the reduction of cattle, farming land and a transition to regenerative farming they will be able to meet the goals on climate change. However, 30,000 jobs will be lost and €6.5 billion of added value.

Remarkably, the role of Rabobank (originally derived from Boerenleenbank, a cooperative owned and run by farmers) which has been pushing investments by farmers for large-scale farming, while knowing for 30 years this strategy could harm the environment, has been kept out of the N2 debate in the Netherlands. A report published by Greenpeace explores the role of Rabobank. The minimum Rabobank (a bank for actively accelerating transitions for food, climate and finance) can do says Greenpeace is to contribute €3.1 billion in the N2 Fund. 

A Catastrophic Power by a Culture of Climate Hysteria 

Recently Rob Jetten, the Dutch minister for Climate and Energy Policy presented in parliament the net zero CO2 and nitrogen plan, which will cost €28 billion and would result in a 0.000036 degree Celsius reduction in temperature in 2050. A harmful and unrealistic plan for a problem that even does not exist. 

There is no climate emergency, over 500 eminent experts wrote in 2019 in an open letter to the United Nations. A research paper by Skrable et al, in Health Physics in 2022 concludes the increase in total CO2 due to the use of fossil fuels was much too low to be the cause of global warming. Another group of researchers found ice around Antarctica Thwaites Doomsday was eight times thinner around 8,000 years ago. 

Furthermore, the Nobel Prize winner in Physics in 2022, John F Clauser, says it is clear; there is no climate crisis. Climate crisis is based on scientific corruption, pseudo-science. Similarly, Greenpeace co-founder Dr Patrick Moore explains in his speeches ‘Carbon dioxide is the currency of life and the most important building block for all life on earth. It is not responsible for global warming. The whole debate on climate change is a fabrication.’

The European Court of Auditors stated in a recent report, ‘It is not clear if the suggested measures will be supportive to meet the climate goals.’ Probably the EU will not be able to meet their sustainability goals to reduce CO2 emission in 2030 by 55 percent. Unfortunately, the EU committed that they will be the first worldwide to be climate neutral. In the near future every EU citizen will have to pay for CO2 emissions via house, car, and company.

Gripped in a culture of climate catastrophism, society seems to allow to rip the work of generations of farmers and thousands of cattle being slaughtered while the real consequences are unknown and threatens us all. 

What is also conveniently overlooked in the climate debate against cows is the carbon cycle. CO2 is absorbed by grass during photosynthesis. Cows eat the grass produce methane-which is released into the atmosphere and breaks down into CO2 and H2O. And the cycle repeats itself. Basic biological knowledge that is learned at school and everybody knows. Livestock are highly needed for fertile lands. A healthy soil, the underpinning of cultivation throughout history is created in interaction between grazing animals and soil microbiology. Regenerative agriculture can sequester more carbon than humans are inventing.

A net zero CO2 policy in Sri Lanka has proven to be a disaster and ruined many farmers’ lives. The policy resulted in complete chaos and a setback in health, environment, and economy. 

In the Netherlands an increasing number of farmers a year commit suicide; the exact numbers are unknown. According to a recent investigation there was a 37 percent increase in 2020. Families are crying at the kitchen table daily.

Dutch citizens will be financing the €28 billion climate plan by extra taxes on food prices for example on milk products, meat, compounds for vegetation protection, and fertilizers while inflation is high and purchases are expensive. 

Also, a prepared law for zero taxes on vegetables and fruits to promote healthy foods supposed to pass for January 2024 seems to make a U-turn. According to a report from SEO Economic Research it will be too complex and too expensive and it is not sure the introduction of this law will promote health. However, keeping taxes on vegetables and fruit will generate €550-950 million in income for government. 

Overlooked Risks of Expensive Food Transitions 

A transition to ‘Food is Medicine’ initiatives is a strong promotion for the necessity to eat fully plant-based (vegan), bio-engineered food, lab-grown meat, and novel foods like edible insects. Fresh whole foods from farmers will be replaced by products derived from vertical farming, food grown in laboratories, and innovative Food Hubs.

According to the many start-ups and initiatives, it is necessary to solve diminishing resources and an insecurity for healthy nutritious and sustainable food for a fast-growing human population to 9 billion people in 2050. A future of food with low-footprint ingredients and technology that will bring a beautiful nature back into balance. A Global Food Forum of young people is accelerating the transition.

The Netherlands is leading this worldwide food transition funded by the private sector-run FoodvalleyNL, the World Economic Forum and Rockefeller Foundation, the EU, and the Dutch government. The secretariat and coordinating centre for various Food Hubs in the world is based at Wageningen University and Research (WUR). In 2050 we will eat less meat, eggs and dairy products and more chickpeas, crickets and chlorella; a movement for everyone, the WUR states.

A McKinsey report ‘Alternative proteins, the market share is on’ states leading alternative protein resources will be plant protein, insect protein, mycoprotein and cultured meat.

It is not a surprise that the world’s largest and leading insect company Protix, producing protein and fats from insects for feed and food for animals and humans, is based in the Netherlands.

The company was founded in 2009 by two consultants from McKinsey and attracted huge amounts of funding. Protix uses high-track control systems, artificial intelligence, genetic improvement programs, and robotics. The company received many awards, among them from the WEF. A circular frontrunner in the greenfield of insect-based foods. 

In the EU in the past few years Protix, Fair Insects, and CricketOne, a Vietnam-based company, gained approval for use of insects in human consumption. The growing number of insects authorized in the EU for sale in food including dietary supplements will not be required to carry special labels to distinguish them from other products the EU has confirmed despite protests from MEPs. 

Insect protein and fat can be found in products like paste, bread, ice creams, cakes, and more. The argument is that before insects can become a large-scale food product for humans in the Western world, insects should be turned into an appealing product. For several years start-ups in food transition products like hamburgers from cultivated crickets have been supported by the EU and government in the Netherlands. 

According to the Dutch Platform De Krekerij is the most sustainable fast food on the planet. One kg of cricket meat uses 85 percent less food, 90 percent less land and 95 percent less water than one kg of beef. 

Green gas emission from farming insects would be 100 times lower than those from pigs and cattle. However, a position paper of the Eurogroup for animals says insect farming is a false solution for the EU’s food system. Industrial animal farming for food should be replaced rather than having insect protein as another form of industrial farming.

Although more than 2,000 edible insects caught in the forests or agricultural fields have been consumed for thousands of years all over the world, there is hardly any knowledge on consuming insects cultivated in plastic boxes in fabrics. Impacts on various aspects, governing the cultivating and production methods of insects and issues on upscaling, on health, and the environment have not been investigated in the short and long term. ‘Little is known about the food chain leading edible insects from farm to plate and on their role in human and planet wellbeing says the editorial Edible Insects: From Farm to Fork.

In a report in 2022 the FAO documented possible food safety issues with edible insects. Among them are allergen cross-reactivity, biological safety hazards as bacteria, viruses, fungi as well as chemical contaminants (toxins (myco), PFAS, pesticides, antibiotics, toxic metals, flame retardation, cyanogenic glycosides). Especially for undernourished children and people with a weakened immune system, eating insects might be a risk factor. The EFSA report for CricketOne is warning of a possible negative impact on both the innate and adaptive immune system.

A research paper on edible insects versus meat shows that the content of individual nutrients in both insects and meat varies significantly. Both are rich in nutrients for development and functioning of the human body. Some foods might exacerbate diet-related health problems while others may be effective in treatments. However, studies on eating insect products versus meat on health are still lacking. 

Around the myth of cultured meat It remains to be seen whether the production of artificial meat will be enough to be competitive in comparison with conventional meat. It is still in its infancy. Analysis found that lab-grown meat made from cultivated stem cells could be 25 times worse for the climate than beef if current production methods are scaled up because they are still highly energy-intensive.

Another threat for traditional farming in the EU conversation is the industrial lobby owning 10,000 patents boosting the use of gene-edited crops (CRISPR-Cas) as a solution to climate change and biodiversity. Recent research by the EU and the Global Biodiversity Framework are likely to foster the use of CRISPR-Cas as a solution to not only climate change but also biodiversity conversion. Also WUR scientists expect the EU will change the rules this year with smarter governance for the benefits of society and environment. 

The debate on gene-editing for crops instead of classical natural crossings for crops is not new and has been used by Monsanto. The use of the gene-edited seeds has been expensive for many farmers. Biological farmers are concerned that farmers will become dependent on multinationals and natural classical solutions will no longer be effective. The balance with nature will be destroyed. Plants are interconnected with soil, animals and humans. The long-term effects of combining various gene-edited plants and foods are not known. Moreover human gene-editing is still controversial and the effects of eating the gene-edited plants and fruits on animals and humans is not known. 

It is clear that when evaluating the food transition to veganism, gene-edited plants, soil fertilizers converting biodiversity, increased irrigation technologies, and edible insects, the intended transition has many risks in the short and long term for humans, animals, plants, and the planet. 

A ‘Rich’ Country in Famine and Lack of Care 

The Healthcare system in the Netherlands has been ranking for years as the best in Europe. In 2020 the Dutch healthcare system was ranked as the number three most innovative in the world.

Unfortunately, in a country with 17.8 million people, approximately 2 million people do not get the care they need, and 1.2 million people are living below poverty. Around 148,000 citizens visit a food bank. Poverty is expected to rise to 5.8 percent.

In 2021 30.9 percent of men and 35.9 percent of women (age > 16 years) experienced one or more chronic diseases. This is expected to increase to around 7 million in 2030. During the last few years a strong increase in heart problems has taken place, and one in ten persons in the Netherlands experiences heart problems. 

After three years of pandemic measures and limited care, healthcare is confronted with a population with an increasing number of elderly people, people with more chronic diseases, rising mental problems, increased feelings of stress, fear, and loneliness, more people dying as expected, shortness of nurses, increased sickness leaves, low salaries, inflation, high prices for energy and food, and more people being undernourished. People are leaving the healthcare system, and 37 percent experience moral conflicts. Doctor visits are replaced by telemedicine or done by people with less professional education. 

The number of people on waiting lists for urgent care in nursing homes is increasing and surgeries have been postponed. CEO’s of healthcare organisations have started to hire nurses from Indonesia and India as sufficient Dutch nurses are not available or prefer to work as an independent nurse. In 2032 a shortness of 137,000 nurses is expected. Furthermore, shortness of family doctors (35 -45 percent ) is on the rise. Telemedicine and efforts on the implemention of technological support for big data and AI are pushed forward by the minister of Healthcare.

Large academic hospitals have started AI labs. Personal medical information files will become more easily available among different care organisations and within the EU. Special acute care will be concentrated in fewer hospitals. 

CEO’s of healthcare organizations with nursing homes and homes for the disabled have written an open letter to the minister that the current situation will drive organisations into bankruptcy. The risk for Dutch women to become burnt out or lose their paid work to replace with unpaid voluntary care is near. 

Prices for mandated private health insurance increase due to inflation. During the pandemic billions have been thrown away for unsafe and ineffective and even harmful measures. But, politicians in the Netherlands don’t see it as a priority to evaluate the policies as they have postponed the pandemic inquiry. Trust in politics in the Netherlands is at an all-time low.

Preventing Famine 

It is the UN report that appeared in April 2023 that needs to be on the front page of all media worldwide. “Globally the consumption of animal source foods including, meat, eggs and milk can help to reduce stunting, wasting and overweight amongst children.” 

“This is a significant gap given the co-existence of micronutrient deficiencies with overweight, obesity and Non-Communicable Disease.”

At least one in ten people and one in three children worldwide is malnourished. This is presumably much more when various grades of deficiencies are considered. While it is known that most non-communicable diseases can be prevented and restored, it is unacceptable given the co-existence with deficiencies that malnutrition and even hunger and famine may increase when EU policies will be forced into the agriculture and healthcare system in the Netherlands. 

The Netherlands owes generations of hard-working farmers and fishermen a solution to the problem of famine and a restoration of lower cost of healthcare. A cooperation between farmers, fishermen, and medical doctors for good nutritious whole food and loving care will be a strategy less costly, safe, better for soil and the immune system, and more successful. This will be the way that needs to be followed to regain trust and wealth. 


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Carla Peeters is founder and managing director of COBALA Good Care Feels Better. She obtained a PhD in Immunology from the Medical Faculty of Utrecht, studied Molecular Sciences at Wageningen University and Research, and followed a four-year course in Higher Nature Scientific Education with a specialization in medical laboratory diagnostics and research. She studied at various business schools including London Business School, INSEAD and Nyenrode Business School. She worked for 15 years as an interim manager of change in healthcare of which several years as an interim CEO guiding to less sick leaves, improved quality of care and income.

Featured image is from Shutterstock

Estados Unidos: Democracias de cartón

July 15th, 2023 by Jorge Majfud

Global Research Editor’s Note

At this juncture in our history, the dangers of a nuclear war are real. 

Nuclear war is on the drawing board of the Pentagon. The use of nuclear weapons against Russia is contemplated. 

The following message by Fidel Castro against Nuclear War was recorded more than twelve years ago on October 15, 2010: 

There would be “collateral damage”, as the American political and military leaders always affirm, to justify the deaths of innocent people.

In a nuclear war the “collateral damage” would be the life of all humanity.

Let us have the courage to proclaim that all nuclear or conventional weapons, everything that is used to make war, must disappear!

Fidel Castro Ruz, October 15, 2010

Below is the full text of this brief and forceful message as well the video recording.

This important message was based on Fidel Castro’s analysis and understanding of the dangers of military escalation including US threats to use nuclear weapons on a pre-emptive basis.

It was recorded on the last day of our meetings in October 2010 by Cuba Debate and Global Research. 

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, September 27, 2022, July 15, 2023




The use of nuclear weapons in a new war would mean the end of humanity. This was candidly foreseen by scientist Albert Einstein who was able to measure their destructive capability to generate millions of degrees of heat, which would vaporize everything within a wide radius of action. This brilliant researcher had promoted the development of this weapon so that it would not become available to the genocidal Nazi regime.

Fidel Castro and Michel Chossudovsky, Havana, October 2010

Each and every government in the world has the obligation to respect the right to life of each and every nation and of the totality of all the peoples on the planet.

Today there is an imminent risk of war with the use of that kind of weapon and I don’t harbour the least doubt that an attack by the United States and Israel against the Islamic Republic of Iran would inevitably evolve towards a global nuclear conflict.

The World’s peoples have an obligation to demand of their political leaders their Right to Live. When the life of humankind, of your people and your most beloved human beings run such a risk, nobody can afford to be indifferent; not one minute can be lost in demanding respect for that right; tomorrow will be too late.

Albert Einstein himself stated unmistakably: “I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones”. We fully comprehend what he wanted to convey, and he was absolutely right, yet in the wake of a global nuclear war, there wouldn’t be anybody around to make use of those sticks and stones.

There would be “collateral damage”, as the American political and military leaders always affirm, to justify the deaths of innocent people.

In a nuclear war the “collateral damage” would be the life of all humanity.

Let us have the courage to proclaim that all nuclear or conventional weapons, everything that is used to make war, must disappear!

Fidel Castro Ruz

October 15, 2010


(Originally Published on Remembrance Day, November 11, 2022)

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“Volodymyr, in the years I’ve known you, I’ve always thought of you as a champion for democracy, and now, democracies around the world, are lucky to have you as our champion.”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (March 15, 2022) [1]


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In a statement, published by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Captain (Retd) Andre Sochaniwsky, CD, President of the Ukrainian War Veterans Association of Canada said the following:

“As Ukrainians, we honour the brave members of Ukraine’s Armed Forces who defend Ukraine from Russia’s genocidal war. Ukraine fights for the freedom and peace that we in Canada are so fortunate to enjoy.” [2]

These words were published in defence of the organization’s tribute to Remembrance Day, the annual period of reflection saluting and honouring the men and women who have fallen in battle in the multiple wars fought during the twentieth century and beyond, These individuals carry the distinction of fighting for our democracy and freedom and for the values we hold dear.

The irony of course, is that not only are the Ukrainian soldiers fighting for a government that is taking control of news reporting, imprisoned journalists without trial, and banned all opposition parties in the Ukrainian parliament. The governing party of Ukraine was put in place following a coup enabled by the U.S. and EU. When regions of eastern Ukraine resisted these radical changes in power, they were subjected to “anti-terrorist” actions by the government and over 10,000 residents killed over the next four years.

The sad reality is that the ultra-nationalist groups, which honoured figures like Stepan Bandera, a collaborator with Adolf Hitler, have made a come back in Ukraine. These are the figures now being assisted by Canada at a time when we revere the brave people who fell in war against figures…like Hitler.

Codifying the complex realities of war into the figure of a handsome young soldier is clearly a vehicle for overcoming the resistance to the multiple lacerations of the spirit which is an inevitable consequence. But now we find ourselves rendering assistance to those we once considered so malevolent that their defeat was seen as a target of the one necessary evil that is war.

On this special episode of the Global Research News Hour, we highlight the background of the elements which reign in Ukraine at the present moment and determine how Canadians can respect Remembrance Day as a tribute to not just “honoring soldiers” but also put an end to war.

In our first half hour, we hear from writer and researcher Marco Carynnyk about the associations of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), their pogroms against Jews, and elements of the group that exist today, In our second half hour, we play a series of testimonies by some of the signatories of a petition calling on the Canadian Federal Government to stop funding Eastern European ethnonationalist associations that whitewash their forebear’s complicity in the Holocaust and other crimes against humanity. (The petition is available for signing here.)

 Marco Carynnyk is a Research Fellow based in Toronto, Canada. While in residence at the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, Mr. Carynnyk conducted research on his project, “The Pogroms of June-July 1941”. Drawing on archival research, published sources, and interviews with survivors, he sought to analyze how survivors and witnesses have remembered these events, to offer a new explanation of the pogroms, and to shed new light on the pogroms of June-July 1941.

(Global Research News Hour Episode 368)


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The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM out of the University of Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at .

Other stations airing the show:

CIXX 106.9 FM, broadcasting from Fanshawe College in London, Ontario. It airs Sundays at 6am.

WZBC 90.3 FM in Newton Massachusetts is Boston College Radio and broadcasts to the greater Boston area. The Global Research News Hour airs during Truth and Justice Radio which starts Sunday at 6am.

Campus and community radio CFMH 107.3fm in  Saint John, N.B. airs the Global Research News Hour Fridays at 7pm.

CJMP 90.1 FM, Powell River Community Radio, airs the Global Research News Hour every Saturday at 8am. 

Caper Radio CJBU 107.3FM in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia airs the Global Research News Hour starting Wednesday afternoon from 3-4pm.

Cowichan Valley Community Radio CICV 98.7 FM serving the Cowichan Lake area of Vancouver Island, BC airs the program Thursdays at 9am pacific time.



A 200 años de la infame “Doctrina” Monroe

July 14th, 2023 by Homar Garcés

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Is Turkey’s Alliance with Russia in Jeopardy?

July 14th, 2023 by Aydin Sezer

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Turkey’s foreign policy has changed 180° recently. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accepted Sweden joining NATO even though Sweden allowed the burning of the Quran. President Erdogan has also shifted his Alliances from Moscow to Washington.

Steven Sahiounie of MidEastDiscource interviewed Aydin Sezer, political scientist, foreign policy analyst, former diplomat, and economic advisor at the Turkish Embassies in Cairo and Moscow to get the backstory of all the new developments of Turkey and turkies foreign policy.

Steven Sahiounie (SS): President Erdogan has apparently turned his back on his Alliance with Russia and has turned back towards the West. Recently we heard a Russian official say that Turkey is no longer considered a friend and an ally. In your opinion will this new tension between Erdogan and Putin affect the Ukraine grain deal?

Aydin Sezer (AS): I believe there is no link between the recent political developments and the Turkey-Russia-Ukraine grain deal. Because Russia has stated for months that it will not extend the grain agreement.

Turkey’s NATO relations and Sweden’s membership in NATO do not necessarily imply that Turkey is moving westward. Turkey, as a NATO member, would have taken this step regardless. Russia is more concerned with Sweden and Finland’s NATO membership than with Turkey’s behavior. Let us not forget that Russia’s relations with NATO member Turkey are far more important. 

It is the only source of contention in Turkish-Russian relations. Extradition of AZOV militants to Ukraine by Turkey. However, this problem is unlikely to cause any harm.

SS: Turkey and Russia had an agreement from 2019 to open the M4 highway from Latakia to Aleppo however, Turkey never delivered on its promise. In your view why did Turkey make agreements with Russia concerning Idlib that Turkey never intended fulfilled?

AS: Yes, the Idlib accords have not been met. This is correct, but cooperation in the other parts of Syria (Afrin, southeast) has kept Turkey and Russia together in Syria. Not to mention that the bilateral relations between Turkey and Russia allowed the Idlib problem to be moved to the second or even third plan. 

The main issue in Idlib is that Turkey has not only failed to carry out the task assigned to it in Astana, namely distinguishing between moderate armed opposition and terrorists, but has also been accused by Assad of supporting terrorists.

SS: Erdogan has instituted new economic measures such as increasing taxes and media reports that the Turkish people are very unhappy with increase prices and taxes. In your opinion will Erdogan lose supports so soon after an election?

AS: I don’t think Erdogan will lose support because he won the elections despite the country’s long-running economic crisis. Erdogan has a long five-year term ahead of him, even if the new economic policies spark public outrage.

SS: President Erdogan had made very serious statements after the burning of the Quran in Sweden and yet we see he has now reversed his position and has allowed Sweden to join NATO. In your opinion did America promise President Erdogan with EU membership if he would accept Sweden part of NATO?

AS: First and foremost, I must state that Turkey’s NATO membership cannot be linked to its European Union membership. This is a statement made by Erdogan for the Turkish citizen on the street, and it is technically impossible for Biden to make such a promise. It is unthinkable for the United States to put pressure on the EU on this issue. The United States can only express its intentions.

SS: Turkey appers to be focused on repairing a very broken relationship with America. In your opinion how will Turkey be able to reconcile these differences with America while America continues to support and defend the SDF and YPG who are directly tied with the PKK a terrorist organization that hase killed 30 thousand Turks in last 3 decade?

AS: Relations between Turkey and the United States are not easily repaired today. These are more serious structural issues. Turkey is still in the process of establishing contact with the United States. Only on the margins of international summits can Erdogan and Biden meet.

Unfortunately, Turkey has come to accept the United States’ support for terrorism in Syria. Relations are unlikely to improve in the near future, in my opinion. Another major issue for the US is Turkey’s Russia policy. Let us not forget that Turkey is still subject to US sanctions. It has been kicked out of the F-35 program and sanctioned by Caatsa.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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NATO has no place in Asia and should stick to its original focus, that is the security of the Transatlantic region, former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating has argued. The Labour politician, who served in office from 1991 to 1996, also warned against attempts to “circumscribe” China. 

In his statement published on Sunday, Keating appeared to refer to a recent report in Politico, which claimed French President Emmanuel Macron had blocked NATO’s plans to establish a liaison office in Japan.  

The former premier lauded the French head of state for “doing the world a service” by apparently emphasizing the military bloc’s focus on Europe and the Atlantic. 

According to Keating, the alliance’s very existence past the end of the Cold War “has already denied peaceful unity to the broader Europe.”

Exporting such “malicious poison to Asia would be akin to Asia welcoming the plague upon itself,” he insisted. The former prime minister warned that NATO’s presence on the continent would negate most of the region’s recent advances.  

Keating went on to describe NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg as the “supreme fool” on the international stage who is conducting himself like an “American agent.” 

He cited a comment Stoltenberg made back in February when he called for the West not to repeat the “mistake” it had made with regard to Russia, suggesting it should work to contain China.

The former Australian leader noted that the NATO chief conveniently ignored the fact that “China represents twenty per cent of humanity and now possesses the largest economy in the world.” He added that Beijing, unlike Washington, “has no record of attacking other states.” 

Over the weekend, Politico cited an anonymous Elysee Palace official who claimed that Paris is against NATO expansion beyond the North Atlantic. “NATO means North Atlantic Treaty Organization,” the French presidential staffer reportedly emphasized.  

Back in May, the Japanese ambassador to the US, Koji Tomita, revealed that his country was working toward opening a NATO liaison office in Tokyo, which would become the bloc’s first in Asia. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida confirmed the plans to Japanese lawmakers, noting that Tokyo did not intend to join the US-led organization.

Commenting on the news, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning advised NATO against “extending its geopolitical reach.” The diplomat pointed out that the “Asia-Pacific does not welcome bloc confrontation or military blocs.” 


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Washington is encouraging Russia to wipe out the US in a desperate act of self-preservation.

Russian lawmakers have completed an investigation into Washington’s military-related biological activities at laboratories across Ukraine on the basis of findings made public by Russia’s Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Troops over the past year.

Washington is working on a “universal” genetically engineered bioweapon designed to cause severe damage to enemies comparable to that of a “nuclear winter,” a Russian parliamentary commission investigating US biolabs in Ukraine has concluded.

“The United States aims to develop a universal genetically engineered biological weapon capable of infecting not only people, but animals as well as agricultural crops. Its use involves, among other things, the goal of inflicting large-scale and irreparable economic damage on the enemy,” the commission wrote in its final report.

“The covert and targeted use of such a weapon in anticipation of a positive inevitable direct military confrontation could create a significant advantage for US forces over the adversary, even against those who possess other types of weapons of mass destruction,” the commission added. “The possession of such highly effective biological weapons creates, in the view of the US military, the real prerequisites to change the nature of contemporary armed conflicts.”

See this

The question is: what is Putin going to do? Is he going to sit on his butt as in Ukraine and let the threat to Russia widen, or will he decide to protect Russia from Washington?

At some point even a liberal Kremlin will realize that there is no mutual security to be had with a country committed to Russia’s destruction.


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research! 

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 102

PDF Edition:  $6.50 (sent directly to your email account!)

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.


“This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of US wars since ‘9-11’ against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of ‘freedom and democracy’.”
John McMurtry, Professor of Philosophy, Guelph University

“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute   

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While everybody else is distracted, the globalists are making absolutely enormous moves. Previously, I have written about the UN’s new worldwide system for cracking down on “misinformation” and about their desire to implement a global system of digital identification that is tied to our bank accounts. I realize that these things sound really wild, but they aren’t being done in secret. In fact, the globalists are very proud of what they are doing. But only a small percentage of the population is even aware of this insidious agenda that they are pushing through, and so there is very little debate about it.

Ultimately, the globalists want to create a system that would literally give them total control of everything.

Sadly, I am not exaggerating one bit.

For example, the Bank for International Settlements has released a “blueprint” that calls for the creation of a “unified ledger” that would eventually record ownership of all assets on the entire planet. The following is an extended excerpt from that “blueprint” which comes directly from the official website of the BIS

This chapter presents a blueprint for a future monetary system that harnesses the potential of tokenisation to improve the old and enable the new. The key elements of the blueprint are CBDCs, tokenised deposits and other tokenised claims on financial and real assets. The blueprint envisages these elements being brought together in a new type of financial market infrastructure (FMI) – a “unified ledger“.4 The full benefits of tokenisation could be harnessed in a unified ledger due to the settlement finality that comes from central bank money residing in the same venue as other claims. Leveraging trust in the central bank, a shared venue of this kind has great potential to enhance the monetary and financial system.

A unified ledger transforms the way that intermediaries interact to serve end users. Through programmability and the platform’s ability to bundle transactions (“composability”), a unified ledger allows sequences of financial transactions to be automated and seamlessly integrated. This reduces the need for manual interventions and reconciliations that arise from the traditional separation of messaging, clearing and settlement, thereby eliminating delays and uncertainty. The ledger also supports simultaneous and instantaneous settlement, reducing settlement times and credit risks. Settlement in central bank money ensures the singleness of money and payment finality.

Moreover, by having “everything in one place”, a unified ledger provides a setting in which a broader array of contingent actions can be automatically executed to overcome information and incentive problems. In this way, tokenisation could expand the universe of possible contracting outcomes. The unified ledger thus opens the way for entirely new types of economic arrangement that are impossible today due to incentive and informational frictions. The eventual transformation of the financial system will be limited only by the imagination and ingenuity of developers that build on the system, much as the ecosystem of smartphone apps has far exceeded the expectations of the platform builders themselves.

So who would be in control of this “unified ledger”?

Needless to say, it would be the globalists.

And as Mike Adams has pointed out, this would mean that “your ownership of assets can be revoked or altered at any time”…

This new plan describes an orwellian, globalist-run “unified ledger” that records the ownership of all assets (checking accounts, real estate, bonds, stocks, etc.) on a centralized exchange run by globalists. All assets will be “tokenized,” a process that the BIS describes as, “recording claims on financial or real assets that exist on a traditional ledger on a programmable platform.”

This unified ledger will feature “programmable” entries, meaning that your ownership of assets can be revoked or altered at any time, according to the social engineering desires of the globalists.

Ownership of all assets on the entire planet would be determined by their “unified ledger”, and so if you are a really bad boy or girl they could go in and simply transfer ownership of everything that is yours to someone else.

With just a few clicks, you would “own nothing” and would become a total outcast.

Of course this is just one element of the globalist agenda.

They also want to give the UN unprecedented emergency powers at the “Summit of the Future” in September 2024

The powerful United Nations is now seeking to increase its influence worldwide by seizing global “emergency” powers, and President Joe Biden supports their proposal.

Interestingly, the U.N. proposal would begin September 2024, a mere two months before a highly anticipated general election in the U.S.

The global organization will host a “Summit of the Future” where associated nations will adopt a so-called “Pact for the Future.”

The Pact for the Future includes a provision which will create an “emergency platform” for the United Nations whenever a major “global shock” is deemed to have occurred.

So if there is another global pandemic, a world war, an economic collapse or some other sort of worldwide emergency, the United Nations would suddenly be telling everyone what to do

The emergency platform would provide the international body with power over all nations in times of distress.

Such power, according to the U.N., is needed to “[e]nsure that all participating actors make commitments that can contribute meaningfully to the response and that they are held to account for delivery on those commitments.”

According to the U.N.’s policy proposal, the secretary-general could extend the emergency platform, if need be, despite its duration being set for a “finite period.” Such a decision would be made without the consent of any member nations.

Do you really want the UN to have that sort of power?

Unfortunately, Joe Biden and his minions fully support this proposal.

Biden has a long history of doing whatever the globalists want, and so this is probably why they are trying to rush this through before the next U.S. presidential election.

At this point, Biden is a shell of his former self. He has degenerated into a crazy old man that regularly shouts obscenities at random staff members…

President Joe Biden, behind closed doors, has a temper that sees him yelling at staff and shouting obscenities, a new report on Monday revealed.

In fact, his temper is so bad that some staff try to avoid meting alone with him or bring along a colleague to help defuse the situation, Axios reported.

With such a weak leader in the White House, the globalists see an opportunity to advance their agenda like never before.

And if they get their way, our entire society will be completely turned upside down.

Let me leave you with one more example. A globalist organization called the Arup Group that has close ties to the World Economic Forum is actually proposing a complete and total end to private car ownership

On construction, cities need to change what types of buildings and infrastructure are built as well as what materials are used. On transport, private car ownership needs to end and the shared vehicles that replace it have to use less materials and be longer lasting. Urban residents will also need to adopt a largely plant-based diet, mostly replace flying with less energy-intensive forms of long-distance transport, change how clothes and textiles are consumed and keep electronics and household appliances for longer.

These people are insane, but they are going to keep pushing the envelope until someone stops them.

If you plan to object to what they are doing, you should take a stand while you still have the freedom to do so.

We are living during one of the most critical times in all of human history, and we need men and women of courage that are willing to speak the truth.

Because lies and deception are seemingly everywhere these days, and darkness is growing all around us at a pace that is absolutely staggering.


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Michael’s new book entitled “End Times” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.

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An Israeli whistleblower was indicted by the Biden administration days after detailing extraordinary allegations against the Biden family.

Dr. Gal Luft, the “missing witness” from the Biden corruption investigation, told the NY Post last week that he was arrested in Cyprus to stop him from testifying in front of the House Oversight Committee that the Biden family received payments from individuals linked to Chinese military intelligence, and that they had an FBI mole who shared classified information with the Biden benefactors from the China-controlled energy company CEFC.

“I told the DOJ that Hunter was associated with a very senior retired FBI official who had a distinct physical characteristic—he had one eye,” Luft said.

That FBI official is widely believed to be former FBI Director Louis Freeh, who gave $100,000 to a trust for two of then-Vice President Joe Biden’s grandchildren in 2016 shortly before telling Hunter, “I would be delighted to do future work with you.

Now, Biden’s DOJ has charged Luft with failing to register under the Foreign Agents Act (FARA), as well as Iranian sanctions violations. He’s alleged to have conspired with others to act in China’s interest, including recruiting and paying a former high ranking U.S. government official to support policies beneficial to China.

Luft was also charged with conspiracy to illegally sell weapons to Chinese individuals and companies, as well as aerial bombs and rockets to the UAE, Chinese weapons to Kenya, and Iranian oil to other countries in violation of sanctions.

He was initially arrested Feb. 17 in Cyprus, but fled after being released on bail. He faces up to 100 years in prison if convicted.

“As alleged, the defendant engaged in multiple schemes to evade sanctions and laws intended to protect our national security,” said FBI Acting Assistant Director in Charge, Christie m. Curtis.

As the Epoch Times notes:

Mr. Luft had been an advisor to CEFC China Energy, and told FBI prosecutors in Brussels in 2019 that CEFC had given Mr. Hunter Biden and his uncle James Biden monthly payments of $100,000 and $65,000 in exchange for using their names to promote Chinese business interests, according to the Post.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) said on Fox News recently that Mr. Luft should have the opportunity to testify on this case before Congress.

“He’s an important witness,” Mr. Johnson said.

House Republicans have been probing the financial dealings of the Biden family amid allegations cited by House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer that Mr. Hunter Biden received at least $15 million from foreign nationals.

The House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith says Mr. Hunter Biden is alleged to have received more than $17 million from sources in Ukraine, Romania, and China.

Earlier this year, an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) whistleblower came forth with allegations of government abuse from the Justice Department and IRS, showing preferential treatment for the U.S. President’s son.

U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware David Weiss and Attorney General Merrick Garland have denied these claims.

Mr. Hunter Biden is also involved in an ongoing lawsuit and countersuit involving the laptop he abandoned in a Delaware computer repair shop.

John Paul Mac Isaac, the repairman, sued Mr. Hunter Biden last year for $1.5 million in damages, alleging defamation.

Mr. Mac Isaac says Mr. Hunter Biden’s claims that the laptop had been stolen or hacked included a narrative that Mr. Mac Isaac was party to a Russian disinformation campaign. 

And of course, look at who’s helping the Biden regime:

For a condensed and quality rundown, click into the below tweet:


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Baltic Sea Labelled “NATO Lake” After Summit in Vilnius

July 14th, 2023 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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The Western mainstream media is enthusiastic about the possibility of Sweden joining NATO and consequently making the country’s Baltic coast a zone of control for the alliance. Analysts are saying that the West’s moves in Vilnius have made the Baltic Sea a “NATO lake”. The words are bold and somewhat inaccurate, as they do not seem to adequately echo the actual strategic situation in the region.

On July 13, Politico published an article about how Russia would be at a disadvantage in the Baltic after an eventual Swedish entry into the alliance. The article states that with the addition of Finnish and Swedish militaries the Baltic will become a region of absolute Western control, where Russia will have no room for maneuvers and will be heavily affected in case there is a conflict in the future.

“[Sweden and Finland] make NATO much more geographically coherent. The Baltic Sea becomes a NATO lake, which is generally useful, also because of the Arctic’s increased importance”, Ulrike Franke, a senior fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, told Politico’s journalists.

In the same vein, Kristine Berzina, managing director for the German Marshall Fund’s Geostrategy North, stated:

“You need to have enough in place that, in case of a Crimea or a Ukrainian scenario, there’s actual ability to defend territory (…) With Finland and Sweden in, and [the Swedish Baltic island of] Gotland so close to Kaliningrad, in case of highly unlikely yet possible aggression from Russia, Russia cannot use the sea to its strategic advantage as it could right now.”

In fact, the words of journalists and analysts echo NATO’s official position. On the same day that the Politico article was published, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated at a press conference in Vilnius:

“Sweden has a strong, professional, well-trained defense and is strategically located at the Baltic Sea … The borders with Norway and Finland allow for better coordination of land troops. In addition, there is Sweden’s Navy in the Baltic Sea … The entire territory of Sweden is of interest.”

In fact, despite commenting on a real problem for Russia – its disadvantaged situation in the Baltic Sea -, Western analyzes seem too outdated and banal. For example, this Russian disadvantage in the region did not start now, but between 1999 and 2004, when, breaking the promise of non-expansion, NATO granted access to Poland and the Baltics. During the Cold War, the USSR had a status of control in the Baltic, as only West Germany and Denmark – in the extreme west of the Sea – were members of NATO. But since the end of the 1990s the scenario has been reversed and Russia is indeed at a disadvantage.

NATO’s presence in the region has always been favored by Sweden and Finland, which have always been extremely politically, economically, militarily and culturally integrated to the Collective West, regardless of formal affiliation to NATO. For Moscow, as emphasized several times, the entry of Sweden and Finland into the military alliance means nothing, since both countries were already de facto members of the Collective West, with the admission sounding like a mere bureaucratic procedure. So, the Russian disadvantage in the Baltic will not be really increased by this.

However, it must be emphasized that Russia’s situation of disadvantage in the Baltic is of little significance because Moscow, as explained in several official declarations, does not have a foreign policy focused on Western Europe, but on its own strategic environment in the East. Russia does not see NATO’s presence in the Baltic Sea as a threat as big as the one posed by the alliance in Kiev. Ukraine is historically, ethnically and culturally part of the Russian civilization, in addition to its borders being at short distance from Moscow – a different scenario from that of the Baltic and Scandinavian nations.

Russia is only interested in the military presence in the Baltic from a defensive point of view. In other words, if NATO launches an aggression against the country, Moscow will use all possible means to reverse its disadvantage in the region by gaining territorial control. In this scenario, the naval environment will not be the only one relevant, according to some specialists, and Russia will be able to use its land and air forces to neutralize the hostile countries in the region.

American war veteran and former UN inspector Scott Ritter, for example, commented on the topic on his social networks, stating that

“[In case of war] The Baltics will be overrun, Finnish coast occupied, Sweden neutralized. You [Western analysts] focus on the sea; a future war will be won on the ground and in the air.”

In this sense, the Western media’s belief that the Baltic Sea has become a “NATO lake” seems irresponsible and illogical optimism. It is a complex and disputed scenario in which Russia has been at a disadvantage for years, but over which it could regain control in a scenario of open conflict, where it would be able to use all its land and air forces in combination with its fortified navy from the Kaliningrad exclave. Furthermore, it must be remembered that in the North there is the Arctic, an area of great Russian presence, which would certainly help to reduce the effects of a “western siege” in this hypothetical scenario.

This, however, would only happen in case of an aggression from NATO, as Russia has no plans to expand to the West.


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Lucas Leiroz is a journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.

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Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, drawing from his country’s painful history with war remnants, has appealed to Ukraine not to utilize cluster bombs after the United States, the country behind his nation’s sufferings to this day, announced its intention to provide such weapons to Kiev.

Hun Sen highlighted Cambodia’s “painful experience” with US-dropped cluster munitions in the 1970s, which continue to cause casualties to this date. Stressing the potential long-term dangers and humanitarian repercussions, he urged both the US and Ukrainian presidents to refrain from employing these weapons, expressing empathy for the people who would ultimately suffer the consequences.

“It has been more than half a century. There have been no means to destroy them all yet,” Hun Sen added.

“I appeal to the US president as the supplier and the Ukrainian president as the recipient not to use cluster bombs in the war because the real victims will be Ukrainians,” he said.

The US has allegedly received assurances from Kiev regarding the mitigation of civilian risks, but the decision remains contentious among humanitarian organizations. Cambodia, itself heavily affected by landmines and unexploded ordnance, continues its ongoing clearance efforts with the aim of eliminating all mines and ordnance by 2025.

Earlier today, Germany’s President Frank-Walter Steinmeier stated that while his country opposes the use of cluster munitions, Berlin should not obstruct the United States from sending them to Kiev in the current situation.

“Germany’s position against the use of cluster munitions is as justified as ever. But we cannot, in the current situation, block the United States,” said President Frank-Walter Steinmeier in an interview for German broadcaster ZDF.

Steinmeier claimed that if Ukraine loses support or means of defense, it could lead to the country’s demise.

“It would be the end of Ukraine,” he stated.

The United States recently announced new military aid, including cluster munitions, to “assist Ukraine”, causing wide criticism from NGOs and embarrassment for some European nations.

Cluster munitions, which disperse multiple small explosive charges, are banned by several countries, including European signatories of the 2008 Oslo Convention.

Steinmeier, who had signed the convention as Germany’s foreign affairs minister, reportedly expressed the need to support the victims of the war.

Russia already warned the US against sending the cluster munitions to Ukraine, and Russian Ambassador to the UN Vassily Nebenzia argued it would count as a bigger step toward escalating the conflict.

Late last month, the US military said despite it being banned by most countries, supplying Ukraine with cluster bombs could be useful against Russia.

A flashback

Ukrainian forces have been using cluster bombs since 2015 in battles against the republics of Lugansk and Donetsk. They fired such munitions on Donetsk on March 14, killing 20 people and wounding 37 others.

A report by The New York Times has recently revealed that Ukrainian troops fired cluster munitions, banned by 110 countries around the world, on a Ukrainian village.

The cluster bombs that the Ukrainian forces used against a village populated with civilians on their own territory are banned by countries around the world for their capacity to haphazardly kill innocent civilians, according to the Convention on Cluster Munitions. Almost 20% of these munitions fail to detonate on impact and remain a threat to civilians long after hostilities end, killing and maiming them indiscriminately.

Ukrainian forces have committed multiple war crimes in the form of deliberate attacks against civilian targets, massacres of civilians, torture of POWs, and indiscriminate attacks in densely populated areas.


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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs categorically rejects the entry into Guantanamo Bay, on July 5, 2023, of a nuclear-powered submarine that remained until July 8 at the U.S. military base located there, which constitutes a provocative escalation by the United States, whose political or strategic motives are unknown.

As is known, the U.S. military base has occupied that territory of 117 square kilometers for 121 years, against the will of the Cuban people and as a colonial remnant of the illegitimate military occupation of our country that began in 1898, after the expansionist intervention in the war of independence of the Cubans against the Spanish colonial power.

It is an enclave that for many years has lacked strategic or military importance for the United States. Its permanence only responds to the political objective of trying to outrage the sovereign rights of Cuba. Its practical use in recent decades has been reduced to serving as a center for detention, torture and systematic violation of the human rights of dozens of citizens from various countries.

The presence of a nuclear submarine there at this time forces us to question what is the military reason for its presence in this peaceful region of the world, against what objective it is directed and what strategic purpose it is pursuing.

It should be remembered that the 33 nations of the region are signatories of the Declaration of Latin America and the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace, signed in Havana in January 2014.

It is also important to take into account that, as a threat to the sovereignty and interests of the Latin American and Caribbean peoples, the United States has established more than 70 military bases in the region, with varying degrees of permanence, plus other operational forms of military presence. Its senior military commanders have made public reference in recent times to the intention of using its military might to secure U.S. ambitions over the natural resources of Latin America and the Caribbean.

The Ministry, in reiterating its rejection of the U.S. military presence in Cuba and its demand for the return of the illegally occupied territory in the province of Guantanamo, warns of the danger posed by the presence and movement of nuclear submarines of the U.S. armed forces in the nearby Caribbean region.


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Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida has joined a small number of House Democrats on a measure to block President Biden from sending cluster bombs to Ukraine

The bipartisan measure is an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act and is one of more than 1,500 add-ons tacked on to the bill since the House Armed Services Committee passed it last month.

The House is expected to consider the NDAA this week after the House Rules Committee pares down the massive list of amendments on Tuesday.

Mr. Gaetz announced Monday on his podcast, “Firebrand with Matt Gaetz,” that he would be the Republican co-sponsor on the amendment. 

“These cluster bombs will not end the war in Ukraine and will not build a more stable country,” Mr. Gaetz said on social media. “Children will be left without limbs and without parents because of this decision if we do not work together in a bipartisan fashion to stop it.”


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Several parts of India including the capital Delhi are in the middle of above normal floods. This has happened at a very early stage of the monsoon rains and there is need for a lot of caution at this stage itself as the capacity of land, natural water sources and dams to handle floods, which has been eroded badly over the years due to avoidable and controllable factors, has come under too much pressure at an early stage of the monsoons this year in many important urban as well as rural areas.

Of course providing immediate relief to people is a priority, but at the same time there should be a high state of alert in issues relating to dam-management and careful handling of water-flows by dams. There should be clear instructions to dam management authorities that in the middle of various competing objectives the avoidance of catastrophic damage should always get top priority. There should be arrangements for water-flows to be coordinated in such ways that catastrophic damage can be avoided under all circumstances and downstream areas are well-informed of the extent of water releases and the cautions related to this.

As we are in the middle of times of climate change, the authorities and particularly the dam management authorities should be prepared to handle situations which are worse than the norms to which they have been used in the past. The hilly areas, particularly in the states of Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh, have become very vulnerable to higher damage from floods and landslides due to a mix of climate change related factors as well as local man-made factors resulting from flawed development policies and projects. This has made the task of dam managers more difficult while at the same time faulty practices relating to dam construction and planning have been followed. All these factors taken together affect our ability to seek protection from the more damaging floods. Just now we must do the best we can within the existing circumstances, but at the same time later we should not forget to attend to the bigger and longer-term issues of improving protection and resilience in more basic ways. 

India is not alone in experiencing the paradox of more area becoming exposed to floods even as the expenditure on flood protection goes on increasing. Many countries have experienced this. Clearly we need a review of basic thinking related to flood protection.

There are some floods which are very highly destructive and/or prolonged. Clearly we need to give more attention to check such floods or reduce the harm from them. Some of the most destructive floods in recent years have been those caused by embankment breaches and sudden release of huge quantities of water from dams. Such floods can be checked to a very significant extent by adopting appropriate policies, in the short-run and in the longer term. Some of the most prolonged floods or water-logging cases are those caused by the obstruction of natural drainage. These can also be checked to a significant extent by adopting appropriate steps in the short-term and in the longer-term.

However while checking the more destructive and prolonged floods, we must also learn to co-exist with the natural process of rivers spilling over their banks when there are heavy rains. There are ways of making this co-existence much more bearable and even turning the flood-flows to several beneficial uses.

Firstly, forests and green cover in the catchment areas should be very well-protected. There is a lot of difference between natural dense mixed forests and man-made plantations. It is natural mixed forests with their good share of more dense, broad leaf species that we need, as well as plenty of other indigenous growths that can protect soil and conserve water effectively. We need well-planned soil and water conservation efforts in catchment areas, taken up with close participation of local communities.

In the immediate flood-plains nearer to river we must avoid costly infra-structure and those crops which can be destroyed easily by floods. This is the place for conserving water and for fruit orchards or other useful trees which are capable of absorbing as well as tolerating excessive water and moisture, for grass fodder as well as livelihoods based on this.

If we take these precautions then by the time floods reach the wider flood-plains their intensity would be much reduced. More flood-tolerant varieties of crops can also be found, based on indigenous biodiversity which has been neglected. The drainage paths should be kept so free of obstructions that flood waters find their path easily to natural depressions, lakes, ponds and tanks, filling them up to provide water later in the rain scarce months. Free drainage paths devoid of obstructions will allow water to clear quickly, at the same time leaving behind fertile silt which will help farmers to get good crops without chemical fertilizers.

We need to be much more selective and cautious regarding engineering structures of dams and embankments, taking prudent decisions on the basis of this understanding, instead of just rushing for dam and embankment construction without a comprehensive understanding of various impacts. Transferring floods from one pace to another should not be confused with protection from floods.

All this requires very good understanding of local conditions and a highly decentralized approach, with communities empowered and resourceful to take and implement decisions and also having the understanding to resolve differences and work for common good.

While a broad understanding at a wider level is very useful, the implementation must be as per local conditions and realities, and for this decentralization and empowerment as well as harmony of local communities are very important.

To bring such changes in flood policy, the perception about rivers and floods should change in very basic ways. A narrow engineering based perception and dominance based perception should change to a perception based on living with nature, understanding nature and its ways and trying to live in harmony with them , as well as the related vision of largely free-flowing rivers. Such a vision also involves giving adequate importance to all life-forms which thrive in and around rivers. Such a vision involves wider and longer-term thinking based on harmony with nature, while giving up narrow and reductionist approach based on dominance.

Unfortunately the functioning of various authorities has been increasingly along the lines of giving people some short-term benefits which can fetch votes at election times while ignoring wider issues of ecologically protective development, in rural as in urban areas, and this is leading to increasing vulnerability to disasters like floods and landslides at a time when better protective policies are needed due to climate change. Hence longer-term democratic reforms are also much needed to resolve these issues in better ways and avoid possibilities of catastrophic destruction.  


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Bharat Dogra is a journalist and author, is Honorary Convener, Campaign to Protect Earth Now. His latest books include Man over Machine and Protecting Earth for Children. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Mongabay

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Top Sweetener Officially Declared a Carcinogen

July 14th, 2023 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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The World Health Organization has finally gotten around to declaring the popular artificial sweetener aspartame a potential carcinogen

The ruling comes from sources with WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), who said aspartame will be listed as “possibly carcinogenic to humans” in July 2023

I’ve been warning about aspartame’s cancer-causing potential since 2010, so you can see just how long this danger has been known

For over a decade, researchers have been warning of aspartame’s neurotoxicity and carcinogenicity, stating reevaluation of aspartame consumption is “urgent and cannot be delayed”

A 2022 large-scale cohort study found people who consumed higher levels of artificial sweeteners had higher risk of overall cancer compared to non-consumers


The World Health Organization has finally gotten around to declaring the popular artificial sweetener aspartame a potential carcinogen.1 I warned about aspartame’s cancer-causing potential on my site over 25 years ago, in my best-selling book, “Sweet Deception: Why Splenda, NutraSweet, and the FDA May Be Hazardous to Your Health,” in 2006, and in an article I wrote for The Huffington Post.2 It’s since been deleted — but you can see just how long this danger has been known.

The ruling comes from sources with WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), who said aspartame will be listed as “possibly carcinogenic to humans” in July 2023.3 Additional findings from the Joint WHO and Food and Agriculture Organization’s Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), which is in the process of updating its aspartame risk assessment, are also expected.4

Donald Rumsfeld’s Hand in Aspartame’s Approval

JECFA has vouched for aspartame’s safety for decades, stating since 1981 that it’s safe when consumed within accepted daily limits.5 It was 1981 when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration first approved aspartame.6 At the time, the late Donald Rumsfeld, former U.S. secretary of defense, was chairman of G.D. Searle, aspartame’s manufacturer, and he was reportedly instrumental in its approval.

At a 1980 FDA Board of Inquiry, the FDA had refused to approve aspartame due to concerns that it could induce brain tumors.7 The late John Olney, a renowned neuroscientist who tried to prevent aspartame’s approval, also wrote a letter to the Board of Inquiry in 1987, warning of aspartame’s neurotoxicity, including the potential for brain tumors and damage to children’s brains.8 As reported by 

“The FDA had actually banned aspartame based on this finding, only to have Searle Chairman Donald Rumsfeld … vow to ‘call in his markers,’10 to get it approved.

On January 21, 1981, the day after Ronald Reagan’s inauguration, Searle re-applied to the FDA for approval to use aspartame in food sweetener, and Reagan’s new FDA commissioner, Arthur Hayes Hull, Jr., appointed a 5-person Scientific Commission to review the board of inquiry’s decision.

It soon became clear that the panel would uphold the ban by a 3-2 decision, but Hull then installed a sixth member on the commission, and the vote became deadlocked. He then personally broke the tie in aspartame’s favor.

Hull later left the FDA under allegations of impropriety, served briefly as Provost at New York Medical College, and then took a position with Burston-Marsteller, the chief public relations firm for both Monsanto and GD Searle.”

Aspartame’s Cancer Link Known for Decades

Despite aspartame’s approval, by 1987 a series of investigative reports raised concerns that the chemical’s approval was mired by conflicts of interest, poor quality industry-funded research and revolving-door relationships between the FDA and the food industry.11

By 1996, a team with the department of psychiatry at Washington University Medical School questioned whether increasing brain tumor rates had an aspartame connection. “An exceedingly high incidence of brain tumors” has been identified in aspartame-fed rats compared to rats not fed aspartame, they explained, adding:12

“Compared to other environmental factors putatively linked to brain tumors, the artificial sweetener aspartame is a promising candidate to explain the recent increase in incidence and degree of malignancy of brain tumors.”

Then, in 2006, a study led by Dr. Morando Soffritti, a cancer researcher from Italy who’s the head of the European Ramazzini Foundation of Oncology and Environmental Sciences, found that, even in low doses, animals were developing several different forms of cancer when fed aspartame.13

That year, the team concluded aspartame was a “multipotential carcinogenic agent, even at a daily dose of 20 mg/kg body weight, much less than the current acceptable daily intake” and stated a reevaluation of aspartame consumption was “urgent and cannot be delayed.”14

A 2007 follow-up study confirmed the findings of aspartame’s “multipotential carcinogenicity,” even at doses close to the acceptable daily intake for humans. Further, it also demonstrated that when lifespan exposure beginning in utero was assessed, aspartame’s “carcinogenic effects are increased.”15 In 2010, Soffritti and colleagues again warned that aspartame was a carcinogenic agent in rats and mice.16

Research Supporting Aspartame’s Carcinogenicity Is Widespread

These studies were only the beginning of the evidence showing aspartame’s cancer-causing potential. In 2012, Harvard researchers published a study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which found:17

“In the most comprehensive long-term epidemiologic study, to our knowledge, to evaluate the association between aspartame intake and cancer risk in humans, we observed a positive association between diet soda and total aspartame intake and risks of NHL [non-Hodgkin lymphoma] and multiple myeloma in men and leukemia in both men and women.”

Adding further concerns over aspartame’s safety, U.S. Right to Know reported:18

“In a 2014 commentary in American Journal of Industrial Medicine,19 the [Cesare] Maltoni [Cancer Research] Center researchers wrote that the studies submitted by G. D. Searle for market approval ‘do not provide adequate scientific support for [aspartame’s] safety.

In contrast, recent results of life-span carcinogenicity bioassays on rats and mice published in peer-reviewed journals, and a prospective epidemiological study, provide consistent evidence of [aspartame’s] carcinogenic potential.’”

A 2020 study further supports the Ramazzini Institute’s (RI) original findings, revealing a statistically significant increase in total hematopoietic and lymphoid tissue tumors (HLTs) and total leukemias and lymphomas in female rats exposed to aspartame.

“After the HLT cases re-evaluation, the results obtained are consistent with those reported in the previous RI publication and reinforce the hypothesis that APM [aspartame] has a leukemogenic and lymphomatogenic effect,” the researchers explained.20

Again in 2021, a review of the Ramazzini Institute data further confirmed that aspartame is carcinogenic in rodents. The researchers noted that their findings “confirm the very worrisome finding that prenatal exposure to aspartame increases cancer risk in rodent offspring. They validate the conclusions of the original RI studies.”21

In response, they called on national and international public health agencies to reexamine aspartame’s health risks, particularly prenatal and early postnatal exposures.22

Consuming Artificial Sweeteners Increases Cancer Risks by 13%

In a 2022 study of 102,865 adults from France, published in PLOS Medicine, dietary intakes and consumption of artificial sweeteners were obtained and analyzed for associations with cancer incidence. The large-scale cohort study found that people who consumed higher levels of artificial sweeteners had a higher risk of overall cancer compared to non-consumers.23

Among the artificial sweeteners studied, aspartame and acesulfame-K, in particular, were associated with increased cancer risk, while aspartame intake was linked to higher risks of breast cancer and obesity-related cancers, including stomach, liver, colon and rectal cancers.

Specifically, total cancer risks increased by 13% among artificial sweetener consumers, while the risk of breast cancer rose by 22% and the risk of obesity-related cancers increased up to 15%.24“These results suggest that artificial sweeteners, used in many food and beverage brands worldwide, may represent a modifiable risk factor for cancer prevention,” the researchers noted,25explaining:

“[E]xperts have urged for a re-evaluation by public health authorities of aspartame’s role in cancer development, based on previous and recent findings in animal models, in vitro studies, and, to a lesser extent, human data. Findings about other artificial sweeteners also raise questions regarding their potential role in carcinogenesis based on in vivo studies.”

WHO Warns Against Artificial Sweeteners for Weight Control

Aspartame’s cancer link is especially concerning given its prevalence in diet foods and drinks. Aspartame is used in 1,400 food products in France and more than 6,000 products around the globe. The chemical is commonly found in food products such as sugar-free gum, diet drink mixes and sodas, reduced-sugar condiments and tabletop sweeteners, including Equal and NutraSweet.26

Its high level of sweetness — 200 times greater than sugar27 — and low calories makes it popular among people looking to make their drinks and meals sweeter without the calories of a comparable amount of sugar.

But, in addition to labeling the artificial sweetener as possibly carcinogenic, in May 2023, even the beyond-corrupted WHO released a guideline advising not to use non-sugar sweeteners (NSS) for weight control because they don’t offer any long-term benefit in reducing body fat in adults or children.28

Previously, WHO conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis that revealed “there is no clear consensus on whether non-sugar sweeteners are effective for long-term weight loss or maintenance, or if they are linked to other long-term health effects at intakes within the ADI.”29

The systematic review also suggested “potential undesirable effects from long-term use of NSS, such as an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and mortality in adults.” Even cancer was called out in analysis, which included 283 studies and found artificial sweeteners are linked to an increased risk of:30

Further, according to the WHO study:31

“Mechanisms by which NSS as a class of molecules might exert effects that increase risk for obesity and certain NCDs [non-communicable diseases] have been reviewed extensively and include interaction with extra-oral taste receptors, possibly with alteration of the gut microbiome.

Because sugars and all known NSS presumably elicit sweet taste through the TAS1R heterodimeric sweet-taste receptor, which has been identified not just in the oral cavity but in other glucose-sensing tissues, it is not surprising that such a group of vastly different chemical entities could be responsible for similar effects on health.”

Artificial Sweeteners Aren’t Worth the Risk

It’s unclear why WHO is suddenly warning the public about these products, when they’ve been promoted by health officials for so long. But I’ve been advising against their use from the start. Often, there are emotional drivers behind cravings for sweets, which is why I’ve long recommended learning the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) a psychological acupressure tool, to overcome them.

Beyond tackling your underlying emotions to stave off the urge to consume poisonous artificial sweeteners, consider keeping a stash of ripe fruit that can naturally fill these cravings. Additionally, if you are eating a high fat diet over 30%, then you will want to limit your carbs. But, if it is below 30% and you are metabolically flexible, you will likely increase your health by having a few hundred grams of ripe fruit.


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1, 3, 5 Reuters June 29, 2023

2 Internet Archive, Wayback Machine, The Huffington Post July 8, 2010

4 WHO, IARC, Aspartame Questions and Answers June 26, 2023

6, 11, 18 U.S. Right to Know July 3, 2023

7, 9, How Aspartame Became Legal – The Timeline

8 SCRIBD, Dr. John Olney Statement Aspartame – l987

10 News With Views May 9, 2004

12 J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 1996 Nov;55(11):1115-23

13, 14 Environ Health Perspect. 2006 Mar;114(3):379-85

15 Environ Health Perspect. 2007 Sep;115(9):1293-7. doi: 10.1289/ehp.10271

16 Am J Ind Med. 2010 Dec;53(12):1197-206. doi: 10.1002/ajim.20896

17 The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition December 2012, Volume 96, Issue 6, P1419-1428

19 Am J Ind Med. 2014 Apr;57(4):383-97. doi: 10.1002/ajim.22296. Epub 2014 Jan 16

20 Acta Histochem. 2020 Jul;122(5):151548. doi: 10.1016/j.acthis.2020.151548. Epub 2020 May 20

21, 22 Environmental Health volume 20, Article number: 42 (2021)

23, 25, 27 PLOS Medicine March 24, 2022

24 UPI March 24, 2022

26 CBS News June 30, 2023

28 WHO May 15, 2023

29 WHO April 12, 2022

30 WHO April 12, 2022, Executive Summary

31 WHO April 12, 2022, Executive Discussion

Featured image is from Mercola

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Marine Le Pen, former leader of France’s right-wing Rassemblement National (National Rally) party and current parliamentary leader of the party in the Assembly, said French President Emmanuel Macron was “irresponsible” for promising long-range missiles to Ukraine. Her statement comes as Rassemblement National continues to gain popularity in the aftermath of the riots that gripped France at the end of June.

“It seems irresponsible to me to take this decision, and I don’t understand why Emmanuel Macron isn’t fully focused on organising a peace conference to end this war,” Le Pen was quoted as saying by French media on July 12.

The leader of the Rassemblement National in the lower house of parliament warned during a trip to Beauvais, which was severely hit by the recent riots, that an attack “hitting a third country [Russia] could trigger a third World War, which I don’t want to see happening (…). We don’t know what reaction a third country hit by a weapon delivered by France might have.”

Macron’s decision to supply Ukraine with SCALP missiles, the French equivalent of the UK’s Storm Shadows, provoked a strong reaction from both political wings in France. The right-wing branded it an escalation, while leftist La France Insoumise (France Unbowed) warned of possible direct conflict with Russia.

However, this “irresponsible” decision is consistent with Paris’ reckless policy towards the Ukraine crisis. The French Parliament on July 13 approved a military spending bill to increase the budget to a record €413 billion in 2024-2030.

The French Senate supported the bill by a majority vote. According to the Senate website, 313 voted in favour and 17 against. The French National Assembly, the country’s lower house, adopted the bill a day earlier. Like several other EU and NATO Member States, France has increased its military spending by sending resources to the Kiev regime and training Ukrainian soldiers.

It is recalled that on July 11, France announced the delivery of long-range SCALP cruise missiles to Kiev to support the Ukrainian military’s failed offensive. According to the Kremlin, the French missile – which can hit targets 250 kilometres away – and any other Western weaponry delivered to Ukraine only escalate regional tensions.

In addition to military equipment, Paris offered military training to 5,200 Ukrainian soldiers and plans to train a total of 7,000 military personnel by the end of 2023, as announced on July 12.

All military spending by Ukraine’s allied states and their corresponding budget increase are in line with NATO deliberations and US President Joe Biden’s appeals for the bloc’s expansion to Eastern Europe in an attempt to isolate Russia. Paris is absolutely no exception to this, even though it faces a major domestic crisis.

More French are embracing a hard line against immigration following the rioting and other violence that occurred after 17-year-old Nahel Merzouk, a French-born criminal of North African descent, was killed by police on June 27.

“We know the causes [of] France’s unrest,” Bruno Retailleau, head of the Senate Republicans that dominates the French Senate, said in early July on broadcaster France-Info. “Unfortunately for the second, the third generation, there is a sort of regression toward their origins, their ethnic origins.”

Retailleau was accused of racism for his remarks, even though they reflect the current line of his mainstream party, The Republicans, whose priorities are to keep France “from sinking durably into chaos” and “stopping mass immigration.”

“As soon as we want to be firm,” Retailleau said Tuesday on RTL radio, “they say, ‘Oh la la. Scandal! The fascists are arriving! You’re like the Rassemblement National. We’re sick of being politically correct.”

This is a major shift in French politics, particularly as Rassemblement National’s popularity grows in the aftermath of the riots. The party gained a major stronghold in parliament in the 2022 legislative elections with 88 lawmakers, and Le Pen now sits at the heart of institutional France, thus wielding great influence. It is recalled that she won more than 41% in the runoff presidential vote last year.

“There are practically no more categories of the population immune to a (far-right) vote,” polling agency Ifop said after a recent survey showed a steady rise in voters supporting Rassemblement National.

So long as Macron continues prioritising Ukraine’s needs rather than the well-being of the average French citizen and building a united society, the Rassemblement National will continue gaining popularity. The recent riots and economic issues rooted in the Ukraine crisis saw Macron’s popularity decline and Le Pen’s party again gain more traction.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher.

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Look carefully at the chart below. What do you see?

You see the development of a high-speed rail system that is unrivaled anywhere on earth. You see the actualization of plan to connect all parts of the country with modern-day infrastructure that reduces shipping costs, improves mobility and increases profitability. You see a vision of the 21st century in which state-directed capital links rural populations with urban centers lifting standards of living across the board. You see an expression of a new economic model that has lifted 800 million people out of poverty while paving the way for global economic integration. You see an industrial juggernaut expanding in all directions while laying the groundwork for a new century of economic integration, accelerated development and shared prosperity.

Is there a high-speed rail system in the United States that is comparable to what we see in China today?

No, there isn’t. So far, less than 50 miles of high-speed rail has been built in the United States. (“Amtrak’s Acela, which reaches 150 mph over 49.9 miles of track, is the US’s only high-speed rail service.”) As everyone knows, America’s transportation grid is obsolete and in a shambles.

But, why? Why is the United States so far behind China in the development of critical infrastructure?

It’s because China’s state-led model is vastly superior to America’s “carpetbagger” model. In China, the government is directly involved in the operation of the economy, which means that it subsidizes those industries that enhance growth and spur development.

In contrast, American capitalism is a savage free-for-all in which private owners are able to divert great sums of money into unproductive stock buybacks and other scams that do nothing to create jobs or strengthen the economy. Since 2009 US corporations have spent more than $7 trillion on stock buybacks which is an activity that boosts payouts to rich shareholders but fails to produce anything of material value. Had that capital been invested in critical infrastructure, every city in America would be linked to a gigantic webbing of high-speed rail extending from “sea to shining sea”. But that hasn’t happened, because the western model incentivizes the extraction of capital for personal enrichment rather than the development of projects that serve the common good. In China, we see how fast transformative changes can take place when a nation’s wealth is used to eradicate poverty, raise standards of living, construct state-of-the-art infrastructure, and lay the groundwork for a new century.

Here’s more from a report by the Congressional Research Service on “China’s Economic Rise…”

Since opening up to foreign trade and investment and implementing free-market reforms in 1979, China has been among the world’s fastest-growing economies, with real annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth averaging 9.5% through 2018, a pace described by the World Bank as “the fastest sustained expansion by a major economy in history.” Such growth has enabled China, on average, to double its GDP every eight years and helped raise an estimated 800 million people out of poverty. China has become the world’s largest economy (on a purchasing power parity basis), manufacturer, merchandise trader, and holder of foreign exchange reserves…. China is the largest U.S. merchandise trading partner, biggest source of imports, and the largest foreign holder of U.S. Treasury securities, which help fund the federal debt and keep U.S. interest rates low.
China’s Economic Rise: History, Trends, Challenges, and Implications for the United States, Congressional Research Service

Here’s more from an article at the Center for Strategic and International Studies titled Confronting the Challenge of Chinese State Capitalism:

China now has more companies on the Fortune Global 500 list than does the United States… with nearly 75 percent of these being state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Three of the world’s five largest companies are Chinese (Sinopec Group, State Grid, and China National Petroleum). China’s largest SOEs hold dominant market positions in many of the most critical and strategic industries, from energy to shipping to rare earths. According to Freeman Chair calculations, the combined assets for China’s 96 largest SOEs total more than $63 trillion, an amount equivalent to nearly 80 percent of global GDP. Confronting the Challenge of Chinese State Capitalism, Center for Strategic and International Studies

And here’s one more from a report by the IMF titled “Asia Poised to Drive Global Economic Growth, Boosted by China’s Reopening”:

China and India together are forecast to generate about half of global growth this year. Asia and the Pacific is a relative bright spot amid the more somber context of the global economy’s rocky recovery.

As the Chart of the Week shows, the region will contribute about 70 percent of global growth this year—a much greater share than in recent years.” Asia Poised to Drive Global Economic Growth, Boosted by China’s Reopening, IMF

In short, the Chinese state-led model is rapidly overtaking the US in virtually every area of industry and commerce, and its success is largely attributable to the fact that the government is free to align its reinvestment strategy with its vision of the future. That allows the state to ignore the short-term profitability of its various projects provided they lay the groundwork for a stronger and more expansive economy in the years ahead. Chinese reformer Chen Yun called this phenom the “birdcage economy”, which means the economy can “fly freely” within the confines of the broader political system. In other words, the Chinese leadership sees the economy as an instrument for achieving their collective vision for the future.

China’s success is only partially due to its control over essential industries, like banking and petroleum. Keep in mind, “the share of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in the total number of companies in the country has dropped to just 5%, though their share of total output remains at 26%.” And even though the state sector has shrunk dramatically in the last two decades, Chinese President Xi Jinping has implemented a three-year action plan aimed at increasing competitiveness of the SOE’s by transforming them into “market entities” run by “mixed-ownership.” Simply put, China remains committed to the path of liberalization despite sharp criticism in the West.

It’s also worth noting that the so-called Chinese Miracle never would have taken place had China implemented the programs that were recommended by the so-called “western experts”. Had China imposed the radical reforms (like “shock therapy”) that Russia did following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, then they would have experienced the same disastrous outcome. Fortunately, Chinese policymakers ignored the advice of the western economists and developed their own gradual reform agenda that produced success beyond anyone’s wildest dreams. The story is summarized in a video on You Tube titled “How China (Actually) Got Rich”. I have transcribed part of the text below. Any mistakes are mine:

The single most stunning economic story of the last few decades has been the rise of China. From 1980 to 2020, China’s economy grew more than 75-fold…. It was the largest and most rapid improvement in material conditions in modern history…. China had been one of the poorest countries on earth but now it is an economic powerhouse… Economists predict it will overtake the US as the largest economy in the world by the end of the decade. People call it The Chinese Miracle. Some people describe this miracle as a straightforward story of the “free market”. They say “it’s a simple story. China was poor (but) then the economy was freed from the grip of the state. Now China is rich.” But this is misleading. China’s rise was NOT a triumph of the free market. ...

Since the 1980s, free market policies have swept the globe. Many countries have undergone far-ranging transformations. Liberalizing prices, privatizing entire industries, and opening up to free trade. But many of the economies that were subjected to the market overnight have since stagnated or decayed. None of them have had a growth record like the one seen in China. African countries experienced brutal economic shrinkage. Latin American countries experienced 25 years of stagnation. If we compare China to Russia, the other giant of Communism in the 20th Century, the contrast is even more staggering.

Under state socialism, Russia was an industrial superpower while China was still largely an agricultural economy. Yet during the same period that Chinese reforms led to incredible economic growth, Russia’s reform led to a brutal collapse. Both China and Russia had been economies that were largely ordered through state commands. ….Russia followed the recommendations of the most “scientific economics” at the time, a policy of so-called “shock therapy” As a basic principle, the idea was that the old planned economy had to be destroyed, to make space for the market to emerge…. Russia was expected to emerge as a full-fledged economy overnight. …When Boris Yeltsin took power he eliminated all price controls, privatized state-owned companies and assets, and immediately opened up Russia to global trade. The result was a catastrophe. The Russian economy was already in disarray, but shock therapy was a fatal blow. (Western economists) predicted some short-term pain, but what they didn’t see coming was how severe and destructive the effects would be. Consumer prices spiraled out of control, Hyperinflation took hold, GDP fell by 40%.

The shock therapy slump in Russia was deeper and longer than the Great Depression by a large margin. It was a disaster for ordinary Russians…. Alcoholism, childhood malnutrition and crime went through the roof. Life expectancy for Russian men fell by 7 years, more than any industrial country has ever experienced in peacetime. Russia did not get a free market overnight. Instead, it went from a stagnating economy to a hollowed-out wreck run by oligarchs. If just getting rid of price-controls and government employment didn’t create prosperity but did destroy the economy and kill huge numbers of people, then clearly, the rapid transition to “free markets” was not the solution.

Throughout the 1980s, China considered implementing the same type of sudden reforms that Russia pursued. The idea of starting from a clean slate was attractive, and shock therapy was widely promoted by (respected) economists… But in the end, China decided to not implement shock therapy. …Instead of knocking over the entire (economy) at once, China reformed itself in a gradual and experimental way. Market activities were tolerated or actively-promoted in non-essential parts of the economy. China implemented a policy of dual track pricing…. China was learning from.. the world’s most developed nations, countries like the US, UK, Japan and South Korea. Each of these managed and planned the development of their own economies. and markets, protecting early-stage industries and controlling investment.

Western free market economists thought this system would be a disaster …. But China’s leaders did not listen, and while Russia collapsed after following the “shock therapy” program, China saw remarkable success. The state kept control over the backbone of the industrial economy, as well as the ownership over the land,. As China grew into the new dynamics of its economy, state institutions were not degraded to fossils from the past, but were often the drivers at the frontier of new industries, protecting and guaranteeing their own growth. China today is not a free market economy in any sense of the word. It is a state-led market economy. The government effectively owns all land, and China leverages state ownership through market competition to steer the economy. The shock therapy approach advocated around the world was a failure. While Russia collapsed after its sudden transition, China’s gradual reforms allowed it to survive. And that made all the difference.” How China (Actually) Got Rich”, You Tube.

The fact that China’s SOEs are shielded from foreign competition and receive government subsidies, has angered foreign corporations who think China has an unfair advantage and is not playing by the rules. That is certainly fair criticism, but it’s also true that Washington’s unilateral sanctions—which have now been imposed on roughly one-third of all the countries in the world—are also a clear violation of WTO rules. In any event, China’s approach to the market under Xi has been ambivalent at best. And while “the state sector’s share of industrial output dropped from 81% in 1980 to 15% in 2005”, (in the spirit of reform) Xi has also ensured that the CCP has greater influence in corporate management and corporate decision-making. Naturally, none of this has gone-over well with US and EU businesses titans who firmly believe that corporate stakeholders should rule the roost. (as they do in the West.)

The larger issue, however, is not that China subsidizes its SOEs or even that China is set to become the biggest economy in the world within the next decade. That’s not the problem. The real problem is that China has not assimilated into the Washington-led “rules-based order” as was originally anticipated. The fact is, Chinese leaders are strongly patriotic and have no intention of becoming a vassal-state in Uncle Sam’s global empire. This is an important point that political analyst Alfred McCoy sheds light on in an article at Counterpunch:

China’s increasing control over Eurasia clearly represents a fundamental change in that continent’s geopolitics. Convinced that Beijing would play the global game by U.S. rules, Washington’s foreign policy establishment made a major strategic miscalculation in 2001 by admitting it to the World Trade Organization (WTO). “Across the ideological spectrum, we in the U.S. foreign policy community,” confessed two former members of the Obama administration, “shared the underlying belief that U.S. power and hegemony could readily mold China to the United States’ liking… All sides of the policy debate erred.” In little more than a decade after it joined the WTO, Beijing’s annual exports to the U.S. grew nearly five-fold and its foreign currency reserves soared from just $200 billion to an unprecedented $4 trillion by 2013. The Rise of China and the Fall of the US, Counterpunch

Clearly, US foreign policy mandarins made a catastrophic error-in-judgement regarding China, but now there’s no way to undo the damage. China will not only emerge as the world’s largest economy, it will also control its own destiny unlike western nations that have been subsumed into the oligarch-led system (WEF) that decides everything from climate policy to mandatory vaccination, and from transgender bathrooms to war in Ukraine. These policies are all set by oligarchs who control the politicians, the media, and the sprawling deep state. Again, the issue with China is not size or money; it’s about control. China presently controls its own future independent of the “rules-based order” which makes it a threat to that same system.

If we look again at the first chart (above), we can understand why Washington rushed into its proxy-war with Russia. After all, if China was able to spread its high-speed rail network across all of China in just 12 years, what will the next 12 years bring? That’s what worries Washington.

China’s emergence as regional hegemon on the Asian continent is a near-certainty at this point. Who can stop it?

Not Washington. The US and NATO are presently bogged down in Ukraine even though Ukraine was supposed to be a launching pad for spreading US military bases across Central Asia and (eventually) encircling, isolating and containing China. That was the plan, but the plan looks less likely every day. And remember the importance that national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski placed on Eurasia in his classic The Grand Chessboard nearly 3 decades ago. He said:

“Eurasia is the globe’s largest continent and is geopolitically axial. A power that dominates Eurasia would control two of the world’s three most advanced and economically productive regions. ….About 75 per cent of the world’s people live in Eurasia, and most of the world’s physical wealth is there as well, both in its enterprises and underneath its soil. Eurasia accounts for 60 per cent of the world’s GNP and about three-fourths of the world’s known energy resources.” (The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives, Zbigniew Brzezinski, p.31)

The consensus opinion among foreign policy mucky-mucks is that the United States must become the dominant player in Central Asia if it hopes to maintain its current lofty position in the global order. Former Undersecretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz went so far as to say that Washington’s “top priority” must be “to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival, either on the territory of the former Soviet Union or elsewhere, that poses a threat on the order of that posed formerly by the Soviet Union.” Wolfowitz’s sentiments are still reiterated in all of recent US national security documents including the National Security Strategy and National Defense Strategy. The pundits all agree on one thing and one thing alone; that the US must prevail in its plan to control Central Asia.

But how likely is that now? How likely is it that Russia will be forced out of Ukraine and prevented from opposing the US in Eurasia? How likely is it that China’s Belt and Road Initiative will not expand across Asia and into Europe, the Middle East, Africa and even Latin America? Check out this brief excerpt on China’s Belt and Road plan:

China is building the world’s greatest economic development and construction project ever undertaken: The New Silk Road. The project aims at no less than a revolutionary change in the economic map of the world…The ambitious vision is to resurrect the ancient Silk Road as a modern transit, trade, and economic corridor that runs from Shanghai to Berlin. The ‘Road’ will traverse China, Mongolia, Russia, Belarus, Poland, and Germany, extending more than 8,000 miles, creating an economic zone that extends over one third the circumference of the earth.

The plan envisions building high-speed railroads, roads and highways, energy transmission and distributions networks, and fiber optic networks. Cities and ports along the route will be targeted for economic development.

An equally essential part of the plan is a sea-based “Maritime Silk Road” (MSR) component, as ambitious as its land-based project, linking China with the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea through Central Asia and the Indian Ocean. When completed, like the ancient Silk Road, it will connect three continents: Asia, Europe, and Africa. (and, now, Latin America) The chain of infrastructure projects will create the world’s largest economic corridor, covering a population of 4.4 billion and an economic output of $21 trillion

For the world at large, its decisions about the Road are nothing less than momentous. The massive project holds the potential for a new renaissance in commerce, industry, discovery, thought, invention, and culture that could well rival the original Silk Road. It is also becoming clearer by the day that geopolitical conflicts over the project could lead to a new cold war between East and West for dominance in Eurasia. The outcome is far from certain. (“New Silk Road Could Change Global Economics Forever”, Robert Berke, Oil Price)

The Future Is China

Xi Jinping’s “signature infrastructure project” is reshaping trade relations across Central Asia and around the world. The BRI will eventually include more than 150 countries and a myriad of international organizations. It is, without question, the largest infrastructure and investment project in history which will include 65% of the world’s population and 40% of global GDP. The improvements to road, rail and sea routes will vastly increase connectivity, lower shipping costs, boost productivity, and enhance widespread prosperity. The Belt and Road is China’s attempt to replace the crumbling post-WW2 “rules-based” order with a system that respects the sovereignty of nations, rejects unilateralism, and relies on market-based principles to affect a more equitable distribution of wealth.

The BRI is China’s blueprint for a New World Order. It is the face of 21st century capitalism and it is bound to shift the locus of global power eastward to Beijing which is set to become the de facto center of world.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Michael Whitney is a renowned geopolitical and social analyst based in Washington State. He initiated his career as an independent citizen-journalist in 2002 with a commitment to honest journalism, social justice and World peace.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). 

All images in this article are from TUR unless otherwise stated

Driving COVID-19 Vaccinated — A New Road Hazard

July 14th, 2023 by Dr. William Makis

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I have written 4 substacks about COVID-19 vaccinated drivers collapsing behind the wheel and crashing:

  • Jun 27, 2023 – School buses & city buses crashing (COVID-19 vaxxed drivers)
  • Jun 24, 2023 – Young drivers (COVID-19 vaccinated) are having medical emergencies and crashing while driving – 15 shocking stories
  • May 1, 2023 – School bus drivers collapsing at the wheel (9 incidents)
  • April 1, 2023 – City bus, school bus and truck drivers collapsing (16 incidents)

July 6, 2023 – Wimbledon, UK – 46 year old woman driving a Land Rover crashed through the fence of The Study Preparatory School before 10am, resulting in the death of 8 year old Selena Lau and injuring 15 others (click here).


“The local community of Wimbledon is in mourning following the tragic death of an eight-year-old Selena Lau, who lost her life when a Land Rover crashed through a school fence, plowing into an outdoor end-of-term party at The Study Prep School.

The incident occurred shortly before 10 am on Thursday and resulted in the death of Selena and injuries to 15 others.”

NEWS: A second 8 year old girl died from injuries (click).

Car crashes due to a “medical incident” are a daily occurrence now:

July 13, 2023 – Adelaide, Australia – 42 year old man had a medical episode & crashed into a barber shop (click here).

Click here to view the video

July 13, 2023 – Battle Creek, MI – A 47 year old man had a medical emergency and crashed into an airport (click here).

July 13, 2023 – Edmonton, AB – A 54 year old man had a medical emergency early morning and crashed into a light pole. (Click here)

July 11, 2023 – Columbia, SC – A woman crashed into a Popeyes restaurant around 5pm after suffering a medical episode (click here).

Click here to view the video

July 7, 2023 – Wyandotte, KS – A 57 year old man, Lance Anderson, had a medical condition at 7:25am that led him to lose control of his car and crash into a tree.

July 5, 2023 – Ojai Valley, CA – A 27 year old woman lost consciousness while driving, around 5pm, and crashed into a field, starting a brush fire (click here).

July 4, 2023 – Lawrence, IN – A woman crashed into a gas station at 9:45am, due to a medical emergency (click here).

July 3, 2023, – Saskatoon, SK – A driver suffered a medical incident and crashed his car through a fence, into two light posts, with car catching fire. (Click here)

My Take…

Why are COVID-19 vaccinated drivers collapsing behind the wheel and crashing their vehicles? There are several possible mechanisms:

  • cardiac arrhythmia or cardiac arrest (due to post vaccine myocarditis)
  • blood clots causing a heart attack, stroke or pulmonary embolism
  • seizures causing loss of consciousness
  • brain bleed (aneurysm, hemorrhagic stroke) causing loss of consciousness

Should COVID-19 vaccinated drivers be restricted from driving until they go through a rigorous medical examination to determine the risk of collapsing behind the wheel from underlying myocarditis, blood clots or other medical issues?

I believe this should be done for school bus drivers and city bus drivers at a minimum. Immediately.

Ignoring the problem and hoping it goes away, is not a solution.

COVID-19 vaccine injuries of all types are skyrocketing and continue to rise well into 2023. It is my prediction that this problem is only going to get worse.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

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NATO’s Summit in Vilnius broke the promise made to Ukraine 15 years ago that it would join NATO. The media won’t tell you that it never will – and that non-NATO Ukraine shall now win over Russia and pay an incredibly cruel price (or make peace with Russia). 

In other words, US/NATO has recognised what scores of knowledgeable people have said the last 30+ years: Including Ukraine in NATO means WW III. 

Had NATO been dissolved when the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact dissolved, we’d never be where we are today. This is NATO’s biggest crisis and blunder. It has to be covered up by ‘We are more united than ever’ repeated ad nauseam.

TFF has published more than most on Vilnius and the US-Nordic Summit in Helsinki – and reached hundreds of millions but not in Western media. 

The freedom of the press includes the freedom to ignore every critical voice about the NATO narrative and never ask a critical question at NATO press conferences. 

Say #NOTONATO. There must be better ways!


At the moment, the escalatory madness is the only game in all towns. Russia, US/NATO and Ukraine believe that “we” shall win this war. But they are all wrong for a couple of simple reasons.

One, no sustainable solution can/will emerge from the battlefield. The conflict NATO has created by its provocative and Russia-defying expansion over the last two decades and the war created by Russia can only find a negotiated solution, including creative proposals for a non-NATO Ukraine and a new way of dealing with peace and security – in that order – in Europe of today and tomorrow.

Two, if someone could win in some kind of meaningful meaning of the word – what about the loser(s)? Isn’t it likely that a loser – given all that all sides have invested till now, including their prestige – would seek revenge at some point, be traumatised, or both?

Since none of the actors is anything but conflict and peace illiterates and thereforebent on expanding militarism, is it possible to see some kind of hope?

Well, wars display a kind of psychological curve – full blast in the beginning, ‘we shall and will win, and the other will lose. We are the strongest!’ Depending on how long the warring parties are able and willing to run on that motivation, there is no hope. But time increasingly plays its role.

The catchwords here are: war fatigue, exhaustion as well as human and other costs. And afterthoughts as well as hindsight, doubts and decreasing decision-maker unity: Perhaps we were too gung-ho – extremely or overly zealous or enthusiastic about our own power, odds and stamina? Perhaps we underestimated the other parties and their power, odds and stamina? Perhaps we even did something wrong and aggravated the general situation as well as our own?

I’ve been thinking about these things since the conflict development began to accumulate towards madness – way before February 24, 2022. I came to think intensely of it when today I saw a new opinion poll survey from the Department of Sociology at Kiev’s University.

I quote directly from its press release:

The absolute majority of Ukrainians – 78% – have close relatives or friends who were injured or killed due to the Russian invasion. Among those who have such close relatives or friends, the average number (the median value was used) was 7. That is, on average, such respondents have 7 close relatives or friends who were injured or killed.

64% of Ukrainians have at least one close relative or friend who was injured (on average, have 5 injured close people), and

63% have at least one close relative or friend who died (on average they have 3 deceased loved ones).

That is after about 16 months of fighting!

What could the figures be in just another 16 months? And how will the Ukrainian people judge the balance between the costs and benefits of ongoing fighting – in a war that is not inherently in their interest and for a NATO membership they never displayed a majority for before the invasion (as I have documented in Chapter E here)?

Other factors pointing in the direction of exhaustion:

  • Weapons arsenals will be depleted, the more weapons NATO countries pump in, the less they have for their own military.
  • European economies will suffer more and more from the sanctions against and cancellation of Russia and the destruction of Nordstream.
  • There will be increasing conflict in the West about ‘are the accumulating costs worth it for getting a strategically non-important country into NATO’?
  • Instability may well increase in Kremlin.
  • The more the West wastes on militarism and war, the more it will lose out to others, China, BRICS etc.
  • The world will see more and more strongly that this war – and all confrontations and wars – take human, technical, economic and other resources from solving the real, very very urgent problems humanity is facing.
  • Ordinary citizens will rise in protests over prices but also over finding out that their politicians on all sides lied to them, omitted facts and influenced the media to give them disinformation.

It’s almost a rule of thumb that warriors are over-optimistic about what it takes, also in time, to win. Irrationality develops together with dangerous groupthink and hubris.

But no wars last forever. The one in Ukraine – fought out as a result of an unnecessary conflict between NATO and Russia over the last 30 years – also will not.

The saddest of all is that, for every day it continues, all decision-makers think of anything but the costs, the are “winning-blind” and believe that if they get just this or that more and mobilise even more resources, then they shall win – the “victory-around-the-corner” syndrome.

It’s that blindness that leads to ever more human death and destruction – suffering by the people while the elites seldom pay a price themselves.

The only world-respected organisation with a Charter that is relevant for situations like this is and remains the United Nations.

Tragically, NATO countries have misused and marginalised it since Yugoslavia, but one day, I predict, the UN will come in. Why? Because there are tons of similarities between the conflict formations in Yugoslavia back then and Ukraine today.

The road to a solution is through less and less weapons and not by pumping in more and more. But that’s what militarist kakistocrats – conflict-resolution illiterates – always do.

May this terrible war stop – the sooner the better!


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Jan Oberg is director at the Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research in Lund, Sweden. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Graffiti “Stop War” on Russia’s war in Ukraine in the Mauerpark in Berlin, Germany. Image taken on March 11, 2022. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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The BBC Falls for Murdoch’s Bait

July 14th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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It should be called for what it is. The recent apoplectic, lurid coverage of what was, at best, a matter for a corporation’s human resources department dominating several news cycles even as drownings continued in the Mediterranean, war continued being waged in Ukraine and climate change continued issuing ominous reminders of its existence.

The issue at hand? Allegations that a BBC presenter, said to be a “household name”, had paid £35,000 to a youth over a period of several years in return for sexually explicit photos. The payments are said to have started when the young person in question was 17, leading to questions about whether a crime had taken place in the making, sharing or possessing of incident images.

The story made its debut in that king of rags, The Sun. The howls followed. As an article headline read: “Top BBC star who ‘paid child for sex pictures’ could be charged by cops and face years in prison, expert says.”

Within a few days, three issues started to thump and pulsate in the mediascape: whether the as yet unnamed presenter had solicited the images in the first place; whether the BBC had shown indifference in ignoring the complaints of that behaviour by a concerned family member; and whether the entire matter was, according to the lawyer representing the young person, “rubbish”.

The whole affair led to various episodes of sheer terror within the BBC itself, with Jeremy Vine, a colleague of the still unnamed presenter demanding the identity be revealed in order to stop “yet more vitriol being thrown about at perfectly innocent colleagues at his”, placing the broadcaster “on its knees”.

The BBC found itself in a bizarre, masochistic bind of constantly covering itself, repeatedly running stories on the matter, including a report on July 11 that a second young individual had supposedly received abusive messages from the presenter via a dating app. Much of this was put down to journalistic integrity, not wishing to sweep such matters under the carpet.

More details emerged, even as the NATO summit in Vilnius continued. The unnamed person was outed as BBC anchor Huw Edwards. On July 12, it was revealed by his wife, Vicky Flind, that he had been hospitalised, suffering a mental breakdown – the handiwork, it was claimed, of The Sun’s lurid coverage. But what also emerged was that the police had found no evidence or grounds to suggest that a crime had been committed. The whole matter had been an issue of outing the private life of a public figure.

The excuses and apologias are thickening over the reasons for the coverage, fed by platoons of analysts, journalists, and pundits. The BBC, reasons former president of CBS, Howard Stringer, is “always at the centre of the storm because of its power.” It’s seen, like the monarchy, “as a symbol of continuity in a polarised society.” Edwards, having himself broken the news of Queen Elizabeth II’s death, having led BBC coverage of King Charles III’s coronation, and having been an anchor of BBC News at Ten, “captured that sense of stability.”

A far better reading of this was that the BBC had fallen for the bait crudely laid out by Murdoch’s less savoury publications. In its self-policing zeal, the corporation had effectively done the bidding of a tabloid. In doing so, former editor of The Guardian Alan Rusbridger suggested it had “lost its sense of proportion”. The BBC, he observed, “gets into this mindset where it feels it must make up for sluggishness in handling issues by showing a clean pair of hands in covering them.” Such a mindset was well aided by the conduct of previous employees, such as the late comedian and predatory Jimmy Savile, whose conduct was only exposed after his death in 2011.

While its own management regarding complaints was hardly beyond rebuke – the BBC director-general, Tim Davie, did only involve himself in the matter after The Sun put additional allegations from the mother to the broadcaster on July 6 – the colossal canvas here is obvious. This was a salvo fired by the Murdoch Empire.

Since the 1980s, Murdoch has done venomous battle with public broadcasters through his various press outlets, with the BBC being foremost among his targets. In his own, revealing words, “A monopoly is a terrible thing – until you get one.”

In 1985, a sense of Murdoch’s attitude to the corporation was made clear in a January leader in The Times. “The BBC,” it went, “should not survive this parliament in its present size, in its present form and with its present terms of reference intact.” The implications were all there: cutting, trimming, slimming.

Again, the same view is to be found on July 17, 2015 in the paper’s leader titled “Slimming Auntie,” this time in response to the DCMS Green Paper on BBC Charter renewal. The nub of the issue: the BBC’s boggling power, aided by public funds. “The corporation is a broadcaster, not a publisher. It cannot expect a renewed charter to endorse a status quo that lets it trample on private sector rivals with public funds. Technology has allowed the BBC to expand as if on steroids.”

Such opinions stem from an individual who presided over the now defunct News of the World, a central outlet in the phone-hacking scandal that eventually saw the demise of Britain’s most popular lavatory reading. It catalysed the Leveson Inquiry, which managed to at least get a confession from Murdoch that the paper had been engaged in a cover-up over the extent of the phone hacking.

On May 1, 2012, a UK parliamentary select committee report found that the media mogul “exhibited wilful blindness to what was going on in his companies and publications” and concluded that he was “not a fit person to exercise the stewardship of a major international company”. Such an exemplary steward for public interest journalism.

The Sun, for its part, denies ever suggesting the need for a criminal inquiry in the Edwards saga. Just see its journalism as doing a public duty, aiding desperate parents. “From the outset, we have reported a story about two very concerned and frustrated parents who made a complaint to the BBC about the behaviour of a presenter and payments from him that fuelled the drug habit of a young person.” How very noble of them.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image is from Jewish Voice for Labour

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Despite the enormous profits being made by the film and television corporations in the United States, the writers, actors and announcers are undergoing pay cuts and threats to their future employment.

Since early May, the Writers Guild of America (WGA) has been on strike for better salaries, benefits and job security in a rapidly changing industry where streaming and the use of artificial intelligence have become avenues for greater exploitation and marginalization of scribes and performers.

The WGA claims that the billions of dollars in investments made by the motion pictures and television studios over the last decade has resulted in salary and benefits losses. Furthermore, they believe that the current system of working within the industry is broken. Union leaders are saying that the changes being implemented by the owners and management threatens writing as a profession.

Negotiations between the writers and the studios broke down on May 1 when the two sides were unable to reach an agreement to avoid a strike. The strike has delayed production on many film and television projects in the U.S. and internationally.

In regard to actors, the early phases of the coronavirus pandemic witnessed the introduction of certain forms of auditioning for jobs by performers which were done virtually without compensation. Other issues such as declining rates of residual payments related to reruns, streaming, syndication, etc., are key elements in the rising discontent among the union membership.

Writers Guild of America on the picket line during 2023

In the latest round of labor unrest, the Screen Actors Guild and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) authorized a strike in early June by a margin of 98% after failing to reach an agreement with the studio owners represented by the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP). The combined strike action involving the WGA and SAG-AFTRA could effectively shut down the entertainment industry in the U.S.

The SAG-AFTRA contract was extended to July 12 in the hope that an agreement could be reached with AMPTP. However, the AMPTP accused the SAG-AFTRA of being unreasonable in their demands and that the decision to strike is the total responsibility of the actors and announcers.

AMPTP represents the long-established major studios along with streaming platforms including Amazon, Netflix and NBCUniversal. In a press release from the AMPTP they emphasized:

“Rather than continuing to negotiate, SAG-AFTRA has put us on a course that will deepen the financial hardship for thousands who depend on the industry for their livelihood.” (See this)

This is the first time since 1960 that there has been a joint strike involving the writers, actors and announcers. There are 11,000 WGA members on strike, and they are being joined by 160,000 people represented by the SAG-AFTRA).

The industry has experienced a series of strikes since 1936. Other work stoppages have occurred among the writers and actors during the 1960s right through the present century. (See this)

In a statement on July 13 issued by the SAG President Fran Drescher and Chief Negotiator Duncan Crabtre-Ireland, they say:

“The AMPTP has refused to acknowledge that enormous shifts in the industry and economy have had a detrimental impact on those who perform labor for the studios. Though we’ve engaged in negotiations in good faith and remained eager to reach a deal that sufficiently addressed performer concerns, the AMPTP’s responses to our proposals have not been adequate…. Our ninety-year history is a testament to what can be achieved through our conviction and unity. For the future of our profession, we stand together.” 

Broader Economic Impact of an Entertainment Industry Strike

Tensions within the entertainment industry have been brewing for months. In June, well-known actors such as Meryl Streep, John Leguizamo, Jennifer Lawrence, Constance Wu and Ben Stiller, sent a letter to the SAG officials saying they are prepared to strike.

The advent of a long strike by the SAG-AFTRA and the WGA would further delay the completion of films and television productions. Even actors and writers from other countries have pledged to honor the labor actions by their counterparts in the U.S.

Advertising revenues would be severely impacted by an industry-wide strike since the large corporations utilize television, radio and movie screenings to promote their products. A delay in film releases will inevitably cause significant losses for movie houses which are still reeling from the pandemic. Many theaters have closed in major urban areas unable to recover from the revenue losses over a period of nearly two years of lockdowns and public health restrictions.

Moreover, those writers, actors and announcers working in the industry would be faced with the grim prospects of permanent layoffs. This is why the union leaders are sounding the alarm that the role of writers and actors are at stake in the current phase of labor relations in the industry.

As the chief negotiator for the SAG Crabtree-Ireland noted:

“We’re looking to make sure that acting can be a sustainable career choice for people, not just the 100 most famous celebrities in the world, but for the whole large population of our membership. They should be able to make a living and you know, pay a mortgage or pay rent like everybody else. We’re fundamentally interested in making sure that our members share in the success of projects that they create. We have a real vested interest in making sure that something significant is done about this, so that we’re not trying to fix it retroactively three years from now. It needs to be done now.” 

One of the most anticipated films of the summer, “Oppenheimer”, made its UK premiere on July 12 in London. The red-carpet celebration was held to promote the official release on July 21 by Universal Pictures. The film is based on the role of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the theoretical physicist involved in the manufacture of the first atomic bomb known as the Manhattan Project.

Co-star Emily Blunt said that in the event of a strike by the SAG-AFTRA she would not remain in Britain for the broader opening and would return to the U.S. She was quoted as saying:

“I think right now we are just sorting of … I hope everyone makes a fair deal and we are here to celebrate this movie. And if they call it, we’ll be leaving together as cast in unity with everyone …We are gonna have to. We will see what happens. Right now, it’s the joy to be together.” 

A Summer of Strikes

In the U.S., the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strike comes amid a wave of industrial actions. The Teamsters union representing 340,000 UPS workers are slated to walk off the job at the end of July. This could represent the largest private sector strike against a single employer in U.S. history.

The UAW began its negotiations with the automotive industry during mid-July, where the new leadership has pledged to take a harder line against the corporations. The traditional handshake between labor and management was avoided to indicate that the union leadership is committed to protecting the interests of the workers.

UAW leaders have postponed any presidential endorsements until further notice unlike the AFL-CIO, which at its recent national conference, gave its full backing to the re-election of Democratic Party President Joe Biden. The AFL-CIO has said publicly that Biden is the most pro-labor president in history.

Nonetheless, the majority of rank-and-file workers obviously have a different opinion. Several recent polls reveal that Biden’s ratings remain extremely low for a president in his first term. The majority of registered voters interviewed said that Biden should not seek another term due to his age.

However, even more significantly, most people stated that the economy was the major concern in the present period. There have been monthly reports saying that the jobless rate stands at 3.4-3.5%.

Even though the unemployment rate is low, the inability of workers to keep up with the rate of inflation has fueled hardships at the gas stations, supermarkets, car dealerships, rental properties and the payments for mortgage rates. The phenomenon of rising prices for energy and durable goods has slowed since the middle of 2022.

However, the costs for essential commodities and services are still far too high for many working families and the extremely impoverished. The federal minimum wage in the U.S. has not been raised since 2009 during the Great Recession.

Consequently, the working class must continue to organize and act in order to protect its own interests. Otherwise, the rightward shift related to labor relations will continue rendering people to even more dire social conditions across the U.S.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

All images in this article are from Abayomi Azikiwe

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First published by Global Research on May 6, 2023


Top World Economic Forum (WEF) adviser Yuval Noah Harari recently declared that the world does not “need the vast majority” of the current World population due to technological advances.

Harari made the bold declaration in an interview with Chris Anderson, head of the popular TED media group, echoing past predictions of a “useless class” of “unemployable” humans.

Harai suggested that, in a departure from the 20th century, when the “big heroes” of political systems’ prevailing narratives were always “the common people,” now in the 21st century, people “are no longer part of the story of the future.” Instead, according to Harari, they have been replaced by artificial intelligence (AI) and displaced by a high-tech economy.



The author and lecturer presented to Anderson the “hypothesis” that anxiety about being displaced in the future economy by AI and a highly educated “tech” class is partly at the root of the world’s “disillusionment and backlash against the liberal order.”

“Part of what might be going [on] is people realize — and they’re correct in thinking that, ‘The future doesn’t need me. … Maybe if they are nice, they will throw some crumbs my way, like universal basic income.’ But it’s much worse psychologically to feel that you are useless than to feel that you are exploited,” Harari said.

“Now, fast forward to the early 21st century when we just don’t need the vast majority of the population,” Harari continued, “because the future is about developing more and more sophisticated technology, like artificial intelligence [and] bioengineering.”

Harari added that “these technologies increasingly will make redundant” “whatever people are still doing which is useful,” and will thus “make it possible to replace the people.”

While he conceded to Anderson that technologies such as AI will open up new and “more interesting jobs,” Harari argued that

“it’s not clear that many humans will be able to do them, because they will require high skills and a lot of education.”

Anderson doggedly proposed ways in which human beings could — and he suggested, should — continue to play a valuable part in the world economy, or at least society.

“So again, trying to desperately apply some sort of more hopeful spin on this … a lot of the jobs that are being displaced are actually kind of boring jobs that don’t really tap into the core of what the human is,” Anderson said.

“People are really good at making lonely people not feel lonely, and pretty much anyone can do that,”  Anderson noted. “You know, communities are a mess. Pretty much anyone who lives somewhere could do, in principle, something to make a community better. They could paint a fence, or do some voluntary service, or whatever.”

Harari in turn argued that in order to “recogniz[e] activities like community building and raising families as jobs,” “we need a new economic and social model.”

When Anderson asked Harari whether he sees “any solution to that problem other than” more tax redistribution by the government, Harari replied, “That’s the traditional role of government. When the market isn’t efficient enough in redistributing the wealth, then this is the job of the government.”

Harari went so far as to suggest that wealth would need to be redistributed globally, so that the profits of tech companies in the U.S. and China could benefit people in countries less advanced in the tech domain.

“I would say that the biggest problem by far is not on the national level. It’s on the global level,” said Harari, who added that while he can envision redistribution of wealth from “tech giants in California” to “mothers in Pennsylvania,” he does not see that wealth being redistributed to “Honduras or Mexico or Brazil.”

Eventually, Anderson pointed to the irreplaceable role of human beings, asking Harari:

“Is there any scenario where we could write ourselves back into this story in quite an important way as being the only things in the universe that we know of that are actually capable of the things that matter most in the universe — i.e., love, joy, creativity, the sort of that feeling of peace you talked about.

Technology can’t advise us on what are the things deepest in our hearts. We should not let it, we should retain control, in fact make our technology in service to those things. And in a sense, the relationship between technology and us — [technology] should regard sentient things as gods, that have superpowers it knows nothing of. No? Is that ridiculous?

Harari did not directly address Anderson’s point, but honed in on “the question of sentience and consciousness” as “the most important question in this regard,” and “the greatest riddle of science.”

Harari’s evasion of the question may stem from his less transcendent view of human beings, as reflected in his claim that “Homo sapiens rule the world because it is the only animal that can believe in things that exist purely in its own imagination, such as gods, states, money, and human rights,” a backbone idea of his book “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind.”

This idea is echoed in his famous assertion that we “should get used to the idea that we are no longer mysterious souls,” but are “now hackable animals.”

As a top adviser to the WEF’s head and founder Klaus Schwab, Harari’s view that the world now holds an abundance of “useless” people, together with his open degradation of human beings as equivalent to animals, raises the question of whether the WEF’s aims are shaped by such a view, and if so, to what extent.

Indeed, the WEF arguably places the environment, and not human beings per se, at the center of its priorities. It has partnered with the heavily pro-abortion and pro-contraception United Nations (U.N.), and the WEF’s Great Reset agenda has raised concerns of collateral damage to the livelihoods and well-being of people around the world.

For instance, some argue that the WEF seeks the premature relinquishing of fossil fuel sources in favor of “green” but expensive and unreliable energy sources in such a manner as to curb overall energy usage and hurt entire economies via a ripple effect.

More evidence of such a worldview is the WEF’s endorsement of COVID lockdowns, which resulted in waves of lost jobs, massive spikes in depression, upticks in domestic abuse, and other harmful effects. In fact, the WEF called for “more stringent” lockdowns, despite such worldwide misery, and praised the lockdowns for their effect of reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and pollution.


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Featured image: Yuval Harari in a June 17, 2022 TED talk on Climate Change (Screenshot from the TED Talk video via LifeSiteNews)

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First published on November 24, 2016

Author’s Note

Independent media is under attack Worldwide. 

Censorship is now routinely applied.  In recent developments, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) has launched indictments to Criminalize Dissent, namely to Weaponize Censorship.

Moreover, readers on social media (including Global Research) are “warned not to go onto certain sites”.

Those who say the truth are tagged as “conspiracy theorists”.  

Our analysis confirms that the mainstream media are routinely involved in distorting the facts and turning realities upside down. 

They are the unspoken architects of “Fake News”.  The Lie becomes the Truth. 

Propaganda under Nuremberg is a crime against humanity 

One area of routine distortion which is the object of this article (and which cannot be refuted) is the use of fake videos and images by the mainstream media. 


Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, October 26, 2020, June 11, 2023


Four Notorious Cases of  Media Distortion

These are four examples and there are many more. The manipulation of videos and images is routine.

In some cases, these manipulations are revealed by readers, independent media and social media.

In most cases they go undetected. And when they are revealed, the media will say “sorry” we apologize: they will then point to technical errors. “we got the wrong video”.

What is important to emphasize is that these media distortions are invariably deliberate.

1. Coverage of CNN 2008 Riots in Tibet

Chinese Cops with khaki uniforms and Indian Style Moustaches

The video footage, which accompanied CNN’s John Vause’s 2008 report, had nothing to do with China. The policemen were not Chinese, but Indian cops in khaki uniforms from the Northeastern State of Himachal Pradesh, India.

Viewers were led to believe that demonstrations inside China were peaceful and that people were being arrested by Chinese cops.

Chinese Cops in Khaki Uniforms?

1′.27-1′.44″ video footage of “Chinese cops” and demonstrators including Buddhist monks. Chinese cops are shown next to Tibetan monks

Are these Chinese Cops from Gansu Province or Lhasa, the Tibetan capital, as suggested by CNN’s John Vause’s Report?


Screenshot from above CNN video

Alleged Chinese cops in khaki uniforms repressing Tibet demonstrators in China, CNN, March 14, 2008  1’38”, 1’40″ (image above)

Their khaki uniforms with berets seem to bear the imprint of the British colonial period.

Khaki colored uniforms were first introduced in the British cavalry in India in 1846.

Khaki means “dust” in Hindi and Persian.

Moreover, the cops with khaki uniforms and moustache do not look Chinese.

Look carefully.

They are Indian cops.

The videotape shown on March 14, 2008 by CNN is not from China (Gansu Province or Lhasa, Tibet’s Capital). The video was taken in the State of Himachal Pradesh, India. The videotape of the Tibet protest movement in India was used in the CNN report on the Tibet protest movement within China. CNN got its countries screwed up.

For the full report on Global Research click Here

2. BBC Coverage of the War on Libya, 2011

Green Square Tripoli. Libyans Celebrating “Liberation” and the Victory of Rebel forces over Gadaffi waving Indian Flags

Examine the footage: It’s not Green Square and it’s not the King Idris Flag (red, black green) of the Libyan Rebels.

Its the Indian flag (orange, white and green) and the people at the rally are Indians.

Perhaps you did not even notice it.

And if you did notice, ”it was probably a mistake”.

Sloppy journalism at the BBC or outright Lies and Fabrications? Recognize the flags?

Indian Flag  (see right)

Libya’s Rebel Flag (King Idris)





Rebels “celebrating” in Green Square

There was no celebration. It was a NATO sponsored massacre which has resulted in several thousand deaths. (2011)

But the truth cannot be shown on network television. The impacts of NATO bombings have been obfuscated.

The rebels are heralded as ”liberators”.

NATO bombing is intended to save civilian lives under The Alliance’s R2P mandate.  But the realities are otherwise: the civilian population is being terrorized by the NATO sponsored Rebels.

The images must be switched to conform to the “NATO consensus”.

Death and destruction is replaced by fabricated images of celebration and liberation.

See the full report on Global Research


3. CNN and BBC on 9/11.

The Report on the Collapse of WTC Building Seven Occurred Prior to the Collapse

Fake News regarding the Collapse of WTC Building Seven

The most grotesque lie pertains to the BBC and CNN announcement in the afternoon of September 11, that WTC Building Seven (The Solomon Building) had collapsed.

The BBC report went live at 5.00pm, 21 minutes before the actual occurrence of the collapse, indelibly pointing to foreknowledge of the collapse of WTC 7.

CNN anchor Aaron Brown announced that the building “has either collapsed or is collapsing” about an hour before the event.

See the images below: WTC Building Seven is still standing.

(See the hidden story of Building 7: Foreknowledge of WTC 7′s Collapse)

The Collapse of WTC Building Seven.

“CNN anchor Aaron Brown seems to struggle to make sense of what he is seeing one minute after announcing that WTC Building 7, whose erect facade is clearly visible in his view towards the Trade Center, has or is collapsing.” (see below)



4. The March 2016 Brussels Terrorist Attacks.

Belgian Media Used Video of a 2011 Moscow Airport Terrorist Attack

Brussels News media Dernière Heure at as well as La Libre reported on the terror attacks by providing a CC Camera Airport Surveillance Video of the terror attacks. 

The published video footage was fake as documented by a blog posting on Media Part

The video pertains to a terror attack at Moscow’s Domodedovo airport on 24 January 2011 (posted on youtube in November 2013).

The  report of on the Brussels airport attack used the video of the Moscow 2011 attack with the date of the Brussels attack: (22/03/2016) pasted onto the Russian video.

Below is the screenshot of DH’s report.

And the screenshot of  La Libre at,

And here is a screenshot of the January 2011 terror attack at Moscow’s Domodedova International Airport published on youtube in November 2013 followed by the full youtube video of the Moscow attack:

According to the BBC (January 24, 2011) report (which includes the video), the Moscow 2011 airport attack  resulted in 35 dead.

Screenshot of BBC Report January 2011 report

Coincidence? That Same Day, There was A Second Fake Surveillance Video at Brussels Maelbeek Metro Station 

The terror attack in the afternoon of March 22 2016 at Brussels Maelbeek Metro station was reported by mainstream media including CNN.

In these reports, video footage from a 2011 terror attack in Minsk, Belarus was used by network TV and online media to describe what was happening in the metro station at the time of the attacks.

According to the Independent:

CCTV footage that was shared after the Brussels attacks, believed to show video from inside Maelbeek Metro station, has been proven fake.

As news emerged of the third explosion in the Belgian capital, which targeted the station situated near EU offices, many began sharing what they believed to be footage of the bombing.

However it was soon discovered that the video in fact came from the Minsk Metro bombing of 2011 that killed 15 and injured over 200 people.

The Independent’s report is based on a fallacy. It was the mainstream media that published the Moscow and Minsk video footages. It was thanks to incisive social media blog reports that the use of fake videos by the mainstream media was revealed.

The more fundamental question: two cases of fake videos:

Can we trust the mainstream media reports concerning the Brussels terror attacks?

Comparisons: Brussels, 22 March 2016 versus Minsk, 11 April 2011. Same video footage

Here is a screenshot of  video footage broadcast on network TV and on the internet depicting the explosion in the Metro in Brussels, March 22, 2016


The alleged video footage of the CCTV surveillance camera, Brussel Maelbeek Metro Station (subsequently removed).  The CC surveillance camera is under control of the Metro security authorities. (screenshot above)

Now Compare the above to the screenshot of  the Minsk April 2011 attacks followed by full-length video.

 Full video of the Minsk Attack


Read Complete article on Brussels Fake Videos

Concluding Remarks

The lies and fabrications of the MSM are not the result of “sloppy journalism”.

They are deliberate and are intended to mislead the public.

The mainstream media routinely used fake images and videos in its coverage of the wars in Syria, Libya and Ukraine.

The campaign against alternative and independent media seeks to limit freedom of expression.

Why Is Big Capital Ditching the “Social, Environment, Governance” ESG Agenda?

By Dr. Mathew Maavak, July 13, 2023

The environmental, social, and governance (ESG) agenda once had the staunch backing of billionaires, Western governments and the United Nations. Big Capital, however, is backtracking from the very Frankenstein it had created. What are the reasons behind this volte-face?

Germany, Second Arms Supplier to Ukraine After U.S. The Controversial History of Germany’s Eastern Borders

By M. K. Bhadrakumar, July 13, 2023

The hypothesis that the Anglo-Saxon axis is pivotal to the proxy war in Ukraine against Russia is only partly true. Germany is actually Ukraine’s second largest arms supplier, after the United States. Chancellor Olaf Scholz pledged a new arms package worth 700 million euros, including additional tanks, munitions and Patriot air defence systems at the Nato summit in Vilnius, putting Berlin, as he said, at the very forefront of military support for Ukraine. 

Path of Justice, Equality, Peace, Protection of Environment and Life (JEPP) Is Key to a Safe Future

By Bharat Dogra, July 13, 2023

What are the most important lessons of history regarding true progress which really brings welfare and happiness? What can we learn from this to resolve the most serious survival crisis faced today in terms of the basic life-nurturing conditions of our planet being threatened by man-made factors?

NATO Commits to Kiev’s “Fast Track Membership” and Cluster Bombing to WWIII

By Joachim Hagopian, July 13, 2023

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the days leading up to Tuesday July 11th’s two-day NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania appears to have dramatically pivoted back into the Western Deep State fold, on Saturday July 8th raising the issue of becoming an EU member again, advocating Ukraine join NATO, finally giving in to Sweden as a NATO member on the eve of the Vilnius NATO summit, and last Saturday releasing five neo-Nazi Ukrainian Azovstal commanders vowing to return to the combat zone who were held in a Turkish prison, breeching the original agreement between Ankara, Kiev and Moscow to hold off their release until after the Ukraine conflict.

List of 30 ‘Elites’ That Support and Promote Worldwide Depopulation

By Michael Snyder and Alexander Light, July 13, 2023

There is a clear consensus among the global elite that overpopulation is the primary cause of the most important problems that the world is facing and that something desperately needs to be done about it. They truly believe that humans are a plague upon the earth and that we will literally destroy the planet if we are left to our own devices…

Israel’s Absentees’ Property Law Allowing the Confiscation of Vast Amount of Properties Left Behind by Palestinian Arab Refugees

By Khaled Mouammar, July 13, 2023

According to The Associated Press  the Legal and Administrative Matters Law, enacted by Israel in 1970 after the occupation of East Jerusalem in 1967, allowing Jews to reclaim properties that were Jewish before the formation of the Israeli state in 1948. Jordan controlled the area between 1948 and the 1967 war

Young Teachers (COVID-19 Vaccinated) Who Died Suddenly During April 2023 to May 2023. 14 Sudden Deaths Examined

By Dr. William Makis, July 13, 2023

When documenting sudden deaths of COVID-19 vaccine mandated professions like doctors, nurses, athletes, police officers, firefighters, military, bus drivers, pilots, or University and College students, it is easy to forget that in late 2021 and early 2022, teachers were mandated to take COVID-19 vaccines as well, or they faced losing their jobs and their entire teaching careers.

Ireland’s News Media. RTÉ TV Fully Complicit in Endorsing the ‘Pandemic’ Narrative

By Gavin OReilly, July 13, 2023

Over the past several weeks, Ireland has been rocked by a scandal related to the significant undeclared earnings of Ryan Tubridy, the most prominent presenter on the public broadcaster of the 26-County State, RTÉ, and the long-time host of its flagship talk show, The Late Late Show, until his departure earlier this year – prior to the revelations related to his salary becoming public knowledge.

How Clearly Israel Is an Apartheid Country

By Eric Zuesse, July 13, 2023

On July 11th, the Washington Post headlined “Sen. Tommy Tuberville relents and says white nationalists are racist”, and reported that the Republican U.S. Senator from the (racist) state of Alabama was finally forced, by the Senate’s leading Democrat Charles Schumer from the state of New York, to say publicly that “White nationalists are racists” and even to say “I’m totally against racism.”

Video: Shut Down the COVID-19 Operation Now!

By Emanuel Pastreich, July 13, 2023

A few politicians have said a few words about some vaccines not being safe, or suggested that “mistakes were made” but they are not anywhere near ready to talk about what really happened, about your sufferings under a criminal regime, or about what must be done now.

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July 14th, 2023 by Global Research News

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What are the most important lessons of history regarding true progress which really brings welfare and happiness? What can we learn from this to resolve the most serious survival crisis faced today in terms of the basic life-nurturing conditions of our planet being threatened by man-made factors?

These are big questions which may require big answers. However if the essence of the answer is to be captured in a single word, just a four-letter word that is easy to remember, then this can be called JEPP, short for a path based on justice, equality, peace, protection of environment and other forms of life.

The world has been changing fast in so many ways. But JEPP is a point where history and future meet—in the sense that the JEPP path has been found to be the best for human progress and will remain so in future—including for the most crucial task of resolving the survival or existential crisis before it is too late.  

In our highly diverse world the precise form in which JEPP will evolve for a country or community will differ from one situation to the other. This is a task that must be pursued with all sincerity, honesty and determination and in this process the JEPP path most suitable for any place or time or community can evolve, particularly if democratic processes are followed which provide for wide consultations, decentralization, transparency and for early corrective actions if at some stage things start going wrong.

The five JEPP precepts –commitment to justice, equality, peace, protection of environment and protection of other forms of life are entirely in harmony with each other. Problems arise only when mistakes are made in application of these key concepts. To give an example, someone may suggest a distorted version of conservation which leads to displacement and eviction of a large number of people. In such cases, there should be adequate space for wider consultation to resolve the disharmony that has arisen in two key precepts entirely due to human error. Democratic consultation and processes should result in the emergence of solutions (in this particular case ways of supporting conservation oriented sustainable livelihoods) which avoid such disharmony and seek the harmony which certainly exists.

In the present day context the bigger challenge comes from the high possibility that the communities or even entire nations that try to evolve their JEPP path with deep sincerity and commitment face external opposition, or even violent repression by wider or more powerful forces.

This is unfortunately still very much a reality of the present-day world, persisting even in this stage of the survival crisis, although such a distorted state of affairs must have been corrected a long time ago.

Hence given the present –day sad realities, the communities and nations which follow JEPP precepts with sincerity and determination should be prepared to face the hostility of powerful forces and to plan for their (by and large) peaceful resistance and protection. Such efforts worldwide will be strengthened by the greater, increasing unity of all those forces who believe in the basic JEPP principles of justice, equality, peace, protection of environment and other forms of life. The broader and stronger the unity of those who are committed to JEPP path, the higher the chances that they can protect themselves, their fraternity and their path to a better and safer future. What is more, as the JEPP path involves so much of very creative and interesting experimentation, there is so much for various groups walking the JEPP path to learn from each other and this unity also helps in the process of learning together and learning from each other.

The values and value systems, common thinking patterns so prevalent and widely rooted in the present day world, in its educational and community institutions, are frequently not in keeping with JEPP precepts and are instead closer to aggressive pursuit of narrow self-interests. These often emphasize dominance while these should be emphasizing cooperation for the common welfare of all. Hence JEPP path also involves deeper work with continuity at the level of communities for evolving social values which are supportive of JEPP precepts and path.

The JEPP path is easy for communicating to more and more people, and those who spread these ideas should retain this simplicity, speaking always in the language of the common folk, instead of inventing a language full of their own terminology.


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Bharat Dogra is Honorary Convener, Campaign to Save Earth Now. His recent books include Planet in Peril, Protecting Earth for Children, Earth without Borders and Man over Machine—A Path to Peace. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the days leading up to Tuesday July 11th’s two-day NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania appears to have dramatically pivoted back into the Western Deep State fold, on Saturday July 8th raising the issue of becoming an EU member again, advocating Ukraine join NATO, finally giving in to Sweden as a NATO member on the eve of the Vilnius NATO summit, and last Saturday releasing five neo-Nazi Ukrainian Azovstal commanders vowing to return to the combat zone who were held in a Turkish prison, breeching the original agreement between Ankara, Kiev and Moscow to hold off their release until after the Ukraine conflict.

In front of the cameras handing five commanders over to a beaming Volodymyr Zelensky in Ankara last weekend was optically a much-needed promotional big PR win for Ukraine, just ahead of the Vilnius NATO summit. With Ukraine’s counteroffensive a complete failure, optics means everything to this fake actor. But to Russia Erdogan and Zelensky’s move was viewed as Erdogan stabbing his close ally Russia in the back. Right afterwards, the opportunistic actor Zelensky flew off to Snake Island to thank Ukraine troops, basking in more centerstage theatrics, reminding the world that southern Ukraine’s coastline access to the Black Sea is still controlled by Kiev, despite strong likelihood that Russia will soon militarily snatch Odessa and Ukraine’s sea access away for good. The shrinking nation and population of Ukraine will be without its “fearless” dictator puppet soon as well.

A further development explaining this abrupt switcheroo by turncoat Erdogan suddenly kissing US/NATO’s ass again is the F-16 fighter jet deal with the US, announced on Tuesday July 11th at the Vilnius, Lithuania NATO summit. This deal had been held up until Erdogan caved in to agree on Sweden becoming the 33rd NATO member.

Considering that over nearly the last decade, Erdogan has consistently thumbed his nose at America, NATO and the West, overtly distancing himself from his NATO membership while defiantly strengthening ties with Putin, Erdogan in 2022 steadfastly refused to join the US/NATO’s condemnation and sanction pile-on against Putin for his Special Military Operation in Ukraine. Less than two months ago, Erdogan defiantly stated in a CNN interview:

We are not at a point where we would impose sanctions on Russia like the West have done. We are not bound by the West’s sanctions. We are a strong state and we have a positive relationship with Russia. Russia and Turkey need each other in every field possible.

So naturally this last week’s complete turnaround is drawing lots of attention. Erdogan has been coerced by US/NATO/Western power to seemingly betray his now well-established friendship with Putin. Erdogan’s neutrality stance toward the Ukraine conflict worked in his favor amongst his Turkish voting constituents to secure his recent reelection bid, and now having overcome that hurdle, Erdogan has apparently reverted back to his checkered past playing both sides against each other in the perennial East vs. West Cold War chessboard game, with yet more cloak and dagger politics that he’s notorious for.

Aligning with Putin essentially amounted to aligning with the demonized enemy of the globalist City of London-US power structure, and was not to be tolerated as outright sleeping with the enemy. On top of that, as leader of the seven-decade long NATO member Turkey since 2014, Erdogan’s sudden aggression disputing fellow NATO member Greece’s ancient sovereign right to its own east Aegean Islands was deemed as more over-the-top antics and insolence bucking the City of London/Washington DC/NATO pecking order deemed the last straw. On February 6th, 2023, the devastating 7.8 Turkish earthquake killing over 50,000 victims appears to be yet another unnatural catastrophe.

In the following month in March Erdogan and his Turkish parliament’s unanimous vote was the final NATO member to approve Finland’s entry into NATO as an early sign of post-earthquake submission to the West. Thus, in the lead-up to the NATO summit this week, increased pressure was brought to bear on the Turkish president to toe the line, lest another killer earthquake or Soros Purple Revolution erupt in his backyard.

With NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg and NATO member majority calling for Kiev’s clear expedited pathway to membership, it’s clear that the Western puppets following their bloodline masters’ orders are inching ever closer to igniting nuclear WWIII. The Vilnius summit this week has forwarded NATO’s rushed plan guaranteeing Ukraine security for years to come that for all intents and purposes means full de facto NATO membership, despite the largely empty claim to defer it until after the war against Russia ends.

On July 8th the same day as Erdogan and Zelensky violated the deal they made with Putin regarding the Azov prisoners, Erdogan had the gall to say he was pressing Putin to extend the Black Sea grain deal Erdogan brokered last summer for both Ukraine and Russia’s shipments of the vital food staple’s safe passage to feed a hungry world. Whereas Kiev’s grain shipments were earmarked for needy African nations, it turned out virtually all of its grain went straight to nations in the European Union. Moreover, it’s been reported that so-called Western cargo ships transporting grain have also been covertly used in the past to ship Western weapons in through Ukraine’s port of Odessa. As a result, Russia has been wanting out of the grain deal, and now it obviously has every justifiable reason for shutting it down. Erdogan gained geopolitical brownie points as international broker between the two warring enemies in a humanitarian cause, but also financially gained as middleman charging vessels’ access to Black Sea entry through Turkey’s Strait of Dardanelles. Some analysts minimize the apparent betrayal by Erdogan toward Putin, claiming his last weekend deal breaker colluding with Zelensky to liberate Azovstal commanders was merely a necessary setup for Russia to then justify pulling out of the grain deal, and that Erdogan and Putin still remain allied “friends,” albeit on a less overt basis.

As part of the Ukraine NATO membership greenlight on Tuesday July 11th, NATO head Stoltenberg proposed a fast track end-around to make Kiev a full-fledge member without the wait and bureaucratic hoops other countries go through.

This again only shows the desperation the bloodline controllers are in to push through this instant pathway to nuclear war. Stoltenberg announced the newly formed Ukraine-NATO council meeting with Zelensky at the summit on Wednesday July 12th. Spoiled manipulator Zelensky even threatened to boycott the Vilnius summit unless a concrete instant roadmap to NATO membership is guaranteed. Meanwhile, as recently as last week Braindead Biden told CNN that it is “premature” for Ukraine’s NATO membership, but how many times has this chronic liar not kept his word?

Even with the fast track proposal by Stoltenberg, like a truculent, spoiled child, the Kiev narcissist Zelensky angrily wrote his “it’s never enough” response on Telegram:

While at the same time vague wording about ‘conditions’ is added even for inviting Ukraine. It seems there is no readiness neither to invite Ukraine to NATO nor to make it a member of the Alliance… This means that a window of opportunity is being left to bargain Ukraine’s membership in NATO in negotiations with Russia. And for Russia, this means motivation to continue its terror. Uncertainty is weakness. And I will openly discuss this at the summit.

Despite incurring the little dictator’s wrath, the NATO bloc’s joint statement at the summit issued on Tuesday July 11th proclaimed:

We reaffirm the commitment we made at the 2008 summit in Bucharest that Ukraine will become a member of NATO, and today we recognize that Ukraine’s path to full Euro-Atlantic integration has moved beyond the need for the Membership Action Plan.

Because a unanimous consensus among NATO was not reached, fearing nuclear war against Russia, the feebly transparent excuse that Ukraine still needs to improve “additional democratic and security sector reformsprior to full entrance was the NATO bloc verdict, though again, a majority no doubt regard Kiev is still a de facto member.

The Telegraph ran its July 8th headline,

“Fearful Germany preparing to block Ukraine’s Nato membership bid.” The UK rag along with its government and most NATO countries apparently are all in for world war against the largest nuclear power on earth, and any Western nation that dares to balk or think twice at plunging off suicide cliff apparently gets labeled “fearful.”

The problem is Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz is a vassal, acquiescing completely to his supposed US ally’s Nord Stream pipeline sabotage. We live in an insanely dangerous world now. In reality, Germany is not alone wanting to survive what’s coming and it’s doubtful Ukraine will officially be admitted to the NATO suicide club. In the meantime, Russia will steamroll its way to victory sometime this summer.

The Baltic States and Poland are the biggest Russian haters chomping at the bit for NATO to battle it out against Putin. Yet nearly half of the Polish people in the latest poll are against Ukraine’s NATO membership because they wish to stay alive a few more years.

But sadly, the flipside of this survey indicates that even a slight majority in Poland actually desire Kiev as a member, which automatically through Article 5 brings on nuclear World War III. So, bottom line here is that most Poles want WWIII. And guess who will be the first to die from a Russian launched mushroom cloud, this brainwashed, war-craving, Russia-hating Polish majority along with the rest of Europe, North America and there goes our world fast becoming instinct of the humanoid creatures for yet another evolutional go-round. As long as Satan’s dominion is this earth, it seems Homo sapiens are forever doomed.

But the West has not let up pressure in the least to incite a wider war against Moscow, especially with Commander-in-Thief Biden’s decision last week to begin sending cluster bombs to Kiev as one more desperado move breeching yet another Putin red line. It’s all too obvious that the global powerbrokers are going down with Ukraine, so they are frantically lighting an ever-so-short fuse now to potential nuclear annihilation. The bloodline controllers and their puppets are all working overtime for Satan.

Speaking of cluster bombs and working for Satan, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby openly admitted to US war crimes on Sunday news venues with the following statement:

We can all agree that more civilians have been and will continue to be killed by Russian forces… than will likely be hurt by the use of these cluster munitionsWe are very mindful of the concerns about civilian casualties and unexploded ordinance being picked up by civilians or children and being hurt, of course we’re mind of that.

A 123-nation majority around the globe banned this deplorable weapon since 2010 for indiscriminate targeting of civilians after studies showed 97% of those who die are civilians and two out of three are children.

The Kremlin argues Kirby just admitted the US is knowingly committing war crimes in Ukraine, with the vast majority of victims, civilians who’ll most likely be ethnic Russian children living in the Donbass, Kherson and Zaporozhe years from now.

Even Democrats and many NATO countries oppose this latest desperado move to ineffectively delay the inevitability of a Russian victory culminated by Ukraine’s unconditional surrender as a devastated failed state empty shell of a nation. And that all this death and destruction could have so easily been prevented by US/West/bloodline controllers if only Russia’s right to national security was accepted. But the Satanic elements feeding off death and destruction would not have it any other way.


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This article was originally published on The Government Rag.

Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down,” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system.

The experience in both the military and child welfare system prepared him well as a researcher and independent journalist, exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller controlled medical and psychiatric system inflict more harm than good, case in point the current diabolical pandemic hoax and genocide. As an independent journalist for the last decade, Joachim has written hundreds of articles for many news sites, like Global and currently As a published bestselling author on Amazon of a 5-book volume series entitled Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, his A-Z sourcebook series exposes the global pedophilia scourge is available free at Joachim also hosts the Revolution Radio weekly broadcast “Cabal Empire Exposed,” every Friday morning at 6AM EST (ID: revradio, password: rocks!).

Featured image is from Ramil Sitdikov / Sputnik

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The environmental, social, and governance (ESG) agenda once had the staunch backing of billionaires, Western governments and the United Nations. Big Capital, however, is backtracking from the very Frankenstein it had created. What are the reasons behind this volte-face?

In a June 10 Tweet, Elon Musk, the embodiment of the electric vehicle (EV) revolution, declared that “ESG is the devil”.

ESG stands for the “environmental, social and governance” principles which dictate that certain aspects of a company’s work must be taken into account when deciding whether to invest in it. An investment-worthy company must have a good score on things like climate change, sustainability, energy efficiency, diversity, equity and inclusion, as well as corruption and bribery prevention, among others.

Musk’s outburst was sparked by the shockingly low ESG scores assigned to Tesla by S&P Global, a ratings and market intelligence heavyweight. Tesla earned 37 points (out of a possible 100, where anything above 70 is considered “good” and anything below 50 is deemed “poor”) on its ESG scorecard while Philip Morris, the global tobacco giant, received a commendable score of 84. Similarly, as the Washington Free Beacon discovered, the London Stock Exchange gave British American Tobacco a score of 94.

Perhaps, lighting up 20.3 billion tobacco products daily worldwide does wonders for the environment and sustainability.

The ESG turnabout wasn’t entirely unexpected. I had even published a recent analysis on how the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its factotums would ultimately take the fall for our crumbling liberal-globalist order. Musk is just one among a growing number of stalwarts to turn their backs on the global ESG train wreck. Insurance behemoth Lloyd’s of London recently announced that it was exiting from the net-zero alliance for insurers, and it was the sixth such organisation to do so within a week. There are good reasons for this shift. For starters, hundreds of ESG managers were stung by the recent collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank which had prioritised woke agendas over the security of their depositors.

The ESG agenda effectively forces firms to sacrifice business logic in favour of liberal lunacies marked by gender dysphoria, pseudo-diversity and climate militancy. As banks promoting this mania get bankrupted, one wonders how ESG initiatives are going to be funded down the line. Investment behemoths like BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street (aka Big Capital) are leading the global ESG rollback. The trio manage assets worth $22 trillion worldwide, amounting to a quarter of the global GDP, and they can no longer pander to socialist pies-in-the-sky. Big Capital thrives on trillion-dollar profits, not trillions of social media soundbites and hissy-fits.

Punitive threats, like the following prediction from KPMG, will not faze Big Capital:

“By 2030, poor performers [will] have been weeded out and consistent non-compliance will be met with severe consequences including penalties, public naming, a prohibition to operate and even imprisonment. The C-Suite and Directors will now be personally liable for ESG breaches.”

Does anyone really believe that the Big Four (Deloitte, Ernst & Young, KPMG and PwC) will agitate for punitive actions against their sacred cows? Big Capital virtually owns them. Even the British government plans to drop its flagship £11.6bn climate pledge, prompting an infuriated Guardian to accuse Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of “betraying populations most vulnerable to global heating”. Just what exactly is “global heating”?

Incidentally, KPMG had provided Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank (another failed entity) with a clean bill of health just weeks before their collapse. Neither the professorial definition of The ScienceTM nor the science of accounting added up in these cases. These champions of sustainability are also unable to sustain themselves as they have begun firing thousands of employees.

Incidentally, Sri Lanka had a near-perfect ESG score of 98 before its economy  collapsed.

I will now provide five big reasons why the ESG agenda is doomed.

Renewable Chimeras

Renewable energy – a cornerstone of the ESG agenda – is not as clean, eco-friendly, efficient or as sustainable as advocates claim it to be.

In the area of battery technologies, science policy analyst David Wojick had deduced that the “grid scale storage” required to replace fossil fuels with wind and solar power in a “net zero” United States would cost $23 trillion – matching the nation’s annual GDP for 2021.

Apart from its unsustainable costs, the renewables ecosystem is also harmful to the environment. Solar panels contain a toxic mix of gallium, tellurium, silver, crystalline silicon, lead and cadmium, among others. It costs an estimated $20 to $30 to recycle one panel while only $1 to $2 is needed to consign the same panel to a landfill. It is a similar story with millions of tons of decommissioned wind turbine blades which themselves contain toxic materials that are leaching into the environment. Ironically, wind power is heavily dependent on oil and its byproducts throughout its production-to-operation lifecycle.

The net energy return on investments (EROI) from “renewable” sources remains abysmal. If and when proper recycling protocols are mandated worldwide, the renewable energy sector will collapse overnight. The growing affordability of EVs has less to do with government subsidies and more to do with the fact that only five percent of their batteries are recycled. And batteries constitute just one component of a highly-unsustainable renewables ecosystem.

Human Rights Abuses, Poverty and Food Insecurity

The EV boom is significantly fueled by underpaid, underfed and underaged cobalt miners. Cobalt is an essential component of lithium-ion batteries and nearly 70% of global supplies are mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo. As Amnesty International reports, nearly 40,000 children slave away in these mines under the most appalling conditions. Perhaps they were energised by Greta Thunberg’s warning in 2018 that the world would end in 2023 unless fossil fuels were banned in toto? The embarrassing Tweet has since been deleted but the world did end for “hundreds, if not thousands” of Congolese children. Likewise, Glencore, a major player in the Congo cobalt sector, has deleted all contents from its dedicated ESG webpage (snapshot taken in mid-June). 

One wonders whose childhoods are being stolen in a hypocritical and unmistakably racist global ESG regime? Third-world children will also reel from ESG-dictated reductions in Western farm outputs. Ireland and the Netherlands, among others, are planning to cull millions of livestock in order to “meet emissions targets” and “save the planet”. The science behind this madness was conjured up by the usual suspects such as KPMG.

A reduction in meat supply will create seismic imbalances throughout the global food ecosystem. The demand for plant alternatives such as pulses will skyrocket, tearing ever bigger holes in the pockets of vegans and meat-eaters alike. Meats sold at  taxed mark-ups will be infused with mRNA vaccines. In the meantime, the WEF has a solution: worms, maggots and insects as a dietary option for the poor.

Freeloader Anarchists

With the ESG gravy train trundling to a halt, freeloading activists may escalate their direct actions.

A group called Just Stop Oil and affiliate eco-anarchists are now vandalising fuel pumps when they are not gluing themselves onto roads and disrupting football matches, the Wimbledon and weddings. They have even vandalised the wax effigy of Britain’s climate monarch, Charles III, at Madame Tussauds museum in London. Coincidentally, Charles III – echoing Thunberg’s dire predictions in 2018 – has just launched a “climate clock” which gives humanity only six years before a climate armageddon. But here is the irony of ironies: Just Stop Oil is funded by the Climate Emergency Fund (CEF) which in turn received donations from Aileen Getty, the granddaughter of oil tycoon Jean Paul Getty.

Once the bottom of the ESG pork barrel is scraped threadbare, the ensuing anarchy will be off the charts. Anarchists may even turn on each other. A recent “pride parade” in London was railroaded by Just Stop Oil activists. It was Woke vs Woke!

As far as Big Capital is concerned, these anarchists have reached the limits of their usefulness. Social upheavals and lockdowns worldwide have enabled Big Capital to gobble up small and medium businesses at rock bottom prices. But if the current bedlam in France serves as a precautionary lesson, pre-emptive measures will be sought against the “savage hordes of vermin” who were once lionised as social justice warriors. 

BlackRock has already assigned extra security measures for CEO Larry Fink and President Robert Kapito “over growing concerns for their safety.”  They know what lies ahead.

Anal Science 

Eco-anarchists who regularly invoke “The Science” somehow miss the low hanging fruits. One such ripe picking is in the area of toilet paper production and usage. A staggering 15% of deforestation in the United States alone is attributed to tissues that allegedly aggravate the global climate crisis with “every flush. Despite this data, one has yet to hear of a single toilet paper stand being targeted by eco-anarchists anywhere. Timeless artworks by Vincent Van Gogh and Monet, on the other hand, are deemed offensive.

Eco-anarchists are just not interested in practical solutions. Bidets, for example, can drastically minimise toilet paper demand and deforestation. Furthermore, the bidet is no longer a resource-dictated compromise in the Third World. It is prevalent in technological powerhouses such as Japan and South Korea where the bowls are replete with hi-tech features such as volume, speed, temperature control, air-dryers and sometimes even music. Italy and France have a long bidet tradition as well.

But the science of bidet is too passive and workable for the anal anarchist. Agitprop professionals can only make a living through public theatrics; not by quietly switching habits in their private spheres. Emotionally damaged and/or cerebrally challenged children grow up into destructive adults. That is the wellspring from which anarchists emerge. Therefore, do not expect Thunberg and her ilk to call for sustainable hygiene habits – even as countless monies are flushed down the toilet on drag queen shows and gender dysphoria curriculums in schools. I just can’t see Greta yanking out toilet rolls from Swedish schools because they are stealing her childhood.

In any case, she is too busy promoting Ukraine’s eco-friendly war arsenal these days. As for the child slave miners of Congo, “let them eat cake” as Marie Antoinette once allegedly said.

BRICS Multipolar Order 

There is a geopolitical dimension to Big Capital’s U-turn on ESG. The resource-rich sub-Saharan Africa is tilting towards the BRICS bloc, in particular China, even as the West implodes from within. A new generation of African leaders are ganging up to free their nations from the shackles of the West, IMF, World Bank and even the United Nations

An alignment with the BRICS bloc will have to be accompanied by military, intelligence and economic support as the West will not go down without a fight. The choice between either bloc should be a no-brainer for Africa. Western priorities are on   pseudo-existential crises such as LGBT rights while the East wants to capitalise on Africa’s critical infrastructure, education and agriculture needs in return for a more equitable resource extraction.

Shrewder African leaders can even play up intra-BRICS rivalries, particularly between China and India, in order to get a better deal over priority projects. Big Capital, which owes no allegiance to any nation in particular, may likely join the bandwagon by tempering criticisms and sanctions from Western capitals. This is Africa’s opportunity to lose.

Policy Traps for the Emerging World 

While Big Capital dials down its social justice commitments, much of the emerging world will be stuck with ESG-dictated policy commitments and grant allocations that will rapidly lose relevance in a VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) world. The Southeast Asia region, arguably sans Vietnam and Myanmar, ma likely be the biggest losers in the global ESG sweepstakes. 

The ESG agenda may have started off with good intentions but like similar initiatives, it has been thoroughly hijacked by vested interests. Leaders and “technocrats” in much of the emerging world were likely swooned by the promises of a bold new ESG-fueled global economy. According to one estimate compiled by Bloomberg in 2021, global “ESG assets are on track to exceed $53 trillion by 2025, representing more than a third of the $140.5 trillion in projected total assets under management”.

Those mammoth assets, where they exist, may be appropriated to rebuild smouldering Western cities after this decade is over. But then, who knows? $53 trillion can also be channelled to create a digitised global medical gulag for our “collective safety”. ESG scores for corporations may be replaced by social credit scores for every individual. In that case, the previous 30 months may have served as a trial run…


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This article was originally published on RT News.

Dr. Mathew Maavak is a Malaysian expert on risk foresight and governance. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Protestors at venue of Glasgow summit on climate change (Source: Indian Punchline)

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On 26 June 2022 Zar Amir Ebrahimi won the Best Actress award at the Cannes Film Festival for her role in the film Holy Spider, the story of a journalist, in misogynistic Iran, who investigates a serial killer murdering prostitutes. As Ebrahimi took her prize, she announced that “Iran’s next revolution will be brought on by women taking back the freedoms denied to them in the Islamic republic”.

Then a few months later, on 16 September 2022, an Iranian girl of Kurdish origin named Mahsa Amini died in a hospital in Tehran, allegedly at the hands of Iran’s Morality Police. The story immediately spread on social media, with the Twitter hashtag Mahsa Amini being retweeted almost 40 million times by the end of September 2022. Supporters of “The Iranian Government” and opponents of “The Iranian Regime” contested the details surrounding her death from the get go, such as the autopsy report saying that she died from cerebral hypoxia; the video released by the authorities that shows her collapse in front of the morality police; and her father’s refusal to accept that her past medical history had anything to do with her death.

Women inside Iran started burning their hijabs in protest of Iran’s mandatory dress codes and outright discriminatory rules towards women in general, resulting in a crackdown by the Iranian Government. In response to the protest, Iran arrested many protestors, including teenagers, but it’s also worth noting that about 22,000 protestors were later pardoned by the Supreme Leader, even though they probably should never have been jailed. The protesters were joined by Iranians in the diaspora with sympathy rallies taking place in Europe and North America. The Protest in Berlin at the end of October was particularly significant as it attracted up to 80,000 people – larger than any protest that took place within the Islamic Republic of Iran.

As a recent Mossad report admitted, the Iranian Protests have peaked, noting that the largest crowd inside Iran only attracted about 45,000 participants. The Israeli Intelligence Report blames ‘the winter’ as the culprit for decline, but it’s worth reflecting if there aren’t other reasons and if the Iranian Government doesn’t enjoy wide support from the larger public.

We have been told stories that the government is about to be toppled, but are these reports actually true?

I have travelled twice to Iran with my wife who is from Isfahan, first in 2021 during the Covid19 pandemic and again in 2023 following the death Mahsi Amini. Both visits were for one month on end and covered a variety of cities such as Tehran, Qom, Isfahan, Bushehr, Shiraz, Rasht, Zanjan, and Ramsar and also many small towns and rural areas. I have no particular affection for the Iranian government or “regime” as some prefer to call it, but I am sceptical with regard to the overall mainstream media story that the Iranian Government is about to be toppled.

I base my opinion on these two visits as well as the conversations that I have had with Iranians in my family in law, Iranians living inside of the country and those within the diaspora – many of them are not necessarily involved in a political movement.

History of the Hijab

In Iran, the hijab carries a complicated back-and-forth symbolic history. As during the Pahlavi dynasty, Iranian women proudly wore their religious clothing as an act of defiance against Reza Shah’s 1936 implementation of the Kashf-e hijab – “a modernisation reform” that allowed the police to rip the clothing off a women’s face women.

But the practice took a different turn after the 1979 Iranian Revolution when the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini mandated that all women in public cover their “nakedness”. His actions sparked the 1979 Woman’s Protest against forced veiling that only briefly delayed the systemic implementation of the mandatory hijab. Then during the Iran-Iraq war the status briefly changed again as women proudly wore their hijabs to get behind the war effort. But as the war ended, the hijab started falling out of fashion to the extent that the Iranian Government’s own Parliamentary Research Centre stated in 2018 that, “positive attitudes to the dress code have been steady falling since 1992”.

Remarkably this decline occurred despite Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s creation of the Morality Police in 2005 that gave several institutions the right to fine women for not adhering to the strict dress code. The parliamentary research committee went as far as recommending the abolition of the Morality Police, acknowledging that the policing practice was clearly counterproductive. Inside Iran there was clearly a long overdue debate taking place with supporters of the protest including former Presidents, former Mayors of Tehran, senior Islamic Clerics, and senior members of the Revolutionary Guard. In fact, as far back as 2010 the Chief of Police Ahmadi Moghaddam, a relative of Ahmadinejad, remarked that the laws that conservative hardliners want to enforce “is more like a joke.”

The “Iranian threat”

Western mainstream media in the past have made false or exaggerated claims regarding Iran’s internal affairs. A prominent example is the 2009 Green Revolution when the media ran with the accusation that the Iranian election was rigged. But as Edward Herman and David Peterson argued at the time, there was more than enough reason to be sceptical of the claim that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wasn’t legitimately elected. There was also clear evidence of National Endowment of Democracy’s involvement in training “activists” in favour of the protest. As a university professor remarked to me in 2023, the US government’s attempt to intervene in the internal affairs of Iran in 2009 led to an overreaction and a crackdown on reform-minded newspapers, resulting in a more paranoid administration and the imprisonment of the opposition leader Seyyed Mir-Hossein Mousavi.

Other false narratives about Iran include the 1994 AMIA bombing in Buenos Aires, Israeli Mossad’s fabrication of evidence regarding Iran’s Nuclear Capabilities Program and the 1996 bombing of Saudi Arabia’s Khobar Towers.

The US’s intentions to instigate regime change in Iran in the aftermath of September 11 was also made clear in an email exchange between Tony Blair and George Bush; and in General Wesley Clark’s famous PBS interview in which he stated that the Bush administration had the ambition of invading “7 countries in 5 years” with the end goal of being the invasion of Iran.

Also in 2009 the geopolitical thinking inside the US establishment was revealed when the Brookings Institute published a document titled: “Which Path to Persia?” with the subtitle “Options for a New American Strategy toward Iran”. The authors of the report were affiliates of the CIA, RAND corporation, and members of the Council on Foreign Relations. Sensible policy options like “Persuasion and Engagement with Iran” made up only a quarter of the whole document while the rest of the report consisted of a list of militaristic strategies that include invasions, airstrikes, using the Israel military as a proxy, supporting a popular uprising, supporting an insurgency and a instigating a coup d’état.

The grand narrative that Iran is “a threat to world peace” or “a threat to Israel” is routinely cited in our media without critical examination of Iran’s Geopolitical Strategy or the intentions of Western Governments to instigate another Operation Ajax styled on the 1953 coup d’état that toppled Iran’s democratically elected government of Dr Mohammed Mossadegh. As declassified material from the CIA revealed in 2017, the UK and America’s ultimate aim, in 1953, was to take control of Iran’s lucrative oil reserves under the guise of “fighting the influence of the Communist Tudeh Party” – a myth that is still repeated by mainstream media today, when in reality Mossadegh governed more like a conservative nationalist.

But even if we are to take all the propaganda narratives at face value, the proponents of war with Iran find it difficult to explain how Iran will carry out its “world domination ambitions”, with a military budget that is one-third of Israel’s, all the while being surrounded by nuclear armed Pakistan, nuclear armed Israel, nuclear armed Russia and the US Nuclear weapons stationed in Turkey under the NATO “defence alliance umbrella”. Iran is supposed to achieve this remarkable military feat with a gross domestic product on par with South Africa, a GDP per capita half of South Africa’s while facing a domestic inflation that is routinely over 50%. South Africa’s economy is about the same size as the US state of Maryland.

The consequence of these claims and other actions such as the US violation of the JCPOA agreement, the Trump administration’s assassination of Iran’s General Qassim Soleimani, and the long diplomatic standoff between Iran and the West has been that distrust between the United States and Iran is at an all-time high. A recent Gallup Poll found that 81% of Iranians do not believe that the United States is interested in democracy – the highest scepticism in the Muslim World – higher than countries like Syria, Libya or Iraq that the US has either invaded or bombed back to the Stone Age.

Media Coverage

Large media rallies that take place on Iran’s public holidays or in support of the Government’s position of the Hijab, or the important remembrance ceremonies of the Iran-Iraq War, are almost never covered in the West, or, when they are, their sizes are significantly underplayed. Furthermore, the Saudi Arabian funded Iran International, that Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lauded as a “a force to spread the truth and the hope of freedom”, shapes the opinion of many Iranians within the diaspora and therefore acts as a confirmatory amplifier for the understandable grievances that made them leave their country. Many Iranians living in the United States, for example, left their country almost 40 years ago, and it is my general sense that, like diaspora groups elsewhere, they lost significant touch with the opinion of ordinary Iranians.

It’s also worth noting that the US State Department has been funding state sponsored Twitter accounts with the intention of promoting a narrative that pushes for war with Iran. In 2022 Declassified Australia exposed the workings of a pro Western Info OP on social media that aims ‘to promote pro-Western narratives’, while ‘opposing countries including Russia, China, and Iran’. Persian Twitter is one of the most manipulated networks on the internet where the practice of hastag manipulation and targeted abuse of dissenting voices is routine – and it has not stopped since Elon Musk took ownership of the platform. For example, outright lies such as the claim that 15,000 protesters were sentenced to death during the latest protest was retweeted by high profile public officials like Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Other reasons to be sceptical of the media narrative include the role of the various factions, figures and “experts” within the Iranian Diaspora that recently saw a lot of infighting and jockeying for position in the new state that they hope to create.

Notable examples include.

  • “Crown Prince” Reza Pahlavi who has links to the US based Hudson Institute where former CIA Director Mike Pompeo is a distinguished fellow. Another advisor to the Hudson Institute includes the Bush White House advisor Mike Doran who called for the Balkanization of Iran on the lines of Azeri Separatism. Doran admitted in an interview that he has never been to Iran, but an even greater ignorance should come from the fact that the Azeri minority is highly integrated within the Iranian elite, with notable examples being the imprisoned former Presidential Candidate Mousavi and even more strikingly the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei.
  • The “feminist activist” Masih Alinejad who has been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in contracts with Voice of America with the goal of “targeting young voices inside of Iran”. Alinejad became famous for making up a story that the Venezuelan security services were going to kidnap her and take her on speed boats to Iran. She has also on previous occasions met with former CIA directors David Petraeus and Mike Pompeo.
  • Maryam Rajavi, the head of the Israeli and Saudi Arabian funded cult-like group known as the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK). The MEK fought on the side of Saddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq War and were involved in the Israeli supported assassination of Iran’s Nuclear Scientists. Until 2012 the group was listed as a Terrorist Organization by the US Bureau of Counterterrorism, but during the Trump Administration the relationship with the Washington Apparatus became so cozy that they paid former White House advisors like John Bolton, on one occasion, up to $40,000 in “speaking fees”. As a former Iran-Iraq war veteran remarked to me, in the aftermath of the Iran-Iraq War, many dead members of the MEK, for their treason, were buried in unmarked graves.

Iranian media for its own part is not much better, with the exception that many Iranians understand that they are watching propaganda. Non-Religious Holidays like Nowruz, for example, are used to push through religious messages and the Supreme Leader’s face is put on constant repeat. Iranian media is surprisingly informative about American and French politics but rather silent on the corruption inside their own country.

Ayatollah Khamenei on Iranian TV during the Iranian New Year with a message on constant repeat. Photo courtesy of Hügo Krüger.

Military Support

During my first visit in 2021, I saw many bazaar traders with photos in their shop of the assassinated General Soleimani. Their patriotism was confirmed by the large crowds that attended his funeral in the year prior to my visit. It’s also worth noting that this support is not a function of government propaganda, but rather common cause. All Iranian men are required to serve in their army and as a poll from a US-based organization at the start of the Raisi Government pointed out, the Iranian Military is by far the most respected institution in the country.

For Donald Trump to have assassinated a top general after Trump withdrew on the US’s commitments to the JCPOA clearly set back US-Iranian relations for the significant future. In 2023, during my second visit many of these shopkeepers kept his image in their stores, and it also appeared inside of the homes of many Iranians that support their government.


Free speech is enshrined within the Iranian Constitution under an ambiguously worded article 24.

“Publications and the press have freedom of expression except when it is detrimental to the fundamental principles of Islam or the rights of the public.”

But in practice the government has cracked down on political speech. Certain books in theory are banned, and so are various social media outlets such as Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp and Facebook. Many websites with foreign IPs are also blocked inside of Iran. The Iranian Government with the assistance of China has shown its intention to further clamp down on the Internet and create a “smart” form of internet censorship. Travelers to Iran access the outside world through a VPN that is mostly free on various Telegram channels or often sold by the Iranian Government. The practice of bureaucrats creating jobs through regulation is jokingly referred to as the “father and son relationship”.

Given Google and Facebook’s contribution to the Arab Spring, the Iranian government started seeing social media and the Internet, in general, as a threat for regime change, and they recently proposed developing their own platforms under the guise of a “national security risk”. Iran occasionally shuts down the entire internet to stop protests from spreading.

These practices aside, there are also internal contradictions within Iran. I have noted various bookstores in Tehran, for example, that sell books of critical thinkers such as Bertrand Russell, Noam Chomsky, Hannah Arendt, Jordan Peterson, and others. These books are often translated into Farsi, and they question fundamental dogmas that go against the tenants of the Islamic Republic such as the role of religion in politics.

Therefore, outside of quelling protests, it’s questionable to me if a broad and meaningful censorship of ideas exists.

12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson. Photo courtesy of Hügo Krüger.

Religion and Science by Bertrand Russell. Photo courtesy of Hügo Krüger.

Iran’s Human Development

One plausible reason why many Iranians might support their government comes down to the old saying “it’s the economy stupid”.

Iran has achieved more under sanctions than many developing countries with comparable social economic conditions. Media reports have a habit of showing women wearing bikinis on the beach during the reign of Shah Reza Pahlavi, as a proof that they were treated better during this period. But this imagery obfuscates the fact that throughout Iranian society, the status of women when measured using social economic markers was objectively more dire than it is today.

At the time of the 1979 Revolution literacy rates in the overall population were just over 35% and Iran’s fertility rate (the best proxy that economists use for the advancement of women) stood at 6.5 children per women, on a par with countries like Chad’s in 2023 – the poorest country in Sub-Saharan Africa. Today, as per the World Bank’s data, up to 98% of Iranian children are literate and as the American Enterprise Institute’s Demographer Nicholas Eberstadt’s noted in 2020, Iran’s fertility rate fell 70% in one generation – the highest decline of any country human history – faster even than the impact of China’s one child policy.

Yet despite obvious discriminatory laws, women in Iran have made significant advancements to the point that they make up 70% of all mathematical and science graduates and a 2019 article from the Washington based, Middle Eastern Institute, has remarked, that despite the barriers to entry, an increasing amount of Iranian Women are starting their own companies. Other anecdotal evidence of the advancement of women include Maryam Mirzakhani being the first women to ever win a Fields Medal in Mathematics. But the slow progression is not just a function of the elite as women have also been allowed to enter working class professions – in fact our night bus driver from Isfahan to Bushehr was a woman.

A mathematics professor in Zanjan told me the remarkable story of her mother who was an uneducated carpet weaver and able to speak only Azeri. An inability to speak Farsi, the lingua franca of Iran, deprived her all her life from finding employment outside of a few poor cities. Her mother had 6 children and was dependent on the income of her husband. Yet today the daughter teaches mathematics at the graduate level, speaks not just Azeri, but also Farsi, English, and a bit of French and more remarkably all her siblings went through Iran’s university education system. Stories of this kind are not uncommon among Iranians who grew up in the years after the Iran-Iraq War. If a society can offer this type of upwards mobility, why is it a surprise that election after election the Iranian Government shows a strong support in rural areas in particular?

Other significant signs of human development include Iran’s ability to address rural poverty. As a elder lady remarked to me in rural Bushehr when I asked her about the changes in the last 40 years “the Shah forgot about the villages”. Today, Iran enjoys full rural electrification, full rural sanitation, and near universal internet access – Iran has even been awarded the UNESCO certificate for bringing telecommunications to rural areas. The impact of these policies has been so significant that the number of Iranians who live in rural areas compared to 1979 halved by 2020, resulting in large migration to the cities where they often find work as Traders in the Bazaars.

Iranian city planners furthermore have managed to incorporate the migrating hawkers, what South Africa’s President Thabo Mbeki called ‘the second economy’ into the formal economy – the root cause of instability across the developing world. For example, new developments such as the town Baherestan outside of Isfahan have city planners size portions of the street for labour markets – the first areas that migrants usually go to. As a journalist told me in Tehran, the migrants generally don’t stay in the Bazaars for more than one generation.

Baherestan, New Development that is less than 20 years old. Photo courtesy of Hügo Krüger.

Baherestan small stalls are used as a means to incorporate hawkers into the formal economy. Photo courtesy of Hügo Krüger.

Bazaar in Central Tehran, the first location where migrants to cities usually find work. Photo courtesy of Hügo Krüger.

Geographical Divide

It is important to realize is that Iran is a geographically based society with attitudes and opinions differing strongly between large cities, smaller towns, and the countryside. A poll from 2018 found that the majority of Iranians agreed with the statement that “Women should wear the hijab even if they don’t believe in it” with support being a function of geography, the lowest in large urban centers and the strongest in areas that host religious shrines. Western media often cover protests that take place in the liberal suburbs of Northern Tehran or the Northern Caspian Sea, while obfuscating the strong pro-government support that might exist in more conservative areas like Ardabil, Zanjan, Qom, Isfahan or rural Bushehr.

Women’s Dress Code

On both visits in 2021 and 2023, it was already clear that many women were already moving away from the strictly mandated dress codes under Islam, but it wasn’t obvious that they were doing so in protest or defiance of their government. I have met women with strong views against their government, but they still do see the hijab are non-consequential and often defend it on the grounds that “their mothers wore it”. The enforcement is often based on cultural grounds with the highest pressure at home and within the family. Many women did, however, mention to us that they fear violating the hijab law in public, even those that admit that they, at times, do not wear their hijab. 

On both of my visits, most women still wore a hijab; it was far removed from the full black chador that is mandated under strict Islamic practice with the notable exception of the holy city of Qom – where Fatima bint Musa – daughter of the seventh and sister of the eighth Imams in Twelver Shia died.

The city that had, by far, the most liberal attitude was Shiraz; in fact during the Nowruz Holiday at the Tomb of the Poet Hafez, my wife and I couldn’t find a single black chador, and there were lots of women going about their day as if the rules were inconsequential. In large metropoles like Shiraz and Tehran, I also saw couples holding hands and on Bushehr’s beach, next to the IRCG’s military base women were sitting on the ocean without any Hijab.

Shirazi Women at the Tomb of the poet Saadi. Photo courtesy of Hügo Krüger.

Friends having a picnic in Shiraz. Photo courtesy of Hügo Krüger.

Iranian Woman on a Beach in Bushehr located in close proximity to a military base. Photo courtesy of Hügo Krüger.

Iranian Woman in rural Bushehr, fully clothed despite no authority located miles away. Photo courtesy of Hügo Krüger.

Isfahan’s Kahjoo Bridge: Mother with Child. Photo courtesy of Hügo Krüger.

Qom, Iran’s Religious Capital. Photo courtesy of Hügo Krüger.


Despite observing examples of deviations from norms, my sense is that the support for the Iranian Government is stronger than anticipated in our media. The understandable sentiments of many Iranian women to want more personal freedom reflects the downwards trends that Iran’s own Parliamentary Advisory Committee admitted has been taking place since 1992. These trends are strongest in the larger metropoles and the suburbs of uptown Shiraz, Rasht, and Tehran in particular, but in rural areas or more conservative areas like Zanjan, Qom or even Isfahan I see very little evidence of it.

The Iranian Government’s latest attempt to use cameras to enforce the dress codes will probably be as ineffective as the 2005 laws that tried to fine women for not respecting the practice. One plausible reason why the laws are unenforceable is that the biggest violators of the dress codes tend to be the wives of the Iranian government officials and the sanction busters who tend to stay in the most liberal and uptown parts of the city.

Many analysts who are clearly influenced by the diaspora look for confirmatory evidence that the Iranian Government is about to fall and avoid looking at large crowds and large sections of the population with a rational reason to support their government.

To completely understand Iran and refute or confirm my opinion, one would require a thorough class and geographically based analysis.


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Hügo Krüger is a Structural/Nuclear Engineer with working experience in a variety of energy related projects ranging from nuclear, oil and gas industry to renewable energy. Hügo is also a writer and YouTube podcaster, commenting and interviewing guests on a variety of topics relating to Engineering, Energy, Climate, Propaganda, and Geopolitical Matters. His writing has appeared on a variety of outlets including Biznews, Spiked, Rapport, Rational Standard, Quillette and New Geography.

Featured image: “File:Tehran The crowded city.jpg” by فرزانه ربیعی is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

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A world in which machines governed by artificial intelligence (AI) systematically replace human beings in most business, industrial, and professional functions is horrifying to imagine. After all, as prominent computer scientists have been warning us, AI-governed systems are prone to critical errors and inexplicable “hallucinations,” resulting in potentially catastrophic outcomes. But there’s an even more dangerous scenario imaginable from the proliferation of super-intelligent machines: the possibility that those nonhuman entities could end up fighting one another, obliterating all human life in the process.

The notion that super-intelligent computers might run amok and slaughter humans has, of course, long been a staple of popular culture.

In the prophetic 1983 film “WarGames,” a supercomputer known as WOPR (for War Operation Plan Response and, not surprisingly, pronounced “whopper”) nearly provokes a catastrophic nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union before being disabled by a teenage hacker (played by Matthew Broderick). The “Terminator” movie franchise, beginning with the original 1984 film, similarly envisioned a self-aware supercomputer called “Skynet” that, like WOPR, was designed to control U.S. nuclear weapons but chooses instead to wipe out humanity, viewing us as a threat to its existence.

Though once confined to the realm of science fiction, the concept of supercomputers killing humans has now become a distinct possibility in the very real world of the near future. In addition to developing a wide variety of “autonomous,” or robotic combat devices, the major military powers are also rushing to create automated battlefield decision-making systems, or what might be called “robot generals.” In wars in the not-too-distant future, such AI-powered systems could be deployed to deliver combat orders to American soldiers, dictating where, when, and how they kill enemy troops or take fire from their opponents. In some scenarios, robot decision-makers could even end up exercising control over America’s atomic weapons, potentially allowing them to ignite a nuclear war resulting in humanity’s demise.

Now, take a breath for a moment. The installation of an AI-powered command-and-control (C2) system like this may seem a distant possibility. Nevertheless, the U.S. Department of Defense is working hard to develop the required hardware and software in a systematic, increasingly rapid fashion. In its budget submission for 2023, for example, the Air Force requested $231 million to develop the Advanced Battlefield Management System (ABMS), a complex network of sensors and AI-enabled computers designed to collect and interpret data on enemy operations and provide pilots and ground forces with a menu of optimal attack options. As the technology advances, the system will be capable of sending “fire” instructions directly to “shooters,” largely bypassing human control.

“A machine-to-machine data exchange tool that provides options for deterrence, or for on-ramp [a military show-of-force] or early engagement,” was how Will Roper, assistant secretary of the Air Force for acquisition, technology, and logistics, described the ABMS system in a 2020 interview. Suggesting that “we do need to change the name” as the system evolves, Roper added, “I think Skynet is out, as much as I would love doing that as a sci-fi thing. I just don’t think we can go there.”

And while he can’t go there, that’s just where the rest of us may, indeed, be going.

Mind you, that’s only the start. In fact, the Air Force’s ABMS is intended to constitute the nucleus of a larger constellation of sensors and computers that will connect all U.S. combat forces, the Joint All-Domain Command-and-Control System (JADC2, pronounced “Jad-C-two”). “JADC2 intends to enable commanders to make better decisions by collecting data from numerous sensors, processing the data using artificial intelligence algorithms to identify targets, then recommending the optimal weapon… to engage the target,” the Congressional Research Service reported in 2022.

AI and the Nuclear Trigger

Initially, JADC2 will be designed to coordinate combat operations among “conventional” or non-nuclear American forces. Eventually, however, it is expected to link up with the Pentagon’s nuclear command-control-and-communications systems (NC3), potentially giving computers significant control over the use of the American nuclear arsenal. “JADC2 and NC3 are intertwined,” General John E. Hyten, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, indicated in a 2020 interview. As a result, he added in typical Pentagonese, “NC3 has to inform JADC2 and JADC2 has to inform NC3.”

It doesn’t require great imagination to picture a time in the not-too-distant future when a crisis of some sort — say a U.S.-China military clash in the South China Sea or near Taiwan — prompts ever more intense fighting between opposing air and naval forces. Imagine then the JADC2 ordering the intense bombardment of enemy bases and command systems in China itself, triggering reciprocal attacks on U.S. facilities and a lightning decision by JADC2 to retaliate with tactical nuclear weapons, igniting a long-feared nuclear holocaust.

The possibility that nightmare scenarios of this sort could result in the accidental or unintended onset of nuclear war has long troubled analysts in the arms control community. But the growing automation of military C2 systems has generated anxiety not just among them but among senior national security officials as well.

As early as 2019, when I questioned Lieutenant General Jack Shanahan, then director of the Pentagon’s Joint Artificial Intelligence Center, about such a risky possibility, he responded, “You will find no stronger proponent of integration of AI capabilities writ large into the Department of Defense, but there is one area where I pause, and it has to do with nuclear command and control.” This “is the ultimate human decision that needs to be made” and so “we have to be very careful.” Given the technology’s “immaturity,” he added, we need “a lot of time to test and evaluate [before applying AI to NC3].”

In the years since, despite such warnings, the Pentagon has been racing ahead with the development of automated C2 systems. In its budget submission for 2024, the Department of Defense requested $1.4 billion for the JADC2 in order “to transform warfighting capability by delivering information advantage at the speed of relevance across all domains and partners.” Uh-oh! And then, it requested another $1.8 billion for other kinds of military-related AI research.

Pentagon officials acknowledge that it will be some time before robot generals will be commanding vast numbers of U.S. troops (and autonomous weapons) in battle, but they have already launched several projects intended to test and perfect just such linkages. One example is the Army’s Project Convergence, involving a series of field exercises designed to validate ABMS and JADC2 component systems. In a test held in August 2020 at the Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona, for example, the Army used a variety of air- and ground-based sensors to track simulated enemy forces and then process that data using AI-enabled computers at Joint Base Lewis McChord in Washington state. Those computers, in turn, issued fire instructions to ground-based artillery at Yuma. “This entire sequence was supposedly accomplished within 20 seconds,” the Congressional Research Service later reported.

Less is known about the Navy’s AI equivalent, “Project Overmatch,” as many aspects of its programming have been kept secret. According to Admiral Michael Gilday, chief of naval operations, Overmatch is intended “to enable a Navy that swarms the sea, delivering synchronized lethal and nonlethal effects from near-and-far, every axis, and every domain.” Little else has been revealed about the project.

“Flash Wars” and Human Extinction

Despite all the secrecy surrounding these projects, you can think of ABMS, JADC2, Convergence, and Overmatch as building blocks for a future Skynet-like mega-network of super-computers designed to command all U.S. forces, including its nuclear ones, in armed combat. The more the Pentagon moves in that direction, the closer we’ll come to a time when AI possesses life-or-death power over all American soldiers along with opposing forces and any civilians caught in the crossfire.

Such a prospect should be ample cause for concern. To start with, consider the risk of errors and miscalculations by the algorithms at the heart of such systems. As top computer scientists have warned us, those algorithms are capable of remarkably inexplicable mistakes and, to use the AI term of the moment, “hallucinations” — that is, seemingly reasonable results that are entirely illusionary. Under the circumstances, it’s not hard to imagine such computers “hallucinating” an imminent enemy attack and launching a war that might otherwise have been avoided.

And that’s not the worst of the dangers to consider. After all, there’s the obvious likelihood that America’s adversaries will similarly equip their forces with robot generals. In other words, future wars are likely to be fought by one set of AI systems against another, both linked to nuclear weaponry, with entirely unpredictable — but potentially catastrophic — results.

Not much is known (from public sources at least) about Russian and Chinese efforts to automate their military command-and-control systems, but both countries are thought to be developing networks comparable to the Pentagon’s JADC2. As early as 2014, in fact, Russia inaugurated a National Defense Control Center (NDCC) in Moscow, a centralized command post for assessing global threats and initiating whatever military action is deemed necessary, whether of a non-nuclear or nuclear nature. Like JADC2, the NDCC is designed to collect information on enemy moves from multiple sources and provide senior officers with guidance on possible responses.

China is said to be pursuing an even more elaborate, if similar, enterprise under the rubric of “Multi-Domain Precision Warfare” (MDPW). According to the Pentagon’s 2022 report on Chinese military developments, its military, the People’s Liberation Army, is being trained and equipped to use AI-enabled sensors and computer networks to “rapidly identify key vulnerabilities in the U.S. operational system and then combine joint forces across domains to launch precision strikes against those vulnerabilities.”

Picture, then, a future war between the U.S. and Russia or China (or both) in which the JADC2 commands all U.S. forces, while Russia’s NDCC and China’s MDPW command those countries’ forces. Consider, as well, that all three systems are likely to experience errors and hallucinations. How safe will humans be when robot generals decide that it’s time to “win” the war by nuking their enemies?

If this strikes you as an outlandish scenario, think again, at least according to the leadership of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence, a congressionally mandated enterprise that was chaired by Eric Schmidt, former head of Google, and Robert Work, former deputy secretary of defense. “While the Commission believes that properly designed, tested, and utilized AI-enabled and autonomous weapon systems will bring substantial military and even humanitarian benefit, the unchecked global use of such systems potentially risks unintended conflict escalation and crisis instability,” it affirmed in its Final Report. Such dangers could arise, it stated, “because of challenging and untested complexities of interaction between AI-enabled and autonomous weapon systems on the battlefield” — when, that is, AI fights AI.

Though this may seem an extreme scenario, it’s entirely possible that opposing AI systems could trigger a catastrophic “flash war” — the military equivalent of a “flash crash” on Wall Street, when huge transactions by super-sophisticated trading algorithms spark panic selling before human operators can restore order. In the infamous “Flash Crash” of May 6, 2010, computer-driven trading precipitated a 10% fall in the stock market’s value. According to Paul Scharre of the Center for a New American Security, who first studied the phenomenon, “the military equivalent of such crises” on Wall Street would arise when the automated command systems of opposing forces “become trapped in a cascade of escalating engagements.” In such a situation, he noted, “autonomous weapons could lead to accidental death and destruction at catastrophic scales in an instant.”

At present, there are virtually no measures in place to prevent a future catastrophe of this sort or even talks among the major powers to devise such measures. Yet, as the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence noted, such crisis-control measures are urgently needed to integrate “automated escalation tripwires” into such systems “that would prevent the automated escalation of conflict.” Otherwise, some catastrophic version of World War III seems all too possible. Given the dangerous immaturity of such technology and the reluctance of Beijing, Moscow, and Washington to impose any restraints on the weaponization of AI, the day when machines could choose to annihilate us might arrive far sooner than we imagine and the extinction of humanity could be the collateral damage of such a future war.


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Michael T. Klare, a TomDispatch regular, is the five-college professor emeritus of peace and world security studies at Hampshire College and a senior visiting fellow at the Arms Control Association. He is the author of 15 books, the latest of which is All Hell Breaking Loose: The Pentagon’s Perspective on Climate Change. He is a founder of the Committee for a Sane U.S.-China Policy.

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Dear Member of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs & International Development and Foreign Affairs Minister,

According to The Associated Press  the Legal and Administrative Matters Law, enacted by Israel in 1970 after the occupation of East Jerusalem in 1967, allowing Jews to reclaim properties that were Jewish before the formation of the Israeli state in 1948. Jordan controlled the area between 1948 and the 1967 war:

Israeli authorities evicted a Palestinian family from a contested apartment in Jerusalem’s Old City on Tuesday, capping a decades-long legal battle that has come to symbolize the conflicting claims to the holy city.

Activists say the Ghaith-Sub Laban family’s removal is part of a wider trend of Israeli settlers encroaching on Palestinian neighborhoods with the government’s backing and cementing Israeli control by seizing property in contested east Jerusalem.

Israel describes the eviction as a simple battle over real estate, with settlers claiming the family was squatting in an apartment formerly owned by Jews.

There is no equivalent right in Israel for the hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs, who fled or were forced from their homes during the hostilities surrounding Israel’s establishment in 1948, to return to lost properties.

In 1950 Israel enacted the Absentees’ Property Law  allowing it to confiscate the vast amount of property left behind by hundreds of thousands of internal and external Palestinian Arab refugees, and Muslim Waqf across the state following the destruction of their communities during the establishment of the State of Israel from 1947-1949. All property belonging to Palestinian Arab absentees was placed under the control of the State of Israel with the Custodian for Absentees’ Property.

Israel then used the Absentees’ Property Law to take possession of the land belonging to the tens of thousands of internally displaced Palestinian Arab citizens across the state that were dispossessed or fled their villages after 1947 while hostilities were taking place and sought temporary refuge in neighbouring towns and villages which became part of Israel.

These internally displaced citizens were deemed ‘absentees’ despite the state of Israel denying them their return to their land. Among them, were the 300,000 Bedouin Palestinian Arab citizens of the Negev who suffered several further waves of displacement after 1948.

The internally displaced Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel– including their descendants – now represent nearly one quarter of the nearly two million Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel. Many of them still hope to return to their original homes and land.  

I spent 12 days in July 2022 in the city of Nazareth, my family’s hometown, visiting some relatives. I was informed that nearly 40 percent of Nazareth’s Palestinian Arab citizens are internally displaced from the neighbouring destroyed villages of Saffuriyya (replaced by Jewish town of Tzippori), al-Mujaydil (replaced by Jewish town of Migdal HaEmek( and Ma’alul (replaced by a “closed military area”).

Residents of Nazareth can see Saffuriyya’s land which is 6 kilometres away since the land sits 100 metres below Nazareth. One can only imagine how heart breaking it is for these internally displaced citizens of Saffuriyya and their descendants to be able to look at their land every day but be denied for 75 years the right to return and  claim their land.

Israel’s constitutional documents state it is a ‘Jewish and Democratic” state. The two laws referenced above demonstrate that it may be a democracy for Jews but it certainly is a tyranny for seven million Christian and Muslim Palestinian Arabs under Israel’s rule and control, including its two million Palestinian Arab citizens, and the six million Palestinian Arab refugees in neighbouring countries denied the right of return.

The Absentees’ Property law and the Legal and Administrative Matters law referenced above are only a sample of the over 65 Israeli laws that systemically discriminate against Christian and Muslim Palestinian Arabs.

The crime of Apartheid is defined by the 2002 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court as inhumane acts of a character similar to other crimes against humanity 

“committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime”.

So far 109 countries have signed the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid.

Understandably, reputable human rights organizations including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Israel’s B’Tselem have indisputably concluded that Israel is committing the crime of apartheid because its laws and policies enshrine supremacy of Jews over Muslim and Christian Palestinian Arabs.

Furthermore, Israel has been violating international law since 1967 by illegally transferring its civilian population into Occupied Palestinian Territory and the Golan Heights of Syria which is a war crime according to Article 8 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court to which Canada is a signatory.

Canada’s inaction emboldens Israel to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity with impunity. Canada’s verbal condemnation is meaningless while it continues to oppose most resolutions supporting Palestinian Arab rights and condemning Israel’s violation of international law.

Instead Canada should consider taking concrete steps to:

  • End its arms trade with Israel
  • End its financial support for illegal Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and the Golan Heights of Syria by revoking the Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement (CIFTA) that allows goods from those settlements to enter Canada tariff free
  • Ban Canadian registered charities from sending tax-deductible donations to illegal settlements and to the Israeli military

Canada should demonstrate its support for human rights and international law by implementing these actions against a nuclear-armed state, whose military is more powerful than Canada’s, a state that has been committing war crimes and crimes against humanity against indigenous Muslim and Christian Palestinian Arabs for 75 year. 

Thank you.

Khaled Mouammar


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Khaled Mouammar is a Christian Palestinian Canadian who was forced to flee his hometown Nazareth in 1948. He is one of the founders of the Canadian Arab Federation and a former member of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. He received the Queen’s Silver Jubilee Award from the Governor General of Canada in 1977.

Featured image: A sign stating ‘Danger, demolition. Entry is prohibited’ was placed by Israeli authorities on top of the rubble of the Khalialehs’ houses (MEE\Sondus Ewies)

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When documenting sudden deaths of COVID-19 vaccine mandated professions like doctors, nurses, athletes, police officers, firefighters, military, bus drivers, pilots, or University and College students, it is easy to forget that in late 2021 and early 2022, teachers were mandated to take COVID-19 vaccines as well, or they faced losing their jobs and their entire teaching careers.

These 14 sudden deaths are just examples of what happened to many of those teachers.

May 26, 2023 – Greensboro, NC – 49 year old Jill Smart died suddenly in her sleep. She was pursuing a PhD at University of Indiana and taught anatomy & physiology

May 20, 2023 – Iowa City, IA – 34 year old High School teacher Amylia Yeaman died suddenly in her sleep on May 20/21, 2023. She was fully COVID-19 vaccinated.

May 19, 2023 – Akron, OH – 50 year old Daniel Robert Arman, a best-selling science fiction & fantasy author, 9th grade teacher, died suddenly from a massive heart attack.

May 16, 2023 – Montreal, QC – 53 yo Quebec politician & professor of history at Dawson College Frederic Bastien died suddenly. “In all likelihood, it is a heart attack while riding a stationary bike. Frederic was very athletic.” Found dead by his wife.

May 14, 2023 – Oviedo, FL – 50 year old Bill Schult, who taught music and choir at Oviedo High school for 20 years, died suddenly in his home.

May 12, 2023 – Lyme, NH – 55 year old Dr. Renee Manheimer, Grade 4-8 Spanish Teacher at Crossroads Academy, died suddenly on May 12, 2023.

May 8, 2023 – Davis, CA – 39 year old Dr.Shannon Callahan, PhD of psychology and instructor at Sonoma State University, died suddenly on May 8, 2023 after a short, 5-week battle with turbo cancer.

April 30, 2023 – Montgomery, TX – 55 year old basketball coach & PE teacher Kevin Zubke died suddenly. He developed a rare blood disorder (TTP) that caused a cardiac arrest (TTP can be caused by mRNA vaccines).

April 27, 2023 – Solon, OH – 40 year old high school teacher Crystal Kennedy Cespedes died suddenly in her sleep.

April 24, 2023 – Cincinnati, OH – 50 year old teacher and Principal of Madeira Elementary School, Chris Flanagan died unexpectedly of pulmonary embolism. He had 4 children.

April 23, 2023 – Milton Keynes, UK – 40s year old Amelia Hempel Jorgensen, Open University research fellow and teacher, died suddenly of a brain aneurysm.

April 22, 2023 – Springfield, MO – 54 year old teacher and Principal of Elm Tree Elementary School Amy McAnally Simpson died suddenly in her sleep. She leaves 3 children.

April 10, 2023 – Wheat Ridge, CO – 24 year old Madelaine Schmidt, teacher at Eaglecrest High School and girls’ soccer coach, died from “bacterial meningitis” (click here).

April 6, 2023 – Exeter, UK – 53 yo Dr. Claire Dinan, Exeter University professor, died suddenly. “Claire went to stay with her mother after a period of feeling unwell.” “She went upstairs in her parents house…after a period of time, her mother went to see her and found her on the stairs where she was found to have passed away.”


My Take… 

All COVID-19 mRNA vaccine mandated professions are now seeing 550% increase in disabilities and 40% excess mortality (Source: Ed Dowd)

Looking at these 14 tragic deaths of teachers, ages 24 to 55:

  • 4 died in their sleep
  • 4 collapsed with cardiac arrest (one on stairs at home, one on stationary bike, one with rare blood clotting disorder, one at 2pm at home)
  • 2 sudden deaths (cause not specified)
  • 1 pulmonary embolism
  • 1 brain aneurysm
  • 1 died from immune dysfunction (bacterial meningitis)
  • 1 turbo cancer

This is the pattern of causes of deaths we now expect to see from a COVID-19 mRNA vaccinated population.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page.

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Over the past several weeks, Ireland has been rocked by a scandal related to the significant undeclared earnings of Ryan Tubridy, the most prominent presenter on the public broadcaster of the 26-County State, RTÉ, and the long-time host of its flagship talk show, The Late Late Show, until his departure earlier this year – prior to the revelations related to his salary becoming public knowledge.

In response, Director General of RTÉ Dee Forbes tendered her resignation, and both Tubridy and his agent Noel Kelly have been brought before a government tribunal to account for the undeclared earnings, something that has received significant media coverage across Ireland, including OJ Simpson-style live television coverage of the proceedings.

What has been noticeable however is how this extensive media attention lies in stark contrast to the virtually non-existent mainstream media coverage of RTÉ’s endorsement of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset initiative over the past three years, intended to usher in a totalitarian global corporate dictatorship, where technology is used to stifle and censor debate.

From the outset of the ‘Covid Pandemic’ in March 2020, Ireland, like numerous other countries, introduced stringent lockdowns under the guise of preventing the spread of an alleged virus. In reality, the forced closure of vast swathes of society served the purpose of making it virtually impossible for smaller businesses to operate, thus creating a greater dependence on corporate outlets such as Amazon. As a result, the global lockdowns saw the greatest upwards transfer of wealth from the working and middle-classes in history, with corporate elements receiving upwards of $1tn in profit.

With Taoiseach Leo Varadkar being a WEF ‘Young Global Leader’, RTÉ was fully complicit in endorsing the ‘Pandemic’ narrative, WEF-linked scientist Luke O’Neill being a regular guest on The Late Late Show under Ryan Tubridy in order to further its promotion. The public broadcaster would also condemn Irish anti-lockdown protests as being ‘organised by the far-right’ in lock-step with similar mainstream media descriptions being ascribed to protests in New Zealand, France and Canada – each country also being under the respective rule of WEF ‘Young Global Leaders’, Jacinda Ardern, Emmanuel Macron and Justin Trudeau.

What would be perhaps the most sinister aspect of RTÉ’s two-year promotion of the ‘Pandemic’ narrative however, was the use of children to promote uptake of the ‘Covid’ Vaccine during the 2020 edition of The Late Late Toy Show, a seasonal edition of the programme used to showcase that Christmas’s latest toy selection, one that is traditionally very popular amongst families with young children.

Indeed, Ryan Tubridy himself would later double down on his promotion of the vaccine by infamously using his radio platform to encourage listeners to disinvite guests from weddings who had not been vaccinated, his incendiary remarks coming amidst a time when access to bars, restaurants, hairdressers and gyms in the southern Irish state, was forbidden to those who had not yet received a ‘Covid’ jab and the resulting digital QR code that would subsequently be placed on their smartphone.

This enforced segregation, in Ireland and further afield, served as a dry-run for the introduction of mandatory digital ID, a key part of the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ that the WEF envisages will come about as a result of the Great Reset, with the ultimate goal being a cashless society. One where the corporate-government alliance has full control over its citizen’s financial transactions, and can easily impose sanctions against those it deems to be dissidents.

Indeed, this very situation would play out during last year’s Freedom Convoy in Canada, when Justin Trudeau would use emergency legislation to freeze the bank accounts of Truckers protesting against his decision to mandate that truck drivers re-entering Canada from the US had to be vaccinated. A truly dystopian move, and one that could be far more easily implemented in a society with no physical cash.

RTÉ’s two-year endorsement of the introduction of such a totalitarian society has come in for little criticism since the sudden collapse of the ‘Pandemic’ narrative last January however, the undeclared earnings of its chief propagandist being a far more newsworthy item it would seem.


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Gavin O’Reilly is an activist from Dublin, Ireland, with a strong interest in the effects of British and US Imperialism. Secretary of the Dublin Anti-Internment Committee, a campaign group set up to raise awareness of Irish Republican political prisoners in British and 26 County jails. His work has previously appeared on American Herald Tribune, The Duran, Al-Masdar and MintPress News. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. Support him on Patreon. 

Featured image: Irish broadcaster Ryan Tubridy in 2018 (Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

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It’s certainly not breaking news that Russia is the world’s leader in advanced military technologies, particularly new types of missiles and other similar weapons. As Moscow has a comfortable lead over Washington DC in both the development and deployment of hypersonic weapons, it has decided to capitalize on this massive advantage and is now using a greater portion of its second-to-none arsenal to deter the belligerent thalassocracy. Back in late June, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that approximately half of all Russian strategic missile divisions have been rearmed with hypersonic warheads.

“About half of the units of Russia’s Strategic Missile Force [RVSN] have been equipped with the latest ‘Yars’ missile systems and are being rearmed with modern ‘Avangard’ warheads,” Putin was quoted by TASS, further adding: “In light of the new challenges and invaluable experience of the special military operation [SMO] we will continue to improve the Armed Forces in every possible way.”

Putin also stressed the importance of Russia’s efforts to further develop its nuclear triad as the key guarantee of the Eurasian giant’s strategic security, as well as geopolitical stability on a global level. In addition, he also announced that new units of the liquid fuel, super-heavy “Sarmat” ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile) would “soon enter duty”. It would seem that this process is in its late phases and that Moscow will indeed deploy additional launchers of these unparalleled weapons. Russian president added that similar modernization efforts are being implemented in the other two legs of its nuclear triad.

At the time when the aforementioned statements were given, it wasn’t precisely clear why Putin “suddenly” had to emphasize the importance of Russia’s hypersonic weapons and other key strategic systems. Namely, in early July, the US Army reported that it has demonstrated the operational capability of its newest ground-based missile launcher with the system’s recent successful firing of a “Tomahawk” land-attack cruise missile. This came after a test launch of a multi-purpose SM-6 missile earlier this year from what is officially known as the “Typhon” Weapon System.

The US Army now has one unit registered under the official name Mid-Range Capability battery equipped with the “Typhon”, which has four trailer-based launchers and other supporting vehicles and equipment. The service’s Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO) announced the “Tomahawk” launch on June 28, but the actual test had occurred on the 27th. This came just over half a year ago after the US Army took delivery of its first “Typhon” launchers and other components of its first Mid-Range Capability (MRC) battery from Lockheed Martin, one of the giants of America’s Military Industrial Complex (MIC).

US Army’s top-ranking officials recently stated that their goal is to reach at least the initial level of true operational capability with the first MRC battery before the end of Fiscal Year 2023 (which will be in September this year). As previously mentioned, a complete “Typhon” battery consists of four launchers and a command post, all on trailers, as well as other support vehicles. The service plans to employ the “Typhon” primarily against ground targets using either “Tomahawk” or SM-6. And while the former has a land-based origin (Cold War-era BGM-109G “Gryphon”), the latter is a naval missile.

In fact, the SM-6 was originally designed as a surface-to-air missile (SAM), with a secondary anti-ship capability. However, the US Navy modified it and now operates several versions designed for multipurpose missions. Considering how far behind Russia the US is in terms of hypersonic weapons, the SM-6 is its best bet for engaging incoming highly-maneuverable hypersonic weapons. And even this is highly questionable, despite US attempts to present its ludicrous claims about the “Patriot” shooting down Russian hypersonic missiles as true. If that claim was true, the US would never need the SM-6 to counter Russian missiles.

The 9-A-7660 “Kinzhal’s” speed ranges from over 12,000 km per hour to almost 16,000 km per hour. If we were to imagine an interceptor missile flying at 4000 km per hour hitting another missile flying three or four times faster than that, can anyone really believe there would be anything more than a bunch of sparks, let alone a wreckage of any kind? Worse yet, the alleged “Russian ‘Kinzhal’ hypersonic missile” fell to the ground in a relatively good condition and was then even photographed and presented as supposed “evidence”. So, again, if nothing more than basic physics is taken into account, the claims become extremely difficult to even consider, let alone take at face value.

However, as the US has no operational hypersonic weapons of its own, with the most recent cancelation of its AGM-183A missile project, this capability for the Pentagon has been pushed further back. This is making it desperate to present Russia’s missiles as much worse than they truly are. And yet, In stark contrast to the US, Russia fields the Mach 12-capable “Kinzhal” air-launched hypersonic missile carried by modified MiG-31K/I interceptors and Tu-22M3 long-range bombers, the Mach 28-capable “Avangard” HGV deployed on various ICBMs and the Mach 9-capable scramjet-powered “Zircon” hypersonic cruise missile deployed on naval (both submarines and surface ships) and (soon) on land platforms.

Russia is decades ahead of the US, both in terms of deployment and hypersonic weapon capabilities. In addition, Moscow has been using these systems against the Kiev regime and NATO high-value targets in Ukraine. The Russian military is not just the world’s only armed force widely deploying hypersonic missiles, but it’s also the only one that has inducted them in all domains (air, land, sea), including on strategic weapons.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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How Clearly Israel Is an Apartheid Country

July 13th, 2023 by Eric Zuesse

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On July 11th, the Washington Post headlined Sen. Tommy Tuberville relents and says white nationalists are racist”, and reported that the Republican U.S. Senator from the (racist) state of Alabama was finally forced, by the Senate’s leading Democrat Charles Schumer from the state of New York, to say publicly that “White nationalists are racists” and even to say “I’m totally against racism.” Though the people who had voted for Tuberville didn’t consider his White nationalism to be repugnant, the vast majority of the American people do; and, so, Tuberville finally relented and reversed himself.

But White supremacism is only one type of racist fascism. There are many others. For example:

Israel defines a “Jew,” in its “Law of Return”, which was passed unanimously by the Knesset (Israel’s Parliament), on 5 July 1950. It gives only people with one or more Jewish grandparent, and their spouses, the right to Israeli citizenship. Its purpose was to exclude from citizenship the vast majority of Palestinians who do not have at least one Jewish grandparent. But who decides whether a particular grandparent was a “Jew”? Hitler’s Germany had faced the same intractable problem in their racism, because it is a racism that binds “race” with religion — and that therefore cannot and won’t deal with the problem of defining what a “religion” is.

Apartheid South Africa’s Apartheid laws separated South Africans into four different racial categories: “white/European,” “black,” “coloured (people of mixed race),” and “Indian/Asian.” In that country, white people – 15 percent of the South African population – stood at the top of society, wielding power and wealth. Black South Africans – 80 percent of the population (like Palestinians had been in Israel before there was any “Israel” — at least for thousands of years) – were relegated to the very bottom. So: instead of using as the criterion for its nationalism some undefined ‘religion’, it used as the criterion for its nationalism some subjective evaluation of a person’s darkness of skin-tone.

The only difference between Apartheid South Africa’s racist fascism and the racist fascism in Israel, is that whereas in Apartheid South Africa the races were defined by skin-tone; in Israel, it’s done by ‘religion’; in Apartheid South Africa, it was done by ‘darkness’ of skin-color. But, in BOTH countries, it really was ‘race’, and it left to an unavoidable subjective judgement, how to attribute the legal definition of “race” to a given person.

In both countries, just like in Hitler’s Germany, it is/was racist supremacism — just a different way of defining the ‘races’.

The same was true in American slavery, which was outlawed in 1865.

American taxpayers donate to Israel’s Government, each and every year, $3.8 billion, in order for Israel to purchase at least $3.3. billion of U.S.-made weapons. Section 1273 of the United States Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act of 2020, specifically authorizes that “not less than” $3.3 billion of the $3.8 billion will be spent each and every year on the products of American ‘Defense’ Department contractors such as Lockheed Martin — the weapons that Israel then uses in order to impose its racist fascism against Palestinians and against Shia-majority nations that are led by Iran, which nations support Palestinians against apartheid Israel and against America’s own apartheid Government, without whose assistance Israel would not have been able to maintain its racist fascism — its own system of apartheid — ever since 1948.

Why are U.S. taxpayers donating anything to Israel, which is a rich country and has always been not only racist-fascist (and considered so by Einstein) but an enemy of Americans? Is it to pump up America’s ‘Defense’ industry (especially the the owners of that Department’s contractors, whose net worths especially soar from this)?

On 25 March 2019, that same Charles Schumer who forced Tuberville to condemn White supremacism, embraced Israel publicly (at AIPAC, the Israeli money-funnel to U.S. politicians), and equated any opponent of it to being an “anti-Semite,” as-if there can’t be also some Jews who detest Israel. It was a condemnation of anyone — including any Jew — who opposes Israel: anyone who opposes ALL racist fascism. Most of his top campaign contributors are fronts for U.S. ‘Defense’ Department contractors such as General Dynamics. It’s how the ‘Defense’ Department’s gravy train is run. This is the permanent-warfare state. Currently, the U.S. Government spends around 53% of all of its congressionally and Presidentially authorized (or “discretionary”) annual spending on its military, and only 47% on all other purposes.

So: will Schumer now perhaps mirror Tuberville’s relent, and say “Nationalist Jews are racists” and even to say “I’m totally against racism”? Or will he instead continue to be selective about what type of racist-fascist he is? Do his voters even know that he is that?

The reader-comments to this article that I have seen at a site that allows reader-comments, suggest to me that a significant number of people believe that there should be more racism (and even more racist fascism), not less, but that it needs to be of ‘the right type’. What I find even more disturbing is that those tend to be the most up-voted reader-comments; so, perhaps there is a quiet majority of people who despise democracy and would prefer their type of racist fascism. Maybe those individuals believe that if there is to be a ‘race’-war, then they will benefit, somehow; and maybe they are psychopaths and therefore seek to benefit only themselves. I don’t understand irrationality, but that might be one way it functions. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons why racist-fascist politicians become elected to public offices — even to become, for example, the leading Democrat in the U.S. Senate.


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This article was originally published on The Duran.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public. 

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Video: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Uncensored

July 13th, 2023 by Robert F. Kennedy Jr

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Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to discuss his running race against President Joe Biden for the Democratic Party, the medical condition that leads to his voice sounding ‘raspy’, the influence his family name has had on his leadership and beliefs and more.


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One of the latest GMO Frankenfoods is Piggy Sooy, a soybean genetically engineered to contain pig protein. One or more undisclosed pig genes are spliced into conventional soya to create a soybean with 26.6% animal protein

Moolec, the U.K.-based company that developed Piggy Sooy, is also working on developing a pea plant that produces beef protein. The company claims these transgenic hybrids will provide similar taste, texture and nutritional value as meat, without the high cost of cultured or lab-grown meat alternatives

June 21, 2023, the U.S. Department of Agriculture authorized the sale of cell-cultivated chicken from Good Meat and Upside Foods. Both plan on rolling out their synthetic chicken to “high-end” restaurants across the U.S. first, while they scale up production

Researchers have discovered that CRISPR-Cas gene editing wreaks havoc in the plant genome, causing several hundred unintended genetic changes to occur simultaneously “in a catastrophic event” that ripples across large parts of the genome

Because these changes are impossible to predict, gene edited plants cannot be assumed safe without extensive testing


As expected, more and ever-wilder transgenic foods are being produced. Among the latest is Piggy Sooy, a soybean genetically engineered to contain pig protein.1,2 According to Moolec, the U.K.-based company that developed this latest Frankenfood, pig genes were spliced into conventional soya to create a soybean with 26.6% animal protein.

The exact pig genes used is a trade secret. As a result of this genetic engineering, the interior flesh of the soybean is also a rosy flesh color. The company is also working on developing a pea plant that produces beef protein. Moolec claims these transgenic hybrids will provide similar taste, texture and nutritional value as meat, without the high cost of cultured or lab-grown meat alternatives. According to New Atlas:3

“Farmers will raise the plants via conventional agricultural practices. Once the beans have been harvested and processed — again, via conventional techniques — their proteins will go into meat substitutes and other products …

As is the case with lab-grown pork, it is hoped that commercial adoption of Piggy Sooy could ultimately eliminate the raising and slaughtering of pigs, along with the associated ethical and environmental concerns.

‘Moolec has developed a unique, successful, and patentable platform for the expression of highly valuable proteins in the seeds of economically important crops such as soybeans,’ says the company’s chief science officer, Amit Dhingra.

‘This achievement opens up a precedent for the entire scientific community that is looking to achieve high levels of protein expression in seeds via molecular farming.’ There’s currently no word on when foods containing the proteins may be available to consumers.”

US Authorizes Cultured Chicken

Lab-grown chicken is also heading toward our plates. June 21, 2023, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) authorized the sale of cell-cultivated chicken — meaning chicken meat grown from stem cells in a bioreactor — from Good Meat and Upside Foods.4,5

Both plan on rolling out their synthetic chicken to “high-end” restaurants across the U.S. first, while they scale up production. In addition to these two, more than 100 other companies are also working on different iterations of cultured meat, from cell-based ground beef and 3-D printed steak and fish (see video above), to synthetic foie gras and cultured seafood.

If you care about your health, I have but one recommendation. Stay clear of all these lab-grown concoctions. I don’t even want to call them food. There’s simply no telling how they may affect your health, and no one is studying it either. It could be decades before the effects become evident, and by then it may be far too late to roll things back.

On the one hand, the know-how of how to grow and raise real food might be lost. On the other, we might lose the ability to grow real food because there won’t be any unadulterated seeds left to work with unless we break open the doomsday seed vault at the North Pole.6 

Gene Editing Causes Chaos in the Genome

As reported by GMWatch in June 2023, researchers have discovered7 that CRISPR-Cas gene editing ends up wreaking havoc in the plant genome:8

“Recent scientific findings have revealed chromothripsis-like effects after the application of CRISPR/Cas gene editing in the genome of tomatoes … Chromothripsis refers to a phenomenon in which often several hundred genetic changes occur simultaneously in a catastrophic event. Many sections of the genetic material can be swapped, recombined, or even lost if this occurs …”

Importantly, the same catastrophic cascades of gene swaps, recombination and loss also occurs in mammalian and human cells in response to gene editing. Actually, that’s been known for some time.

This is the first time they’ve found that CRISPRthripsis occurs in gene edited plants as well, and the unintended genetic alterations not only occur far more frequently than previously suspected, but they also occur across large parts of the genome.

Gene Edited Plants Cannot Be Regarded as Safe

As explained by Test Biotech:9

“… when both strands of DNA are cut, as is typically the case with the CRISPR/Cas, the ends of the chromosomes can lose contact with each other. If the repair of the break in the chromosomes fails, the severed ends can be lost, restructured or incorporated elsewhere.

Chromothripsis otherwise seems to be relatively rare in plants. CRISPR/Cas applications can frequently result also in changes at genomic sites that are particularly well-protected by natural repair mechanisms. The risks cannot generally be estimated, so they must be investigated thoroughly in each and every case …

The recent findings shed new light on the alleged ‘precision’ of gene scissors: although the new technology can be used to target and cut precise locations in the genome, the consequences of ‘cutting’ the genome are to some extent unpredictable and uncontrollable.

Plants obtained from new genetic engineering (New GE) cannot, therefore, be regarded as safe per se, and need to be thoroughly investigated for risks. Without exact genomic analyses, chromothripsis can be easily overlooked. It is, for example, not unlikely that it also occurred in plants obtained from New GE that were already deregulated in the US.”

Precision in Gene Editing Is Overrated

Those in favor of gene editing frequently stress the fact that it’s far more precise than natural breeding, the insinuation being that precision assures we only get the desired changes, nothing more and nothing less. But that’s clearly not true.

Precision does not guarantee safety, because hundreds of unintended genetic changes can occur from a single alteration, and unintended genetic rearrangements and/or the disruption of gene expression, in turn, can result in:

  • Alterations in the biochemical composition of the plant (or animal tissue)
  • Production of novel toxins
  • Production of novel allergens

Europe Seeks to Deregulate CRISPR Edited Plants

At present, the U.S. has no specific regulations for gene edited plants. The same regulations that apply for conventional crops apply for GMOs.10

That said, in late May 2023, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a final rule on “Pesticides and Exemptions of Certain Plant-Incorporated Protectants (PIPs) Derived from Newer Technologies,”11,12 which now requires GMO developers to submit data showing that plants that have been gene edited to resist pests are harmless to other components of the ecosystem, don’t contain pesticide levels beyond those found in conventional crops, and won’t cause negative health effects in consumers.

For years, Europe has had rather stringent restrictions on GMO plants, but they’re now seeking to deregulate as well. As reported by Test Biotech:13

“Attempts are currently being made in Europe to largely deregulate plants obtained from CRISPR/Cas applications. According to leaked documents, the EU Commission plans to give companies permission to release New GE plants into the environment and to market their products after only a short period of notification.

Similar to the USA, the proposed criteria exempting them from mandatory risk assessment would not require any investigation of unintended genetic changes, e.g. chromothripsis.

The new regulation would not only be applicable to plants used in agriculture, but also would allow the release of wild plants with no in-depth risk assessment. Testbiotech is warning that the planned deregulation and large scale releases of New GE organisms could threaten natural resources needed by future generations.”

Lab-Made Meats Are Ultraprocessed Junk Food

Between genetically altered produce and lab-created meats, we’re getting close to not having many real, unadulterated whole food options left. Importantly, many meat alternatives fall into the category of ultraprocessed foods, which we already have far too much of.

In 2018, Friends of the Earth (FOE), a grassroots environmental group, released a report that posed critical questions about the trend toward synthetic biology. In it, they stressed the highly processed nature of these products:14

“Various ‘processing aids’ are employed to make some of these products, including organisms (like genetically engineered bacteria, yeast and algae) that produce proteins, and chemicals to extract proteins.

For example, chemicals like hexane are used to extract components of a food, like proteins (from peas, soy, corn etc.) or compounds (from genetically engineered bacteria) to make xanthan gum … disclosure of these ingredients is not required.

Other processing aids (e.g. bacteria, yeast, algae), including those that are genetically engineered to produce proteins, are also not currently required to be disclosed on package labeling. The lack of transparency makes it difficult to assess the inputs and impact of their use.”

Can We End the Tyranny of Ultraprocessed Food?

In a June 2023 Wired article, Dr. Chris Van Tulleken, an expert in infectious diseases and author of “Ultra-Processed People: Why Do We All Eat Stuff That Isn’t Food … and Why Can’t We Stop?” made a heartfelt plea to policymakers and doctors to protect public health by leading the fight for real food:15

“Diet-related disease — which includes obesity, heart attack, strokes, cancer, and dementia — is the leading cause of early death in the UK. Driving it is a set of industrially processed products … known formally as ultraprocessed food (UPF).

This type of food is usually wrapped in plastic and has additives that you won’t find in a typical kitchen. In the US and the UK, we get on average 60% of our calories from UPF products like pizza, bread, breakfast cereals, biscuits, and nutritional drinks …

UPF is a byproduct of a complicated financial system that involves repurposing waste from animal food into human food.

To solve this problem, the first thing we need to do is include in the official UK guidance about nutrition the information that ultraprocessed foods are associated with weight gain and diet-related diseases, and that the recommendation for people is to avoid these foods.”

Unfortunately, while an admirable call to action, I don’t foresee governments issuing guidance to avoid ultraprocessed foods anytime soon, seeing how many countries, especially the U.S., are all-in on transitioning the entire food system to one that is wholly, or close to wholly, made up of genetically engineered and processed fare.

It’s part of the technocratic takeover known as The Great Reset. By replacing real animal foods with patented lab-made alternatives, globalists will have unprecedented power to control the world’s population. It’ll also grant them greater control over people’s health.

It’s well-known that the consumption of ultraprocessed food contributes to disease,16 and the benefactor of ill health is Big Pharma. The processed food industry has spent many decades driving chronic illness that is then treated with drugs rather than a better diet.

We’re now looking at more ultraprocessed foods being rolled out in the name of combating climate change, so don’t hinge your hopes on legislators. The financial and geopolitical forces against them are enormous. No, I believe the real power resides with each and every one of us. We need to ensure real food still has a place in the marketplace by spending our money on it and leaving all the processed and genetically engineered food on the store shelves.


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1, 3 New Atlas June 30, 2023

2 New Scientist June 28, 2023

4 Time Magazine June 21, 2023

5 Sharyl Attkisson June 27, 2023

6 Science Daily February 9, 2007

7 bioRxiv May 24, 2023

8 GM Watch June 20, 2023

9, 13 Test Biotech June 20, 2023

10 Global Gene Editing Regulation Tracker

11 EPA Exemptions of Certain Plant-Incorporated Protectants (PIPs) Derived from Newer Technologies Final Rule

12 Science June 2, 2023

14 Friends of the Earth, From Lab to Fork, June 2018 (PDF)

15 Wired June 30, 2023

16 BMJ 2018; 360:k322

Featured image is from Mercola

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“Safe and effective,” the foundational creed of the vaccine orthodoxy, is enshrined by government health officials and medical professionals and is widely accepted by a largely under-informed public. 

Aided by a compliant media, the vaccine industry itself relies on this mantra being accepted universally and unquestioningly.

Public health bureaucrats insist upon our obeisance to this medical catechism, demanding that we faithfully “follow the science and trust the experts.”

Yet, the specific methodologies used to determine the professed safety and efficacy of vaccines are little understood. 

It is long past time to ask and answer: Are the testing protocols scientifically sound? Are the practices used in vaccine clinical trials trustworthy? How exactly is “safe and effective” determined?

We will examine the veracity of the “safe and effective” shibboleth by taking a critical look at one of the key elements of these testing procedure- the clinical trials themselves.

Randomized placebo-controlled clinical trials are considered, the “gold standard for evaluating the safety and efficacy of a new vaccine.” 

The idea is to have participants in the trial randomized receive either the vaccine under investigation or a placebo.

How a placebo is defined and how the placebo is applied in practice are two points that, as we shall see, are crucial to the validity of any clinical trial.

The idea behind randomization and the use of a placebo is, “to control for confounding effects, such that significant differences in disease incidence or adverse effects between the vaccine and control groups can likely be attributed to the vaccine.” 

What is a placebo?

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines a placebo as, “a substance or treatment that has no effect on living beings, usually used as a comparison to vaccine or medicine in clinical trials.”

A placebo can be either an inert substance, such as a saline solution that is injected or a sugar pill that can be taken orally.

The importance of using a true placebo to get an accurate assessment of vaccine safety cannot be overstated. 

In a 2018 letter, the legal team at the nonprofit Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) challenged the US Department of Health and Human Services as to how HHS can justify,“licensing any pediatric vaccine without first conducting a long-term clinical trial in which the rate of adverse reactions is compared between the subject group and a control group receiving an inert placebo.”

Curiously, HHS defended its position, first by asserting that,

“many pediatric vaccines have been investigated in clinical trials that included a placebo” [a false claim in and of itself] and then by adding, in the very next paragraph, “Inert placebo controls are not required to understand the safety profile of a new vaccine, and are thus not required.” [Emphasis added.]

This convoluted language not only raises questions about the consistency of the HHS’ position on placebos but it is patently absurd as it negates the possibility of knowing the true side-effects profile. 

In that same paragraph, on page 2, HHS goes on to defend its position by claiming, “In cases where an active control is used, the adverse event profile of that control group is usually known and the findings of the study are reviewed in the context of that knowledge.”

This specious claim sidesteps the fact that knowing the adverse event profile of an active control group holds little meaning at best and is often outright deceptive in practice. 

In an 88-page comprehensive follow-up to this dissembling, ICAN called into question the integrity of HHS:

The fact that HHS does not and apparently will not require pharmaceutical companies to use a placebo control in pediatric vaccine clinical trials evidences HHS’s lack of confidence in the safety profile of these products. If HHS had confidence in their safety profiles, it would require that vaccine clinical trials —– as is typical for drug clinical trials —– include a placebo-control group.

A clear example of this manipulation is illustrated by the clinical trial of Gardasil and its subsequent licensure. 

In the Gardasil trial, 10,706 women received Gardasil; 9,092 women received Amorphous Aluminum Hydroxyphosphate Sulfate (AAHS), an “active control” used in the control group. Aluminum adjuvants, such as AAHS are known to induce autoimmunity in lab animals. 

A small subset of participants, 320 women did receive a saline placebo. This smaller group was mixed in with the AAHS control group to form a “combined control group.”

In the six month study, 2.3% of the women receiving Gardasil and 2.3% of the women in the “combined control group” reported developing a systemic autoimmune disorder. 

Based on these similar rates of systemic autoimmune disorders in both the “test group” and the “combined control group,” the vaccine was deemed safe and so was licensed by HHS.

What was not disclosed is that there were no autoimmune disorders among the 320 women who received the saline placebo. The reason this fact could be obfuscated was that the two control groups were combined.

Clearly, it is illogical, if not fraudulent, to claim a product is “safe” when it has an adverse event profile similar to an “active control” that has a poor adverse event profile.

Why was the safety profile of this product not directly compared to the women in the study who did use a genuine placebo? 

Shouldn’t this information have triggered a larger follow-up study with a control group that used only the saline placebo?

The answer may lie in a 1998 article titled, “Drug Study Designs Guidance for Institutional Review Boards and Clinical Investigators,” in which the FDA points to issues that arise when active controls are used.

One of the problems the FDA cites is that there are, “numerous ways of conducting a study that can obscure differences between treatments adding that Active-control studies which are intended to show no significant difference between treatments.” [Emphasis added.]

Continues the FDA:

“In the absence of a placebo group, a finding of no difference in an active-control study therefore can mean that both agents are effective, that neither agent was effective in that study, or that the study was simply unable to tell effective from ineffective agents. In other words, to draw the conclusion that the test article was effective, one has to know with assurance that the active-control would have shown superior results to a placebo, had a placebo group been included in the study.” [Emphasis added.]

Using genuine placebos in safety studies is essential to demonstrate the true side effect profile of any drug. Absent a genuine placebo, it’s not possible to make precise claims about the actual risks of the drug being tested.

Clinical trials testing for efficacy that do not use a genuine placebo only tell us something about the efficacy of the product relative to the other product rather than the product’s absolute effectiveness. This allows for claims to be made that may be factually true but may misrepresent the overall impression.

So, when we see the word “placebo” mentioned in a study, it’s vital to ask

  • “Does this mean that an inert substance was used in the study?” 
  • “Are the tests using real placebos or are they using placebos engineered to suit the objectives of the study?”
  • “If a proper placebo is not being employed, will this lead to comparative distortions of adverse effects?” 

To get an accurate picture of how placebos are defined and materially implemented in practice, we will explore three further examples of clinical trials that studied the safety and efficacy of the vaccines highlighted:

(1) In the largest of the clinical trials for GlaxoSmithKline’s (GSK) pediatric vaccine Pediarix, a 5-1 vaccine designed to protect against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B and polio, the placebo used by the control group was the pediatric DTaP vaccine Infanrix.

In 14 additional trials in that study (see page 8), the placebos received by the control groups are simply referred to as “comparator vaccines.”

Infanrix itself was tested using the older generation DTP vaccine (a vaccine known to cause serious side effects in infants) as the placebo for one control group in a clinical trial. No control group was used in another trial.

For Pediarix, no control group received a proper placebo. 

(2) Our next example highlights Merck’s hepatitis ‘A’ vaccine VAQTA. The safety profile for this vaccine also did not include a true placebo control. 

Neither of the two clinical trials for VAQTA used a proper control group. In the first trial, the “Monroe” study, it was acknowledged (see page 11) that the placebo utilized the aluminum adjuvant contained in the vaccine as well as thimerosal, a mercury- based neurotoxin phased out in the early 2000’s.  

Neither of these substances can be considered inert or safe. 

The second trial administered the vaccine alongside two other vaccines- called “historical control groups.” 

This practice is widely considered unscientific, as it eliminates randomization. On page 62 of the Final Clinical Review (cited above) it is noted, Again, the use of historical controls is not the preferred trial design method.”

(3) Our third example is Merck’s VARIVAX, the first vaccine licensed for chicken pox. The safety section of the package insert for this vaccine stated that the product was tested using- “a double-blind, placebo-controlled study among 914 healthy children and adolescents who were serologically confirmed to be susceptible to varicella.”

Was this small study in fact “placebo-controlled” with a proper placebo?

As it turns out, the control group, for VARIVAX, was given a placebo described as being, “identical in appearance to the vaccine in both lyophilized and reconstituted forms, but contained no virus material. The placebo consisted of lyophilized stabilizer containing approximately 45 mg of neomycin per milliliter.”

In short, this meant that the control group was given the test vaccine minus the viral component. Perhaps this explains why the rates of adverse reactions were similar between the groups. 

These three examples are not exceptional cases in the large body of literature on vaccine clinical trials. Sadly, this is standard operating procedure for virtually all vaccine trials.

The reality is that vaccines are generally or always tested either against an older form of the vaccine or against another vaccine or against a solution made of everything in the vaccine except the antigen in question. 

In light of the emerging body of evidence, we have to ask ourselves:

“First do the current methods of testing provide a reliable measure of the safety and adverse effects of vaccines or do these methods serve to obfuscate potential harm?”

“Second, do the current methods of evaluation provide concrete evidence for the efficacy of these products?”

Beyond the matter of improper controls there are a host of additional confounding factors that are prevalent in vaccine trials. Problematic issues such as unblinding in trials, erratic clinical case definitions, biased statistics and design protocols, lack of long- term studies, lack of data on combinative impacts of multiple vaccines, and many additional questions materialize throughout these studies.

A critical reader of the scientific literature would grasp the implications of all of this and posit that the “safe and effective” bromide appears to be built on a foundation of quicksand. 

Indeed, acceptance of this unassailable doctrine of the soundness of vaccines depends on the public not knowing the particulars of how these trials are conceived and carried out.  

As an antidote to this information vacuum, HFDF will be presenting a comprehensive expose’ of the United States childhood vaccination schedule over the course of the next few weeks.

We shall look at each vaccine to see if in fact the science is sound, the studies are adequate, and the established dogma is credible.


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This article was originally published on Health Freedom Defense Fund.

Featured image is from HFDF

Video: Shut Down the COVID-19 Operation Now!

July 13th, 2023 by Emanuel Pastreich

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Everyone around you is saying that COVID-19 is over, but it is not, not even close.

A few politicians have said a few words about some vaccines not being safe, or suggested that “mistakes were made” but they are not anywhere near ready to talk about what really happened, about your sufferings under a criminal regime, or about what must be done now.

Like victims of child abuse afraid of their parents, the best that they can suggest is that things are getting better now and that maybe, one day, we will have safe vaccines.

And what about all the people who were killed by those dangerous vaccines designed to destroy the immune system?

What about all those suffering from cancer, heart disease, infertility, and a gambit of other diseases, are they are just supposed to accept this travesty—worrying every night about when a new illness will result? Are we supposed to chalk it up to bad luck?

The evidence is all there. The only problem is the cowardice, the greed, and the hypocrisy of the ruling class.

We are not talking about medical mistakes, or even about the unaccountability of big pharma here. We are talking about crimes on a massive scale, rivaling the mass murder of civilians undertaken by the Nazis.


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The fact that mainstream newspapers, television news, and even the alternative news blogs that we are forced to rely on have decayed into variety shows that give us scraps of science, ideology, and rhetoric so as to confuse and to mislead us, does not alter reality.

I am an independent candidate for president of the United States of America and I say, “enough is enough!” What do you think?

These crimes must end, and they must end now. The billionaires like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Warren Buffett, and Jeff Bezos who conspired with other billionaires to pull this off are not your friends—although they pay billions of dollars to convince you that they are.

They must go down, one and all. The bogus Covid 19 vaccines must stop and the wide range of dangerous vaccines used by multinational pharmaceutical companies to destroy your health must end.

Then, and only then, can we start to clean up COVID 19.

First, the assets of all the pharmaceutical companies that developed these “vaccines,” of all the multinational media corporations that promoted the COVID 19 hoax, of all the investment banks and private equity funds like BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, and Bank of America that invested in the companies that promoted the hoax, and the assets of all the super-rich who funded the project secretly (or openly) must be confiscated.

Just as you or I would be thrown in jail and our assets confiscated if we engaged in mass murder, so also is true for billionaires.

They are also human, if barely. They are not gods; they are not divine.

The assets seized will be used to pay reparations to those who have been injured by the vaccines, by the PCR tests, by the illegal lockdowns that intentionally destroyed local economies, and by the cruel and meaningless “social distancing” measures implemented to destroy the lives of ordinary citizens. 

All wealth that was accumulated by corporations, governments, hospitals, research institutes, foundations, and individuals as part of this criminal operation must be confiscated. We cannot compensate victims with government funds drawing on taxes paid by the citizens. We must use the ill-gotten fortunes of these criminals.

Second, the major figures at the Gates Foundation (including Bill and Melinda Gates), at the World Economic Forum (including Klaus Schwab), at DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and their Chinese, Israeli, German and other associates, at The Wellcome Trust, and at the major multinational corporations like Pfizer and Moderna who were responsible for the development of, and the promotion of, these deadly “vaccines” will be arrested and tried for their crimes.

All fraudulent claims that vaccines are exempt from liability because of federal law will be overthrown because

1) those laws were adopted in a deeply unconstitutional and unethical manner;

2) the data used to justify vaccines was fabricated and thus no liability exemption can exist.

3) all documents related to the COVID 19 operation in the United States, Israel, France, Great Britain, Germany, Russia, China, Japan, South Korea, and elsewhere, must be fully declassified so that investigations and trials can be conducted in a meaningful manner and the corrupt relationship between corporations, billionaires, governments and the institutions of global governance made clear to the world.

Moreover, the politicians and government officials who promoted the COVID19 hoax, who followed orders from lobbyists and corporate representatives to enact COVID19 laws, directives, and lockdowns, and who obeyed directions from the lackeys of the super-rich, will be removed from office, and, in many cases, will be jailed.

4) The development of long-term treatments for the diseases suffered by those injected with these “vaccines” will be made a critical subject for medical research and given substantial funding.

Research on the long-term treatment of the damage to the body of nano-sensors, nano-robots, graphene oxide, aluminum and mercury, and the other toxic substances contained in these vaccines, and in other vaccines, will be launched.

Future vaccines, and other medications, will subject to rigorous scientific evaluation by experts who derive no financial benefit from corporations. The results of tests, and the contents of all vaccines, will be fully disclosed to the world.

5) : new healthcare policies will be adopted in the United States that take the profit out of drugs and out of medical treatment. The experts paid off by the pharmaceutical lobby to distribute fraudulent materials to promote dangerous medications, to give false testimony before Congress and before other institutions, will be jailed.

6): The true and complete story of how this COVID19 hoax was hatched, and implemented on a global scale, starting with the cooperation of corrupt elements in the military in the United States and China, will be described in detail for the public in articles, books, and other materials and will be made an essential part in history books employed in schools and universities.

When, and only when, these tasks have been achieved, we will be able to say that the COVID19 pandemic is nearing its end.  

Until then, we live in a totalitarian society dominated by a criminal class of the billionaires who use biotechnology and nanotechnology to destroy our bodies and to control us.

I am running for president as an independent candidate and I demand action immediately against these criminals. Contact me and join our movement.


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This article was originally published on Fear No Evil.

Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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According to recent House’s report, the FBI participated in a joint operation with Ukrainian intelligence to block verified social media accounts accusing them of “pro-Russian disinformation”. However, the plan was marked by several mistakes in the analysis process, resulting in the listing of accounts not actually linked to Russia.

The FBI is said to have received in 2022 reports from the Ukraine’s SBU containing data on social media accounts alleged to be posting pro-Russian content. Without properly verifying the authenticity of the information, the American institution forwarded the Ukrainian requests to Big Tech companies such as Meta, Google and YouTube. In addition to the banning of some verified accounts, it is possible that a lot of sensitive data of the users was unnecessarily handed over by companies to American and Ukrainian authorities.

The main problem is that there were many errors of investigation on the part of the SBU. Kiev authorities simply randomly selected accounts that posted Russian-language content about the conflict and described them as “misinformation” spreaders. On further analysis, it was concluded that several of these accounts were actually criticizing the military measures taken by the Russian Federation.

For example, the US State Department’s Russian-language Instagram account (@usaporusski) has been listed by the SBU and FBI as being engaged in “distributing content that promotes war, inaccurately reflects events in Ukraine, justifies Russian war crimes in Ukraine in violation of international law”. As an official page of the US government, the account was obviously not promoting any pro-Russian content, which shows the level of hasty and inaccurate analysis by the Ukrainian authorities and the FBI.

However, as an excuse for the inclusion of the US State Department in the list, the report points to the alleged “infiltration of Russian agents” in Ukrainian intelligence. The aim seems to try to avoid accusations against the Ukrainian partners, as the American investigators are also pro-Kiev, despite their dissatisfaction with the irresponsible work of the FBI. The accusation actually seems unfounded, with no reason to believe in any explanation other than the analytical inaccuracy of the SBU.

“It is unclear why the Ukrainian government would seek to remove one of the U.S. State Department’s verified Instagram accounts. As discussed above, however, according to President Zelensky, the SBU was widely infiltrated by Russian-aligned forces during this period. What is even more astonishing is that the FBI either negligently or intentionally relayed the SBU’s request to remove an official U.S. government account to Meta”, the report reads.

It was these errors of examination on the part of the authorities which made the case to become the subject of a thorough investigation by a special committee of the House, resulting in the aforementioned report. Investigators accuse the FBI of having “uncritically passed on information from the SBU”. So far, the FBI has not issued any response or press releases on the matter.

“The new information highlights the FBI’s unconstitutional role in enabling the SBU’s censorship regime and raises grave concerns about the FBI’s credibility, reliability, and competence as the nation’s premier law enforcement organization. The coordination between the FBI, SBU, and American social media companies is substantial, and the full extent of the FBI’s involvement with the SBU remains the subject of ongoing investigation”, a House’s statement on the report reads.

Indeed, it is curious to see how the unrestricted cooperation between US and Ukrainian authorities to censor Russian and pro-Russian content created problems for the US government itself. In practice, the House is interested in investigating the matter of FBI’s mistakes because there was real damage to the information security of a US government agency, but there does not seem to be any concern with the real problem of the case, which is the very existence of an international system of anti-Russian censorship.

It is very important that the investigations actually take place and lead to the punishment of the FBI agents involved in the operation, but it is necessary that the focus ceases to be the mere incompetence of the bureau in analyzing the SBU’s information and becomes the broad cooperation between both institutions.

This cooperation, by the way, goes far beyond the topic of censorship. For example, the FBI shares data with Ukrainian intelligence to expose people included on the “Myrotvorets” website – Kiev’s official kill-list. The site reveals the name, photos and personal data of blacklisted people and publicly points out the source of the information. Several people mentioned there had their data passed by the FBI, which is obviously illegal and reinforces the House’s conclusion about an unconstitutional role that the bureau would be playing.

In addition, it is necessary that the investigation also pay attention to the role of American Big Tech companies in the attempts to “cancel” Russia. Companies like Meta (currently banned in Russia due to terrorist activities) are widely engaged not only in banning pro-Russian content but also in inciting violence against Russian citizens, which should also be inspected by American authorities, if there is really an intention to ensure for legality and not just to punish the FBI.


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Lucas Leiroz is a journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Dumping Doubts: Releasing Fukushima’s Waste Water

July 13th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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Video: COVID-19 Was a Mass Mind Control Operation: Pandemic Used to Inflict Psychological Terror on World

By Reiner Fuellmich and Stew Peters, July 13, 2023

What do transgenderism, pedophilia, and Covid-19 have in common? Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is here to talk about the mental terrorism inflicted on the world during the Covid pandemic. According to Dr. Fuellmich’s findings, Covid was all fake. It was an act of psychological terrorism acting as a pilot program for mass mind-control. In effect, the purpose of all of it was to dumb down the population, making them more reliant on powerful institutions and more suggestible to extreme ideas.

Why Use of Cluster Bombs for ‘Liberating’ Territory Implies Serious Self-Harm Too

By Bharat Dogra, July 13, 2023

In the middle of an intensifying controversy over whether western countries should supply cluster bombs to Ukraine for use in the ongoing conflict, another issue that deserves serious attention is that if cluster bombs are to be used for ‘liberating’ its own territory by Ukraine, which is the stated aim for obtaining the supply of these deadly weapons by Ukraine from western countries, then the use of  these weapons necessarily involves self-harm in the context of longer-term impacts of cluster bombs.

It’s Time to Dispel the 12 Assumptions That Increase College Debt

By Lauren Hathaway, July 13, 2023

With a sobering number of college students grappling with the burden of student loans, the recent Supreme Court decision blocking the proposed student loan debt forgiveness program has made the need for a solution more urgent than ever. 

Towards NATO’s Direct Participation in Ukraine?

By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 12, 2023

Western analysts are encouraging NATO’s direct participation in the conflict. On July 8, foreign affairs commentator Simon Tisdall published an article in The Guardian called “Defeat for Ukraine would be a global disaster. Nato must finally step in to stop Russia“. He argues that Ukraine’s entry into NATO should be accelerated, with a process similar to the one that guaranteed Finland’s accession.

Why We Must Fix the Media – and Save the World. Hollywood’s “Just Wars”

By Matthew Alford, July 12, 2023

Is it any wonder that our politicians, as though clutching rosary beads, prefigure Russia’s invasion of Ukraine with the word “illegal” with no sense of irony and “unprovoked” with no sense of history? When was the last thing you saw a depiction of Russia which didn’t have it crawling with tyrants? 

Vilnius: Fizzling NATO Bets on Technology. War and the Weaponization of AI

By Karsten Riise, July 12, 2023

The accession of Sweden into NATO was Biden’s last bid to avoid a complete embarrassment. Sweden is important not for Ukraine, but for the European security order after NATO’s loss of Ukraine. Russia is NATO’s main enemy, and China is already next – words and bluster. No promises to Ukraine. Zelensky is angry. See this.

The Proxy War Against Russia Could be Stopped Immediately and Thus a Third World War Prevented

By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, July 12, 2023

Time is again “out of joint” (Shakespeare) as it was before the First and Second World Wars. Yet it seems that we citizens again do not know what to do in this incendiary situation. Above all, the intellectuals among us have a much greater responsibility than one would generally like to admit, because it would be their duty to think for the other people and to proclaim freedom in general with the freedom of thought.

Targeted for Tyranny: We’re All Suspects Under the Government’s Precrime Program

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, July 12, 2023

And thanks to the 24/7 surveillance being carried out by the government’s spy network of fusion centers, we are all now sitting ducks, just waiting to be tagged, flagged, targeted, monitored, manipulated, investigated, interrogated, heckled and generally harassed by agents of the American police state.

Do EMF and Wireless Devices Endanger Children’s Health?

By Dr. Gary Null and Richard Gale, July 12, 2023

Children are exposed to EMF from various wireless devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and Wi-Fi routers. Although these devices generally comply with FCC guidelines, there are serious concerns about the cumulative effects of exposure, particularly for children who use wireless devices extensively.

Video: Agent Zelensky

By Scott Ritter, July 12, 2023

As a former intelligence officer, I’ve been wondering why has no one done an investigation about Volodymyr Zelensky, the President of Ukraine. His rise to power, in my opinion, represents an incredible manipulation of world opinion that will go down in history as a classic case study in social psychological engineering: an ordinary comedian who came to power because he promised a long-awaited peace, who then dragged his fellow citizens into a bloody war that can only be described as a massacre.

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In the middle of an intensifying controversy over whether western countries should supply cluster bombs to Ukraine for use in the ongoing conflict, another issue that deserves serious attention is that if cluster bombs are to be used for ‘liberating’ its own territory by Ukraine, which is the stated aim for obtaining the supply of these deadly weapons by Ukraine from western countries, then the use of  these weapons necessarily involves self-harm in the context of longer-term impacts of cluster bombs.

This would be true for any weapons with serious longer-term adverse impacts, including depleted uranium weapons, which too are being supplied by western countries to Ukraine.

When a country in the course of a war loses some territory and then announces its determination to liberate this territory, this implies that the people of this territory are considered to be the equal citizens of this country whose welfare has to be protected.

However cluster weapons, which involve bombs exploding mid-air to disperse hundreds of small but very painful and destructive bomblets, are inherently more likely to hit civilian and unintended targets as well. What is even more important is that many of them remain unexploded for a very long time and hence can cause a lot of civilian harms for several years after the conflict is over, particularly to civilians. In particular these have proved very devastating for innocent and unsuspecting children, despite many attempts having been made to warn them regarding the need to stay away from suspicious objects. These high risks have been widely documented for several countries like Laos where cluster bombs were used widely and where these have continued to kill and disable people several years later. It is in fact due to this that a very large number of countries, about 100 including several NATO members, have signed the convention against cluster bombs.

Now, if Ukraine uses these cluster bombs to ‘liberate’ its lost territories, this implies that whether the liberation effort is successful or not, the cluster weapons will continue to inflict serious harm for many, many years on people it considers to be its own, on land it considers to be its own. Hence there is a serious contradiction and a serious question of self-harm involved in any plans to use cluster weapons as a means of liberating own territories (as distinct from attacking enemy lands).

As deadly weapons like cluster bombs are given by western countries to Ukraine mainly for liberating territory and often clearly specifications are mentioned that these are not to be used for attacking Russia mainland, there is clearly a serious element of implied self-harm in the use of cluster bombs by Ukraine. Both the Ukraine authorities and their western suppliers should seriously consider the self-harm part of the issue.

This is also applicable in the supply of depleted uranium ammunitions and in fact any weapons and ammunition that have a serious long term adverse impact (on people, health and environment). In the case of depleted uranium weapons there is a lot of documented evidence regarding the longer-term serious impacts from places like Iraq and elsewhere where these were widely used. There are some very painful reports. At the same time some have stated that the harms may not be so serious. The balance of evidence tells us that the impacts can be very harmful and painful and where such high risks exists, even if not established at hundred per cent level, the manufacture, use and export of such terrible weapons should be avoided. There are possibilities of soldiers using such weapons to attack others also suffering long-term adverse health impacts.

The case of not using any weapons of longer term adverse impacts would be very strong in the context of liberating territory and the implied longer-term harm to own people.

This aspect of self-harm of course is only one part of the wider debate on the supply of cluster bombs and other deadly weapons to Ukraine by western countries. There are several other reasons to question supply of these and in fact all weapons and instead concentrate all attention and efforts on bringing peace and on bringing peace only—starting with unconditional ceasefire ( so as to stop further fighting immediately) followed by peace negotiations which can be quite prolonged as long as the fighting stops.


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Bharat Dogra is Honorary Convener, Campaign to Save Earth Now. His recent books include Planet in Peril, Protecting Earth for Children and A Day in 2071. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Military Watch Magazine

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What do transgenderism, pedophilia, and Covid-19 have in common?

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is here to talk about the mental terrorism inflicted on the world during the Covid pandemic.

According to Dr. Fuellmich’s findings, Covid was all fake. It was an act of psychological terrorism acting as a pilot program for mass mind-control. In effect, the purpose of all of it was to dumb down the population, making them more reliant on powerful institutions and more suggestible to extreme ideas.

One of the ultimate goals is also depopulation.

For some strange reason the global elites responsible for this mind control also want humanity to consent. They want us to choose to put things in our body that are harmful and ultimately lead to death.

This mind control is more effective in the western world than in Africa.

The excess mortality rates from the bioweapon injections are high in developed countries. The masses bought into the fear tactics and brainwashing and voluntarily injected themselves with deadly poison.

Most of our leaders and those in positions of power are actually psychopaths. However, these leaders couldn’t have risen to power if the masses didn’t play along. This is because the general public has been dumbed down due to the collapse of our education system. We have been taught to follow orders and not think for ourselves. There are a lot of people who are highly educated but also very stupid. Cowardice fuels the stupidity of the general public.

Those who have perpetuated these crimes against humanity must be held accountable at Nuremberg 2.0.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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In Canada, pro-NATO shills and fake ‘disinformation experts’ have used threats of violence and outright fabrications to censor a national speaking tour on the pursuit of peace in Ukraine.

In April of this year, I travelled to Russia and Crimea to engage in citizen diplomacy. I undertook that journey on my own initiative and at my own expense. I did so because I’m convinced that the Ukraine war is an existentially dangerous conflict for all humanity, and that Western leaders have abdicated their duty to protect us from the ultimate catastrophe.

Upon my return to Canada, peace groups from across the country asked me to embark about a trans-Canada speaking tour to advocate for the peaceful resolution of the Ukraine war. I accepted their invitation. In so doing, I declined to be paid speaking fees and I assumed full responsibility for paying my own travel expenses.

After I accepted that invitation, all hell broke loose.

The campaign to de-platform the speaking tour

In early June, following consultation with members of the Canada-wide Peace and Justice Network, I agreed to speak in eleven Canadian cities commencing on June 19. Those cities are London, Hamilton, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Vancouver, Victoria, Montreal, Halifax, Fredericton and Ottawa. The last of these events took place in Toronto on July 8.

As a result of pressure and intimidation tacts targeting our venues, five of our venues cancelled our scheduled events in the days or hours leading up to the event. Those cancellations occurred in Toronto, Winnipeg, Montreal and Halifax.

Toronto cancellation

I was scheduled to speak in Toronto on June 20 at the head office of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU). OPSEU’s President, JP Hornick,  cancelled our event approximately four hours prior to our scheduled start time. Unfortunately, this did not leave the local organizers with sufficient time to secure an alternate venue.

At the time of the cancellation, OPSEU officials advised us that, because of hostile communications received by OPSEU, Hornick had become concerned about the security of the participants and the facility.

Following Hornick’s last-minute cancellation, I issued the following statement:

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

Despite OPSEU’s 11th-hour cancellation, I met that evening with about twenty local peace activists. We gathered at a pub next to OPSEU’s offices.

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

At that impromptu gathering, we agreed that we would not give up, so days later, local organizers in Toronto secured a space at the Toronto Public Library on July 8. This was a bridge too far for Toronto City Councillor Brad Bradford, who finished in eighth place with 1.3% of the votes in Toronto’s recent mayoral election. Bradford tweeted that he was “appalled” that the library would “give a platform to an apologist for Russia’s war crimes”. In comments on Bradford’s tweet, over twenty-five persons criticized him for attempting to suppress free speech.

To its credit, the Toronto Public Library stood its ground and allowed the event to go forward. In the end, we had a vibrant discussion about the realities of this proxy war and the necessity of ending it by negotiation.

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

Winnipeg cancellations

I was scheduled to speak in Winnipeg on June 21. In Winnipeg, not one but two venues cancelled on us in the twenty-four hours leading up to the event.

Prior to cancelling our event, the Filipino Seniors Group (FSG) in Winnipeg received messages that flatly misrepresented what I had said in prior speaking events. For example, one message sent to FSG by someone claiming to be a Canadian of Russian origin claimed that, in our first speaking event in London, Ontario on June 19, I had referred to Ukraine as “the so-called Ukraine”, “proceeded to deny Russia’s responsibility for any war crimes”, and “unjustly labelled all Ukrainians defending against aggression as Nazis”.

These are outright fabrications. I’ve never referred to Ukraine as “the so-called Ukraine” and I’ve never denied Russia’s responsibility for any war crimes.

On the contrary, I have stated repeatedly that I believe that both Russian and Ukrainian forces have committed war crimes, and that all those who have committed war crimes should be held accountable and prosecuted in accordance with due process of law.

Finally, I have never said that all Ukrainians defending against aggression are Neo-Nazis. Rather, I have argued, and continue to maintain, that Ukraine has a serious problem with Neo-Nazism, but that most Ukrainians are not Neo-Nazis.

Unfortunately, I first learned that these fabrications had been communicated to the FSG after it cancelled our event. The FSG gave me no opportunity to respond to those allegations before cancelling our event.

Despite the cancellations by FSG and a second Winnipeg venue (the Canadian Mennonite University), local organizers in Winnipeg managed to secure a third venue at the last moment. At that venue, we drew a large and engaged audience. No one disrupted my presentation or the Q&A which followed it.

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

Montreal cancellation

I was scheduled to speak in Montreal on June 29.

For the Montreal event, we reserved a lounge owned and operated by a private business. I have known the managers of that venue for years and have always been on friendly terms with them. Out of consideration for the security of their business, we did not publicize the name or address of the venue. Rather, we communicated the venue’s name and address to attendees privately.

By the morning of June 29, the Montreal event was sold out. The organizers expected that we would have to turn people away at the door.

I have lived in Montreal for years and am personally acquainted with many local activists. On the day of the event, I examined the list of registrants and recognized most of the names on the list as activists with whom I had worked in the past.

Nonetheless, on the day when I was scheduled to speak, our opponents somehow managed to identify the venue. At that point, chaos ensued.

First, on the day of the event, an irate woman appeared at the venue and threatened that the business would be targeted that evening with a loud and hostile protest.

The owners and managers of the venue were then inundated with hostile electronic messages, the majority of which came from persons whose names appeared to be Ukrainian.

As acrimonious messages poured in, a CTV reporter called the managers of the venue and indicated that a camera crew would come to the venue that evening to videotape the persons who entered the facility for purposes of attending our event.

As all of this was going on, a raft of complainants besieged the business with low ratings on its Google profile. Here are some examples:

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

As can be seen from the above screenshots, many of the persons who gave rock-bottom Google ratings to the business on that day bore names that appeared to be Ukrainian, and indicated that their country of residence was Ukraine.

These Google shenanigans were the last straw for the owners of our venue in Montreal.

The manager of the business called me less than three hours before our start time and, while apologizing profusely for having to cancel the event, he explained to me that the business had built up an excellent reputation over many years, and that these online attacks constituted a significant reputational threat to the business.

The manager then tried to limit the damage from the low Google ratings by informing people online that the event had been cancelled.

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

At that point, our local organizers in Montreal decided to take our audience members to a nearby park in old Montreal. Nearly all of the persons who had registered for our event were redirected to and showed up at that park.

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

As we gathered in the park for my presentation, a group of angry protesters waving Ukrainian flags appeared. Several Montreal police officers placed themselves between us and the protesters.

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

The flag-waving protesters began by shouting “stop killing Ukrainians!” At that point, I explained to our audience that I too wanted the killing of Ukrainians to stop, and that that is why I had embarked on this tour. I then asked our audience to join me in chanting “stop killing Ukrainians!” A video of that moment can be watched here.

Throughout my presentation in the park, the pro-Ukrainian protesters chanted that I was a “fascist”, a “liar” and a “fraud”. The police allowed the protesters to get close enough to us that I had to shout in order to be heard by our audience. One audience member who is active in the Palestinian solidarity movement remarked that Montreal police tend to be much less accommodating toward pro-Palestinian protesters.

Halifax cancellation

Initially, our organizers in Halifax reserved a space at St. Mary’s University for our June 30 event. The organizer who had reserved the space at St. Mary’s University was Larry Haiven, a Professor Emeritus of St. Mary’s University.

Within hours of Professor Haiven making the reservation, the University’s President, Dr. Robert Summerby-Murray, advised Professor Haiven that the President had personally decided to cancel the reservation. Professor Haiven attempted in vain to explain to the President that this was a matter of free speech, and that Canadian universities should strive to foster discussion and debate about difficult and controversial subjects.

Professor Haiven and his partner Judy Haiven, also a Professor Emeritus of St. Mary’s University, then secured an alternate venue.

Ultimately, the Halifax event was held without disruption at that second venue.

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

Following the Halifax event, Professor Haiven issued a statement about the decision of the St. Mary’s University President to cancel our event. In his statement, he explained why he was “ashamed” of the President’s decision to de-platform our event.

Who participated in the campaign to de-platform our tour?

Virtually every venue we reserved for this speaking tour came under intense pressure to cancel our event. The primary means by which our venues were subjected to pressure were emails containing false and inflammatory allegations about me and the speaking tour. Pressure tactics also included physical protests, threats of violence and negative reviews on Google.

Many of the hostile communications received by our venues contained warnings – some subtle and some not-so-subtle – that the venue would suffer a loss of business or be exposed to other adverse consequences if the event was allowed to go forward.

Although we have not seen many of the hostile communications that our venues received, we have seen enough of them to identify key persons involved in the campaign to de-platform our tour. What is striking is that most of those persons work in think-tanks and academic positions that are closely tied to the U.S. and Canadian militaries.

In a recent, must-see interview by Robert Scheer of former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, McGovern explained that we in the West have been systematically lied to about the causes of the Ukraine war and the state of the Ukrainian battlefield. In the course of ennumerating the litany of lies with which we’ve been bombarded, McGovern stated:

You know, I’ve got a new acronym and actually it’s in some dictionaries now. Eisenhower talked about the ‘military industrial complex’. Well it’s more complicated now. Now it’s not the ‘MIC’, but the ‘MICIMATT’: Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-MEDIA-Academia-Think-Tank complex. Why do I say ‘MEDIA’, as if in all caps? Because the media is the fulcrum, is the basis, you can’t make this MICIMATT work without the media. And who controls the media? The same corporations that control Raytheon, Lockheed and the rest of them.

Marcus Kolga

Marcus Kolga is a senior fellow of the Macdonald-Laurier Institute (MLI), a right-wing, neoconservative think-tank based in Ottawa.

Kolga is also the founder of MLI’s DisinfoWatch project. He claims to be a ‘disinformation expert’, and is treated as such by Canada’s mainstream media.

The website of Disinfowatch discloses no information regarding its donors or board members. It discloses, however, a list of “research partners”. They include the U.S. Department of State and the NATO StratCom Center Of Excellence (Riga).

Kolga is also a “senior fellow” at the Conference of Defence Associations Institute (CDAI), which describes itself as “an umbrella organization for 36 member associations who represent over 400,000 active and retired members of the Canadian Armed Forces. We are a connector in the defence & security community in Canada that provides influence and visibility for member associations towards national engagement…” The CDAI website describes Kolga as “a leading Canadian expert on Russian and Central and Eastern European issues.”

The only postsecondary degree listed on Kolga’s LinkedIn profile is a Bachelor of Arts in political science, which he obtained from the University of Illinois in 1994. Based on his published profile, it does not appear that Kolga has any graduate degree, or that he has pursued any postsecondary studies focused specifically on disinformation or on Russia.

As I explained in a recent article on ‘disinformation studies’ in Canada, describing Kolga as a ‘disinformation expert’ is like calling an arsonist ‘the fireman’. Quite apart from his unrelenting pro-war advocacy, Kolga is notorious for his whitewashing of the Estonian far right.

During the past five weeks, Kolga has tweeted and retweeted over thirty derogatory tweets about me. In those tweets, he describes me (among other smears) as a “conspiracy theorist”, “far left”, a “fraud”, a “tankie” and “pro-authoritarian”. Kolga’s tweets and retweets also accuse me of the “whitewashing of Russian atrocities”, of “arguing for ‘peace’ that would result in genocide”, and of making “pro-Putin conspiracy rants” that propagate “anti-Ukrainian views that align with Russian extremist nationalists” and that “justify colonial repression”.

Kolga’s Twitter activity leaves no doubt that he pressured numerous of our venues (including Toronto, Winnipeg and Regina) to de-platform our tour, and that he encouraged his followers to do the same.

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

On May 11, 2023, Kolga gave testimony on Canada’s sanctions regime to the Canadian Parliament’s Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development. In that five-minute statement (which starts at 11:57:00 of this video), Kolga described me as a “Canadian far-left pro-Kremlin extremist” and strongly insinuated that I had violated Canadian sanctions laws by travelling to Crimea. That is a bald-faced lie.

There are many differences between Marcus Kolga and me. One of them is that Kolga is a paid shill of the military industrial complex. I, on the other hand, have been paid nothing to write or speak about NATO’s depraved proxy war in Ukraine, or about the West’s relations with Russia.

When it comes to discerning the truth about this war, you are, of course, free to believe the pro-NATO shill who profits from advocating for war, or you can believe the anti-war activist who is paid nothing for his advocacy.

The choice is yours.

Kyle Matthews

Kyle Matthews is the Executive Director of the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (MIGS), a think-tank which describes itself as “Canada’s leading institute working at the intersection of human rights, conflict prevention and emerging technologies.”

According to MIGS’ Activity Report for 2020/2021, MIGS’ “partners” include Canada’s Department of National Defence, Global Affairs Canada, the U.S. Embassy to Canada, the Netherlands Embassy to Canada, DisinfoWatch (founded and run by Markus Kolga) and the National Endowment for Democracy, or NED.

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

The NED is funded by the U.S. Government and is a notorious CIA cutout. It reportedly spent over US$22 million on ‘democracy promotion’ in Ukraine following the U.S.-backed coup that ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in 2014.

Since the beginning of June, Matthews has gone hog-wild on tweet-smearing me. In that period, he has tweeted and retweeted about me more than fifty times, using such rhetorical flourishes as “clueless dimwit”, “deranged” and a “conspiracy theorist”. In one tweet, Matthews denied that I am a journalist, while in another, he wrote that “as lawyer [sic], Lascaris ain’t that bright.”

Matthews routinely misspells my first name, sometimes writing it as “Dmitri” and other times as “Dimitry”. He continued to misspell my name after I recently corrected him on Twitter.

Maybe it’s just me, but I would have thought that no Canadian university would appoint a petulant child to be the executive director of “Canada’s leading institute working at the intersection of human rights, conflict prevention and emerging technologies.”

During the past six weeks, Matthews has tweeted dozens and dozens of condemnations of the Russian and Chinese governments, but not a word about human rights violations by Western governments or their allies. Thus far, Matthews has tweeted no criticism of the widely condemned decision of the U.S. government to send cluster munitions to Ukraine, nor has he uttered a peep about Israel’s brutal assault on the Jenin refugee camp.

Matthews, it seems, has never recovered emotionally from my and Yves Engler’s disruption in June 2019 of an Irwin Cotler love-fest, hosted by the petulant child himself. As is well known by those who regard Palestinians as human beings, Cotler is an apologist for Israel’s apartheid regime. That’s why Yves and I thought it unseemly for Matthews to fawn all over Cotler on the campus of Concordia University. So traumatized was Matthews by our intervention that, years later, he constantly whines about our raining on his Cotler parade.

Matthews evidently believes that there’s an equivalency between our 2019 disruption of Cotler and the de-platforming of our speaking tour on the Ukraine war.

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

Matthews conveniently omits to mention that Yves and I never de-platformed Cotler. On the contrary, on that day in June 2019, the Cotler love-fest resumed after Yves and I completed our brief intervention. Cotler was given ample opportunity to express himself at Concordia University.

Moreover, the primary reason that I and activists like Yves Engler engage in such disruptions is that Canada’s mainstream media have all but banished left-wing, anti-imperialist criticism of Canadian foreign policy. If Canadians holding such views such were given reasonable opportunities to express those views in the mainstream media, there would be no need for us to resort to the disruption of the political elite. Cotler, by contrast, is routinely feted by Canada’s mainstream media. So too are other architects of Canada’s morally bankrupt and hypocritical foreign policy. Simply stated, Canada’s mainstream media discourse is grotesquely imbalanced in the elite’s favour. Activists’ interventions are a means whereby some measure of balance can be introduced into the public discourse.

Matthews’ tweets over the past six weeks leave no doubt that he participated in the campaign to de-platform our tour. He retweeted, for example, a Marcus Kolga tweet in which Kolga called on OPSEU to cancel our event in Toronto:

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On Twitter, Matthews also joined with Kolga in pressuring the Regina Public Library to cancel our event:

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The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

Matthews also publicly accused the Toronto Public Library of “hosting” a “conspiracy theorist and Russian war crimes apologist”:

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

Dominic Cardy

Dominic Cardy is a senior fellow of MIGS. He is also a member of the New Brunswick legislature.

In 2011, Cardy became leader of the New Brunswick NDP. He won by acclamation. While leader of the NB NDP, Cardy ran three times for election to the New Brunswick legislature. He lost each time, finishing third place on two occasions and second place on the third.

In 2015, Yvon Godin, an NDP member of Parliament for a New Brunswick federal riding, criticized Cardy’s leadership of the provincial NDP, stating:

The problem, I think, with the provincial party, with Dominic, was that I think he was too much to the right to even be in the centre, and I think people read into that. I think it did hurt the party. People were looking for the NDP, they were doing really well, and [voters] wanted change from the existing parties that we have now, who are serving the big corporations and forgetting about the people.”

In 2016, Cardy expressed support for the doomed Energy East pipeline while opposing the Leap Manifesto.

On January 1, 2017, Cardy announced his resignation as leader of the NB NDP. He complained at the time that forces in the NDP, in collusion with the province’s largest public sector union, had waged “endless internal battles.”

Less than one month after his resignation, the New Brunswick Progressive Conservative Party revealed it had appointed Cardy as its strategic issues director. At the time, Cardy said it was “not my intention” to run as a candidate for the Tories. The following year, after endorsing Maxime Bernier for the leadership of the federal Conservative Party, Cardy ran as a candidate for the New Brunswick Tories. He finally won a seat.

The Tories, however, would come to regret Cardy’s belated electoral success. In October 2022, after Cardy had been elevated by New Brunswick Premier Blair Higgs to the post of Education Minister, Cardy resigned from Higgs’ cabinet, citing flaws in Higgs’ leadership style. At the time, Higgs stated that Cardy resigned only after Higgs had told Cardy that he intended to shuffle Cardy out of cabinet. The day after Cardy’s resignation from cabinet, Higgs expelled Cardy from the Progressive Conservative caucus. 

According to MIGS’ website, Cardy holds a B.A. in Political Science and, after working for the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, joined the Washington-based National Democratic Institute (NDI) “in increasingly senior managerial roles.”

NDI is funded in part by the U.S. Government, including by the CIA cutout, the NED. Although the NDI claims to be “non-partisan” and “non-governmental”, the current Board of this U.S. government-funded organization is a veritable who’s who of Democratic Party heavyweights. The NDI Board is chaired by former Democratic Senator Tom Daschle and includes (among numerous other establishment Democrats) Michael McFaul, who served as Obama’s ambassador to Ukraine at the time of the 2014, U.S.-orchestrated coup.

Judging from Cardy’s Twitter feed, he just might be auditioning for a return to a “senior managerial role” at NDI.

Although Cardy is a member of a provincial legislature and has no responsibility whatsoever for Canadian foreign policy (which is a matter of federal jurisdiction), Cardy seems to be obsessed with Russia and China. His Twitter profile prominently features the Ukrainian, Canadian and Taiwanese flags and describes Cardy as an “honorary NAFO fellow”:

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

“NAFO” stands for “North Atlantic Fellas Organization”. Since its creation in early 2022, NAFO functions as an army of low-brow, relentlessly pro-NATO Twitter trolls. NAFO’s co-founder, Kamil Dyszewski, is a Polish video game reviewer who operates under the Twitter pseudonym “Kama Kamilia.” In a July 2022 interview, Dyszewski professed that he is fuelled by an “absolute hatred and vitriol I have towards the Russians.” As reported in October of last year by Alexander Rubinstein and Moss Robeson, Dyszewski “has also tweeted multiple antisemitic memes, including images which appeared to glorify Adolph Hilter and mock Jewish victims of the Holocaust.”

Despite these sordid facts, Cardy brags about his relationship to NAFO. On Twitter, he has pinned to his profile a tweet in which he thanks the “NAFO team” for making him an “honorary fella” of NAFO:

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

Cardy is extremely active on Twitter. From June 1 to July 9, 2023, he tweeted or retweeted 402 times, or 10.3 times per day, on average. Those 402 tweets and retweets do not include the gigantic dung-heap of hostile replies that Cardy posted to tweets issued by his ideological adversaries. On Twitter, Cardy routinely engages in endless mud-slinging with leftists and anti-imperialists. One wonders how Cardy finds any time to address the needs of his constituents – or whether he even tries to do so.

During the June 1 to July 9 period, Cardy tweeted or retweeted 215 posts about Russia. This constituted 53.5% of his tweets and retweets during that period. During that same period, he also tweeted or retweeted 58 times about China, which constituted 14.4% of his tweets and retweets during that period. Together, Cardy’s tweets and retweets about Russia and China constituted 67.9% of his total tweets and retweets for that period. Predictably, every one of those tweets reflected negatively on Russia or China (or both).

By contrast, from June 1 to July 9, Cardy tweeted or retweeted a mere 62 posts that explicitly related to New Brunswick. This constituted a lowly 15.4% of his total tweets and retweets during that period. In other words, Cardy tweeted and retweeted about Russia and China approximately three times more often than he tweeted or retweeted about New Brunswick.

Tellingly, from June 1 to July 9, Cardy did not post a single tweet or retweet that criticized the human rights abuses or international law violations of any Western government or Western ally. Cardy tweeted nothing, for example, about the U.S. military’s ongoing crimes against humanity at Guantanamo, the nearly $4 billion in annual military aid that the U.S. gifts to apartheid Israel, or Canada’s weapons sales to Saudi Arabia, which has committed war crimes in Yemen. Meanwhile, Cardy expressed support for the U.S. government’s widely condemned decision to send cluster munitions to Ukraine.

What ought we to make of Cardy’s extensive Twitter activity? Well, for one thing, Cardy appears to think that New Brunswick’s taxpayers are compensating him to act as a mouthpiece for Washington’s neocon cabal. For another, Cardy evidently applies a far lower standard to Western governments than he applies to the West’s official enemies.

From June 1 to July 9, Cardy tweeted or retweeted derogatory comments about me more than 50 times. While acknowledging my ‘claim’ that I have received no compensation for my commentary about the Ukraine war, Cardy tweeted that I have “multiple links to those who profit from the Putin regime.”  He has also written that I am “easily manipulated” by my “friends in Moscow” and am a “Kremlin shill“.

Cardy retweeted Matthews’ criticism of the Toronto Public library for allowing us to use its facilities.

Despite his unbridled hostility to advocates for a peaceful resolution of the Ukraine war, Cardy came to our event in Fredericton, accompanied by his spouse, Julie Smith.

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According to New Brunswick’s Telegraph-Journal, when Cardy and Smith were married recently, they “used the special occasion to pay tribute to Ukraine, a country they visited together last fall.”

On July 2, when Cardy entered our venue in Fredericton, a local organizer of our event offered to shake Cardy’s hand. Cardy refused, declaring “I never shake hands with Kremlin scum”. Cardy also refused to shake my hand when I extended it to him minutes before my presentation in Fredericton began.

At our Fredericton event, Cardy live-tweeted various insults, using the hashtag “#LiveLascarisLies”. In one of the tweets that he posted while attending our event, he asserted that we had started the event “with the Soviet anthem”:

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

What in fact happened is that, as audience members entered the Fredericton venue and seated themselves, the local organizers played a collection of left-wing music, including “The Internationale”. As Wikipedia explains:

“The Internationale” is an international anthem that has been adopted as the anthem of various anarchist, communist, socialist, democratic socialist, and social democraticmovements. It has been a standard of the socialist movement since the late nineteenth century…  It is one of the most universally translated anthems in history.

Shortly prior to our event in New Brunswick, I challenged Cardy to debate me about the Ukraine war at the Fredericton event. Cardy accepted the challenge, but only on condition that we allow him to publicize the name and location of our venue in Fredericton. I was unwilling to accept that condition because, based on everything that had happened on our tour up to that point int time, I expected that our venue would be pressured into cancelling the event if its name and location were widely publicized.

I therefore proposed to Cardy an alternative: that we debate each other online at a later date. Initially, rather than accept my alternative proposal, Cardy falsely and repeatedly claimed on Twitter that I had backed out of my own debate challenge. Accordingly, during the Q&A at our event in Fredericton, I asked Cardy several times whether he would debate me online after the Fredericton event. At first, Cardy tried to sidestep my question, but he eventually agreed.

Since the Fredericton event, Cardy and I have concurred that our debate will occur, online, on October 3, 2023 at 7 pm. The question we’ve agreed to debate is: what is the best way to resolve the Ukraine war?

Jean-Christophe Boucher

Jean-Christophe Boucher is an Associate Professor at the School of Public Policy and at the Department of Political Science at the University of Calgary. He currently holds grants from Canada’s Department of National Defence to study “information operations”, and from the Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) “to understand civil-military relations in Canada”. The SSHRC is funded by Canada’s federal government.

Boucher is an “expert” of the Network for Strategic Analysis (NSA). The NSA was launched as part of the Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security programme of the Department of National Defence of Canada. Its primary mission is to “mobilize Canadian and global expertise on three strategic challenges for Canada”, including “the intensification of competition between great powers under the threshold of armed conflict and its pandomain implications”, and “capacity building, defense diplomacy and partnership development within regional, minilateral and international organizations.

In 2022, Boucher produced a “study” on Russian disinformation in Canada. Boucher’s “study” was a pile of bunk, which I debunked here. After I criticized his “study”, Boucher blocked me on Twitter:

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

From June 1 to July 9, 2023, Boucher tweeted or retweeted about me on eight occasions. He shared tweets by Kolga, Cardy and Matthews in which they made derogatory remarks about me. Boucher aided the campaign to de-platform our tour by sharing content designed to pressure our venues to cancel our events. For example:

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In essence, Kolga, Cardy, Boucher and Matthews are Canada’s internet frat-boys of pro-war propaganda.

Tamara Krawchenko

Tamarą Krawchenko is an Assistant Professor in Public Administration at the University of Victoria. Krawchenko is of Ukrainian origin. She has family in Ukraine.

In the month of June, after the speaking tour was publicly announced, Krawchenko began attacking me on Twitter. From the time that we announced the tour in early June to the end of the month, Krawchenko posted over fifteen tweets and replies about me on her Twitter account. All of them were derogatory.

Krawchenko urged her followers to pressure OPSEU into cancelling our event. She repeatedly tagged OPSEU in her tweets and replies about me.

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

On Twitter, Krawchenko alleged that, while in Crimea, I had visited a Russian “filtration camp” at which Russian forces had committed war crimes.

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The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

While in Crimea, I wrote a lengthy article about this camp and published it on this website in April of this year.

The camp that I visited lies to the south of the Crimea-Kherson border, in Russian-controlled territory. It was small and consisted of several pitched tents. Workers at the camp gave me a tour of the facility. They invited me to inspect each tent, which I did. I saw no persons being detained at the camp and I saw no evidence of violence, coercion or other mistreatment.

I spoke with all camp workers who were present at the time of my visit. They assured me that they were volunteers from all over Russia and that they were not employed by the Russian military. As far as I could see, none of the workers carried weapons.

At the time that I visited the camp, there were only three refugees there (a family of two young adults and their ten-year old daughter), and the family was being fed by camp workers. After eating their meal, they roamed around the camp freely. With the help of my Russian-speaking guide and translator (whom I hired and compensated out of my own pocket), I spoke with the father of this family. He explained that he intended to take his family to Poland and that he had decided to transit to Poland through Crimea because he feared that, if he tried to enter Poland from Ukrainian-held territory, Ukrainian security services would apprehend him at the Poland-Ukraine border and force him into military service.

In reply to Krawchenko’s tweet about this alleged “filtration camp”, an account bearing the name of “Carl Gravel” asserted on her Twitter account (in French) that there was a plan to assassinate me during my visit to Victoria, B.C.:

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

The English translation of Gravel’s reply to Krawchenko’s tweet is as follows:

Dimitri, who appears on the Kremlin propaganda channel Russia Today and spreads anti-Ukrainian hatred, will give a “lecture” in Victoria on 27 June. According to reliable sources, an assassination plot is being planned against him…

Gravel posted his reply to Krawchenko’s tweet on June 11. I first learned of Gravel’s assassination warning on June 27, when I arrived in Victoria, B.C. I was alerted to it by the organizers of the Victoria event.

As of the writing of this article, Gravel’s assassination warning continued to appear on Krawchenko’s Twitter account. As far as I know, Krawchenko made no effort to alert me or our local organizers to the alleged assassination plot.

I do not know who controls the Twitter account that posted the assassination warning on Krawchenko’s Twitter account. Of course, the person behind that Twitter account could be an individual whose real name isn’t “Carl Gravel”.

That being said, an individual bearing the name “Carl Gravel” has a profile on Facebook that features a Ukrainian flag.

This is the Twitter profile of the “Carl Gravel” who posted the assassination warning in reply to Krawchenko’s tweet about me:

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

The Carl Gravel Facebook profile states that Gravel studied at the Canadian Forces School of Communications and Electronics and currently works at Maestria Solutions. A LinkedIn profile for Carl Gravel shows that, before working at Maestria Solutions, Gravel served in the Canadian military for twenty-seven years (from 1990 to 2017).

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

Thus, there is reason to believe that the person who posted the assassination warning on Krawchenko’s Twitter account may be a former, longstanding member of the Canadian military.

Ukrainian-Canadian Organizations

On June 20, 2023, Orest Zakydalsky, Senior Policy Advisor of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, sent an email to OPSEU’s President, J.P. Hornick. Zakydalsky urged Hornick to cancel our event because I have appeared on RT and because I had done “interviews” of “people like Scott Ritter — a convicted sex offender”.

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

I first learned of Zakydalsky’s letter to Hornick after Hornick cancelled our event. Hornick afforded me no opportunity to respond to Zakydalsky’s criticisms before Hornick decided to cancel.

For the record, I first appeared on RT in 2019, when I was in Venezuela to report for the U.S.-based Real News Network on efforts by Western governments to overthrow the government of Venezuelan President, Nicolas Maduro. At that time, RT wanted to interview me about what I had learned from speaking to ordinary Venezuelans in the streets of Caracas.

Since then, I have appeared on RT on several occasions to discuss a variety of subjects, including the truckers’ convoy in Ottawa, Canadian foreign policy, the Ukraine war and my trip to Russia in April. RT has never offered or paid to me a dime of compensation. Moreover, RT has never restricted my freedom to express my views on its programs.

Does RT disseminate pro-Russian propaganda? Of course it does, but propaganda is not unique to RT. Canadian, U.S. and other Western corporate media routinely disseminate government and corporate propaganda, yet no one has ever condemned me for the numerous interviews I have done on the CBC, CTV or Global News. Moreover, RT’s coverage of international affairs is generally more honest than Western media coverage of international affairs. On RT, it is permissible to utter truths that are taboo on Western mainstream media, such as: the capitalist system is fuelling wars; NATO is an aggressive military alliance that should be disbanded; U.S. military spending is out of control; and Western foreign policy with respect to non-Western countries is hypocritical, racist and exploitative.

Moreover, I reject the suggestion that, if you choose to give an interview to a media organization, then you necessarily agree with everything that that organization disseminates to the public. A media organization is simply a platform with an audience. If I accept an interview request from a media organization, I do so simply because I want to communicate my views to that organization’s audience. As long as I am permitted to express my honest views to that audience, there’s no good reason for me to reject the opportunity to reach that audience.

As for Scott Ritter, I have interviewed him once, for The Real News Network. I was not compensated for that interview, and neither was Ritter. The video of that interview, which concerned the Ukraine war, has over 2.5 million views. Ritter is a former U.S. Marine intelligence officer in the Soviet Union and Middle East. He was also a United Nations weapons inspector. His expertise in military matters is undeniable. Moreover, he famously opposed the invasion of Iraq on the basis that the Bush administration’s claims about WMD in Iraq were baseless. Had the U.S. Government heeded Ritter’s warnings about flawed ‘intelligence’ relating to WMD in Iraq, hundreds of thousands of lives could have been saved.

The UCC’s successful campaign to pressure OPSEU into cancelling our event was not the first time the UCC has sought to de-platform critics of NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine. It also attempted to pressure the Toronto Public Library into cancelling a June 4, 2023 event titled “The war in Ukraine and how to stop it“.

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

The UCC’s smear campaign against me was aided and abetted by a prominent Ukrainian-Canadian lawyer, Peter Kryworuk. Kryworuk, who is based in London, Ontario, wrote multiple messages to our London venue in which he falsely accused me of “spewing lies, misinformation, hatred and Russian propaganda”, and of making arguments that “will not benefit world peace but will continue Russia’s genocide of Ukrainians”. He warned our London venue that there would be negative repercussions as a result of its refusal to cancel our event. According to Kryworuk, the venue’s decision is “one that many in our community will watch carefully”.

After I delivered my speech in London on June 19, Kryworuk wrote another irate message to the venue. In that message, he demanded that the venue publish on its website an apology for allowing our event to go forward and a condemnation of what I had said during the event. He warned that “choices have consequences” and that, failing such an immediate and full statement of condemnation and apology, the venue “will lose support from the community which it depends on.” According to Kryworuk, “word will spread” of our venue’s “role in allowing a platform for such extremist views”.

Kyrworuk, it appears, is a supporter and significant donor to the UCC:

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

Another Ukrainian-Canadian organization that pressured a venue to cancel our event is the Ukrainian Association of Fredericton. On July 4, its President sent an email to the Unitarian Fellowship of Fredericton (the venue for our July 2 event in New Brunswick) in which she falsely accused me of supporting Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and of violating Canadian sanctions laws by visiting Crimea.

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

I have committed no violation of Canadian sanctions laws. I ended my trip to Russia on April 30 – over two months ago. No Canadian law enforcement agency has accused me of violating Canadian sanctions law or has even questioned me about my trip to Russia and Crimea. Furthermore, I have consistently stated that I consider Russia’s invasion to be a violation of the U.N. Charter. Indeed, I took that position in my very first article on the Ukraine war, which I published on this website two days after the invasion began. That article has remained on my website throughout that time, including during my trip to Russia.

Finally, an organization calling itself “Ensemble pour l’Ukraine / Together for Ukraine” wrote a long message to our Montreal venue in which it falsely accused me of violating Canadian sanctions law and of being “one of the top pro-Russian propagandists in Canada” and a “consistent supporter of the Russian invasion”.

The struggle for peace is a struggle for free speech

If this tour has taught us anything, it’s that, in times of war, the struggle for peace is also a struggle for freedom of expression.

A core premise of democracy is that a government chosen by an informed citizenry is the best form of governance. The surest way to ensure that the citizenry remains informed is by fostering vigorous and open debate.

The war in Ukraine has created an unprecedented danger of nuclear armageddon. It is happening against the backdrop of a climate crisis that is spinning out of control, and that cannot be managed responsibly without an unprecedented degree of international cooperation. The Ukraine war is not uniting the world. Rather, it is dividing it. In this perilous moment, deepening divisions are the last thing humanity needs.

The stakes could not be higher. The need for the citizenry to be informed could not be greater.

If our opponents truly believe that we are everything they claim us to be, then they should back up their claims with logic and evidence. The fact that they resort to silencing and smearing us proves only that they cannot win the debate that our fellow citizens so urgently need to hear.


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