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Fitch Ratings, one of the “Big Three” credit ranking agencies, has downgraded US long-term currency issuer default ratings, on August 1, from AAA to AA+. According to the agency’s “rating action commentary”, this rating downgrade of the country “reflects the expected fiscal deterioration over the next three years, a high and growing general government debt burden, and the erosion of governance” that “has manifested in repeated debt limit standoffs and last-minute resolutions.”

The same commentary further elaborates on “erosion of governance”, adding that, in Fitch’s view, over the last two decades, “there has been a steady deterioration in standards of governance”, including “on fiscal and debt matters.” According to it, “repeated debt-limit political standoffs and last-minute resolutions” have mined trust in “fiscal management”, the US government has no “medium-term fiscal framework”, and “economic shocks” and “tax cuts” as well as “new spending initiatives” have contributed to debt increases.

Moreover, “there has been only limited progress in tackling medium-term challenges related to rising social security and Medicare costs due to an aging population.” The agency projects the US economy to be pushed into “a mild recession”, with tighter credit conditions, weakening business investment, and a slowdown in consumption.”

The aforementioned commentary does not mention Ukraine, but Washington’s proxy attrition war there certainly is one of the major debt-generating “new spending initiatives” generally mentioned. Writing for the Council on Foreign Relations, Jonathan Masters (its deputy managing editor) and Will Merrow (a CFR associate director) show in charts just how much the US has sent to Ukraine. They quote the Kiel Institute for the World Economy on the fact that, since the current conflict in Ukraine began, Washington has directed over $75 billion to Kiev, in military, financial and humanitarian support.

Since 2022, a number of Western voices have in fact been calling for “a new Marshall plan for Ukraine”.  Heather Conley, president of the German Marshall Fund of the US, for one, has proposed the Marshall Plan, the 1948 US initiative to provide foreign aid to Europe after the war, be replicated in the Eastern European country – and such projects have been discussed in public talks with the Open Society Foundations.

Few people know that Washington in fact spent more on Afghanistan than on the Marshall Plan  – and to little avail. Quoting Akhilesh Pillalamarri’s 2014 article for The Diplomat, “according to the U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), congressional appropriations for reconstruction in Afghanistan have reached $109 billion in today’s dollars. On the other hand, the Marshall Plan delivered $103 billion in today’s dollars to 16 European countries between 1948 and 1952.”

While figures in the Western Establishment call for a Ukrainian Marshall Plan and US Senate Democrats block an initiative that would increase oversight over the billions Washington sends to Kiev (amid corruption concerns), the lessons of Afghanistan are being ignored.

Jeffrey D. Sachs (University Professor and Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University), in his May article, stressed that the American “addiction to war and military spending” is the main reason why, by 2022, US government debt was $24 trillion, equal to 95% of GDP.

American fiscal decline and its huge war-fueled debt is yet another piece of the puzzle; it is part of a larger societal and civilizational crisis. I have written on how the US “all-volunteer force” (AVF) now faces a major crisis, its high costs being one of the main factors that make the US military small – since 911, military pay and benefits have escalated. But there is also a recruiting crisis, with only 23% of young Americans (aged 17-24) being “eligible for military service without a waiver” and with most ineligible youth being disqualified “for multiple reasons”, which include being overweight, having poor medical health, and drug abuse. All of these reasons are related to structural and social problems: to name just a few issues, Americans today face its worst drug crisis ever (the opioid epidemics) meanwhile the world’s richest nation’s healthcare system is collapsing, with overcrowded and understaffed facilities, hospitals closing down, and lack of basic items such as ICU beds. n addition, there is a mental health crisis, with 40% of parents reporting their children have issues such as depression or anxiety.

There is a perverse logic here – a vicious cycle: given all the aforementioned domestic issues and crises, the fact that most youth do not qualify for service or do you want it (only 9 percent of young US citizens today seriously consider military service) is hardly surprising – this being so, bringing back the draftee would simply not solve the recruiting issues, not to mention that the political cost would be huge. This is one of the reasons why the overburdened US increasingly needs to fight proxy wars – as it does in Ukraine. This in turn increases spending, and debt, while the US own population faces the deterioration of health and so many other social problems.

Rod Dreher, an American Conservative senior editor, and the author of three New York Times bestsellers wrote in August 2022 that Westerns were being ruled by “a claque of Neros”. In July AD 65, the Great fire of Rome destroyed 70% of the city, and Emperor Nero blamed Christians for it, which initiated a campaign of persecution.

Rumor had it that Nero himself had started the fire and this became a very popular myth, albeit without historical evidence. Although the accusation against Nero in all likelihood is historically false, the image of a ruler, mad with power, celebrating while his own reign burns conveys a powerful image. The debt crisis, for one thing, was one of the key reasons for the decline of the Roman empire. Amid today’s crises and Western triumphalist war rhetoric (and lack of diplomacy), Dreher’s description of a Nero-elite is increasingly convincing.


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Uriel Araujo is a researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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In early May, Syria was welcomed back to the Arab League, a development that was sure to anger the US and European establishments so new tensions between US occupation forces and the Russia-Syria alliance have been escalating quite rapidly in the last few months. 

An article published by Reuters ‘Arab League readmits Syria as relations with Assad normalise’ says that “The reinstatement of Syria does not mean normalisation of relations between Arab countries and Syria,” Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit told reporters in Cairo. “This is a sovereign decision for each country to make.”

The Syrian government has called on the Arab League to show mutual respect and so far, they have. However, behind closed doors, Washington’s war machine is still planning to remove Syria’s President, Bashar al-Assad. Assad has been trying to end the ongoing conflict, but there is one main problem, and that is the US occupying forces who are stationed in various areas that includes Al-Tanf, which is located close to the Syrian-Iraqi-Jordan border that can be used as a transit hub to bring in newly-equipped terrorists including Takfiri terrorists who are located in areas close to the northwestern Idlib province, in the eastern al-Omar oilfields in Deir Ez-Zor to obviously steal as much oil as possible and in the Hasaka countryside in the Al-Jazeera region:

A U.S. State Department spokesperson said Washington shared the goals of Arab partners in Syria, including building security and stability, but remained “sceptical of Assad’s willingness to take the steps necessary to resolve Syria’s crisis”

It is obvious that the US government is not happy about the outcome of the Arab League’s decision,

“We do not believe Syria merits readmission into the Arab League at this time,” the spokesperson said, adding that U.S. sanctions would remain in full effect.” 

Russia on the other hand applauded the decision, Maria Zakharova, a spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry said that “Moscow welcomes this long-awaited step, the logical result of the process, which has gained momentum, of returning Syria to the ‘Arab family.” Syria and its Arab League partners can cooperate in the political and economic realms that will benefit all sides.  It is also a positive outcome for Arab nations in hopes to finally unite against the US-NATO Alliance and Israel in the Middle East.       

However, there are other issues to deal with including sanctions that hurt the Syrian people imposed by the US and the European Union as punishment for their support of their president, Bashar Al-Assad.

The harsh sanctions imposed by the West includes banning imports of much-needed building materials and machines to rebuild homes, hospitals, schools, and bridges that has been destroyed by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) over the years.

The Syrian people need to rebuild important infrastructures to provide clean drinking water. Syrian business owners from small to mid-size companies cannot import goods or machines used in factories to produce products for public consumption. To make matters worse, those same oil fields that the US military occupies prevents the Syrian people from receiving oil which limits the use of energy including electricity for their homes or gas for their cars.  In other words, the illegal US occupation has been a disaster for the Syrian people.     

In the last few months, new tensions between the US and the Russia-Syria alliance have increased. In fact, the US has shipped weapons into its military base in Hasaka. According to the Syrian Arab News Agency(SANA) ‘The US occupation brings in new weapons to its bases in Hasaka countryside’ said that “In order to fortify its illegal presence in Syrian territory, the US occupation intensified its movements, especially in al-Jazeera region, violating international laws and principles, as it brought in during the past 24 hours weapons, ammunition and logistical equipment to its bases in Hasaka countryside.” It seems that the US military is expecting a conflict with Russian and Syrian forces:

A convoy of the occupation consisting of 30 large tankers guarded by armored vehicles raising the flag of the American occupation, and another belonging to QSD militia associated with it, coming from Iraqi territory, entered the city of Al-Shadadi (60 km south of Al-Hasakah) from the east, and its contents were unloaded at the occupation base in the city before heading to the city of Hasakah through the western entrance on the Kharafi road , special sources told SANA.

The sources quoted eyewitnesses belonging to the QSD militia as saying “the load of the convoy that was unloaded at the base included advanced medium weapons, including anti-armored weapons, modern communication and jamming systems, in addition to large quantities of ammunition, including several containers intended to support the QSD militia

The US Military and the Islamic State: Partners in Crime

Last March, US Army General Mark Milley said that having US troops in Syria is “worth the risk” to fight the Islamic state according to a Reuters propaganda piece tiled ‘Syria mission worth the risk, top U.S. general says after rare visit’ claims that “The nearly eight-year-old U.S. deployment to Syria to combat Islamic State is still worth the risk, the top U.S. military officer said on Saturday, after a rare, unannounced visit to a dusty base in the country’s northeast to meet U.S. troops.” Milley went to Syria “to assess efforts to prevent a resurgence of the militant group and review safeguards for American forces against attacks, including from drones flown by Iran-backed militia.” Reuters said that “American officials say that Islamic State could still regenerate into a major threat.”

I agree with that statement, but the problem is that it is the US military who will rearm the Islamic State and other terrorist groups like they did in the past to create a new conflict in a never-ending effort to topple Bashar al-Assad:

While Islamic State is a shadow of the group that ruled over a third of Syria and Iraq in a Caliphate declared in 2014, hundreds of fighters are still camped in desolate areas where neither the U.S.-led coalition nor the Syrian army, with support from Russia and Iranian-backed militias, exert full control

Milley was asked if the mission is worth the risk, his response was “If you think that that’s important, then the answer is ‘Yes.” He continued “I happen to think that’s important,” Milley conveniently mentioned ISIS as the main threat, but the reality is that they are preparing for a future escalation with the Syrian government, Russia, Hezbollah and their main adversary, Iran. “So, I think that an enduring defeat of ISIS and continuing to support our friends and allies in the region … I think those are important tasks that can be done.”

On July 14th, a local news channel in the state of New York, WWNY published a report ‘Soldiers with 2nd BCT leaving Fort Drum for Iraq & Syria’ based on the deployment of the 10th Mountain Division 2nd brigade combat team to Syria and Iraq for up to nine months to fight the reemergence of ISIS “the soldiers will be spending the next nine months in Iraq and Syria as part of Operation Inherent Resolve, an ongoing military operation to defeat the Islamic State.” This is a clear escalation in progress. There are joining another 900 plus US soldiers who are currently stealing Syria’s oil and gas. According to The Syrian Observer, which is described as “Syria’s official press” for “opposition groups, activists and civil society” published ‘HTS and SDF Dialogue Towards a Joint Civil Administration’ mentioned the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the infamous Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, a terrorist organization who held several meetings in the last few months to discuss how they will unify their forces to face the Syrian and Russian militaries:

The talks also explored the possibility of establishing a joint civilian administration between HTS and the SDF. This would be contingent on HTS gaining control over areas currently held by the Syrian National Army. The SDF indicated that the United States is supportive of the unification of the northeastern and northwestern regions of Syria

US and Russian forces had several incidents in the last few months. US drones patrolling Syrian skies have faced Russian fighter jets on numerous occasions. Recently, The Associated Press, ‘Russian fighter jet strikes another American drone over Syria in the sixth incident this month’ on the increase of tensions in Syrian airspace:

A Russian fighter jet fired flares and struck another U.S. drone over Syrian airspace on Wednesday, the White House said, in a continued string of harassing maneuvers that have ratcheted up tensions between the global powers.

It’s the sixth reported incident this month, and the second in the past 24 hours, in which the United States has said Russian warplanes have flown dangerously close to American manned and unmanned aircraft, putting crews and the planes at risk and raising questions as to what the U.S. may need to do in response

Apparently, the US already decided what needs to be done in their response to Russia legally flying over Syrian airspace, and I say ‘legally’ because Russia is a close ally of Syria and was invited to help the country fight threats coming from the US, Israel and the rest of their terrorist lapdogs. 

It’s the same old story and the same old lie of the US and its allies supposedly fighting terrorists in an oil producing country who is in the way of Israel’s expansionist plans. But the reality is that the West and Israel has been using terrorists to destroy Syria. The West has always called Syria’s conflict a popular uprising or a revolution against the evil Assad, but its about the permanent destruction of Syria and the rest of the Middle East that will allow the “Jewish State of Israel” to become the only so-called viable “democracy.”

The goal of the West is to turn Syria into another Iraq or Libya because a destabilized Middle East benefits the globalists who will have control over the Arab people and their natural resources. This will also allow Israel, who is part of the globalist cabal to be the undisputed hegemonic power in the region. Just imagine that scenario, it would be an absolute nightmare for the Arab world, yet a dream come true for the globalists. 


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Timothy Alexander Guzman writes on his own blog site, Silent Crow News, where this article was originally published. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from SCN

This article was first published in September 2017

Author’s Note

The UN’s climate change summit (COP27) has opened in Egypt. (November 6, 2022). 

More than 120 world leaders attended last year’s COP27 summit in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, amidst a stylized propaganda campaign:

“Our Planet is “Sending a Distress Signal”. 

Environmental modification techniques which are the object of this article have been carefully excluded from the debate on climate change. 


While Environmental modification (ENMOD) techniques have been available to the US military for more than half a century, there is no concrete evidence that these techniques have been used to trigger extreme weather conditions.

The 2022 Summer heat waves accompanied by devastating wildfires, in Western Europe, North Africa, California, India, Pakistan and China’s Valley of the Yangtze River have simultaneously affected the lives of millions of people Worldwide, with devastating social and economic consequences. 

The Yangtze River delta has never experienced such high temperatures since historical records began, and high temperatures like this are accompanied by drought,”

According to August 2022 reports, the daily hydropower generation on the Yangtze has plunged by 51%, resulting in the suspension of production in the Chongqing mega-industrial region which has a population in excess of 30 million people.

In May 2022, Pakistan was among the top 23 countries Worldwide experiencing severe drought and desertification. A couple of months later during the monsoon period, the Valley of the Indus River experienced the most severe flood in living memory. Rainfall in Sindh and Baluchistan provinces “was at least seven times the normal amounts“. 

“Manmade Climate Change” was casually heralded as the cause of  Pakistan’s floods which “killed 1,508 people, inundated millions of acres of land and affected 33 million people. More than half a million people have been left homeless”

C02? Causality of Extreme Weather Events

While there is no concrete evidence that the 2022 heat waves and floods were caused by ENMOD techniques, the issue of climate manipulation must nonetheless be addressed and analyzed.

U.S. military documents as well as scientific reports confirm that “environmental modification techniques” (ENMOD) are fully operational.

On the other hand, there is no firm evidence as outlined by the mainstream media (routinely quoting authoritative climate scientists) that these extreme weather conditions are the result of so-called “human-induced greenhouse gas emissions“. 

Moreover, it should be understood that these greenhouse gas emissions –which allegedly trigger “global warming”– are being used as a pretext and a justification to adopt drastic and unnecessary measures conducive to the outright destabilization of agriculture. These measures have been applied simultaneously in several countries.  They are upheld as part of a “climate consensus” which also consists in banning the use of fossil fuel. 

The underlying procedure is as follows: The “climate agenda” (i.e global warming) consists in restricting fertilizer use with a view to “cutting nitrogen emissions” (e.g. in the Netherlands, Western Canada) . “to the point where it is impossible for farms to continue operating.” This in turn is conducive to triggering extensive food shortages as well as famine.  

There are too many coincidences and contradictions. The causes of extreme weather conditions must be addressed. Much of the information on the use of ENMOD and its impacts is “classified”. 

The matter should be the object of an inter-governmental investigation (under the auspices of the UNGA) conducted in accordance with the terms of  the historic 1977 International Convention ratified by the UN General Assembly banning “military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects.” (See AP, 18 May 1977). Both the US and the Soviet Union were signatories to the Convention:

….Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to engage in military … use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury to any other State Party. (Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques, United Nations, Geneva, May 18, 1977. Entered into force: 5 October 1978, see full text of Convention in Annex)

To Read the full text of the UN Convention, click here

It is worth noting that in February 1998, the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defense Policy held public hearings in Brussels on the HAARP program.(17) The Committee’s “Motion for Resolution” submitted to the European Parliament:

“Considers HAARP… by virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment to be a global concern and calls for its legal, ecological and ethical implications to be examined by an international independent body…; [the Committee] regrets the repeated refusal of the United States Administration… to give evidence to the public hearing …into the environmental and public risks [of] the HAARP program.”

Weather Warfare

Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) constitute instruments of “weather warfare”. They are an integral part of the US military arsenal. 

“Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally… It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog and storms on earth or to modify space weather… and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of [military] technologies.”

Study Commissioned by the US Air Force: Weather as a Force Multiplier, Owning the Weather in 2025, August 1996

It should be noted that with the closing down of  The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) program in Alaska in 2014, the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has been actively involved in ENMOD research, most of which is classified. In a 2009 Science report:

An official advisory group to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is convening [March 2009] an unclassified meeting … to discuss geoengineering, … DARPA is the latest in a number of official science funding agencies or top scientific societies that are exploring the controversial idea. …

In relation to the current context including the war in Ukraine, the Pentagon has formulated the contours of a global military agenda, a “long war”, a war without borders. “Weather warfare” is part of a diversified military arsenal of conventional and strategic weapons systems. ENMOD is potentially a weapon of mass destruction (WMD), with the capacity of destabilizing an enemy’s ecosystem, destroying its agriculture, disabling communications networks.

Weather manipulation is the pre-emptive weapon par excellence. It can be directed against enemy countries or even “friendly nations”, without their knowledge.

The manipulation of climate can be used to destabilize an enemy’s economy, ecosystem and agriculture. ENMOD techniques can undermine an entire national economy, impoverish  millions of people and “kill a nation” without the deployment of troops and military hardware. 

The article below, focusses on the history and analysis of ENMOD. It also provides direct quotes from a publicly available 1996 US Air Force document which confirms the Pentagon’s plan to “Weaponize the Weather”.


Michel Chossudovsky,  September 16, 2022


Does the US Military “Own the Weather”? “Weaponizing the Weather” as an Instrument of Modern Warfare?

By Michel Chossudovsky

Global Research, September 2017

US mathematician John von Neumann, in liaison with the US Department of Defense, started his research on weather modification in the late 1940s at the height of the Cold War and foresaw ‘forms of climatic warfare as yet unimagined’. During the Vietnam war, cloud-seeding techniques were used, starting in 1967 under Project Popeye, the objective of which was to prolong the monsoon season and block enemy supply routes along the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

The US military has developed advanced capabilities that enable it selectively to alter weather patterns. The technology, which was initially developed in the 1990s under the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), was an appendage of the Strategic Defense Initiative – ‘Star Wars’. From a military standpoint, HAARP  –which was officially abolished in 2014– is  a weapon of mass destruction, operating from the outer atmosphere and capable of destabilising agricultural and ecological systems around the world.

Officially, the HAARP program has been closed down at its location in Alaska. The technology of weather modification shrouded in secrecy, nonetheless prevails. HAARP documents confirm that the technology was fully operational as of the mid 1990s.

(For further details see Michel Chossudovsky, The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: Owning the Weather for Military Use, first published by Global Research in 2006). 

It should be emphasized that while the US military confirms that weather warfare is fully operational, there is no documented evidence of its military use against enemies of the US. The subject matter is a taboo among environmental analysts. No in-depth investigation has been undertaken to reveal the operational dimensions of weather warfare.

The irony is that the impacts of ENMOD techniques for military use were documented by CBC TV in the mid 1990s.

The CBC TV report acknowledged that the HAARP facility in Alaska under the auspices of the US Air Force had the ability of triggering typhoons, earthquakes, floods and droughts: .

Directed energy is such a powerful technology it could be used to heat the ionosphere to turn weather into a weapon of war. Imagine using a flood to destroy a city or tornadoes to decimate an approaching army in the desert. The military has spent a huge amount of time on weather modification as a concept for battle environments. If an electromagnetic pulse went off over a city, basically all the electronic things in your home would wink and go out, and they would be permanently destroyed.”

CBC 1996 TV Report on the HAARP Project

“Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather”

In this article we will provide key quotations from a US 1996 US Air Force document which analyzes weather modification techniques for military use.

The underlying objective from a military standpoint is “Owning the Weather”.

At the time this study was commissioned in  1996, the HAARP program was already fully operational as documented by the CBC documentary.

The stated purpose of the Report is described below:

In this paper we show that appropriate application of weather-modification can provide battlespace dominance to a degree never before imagined. In the future, such operations will enhance air and space superiority and provide new options for battlespace shaping and battlespace awareness there, waiting for us to pull it all together;” in 2025 we can “Own the Weather.” (Commissioned by US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report,  (public document)

Weather-modification, according to US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report, 

offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary”, capabilities, it says, extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes:

‘Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally… It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog and storms on earth or to modify space weather… and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of [military] technologies.” 

See complete reports commissioned by the US Air Force

 ….From enhancing friendly operations or disrupting those of the enemy via small-scale tailoring of natural weather patterns to complete dominance of global communications and counterspace control, weather-modification offers the war fighter a wide-range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary. Some of the potential capabilities a weather-modification system could provide to a war-fighting commander in chief (CINC) are listed in table 1. (emphasis added)

Source: US Air Force

Why Would We Want to Mess with the Weather? is the subtitle of chapter 2 of the Report

“According to Gen Gordon Sullivan, former Army chief of staff, “As we leap technology into the 21st century, we will be able to see the enemy day or night, in any weather— and go after him relentlessly.” global, precise, real-time, robust, systematic weather-modification capability would provide war-fighting CINCs with a powerful force multiplier to achieve military objectives. Since weather will be common to all possible futures, a weather-modification capability would be universally applicable and have utility across the entire spectrum of conflict. The capability of influencing the weather even on a small scale could change it from a force degrader to a force multiplier.”

Under the heading:

What Do We Mean by “Weather-modification”?

The report states:

“The term weather-modification may have negative connotations for many people, civilians and military members alike. It is thus important to define the scope to be considered in this paper so that potential critics or proponents of further research have a common basis for discussion.

In the broadest sense, weather-modification can be divided into two major categories: suppression and intensification of weather patterns. In extreme cases, it might involve the creation of completely new weather patterns, attenuation or control of severe storms, or even alteration of global climate on a far-reaching and/or long-lasting scale. In the mildest and least controversial cases it may consist of inducing or suppressing precipitation, clouds, or fog for short times over a small-scale region. Other low-intensity applications might include the alteration and/or use of near space as a medium to enhance communications, disrupt active or passive sensing, or other purposes.” (emphasis added)

The Triggering of Storms:

“Weather-modification technologies might involve techniques that would increase latent heat release in the atmosphere, provide additional water vapor for cloud cell development, and provide additional surface and lower atmospheric heating to increase atmospheric instability.

Critical to the success of any attempt to trigger a storm cell is the pre-existing atmospheric conditions locally and regionally. The atmosphere must already be conditionally unstable and the large-scale dynamics must be supportive of vertical cloud development. The focus of the weather-modification effort would be to provide additional “conditions” that would make the atmosphere unstable enough to generate cloud and eventually storm cell development. The path of storm cells once developed or enhanced is dependent not only on the mesoscale dynamics of the storm but the regional and synoptic (global) scale atmospheric wind flow patterns in the area which are currently not subject to human control.” (page 19)

Is the CIA involved in Climate Engineering? 

The Involvement of the CIA in Climate Change Technologies

Back in July 2013,  MSN news reported that the CIA was involved in helping to fund a project by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) focusing on geo-engineering and climate manipulation. The report not only acknowledged these technologies, it confirmed that US intelligence has been routinely involved in addressing the issue of climatic manipulation:

“The goal of the CIA-backed NAS study is to conduct a “technical evaluation of a limited number of proposed geoengineering techniques,” according to the NAS website. Scientists will attempt to determine which geoengineering techniques are feasible and try to evaluate the impacts and risks of each (including “national security concerns”).” (See Slate, July 2013)

“The CIA is helping fund the research because the NAS also plans to evaluate “the national security concerns (that could be) related to geoengineering technologies being deployed somewhere in the world,” Kearney said.

In an emailed statement, Christopher White, a spokesman for the CIA’s office of public affairs, told MSN, “On a subject like climate change, the agency works with scientists to better understand the phenomenon and its implications on national security.” (Slate)

Although the CIA and the NAS are tight-lipped about what these concerns might be, one researcher notes that geoengineering has the potential to deliberately disrupt the weather for terrorist or military goals.

According to a  2015 report in the Independent (screenshot above), quoting a renowned US scientist Prof. Alan Robock:

“A senior American climate scientist has spoken of the fear he experienced when US intelligence services apparently asked him about the possibility of weaponising the weather as a major report on geo-engineering is to be published this week.

Professor Alan Robock stated that three years ago, two men claiming to be from the CIA had called him to ask whether experts would be able to tell if hostile forces had begun manipulating the US’s weather, though he suspected the purpose of the call was to find out if American forces could meddle with other countries’ climates instead.”

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Michel Chossudovsky

America’s hegemonic project in the post 9/11 era is the “Globalization of War” whereby the U.S.-NATO military machine —coupled with covert intelligence operations, economic sanctions and the thrust of “regime change”— is deployed in all major regions of the world.

The threat of pre-emptive nuclear war is also used to black-mail countries into submission.

This “Long War against Humanity” is carried out at the height of the most serious economic crisis in modern history.

It is intimately related to a process of global financial restructuring, which has resulted in the collapse of national economies and the impoverishment of large sectors of the World population.

The ultimate objective is World conquest under the cloak of “human rights” and “Western democracy”.


Kiev Regime Involved in Child Trafficking

August 4th, 2023 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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There seems to be no limit to the crimes and anti-humanitarian practices committed by the Kiev regime. In addition to torture, extrajudicial execution and human rights violations, Ukraine is also being denounced by insiders for involvement in an international child trafficking scheme. Several criminal networks are operating in Ukrainian territory, profiting from the conflict by exporting children on the black market. 

There are several cases of crimes against children in Ukraine being talked about in social media recently. In one of them, a scheme for the sale of babies was revealed. Criminal activities were taking place in private clinics in Kiev and Kharkov regions. Ukrainian women were hired to work as surrogate mothers for a reward of 12,000 thousand euros. After birth, the children were sold to foreigners for amounts between 50 and 70 thousand euros. It is known that at least nine babies were sold by criminals.

In the same sense, there are data pointing to the existence of a secret organization in Ukraine, which works within state institutions at various levels of infiltration. The practice of this group consists of looking for some children, selecting those who fit certain characteristics required by international trafficking networks and preparing travel documents to legalize their trip to European countries – from which they never return.

As we can see, these schemes involve Ukrainian state officials themselves. Some investigative journalists accuse an SBU officer named “Sergey Borisov” of being the head behind the criminal network on Ukrainian soil. He is said to be acting in collaboration with other SBU agents, in addition to the British intelligence agency M16 – which indicates co-participation in crimes by Western officials, making the situation even more serious.

The most shocking point of all this is that many insiders familiar with the topic believe that these children are being handed over to international pedophilia and child sexual exploitation networks. For example, political scientist Dmitry Kulikov says it is possible to “assume with high responsibility that many of them are either in sexual slavery or are preparing for this”.

Also, another insider, Vasily Prozorov, a former employee of the Security Service of Ukraine, recently commented at a conference on how Ukrainian and British pedophile networks are working together. According to him, the crimes involve high-ranking Ukrainian and British officials. In the UK, children are being “adopted” by pedophiles who are “high representatives” of the government.

“There is a criminal group operating in Ukraine that is involved in the export of children and their transfer to the UK, where they fall into the hands of pedophiles – [who are also] high-ranking representatives of the British establishment”, he said. It must be noted that, in addition to being a former Kiev intelligence agent, Prozorov is currently involved in an investigative project called “Ukrleaks”, focused on exposing the regime’s anti-humanitarian practices. So, he is a reliable source who knows the Ukrainian situation from inside.

However, as shocking as these cases are, they are not really new. It is known that since 2014 Ukraine has become a real haven for pedophiles and all sorts of sexual predators. The high levels of institutional chaos and corruption favor the penetration of criminal networks, which operate with impunity. Usually, criminals look for children from low-income families, in situations of social vulnerability. Children are forcibly removed from their families and sent abroad with fake documents, making it virtually impossible for their relatives to get them back.

This information should also be read in light of recent report by investigative journalists Eva Bartlett and Christelle Néant about human rights violations committed by Ukrainians in Artyomovk/Bakhmut region. Among the crimes, the Ukrainian action of kidnapping ethnic Russian children in the city through agents called “white angels” was described. With the excuse of “saving” children from the conflict, Ukrainians forcibly removed them from their parents and never returned them. Considering the recent news, it is possible that these captured children were handed over to British pedophiles.

Furthermore, it is necessary to remember that the protection of children was never a priority for the neo-Nazi regime. In addition to kidnapping local children and selling them to international sexual exploitation networks, the Ukrainian government is also known for its open persecution of children considered “enemies” – those of Russian ethnicity and residents of Donbass. As previously reported, hundreds of Russian children are included in the Ukrainian kill list “Myrotvorets“, which is enough to show how the regime treats minors.

Moscow is doing its best to protect children in the midst of this conflict scenario. In addition to militarily confronting the neo-Nazi forces that abuse minors, Russia is involved in several attempts to seek a diplomatic and legal solution to this situation. For example, the Russian NGO “Foundation to Battle Injustice” has acted intensively in denouncing these crimes. At a recent conference, the NGO and the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs jointly denounced the existence of “barbaric criminal schemes in Ukraine related to the transportation and sale of children to other countries, as well as their inclusion in the lists of the Ukrainian nationalist website ‘Myrotvorets’”.

Unfortunately, international organizations seem unwilling to listen to Russian reports. Since the start of the special military operation, Kiev appears to have been given “carte blanche” by the West and international institutions to commit all sorts of crimes, including barbaric acts against children. 


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Lucas Leiroz is a journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.

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As outlined by Patrick Bet-David in this incisive interview:

“The largest shareholder of 88% of the companies on S&P 500 is either State Street, Vanguard or BlackRock. 

And you can see their influence in defense contracts.

Three Portfolio Financial Giants are in a position to take control of the real economy of entire countries. 

Watch Patrick Bet-David in conversation with Joe Rogan in the video below.

This world economic tyranny is:

“led by a group of super-wealthy oligarch, multi-billionaires … These oligarchs are accompanied by some super-giant financial institutions, like BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, Fidelity and more which control an estimated 25 trillion dollars-equivalent in assets, giving them a leverage power of well-over a 100 trillion dollars, as compared to the world’s GDP of some 90 trillion dollars. In other words, they can manipulate, control and pressure every government on Mother Earth to do their bidding. (Peter Koenig)

“BlackRock, headed by Larry Fink, has thousands of companies from all sectors in its portfolio. The capital it manages has grown in the last ten years from 3,500 to 9,500 billion dollars (more than 5 times the GDP of Italy) and is increasing further.

In this way, BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street have a decision-making voice in the boards of directors of the major multinationals and banks, including central banks. 

The  “Big Three” also control Standard & Poor Global, the rating agency that monitors the world’s economies, failing or promoting them” (Manlio Dinucci)

The Privatization of Ukraine by BlackRock

“In recent developments. BlackRock together with JPMorgan “have  come to the rescue of Ukraine”. Their objective is to “buy out” an entire country.

The stated objective is “to attract billions of dollars in private investment to assist rebuilding projects in a war-torn country”. (FT, June 19, 2023)

The Kiev Neo-Nazi regime is a partner in this endeavour. War is Good for Business. The greater the destruction, the greater the stranglehold of Ukraine by “private investors”:

The Privatization of Ukraine was launched in November 2022 in liaison  with BlackRock’s  consulting company  McKinsey, a public relations firm which has largely been responsible for co-opting corrupt politicians and officials Worldwide not to mention scientists and intellectuals on behalf of powerful financial interests. 

BlackRock and Ukraine’s Ministry of Economy signed a Memorandum of Understanding in November 2023.

In late December 2022, president Zelensky and BlackRock’s CEO Larry Fink agreed on a so-called “investment strategy”. (Michel Chossudovsky)


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Recentemente sono avvenuti dei fatti riguardo ai quali i mass media italiani non hanno dato il giusto risalto e che dimostrano, da una parte, l’estendersi del contrasto tra Usa e Cina e, dall’altra parte, l’emergere di contraddizioni interne, che investono l’Occidente, in particolare gli Usa.

Il confronto competitivo tra Usa e Cina, che è la vera cifra delle relazioni internazionali odierne insieme alla guerra in Ucraina, si estende sempre di più nel campo economico. Si tratta di una vera e propria guerra economica, che vede protagonisti i due colossi mondiali. Poco tempo addietro, gli Usa avevano bloccato le esportazioni di microchip alla Cina, che, per ritorsione, aveva bloccato l’esportazione di materie prime come il gallio e il germanio decisive per la fabbricazione di prodotti ad alta tecnologia, tra cui anche i microchip.

Ora il conflitto si estende alla rete dei cavi sottomarini che rappresentano un aspetto decisivo delle comunicazioni e quindi dell’economia mondiale. Infatti, attraverso, una rete di 1,4 milioni di chilometri di cavi poggiati sul fondo del mare passa il 96% del traffico di dati e voce.  Senza questa rete di cavi non ci sarebbe globalizzazione. Pertanto, il controllo su questi cavi è fondamentale per controllare l’economia mondiale. Dal momento che la posa di questi cavi è portata avanti soprattutto da società statunitensi, qualsiasi intromissione di società cinesi viene vista come potenzialmente pericolosa e quindi da contrastare.

Un esempio è rappresentato da SeMeWe6 un cavo da 19.200 km di fibra che entro il 2025 dovrà connettere Singapore a Marsiglia passando per l’Egitto. La commessa era stata vinta dalla ditta cinese HMN Tech, che per i suoi servizi chiedeva 475 milioni di dollari. Tuttavia, a cominciare i lavori è un’altra ditta, la statunitense SubCom, malgrado la richiesta, 600 milioni di dollari, fosse superiore. L’intervento del governo statunitense ha determinato l’estromissione della ditta cinese a favore di quella americana[i].

Ma questo non è il solo caso di intervento dell’amministrazione americana. Nel 2020 il governo degli Usa ha di fatto vietato il collegamento diretto via cavo sottomarino tra Los Angeles e Hong Kong. Dopo varie polemiche, il cavo si è fermato nelle Filippine e a Taiwan, tagliando fuori la Repubblica popolare cinese. Inoltre, le contese tra Cina e Usa sulla sovranità nel Mare cinese meridionale hanno spinto diversi consorzi industriali, da Apricot a Echo, a creare un nuovo hub dei cavi nell’isola di Guam, che è controllata dagli Usa. In sintesi, possiamo dire che fino ad ora gli Usa sono riusciti a limitare la presenza cinese nei cavi sottomarini: la cinese HMN Tech è attiva solo nel 10% dei cavi esistenti o pianificati.

La Cina, però, non sta a guardare, anche perché ha capito che il confronto competitivo con gli Usa si gioca soprattutto nell’alta tecnologia, nella quale ha incrementato gli investimenti. Una parte importante di questi è connessa alla Via digitale della seta, in particolare al Peace cable, una struttura che parte dal Pakistan, tocca Kenya, Gibuti e Egitto, e arriva a Marsiglia. Tale infrastruttura permette alla Cina di avviare o consolidare le proprie attività commerciali in Africa, continente con la maggiore crescita demografica e con un’ampia disponibilità di materie prime. Altro cavo importante controllato dalla Cina è il Sail, tra Camerun e Brasile. Inoltre, ci sono i nuovi progetti cinesi, come l’Ema, progetto di cavo sottomarino da 500 milioni di dollari, che collegherà Asia e Europa, passando per il Medio Oriente. In questo caso, l’obiettivo della Cina è fare concorrenza ai cavi esistenti sotto il controllo statunitense.

La conseguenza finale di questo scontro tra gli Usa e la Cina potrebbe essere la nascita di due Internet, ossia la spaccatura della rete, che determinerebbe la creazione di due network, uno sotto il controllo Usa e l’altro sotto il controllo cinese. La spinta alla separazione è determinata dal fatto che decidere dove, quando e come costruire un cavo permette di intercettare le informazioni e creare dipendenza tecnologica. I proprietari dei cavi possono inserire backdoors e altri meccanismi di sorveglianza. Inoltre, ciò che è sicuro adesso, grazie alla tradizionale crittografia, può non esserlo nel futuro a causa dei computer quantistici. Da tutto questo nasce la tendenza a separare le reti di cavi, introducendo barriere fisiche e virtuali per la protezione dei propri dati.

Gli altri fatti importanti da considerare nei processi di frammentazione del mondo globalizzato riguardano le contraddizioni interne al blocco occidentale e alle aree sotto la sua influenza. Un primo esempio di queste si è manifestato durante il summit tra Ue e Celac, che comprende 33 paesi latino-americani. In questo summit la Ue voleva far uscire un documento finale di condanna della Russia per lo scoppio della guerra in Ucraina. Questo non è stato possibile, per l’opposizione di alcuni paesi latino-americani[ii]. Del resto nel febbraio scorso all’Onu una risoluzione di condanna della Russia aveva registrato il voto contrario del Nicaragua e l’astensione di Bolivia, Cuba e El Salvador. Neanche nel G20 si è manifestata una visione unitaria della guerra in Ucraina, un conflitto percepito in modo crescentemente diverso tra i diversi continenti. Molti paesi, specialmente quelli dell’Africa, ma anche dell’America latina, si stanno volgendo verso i Brics e la Cina. Tra questi c’è l’Algeria, che è un paese fondamentale per i rifornimenti di gas all’Italia e all’Europa in sostituzione di quelli russi, e che nei giorni scorsi ha fatto richiesta di entrare nella Nuova Banca dello Sviluppo, la banca di Brics. La richiesta algerina è stata prontamente accettata dalla Cina, facendo crescere il malumore degli Usa.

Ma la contraddizione più eclatante è forse quella all’interno degli Usa. Come abbiamo detto sopra, l’amministrazione Biden ha bloccato le esportazioni di microchip verso la Cina, che, a sua volta, ha interrotto l’esportazione di materie prime strategiche verso gli Usa. La Semiconductor Industry Association, l’associazione delle società statunitensi del settore, ha invitato con decisione l’amministrazione Biden a astenersi da ulteriori restrizioni sulle vendite di chip alla Cina. Secondo gli industriali americani, tra cui ci sono colossi come Intel, Qualcomm e Nvidia, la guerra sugli scambi tecnologici e i nuovi limiti all’export allo studio di Washington potrebbero fare pesanti danni e rischiano di vanificare il Chips Act. Questo è il piano di sostegno all’industria tecnologica varato da Biden, che mette in campo la cifra imponente di 280 miliardi di dollari per sostenere la ricerca scientifica e in particolare la produzione di semiconduttori. In particolare, Biden sta valutando la possibilità di varare un ordine esecutivo che dovrebbe includere limiti all’accesso da parte di gruppi cinesi ai chip necessari per sviluppare tecnologie di intelligenza artificiale più avanzate. Contro questa decisione si è schierata Nvidia, sostenendo che un divieto alle esportazioni di chip per l’intelligenza artificiale in Cina “porterebbe a una perdita permanente di opportunità per l’industria statunitense e per la sua competitività.”[iii]

I grandi gruppi statunitensi dell’high tech e in particolare quelli dei semiconduttori temono ritorsioni da parte della Cina, che è un mercato per loro importantissimo. Qualcomm è l’unica azienda con una licenza da parte delle autorità statunitensi per vendere chip per telefoni cellulari a Huawei Technology. Nvidia sta vendendo un chip AI (di intelligenza artificiale) ottimizzato per il mercato cinese, mentre l’amministratore delegato di Intel recentemente si è recato in Cina per promuovere la vendita di suoi chip AI. Appare così evidente che il conflitto crescente tra Cina e Usa produce spaccature all’interno del capitale statunitense: una frazione, quella high tech e dei semiconduttori, è contraria alla separazione tra l’economia Usa e quella cinese, mentre altre frazioni, tra le quali il complesso militare-industriale e l’industria estrattiva, premono per una maggiore separazione, preoccupate che le esportazioni di tecnologie statunitensi possano favorire l’economia e soprattutto l’industria bellica cinese. La stessa creazione di due reti di cavi sottomarini distinte mette a rischio il simbolo stesso della globalizzazione, Internet.

In sintesi il quadro, che ci offrono i fatti sopra elencati, dimostra che lo scontro geopolitico e strategico con la Russia e soprattutto con la Cina si caratterizza per una contraddizione all’interno degli Usa (ma anche della Ue) che si divarica sempre di più: quella tra le forze politiche ma anche economiche tese a produrre la frammentazione del mercato mondiale, altrimenti detta deglobalizzazione, e quelle forze politiche ed economiche che tentano la difesa dell’unità del mercato mondiale, vale a dire la globalizzazione. Per ora sembra che queste forze si equilibrino. Anche perché recentemente alcuni esponenti dell’establishment Usa sono andati in visita a Pechino per cercare di ricucire un rapporto che si sta incrinando sempre di più. Di particolare importanza sono stati il recente viaggio del ministro del Tesoro Janet Yellen, che evidentemente rappresenta le preoccupazioni per la possibile fine degli acquisti di titoli di stato statunitensi da parte della Cina, e il viaggio pure recente di Henry Kissinger, che, sebbene si sia presentato da privato cittadino, è stato ricevuto al più alto livello dal presidente Xi Jinping e sicuramente rappresenta una frazione importante del capitale Usa.

Probabilmente, almeno per ora, più che a una deglobalizzazione vera e propria, fondata sul disaccoppiamento delle economie cinese e Usa (e Ue), quello a cui stiamo assistendo è l’inizio di un processo di de-risking, cioè di riduzione del rischio dell’interruzione delle catene del valore. Con il de-risking la tendenza è quella di accorciare le catene del valore posizionando i vari processi di produzione e di fornitura di materie prime, semilavorati e componentistica in aree geopoliticamente più sicure, reinternalizzando le attività all’interno delle aree, Usa, Ue e Giappone, che maggiormente avevano delocalizzato nel periodo espansivo della globalizzazione. Il problema è che le aree sicure, cioè dipendenti e controllate dal G7, ossia dall’Occidente collettivo, non sono sempre così sicure, visto che molti paesi che rientrano nella sfera di influenza occidentale si stanno volgendo verso i Brics e in particolare verso la Cina.

Per concludere, possiamo dire che la contraddizione globalizzazione-deglobalizzazione è il riflesso delle contraddizioni del modo di produzione capitalistico, nella sua fase imperialista. Il capitale è insieme la tendenza a superare continuamente i limiti del mercato e la competizione perenne tra le sue parti, accentuata dalla crescita ineguale, che determina protezionismo e sanzioni. Per questo il capitale vive di una dialettica perenne tra estensione e frammentazione del mercato mondiale. Il punto è capire di volta in volta quale delle due tendenze presenti prevalga, se la globalizzazione o la deglobalizzazione. Capire questo è importante anche per comprendere se e come si verificheranno delle guerre. Infatti, sebbene guerre limitate e a bassa intensità siano possibili anche in fasi di espansione della globalizzazione, come provano l’Iraq, L’Afghanistan, la Siria e la Libia, lo scoppio di guerre ad alta intensità, più estese e generalizzate è maggiormente favorito dalle fasi di deglobalizzazione.

Domenico Moro




Note :

[i] Vittorio Carlini, “Usa e Cina, sotto i mari la battaglia sui cavi che spacca la rete internet”, il Sole 24 Ore, 19 luglio 2023.

[ii] Beda Romano, L’Ucraina spacca il summit della Ue con l’America Latina, il Sole 24 Ore, 20 luglio 2023.

[iii] Luca Veronese, “Appello dell’industria Usa a Biden: stop alla guerra dei chip con la Cina”, il Sole 24 Ore, 20 luglio 2023.

Lessons from the Korean War

August 4th, 2023 by M. K. Bhadrakumar

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The psychology of forgetting and why memory fails is a tantalising topic in the life of individuals or nations. Cognitive psychology spawned many theories about it. The main theory, the motivated forgetting theory, is the most charming as it is easy to relate to it: people forget things in the pitiless flow of life because they either do not want to remember, and painful and disturbing memories are, thus, made unconscious and very difficult to retrieve, albeit they still remain in storage in the attic of the mind. 

The United States and the Korean War (25 June 1950 – 27 July 1953) is a case in point. Succinctly put, the war ended at a juncture when a “stalemate” prevailed, which in reality meant that defeat was staring at the face of so-called “UN forces” — as happened in Afghanistan. In the chronicle of America’s wars, the Korean War, therefore, became the “forgotten war,” subject to forgetfulness and put away in the attic of collective consciousness.

However, torchlights are being held at the attic, as the 70th anniversary of the signing of the Korean Armistice Agreement stealthily approached last Thursday. One principal reason for the curiosity must be the contemporary relevance of the Korean War, which was also a proxy war for the Cold War, like the US’ ongoing war in Ukraine against Russia, which is also in a stalemate insofar as  NATO failed to win the war,  and another humiliating defeat, but much worse than in Afghanistan, is probably in store.

It is China which has the greatest stakes in resurrecting the true lessons of the Korean War. What perturbs Beijing is not only that the Washington elite have not only drawn some wrong lessons, but they are also “all targeted at China, specifically referring to the Taiwan question.”

The most notable revisionist theory has been advanced by none other than Mike Gallagher, the 40-year old former US Marine Intelligence Officer who is currently the Chairman of the House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party, and is a trenchant critic of China’s policies on the Hill, and also an ambitious politician who is already a leading voice of the Republican right across the board — who once sought legislation to ban federal agencies, such as the departments of the Health and Human Services, Veterans Affairs, and Defence from purchasing drugs manufactured in China; and, currently advocates for President Biden to give F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. 

Hard Truth About Nuclear Wars

What surprised China, perhaps, was that on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Korean Armistice, Foreign Affairs magazine featured an article by Gallagher, which postulated three “lessons” that the Korean War taught the US —

first, “Washington must not neglect deterrence and readiness,” and should always be prepared to fight and enhance military capabilities;

second, “politics and combat are deeply intertwined”; and,

third, once fighting breaks out anywhere with US involvement, “excessive self-restraint can invite further aggression.”

No doubt, these “lessons” drawn in the Beltway are manifestly targeted at China, and the timing of Gallagher’s essay in a leading public diplomacy organ of the US foreign policy establishment is not coincidental. 

Indeed, China is today far more capable of inflicting pain and damage to adversaries trampling upon its security interests and national sovereignty. The fact of the matter is that the US paid a heavy price by its intervention in a proxy war in the Korean Peninsula, predicated on flawed premises — to begin with, misperceiving the conflict as the first step in a Soviet plan under Stalin to use military means to achieve global dominance. (Around 36000 US military personnel were killed in Korea, out of a total of around 40,000 deaths for the UN forces combined.) 

Equally, the US made the catastrophic overreach to ignore Peking’s warnings as bluffing and blithely estimated that China wouldn’t intervene if the US forces crossed the 38th parallel. Gen. Douglas MacArthur, the US commander, assured President Harry Truman that China would not enter the war. (But Mao already had decided to intervene after concluding that Beijing could not tolerate US challenges to its regional credibility!)

Similarly, invading North Korea was an incredible blunder that transformed a three-month war into one lasting three years. 

However, a historically contentious detail still remains without definitive conclusion — that the US had toyed with the idea of using atomic weapons against North Korea (and possibly China as well) with a view to shift the overall military balance in its favour and force them to the negotiating table. Indeed, both President Truman and his successor Dwight Eisenhower continued to posit that such an option was on the table, as it emerged by the end of the summer of 1950 already that the good guys would lose the war. 

Of course, in the event, an atomic attack by the US never materialised despite the fact that the Soviet atomic capabilities were still extremely limited compared to American ones, Washington’s nuclear monopoly was largely intact, and the US remained the only nation capable of delivering an atomic bomb to a distant target.

Looking back at the end of the day, although steps were taken to ensure that an atomic option was available — through a series of threats, feints, and even practice runs — it remains debatable how serious the American leadership was.

The bottom line is that in the Korean War, the US confronted the hard truth that threatening a nuclear attack would not be enough to win the war. And the nuclear Korean War simply petered out. That is a historical truth that is unlikely to be forgotten today as a “lesson” when the US faces not one but three nuclear powers in Northeast Asia and all three with deterrent capability.

That is why the visit by a US nuclear ballistic missile submarine to Busan, South Korea, on July 22, the first visit by a US submarine since 1981, which some US congressmen interpret as not only a warning to North Korea but also a deterrent against China, can only be seen as empty bravado. 

Against such a historical complex backdrop, a Global Times editorial hit out on Wednesday:

“China decided to resist the US aggression and aid North Korea during the Korean War, it had repeatedly sent stern warnings that if US forces crossed the 38th parallel China would not sit idle. However, the US did not take it seriously, thinking that China was only making empty threats and would not take action. As a result, they were caught off guard when they encountered the Chinese People’s Volunteers Army on the battlefield. Today, a similar major misjudgment toward China is occurring in Washington.

The biggest difference between now and the Korean War era is that China’s strength has greatly increased. The consequences of infringing upon China’s security interests and national sovereignty will undoubtedly be much more severe… However, it must be clear that if there is another strategic misjudgment this time, the price it will pay will surely be much higher than 70 years ago.” 

The aphorism frequently attributed to Mark Twain comes to mind — ‘History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.’ Certainly, the history of the Korean War rhymes with the war in Ukraine. While the details, circumstances or settings may have changed, similar events have essentially recycled. 

Ukraine Rhymes with Korean War 

The fundamental difference is that while not even the worst detractors of the US would allege that Washington precipitated the Korean war, when it comes to Ukraine, even the best apologists of the western narrative draw a vicarious pleasure that the US set up a bear trap by its obduracy not to negotiate Russia’s legitimate security concerns and brilliantly turned Ukraine into an anti-Russian state. In effect, the US created the setting for a proxy war — unlike in Korea where its direct intervention in the inter-Korean conflict and MacArthur’s belligerent escalation transformed it as a protracted war that lasted for 3 years.

The big question is whether it was the US’ nuclear blackmail that spurred peace talks brought about the armistice in July 1953. Let facts speak for themselves. During the spring of 1953, Eisenhower developed plans for nuclear attacks on China and conveyed them to the Communists to intimidate them into accepting favourable terms for an armistice. Did Mao feel intimidated?

Wouldn’t China (and Russia) have known that the frightened US allies in Western Europe had registered strong opposition to using nuclear weapons in Korea — and, furthermore, that worries about allies withdrawing from the Korean theatre and leaving the Americans in a limbo would have made it difficult to nuke China and North Korea? The salience is that in any future war, a nuclear power would be more likely to use atomic bomb than one wanting to maintain the support of allies. Wouldn’t the Russians know it in Ukraine? (See Nuclear Blackmail and the End of the Korean War by Edward Friedman, Modern China, Jan 1975)

Anyway, there has been a paradigm shift today. Russia today has nuclear superiority over the US and its allies. Unlike during the Korean War, North Korea and China now possess nuclear weapons and missiles to deliver them. But a cardinal difference in this paradigm shift is also that neither Pyongyang nor Beijing developed nuclear weapons capabilities as part of plans to initiate a war but, instead, to deter a US attempt to destroy them. The same holds good for Russia in Ukraine.


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Featured image: The Los Angeles-class fast-attack submarine USS Springfield in Busan for a port visit, South Korea, July 22, 2023

Syria: A Tale of Plunder and Resurrection

August 4th, 2023 by Pepe Escobar

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While the wholesale theft of Syria’s natural resources continues under the watch of illegal US troops, the Russian project of resurrecting ISIS-destroyed Palmyra stands as a stark reminder that ruins can rise again – if Syria’s friends help pave the way.

The war on Syria has vanished from the collective West ethos. Yet it’s far from finished. Multitudes across the Global Majority may feel the deepest empathy towards Syrians while acknowledging not much can be done while the Western Minority refuses to leave the stage.

In parallel, there are slim chances the New Development Bank (NDB) – the BRICS bank – will start showering Damascus with loans for Syria’s reconstruction. At least not yet, despite all the pledges by the Russians and Chinese to help.   

Under the lame excuse of “degrading the position for ISIS,” the US State Department de facto admits that the Empire’s illegal occupation of a third of Syria – the part rich in oil and minerals currently being stolen/smuggled – will persist, indefinitely.

Cue to virtually non-stop oil looting in northeastern Hasakah province, as in processions of dozens of oil tankers crossing to northern Iraq via the al-Waleed or al-Mahmoudiya border crossing, usually escorted by US-backed Kurdish separatist militias. 

As if any reminding was needed, the Global Majority is fully aware ISIS is essentially an American black op, a spin-off of al-Qaeda in Iraq, born in camps at the Iraq-Kuwaiti border. The Syrian “Democratic” Forces (SDF) is hardly a democratic US proxy, predictably assembled as a “coalition” of ethnic militias, mostly run by Kurds but also incorporating a few Arab tribesmen, Turkmen, and Salafi-jihadi Chechens. 

As if the non-stop looting of oil was not enough, the Pentagon keeps dispatching truckloads of ammo and logistical equipment to Hasakah. 

Convoys run back and forth to illegal US military bases in the Hasakah countryside, with particular relevance to a base at the al-Jibsah oilfields near the town of al-Shaddadi. 

Recently, 39 US military tankers crossed the – illegal – al-Mahmoudiya border towards Iraqi Kurdistan loaded with stolen Syrian oil.  

Despite these crude facts, Russia remains excessively diplomatic on the issue. Mikhail Bogdanov, Putin’s special representative for the Middle East and Africa, recently told al-Arabiya, “Washington uses the pretext of combating terrorism to be present east of the Euphrates in economically important areas, where crude oil and strategic natural reserves are abundant.” 

He highlighted US troops deployed at al-Tanf in southern Syria and American “support” for the SDF in northern Syria. Yet that’s not exactly a ground-breaking reveal that would light a fire under the Americans. 

We Steal Your Oil Because We Can 

According to Damascus, Syria’s energy sector as a whole was robbed by an astonishing $107 billion between 2011 and 2022 by a toxic mix of US occupation, “coalition” bombing, and theft or looting by terrorist and separatist gangs. 

There are no less than a dozen US military bases in Syria – some bigger than the proverbial lily pads (less than 10 acres, valued at less than $10 million), all of them de facto illegal and certainly not recognized by Damascus. The fact that 90 percent of Syria’s oil and gas is concentrated east of the Euphrates in areas controlled by the US and its Kurdish proxies makes Empire’s job much easier. 

The de facto occupation hits not only energy-rich areas but also some of Syria’s most fertile agricultural lands. The net result has been to turn Syria into a net importer of energy and food. Iranian tankers routinely face Israeli sabotage as they ship much-needed oil to Syria’s eastern Mediterranean coast. 

Complaining does not register a whit with the Hegemon. Earlier this year, the Chinese foreign ministry urged the Empire of Plunder to give Syrians and the “international community” a full account of the oil theft. 

This was in connection to a convoy of 53 tankers transporting stolen Syrian oil to US military bases in Iraqi Kurdistan in early 2023.  

At the time, Damascus had already revealed that more than 80 percent of Syria’s daily oil production was stolen and smuggled by the Americans and its proxy “democratic” forces – only in the first half of 2022. 

Syria’s permanent representative to the UN, Ambassador Bassam Sabbagh, has repeatedly denounced how the Empire of Plunder’s “theft of resources, oil, gas, and wheat” has plunged millions of Syrians into a state of insecurity, reducing a large part of its population to the status of displaced persons, refugees and victims of food insecurity.

The prospects for Syrian reconstruction are slim without expelling the western marauders. That will have to happen via detailed, concerted cooperation between Russian forces, the Syrian Arab Army, and the IRGC’s Quds Force units. 

By itself, Damascus can’t pull it off. The Iranians constantly attack the Americans, via their militias, but results are marginal. To force the Empire out, there’s no other way apart from making the human cost of stealing Syrian oil unbearable. That’s the only message the US understands. 

Then there’s the Sultan in Ankara. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is going all out to imprint the notion that relations with Moscow are always developing, and that he hopes to have his counterpart Vladimir Putin visit Turkiye in August. That’s not likely. 

When it comes to Syria, Erdogan is mum. The Russian Air Force, meanwhile, keeps up the pressure on Ankara, bombing its proxy Salafi-jihadist terror gangs in Idlib, but not as heavily as it did between 2015 and 2020.      

Palmyra Reborn 

Countering so much doom and gloom, something nearly magical happened on July 23. Six years after the liberation of Palmyra – the legendary Silk Road oasis – and overcoming all sorts of bureaucratic hassles, the restoration of this pearl in the desert has finally started. 

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova found a way to celebrate the moment in a fitting comparison with Ukraine:   

“To fight with monuments and fallen Soviet fighters, the Ukrofascists are the best. It is useless to appeal to the conscience or historical memory of the current Kiev regime – there are none. After the goals of the special military operation are achieved, all destroyed monuments in Ukraine will be restored. In Russia, there are specialists in post-war restoration. An example of their selfless work and professionalism is the restoration of Palmyra in Syria.”

Russian specialists unearthed and reset the ancient source of Efka, which used to irrigate the gardens of Palmyra since the Bronze Age. 

They also managed to find the Roman aqueduct that once fed Palmyra with potable water, 12 km away from the city. The Romans had dug a tunnel of nearly human size, then covered it in stone, and the ensemble was buried. It was found nearly intact. 

In the 20th century, when the French built the Meridien Hotel in Palmyra, they blocked the aqueduct, so there was no water flowing by. Russian archeologists quickly set to work, and the aqueduct was cleaned. The problem is the French ruined this source of potable water: The aqueduct is totally dried up.  

Plans for Palmyra include the restoration of the legendary theater before the end of 2023. The restoration of the arch, blown up with dynamite by ISIS, will take two years. The 1st century AD temple of Bel and other historical infrastructure will be restored. Archeologists are already looking for financial sources.

Somebody should place a call to the NDB in Shanghai. 

Of course, the restoration of Syria as a whole is an enormous challenge. It could start by making it easy for Syrian companies and abolishing domestic taxes. 

Russia and China can help by setting up a structure to buy Syrian products, with uniform quality control, and sell them in their markets, alleviating the bureaucratic burden on the shoulders of the average Syrian worker and trader. Russians could also exchange Syrian products for wheat and agricultural machinery. 

Solutions are possible. Restoration is at hand. Global Majority solidarity, in Syria, should be able to soundly defeat the Empire of Chaos, Plunder and Lies. 


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Pepe Escobar, born in Brazil, is a correspondent and editor-at-large at Asia Times and columnist for Consortium News and Strategic Culture. Since the mid-1980s he’s lived and worked as a foreign correspondent in London, Paris, Milan, Los Angeles, Singapore, Bangkok. He has extensively covered Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia to China, Iran, Iraq and the wider Middle East. Pepe is the author of Globalistan – How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War; Red Zone Blues: A Snapshot of Baghdad during the Surge. He was contributing editor to The Empire and The Crescent and Tutto in Vendita in Italy. His last two books are Empire of Chaos and 2030. Pepe is also associated with the Paris-based European Academy of Geopolitics. When not on the road he lives between Paris and Bangkok.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Cradle

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July 21, 2023 – Spearville, KS – Destiny Barnett, a 4th grade teacher, was diagnosed with Stage 3 Hodgkin Lymphoma 3 months after giving birth to Swayde.

July 18, 2023 – Fishkill, NY – Erika Thomaselli gave birth to a new baby girl recently. A few days after giving birth, she was diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroendocrine Carcinoma.

July 11, 2023 – Traverse City, MI – 32 year old Nina Carder was diagnosed with the “most serious and aggressive form” of breast cancer. She has a 10 month old baby.

July 5, 2023 – Linthorpe, UK – 30 year old Fi Leyshon was diagnosed with aggressive metastatic renal cell carcinoma 11 weeks after giving birth. (click here)

May 17, 2023 – Rutledge, GA – Karen Vincent had a C-section at 26 weeks and was diagnosed with Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer that had spread to her bones, liver and brain.

May 2, 2023 – Minooka, IL – Christine Yenser is a mom of 5 and had her 5th baby in Sep. 2022. Just 6 months later she was diagnosed with a Stage 4b Mediastinal B-Cell Lymphoma.

Jan. 2023 – 32 year old oncology nurse April Addison was diagnosed with breast cancer the day after she delivered her son by C-section. She has no family history (click here).

Dec. 2022 – Vancouver, BC – 37 year old Aimee Cox was diagnosed with Stage 4 Colon cancer 11 months after giving birth to her daughter. It is so aggressive it has already metastasized to the liver (click here).

Sep. 2022 – Sam Lynch had twin girls in Sep. 2022 and less than a week later she was diagnosed with Stage 4 bowel cancer. She is a fully COVID-19 vaccinated nurse.

April 2022 – Lancaster, PA – 16 year old Kiera Adkin had chest pain nursing her newborn son. It was a 5×8 inch Stage 3 aggressive T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma.

March 2022 – Melbourne, Australia – 32 year old Darlene Lynch had a baby in Dec.2021 and 2.5 months later she was diagnosed with an extremely rare aggressive choriocarcinoma that had spread to her lungs (click here).

Sep. 2021 – Singapore – 25 year old Kwa Lay Teng was nursing her four day old baby girl when she received a call with breast cancer diagnosis. (click here)

May. 2021 – Alberta – Carolina Diaz had a growing lump in her breast while 8 months pregnant. She was diagnosed with breast cancer right after delivery. (click here)

Feb. 2021 – Glastonbury, CT – 30 year old nurse Elizabeth Emory took two Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines during pregnancy (Jan. 7, 2021 and Feb. 4, 2021). On Feb.6, 2021, at 25 weeks pregnant, she was diagnosed with Starge 4 Burkitt’s Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.

My Take… 

These are absolutely horrifying cancer subtypes or late stage presentations.

A brilliant Twitter user who discovered some of these cases, Janiesaysyay, asks:

“I am seeing a lot of charity posts for vaxxed new moms with aggressive cancers. Does the vaxx and the pregnancy/lactation hormones drive the cancer?”

It’s a fascinating question that needs to be explored.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) condemns in the strongest possible terms Kenya’s proposal to lead what amounts to a foreign armed intervention in Haiti. 

Kenya has offered to deploy a contingent of 1,000 police officers to help train and assist Haitian police, ostensibly to “restore order” in the Caribbean republic. Yet, their proposal is nothing more than military occupation by another name; an occupation of Haiti by an African country is not Pan-Africanism, but Western imperialism in Black face. By agreeing to send troops into Haiti, the Kenyan government is assisting in undermining the sovereignty and self-determination of Haitian people, while serving the neocolonial interests of the United States, the Core Group, and the United Nations.

There is an urgent need for clarity on the issue of occupation in Haiti. As described in a recent statement on Haiti and Colonialism, Haiti is under ongoing occupation. No call for foreign intervention into Haiti from the administration of appointed Prime Minister Ariel Henry can be considered legitimate, because the Henry administration itself is illegitimate. BAP has repeatedly pointed out that Haiti’s crisis is a crisis of imperialism. Haiti’s current unpopular and unelected government is propped up only by Haiti’s de facto imperial rulers: the unseemly confederacy of the Core Group countries and organizations, as well as BINUH (the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti), and a loose alliance of foreign corporations and local elites. 

Henry and the UN have made a mockery of sovereignty by mouthing the slogan “Haitian solutions to Haitian problems,” yet finding the only solution in violence through foreign military intervention. After repeated failed attempts to organize an occupying force to protect their interests and impose their will on the Haitian people (including appeals to the multinational organization, the Caribbean Community [CARICOM] for troops), they have now found a willing accomplice in Kenya, an east African country with its own set of internal problems. 

As Austin Cole, co-coordinator of the BAP Haiti/Americas Team, argues: “At best, Kenya is allowing itself to be used in a violent line of neocolonial puppetry that will inevitably result in more death and imperial plunder for the masses of Haitians. At worst, Kenya sees this as an easy opportunity to serve the colonial ‘masters’ and win favor for political and financial needs.” 

Indeed, what’s in it for Kenya? An opportunity to both train and enhance the salaries of local police forces and garner a patina of prestige, or at least bootlicking approval, from the West. And for Haiti? White blows from a Black hand and a further erosion of their sovereignty.

BAP demands that Kenya rescind their proposal to send 1,000 police to Haiti, while calling on the Kenyan people to join the Haitian masses and radical voices worldwide in condemning the continued occupation and governance of Haiti by the Core Group and the UN. 

No to occupation. No to foreign intervention. No to Black face imperialism. Yes to sovereignty. Yes to a true Pan-African alliance between the people of Haiti and Kenya.


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Featured image is from BAP

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The New Woke Order

August 4th, 2023 by Richard Gale

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“We have this ability in Lake Wobegon to look reality right in the eye and deny it.” — Garrison Keillor

Keen observers of history realize that the US and the West have entered a new Dark Age.

The light of reason and the capacities for critical thought are rapidly being snuffed out by widespread emotional immaturity. The erosion of American culture has largely been the result of a decades’ long merger of adolescent attitudes and the corporate commodification of human life and values.

Mass culture, Hannah Arendt observed, was not culture but personal entertainment, or better stated self-aggrandizement. Our civilizational collapse into intellectual darkness and the catastrophic failure in democracy were presciently predicted by many of our wisest cultural critics such as Lewis Lapham, Morris Berman, and Robert Kaplan two decades ago.

Likewise, earlier works of science fiction such as Fahrenheit 451, The Perfect Day and The Canticle for Leibowitz describe not only the dystopian triumph of a puerile citizenry blindly subservient to the tricks and treats disbursed by an elite corporate and political class, but also the consequences of the intentional disorientation of a distracted human mind.

Aldous Huxley perfectly predicted our times in Brave New World. Hungarian-born journalist and author Arthur Koestler (d. 1983) envisioned a future America being populated with human automatons in a replay of the fall of the Roman Empire; at such time the US will have turned into a “soulless, politically corrupt, everybody-for-himself civilization.”

Although these modern critics and fiction authors may not have foreseen the exact structures and popular social values society has now transitioned into, such as the worst expressions of critical race theory’s inverted racism, institutionalized woke culture, endemic mental disorders, and growing gender dysphoria, they nevertheless accurately observed the trends that have led America to this impasse of moral anarchy.

Critical race theory and the woke movement will never democratize society; rather it will further erode universal ethical norms to a cacophony of subjective emotions and aberrant personal beliefs felt at any given moment. These mythologies about race and gender, which are mistaken for hard truths, now permeate our elementary schools and universities, which are being fashioned into what Morris Berman calls “a gigantic dolt-manufacturing machine.” And the global elite, political legislators and pseudo-intellectuals dominating our educational institutions, willingly or not, declare this feat of social deterioration as a political victory.

At the core of our society’s collective daze in the marketplace of frivolous pursuits resides a deep existential emptiness. In particular this vacuity of a life enriched by meaning and purpose is being acted out by the younger generations.

In 2022, the national suicide rate again rose to 14.3 suicides per 100,000; two years earlier 5.2 million either planned or attempted to take their lives.

The prevalence of gender dysphoria continues to rise significantly and starts at younger ages. Although the percentage of people either professionally or self diagnosed, with gender dysphoria remains very small, it has nevertheless been raised to a level of national priority at the expense of other mentally and physically handicapped persons that make up 27 percent of the population.

This brief reference above noting the consequences of the dark abyss at the center of American culture only highlights a small sliver of the consequences of the intellectual ignorance underlying critical race theory and woke culture.

During the past five years, there has been an aggressive encroachment of woke and postmodern race ideologies into every aspect of society: local school boards, college campuses, corporations’ human resources, and the halls of federal and state legislative bodies.

The leaders of this trend are by no means our culture’s best and brightest; rather those are the first to find themselves cancelled or handed their termination papers. Rather it is the activists who shout the loudest who manage to be heard. Those of us who critically recognize social dynamics observe this hysterical phenomenon with credulous amusement.

When Tucker Carlson reports about a woman who wouldn’t change a baby’s diaper unless she receive the infant’s permission, the sane among us step back and wonder what the hell is going on. Self-righteous university students demand professors abide by their demands and teach only what they want. Those teachers who stand up for educational integrity and the teaching profession’s tradition, are ostracized. Students petition college administrators to have dissenting un-woke professors fired.

What is especially notable is how rapidly this raging woke and inverse racist movement has become incorporated into our public and private institutions.  This includes the adolescent tantrums by political parties to censor their opponents, pass laws banning certain kinds of free speech and the gradual erasure of social norms of binding relationships that fueled the founding of the nation. None of this could have happened if the majority of Americans were not asleep. In the twenty-first century we can agree that equality is crucial for harmonizing the historical aberrations such as slavery and the denigration of women and gays that have haunted us through the generations. Everyone should be able to have the opportunity to succeed in reaching their goals. However, despite the new woke and critical race movements’ condemnation of meritocracy, its followers demand the same out come.

Of course, once Rome passed a certain threshold after several centuries of decline, its final collapse accelerated quickly.  This is the nature of entropy. Aside from the enormous disparity in wealth between Rome’s social classes, a perpetual war economy, widespread political corruption and the decline in literacy, Roman society was also plagued by a mental virus of magical thinking and superstition. In our own time, the level of American illiteracy is astounding. The average American likewise lives in a garbage heap of superstitious hopes for a utopian carnival where a superficial free thought reigns; however, at the same time a future utopia requires a new vocabulary and the banning of words the new woke order finds personally offensive.

Following the warnings of social psychologist Leon Festinger in the 1950s, the American populace is being “deindividuated.” Deindividuation is a state whereby individuals lose their sense of self-awareness and their realistic and healthy personal identity in order to become part of a crowd that opposes other crowds. Normal moral restraints are cast aside and replaced by impulsive and deviant behavior.

The entire woke narrative now giving way to antisocial behavior is a notable consequence of the deindividuation being approved by government and private industry.

Deindividuation reinforces illiteracy and blatant stupidity. For example, when Democrats brought Aimee Arrambide, an executive for an abortion rights organization, before the House Judiciary Committee to give testimony, she claimed men could get pregnant and have abortions. Again we are reminded of Jefferson’s words “Illiteracy is the enemy of progress and the ally of tyranny.”

Dr. Henry Nasrallah, editor in chief of the journal Current Psychiatry, remarks that we are in a historical moment when “the passage of time ruthlessly increases the entropy of everything in life.”

We not only witness entropy in civilizations and societies, but also in our possessions, dwellings, businesses, and our physical body and mental faculties.

Therefore, new energy must be invested in order to slow or reverse entropic processes. Yet without the restraints of a new constructive and restorative vision, entropy runs amok.

During the dramatic public shock triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic, lockdowns, social distancing, business and school closures, and financial loss, there was a parade of incessant media porn reminded us repeatedly that death could knock on our door at any moment.

The federal government’s and medical establishment’s gross negligence on multiple fronts during the pandemic gave rise to a rapid degeneration of America’s social order.

Distress from the loss of normalcy accelerated the nation’s collective psychological entropy; this in turn contributed to resurrected racial tensions, hateful biases, toxic relationships, drug addiction and suicide, permissible crime, homelessness, rampant disinformation across mainstream media, the implosion of social norms, a psychological disoriented citizenry and a ruthless cancel culture that is utterly intolerant of others’ beliefs.

Remarkably, the mobs in the street are little more than bland reflections, a Jungian shadow, of the instability and disorder created by the agents of chaos and entropy who sit in the seats of power. “Just as the individual has a shadow,” wrote Jung, “so does society at large. And just as the individual must come to terms with his shadow so too must society if it is to be healthy and whole.” The rising psychological deindividuation and existential angst infecting our youth over their self-identity, gender, moral alienation and a lack of existential purpose in our technological driven materialistic society has reduced our youth to sentient robots screaming for self-expression.  This is a cause for today’s woke groupthink contributing to social and political unrest with its destructive outcomes. Or as Nobel laureate Bertrand Russell warned, the “collective passions” have a penchant to inflame “hatred and rivalry directed towards other groups.”

Despite the original values of American liberalism and non-dogmatic healthy skeptical inquiry, today’s Left has perverted its own legacy.  

The woke have become every bit as intolerant and wrong-headed as the most zealous fundamentalist on the Right.

This “exclusivist humanism,” as the prominent cultural philosopher Charles Taylor has termed it, is giving rise to a faux universalism.

The new woke order’s myopic obeisance increasingly relies on the secular power structure of the ruling elite that in turn legislates on its behalf to marginalize and imprison alternative belief systems that do not embrace a secular universalism.

Hence the new radical Left no longer tolerates the diversity of traditional beliefs and worldviews. The entropic descent into irrational hostility, collective emotional hysteria, and what the Russian-American sociologist Pritrim Sorokin called  “cultural schizophrenia,” clings desperately to a grossly materialistic society and a fragile false sense of individuality, an empty void, which is completely divorced from any deeper purpose in life.

America is a “society in chains,” an expression stated by Nelson Mandela to describe a citizenry psychologically crippled for making informed decisions and incapable of participating thoughtfully in a democratic process. Consequently, a democratic renaissance, a new energy to reverse entropy, can only proceed following a revitalization of moral and spiritual values that have universal appeal, which respects pluralist ideals both within and beyond national borders. To be worthy of participating in any viable possibility for a democracy in the 21st century, it is necessary to return to becoming John Adams’ “moral people.”


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Richard Gale is the Executive Producer of the Progressive Radio Network and a former Senior Research Analyst in the biotechnology and genomic industries.

Dr. Gary Null is host of the nation’s longest running public radio program on alternative and nutritional health and a multi-award-winning documentary film director, including his recent Last Call to Tomorrow.

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

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Although the specific term “conspiracy theorist” pre-dates the JFK assassination, it was enthusiastically embraced and deployed by the CIA as one of its most powerful psychological weapons, to be wielded against anyone who suspects the government of secret wrongdoing. It is an effective way to silence dissenting voices by marginalizing them and leaving them open to ridicule.

Transition to a New Global Order

By Jacob Nordangard, August 03, 2023

July 2023, the United Nations published a Policy Brief  entitled “A New Agenda for Peace”. It is the ninth out of the eleven Briefs that has been released to support the UN’s “Our Common Agenda.

The Jeffrey Epstein Files: Trove of Never-before-seen Emails and Calendars Gives Unprecedented Insight Into Late Pedophile’s Network of Power and Influence that Includes Chris Rock, Peter Thiel, and Richard Branson

By Daniel Bates, August 03, 2023

A vast trove of Jeffrey Epstein‘s private calendars and emails are being revealed today by The hundreds of pages in the files give an unprecedented insight into the late pedophile’s extraordinary network of power and influence.

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“The Choice of Resistance”

August 3rd, 2023 by Dr. Dina Y. Sulaeman

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In May 2023, I was invited to attend the 11th “The Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance” conference. This conference was attended by delegates from 70 countries, including Latin America, the Middle East, Europe, and Africa. This conference’s title contains a distinctive phrase: “The Choice of Resistance.” Why should resistance be considered an option?

I discussed this with Dr. Tim Anderson, an Australian scholar who was one of the movement’s founders and a steadfast advocate of intellectual resistance against modern Western colonialism.

He pointed out that the term “choice” or “the right to vote” is commonly used by Western liberal thinkers and politicians. However, when it comes to the Palestinian issue, many liberal thinkers or activists deny this right. Some express their support for Palestine while saying “Don’t use violence” or “Let’s only negotiate peace.” When some factions in Palestine chose to carry out an armed struggle against Israeli colonialism, they (along with Israel) immediately labeled this struggle an act of “terrorism.”

The West, including Western Europe and the United States, often claims to uphold liberal values. They even spread these values to various nations around the world. In the paradigm of liberalism, individuals are capable of organizing themselves toward virtue. The 19th-century French liberal politician and philosopher, Alexis Tocqueville, argued that individuals were the best judges of their own interests and should therefore be allowed to have a say in matters concerning their personal future (Ossewaarde, 2004).

However, the West undermines liberalism’s core principles when it comes to oppressed nations. They ignore the people’s right to vote and continue their modern colonialism without considering the human rights of the subjugated countries.

For example, in 2021, the European Union stopped funding two Palestinian NGOs, Al-Haq and the Palestinian Center for Human Rights. Isn’t “human rights” one of the core values of liberalism? However, for Europe, Palestinian human rights are insignificant when it comes to Israeli interests. Israeli authorities have alleged that the Palestinian NGO channeled funds from the European Union to the “Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine” (FPLP), which Israel has labeled as a “terrorist organization.”

Israel, the US, and Western European countries declared the Palestinian resistance movement an act of terrorism. Consider this situation in one of the West Bank incidents. Israel conducted two days of raids on the Jenin Palestinian refugee camp in early July 2023. A total of 2,000 soldiers, F-35 fighter jets, and drones blasted the camp. Bulldozers demolished numerous infrastructures and attacked the 0.42 sq km camp that was home to 24,000 people.

“Is it any wonder paramilitaries have risen up to defend neighborhoods and families against those bloodsoaked incursions?” asked an Irish politician and Member of the European Parliament, Mike Wallace, after describing how Israel destroyed everything, including roads, water pipes, power plants, power grids, sewers, schools, and hospitals.

Israel has committed similar brutalities since the regime’s inception in 1948 (and in the years preceding that, in preparation for the establishment of the “state” of Israel). What resistance must be made to confront this ruthless regime? Shouldn’t there be the option to fight with weapons? Why is the word “peace” thrown onto the shoulders of the Palestinian nation, which has much less military equipment and funding? The lack of international support for Palestinian cause made Dr. Yahya Ghaddar, the General Secretary of the Global Gathering stated that all parties have an obligation to stand with Palestine.

The EU-Israel Cooperation agreement, which was ratified by the Israeli and European Parliaments and came into effect in 2000, states that “human rights and democracy” serve as the basis for the accord. However, the document does not accommodate the right of the Palestinian people to fight for their independence. In fact, Israel’s existence in Palestine has been recognized as an occupying power or a party that enforces settler colonial rule on Palestinian land (Sen, 2022).

The United States, which always claims to be the promoter of democracy and funder of wars in various countries to topple governments it deems to be anti-democratic, consistently offers financial and military help as well as unlimited political support to Israel. The US has stood beside Israel by exercising its veto “right” up to 40 times. In fact, the UN resolution did nothing further than condemn, but Israel is nevertheless safeguarded.

However, as discussed during the “The Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance” conference, the Western capitalist power or “the Empire” is now having a difficult time. For hundreds of years, they colonized various parts of the world, then in the modern days, they invaded independent countries whose leaders refused to comply, killed people with the latest advanced weapons, robbed their natural resources, and caused poverty and painful suffering for billions of people on earth. The victims of the Empire spread across continents, from the Middle East, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Africa.

Despite this, the oppressed nations from various continents, ethnic groups, and religions, have never stopped fighting. Sometimes they won, the other times they were silenced, but the persistence of this opposition weakens the influence of global capitalism. In a world that is moving toward multipolarity, the continuance of the axis of resistance in the Middle East has weakened the Empire and paved the way for Russia and China to rise as new great power. Since the start of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine in February 2022, the global resistance movement has entered a new phase and led to a very significant geopolitical shift.

We have observed how China has risen to become the main mediator in the Middle East, succeeding in bringing together the two big powers, Iran and Saudi Arabia. The Empire divided the Muslim nations in Middle East by putting their armies against one another since conflict and division was very beneficial for their capitalist projects. They provide finances and logistics wherever there is conflict in order to make enormous profits. But now, we are seeing the power is shifting. The Arab countries are returning to make peace with Syria. For 10 years, they have shunned their Syrian allies in support of the Empire’s agenda to overthrow the regime.

In Africa, we are witnessing the rise of African leaders who have the courage to speak out against the West’s prolonged colonialism, which continued to plunder Africa even after it had attained de jure independence. We recently heard a statement made at the Russia-Africa Summit in reference to Ibrahim Traore, the young president of Burkina Faso:

“Why does resource-rich Africa remain the poorest region of the world? We ask these questions and get no answers… However, a slave who does not fight [for his freedom] is not worthy of any indulgence. The heads of African states should not behave like puppets in the hands of the imperialists. We must ensure that our countries are self-sufficient, including as regards food supplies, and can meet all of the needs of our peoples.”

Representatives from Africa also attended the 11th “Global Gathering in Support of the Choice of Resistance” conference in Beirut. One of them is Mpho Masomola from South Africa, who vocally defended Palestine in his speech. South Africa has a deep connection to the Palestinian struggle because it was once a victim of the apartheid government system.

The Latin American countries, some of whose representatives were also present at this conference, also undergo a long history of resistance to the Empire. Venezuela successfully resisted a US-planned political coup. The country is allied with the anti-Empire force from the Middle East, Iran, which bravely set off its oil ships to Venezuela despite a unilateral US embargo. Cuba also continues to stand firm, despite decades of economic sanctions and US-led destabilization attempts.

In general, it is argued that the enemy of humanity is the Empire which exploits and manipulates the nations of the world in order to harvest enormous profits. However, because the Empire dominance model differs in each country, the resistance tactics will vary depending on each situation. There are people who engage in political resistance to hold out against natural resources robbery by transnational companies, hence exposing them to the possibility of a coup d’état of the government. Others fight tirelessly to achieve independence or economic sovereignty, at the risk of being targeted by the WTO and IMF. Indonesia, for example, has prohibited the export of unprocessed mineral ores (nickel, tin, and copper) and instead promoted the domestic processing of valuable metals.

Should the Middle East, particularly states that must deal directly with Israel or Western-backed terrorist organizations, be compelled to choose mere political resistance? Is there no right to engage in violent resistance when your land and house are seized and your children are murdered, as happened in Palestine? Why did the US label the volunteer militias that defeated ISIS as terrorists after ISIS broke down village and city governments in Iraq and Syria and then committed atrocious massacres?

All forms of resistance are human rights. If Western liberal thinkers and politicians are committed to liberalism’s core value, “freedom,” they should support nations’ decisions on how to exercise their right to freedom. As stated by Dr. Anderson’s in his speech during this conference, “When humans are considered to have certain rights, it means that they also have the right to defend and fight for those rights.”

According to the UN Charter, “the purposes of the United Nations are…to develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and the self-determination of peoples.” Thus, the United Nations recognizes a nation’s right to self-determination. A colonized country such as Palestine, or any other countries which have been subjected to economic, political, and physical oppression, have the right to determine their own fate. It is well acknowledged that the fate every nation wishes for is independence. Hence, the fundamental rights of every nation include the ability to exercise resistance and the freedom to choose the method by which resistance is pursued. 


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Dr. Dina Yulianti Sulaeman is an Assistant professor at International Relations Department, Universitas Padjadjaran; Director of Indonesia Center for Middle East Studies.

Featured image: Palestinian take cover as Israeli forces fire at protesters at the Gaza border on 14 December 2018 [Mohammed Asad/Middle East Monitor]

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The plandemic was “fueled by an elaborate psychological operation designed to create a constant state of panic among the world’s population.”

“This agenda has been long planned, it’s ultimately unsuccessful, precursor was the swine flu some 12 years ago, and is cooked up by a group of super-rich psychopathic and sociopathic people who hate and fear people at the same time, have no empathy, and are driven by the desire to gain full control over all of us, the people of the world.”

Watch the video below for the full statement. 


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Featured image is from OffGuardian

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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This was originally published in May 2023.

Matt Damon is questioning Cillian Murphy‘s priorities in Oppenheimer.

In the newest trailer for Christopher Nolan‘s upcoming star-studded biographical drama, Damon, 52, plays Leslie Groves, a real-life Army engineer officer who is shown advising J. Robert Oppenheimer (Murphy, 46) to think about the potential trade-off of his effort to successfully test-detonate an atomic bomb he creates during World War II.

“Are you saying there’s a chance that when we push that button, we destroy the world?” Groves asks Oppenheimer at one point.

“Chances are near zero,” the latter says, which leads Groves to respond, “Near zero?”

“What do you want from theory alone?” the theoretical physicist asks.

Zero would be nice,” Groves says.

But Oppenheimer seems to believe a small risk is worth it.

“We’re in a race against the Nazis … and I know what it means if the Nazis have a bomb,” he says at the beginning of the trailer.

[No evidence that The Third Reich had plans to develop the atomic bomb, Hitler was firmly opposed to the bomb]

The rest of the three-minute preview gives viewers a peek at several other cast members starring alongside Murphy and Damon, including Florence Pugh, Emily Blunt, Robert Downey Jr., Kenneth Branagh, David Krumholtz and Josh Peck.

Oppenheimer, which will premiere on July 21, is based on the Pulitzer Prize–winning biography titled

American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer.

Oppenheimer famously led the Manhattan Project, the effort to create an atomic bomb during World War II.

Damon gave an interview to Variety in March on the red carpet for his recent Nike drama Air, in which he revealed that Oppenheimer has a nearly three-hour runtime.

He also rained praise upon costar Murphy — who had smaller roles in Nolan’s Batman films, plus Inception and Dunkirk, and has expressed interest in playing a lead for the acclaimed director, 52.

“Cillian is everything you would want him to be. He is phenomenal. He’s phenomenal,” Damon raved. 

And despite the movie’s longer runtime, the Oscar winner added, “It goes so fast, it’s great.”

Oppenheimer is in theaters July 21.

Trailer below:


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Featured image: Cillian Murphy and Matt Damon in Oppenheimer (2023).

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First published on July 20, 2023


I sit here in the silence of the awakening dawn’s stillness stunned by the realization that I exist. I wonder why. It is my birthday. The first rays of the rising sun bleed crimson over the eastern hills as I imagine my birth. The house and my family sleep.

Someday I will die and I wonder why. This is the mystery I have been contemplating since I was young.  That and the fact that I was born in a time of war and that when my parents and sisters were celebrating my first birthday, my country’s esteemed civilian and military leaders celebrated another birth: the detonation of the first atomic bomb code-named Trinity.

Trinity has shadowed my life, while the other Trinity has enkindled my days.

Sick minds play sick word games as they inflict pain and death. They nicknamed this death bomb “the Gadget,” as if it were an innocent little toy. They took and blasphemed the Christian mystery of the Trinity as if they were mocking God, which they were.  They thought they were gods.

Now they are all dead gods, their fates sealed in their tombs.

Where are they now?

Where are all their victims, the innocent dead of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Where are the just and the unjust?

Where are the living now, asleep or awake as Trinity’s progenitors in Washington, D.C. and the Pentagon prepare their doomsday machines for a rerun, the final first-strike run, the last lap in their race to annihilate all the living? Will they sing as they launch the missiles – “So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night?”

Joseph Biden, the second Roman Catholic president, while mocking the essence of Jesus’s message, pushes the world toward a nuclear holocaust, unlike JFK, the first Catholic president, who was assassinated by the CIA for pushing for the elimination of nuclear weapons and the end of the Cold War.

The wheel turns. We count the years. We wonder why.

Years ago I started my academic life by writing a thesis entitled “Dealing With Death or Death Dealing.” It was a study of the transformation of cultural symbol systems, death, and nuclear weapons. The last hundred years and more have brought a transformation and disintegration of the traditional religious symbol system – the sacred canopy – that once gave people comfort, meaning, and hope. Science, technology, and nuclear weapons have changed all that. Death has been socially relocated and we live under the nuclear umbrella, a sinister “safeguard” that is cold comfort. The ultimate power of death over all life has been transferred from God to men, those controlling the nuclear weapons. This subject has never left me. I suppose it has haunted me. It is not a jolly subject, but I think it has chosen me.

Was I born in a normal time? Is war time our normal time? It is. I was.

But to be born at a time and place when your country’s leaders were denouncing their German and Japanese enemies as savage war criminals while execrably emulating them and then outdoing them is something else again. With Operation Paperclip following World War II, the United States government secretly brought 1,600 or more Nazi war criminals into the U.S. to run our government’s military, intelligence, space, chemical, and biological warfare programs. We became Nazis. Lewis Mumford put it this way in The Pentagon of Power:

By the curious dialectic of history, Hitler’s enlargement and the refurbishment of the Nazi megamachine gave rise to the conditions for creating those counter-instruments that would conquer it and temporarily wreck it. In short, in the very act of dying the Nazis transmitted their disease to their American opponents; not only the methods of compulsive organization or physical destruction, but the moral corruption that made it feasible to employ those methods without stirring opposition.

There are always excuses for such moral corruption. When during WW II the U.S. firebombed almost all Japanese cities, Dresden and Cologne in Germany, and then dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in gratuitously savage attacks, these were justified and even celebrated as necessary to defeat evil enemies. 

Just as Nazi war criminals were welcomed into the U.S. government under the aegis of Allen Dulles who became the longest running CIA director and the key to JFK’s assassination and coverup, the diabolic war crimes of the U.S. were swept away as acts of a moral nation fighting a good war. What has followed are decades of U.S. war crimes from Korea through Vietnam and Iraq, etc. A very long list.

The English dramatist Harold Pinter, in his Nobel Address, put it bluntly:

It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn’t happening. It didn’t matter. It was of no interest. The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America.

It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.

Nothing could be truer. When in 2014 the U.S. engineered the coup in Ukraine (coups being an American specialty), it allied itself with neo-Nazi forces to oppose Russia.

This alliance should have shocked no one; it is the American way. Back in the 1980s when the U.S. was supporting death squads in Central America, Ronald Reagan told the world that

“The Contras are the moral equivalent of the Founding Fathers.”

Now the Ukrainian president Zelensky is feted as a great hero, Biden telling him in an Oval Office visit that “it’s an honor to be by your side.”

Such alliances are not anomalies but the crude reality of U. S. history.

But let me return to “Trinity,” the ultimate weapon of mass destruction since I was reading a recent article about it.

American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer by Kai Bird | Goodreads

Kai Bird, the coauthor of American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the book that inspired the new film Oppenheimer about J. Robert Oppenheimer, the scientist credited as “the father of the atomic bomb” and the man who named the first atomic bomb Trinity, has written an Op Ed piece in The New York Times titled, “The Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer.”

True in certain respects, this article is an example of how history can be slyly used to distort the present for political purposes. In typical NY Times fashion, Bird tells certain truths while concealing, distorting, and falsifying others.

I do not consider Oppenheimer a tragic figure, as does Bird. Complicated, yes; but he was essentially a hubristic scientist who lent his services to a demonic project, and afterwards, having let the cat out of the bag by creating the Bomb, guiltily urged the government that used it in massive war crimes to restrain itself in the future. Asking for such self-regulation is as absurd as asking the pharmaceutical or big tech industries to regulate themselves.

Bird rightly says that Oppenheimer did not regret his work inventing the atomic bomb, and he correctly points out the injustice of his being maligned and stripped of his security clearance in 1954 in a secret hearing by a vote of 2 to 1 of a security panel of The Atomic Energy Commission for having communist associations. “Celebrated in 1945 as the ‘father of the atomic bomb,’” Bird writes, “nine years later he would become the chief celebrity victim of the McCarthyite maelstrom.” A “victim,” I should add, who named names to save his own reputation.

But tucked within his article, Bird tells us:

“Just look at what happened to our public health civil servants during the recent pandemic.”

By which he means these officials like Anthony Fauci were maligned when they gave the public correct scientific information. This is absurd. Fauci – “attacks on me quite frankly are attacks on science” – and other government “civil servants” misinformed the public and lied over and over again, but Bird implies they too were tragic figures like Oppenheimer.

He writes:

We stand on the cusp of another technological revolution in which artificial intelligence will transform how we live and work, and yet we are not yet having the kind of informed civil discourse with its innovators that could help us to make wise policy decisions on its regulation. Our politicians need to listen more to technology innovators like Sam Altman and quantum physicists like Kip Thorne and Michio Kaku.

Here too he urges “us” to listen to the very people responsible for Artificial Intelligence, just as “we” should have listened to Oppenheimer after he brought us the atomic bomb:

“Below is the Transcript of an August 6, 1945 telephone conversation, declassified (Between Lieutenant General. Leslie Groves and Dr. Oppenheimer) hours after the Hiroshima bombing:

Gen. G. I am very proud of you and your people [nuclear scientists]

Dr. O. It went alright?

Gen. G. Apparently it went with a tremendous bang.

screenshot below, click link to access complete transcript )

“Barely six weeks after the Hiroshima-Nagsaki bombings, the US War Department [Pentagon] issued  a blueprint  (September 15, 1945) to “Wipe  the Soviet Union off the Map” (66 cities with 204 atomic bombs), when the US and the USSR were allies. This infamous project is confirmed by declassified documents. (For further details see Chossudovsky, 2017)

Below is the image of the 66 cities of the Soviet Union which had been envisaged as targets by the US War Department.

The 66 cities. Click here to enlarge 

See Michel Chossudovsky, Nuclear War. “90 Seconds to Midnight”: The Pentagon’s 1945 “Doomsday Blueprint” to “Wipe the Soviet Union off the Map” 

Back to Kai Bird

Implicit here is the belief that science just marches progressively on and there’s no stopping it, and when dangerous technologies emerge from scientists’ work, we should trust them to control them.  Nowhere does Bird suggest that scientists have a moral obligation before the fact to not pursue a certain line of research because of its grave possible consequences. Maybe he has never read Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, only written over two hundred years ago.

Finally, and most importantly, Bird begins his concluding paragraph with these words:

Today, Vladimir Putin’s not-so-veiled threats to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in the war in Ukraine are a stark reminder that we can never be complacent about living with nuclear weapons.

This is simply U.S. propaganda. The U.S. has provoked and fueled the war in Ukraine, broken all nuclear weapon treaties, surrounded Russia with military bases, stationed nuclear weapons in Europe, engaged in nuclear blackmail with its first strike policy and threats, etc.  Putin has said in response that if – and only if – the very existence of the Russian state and land is threatened with extinction would the use of nuclear weapons be considered.

So Bird, in writing a piece about Oppenheimer’s “tragedy” and defending science, has also subtly defended a trinity of other matters: the government “science” on Covid, the transformative power coming from AI, and the U.S. propaganda about Russia and nuclear weapons. There is no mention of JFK’s call to abolish nuclear weapons. This is how the “paper of record” does its job.

I sit here now at the end of the day. Shadows are falling and I contemplate such trinities. I am stunned by the fact that we exist, but under a terrifying Shadow that many wish to ignore. Jung saw this shadow side as not just personal but social, and when it is ignored, the collective evils of modern societies can autonomously erupt.

Bird argues that nuclear weapons are the result of a scientific quest that is unstoppable. He writes that Oppenheimer

“understood that you cannot stop curious human beings from discovering the physical world around them [and then making nuclear bombs or designer babies].”

This is the ideology of progress that brooks no opposition since it is declared inevitable.

It is a philosophy that believes there should be no limits to human knowledge, which would include the knowledge of good and evil, but which can then be ignored since it and all thought and beliefs are considered a priori to be relative. The modern premise that everything is relative is of course a contradiction since it is an absolute statement. Many share this philosophy of despair disguised as progress as it has crept into everything today. It is tragic, for if people accept it, we are doomed to follow a Faustian pact with the devil and all hell will follow.

I think of Bob Dylan singing:

I just don’t see why I should even care
It’s not dark yet, but it’s gettin’ there

But I do care, and I wonder why. As night comes on, I sit here and wonder.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, Behind the Curtain.

Edward Curtin is a prominent author, researcher and sociologist based in Western Massachusetts. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). 

Featured image: Photos from the first second of the Trinity test shot, the first nuclear explosion on Earth. (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

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It was always unrealistic to imagine that BRICS is an alliance of completely sovereign countries that have united due to their shared hatred of the West and are thus plotting to topple the dollar’s dominance in the near future.

Many in the Alt-Media Community (AMC) have been misled by some top influencers into imagining that BRICS is something that it’s not. In particular, they think that it’s an alliance of completely sovereign countries that have united, allegedly plotting to deal a deathblow to the dollar in the very near future. Those who share “politically inconvenient” observations such as the ones contained in the analyses below usually come under attack by the AMC:

Russia is finally correcting false perceptions of BRICS ahead of this month’s summit, however, which discredits the narrative pushed by the AMC’s top influencers.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov recently confirmed that differences exist among its members over their group’s formal expansion, Russia is reluctant to publicly share its official stance towards this sensitive subject, and there’s no chance of BRICS unveiling a new currency anytime soon. Here are TASS’ corresponding reports about each point:

Extrapolating on them in the order that they were shared:

  • BRICS is indeed divided between those who want to seize the historical moment in expanding the bloc as much as possible right away and those who believe that a slower pace is more aligned with their shared interests;
  • Russia seems to be more sympathetic towards the second approach otherwise it wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to score political points vis-a-vis the West by hyping up BRICS’ expansion to prepare the global public for a supposedly imminent new era of geo-economic affairs;
  • and the bloc’s natural differences among its diverse members make it extremely unlikely that they’ll all soon agree to ceding some of their economic sovereignty by actively promoting a new currency at the expense of their respective national ones.

None of this is surprising nor the result of Western influence, but was entirely predictable due to BRICS’ intra-group dynamics and its members’ relations with the West, which objective observers keenly understand. There have always been legitimate arguments for and against rapidly expanding this bloc as well as the pace at which it accelerates financial multipolarity processes.

For instance, moving too swiftly risks weakening BRICS since it’ll become more difficult to achieve consensus, but not taking advantage of other countries’ interest in participating in its activities to some extent risks wasting this historical moment, ergo the need for a compromise like BRICS+. The same can be said about the pace at which BRICS accelerates financial multipolarity processes since all its members apart from Russia are in relationships of complex economic-financial interdependence with the West.

Building upon the aforesaid observation, while all BRICS members have a shared interest in diversifying away from the dollar as well as their disproportionate dependence on Western trade and investment, they envisage going about this differently.

Dealing a deathblow to the dollar and ruining the Western economy would harm their own interests, and while some might think that this would still serve Russia’s, they’re wrong since China’s and India’s resultant economic-financial destabilization isn’t in its favor.

Accordingly, it was always unrealistic to imagine that BRICS is an alliance of completely sovereign countries “plotting to topple the dollar’s dominance” in the near future. 

The only reason why this false perception went viral is because the targeted audience didn’t know any better since those who they trusted twisted and sometimes omitted related facts about this to push their agenda.

Left unchallenged, the unrealistically high hopes that many across the world were misled into having about BRICS will inevitably lead to them becoming deeply disappointed after the group’s summit this month fails to meet their expectations, thus making them susceptible to hostile suggestions. A critical mass of multipolarity supporters might then “defect” from “5D chess master plan” conspiracy theories about BRICS to embracing “doom & gloom” (D&G) ones pushed by the West to demoralize them.

In hindsight, Russia should have proactively managed perceptions about BRICS so as to avert this scenario far in advance, but it was prioritizing efforts to protect its integrity in the face of the West’s unprecedented propaganda onslaught and didn’t have enough extra experts available to do this. Additionally, it also didn’t realize how inaccurate many multipolarity supporters’ views of this group were until recently, once again for the same reason that it has limited experts and can’t cover everything.

This insight explains Russia’s belated attempts to correct these false perceptions just three weeks before the next summit. It might be too little too late to prevent some multipolarity supporters’ “defections” from the “5D chess” conspiracy camp into the “D&G” one, the same as can be said for Russia’s arrest last month of infamous “D&G” conspiracy theorist Igor Girkin, but it’s better than nothing and shows that the Kremlin is now aware of the threat posed to its soft power interests by certain conspiracy theories.

Girkin’s ones about the special operation were “unfriendly” while the AMC’s conspiracy theories about BRICS are “friendly”, but both manipulate the perceptions of Russia’s supporters on sensitive issues, thus leading to them becoming ever more divorced from reality as time goes on. It took a while, but Russia is finally correcting these false perceptions and countering associated conspiracy theories, and hopefully it’ll build upon this momentum to soon do the same regarding other sensitive issues too.

Respectfully expressed disagreements and well-intended constructive critiques should always be encouraged, but twisting and sometimes omitting facts in order to artificially manufacture a false perception that advances an agenda is unacceptable and should always be opposed.


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With the sudden announcement that the 18-year marriage of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie Grégoire Trudeau has ended and the couple is separating immediately, it remains to be seen what impact the split will have on Mr. Trudeau’s image as a political leader.

Mr. Trudeau has carefully cultivated an image of a family man, with photos of the couple on holidays, trick-or-treating on Halloween, taking horseback rides with their children, and decorating the tree at Christmas.

He told The Canadian Press on Dec. 18, 2015, that his image was an integral part of his governing the country. Mr. Trudeau said he would continue to be public because he “need[ed] people to stay involved and stay engaged and stay positive about what we’re doing.”

“The more I can stay attentive to people and close to them, the better I will be at serving them,” he said, adding that the danger of his job would be “disconnecting, getting stuck behind walls and motorcades and in the bubble.”

Public Perception

Unlike in the United States, Canadians generally do not see marriage-related news about their politicians making headlines. Canada also does not have a First Lady, and the spouse of a prime minister has no official role.

Divorces while in public office are exceedingly rare, especially in Canada. Mr. Trudeau, with the news of the split with his wife on Aug. 2, has now become only the second Canadian prime minister in history to break up while holding office, following in the footsteps of his father, the late former prime minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau.

Ms. Grégoire Trudeau, as a former television host who quietly devoted time to pet causes, attracted attention in her own right, and it has been generally favourable. Similar to Mila Mulroney, wife of former prime minister Brian Mulroney, who was often photographed dressed stylishly, Ms. Grégoire Trudeau was also praised for her fashion sense.

It’s not clear how Mr. Trudeau’s image will be affected by the separation. The Liberals were lagging the Conservatives by 10 points in the latest Abacus poll.

Marco Navarro-Génie, president of the Haultain Research Institute, says there’s been a lot of speculation about the prime minister’s marriage and people will be forming their own opinion. But, absent any further details about the separation, while for some the latest development may lead to a less favourable view of the prime minister, for others it may have the opposite impact, at least in the short term.

“[There may be] a little sympathy bump in the polls,” Mr. Navarro-Génie said in an interview.

Although Pierre Trudeau and Justin Trudeau are the only prime ministers to have separated from their spouses while in office, they’re not the only ones who were single while serving in the highest office.

William Lyon Mackenzie King was an unmarried bachelor who led his party for 29 years and served as prime minister for a total of 21 years, including during World War II. He was reportedly devoted to his mother and created a shrine for her in his library after she died.

Pierre Trudeau

Mr. Trudeau’s father, who served as prime minister from 1968 to 1979, and again from 1980 to 1984, was 51 when he married his much younger wife, Margaret, 22.

As a couple, Justin Trudeau’s parents drew intense media attention. Pierre Trudeau’s marriage and relationship with Margaret Trudeau was widely publicized. The two separated in 1977.

Pierre Trudeau became the first prime minister who both married and publicly separated while holding office. He was also accused by his wife of giving her a black eye, after she spent time with the guitarist of the Rolling Stones band.

A statement issued at the time of their split said: “Pierre and Margaret Trudeau announce that because of Margaret’s wishes they shall begin living separate and apart. Margaret relinquishes all privileges as the wife of the Prime Minister and wishes to leave the marriage and pursue an independent career. Pierre will have custody of their three sons giving Margaret generous access to them. Pierre accepts Margaret’s decision with regret and both pray that their separation will lead to a better relationship between themselves.”

The marriage lasted only six years, in contrast to the younger Trudeau’s 18-year marriage to Ms. Grégoire Trudeau.

The two filed for divorce in 1983 and were officially divorced in April 1984. Just a few weeks later, the newly separated Ms. Trudeau made the news with her marriage to Ottawa businessman Fried Kemper. She later wrote an autobiography stating she’d had wild affairs with movie stars, including Jack Nicholson.

Pierre Trudeau never remarried, but documents released years later show the advice he was given behind the scenes about the political implications of the change in his personal life.

A memo written to Pierre Trudeau by Jim Coutts, an adviser to the prime minister at the time, which was posted on social media on Aug. 2, the same day the younger Trudeau’s separation was announced, discussed the political implications of the breakdown of the high-profile marriage of a public figure.

“This is not advice on your domestic life. However you should know what is believed and how you are perceived,” the memo said.

“Ironically the events have almost wiped out the feelings that you are uncaring about ordinary people and arrogant—people believe you are going through what they go through in life but handling it better than they could.”

It warned of the “danger that lies ahead” with the opposition and “unfriendly people in the media” trying to goad Pierre Trudeau into an “ugly exchange.” The memo said that would “do much harm and remove the good will that exists.”

It also said the marriage breakup would be “the topic at every dinner table in the country and will be for a while.” The senior Mr. Trudeau was warned to take “extreme care” to “keep the stance you have already adopted.”


Justin Trudeau and his wife posted identical statements on social media on Aug. 2, stating they would be separating “after many meaningful and difficult conversations.” The couple asked for privacy for the “well-being” of their three children, who are between 9 and 15.

The Prime Minister’s Office indicated the Trudeaus “signed a legal separation agreement,” and it was reported that Ms. Grégoire Trudeau is moving to a new home in Ottawa while the prime minister will stay at Rideau Cottage, where the children are expected to remain to minimize upheaval in their lives.

The couple is said to be sharing joint custody of the children, and it was announced they would take a family vacation together later this month.


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Marnie Cathcart is a reporter based in Edmonton.

Featured image: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie Gregoire wait for the arrival of Governor General Julie Payette before the Throne Speech at the Senate in Ottawa on Dec. 5, 2019. (Justin Tang/The Canadian Press)

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July 13, 2023 – As A Top Breast Cancer Surgeon, I Thought I Understood The Disease – But Then I Got It (click here). 

“In 2015, aged just forty, I was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer and suddenly it was my turn to have a mastectomy and implant reconstruction.”

“I’m scared of having an operation. Quite a lot of people are. But it’s a hard thing to say admit when you’re a breast surgeon like me – operating is my life.”

This article was recently written by a UK breast cancer surgeon, Dr. Liz O’Riordan. 

Here is her Twitter account (click here).

Here is her website (click here):

She has recently been named a Top 20 Oncology Influencer on Twitter (4th to be exact):

As a top Oncologist, Dr. O’Riordan must be on the cutting edge of Turbo Cancer research – surely she is sounding the alarm about COVID-19 mRNA vaccine induced cancers?

Her Breast cancer just came back:

My Take…

She is a top breast cancer surgeon and top 20 Oncology influencer on Twitter.

By my count she has taken at least 4 COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and 2 flu shots in the past two years.

Her breast cancer returned last week. Prognosis is poor.

She was recently promoting a new mRNA vaccine for breast cancer (click here).

COVID-19 mRNA vaccines cause turbo cancers, as well as cancer recurrences in those who were in remission. (click here)

There is no indication that even as a “top breast cancer surgeon” and “top 20 Oncology influencer”, she has any idea that mRNA vaccines are causing cancer.

Since she has no job or medical license to lose, it appears she is a true big pharma believer.

She is dying, very likely from the very experimental mRNA technology she took four times and continues to promote. 

And she is none the wiser. 

These are our top medical experts.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from COVID Intel

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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General Abdourahamane Tchiane, the chairman of the ruling military administration in the West African state of Niger, has rejected the call by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to relinquish power to the former President Mohamed Bazoum.

The Council for the Safeguarding of the Homeland (CNSP) staged a coup against the Bazoum government on July 26.

Tchiane is the commander of the presidential guard which led the putsch. The following day on July 27, the leadership of the conventional armed forces in Niger announced their support for the coup.

On July 31, a joint statement was issued by the military governments in Burkina Faso and Mali expressing their solidarity with the CNSP in Niger. The declaration went further to send a message to the ECOWAS Chair, Nigerian President Bola Tinubu, that any intervention aimed at removing the current regime in Niger would be viewed as an attack on their countries as well.

This statement begins by acknowledging that Burkina Faso and Mali:

“Express their fraternal solidarity and that of the peoples of Burkina Faso and Mali with the brotherly people of NIGER who have decided in full responsibility to take their destiny into their own hands and to assume before history the fullness of their sovereignty; denounce the persistence of these regional organizations in imposing sanctions aggravating the suffering of the populations and jeopardizing the spirit of Pan-Africanism; refuse to apply these illegal, illegitimate and inhuman sanctions against the people and authorities of Niger; warn that any military intervention against Niger would amount to a declaration of war against Burkina Faso and Mali; warn that any military intervention against Niger would result in the withdrawal of Burkina Faso and Mali from ECOWAS, as well as the adoption of self-defense measures in support of the armed forces and the people of Niger.” 

Such a political position portends much for the future stability of the entire West Africa region as the rhetoric of ECOWAS Chair Tinubu of Nigeria indicates a determination to attempt the reinstallation of Bazoum by military means. Undoubtedly, the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) and the French Armed Forces would play a critical role if such an intervention was authorized.

AFRICOM and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) are in charge of two drone stations in Niger which ostensibly are there to assist in the battle against Islamic rebel groupings which have grown since the Pentagon-NATO war of regime change against Libya in 2011. Niger is the site of large deposits of uranium which is mined and exported by a French multinational corporation (Orano). See this.

The same above-quoted statement from Burkina Faso and Mali goes on to:

“Warn against the disastrous consequences of a military intervention in Niger which could destabilize the entire region as was the unilateral NATO intervention in Libya which was at the origin of the expansion of terrorism in the Sahel and West AFRICA. The Transitional Governments of Burkina Faso and Mali are deeply indignant and surprised by the imbalance observed between, on the one hand, the celerity and the adventurous attitude of certain political leaders in West Africa wishing to use armed forces to restore constitutional order in a sovereign country, and on the other hand, the inaction, indifference and passive complicity of these organizations and political leaders in helping States and peoples who have been victims of terrorism for a decade and left to their fate.”

France has already begun the evacuation of its nationals wishing to leave. Other people from the European Union (EU) and the U.S. have been transported out of the country by the French Armed Forces.

The State Department says that it will evacuate what it describes as “non-essential staff” at the U.S. embassy in Niamey. As of early August, the White House has not announced any intentions to close the embassy in Niger.

Sanctions Are Acts of War

ECOWAS, the 15-member West African regional organization, has already imposed sanctions against the CNSP in Niger. This follows a similar pattern of what has already occurred with respect to Mali, Guinea-Conakry and Burkina Faso over the recent period of 2020-2023, in the aftermath of the seizure of power by military regimes.

However, the degree of economic sanctions and threats to remove the CNSP by force reveals that there is much more at stake for the imperialist states and their allies in Niger. The fact that Niger is a formidable base for purported “counterterrorism” activities by Washington and Paris means that there is a concern over the exposure of AFRICOM forces, intelligence personnel and military hardware if the Russian Federation was invited to come to the aid of the military administration in Niamey.

On August 2, it was announced that neighboring Nigeria had cut power supplies to Niger by 90%. Niger, a country of 25 million people, is listed by the United Nations as one of the poorest countries in the world.

Sanctions which deprive the people of power sources can only worsen the already existing humanitarian crisis inside the country.

ECOWAS defense ministers began a two-day conference on August 2 in the Nigerian capital of Abuja to map out its strategy for Niger. Former Nigerian military leader General Abdulsalami Abubakar is leading an ECOWAS delegation to Niamey for further talks with the CNSP.

Ousted President Mahamed Bazoum has not been harmed by the military government since he was taken down from office on July 26. Photographs of Bazoum with the Chadian transitional President Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno were released over numerous international news agencies on July 31.

Meanwhile, the government of Burkina Faso received a delegation from Niger to the capital of Ouagadougou where the transitional head-of-state Captain Ibrahim Traore pledged the government’s backing of the CNSP in Niamey. A communique from the Burkina Faso government said of the talks:

“A CNSP delegation was received by the Head of State (Ouagadougou, August 2, 2023). The President of the Transition, Head of State, Captain Ibrahim TRAORE received this Wednesday (Aug. 2) at the end of the afternoon, a delegation from the National Council for the Safeguarding of the Fatherland (CNSP) of Niger headed by General of army corps, Salifou MODY.

Discussions with the President of the Transition focused on the situation in Niger, which is calm and under control according to the head of delegation. We also talked about support. It must be said, we received very strong support from Burkina Faso.”

Burkina Faso and Niger military leaders hold meeting in Ouagadougou, Aug. 2, 2023 (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

Intervention Could Further Destabilize Entire West Africa Region

France has already been forced to depart Mali after the transitional administration leader Colonel Assimi Goita suggested the presence of foreign forces were related to the escalation in rebel violence against civilians and the state. In addition, Burkina Faso has been the scene of anti-French demonstrations which enjoy widespread grassroots support.

The anti-French organization known as the M62 Movement has been operating in Niger. They have been credited with the mobilization of youth and workers against the continued military presence of France in Niger. (See this)

In demonstrations since the early days of the CNSP coup, people have been burning French flags, attacking symbols of colonial and neo-colonial rule while many carried both the Nigerien and Russian flags. Although there is no indication that the Russian Federation or the Wagner Group had a hand in the ascendancy of the CNSP to power, President Vladimir Putin recently announced his opposition to a western-backed military intervention in Niger. Putin urged the resolution of the conflict in Niger through dialogue and negotiations.

Overall, throughout the Sahel and other areas within the West Africa region, the economic situation is worsening. In Nigeria, which is the most populous state in Africa and designated as the continent’s largest economy, a food emergency was declared by President Tinubu.

The specter of sharply rising prices and food shortages prompted the two largest worker organizations, the Nigerian Labor Congress (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC), to stage a national day of protest across the oil-rich state on August 2. President Tinubu met with the leadership of the union federations and agreed to grant some of their demands. Reports in the Nigerian press suggest that the mass actions by the unions will not continue as previously threatened by the NLC and TUC.

Therefore, the newly inaugurated administration of President Tinubu in Nigeria could very well be aggravating the social situation inside the country by threatening to deploy troops to Niger. Even the Italian Foreign Minister, Antonio Tajani, whose country has troops along with Germany, France and the U.S. in Niger, proclaimed that a military intervention by the West to bring down the CNSP would result in charges of re-colonization.

Anti-imperialist and antiwar forces in the western industrialized states must oppose the military interventions by France, the U.S. and other NATO countries in Niger. Another disastrous invasion and occupation by the Pentagon and NATO will only create more displacement, underdevelopment and political divisions.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Abayomi Azikiwe

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Between 1991 and 2016, the population of Delhi and its suburbs increased from 9.4 million to 25 million. In 2023, the World Population Review website estimates Delhi’s population to be 32.9 million.  

In the December 2016 paper Future urban land expansion and implications for global croplands, it was projected that by 2030, globally, urban areas will have tripled in size, expanding into cropland and undermining the productivity of agricultural systems.  

Around 60% of the world’s cropland lies on the outskirts of cities. The paper states that this land is, on average, twice as productive as land elsewhere on the globe.  

Africa and Asia will together bear 80% of the projected cropland loss due to rising urbanisation. The disappearance of this productive land will impact staple crops such as maize, rice, soya beans and wheat, which are cornerstones of global food security.   

In South Asia, farmland can’t simply spread elsewhere because fertile land is already running out.  

One of the paper’s authors, Felix Creutzig (currently, Professor of Sustainability Economics at the Technical University of Berlin), said at the time that, as cities expand, millions of small-scale farmers will be displaced. These farmers produce the majority of food in developing countries and are key to global food security.  

However, what Creutzig says is not inevitable. Far from it. Urbanisation is being encouraged and facilitated by design.  

According to the World Bank’s lending report, based on data compiled up to 2015, India was easily the largest recipient of its loans in the history of the institution. On the back of India’s foreign exchange crisis in the early 1990s, the IMF and World Bank wanted India to shift hundreds of millions out of agriculture: India was to embark on a massive rural depopulation/urbanisation project.  

In addition, in return for up to more than $120 billion (accounting for inflation, this would be $269 billion in 2023) in loans, India was directed to dismantle its state-owned seed supply system, reduce subsidies, run down public agriculture institutions, facilitate the entry of global players and offer incentives for the growing of cash crops to earn foreign exchange.  

The details of this plan appear in a January 2021 article by the Mumbai-based Research Unit for Political Economy (RUPE). In effect, it constitutes a massive urbanisation project and the opening of India’s agriculture sector to foreign agribusiness corporations.  

Unsurprisingly, therefore, Felix Creutzig predicted the following:  

“As peri-urban land is converted, smallholders will lose their land. The emerging mega-cities will rely increasingly on industrial-scale agricultural and supermarket chains, crowding out local food chains.”  

The RUPE says that the opening of India’s agriculture and food economy to foreign investors and global agribusinesses has been a longstanding project of the imperialist countries.  

Industrial-scale agriculture is key to the plan. And integral to this model of farming is genetically engineered food crops – whether first generation genetically modified (GM) crops based on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or newer techniques involving the likes of gene editing.   

Glyphosate/GM crop approval  

According to a recent report in the Chennai-based New Indian Express (NIE), the Indian government is likely to allow the cultivation of herbicide-tolerant (HT) GM crops. These crops have not been legalised but have been growing in India for some years.  

The government is creating a pool of more than 4,000 ‘progressive farmers’ and ‘rural educated youths’ who can help farmers spray glyphosate on GM crops that have been genetically engineered to withstand the herbicide. These pest control officers are to spray glyphosate on behalf of farmers.  

Glyphosate is carcinogenic and, in India, its use is officially restricted to tea crops and non-cropping areas like barren land and roadsides. The International Agency for Research on Cancer classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans” in 2015.    

The NIE quotes a source who implies that the drive to spray glyphosate on agricultural land seems like a precursor of legalising HT GM cotton (I would add – and HT GM food crops eventually).  

At this time, only one GM crop – Bt (insecticidal) cotton – is legalised in India.  

The legalisation of HT GM cotton would be a key step towards opening a multi-billion-dollar market for global agritech-agrochemicals firms which have a range of HT GM food crops waiting in the pipeline.    

Much has been written on the devastating effects that glyphosate has on health and the environment. Glyphosate-based herbicides (GBH)s formulas affect the gut microbiome and are associated with a global metabolic health crisis. They also cause epigenetic changes in humans and animals – diseases skip a generation then appear.  

These toxic chemicals have entered the food chain and human bodies at harmful levels and are even in a range of popular children’s cereals.  

An April 2023 study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute measured glyphosate levels in the urine of farmers and other study participants and determined that high levels of the pesticide were associated with signs of a reaction in the body called oxidative stress, a condition that causes damage to DNA and a cancer biomarker.  

The study findings appeared after the US Centers for Disease Control reported in 2022 that more than 80% of urine samples drawn from children and adults contained glyphosate. Similar figures are found in the EU. GBHs are the world’s most widely used agricultural weedkiller.  

There are dozens of academic studies that indicate the deleterious and disturbing effects of GBHs on human health. Rather than presenting them here, for the sake of brevity, many are listed in the online article Bathed In Pesticides: The Narrative Of Deception (2022).  

Attorney Robert F Kennedy Jr and current presidential candidate has been involved with some of the ongoing court cases in the US that have been brought against Bayer regarding the human health damage of Monsanto’s Roundup GBH (Bayer bought Monsanto in 2018).  

Kennedy concludes that there is cascading scientific evidence linking glyphosate to a constellation of injuries that have become prevalent since its introduction, including obesity, depression, Alzheimer’s, ADHD, autism, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, kidney and inflammatory bowel disease, brain, breast and prostate cancer, miscarriage, birth defects and declining sperm counts.  

He adds that strong science suggests glyphosate is the culprit in the exploding epidemics of celiac disease, colitis, gluten sensitivities, diabetes and non-alcoholic liver cancer which, for the first time, is attacking children as young as 10.  

Researchers peg glyphosate as a potent endocrine disruptor, which interferes with sexual development in children. It is also a chelator that removes important minerals from the body and disrupts the microbiome, destroying beneficial bacteria in the human gut and triggering brain inflammation and other ill effects.  

So, why do GBHs remain on the market? It’s because of the power of the agritech/agrochemical sector and the don’t look, don’t see approach of compromised regulatory bodies: see Glyphosate: EU assessment report excludes most of the scientific literature from its analysis (2021) by GMWatch and Glyphosate in the EU: product promoters masquerading as regulators in a ‘cesspool of corruption’? (2016) in The Ecologist.  

Consider what veteran journalist Carey Gillam says:  

“US Roundup litigation began in 2015 after the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified glyphosate as a probable human carcinogen. Internal Monsanto documents dating back decades show that the company was aware of scientific research linking its weed killer to cancer but instead of warning consumers, the company worked to suppress the information and manipulate scientific literature.”  

Over the years, Monsanto mounted a deceitful defence of its health- and environment-damaging Roundup and its GM crops and orchestrated toxic smear campaigns against anyone – scientist or campaigner – who threatened its interests.  

In 2016, campaigner Rosemary Mason wrote an open letter to European Chemicals Agency Executive Director Geert Dancet. It can be accessed on the site.  

In it, she sets out how current EU legislation was originally set up to protect the pesticides industry and how Monsanto and other agrochemical corporations helped the EU design the regulatory systems for their own products.  

There is much at stake for the industry. According to Phillips McDougall’s Annual Agriservice Reports, herbicides made up 43% of the global pesticide market in 2019 by value. Much of the increase in glyphosate use is due to the introduction of glyphosate-tolerant soybean, maize and cotton seeds in the US, Brazil and Argentina.  

GBHs are a multi-billion-dollar money-spinning venture for the manufacturers. But this latest development in India is as much about the legalisation of a wide range of proprietary HT GM seeds and crops as it is about glyphosate because both are joined at the hip.  

Regulatory Delinquency  

In India, five high-level reports have advised against the adoption of GM crops: the Jairam Ramesh Report (2010); the Sopory Committee Report (2012); the Parliamentary Standing Committee Report (2012); the Technical Expert Committee Final Report (2013); and the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science & Technology, Environment and Forests (2017).  

Given the health and environmental issues surrounding GM crops, as well as the now well-documented failure of Bt cotton in the country, it comes as little surprise that these reports advise against their adoption.  

This high-level advice also derives, in part, from GM ‘regulation’ in India being dogged by blatant violations of biosafety norms, hasty approvals, a lack of monitoring abilities, general apathy towards the hazards of contamination and a lack of institutional oversight.  

The ‘Technical Expert Committee Final Report’ was scathing about India’s prevailing regulatory system and highlighted its inadequacies and serious inherent conflicts of interest. As we have seen with the push to get GM mustard commercialised, the problems described by the TEC persist.  

The drive to get GM crops commercialised has been relentless, not least GM mustard. The Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC), the country’s apex regulatory body for GMOs, has pushed ahead by giving this crop the nod. However, the case of GM mustard remains stuck in the Supreme Court due to a public interest litigation lodged by environmentalist Aruna Rodrigues.  

Rodrigues argues that GM mustard is being undemocratically forced through with flawed tests (or no testing) and a lack of public scrutiny: in other words, unremitting scientific fraud and outright regulatory delinquency.  

This crop is also HT, which is wholly inappropriate for a country like India with its small biodiverse farms that could be affected by its application on nearby fields.  

However, despite the ban on GM crops, in 2005, biologist Pushpa Bhargava noted that unapproved varieties of several GM crops were being sold to farmers. In 2008, Arun Shrivasatava wrote that illegal GM okra had been planted in India and poor farmers had been offered lucrative deals to plant “special seed” of all sorts of vegetables.  

In 2013, a group of scientists and NGOs protested in India against the introduction of transgenic brinjal in Bangladesh – a centre for origin and diversity of the vegetable – as it would give rise to contamination of the crop in India. In 2014, the West Bengal government said it had received information regarding “infiltration” of commercial seeds of GM Bt brinjal from Bangladesh.  

In 2017, the illegal cultivation of an HT GM soybean was reported in Gujarat. Bhartiya Kisan Sangh (BKS), a national farmers organisation, claimed that Gujarat farmers had been cultivating the HT crop.  

As mentioned above, HT cotton is illegally growing in India.   

In the 2017 paper – The ox fall down: path-breaking and technology treadmills in Indian cotton agriculture – Glenn Stone and Andrew Flachs  note the tactic of encouraging farmers to abandon traditional on-farm practices, which coincides with the appearance of an increasing supply of HT GM cotton seeds.  

This is a cynical attempt to place farmers on corporate seed and chemical (glyphosate) treadmills.  

The authors write:  

“Although India’s cotton sector has been penetrated by various input- and capital-intensive methods, penetration by herbicide has been largely stymied. In Telangana State, the main obstacle has been the practice of ‘double-lining’, in which cotton plants are spaced widely to allow weeding by ox-plow… double-lining is an example of an advantageous path for cash-poor farmers. However, it is being actively undermined by parties intent on expanding herbicide markets and opening a niche for next-generation genetically modified cotton.”   

Stone and Flachs note the potential market for herbicide growth alone in India is huge. Writing in 2017, the authors note that sales could soon reach USD 800 million with scope for even greater expansion. Indeed, enormous expansion if HT GM crops become legal.  

Friends in High Places  

Global agritech firms are salivating at the prospect of India being prised open for the introduction of GM crops. The industry has always had high-level supporters in India and abroad. And this leads back to what was stated earlier in the article – the plan to industrialise Indian agriculture at the behest of the World Bank and foreign agribusiness and the manoeuvring into position of compliant officials.  

PM Modi proclaimed in 2014 that GM represents a good business-investment opportunity. Renowned environmentalist Vandana Shiva has highlighted the arm twisting that has gone on in an attempt to force through GMOs into India, with various politicians having been pushed aside until the dotted line for GMO open field-testing approval was signed on.   

Back in late 2015, I co-authored a piece with then editor of The Ecologist Oliver Tickell – Rice, wheat, mustard… India drives forward first GMO crops under veil of secrecy.  

Seventeen or more secret applications had been made to India’s GMO regulators for trials and release of GM crops, including rice, wheat, chickpeas, brinjal and mustard. In a violation of the law, regulators had released no information about the applications, raising fears that India’s first GMOs will be released with no health, safety or environmental testing.  

It is not surprising then that calls have been made for probes into the workings of the GEAC and other official bodies, who seem to have been asleep at the wheel or deliberately looking the other way as illegal GM crop cultivation has taken place.  

India’s first GM crop cultivation – Bt cotton – was discovered in 2001 growing on thousands of hectares in Gujarat, spread surreptitiously and illegally. Campaigner Kavitha Kuruganti said the GEAC was caught off-guard when news about large-scale illegal cultivation of Bt cotton emerged, even as field trials that were to decide whether India would opt for this GM crop were still underway.  

In March 2002, the GEAC ended up approving Bt cotton for commercial cultivation in India. To this day, no liability has been fixed for the illegal spread. We could well be witnessing a rerun of this scenario for HT cotton and HT food crops.  

The tactic of contaminate first then legalise has benefited industry players before. Aside from Bt cotton in India, in 2016, the US Department of Agriculture granted marketing approval of GM Liberty Link 601 (Bayer CropScience) rice variety following its illegal contamination of the food supply and rice exports. The USDA effectively sanctioned an ‘approval-by-contamination’ policy.  

The writing could be on the wall for India.  

Does India Need GM?  

A common claim is that GMOs are essential to agriculture if we are to feed an ever-growing global population. Supporters of GM crops argue that by increasing productivity and yields, this technology will also help boost farmers’ incomes and lift many out of poverty.  

In a 2018 paper in the journal Current Science, eminent scientists P C Kesavan and M S Swaminathan (regarded as the ‘father of the Green Revolution’ in India) questioned the efficacy of and the need for GMOs in agriculture.

Screenshot from

The performance of GM crops has been a hotly contested issue and, as highlighted in Kesavan and Swaminathan’s piece and by many others, there is sufficient evidence to question their efficacy, especially that of HT crops and their shocking, devastating impact in places like Argentina.  

Kesavan and Swaminathan argue that GM is supplementary and must be need based. In more than 99% of cases, they say that time-honoured conventional breeding is sufficient. Too often, however, conventional options and innovations that outperform GM are sidelined in a rush by powerful interests to facilitate the introduction of GM crops.  

Although India fares poorly in world hunger assessments, the country has achieved self-sufficiency in food grains and has ensured there is enough food available to feed its entire population. It is the world’s largest producer of milk, pulses and millets and the second-largest producer of rice, wheat, sugarcane, groundnuts, vegetables and fruit.  

People are not hungry in India because its farmers do not produce enough food. Hunger and malnutrition result from various factors, including inadequate food distribution, (gender) inequality and poverty; in fact, the country continues to export food while millions remain hungry. It’s a case of ‘scarcity’ amid abundance.  

Where farmers’ livelihoods are concerned, the pro-GMO lobby says that GM will boost productivity and help secure cultivators a better income. Again, this is misleading: it ignores crucial political and economic contexts. Even with bumper harvests, Indian farmers still find themselves in financial distress.  

India’s farmers are not experiencing financial hardship due to low productivity. They are reeling from the effects of neoliberal policies, years of neglect and a deliberate strategy to displace most of them at the behest of the World Bank and predatory global agri-food corporations.  

But pro-GMO supporters, both outside of India and within, along with the neoliberal think tanks many of them are associated with, have wasted no time in wrenching the issues of hunger and poverty from their political contexts to use notions of ‘helping farmers’ and ‘feeding the world’ as lynchpins of their promotional strategy.  

The knowledge and many of the traditional practices of India’s small farmers are now recognised as sophisticated and appropriate for high-productive, sustainable agriculture. It is no surprise therefore that a 2019 FAO high-level report has called for agroecology and smallholder farmers to be prioritised and invested in to achieve global sustainable food security. It argues that scaling up agroecology offers potential solutions to many of the world’s most pressing problems, whether, for instance, climate resilience, carbon storage, soil degradation, water shortages, unemployment or food security.  

Available evidence suggests that (non-GMO) smallholder farming using low-input methods is more productive in total output than large-scale industrial farms and can be more profitable.  

It is for good reason that the FAO high-level report referred to earlier along with the former UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food Professor Hilal Elver and numerous other papers and reports advocate agroecology call for investment in this type of agriculture. Despite the pressures, including the fact that globally industrial agriculture grabs 80% of subsidies and 90% of research funds, smallholder agriculture plays a major role in feeding the world.  

In the introduction to a recent article, I wrote that the prevailing globalised agrifood model is responsible for increasing rates of illness, nutrient-deficient diets, a narrowing of the range of food crops, water shortages, chemical runoffs, increasing levels of farmer indebtedness, the undermining and destruction of local communities and the eradication of biodiversity.    

Do Indian citizens want a GM/glyphosate-drenched, industrial food system that brings with it all of the above?   

I also wrote that the model relies on a policy paradigm that privileges urbanisation, global markets, long supply chains, external proprietary inputs, highly processed food and market (corporate) dependency.    

The solution lies in a paradigm shift that abandons the notion that urbanisation equates with ‘progress’. A shift that prioritises rural communities, small independent retail enterprises (instead of global giants like Walmart-Flipkart and Amazon) and smallholder farms, local markets, short supply chains, on-farm resources, diverse agroecological cropping, nutrient-dense diets and food sovereignty.  

A shift that rejects the ecomodernist techno-dystopia of hyper-urbanisation, genetically engineered crops, biosynthetic food and farmerless farms and a ‘food transition’ all under the control of a big data-agritech cartel that wraps all of the above in a veneer of fake green.    

There are alternative visions, potential outcomes and resistance that can challenge the ecomodernist agenda.   

Instead of their eradication, creating land markets to amalgamate their land for industrial-scale mono-cropping or using vital cropland to build on, smallholder farmers and rural communities should be placed at the centre of development policies. Moreover, inspiration can be taken from the worldviews of indigenous peoples and, as anthropology professor Arturo Escobar says, the concept of Buen Viver: promoting ways of living that stress the collective wellbeing of humans and nature and recognising the inseparability and interdependence of both.  

For instance, India’s indigenous peoples’ low-energy, low-consumption tribal cultures are the antithesis of capitalism and industrialisation, and their knowledge and value systems promote genuine sustainability through restraint in what is taken from nature.  

This entails a fundamental transformation in values, priorities and outlooks and a shift away from predation, imperialism, domination, anthropocentrism and plunder.  

That’s what a genuine ‘food transition’ and Buen Viver would really mean.  

Many of the issues mentioned in the article above are discussed in the author’s free-to-read e-book.  


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Renowned author Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) in Montreal.

Read Colin Todhunter’s e-Book entitled

Food, Dispossession and Dependency. Resisting the New World Order

We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global agri-food chain. The high-tech/big data conglomerates, including Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google, have joined traditional agribusiness giants, such as Corteva, Bayer, Cargill and Syngenta, in a quest to impose their model of food and agriculture on the world.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is also involved (documented in ‘Gates to a Global Empire‘ by Navdanya International), whether through buying up huge tracts of farmland, promoting a much-heralded (but failed) ‘green revolution’ for Africa, pushing biosynthetic food and genetic engineering technologies or more generally facilitating the aims of the mega agri-food corporations.

Click here to read.

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The confidence of the American public in its Armed Forces has plummeted to levels not seen in more than 20 years, according to a new survey published by Gallup on July 31. However, what the poll omits from its research is the role that the inclusion of transgenders in the US military has played in lowering American trust in this institution.

The poll conducted between June 1 and 22 indicates that 60% of Americans trust the military. This is the lowest trust figure since 1997 when 60% of those surveyed also said they trusted a “great deal” or “quite a lot” in their Army. The last time that percentage was lower than 60% was in 1988. From the late 1970s to the early 1980s—during the Cold War and episodes like the Iran hostage crisis—confidence was between 50% and 58%.

“Confidence generally improved during Ronald Reagan’s presidency in the 1980s. It then surged after the Gulf War victory (to a record-high 85% in 1991) and again after the 9/11 terrorist attacks,” Gallup stated in a note on the poll results.

In fact, American confidence in their military remained above 70% for the next two decades, falling to 69% in 2021 and declining ever since following the chaotic withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan. And it is the withdrawal from Afghanistan, according to Gallup, that was criticised in the US from different sides, especially among the opposition to the Biden Administration.

The Gallup poll found that confidence in the US Army has fallen even among members or sympathisers of the Republican Party, a sector of society that usually focuses more on the military. However, the survey says the trust rate among this group has fallen by more than 20 percentage points in three years, from 91% to 68%.

Meanwhile, the Democrats’ confidence index — which had risen after Biden took office — has declined in the past year.

On the other hand, American confidence in institutions remains at low levels. For example, only 8% of those surveyed stated they had confidence in Congress; 17% in the justice system; 18% in the newspapers; 26% in the Presidency, and 27% in the Supreme Court of Justice.

“Now that the U.S. has completely withdrawn from both Iraq and Afghanistan, the two most significant military legacies of the 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S., confidence in the military has continued to decline among the public. The declines this year were across all party identification groups, with Republicans remaining the most likely to express confidence and independents becoming the least likely,” the survey concluded.

Gallup does not mention that support in the US military has dropped because Biden has brought the culture wars to the institution. In mid-July, it was reported that an 18-year-old military recruit was forced to shower with biological males as part of the Biden administration’s transgender policies. The recruit complained about being placed in an “extremely uncomfortable position.”

According to Rounds, the military recruit also complained about being forced to sleep between “two individuals who were supposedly changing from male to female” and showering with the individuals.

Biden reversed a ban on transgender people serving in the military imposed when Trump entered the White House. The Biden administration said at the time that the US military “thrives” when there is a diversity of Americans who can “meet the rigorous standards for military service,” adding that “an inclusive military strengthens our national security.”

“President Biden believes that gender identity should not be a bar to military service, and that America’s strength is found in its diversity,” the White House said. “This question of how to enable all qualified Americans to serve in the military is easily answered by recognising our core values.”

According to the US Department of Defense, transgender individuals may be housed in female facilities, even without genital surgery. Such ridiculous policies are not only making the US military an international laughing stock but there are now concerns that the US military will fail to reach its recruitment goals. This year the Army is expected to end up 15,000 recruits short of its 65,000 goal.

The New York Post reported that US military chiefs continue to express concern that if recruiting numbers do not improve, they cannot simultaneously deal with a conflict with Russia and China. Unsurprisingly, the imposition of liberal ideology has weakened confidence and recruitment in the US military. This trend will continue the longer Biden remains in power.


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On August 2, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced the start of the “Ocean Shield” naval exercises in the Baltic Sea. The drills come at a particularly tense moment, given that NATO countries have recently been provoking Russia in the region through the attempt to expand the alliance with Sweden’s access. However, contrary to the optimism of Western analysts, Russian maneuvers make it clear that Moscow has enough strength to defend its interests in the Baltic Sea.

According to Russian officials, the Ocean Shield-2023 drills are involving 30 warships, 30 combat aircraft and more than 6,000 troops, in addition to a wide arsenal of weapons and equipment of various types. The aim of the tests is to train Russian forces on how to “protect sea lanes, transport troops and military cargo, as well as defend the coastline”. In addition, there is also the objective to assess “the navy’s readiness to protect the national interests of the Russian Federation in an operationally important area.”

More than 200 military exercises are expected to be operated during the program. All of them will be headed by the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy himself, Admiral Nikolai Yevmenov. An important information is that the training is being worked using real ammunition, which shows the deterring nature of the tests. However, after the completion of the drills, the ships will be taken back to their permanent bases, as well as the aircraft will return to their respective airfields, making it clear that Moscow has no intention of occupying the Baltic Sea militarily.

As expected, Western media are reporting the Russian move as an unnecessary and provocative act. Newspapers claim that, by launching the drills, Russia is “ratcheting up tensions with nearby European nations”. This is part of the unsubstantiated narrative spread by Western outlets that Moscow is responsible for the current security crisis in the Baltic. However, analyzing the case in depth, it is possible to see that the Russians are acting defensively.

In fact, Russian military activities in the Baltic Sea have become constant, but always acting in response to provocations initiated by NATO. For example, in June, there was a joint naval NATO-Swedish exercise in the region, involving more than 7,000 Western troops. In response, the day after the start of the program, Russia also began to carry out maneuvers, mobilizing 40 ships and boats, 25 aircraft and 3,500 soldiers. In the same vein, in late July, the Atlantic alliance began a new training in the Baltic Sea, this time focusing on electronic warfare activities.

The Russian intention with these moves is extremely clear. In addition to testing its capabilities, Moscow wants to show its opponents that it has enough strength to defend its interests in the Baltic region, not being intimidated by the massive presence of NATO. This becomes necessary at the present time as there is a clear desire on the part of the West to fully occupy the Baltic Sea and encircle the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad. The problem is that, contrary to what optimistic Western analysts say, it will not be so easy.

Confident about the possibility of Sweden joining NATO in the near future, some experts claimed that the Baltic Sea had already become a de facto “NATO lake“. The calculation of these specialists is simple: Sweden has a large Baltic coast, which would then be completely controlled by NATO. According to them, this scenario would be strategically terrible for Russia, which would be really vulnerable in the region.

However, these expectations seem wrong. Firstly, nothing really changed after Turkey gave the greenlight to Sweden. Sweden is already a country highly integrated with NATO, even participating in joint military exercises. So, Swedish possible entry sounds more like a bureaucratic procedure. In practice, the impact of this for Russia would be minimal. Moscow will continue to face the same challenges in the Baltic Sea, regardless of whether Sweden joins NATO or not.

For Russia, the defense of Kaliningrad and the presence in the Baltic has been a challenge since the late 1990s and early 2000s, when NATO began to expand in the region. However, this problem for the Russians is diminished by the simple fact that Moscow has no territorial interest in Western Europe. The Russian posture is defensive, with no willingness to advance militarily in the area unless provoked by enemy powers. Exactly because of this defensive posture, Moscow makes it clear that after the current drills are finished, it will return its ships and aircraft to their bases.

The Ocean Shield exercises make it clear that, despite the difficulties, the Russian armed forces are absolutely capable of conducting maneuvers in the Baltic region. This is due to a series of factors, the main one being Russian military hegemony in the Arctic, a strategic territory that allows Russian troops access to the Baltic, circumventing the presence of NATO. This Arctic issue, by the way, is already an old American concern, considering that in the 2020 edition of the Ocean Shield US military experts stated:

“Russian military force in the Arctic is not necessarily going to stay in the Arctic (…) This can mean exerting pressure from the Baltic to the Black Sea, as it did by moving warships closer to Ukraine and also showing the flag in the eastern Mediterranean.”

In addition to the possibility of moving from the Arctic, there is the ground-air issue. As stated by the American war veteran and intelligence analyst Scott Ritter, an eventual scenario of conflict in the Baltic Sea will be won “on the ground and in the air“, not just at sea. This is precisely one of the reasons why Russia is deploying so many troops and aircraft in its current exercises.

Apparently, passionate pro-NATO analysts have forgotten the concerns expressed by the Western military themselves. In their eagerness to celebrate a NATO “victory”, they exposed weak and unsubstantiated analyzes that contradict the alliance’s own military thoughts. In the end, the 2023 edition of the Ocean Shield made it clear that there is no “NATO lake”.


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In an article recently published by Politico, it was said that Kiev already has a secret plan in case the Ukrainian president is assassinated. Although it is normal for countries at war to think about the possibility of their leaders dying, the way that media is reporting the case suggests a kind of attempt to prepare public opinion for Zelensky’s replacement.

The report was based on interviews with Ukrainian officials and analysts. The sources believe that it will be necessary to circumvent Ukrainian constitutional norms if there is a need to replace Zelensky. The country’s constitution declares that if the president is no longer able to fulfill his duties, the head of parliament must ascend to the office. However, the current parliamentary leader, Ruslan Stefanchuck, is an unpopular public figure, with only 40% approval, which is why it would be inappropriate to appoint him president.

Screenshot from Politico

To handle this situation, Kiev plans to create a team of officials, forming a governing council. The office would consist of people like Andrey Yermak, head of the presidential cabinet, Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba, Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov and Ukraine’s military chief Valery Zaluzhny. Stefanchuk would be the formal leader of the group, but decision-making power would be shared with the other officers.

Informants argue that Ukraine achieved high levels of national unity during the conflict. This “unity” supposedly gave stability to the state, guaranteeing an institutional security independent of Zelensky or any individual politician. For this reason, in the current scenario no Ukrainian officer seems “indispensable”.

“(…) I don’t think it [Stefanchuck’s popularity] matters. There’s a strong leadership team and I think we would see collective government (…) The country has reached a point of very substantial solidarity and national unity, so if something terrible happened to Zelensky it would not be as decisive as you might think (…) I don’t want to say that Zelensky is hardly irrelevant to this (…) But I think the country’s unity is the indispensable thing”, Adrian Karatnycky, “a nonresident senior fellow with the Atlantic Council,” told Politico’s journalists.

In fact, this report leaves a series of unanswered questions. It does not seem surprising that Kiev actually has such plans, as certainly Ukrainian institutional security is a priority for the regime’s officials, especially in times of war. What seems unlikely is that these plans are easily accessible to journalists and public opinion.

Being a sensitive topic, relevant to national security, it is most appropriate that these discussions be taken in absolute confidentiality, with no possibility of information leaks. Discretion becomes even more necessary when these plans involve maneuvers to circumvent the constitution, violating the laws of the country.

So, it is necessary to think about what would be the interests of the Western media in spreading this type of information. It is possible, for example, that news agencies are trying to “prepare” global public opinion for an eventual replacement of Zelensky. There have been rumors for some time that NATO plans to remove the Ukrainian leader from power, given his discredited and deteriorated image. Zelensky is seen less and less as a “hero”, being classified by many as a “beggar” and a “loser“. Thus, putting a new politician in power could be beneficial to NATO’s plans to prolong the war, as it would generate more popular support in the West for the military assistance policies.

However, what is really curious is the fact that the article mentions the hypothesis of murder. This raises the possibility that Western intelligence is planning not only to replace but also to kill Zelensky. This would certainly be useful for the West to accuse Russia of having committed the crime, creating a false flag situation to move public opinion and justify new military measures in support of Kiev.

In the article, Politico reminds a series of recent requests made by Russian citizens calling for Zelensky’s elimination in retaliation for the terrorist attacks in Moscow and other Russian cities. Despite such requests being real, the Russian government has never shown an interest in doing so. These were just sincere expressions on the part of the Russian people, emotionally affected by the Ukrainian terror. No strategic guidelines to actually kill Zelensky were adopted.

The article, however, seems to want to show that Moscow has such a plan. Thus, western readers are prepared to have a preconceived opinion if future news confirms Zelensky’s death. This is a well-known psychological and informational warfare tactic used frequently by the West.

So far, the only side that has shown interest in replacing Zelensky has been the West itself, which wants to put in his place someone more competent to lead the regime. For Moscow, it is irrelevant who is in power in Kiev, Russian interest being only to force Ukraine to accept its peace terms, regardless of whether it is Zelensky.


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Lucas Leiroz is a journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Below is a carefully documented article published by the Daily Mail on the Epstein Files. 

Our thanks to the Daily Mail for having brought this carefully documented study to our attention. 

Copyright, The Daily Mail, May 30, 2023


A vast trove of Jeffrey Epsteins private calendars and emails are being revealed today by

The hundreds of pages in the files give an unprecedented insight into the late pedophile’s extraordinary network of power and influence. 

Among the revelations is that Epstein appeared to know personal details about the marriage of Bill Gates and his ex-wife Melinda – while magician David Blaine had numerous dinners with the financier.

Presidents, prime ministers, royalty and famous names previously not linked to Epstein are also featured in the hundreds of pages of documents.

They show that Epstein courted the world’s elite even after serving 13 months in jail for having sex with underage girls – and being labeled a registered sex offender.

As he sought to rehabilitate his image, dozens of powerful people were scheduled to meet him including Irina Shayk, Chris Rock, Wendi Murdoch and Richard Branson.

Tech billionaire Peter Thiel, early Facebook investor Sean Parker, artist Jeff Koons, JP Morgan chief executive Jamie Dimon and music industry executive Tommy Mottola, who used to be married to Mariah Carey, are also among those who appear in the documents.

The files were handed over by Epstein’s estate to the government of US Virgin Islands, where he owned two private islands during its investigation into his sex trafficking operation. The pedophile hanged himself in prison in 2019 while awaiting trial.

Just like Epstein’s notorious ‘Black Book’ of contacts, the schedules contain personal numbers and email addresses that allowed him to access his associates whenever he wanted.

Here, takes you through the records in depth, broken down by each figure involved.

Prince Andrew and his ex-wife, Sarah Ferguson

Prince Andrew has admitted to being friends with Epstein for more than a decade. He flew on his private plane numerous times, stayed at his properties and even visited Epstein’s island in the Caribbean, witnesses have claimed. 

Epstein victim Virginia Roberts claimed she was forced to have sex with the Duke when she was 17, claims he denied. But last year Andrew settled a civil lawsuit brought by Roberts for a reported $12million.

The Epstein files show that the pedophile used Andrew’s name while trying to persuade JP Morgan to let him act as an intermediary for wealthy clients. 

Epstein was trying to persuade the bank to work with Bill Gates on a $100m fund for elite donors and a crunch meeting was taking place on August 31, 2011.

In the email to JP Morgan boss Jes Staley and senior banker Mary Erdoes, Epstein said that investors were wary of the bank because it was a ‘quasi US govt arm’. Epstein wrote: ‘I am also aware JPM has a colorful array of clients so a client relationship is much less problematic than an institutional joint venture’. 

Among the wealthy men Epstein reeled off was Prince Andrew. Epstein said: ‘He is now allowed to make money’.

The timing of the email is revealing and suggests Epstein knew intimate details about Andrew’s finances, which were tied up with those of his ex-wife Sarah Ferguson, with whom he stayed close after their 1996 divorce. 

In May 2010 Ferguson was caught in a newspaper sting asking for $550,000 for access to Andrew.

She told an undercover newspaper reporter: ‘That opens up everything you would ever wish for. I can open any door you want, and I will for you.’

Ferguson later said that she ‘deeply regretted’ making the comments and said her ex-husband had no idea about meeting the undercover journalist.

Ferguson had apparently been driven to such measures because of her $5.5million debts but in July 2011 she said that they had been paid off thanks to the intervention of Andrew. 

Under the arrangement, Epstein paid $17,000 to Ferguson’s former PA Johnny O’Sullivan which helped to stabilize her finances.

Epstein’s email to JP Morgan came a month after that announcement, making it clear that Andrew had discussed his and Ferguson’s financial situation in depth.

In a scheduling entry for March 3, 2010, Epstein’s assistant wrote: ‘Still need to try and schedule the Duchess for Tues or Wed (I have emailed her assistant, Amanda, RE a meeting’.

The ‘Amanda’ appears to be Amanda Thirsk, who worked for Andrew for many years. Epstein replied: ‘Duchess anytime.’

Pictures posted on Facebook by married couple Jojo and Lyn Fontanilla, Epstein’s housekeeper and driver, on March 5, 2010 – two days after the emails – showed Andrew visiting Epstein’s New York townhouse. 

Another image shows a smiling Ferguson with JoJo Fontanilla in Manhattan with a shopping bag in her hand, while one from the previous month, posted by Lyn Fontanilla, shows Ferguson at Epstein’s New York mansion.

A lawyer for Andrew did not respond to requests for comment. Fergie’s spokesman had no comment. 

Prince Andrew has admitted to being friends with Epstein for more than a decade. Andrew is pictured in New York's Central Park with Epstein

Prince Andrew has admitted to being friends with Epstein for more than a decade. Andrew is pictured in New York’s Central Park with Epstein 

David Blaine and Chris Rock

David Blaine’s only previously known connection to Epstein was appearing in his black book of contacts but the two men appear to have had a friendship, the records suggest.

In June 2013 Epstein had a dinner with the futurist Pablos Holman and a ‘Jessica Joffe’, which appears to be the actress of the same name.

The schedule says: ‘David Blaine will stop by toward the end of dinner.’

Reached by phone, Holman said he thought he was in San Francisco at the time of the dinner but said ‘I don’t know exactly’.

He said that he knew Blaine and called Epstein the ‘most toxic thing in the whole world’.

Holman said: ‘Even if there was a dinner I probably wouldn’t want to say anything about it’.

Joffe did not return calls for comment and nor did her representatives.

David Blaine's only previously known connection to Epstein was appearing in his black book of contacts but the two men appear to have had a friendship, the records suggest

David Blaine’s only previously known connection to Epstein was appearing in his black book of contacts but the two men appear to have had a friendship, the records suggest

In September 2013 Blaine attended another dinner at Epstein’s house with Woody Allen, Jeff Koons and his wife Justine, the records show.

Then in January 2014, Epstein planned another dinner with friends including his girlfriend, a young Eastern European called Karyna Shuliak, Woody Allen and Jes Staley.

Blaine was also listed among those attending and the schedule says that ‘Sarah and Brian’ would stop by, Sarah being Sarah Kellen, one of Epstein’s top recruiters.

The calendar also says that ‘maybe Chris Rock’ would be coming, the first time that the comedian has been linked to Epstein. In 2002 Epstein did invite another comedian, Chris Tucker, on a trip to Africa with former President Bill Clinton aboard Epstein’s private jet.

A source close to Rock said that he did not attend the dinner. The source admitted that Rock was friendly with Woody Allen – the comedian has previously said he has watched the director’s movie Annie Hall more than 80 times – but that Epstein may have confused him with Tucker. 

On April 4, 2014, Epstein’s calendar says: ‘Reminder David Blaine’s birthday is April 4’.

The following day states: ‘TBD with David Blaine’.

David Blaine did not respond to’s request for comment. 

Bill Gates

Gates and Epstein had several meetings as the pedophile tried to persuade him to be the face of a fund where wealthy investors put in at least $100million each.

Earlier this month the Wall Street Journal reported that Epstein threatened Gates in 2017 when he found out he had had an affair with a Russian bridge player, Mila Antonova.

And last week broke the news that Antonova was pictured in 2010, around the time she had her relationship with Gates, with notorious Russian spy Anna Chapman.

The calendars show a string of meetings between Gates and Epstein where they were discussing how the fund would work.

In April 2011 Gates was scheduled for a dinner with former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers and Jes Staley, who at the time was the head of JP Morgan.

Over the following months, Epstein repeatedly emailed Mary Erdoes, a top JP Morgan banker, and Staley to try to set up the fund.

On August 15, 2011, Epstein claimed that the fund would ‘Allow Bill (Gates) to have access to higher quality people, investment, allocation, governance without upsetting either his marriage or the current sensitivities of the current foundation employees’.

Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Gates are pictured in 2013. Gates and Epstein had several meetings as the pedophile tried to persuade him to be the face of a fund where wealthy investors put in at least $100million each

Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Gates are pictured in 2013. Gates and Epstein had several meetings as the pedophile tried to persuade him to be the face of a fund where wealthy investors put in at least $100million each

Epstein appears to have been aware of the tension within Gates’ marriage to Melinda French Gates over their friendship; she later said that she despised Epstein but her former husband continued to meet him anyway.

Gates’s friendship with Epstein was said to be a key factor in his divorce, although Gates was also accused of sexual harassment at Microsoft and admitted one affair.

Two days after that email, Epstein claimed that Gates was ‘terribly frustrated’ with how the talks about the fund were going.

Epstein suggested that JP Morgan let him work with wealthy clients and then possibly split the fees with them.

As he put it: ‘I cook it slowly, adding various ingredients, almost fully cook it and then want to turn it over to you.’

In another email Epstein bragged: ‘This will be very HIGH profile…it will be the most exclusive of clubs.’

He also suggested that JP Morgan make it possible for donors to give anonymously in case his involvement proved problematic for them.

The email to Erdoes said: ‘Though membership in the “club” could be known the gifts can be given anonymously. This will fulfill the wishes of many that have spoken to Bill about wanting to do things but not wanting the publicity. For example another school, program etc may have expressed reservations that giving publicly would send a complex message to those institutions that have already close relations to that the donor.’

In another email Epstein suggested to JP Morgan that when the fund was up and running ‘Bill gets reduced fees and then channels the discount to me’.

In October 2011 frustrated Epstein claimed that the fund talks were ‘not going well’ and that there was a 50/50 chance of it working out, down from 95/5. He ranted: ‘This is not about SOCIAL INVESTING’.

At one point Epstein emailed Staley and Erdoes to complain that Gates is the ‘only person who counts’.

The fund never worked out but Epstein continued courting Gates and scheduled a dinner for him two years later, in October 2013.

The following January Epstein had a note in his schedule to ‘follow with re the sweatshirts for Bill’ and others, apparently referring to a gift he had in mind for him.

Weeks later the diaries indicated a Skype call with Gates and in September 2014, Gates came to New York for a number of meetings with Epstein.

On September 8 the schedule said that at 10am Epstein was to meet Gates and billionaire Tom Pritzker at the Park Hyatt hotel in Manhattan.

They were to walk to the office of Leon Black followed by a meeting with Mort Zuckerman, both billionaire investors.

Later that day, Gates and Epstein would meet Kathy Ruemmler, the former Obama White House counsel, at the Four Seasons Hotel in Manhattan.

Epstein’s pursuit of Gates appears to have culminated in the dinner at his New York home with Melinda Gates, which is thought to have been the only time she met Epstein.

Epstein rolled out the red carpet with some of his most important friends: Thorbjorn Jagland, the former Norwegian politician, and Norwegian diplomat Terje Rød Larsen, former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers and his wife and Eva Dubin, his former girlfriend and her daughter Celina, who treated Epstein like an uncle.

The note says that ‘Richard Branson may join the dinner’.

But the charm offensive did not work and Melinda later said she had ‘nightmares’ about the evening and thought Epstein was ‘evil personified’.

The last entry for Gates in the schedules is from November 2014 when Epstein’s pilot Larry Visoski emailed Epstein’s scheduler, Lesley Groff, to say that Epstein wanted to be in Washington by 1.30pm ‘to meet with Mr Bill Gates in the afternoon’.

Nobody for Gates responded to multiple requests for comment. Nobody for Melinda French Gates commented.

Woody Allen

Epstein’s friendship with director Woody Allen was known but the closeness of their relationship comes to light through the calendars.

Some months they met multiple times each month and on one occasion Epstein had a note saying to take a walk with Allen.

The first entry is in September 2011 and notes that Epstein had to attend one of Allen’s rehearsals.

The following January Epstein invited Allen and his wife Soon-Yi to dinner – Epstein’s staff sometimes ordered Beck’s beer and flourless chocolate cakes.

The dinner was followed by another meal the following month, this time with TV personality Dick Cavett among the guests.

In November 2012, Allen’s assistant emailed Epstein asking if ‘Jeffrey is interested in watching his new film To Rome With Love’.

Click here to read the full article on Daily Mail Online.


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In January 1967, the CIA sent a memo (marked “SECRET,” “RESTRICTED,” and “DESTROY WHEN NO LONGER NEEDED”) to its army of media “assets” secretly embedded in virtually every area of U.S. communications.

This army of covert operatives (exposed as “Operation Mockingbird” in a historic 1977 Rolling Stone article by Carl Bernstein) extended all the way up to world famous columnists, bureau chiefs, managing editors, newspaper publishers and CEOs of major radio and television broadcasting networks.

What did the CIA’s secret memo instruct its media assets to do?

Entitled “Countering Criticism of the Warren Report,” the memo provided guidance for countering “conspiracy theorists” who challenged the Warren Report’s false conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin of John F. Kennedy.

It recommended the strategy of smearing critics of the Warren Report by describing them as being financially motivated; or having “anti-American, far-left or communist sympathies,” or being hasty, inaccurate or ego-driven in their research.

Sound familiar? Although five decades old, the tactics recommended by the memo seem chillingly current, a virtual operating manual for how the present-day CIA tries to smear and discredit anyone who dares to question official government propaganda.

Although the specific term “conspiracy theorist” pre-dates the JFK assassination, it was enthusiastically embraced and deployed by the CIA as one of its most powerful psychological weapons, to be wielded against anyone who suspects the government of secret wrongdoing. It is an effective way to silence dissenting voices by marginalizing them and leaving them open to ridicule.

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Ever since Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced his candidacy for the Presidency on April 19, mainstream media have attacked him with the very same tactics outlined in the CIA’s secret memo of 1967.

This is not surprising since Kennedy has re-invoked the ghosts of Earl Warren and Lyndon B. Johnson, who set up the Warren Committee, by publicly asserting that Lee Harvey Oswald was not the lone assassin of his uncle (JFK), and that his father had considered the work of the Warren Commission to be a “shoddy work of craftsmanship.”

LBJ next to Earl Warren and the rest of the Warren Commission, whose work Robert F. Kennedy called “a shoddy work of craftsmanship.” [Source:]

According to Kennedy Jr.:

“the evidence that the CIA murdered my uncle is overwhelming, I would say, beyond a reasonable doubt. As an attorney, I would be very comfortable arguing that case to a jury. I think that the evidence that the CIA murdered my father is circumstantial but very, very, very persuasive. Or very compelling. Let me put it that way—very compelling. And of course the CIA participation in the cover-up of both those murders is also beyond a reasonable doubt. It’s very well documented.”

Kennedy has criticized the CIA for other major crimes that it carried out during the Cold War, tweeting out, for example, an article from Truthout about MK-ULTRA (unethical drug testing) and its abuse of black and indigenous children. Kennedy stated in the tweet that: “CIA conspiracy theories are not just ‘right wing’ and they are not just theories.”

This is not what the CIA wants to hear; or has ever heard from a Democratic Party presidential contender in recent decades, and so not surprisingly is out to get Kennedy.

A characteristic hit piece in the June 26 New York Times by columnist Farhad Manjoo was titled “It’s Not Possible to ‘Win’ an Argument With Kennedy.” The subtitle read: “Conspiracy theorists don’t care about facts, just attention.”[1]

Manjoo started the article by asserting that, in the summer of 2006, he entered a debate with Kennedy about the 2004 election, which Kennedy claimed had been stolen from John Kerry.

Manjoo said that Kennedy’s position was based on reckless claims and did not hold up—though in fact Kennedy was presenting considerable evidence to corroborate his view.

As he outlined at the time, nearly half of the six million American voters living abroad never received their ballots, and a consulting firm hired by the Republican National Committee to register voters in six battleground states was discovered shredding Democratic registrations.

Additionally in New Mexico, which was decided by 5,988 votes, malfunctioning machines mysteriously failed to properly register a presidential vote on more than 20,000 ballots and, in Ohio, the critical battleground state that clinched George W. Bush’s victory in the Electoral College, local officials purged tens of thousands of eligible voters from the rolls, neglected to process registration cards generated by Democratic voter drives, shortchanged Democratic precincts when they allocated voting machines, and illegally derailed a recount that could have given Kerry the presidency.[2]

Manjoo says that he was a reporter at Salon during the 2004 election cycle and investigated Kennedy’s theories about the election and concedes that Kennedy was right that the 2004 election was “rife with irregularities,” particularly in Ohio. Nevertheless, he writes that “pretty much every expert that I talked to said it was unlikely that any of the issues were big enough to have undone Bush’s win.”

So Kennedy is thus branded a conspiracy theorist even though Manjoo admits that he was right about the existence of irregularities, but disputes the extent to which those irregularities ultimately impacted the final results based on “experts” he consulted and also the findings of a report issued by the Democratic National Committee.


However, another expert, journalist Craig Unger, who wrote a biography of Republican Party kingmaker Karl Rove, suggests that Kennedy may have been correct and that Kerry was cheated out of an election victory when voting data in Ohio was inexplicably switched over to a technology service company, SmarTech, after the news networks had called Florida for George W. Bush.

The shift coincided with serious anomalies that saw an increase in votes favorable to Bush, who decisively won the state.[3]

With regard to vaccines, Manjoo in his column admits that “some vaccines have serious side effects,” which is Kennedy’s position, but again smears him as a “conspiracy theorist” on this matter without either effectively articulating or challenging his views on the topic.

Manjoo’s column is par for the course these days in the mainstream media.

Every time that Kennedy’s name is mentioned in an article in The New York Times and most other mainstream media, it is with the qualifying statement that defines him as a “conspiracy theorist.”

Kennedy is also routinely disparaged for “cavorting with right-wing figures.”[4] This inverts the old smear of being a Marxist or of the far-left, primarily because the right wing is now identified with “conspiratorial views” and criticism of the CIA and “deep state,” as Kennedy has pointed out, and is also much stronger than the left.

That Kennedy’s political supporters include libertarians opposed to what they consider coercive medical practices and government surveillance, and that he is branding himself as a candidate capable of bringing together Americans on the right and left, should not generally be considered a bad thing; it makes sense for someone who wants to win people’s votes.

New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg acknowledged that Kennedy was bringing together a “coalition of the distrustful” cutting across traditional “divisions of right and left” and that this is “giving him surprising strength in many polls.”[5]

On June 26, The Atlantic ran a characteristic hit piece on Kennedy titled “The First MAGA Democrat: Robert Kennedy Jr. is Feeding America’s Appetite for Conspiracies,” which scoffed at Kennedy’s sensible belief that “Ukraine is engaged in a ‘proxy’ war” and that Russia’s invasion, although “illegal,” would not have taken place if the United States “didn’t want it to.”[6]

On June 22, Slate ran another typical smear piece right out of the CIA’s playbook by Molly Olmstead entitled “RFK Jr.’s Conspiracy Theories Go Way Beyond Vaccines.”

The subtitle of the article was: “The 2024 candidate sure is a man of, um, ‘ideas.’”

Kennedy is indeed a man of ideas; but not in a negative way. By any objective measure, his book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (New York: Skyhorse, 2021), is an impressive feat of scholarship that sold more than a million copies.

The book provides a deeply researched account of the corruption of Anthony Fauci and Big Pharma along with insightful analysis about the CIA’s involvement in and cover-up of lethal and unethical Gain of Function research and germ warfare practices that date to the era of the Cold War.

In her article, Olmstead suggests that Kennedy’s claim about Gain of Function research is part of his conspiratorial view, when that research is known to have been carried out.[7]

She also maligns Kennedy for his warning about the growth of the surveillance state and suggesting that “the orchestrated, planned use of pandemics [aimed] to clamp down totalitarian control.”

We know for a fact, however, that the current Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines, participated in a simulation on coronavirus and pandemics in New York City in October 2019, known as Event 201, whose primary purpose was to explore how government authorities could exploit the situation to clamp down using censorship, and to force mask wearing, mandatory vaccinations, and lockdowns on the population.

Olmstead repeats in her piece the false claim that Kennedy advances “anti-vaccine conspiracy theories” when Kennedy has never said he was against vaccines, but only against certain vaccines that he believes were unethically manufactured.

When another reporter used the term “anti-vax” to describe Kennedy, former Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich, Kennedy’s campaign manager, responded that the term was a “left-handed smear” and “a clipped assessment that has been used for political purposes by the adherents of the pharmaceutical industry,” when Kennedy stands for vaccine safety.

While people might legitimately contest some of Kennedy’s views about vaccines and COVID-19 or other topics including the Israel Palestine conflict, the trend seen in the mainstream media is to simplify, caricature and/or misrepresent Kennedy’s perspective, while failing to engage with any of the evidence that Kennedy presents to back it up.[8]

Kennedy is well read in scientific literature and cites many scientific authorities on medical topics though is still mocked. A different standard is applied to most other politicians who are treated not only more respectfully but usually deferentially, particularly centrist Democrats or moderate Republicans in the mainstream liberal outlets that Kennedy is attacked in.

In her Slate piece, Olmstead claims that Kennedy has progressed from being an anti-vaxxer to advancing more conspiracies, such as one that “Wi-Fi radiation from cellphones causes cancer—or, more specifically, ‘Wi-Fi radiation’ from cellphones causes ‘cellphone tumors.”

In fact, there is a growing body of scientific research that verifies these latter concerns, including by highly reputable scientists like Dr. Joel Moskowitz, director of the University of California at Berkeley’s Center for Family and Community Health, who has been on a decades-long quest to prove that radiation from cell phones is unsafe, which he says most people do not want to hear because they are addicted to their smart phones.[9]

So who is the real conspiracy theorist? Kennedy or Olmstead?

And if conspiracy theorist means a real intellectual who probes beneath the surface to try to expose government corruption and uncover the truth, then I too strive to be a conspiracy theorist—proudly so.

David Talbot, the author of an acclaimed book on former CIA director Allen Dulles (who was involved in the coverup of the JFK assassination as a member of the Warren Commission), The Devil’s Chessboard, said that Kennedy is someone who “who thinks like I do, outside the box, willing to take risks.”

Jan Wenner, founder of Rolling Stone Magazine, which has published some of Kennedy’s writings, characterized him as a “crusader much like his father: pursuing justice and fairness for people….The acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

Olmstead at the end of her piece has the gall to attack Kennedy for promoting “conspiracy theories about his own family,” including related to the murder of his uncle and father, both of which, he believes, the CIA was behind.

CovertAction Magazine investigations along with a small library of books have found that RFK Jr’s views are well founded.

The refrain about Kennedy and his father and uncle’s assassination was nevertheless echoed in

a) a New York Times article by Rebecca Davis O’Brien on June 29,

b) a New Yorker article by David Remnick entitled “The Alternative Facts of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,”[10]

c) a New York Magazine profile by Rebecca Traister that calls Kennedy’s ideas on the assassination “unproven to ludicrous to dangerously irresponsible,” and

d) in yet another New York Times piece on July 6 by Anjali Huynh, which invokes the authority of the widely discredited Warren Commission.

Characterized by Richard Nixon in the Watergate tapes as the “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated,” the Warren Commission advanced the magic bullet theory postulating that a single bullet caused eight wounds in JFK and his car-mate, Texas Governor John Connally, which is impossible by the laws of physics.[11]

David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D., leading expert on the medical evidence in the case of JFK, plotted the official trajectory of the bullet that officials claim passed through JFK’s neck and entered Connally’s back and discovered that it is anatomically impossible because cervical vertebra intervene. Former Tulsa police detective Craig Roberts points out that the supposed “magic bullet” would have had to have made “two 90 degree turns, and had to pause 1.8 seconds in flight at the same time.”


Olmstead in her Slate piece acknowledges that the CIA may have indeed had some involvement in JFK and RFK’s deaths, but criticized RFK Jr. for “turn[ing] his belief into a crusade, conducting months of research into the assassination and leading a campaign to have Sirhan [who was fingered as the lone assassin] released from prison,” which others in his family did not support.[12]

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Sirhan Sirhan, on the left, who, Robert Kennedy, Jr., believes based upon photographic evidence of the assassination scene, was falsely framed for his father’s murder in June 1968. [Source:]

These comments actually paint Kennedy in a flattering light as someone who will invest the time to carry out deep research to try to validate his suspicions. They reveal further that he is a compassionate man who is trying to right a wrong by freeing the man he has come to believe was wrongfully convicted of his father’s murder—which others in his family are not willing to do.

Call for Détente Like His Uncle

Kennedy beautifully invoked the legacy of his father and uncle in a foreign policy speech that he delivered at St. Anselm College in June that was ignored in the media. The speech was delivered on the 60th anniversary of a historic peace speech that President John F. Kennedy gave at American University advocating for détente with the Soviet Union.

JFK giving famous peace speech at American University that some historians believe marked him for death. [Source:]

See JFK’s speech here; and RFK Jr.’s speech here.

RFK Jr. in his speech discussed how military provocations by the U.S. towards Russia had left the world at a dangerous risk of nuclear war similar to the era of the Cuban missile crisis.

The U.S. betrayed a pledge not to expand the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) towards Russia’s borders, has pointed missiles stationed in Eastern Europe at Russia, and has openly called for regime change and the dismembering of Russia, while using Ukraine as a pawn in a dangerous and deadly proxy war.

War mongers inside the U.S. administration—who have predominated since his uncle and father’s death—are staging war games and seem to believe that nuclear war is winnable.

Before his assassination, JFK set an excellent model by banning nuclear weapon testing, meeting with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, and traveling around the country telling Americans to put themselves in the shoes of the Russians and try and see things from their point of view.

Kennedy said that it is particularly important today to consider the legitimate security needs of the Russians and to change the mindset undergirding a period of endless wars.

The dominant foreign policy discourse constantly warns about foreign enemies and threats and adopts a comic book narrative in which America and allies like Israel are good, and their enemies like Russia and Iran are evil, leaving no room for complexity or compromise.

Peace can only come about when Americans examine their own attitudes and begin to try and better understand and empathize with peoples around the world and abandon the reflex towards violence as a response for any and all crises.

Now is the time to build a new peace movement that will reject the insanity of the present foreign policy course and compel the Biden administration to de escalate the conflict with Russia and China and reverse the military-industrial complex that Dwight Eisenhower warned about and his uncle and father were trying to fight before they got killed.

He Has It Worse Than Bernie—Though There Is a Silver Lining

The biased media coverage of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign seems worse than for Bernie Sanders, who was repeatedly attacked during the 2016 and 2020 primaries for supporting supposed socialist dictatorships, like in Nicaragua during the 1980s.

In 2016, the media watch group Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR) found that the Washington Post ran a stunning 16 negative stories on Sanders in just 16 hours.

When Sanders was ahead in the polls in Iowa, The New York Times reported misleadingly that he had been “eclipsed by Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttgieg.” The Onion subsequently wrote a parody entitled: “MSNBC Poll Finds Support For Bernie Sanders Has Plummeted 2 Points Up”—which might as well have been said about any major outlet.

Collage of critical articles of Bernie Sanders that appeared in The Washington Post in a 16-hour period. [Source:]

Though Sanders was more committed than Kennedy to taxing the wealthy and financial regulation and better on immigration, Kennedy is more radical than Sanders in challenging the military-industrial complex and CIA.[13] (Sanders has repeatedly advanced CIA disinformation about Russia, and voted for emergency aid measures to Ukraine).[14]

RFK Jr. has additionally spoken out more forcefully on censorship and challenged the dominant political and media narrative about the COVID-19 pandemic—which Sanders never questioned—while taking on the medical-pharmaceutical industrial complex in a way that Bernie has never done.

Kennedy’s vilification in the media, ironically, may be one major source of his popularity across the country in an electorate that no longer has much faith in the mainstream media.

The denunciation of critics of government policy as conspiracy theorists over many years may be beginning to backfire as more and more people understand how the term has been used as a weapon against truth-seekers, of whom Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is surely one.


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Jeremy Kuzmarov is Managing Editor of CovertAction Magazine. He is the author of four books on U.S. foreign policy, including Obama’s Unending Wars (Clarity Press, 2019) and The Russians Are Coming, Again, with John Marciano (Monthly Review Press, 2018). He can be reached at: [email protected].


  1. Farhad Manjoo, “It’s Not Possible to ‘Win’ an Argument With Kennedy,” The New York Times, June 26, 2023, A22. 

  2. Kennedy further noted that a heavily Republican precinct in an evangelical church in Miami County recorded an impossibly high turnout of 98%, while a polling place in inner-city Cleveland, which is overwhelmingly Democrat, recorded an equally impossible turnout of only 7%. In Warren County, GOP election officials invented a non-existent terrorist threat to bar the media from monitoring the official vote count. For further evidence of GOP manipulation that corroborates Kennedy’s view, see Craig Unger, Boss Rove: Inside Karl Rove’s Secret Kingdom of Power (New York: Scribner, 2014). 
  3. Unger told The Daily Banter: “One of the frustrating things of course if you want to make an absolutely conclusive case forensically what you find is that so much of the evidence has disappeared, so I should have that caveat up front. At the same time. the sequence of events was highly highly disturbing.” 
  4. See, for example, Reid J. Epstein, “Why Robert Kennedy Jr.’s 2024 Bid Is a Headache for Biden,” The New York Times, June 19, 2023. 
  5. Michelle Goldberg, “The Coalition of the DIstrustful,” The New York Times, July 2, 2023, 5. Despite some sober judgments in her piece, Goldberg fits the norm in her demonization of Kennedy, referring to him as a “crank.” 
  6. CAM has detailed U.S. provocations in numerous articles
  7. See Andrew G. Huff, The Truth About Wuhan: How I Uncovered the biggest Lie in History(New York: Skyhorse, 2022). 
  8. The left media is often no better than the mainstream. Jeffrey St. Clair at Counterpunchregularly rips and belittles Kennedy, for example. Naomi Klein, author of books critical of corporate power and a left-wing celebrity, characterized Kennedy as a “huckster” and “spreader of all manner of dangerous, unsupported theories,” in her column in The Guardian. The Nation Magazine’s editor Katrina Vanden Heuval called Kennedy an “anti-vaccine crank” in an article entitled “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a Flawed Heretic,” though did acknowledge that Kennedy “offered common sense too rare in our political discourse” on U.S. foreign policy and the war in Ukraine. Rather than pointing to the media bias as it normally does, the media watchdog Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting(FAIR) published an article by Ari Paul attacking Kennedy for being essentially a “MAGA Democrat.” He suggests that while Kennedy “claims that he is carrying on the liberal torch of his father and uncle …everything he says sounds to the right of Richard Nixon.” Really, however, the only thing RFK Jr. would agree with Nixon on was Nixon’s support for détente with the Soviets, opening to China, and embrace of some Keynesian ideas. Nixon escalated the Vietnam War whereas Kennedy has called for the revitalization of the U.S. peace movement and significant cuts in military spending to fund social programs. Nixon also waged war on drugs and on the political left through the FBI and Huston Plan, when Kennedy is a strong civil libertarian. He is further a staunch environmentalist who wants to block oil drilling on public lands and hazardous mining. Most of Kennedy’s policy positions are generally ones traditionally adopted by liberal democrats, including his support for labor unions, and his outlook is similar to his father and uncle whom he often invokes in speeches. 
  9. Many cell phones actually come with warnings in the settings about the risks of cancer from prolonged use. 
  10. In an exchange revealing the moral bankruptcy of elite liberal intellectual culture today; what Chris Hedges termed the “Death of the Liberal Class,” Remnick asked Kennedy during an interview with him what news sources he read. When Kennedy responded that he read alternative media, including commentary on Ukraine by Colonel Douglas MacGregor, Remnick responded by quoting favorably from Liz Cheney (R-WY) who said that Macgregor represented “the Putin wing of the GOP.” Joseph McCarthy couldn’t have said it better. 
  11. Phil Nelson, LBJ Mastermind of the JFK Assassination (New York: Skyhorse, 2013), 459; JFK: Who, How, and Why: Solving the World’s Greatest Murder Mystery, ed. Jim Fetzer and Mike Palecek (Crestview, Florida: Moon Rock Books, 2017); Craig Roberts, A Sniper Looks at Dealy Plaza (Tulsa, Oklahoma: Consolidated Press International, 1997), 61. 
  12. Kennedy told podcaster Joe Rogan recently that the military, the intelligence community and his uncle were “at war” with each other during JFK’s presidency and that the two entities were “trying to trick” the late president into deploying troops to various countries, including Cuba and Vietnam. Kennedy added that his uncle was so fed up with the CIA that he wanted to “shatter” the agency and “scatter it to the winds.” Kennedy additionally said he has to “be careful” that the CIA doesn’t take him out, and that if he were elected president, he would be assassinated by the CIA—as he has claimed the agency was involved in the assassination of his uncle. “I gotta be careful,” Kennedy said. “I’m aware of that, you know, I’m aware of that danger. I don’t live in fear of it at all.” 
  13. Kennedy’s belief in the “free market” follows in the pattern of his father and uncle, whom Bruce Miroff in Pragmatic Illusions: The Presidential Politics of John F. Kennedy (New York: Longman, 1976) defines as an “enlightened conservative” and “corporation liberal” whose economic policies served to hold wages down and underwrite new corporate investment while “stabilizing” and “rationalizing the corporate economy.” Regarding border policy, RFK Jr. said that he would restore an abandoned operation named Streamline under which the U.S. targeted illegal migrants for criminal prosecution and rapid deportation. 
  14. See Jeremy Kuzmarov, “Bernie Sanders Claims the Mantle of Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Has He Earned It?” CovertAction Magazine, April 12, 2022,

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Transition to a New Global Order

August 3rd, 2023 by Jacob Nordangard

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July 2023, the United Nations published a Policy Brief  entitled “A New Agenda for Peace”. It is the ninth out of the eleven Briefs that has been released to support the UN’s “Our Common Agenda.

“The challenges that we face can be addressed only through stronger international cooperation. The Summit of the Future, in 2024, is an opportunity to agree on multilateral solutions for a better tomorrow, strengthening global governance for both present and future generations (General Assembly resolution 76/307).

In my capacity as Secretary-General, I have been invited to provide inputs to the preparations for the Summit in the form of action-oriented recommendations, build- ing on the proposals contained in my report enti- tled “Our Common Agenda” (A/75/982)

In the report the UN Secretary-General António Guterres declares:

“We are now at an inflection point. The post-cold war period is over. A transition is under way to a new global order.”

This sets the stage for a multipolar order that will replace the one that has been led by the United States since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, now, with a reformed United Nations at the helm to manage world affairs.

The UN explains that an angrier world is rising from the ashes with the emergence of new “poles of influence”. This has been hastened by “the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and the war in Ukraine”.

New priorities are also added to the old threats of war and nuclear havoc.

With a wording that seems inspired by the old geopolitical manipulator Henry Kissinger, the Policy Brief describes a world where nation states are unable to cope with the interconnected global problems on their own.

“Even the most securitized of borders cannot contain the effects posed by the warming of the planet, the activities of criminal groups or terrorists or the spread of deadly viruses. Transnational threats are converging. Their mutually reinforcing effects go well beyond the ability of any single State to manage.”

This also follows the script from the Rockefeller Foundation’s 2010 report Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development.

This means that United Nations has to step up and assume the role as the planet’s managing body.

Twelve actions are proposed.

The agenda will, not surprisingly, have a bigger focus on accelerating the implementation of Agenda 2030 and the management of extreme global shocks (that was described in the Policy Brief Emergency Platform).

Click here to read the full article.


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Featured image is from The Pharos Chronicle – Jacob Nordangård, PhD

Annex: A New Agenda for Peace

UN Policy Brief 9, July 2023



The challenges that we face can be addressed only through stronger international cooperation. The Summit of the Future, in 2024, is an opportunity to agree on multilateral solutions for a better tomorrow, strengthening global governance for both present and future generations (General Assembly resolution 76/307). In my capacity as Secretary-General, I have been invited to provide inputs to the preparations for the Summit in the form of action-oriented recommendations, building on the proposals contained in my report entitled “Our Common Agenda” (A/75/982), which was itself a response to the declaration on the commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the United Nations (Assembly resolution 75/1). The present policy brief is one such input.

Purpose of this Policy Brief

In the declaration on the commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the United Nations, heads of State and Government undertook to promote peace and prevent conflicts. Honouring this pledge will require major changes by Member States, in their own actions and in their commitment to uphold and strengthen the multilateral system as the only viable means to address an interlocking set of global threats and deliver on the promises of the Charter of the United Nations around the world.

Member States must provide a response to the deep sense of unease which has grown among nations and people that Governments and international organizations are failing to deliver for them. For millions of people, the sources of that disappointment are to be found in the horrors of hunger, displacement and violence. Inequalities and injustices, within and among nations, are giving rise to new grievances. They have sown distrust in the potential of multilateral solutions to improve lives and have amplified calls for new forms of isolationism. As the planet warms, marginalization grows and conflicts rage, young people everywhere have grown disillusioned at the prospects for their future.

The choice before us is clear. Unless the benefits of international cooperation become more tangible and equitable, and unless States can manage their competition and move beyond their current divisions to find pragmatic solutions to global problems, human suffering will worsen. The urgency of all countries to come together, to fulfil the promise of the nations united, has rarely been greater.1

My report on Our Common Agenda offered a vision to deliver on this promise. It outlined a multilateral system that could be more just, networked and effective. Building this new multilateralism must start with action for peace, not only because war undermines progress across all our other agendas, but because it was the pursuit of peace that in 1945 unified States around the need for global governance and international organization.

This new multilateralism must recognize that the world order is shifting. It must adjust to a more fragmented geopolitical landscape. It must respond to the emergence of new potential conflict domains. It must also rise to address myriad global threats that have locked States into interdependence, whether they desire so or not. This new multilateralism demands that we look beyond our narrow security interests. The peace that we envisage can be pursued only alongside sustainable development and human rights.

The collective security system that the United Nations embodies has recorded remarkable accomplishments. It has succeeded in preventing a new global conflagration. International cooperation – spanning from sustainable development, disarmament, human rights and women’s empowerment to counter-terrorism and the protection of the environment – has made humanity safer and more prosperous. Peacemaking and peace-keeping have helped to end wars and prevent numerous crises from escalating into full-blown violence. Where wars broke out, collective action by the United Nations often helped shorten their duration and alleviate their worst effects.

Nonetheless, peace remains an elusive promise for many around the world. Conflicts continue to wreak destruction, while their causes have become more complex and difficult to resolve. This may make the pursuit of peace appear a hopeless undertaking. However, in reality, it is the political decisions and actions of human beings that can either sustain or crush hopes for peace. War is always a choice: to resort to arms instead of dialogue, coercion instead of negotiation, imposition instead of persuasion. Therein lies our greatest prospect, for if war is a choice, peace can be too. It is time for a recommitment to peace. In the present document, I offer my vision of how we can make that choice.

Click here to read the complete Policy Brief.

The Boom Bust Bailout Process that Places Nations in Debt

By Mark Keenan, August 02, 2023

There are systemic aspects about the banking, monetary, and economic system that are not taught in the schools and universities of the world and are rarely discussed on corporate owned news and media networks.

Blinken Meets ASEAN: Turning Southeast Asia Against China

By Brian Berletic, August 02, 2023

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s meeting with ASEAN in mid-July, focused on convincing the bloc to confront Beijing, follows a long-running US strategy to transform Southeast Asia into a united front against China. By doing so, nations in the region are encouraged or coerced to antagonize China, despite the growing superpower being their largest trade partner, investor, and source of tourism as well as their most important infrastructure and development partner.

Is Nuclear War Comparable to Climate Change?

By Peter Koenig, August 02, 2023

Imagine! – “Nuclear War is no worse than climate change.” This statement was made contextually on Sunday, 25 July, by Washington’s top diplomat, Antony Blinken, on a 60-Minutes Australian TV-Interview. On second thought, safe for the nuclear radiation that may linger on for years – weaponized climate change, as it has been applied for at least the last three years – but long before to a lesser extent, may be equally destructive.

French Invasion of Niger could Turn Into an “All-out Franco-African war”?

By Drago Bosnic, August 02, 2023

Ever since the Nigerien military under the command of General Abdourahamane Tchiani took power on July 26, there has been an exponential increase in tensions between Niamey and its former colonial masters in Paris. This has gone to the point where France is now seriously considering invading the West African country.

“Fighting Child-Sex Trafficking” and the “Elite Pedo Rings”: There Is Something Terribly Wrong with Media’s Reaction to the “Sound of Freedom” Movie

By Vigilant Citizen, August 02, 2023

Sound of Freedom is a movie based on the true story of Tim Ballard, a government agent who quits his job in order to rescue children from sex traffickers in Colombia. Directed by Alejandro Monteverde, Sound of Freedom is not your typical Hollywood movie. It was released by Utah-based Angel Studios, a company specializing in “faith-based” productions.

The Media’s “New Narrative”: Niger Is Now a Global Epicenter of Terrorism

By Andrew Korybko, August 02, 2023

It’s full-blown fake news to claim that Niger is now a global epicenter of terrorism, but the MSM is expected to maximally amplify this false narrative in an attempt to scare the public into supporting the planned NATO-backed Nigerian-led ECOWAS invasion of that country.

Collapsed Suddenly: 18-year-old Colombian World Cup Star Linda Caicedo Collapsed at Training

By Dr. William Makis, August 02, 2023

July 27, 2023 – Breakout World Cup star, 18 year old Linda Caicedo collapsed at training in distressing scenes that were caught on video. She was rushed to hospital and was unconscious for at least 90 seconds as medics and terrified team-mates rushed to her aid at the team’s base in Sydney.

Information Data

Technocensorship: The U.S. Government’s War on So-Called Dangerous Ideas

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, August 02, 2023

The revelations that Facebook worked in concert with the Biden administration to censor content related to COVID-19, including humorous jokes, credible information and so-called disinformation, followed on the heels of a ruling by a federal court in Louisiana that prohibits executive branch officials from communicating with social media companies about controversial content in their online forums.

The Day Australian Sovereignty Died

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 02, 2023

If a date might be found when Australian sovereignty was extinguished by the emissaries of the US imperium, July 29, 2023 will be as good as any. Not that they aren’t other candidates, foremost among them being the announcement of the AUKUS agreement between Australia, UK and the US in September 2021.

Russia-Africa Summit Held Amid Worsening Global Security Situation

By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 02, 2023

Media reports in the United States made much of the fact that 17 heads-of-state attended the Russia-Africa Summit compared to 43 at the previous meeting in 2019. However, there were 49 delegations which attended representing a majority of African governments on official ministerial levels as well as regional organizations such as the African Union (AU), Arab Maghreb Union (AMU), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Inter-governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and the New Development Bank (NDB), headed by former Brazil President Dilma Rousseff.

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Is Nuclear War Comparable to Climate Change?

August 2nd, 2023 by Peter Koenig

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Imagine! – “Nuclear War is no worse than climate change.”

This statement was made contextually on Sunday, 25 July, by Washington’s top diplomat, Antony Blinken, on a 60-Minutes Australian TV-Interview.

On second thought, safe for the nuclear radiation that may linger on for years – weaponized climate change, as it has been applied for at least the last three years – but long before to a lesser extent, may be equally destructive.

What is sold today to the largely sleeping western populace as climate change, which is the stern application of man-made Environmental Modification – ENMOD, also called geoengineering.

The idea of climate manipulation was promoted with the Club of Rome in the early 1970s and has been explicitly pointed out in the infamous Report “Limits to Growth” (1972).

It exposes the possibility of exponential economic growth and population with finite supply of resources, adding in the alleged “calamity” of CO2-caused climate change -as the world is increasingly industrialized, all based on CO2 emanating from hydrocarbon fuels, and other greenhouse gases.

Just for the record and to remember – today still 85% of all energy used in the world stems from hydrocarbons. A similarly high proportion of hydrocarbon energy to fuel the world will likely remain for the next 30 to 50 years, unless the world economy is deliberately triggered into a collapse mode (as there are NO viable energy alternatives available today and tomorrow).

And the commanders of the climate change freaks are well aware of this.

Who knows, whether a worldwide economic demise is the intention of the ruling elite which currently pretends to mastermind the course of humanity and Mother Earth.

“Limits to Growth is still today’s blueprint for the UN Agenda 2030 and the WEF’s Great Reset and its implementation instrument, Klaus Schwab’s wet dream, “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” – meaning, all-digitization, transhumanism, robotization and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in charge of the plebs of human kind.

The Club or Rome’s conclusion – which propagates actively “mass population reduction” – are all based on computer models.

With the “right” man-made inputs, you get the wanted conclusions. 

Computer models always give you the desired result. They depend on human-made inputs that can be swung according to desired results. Even highly sophisticated computer models, all the way to Artificial Intelligence (AI) are linear, depending on initial human inputs.

Just as an anecdote, the World Bank – and this applies likely to most other international multi-and bilateral organizations – lets computer models determine whether a “development project” is economically viable. Computer models also largely set the basis for countries’ economic growth and debt projections.

Working on the ground, talking to people who live and work in the real world – demonstrates how wrong computer models can be and most often are.

Precisely, because they tell you what the author of these “modelling projections” wants them to tell you.

Often thus fabricated “realities” are far from the truth, but they are great tools to manipulate the minds of populations at large.  They belong to the Tavistock “social engineering” inventory. See Daniel Estulin

Today, spreading climate-change fear 24/7 – provides the perfect basis for Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset. All planned, of course – to be applied for a “reduced population” and a new World Order – with an economy basically working for the elite behemoths – you may also call them corporate and finance monsters, and their lackey politicians, who make-believe running the world for them.

Having said this, Mr. Blinken’s statement – comparing nuclear war with “climate change” – is not far off – and Blinken, of course, knows very well how “climate change”, sold to the masses as man-made CO2-based destruction of planet earth, is in reality man-made weather / climate engineering. These ENMOD technologies have their origins in the 1940s.

Since then, they have become so sophisticated that some of these technologies operating via satellites, do not just cause disastrous weather phenomena, but they can also trigger earthquakes. It is widely suspected that the earthquakes in Turkey in February 2023 (close to 100,000 deaths, and abysmal destruction like never seen before by an earthquake), as well as the 2010 Haiti earthquake, were geoengineered.

Similar with the horrendous monsoon floods in Pakistan in June-July-August of 2022.

Unfortunately, only few people can and are willing to understand this hard fact. They do not – often psychologically blocked – believe that politicians, so-called leaders around the world, literally of all UN member countries, are bought, coerced, or threatened into acting and lying in unison – as is the entire UN system.

That they are lying and cheating to us constantly for their sick and psychopathic desires of power and control and for the benefits of the commanding elite, is not new.

Already some 600 years ago, the Italian political philosopher and scientist, Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527), said in his famous work, The Prince, depicting his experience and reading of history, that politics have always been played with deception, treachery, and crime.

He added that a ruler who is establishing a kingdom or a republic, and is criticized for his deeds, including violence, should be excused when the intention and the result are beneficial to him [the ruler]. See this

Isn’t this exactly what we are living today? – A six-hundred-year-old Italian philosopher and politician is the teacher of our political system today. Except, today it is a globe-spanning “uniform system” applied ferociously towards a One World Order – whereas in Machiavelli’s times, he referred mostly to the ancient Roman Empire and other empires of that epoch.

Today, it looks like there is no escape.
Or is there?

In conclusion, Antony Blinken’s statement – and his point of view – is quite coherent.

We witness every day more, how weather and climate are being weaponized to destroy infrastructure, food crops, human lives, how they create misery – exactly where the elite, the corporate cabal, wants annihilation to hit for reasons of their interest.

Geoengineered climate change can be targeted like an atomic bomb, and destroy not only lives, but life supporting infrastructure, food, sources of water and energy – as well as human lives.

The populace at large is clueless about the origins of their ever more weather-constricted, oppressed, and enslaved lives.

It is a manmade climate change – the suffering is a collective mea culpa, due to our massively too large CO2 footprint, the “rulers” say, without scientific proof.

It does not occur to the public at large to watch the elite recklessly jetting around the world in private planes, using fleets of fuel-guzzling exquisite cars and equally fuel-gulping exclusive yachts, just for their pleasure.

Mr. Blinken, you were right, comparing nuclear war with engineered climate change.

You just did not tell the entire truth. But that is normal. Machiavelli already came to that conclusion 600 years ago. Politicians lie to accomplish their objectives.

As always, it is up to us, We, the People, to assume responsibility for our lives and step out from the realm of the treachery by our politicians and from those who command them.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing. 

Rusia y China, consecuentes con la Madre Patria África

August 2nd, 2023 by José A. Amesty R.

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Ever since the Nigerien military under the command of General Abdourahamane Tchiani took power on July 26, there has been an exponential increase in tensions between Niamey and its former colonial masters in Paris. This has gone to the point where France is now seriously considering invading the West African country. The exploitation of “former” French colonies has continued unabated for over half a century even after they were granted a semblance of independence and Paris has been the main beneficiary of this one-sided relationship. Combined with France’s inability to deal with various terrorist insurgencies in the region, this unadulterated neocolonial theft has been the primary reason behind a series of popular uprisings in the Sahel.

Paris is now faced with a strategic dilemma. If it lets Niger continue its path toward actual independence, France will be unable to continue exploiting the country’s natural resources. Namely, several of its former colonies have served as a source of massive wealth extraction and given the recent troubles Paris is facing, these resources might be more important than ever. On the other hand, recent geopolitical changes in the area have left France largely impuissant. After the defeat of its nearly decade-long intervention in Chad last year, Paris has been left with bases in Ivory Coast, Senegal and Gabon. Neither of these can be used effectively as a staging ground for an invasion due to the limited number of troops stationed there.

However, even if France was to somehow find enough soldiers to launch the invasion, none of the three countries border Niger. Gabon is the least logical option, as Cameroon and Nigeria stand between it and Niger, leaving only bases in Senegal and Ivory Coast as viable possibilities.

And yet, this is where the issues of basic geography for Paris stop and actual geopolitical ones start. Namely, in order to effectively use its forces from both countries to reach Niger, France needs to go through Mali and Burkina Faso, both of which have already stated that any military action against Niamey will be tantamount to aggression against them. In other words, if France wants to attack Niger, it will also need to attack two more African countries.

A possible alternative for Paris could be the use of its neocolonial influence in the ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States, also known as CEDEAO in French and Portuguese). However, this leaves its members at risk of more anti-Western uprisings, as the belligerent power pole is deeply unpopular in the area. Some members of the ECOWAS, such as Nigeria, might be the best geographical option, but given the fact that Paris has little to no influence in Abuja, this is extremely unlikely. Not to mention the fact that Nigeria has more than enough problems of its own and the last thing it needs is to serve as the staging ground for a neocolonial invasion. Logically, this leaves Chad as the only option, but this too is a very long shot.

To make matters worse for France, Algeria has joined the chorus of Niger’s allies.

The French archrival that spearheaded the independence of many of its “former” colonies in the 1960s is effectively an African superpower, heavily armed and highly motivated to never allow Paris or any other Western (neo)colonial power to establish a firm foothold in the region.

This still leaves Chad as the only viable option for an invasion, as the country was an instrumental staging ground for virtually all French military operations in the area, including the illegal invasion of Libya. However, reaching Chad at this point is easier said than done and this still leaves most of the geopolitical issues unresolved. Also, all geographical considerations remain.

Namely, the Nigerien capital of Niamey is located in the southwestern corner of the country, close to the border with Burkina Faso. Thus, even in the unlikely case that none of its neighbors intervene, Niger is still left with a comfortable window of opportunity to resist the invasion.

This could end in a disaster for France, as yet another military defeat in the area would inevitably lead to a complete collapse of the neocolonial system it left in place in the 1960s. On the other hand, if Paris doesn’t intervene, this will happen anyway, albeit at a somewhat slower pace. Either way, the dilemma inevitably results in a geopolitical catch-22, as leaving things as they are could also encourage others to revolt against Western neocolonialism elsewhere in Africa and possibly beyond.

As for France’s NATO allies, they’ve been largely quiet and non-militant, including the United States (a rather uncommon feature in their usually belligerent foreign policy).

Washington DC has a military base in the central part of the country, the Niger Air Base 201, run by US AFRICOM (African Command), but its operational capabilities are mostly limited to drone strikes, with the troops deployed there largely composed of a skeleton crew that provides basic security.

Coupled with the recent cooling of US-French relations, this makes it highly unlikely that the Pentagon would give the go-ahead for any sort of American involvement in a possible French invasion, even though it’s in Washington DC’s interest to keep Western neocolonialism in Africa alive for as long as possible.


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Read Part I:

Bankers Rule The Economic World via Debt

By Mark Keenan, July 31, 2023


There are systemic aspects about the banking, monetary, and economic system that are not taught in the schools and universities of the world and are rarely discussed on corporate owned news and media networks. Knowledge of these aspects is absolutely essential for everyone in the world that wishes to understand how the economic world ‘actually’ works and how worldwide society has been brought to the brink of financial ruin while the vast resources of human productivity and of nature are continually exploited by a small group of people that control these systems.

Why Do Governments Prioritise GDP Growth?

Without GDP growth the (privately owned) debt-money banking system fails. The real reason governments prioritise GDP growth is so that sufficient tax monies can be collected so that interest can be paid to the international banking system. Governments often maintain that the ultimate purpose of economic GDP growth is in fact to improve wellbeing. This is not in fact so. John Jopling (RIP) of the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability wrote in 2003:

“The real reason why governments regard growth as desirable is that, with a debt-based money system, if the economy does not grow, it collapses. This is something all politicians are naturally and rightly extremely keen to avoid. Growth is an absolute imperative imposed on governments by the nature of the current money system. Thus, it is in the nature of the money system, not the choice of government, that growth must be maintained.” – (See Endnote [i])

Governments are buried under the lie – they do not admit or have the awareness that the need for GDP growth is imposed by the debt-money system controlled by private banks nor that the creation of debt money by private banks is unnecessary and is against the public interest (because governments could create and issue debt-free money themselves as has been done in the past). It is rarely acknowledged by politicians that the main reason for the constant drive for GDP growth is to pay interest to the banking system. The Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability has stated:

“The real reason why governments regard growth as desirable is that, with a debt-based money system, if the economy does not grow, it collapses…  Thus, it is in the nature of the money system, not the choice of government, that growth must be maintained…  The way in which the global economic systems is designed automatically ensures that the economy operates in such a way that: a. inequality is bound to increase, b. the economy is unstable and c. the economy is blind to the limits of natural resources and the need for humanity to live in symbiosis with the rest of the natural world.” – The Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability (See Endnote [ii])

GDP growth is prioritised by governments and debt-money is the basis of the banking system – yet both are significant drivers of environmental degradation, resource depletion, and social inequity.  A government prioritises growth – whether it is ‘good’ growth or ‘bad’ growth is not the focus (good growth would not impact on environmental and social resilience.) The pseudo-science of neo-classical economics (that all governments adhere to) proposes that increased GDP can reduce pollution in what is called the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC). This EKC argument is false. The EKC posits that pollution increases with economic growth in the early stages of development and that beyond a certain level of development the trend reverses, and economic growth improves environmental conditions by creating the resources to do so. However, the EKC has never been validated.

The Debt-money System Increases and Reduces the Availability Credit at Will

Vastly excessive consumerism was required to keep the flawed system going. The debt-money system increases and reduces the availability credit at will often creating ‘boom, bust and bailout’ cycles – this means that the economic system is unstable by nature. If sufficient loans are not repaid to a commercial bank it will become insolvent. This has happened in many countries, for example in various countries in Europe during the banking crisis of 2008 (bear in mind that these so-called banks never held the original monies in the first place). The national government often then intervenes to bail out those commercial banks under pressure to do so from the international banking system.

Furthermore, by controlling the availability of credit the private banking cartel created boom-bust-bailout cycles, at will, which placed nations in further debt. For example, the European Central Bank (ECB) robber-barons exerted pressure on the Irish government to bail out private banks and unsecured bondholders in 2010. In 2012 RTE, Ireland’s National Television Service reported that the ECB informed an Irish Government Minister that  “a bomb will go off in Dublin” if Anglo bondholders are not paid.

“He [Minister for Transport and Tourism, Leo Varadkar] said that the Troika told the Government that “we don’t want you to default on these payments, it is your decision ultimately but a bomb will go off; and the bomb will go off in Dublin and not in Frankfurt.” – RTE reporting Minister Varadkar’s comments 22nd January 2012. [Note: The Troika is a term used to describe the European Commission (EC), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).]

Furthermore, a letter was sent by the ECB to pressure the Irish Government to accept a bailout. In that letter then ECB head Jean-Claude Trichet told Ireland in November 2010 that it would not extend further emergency funding to the country’s banks if Dublin did not sign up to a bailout, according to the letter which was finally released after years of lobbying.

The so-called global banking crises of 2008 represented an opportunity for a re-evaluation of the values that our banking system and economic system are based on. Moreover, it represented an ideal opportunity for transition toward a more sustainable, resilient, just, and, perhaps even, a more ethical society. Alas, this opportunity was spurned and the de facto system marched on. The governments bailed out the banks as per usual. This results in increased taxes, national austerity measures and/or the loss of national assets due to conditionalities on credit.

For example, in Ireland the government must pay around €6 billion to €10 billion per annum in interest on the national debt of €235 billon (See Endnote [iii])  – a significant portion of this debt (€85 billion) was incurred due to bailing out private commercial banks in Ireland in 2008 (See Endnote [iv]). To understand the magnitude of this debt if you convert into U.S. dollars and lay $1 bills on top of each other they would make a pile 28,581 km, or 17,760 miles high. These debts will never be fully repaid and the annual interest payments alone are, in effect, a never-ending shackle of debt servitude and a form of slavery for the Irish people. Similar unjust bailout situations have occurred in many other countries throughout the world.

The Boom Bust Bailout Cycle that Places Nations in Debt

“There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt.” – U.S. President John Adams

The banking system can and does control the availability of credit (i.e., debt-money loans). It can expand or contract the availability of credit in a nation or worldwide. Over the past decades the more credit that is available the more an economy is likely to grow (there are also other factors including the availability of a cheap energy source, such as oil). When the availability of credit is contracted/reduced by the banking system the money supply shrinks, the availability of money to repay loans plus interest is reduced, foreclosures begin to occur and the economy may start to shrink rather than grow. This expansion and contraction of credit is known as the business cycle.

“The fact that the necessary growth can be achieved only by increasing the total level of debt makes the economy heavily dependent on confidence… The economy therefore constantly moves between boom and bust; it is systemically unstable.” – John Joplin and Roy Madron, authors of ‘Gaian Democracies’  (See Endnote [v])

“The bankrupt country must borrow from international banks and the IMF, which impose a condition of debt relief that the national government may not issue its own money. If the government tries to protect its resources or its banks by nationalizing them for the benefit of its own citizens, it is branded communist, socialist or terrorist and is replaced by one that is friendlier to free enterprise.” – E.H. Brown, Author of the book ‘The Web of Debt’

Author Bob Djurdjevic associates these cycles, which have been experienced by many countries, to what he calls the Wall Street dominated New World Order terrorists:

“The Wall Street dominated New World Order (NWO) Empire is being built by colonizing other countries with foreign loans or investments. When the fish is firmly on the hook, the NWO financial terrorists pull the plug, leaving the unsuspecting victim high and dry. And begging to be rescued. In comes the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Its bailout recipes – privatisation, trade, liberalization and other austerity reforms – amount to seizing the target countries’ natural resources, and turning them over to the NOW elites – just as surely as the British Empire did by using cruder methods.” – Bob Djurdjevic, Chronicles Journal (See Endnote [vi])

Summary of the Boom-bust-bailout Process

The boom-bust-bailout process can be summarised, as follows:

It allows banks to create money as debt with low interest.

This leads to excessive lending by the banks.

Low interest rates and abundant credit can lead to a house price ‘bubble’ and a rush by people to get on the housing ladder.

Higher asset prices lead to more borrowing. The government ignores the associated risk, as more tax monies are generated.

When the credit bubble gets too large, the central bank goes into action to deflate it. Interest rates are raised, loans are reduced, and the money supply shrinks, forcing debtors into foreclosure, delivering their homes to the banks, and house prices may decrease.

This leads to what is called ‘The Death Spiral’, in which:

  • increased defaults on loan payments occur and banks then become insolvent.
  • a tax-payer funded bailout is arranged by financial/political elites to ‘save the nation’ (the bank profits were private but now the bank losses are socialised i.e., the banks are kept alive by governments, paid from public funds).
  • austerity and government spending cuts and tax rises occur to fund the bailout at the unjust expense of the people. This leads to reduced household disposable income.
  • which leads to increased defaults on loans, recession, increased bailout costs, and the cycle continues.
  • the government often must also seek extra funds (debt-money created from nothing) from an organisation, such as the IMF, in order to finance the bailouts, thereby placing the country into yet more national debt and subject to the conditionalities of that loan. Conditionalities often include austerity measures and placing national assets up for sale at a low price if the interest payments on the national debt are not made. To bailout private banks and bond holders the government is in effect unjustly mortgaging the future income of the people of the nation – making them pay for losses of private banks.

Many people’s perceptions are that social programs are targeted to assist poorer people lower down the socio-economic scale. However, the 2008 banking crisis in Europe and the U.S. was a clear example of socialism for the banks and extremely wealthy bondholders. The failing banks that were reckless with their lending and investment practices still got “rewarded” with vast quantities of government bailout monies because they were regarded as “too big to fail”. The attempted justification for such bailouts is that it is in the people’s interests that the banks are kept alive. However, in reality it is the working-class and middle-class tax-payers that are forced to shoulder (as always) the disproportionate brunt of the bailout, which is in effect a huge transfer of people’s labour and money to the already wealthy bondholders and owners of the banks.

In summary, the banking cartel has been able to create booms and busts and drive nations into bankruptcy using the Problem, Reaction, Solution approach or the Hegelian Dialectic.

1: Governments are offered loans to build up infrastructure etc.

2: Next, when the economy slows due to credit contraction, they pressurise the government that the failed/insolvent banks need to be bailed out or the economy will implode and all hell will break loose.

3: The solution stage. International financiers, such as the IMF, come to the rescue as the saviour with a loan, the government accepts the loan (which is probably the bailout money that the country has already been conned into paying to the bankers but returns with shark loan rates attached) and the country is then under full banker ownership.

4: After this, taxes are raised in an attempt to pay off loans. The resources and services are then captured as they were pledged as collateral on the loan, and the nation is economically captured.

The 2008 Banking Crises in Europe and the Icelandic Solution

The reality of this flawed monetary system became apparent to many millions of people in 2008 when the so-called banking crises hit in the U.S. and in Europe… As usual, it was the people that were forced to pay for the debts of privately owned banks. In Ireland, the debts of the private banks were the controversially guaranteed by the Irish government, thereby unjustly placing the debt burdens onto the Irish citizens. According to a poll by the Irish Independent in 2010 a substantial majority of the Irish people wanted the State to default on debts to bondholders (See endnote 38).

Furthermore, as I noted in a blog in 2010 (See Endnote [vii]) the people of Ireland did not agree to the use of many billions of their monies being used to bail out privately owned banks. There was no national referendum on the issue. The unjust bailout of the private banks by the Irish government prompted much public anger. However, the mainstream media in Ireland appeared to be generally aligned with the government.  A number of commentators and bloggers had criticised the government’s bailout plans to no avail.  For example, the following is an extract from an article titled “We must face down the jackals who control the international banking system to save our nation and protect our children’s future” by Robert Pye, a former Irish Department of Finance Analyst:

“THERE IS considerable truth in the view that Ireland is no longer a sovereign state but an impoverished suburb of Brussels. Four million people are mired deep in a collective debt that is not of their own making… They call us PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain) because that is what you do with a pig: tie him upside down, slit his throat and drain him dry. Well, I for one reject this disgusting epithet. I also reject utterly the despicable arrogance with which this country is being treated, and the servile ineptitude of those who pose as our leaders. Unless we take a stand and defend our sovereignty, our integrity and our children, we will be destroyed as a nation.” – (See Endnote [viii]) 

Richard Douthwaite (1942 – 2011) an economist and writer, wrote a relevant article in relation to the planned bailout in Ireland titled “Bailout talks: four truths Ireland can’t ignore” (See Endnote [ix]). The following is an extract:

“Ireland’s negotiations with the ECB and the IMF are perhaps the most important talks that this country has engaged in… If Ireland has to pay interest on the loans being negotiated at a rate which exceeds the rate at which the economy grows over the next few years, it will make the country’s situation worse, not better… The ECB bears a large share of the responsibility for the regulatory failure which led to the property bubble… There is a Plan B. Ireland doesn’t have to take anything that is offered. It can leave the euro quickly and easily…

If the deal offered by the ECB/IMF negotiators is unsatisfactory, the Irish government can simply announce that, when the banks open the following morning, the accounts in them will be in a new currency – let’s call it the harp – and all wages, rents, debts and other payments are to be paid in harp with immediate effect… After the announcement the government would issue itself with the new currency on a debt-free basis so that it no longer needed to borrow to cover its budget deficit… Ireland has no alternative but to renege on the guarantees and to build itself a future within the EU but outside the eurozone.”

An article on in 2010 titled “The Senior Bondholders: An Analysis” (See Endnote [x]) provided an analysis of who the bondholders actually were that were benefitting from the Irish tax-payer funded government bailout of privately owned insolvent banks. Many of the bondholders were privately held banks “mostly” owned by extremely wealthy individuals. An extract from the article is as follow:

“SO…. on one side we have Ireland whose bond holders, its people, have between them a total GDP wealth of 0.207 trillion euros. Who are being FORCED, against their will, to pay Anglo Irish bank’s debts to its bond holders, who between them hold 20.8 Trillion euros. The people of Ireland are paying to, and protecting the wealth and power of, people who have 100 times more wealth!… So who are they? Well many of the bond holders are privately held banks, which list their activities as asset management for off-shore, non-resident and high value individuals.”

The following is also a relevant excerpt from an article (See Endnote [xi]) written by author and blogger Charles Hugh Smith in November 2010 that summarises the situation and the opportunity Ireland had to dis-empower “the vampire banks” which had the world by the throat: 

“When a nation such as Ireland is running a State deficit equal to 32% of GDP, austerity cannot generate the stupendous surpluses needed to make good the vast sums which are already lost… Ireland, and indeed the world, will survive if all the vampire banks are liquidated. That is the end-state, and “buying time” just increases the misery of the citizens who have been yoked to save their “betters.” Ireland, please drive a stake through the heart of the vampire banks which have the world by the throat. By defaulting, you would be doing the world (and your own nation) an immense favor.”

The following extract from a wiki project (See Endnote [xii]) describes the different responses to the debts of private banks in Iceland and Ireland. Iceland is an interesting example of how a country can stand up against the IMF.

“The “Icelandic Solution” involved repudiation. Private banks were allowed to fail and social security measures for the poor and indebted were increased… The UK went so far as to trigger anti-terrorism legislation against Icelandic banks in a bid to pressure Iceland to pay out claims against its private banks… Self-interested bankers are therefore often desperate to avoid government debt default, and generally much prefer an economy to be strangled by debt rather than be freed of it…

The Irish government on the other hand, guaranteed private bank debt and in doing so subjected the taxpayers of that country to decades of payments for debts that were not incurred on their behalf or for their benefit. This could be interpreted as theft through the taxing of future generations tomorrow to pay off creditors of private bankers today. Many commentators have observed that in 2010. Iceland recovered much faster than other countries such as Ireland.”

The Treadmill of Tax and Debt Slavery

When you get a mortgage, loan, or a credit card, the debt money is created out of thin air when you sign on the dotted line of the contract, yet you will have to work (maybe for years) to generate the money to pay back to the bank plus interest – in essence, this is a form of slavery as the bank never had the money in the first place. This often results in a lifetime of debt-slavery for many people, working to pay mortgages etc. For decades the governments and people of the world have been servants of a flawed debt-money economy, like the cogs of a machine – with many unaware of the overall net effect of the machine. Income tax monies collected by governments from the people is one of the methods used to service the debt governments owe to the international finance system – money that was originally created entirely from nothing by privately-owned mega-banks.

“Federal income tax was instituted specifically to coerce taxpayers to pay the interest due to the banks on the federal debt. If the money supply had been created by the government rather than borrowed from the banks that created it, the income tax would have been unnecessary. … There is a way out of this morass. The early American colonists found it and so did Abraham Lincoln and some other national leaders: the government can take back the money-issuing power from the banks. “ – Ellen Brown, Author of the book ‘The Web of Debt’

“There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt.” – U.S. President John Adams

“We continually hear of lawmakers looking for additional sources of taxes or for a broader tax base. The problem here is that there is only ONE source of taxes-the consumer, the individual citizen. He ultimately pays ALL taxes, regardless of the level on which they are levied… Between usury and taxes the consumer is really played for a sucker. God’s law permits no property tax for it is discriminatory… It discourages stability and brings about a shifting, irresponsible citizenry with no ties to the land. Under our present system, accident, sickness, or old age easily dispossesses a man of his home but in no way reduces his expense… Many elderly are dispossessed and spend their last years in an “institution” because of the unrighteous property tax.” – Dr. Franklin Snook, Author of America Needs the Divine Law 

Whoever Controls the Money Creation Process Controls the World – The Pyramid of Control

Over decades the power to create money has resulted in the power to own, control and manipulate the assets of the material world, as well media and politics. Representative democracy under capitalism as currently implemented in much of the world, is an illusion – it is money that controls the world. Those that control the money creation process wield the power to control the corporate media and own the material world, regardless of which political party is elected, or which system is utilised (capitalism, socialism, communism, etc).

Over the past decades, a small group of extremely wealthy people and the private mega banks and mega corporations they run have gained and consolidated control of the vast majority of the world’s financial wealth; resources, such as energy and food supply, and governmental and international political systems. This mean that many aspects of our lives are in reality controlled from a moneyed source not from a democratic source. This power grab was achieved not by creating more value, but by fully controlling the source of money and the world of finance.

A pyramid of control has existed. The higher up you go the closer you get to the source of money creation. At the bottom level we are all going about our daily lives.

At the next level up are governments. These are people who are given a monopoly on force and use it to tax and control the population whether or not we agree. The election of new government leaders via representative democracy is an illusion of people power. The vast regulatory systems of government in essence never change.

But who controls the governments? It is not the people of the nations that control governments, this is evidenced by the banking bailouts in Europe after 2008.  There was no referendum on the subject, the governments simply complied with the wishes of international private banking corporations.

At the next level up are the mega corporations and at the next level beyond the corporations is the privately owned worldwide banking cartel. Over decades the mega-corporations have acquired the world’s resources and controlled the markets. To do so they needed access to cheap money. The mega corporations got their loans at special rates from the mega banks. We can conclude that those who control the mega banks ultimately control the mega corporations.

“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.”  – Attributed to Mayer Amschel Rothschild (Banker)

“Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce.. when you realise that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate.“ – James Garfield (20th President of the U.S. – assassinated 1881).

“The … bankers rule the world through debt, which is money they create out of nothing. They need world government to ensure no country defaults or tries to overthrow them. As long as private bankers, instead of governments, create money the human race is doomed. These bankers and their allies have bought everything and everyone.”  –  Henry Makow, Author

Who Owns the Banks and Asset Management Companies that Own the World?

World Bank statistics (See Endnote [xiii]) show that virtually every national government of the world owes vast amounts of debt and is therefore has been in ongoing debt servitude to the international banking and finance system. The amount of interest monies received on worldwide debt over decades is staggeringly vast.

The ‘Federal Reserve’ is actually an independent, privately owned corporation. It consists of twelve regional Federal Reserve banks owned by commercial member banks. Privately-owned banks own the shares of the Federal Reserve. This was explained in more detail in the case of Lewis v. United States in 1982 (see Endnote [xiv]), where the court said:

“Each Federal Reserve Bank is a separate corporation owned by commercial banks in its region. The stock-holding commercial banks elect two thirds of each Bank’s nine-member board of directors.”

Also note the comments of Congressman Charles McFadden, Chairman, House Banking and Currency Committee, June 10, 1932:

“Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are U.S. governments institutions. They are not… they are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the U.S. for the benefit of themselves and their foreign and domestic swindlers, and rich and predatory money lenders… These twelve private credit monopolies were deceitfully foisted upon this Country by the bankers who came here from Europe and repaid us our hospitality by undermining our American Institutions… The sack of the United States by the FED is the greatest crime in history. Every effort has been made by the FED to conceal its powers, but the truth is the FED has usurped the government. It controls everything here and it controls all foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will.” – Congressman Charles McFadden.

The major shareholders in the commercial banks are other banks and asset management companies and trusts. For example, asset management company Blackrock has large shareholdings in mega-banks Morgan Stanley and JP Morgan Chase and other banks (See Endnote [xv]), yet those same banks have major shareholdings in Blackrock. The list of shareholders is diversified amongst various privately owned financial and asset management corporations. In essence, all these various financial entities are interlocked and own each other – the current dominant worldwide privately owned financial orthodoxy is one large self-reinforcing entity under the tentacles of many financial corporations.

A study (See Endnote [xvi]) was conducted at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland, on the relationships between 37 million companies and investors worldwide, and they there is a ‘super-entity’ of just 147 tightly knit mega-corporations that controls 40 percent of the entire global economy. and all of their ownership was held by other members of the super-entity. According to James B. Glattfelder, one of the authors of the study:

“In effect, less than 1 per cent of the companies were able to control 40 per cent of the entire network,”

Most were financial institutions and included Barclays Bank, JPMorgan Chase & Co, and The Goldman Sachs Group. The dominant players appear to be the  banking families that have been operating private banking for generations.  The involvement of certain banking families in private banking for generations is mentioned in books including ‘The Web of Debt’ by Ellen Brown, chair of the U.S. Public Banking Institute.

Families that are often mentioned in relation to the banking industry include the Rothschild banking dynasty (See Endnote [xvii]) (associated with US Trust owned by Bank of America), The Rockefeller world business empire (associated with Citigroup), the Schiff’s, the Morgan’s (See Endnote [xviii]) (associated with Morgan Stanley, etc.), and the Warburg’s.

Author Dean Henderson writes in an article (See Endnote [xix]):

“The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo)… According to company 10K filings to the SEC, the Four Horsemen of Banking are among the top ten stock holders of virtually every Fortune 500 corporation… One important repository for the wealth of the global oligarchy that owns these bank holding companies is US Trust Corporation – founded in 1853 and now owned by Bank of America. A recent US Trust Corporate Director and Honorary Trustee was Walter Rothschild… (See Endnote [xx])”

Furthermore, according to Ellen Brown, chairperson of the Public Banking Institute in the U.S asset management companies, such as Blackrock, literally own much of the U.S. and the world.  She states:

“BlackRock has a controlling interest in all the major corporations in the S&P 500, it professes not to “own” the funds. It just acts as a kind of “custodian” for its investors — or so it claims. But BlackRock and the other Big 3 ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) vote the corporations’ shares; so from the point of view of management, they are the owners. And as observed in a 2017 article from the University of Amsterdam titled “These Three Firms Own Corporate America” they vote 90% of the time in favor of management.” – (See Endnote [xxi])

In a 2018 review titled “Blackrock – The Company That Owns the World’ (See Endnote [xxii]), a multinational research group called Investigate Europe concluded that BlackRock “undermines competition through owning shares in competing companies”. The major shareholders of Blackrock are all mega-banks and financial corporations, such as Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Citi Group, Wells Fargo and Company, Morgan Stanley, and other various other banks (See Endnote [xxiii]). So, privately owned commercial banks own Blackrock and the other major asset management companies that own most of the world.

Author Karen Hudes, who worked in the legal department of the World Bank for more than 20 years, has cited the above Swiss study during an interview with the New American (See Endnote [xxiv]) pointing, out that a small group of entities, mostly financial institutions and especially central banks, exert a massive amount of influence over the international economy from behind the scenes. According to Hudes “What is really going on is that the world’s resources are being dominated by this group,” and that “corrupt power grabbers” have managed to dominate the media as well. According to Hudes, the power grabbers also dominate the organizations that control the creation and flow of money worldwide and control the finances of virtually every nation in the world.  These organizations include The World Bank, the IMF and central banks, such as the Federal Reserve, all of which are unelected and unaccountable. Author E.H. Brown states that:

“Secrecy has been maintained because the robber barons have been able to use their monopoly over money to buy up major media, educational institutions, and other outlets of public information. While Rockefeller was buying up universities, medical schools, and the Encyclopedia Britannica, Morgan bought up newspapers… By 1983,.. fifty corporations owned half or more of the media business. By 2000, that number was down to six corporations, with directorates interlocked with each other and with major commercial banks. (See Endnote [xxv])”

Demonic Economics and the Tricks of the Bankers

Additional information in relation to the role of banking in the bogus UN climate agenda, World War II, and communism, is also detailed in chapters in the book Transcending the Climate Change Deception Toward Real Sustainability.

The book Demonic Economics and the Tricks of the Bankers provides additional analysis of the topics below, along with Endnotes, and citations:

  • The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 – A private banking coup                                                              
  • Who owns the banks and asset management companies that own the world?                                  
  • Corporate globalisation – a design for mega-corporate rule of the world’s resources                         
  • A single group controlling the world’s mega-corporations and mega-banks?
  • Testimonies the media is controlled by world bankers                                                                     
  • Study proves one corporate ‘super-entity’ owns/dominates the world economy and resources
  • Governments are corporations designed to tax and control you
  • Governments are registered corporations in perpetual debt to privately-owned mega-banks             
  • In the U.S, in 1933, government policy was introduced to permanently protect the bankers              
  • The US is a corporate owned foreign state – A crown possession                                                    
  • Bonded surety                                                                                                                               
  • 1913 to 2019 – a private banking and corporate elite gained control of the world’s wealth/ resources
  • 2019 – mathematical end-phase of a world financial system that was always flawed/ fraudulent        
  • 2020: Blackrock and a multi-trillion Wall St bank bailout under cover of a so-called pandemic           
  • The UN / WEF and international bankers needed a smokescreen for the WEF economic reset            
  • Systemic Problems, Oil Availability, and Potential Collapse                                                               
  • World Economic Forum ‘Reset’ – What Is It Really About?


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Mark Keenan is a former scientist at the UK Government Dept. of Energy and Climate Change, and at the United Nations Environment Division. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). 

He is author of the following books available on Amazon:

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[i] Source:

[ii] Extract from:

[iii] Sources:

In August 2020 Ireland’s total national debt was  €235,688,965,150  (~€235 billion).

[iv] Source:

[v] Available at

[vi] Sources:

[vii] Source: “Ireland say NO to any bailout by a foreign private banking cartel” – Mark Keenan

[viii] Source:

[ix] Source:

[x] Source:

[xi] The article is available at: Read more at:

[xii] Source:

[xiii] Sources:

[xiv] See Lewis v United States, Federal Reporter, 2nd Series, Vol. 680, Pages 1239, 1241 (1982) in which a federal circuit court so held.

[xv] Sources:

[xvi] The study is available at:

[xvii] Source:

[xviii] Source:

[xix] Source:

[xx] Source: 10K Filings of Fortune 500 Corporations to SEC. 3-91

[xxi] Ellen Brown’s blog articles are posted at

[xxii] Source:

[xxiii] Source:

[xxiv] Source:

[xxv] Source: ‘The Web of Debt’ by E.H. Brown, pg 130. Second edition.

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Sound of Freedom is a movie based on the true story of Tim Ballard, a government agent who quits his job in order to rescue children from sex traffickers in Colombia. Directed by Alejandro Monteverde, Sound of Freedom is not your typical Hollywood movie. It was released by Utah-based Angel Studios, a company specializing in “faith-based” productions.

The movie was actually completed over five years ago, in 2018, and was slated to be distributed with 20th Century Fox. However, when the studio was bought by the Walt Disney Company, Sound of Freedom was shelved indefinitely. Apparently, Disney was much more preoccupied with making movies that groomed kids with sexual propaganda rather than releasing a movie exposing pedophile networks.

Luckily for the filmmakers, they were able to buy the distribution rights back from Disney and, through equity funding, they’ve managed to get the film released on July 4th, 2023.

Almost immediately, the movie was met with a bizarre barrage of bad reviews where the buzz words “QAnon conspiracies” appear in nearly every article, as if all of these “journalists” (propagandists) received the same memo.

The movie itself does not mention QAnon or anything even remotely related to it. It merely puts on film the story of Tim Ballard and Operation Underground Railroad, the organization he created to fight child sex trafficking. However, mass media pundits made it a point to associate make this word association. Also, they decided that this movie was “controversial”.

Why is that? Well, for starters, the media really does not like some people associated with the movie, starting with its star, Jim Caviezel.

“Controversial” Endorsements

jimmel There is Something Terribly Wrong With Media's Reaction to "Sound of Freedom"

Jim Caveziel with Mel Gibson during the filming of Passion of Christ (2004).

Prior to Sound of Freedom, Jim Caveziel was mostly known for playing the role of Jesus Christ in Mel Gibson’s Passion of Christ. The least one can say is that this role took a toll on Caveziel. During filming, he was accidentally whipped, got his shoulder dislocated, and suffered pneumonia and hypothermia.

Oh, he was also hit by lightning. Indeed, while filming the Sermon on the Mount scene, Caveziel was struck by lightning which led to two heart surgeries, including open-heart surgery.

In Sound of Freedom, Caveziel’s character also has “Christ-like” qualities, especially when he tearfully looks at the camera and says “God’s children are not for sale”.

While the movie itself stays away from the “conspiracy theories” the elite wants to suppress by any means necessary, Jim Caveziel just goes all in at every chance he gets.

In the following interview, Caveziel directly refers to the satanic elite and the harvesting of adrenochrome.

Another major endorser of Sound of Freedom is Mel Gibson. That is rather appropriate because one of the most memorable lines he ever uttered was:

“They can take our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom!”

When he screamed those words as Sir William Wallace in the 1995 movie Braveheart, Mel Gibson was one of the biggest movie stars in the world. However, even at the peak of success, Gibson found a way to anger people with massive truth bombs.

In a July 1995 interview with Playboy, Gibson said President Bill Clinton was a “low-level opportunist” and someone was “telling him what to do”. He also stated that Oxford University’s Rhodes Scholarship was established “for young men and women who want to strive for a “new world order” and was a “campaign for Marxism”.

During a 1998 interview, Gibson alluded to the dark, satanic side of Hollywood.

A few years later, after some of his drunken tirades (notably about Jews starting wars) were leaked in the press, Gibson was shunned and blacklisted from Hollywood. While he stayed away from Hollywood productions for years, Gibson resurfaced to openly endorse Sound of Freedom, which is not a Hollywood movie.

So what’s the fuss all about? Here’s a look at the actual movie.

Sound of Freedom

While Sound of Freedom is said to be “faith-based”, there is no religious preaching or political messaging throughout the movie. It simply wants to make one important point: Child sex trafficking is bad. And, somehow, mass media deemed this movie to be “controversial”.

To drive that point across, the movie doesn’t shy away from depicting scenes that are barely watchable. For instance, in one gut-wrenching scene, an old drunken tourist stumbles into a room where a terrified little girl is forced to wait for him. And, no, nobody flies in to save the day. The drunken pedo shuts the blinds as the viewers realize that nothing will stop the unspeakable things will happen in that cursed room.

These scenes shamelessly tug at the heartstrings and are nearly impossible to watch. However, they do happen in real life. Every day. Thousands of times a day. Not only that, child sex trafficking is a booming industry that keeps raking in record amounts of profits. As stated in the movie, drugs can only be sold a single time. However, a child can be sold several times a night.

By forcing the viewers to face these harsh realities, the movie sets itself apart from nearly all Hollywood productions that would never tackle such topics. The main reason: Hollywood is rampant with the worst pedophiles one can imagine.

Some critics complained that the movie was too straightforward. They did not like the fact that there was no surprise twist and that the hero remained an unwavering, incorruptible hero who just wants to see pedos go down. I guess they would have been pleased if the hero revealed himself to be a pedo all along or something like that.

But these professional “critics” should have realized that they were not watching a Marvel movie where random, unpredictable events just happen to fill airtime. Sound of Freedom is about telling a true story and exposing a horrific reality.

For instance, the movie begins with real and chilling footage of children being snatched from the streets and taken away by abductors working for these networks. These children end up in the child sex networks that are depicted in the movie.

They also end up in elite pedo rings that indulge in the most horrific practices known to men. For this reason, corrupt, elite-owned media outlets went on a bizarre propaganda campaign to disparage Sound of Freedom. As you’ll soon see, they were willing to go extremely low.

Media’s Unhinged Response

In Sound of Freedom, a man heroically infiltrates child sex trafficking networks and saves children from being raped by pedophiles. Media’s response: This movie is bad. What in God’s name is happening here?

Here’s the thing: In Sound of Freedom, pedos are the bad guys. They are not misunderstood, oppressed victims who need to be coddled – they are sadistic monsters who prey on the divine nature of innocent children. And they need to be stopped.

This goes against the narrative that has been prevalent in mass media in the past years. The goal: To pave the way to a society where “MAPs” (minor-attracted persons) are treated like other sexual “minorities”.

For this reason, nearly every elite-owned media outlet in the world published insane articles that attacked Sound of Freedom. Here’s a headline from the “reputed” Washington Post.

washingtonpost There is Something Terribly Wrong With Media's Reaction to "Sound of Freedom"

A Washington Post headline that links Sound of Freedom with the QAnon boogeyman.

The second paragraph of this article says.

“Many critics have linked Sound of Freedom to the pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy cult. They’ve also been startled by its mainstream success. But the truth is that the conspiratorial right and the Hollywood default aren’t that different — which is why, perhaps, our polity has had such difficulty rejecting QAnon, Trump and fascism.”

As you can see, this article throws every single buzzword at the readers such as “pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy cult”, “conspirational right” and even “fascism”. Yes, he used the word “fascism” to critique a movie about child sex trafficking.

One can wonder: Why does this “reviewer” hate this movie so much? If this movie was about cocaine trafficking in Colombia, would he be that offended?

Well, the answer is completely sickening. The author of this Washington Post article is Noah Berlatsky – a communications director for Prostasia, a “pro-pedophilia” advocacy group.

noahberasshole There is Something Terribly Wrong With Media's Reaction to "Sound of Freedom"

Noah Berlatsky on the Prostasia website.

According to their website, Prostasia supports the “Minor Attracted Persons” (MAPs) Club, a notorious group that tries to normalize pedophilia.

Earlier this year, Reduxx reported that a general manager of Prostasia – Prescott Bayern – was active on a pedophile messaging board dedicated to homosexual men who dubbed themselves “boy lovers” – pedophile men sexually attracted to underaged boys.

“Despite claiming to be motivated by a desire to eradicate child sexual abuse, the organization’s efforts have dedicated themselves to crusades against child pornography bans, letter-writing campaigns to state representatives demanding child-like sex dolls be kept legal, and funding research into ‘fantasy sexual outlets‘ for pedophiles,”Reduxx founder Anna Slatz explains. “Prostasia has also condemned anti-pedophile sentiment as harmful ‘Nazi-like’ rhetoric and called for its mass censorship across social media.”
– Evie, “Sound Of Freedom” Critic For Bloomberg Is A Pedophile Sympathizer

In short, Berlatsky is a pedo extremist. In case you’re still not convinced, here’s a tweet he posted in 2017.

F1NOwuPWYAEDuyU There is Something Terribly Wrong With Media's Reaction to "Sound of Freedom"

Berlatsky’s article about Sound of Freedom wasn’t a “movie review”, it was a hit piece coming directly from a pedophile advocacy group. And major outlets such as the Washington Post openly took the side of the child abusers.

Sadly the Washington Post was not the exception. Nearly every single elite-owned media outlet followed suit. The narrative: “Sound of Freedom = QAnon”.

thefartdian There is Something Terribly Wrong With Media's Reaction to "Sound of Freedom"

A headline from The Guardian uses the same buzzwords as the Washington Post article which was written by a pedo. They’re all funded by the same system.

Of course, Canada’s government-funded CBC network had to participate in the insanity. After years of celebrating drag queens in schools and all forms of child grooming, the CBC attacked Sound of Freedom using the same buzzwords. In a recent interview on CBC Radio, pop culture “columnist” (propagandist) Radheyan Simonpillai said:

“We can’t say that the movie itself is made by QAnon types. But certainly, their political goals make it something that QAnon conspiracy theorists would rally behind. Just like racists rallied behind Trump without him having to say anything overtly racist.

You would have only heard about this movie if you are a regular among church groups, or you regularly watch Fox News, or if you follow right-wing personalities. Or if you are a QAnon conspiracy theorist or part of the so-called Freedom movements.

But make no mistake. The movie’s success has a lot to do with it being a dog whistle for xenophobic, pro-Trump, pro-Life types.”

Yes, this “columnist” said that this movie about child trafficking in Colombia is a “dog whistle for xenophobic, pro-Trump, pro-Life types”. In other words, this person is paid by Canadian taxpayers to spew pro-pedophile propaganda.

I could post many more examples of such headlines from around the world and they all prove two important points:

1) These outlets take their talking point from the same globalist elite source

2) They’re on a mission to normalize pedophilia and they’re willing to attack anything that goes against their agenda.

In Conclusion

Is Sound of Freedom the best movie I ever watched? Not really. Objectively, it’s a well-made movie that touches on an important topic, and it was quite refreshing to watch. Any reasonable “reviewer” could have said the same and left it at that. But that’s not what happened at all. Instead of objectively reviewing the movie, “reviewers” screeched like demons when faced with a crucifix.

Sound of Freedom clearly touched a nerve and, by doing so, it managed to reveal how far the elite (and its media system) is willing to go to defend pedophilia.

Through unhinged and desperate “reviews” (which are outright attempts at propaganda, complete with scary buzzwords), mass media outlets from around the world attempted to scare people from watching the movie for fear of being called “pro-Trump conspiracy cultists”.

Bloomberg and the Washington Post went as far as hiring a pro-pedo advocate to attack the movie. As a society, we truly need to reflect on the implications of such a move by major media outlets.

As usual, these propagandists used their favorite tactic: the “far-rightization” of the topic to scare people away.

However, this issue is not about Left versus Right. It is about Good versus Evil.

The most important line of the movie is “God’s children are not for sale”. If, somehow, you are offended by that line … then you can go to hell.



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It’s full-blown fake news to claim that Niger is now a global epicenter of terrorism, but the MSM is expected to maximally amplify this false narrative in an attempt to scare the public into supporting the planned NATO-backed Nigerian-led ECOWAS invasion of that country.

This approach risks discrediting itself, however, if it triggers the wrong memories from the so-called “Global War on Terror” by reminding the public of how skeptical they eventually became of it by the end of Bush Jr.’s rule.

Few people across the world ever heard of Niger before last week’s patriotic military coup in this landlocked West African nation and even fewer could have placed it on a map, yet now the Mainstream Media (MSM) wants everyone to think that it’s suddenly turned into a global epicenter of terrorism. This narrative is nothing but information warfare aimed at scaring the public into supporting the planned NATO-backed Nigerian-led ECOWAS invasion of that country which is expected to begin later this month.

The following analyses will update those readers who haven’t been closely following this crisis:

It’s basically turned into the New Cold War’s latest proxy conflict between NATO and Russia.

The Western public doesn’t understand the geostrategic reasons why their side’s military bloc is meddling in this part of Africa and urging the continent’s most populous country to invade its northern neighbor. That’s why the MSM is spinning the tall tale that Niger has suddenly turned into a global epicenter of terrorism since they hope that their targeted audience will become so afraid that they’ll blindly support whatever course of action their governments ultimately decide upon for addressing this.

Here are three high-profile examples of the MSM spewing this newly invented propaganda narrative:

They collectively claim that a distracted military and popular dissent will lead to a surge of terrorism.

To briefly elaborate, the first half of this artificially manufactured infowar product alleges that the armed forces of post-coup regional states are too focused on retaining power and snuffing out rivals that they inadvertently create space for terrorists to expand. As for the second, it unbelievably implies that supposedly peaceful pro-democracy protesters will soon become so radicalized by military rule that they’ll turn into violent extremists en masse and thus pose an imminent threat to the whole world.

Ironically enough, despite running Voice of America, the US Government (USG) doesn’t even believe that outlet’s propaganda nor the related claims pushed by its peers as proven by Tuesday’s decision to suspend counterterrorism training with Niger.

If there was even a remote chance that either of the abovementioned factors could risk turning Niger into a global epicenter of terrorism, then there’s no way that the US would risk its own security and that of its regional vassals by letting this threat fester.

Accordingly, the USG either accidentally signaled that all such fearmongering is totally groundless propaganda or it’s showing the world that it cynically prefers for Niger to supposedly become/remain a global epicenter of terrorism than to jointly fight against this with its post-coup military.

Since there’s no truth to the second scenario being bandied about by the MSM, the first explanation is the only credible one, which in turn confirms that such claims are just lies intended to disguise geopolitical motives.

To be fair, there’s some truth to their allegation that the combination of military failures and systemic poverty plays a role in accelerating the spread of terrorism in developing countries, but this is attributable to poor/insincere Western training and French neocolonialism respectively. It was precisely due to these interconnected factors plus the regional consequences of NATO’s 2011 War on Libya that terrorism exploded across the Sahel and subsequently set the stage for its recent patriotic military coups.

These regime changes are aimed at refocusing their armed forces’ priorities and rebalancing their countries’ ties with the West/France in order to resolve those corresponding problems that caused their security and economic situations to so drastically deteriorate over the last decade. Had no serious effort been made to thwart these trends in Mali, Burkina Faso, and now Niger, then those states’ very existence would have inevitably been threatened with time.

Their military rulers are sincere in their stated goal of fighting terrorism not only because it aligns with their patriotic devotion to their countries’ national interests but also because it’s in their institution’s self-interests since they’re the ones fighting on the frontline against this scourge. Without improving their associated capabilities, which Wagner is helping them with as explained here and here, their comrades will continue dying in vain and the threat to their families will keep growing.

In closing, it’s full-blown fake news to claim that Niger is now a global epicenter of terrorism, but the MSM is expected to maximally amplify this false narrative in an attempt to scare the public into supporting the planned NATO-backed Nigerian-led ECOWAS invasion of that country. This approach risks discrediting itself, however, if it triggers the wrong memories from the so-called “Global War on Terror” by reminding the public of how skeptical they eventually became of it by the end of Bush Jr.’s rule.


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This article was originally published on Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

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July 27, 2023 – Breakout World Cup star, 18 year old Linda Caicedo collapsed at training in distressing scenes that were caught on video. She was rushed to hospital and was unconscious for at least 90 seconds as medics and terrified team-mates rushed to her aid at the team’s base in Sydney.

July 31, 2023 – 23 year old Chinese Tennis Star Yibing Wu collapsed at Mubadala Citi DC Open Tennis Tournament (he collapsed previously a month ago at Wimbledon) (click here)(click here).

Click here to view the video

July 23, 2023 – 30 year old Grammy winning singer Tori Kelly collapsed at dinner while out with friends, and was diagnosed with blood clots near vital organs (click here).

Click here to view the video

July 23, 2023 – 54 year old Former Premier League goalkeeper Shaka Hislop dropped in the middle of a live broadcast in California. He began wobbling before falling forward into his ESPN broadcast partner, Dan Thomas.

Click here to view the video

July 11, 2023 – Brazil – 24 year old Vanessa Batista dos Santos collapsed and died while exercising in the park (hemorrhagic stroke).

Click here to view the video

July 7, 2023 – Brazil – 51 year old Journalist Roberto Guedes died suddenly during a soccer match in Brazil (click here).

Click here to view the video

July, 2023 – Belgium – Football player collapsed face first on the field at Fit Five in Forest, victim of heart attack (click here).

Click here to view the video

July 2023 – unknown construction site worker collapses and falls (click here).

Click here to view the video

2023 – Canadian homeowner collapses on his driveway.

Click here to view the video

June 2023 – Mexico – baseball player collapsed and died.

Click here to view the video

May 27, 2023 – 28 year old Premier League soccer player Tom Lockyer collapsed during a playoff game with an arrhythmia (click here).

Click here to view the video

April 1, 2023 – 34 year old professional soccer player George Maluleka collapsed during a game at Moses Mabhida Stadium, Durban, South Africa. He survived.

Click here to view the video

March 25, 2023 – 25 year old Serbian professional soccer player Dragisa Gudelj collapsed during a match in Spain and suffered a cardiac arrest (click here)(click here).

Click here to view the video

March 5, 2023 – 21 year old professional soccer player from Ivory Coast, Moustapha Sylla, collapsed during a match (Racing Abidjan vs Sol FC, Ligue de Costa de Marfil at Stade Robert-Cahmproux) and died (click here).

Click here to view the video

Jan. 7, 2023 – 19 year old NCAA basketball player Emo Essien collapsed during a game and survived.

Click here to view the video

Jan. 2, 2023 – 24 year old Buffalo Bills NFL football player Damar Hamlin collapsed during a game and survived.

Click here to view the video

My Take…

The collapse of the 18 year old World Cup soccer phenom Linda Caicedo may open a few more eyes. It’s important to note that women athletes face similar risks with COVID-19 vaccine injuries to the heart, as men do.

While COVID-19 vaccine induced myocarditis is the main culprit for sudden collapses it’s not the only vaccine injury process that can do this.

Blood clots to the heart or lungs, arrhythmias, seizures, strokes, brain aneurysms can also cause a sudden collapse.

While I believe all COVID-19 vaccinated athletes should be screened very thoroughly for myocarditis and blood clots, those who collapsed and survived should be the first in line for extensive work-ups as they’re living on borrowed time.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from COVID Intel

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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“There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches.”—Ray Bradbury

What we are witnessing is the modern-day equivalent of book burning which involves doing away with dangerous ideas—legitimate or not—and the people who espouse them.Seventy years after Ray Bradbury’s novel Fahrenheit 451 depicted a fictional world in which books are burned in order to suppress dissenting ideas, while televised entertainment is used to anesthetize the populace and render them easily pacified, distracted and controlled, we find ourselves navigating an eerily similar reality.

Welcome to the age of technocensorship.

On paper—under the First Amendment, at least—we are technically free to speak.

In reality, however, we are now only as free to speak as a government official—or corporate entities such as Facebook, Google or YouTube—may allow.

Case in point: internal documents released by the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government confirmed what we have long suspected: that the government has been working in tandem with social media companies to censor speech.

By “censor,” we’re referring to concerted efforts by the government to muzzle, silence and altogether eradicate any speech that runs afoul of the government’s own approved narrative.

This is political correctness taken to its most chilling and oppressive extreme.

The revelations that Facebook worked in concert with the Biden administration to censor content related to COVID-19, including humorous jokes, credible information and so-called disinformation, followed on the heels of a ruling by a federal court in Louisiana that prohibits executive branch officials from communicating with social media companies about controversial content in their online forums.

Likening the government’s heavy-handed attempts to pressure social media companies to suppress content critical of COVID vaccines or the election to “an almost dystopian scenario,” Judge Terry Doughty warned that “the United States Government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth.’

This is the very definition of technofascism.

Clothed in tyrannical self-righteousness, technofascism is powered by technological behemoths (both corporate and governmental) working in tandem to achieve a common goal.

The government is not protecting us from “dangerous” disinformation campaigns. It is laying the groundwork to insulate us from “dangerous” ideas that might cause us to think for ourselves and, in so doing, challenge the power elite’s stranglehold over our lives.

Thus far, the tech giants have been able to sidestep the First Amendment by virtue of their non-governmental status, but it’s a dubious distinction at best when they are marching in lockstep with the government’s dictates.

As Philip Hamburger and Jenin Younes write for The Wall Street Journal: “The First Amendment prohibits the government from ‘abridging the freedom of speech.’ Supreme Court doctrine makes clear that government can’t constitutionally evade the amendment by working through private companies.”

Nothing good can come from allowing the government to sidestep the Constitution.

The steady, pervasive censorship creep that is being inflicted on us by corporate tech giants with the blessing of the powers-that-be threatens to bring about a restructuring of reality straight out of Orwell’s 1984, where the Ministry of Truth polices speech and ensures that facts conform to whatever version of reality the government propagandists embrace.

Orwell intended 1984 as a warning. Instead, it is being used as a dystopian instruction manual for socially engineering a populace that is compliant, conformist and obedient to Big Brother.

This is the slippery slope that leads to the end of free speech as we once knew it.

In a world increasingly automated and filtered through the lens of artificial intelligence, we are finding ourselves at the mercy of inflexible algorithms that dictate the boundaries of our liberties.

Once artificial intelligence becomes a fully integrated part of the government bureaucracy, there will be little recourse: we will all be subject to the intransigent judgments of techno-rulers.

This is how it starts.

First, the censors went after so-called extremists spouting so-called “hate speech.”

Then they went after so-called extremists spouting so-called “disinformation” about stolen elections, the Holocaust, and Hunter Biden.

By the time so-called extremists found themselves in the crosshairs for spouting so-called “misinformation” about the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccines, the censors had developed a system and strategy for silencing the nonconformists.

Eventually, depending on how the government and its corporate allies define what constitutes “extremism, “we the people” might all be considered guilty of some thought crime or other.

Whatever we tolerate now—whatever we turn a blind eye to—whatever we rationalize when it is inflicted on others, whether in the name of securing racial justice or defending democracy or combatting fascism, will eventually come back to imprison us, one and all.

Watch and learn.

We should all be alarmed when any individual or group—prominent or not—is censored, silenced and made to disappear from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram for voicing ideas that are deemed politically incorrect, hateful, dangerous or conspiratorial.

Given what we know about the government’s tendency to define its own reality and attach its own labels to behavior and speech that challenges its authority, this should be cause for alarm across the entire political spectrum.

Here’s the point: you don’t have to like or agree with anyone who has been muzzled or made to disappear online because of their views, but to ignore the long-term ramifications of such censorship is dangerously naïve, because whatever powers you allow the government and its corporate operatives to claim now willeventually be used against you by tyrants of your own making.

As Glenn Greenwald writes for The Intercept:

The glaring fallacy that always lies at the heart of pro-censorship sentiments is the gullible, delusional belief that censorship powers will be deployed only to suppress views one dislikes, but never one’s own views… Facebook is not some benevolent, kind, compassionate parent or a subversive, radical actor who is going to police our discourse in order to protect the weak and marginalized or serve as a noble check on mischief by the powerful. They are almost always going to do exactly the opposite: protect the powerful from those who seek to undermine elite institutions and reject their orthodoxies. Tech giants, like all corporations, are required by law to have one overriding objective: maximizing shareholder value. They are always going to use their power to appease those they perceive wield the greatest political and economic power.

Be warned: it’s a slippery slope from censoring so-called illegitimate ideas to silencing truth.

Eventually, as George Orwell predicted, telling the truth will become a revolutionary act.

If the government can control speech, it can control thought and, in turn, it can control the minds of the citizenry.

It’s happening already.

With every passing day, we’re being moved further down the road towards a totalitarian society characterized by government censorship, violence, corruption, hypocrisy and intolerance, all packaged for our supposed benefit in the Orwellian doublespeak of national security, tolerance and so-called “government speech.”

Little by little, Americans are being conditioned to accept routine incursions on their freedoms.

This is how oppression becomes systemic, what is referred to as creeping normality, or a death by a thousand cuts.

It’s a concept invoked by Pulitzer Prize-winning scientist Jared Diamond to describe how major changes, if implemented slowly in small stages over time, can be accepted as normal without the shock and resistance that might greet a sudden upheaval.

Diamond’s concerns related to Easter Island’s now-vanished civilization and the societal decline and environmental degradation that contributed to it, but it’s a powerful analogy for the steady erosion of our freedoms and decline of our country right under our noses.

As Diamond explains, “In just a few centuries, the people of Easter Island wiped out their forest, drove their plants and animals to extinction, and saw their complex society spiral into chaos and cannibalism… Why didn’t they look around, realize what they were doing, and stop before it was too late? What were they thinking when they cut down the last palm tree?”

His answer: “I suspect that the disaster happened not with a bang but with a whimper.”

Much like America’s own colonists, Easter Island’s early colonists discovered a new world—“a pristine paradise”—teeming with life. Yet almost 2000 years after its first settlers arrived, Easter Island was reduced to a barren graveyard by a populace so focused on their immediate needs that they failed to preserve paradise for future generations.

The same could be said of the America today: it, too, is being reduced to a barren graveyard by a populace so focused on their immediate needs that they are failing to preserve freedom for future generations.

In Easter Island’s case, as Diamond speculates:

The forest…vanished slowly, over decades. Perhaps war interrupted the moving teams; perhaps by the time the carvers had finished their work, the last rope snapped. In the meantime, any islander who tried to warn about the dangers of progressive deforestation would have been overridden by vested interests of carvers, bureaucrats, and chiefs, whose jobs depended on continued deforestation… The changes in forest cover from year to year would have been hard to detect… Only older people, recollecting their childhoods decades earlier, could have recognized a difference.Gradually trees became fewer, smaller, and less important. By the time the last fruit-bearing adult palm tree was cut, palms had long since ceased to be of economic significance. That left only smaller and smaller palm saplings to clear each year, along with other bushes and treelets. No one would have noticed the felling of the last small palm.

Sound painfully familiar yet?

We’ve already torn down the rich forest of liberties established by our founders. It has vanished slowly, over the decades. The erosion of our freedoms has happened so incrementally, no one seems to have noticed. Only the older generations, remembering what true freedom was like, recognize the difference. Gradually, the freedoms enjoyed by the citizenry have become fewer, smaller and less important. By the time the last freedom falls, no one will know the difference.

This is how tyranny rises and freedom falls: with a thousand cuts, each one justified or ignored or shrugged over as inconsequential enough by itself to bother, but they add up.

Each cut, each attempt to undermine our freedoms, each loss of some critical right—to think freely, to assemble, to speak without fear of being shamed or censored, to raise our children as we see fit, to worship or not worship as our conscience dictates, to eat what we want and love who we want, to live as we want—they add up to an immeasurable failure on the part of each and every one of us to stop the descent down that slippery slope.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, we are on that downward slope now.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

Featured image is from Distract The Media

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The Day Australian Sovereignty Died

August 2nd, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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If a date might be found when Australian sovereignty was extinguished by the emissaries of the US imperium, July 29, 2023 will be as good as any. Not that they aren’t other candidates, foremost among them being the announcement of the AUKUS agreement between Australia, UK and the US in September 2021. They all point to a surrender, a handing over, of a territory to another’s military and intelligence community, an abject, oily capitulation that would normally qualify as treasonous.

The treason becomes all the more indigestible for its inevitable result: Australian territory is being shaped, readied, and purposed for war under the auspices of closer defence ties with an old ally. The security rentiers, the servitors, the paid-up pundits all see this as a splendid thing. War, or at least its preparations, can offer wonderful returns.

The US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin III, was particularly delighted, though watchful of his hosts. His remit was clear: detect any wobbliness, call out any indecision. But there was nothing to be worried about. His Australian hosts, for instance, proved accommodating and crawling.

Australian Defence Minister Richard Marles, for instance, standing alongside Austin, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Australian Foreign Minister, Penny Wong, declared that there was “a commitment to increase American force posture in respect of our northern bases, in respect to our maritime patrols and our reconnaissance aircraft; further force posture initiatives involving US Army watercraft; and in respect of logistics and stores, which have been very central to Exercise Talisman Sabre.” To the untutored eye, Marles might have simply been another Pentagon spokesman of middle-rank.

The acquisition of nuclear-powered submarines was a process that was well underway (Marles seemed untroubled by grumbling voices in the Republican Party that the US Navy was short-changing itself by transferring three Virginia-class boats to the Royal Australian Navy) and taking place “in terms of an increased force posture of America within Australia.” Speaking with confidence, Marles was also looking forward to “an increased tempo of visits from American nuclear-powered submarines to our waters as we look towards the establishment of a US submarine rotation, HMS Sterling, later in this decade.”

Australian real estate would be given over to greater “space cooperation”, alongside creating “a guided weapons and explosive ordnance enterprise in this country, and doing so in a way where we hope to see manufacturing of missiles commence in Australia in two years’ time as part of a collective industrial base between the two countries.” Chillingly, Marles went on to reiterate what has become something of a favourite in his middle-management lexicon. The efforts to fiddle the export-defense export control legislation by the Biden administration would create “a more seamless defence industrial base between our countries.” Seamless, here, is the thick nail in the coffin of sovereignty.

Moves are also underway to engage in redevelopment of bases in northern Australia, in anticipation of the increased, ongoing US military presence. The RAAF Base Tindal, located 320km south-east of Darwin in the Northern Territory, is the subject of considerable investment “to address functional deficiencies and capacity constraints in existing facilities and infrastructure.” The AUSMIN talks further revealed that scoping upgrades would take place at two new locations: RAAF Bases Scherger and RAAF Curtin.

Australia’s Defence Intelligence Organisation will also be colonised by what is being termed a “Combined Intelligence Centre – Australia” by 2024. This is purportedly intended to “enhance long-standing intelligence cooperation” while essentially subordinating Australian intelligence operations to their US overlords. Marles saw the arrangement as part of a drive towards “seamless” (that hideous word again) intelligence ties between Canberra and Washington. “This is a unit which is going to produce intelligence for both of our defence forces … and I think that’s important.”

In the pro-war press outlets such as The Australian, Greg Sheridan complained that AUSMIN talks had revealed “the appalling state of our defences”. What bothered him was the expectation that Washington do everything in terms of addressing such inadequacies, while leaving the Australian defence base reliant and emaciated. “Under the Albanese government we have reverted completely to our worst selves on defence. We’re going to do almost nothing consequential over the next 10 years other than get the Americans to do more on our land.” Well, Sheridan, don’t give up hope: Australia might be at war with China under US-direction before a decade is up, vassalized warriors eager to kill and be killed.

From his vantage point as the Australian Financial Review’s international editor, historian James Curran glumly noted that, “The permanent American military presence on Australian soil is now at a scale unprecedented since the Second World War.” While the US-Australian relationship had previously stressed the value of deterrence, the focus seemed increasingly on the “projection” of power. “The change from the mid-1990s has been nothing short of staggering.”

The most striking matter in this whole business was the utter absence of parliamentary outrage in Canberra. There was no registered protest, no red mist rage in the streets, and no debate to speak off, nor even an eloquent funeral oration. You might even say that AUSMIN 2023 was one of history’s most successful coups, implemented in plain sight by all too willing collaborators. Its victim, Australian sovereignty, has been laid to rest.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University.  He is a regular contributor to Global Research. Email: [email protected] 

Featured image: Penny Wong (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)

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Despite the tremendous pressure by the western imperialist governments placed upon the African Union (AU) member-states and the Russian Federation, the second Russia-Africa Summit was held on July 27-28 in St. Petersburg.

Many of the African heads-of-state present came from the leading countries across the continent of 1.4 billion people.

Heads-of-state such as Presidents Cyril Ramaphosa of the Republic of South Africa, Emmerson Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe, Adel-Fattah al-Sisi of Egypt, Felipe Nyusi of Mozambique, Macky Sall of Senegal, Denis Sassou Nguesso of Congo-Brazzaville, among others, were present and intensely engaged in the proceedings. The Summit consisted of open plenary sessions along with one-on-one meetings between African leaders and President Vladimir Putin.

Media reports in the United States made much of the fact that 17 heads-of-state attended the Russia-Africa Summit compared to 43 at the previous meeting in 2019. However, there were 49 delegations which attended representing a majority of African governments on official ministerial levels as well as regional organizations such as the African Union (AU), Arab Maghreb Union (AMU), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Inter-governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and the New Development Bank (NDB), headed by former Brazil President Dilma Rousseff.

The Summit took place during an intensification of the military conflict in eastern and southern Ukraine as the United States and the European Union (EU) has pledged in excess of $100 billion to continue its efforts to maintain the dominant status of imperialism throughout the globe. U.S. President Joe Biden has focused heavily on the foreign policy imperatives of weakening the Russian Federation through sanctions and the recruitment of Eastern European states into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

In Africa, the impact of the Ukraine war is resulting in high rates of inflation triggered by the shortages in agricultural products. Rising prices and a deteriorating security crisis in several West African states has prompted military interventions in political life and the attempted realignment of domestic and foreign policy away from France and the U.S. towards Russia and China.

This is the first full meeting of the Russia-Africa Summit since the inaugural gathering in 2019. Over the last four years the world underwent a global pandemic whose magnitude has not been experienced for a century. The commencement of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine in February 2022 grew out of the reemergent Cold War initiated by Washington and Wall Street against Russia and the People’s Republic of China.

Over the last year-and-a-half since the beginning of the special military operation, the administration of President Joe Biden has sought to pressure AU member-states to support its position in Ukraine. U.S. Congressional figures drafted a bill designed to punish African states who maintain cordial political and economic relations with Moscow. The government in the Republic of South Africa led by the African National Congress (ANC) was accused by the U.S. ambassador of supplying arms to the Russian Federation to utilize in the Ukraine theater.

Russia has been subjected to widespread sanctions aimed at bringing about the collapse of its economy. During the Summit in St. Petersburg, Putin announced the cancellation of $23 billion in debt owed by African countries.

Russia-Africa Summit delegates in front row (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

Outcomes of the Russia-Africa Summit

Consequently, the proceeding of the recent gathering provided an opportunity for both Russia and the AU to present their views on a myriad of issues impacting the international situation. Both the host, President Vladimir Putin and the AU delegates emphasized their interests in building closer relations in the cultural, economic and political spheres.

In a report on the Summit published by Tass news agency it says:

“The global importance of the second Russia-Africa Summit, held in St. Petersburg on July 27-28, continued to reverberate over the weekend. On Saturday, Russian President Vladimir Putin held meetings with several counterparts from the continent. As well, St. Petersburg native Putin hosted four African leaders at his hometown’s annual Navy Day parade on July 30 along the Neva River, Vedomosti writes. Putin said at his final press conference on July 29 that, ‘in general, the African continent is friendly and positive towards Russia.’ A 74-point declaration was the principal document to come out of the summit, where the signatories spoke out in particular against ethnic and racial discrimination and announced plans to coordinate a range of joint political activities, including within the United Nations Security Council.” 

Russia and its relationship with the African continent have been mutually cooperative since the era of imperialist conquest when the country under the monarchy provided military assistance to Ethiopia during its war against Italy in the late 19th century. During the period of the Soviet Union, the official foreign policy position of Moscow was to aid the national liberation movements struggling for freedom and independence. The post-colonial years in Africa were marked by solidarity with the newly independent states through the granting of educational opportunities, trading projects along with military training.

A continuing pledge of security assistance was made clear during the Summit. In addition, scholarships for education will be enhanced for African students in Russia. The Russian government acknowledged the legacy of colonialism, imperialism and neo-colonialism and pledged to stand in solidarity with the African people in their struggle for genuine independence and sovereignty.

Testimony by African leaders were recorded in a Tass news report saying that:

“Central African Republic President Faustin-Archange Touadera underscored that Russia’s support helped save democracy in his country. ‘Fearing no geopolitical problems, Russia provides aid to our country, our armed forces and security agencies in their fight against terrorist organizations,’ he said. Mali was able to reinforce its armed forces and ensure its security thanks to Russia’s aid, said Interim President Assimi Goita. ‘Mali has a military partnership with Russia, and we thank it for its support and friendship. […] The Malian Armed Forces are currently on the offensive; we have significantly reduced the number of [terrorist] attacks on [our] military bases, we were able to ensure security in many places,’ he noted.” 

AU Leaders Emphasize Peace Plan

An underlying theme throughout the concluding phase of the Summit was the quest for a peaceful resolution of the conflict in Ukraine. The withdrawal of Russia from the Black Sea Grain Deal was based on the failure of the imperialist states to lift their sanctions against Moscow.

The actual volume of grain produced and exported by Russia far exceeds that of Ukraine. Putin offered to supply grain to several African states free of charge in an effort to meet the current challenge of burgeoning food insecurity.

Tass summarized the discussions on the African Peace Initiative for Ukraine as follows:

“South African President Cyril Ramaphosa stated that ‘negotiations and dialogue, as well as commitment to the UN Charter are necessary for a peaceful and fair resolution of conflicts.’

‘The African initiative deserves the greatest attention, and it should not be underestimated,’ President of the Republic of Congo Denis Sassou Nguesso said, calling to ‘end the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. This conflict affected the entire world in a negative way, African Union Commission Chairman Moussa Faki Mahamat said. ‘Of course, we are concerned over the grain supply issue,’ he said, adding that it is ‘necessary to immediately and promptly resolve the problem of food shipments to countries in need.’” (

Putin reiterated to the African delegations that Russia has been willing to hold constructive negotiations with Ukraine. However, Moscow has been met with refusals by Kiev which is operating at the behest of Washington and the NATO states.

Overall, the Summit further revealed the escalating conflict between the proponents of western imperialist domination and those advocating for a multipolar world system. This ideological and material conflict could very well be resolved in a protracted global conflagration which would portend much for the long-term stability and sustainable development of the majority of peoples and nations of the globe.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Abayomi Azikiwe

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August 2nd, 2023 by The Global Research Team

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Nineteen months after the start of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, many people are still wondering: what is the war really about? Ukraine considers it exclusively defensive against Russian aggression. For the Western bloc (as they inconsistently try to demonstrate) the war is a defense of Western values and countering the military threat from Moscow. For Russia, this war is a serious geopolitical challenge, in which it is necessary to protect the fraternal people and eliminate the ultra-right neo-Nazi forces that seized power at all levels in 2014 and are acting with a tough anti-Russian policy. However, as always happens in big politics, the question “who benefits from this war?” is much deeper, both literally and figuratively.

Firstly, the massive infusion of weapons into Ukraine has already led to the disarmament of the West. So, in June of this year, British Defense Minister Ben Wallace, in an interview with the Washington Post, said that the stocks of military equipment that the West can transfer to Ukraine are running out.

Joe Biden also said that the United States is experiencing a shortage of some ammunition to be sent to Ukraine, and at the end of July, the German Defense Ministry did not approve the transfer of Taurus cruise missiles.

The weakening of the Western military arsenal is primarily beneficial to China in the confrontation with Taiwan supported by Western countries: the more weapons and money will be poured into Ukraine, the less it will be in Taiwan. Perhaps, in the current game, Beijing, staying on the sidelines, will win even much more than the Russian Federation itself.

Secondly, as in any war, it is necessary to look under your feet, because besides mines, useful resources are hidden underground, huge reserves of which are located in Ukraine.

In its recent article, the Financial Times links the conflict in Ukraine with opportunities to significantly advance the current “green” agenda. Even despite the possible return of Donald Trump to the White House in the upcoming elections and the subsequent arrival of right-wing forces, it is highly likely that the issue of “green the planet” will still not be curtailed.

The recent visit of Swedish eco-activist Greta Thunberg to Kiev, during which she met with Zelensky to discuss “Russia’s environmental crimes in Ukraine”, also confirms the West’s interest in Ukrainian resources.

"Green" Values: What Is The West Really Fighting For In Ukraine

Click to see full-size image

Let’s take a look at what exactly in Ukraine may be of interest to supporters of the green way? For example, lithium, which is extremely in demand in the production of batteries for electric cars.

According to Ukrainian scientists, there are about 500,000 tons of lithium in the country – more than in Portugal, which is the largest source of lithium in Europe. Moreover, in Ukraine there are commercially significant reserves of 117 of the 120 most useful industrial minerals, including titanium, iron, uranium, neon, nickel, lithium and many others. The total cost of Ukrainian resources is estimated at 11.5 trillion dollars, which, for example, is 3 times higher than Germany’s GDP.

The development of Ukrainian reserves is particularly relevant against the background of the West’s struggle against its dependence on Chinese and Russian minerals and make the so-called energy transition.

So, at the moment China is the 3rd largest lithium producer in the world, and about 50% of all manufactured batteries for electric vehicles are produced there. Russia, of course, is also aware of the importance of these fossils – many of them are already in the territories controlled by Russia.

Given the close relations between the countries, the West is categorically not ready to allow the strengthening of the energy dominance of the alliance of Moscow and Beijing.

"Green" Values: What Is The West Really Fighting For In Ukraine

In the scenario when Ukraine will be completely destroyed, the population will desperately need jobs, and the leadership will agree to any conditions for receiving external investments, the West will be able not only to get all these minerals, but even to establish its local production.

And here there is one curious nuance. The strict requirements for industrial production are in force on the territory of the European Union.

For example, Elon Musk came up with the idea to launch lithium recycling, but he is unlikely to be able to obtain a license in the EU for such an extremely dirty production. In this scenario, Ukraine can become an ideal colony.

Firstly, it will be loyal to the West and, as mentioned above, is ready to do anything for the sake of investing in the war-torn economy.

Secondly, it is not a part of the EU (and barely likely will ever be), which allows to locate there any harmful production outside the Union laws. Thirdly, unlike the old European colonies and the current production facilities in China, Ukraine is located on the territory of Europe, which makes it extremely logistically convenient.

Thus, with any outcome of this war, Ukraine is nothing more than a bargaining chip in big politics and a resources springboard for other countries in the future.

The current leadership of Kiev understands this for sure, therefore, it will try to extract maximum benefits for itself until the country finally loses its independence – whether from the previously fraternal, and now hated Russia, or from its European “friends”.

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July 28, 2023 – Two Albertans, ages 34 and 35, Jonah Swen and Greg Gaudette were found dead after going missing during a hike along North York Creek Plane Crash Trail outside of Coleman. The were both fully COVID-19 vaccinated PARAMEDICS (click here).

July 22/23, 2023 – Nevada – 29 year old Diana Rivera and 34 year old Jessica Rhodes (a very fit athlete) died while hiking Valley of Fire State Park. “Nobody knows what actually happened but nobody could’ve been in better shape” (click here).

July 18, 2023 – 27 year old former MSU Baseball player Matt Byars “fell” while hiking at Rock Park outside of Denver (click here).

July 17, 2023 – 16 year old Simon Mirkes was on a Camp Tamarack hiking trip in Alaska for Jewish families & children. 3.7 miles into the Harding Icefield trail outside of Seward in Kenai Fjords National Park he collapsed, paramedics from LifeMed helicopter attempted to resuscitate him with CPR but he died on the trail of cardiac arrest (click here).

July 10, 2023 – Whistler, BC – 28 year old nurse and member of her local search and rescue team, died while hiking in BC. She collapsed at 11:15am. She was an experienced hiker (click here).

June 26, 2023 – Texas – 14 year old boy fell ill and died unexpectedly during hike while his 31 year old stepdad died while trying to get him help. (click here)

June 24, 2023 – The remains of 65 year old British actor Julian Sands were discovered on a mountainside in Mount Baldy, California. He died while he was hiking. Autopsy could not determine what caused his death (click here).

May 7, 2023 – 20 year old Clarissa Nicholls from London, UK, died suddenly from cardiac arrest while hiking in France.

April 29, 2023 – 25 year old Eli James Olson died in a “tragic hiking accident on El Capitan mountain in Texas” (click here).

April 26, 2023 – 37 year old NBC News Correspondent Morgan Chesky developed shortness of breath while hiking in Zion National Park. He almost died after developing “high altitude pulmonary edema”. He had done tougher hikes before and never had it. (click here)

Feb. 21, 2023 – 41 year old Irish paramedic working in Australia, Fiona Lavelle went missing and was found dead on a hike in Cape Le Grand National Park, Western Australia (click here).

Sep. 2022 – 32 year old doctor and Neurology Resident Dr.Evan Dishion died suddenly while hiking hear Cave Creek, Arizona (click here).

May 29, 2022 – 53 year old celebrity doctor and obstetrician Jay Goldberg died suddenly of a heart attack while on a hiking trail in Los Angeles Park (click here).

May 24, 2022 – 43 year old AFL personal trainer Jason Januszke had a cardiac arrest while running the Mount Lofty hiking trail. (click here)

Four fully COVID-19 vaccinated Canadian doctors have died hiking or climbing:

My Take…

Last year, while banned from Twitter for warning about mRNA jabs in kids, I wrote a post on Gettr about three Canadian hikers dying suddenly in the United States. (click here)

Every COVID-19 Vaccinated person must re-evaluate their physical activities.

I believe cardio-intense activities such as marathons, swimming, cycling, running and hiking are far too dangerous for the COVID-19 vaccinated who have not had a full cardiac work-up in the US.

The risk of myocarditis post COVID-19 vaccination is about 1 in 30 and the risk of sudden cardiac death with these activities is simply much too high.

Look at these 24 deaths: paramedics, doctors, nurses, athletes and personal trainers. Even the fittest, most experienced hikers are dying suddenly.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

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First published July 29, 2023

The hypothesis that the Anglo-Saxon axis is pivotal to the proxy war in Ukraine against Russia is only partly true. Germany is actually Ukraine’s second largest arms supplier, after the United States. Chancellor Olaf Scholz pledged a new arms package worth 700 million euros, including additional tanks, munitions and Patriot air defence systems at the Nato summit in Vilnius, putting Berlin, as he said, at the very forefront of military support for Ukraine. 

German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius stressed, “By doing this, we’re making a significant contribution to strengthening Ukraine’s staying power.” However, the pantomime playing out may have multiple motives. 

Fundamentally, Germany’s motivation is traceable to the crushing defeat by the Red Army and has little to do with Ukraine as such. The Ukraine crisis has provided the context for accelerating Germany’s militarisation. Meanwhile, revanchist feelings are rearing their head and there is a “bipartisan consensus” between Germany’s leading centrist parties — CDU, SPD and Green Party — in this regard. 

In an interview in the weekend, the CDU’s leading foreign and defence expert Roderich Kiesewetter (an ex-colonel who headed the Association of Reservists of the Bundeswehr from 2011 to 2016) suggested that if conditions warrant in the Ukraine situation,  Nato should consider to “cut off Kaliningrad from the Russian supply lines. We see how Putin reacts when he is under pressure.” Berlin is still smarting under the surrender of the ancient Prussian city of Königsberg in April 1945. 

Stalin ordered 1.5 million Soviet troops supported by several thousand tanks and aircraft to attack the crack Nazi Panzer divisions deeply entrenched in Königsberg. The capture of the heavily fortified stronghold of  Königsberg by the Soviet army was celebrated in Moscow with an artillery salvo by 324 cannons firing 24 shells each.  

Evidently, Kiesewetter’s remarks show that nothing is forgotten or forgiven in Berlin even after 8  decades. Thus, Germany is the Biden Administration’s closest ally in the war against Russia. The German government has stated its understanding for the Biden administration’s controversial decision to supply Ukraine with cluster ammunition. The government spokesman commented in Berlin, “We are certain that our US friends did not make their decision lightly, to deliver this sort of munition.” 

President Frank-Walter Steinmeier remarked, “In the current situation, one should not obstruct the USA.” Indeed, the top CDU figure Kiesewetter suggested in an interview with the Green Party-affiliated daily “taz” that not only should Ukraine be given “guarantees, and if necessary, even provided with nuclear assistance, as an intermediary step to NATO membership.” 

Coinciding with the NATO summit in Vilnius (July 11-12), Rheinmetal, the great 135-year old German arms manufacturing company, has disclosed that it is opening an armoured vehicle plant in western Ukraine at an undisclosed location in the next twelve weeks. To begin with, German Fuchs armoured personnel carriers will be built and repaired while there are plans afoot to manufacture ammunition and possibly even air defence systems and tanks. 

Rheinmetall’s CEO told CNN on Monday that like other Ukrainian arms factories, the new plant could be protected from Russian air attack. Germany has more than doubled the 2022 allocation of €2 billion for upgrading Ukraine’s armed forces. It now touches around €5.4 billion with further plans to increase to €10.5 billion.

Now, is this all about Russia? Germany cannot be unaware that Ukraine has simply no hope on earth to defeat Russia militarily.

Germany is playing the long game. It is creating equity in western Ukraine where it is not Russia but Poland that is its contender. Ever since the Tsarist army advanced into Galicia in 1914, Russia has had a difficult history with Ukrainian nationalists. If the current war in Ukraine spreads to western Ukraine, that cannot be Russia’s choice but out of some necessity forced upon it.  

The Soviet victory in Ukraine in October 1944, the Red Army’s occupation of eastern Europe, and Allied diplomacy resulted in a redrawing of Poland’s western frontiers with Germany and Ukraine’s with Poland. Simply put, with compensation of German territories in the west, Poland agreed to the cession of Volhynia and Galicia in western Ukraine; a mutual population exchange created for the first time in centuries a clear ethnic, as well as political, Polish-Ukrainian border. 

It is entirely conceivable that the ongoing Ukraine war will radically change the territorial boundaries of Ukraine in the east and south.

Possibly, it can re-open the post-World War 2 settlement with regard to western Ukraine as well. Russia has repeatedly warned that Poland aims to reverse the cession of Volhynia and Galicia in western Ukraine. Such a turn of events will most certainly bring to the fore the issue of the German territories that are part of Poland today. 

Perhaps, it was in anticipation of turbulence ahead that last October, eight months after the Russian intervention began in  in February, Warsaw demanded WWII reparations from Berlin — an issue which Germany says was settled in 1990 — to the tune of €1.3 trillion. 

Under the Potsdam Conference (1945), the “former eastern territories of Germany” comprising nearly one quarter (23.8 percent) of the Weimar Republic with the majority ceded to Poland. The remainder, consisting of northern East Prussia including the German city of Königsberg (renamed Kaliningrad), was allocated to the Soviet Union.   

Make no mistake about the importance of the Eastern border for German culture and politics. Indeed, there is always something volatile about a “handicapped” Great Power when a whole new intensity appears in political, economic and historical circumstances, which prompts those in power to turn ideas into reality, and revanchist and imperialistic discourses that were quietly but steadily streaming below the surface of the carefully considered diplomatic efforts begin to probe pan-nationalist expansion.

In retrospect, Germany’s — in particular, then foreign minister and current president Steinmeier’s — diabolical role to align Germany with the neo-Nazi elements during the regime change in Kiev in 2014 and the subsequent German perfidy in the implementation of the Minsk Agreement (“Steinmeier formula”), as admitted recently in February by former Chancellor Angela Merkel should not be forgotten. 

Suffice to say, even as Russia is winning the Ukraine war, the concern of the German foreign policy makers once again faces the need to redefine what was German. Thus, the war in Ukraine is only the means to an end. Recent reports suggest that Berlin may be moving, finally, toward meeting Ukraine’s pending demand for Taurus cruise missiles with a range exceeding 500 kms and unique “multi-effect war head” that can be a game changer in the the combat dynamics on the battlefield and create the prerequisites for victory. 

Equally, German soldiers already comprise about half of the Nato battlegroup already present in Lithuania. Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said two weeks ago while on a visit to Vilnius that Germany is preparing the infrastructure to permanently base 4,000 soldiers (“a robust brigade”) to Lithuania so as to have the capability to maintain military flexibility at the Eastern flank. The decision has support from both Germany’s governing coalition and its main opposition.

The CDU foreign policy expert and member of the Bundestag, Kiesewetter called the idea of establishing German base in the Baltics a “decision of reason and reliability.” Indeed, there have been past attempts, historically speaking, to create German rule in the Baltics based on revisionist claims towards the new states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania where German colonists had settled as far back as in the 12th and 13th centuries. 


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Featured image: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (L) met Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky on the sidelines of NATO summit, Vilnius, Lithuania, July 12, 2023 (Source: IP)

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No, thankfully the malady has not yet overtaken the entirety of the West, but it certainly has seized hold of the element within it that sets the tone and shapes minds.

The precise matter that currently exercises the establishment is not motherhood so much literally as symbolically, insofar as the powers that are dismissed with undisguised contempt is the inviolability of motherhood’s most precious issue, innocent children. That is close enough.

The opinion dictators’ unhinged reaction to the newly released film “Sound of Freedom” highlights a seeming paradox.

It is that in the presumed epicentre of global civilisation and humanistic values, loathing for and condemnation of the kidnapping and enslavement of children is shown to be neither automatic nor unanimous.

Although not a Hollywood production (soon after release, the notorious den of corruption unequivocally disowned the film and one readily suspects the reasons why) and notwithstanding malicious denigration in the controlled media, “Sound of Freedom” has played in packed theatres across the US. Its earnings thus far have exceeded cost of production by over ten-fold, while concurrently released Hollywood blockbusters are failing miserably at the box office. It was a remarkable achievement, in particular because word of mouth publicity apparently was enough to overcome every conceivable obstacle erected by the enraged establishment.

Commercial success data however are a very minor detail. Far more significant is that the temporarily stunned establishment, itself deeply involved in every known form of amorality, has managed to turn the exposé of a phenomenon that should have been  universally repugnant into a controversial issue.

By slyly introducing ambivalence into the absoluteness of the distinction between good from evil, it has registered a modest success of its own.

The popularity and massive viewership of the “Sound of Freedom” against all odds is, of course, comforting evidence that the vast majority of Americans remain normal and decent people. The critical question, however, is whether in the long run the film’s undeniable triumph, if judged merely by movie industry metrics, will have a substantive impact beyond that? In other words, will it leave a mark on public policy, or will it be no more than a flash in the pan?

Regrettably, there is no indication that ultimately the film will be anything more than a flash in the pan.

True, paid establishment shills posing as film critics, many of them with a personal background of involvement in paedophilia and therefore in clear conflict of interest, have been trashing the “Sound of Freedom” relentlessly for weeks since its  release without achieving for their trouble any visible box office results.  

It is true also that by massively flocking to the movie theatres to see a film so strongly frowned upon by their overlords, to use a metaphor from bygone days, the plebes have voted with their feet. That is a method of voting that Dominion vote counting machines are unable to influence or reverse.

Yet on the policy level the public referendum on child trafficking in movie theatres has had no resonance in the ranks of the governing class or among any of their courtiers and minions.

As recently as two or three decades ago politicians and other public figures would have been competing to garner political brownie points by pretending to identify with the social outrage.

They would be echoing popular sentiment and promising effective legislation and other palliative measures to deal with the scandal. This time around however nothing of the sort is taking place. Politicians, religious and cultural leaders, and public figures of most diverse profiles from whom a reaction should naturally be expected, have remained totally and conspicuously silent regarding a matter of the highest public concern and an outrage of extraordinary magnitude.

What does that tell us about the condition of the society where this is possible?

It tells us at least two things. First, that there is an unbridgeable moral chasm separating the rulers from their subjects. Pence’s honest admission to Tucker Carlson that the long list of domestic issues the latter ticked off is “not my concern,” presumably because of their insignificance compared to the “internationalist obligation” of sustaining Zelensky’s regime, is emblematic of the ruling elite’s alienated mindset. (In Europe, an identical sentiment, almost verbatim, was expressed by Germany’s stupid foreign minister.)

The nomenklatura no longer feel the need to even feign commonality of values with the masses they deceitfully rule.

As a result, there has been no acknowledgement from the “servants of the people” class of the child trafficking and enslavement pandemic.

No legislative or police strategies to deal with it are being publicly contemplated nor do the rulers perceive a need to present an action plan to mollify the incensed masses, who are viewed from on high as marginal, no more than a minor nuisance. The human trafficking scandal may greatly bother Joe So-and-So out on the street, but as insider Pence helpfully explained it is not their concern. Confidently and patiently, they are waiting for the sordid revelations to blow over. Meanwhile, in their public opinion modelling laboratories, as this is written distractions are being devised to memory hole them and then, as quickly as practicable, to change the subject.

The other thing this tells us about the ruling elite is that what has long been suspected of their utter degeneracy most likely is true.

The abuse depicted in “Sound of Freedom” is not confined to the streets and alleys of large metropolitan centres or the jungles of Colombia. It is endemic to the lifestyle of powerful people, and at all levels.

Willing participation in depravity is often the entry ticket for joining the ranks of the Western power elite. The credible revelations of Dutch banker Ronald Bernard, who opted out when as a condition for further advancement he was asked to participate in child blood sacrifice (12:48 to 14:05), speak for themselves and are borne out by a mass of other similar testimonials (and here).



Child trafficking and exploitation, including blood sacrifice, reaches into the highest levels of authority, both secular and religious. They are the ultimate consumers of the horrors depicted in the “Sound of Freedom.” The expectation that those circles would do anything about it other than cover it up is therefore naïve and unrealistic.

The euphemistic white-washing in public discourse of this particularly heinous variety of perversion, by relabelling its criminal protagonists innocuous “minor attracted adults,” gives the game away. There is an ongoing systematic effort to normalise the abhorrent and to promote it as a regular and accepted feature of everyday life. Without backing from within the apparatus of power, which in reality is the network of psychopaths who hold Western societies in their iron grip, aggressively reshaping it in their own corrupt likeness and image, this normalisation of evil could not take place.

Unless a thoroughgoing perestroika is carried out in the West and the psychopaths infesting all spheres of public life and social influence are locked up and the keys are forever thrown away, prisons and asylums will soon be filled with decent people, conscientious whistle-blowers and moral heroes such as the makers of the “Sound of freedom”.


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Stephen Karganovic is president of “Srebrenica Historical Project,” an NGO registered in the Netherlands to investigate the factual matrix and background of events that took place in Srebrenica in July of 1995. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

State of the World: “Political Treachery, Deceptions, Lies and Criminality”. Colonel Pedro Baños

By Peter Koenig, August 01, 2023

In his presentations, Pedro Baños demonstrates that today’s situation is not different from what it was six centuries ago. The state of the world today is one of political treachery, deception, lies and crime of utmost proportion, including mass genocide. The propaganda means of today are of course much more sophisticated than in the Middle Age, englobing the entire world at once, with medias amply paid by a corporate elite attempt to take total control of the world and its population.

U.S. Media Calls for New PATRIOT Act Against So-called “Domestic Terrorists”

By Ben Bartee, August 01, 2023

A few years back, I (and many others) picked up on an emerging trend which has only intensified over time: the framing of “domestic terrorists” (meaning, in practice, any political opponents of the Deep State regime) as something on par with foreign terrorists of the Islamic persuasion.

Thinker, Poet, Philosopher Giordano Bruno Devoted to the Truth, Condemned by the Roman Inquisition, 475 Years Later

By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, August 01, 2023

In the early morning hours of February 17, 1600, a man was carted to Rome’s Campo d’Fiori where, chained by the neck, he was stripped naked, hung upside down and burned at the stake, the culmination of seven long years of confinement in the Prison of the Roman Inquisition. His ashes were thrown into the Tiber River.

Gender and Politics

By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, August 01, 2023

The text has aim to investigate the situation of female representation in politics in the industrialized contemporary Western democracies. Though women are more and more visible in politics, we can not yet say they have taken an equal position compared to men. Of course, they have had to take a long road and there is certainly a positive evolution, but there are still some mechanisms that lead to different kinds and levels of political discrimination.

mRNA COVID Vaccines May be Triggering ‘Turbo Cancers’ in Young People: Experts

By Megan Redshaw, August 01, 2023

Experts are seeing a puzzling rise in cancer in people under 50 that appears biologically different from late-onset cancers. While some claim cancer rates have been rising for decades and attribute the increase to sugary drinks, lifestyle, and sleep disruptions, others say mRNA COVID-19 vaccines have caused an emergence of “turbo cancers”—and U.S. regulatory agencies have not addressed the ever-growing problem.

Measuring the Mandates: Assessing the State’s Response to COVID-19

By Richard Cox, August 01, 2023

Politicians around the world insisted that they needed to restrict human freedom and mandate medical interventions—all in order to keep us safe. They had the power and claimed the wisdom to know this was the right thing to do. Much of the population agreed, yearning only for stronger restrictions on their liberty.

Liberation Philosophy. The Convergence of Catastrophes Facing the West. Youssef Hindi

By Alexander Wolfheze, August 01, 2023

The aim of this present review of Hindi’s Guerre is to assist the Eurasianist and Multipolar Movements – the former movement relates as a matrix and reference point to the latter movement – in creating a fully-fledged, stand-alone worldview and a comprehensive, all-encompassing metanarrative, as they will eventually be required to do if they are to ever to successfully oppose and overcome the globalist-nihilist worldview.

Algeria Will Play An Important Role If West Africa Descends Into War?

By Andrew Korybko, August 01, 2023

Security and ideological interests account for why the Algerian Chief of Staff just flew to Moscow. His country wants to coordinate with its strategic partner in responding to this regional crisis as well as the wider war that might soon break out.

Western Weapons sent to Ukraine End Up in the Hands of African Terrorists

By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 01, 2023

Reports suggest that Western weapons sent to Ukraine are being redistributed to terrorists around the world, particularly in Africa. According to the interim President of Burkina Faso, Ibrahim Traore, Western military equipment ends up in the hands of African terrorists instead of supplying Ukrainian forces, thus generating instability and insecurity for Africa, and further increasing the need for cooperation with Russia.

mRNA Vaccine: The COVID-19 Spike Injury You Need to Know About

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 01, 2023

McCullough and his team systematically reviewed all autopsy reports involving COVID-19 jab-related myocarditis published through July 3, 2023. Fourteen papers detailing 28 autopsies fit the inclusion criteria.

The Deep State Is All Too Real

August 1st, 2023 by David Bernhardt

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There are two competing conceptions of American governance: the version students are taught in the classroom, and the one that exists in the real world. Grade-school civics teaches that Washington is designed to operate under a system of checks and balances, constrained by the Constitution and empowered by the consent of the governed. In practice, however, power has become concentrated in the executive branch and largely wielded by unaccountable career bureaucrats. The notion of a “deep state” isn’t a conspiratorial talking point but a manifest political reality. 

Click to read the article on WSJ.


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A few years back, I (and many others) picked up on an emerging trend which has only intensified over time: the framing of “domestic terrorists” (meaning, in practice, any political opponents of the Deep State regime) as something on par with foreign terrorists of the Islamic persuasion.

You may recall these fighting words from Former CIA Director John Brennan, now an MSNBC talking head, directed at “far-right” “domestic extremists” back in 2021:

“[The Biden intelligence services] are moving in laser-like fashion to try to uncover as much as they can about what looks very similar to insurgency movements that we’ve seen overseas

It brings together an unholy alliance of religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians. And unfortunately I think there’s been this momentum that generated as a result of unfortunately the demagogic rhetoric of people that’s just departed government, but also those who continue in the halls of Congress and so I really do think that the law enforcement, homeland security, intelligence, and even the defense officials are doing everything possible to root out what seems to be a very very serious and insidious threat to our democracy and our republic.”

“Even libertarians”!

And remember: “white supremacists” need not be white any longer; opposing racist government policies makes you a racist; “nativists” are individuals who don’t want endless foreign wars with no benefit to the taxpayers who finance them. These terms’ definitions are nothing if not malleable.

Now, reading off the same Deal State script, Paul Rieckhoff is calling for a new-age PATRIOT Act, the ultra-draconian legislation that enabled the worst excesses of the Bush-era, post-9/11 national security state.

“A lot of Americans are up for grabs. I wouldn’t dismiss it as just something only people on the right or watching Fox News latch on to. We are in a battle for hearts and minds and there people are on the fence.

You got to have leaders and messages and messengers and programs to get to those people that bring them over into community organizing and into non-profit organizations and away from the Patriot Front and Oathkeepers.

I think the parallels of 9/11 are important. We talked about this before. After 9/11, the laws didn’t work. They made massive changes to respond to a new threat. I think we have to face the fact that many structures, laws and policies may not work. After 9/11 we created the Department of Homeland Security, there was the PATRIOT Act. There was massive change in our entire society to face the number one threat, or at least what was communicated as the number one threat.

We need the same kind of tectonic shift.”

Let this be a lesson to us all (one that was actually offered by the Founders but that apparently we haven’t absorbed properly): granting sweeping new powers to any government, no matter how apparently benevolent, to conduct law enforcement activities in the dark with no accountability, under the guise of national security, is always, without fail, a Trojan Horse that ultimately comes back to bite the frightened, propagandized people who allowed it to happen in the first place.


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This article was originally published on Armageddon Prose.

Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

Featured image is from Global Look Press / Jaap Arriens

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In the early morning hours of February 17, 1600, a man was carted to Rome’s Campo d’Fiori where, chained by the neck, he was stripped naked, hung upside down and burned at the stake, the culmination of seven long years of confinement in the Prison of the Roman Inquisition. His ashes were thrown into the Tiber River. If you make your way to the bustling and lively square today you will find at its center a statue honoring that man, Giordano Bruno. Described as the ‘most militant statue in Rome,’ the monument was erected in 1889 and presents the hooded Bruno in the cowl of a friar, facing toward the Vatican, as if silently reprimanding the Roman Catholic Church for his execution.

This year marks the 475th anniversary of Giordano Bruno’s birth in 1548 in the small town of Nola, a short distance from Naples. The intervening years since his death have seen Bruno’s status grow – as a thinker and poet, astronomer, philosopher and master of mnemonics, or the art of memory. It is now acknowledged that in claiming the universe was infinite, with infinite suns like our own, the Nolan was some 400 years ahead of his time. But what finally had him condemned by the Roman Inquisition was that the “apostate monk demanded free inquiry into truth, unprejudiced and unaffected by theologic authority.” According to a more recent biographer, Bruno was delivered to the flames because he ultimately refused to acknowledge the authority of those who sat in judgment over him.

Bruno deserves to be remembered for his devotion to truth, and the freedom of thought to bravely follow wherever the truth may lead. His intrepid constancy was immense, his vision of reality was profound and anticipated the greatest minds of the early modern era, including especially Baruch Spinoza. Bruno can be a very difficult read unless one is well-versed in the controversies of late renaissance thought. He can be daunting but he could also write clearly, pointedly, and with withering irony. He could also be outrageously funny.


The trial of Giordano Bruno by the Roman Inquisition. Bronze relief by Ettore Ferrari, Campo de’ Fiori, Rome. (Licensed under the Public Domain)

In terms of his metaphysics, Bruno was, in a word, a pantheist. This is why it is often said that he was a forerunner to Spinoza, the true ‘father of modern naturalism,’ as Richard Bernstein has recently argued. As Hegel would characterize Bruno’s conception of ultimate reality: ‘The things which appear to be different are only modifications of one single thing which includes in its existence all other existence.’ Schopenhauer once wrote that both Bruno and Spinoza would have been at home on the banks of the Ganges. Schopenhauer was referring to the theoretical or theological kinship between Bruno’s One, Spinoza’s Substance and the monistic conception of Brahman that we find, for example, in Advaita Vedanta, where it is an entirely pantheistic, homogenous (undifferentiated) principle of Reality.

Bruno is, among other things, a great thinker of the One, putting him in a tradition going back to Parmenides. As he writes in the dedication of his comedic play, Candelaio (The Candlemaker): “Time takes away all and grants all, everything changes, nothing is destroyed; only one thing cannot change, one, alone and eternal, and only one can abide eternally, consistent and identical. With this philosophy my spirit grows large, and my intellect is magnified… everything that is, is either here or there, near or far, now or later, sooner or later. Rejoice, then, and if you can, be well, and love the one who loves you.” Bruno represents the indomitable power of thought, its irreducibility, its freedom to rise above the present, to see beyond the horizon, and grasp the infinite.

For Bruno, there is no limitation to which thought is irremediably bound. There is nothing that in principle cannot be known. The fatal problem for every philosophy of finitude is that when it says thought can travel this far and no farther it has already gone beyond the limit. As Theodor Adorno would point out, once you assign limits to reason, “is there not a sense in which you already raise yourself beyond these limits? And if reason claims to tell you how far you may go and how far you may not go, does this not already imply that reason somehow stands beyond the limits which are set by reason itself?” This is also Hegel’s fundamental objection to Kantian idealism: as soon as you say that we cannot have knowledge of the world as a whole you’ve gone beyond the limit, because that requires you to make a judgment about the whole. Indeed, there is nothing that is intrinsically unknown or unknowable.

I have a modest claim to make: we need Bruno today more than ever. This is because he represents an intellectual antidote to the prevailing ideology of today which tells us that we are doomed to finitude, which comes down politically to the assertion that there is no alternative to the reign of global capitalism. Of course, Bruno did not know about capitalism, globalization or neoliberalism. What he did know however is that humanity is infinite. That we are limited only by our own narrowness of vision.


The monument to Bruno in the place he was executed, Campo de’ Fiori in Rome (Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)

Bruno is a militant for truth: he “raises the human measure of faithfulness and strengthens reverence for what is of highest and best in man.” What would it mean to remain faithful to the truth his life embodies? In a word: resist. It would mean to refuse to accept what is, to accept the given. Bruno was not a revolutionary as such, but his fidelity to the universal compels him to meet his enemies, who have all the power of authority on their side, with steadfastness and fidelity born of the truth. Copernicus’s heliocentric model of the solar system “appeared to him an inspiration of genius. Therefore, he defended it, extended it further than its originator dared extend it, and finally died for it and for all that it meant to him.”

Bruno fully grasped and embraced the philosophical implications of Copernican theory, including the homogeneity of substance between the earth and the celestial bodies, and the identity of laws governing their motion. There was no need for a first mover external to the material world, as movement was intrinsic to extended bodies. Bruno asserted that the universe was infinite, with infinite solar systems like our own; he even claimed that the universe was teeming with life. These were shocking claims for his era. “To Bruno and to Bruno alone the suggestion of Copernicus entered into the pattern of a completely new cosmological order.” He did not simply anticipate Galileo and Kepler, but went beyond them, envisioning an “entirely new world which had shed all the dross of tradition.”

We need to revive his legacy, because Bruno’s life and thought evince the virtues of which we are in such short supply. What is so important about his cosmological and speculative daring is not simply that it is centuries ahead of his time. Bruno stands in eternal defiance of any effort to give finitude the last word. We are Immortals, not because we continue to live after our bodies die, but because we can participate in immortal truth. Or as Bruno wrote, “The wise feareth not death; rather she sometimes striveth for death, she goeth beyond to meet her. Yet eternity maintaineth her substance throughout time, immensity throughout space, universal form throughout motion.” If it is the denial of eternity that is at the basis of the nihilism that we are witnessing today, then we have need of Bruno. We need Bruno not to propose us an afterlife of the soul, but to remind us that there are eternal truths, that ‘the mind is eternal to the extent that it grasps the things from the perspective of eternity,’ and in the final analysis it is only by keeping faith with what is eternal do we truly become Immortals.


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Sam Ben-Meir is an assistant adjunct professor of philosophy at City University of New York, College of Technology. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Portrait of Giordano Bruno Rare Books Keywords: Giordano Bruno (Licensed under CC BY 4.0)

Gender and Politics

August 1st, 2023 by Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović

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The text has aim to investigate the situation of female representation in politics in the industrialized contemporary Western democracies. Though women are more and more visible in politics, we can not yet say they have taken an equal position compared to men. Of course, they have had to take a long road and there is certainly a positive evolution, but there are still some mechanisms that lead to different kinds and levels of political discrimination.

The focal goal of this text is then, trying to find out what the factor processes are that lead to these discriminations, and which solutions there can be put forward.

In this text, I will try to explain firstly what gender is. We will see the difference between sex and gender. While sex is about the biological differences between men and women and their consequences, gender is much more of a social phenomenon. It is about how people are socialized based simply on the fact that they are a man or a woman. It is about the differences in treatment and their consequences. We will try to find where those differences in treatment come from, and which things maintain the existence of this different treatment.

Further, I will focus on the gender problems, or the problems with which women have to deal with simply because they are women. My focus will not be on the poor situation of women in the less developed countries of the south – which would also be interesting, but on the problems that women still have today in the industrialized Western democracies, where the history of women’s rights already covers a long road.[1]

What Is Gender?

What is it to be a man? What is it to be a woman? You might think that being a man or woman is ultimately associated with the sex of the physical body we are born with. However, the nature of maleness and femaleness is not so easily classified, explained, and understood. 

Historically, the study of gender has its roots in the anthropology of women and, therefore, is very often mistaken to be only about women. Gender studies are concerned with the cultural construction of embodied human beings, both women and men. They examine the differences and similarities as experienced and interpreted in various contexts, taking this to mean all relationships whether they involve subjects of the same or different genders. Gender has often implied and/or been contrasted to sex, the biologically defined categories of male and female.[2]

Before explaining what gender is, we need to make some important distinctions, between sex and gender. In general, sociologists use the term sex to refer to the anatomical and physiological differences that define male and female bodies. A person’s sex is determined based on primary sex characteristics essential to reproduction. Sex is thus a biological concept for the biological distinction between men and women.

Gender, by contrast, concerns the psychological, social, and cultural differences between males and females. Gender is a social distinction based on culturally conceived and learned ideas about appropriate appearance, behavior, and mental and emotional characteristics for males and females, linked to socially constructed notions of masculinity and femininity. It is not necessarily a direct product of an individual’s biological sex.

The terms ‘masculinity’ and ‘femininity’ are gender terms that signify the ideal physical, behavioral, mental, and emotional traits believed to be characteristic of males and females. The distinction between sex and gender is a fundamental one since many differences between males and females are not biological in origin. Individuals who are born as biological males or females are usually expected to develop ‘masculine’ or ‘feminine’ character traits and behave in ways that are appropriate to their gender.[3]

In general, there are several academic points of view in explaining gender differences. 

Some authors hold that aspects of human biology are responsible for initiating differences in behavior between men and women. Thus, they claim that the difference in sex lead to differences in social behavior. These differences, they claim, can be seen in some form across all cultures. They believe that the behavioral differences between males and females are ‘hardwired’ in our genetic code just as surely and permanently as the differences in reproductive organs. Sociologist Steven Goldberg, for example, argues that some gender characteristics are universal; for example, males are more aggressive and control leadership positions. Goldstein believes this is the result of biological and genetic inheritance, but not of socialization or learning.[4] 

Theories of “natural differences” (for example, why men are more aggressive and women are, in general, more gentle and passive) are often grounded in data on animal behavior; critics point out, rather than in anthropological or historical evidence about human behavior, which reveals variation over time and place. Moreover, they add, because a trait is more or less universal, it does not follow that it is biological in origin. Rather, however, there may be cultural factors of a general kind that produce such characteristics. For instance, in the majority of cultures, most women spend a significant part of their lives caring for children and could not readily take part in hunting or war.

Although the hypothesis that biological factors determine behavior patterns in men and women cannot be dismissed out of hand, nearly a century of research to identify the physiological origins of such an influence has been unsuccessful. There is no evidence of the mechanisms which would link such biological forces with the complex social behaviors exhibited by human men and women.[5]

Nevertheless, all theories which see individuals as complying with some kind of innate predisposition neglect the vital role of social interaction in shaping human behavior.

Most sociologists argue that gender roles are entirely learned. Such an opinion takes us to a second view about gender. Gender can be explained by understanding the origins of gender differences through the study of gender socialization, and the learning of gender roles with the help of social agencies such as the family and the media. Through contact with various agencies of socialization, both primary and secondary, children gradually internalize the social norms and expectations which are seen to correspond with their sex. Gender differences are not biologically determined, they are culturally produced. According to this view, gender inequalities result because men and women are socialized into different roles.[6]

In practice, this socialization goes through the learning of “sex roles” by positive and negative sanctions. For example, a small boy could be positively sanctioned in his behavior (like “What a brave boy you are!”), or by the recipient of negative sanctions (like “Boys don’t play with dolls”). These positive and negative reinforcement aid boys and girls in learning and conforming to expected sex roles. Research by child specialist Beverly Fagot and her colleagues showed that this socialization already started very early; grownups who interacted with a group of toddlers did that in a gender-polarized way. They were more likely to respond to girls when the girls communicated in gentle, “feminine” ways and to boys when the boys communicated in assertive, “masculine” ways. As they did not find real sex differences in the interaction styles of 12-month-old boys and girls, the differences in communication styles by the time these toddlers reached two years of age were quite dramatic.[7]

However, critics of this view argue that gender socialization is not an inherently smooth process as different “agencies” such as the family, schools, or peer groups may be at odds with one another. Moreover, socialization theories ignore the ability of individuals to reject, or modify, the social expectations surrounding sex roles. It is important to remember that humans are not passive objects or unquestioning recipients of gender “programming”. But while we should be skeptical of any wholesale adoption of the sex roles approach, many studies have shown that to some degree gender identities are a result of social influences.[8]

Clearly, gender socialization is very powerful, and challenges to it can be upsetting. Once gender is “assigned”, society expects individuals to act like “females” and “males”. It is in the practices of everyday life that these expectations are fulfilled and reproduced.

According to Joseph F. Healey, gender is a source of differentiation, such as race, ethnicity, and class. Like race, gender has both a biological and a social component and can be a highly visible and convenient way of judging and sorting people. J. F. Healey speaks of gender roles, which highly resemble A. Giddens’ sex roles. From birth, the biological differences between the sexes form the basis for different gender roles or, in other words, societal expectations about proper behavior, attitudes, personal traits, and proper ethical behavior based on gender background.[9] In virtually all societies, including those at the advanced (post)industrial stage, adult work roles tend to be separated by gender, and boys and girls are socialized differently in preparation for these adult roles.[10]

There is also a third possible approach to understanding gender differences that combine nature and nurture. In this view, genetic inheritance and socialization experiences work together in a variety of ways, some exquisitely subtle, to produce the commonly observed gender differences in adults. For example, sociologist Robert Udry argues that the biology of sex – in particular, he focuses on the male hormone testosterone – may predispose or sensitize males and females in very different ways and prepare them for differential socialization experiences. R. Udry notes that these findings do not invalidate or refute explanations of gender differences that stress socialization or nurture. They do, however, require the recognition that biology sets some limits on the effects of gender socialization.

According to Joya Misra and Leslie King, gender is mainly about power. Norms, traditions, and values concerning gender have served to maintain a system of inequality in virtually every society. From the moment a child is born, the state is involved in upholding and maintaining gender as an institution. State policies often reflect patriarchal norms and may constrain both men’s and women’s choices. Yet states may also serve as arenas for challenging traditional gender norms.[11]

General Problems Concerning Gender Inequality

We have seen that gender is a socially created concept that attributes differing social roles and identities to men and women. Yet, gender differences are rarely neutral – in almost all societies, gender is a significant form of social stratification.[12] Gender is a critical factor in structuring the types of opportunities and life chances individuals and groups face and strongly influences the roles they play within social institutions from the household to the state. Gender roles and relationships vary across time and from society to society, but gender and inequality have usually been closely related, and men typically claim more property, prestige, and power.[13]

Although the roles of men and women vary from culture to culture, there is no known instance of a society in which females are more powerful than males. Men’s roles are generally more highly valued and rewarded than woman’s roles: in almost every culture, women bear the primary responsibility for childcare and domestic work, while men have traditionally borne responsibility for providing the family’s livelihood. The prevailing division of labor between the sexes has led to men and women assuming unequal positions in terms of power, prestige, and wealth.[14] Power, prestige, and wealth are scarce values that people seek. Because women tend to be labeled with an inferior status simply on the basis of their gender, however, this reduces their chances of achieving these values in competition with men.[15]

The societies of West Europe and the USA have a strong tradition of patriarchy, or male dominance, throughout the social structure. In a patriarchal society, men have more control over the economy and more access to leadership roles in religion, politics, and other institutions. Nevertheless, despite the advances that women have made in countries around the world, gender differences continue to serve as the basis for social inequalities and men’s enduring dominance over women in the realm of economics, politics, the family, and elsewhere.

Women’s gender problems are situated in everyday life, in differences in health and aging, in the family, in their lower places in the class structure, in organizations, in the labor market, in their educational outcomes, and so on. Some theories worked out negatively for the position of women, like a functionalist theory that says it is perfectly logical and desirable to divide the tasks in outside work for men and inside work for women; or the theory of maternal deprivation which says that a child who isn’t socialized by its mother, by her absence, would possibly have serious social and psychological difficulties later in life. Such theories have been justly criticized by feminists and other scientists as there is no biological basis to the division of labor and nothing natural or inevitable about the allocation of tasks in society. Rather, humans are socialized into roles that are culturally expected of them. There is a steady stream of evidence, however, to suggest that the maternal deprivation thesis is questionable. There is no basis for the belief that the “expressive” female is necessary for the smooth operation of the family – rather, it is a role that is promoted largely for the convenience of men.[16]

As a matter of very fact, the gender problem is a very complicated one, and in practice, it is very hard to change it as processes of prejudice and stereotyping are playing still a significant role in gender stratification and throughout history are rooted in the social system.

Women face stigmatization on a number of fronts and the practical consequence of an individual being stigmatized can include the reduction of the person’s social acceptability, a blocking of important social and economic opportunities, and a diminishing of the overall life chances. This person may come to see even himself as inferior when there is an absence of validation by others and this person is socialized to accept the beliefs and values on which the stigma is grounded. In this way, women even can get caught in a web of self-defeating behavior.[17]


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International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) (2009). Democracy and Gender.  

Krolokke, C. & Sorensen, A.S. (2005). Gender Communication Theories and Analyses: From Silence to Performance. Sage.

European Commission (Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities) (2009, 23 February). Gender Equality.

European Commission (Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities) (2008, 2 June). European network set to boost women in power.

European Commission (Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities) (2009, January). Women in European Politics – Time for Action.

European Commission (Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities) (2008, January). Women and Women in decision-making 2007.


[1] See, for instance [Shoemaker R., Vincent M. (eds.), Gender & History in Western Europe, London: Arnold, 1998].

[2] See more in [Reiter R. R. (ed.), Toward an Anthropology of Woman, London, 1975; Atkinson J. M., Errington S. (eds.), Power and Difference: Gender in Island in Southeast Asia, Stanford, CA, 1990].

[3] Giddens A., Sociology, Cambridge−Oxford: Polity Press, 2004, p. 107; Ferrante J., Sociology: A Global Perspective, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Singapore, Spain, United Kingdom, United States: Thomson Wadsworth Ferrante, 2006, pp. 332−336; Steans J., Gender and International Relations, Second Edition,  Polity, 2006, pp.7−8; Clements P., Spinks T., The Equal Opportunities Handbook: How to Deal with the Everyday Issues of Unfairness, Fourth Edition, London−Philadelphia: Kogan Page, 2006, pp. 79−80.

[4] See, for instance [Giddens A., Sociology, Cambridge−Oxford: Polity Press, 2004, pp.107−108; Healey J. F., Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class: The Sociology of Group Conflict and Change, Thousand Oaks−London−New Delhi: Pine Forge Press, 2006, p. 25].

[5] See more in [Reeser W. T., Masculinities in Theory: An Introduction, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010].

[6] Healey J. F., Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class: The Sociology of Group Conflict and Change, Thousand Oaks−London−New Delhi: Pine Forge Press, 2006, p. 25.

[7] Ferrante J., Sociology: A Global Perspective, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Singapore, Spain, United Kingdom, United States: Thomson Wadsworth Ferrante, 2006, p. 347.

[8] Giddens A., Sociology, Cambridge−Oxford: Polity Press, 2004, p. 108.

[9] About ethics in general, see [Kainz P. H., Ethics in Context, Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 1988; Shafer-Landau R. (ed.), Ethical Theory: An Anthology, Second Edition, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013].

[10] Healey J. F., Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class: The Sociology of Group Conflict and Change, Thousand Oaks−London−New Delhi: Pine Forge Press, 2006, p. 19.

[11] See more in [Janoski T. et al. (eds.), The Handbook of Political Sociology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005].

[12] About social stratification and power, see [Brennan C., Max Webber on Power and Social Stratification, London: Routledge, 1997]

[13] Healey J. F., Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class: The Sociology of Group Conflict and Change, Thousand Oaks−London−New Delhi: Pine Forge Press, 2006, p. 23.

[14] Giddens A., Sociology, Cambridge−Oxford: Polity Press, 2004, p. 112.

[15] Schur E. M., “The Devaluation of Women”, Rubington E., Weinberg M. S. (eds.), The Study of Social Problems: Seven Perspectives, Sixth Edition, New York‒Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003, pp. 186‒193.

[16] Giddens A., Sociology, Cambridge−Oxford: Polity Press, 2004, pp. 111‒113.

[17] Schur E. M., “The Devaluation of Women”, Rubington E., Weinberg M. S. (eds.), The Study of Social Problems: Seven Perspectives, Sixth Edition, New York‒Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003, pp. 186‒193.

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Experts are seeing a puzzling rise in cancer in people under 50 that appears biologically different from late-onset cancers. While some claim cancer rates have been rising for decades and attribute the increase to sugary drinks, lifestyle, and sleep disruptions, others say mRNA COVID-19 vaccines have caused an emergence of “turbo cancers”—and U.S. regulatory agencies have not addressed the ever-growing problem.

Although there is no official medical definition for what doctors are calling “turbo cancers,” the term is commonly used to define aggressive, rapid-onset cancers resistant to treatment—primarily in young, healthy individuals following COVID-19 vaccination. These cases often present in a late stage with metastasis and quickly turn fatal.

“What’s happening is these cancers we’re used to seeing, their growth patterns and their behavior are completely out of character … So ‘turbo cancer’ is something that wasn’t there and, all of a sudden, it’s everywhere,” Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist and CEO of Cole Diagnostics, said in an interview on EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders.”

Dr. Cole told The Epoch Times in a later interview that he first noticed an uptick in certain types of cancers after the vaccine rollout in December 2020 and believes researchers are starting to understand how these cancers are occurring.

“Physicians are seeing multiple types of cancers in their day-to-day practices—and in young patient cohorts where you typically don’t see cancer. Although the increase in cancer has been blamed on missed screenings, you know it isn’t due to missed screenings because young people don’t typically get screened,” Dr. Cole said.

Cancers are increasing at a rate above what’s expected, and countless doctors and clinicians around the world have confirmed this. Their patients are cancer-free for years, but then after a booster, cancers “pop up,” he added. What’s unique about turbo cancers is that they do not respond to traditional treatment because the cells have been altered in the bone marrow, and the cells “aren’t doing what they’re supposed to.”

Studies and Case Reports of Cancer Following COVID-19 Vaccination

Studies and case reports of various cancers following mRNA vaccination are helping experts understand the potential mechanisms that may be allowing these cancers to proliferate.

In a recent Belgian study published in Frontiers Oncology, researchers presented the first case of malignant lymphoma in mice. Malignant lymphoma is a rare adverse event reported following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination.

Two days after receiving a booster dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, one of 14 mice suffered spontaneous death. Upon examination, the 14-week-old mouse had abnormally large organs and cancerous lymphoma in the liver, kidneys, spleen, heart, and lungs. Although showing direct causality is complex, the authors said their findings add to “previous clinical reports on malignant lymphoma development following novel mRNA COVID-19 vaccination.”

In a January 2023 paper in Medicina, researchers presented the case of a 66-year-old man who developed swollen lymph nodes 10 days after receiving his third dose of Pfizer. After further testing, the patient was diagnosed with stage 2 non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). A literature review found eight additional cases of NHL that developed shortly after COVID-19 vaccination. Five lymphoma cases occurred after vaccination with Pfizer, one case after vaccination with AstraZeneca, one after the Johnson & Johnson shot, and one after vaccination with Moderna.

In an August 2022 Letter to the Editor in the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology, physicians described two patients diagnosed with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma that developed from swollen lymph nodes following vaccination with Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

The study’s authors found that diffuse large B-cell lymphoma “may rapidly grow” after vaccination with Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine and urged dermatologists to pay attention to swollen lymph nodes or masses near the injection site.

Swollen lymph nodes, or lymphadenopathy, is considered a common side effect of COVID-19 vaccination, more often observed following immunization with novel COVID-19 mRNA vaccines than other vaccines.

Lymphadenopathy is also an acknowledged “non-serious” adverse event of COVID-19 vaccination listed in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) fact sheets for health care providers for both Moderna and Pfizer’s monovalent and bivalent vaccines. However, pharmaceutical companies and U.S. regulatory agencies have not assessed whether there’s a link between vaccine-related lymphadenopathy and cancer.

A year after the vaccine rollout, researchers published a case report in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) of a healthy 39-year-old woman diagnosed with “vaccination-associated reactive lymphadenopathy” following vaccination with Pfizer’s vaccine. Six months later, she was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in her right breast—the same side of the body where she received her vaccination and experienced swollen lymph nodes.

Urgent Need to Determine Underlying Causes of Turbo Cancers

The exact mechanism giving rise to turbo cancers is unknown, and it’s unclear whether one or multiple mechanisms are responsible for these cancers, Dr. William Makis, an oncologist, cancer researcher, and nuclear medicine radiologist, told The Epoch Times in an email.

Dr. Makis provided the following several possible hypotheses for how mRNA COVID-19 vaccines could cause turbo cancers:

1. The current COVID-19 mRNA vaccines contain pseudouridine-modified mRNA, which attenuates or alters the activity of key proteins in the innate immune system, impairing cancer surveillance.

When activated, these key proteins, called toll-like receptors, can prevent tumors from forming and growing.

2. Vaccination alters T-cell signaling that induces profound impairment in type 1 interferon and cancer surveillance.

T-cells, a type of white blood cell, help the body’s immune system prevent cancer. Studies show that getting multiple shots increases the level of a particular antibody called IgG4, causing T-cell and interferon suppression, leading to an inability to keep cancer in check, Dr. Cole told The Epoch Times.

“Everyone gets atypical cells in their body every day, and having a surveillance system is important, but when the surveillance system is shut off, that allows these cells to go haywire. How long it stays suppressed, nobody knows, and these are the studies NIH (the National Institutes of Health) should have been doing,” said Dr. Cole.

3. The shift of the antibody IgG4 caused by repeated mRNA vaccination could create a tolerance for spike protein and impair the production of the antibodies IgG1 and IgG3 and cancer surveillance.

4. The spike protein produced by the body after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination may interfere with important tumor suppressor proteins—P53, BRCA 1, and two tumor suppressor genes.

5. The spike protein may interfere with DNA repair mechanisms.

6. The RNA from the COVID-19 vaccines may be reverse-transcribed and integrated into the human genome.

7. Pfizer and Moderna vials found to be contaminated with plasmid DNA containing SARS-CoV-2 spike protein may integrate into the human genome.

8. The presence of the simian virus 40 (SV40) in DNA discovered in Pfizer mRNA vaccine vials may lead to cancers—most notably, non-Hodgkin lymphoma and other lymphomas—as it did with SV40-contaminated polio vaccines.

9. mRNA-based vaccines may be triggering the release of oncogenes—oncomiRs or microRNAs, which can enhance or inhibit cancer development and participate in cancer biological processes, such as proliferation, invasion metastasis, angiogenesis, chemoresistance, and immune escape.

“I believe there is an urgent need to determine the underlying mechanisms of turbo cancers because, at this time, oncologists have nothing to offer patients who have developed a turbo cancer, and conventional cancer treatments offer minimal or no benefit,” Dr. Makis told The Epoch Times.

Mr. David Wiseman, a research scientist in pharmacy, pharmacology, and experimental pathology, told The Epoch Times in an email that neither Comirnaty—Pfizer’s fully approved version of its COVID-19 vaccine—nor Spikevax by Moderna has been evaluated for its potential to cause cancer.

On March 30, 2023, Mr. Wiseman and four other experts submitted a 27-page document to the National Academies Committee, an ad hoc committee tasked with reviewing relevant adverse events associated with COVID-19 vaccines.

Using the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)—a database co-managed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and FDA used for reporting vaccine adverse events—Mr. Wiseman and his coauthors found an excess of cancer signals for COVID-19 vaccines from Dec. 14, 2020, to July 24, 2023, compared to all other vaccines for all years beginning in 1990.

A safety signal indicates a condition may be linked to a vaccine but requires further analysis to confirm an association.

The findings complemented the CDC’s Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR) analyses obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that assessed adverse events reported from Dec. 14, 2020, to July 29, 2022.

A PRR compares reports of specific adverse events experienced after receiving Moderna or Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine to those following vaccination with any other vaccine or all non-COVID-19 vaccines. The CDC’s PRR report detected cancer signals for colon cancer, metastatic breast cancer, metastasis to the liver, bones, central nervous system, lymph nodes, breast masses, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, B-cell lymphoma, and follicular lymphoma.

Mr. Wiseman said it’s clear from the FOIA documents that the CDC is aware of cancer reports and isn’t being forthcoming.

“Government agencies knew there were going to be cancers with these shots, and they were trying to cover it up, but the data is trickling out,” Dr. Cole told The Epoch Times, referring to 490 pages of communications obtained from the NIH through a FOIA request.

The CDC is supposed to report on morbidity and mortality—and when a pathologist diagnoses anything, he or she uses a diagnosis code, and it goes to the federal basis that’s reported to federal tracking agencies, Dr. Cole explained.

“All these data subsets should be easy to find if agencies would report what they have,” he said. “We could see statistical changes in diagnosis in the past two and a half years since shots were rolled out. The question is, why are other governments around the world not doing this?”


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Megan Redshaw is an attorney and investigative journalist with a background in political science. She is also a traditional naturopath with additional certifications in nutrition and exercise science.

Featured image is from Kateryna Kon/Shutterstock

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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‘In the past politicians promised to create a better world. They had different ways of achieving this, but their power and authority came from the optimistic visions they offered their people. Those dreams failed, and today people have lost faith in ideologies. Increasingly, politicians are seen simply as managers of public life, but now, they have discovered a new role that restores their power and authority. Instead of delivering dreams, politicians now promise to protect us—from nightmares.’ – Adam Curtis

The above quotation is from Adam Curtis’ documentary series, The Power of Nightmares. In the next line Curtis states that politicians: 

‘Say that they will rescue us from dreadful dangers that we cannot see and do not understand.’

Given the context of this document, you would be forgiven for thinking that The Power of Nightmares is a documentary criticising the political response to COVID-19. It is not.

Produced in the aftermath of September 11th, it is actually about the nightmare of international terrorism. On a deeper level however, Curtis’ work is about COVID-19. It is about financial crises, drug trafficking and violent crime too. If we look beyond his specific example, it is about all claims that the state is the sole entity capable of protecting us from such evils.

In 2020, the announcement of a pandemic saw the implications of this claim manifest in the most pronounced and consequential manner since the Second World War.

Politicians around the world insisted that they needed to restrict human freedom and mandate medical interventions—all in order to keep us safe. They had the power and claimed the wisdom to know this was the right thing to do. Much of the population agreed, yearning only for stronger restrictions on their liberty.

The human cost of these policies has been as horrendous as it was predictable—a fact not even their most ardent defenders can seriously contest. We’ve witnessed the closing down of businesses, the coercion of medical treatments, the loss of jobs, the separation of families, elderly people dying alone in care homes and starvation levels increasing around the world. For this, we have been landed with a bill that we will be paying off for generations to come.

Yet much like the Great Wars of the 20th century, the argument goes that if the state hadn’t intervened the situation would have been much worse. The implementation of these draconian measures means that millions of people are now alive who otherwise wouldn’t have been. However brutal, the price was worth it.

Is this position defensible? Were any of the state mandates actually justified, even given the limited information available at the time? With hindsight, were they beneficial, or did they end up making matters worse? If they did worsen the situation, are there a different set of general principles that politicians could be guided by when future nightmares arise? These are the questions this document seeks to address.

Pandemic or Democide: What Caused the Excess Deaths?

‘Democide means for governments what murder means for an individual under municipal law. It is the premeditated killing of a person in cold blood, or causing the death of a person through reckless and wanton disregard for their life.’ – Rudolph Rummel

For many people, any initial feelings of cynicism regarding the dangers of COVID-19 dispersed in April of 2020, when excess mortality figures suddenly spiked around the world. England and Wales experienced nearly sixty thousand excess deaths during a three month period:

At the same time, excess mortality spiked across various European countries:

The identification of a novel coronavirus had been announced by the world’s media, then suddenly vast numbers of people started dying across multiple countries. Whilst correlation alone does not prove causation, surely the new virus must be the sole culprit for these deaths.

Two voices that were early in cautioning against an unguarded leap to such a conclusion were Dr. Claus Köhnlein and journalist Torsten Engelbrecht. Köhnlein and Engelbrecht are co-authors of the book Virus Mania, which critically examines the foundations and assumptions of virology. In an article published in October of 2020, they claimed that a comparison of excess mortality across countries actively disproved the viral hypothesis

They point out the striking contrast between neighbouring countries Spain and Portugal, where the former had 157% excess deaths, at the same time the latter’s peaked at 21%.

The same situation exists between Italy and Slovenia. During this initial period, Italian excess mortality peaked at 86%, whilst the Slovenian reached 11%. Italy’s excess was entirely concentrated in the North of the country, where Bergamo reached a 1,000% excess

Germany also contrasts sharply with her high excess neighbours. Belgium’s excess peaked at 105%, the Netherlands was 70, whilst France hit 61. Germany’s only reached 12% during this initial period.

A similar picture emerges in the United States. At the time New York was experiencing an over 130% increase in excess mortality (over 630% in some parts of New York City), neighbouring Vermont and nearby New Hampshire and Maine experienced little to no excess:

Köhnlein and Engelbrecht assert that: 

‘A virus pandemic, which afflicts countries so differently, cannot actually exist, especially in today’s times.’

Is this true? Köhnlein and Engelbrecht provide no comparison to historical data to support their claim. Making such a comparison would also be difficult, due to the unprecedented steps taken to counteract COVID-19. We were truly living through unique times. The data is perhaps intriguing enough however, to at least look and see if any other factors could have been feeding into the excess mortality. 

Out of concern for this situation, Claus Köhnlein submitted a letter to the German Ärzteblatt medical journal, stating: 

‘In view of the fact that very different mortality rates are reported in different European countries, it is reasonable to assume that a differently aggressive therapy could be responsible for this.’

Köhnlein and Engelbrecht focus on drug trials, stating that:

‘This is why there can only be a non-viral explanation for this temporary massive excess mortality. And there is solid evidence that the massive and high-dose administration of highly toxic drugs plays the decisive role—drugs that have been used in worldwide trials and also beyond these trials, costing the lives of tens of thousands of test persons. In the course of time the “patient supply” dried up which explains the rapid drop in the curves creating these “prongs.”’

In opposition to the viral hypothesis, this position has become known as the iatrogenic (medically induced) hypothesis of COVID-19.

In a paper supporting the iatrogenic hypothesis, Dr. Denis Rancourt draws attention to comments made by World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, on March 11th 2020, when declaring a pandemic:

‘I remind all countries that we are calling on you to activate and scale up your emergency response mechanisms; communicate with your people about the risks and how they can protect themselves – this is everybody’s business; find, isolate, test and treat every case and trace every contact; ready your hospitals; protect and train your health workers.’ [emphasis added]

Tedros Adhanom’s advice is consistent with WHO pandemic preparedness documents

The COVID-19 virus is reckoned to have been spreading over the world for months at this point, yet there was no sign of excess mortality anywhere except possibly China. Immediately after the WHO declares a pandemic and makes reference to making hospitals ready, the death rate dramatically spikes in various European countries, US States and Canadian provinces. These spikes are unprecedented in both their scale and the fact that they take place outside of the usual flu season. They occur simultaneously in geographic areas separated by thousands of miles, yet not necessarily in neighbouring countries or even provinces. 

Various explanations are offered as to how the virus could spread without noticeably affecting mortality rates, then suddenly transform itself into the worst killer in a century. None of these explanations can account for the WHO’s seeming ability to predict the onset. Dr. Rancourt proposes that it is far more likely that the excess mortality was due to the implementation of pandemic preparedness across the regions that suffered with it.

This is the excess mortality for all of Europe, with a red line added to indicate the date of the WHO announcement.

And this is the United States:

Although COVID-19 was apparently circulating, there was simply no excess prior to this point outside of the annual flu season. Europe is more similar to the United States than France is to Germany, Spain to Portugal, or New York to Vermont.

We will now examine what the various implications of readying hospitals were for excess mortality. 

Denial of access to hospitals and other medical services

In October of 2020 Amnesty International published a report titled As if Expendable: The UK Government’s Failure to Protect Older People in Care Homes During the COVID-19 Pandemic. It makes for a truly harrowing read. Amongst many issues, the report highlights elderly people being refused medical care after the declaration of a pandemic:

‘Amnesty International has received multiple reports of care home residents’ right to NHS services, including access to general medical services (GMS) and hospital admission, being denied during the pandemic, violating their right to health and potentially their right to life, as well as their right to non-discrimination. Care homes managers have pointed out that such reluctance or refusal to admit older care home residents to hospital could not be explained by need, as hospital bed capacity was never reached.’

‘The problem was widely reported early on in the pandemic, and was seemingly exacerbated by guidelines published by NHS England on its website on 10 April advising that some care home residents “should not ordinarily be conveyed to hospital unless authorised by a senior colleague.” The guidelines caused a controversy and were withdrawn a few days later but the damage lingered.’

‘Official figures show admissions to hospital for care home residents decreased substantially during the pandemic, with 11,800 fewer admissions during March and April compared to previous years.’ 

‘The son of one care home resident who passed away in Cumbria said that sending his father to hospital had not even been considered:

“From day one, the care home was categoric it was probably COVID and he would die of it and he would not be taken to hospital. He only had a cough at that stage. He was only 76 and was in great shape physically. He loved to go out and it would not have been a problem for him to go to hospital. The care home called me and said he had symptoms, a bit of a cough and that doctor had assessed him over mobile phone and he would not be taken to hospital. Then I spoke to the GP later that day and said he would not be taken to hospital but would be given morphine if in pain. Later he collapsed on the floor in the bathroom and the care home called the paramedic who established that he had no injury and put him back to bed and told the carers not to call them back for any Covid-related symptoms because they would not return. He died a week later.

“He was never tested. No doctor ever came to the care home. The GP assessed him over the phone. In an identical situation for someone living at home instead of in a care home, the advice was “go to hospital”. The death certificate says pneumonia and COVID, but pneumonia was never mentioned to us.”’

‘Reduced possibility to send care homes residents to hospital compounded another long-standing issue, that of care homes residents’ limited access to GPs. Obtaining access to GPs got markedly more challenging during the pandemic, as GPs throughout the country switched to phone/online consultations and stopped visiting care homes. NHS England advised GPs to begin the roll out of remote consultations on 17 March 2020, prioritising vulnerable groups but limiting face-to-face consultation to only “when absolutely necessary.” However, Amnesty International received multiple reports from care homes managers and staff and relatives of care home residents throughout the country of doctors refusing to enter care homes and only being available for consultations by phone or via video calls, no matter what the residents’ symptoms were and even in regard to end-of-life support.’

‘The daughter of a care home resident who died in Liverpool described the lack of medical care her father experienced:

“In the file it says that dad complained of chest pain on 28 March and asked to see a doctor but there was no follow up in the file … In the file it also says that dad had fallen on morning of 1 May and banged his head and had a swelling. I was never told and there is no record of a doctor being called for this. On 1 May a carer told me they had rang the doctor but the doctor was not going in [to the care home] and had prescribed antibiotic and end of life drugs. Then I spoke to the GP and he said he suspected COVID or chest infection and that I should go see him. Dad died on 2 May and a staff member told me she was there when dad died and he was gasping for breath and holding his chest.”’

It is self-evident that the withdrawal of medical care will cause excess deaths. It is also worthy of note that a GP was willing to prescribe end-of-life drugs over the telephone.

Misuse of ‘do not attempt resuscitation’ (DNAR) forms

Amnesty quote Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights from September of 2020 as saying:

‘The blanket imposition of DNACPR notices without proper patient involvement is unlawful. The evidence suggests that the use of them in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic has been widespread.’

And go on to report that:

‘Care home managers reported to Amnesty International and to media cases of local GP surgeries or Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) requesting them to insert DNAR forms into the files of residents as a blanket approach.

‘Asked about any blanket approaches to DNARs, one care home owner in the north of England told Amnesty International, “We had a letter to that effect from the practice. I refused to sign it and handle it like that.” Another reported that they were asked to insert DNAR forms into a number of residents’ files. A family from Lancashire told Amnesty International that their relatives had been asked to sign a DNAR form without having understood what it meant.

‘“The nurse from the GP surgery rang me up to say they decided mum is DNR. I asked why and she said “we did this across the home”, and I said “no, this should be done on individual cases and I don’t agree to it”. So I had it taken off … She also said that they would not take mum to hospital and again I said that is something that would have to be decided if and when need arose on the basis of the situation at the time. They had asked mum about the DNR and she had agreed to it but then I spoke to mum and she had not really understood the issue.”’’

Discharge of patients from hospitals into care homes

Amnesty reports that: 

‘On 17 March 2020 NHS England announced the decision to urgently discharge patients, including those who were infected or who may have been infected with COVID-19, from hospitals into care homes and the community. This was among the most crucial decisions that adversely affected care homes across the country.’

‘According to the National Audit Office, this policy led to 25,000 people being sent untested from hospitals into care homes between 17 March and 25 April, putting at risk the health and indeed the lives of care home residents. The DHSC did not collect data on the extent to which care homes successfully isolated residents with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 and did not require local authorities to collect data either.’

‘The discharge of thousands of patients from hospitals to care homes in the days following 17 March was extremely rushed, leaving little or no time for consultations and assessments. “We had 500-600 empty beds and nobody coming into A & E so there really was no need for such rushed discharges,” a member of a discharge team at a hospital in the south of England told Amnesty International. A care home manager recalled: “Families learned their relatives came to care homes on the spot. There was no time for them to discuss with hospitals or with us. Families had no chance to choose which care home, to visit the place, to meet us. People’s teeth and glasses went missing in the rush.”’

In addition to infection risk, this also represents the denial of (presumably necessary) hospital care to thousands of elderly people—an action guaranteed to raise the death rate. 

Increased workload, reduced staffing levels and removal of oversight for care homes

Compounding the medical problems, Amnesty’s report identified how COVID regulations reduced the number of staff, whilst increasing the workload of the remaining ones:

‘According to the National Audit Office, workforce shortage in the care sector pre-pandemic was already estimated at 122,000 and staff absence increased significantly during the pandemic, with absence rates in care homes between mid-April and mid-May 10% on average, and considerably higher in certain care homes or areas. The lack of testing exacerbated this problem as it was impossible to know if some of those self-isolating were COVID-19 free and could in fact work. Staff shortages in turn impacted the ability of care homes to adequately manage infections and the quality of care they were able to provide for residents, both those infected with COVID-19 and others. This was exacerbated by a situation where care home staff had to perform a number of additional tasks—from assisting residents to communicate with their relatives who could no longer visit them, to enforcing social distancing among residents unable to understand the requirement because of dementia, to cutting residents’ toenails because chiropodists stopped visiting care homes, to interpreting and communicating residents’ symptoms to GPs who were no longer visiting care homes, etc.’

This coincided with the removal of oversight from care homes, with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) suspending inspections and family members banned from visiting:

‘Beginning on 16 March 2020, the CQC announced that it would be ceasing its routine inspections of care homes, leaving open only the possibility of visits “in a very small number of cases when we have concerns of harm, such as allegations of abuse.” In its announcement, CQC said its primary objective was supporting providers “to keep people safe” and so there would be a “shift towards other, remote methods to give assurance of safety and quality of care.” Notably, this decision meant that at a time when older people in care homes were most vulnerable—because of the virus and because those who usually advocated on their behalf could no longer visit them—the regulator was largely absent.

‘The lack of official visits occurred at the same time as a ban on other visits—from family and friends, as well chiropodists, hairdressers, nurses, and others—which were normally an important source of information for the CQC. Expert noted that “[CQC] have been unable to rely on the ‘eyes and ears’ of visitors to raise the alarm and care workers have been frightened to speak out.”’

In other countries

Reports from the various countries experiencing high excess mortality at this time tell a similar tale. They were all engaged in isolating their elderly population and denying them medical care. In a report into the care home disaster in Sweden, the BBC quote a nurse as saying:

‘They told us that we shouldn’t send anyone to the hospital, even if they may be 65 and have many years to live. We were told not to send them in.’

In Spain, soldiers were brought into care homes and found residents dead in their beds, abandoned. In French homes, Reuters reported that ‘bodies have been left decomposing in bedrooms’. In Canada, the C2C Journal reported that: 

‘Quebec’s Health Ministry issued a directive on March 19 – barely a week after the global pandemic had been declared – instructing nursing homes not to send residents to hospitals unless in exceptional circumstances. Conversely, hospital patients who were not in critical condition were to be either sent home or transferred to care homes. This practice was adopted in multiple jurisdictions: Quebec, Ontario, several U.S. States including New York and New Jersey, and in England.’

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s order to nursing homes to admit COVID-19 patients was found by the State Bar Association to have increased the death toll among residents. New York also made extensive use of ventilators, which are estimated to have killed tens of thousands of Americans unnecessarily

End-of-life drugs

In 2020, British journalist Jacqui Deevoy began documenting stories of people who contended their family members had been effectively murdered by the NHS, through being involuntarily put on ‘end-of-life pathways’. This would be unbelievable, had it not already happened within the past decade, with the infamous Liverpool Care Pathway being phased out as recently as 2014.

Ms. Deevoy placed particular emphasis on the sedative drug, midazolam. She documented family members’ accounts in her film, A Good Death? The documentary is a harrowing yet informative watch, where family members back their observations with data regarding the doses of midazolam being administered. They highlight a paradoxical effect, where the drugs given to treat an ailment actually produce the symptoms of that ailment, leading to the delivery of more drugs. The following quotations illustrate the families’ experiences:

‘Because they said “you can’t feed your wife”, as I was feeding her I was looking out the door. She said, “what do you keep looking at?” I said “I’m making sure the nurses aren’t coming in.”’

‘I’ve since found out that he was starved as well. His routine diet was discontinued three days before his death, with no water either.’

‘I think what happened was, because they neglected her, and they gave her a high dose of midazolam and morphine, because it is a respiratory suppressor, and they dehydrated her for such a long time, those drugs compounded and they were magnified in terms of potency, because she just couldn’t get the oxygen, she just suffocated.’

‘The last thing she said to me was: “get me out of this hospital, they’re trying to kill me.”’

‘What does it say on his death certificate that he died of?’

‘COVID-19 pneumonia

‘And what do you think he died of?’

‘The midazolam.’

‘He was killed?’


As we’ll see in a moment, midazolam use spiked in April of 2020. Was this because so many people were dying of COVID, or were people dying because of the increased use of a respiratory suppressant drug?

In a presentation titled Euthanasia in the Pandemic? Dr. John Campbell addressed this question by referring to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) COVID treatment guidelines, published on the 3rd of April 2020. The key line that jumps out in the Managing Breathlessness section is:

‘Sedation and opioid use should not be withheld because of an inappropriate fear of causing respiratory depression.’ 

Dr. Campbell questions whether a fundamental mistake was made in transferring the guidelines for incurable conditions onto a potentially completely recoverable one. He points out that if an opioid and a benzodiazepine (such as morphine and midazolam, respectively) are given together, they will have the effect of stopping the recipient breathing. He states that:

‘Opioids and benzodiazepines will depress respiration. A lot of these people were breathless anyway, they had acute respiratory distress syndrome. If you have a lot of fluid in your alveoli you’ll breathe more quickly to try and compensate and that can get enough oxygen into your body to mean that you survived the acute episode. But if you give these drugs, and you get respiratory depression, I don’t think you need me to spell out the consequences of that. Not enough oxygen, tissue hypoxia, and death would be the result.’ 

Dr. Campbell goes on to say:

‘So they said “consider an opioid and a benzodiazepine like midazolam combination for patients with COVID-19 who are at the end-of-life.” But how many patients with COVID-19 would be at the end-of-life, unless they had some intractable condition at the same time? And how do you know if they’re at the end-of-life? I’ve looked after hundreds of patients where I’ve thought “good grief they’re not very well”, but the vast majority of them survive with an infectious condition. You can’t really tell whether it’s the end-of-life or not.’


‘Even with moderate breathlessness people might have looked ill but had a virus that their immune system could have overcome. They could have recovered, but could well have been given these medications that resulted in suppressing their breathing.’

Serious concerns over the NICE guidelines were raised as early as the 20th of April 2020, in a letter to the British Medical Journal signed by two professors and nine doctors. They warned:

‘The combination of opioid, benzodiazepine and/or neuroleptic is used in specialist palliative care settings for symptom control and for ‘palliative sedation’ to reduce agitation at the end of life. It takes great skill and experience to use palliative sedation proportionately so that extreme physical and existential distress are palliated, but death is not primarily accelerated. NG163 states: “Sedation and opioid use should not be withheld because of a fear of causing respiratory depression.” If COVID-19 infection were uniformly fatal, this would be an acceptable statement. But for people not previously known to be at the end of life, there is potential risk of unintended serious harm, if these medications are used incorrectly and without the benefit of specialist palliative care advice.

‘Another concern is that the recommended doses for morphine and midazolam are sometimes higher than current guidelines state for non-specialist use; and moreover there are inconsistencies between the maximum doses recommended by the oral or subcutaneous routes.’

Vastly increased use of midazolam is not only apparent, it corresponds with the increase in excess mortality seen in 2020.

Dr. Campbell goes on to demonstrate a similar spike in prescriptions for the drugs levomepromazine and haloperidol, the latter of which is not approved for use in older adults due to ‘risk of death’.

There is also evidence for increased midazolam use in Italy and Sweden. Israel National News reported comments from Swedish Professor of Geriatric Medicine, Yngve Gustafson: 

‘“Living in a nursing home is not a diagnosis. By itself it can never be a medical basis for deciding whether to live or die”. Gustafson said that nutrient drip treatment, blood clot prevention, oxygen and bacterial pneumonia treatment with antibiotics would help the elderly. “Instead, giving morphine and midazolam regularly to elderly people with lung infection is active euthanasia, if not something worse. We gave up the elderly who could have had a chance of survival”.’

Decrease in antibiotics prescriptions

In 2008 none other than Dr. Anthony Fauci himself co-authored a paper on postmortem studies of victims of the pandemic of 1918. The paper found that:

‘People who died of influenza during 1918–1919 uniformly exhibited severe changes indicative of bacterial pneumonia. Bacteriologic and histopathologic results from published autopsy series clearly and consistently implicated secondary bacterial pneumonia caused by common upper respiratory-tract bacteria in most influenza fatalities.’

And concluded that:

‘The majority of deaths in the 1918–1919 influenza pandemic likely resulted directly from secondary bacterial pneumonia caused by common upper respiratory-tract bacteria. Less substantial data from the subsequent 1957 and 1968 pandemics are consistent with these findings. If severe pandemic influenza is largely a problem of viral-bacterial copathogenesis, pandemic planning needs to go beyond addressing the viral cause alone (e.g., influenza vaccines and antiviral drugs). Prevention, diagnosis, prophylaxis, and treatment of secondary bacterial pneumonia, as well as stockpiling of antibiotics and bacterial vaccines, should also be high priorities for pandemic planning.’

Given this, in combination with Dr. Fauci’s prominent role during the pandemic, it is surprising that we haven’t heard more about the dangers of secondary bacterial infections over the past three years. What role have they played in COVID-19 deaths?

In actual fact it is no secret that prescriptions for antibiotics fell dramatically through the COVID era, once again in a manner that correlated with rising excess mortality:

Antibiotic rates in March of 2020 are comparable with the previous two years. Prescription rates decrease in April, then remain low until 2022. The previous winter spike is simply not present in January of 2021, at exactly the time an unusual spike arises in excess mortality.  

A similar situation is observable in the USA:

This data led Dr. Denis Rancourt to propose:

‘It is not unreasonable to ask whether the logic has not been inverted: Is COVID-19-assignment an incorrect cause-assignment for what is in fact bacterial pneumonia?’

‘If COVID-19 is largely misdiagnosed bacterial pneumonia (using a faulty PCR test: Borger et al., 2021; or not using any laboratory test), or if co-infection with bacterial pneumonia is not appropriately recognized (Ginsburg and Klugman, 2020), or if bacterial pneumonia itself goes otherwise untreated, while antibiotics (and Ivermectin) are withdrawn, in circumstances where large populations of vulnerable and susceptible residents have suppressed immune systems from chronic psychological stress induced by large-scale socio-economic disruption, then the state has recreated the conditions that produced the horrendous bacterial pneumonia epidemic of 1918 (Morens et al., 2008) (Chien et al., 2009) (Sheng et al., 2011), in COVID-era USA.’


The aim of this chapter has not been to demonstrate what caused the increase in excess mortality over the past several years. Instead, it has been to identify that multiple factors have been at play, and it is not easy (perhaps impossible) to point to one of them as causal. 

Perhaps Claus Köhnlein and Torsten Engelbrecht will ultimately be proven correct, that all excess deaths were iatrogenic. Maybe Denis Rancourt’s view that a virus was involved, but not necessarily a novel one, will win out. Maybe the deaths are a split between a novel coronavirus and iatrogenic factors. It is certainly far beyond the scope of this document to come down on any side of a line.

What is well within scope, is to propose that this question—the question of what caused the excess deaths—is undoubtedly one of the most important in the world right now. Without answering it, societies around the globe will be doomed to repeat the devastating mistakes of the COVID era. 


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Measuring the mandates: Assessing the State’s Response to COVID-19

This document is an international version of one originally created for submission to an inquiry on the Isle of Man. It was composed by citizens who share a deep concern over how states responded to COVID-19, and what the implications of that response herald for the future. These concerns centre around the issue of mandates: the unprecedented coercing of behaviour that began in March of 2020. This document is intended to question whether these mandates succeeded even on their own terms.

Quotations, especially those taken from speech, have sometimes been slightly altered to favour readability. The meaning is never affected. An effort has been made to—wherever possible—provide sources that are openly accessible on the internet.

If this document proves helpful, the reader is at liberty to republish any part of it they wish to, or submit it to their own nation’s inquiries.

Inquiries regarding the report can be made at:

Click here to read the document.

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Since Russia announced on July 17 that it would not renew its Black Sea Grain Initiative agreement brokered by Turkey and the UK, to allow Ukraine grain exports with safe passage from Odessa and two other Ukraine Black Sea ports, mainstream Western media claim that the refusal will create global starvation and soaring food prices.

A Ukrainian strike on the major bridge linking Russia’s mainland with the Crimean Peninsula, timed precisely for the ending of the grain agreement provoked a massive retaliation strike by Russian forces severely damaging the Odessa and nearby grain shipping ports. What is indeed the situation with food supplies from the “Breadbasket of Europe” as Ukraine used to be called?

On July 19 the Indian Express carried the headline, “World facing prospect of ‘hunger games’ as China hoards grains and Russia withdraws from deal.”

They stated further,

“A hunger crisis could be in store for the world next year due to the withdrawal of Russia from a major food grain deal with Ukraine, the impact of the food-grain hoarding by China, the world’s largest consumer of rice, warned an analyst.”  The LA Times was similarly alarmist, “Russia halts deal allowing Ukraine to export grain, in a hit to global food security.”

CNN, Yahoo and other Western media carried similar alarmist stories. None of them bothered to go into detail on the current situation. It is far less alarming than claimed. The world may face grain shortages soon, but it will not be because of Russia’s actions in Ukraine. 

On July 19 two days after the cancellation, world grain futures prices spiked higher by some 8%, on news that Russia now considered any ship landing at Odessa or other Ukraine ports to be suspected weapons freight and a target for Russian missiles. Western media has since claimed that Russia is causing world potential famine by ending the Ukraine grain export deal. What are the actual facts?

Why Russia Stopped It

The Black Sea Grain Initiative deal was agreed in July 2022 following charges that Russia’s military actions in Ukraine were creating severe grain problems for African and other poor countries. Russia agreed, with UN participation, to a deal in which a safe Black Sea passage from Ukraine grain ports such as Odessa would be guaranteed by Russia in return for the West’s lifting sanctions on export of Russian wheat and fertilizers, including lifting the SWIFT ban for the major Russian state grain export bank.

Russia, Ukraine, Turkiye and the United Nations reached the agreement on July 22, 2022 to provide a humanitarian maritime corridor for ships carrying food and fertilizer exports from Ukrainian Black Sea ports. On May 18, 2023, Russia extended the deal, called the Black Sea Grain Initiative, for 60 days, until July 17.

There was a major problem. The West refused to honor the Russian part of the deal. According to the state Russian Sputnik news portal,

“The deal is an integral part of a package agreement. The second part — the Russia-UN memorandum, designed for three years — envisions the unblocking of Russian exports of food and fertilizers, the reconnection of the Russian Agricultural Bank to SWIFT, the resumption of supplies of agricultural machinery, spare parts and services, the restoration of the Togliatti-Odessa ammonia pipeline (which Ukraine sabotaged in June-w.e.), and a number of other measures. Moscow says this part of the package agreement has not yet been implemented.” 

On July 17, the day Russia announced it would not renew the deal, Ukraine, aided by US and UK intelligence, launched a deadly attack on the sole bridge linking Crimea, where the Russian Black Sea naval fleet is based, to the Russian mainland.

The vehicle spur was badly damaged by a Ukrainian naval drone and two civilians were killed, with a third in a coma. Moscow launched deadly reprisals over the next several nights with major bombing attacks that destroyed much of the port infrastructure of Odessa and other Black Sea ports nearby. 

Grain terminals and port infrastructure in Ukraine were targeted in Russian attacks on the night of July 18 and 19, causing major damage that will take at least a year to fully repair, according to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

A significant portion of infrastructure of the port of Chornomorsk was knocked out, and 60,000 tons of grain also was destroyed. Grain infrastructure of international and Ukrainian traders and carriers such as the Luxemburg-Ukrainian Kernel, Viterra, a part of the huge Swiss-based Glencore group, the world’s largest commodity trader, and the French CMA CGM Group were damaged. 

Moscow also charges that not only did the UN and the West refuse to honor the Russian part of the agreement. The West was also using the protected ships to deliver NATO and other weapons to Ukraine to feed the war, hardly a humanitarian act.

Wheat for the EU?

While the West claimed that the Russian blocking of ship traffic from Odessa and other Ukraine ports was creating a humanitarian disaster in Africa and other poor countries, the wheat, as well as Ukraine corn and sunflower oil, was not ending up in the countries of the poorer South. Instead, until a major farmers’ revolt in Poland, Bulgaria, Romania and other EU countries forced Brussels to temporarily ban import of the very cheap Ukraine grain. According to the UN, the EU was the main beneficiary of the Black Sea Grain Deal: 38% of all Ukraine grain was sent to Europe despite the fact that the EU is a net exporter of wheat. Another 30% went to Turkiye, and 24% to China. A mere 2% went to nations of the Global South.  

In April, facing major farmer revolt against a flood of cheap Ukraine grain imports, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Bulgaria introduced a temporary ban on Ukraine’s agricultural products after failing with their repeated demands that the Brussels EU impose a general ban and allow the grain to go to Africa and other states according to the original agreement.

Some Hard Facts from USDA

While most US Government statistics are today not worth much, owing to decades of political manipulations, those of the US Department of Agriculture for global wheat production are generally regarded as fairly accurate as the world grain cartels depend on the data to price the grain. In their report of July 12,  just prior to ending the Russian Black Sea renewal, the USDA report, titled Grain: World Markets and Trade, noted the following: “As the 2022/23 trade year draws to a close, Russia has solidified its standing as the world’s top wheat exporter.” They noted, “Russia is estimated to export 45.5 million tons in 2022/23. Its primary destinations are in the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia… Russia wheat exports are forecast to reach another record of 47.5 million tons in 2023/24.” 

The USDA report continues, for Ukraine where the fighting has impacted their best grain growing regions, “Ukraine planted area is down significantly as a result of the war with Russia. Production in 2023/24 is forecast at 17.5 million tons, the smallest crop in over a decade. With sharply reduced supplies and uncertainty surrounding the future of the Black Sea Grain Initiative , 2023/24 Ukraine wheat exports are forecast lower at 10.5 million tons, down over 40 percent from the pre-war average. While the BSGI helped Ukraine export 16.8 million tons of wheat in 2022/23, 39 percent of wheat moved outside of the grain corridor (primarily via land shipments to Eastern Europe).”

If we then subtract the 6.6 million tons wheat that went to the EU over land routes, then some 10.2 million tons of Ukraine grain is now not available to world markets via the Black Sea. However that almost exactly equals the volume of Ukraine wheat that was flooding the EU local markets in the past year. 

Russia Pledges Grain to Africa

On July 27 at the Second Annual Russia-Africa Summit in St. Petersburg, Russian President Putin pledged that Russia would provide grain for free to select African countries that had been receiving Ukraine grain:

“We will be ready to provide Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe, Mali, Somalia, Central African Republic and Eritrea with 25-50,000 tons of free grain each in the next 3-4 months.” 

The NATO and mainstream Western media are manipulating a one-sided  narrative to blame Russia for something their own corrupt actions brought about. The Russian suspension of the grain deal, which they declare ready to reopen providing there are guarantees of the Russia part being met, is not creating a global catastrophe. What is far more dangerous to the world are the deliberate actions of the EU and Biden Administration to impose severe cuts to world fertilizer production under their so-called Green Zero Carbon Agenda.


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F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Seeds of Destruction: Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation

Author Name: F. William Engdahl
ISBN Number: 978-0-9879389-2-3
Year: 2007
Product Type: PDF File

Price: $9.50

This skilfully researched book focuses on how a small socio-political American elite seeks to establish control over the very basis of human survival: the provision of our daily bread. “Control the food and you control the people.”

This is no ordinary book about the perils of GMO. Engdahl takes the reader inside the corridors of power, into the backrooms of the science labs, behind closed doors in the corporate boardrooms.

The author cogently reveals a diabolical world of profit-driven political intrigue, government corruption and coercion, where genetic manipulation and the patenting of life forms are used to gain worldwide control over food production. If the book often reads as a crime story, that should come as no surprise. For that is what it is.

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On 29 March 2023, launched [1] the First Global Conference on Multipolarity. This conference, largely organized online, brought together over a hundred prominent dissident activists and publicists in the fields of geopolitics and political philosophy from all over the world, [2] 

One of the more incisive speeches of the conference was given by French-Moroccan scholar (religious historian) and publicist (geopolitical analyst) Youssef Hindi (b. 1985): it dealt with the geopolitical implications of the ‘convergence of catastrophes’ currently facing (Western) Europe.[3]

An important voice in the as-yet informal but rapidly rising Multipolar Movement, it is important that Hindi’s work becomes accessible outside the Francophone world as well: this review of Hindi’s as-yet untranslated 2023 work La Guerre des Etats-Unis contre l’Europe et l’avenir de l’état, ‘The United States’ War on Europe and the Future of the State’, serves this purpose.

Those readers committed to the Eurasianist and Multipolar Movements will find that Hindi’s lucid analysis of present-day geopolitics is grounded in a solid Traditionalist Weltanschauung as well as consistent adherence to the seminal teachings of political-philosophical and geopolitical masters such as Carl Schmitt and Karl Haushofer – teachings he expands and applies to the ‘Crisis of the Modern World’, which has been spiralling out of control right in front of our eyes during the last few ‘Great Reset’ years.


The aim of this present review of Hindi’s Guerre is to assist the Eurasianist and Multipolar Movements – the former movement relates as a matrix and reference point to the latter movement – in creating a fully-fledged, stand-alone worldview and a comprehensive, all-encompassing metanarrative, as they will eventually be required to do if they are to ever to successfully oppose and overcome the globalist-nihilist worldview.

In this regard, much preparatory work has already been done – especially by Aleksandr Dugin, the present intellectual leader of both movements: he has created the philosophical tabula rasa on which a viable ‘Fourth Political Theory’ will eventually be written.

Hindi’s Guerre is providing some of the outlines and preliminaries for the comprehensive metanarrative that needs to be worked out. The reviewer estimates that the combination of the collective experiences of the recent ‘Great Reset’ years, plus the individual pioneering work of those thinkers and publicists who managed to avoid these years’ conformity pressures and rabbit-hole pitfalls (as Hindi has), has already created a minimum roster of reference points for that as-yet undefined metanarrative. These reference points include the absolute and resolute rejection of key globalist-nihilist program items such as

(1) biomedical ’emergency rule’ (shutdown of the economy, lockdown of social life, suppression of critical science),

(2) digital ‘surveillance state’ (‘vaccine passports’, ‘social credit scores’, ‘Central Bank Digital Currencies’),

(3) transhumanist ‘identity fluidity’ (gender-bending ‘sex re-assignment’, gene-editing ‘mRNA’, AI-based ‘virtual reality’),

(4) body-invasive legislation (‘abortion’,  ‘euthanasia’, ‘vaccination’),

(5) state-sponsored degeneracy (‘LGBT’ rightism, ‘co-educative’ misandry, ‘post-family’ pornocracy) and

(6) state-imposed atheism (‘secular law’, human rightism, follow-the-science idolatry).

If the Eurasianist and Multipolar Movements are ever to attain the status of truly revolutionary forces, and to gain the trust and support of the globalist-enslaved masses around the world, they will have to manifest these minimum points as part of their manifest. Hindi’s Guerre includes many analyses useful to the eventual formulation of such a manifest.


It should be noted that Hindi’s Guerre consistently identifies the present-day globalist-nihilist power centre, i.e. what may otherwise be accurately described as the ‘hostile elite’ or the ‘ruling cabal’, as historically originating in the mixed Judeo-Anglo money power, which rose to power in Britain after the Protestant Revolution, and as essentially shaped by a mixed Judeo-Protestant heresy of a (initially hidden) antinomian nature.

The reviewer has deliberately chosen not to touch upon Hindi’s quite substantial analysis of the cultural-historical genesis of the globalist-nihilist hostile elite, not because he would stoop to any (self-)censorship on the ‘JQ’ – on which the reviewer has extensively written elsewhere, giving his own Traditionalist take[4] – but because he intends this review to contribute to the future strategy rather than the historical grounding of the Eurasianist and Multipolar Movements. It should also be noted that the reviewer does not necessarily agree with all of Hindi’s many analyses: where applicable, the reviewer has added notes to that effect.


The reviewer understands that, given the prevailing combination of ‘Great Reset’ conditions, i.e. the exponential speeding up of unprecedented and global-scale developments, and ‘social media’ conditions, i.e. the 24-hour news cycle- and peer pressure-driven semi-permanent ‘reactivity’, readers’ time allowances and attention spans are bound to be brief. He has therefore decided to strip down his review of Hindi’s Guerre to its bare-bone essentials and to give the reader a taste of its lucid wording and penetrating thinking.

Thus, the review is limited to six paragraphs of specific purpose that can be read separately: the reader can set his own priorities. The first paragraph,

(1) Diagnostics, sketches the outlines of Hindi’s multi-disciplinary analysis. The second paragraph,

(2) Mechanisms, sketches Hindi’s interpretation of three key pillars of the globalist-nihilist hostile elite’s Great Reset project, viz. Covidianism, Ecologism and Ukrainianism – note that the third term has been improvised by the reviewer to cover Hindi’s analysis of enemy demonization. The third paragraph,

(3) Conclusions, summarizes Hindi’s main findings and recommendations. The fourth paragraph,

(4) Remedies gives Hindi’s most important geopolitical recommendations. The fifth paragraph,

(5) Terms, lists some Hindi-specific vocabulary: the reviewer deems it important to include Hindi’s neologisms because they allow old words and new phenomena to be reconsidered and reframed. As such, they are valuable additions to the cognitive arsenal of the Eurasianist and Multipolar Movements, now engaged in a life-and-death Weltanschauungskrieg. The sixth and final paragraph,

(6) Quotations, gives the reader a taste of some of Hindi’s more memorable phrases. The substance of these six paragraphs, while logically ordered by the reviewer, consists of quotations from Hindi’s original French text – the translations are the reviewer’s.


Many if not most of the published analyses, whether spoken or written, that have come out of the great – Eurasianist, New Right and other – dissident movements over the last decades have been written in the language of the globalist-nihilist Anglosphere-based hegemon, i.e. in the English language.[5]

On the one hand, this can be explained by the obvious and entirely legitimate need to dissect and deconstruct the globalist-nihilist metanarrative – and to address key (aspirant- and proto-)dissident audiences within the ‘Five Eyes’ heartland of the hegemon. On the other hand, this – partially inevitable – reliance on the English language (and the reviewer does not exempt himself from this criticism) has given rise to a ‘Catch-22’ situation in which the increasingly formidable forces opposing the globalist-nihilist hegemon are still using, or even forced to use, the language of that hegemon, trapping them in the thought- and expression-world of the enemy (Heidegger aptly described the ‘frame’ imposed by any  language the Haus des Seins[6]). But, of course, simply being aware of this trap holds the key to its opening.

Another simple remedy is to balance reading and writing in English, which, it should be remembered, is the hegemonic elite’s lingua franca but not its home language, by restoring reading and writing in French, which had the status of ‘world language’ before the bi-polar and uni-polar epochs (1945-1991 and 1991-2022, respectively) during which English usurped that status. Thus, ‘the author of the present work has chosen to retain the original French text of [the work under review]. There are two reasons for this double French-English presentation strategy. First, the author… hopes that young European will re(dis)cover French as Europe’s foremost language of intellectual discourse. Second, the author shares the view of his fellow Dutch publicist Alfred Vierling that Francophone culture is essentially different from Anglophone culture, to a degree that virtually precludes one-on-one ‘translation’. This means that French language skills are indispensable for any attempt at a conscientious studia humanitatis. The lack of such skills among the younger generations of the West, however, is not primarily due to any intellectual complacency: it can be directly attributed to the hostile elite’s anti-education policy of deliberate ‘dumbing down’.

The [reviewer] has therefore chosen to meet younger readers of Rupes Nigra halfway by presenting [the] original [French] text as well as his own, somewhat ‘free’ English translation.'[7] Because even the simple use of French, in however modest a dose, is to deny and fight the hegemonical Atlanticist ‘mono-culture’ of the globalist-nihilist hostile elite.


Hindi’s Guerre should be obligatory reading for all geopolitical analysts in the Eurasianist and Multipolar Movements because he provides a comprehensive and fully up-to-date assessment of the predicament of Europe that arose with the full imposition of the globalist Great Reset.

The economic havoc and social division following the globalist-imposed ‘Covid’ regime (March 2020) and the energy suicide and military tribute imposed following the neocon-engineered ‘Ukraine’ crisis (February 2023) have fundamentally altered the geopolitical power equation in Europe – Hindi’s Guerre is the first comprehensive overview of this new reality.

Almost 400 pages long, Hindi’s Guerre sketches the full – and catastrophic – implications of the failure (better: refusal) of Europe’s leadership to pursue the interests of Europe’s nations and peoples – and he explains the reasons for that failure, i.e. the deep historical background of (almost all of) Europe’s current status as vassal to the Anglosphere-based globalist hegemon. Hindi does so by applying the teachings of the founders of modern geopolitics (Karl Haushofer, Friedrich Ratzel) and modern political philosophy (Carl Schmitt, Giorgio Agamben) to Europe’s present predicament – and he cites extensive quotations to support his various theses. Hindi also gives his own, entirely original ‘theo-political’ analysis of Europe’s present predicament, linking it to Europe’s historical shift from Tradition- and religion-based politics to secularism- and economy-based politics.[8]

Finally, Hindi’s Guerre contains several detailed investigations into the largely hidden machinations of the globalist regime, such as his analysis of the recent take-over of large European enterprises by American predatory investors (Belgian maritime transport Euronav by American Frontline, British biotech ReViral by American Pfizer, Italian Telecom Italia and Dutch Acell by American Kohlberg-Kravis-Roberts, p. 77ff.) and his listing of European politicians in key decision-making positions compromised as collaborators with New World High Finance (p. 250ff.). As a result, Hindi’s Guerre constitutes a truly multi-disciplinary – one could even say: holistic – study that provides a solidly Traditionalist assessment of Europe’s present position as a ‘scorched earth’ sacrifice during the retreat phase of globalist-nihilist hegemon’s crusade against the rising power of its multipolar challengers. It substantially contributes to what must be the metapolitical goal of the Eurasianist and Multipolar Movement: the formulation of a fully-fledged Liberation Philosophy.


(*) Macro-historically speaking, Europe’s current predicament, i.e. globalist-engineered deindustrialization (through the mechanisms of the Covidianist ‘lockdown’ regime, Ecologist ‘green’ transition and the Ukrainianist energy-suicide) and Atlanticist-enforced co-belligerence (economic sanctions against Russia and military tribute to Ukraine), is a function of a much larger and older land power-versus-sea power dialectic,[9] presently incarnated in the divide between (A) Anglosphere-based Neo-Atlantean Thalassocracy and (B) Heartland-based Neo-Eurasianist Tellurgy:

(Ad A) L’Etat est une émanation terrestre par excellence. La vie de la famille, des sociétés, des royaumes, des empires, des états, est terrestre. L’enracinement est exclusivement terrestre. Ainsi, originellement, les organisations politiques, la cité comme l’empire, l’ordre et le droit, sont liés à la terre. La terre que l’on travaille, d’où l’on tire notre substance, sur laquelle nous bâtissont nos maisons, nos villages, nos cités, a une limite, naturelle ou articifielle. La propriété privée a une délimination précise et l’état a des frontières. Le terme grec nomos renvoie à la notion de partage, de division, d’organisation de l’espace. L’on peut ainsi parler d’ordre de la terre et du monde. …[Chaque] pouvoir terrestre est par nature limité, par les frontières naturelles ou artificielles.

‘The state is an eminently terrestrial phenomenon. The life of families, societies, kingdoms, empires [and all] states is terrestrial. Rootedness is exclusively terrestrial. Thus, originally, [all] political organizations, [from] city-state [to] empire [as well as all forms of] law and order are tied up with the land. The land that we work on, that we obtain our sustenance from [and] that we build our houses [and] cities on, has precise boundaries and the state has [precise] frontiers. The Greek word nomos derives from the notion of partition, division [and] spatial organization. Thus, we may speak of the order of the land and the world. …By its very nature, [every] terrestrial power is limited by natural or artificial frontiers.’ (p. 28-9)

(Ad B) La mer, sans frontière, est un monde de l’indistinction. C’est un espace liquide, mobile, instable, tantôt calme, tantôt agitée. Il est en cela diamétralement opposé au monde de la terre, au continent européen, celui de la frontière naturelle ou artificielle, de la limite, de la distinction, de la stabilité, de l’ordre et donc du droit.

‘The borderless sea is a world of non-distinction. It is a liquid space, mobile, unstable, sometimes calm, sometimes agitated. It is diametrically opposed to the world of the land, to the European continent, to [the world] of natural or artificial border[s], of limit[s], of distinction[s], of stability, of order and, thus, of law.’ (p. 14)

(*) Political-philosophically speaking, the land power-versus-sea power dialectic that Europe finds currently caught up in is simultaneously paralleled in two other dialectics, viz.

(A) the empire-versus-hegemony dialectic (historically epitomized by the land-based Roman Empire and the sea-based Delian League, respectively), presently expressed in contest between the land-based Shanghai Cooperation Council and the sea-based North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and

(B) the law-upholding-Katechon-versus-law-upending-Antichrist dialectic presently expressed in the contest between the land-based rump-empire of Third Rome Holy Russia and the sea-based global hegemon of Neo-Atlantean Great Satan America:

(Ad A – for Hindi’s definitions of empire and hegemon, cf. Paragraph 6 below) L’Etat qui tente de freiner l’expansion de cet hêgemôn liquide qui envahit chaque millimètre de la société, est considéré comme un ennemi, un frein à l’unification du monde, à l’instauration d’un nouvel Eden terrestre, …[de] la marche vers la paix universelle [et] le millenium qui tente d’instaurer les Etats-Unis, pour le ‘bien’ de l’humanité. 

‘Any state that attempts to halt the expansion of this liquid hegemon, which invades every millimetre of society, is considered an enemy, a brake on the unification of the world, the establishment of a new earthly Eden, … [of] the march towards universal peace [and] the millennium that the US is attempting to impose for the ‘good’ of [all of] humanity’. (p. 15)

Il n’y a pas de frontière physique, politique, juridique et économique selon l’hêgemôn offshore.

‘There exists no boundary, whether physical, political, legal or economic, for the offshore hegemon.’ (p. 43). (Ad B – cf. the point theo-politics below)

(*) Theo-politically speaking, Old World Europe, which is the historical embodiment of the Christian Tradition, represents the sacrificial lamb sought by New World America, which is the history-erasing embodiment of Antichristian Modernity: the latter must slay the former for its inverse anti-Law system and its inverse-Israel vision to become fully realized:

Dans la logique historique anglo-protestante, l’Amérique, terre colonisée par les Européens, devait devenir un nouveau royaume d’Israël dominant. Cette Amérique qui était une terre a conquérir exempte de loi, finira par considérer le reste du monde comme terre de conquête… en faisant fi du droit international.

‘In the historical logic of Anglo Protestantism, America, land colonized by Europeans, is bound to become a new dominant Kingdom of Israel. This America, which was territory to be conquered in the absence of law, is bound to regard the rest of the world as territory to be conquered, voiding international law.’ (p. 295)

[Cet] providentialisme animera la géopolitique américaine lors du passage de la ‘destinée manifeste’ circonscrite au territoire des Etats-Unis à celui de la ‘destinée manifeste’ universelle. 

‘[This] providentialism has animated American geopolitics across the passage from the [original] ‘manifest destiny’ limited to US territory to the [later] universal ‘manifest destiny’. (p. 20)[10]

La laïcisation de la destinée manifeste universelle [est] la sécularisation de l’exceptionnalisme religieux. …Par sa sécularisation, l’exceptionnalisme américain a élevé cette nation au rang de divinité sur terre. [Mais, d]e notre point de vue, …c’est un état-démiurge violant le droit international, ne respectant jamais ni sa parole ni les accords écrits, et imposants aux nations des règles qu’il n’applique pas lui-même. L’Amérique et devenue un agent du chaos plus proche de l’Antéchrist que de l’esprit évangélique.

‘The lay-version of universalist manifest destiny [is] the secularisation of religious exceptionalism. …[But], from our point of view, …it is a demiurge-state violating international law, never respecting either its wording or [any] written agreements and imposing on [other] nations rules that it does not apply to itself. America has become an agent of chaos that is closer to the Antichrist than to the spirit of the Gospel. ‘ (p. 25)

Les Etats-Unis sont… devenues une sorte de supra-état souverain, trônant comme une divinité, tel Zeus, dans un panthéon d’états-démiurges qui lui sont inféodés. …[S]es pouvoirs s’exercent dans les pays occidentaux… par la suspension de la loi et la production de ‘lois’… antinomiques (en opposition à la loi naturelle), mais… dans le monde non-occidental, par la suspension de loi internationale, s’autorisant à prendre la place de Dieu, en détruisant des pays entiers.

‘The US has… become a kind of sovereign super-state, divinely enthroned, in the manner of Zeus, in a pantheon of demiurge-states subject to it. …Within the Western countries, [its] powers are exercised… by the suspension of [natural] law and the production of antinomian ‘laws’ ([i.e. laws] opposed to natural law), but… outside the West by the suspension of international law, where it authorizes itself to take the place of God by destroying entire countries.’ (p. 287)[11]

La terre entière est devenue pour l’Amérique un espace anomique, sans droit. Se comportant tel un Etat-dieu, l’Amérique abolit le droit international et fait pleuvoir sur les peuples des déluges de feu. La violation continuelle du droit international par les Etats-Unis – et Israël – ne doit pas nous surprendre, dans la mesure où le reste du monde est considéré comme habité par des hommes inférieurs que l’on peut bombarder, exterminer et réduire par la stérilisation de masse. Les habitants de la planète terre sont devenus, au regard des Etats-Unis, les Indiens qu’ils ont exterminés. La planète est donc transformée par les Etats-Unis en immense espace anomique où l’usage de la force est placée hors du droit tel que l’était l’Amérique lorsqu’elle a été découverte.

‘For America, the whole Earth has become a lawless, anomic space. Behaving like a God-State, America has abolished international law and it has rained a deluge of fire over the [other] peoples. The continual violation of international law by the US – and Israel – should not come as a surprise to us, in as far as the rest of the world is considered to be inhabited by inferior peoples who can be bombed, exterminated or reduced by mass sterilization. Thus, the US has transformed the planet into an immense anomic space where the use of force takes place outside the law, in the same way as it was in America when it was discovered.’ (p. 296)

(*) Economically speaking, the Western comprador-capitalist financial system and the Atlanticist hegemon’s global power, have reached their utmost (political, social, environmental) limits (‘to growth’):

[L]’Angleterre et les Etats-Unis sont les vecteurs de la globalisation économique, de la consommation individualiste et jouisseuse, de la société de l’indistinction, sans frontière ni attache, du capitalisme libéral financier sauvage, étendu par le système de libre-échange. Tout ce qu’ils ont imposée au monde.

‘[T]he UK and the US are the [main] vectors of economic globalization, of societal indistinction, borderless and detached, of wild [high] finance liberal capitalism, expanded outward through the system of free trade. They have imposed all that on the [entire] world’ (p. 14-5)

[Maintenant], le capitalisme et le libéralisme doivent, pour perdurer, dépasser leurs contradictions internes en se transformant. Le système capitaliste financier transnationale et libre-échangiste a atteint ses limites.

‘[Now], to endure, capitalism and liberalism must overcome their internal contradictions – and transform. The capitalist system of transnational and free-market finance has reached its limits.’ (p. 234)

* Politically speaking, after four decades of nihilist neo-liberalism and three decades of globalist transnationalism, the nation-state (described as an organic spiritual entity by Hegel and as an ethnic habitat and physical biotope) has been destroyed. Hindi gives a solidly Traditionalist analysis of its rise and fall, through its origin as a semi-divine (‘Leviathan’) sovereign nation-state in the wake of the religious wars (finalized in the 1648 Treaties of Westphalia), its gradual capture by High Finance (finalized in the 1919 Treaties of Paris)[12] and its technology-driven expansion into totalitarian (public-private distinction erasing) form (finalized – or ‘socialized’ – in the 2004 World Wide Web 2.0), all the way up to its replacement by transnational biopolitical control mechanisms (finalized in the 2020 Covid regime). From that point onwards, the remaining powers and structures of the former nation-state have been ‘repurposed’: they have been transformed into instruments of a new transnational and transversal ‘class struggle’ between the ruling globalist oligarchy and the about-to-be-enslaved rest:

Nous serions alors sur une frontière floue entre lutte de classes et guerre privée de type médiévale. Car ce qui reste de l’état, dépouillé de ses prérogatives régaliennes par l’UE et l’OTAN, c’est la police, le ministère de l’intérieur, la capacité de répression, non pas des délinquants, mais de la classe moyenne élargie, ennemie principale du pouvoir politique.

‘Thus, we will find ourselves at the fluid boundary between class struggle and medieval-style private warfare. Because what remains of the state, deprived of its sovereign prerogatives by the EU and NATO, are the police, the interior ministry [and] the repressive apparatus, no [longer aimed at] criminals but at the middle class in its largest sense, which is the main enemy of political power.’ (p. 229)

In Hindi’s view, the primary battlefield of the presently unfolding ‘class struggle 2.0’, between the oligarchy and the rest, is the attempt by the people – Yellow Vest, anti-lockdown, J6, anti-vax, anti-Ukraine, anti-pension-reform protests – to regain control of the levers state power.

L’objectif implicite du peuple est a reprise de contrôle de l’état, afin de rediriger sa tête vers l’intérêt collectif. L’état ne peut perdurer que dans la poursuite de buts qui sont exclusivement collectifs.

‘The implicit goal of the people is to regain control of the state [so as] to redirect it to the collective good. The state can only endure in pursuit of aims that are exclusively collective.’ (p. 231)

In Hindi’s view, the oligarchy is committed to preventing exactly that: the restoration of the political intervention power of the state on behalf of the collective. The oligarchy will grasp at any pretext to maintain and expand the ‘state of emergency’ that has been de facto in effect across the West ever since ‘9/11’:

cet état d’exception permanent produit les germes d’une guerre civile entre un pouvoir, qui s’est extrait de la loi en la suspendant, et un peuple dont les droits sont bafoués.

‘this permanent state of emergency creates the seeds of civil war between a power that has detached itself from the law by suspending it and a people that sees its rights flouted.’ (p. 6)

That power will never let a good crisis go to waste (for Hindi’s analysis of the Covidianist, Ecologist and Ukrainianist ’emergencies’, cf. Paragraph 2 below).

(*) Legally speaking, simultaneously with the nation-state, nation-state-based international law has been destroyed, reducing international relations to the ‘might is right’ principle.

L’édification de l’état moderne a conduit aux Traités de Westphalie (1648) établissant le droit international européen qui place les états dans un rapport d’égalité, du moins au théorie. Tout cet édifice a été détruit au cours du XXe siècle, précisement à partir du Traité de Versailles (1919). La fin de la Première Guerre Mondiale coïncide avec le basculement définitf des Etats-Unis de l’isolationnisme vers l’hyper-interventionnisme qui a apporté, non pas la paix ou un utopique gouvernement mondial, mais la guerre civile mondiale.

‘The construction of the modern state led to the Treaties of Westphalia (1648), which established European international law, placing states in equal relation to each other, at least theoretically. This entire construct was brought down in the course of the 20th Century, [or] more precisely starting with the Versailles Treaty (1919). The end of WWI coincides with the final tipping over of the US from isolationism into hyper-interventionalism, leading not to [world] peace or a utopian world government, but to a global civil war.’ (p. 5)

In Hindi’s view, the outbreak of a fully-fledged, all-against-all global ‘jungle war’ dates back to the 2000 neocon coup (Bush ‘election’) and the 2001 neocon false flag (‘9/11’), resulting in a ‘world state of emergency'[13] and a de facto suspension of international law. Arguably, ‘Ukraine’ marks the point at which that ‘jungle war’, previously restricted to the ‘rest’ (Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Sudan), reached the West.

(*) Realpolitik-ally speaking, ‘the West’ is now just an empty word: a ‘trophy name’ with remnant prestige that the transnational power of the High Finance hostile elite likes to associate to. That power may have its home base in the ‘Western’ Five Eyes countries of overseas Anglosphere, but seems to be abandoning – or rather sacrificing – the rest of the West, i.e. the ex-Catholic and ex-Protestant parts of Europe. Similarly, the hostile elite’s much-vaunted ‘Western values’ are now nothing but a projection of its own (ever-shifting) globalist interests and (infinitely malleable) nihilist ideas:

Ce que l’on appelle aujourd’hui ‘l’Occident’ est une construction idéologique et politique. La soumission de l’Europe à Washington s’est concrétisée par la création de structures supranationales, à savoir l’Union Européenne et son pendant, l’OTAN, le bras armé des Etats-Unis. L’Occident est l’autre nom de l’intégration de l’espace européen au système de domination idéologico-politique anglo-américain. La réforme religieuse et l’adoption du calvinisme par l’Angleterre ont accompagné une expansion économique et géopolitique de nature messianique.

‘That what is nowadays called ‘the West’ – in fact, a zombie version of the former West[14] –  is an ideological and political construct. The submission of Europe to Washington was realized through the creation of supra-national structures, viz. the EU and its military counterpart, NATO, which is the armed wing of US [power]. ‘The West’ is another name for the integration of the European space into the ideological [and] political system of Anglo-American hegemony. The religious reform and the adoption of Calvinism by England went hand in hand with an economic and geopolitical expansion of a messianic nature.’ (p. 9)

(*) Geopolitically speaking, Europe now faces a double war:

(A) a geo-economic war, triggered by America’s assault on Europe, cutting off Europe’s near and cheap Russian energy supplies, replacing them with far and expensive American imports, triggering the asphyxiation of European industry and its partial relocation to America, as well as

(B) an intra-economic ‘class struggle 2.0’, triggered by (Five Eye-based) High Finance’s assault on the (Continental Europe-based) haute bourgeoisie, resulting in zero-sum game competition between the fictional (i.e. financialized, virtualized) economy and the real (i.e. agricultural, industrial) economy). This assault is conducted through the Great Reset mechanisms (‘mass formation’ psy-op cults) of Covidianism, i.e. ‘health’ agenda, Ecologism, i.e. ‘green’ agenda, and Ukrainianism, i.e. ‘demonological’ agenda (cf. Paragraph 2 below).

(Ad A) Au fur et à mesure qu’advenait l’inéluctable monde multipolaire, l’hêgemôn étasunien, affaibli, s’est transformé en monstre prédateur dévorant ses propres vassaux, affaiblissant l’Europe, sa principale sphère d’influence. La destruction économique de l’Europe, par les Etats-Unis, est une des conséquences de l’échec du projet hégémonique universel face aux grands-espaces qui lui tiennent tête. …Le vieux continent est conduit par Washington vers l’abattoir économique et militaire. …La politique étatsunienne en Europe aujourd’hui conduit à la guerre militaire et à la guerre civile. L’Amérique et son capitalisme décroissant, de prédation, apparaît de plus en plus comme un problème et un danger de mort pour les Européens.

‘As and when approaches the inevitable multipolar world, the weakened American hegemon is transformed into a monstrous predator that devours its own vassals, weakening Europe, [which] is its main sphere of influence. The economic destruction of Europe by the US is one of the consequences of the failure of its project of universal hegemony in the face of the great space [powers] that stand up to it. …The Old World is led by Washington to the economic and military slaughterhouse. …US policy towards Europe today is leading to military conflict and civil war. America and its anti-growth, predatory capitalism appear more and more as a problem and as a mortal danger to Europeans.’  (p. 57-8, 364, 366)

(Ad B) C’est une nouvelle configuration socio-politique qui dessine les contours d’une lutte des classes inédites, transversale, une lutte existentielle. Transversale car elle divise le sommet de la pyramide oligarchique, entre les tenants de l’économie réelle et ceux qui la détruisent, les maîtres de l’économie fictive.

‘It is a new socio-political configuration that is sketching the outlines of a transversal struggle between unheard-of classes. [It is] transversal because it divides the top of the oligarchic pyramid between the supporters of the real economy and those that destroy it, [viz.] the masters of the fictional economy.’ (p.4)


Les pouvoirs politiques occidentaux… ont, de nos jours, déclenché les hostilités contre les peuples – certes au prêtexte de la lutte contre le terrorisme et le Covid-19 – comme par anticipation de leur révolte. Cet état d’exception est concrètement utilisé par la classe dirigeante pour ostraciser, neutraliser et isoler (emprisonner) ses enemis. …Chaque grande crise – terrorisme, épidémie, guerre – est l’occasion d’une synchronisation, d’une accentuation de l’état d’exception, de la soumission de l’Europe à l’hêgemôn étatsunien et donc à l’oligarchie qui est à sa tête.

‘The political powers of the West… have, [starting] from our days, commenced hostilities against the[ir] peoples – certainly under [such] pretexts as the ‘war on terror’ and ‘Covid-19′ – in anticipation of their revolt. In concrete terms, the leading class is using this state of emergency to ostracize, neutralize and isolate (imprison) its enemies. …Every major crisis – terrorism, pandemic, war – is an opportunity to synchronize [and] accentuate the state of emergency and the submission of Europe to the American hegemon and hence to the oligarchy that heads it.’ (p. 278, 281)

(A) Covidianism:[15]

Le covidisme a été le moyen pour l’hégémonisme anglo-américain libéral et financier d’opérer un virage forcé dans un monde qu’il ne peut dominer.

‘For the liberal Anglo-American financial hegemon, Covidianisme has been a means to enforce a turning upon a world that it can no [longer] dominate.’ (p. 130)

Le covidisme a été un formidable moyen d’instaurer une tyrannie policière et numérique… [et] ce processus tyrannique [s’]accentuerait… avec l’instauration future d’une monnaie dématérialisée qui permettra le contrôle étroit des personnes, et leur déconnexion du système monétaire en cas de désobéissance. …[P]our neutraliser les populations, la tyrannie monétaire. Une monnaie pour surveiller et punir. 

‘Covidianism has been a formidable tool for establishing a police [state] and a digital tyranny… [and] this tyrannical process will be accentuated… by the future establishment of immaterialized money, which will allow for the tight control of persons and their disconnection from the monetary system in case of disobedience. …To neutralize populations [there will arise a] monetary tyranny. [With] money [serving as] surveillance and punishment.’ (p. 145, 147)

L’oligarchie occidentale a avalisé, dans ses discours et sa politique, la fin de la liberté individuelle, de la société de production et de consommation.

‘The Western oligarchy has approved, in word and deed, the end of individual freedom [and] of producer-consumer society.’ (p. 235)

A la faveur du covid, nous avons vu les dirigeants occidentaux s’efforcer de détruire l’économie, le système de santé et par suite les populations dont ils sont censés défendre les intérêts. Un comportement qui s’explique… par le vide religieux qui a ramené l’Occident aux temps de l’archaïsme sacrificiel.

‘For covid, we have seen Western leaders dedicate themselves to the destruction of the economy, the health care system and finally the peoples whose interests they are supposed to defend. This behaviour is explained… by a religious void that has taken the West back into the times of archaic sacrifice.’ (p. 203)

Dès lors que l’état de droit disparaît, et la justice avec elle, la violence sacrificielle ressurgit. [Il y a un] lien entre effondrement de la religion traditionnelle, abolition de l’état de droit et résurgence du sacrifice des innocents. Un sacrifice de masse, opéré par le pouvoir politique qui a… rendu quasiment obligatoire les injections par millions d’un produit expérimental qui s’est avéré dangereux.

‘Since the disappearance of the state of law, and justice with it, sacrificial violence has resurfaced. [There is a] link between the collapse of traditional religion, the abolition of the state of law and the resurgence of the sacrifice of innocents. A mass sacrifice, enacted through the political power that has… rendered semi-obligatory injections, by the million, with an experimental product that has turned out to be dangerous.’ (p. 304)

B. Ecologism:[16]

[La] destruction programmée de l’économie réele est justifiée, au sens religieux, par l’utopie écologique. Cette religion verte, épousée par la haute finance, n’est pas sans rappeller les projets des idéologies messianiques laïcisées qui voulaient à la fois restaurer sur terre un Eden perdu et instaurer un monde utopique. …Pour ‘sauver la planète’, les tenants de la finance occidentale sont en train de détruire les entreprises, les richesses et les hommes.

‘[The] programmed destruction of the real economy is justified, in a religious sense, by an ecological utopia. This green religion, espoused by High Finance, brings to mind [earlier] projects of messianic but secularized religions that sought to restore the lost [Garden of] Eden to Earth as well as inaugurate a utopian world. …To ‘save the planet’ the captains of Western High Finance have embarked on the destruction of industry, wealth and people.’ (p. 129)

C. Ukrainianism: Note that this term is not Hindi’s: the reviewer has coined it to stand parallel to Hindi’s terms Covidianism and Ecologism. ‘Ukrainianism’ covers the hostile elite’s ‘state of emergency’ pretext that is most impactful at the time of writing of Hindi’s Guerre as well as this review and it is characterized by the full-blown, ‘witch-hunt’-level demonization of the hostile elite’s chosen outer enemy: Russia. As everyone who has read Orwell’s Nineteen Eight-Four knows, the designation and demonization of an outer enemy, no matter how crudely done, is an essential tool in the formation and maintenance of totalitarian power. Following Hindi’s legal analysis set out in Paragraph 1, the utter – even irrational and counter-productive – demonization of the outer enemy is a logical consequence of the de facto end of international law:

La crise de l’état moderne et souverain – qui a été fondé en réaction aux guerres de religions – a pour corollaire le boulversement du droit international et de l’encadrement légal de la guerre. Le droit européen moderne mettait, sur le papier, les deux belligérants sur un pied d’égalité; or, sous l’influence des puissances anglo-américaines inégalitaires, nous sommes entrés, au XXe siècle, dans l’ère de la criminalisation de l’ennemi, de sa diabolisation. L’ennemi est ainsi exclu de l’humanité.

‘The crisis of the modern sovereign state, which was founded in reaction to the religious wars [of the 16th and 17th Centuries], has as its corollary the overthrow of international law and the laws of war. Modern European law assumed, on paper [at least], two belligerents of equal status, but under the influence of the inequalitarian Anglo-American powers we have entered, in the 20th Century, the era of criminalisation of the enemy [and] of his demonization. Thus, the enemy is excluded from humanity.’ (p. 198)

In addition, the degree of dehumanization and demonization of the outer enemy is also a function of the development of the technology of warfare: new technology – in this case multidimensional warfare, including biotechnological and cognitive warfare – requires a moral (self-)justification for its use, irrespective of the flimsiness of that justification:

La guerre… incitera le belligérant qui se trouve en possession des armaments supérieurs à diaboliser son ennemi, à le priver du statut d’ennemi, pour n’y voir plus q’un monstre a éliminer. [N]ous avons… [vu] les Américains à l’oeuvre; détruire des états jugés illégitimes, maléfiques, massacrer des populations civiles par millions en invoquant la lutte pour la liberté, contre l’axe du mal.

‘War… encourages the belligerent who finds himself in possession of superior weaponry to demonize his enemy [and] to deprive him of ‘enemy’ status [itself] – to see only a monster that must be eliminated. [W]e have… seen the Americans at work, destroying states judged illegitimate [and] evil, massacring civilians by the million, invoking the struggle for freedom against the ‘axis of evil’.’ (p. 199)


In the West, the nation-state has broken down and the state apparatus has been captured by the globalist-nihilist hostile elite:

Compte tenu des faits que nous observons depuis une vingtaine d’années, et de leur parfaite correspondance avec les concept juridiques d’état d’exception, …nous pouvons en conclure que les pays occidentaux sont, depuis la guerre contre le terrorisme, entrés dans un mouvement révolutionnaire modifiant la nature des états. Par crises artificielles successives, cette révolution étatique nous a fait passer de l’imperium de la démocratie bourgeoise à celui de la tyrannie, de l’état d’exception permanent.

‘Taking into account the events that we have been observing over the last twenty years and their perfect correspondence with the legal concept of the state of emergency, …we can conclude that, since the ‘War on Terrorism’, Western states have entered into a revolutionary cycle that is altering the very nature of these states. By successive artificial crises, this state revolution has made us pass over from the empire of bourgeois democracy to that of tyranny [and] the permanent state of emergency.’ (p. 255)

In the West, a transversal class struggle has begun: the fictional-economy-(High Finance) based transnational hostile elite is seeking the enslavement and/or annihilation of the rest. After the elimination of (1) the working class (Reagan-Thatcher destruction of the labour movement and welfare state) and (2) the middle class (Clinton-Blair destruction of education-based meritocracy and social mobility) the transnational hostile elite now seeks the elimination of (3) the industrial haute bourgeoisie (Biden-Sunak destruction of free market capitalism and independent capital).

La géo-économie américaine anti-éuropéenne et la guerre menée par la haute finance contre… l’économie qui fait vivre les sociétés – et non pas la finance, qui vit aux dépens de la société – dessinent les contours d’une lutte des classes inédites, transversale.

‘The anti-European American geo-economics and the war that High Finance is waging on… the [real] economy, which keeps society alive, unlike finance which lives at the expense of society, are sketching the outlines of an unprecedented [new], transversal class struggle. (p. 158-9)

Nous sommes entrés dans une ère nouvelle où la lutte des classes traditionelle n’a plus de correspondance avec la réalité sociopolitique et économique du monde occidental. Il nous faut donc actualiser le concept.

‘We have entered a new era, in which [the] classical [concept of] class struggle no longer corresponds to the socio-political and economic reality of the Western world. So, it is necessary to update the concept.’ (p. 158)

At a global level, the transversal class struggle in the West is mirrored in a de facto state of worldwide civil war with distinctly eschatological overtones:

L’état d’exception et la guerre civile fride en Occident opposant peuples et oligarchies, la guerre civile mondiale, et l’opposition entre Etats-Unis – puissance destructive – et la Russie – puissance d’équilibre – recouvrent une confrontation de nature théologique-politique, parfois méconnue des principaux protagonistes. …D’un côté, des Etats-démiurges anomiques, l’Amérique à leur tête, qui se sont érigés en divinités ayant aboli la loi, et des peuples (d’Occident et d’ailleurs) qui luttent pour leur survie, pour le rétablissement du nomos (la loi) à l’échelle nationale et l’établissement d’un nouveau nomos (partage) de la terre à l’échelle mondiale.

‘The state of emergency and the cold civil war in the West, opposing peoples and oligarchs, the global civil war and the opposition between the US – a power for destruction – and Russia – a power for balance – cover a confrontation of a theo-political nature, sometimes unrecognized by its principal protagonists. …On the one hand, there are the anomic demiurge-states led by America, which claim divinity after having abolished the law, and, [on the other hand,] there are the peoples (in the West and elsewhere) who are fighting for their survival, for the re-establishment of the nomos (law) at the national level and the establishment of a new nomos (division) of the Earth at the global level.’ (p. 314)

In the final analysis, the transversal class struggle and the global civil war recently initiated by the globalist-nihilist hostile elite, based in the Five Eyes countries of the overseas Anglosphere and ‘Neo-Atlantean’ in character, are theo-political in nature:

C’est à ce démiurge, animé par le pouvoir politique oligarchique, auquel les peuples occientaux sont confrontés. Cette confrontation prend la forme de luttes contre le déclassement, l’appauvrissement, la destruction de l’hôpital, elle prend la formed d’une opposition aux lois liberticides, aux pass sanitaires, vacinnale et demain écologique. Les peuples ne le savent pas, mais cette confrontation dans laquelle ils sont engagés est de nature fondamentalement politico-religieuse.

‘It is this demiurge, animated by oligarchic political power, that the peoples of the West are confronted with. This confrontation takes the form of the fight against social demotion, impoverishment [and] health care destruction [and] it takes the form of the opposition against freedom-squashing legislation and passes [of all kinds], sanitary, vaccine and – tomorrow – ecological. The people do not know it, but the confrontation they are engaged in is fundamentally theo-political in nature.’ (p. 299)

La théologie politique n’a, paradoxalement, jamais été aussi utile pour comprendre les évolutions de l’état que dans l’Occident athéiste. L’état moderne a usurpé la souveraineté divine; en conséquence, les peuples occidentaux vivent sous l’imperium de ce démiurge tout en niant l’existence de Dieu et en étant aveugle à la nature de cet état qui s’est octroyé les pouvoirs divins de législation. …L’etat moderne, en tant que détenteur de la souveraineté divine, peut suspendre la loi, remettre en question la loi naturelle et émettre des lois contraires à la loi de Dieu et au bien commun.

‘Paradoxically, political theology has never been so useful for the understanding of state evolution as it is [now] in the atheist West. The modern state has usurped divine sovereignty. As a result, the Western peoples live under the imperium of that demiurge[-state], denying the existence of God and blind as to the nature of that state, which has patented divine powers of legislation… The modern state, which has assumed divine sovereignty, can suspend the law [at will], question natural law and promulgate laws that are contrary to the law of God and the common good.’ (p. 298)

Le société s’autodétruit à mesure que la morale – qui est un frein – disparaît, à mesure que l’état rejette la loi naturelle. A l’heure du LGBTisme promu par l’education nationale, de l’athéisme triomphant, le taux de suicide chez les jeunes… augmenté. …[I]l y a là coïncidence entre vide religieux, tyrannie anomique, augmentation du nombre de sociopathes au pouvoir, crise de régime, décomposition de la société, à commencer par la famille, destruction de l’économie, intensification de la violence politique et déclenchement d’une guerre civile froide en passe de devenir chaude.

‘Society self-destructs to the extent that morality – which functions as a brake – disappears [and] to the extent that the state rejects natural law. At this moment, LGBTism is promoted in the national education curriculum, atheism is triumphant [and] the suicide rate among young people… has risen. … Here, a a religious void, an anomic tyranny, a rise in the number of sociopaths in power, a crisis of governance, a decomposition of society starting at the family [unit], a destruction of the economy and an intensification of political violence coincide – a descent into a cold civil war that is bound to become hot.’ (p. 358-9)


Hindi argues that all sea-power hegemonies, from the Delos League to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, have specific weaknesses that may be exploited by land-power empires:

(A) Hegemonies cannot distinguish friend and foe: in the final analysis, all parties outside the hegemonic centre are enemies, whether declared or undeclared. ‘Friends’ will be ruthlessly sacrificed by the centre: Ukrainian manpower is merely cannon fodder and German industry is merely collateral damage. This means that enemies of the hegemon may find such betrayed ‘friends’ amenable to switching sides;

(B) Hegemonies cannot unify state and economy: in the final analysis, hegemonic public political power is a mere function of private economic power, as is shown by the fact that the present Atlanticist hegemon applies its ‘free market principles’ of economic jungle warfare competition even against the clear interests of the nations and peoples of its home base nation. Although geographically based there, the hegemon does not serve the interests of the American and British peoples, but only those of Big Banking, Big Tech, Big Pharma, etc. This means that, as socio-economic strain builds, the mass of the population in these countries will, at some point, become alienated from the ruling elite;

(C) Hegemonies are vampiric in nature: in the final analysis, they leech off their subjects and victims without caring about the ultimate sustainability of that ‘business model’ and, as time passes, their power shift from reality to perception. Thus, Atlanticist hegemony is based on the largely fictitious power of things such as the ‘reserve currency’ dollar, ‘MSM’ propaganda, ‘Hollywood’ mythology and the ‘woke-fied’ US Army. This means that, once certain stress levels are tested, the whole house of cards, carefully crafted over decennia, may collapse over an unexpectedly short span of time.

Hindi points out more specific weaknesses in the Atlanticist hegemon’s position in Europe, which is intricately bound up with the fate of its two most important – and increasingly intertwined – hegemonic structures, the EU and the NATO. In the face of a semi-direct confrontation with its formidable SCO-BRICS adversary, the hegemon has engaged a high stakes gamble because it requires

(A) the permanent docility of 447 million Europeans, despite their increasing impoverishment;

(B) the permanent synchronization of the EU’s 27 EU member states, despite their evident divergence in terms of vital national interests;

(C) a modicum of political stability, despite its unfolding all-out transversal class struggle assault on both the middle class and the industrial bourgeoisie; and

(D) a modicum of military prestige, despite the eminent risk of defeat in Ukraine, coming on top of its defeat in Afghanistan.

Hindi also point out the hegemon’s (potential) greatest weakness: the ‘weakest link in the chain’. Germany, which has been America’s most docile vassal since its 1945 defeat and was rewarded with caporegime status in Europe in 1990, is now subject to unprecedented domestic strains and international challenges:

Les dirigeants [allemands] ont mentalement intégré la soumission aux Etats-Unis, …sous couvert d’idéologie écologique, de droit-de-l’hommisme, d’auto-flagellation éternelle pour exorciser le nazisme, de féminisme et de wokisme…

‘The [German] leadership has mentally integrated [its] submission to the US, …under cover of ecologism, human-rightism, eternal self-flagellation to exorcise nazism, feminism and wokism…’ (p. 118)

[Ainsi l]es Etats-Unis avaient choisi Berlin pour tenir le rôle de Gauleiter en Europe, en lui permettant de tirer profit dus système économique appuyé sur l’euro.

‘[Thus], the US chose Berlin to play the role of Gauleiter in Europe, permitting it to profit from the Euro-based economic system.'(p. 122)

[Mais] les Américains ont poussé le patronat allemand dans ses derniers retranchement. Il n’y avait plus que deux issues: la mort ou un virage économique. Et visiblement, c’est la seconde option qui a été choisie, instinct de survive oblige. …C’est une question de vie ou de mort économique.

‘[But] the Americans have pushed Germany’s captains of industry with their backs against the wall. There are no more than two [possible] outcomes: death or an economic turn. Visibly, the second option has been chosen, as survival instinct kicks in. It is a question of economic life or death.’ (p. 113-4)

[La] tension au sein de l’Allemagne entre industriels et pro-américains, incarne la lutte actuelle entre les puissances maritimes et les puissances terrestres, entre l’économie fictive, financière, et l’économie réelle, industrielle.

‘[The] tension within Germany, between industrialists and pro-Americans, mirrors the ongoing struggle between the sea powers and the land powers, [as well as] between the virtual economy of finance and the real economy of industry.’ (p. 120) In this way, Hindi argues, Germany is fast becoming the focus point of the stresses caused by the globalist-nihilist hostile elite’s double war on Europe, with internal fracturing compounding external pressure.

Hindi suggest that one way to defeat the Atlanticist hegemon is to create an alliance between its natural allies:

La désignation simultanée d’ennemis intérieur – les peuples européens – et extérieur – la Russie – pourrait conduire à une alliance objective de ces deux ennemis communs.

‘The simultaneous designation of internal enemies – the European peoples – and external [enemies] – Russia – should lead to an objective alliance between these two common enemies.’ (p. 235)

Such an alliance should, therefore, be the strategic aim of the Dissident Right movement inside the West and the Eurasianist and Multipolar Movement outside the West.

Having ruthlessly diagnosed Europe as ‘the sick man of the world’, Hindi prescribes the only medicine that he thinks may yet save the states, peoples and civilization of Europe: a theo-political revival. Hindi clearly states the nature of Europe’s fatal disease:

L’athéisme conduit l’Europe sur une voie dangereuse, celle du nihilisme, de politiques suicidaires, que ce soit dans le domaine sociétale, économique ou géopolitique. La stabilisation de l’Europe passe par une réforme théologique-politique et un repositionnement stratégique de la France qui a une responsabilité historique et un rôle futur à jouer. Il en va de l’avenir et de la stabilité de l’Eurasie.

‘Atheism is guiding Europe onto a dangerous path, [viz. the path] of nihilism [and its resultant] suicidal policies in the domains of social life, economic life and geopolitics. The stabilization of Europe depends on a theological-political reform and a strategic repositioning by France, which has a historic responsibility and a future role to play. The same applies to the future and stability of Eurasia [as a whole].’ (p. 7)

Le vide religieux a produit à la fois une société atomisée et, avec un temps de retard, son reflect à l’échelle politique: un système des parties éclatés puis fondus en un seul. C’est ce parti unique de l’oligarchie qui contrôle l’état, et c’est ce qui rend le pouvoir politique particulièrement dangereux.

‘The religious void has produced an atomized society as well as – with some delay – its reflection at the political level: a system of parties that have molten down to subsequently become fused into one. This is the oligarchic uni-party that controls the state and this is what makes its political party particularly dangerous.’ (p. 225)

Finally, Hindi issues an important warning befitting the old proverb that ‘the wounded snake bites deepest’, in casu the nuclear arms-fanged serpent that is the hegemon’s ‘Empire of Lies’:

Arrivés en bout de course, ruinés, affaiblis, faisant face à de grandes puissances rivales qui remettent en cause son hégémonie militaire et monétaire, les Etats-Unis deviennent extrêmement dangereux, car ils ne peuvent accepter l’échec qui impliquerait la remise en question de ce qu’ils ont toujours cru être, une nation messianique destinée à régner sur le monde.

‘Having reached the end of its journey, ruined, weakened [and] face to face with rival great powers that challenge its military and monetary hegemony, the US has become extremely dangerous, because it cannot accept [any] failure that would create doubt about what it has always believed itself to be, [viz.] a messianic nation destined to rule the world.’ (p. 26)

Concluding this review of Youssef Hindi’s La Guerre des Etats-Unis contre l’Europe et l’avenir de l’état, it is necessary to remind the reader that the author has non-European roots but that, in writing this highly timely work, he has done far more for Europe than most Europeans have done at this hour. The reviewer, therefore, has a recommendation of his own to add to Hindi’s highly valuable prescriptions. It is this: that the enslaved peoples of Europe should from now on refuse their American fast food rations, shed their American jeans rags, break their chains of American sensual bondage and wake up from their American virtual reality spell. That they should recapture their ancestors’ spirit and pull their ancestors’ sword out of the stone of history.

Ein Volk, das keine Waffen tragen will, wird Ketten tragen. – Ernst Jünger

Definition of Terms

‘Hegemon’ – …renvoie… à une nation, une puissance, qui exerce un commandement, une domination souveraine sur d’autres nations et peuples sans pour autant les assimiler. L’hêgemôn maintient une distinction nette entre le peuple dominant et les peuples dominés. ‘…refers to a nation [or] power that exercises command [authority and] sovereign dominion over other nations and peoples, but without assimilating them. The Hegemon maintains a clear distinction between the dominating people and the dominated peoples.’ (p. 29);

‘Imperium’ – …signifie en latin… [u]n commendement qui s’exerce sur un territoire. Le territoire de l’empire s’étend en intégrant d’autres peuples, états ou royaumes, à son système de domination, …[qui est] suffisamment ‘égalitaire’ pour assimiler les peuples conquis à une entité politique unique, centralisée ou du moins fédérale. ‘…signifies, in Latin, …command [authority] exercised over a [certain] territory. The territory of an empire expands while integrating other peoples, states or kingdoms into its system of domination, …[which is] sufficiently ‘egalitarian’ to assimilate conquered peoples to a [single], unique, or at least confederated political entity.’ (p. 29);

La mystique de la laïcité – ‘the mystique of secularism’, referring to subliminal dimension of (French) republicanism as secular religion;  

‘NATO-fication’ – the ‘weaponization’ of the hegemon’s old alliances, part of its ‘total war’ mobilization of all its vassals’ resources;

‘Pan-polemos’ – Les Etats-Unis mènent une guerre géopolitique et géoéconomique à l’Europe, et l’oligarchie occidentale mène une guerre de destruction des classes moyennes, de tous les producteurs, européens et américains.  La guerre civile mondiale est une poupée russe. Une guerre dans une autre, une guerre civile sociale dans une guerre internationale, une guerre inter-étatique dans une guerre continentale. La guerre civile mondiale est pluridimensionnelle et elle se déroule sure plusieurs échelles : …[c’est] le pan-polemos. ‘The US is waging a geopolitical and geo-economical war against Europe and the Western oligarchy is waging a war of destruction against the middle classes, against all producers, European and American. Th[is] global civil war is a Russian doll: a war inside a war, a social civil war within an international war [and] an intra-state war within a continental war. Th[is] global civil war is multi-dimensional and it unfolds at multiple levels [simultaneously]: [this is] the pan-polemos’ (p. 291-2)

‘Zombie-state’ – note that this term is not Hindi’s: the reviewer has coined it to summarize Hindi’s diagnosis of the post-Great Reset Western state. [Après] la prise en main de l’état par [l’]oligarchie et ses reseaux, que l’on doit distinguer de l’état lui-même, … [l]e pouvoir politique [oligarchique] a dévoyé le rôle de l’état en l’utilisant pour défendre des intérêts privés, aux détriment des intérêts publics. S’en est suivi une privatisation du monopole de la violence étatique; …le pouvoir politique utilise la police comme une milice privée contre le peuple. ‘After the take-over of the state by the oligarchy and its networks, which should be distinguished from the state itself, …le political power [wielded by the oligarchy] has perverted the role of the state by using it to defend private interests, to the detriment of public interests. What followed was the privatization of the monopoly on violence [wielded by the] state: …the political power uses the police as a private militia against the people.’ (p. 204-5)


Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus:

L’arkhè politico-religieux… de l’hêgemôn américain… se trouve dans l’Angleterre calviniste. …Le calvinisme était une doctrine religieuse bourgeoise, taillée pour le commerçant et le banquier. …Le capital, le crédit, la banque et le grand commerce étaient reconnus presque comme des articles de foi. …La prédestination… prit une forme socio-économique hégémonique en fusionnant avec l’anthropologie anglaise (famille nucléaire, inégalitaire, avec une mobilité spatiale des individus très importante) au moment de la transformation de l’île en hêgemôn maritime.

‘The politico-religious archetype of the American hegemon is Calvinist England. …Calvinism was a bourgeois religious doctrine, tailor-made to fit traders and bankers. …Capital, credit, banking and big business were practically recognized as articles of faith. …Predestination… took a hegemonic form [in] social [and] economic [life] as it fused with English anthropolog[ical reality] (nuclear family, [caste-like] inequality and individual spatial mobility) at the moment of the island’s transformation into a maritime hegemon. ‘ (p. 8, 12-3)

Z nového světa:

L’Amérique était le lieu où même l’homme civilisé retournait à l’état de nature et ‘redevenait’ un loup pour l’homme.

‘America was the place where even civilized man returned to the state of nature and became again wolf to man.’ (p. 293)

La géopolitique étatsunienne est mythique et sacrificielle.

‘US geopolitics are mythical and sacrificial.’ (p. 289)

From Umvolking to Entvolkung:

La transformation nouvelle du capitalisme occidental vise à réduire purement et simplement une partie de la population appauvrie et en révolte, c’est ce que nous appelons la société de consumation qui remplace celle de la consommation.

‘The newest transformation of Western capitalism aims, simply and sternly, at the reduction of the impoverished and rebellious part of the population: this is what we shall term the ‘consummation society’ that is to replace the ‘consumption society’. (p. 235)


Tout corps privé d’une âme meurt, tout état privé d’une religion ou d’une croyance collective, est voué à l’affaiblissement, voire à la décomposition.

A body deprived of a soul [and] a state deprived of a religion or collective belief [system] are bound to weaken and decompose.’ (paraphrasing Gustav Le Bon, p. 203)


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This article was originally published on Geopolitica.RU.

Alexander Wolfheze received his MA in Semitic Languages and Cultures in 2004 and his cum laude PhD in the Humanities in 2011, both from Leiden University, Netherlands. With extensive research experience in the fields of Assyriology and Cultural Anthropology, he subsequently authored several publications in the field of Near Eastern cultural history. His current interdisciplinary specializations are pre-modern epistemology and Traditionalist philosophy; his earlier book The Sunset of Tradition and the Origins of the Great War applies these specializations to the cultural-historical background of the First World War. 


[1] ‘Worldview Warfare’, the reviewer here uses this term in its most literal sense, following the Abbau, ‘deconstruction’; ‘demolition’, counter-hegemonic strategy promoted by Jason Jorjani.

[2] The reviewer’s spoken and written contributions to the Multipolarity Conference may be found at ‘Alexander Wolfheze (Netherlands/Hungary) on Multipolarity’, 29 April 2023 and Alexander Wolfheze, ‘Operation Belisarius: Eurasianist Strategy for the West’, 4 May 2023, respectively.

[3] Youssef Hindi’s spoken and written contributions to the Multipolarity Conference may be found at ‘Youssef Hindi (France) – Speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity’, Paideuma.tv29 April 2023 and Youssef Hindi, ‘Western Civil War in the Multipolar World’, 1 May 2023, respectively.

[4] Cf. Alexander Wolfheze, Rupes Nigra. An Archaeo-Futurist Countdown in Twelve Essays (Arktos: London, 2021) 247ff.

[5] Cf. Alexander Wolfheze, Rupes Nigra. An Archaeo-Futurist Countdown in Twelve Essays (Arktos: London, 2021) 393ff.

[6] Die Sprache ist das Haus des Seins. In ihrer Behausung wohnt der Mensch. Die Denkenden und Dichtenden sind die Wächter dieser Behausung. Ihr Wachen ist das Vollbringen der Offenbarkeit des Seins, insofern sie diese durch ihr Sagen zur Sprache bringen und in der Sprache aufbewahren. ‘Language is the House of Being’. Within its walls lives man. Those who think and write are the guardian of this shelter. Their guardianship involves the completion of the revelation of Being, in as far as their speech expresses it and preserves it in language.’ – Martin Heidegger, translation Alexander Wolfheze.

[7] Cf. Alexander Wolfheze, Rupes Nigra. An Archaeo-Futurist Countdown in Twelve Essays (Arktos: London, 2021) xli-ii.

[8] For the reviewer’s Traditionalist cultural-historical and Sacred-Geographical analyses cf. Alexander Wolfheze, The Sunset of Tradition and the Origins of the Great War (Cambridge Scholars: Newcastle upon Tyne, 2018) and  Alexander Wolfheze, A Traditionalist History of the Great War, Book II: The Former Earth (Cambridge Scholars: New Castle upon Tyne, 2020), respectively.

[9] Cf. the reviewer’s concept of the ‘Global Modernist Thalassocracy’: Alexander Wolfheze, A Traditionalist History of the Great War, Book II: The Former Earth (Cambridge Scholars: New Castle upon Tyne, 2020) 70ff.

[10] For the reviewer’s Sacred-Geographical analysis of America’s ‘Manifest Destiny’, cf. Alexander Wolfheze, A Traditionalist History of the Great War, Book II: The Former Earth (Cambridge Scholars: New Castle upon Tyne, 2020) 192ff.

[11] For an example of Atlanticist hegemonic ‘pyro-politics’ in action, cf. the reviewer’s ‘Serbian Triptych’ analysis of the destruction of Yugoslav: Alexander Wolfheze, ‘Eagle in the East’, ‘The Yugoslav Crucible Revisited’ and ‘US-NATO’s War against Yugoslavia’, 22-28 July 2023.

[12] For the reviewer’s critique of the Atlanticist hegemon’s liberal-normativist ideology and its politicidal effects, using the analyses of his Low Countries fellow-publicist Robert Steuckers, cf. Alexander Wolfheze, Rupes Nigra. An Archaeo-Futurist Countdown in Twelve Essays (Arktos: London, 2021) 11ff.

[13] Note that many aspects of this present-day ‘world state of emergency’ were accurately predicted by American-Iranian philosopher Jason Jorjani: cf. his thus-titled book The World State of Emergency (Arktos: London, 2017).

[14] For the reviewer’s analysis of the ex-West’s ‘zombification’ process, cf. Alexander Wolfheze, ‘The White Whale’, 4 November 2022.

[15] For the reviewer’s first assessment of the Covidianist cult, cf. his two-part ‘eye-witness report’ Alexander Wolfheze, ‘Decamerone Redux: Reader’s Digest for a Post-Modern Plague Season’, Arktos Journal ( 4-7 April 2020.

[16] For the reviewer’s cultural-historical perspective on anthropogenic climate change (through his key concept ‘Ecocide’), cf. Alexander Wolfheze, The Sunset of Tradition and the Origins of the Great War (Cambridge Scholars: Newcastle upon Tyne, 2018) 127ff.

Guerre des États-Unis contre l’Europe

By Youssef Hindi


Language: French

Pages: ‎392 pages

ISBN-13: ‎979-1041515721

Youssef Hindi gathered there what allows him to establish the story of a permanent, vital, economic war, that which opposes the United States to Europe. This war has a history, but it also has a genealogy, and to reconstruct it, we must go back to Athens and its maritime hegemony. Secondly, the author shifts the point of view. We leave the materialist stratum of this conflict to move towards the terrain of “political theology”. We have to ask ourselves the relationship between divine election and the “Manifest Destiny” of the United States. The author continues his reflection by analyzing the end of the rule of law, a consequence of the war that America is waging against us.

Click here to purchase.

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Security and ideological interests account for why the Algerian Chief of Staff just flew to Moscow. His country wants to coordinate with its strategic partner in responding to this regional crisis as well as the wider war that might soon break out.

While Algeria’s role isn’t as important as Nigeria’s could be in leading the NATO-backed ECOWAS invasion of Niger nor Chad’s in possibly being the kingmaker, it’s still pretty significant and shouldn’t be ignored or downplayed.

West Africa Is Gearing Up For A Regional War” as it bifurcates into two clearly defined blocs over whether to invade or defend Niger, which experienced a potentially game-changing patriotic military coup last week. The preceding hyperlinked analysis explains the rapidly emerging military-strategic dynamics more in detail, but they can be summarized as setting the stage for what might soon become the next proxy battleground in the New Cold War.

NATO supports a Nigerian-led ECOWAS invasion to reinstall Niger’s ousted leader while Russia backs Burkina Faso and Mali, which have de facto merged into a federation and jointly announced that any attack on that neighboring nation will be regarded as a declaration of war against both of them. Those two are trilaterally cooperating with Guinea, which is also under military rule like they are and just threw its political weight behind the Nigerien junta, but it’s unclear whether it’ll militarily defend it too.

The Interim President of regional military powerhouse Chad earlier traveled to Niamey in an attempt to broker a compromise that could avert war, but he appears to have been unsuccessful, though his country also hasn’t yet committed to supporting either side of this potentially coming conflict. This places Chad in a kingmaker position since its decision whether and when to intervene could greatly determine the outcome.

Amidst these fast-moving developments, Russian publicly financed international media flagship TASS confirmed on Tuesday that the Algerian Chief of Staff arrived in Moscow the day prior to meet with his host’s Defense Minister. They also added that the President visited St. Petersburg in June to attend the International Economic Forum there, during which time he met with President Putin to clinch an enhanced strategic partnership deal, while the Prime Minister was there last week for the Africa Summit.

It deserves mentioning that Russia is Algeria’s top military partner and has remained so for decades, with this relationship persisting in spite of Moscow neglecting most of Africa until just a few years ago. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) confirmed in this spring’s “Trends In International Arms Transfers” report that a whopping 73% of Algeria’s military imports from 2018-2022 were from Russia, which testifies to the enduring strength of their military ties.

Accordingly, Algeria has one of the largest, best-equipped, and most modern militaries anywhere in Africa, which is why it’s rightly regarded as among the continent’s most powerful countries. For that reason, its Chief of Staff’s latest visit to Russia in the current regional context isn’t any small matter since it suggests that Algiers intends to coordinate with Moscow regarding the wider war that might be about to break out upon the expiry of ECOWAS’ ultimatum this Sunday to reinstall Niger’s ousted leader.

Although Algeria and Russia both condemned the Nigerien coup late last week, each of their respective statements were shared prior to ECOWAS making its ultimatum that was subsequently supported by France and the US, both of which have troops in that country. The previously mentioned Burkinabe-Malian joint statement importantly warned that an invasion of Niger risks repeating the Libyan scenario by destabilizing the entire region and thus exacerbating terrorist threats to everyone.

This is an accurate assessment that justifies Russia and Algeria working together to avert that worst-case scenario and jointly coordinating their response to it if this conflict ends up becoming inevitable, thus explaining why the Algerian Chief of Staff decided to visit Russia right after his Prime Minister just did. The reason for his visit is clearly to discuss the planned NATO-backed Nigerian-led ECOWAS invasion of Niger, which also happens to border Algeria for those readers who aren’t aware.

It’s likely that Algeria will play an important role if West Africa descends into war by virtue of its geography and military prowess. At the very least, Algiers might refuse to allow French warplanes to transit through its airspace, thus forcing them to risk being fired at if they violate this possible order or find another route to Niger via Libya (which might also be formally closed off to them) or somewhere else. The point is that Algeria can greatly complicate France’s military logistics in any upcoming conflict.

Not only that, but this North African nation could allow Russia to transit through its airspace (provided that NATO doesn’t impede this through dangerous brinksmanship over the Mediterranean) to reliably supply the de facto Burkinabe-Malian federation with arms, food, and whatever else it might need. In a sense, this would be spiritually similar to the erstwhile Soviet Union’s intervention in support of Ethiopia during the Ogaden War when it was invaded by Somalia, though of course key differences exist.

Moving along, the other role that Algeria could play is a direct one, though it can’t be taken for granted that its leadership will feel comfortable with this since it could fear that any significant deployment towards or into Niger could be taken advantage of by its long-time Moroccan nemesis. If it decides to do so, however, then moving its forces – including air defense systems – closer to the frontier could possibly deter France and Nigeria. Should those two still attack Niger, then Algeria might intervene in its support.

The Burkinabe-Malian joint statement warning about a repeat of the Libyan scenario scares Algeria since it struggled against terrorism during what’s regarded as its “Black Decade” from 1991-2002, not to mention more recently but to a much lesser extent since the NATO War on Libya in 2011. Its objective national interests are therefore served by at the very least complicating France’s military logistics in any upcoming conflict even if it ultimately decides not to get directly involved like Burkina Faso and Mali will.

Additionally, many might not know that Algeria has consistently espoused a revolutionary ideology throughout the decades despite the radical changes in the world order since its independence. This explains why it retained ties with Russia despite the latter’s difficult decade after the USSR’s dissolution and also didn’t cut off relations with Syria over the past decade either even though the Arab League did. Algeria’s leadership thus also has an ideological interest in complicating an imperialist invasion of Niger.

Taken together, these security and ideological interests account for why the Algerian Chief of Staff just flew to Moscow. His country wants to coordinate with its strategic partner in responding to this regional crisis as well as the wider war that might soon break out. While Algeria’s role isn’t as important as Nigeria’s could be in leading the NATO-backed ECOWAS invasion of Niger nor Chad’s in possibly being the kingmaker, it’s still pretty significant and shouldn’t be ignored or downplayed. 

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Reports suggest that Western weapons sent to Ukraine are being redistributed to terrorists around the world, particularly in Africa. According to the interim President of Burkina Faso, Ibrahim Traore, Western military equipment ends up in the hands of African terrorists instead of supplying Ukrainian forces, thus generating instability and insecurity for Africa, and further increasing the need for cooperation with Russia.

In an interview with Russian media, Traore showed neutrality about the current conflict in Eurasia, saying he is more concerned about the domestic situation in his own country. For Traore, Burkina Faso is at war against terrorist groups, which are indirectly being armed by the West. He reported that many of the weapons that NATO sends to Kiev are illegally sold to African terrorists by corrupt Ukrainians.

Traore emphasized the serious humanitarian problem generated by the lack of control over Western weapons. For him, the situation should be considered “very serious”, as NATO assistance to Kiev is literally “killing our peoples” in Africa.

“What’s my take [on the conflict in Ukraine]? I don’t have any take on this, because we’re also in conflict. We are at war against terrorism, and they [the West] are no longer concerned with our war. We only deplore that weapons destined for Ukraine are on our continent and continue to activate our war. This is what we deplore (…) I saw once in the media that the Ukrainian president himself had sacked some of his entourage for acts of corruption on the military equipment that was delivered. That means it’s not controlled and it is found on the African continent, it is a danger. Terrorists pay for equipment everywhere, especially in conflict zones, because there are arms traffickers. So it only aggravates the magnitude of our conflicts, too”, he told journalists.

Traore’s interview comes at an especially important time for Russian-African relations, just after the Summit in St. Petersburg, where delegations from 49 African countries actively participated in strategic dialogues of mutual interest. Traore was one of the prominent public figures at the event, showing his willingness to contribute to the formation of an Africa free from Western colonialism and in cooperation with Moscow. In fact, his report on the existence of Western weapons in the hands of African terrorists makes the need for this cooperation even clearer, mainly in the military sphere.

It is not the first time that African officials have reported that Western weapons are ending up with terrorist groups on the continent. In late 2022, the then president of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari, had already made a similar statement, exposing data on the use of weapons sent to Ukraine by terrorists linked to ISIS in the Lake Chad region.

“Regrettably, the situation in the Sahel and the raging war in Ukraine serve as major sources of weapons and fighters that bolster the ranks of the terrorists in the Lake Chad Region. (…) Weapons being used for the war in Ukraine and Russia are equally beginning to filter to the region. This illegal movement of arms into the region has heightened the proliferation of small arms and light weapons which continues to threaten our collective peace and security in the region,” the president said at the time.

Also, some months earlier, the head of Interpol Jürgen Stock warned that terrorist groups and international criminal networks were taking advantage of the lack of control over Western arms diversion:

“Once the guns fall silent [in Ukraine], the illegal weapons will come. We know this from many other theatres of conflict. The criminals are even now, as we speak, focusing on them (…) Criminal groups try to exploit these chaotic situations and the availability of weapons, even those used by the military and including heavy weapons”, he said.

Stock seems right in his analysis: there will always be the possibility of diversion, with little control over how weapons shipped abroad will actually be used. This benefits criminal groups, even more so in situations of widespread corruption, as in the Ukrainian state – definitely, one of the most corrupt in the world. In this sense, instead of ineffectively trying to control the movement of weapons, the most prudent thing to do is simply to stop sending them to Ukraine.

However, there is another point that needs to be investigated, which is the existence of Western interest in the arrival of arms in Africa. The West has links to terrorist groups and criminal organizations around the world. Just as neo-Nazi militias are funded, trained and equipped by the US in Ukraine, extremist Islamic networks are supported by Washington in other regions. This has become very clear with the cooperation between Americans and ISIS militants in Syria, for example.

However, after the Russian intervention in Syria, ISIS was defeated and then Africa became a place of action for many of the group’s remnant militias.

Now, these same militias seem capable of serving Western interests once again, as they could be used to destabilize the pro-Russian governments of the Sahel and delay the region’s development. As well known, Russia and China are very active in cooperation with Africa, maintaining various projects that benefit the states of the continent. This harms Western plans, which motivates NATO to seek destabilization in the region.

In this sense, it is also possible that the diversion of weapons to African terrorists, in addition to exposing the corruption of Ukrainian officials, suggests a connivance of interests between the West and African extremist militias. These weapons may be arriving in Africa with the specific purpose of fighting pro-Russian governments, in a NATO attempt to make the African continent a scenario of new proxy wars against Moscow.

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In the video above, John Campbell, Ph.D., a retired nurse educator, reviews the findings of a systematic review1 posted on in mid-July 2023, which concluded that mRNA COVID shots are causally linked to lethal myocarditis.

Authors of this review include Drs. Peter McCullough, Aseem Malhotra, Roger Hodkinson, Nicolas Hulscher and William Makis. As explained in the abstract,2 “COVID-19 vaccines have been linked to myocarditis which in some circumstances can be fatal. This systematic review aims to investigate potential causal links between COVID-19 vaccines and death from myocarditis using post-mortem analysis.”

McCullough and his team systematically reviewed all autopsy reports involving COVID-19 jab-related myocarditis published through July 3, 2023. Fourteen papers detailing 28 autopsies fit the inclusion criteria.

Causality in each case was determined by “three independent reviewers with cardiac pathology experience and expertise.” Pictures showing spike protein infiltration of the heart muscle and associated inflammation are included in Campbell’s video.

mRNA Jabs Causally Linked to Lethal Myocarditis

As reported by the authors:3

“The cardiovascular system was the only organ system affected in 26 cases. In 2 cases, myocarditis was characterized as a consequence from multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS).

The mean and median number of days from last COVID-19 vaccination until death was 6.2 and 3 days, respectively. Most of the deaths occurred within a week from the last injection. We established that all 28 deaths were causally linked to COVID-19 vaccination by independent adjudication.

The temporal relationship, internal and external consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis, its pathobiological mechanisms and related excess death, complemented with autopsy confirmation, independent adjudication, and application of the Bradford Hill criteria to the overall epidemiology of vaccine myocarditis, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death from suspected myocarditis in cases where sudden, unexpected death has occurred in a vaccinated person.”

Considering these disturbing findings, McCullough and his team call for “urgent investigation … for the purpose of risk stratification and mitigation in order to reduce the population occurrence of fatal COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis.”

Moderna Trial Data Reveal Safety Problems

The infuriating reality is that this risk — as well as many others — were evident in the original trials, despite their short duration, but the vaccine makers used all sorts of tricks to hide these effects.

As previously reported, one whistleblower claims Pfizer committed fraud in its COVID jab studies, and company data released through court order show Pfizer’s shot was associated with some 158,000 recorded health problems that were never admitted publicly.

Now, data obtained through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by the public interest group Defending the Republic (DTR)4 throw similar doubts on Moderna’s Spikevax trials.

DTR, which has obtained nearly 15,000 pages of Moderna’s COVID-19 clinical trial data so far, warns that they reveal serious safety concerns. As reported by The Epoch Times, July 21, 2023:5

“The records … include important information related to the safety profile of Spikevax, which was first authorized for emergency use in the United States in December 2020 and in January 2022 received full approval for adults.

‘The public can be assured that Spikevax meets the FDA’s high standards for safety, effectiveness and manufacturing quality required of any vaccine approved for use in the United States,’ Acting FDA Commissioner Dr. Janet Woodcock said in a statement earlier this year.

But the new data call this view into question. The advocacy group says that the tens of thousands of pages of clinical trial data released by the FDA supports the conclusion that there is ‘serious doubt’ about both the safety of Spikevax and the FDA’s standards for approval.”

For the record, as with Pfizer’s trial data, the FDA had to be forced by court order to release Moderna’s data. The agency initially rejected DTR’s FOIA request claiming there was “no compelling need” for the public to review that information. As it turns out, Moderna’s clinical trial data reveal shocking safety issues that neither the company nor the FDA have admitted publicly.

Side Effects Shrugged Off Without Investigation

For example, in one of Moderna’s studies, 16 participants in the COVID jab group died suddenly, yet only two were autopsied. Despite this lack of investigation, Moderna concluded that none of the deaths were associated with the jab. “It seems they purposely decided not to investigate suspicious deaths in case the Moderna vaccine might be the cause,” DTR said in a press release.6

The studies also recorded a number of serious adverse events in the jabbed groups, including Bell’s palsy, shingles, heart attacks, pulmonary embolisms, transient ischemic attacks, lymphoma and miscarriages. However, even when life-threatening injuries occurred within days of injection, Moderna arbitrarily concluded that none were associated with their jab.

As noted by DTR, subsequent analyses of injury reports filed with the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), the U.S. Department of Defense’s DMED database and European injury reporting systems show “heightened rates of these illnesses following administration of the Moderna vaccine.”

Fertility and Fetal Development Adversely Affected

In the first batch of documents released by the FDA, DTR also received the results of a rat study7that assessed the effects on gestation, fertility, and pre- and postnatal development in pregnant and lactating lab rats. The findings are troubling considering the FDA’s and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendation to use this shot on pregnant women. Key findings and observations made in this study included:8

  • Skeletal deformities (wavy ribs and rib nodules) — “Wavy ribs appeared in 6 fetuses in 4 litters for a fetal prevalence of 4.03% and a litter prevalence of 18.2%. Rib nodules appeared in 5 of those 6 fetuses. The fetal and litter incidence of wavy ribs exceeded the range observed historically at the Testing Facility …”
  • Higher reproductive cycle lengths — “The mean number of [reproductive] cycle lengths was statistically-significantly higher in the mRNA-1273 group as compared to the control group.”
  • Reduced mating — “Mating occurred in 95.5% of the rats in the control group and 88.6% of the rats in the mRNA-1273 group.”
  • Reduced pregnancy index — “The female pregnancy index (number of rats mating/number of rats in the group) was 93.2% and 84.1% in the control and mRNA-1273 groups, respectively.”
  • Kidney disease — “At scheduled euthanasia, 1 pup in the mRNA-1273 dose group was observed with bilateral, small, minimal renal papilla and another pup from the same litter was observed with left, small, moderate renal papilla. These findings were not considered related to mRNA-1273 because the observations occurred only in 2 pups from a single litter.”

Moderna also conducted a tissue distribution study9 in male rats, which revealed the mRNA, when injected intramuscularly, spread throughout the body. mRNA was detected in all tissues analyzed except for the kidneys. Levels were particularly elevated in the spleen and eyes.

mRNA was also found in the brain and heart, which other studies — including the featured autopsy review — suggest can have lethal consequences as the spike protein produced by cells in response to that mRNA is highly pathogenic and causes inflammation in the affected tissues.

Pfizer Booster Trial Trickery Discovered

In related news, Drs. Vinay Prasad, Tracy Hoeg and Ram Duriseti recently highlighted evidence showing Pfizer also employed “healthy vaccine bias” in its booster trial to make the COVID booster appear more effective than it is. How? Pfizer simply gave the real booster to people who were far healthier than the controls.

Those who got the real booster ended up with significantly lower COVID death rates, but they also had the same reduction in all-cause mortality, meaning they didn’t die from other causes either. In a letter to the editor of The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), published July 20, 2023, Prasad, Hoeg and Duriseti explained:10

“Using observational methods, Arbel et al. (Dec. 23, 2021, issue) calculated an adjusted 90% lower mortality due to COVID-19 among participants who received a first BNT162b2 vaccine (Pfizer–BioNTech) booster than among those who did not receive a booster.

They found 65 COVID-19–associated deaths (reported as 0.16 per 100,000 persons per day) among participants in the booster group and 137 (reported as 2.98 per 100,000 persons per day) among those in the nonbooster group — a 94.6% difference.

In a subsequent letter (March 10, 2022, issue), Arbel et al. reported 441 deaths not related to COVID-19 in the booster group and 963 deaths not related to COVID -19 in the nonbooster group …

[U]sing the person-days of exposure included in the 2021 article by Arbel et al. and the deaths not related to COVID-19 reported in the subsequent letter, we estimated the mortality not related to COVID-19, according to vaccination status, with the following formula: the ratios of total deaths not related to COVID-19 to COVID-19–related deaths, according to vaccination group, multiplied by mortality due to COVID-19, according to vaccination group, which accounts for person-days of exposure.

The mortality not related to COVID-19 was calculated as (441/65)×0.16=1.09 per 100,000 persons per day in the booster group as compared with (963/137)×2.98=20.95 per 100,000 persons per day in the nonbooster group.

This corresponds to a 94.8% lower mortality not related to COVID-19 among participants in the booster group and indicates a markedly lower incidence of adverse health outcomes in the booster group.

Underlying health plays a substantial role in COVID-19–related mortality. The unadjusted differences in mortality related to COVID-19 and mortality not related to COVID-19, according to vaccination status, were essentially the same in the 2021 study by Arbel and colleagues.

These findings arouse strong concern regarding unadjusted confounding. The adjusted 90% lower mortality due to COVID-19 reported among the participants who received a booster cannot, with certainty, be attributed to boosting.

‘Healthy vaccinee bias’ in this population may have also led to overestimates of vaccine effectiveness in similar studies from Clalit Health Services. Inclusion of mortality not related to COVID-19 in all observational COVID-19 vaccine studies would provide important context.”

In a July 20, 2023, Twitter post, Prasad commented:11

“This week in NEJM, Tracy Beth Hoeg, RD & I prove that Israeli studies, which FDA relied upon, are CONFOUNDED. Boosters reduce non-COVID deaths far too much to be true. Israeli authors concede this in reply. Wow! Millions got unproven boosters. FDA failed.”

Why CDC Changed Definition of Breakthrough Infection

While we’re on the topic of trickery and bias, a recent investigation by The Epoch Times reveals the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention changed its definition of “breakthrough infection” to avoid having to admit the shots didn’t work. Zachary Stieber with The Epoch Times writes:12

“The CDC altered its definition of COVID-19 cases among the vaccinated, leading to a lower number of cases classified as a breakthrough, according to documents obtained by The Epoch Times.

In early 2021, the CDC defined post-vaccination cases as people who tested positive seven or more days after receipt of a primary vaccination series, according to one of the documents.13 The definition was changed on Feb. 2, 2021, to include only cases detected at least 14 days after a primary series, another document14 shows.

‘We have revised the case definition,’ Dr. Marc Fischer, head of the CDC’s Vaccine Breakthrough Case Investigation Team, wrote to colleagues at the time. The rationale for the change was redacted …

The breakthrough case definition was revised after multiple CDC officials emailed about the vaccines failing to prevent infection. Dr. Fischer said in one email on Dec. 21, 2020, that he was directed by a superior ‘to start working on a protocol to evaluate COVID vaccine failures or breakthrough cases.’

Then-CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky highlighted an editorial on Jan. 30, 2021, that described variants as a ‘growing threat’ of escaping the protection from vaccines …

At about the same time, CDC officials circulated a one-page document about investigating post-vaccination cases … The version of the document that The Epoch Times received was fully redacted … the CDC declined to provide any other versions of the document.”

Why was the rationale for this decision redacted? And why was the document announcing an investigation into post-jab cases redacted? CDC spokesman Scott Pauley defended the change in definition, saying “many cases of COVID-19 were incubating for up to two weeks before becoming symptomatic,” but didn’t clarify why this explanation — if true — was deemed necessary.

Dr. Harvey Risch, professor emeritus of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health, told Stieber “there was ‘no cogent rationale’ for excluding early cases and other events among the vaccinated, whether they occurred within seven days or 14 days.”

Stieber also contacted Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor of health policy at Stanford University, who said that “rather than playing games with the definition of breakthrough cases” the CDC should have informed the recently jabbed that they had little or no protection for the first two weeks.

At the end of the day, by redefining breakthrough infection, the CDC was able to exclude a slew of post-jab COVID cases, thereby inflating the shot’s effectiveness while simultaneously feeding the false narrative that COVID was “a pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

Got the Jab? Take Action to Safeguard Your Health

If you already got one or more jabs and now have concerns about your health, what can you do? Well, first and foremost, never take another COVID booster, or another mRNA gene therapy shot. You need to end the assault on your system.

If you developed symptoms you didn’t have before your shot, I would encourage you to seek out expert help. At present, the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) seems to have one of the best treatment protocols for post-jab injuries. It’s called I-RECOVER and can be downloaded from

Dr. Pierre Kory, who co-founded the FLCCC, has transitioned to treating the vaccine injured more or less exclusively. For more information, see Dr. Michelle Perro16 is also helping patients with post-jab injuries.

The World Health Council has also published lists of remedies that can help inhibit, neutralize and eliminate spike protein, which most experts agree is the primary culprit. I covered these in my 2021 article, “World Council for Health Reveals Spike Protein Detox.”

Other Helpful Treatments and Remedies

Other treatments and remedies that may be helpful for COVID jab injuries include:

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, especially in cases involving stroke, heart attack, autoimmune diseases and/or neurodegenerative disorders. To learn more, see “Hyperbaric Therapy — A Vastly Underused Treatment Modality.”

Lower your omega-6 intake. Linoleic acid is consumed in amounts 10 times higher than the ideal in well over 95% of the population and contributes to massive oxidative stress that impairs your immune response. Seed oils and processed foods need to be diligently avoided. See “Linoleic Acid — The Most Destructive Ingredient in Your Diet” for more information.

Pharmaceutical grade methylene blue, which improves mitochondrial respiration and assists in mitochondrial repair. A dose of 15 to 80 milligrams a day could go a long way toward resolving some of the fatigue many suffer post-jab.

It may also be helpful in acute strokes. The primary contraindication is if you have a G6PD deficiency (a hereditary genetic condition), in which case you should not use methylene blue at all. To learn more, see “The Surprising Health Benefits of Methylene Blue.”

Near-infrared light, as it triggers production of melatonin in your mitochondria17 where you need it most. By mopping up reactive oxygen species, it too helps improve mitochondrial function and repair. Natural sunlight is 54.3% infrared radiation,18 so this treatment is available for free. For more information, see “What You Need to Know About Melatonin.”

Lumbrokinase and serrapeptidase are both fibrinolytic enzymes that, when taken on an empty stomach one hour before a meal, or two hours after, will help reduce your risk of blood clots.