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The world has truly never seen anything like BRICS, an organization that unites the most diverse group of not only nation-states, but actual civilization states. Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa don’t really seem to have much in common, and yet, their ties within this framework are growing stronger by the day at this point. What’s more, BRICS is rapidly turning into a BRICS+ concept that brings in even more new members. Namely, during a recent summit in South Africa, the organization announced that Argentina, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates will become full members in just a bit more than four months.

The importance of BRICS+ is perhaps best seen in the joint diplomatic effort of its members to deescalate tensions in various parts of the world, even turning decades-old (or even centuries-old) rivalries and enmity into solid partnerships. A recent example of this is the thawing of relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, two Middle Eastern countries that have been at each other’s throats for nearly half a century. This also includes proxy wars, such as the one in Yemen. Joint efforts of Russian and Chinese diplomacy have been particularly significant in this regard and most importantly, it worked. Both Middle Eastern countries will join BRICS on January 1, 2024.

An important side effect of this could be the end of the aforementioned war in Yemen, where US complicity in aggression against the unfortunate country has resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths, near-constant hunger, extreme poverty and overall destruction.

In addition, BRICS+ is also expanding its footprint in Africa, a particularly vulnerable part of the world that has been subjected to brutal oppression and colonialism by the political West. This process has been ongoing for approximately half a millennium now and continues to this very day, albeit in a more sinister form of neocolonialism. The recent example of Niger illustrates this perfectly. BRICS+ will inevitably accelerate the dismantling of this exploitative system.

South Africa is already a founding member, but with Ethiopia and Egypt joining, BRICS+ will get two more African nations on board, both with a millennia-old history. This is a particularly alarming prospect for the political West, primarily the United States. Namely, they’re trying to save what’s left of Western power projection in Africa, but with BRICS+ strengthening the sovereignty of its members, this US-led effort will be in vain. In addition, Algeria and Senegal have also officially applied for membership, while Angola, DR Congo, Gabon, Guinea-Bissau, Sudan, Tunisia, Uganda and Zimbabwe also either announced their application or have expressed strong interest in doing so.

This refers to African nations only. However, the list is much longer when considering the fact that Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, Honduras, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Thailand, Venezuela and Vietnam have also applied, while Afghanistan, Mexico, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Syria, Turkey and Uruguay have all announced their own applications. Once again, this is an extremely diverse group of countries that seemingly have very little in common. However, they’re all united in a quest to ensure their sovereignty and prosperity. Truth be told, this will be a handful for BRICS+ diplomacy, but the process is irreversible at this point.

This isn’t to say that BRICS is without its problems already, but these are being tackled. Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a meeting last week, seeking to deescalate tensions on their long-disputed border. A joint statement released after the meeting described the discussion as “positive, constructive and in-depth” and that “India and China had agreed to maintain the momentum of dialogue and negotiations through military and diplomatic channels”. Rapprochement between the two Asian giants isn’t only important within the BRICS framework, but also for global security, as both countries are heavily armed, including with thermonuclear weapons.

In Latin America, BRICS+ is bound to include most of the continent, a particularly important prospect, as it’s now faced with a resurgent Monroe Doctrine.

Namely, the US is doubling down on its neocolonialist policies in Latin America to prevent or at the very least slow down the advent of multipolarity. Most alarmingly for the belligerent thalassocracy, BRICS+ not only ensures (geo)political sovereignty, but also a cultural one, because it allows the development of different civilizational models, as no member of the organization, no matter how powerful, aims to impose its system of societal values and development on any other country.

As previously mentioned, this is a truly terrifying concept for the political West, as it aims to do the complete opposite. By imposing its (at this point extremist and simply degenerate) neoliberal policies, the political West is prolonging the effects of neocolonialism and its dominance over entire continents. These extremely damaging policies can only be prevented through the strengthening of national sovereignty and precisely BRICS+ is the only way to achieve it. Needless to say, the prospect of having 30 or more countries join such an organization is a complete disaster for the US-led political West, as it nullifies the concept of sanctions and/or direct aggression.

Needless to say, this is a net positive for the (actual) world, as the current “rules-based world order” benefits only one center of global power. Worse yet, this comes at the expense of everyone else, costing them peace and normal development. That’s why Washington DC will continue to pursue neocolonialism everywhere it can. Precisely BRICS+ ensures that it can’t.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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This important study on “Do Vaccines Cause Autism” consists of a three series which are slated to be published by Global Research


Do Vaccines Cause Autism? A History of Institutional Corruption


Do Vaccines Cause Autism? The Evidence Against Vaccine Safety


Do Vaccines Cause Autism? Vaccine Safety Continued and Profits Over Health


If you actually “follow the science,” Wikipedia’s description of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s “anti-vaccine advocacy” might elicit indifference or unequivocal support for Wikipedia’s position.

“Kennedy is the chairman of Children’s Health Defense, an anti-vaccine advocacy group he joined in 2015 formerly known as the World Mercury Project. The group alleges a large proportion of American children are suffering from conditions as diverse as autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, food allergies, cancer, and autoimmune diseases due to exposure to certain chemicals and radiation. Children’s Health Defense has blamed and campaigned against vaccines, fluoridation of drinking water, paracetamol (acetaminophen), aluminum, wireless communications, among others.”

Screenshot from Wikipedia

With no sense of irony, the author(s) write as if these things were not demonstrably toxic.[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17] Are the authors and editors of this article just poor, misguided, or biased researchers?

Did they really fail to unearth even one of the thousands of peer-reviewed articles demonstrating a connection between the exposures mentioned and harms to health?

One would hope that it is a scientist or experienced and well-read science journalist who is charged with writing the entry on the highly contentious and consequential vaccine-autism debate appearing in the most widely read “encyclopedia.”

As a scientist or science journalist, you daily read at least the abstracts of scientific studies. Many thousands of these state clearly that indeed a connection has been found between a litany of health problems and these toxins, which people can scarcely avoid in the modern world. So, for such people, the propagandistic drivel appearing on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Wikipedia page would read as so absurd as to be laughable.

Certainly studies are open to interpretation; they may be the subject of debate; they may be subject to the scrutiny of the public and the scientific community; by all means, try to replicate them.

But to write as if there is no debate, as if these studies simply do not exist; as if the association between these exposures and harms to health is some ludicrous and easily refutable “allegation,” this is not scientific. It appears as ignorance at best. It does not represent values of critical thinking, intellectual rigor and a spirit of openness to evidence, all hallmarks of science. Are these descriptions of Kennedy’s stance on vaccines and autism just ignorance or stupidity, or are they something else?

What anyone who reads Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Wikipedia page who is familiar with the science, and who does not have a conflict of interest, is likely to feel next is disquiet.

It is disturbing to read these bald assertions of denial, clearly intended to maim Kennedy’s reputation, and know that the vast majority of Wikipedia’s viewers are not reading the science, and will have no protective mental buffer of skepticism about what they read there. They will instead most likely accept these spurious statements — these bold lies — as truth. Most people are looking to Wikipedia for answers because they do not read the science. Somehow, with no formal debate, Wikipedia has been lofted up as if it were the Archbishop of science, the mouthpiece of official scientific opinion, and all its pronouncements, no matter how patently propagandistic, are accepted as mindlessly accepted as infallible.

Wikipedia has dwarfed the traditional encyclopedias in popularity and readership with 6.1 billion monthly visitors in 2021.[18] But Wikipedia is not a wisp as trustworthy or scholarly. In fact, you do not need to have a degree in the sciences, or a research specialty, or verifiable understanding of the subject on which you write, to participate in editing a page. Anyone can do it.[19] As a writer or editor, you remain nameless and faceless, and may be difficult to trace. Indeed,

Wikipedia’s co-founder, Larry Sanger, told journalist Glenn Greenwald that the CIA, FBI and other intelligence agencies use “Wikipedia [as] one of many tools… to wage “information warfare.’ He said,

“We do have evidence that, as early as 2008, that CIA and FBI computers were used to edit Wikipedia…. Do you think that they stopped doing that back then?”[20]

Unlike the scientific studies RFK Jr’s Wikipedia page in its strange amnesia has failed to mention, there is no process of formal expert peer review before an article is published or edits approved on Wikipedia. The “open encyclopedia” is thus a perfect tool in the hands of would-be totalitarians, corporate propagandists and social engineers with their inexhaustible ill-gotten funds.

Indeed, you need not look far, in spite of the sophisticated algorithmic maneuvers made by Google to wipe such artifacts from its search results,[21] to find ample evidence that there is precisely what you might call a “question” about whether vaccines are “associated” with autism. This “question,” this rather undeniable association can — and should — be openly debated, live on national television, on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and the rest of the legacy media outlets. RFK Jr. might just be willing to participate, unlike some of his opponents.[22]

“Vaccine expert” Peter Hotez’s claim that science isn’t up for debate is empty rhetoric. If there is peer-reviewed science that is being covered up by health authorities, a debate is as good a forum as any to expose both sides to the light of day. A debate is also an accessible forum for the public to observe, unlike jargon-laden peer-reviewed journals and elite science and medical conferences which are the only forums, Hotez claims, in which science is honed. As if science is some hermetically sealed snow-globe in which everyone on the inside agrees with everyone else. Frighteningly, this is what “science,” with people like Hotez at its helm, is becoming. When ordinary people’s lives are now more and more subject to top-down requirements “based on the science,” the public has a right to observe and hear it debated in plain language. This is urgently needed. It is truly a question of life and death.

But just how debatable is the assertion that vaccines cause autism?

In fact, though it should be held in public, the debate is over. All the evidence is there; but no one is brave enough to say it, and with reason, as anyone who does is publicly tarred and feathered. The issue is so highly pressurized, anyone with anything to lose is rightly afraid to light the match and say the simple words “Vaccines cause autism,” knowing they’ll watch their reputation and maybe their career burst into flames. Lots of semantic acrobatics are performed that effectively communicate the causal connection without actually stating it in so many words. Really speaking vaccines have been scientifically and legally documented to cause autism. Not just once. Not just twice. Many times.

Here is the evidence. First we will provide some historical context, looking at some of the scandalous revelations made in the last 30 years that reveal a cover-up about the vaccine-autism connection. Then we will report the scientific studies that examine the connection between autism or neurological and developmental injury and vaccines, with a focus on the heavy metals used in vaccine adjuvants. Third, we will cover the history and purpose of the vaccine court, which has paid out billions to injured victims in its thirty-five year lifetime. This court has compensated a number of cases which were described in court proceedings to be autism; disorders classified as autism spectrum disorder; or seizure disorders and neurodevelopmental or encephalopathic injuries which present as similar or identical to autism.

California's Autism Explosion: An Eyewitness Perspective — NCSA

In 1983, the Centers for Disease Control (“CDC”) recommended a total of 10 vaccines for our children up to the age of 5. In 2007, the CDC recommended 36, an increase of 260%, or 3.6x. You can see the slope change at both those dates in the graph. (Source: Steve Kirsch)

Given that vaccines are mandatory for most children in public schools, it makes sense that they should be scientifically proven to be safe. However, in a careful analysis of thousands of articles in the peer-reviewed literature on toxicology and immunology, nowhere can we find evidence for these claims on vaccine safety are based upon a gold standard of clinical research: long-term, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies.

What is glaringly absent is research examining the cumulative toxicological impact of the CDC vaccine schedule over a long period of time. Never has a concise epidemiological study been published that compares the long-term health outcomes of a group of infants and children given the recommended CDC immunization schedule and a cohort of unvaccinated children.

Why? Several smaller studies indicate that neurological disorders are associated with vaccination, when vaccinated children are compared with the unvaccinated.[23, 24, 25, 26] Since such gold-standard research has never been carried out, our medical officials are relying on inconclusive research that is not science-based in order to create public health policy. American parents, meanwhile, are conditioned by our medical officials to bring their children in for regular vaccinations, confusing pure propaganda with scientific proof.

All humans possess a unique biochemistry that makes them more or less susceptible to various types of toxins. Whereas one child may be left with a compromised immune system after exposure to an environmental toxin, another child may experience learning problems or mild brain defects. Vaccine safety is not proved by stating the obvious – that not every child who receives the standard CDC vaccine schedule has autism. As we witness a rapidly increasing number of vaccinated children being afflicted by conditions such as autism, food allergies, encephalitis, type 1 diabetes, ADHD and Crohn’s disease, it’s critical that we investigate further the role played by environmental toxins to better understand their pathology.  And when we look into the independent science on the safety of vaccines, it’s readily apparent that many of the ingredients found in vaccines are toxic, even in small amounts, and may contribute to a range of illnesses, including autism.

History and Context: Whistleblowers, Corrupt Health Officials, and Cover-ups

Research indicates that conflicts of interest abound in the vaccine industry, making it difficult to have faith in our health authorities.[27] Worse still, evidence points to pervasive corruption among high profile individuals and institutions in the medical-industrial complex. Here we will look at some of the most alarming examples.


In 2003, while researching the controversial link between vaccines and autism – which despite repeated dismissal by all public health authorities continued to persist among parents and in-the-know doctors as autism rates skyrocketed, public health advocate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. stumbled upon a massive coverup that had taken place in June 2000 in Norcross, Georgia. The Simpsonwood conference – officially the Scientific Review of Vaccine Safety Datalink Information – included top scientists and health officials from the FDA, the CDC, the British health ministry, and pharmaceutical industry execs, all gathered to discuss the results of a major study evaluating the negative effects of thimerosal, a commonly-used mercury-based preservative used in vaccines. CDC epidemiologist Dr. Tom Verstraeten presented his findings to the assembled luminaries, concluding, “the screening analysis suggests a possible association between certain neurologic developmental disorders. Namely tics, attention deficit disorder, speech and language disorders and exposure to mercury from Thimerosal containing vaccines before the age of six months.”[28]

The transcript Kennedy unearthed through a Freedom of Information Act request bears witness to the mild panic that set in among the audience after Dr. Verstraeten dropped that bomb – they speak over one another with questions, try to minimize the results, and WHO director John Clements even expresses doubt that the study should have been conducted at all – since “the outcome of it could have, to some extent, been predicted…I know how we handle it from here is extremely problematic.” While the doctors agree the matter merits further investigation, and even admit it raises some perhaps disquieting possibilities,” they agree to “embargo” the information until a meeting scheduled for later that month – and then never released it at all. Verstraeten’s study wasn’t even published until 2003, after the conclusion had been rewritten from

“This analysis suggests that high exposure to ethyl mercury from thimerosal-containing vaccines in the first month of life increases the risk of subsequent development of neurologic development impairment, but not of neurologic degenerative or renal impairment. Further confirmatory studies are needed.”[29]

“No consistent significant associations were found between TCVs and neurodevelopmental outcomes. Conflicting results were found at different HMOs for certain outcomes. For resolving the conflicting findings, studies with uniform neurodevelopmental assessments of children with a range of cumulative thimerosal exposures are needed.”[30]

This was Verstraeten’s fourth attempt to conduct the study to produce the desired data after the first three had stubbornly showed the correlation he was trying to disprove. After firing off a despairing email to a colleague (“I do not wish to be the advocate of the anti-vaccine lobby and sound like being convinced that thimerosal is or was harmful, but at least I feel we should use sound scientific argumentation and not let our standards be dictated by our desire to disprove an unpleasant theory”), Verstraeten was able to tweak the results by adding patient data from an HMO with younger patients, different diagnosis codes, and dubious record-keeping thanks to a recent state takeover. It was enough to obfuscate the damning results of the first three “phases” and render the original study meaningless (and therefore publication-worthy). Problem solved! If only it weren’t for that meddling Kennedy…[31]

It’s worth noting that Dr. Johnson expresses reservations at having his newborn grandson vaccinated with a thimerosal-containing vaccine, but has no such concern for the rest of the country, whose children were injected with toxic mercury for a full two years after he learned of the connection between thimerosal and neurodevelopmental disorders. Worse, while the drug companies that manufactured the thimerosal-containing vaccines offered to remove the offending substance in September 1999, the CDC declined their offer,[32] instead waiting until all thimerosal-containing vaccine lots expired in 2002 to officially end its use – lest they lose a few dollars by having to throw away already-purchased doses.[33]

Gerberding: The Vaccine Insider

Image: Julie Gerberding (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)


There is a revolving door between the vaccine manufacturers and those in government who are responsible for overseeing these manufacturers. A prime example is former CDC director Dr. Julie Gerberding, who left the agency in 2010 to take a position with pharmaceutical giant Merck as the President of the company’s vaccine division. Gerberding stated in an interview that she is “very bullish on vaccines.”[34] Her admission is especially disconcerting given her long history of siding with vaccine makers. While in her position at the CDC, the organization was found to be massively exaggerating the threat of the H1N1 swine flu, and pushing largely unproven vaccines on the American public with dangerous side effects.[35]

Despite her clear alliance with Big Pharma, Dr. Julie Gerberding strongly implied a vaccine-autism link during a 2008 interview with CNN’s Sanjay Gupta while serving as the CDC’s director. Gerberding stated:

“Well, you know, I don’t have all the facts because I still haven’t been able to review the case files myself. But my understanding is that the child has a — what we think is a rare mitochondrial disorder. And children that have this disease, anything that stresses them creates a situation where their cells just can’t make enough energy to keep their brains functioning normally. Now, we all know that vaccines can occasionally cause fevers in kids. So if a child was immunized, got a fever, had other complications from the vaccines. And if you’re predisposed with the mitochondrial disorder, it can certainly set off some damage. Some of the symptoms can be symptoms that have characteristics of autism.”[36]

Thorsen: A Case of Corruption

A prime example of the corruption within the CDC around vaccine safety is the case of Dr. Poul Thorsen, a Danish researcher who coauthored 36 CDC studies, two of which are widely cited studies claiming to disprove an autism-vaccine link. From 2004 to 2010 Thorsen allegedly laundered more than $1 million in grant money allocated for research and used the funds to make personal purchases, including a home in Atlanta.[37] Thorsen is currently in Denmark awaiting extradition to the United States.

In a recent editorial, Robert F. Kennedy called into question the slow nature of US authorities in apprehending Thorsen stating that:

“The fact that he is roaming free and is easy to find, despite the US Federal indictment, does not imply Thorsen’s innocence… Rather it suggests a lack of enthusiasm by HHS and CDC to press for his capture and extradition. The agency undoubtedly fears that a public trial would expose the pervasive corruption throughout CDC’s vaccine division and the fragility of the science supporting CDC’s claims about Thimerosal safety.”[38]

The two autism-vaccine studies undertaken by Thorsen and his team have been decried by critics as scientific fraud. According to leaked CDC documents, the data from one of the studies, which monitored rates of autism in Denmark after a country-wide phase out of Thimerosal, were heavily manipulated to make it appear that autism rates increased after its removal from vaccines, when in fact rates decreased. The research’s methodology was so unscientific that journals such as The Lancet and The Journal of the American Medical Association rejected publishing the study, and it wasn’t until a CDC director wrote a strongly-worded letter to staff at the journal Pediatrics, that the research was actually published.[39]

The other autism-vaccine study coauthored by Thorsen, which seemingly debunked an autism link to the MMR vaccine was published in 2002. In his aforementioned editorial, Robert Kennedy Jr. wrote about the study’s questionable methodology:

“That study employed CDC’s trademark ruse of including many children who were too young to receive the autism diagnosis, which at that point usually occurred at age four. CDC epidemiologists have consistently used this ploy in their phony autism studies to dampen the autism signal and exonerate the vaccine.The 2002 Madsen et al. MMR study also included a substantial number of unvaccinated children and employed a suite of other statistical gimmicks to mask the association with the MMR vaccine.”[40]

The Thompson Revelation

Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe (2016) - IMDb

Thanks to the widely-seen film Vaxxed, the most well-known (and perhaps controversial) whistleblower remains Dr. William Thompson.

In 2014, a senior scientist at the CDC, Dr. William Thompson, went public with claims that he and his colleagues willfully omitted data from a study that supported a link between vaccines and autism. After discovering a connection between the MMR vaccine and an increased risk of autism among African American males under 36 months of age, Thompson claims that he and his fellow authors chose to exclude these data and effectively perpetrated scientific fraud by publishing research which contradicted their actual research conclusions.[41] Commenting on how he and his colleagues misrepresented their findings, Thompson stated that:

…we decided to exclude reporting any race effects, the co-authors scheduled a meeting to destroy documents related to the study. The remaining four co-authors all met and brought a big garbage can into the meeting room and reviewed and went through all the hard copy documents that we had thought we should discard and put them in a huge garbage can. However, because I assumed it was illegal and would violate both FOIA and DOJ requests, I kept hard copies of all documents in my office and I retained all associated computer files. I believe we intentionally withheld controversial findings from the final draft of the Pediatrics paper.[42]

Thompson leaked thousands of pages of internal documents to Rep. Bill Posey suggesting that the agency lied about links between thimerosal and neurodevelopmental disorders and links between the MMR vaccine and autism – particularly in black males. The latter link – discovered in November 2001 – was memory-holed, according to a conversation between Thompson and researcher Brian Hooker, with evidential data destroyed the following year, facts Thompson confirmed via affidavit to Posey.

In 2015, Representative Bill Posey entered a statement by Thompson about the cover-up into the Congressional record.[43]

In an interview last year, Congressman Posey commented on the “intentionally evasive” behavior of CDC spokesperson on vaccines and autism, Dr. Colleen Boyle while he questioned saying:

I asked her a very direct question. ‘Have you done a study comparing autism rates in vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children?…’  She started telling us about everything she’s done …After she wasted three minutes, I cut her off and I demanded that she answer the question. And then, only then, did she admit that the federal government has never done that very simple, fundamental, basic study.[44]

In light of the growing evidence of corruption and fraud within the CDC, Representative Bill Posey has called for an investigation of the CDC on the issue of vaccine science.[45]

When Thompson tried to alert then-CDC director Dr. Julie Geberding of the unpublished findings in 2004, he was replaced with Dr. Frank DeStefano and threatened with termination for “insubordination.” When he tried to leave before they could fire him, they instead paid him a “retention bonus,” which he saw as an attempt to purchase his silence. Two papers Thompson subsequently published connecting thimerosal in vaccines to “tics” in boys were eviscerated before publication, with a 2012 study withheld from publication until he removed the tic data – even though that was the study’s only conclusive result.[46] His conversation with Hooker has been attacked by pharmaceutical advocates who claim he didn’t actually expose any wrongdoing but fail to explain why he would have felt it necessary to leak thousands of pages of documents to a sympathetic congressman if he was just discussing business as usual at the CDC.

DeStefano himself acknowledged the possibility that vaccines might play a role in triggering some children’s autism in 2014, choosing his words very carefully in an interview with Sharyl Attkisson. “It’s hard to predict who those children might be, but certainly, individual cases can be studied…” he said, the absence of a blanket denial speaking volumes.[47] To conduct such a study would be professional suicide, of course, which is probably why none have been attempted,

Sharyl Attkisson Digs for the Truth

In the ongoing debate over the link between vaccines and autism, pediatric neurologist Andrew Zimmerman is a pro-vaccine figure who publicly defected, allowing the release of 12-year-old court proceedings in which he testified that vaccines can, in fact, cause autism. In the sworn affidavit, Zimmerman told Department of Justice lawyers with whom he was working to defend vaccines against thousands of claims that he’d “discovered exceptions in which vaccinations could cause autism.”

Citing his own experiences with vaccine-damaged and autistic patients, as well as “scientific advances,” Zimmerman told the court that “in a subset of children, vaccine-induced fever and immune stimulation did cause regressive brain disease with features of autism spectrum disorder.”

His timing couldn’t have been more disastrous for the vaccine-industrial complex. Not only did it throw a monkeywrench into the case in which he was serving as an expert witness – cases, to be more accurate, as a cluster of 5,000 vaccine-autism cases were being heard in the Autism Omnibus proceedings of the vaccine court, discussed in detail later in this article, on June 15, 2007 – but as the CDC’s expert witness, his word carried serious gravity and would have opened a Pandora’s box of legal action.

It’s not surprising, then, that Zimmerman’s testimony was covered up for almost 12 years, finally released in 2019. He was promptly fired, and DoJ attorneys spoke for him in court, describing his position in terms he calls “highly misleading” by claiming there was zero evidence of a link between vaccines and autism.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. certainly thought it was more than misleading, calling the substitution “one of the most consequential frauds, arguably in human history” and filing a fraud complaint with the DoJ’s Inspector General against the attorneys who covered up his explosive admission.[48] But the DoJ attorney who lied to the court is no longer with the department, and to look at the CDC’s website, Zimmerman may as well not have existed – nor anyone like him, or like the children he has studied. His testimony and work have been memory holed, and the CDC categorically denies any and all allegations that vaccines could influence or contribute to – let alone trigger or cause – the development of autism.

Had investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson not surfaced his testimony in her powerful report on the “vaccine debate” published in The HIll in 2019, weaving another scrap of evidence into what has become a very convincing tapestry, perhaps no one would have heard of it at all. Attkisson has doggedly pursued the vaccine-autism story for over a decade, speaking to whistleblowers, activists, parents, and others affected by the autism epidemic and refusing to shy away from the topic despite personal repercussions that would dissuade many lesser reporters. Hacked by the government, smeared on Wikipedia, and demonized in anti-“antivaxxer” blogs, she persists in illuminating the dark corners of power.

It is almost a truism at this point to say that the pharmaceutical lobby has Congress and the CDC in its pockets, but congressional lawmakers and their staffers interviewed on the program agree. Rep. Dan Burton, who attempted to investigate vaccines in the early 2000s, and his staffers told Attkisson about the coordinated bullying and intimidation they faced by pharmaceutical lobbyists who “put money everywhere” to ensure no obstacles stood in their profit path, while former Rep. Dr. Dave Weldon confirms that “if you as an individual member [of Congress] want to take on the pharmaceutical industry, it’s ‘forget it.’” The institutional stonewalling has not shaken his faith in the need for an investigation into vaccine safety, and he is certain that “some children can get an autism spectrum disorder from a vaccine.”

Perhaps weighed down by troubled consciences, or merely encouraged by the rising tide of similar revelations, many formerly pro-vaccine insiders have gone on the record to admit that decades of parental suspicions have been justified. Dr. Bernadine Healy, the former director of the National Institutes of Health who died in 2011, admitted in 2008 that she thought the government was “too quick” to dismiss the concerns of the families of vaccine-injured children “without sufficient studies of causation.” Healy told Attkisson about a 2004 Institute of Medicine report that “basically said, ‘Do not pursue susceptibility groups, don’t look for those patients whose children who may be vulnerable.” Confirming the suspicions of every vaccine choice advocate, Healy admitted “the reason why they didn’t want to look for those susceptibility groups is because they are afraid is that if they found them, however big or small they were, that that would scare the public away.” As for the link between vaccines and autism, she said, “the question has not been answered.”[49]

Vaccine Court

A discussion of the special, separate, jury-free, no fault “vaccine court” will be discussed more in depth later in this article. But it is important to mention, in looking at the history of corruption and cover-up, that the records of the vaccine court itself has paid over $4.4 billion[50] since its launch in 1988 to indemnify vaccine producers against the inevitable lawsuits from parents whose kids went to the doctor healthy and came home irreversibly damaged.[51] These speak for themselves. Using the less-radioactive term “encephalopathy,” vaccine court records show some children whose autism onset immediately followed vaccination had preexisting conditions that could render them susceptible to negative effects, including mitochondrial disorders and Tuberous Sclerosis, and the connection between vaccines, these conditions, and autism has been officially referred to in multiple cases.

When the government settled the historic case of Hannah Poling in 2010, paying out $1.5 million plus yearly payments that could amount to $20 million over the course of her life after Poling became autistic following a nine-shot vaccination visit, they qualified their seeming admission of guilt by stating that Poling had an underlying mitochondrial disorder that made her vulnerable to vaccine damage and “resulted” in her autism. Hers was the first courtroom admission of any vaccine role in the development of autism, and opened the door to the 4,800 autism cases then awaiting deposition in vaccine court.[52] So – of course – they sealed the case. It leaked out anyway, complete with diagnosis of vaccine-related “autistic encephalopathy,” and complete with Zimmerman’s opinion: he had “personally witnessed [Poling’s] developmental regression” after “vaccine-induced fever and immune stimulation.” They may not have “caused” her autism – he wouldn’t go that far – but they certainly “triggered” it.[53]

It wasn’t the first financial award to the family of an autistic child that admitted some culpability – that was paid out in the first year of the vaccine court’s existence. In 1986, the court ruled a child’s seizures – a result of Tuberous Sclerosis – were triggered by the DPT vaccine, resulting in his mental retardation and autism. They did not admit the vaccine was entirely to blame, but acknowledged that it was a triggering factor in worsening his prognosis, since the age of seizure onset is directly related to quality of life for individuals with TS.[54] These cases have quietly piled up among the millions, many likely saddled with gag orders that prevent parents from speaking up about their experience.

Even Pharma Admits

Image: The hexavalent vaccine Infanrix hexa, which protects against hepatitis B in addition to diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)


One damning case of government-industry knowledge about a vaccine-autism connection is a leaked December 16, 2011 document from GlaxoSmithKline, one of the world’s largest vaccine manufacturers. The text admits the corporation has been aware of the autism risk associated with its Infanrix vaccine, which combines diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, hepatitis B, inactivated polio and haemophilus influenza viruses. The report details adverse effects associated with autism, including encephalitis, developmental delays, altered states of consciousness, speech delays and other adverse reactions.[55]

While these revelations might be considered criminal cover-ups that directly threaten public health, they have had little effect on changing national policy over vaccine safety. Rather, the official denial of any possible association between vaccines and autism has hardened into an absolute dogma. And to date, there is not a single gold standard publication to refute with any certainty a vaccine-autism connection. Indeed, research from around the world proving a relationship increases, but almost none of it is coming from within American medical institutions.

Unlike the US, the UK and Australia, the majority of the governmental health ministries in the modern industrialized world do not take an official national stance on the vaccine-autism controversy and other serious vaccine-related injuries. Only nineteen countries, including the US, have no-fault policies regarding the pharmaceutical industry for vaccine injury compensation programs. This is partially due to the American and British health agencies being heavily compromised by private vaccine business interests. The revolving doors and conflict of interests between these federal agencies and the pharmaceutical industry have been well documented. In the US, members of the CDC’s vaccine advisory community are deep in the pockets of pharmaceutical firms.

The vaccine market is one of the most toxic cash cow scams in operation. In 2016, Market Watch reported that the technological advisory firm Technavio released its Global Human Vaccines Market 2016-2020 analysis estimating that the vaccine market would reach $61 billion by 2020. At the start of 2016, it was worth $24 billion. The enormous projection increase is due to global initiatives to push vaccination compliance upon other nations and over 270 new vaccines, for both old and new indications, in development. The report also predicted that American pharmaceutical companies, notably Merck, Pfizer and Abbott, have the most to gain. The industry also benefits from the $10 billion pledged by Bill and Melinda Gates to increase vaccination rates and compliance worldwide.[56]

Unlike the US and UK, in most nations independent and scientific integrity rules, and compensation for vaccine adverse events is the norm. In 2014, French authorities ruled there was a direct relationship between the Hepatitis B vaccine and a sudden rise in multiple sclerosis.[57] In 2012, after a long investigative trial, an Italian court ruled that the MMR vaccine caused brain injury leading to autism in the case of Valentino Bocca.[58] This ruling was intentionally blacked out by the American media.

Japan discontinued the MMR vaccine in 1993, four years after imposing it on its citizens on a mandatory basis. The rate of adverse events – including meningitis, limb loss, and death – was 2,000 times higher than expected, and the shot was pulled after doctors confirmed it had entered at least one child’s nervous system and probably at least three. Japan, not coincidentally, has one of the lowest infant mortality rates in the world.[59]

Meanwhile, in the US, California has now mandated child vaccination, and several other states have proposed similar compulsory-vaccination laws while their constituents are bombarded with news stories playing up every measles case as the new bubonic plague. The Idaho Department of Health public information officer Tom Shanahan expressed his regret that his state was unlikely to pass such a measure, complaining to Reuters that in Idaho, “there’s a pretty strong culture of individual rights.”[60]


If good quality science exists that could discredit the pro-vaccine argument that there is no connection to autism, it is completely understandable that the media and the government and industry and scientists for hire continue their unrelenting attack on independent scientists, physicians, and most importantly, upon the victims themselves. To acknowledge that the entire vaccine program is unsupported by gold standard science would mean massive lawsuits, congressional investigations and discrediting the CDC, the FDA, US public health services and pharmaceutical companies. In effect, this could be the largest public health scandal in American history, and the public would be very unforgiving. Let’s now take a look at more damning evidence linking vaccines with autism and neurodevelopmental disease and the systemic suppression of this evidence.

The vaccine-autism debate has been limited mainly to two issues: the MMR vaccine, following the controversies over Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s findings in the 1990s, and the toxicology of thimerosal. Studies have pointed to the role of other vaccines than MMR in autism as well. Doctors at Stony Brook University’s Medical Center determined that male infants vaccinated with the Hepatitis B vaccine prior to 1999 have a three-fold higher autism rate than their non-vaccinated peers. The risk was greater among non-white boys.[61]

Concerns over thimersosal are waning because it has been removed from all vaccines except for the influenza shot, and even the flu vaccine cannot account for the rising autism rate. Since 2001, autism has steadily continued to rise. In 2000, it was 1 in 250 children. As of March 2023, the CDC’s reported rate has dropped to a shocking 1 in 36; just a few years prior, in 2018, the rate was 1 in 44.[62] This rate has been found to be even higher by the authors of a JAMA Pediatrics Research Letter published in 2020: they found autism was occurring in 3.49 percent of children and adolescents age 3 to 17. That’s 1 in 30.[63] The CDC argues that this proves thimerosal is not the culprit. It ignores a 2012 Australian study published in the journal Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry that there is a direct maternal transfer of ethylmercury from pregnant mothers to the embryo/fetus.[64] It remains American federal health policy for pregnant women to receive the flu shot, which may contain 25 micrograms of mercury.


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Helen Buyniski is a journalist and photographer based in New York City. Her work has appeared on RT, Global Research, Ghion Journal, Progressive Radio Network, and Veterans Today. Helen has a BA in Journalism from New School University and also studied at Columbia University and New York University. Find more of her work at and or follow her on Twitter at @velocirapture23. 

Richard Gale is the Executive Producer of the Progressive Radio Network and a former Senior Research Analyst in the biotechnology and genomic industries.

Dr. Gary Null is host of the nation’s longest running public radio program on alternative and nutritional health and a multi-award-winning documentary film director, including his recent Last Call to Tomorrow.

They are regular contributors to Global Research.


1 View the Evidence: 1348 Abstracts with Vaccination: All Research. Anti-therapeutic Action: Vaccinations: All. GreenMedInfo. Accessed August 14, 2023.

2 View the Evidence: 325 Abstracts with Vaccine Adjuvants Research. Toxic Ingredient: Vaccine Adjuvants. GreenMedInfo. Accessed August 14, 2023.

3 View the Evidence: 226 Abstracts with Cell Phone Exposure Research: Toxic Ingredient: Cell phone exposure. GreenMedInfo. Accessed August 14, 2023.

4 View the Evidence: 986 Abstracts with Electromagnetic Radiation Research: Anti-therapeutic Action: Electromagnetic Radiation. GreenMedInfo. Accessed August 14, 2023.

5 View the Evidence: 1005 Abstracts with Electromagnetic Field Harms Research: Anti-therapeutic Action: Electromagnetic Field Harms. GreenMedInfo. Accessed August 14, 2023.

6 View the Evidence: 423 Abstracts with Mobile Phone Radiation Research: Anti-therapeutic Action: Mobile Phone Radiation. GreenMedInfo. Accessed August 14, 2023.

7 View the Evidence: 229 Abstracts with Microwave Radiation Research. Anti-therapeutic Action: Microwave Radiation. GreenMedInfo. Accessed August 14, 2023.

8 View the Evidence: 321 Abstracts with Aluminum Research: Toxic Ingredient: Aluminum. GreenMedInfo. Accessed August 14, 2023.

9 View the Evidence: 175 Abstracts with Fluoride Research: Toxic Ingredient: Fluoride. GreenMedInfo. Accessed August 14, 2023.

10 View the Evidence: 273 Abstracts with Paracetamol Research: Toxic Ingredient: Paracetamol. GreenMedInfo. Accessed August 14, 2023. (see also:

11 Sage C, Burgio E. Electromagnetic Fields, Pulsed Radiofrequency Radiation, and Epigenetics: How Wireless Technologies May Affect Childhood Development. Child Dev. 2018 Jan;89(1):129-136. doi: 10.1111/cdev.12824. Epub 2017 May 15. PMID: 28504324.

12 Carter CJ, Blizard RA. Autism genes are selectively targeted by environmental pollutants including pesticides, heavy metals, bisphenol A, phthalates and many others in food, cosmetics or household products. Neurochem Int. 2016 Oct 27:S0197-0186(16)30197-8. doi: 10.1016/j.neuint.2016.10.011. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 27984170.

13 Braun MM, Ellenberg SS. Descriptive epidemiology of adverse events after immunization: reports to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 1991-1994. J Pediatr. 1997 Oct;131(4):529-35. doi: 10.1016/s0022-3476(97)70056-8. PMID: 9386653.

14 Andrade C. Use of acetaminophen (paracetamol) during pregnancy and the risk of autism spectrum disorder in the offspring. J Clin Psychiatry. 2016 Feb;77(2):e152-4. doi: 10.4088/JCP.16f10637. PMID: 26930528.

15 Blaylock RL, Strunecka A. Immune-glutamatergic dysfunction as a central mechanism of the autism spectrum disorders. Curr Med Chem. 2009;16(2):157-70. doi: 10.2174/092986709787002745. PMID: 19149568.

16 Good P. Evidence the U.S. autism epidemic initiated by acetaminophen (Tylenol) is aggravated by oral antibiotic amoxicillin/clavulanate (Augmentin) and now exponentially by herbicide glyphosate (Roundup). Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2018 Feb;23:171-183. doi: 10.1016/j.clnesp.2017.10.005. Epub 2017 Dec 1. PMID: 29460795.

17 Good P. Did acetaminophen provoke the autism epidemic? Altern Med Rev. 2009 Dec;14(4):364-72. PMID: 20030462.

18 Dorothy Neufeld. The 50 Most Visited Websites in the World. January 27, 2021. Visual Capital. Accessed August 16, 2023.

19 How to edit a page. Wikimedia. Page last edited April 19, 2023. Accessed August 16, 2023.

20 CIA moderating Wikipedia – former editor. 2 Aug, 2023.

21 Kirsten Grind, Sam Schechner, Robert McMillan and John West. How Google Interferes With Its Search Algorithms and Changes Your Results.

22 Dr. Peter Hotez on the anti-science movement and declining Joe Rogan’s debate challenge. JUL 13, 2023. American Medical Association Accessed August 17, 2023.

23 Mawson, Anthony & Bhuiyan, Azad & Jacob, Binu & Ray, Brian. (2017). Preterm birth, vaccination and neurodevelopmental disorders: a cross-sectional study of 6-to 12-year-old vaccinated and unvaccinated children. Journal of Translational Science. 3. 1-8. 10.15761/JTS.1000187.

24 Mawson, Anthony & Ray, Brian & Bhuiyan, Azad & Jacob, Binu. (2017). Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6-to 12-year-old U.S. children. Journal of Translational Science. 3. 1-12. 10.15761/JTS.1000186.

25 Gallagher, Carolyn & Goodman, Melody. (2008). Hepatitis B triple series vaccine and developmental disability in US children aged 1–9 years. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry. 90. 997-1008. 10.1080/02772240701806501.

26 Unvaccinated. How Do Vaccines Cause Autism? Accessed August 16, 2023.

27 Delong, G. “Conflicts of Interest in Vaccine Safety Research.” Accountability in Research 19, no. 2 (2012): 65-88. Accessed November 14, 2015. doi:10.1080/08989621.2012.660073.

28 Scientific Review of Vaccine Safety Datalink Information (transcript). 7-8 Jun 2000. Retrieved 18 Jan 2019

29 Verstraeten, TM “Increased risk of developmental neurologic impairment after high exposure to thimerosal-containing vaccine in first month of life.” (original abstract submission). 1999. Retrieved 18 Jan 2019.

30 Verstraeten, TM “Safety of thimerosal-containing vaccines: a two-phased study of computerized health maintenance organization databases.” Pediatrics. 2003 Nov;112(5):1039-48.

31 Hooker, Brian “Methodological Issues and Evidence of Malfeasance in Research Purporting to Show Thimerosal in Vaccines Is Safe.” BioMed Research International. 2014; Article ID 247218.

32 Chapter II: 1999-2000: Simpsonwood. Put Children First. Retrieved 18 Jan 2019.

33 Hurley, AM “Thimerosal-Containing Vaccines and Autism: A Review of Recent Epidemiologic Studies.” Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2010 Jul-Sep; 15(3):173-181.

34 Luke Timmerman. Merck’s Julie Gerberding, Former CDC Director, on the Future of Vaccines. Xconomy. June 24, 2011. Accessed archive August 16, 2023.


36 Sanjay Gupta MD. Rush Transcript: Unraveling the Mystery of Autism; Talking With the CDC Director; Stories of Children with Autism; Aging with Autism. CNN Transcripts. Aired March 29, 2008. Accessed August 16, 2023.

37 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Forbes Magazine & CDC’s Rogue Scientist. August 22, 2015. Archived from Archive accessed August 16, 2023.

38 Ibid.

39 Ibid.

40 Ibid.

41 August 27, 2014 Press Release, “Statement of William W. Thompson, Ph.D., Regarding the 2004 Article Examining the Possibility of a Relationship Between MMR Vaccine and Autism.” Morgan Verkamp LLC. Archive accessed August 16, 2023.

42 Brian Shilhavy. Will CDC Whistleblower on Vaccines Testify Before Congress? August 13, 2015. Health Impact News. Accessed August 16, 2023.

43 Ibid.

44 Congressman Posey Accuses CDC Over Corruption. Posted April 16, 2014. Age of Autism. Accessed August 16, 2023.

45 Ibid.

46 Hooker, Brian. “Dr. Brian Hooker’s official statement regarding William Thompson.” Focus for Health. 26 Apr 2016.

47 Attkisson, Sharyl. “CDC: ‘Possibility’ that vaccines rarely trigger autism.” Sharyl Attkisson (blog). 10 Dec 2018.

48 Attkisson, Sharyl. “How a pro-vaccine doctor reopened debate about link to autism.” The Hill. 13 Jan 2019.

49 “NIH Director Dr Bernadine Healy speaks to Sharyl Attkisson about autism susceptibility.” (video) Children’s Health Defense (YouTube). 27 Apr 2017.

50 Petitions Filed, Compensated and Dismissed, by Alleged Vaccine, Since the Beginning of VICP, 10/01/1988 through 08/01/2023. (Vaccine Injury Compensation Data: Most Recent Data Report). Updated 08/01/2023. Health Resources and Services Administration. Accessed August 8, 2023.

51 Wolfe, Eli. “Federal Vaccine Court Quietly Pays Billions.” Fair Warning. 12 Dec 2018.

52 Attkisson, Sharyl. “Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award.” CBS News. 10 Dec 2010.

53 Zimmerman, Andrew. “RE: Hannah Poling (DOB: 12/27/98); Report of the Office of Special Masters, United States Court of Federal Claims, November 9, 2007.” (letter). 30 Nov 2007. Retrieved 19 Jan 2019.

54 Attkisson, Sharyl. “Learning from a Previous Vaccine-Autism Case?” CBS News. 8 Aug 2008.

55 Biological Clinical Safety and Pharmacovigilance: GlaxoSmithKline Research and Development Combined Diptheria, Tetanus and Acellular Pertussis, Hepatitis B enhanced Inactivated Poliomyelitis and Haemophilus Influenzae type B vaccine: Infanrix hexa Summary Bridging Report. 16 December 2011.

56 Big Pharma and Big Profits: The Multibillion Dollar Vaccine Market By Timothy Alexander Guzman Silent Crow News 26 January 2016



59 Hope, Jenny. “Why Japan banned the MMR vaccine.” Daily Mail. Retrieved 18 Jan 2019.

60 Abutaleb, Yasmeen. “Tougher laws a likely legacy of the Disneyland measles outbreak.” Reuters. 3 Mar 2015.

61 J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2010;73(24):1665-77. doi: 10.1080/15287394.2010.519317.

62 Autism Prevalence Higher, According to Data from 11 ADDM Communities. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Last Reviewed: March 22, 2023. Accessed May 22, 2023.

63 Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.1 in 30 U.S. Kids Diagnosed With Autism in 2020 — What’s Behind the Surge? The Defender. July 14, 2022.

64 Gallagher CM, Goodman MS. Hepatitis B vaccination of male neonates and autism diagnosis, NHIS 1997-2002. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry. Volume 94, Issue 8, 2012

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President Cyril Ramaphosa of the Republic of South Africa served as the host of the recently held 15th BRICS Summit which turned out to be one of the most significant gatherings in the nearly decade-and-one-half existence of the alliance.

This expansion of the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) grouping encompasses even more of the already 44% of the world’s population with a majority located in the Global South.

At the meeting in Johannesburg from August 23-24, Argentina, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, and the Arab Republic of Egypt were approved for membership in the expanding body. Various reports indicate that the combined population of the BRICS countries including the six new members is conservatively estimated at 47% of the global population and anywhere between 29-36% of the world’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Some sources believe that the combined membership’s population already exceeds half of the people living today.

While six new governments were admitted in Johannesburg, there are many other states clamoring to join the economic bloc. The 55 African Union (AU) member-states were invited to the 15th BRICS Summit. There are methods for non-members to apply as countries like Zimbabwe, which has praised the growth of BRICS as representing the prospects for building a world system independent of the hegemony of the United States, the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom.

Republic of Zimbabwe Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga during the BRICS Africa Outreach sessions was quoted as saying:

“As a country, Zimbabwe perceives how BRICS represents a formidable alliance that fosters a multipolar and inclusive world order. Joining this alliance will provide Zimbabwe with a unique opportunity to collaborate with like-minded nations and harness the benefits of collective strength. As a country, Zimbabwe applauds the establishment of the New Development Bank (NDB) and the proposal to use local currencies between member states in the BRICS and other countries in the south. Like other countries in the south, Zimbabwe hopes to benefit from the New Development Bank as an alternative source of funding for developmental projects.” 

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed attended the summit in South Africa after formally applying for BRICS membership. During the summit he held meetings with other leaders including President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China and Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India.

Ethiopia maintains good relations with leading members of BRICS including China and South Africa. The government views its admission into the economic bloc as providing tremendous impetus to its development agenda.

An editorial in the Herald newspaper noted:

“At its core, BRICS is driven by a bold vision – to establish its own world economic and trade systems that challenge the existing Western-dominated order. The group seeks to reshape the political and economic landscape in a way that benefits its member nations, promoting a more equitable and multipolar world. This ambitious agenda reflects the growing frustration among emerging economies with outdated structures of global governance that no longer reflect the economic realities of the 21st century.” 

Plans to Strengthen Healthcare Networks

One of the important discussions taking place during and after the summit was the increasing collaboration between the AU, its affiliate, the African Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and BRICS in improving healthcare infrastructure and information sharing throughout the Global South. During the height of the coronavirus pandemic the access to vaccines and other medicines were facilitated heavily utilizing networks established among the BRICS states.

When the pandemic was declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) along with governments internationally, there was much criticism around the concept of “vaccine nationalism” emanating from the developing geopolitical regions. The wealthiest western capitalist governments rushed to vaccinate their own citizens with almost no concern for the overwhelming majority of people across the planet.

Out of this experience over the last three years, production facilities in the Republic of South Africa have been established to play a significant role in the face of another pandemic. Early warning systems already in existence in the aftermath of other major pandemics in Africa and Asia can be activated when necessary.

The South African government which hosted the 15th BRICS Summit said of the discussions around healthcare issues:

“The attendees highlighted the reality of the shifting centers of global power, pointing out that the expanded BRICS family now represents 4.8 billion people, which is over half of the global population. ‘Increasing human and animal interconnectedness, climate change and an increasing frequency of infectious disease outbreaks mean that the AU and BRICS’ ability to contain infectious diseases has a fundamental bearing on global health security. The realization of this growing responsibility compelled AU and BRICS stakeholders to convene and begin a process towards a declared collaborative framework.’ Participants were further encouraged by the collective capabilities identified in medical and digital technologies, human resource potential, and pharmaceutical manufacturing. They also observed that the Developing Countries Vaccine Manufacturing Network (DCVMN), which is composed of manufacturers from BRICS member states, contributed to 60% of the COVID-19 vaccine products. The meeting considered the merits of opening up the entire expanded BRICS and AU market to all pharmaceutical manufacturers in the BRICS and AU regions.” 

De-Dollarization and the New Cold War

Perhaps one of the most contemplated questions being debated by BRICS and other economic blocs based in the West, are the proposals aimed at lessening dependence on the U.S. dollar. The beginning of the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine has brought to the fore the problems caused by the domination of the dollar as it relates to the imposition of sanctions by Washington against Moscow.

The sanctions have worsened food insecurity amid the challenges associated with the post-pandemic economic recovery in Africa, Asia and other geopolitical regions. A Black Sea grain deal arrived at through diplomatic mediation involving the AU and Turkey, has been shattered due to the refusal of the NATO states, which are behind the Ukraine administration and military, to honor their portion of the agreement.

Russia is a co-founder of BRICS and is respected by the other member-states. President Vladimir Putin attended the summit virtually due to threats to apprehend him at the aegis of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Russia was represented by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and other officials. Such attacks on the gatherings of governments which represent some of the largest countries within the Global South makes the imperative of independent development even more urgent.

In the same editorial quoted above from the Ethiopian Herald, it emphasizes:

“One of the key objectives discussed at this year’s summit is to reduce global reliance on the U.S. dollar. The dominance of the U.S. currency has far-reaching consequences, often at the expense of other nations. The strength of the U.S. economy directly impacts the value of the dollar, causing fluctuations that ripple through international markets. This volatility undermines the stability of other currencies and hampers the economic prospects of emerging nations. Recognizing this vulnerability, BRICS aims to promote the use of national currencies in international trade as a means to rectify the situation. Russia and China, in particular, have been vocal proponents of de-dollarization, aiming to weaken America’s stranglehold on the global financial system. These nations have legitimate concerns about the potential abuse of economic power by the United States, especially through unilateral sanctions that can wreak havoc on the economies of targeted countries. By diversifying away from the U.S. dollar, BRICS hopes to insulate its member nations from such vulnerabilities and foster a more balanced and resilient global financial architecture.”

These objectives by the BRICS countries further affirms the complete incapacity of the U.S., European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom to engage in effective diplomatic initiatives beyond the perpetuation of unjust wars. As the Global South discusses long-term projects which will be financed by the New Development Bank (NDB) to foster the formation of a multipolar world system, the imperialist states are becoming even more isolated in many geopolitical regions.

The threat that imperialism poses is it has embarked upon a course that could lead to another World War. Intensifying antagonism against the Russian Federation, China, Iran, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Cuba, North Korea, South Africa, etc. along with the expanding anti-imperialist governments and movements in the West Africa region, reflects the desperation of the NATO states and its allies. Obviously, the Global South will be forced to defend its program for economic development and the desire to live in a world free of western hegemony.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

All images in this article are from the author

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In his 1988 book War Stars: The Superweapon in the American Imagination, H. Bruce Franklin traces a deep-rooted cultural belief in the magic of futuristic weapon systems that would enable the U.S. to defeat any foreign adversary. 

Franklin dates the infatuation to the era of the revolutionary war with the development of the combat submarine by Robert H. Fulton to pulverize the British Navy.

He in turn shows a direct line through World War I and World War II and the development of air power and the atomic bomb, through the Vietnam War where sophisticated U.S. war machines could not defeat the guerrilla warfare tactics of the Vietcong.

Franklin could easily include a new chapter on Ukraine, whose summer counteroffensive has fizzled despite the country’s function as a testing ground for new American weapon systems.

These include space-based satellites and sensors that have been used by the Ukrainians to track Russian troop movements and assist in navigation, mapping and electronic warfare, and positioning systems that guide precision weapons and drones.

A webinar in mid-July hosted by the War Industry Resistance Network placed the U.S. strategy in Ukraine in the context of a broader attempt by the U.S. to militarize space and use it to destroy its leading geopolitical rivals—Russia and China.

A close-up of a blue planet Description automatically generated


The first speaker, Dave Webb, a retired engineering and peace studies professor from England, emphasized that the 1991 Operation Desert Storm set the groundwork for Ukraine as the first space war in which the U.S. showed off new satellite and precision guided missiles that wound up devastating Iraq.

In 1997, the U.S. Space Command outlined its goal of obtaining full-spectrum military dominance over land, sea, air and space by the year 2020—which achieved partial fulfillment with the Trump administration’s creation in 2019 of a new Space Force as a branch of the U.S. military.

By 2024, the budget of the Space Force reached $30.3 billion, a 15% increase over 2023 and a doubling of the budget from 2020.

Workers prepare Space Test Program-3 mission for the U.S. Space Force’s Space Systems Command on November 22, 2021, at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida, for mounting process with an Atlas V rocket. The mission sent two satellites into space. [Source:]

Congress has in a not so veiled way tried to legitimate these budget increases by holding hearings raising alarm about the threat of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO’s).

One in late July featured a former intelligence officer, David Grusch, who claimed that he faced retaliation at the Pentagon for his confidential disclosure that “non-human beings” had been retrieved from spacecraft.[1]

On August 11, the 75th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Squadron (ISRS) was activated at Peterson Space Force Base in Colorado. It has been tasked with identifying and destroying or disrupting adversary satellites and ground-based lasers aimed at preventing the U.S. from using its own satellites during a conflict. reported that the U.S. Space Force has conducted multiple training exercises to practice “live fire” satellite jamming [of Russian and Chinese space based satellites] and “simulated on-orbit combat training” as part of a growing commitment to space-based war.

The Space Force’s operations have been made possible by a $1.5 billion space surveillance radar center built by Lockheed Martin in an atoll in the Marshall Islands, which became operational in March 2020. The center now tracks more than 26,000 objects in space, some the size of a marble.

A building with several towers Description automatically generated

An aerial view of the U.S. Space Force’s Space Fence on Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands. [Source:]

Additional surveillance centers have recently been built in Texas, Australia and Great Britain while Boeing is building a secret military space plane, the X-37B, which can carry out orbital space flight missions.


Boeing X-37. [Source:]

Webb ended his talk by noting that the spirit of a 1967 Outer Space Treaty that was designed to prevent the militarization of Outer Space is not being followed.

Space exploration is giving way to space exploitation and growing competition with Russia, which has developed its own space-based weapon systems in response to what the U.S. is doing.

A group of men signing papers at a table Description automatically generated

Signing of the Outer Space Treaty in 1967. [Source:]

The second speaker at the webinar, Bruce Gagnon, coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, pointed out that, for the last quarter century, Russia has presented its demand for a new cooperative space treaty before the United Nations but has been blocked by the U.S., Israel and a few of their allies.

The Russians have stated unequivocally, as have the Chinese, that they do not want to devote their countries’ resources to a destructive and fruitless arms race in space, though the U.S. believes it can be master in space and has been taken over totally by the military-industrial complex.

When the creation of the new Space Force came up for a vote in 2019, the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives supported it, though it had wanted to call it Space Corps.

Growing up in a military family, Gagnon said he experienced a political awakening while enlisted in the Air Force in 1971 when he came in contact with peace activists at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield, California, where he was stationed.

Gagnon’s concern about the militarization of Outer Space began when he read a book by Linda Hunt called Secret Agenda, which detailed the CIA’s recruitment of Nazi scientists under Operation Paperclip who helped found the U.S. space program.

Chief among them was Wernher von Braun, who had helped develop the V-2 rocket in Germany using slave labor.

Gagnon said he finds it chilling that the U.S. Space Force carries out yearly war-game exercises where they simulate fighting using space-based weapons right out of science fiction novels. Among these is the “Rod from God,” a weapon in which tungsten steel rods are fired from orbiting satellites, smacking the Earth from the sky as if sent by God.

Right now, Gagnon says, we are living through a Cuban Missile Crisis in reverse as the U.S. has pointed nuclear weapons directly at Russia from a U.S. military base in Deveselu, Romania, and another in Redzikowo, Poland off the Baltic Sea.

The U.S. goal is to break up Russia as it did Yugoslavia in the 1990s because Russia is the world’s largest resource base and threatens the ability of the U.S. to extract resources from the Arctic unencumbered.

Along with World War III, the current U.S. space strategy is threatening to unleash a major environmental catastrophe as space-based satellites and weapons are leaving debris that cannot be cleaned up.

According to Gagnon, exhaust from escalating numbers of rocket launches is diminishing the ozone layer, and the growing space debris could even cause the Earth to go dark as collisions become more likely.

Back in 1989, Gagnon organized a protest at the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral that was attended by Navy Captain Edgar Mitchell, the only astronaut known to have ever attended a peace rally.[2]

Mitchell told the crowd at the protest that, “if there was ever a war in space, it would be the last war humans ever fought because it would create so much debris orbiting around the planet, there would be no way to clean it up.”

Mitchell’s warning makes clear the importance of supporting the efforts of peace groups to try to prevent the militarization of space and to fight the military-industrial complex, which is a cancer not only to our own planet but to the entire universe.


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Jeremy Kuzmarov is Managing Editor of CovertAction Magazine. He is the author of four books on U.S. foreign policy, including Obama’s Unending Wars (Clarity Press, 2019) and The Russians Are Coming, Again, with John Marciano (Monthly Review Press, 2018). He can be reached at: [email protected].


  1. The disclosure it should be noted was based on second-hand information. 

  2. Born in Hereford, Texas, in 1930, Mitchell obtained a Doctor of Science degree (equivalent to a Ph.D.). from MIT and was the Lunar Module Pilot for the 1971 Apollo 14 mission who was the sixth man to walk on the moon. During his travels to space, Mitchell said that he had an epiphany that led him to work for the rest of his life to “broaden the knowledge of the nature and potentials of mind and consciousness and to apply that knowledge to the enhancement of human well-being and the quality of life on the planet.” 

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America’s top general said that Washington plans to maintain its force posture in the Middle East. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley stressed the region’s “significant” importance to America’s foreign policy. 

In an interview with Jordan’s Al-Mamlaka TV on Thursday, Milley said,

“I can’t imagine that the United States would ever walk away from the Middle East. I think we’ll remain committed for many, many years and decades to come.” 

“We have very close friendships and partnerships. And we want to make sure that the region is stable. Obviously, the region is a primary source of oil and energy resources for other parts of the world.” Milley added that the region is “very important and very significant to the United States for a lot of reasons.”

For decades, Washington has used its military in an attempt to control the Middle East. The US has spent trillions of dollars and killed millions of people in dozens of military campaigns conducted over the last 30 years. 

The wars have failed to accomplish America’s stated goals: to bring peace, stability and democracy to the Middle East. Instead, Washington’s wars and financing of various militaries have stoked sectarian tensions. Additionally, the US has armed a multitude of tyrannical governments, enabling them to brutally oppress their citizens.

Washington currently has thousands of soldiers in various countries across the region, including hundreds of troops in Syria. Milley said,

“There are still fighters in small groups in and around Syria and around Iraq…and if we were to somehow suddenly withdraw, [Islamic State] could reconstruct themselves. So the situation is much, much better than it was.” He continued, “But it still requires a level of commitment. So we’ve got some modest amount of forces in Syria and we’ve got forces in Iraq.”

However, American troops in Iraq and Syria often find themselves in conflict with forces supporting the Syrian government, not jihadists. Additionally, American warplanes in Syria have regularly had near misses with Russian fighter jets.  


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Kyle Anzalone is news editor of the Libertarian Institute, opinion editor of and co-host of Conflicts of Interest with Will Porter and Connor Freeman.

Featured image: FILE PHOTO: US Army soldiers fire an M777 Howitzer during an operational rehearsal exercise at Mission Support Site Conoco, Syria, December 4, 2022. (Credit: US Army / Sgt. Julio Hernandez)

Are They Prepping for Plandemic 2.0?

August 29th, 2023 by OffGuardian

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The buzz around the alt-news sphere the last few days has been that the establishment is planning to bring back pandemic restrictions. And, in fairness, this is some evidence this could be true.

It started with Alex Jones reporting that a whistleblower from the TSA had informed him the US government was going to start bringing back Covid restrictions in starting in October and going into full lockdown again by December.

There’s also the fact we’re suddenly being told about “case spikes” and not one, not two, but THREE new variants – Eris, Pi and Pirola – have hit the headlines.

Meanwhile, some places are bringing back mask mandates already, such as Morris Brown College in Atlanta. It’s not just the US either, last week a hospital in Dublin re-instituted Covid rules.

Just a few days ago Robin Monotti posted this to Twitter:

Apparently, the UK government’s Health Security Agency is looking to hire a “Vaccine Supply Operations Overseer” for the upcoming “largest vaccination programme” which is to be “delivered at pace”.

Neil Ferguson has even emerged from hiding to warn against the Pirola variant.

So, those warning we’re in for another “Plandemic” aren’t panicking over nothing. There’s no smoke without fire, after all, and there’s a lot of smoke here.

…a suspicious amount of smoke, you might say. An “orgy of evidence” is always hard to trust. And given how watchful Covid sceptics are likely to be, for the establishment to advertise their intentions like that would be a potential mistake.

But what other explanation could there be? Realistically, we’re looking at three potential plans here.

It really is just “Plandemic 2.0”. The reason it looks like they’re gearing up to redo covid…is that they’re gearing up to redo Covid. They’re not shy about making their agenda plain a lot of the time, and this is just an egregious example.

It’s a bluff to discredit alt media. A standard ploy, the establishment deliberately feeds the anxieties of independent media outlets who reflexively report the sky is falling…and then they don’t follow through, making the indy media look like the boy who cried wolf.

It’s about vaccines. As covered in our most recent Eris piece, the latest Covid “vaccines” are set to be released next month, amid uptake rates that have plummeted since 2021. By “discovering new variants” and dangling restrictions over our collective heads like a Sword of Damocles, they may just be marketing the new vax.

If the uptake is good then the measures go away, and they can say we “defeated the new variant”. If it’s bad…in with the lockdown. Except for the people who are up to date with their vaccines, of course.

Of course, it could be a mixture of all three, or maybe they haven’t decided yet and will play it by ear.

But what do you think? Are we going to have another round of Covid hysteria? Is there a potential explanation we missed?


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Featured image is from OffGuardian

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Canada has enacted a new law called the Online News Act that forces social media companies to compensate domestic news organizations for content shared on their platforms. To comply with the new law, Meta banned all news — both national and international news stories — from appearing in Facebook and Instagram feeds in Canada as of June 1, 2023

Google is also blocking all Canadian news from its search, news and discover products in Canada as of June 29, 2023

According to a citizen journalist, X (formerly Twitter) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) are working together to censor people on the platform. The ADL has also been influencing crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe to deplatform certain users

The ADL is using artificial intelligence software to comb through podcasts and video-game streams for “extremist” keywords. This suggests ADL is surveilling the online activities of private citizens even if those activities have nothing to do with the ADL’s political and social causes

While Elon Musk has called himself a “free speech absolutist” and promised X would be a free speech platform, evidence suggests otherwise. X CEO Linda Yaccarino is the chairman of the World Economic Forum’s Taskforce on Future of Work and sits on the WEF’s Media, Entertainment and Culture Industry Governors Steering Committee. She has stated that “lawful but awful” posts will be “deamplified,” and that the company policy is one of “freedom of speech, not reach.” X is also actively recruiting applicants for various censorship positions for the upcoming election in 2024


Censorship is ramping up at a rapid clip, and much of it is clearly directed by the U.S. federal government, despite a federal judge’s order prohibiting federal agencies and officials from communicating with social media companies about content moderation.1

In recent days, several news stories have highlighted governments’ and Big Tech’s intent to increase censorship. There’s even a rumor that Google will ban independent media from its search results altogether.2 I’ve not been able to confirm this, but considering everything else going on, would anyone really be surprised if it were true?

Google, Meta Ban News in Canada

For example, Canada has enacted a new law called the Online News Act that forces social media companies to compensate domestic news organizations for content shared on their platforms. While that may not sound like censorship, it has the same effect, as social media companies are now automatically removing all news links.3

To comply with the new law, Meta banned all news — both national and international news stories — from appearing in Facebook and Instagram feeds in Canada as of June 1, 2023.4

Google is also blocking all Canadian news from its search, news and discover products in Canada as of June 29, 2023.5 In other words, if you live in Canada, you cannot get any news whatsoever unless you subscribe or go to the news source in question directly.

X/Twitter Colludes with Anti-Defamation League to Censor

In other news, X (formerly Twitter) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) are working together to censor X users, according to citizen journalist Kyle Clifton (his X account is Kyle Undercover).6

In a series of five videos7 (which you can view here), ADL director of development Courtney Kravitz and the ADL community manager for Arizona, Sarah Kader, discuss a variety of tactics the ADL is using to suppress and censor online speech.

In video No. 1, Kravitz explains that outright bans are not ideal, as it forces people to seek out alternative platforms. Hence a “balance” must be struck between preventing them from “run[ning] to this dark place where they are just with like-minded people” and preventing them from “spewing hate and disinformation.”

It appears the ADL prefers tactics like shadow-banning instead, where the reach of an account or post is severely limited. “Everyone should have freedom of speech, but not freedom of reach,” Kravitz tells Kyle. Interestingly enough, Musk himself used that same line in the summer of 2022.8

In video No. 2, Kravitz admits the ADL has urged Elon Musk to not reverse the ban on certain users, and in video No. 3, Kader explains how the ADL is using novel artificial intelligence software to comb through podcasts and video-game streams for “extremist” keywords.

As noted by Life Site News,9 the admission that ADL is scouring the audio streams of online gamers “suggests ADL has … interest in combing through the online activities of private citizens not involved in political and social causes …” Is that really something the ADL should be doing?

In video No. 4, Kravitz admits the ADL has also been influencing crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe to deplatform certain users, telling them that “extremists” are using their payment processing services to “fund their evil stuff.”

And, in video No. 5, Kader explains how the Arizona ADL has set up a Law Enforcement Advisory Council to identify and address online “hate.” The Advisory Council is made up of “local police departments and other law enforcement agencies all around the state.” Some key questions here, of course, are: What is hateful speech, and who decides what words are considered hateful?

In recent years, we’ve seen how this “anti-hate” narrative has been used to justify the removal of people providing truthful information about COVID and the COVID jabs, for example. Somehow, medical information was deemed “hateful.”

X Censorship Squad Are Anything but Free-Speech Minded

While Musk has called himself a “free speech absolutist” and promised X would be a free speech platform, the people he’s hired are not freedom-loving free speech advocates. Quite the contrary.

X CEO Linda Yaccarino is the chairman of the World Economic Forum’s Taskforce on Future of Work. She’s also part of the WEF’s Media, Entertainment and Culture Industry Governors Steering Committee.

linda yaccarino

Yaccarino has publicly asserted that she has autonomy from Musk.10 A more important question is, does she have autonomy from the WEF, or is she using X to further the WEF’s agenda?

Either way, Yaccarino has stated that “lawful but awful” posts will be “deamplified,” read, shadow banned and demonetized.11 And, like Musk, she has stressed that the company policy is one of “freedom of speech, not reach” to protect “brand safety” for advertisers. And, indeed, under Yaccarino’s watch, big advertisers are once again returning to the platform.

X Is Gearing Up for Election Censorship

X is also actively recruiting applicants for various censorship positions,12 including an “Elections Team Lead,” which flies in the face of Musk’s statement that “Free speech is essential for a functioning democracy.”13

X censorship recruiter Aaron Rodericks is also working against Musk’s stated vision by promoting Kate Starbird,14 a former Twitter employee and chief architect of the 2020 election censorship campaign in which 100% of the top “repeat misinformation spreaders” were Conservatives.15

election misinformation

As noted in Michael Shellenberger’s testimony before the House Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government in March 2023:16

“Kate Starbird, who runs the University of Washington disinformation lab, has for years been funded primarily by U.S. government agencies to do social media narrative analytics of political groups, or insurgency movements, of interest or concern to U.S. military intelligence or diplomatic equities.

Starbird acknowledged that the censorship focus of CISA and EIP [Election Integrity Partnership] moved from ‘foreign, inauthentic’ social media users to ‘domestic, authentic’ social media users between 2016 to 2020.”

Starbird is also one of the 23 members of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s (CISA) Cybersecurity Advisory Committee, launched in December 1, 2021.17

European Union Tightens Censorship Nose

In related news, X has also rolled out a new feature that allows users to report posts that violate the European Union’s new law (the Digital Services Act or DSA) against expression of political dissent, pro-Russian propaganda and other “fake news.”18 The new EU law took effect August 25, 2023.19

Other online platforms required to meet DSA requirements for content moderation or risk heavy fines include Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, Amazon, Booking, AliExpress, Google Shopping, Zalando, Apple, Google’s app stores, Google Maps, Wikipedia, Google Search and Bing.20 As reported by Politico:21

“These large platforms will have to stop displaying ads to users based on sensitive data like religion and political opinions. AI-generated content like manipulated videos and photos, known as deepfakes, will have to be labeled.

Companies will also have to conduct yearly assessments of the risks their platforms pose on a range of issues like public health, kids’ safety and freedom of expression. They will be required to lay out their measures for how they are tackling such risks.

‘These 19 very large online platforms and search engines will have to redesign completely their systems to ensure a high level of privacy, security and safety of minors with age verification and parental control tools,’ said [EU’s Internal Market Commissioner Thierry] Breton.

External firms will audit their plans. The enforcement team in the Commission will access their data and algorithms to check whether they are promoting a range of harmful content — for example, content endangering public health or during elections. Fines can go up to 6 percent of their global annual turnover and very serious cases of infringement could result in platforms facing temporary bans.”

The key words there are “content endangering public health” and “elections.” That tells you the EU will force all of these platforms to censor medical information and election information.

X Implementing New Identification Rules

X is also pushing us deeper into surveillance state tyranny by requiring XBlue subscribers to submit a selfie and a government-issued ID to verify their identity.22 X will store this personal information for 30 days and share it with an Israeli identification verification company called AU10TIX.

For now, non-blue users are not required to verify their identities, but I suspect it’s only a matter of time. Eventually, you’ll have to have a digital identity to use the internet at all, and every move you make online will be tracked as part of your social credit score. X is simply paving the way.

CCDH Feigns Innocence

In 2021, it became apparent that the U.S. government was basing many of its censorship decisions on information from an obscure U.K.-based group called the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH). Its “Disinformation Dozen” report,23 published March 24, 2021, has without question been one of the most widely cited “justifications” for censorship over these past two years.

The problem is that this report was itself an example of gross misinformation. The CCDH claimed 12 individuals were responsible for 73% of vaccine misinformation on social media, including Facebook, yet an investigation by Facebook revealed the so-called “disinformation dozen” were responsible for just 0.05% of all views of vaccine-related content on the platform.24

Yet, even after Facebook set the record straight, the federal government continued to cite the CCDH report as the reason for why they wanted the people listed in it censored by Big Tech.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren demanded that Amazon ban my book, “The Truth About COVID,” based on the CCDH’s false statements about me, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) even relied on it to identify “domestic threat actors,”25 meaning domestic terrorists.

Put simply, the DHS has tagged me as a domestic terrorist based on the fabrications of a shadowy intelligence-connected group that in a rational society would have no credibility whatsoever.

This is the intelligence community’s version of Nancy Pelosi’s “wrap-up smear” tactic,26 which is when a politician feeds false information to the media and then uses those media reports to support their false claims.

August 3, 2023, House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, launched an investigation into the CCDH’s potential role in the Biden administration’s censorship regime.

The group was ordered to hand over records to the Judiciary Committee detailing its interactions with the U.S. government and the executive branch by August 17.27 As reported by The Washington Post that day:28

“On Thursday [August 17], the CCDH responded with a full-throated defense of its research and communications with government officials, dismissing Jordan’s allegations as ‘confusion about the organization’ in a letter.

Related documents, which were exclusively viewed by The Washington Post, show that the organization has worked with government officials from both parties …

Jordan also has released internal communications from Meta, which he has dubbed ‘the Facebook Files,’ citing the CCDH’s research. The emails … show that the White House discussed the CCDH’s coronavirus research with Facebook executives as it pressured the company to take a tougher line against vaccine falsehoods.

Nadgey Louis-Charles, a House Judiciary spokesperson, recently told The Post that these emails expose the ‘extent to which the Biden White House used the work of the CCDH to try to censor speech.’”

Free Speech Without Reach Is Not Freedom

The CCDH’s fabrications have been used by a long list of government actors and representatives, including members of Congress, state attorneys general and even President Biden himself, all of whom publicly called for retaliatory actions to be taken against us.

As a result, we’ve been censored on social media, delisted by Google Search, and demonetized on YouTube. We’ve been deplatformed and cut off from online payment processors, our websites have been cyberattacked and, in several cases, taken down completely — and we’ve been debanked, all for the “crime” of sharing Constitutionally-protected views and published science.

At the end of the day, the so-called “problem” of misinformation and disinformation is pure nonsense. In a free society, people debate issues and bring varying viewpoints to the table. “Misinformation” is a completely fabricated problem, made up by the very people who seek to control the public discourse for their own aims.

The technocratic cabal driving this global censorship movement know they must silence dissenting viewpoints because what they intend to impose on us is so heinous, if people understand what they’re doing, they’ll never be able to achieve their goals.

So, it’s not just “democracy” that hangs in the balance. Basic freedoms, human rights and life as we know it will be taken from us, and the only way to stop it is by waking people up to reality through information sharing. The very survival of humanity now depends on our ability to maintain free speech, which is why we must keep pushing back against all forms of censorship.


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1 CNN July 6, 2023

2 August 14, 2023

3 CBC August 8, 2023

4 Meta Press Release June 1, 2023

5 NPR June 29, 2023

6, 9 Life Site News August 11, 2023

7 Twitter Kyle Undercover

8 Life Site News June 17, 2022

10, 11 New York Post August 10, 2023

12, 13 BizPacNews August 21, 2023

14 Revolver August 18, 2023

15 Twitter Mike Benz August 16, 2023

16 Michael Shellenberger Testimony, House Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, March 9, 2023

17 CISA Press Release December 1, 2021

18 Twitter Afshiin Rattansi August 20, 2023

19 The Guardian June 23, 2023

20, 21 Politico April 25, 2023

22 Social Media Today August 3, 2023

23 The Disinformation Dozen March 24, 2021

24 Facebook August 18, 2021

25 Combatting Targeted Disinformation Campaigns, Part 2 August 2021

26 Daily Wire October 8, 2018

27 August 3, 2023

28 Washington Post August 17, 2023

Featured image is from TruePublica

Zelensky Believes Ukraine Will be Permanently Supported

August 29th, 2023 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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Zelensky seems to be naively optimistic about his country’s future. He believes that Kiev is as important to the US as Israel and worthy of permanent military support, unaffected by internal shifts in US politics.

In an interview with a local TV channel, Zelensky expressed confidence that US military aid to Ukraine will remain unaffected, regardless of what happens in the White House. He compared the Ukrainian situation to that of Israel, a country that has remained a strategic ally of the US over the decades, in a policy of cooperation that has not changed despite the different guidelines of the various American presidents.

He also stated that his country is prepared to face a situation of prolonged conflict. Zelensky believes that fighting with Russia could take years, forming a circumstance of permanent hostility, similar to that seen by Israel in its conflict with the Palestinian resistance. Therefore, comparing both cases, the neo-Nazi president believes that the US aid model for Israel may also be suitable for Ukraine, emphasizing however that, for this to happen, Kiev could not take the conflict into the [demilitarized and undisputed] territory of the Russian Federation, as this would risk the stability of aid and Ukraine could “be left on its own”.

“We need to learn to live with [the conflict]. We need to learn. Israel is at war. It depends on what kind of war. We are prepared to keep fighting for a very long period of time… [while] minimizing the number of casualties. Like in Israel, for example. We can live like that (…) The Israeli model… we will likely get this exact model. The Israeli model that includes weapons, technology, training, finances, etc”, he told journalists during the interview.

There are some curious points in these words by Zelensky. First, it is necessary to note his optimism, as he is apparently convinced that Western aid will become an American stable state policy, immune to local political changes. Zelensky seems to ignore the growing critical opinion of the US role in the conflict, with congressmen condemning the aid to Kiev, in addition to possible future presidential candidates, such as Donald Trump himself, stating that they will “end” the war.

Furthermore, it is interesting to see that Zelensky is reportedly concerned about not allowing the conflict to affect Russian demilitarized territory, as this contradicts what some of his officials have been saying in recent months. High ranking Ukrainian military have pledged drone strikes against Russian cities, meaning they plan to take the conflict outside the combat zone. Apparently, there is no central command in the neo-Nazi regime, with officials saying different things at the same time and contradicting the plans announced by the president.

The key problem with Zelensky’s analysis is that he compares situations that are not alike. In the case of Israel, US military aid has remained intact over the decades because the country is a key US partner in the Middle Eastern region, where Washington has promoted a policy of constant occupation. Furthermore, Israel has many representatives within American society itself, with many political and economic groups supporting the Jewish state.

The Ukrainian case is different. The American strategy for Kiev consists in using the country as a proxy in a war against Russia. The Americans have no hope of beating Russia on the battlefield, but they want to generate attrition and destabilization, so they use Ukrainian soldiers as “cannon fodder” to achieve this goal. In Israel, the US is concerned about the security of its partner, in Ukraine it is not. For Washington, the war must be prolonged “to the last Ukrainian” because this is precisely Kiev’s role in the American strategy for Russia.

In the same sense, it must be remembered that the Russians maintain the military control of the conflict. Moscow is deliberately avoiding creating a major escalation that would allow it to resolve the situation once and for all, but definitely the Russian armed forces could do it at any time. So, the power to decide whether or not to make a prolonged conflict is in the hands of Russian officials, not Ukrainians, which makes Zelensky’s words a mere bluff.

In the end, it looks like Zelensky is trying to show an image of strength and stability when he is actually weak and isolated. Since the NATO summit, when Zelensky was rejected by his sponsors, the Ukrainian president has had a very negative public image. Now, he appears to be simply trying to improve his status by saying that, despite NATO’s denial, Ukraine still has its place in the West’s plans, with the possibility of permanent aid even without membership, in line with the “Israel model.”

There are no arguments to justify this conclusion, but he needs to somehow try to react to his growing unpopularity, even more so when rumors grow that the West wants to replace him. However, given the Ukrainian military catastrophe, public opinion is unlikely to believe Zelensky.


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Lucas Leiroz is a journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.  

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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On March 3, 2023, a German team published an extensive review of MASKING during the COVID-19 pandemic that should put the final nail in the coffin of masking & mask mandates.

The Kisielinski Study 

A German team, led by an independent surgeon in private practice, published a large review of mask use during COVID-19 pandemic.

It has 172 references.

I will summarize key findings:

  • 4.5 billion people (58%) were confronted with a “mask obligation”
  • Fresh air has 0.04% CO2
  • Wearing masks more than 5 minutes: 1.4 to 3.2% CO2

Carbon Dioxide Re-breathing

  • Surgical mask after 30 min = 2.8-3.2% CO2 (U.Butz, 2005)
  • N95 after 1 min = 0.9% CO2 (T.Blad, 2020)
  • N95 after 5 min = 1.28% to 3.52% (Sinkule, 2013)
  • N95 after 60 min = 2.8-3.2% (Roberge, 2010)

Acute CO2 Toxicity

  • 10 min of 2.5-3.5% CO2 increases cerebral blood flow by 100% = headaches
  • hyperventilation, metabolic changes (acidosis)

Chronic CO2 Toxicity (animal studies)

  • 0.3% CO2 – irreversible neuron damage, neuron destruction, increased anxiety, impaired learning and memory (rat studies)
  • 0.5% CO2 – testicular toxicity in adolescents (rat studies show diminished fertility in rat testes after one 4hr exposure at 2.5% CO2)
  • 0.8% CO2 – stillbirths (safety level set by US Navy for female submarine crew, due to rat studies showing fetal malformations, post implantation loss, lower probability of viable fetuses)

Other Findings

  • N95 masks and surgical masks performed at their worst with coronavirus & influenza virus particles (did ok with bigger bacterial sized particles) (source)
  • Children: Data on a total of 25 930 children wearing face masks for 270 min per day showed that 68% complained about discomfort. Side effects included irritability (60%), headache (53%), difficulty concentrating (50%), less happiness (49%), reluctance to go to school/kindergarten (44%), malaise (42%), impaired learning (38%) and drowsiness/fatigue (37%) (source)
  • Any mandatory masking of pregnant women in the real world exceeds the CO2 toxicity limit set by US Navy for female submarine crew


  • Are mask mandates responsible for 28% rise in stillbirths worldwide?
  • Italy: 3-fold increase in stillbirths during lockdown period Mar-May 2020 which included mask mandates
  • 42% of US female surgeons lost a pregnancy Nov.2020-Feb.2021
  • Sweden: no mask mandates, no increase in stillbirths
  • Mechanism: increased CO2 and acidity in blood trigger compensatory mechanisms that lead to calcifications in placenta
  • CO2 plays a role in oxidative stress which would impede fetal body development, lead to DNA mutations
  • CO2 can increase inflammation leading to an imbalanced immune response, procoagulant state and early pregnancy loss.
  • Some evidence that N95 mask use by pregnant women could result in their children having significantly reduced verbal, motor and overall cognitive performance (child neurodevelopment study in Rhode Island that had mask mandates). (source)

Children and Adolescents

  • children are not small adults
  • 0.3% CO2 exposure to adolescent brain neurons can cause neuronal destruction, anxiety and impaired learning and memory (Uysal, 2014)
  • 0.3% CO2 – neurons die off (apoptosis), especially under exercise or stress.
  • CO2 can destroy spermatid and Sertoli cells in testes
  • Damaging mechanism of CO2 in testes is oxidative stress, acidosis, increased inflammation and apoptosis.
  • CO2 toxicity to testes has been known for 60 years.

My Take… 

This study ONLY looks at CO2 re-breathing toxicity.

As the authors write:

  • other noxious agents in the masks contribute to toxicological long-term effects like the inhalation of synthetic microfibers, carcinogenic compounds and volatile organic compounds could also play a role regarding our research question”

The animal studies are clear and this review summarizes them thoroughly.

Not only does masking not work on coronaviruses or influenza viruses, but masking causes real harm to vulnerable populations such as pregnant women, children and adolescents.

The harm being caused by masking is very serious. Even a few minutes of wearing a surgical, cloth or N95 mask and you initiate the following long term damages:

  • children – irreversible neuron damage, neuron destruction, increased anxiety, impaired learning and memory
  • adolescents – testicular toxicity
  • pregnant women – stillbirths, fetal malformations, post implantation loss, lower probability of viable fetuses

When you know the physical and mental harms that masks can cause, the intent of those who are pushing mask mandates again, suddenly becomes very clear.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications. 

Featured image is from COVID Intel

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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BRICS Establishes a New International Order

August 29th, 2023 by Manlio Dinucci

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The 15th BRICS Summit, held in Johannesburg, South Africa, made a series of decisions that lay the foundation for a new international order, an alternative to that imposed by the West.

The BRICS association-formed by Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa-expands to include 6 more countries, which will become full members as of January 1, 2024: the Argentine Republic, the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.

At present, 44 countries want to join BRICS: 22 have already officially applied, and another 22 have expressed their intention to do so. Therefore, the Summit instructed foreign ministers to prepare a list of partner countries as a basis for further enlargement.  

The five current members together account for more than 42 percent of the world’s population, 30 percent of the world’s territory, 23 percent of GDP and 18 percent of global trade. 

Candidates that could join the 6 already admitted as full members include: Afghanistan, Indonesia, Thailand, Algeria, Nigeria, Senegal, and Nicaragua. 

A BRICS expanded to include these 13 countries would have more than 4 billion people, or more than half the world’s population, it would own 45 percent of the world’s oil reserves and more than 60 percent of the world’s gas reserves. Its total GDP would amount to about $30 trillion, more than the GDP of the United States and twice that of the European Union.

The realization of a new international order, alternative to that imposed by the West, is therefore possible: indeed, the founding value of the BRICS is the shared commitment to restructure the global political, economic and financial architecture so that it is fair, balanced and representative. Within this framework, the BRICS have launched a plan to de-dollarize trade, which is already reducing the hegemony of the dollar, and have created the New Development Bank, an alternative to the World Bank. Further steps in this direction are expected from the 16th BRICS Summit, to be held in 2024 in Russia.


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This article was originally published on byoblu in Italian.

Manlio Dinucci, award winning author, geopolitical analyst and geographer, Pisa, Italy. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

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I am surely not the only one who has noticed that the defensive propaganda lines that are flowing out the Democratic Administration have become more than ordinarily ridiculous of late. One is astonished at the melding of fact and fiction to create narratives that depict the White House and all that pertains to it as forging a new and more wonderful country. Wasn’t “Build Back Better” the battle cry, whatever that is supposed to mean?

And the spin is endless, even when a clueless Joe Biden belatedly winds up in Maui to relate to the tragedy in which at least 1,000 died, only to be greeted by surviving local residents saluting the president with their middle fingers upraised.

As the president looked out over the destruction of an entire city by fire he reminisced by recalling his long ago “almost” encounter with a fire in his kitchen.

Locals who were screaming for help from government were, in fact, getting almost nothing while the nation’s Chief Executive was in the Oval Office gloating over sending another $23 billion to the arch crook Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine, money to fight a war that Biden encouraged and has blithely entered into.

Washington politicians characteristically have no morals and are driven only by their desire to perpetuate their party’s dominance so that the corruption that makes so many of those who adhere to the process rich, including Joe Biden. How do 500,000 dead Ukrainians and Russians matter if a myth about the United States and its values can be exploited to obtain electoral victory for Biden in 2024? As the greatly esteemed monster Madeleine Albright once put it, “I think it is worth it!”

I would suggest that our political class and the parasites that surround it are approaching depths not yet plumbed when I occasionally peruse articles or listen to speeches produced by the Washington DC spin machine. But even by that measure, I was appalled by a recent article that appeared in Politico and which immediately received considerable replay in other publications frequented by the inside-the-Beltway crowd.

Politico was acquired by Axel Springer, a German publisher in 2021, Europe’s largest newspaper and magazine conglomerate. Ideologically, some have described Springer publications’ political bias “as leaning left of center or moderate” but my personal exposure to the group since my army days in Germany has led me to believe that it is actually much more conservative than that. All employees at Springer, to include Politico, are expected to support the European Union, NATO, Israel, the war against Ukraine, the open society, and free market policies.

The article is entitled “Here Are 3 Ways to End the War in Ukraine. One Might Actually Work” with a subtitle “Putin has a veto over two endgames for Ukraine. 

But there’s a third that would bypass him.” The piece was penned by one Tom Malinowski, an assistant secretary of State for democracy, human rights and labor in the Obama administration before serving as a Democratic Party congressman from New Jersey’s 7th district between 2019 and 2023.

He is currently under investigation by the Office of Congressional Ethics over “substantial reason to believe” that he had violated federal laws relating to conflicts of interest. He had reportedly traded and failed to disclose approximately $1 million of stock in medical and technical companies that would be receiving taxpayer assistance as part of the COVID-19 pandemic response, which would inevitably result in a large surge in stock values.

Malinowski is currently a senior fellow at the McCain Institute, one of those foundations funded by defense industries where politicians go to hide and get rich between terms in elected office. The Institute is a Washington DC based allegedly “nonpartisan think tank established in cooperation with Arizona State University.” Its declared mission is to “fight for democracy, human dignity, and security for a world that is free, safe, and just for all people.”

Inevitably, it is rather selective in terms of who exactly benefits from its largesse and one might recall that its eponymous founder Senator John McCain hardly ever saw a war he didn’t like and once dismissed Vladimir Putin’s Russia as a “gasoline station pretending to be a real country.” McCain was also a major player in the “regime change” operation in Ukraine in 2014, suggesting that his judgement about America’s relationship with the rest of the world just might be a little flawed.

Malinowski is inevitably fully on board with the White House view of why the United States has gone whole hog in a proxy war against Russia that uses Ukraine as its instrument of choice . He says in his first paragraph that “’Ukraine will never be a victory for Russia — never,’ President Joe Biden said in a speech in Poland this year, and rightly so. For the war in Ukraine to end on terms consistent with American interests and ideals, Ukraine must be seen to have won, and Russia’s invasion must go down in history as a decisive failure, enough to deter other authoritarian powers from launching similar wars of aggression in the future.”

Malinowski poses his “3 Ways” as follows: first, for

“its armed forces to take back all the territory Russia has unlawfully seized since its first invasion in 2014 — including Crimea. This would be a fantastic outcome. It is still possible. And the United States should do everything possible to support it, including, if Congress approves more funding, by providing the more advanced weapons Ukraine has requested.”

If Malinowski thinks armed victory by Ukraine is “still possible” he is delusional, but he does not seriously expect that outcome, except for the “more funding” part. His Second Way, also a “red herring” to disguise where he really wants to go, would be “through a diplomatic agreement.

Earlier this month, 40 countries, including China and the United States, met in Saudi Arabia to discuss President Volodymyr Zelensky’s 10-point plan for peace, which would require the withdrawal of all Russian troops from Ukraine, the return of abducted children and justice for war crimes. Any settlement based on that plan would, of course, be wonderful. But Russia under Putin has never ended its wars at the negotiating table; at best it has frozen them, keeping its options open. Russia has shown zero interest in making concessions that would come close to the minimal requirements of Ukraine and its allies. As long as his military avoids total collapse, and he believes there is a chance of political change in the West, Putin will likely keep sacrificing Russians to stay in the fight.”

So Malinowski’s Second Way is a deliberately designed dead end and he, of course, blames it all on Putin. His actual “solution” would be the Third Way:

“So if Russia manages to stymie plans A and B, where would that leave us by, say this time next year? Should Ukraine and its allies simply carry on, hoping for a breakthrough in 2025 or beyond? Given what’s at stake — not just the survival of Ukraine but of the whole international order — that would be risky. It would make success dependent on events we cannot predict or control, including on the outcome of elections in Western countries, including the United States. And while we have no right to tell Ukrainians to stop fighting before their country is whole, we also have no right to expect them to keep fighting at any cost. Fortunately, there is a third possible way to satisfy the need for Ukrainian success and Russian failure, over which Putin would have no veto.”

Malinowski requires that:

“the United States would give the Ukrainian military whatever it needs to advance as far as possible in its counteroffensive. At an appropriate point next year, Ukraine would declare a pause in offensive military operations and shift its primary focus to defending and rebuilding liberated areas while integrating with Western institutions.

Then, at its July, 2024 summit in Washington, NATO would invite Ukraine to join the Western alliance, guaranteeing the security of all territory controlled by the Ukrainian government at that point under Article 5 of the NATO treaty… This would be a defensive pact, but not a commitment to take direct part in any future offensive operations Ukraine might choose to undertake.

Ukraine joining NATO could itself be how the war ends, consistent with Biden’s current policy — and at a time and on terms set by Ukraine and its allies, not by Russia. Gaining security within NATO as a strong, pluralistic, democratic state would absolutely count as a victory for Ukraine — arguably as big as quickly regaining Crimea. It might make it politically possible for Zelensky, if he so chooses, to emphasize nonmilitary strategies for reclaiming any parts of his country still under Russian occupation, which Ukraine’s allies would also continue to support — potentially including anything from diplomacy and sanctions to blockade and sabotage…

Adding a democratic Ukraine in NATO would mark the utter and permanent defeat of Putin’s crusade to absorb it into a Russian empire…

Yes, Russian forces could try to go on the offensive again, but the likely futility of attacking fortified Ukrainian positions now backed by the threat of NATO firepower would be a strong deterrent. Meanwhile, sanctions on Russia would remain; its economic and military strength would continue to erode; and Putin could only watch as his frozen assets abroad are drawn down to pay for Ukraine’s reconstruction.”

It is easy to see what is wrong with the Malinowski Third Way apart from it being an open door to initiating a nuclear World War III. And one might suggest that it is also possible to discern the US domestic politics that are driving it. How the war in Ukraine ends all depends on Zelensky behaving rationally, which he is not renowned for, and he is quite capable of joining NATO before using a false flag or otherwise provoking an incident with Russia that would require NATO Article 5 intervention.

Also, all the other parties involved would have to act predictably and sanely, including the US, which is unlikely. Zelensky in particular is desperate to draw the US and NATO into his war and will do whatever it takes to arrive at that point and his non-negotiable demand for full restoration of all Ukrainian territory including Crimea, endorsed by Malinowski, is a deal breaker that in any event Russia could not accept.

Even the up-until-now supportive US mainstream media is beginning to see the light and is admitting both that the highly touted Ukrainian counteroffensive has been a failure and that Ukraine has no ability to defeat Russia no matter how many weapons are put in the pipeline at great cost to sustain it. And there is also the fraud from the Biden regime that is taking place with reports that even the normally biddable CIA has been warning to no avail that the war is unwinnable. The fact that as many as half a million Ukrainians and Russians have already been killed or wounded is starting to hit home with both Americans and Europeans and will increase demands to end the fighting as unconditionally as necessary.

A final but very important point that must be made is the deliberate timing of Malinowski’s “3rd Way” which very conveniently presents Joe Biden with a great military victory just before the US presidential election, erasing all memories of the disgraceful withdrawal from Afghanistan. It apparently matters not that in doing so it continues a bloody and pointless war and destroys Ukraine as a state and as a people.

Online substack observer Simplicius the Thinker describes how

“Democrats will need all the help they can get. If a plan could be designed and packaged in a way where it can be sold as a major ‘victory’ then certainly Democrats will attempt to drag it out until the eve of the election to try to use ‘Biden’s major Ukrainian victory’ as a huge final hour boost.” Joe and Malinowski apparently believe that victory in an election is more important that finding the sanity to take steps to save hundreds of thousands of lives and they will continue to do whatever it takes to “win.”



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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected].

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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The Profiteering Motive

August 29th, 2023 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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Times of crisis can be glorious for some. The Great Depression bred its share of wealthy profiteers. The First and Second World Wars fostered many a multimillionaire. Over the bodies of millions, the returns for armaments companies were unparalleled. And during the current “cost of living crisis,” as it is so often dubbed, there are companies beaming at their profit margins even as they affect false modesty.

In the United Kingdom, for instance, earnings for household energy suppliers are booming, despite crushing bills. British Gas reported a staggering nine-fold increase in profits, from £98 million in 2022 to £969 million this year. Its parent company Centrica reported profits of £2.1 billion over the first six months of 2023, while Shell glowed with a profit of £3.9 billion for the second quarter in 2023.

In Australia, where the spirit of roguish exploitation remains strong, companies such as the national carrier Qantas and the Commonwealth Bank are rolling in cash. Supermarket outlets such as Coles have also announced huge returns. To them can be added such energy companies as AGL. While households are counting the dollars and cents for the weekly shopping and the fortnightly rental, corporate entities of a certain heft are thriving.

This is all fascinating stuff. For one thing, it does not necessarily attest to quality. It also brings out the market defenders who take issue with such terms as “price gouging”. “Profit outrage,” comes an editorial in The Australian, “has always been a fluid concept.  It comes around every six months for listed companies, and for their CEOs it’s a balancing act.” Rather than asking the question why such companies are thriving as the commonfolk decline, the paper blames customers and workers for not defining “what an acceptable level of profit is.”

The company bosses such as Leah Weckert of Coles also argue that such profits are miniscule relative to the demands of shareholders. Much like a hospital regarding its patients as irritating fodder, she cites the wishes of the market as all conquering and relevant while ignoring the customer. Do shop with us, but we know where true allegiances lie.

The banksters are also advancing the arguments that their returns are hardly unexceptional. Despite the company’s earnings of A$10.16 billion in cash profit, the Commonwealth Bank’s chief executive, Matt Comyn, prefers the long view. “Our profitability has fallen substantially in the last decade and is currently lower than a number of international markets.” How terrible for him, given the company’s remorseless cutting of 251 jobs from its IT, Business Banking and Retail Baking Services roles.

What is unacceptable is the extent these companies seem to derive their profits even as they slash their employment base and offer unspeakably poor services, all in an effort to consolidate their dominant share of the market. Talk of competition and the balm of reduced prices has ceased to be relevant in the food, banking, insurance, energy and aviation industries. Behind the profits lie sackings, euphemistic restructuring, thinning, and the incidental benefits of war. (Oh Vladimir, go the company executives, we love you!)

Reassured in their dominant position in the pecking order, companies can behave appallingly. The service on Qantas is often an abomination, a brattish, shabby excuse for an airline. Despite that, it remained the sole beneficiary of government assistance in the airline business during the global pandemic, the guzzling, pampered Australian icon. To show its gratitude, the “Flying Kangaroo” became a beast of even greater indifference.

In 2022, the airline company made losing luggage, cancelling flights with a drunk’s compulsion, and keeping people waiting on calls matters of routine. Those seeking refunds were repulsed, frustrated and often ignored. And don’t even begin to mention their hopeless frequent flyer redemption system.

The financial pundits also took note of the tarnished brand, looking beyond the social media storm and understandable fury from the Transport Workers Union. (The latter took the company to court over the sacking of 1,700 ground staff during the pandemic.) The Australian Financial Review revealed “anecdotal evidence that the brand damage is getting worse. It has spread to the elite C-suites of Australian business”.

In 2023, Qantas found itself very much in the pink. The 2023 financial year, the company recorded a A$2.5 billion pre-tax profit, raising the question as to what the appropriate profit returns in such cases would be. The controversial, outgoing CEO Alan Joyce, in a typically unconvincing public relations spray, suggested that such earnings were ordinary, given the last “normal” profit in 2019.

His successor, Vanessa Hudson, was also unmoved, seeing it as a logical outcome of solid planning. “All of the work we have done during COVID in terms of restructuring our cost base, we are going to see that as fares come down … with capacity coming back, that our cost position is going to materially improve going forward.”

The Joyce-Hudson rationale barely survives scrutiny. The company’s higher fares, its structural stripping to the value of A$1 billion and its return in invested capital, up from 18.4 percent in 2019 to 103.6 percent in 2023, has even prompted the question as to whether there is a more than a bit of over-earning taking place here.

It’s little wonder that the heads of such outfits have attracted revulsion. Joyce, so devoid of empathy he is bound to become an Australian university chancellor, even suffered an egg and toilet paper attack on his family home in July last year. But the atrocious and incompetent are long in business, and far from being put down, they survive, striving to fight another day and announce, with pride, the next round of profits. Shouldering them will be desperate customers and unwilling taxpayers, aiding the whole affair. Market competition, as it so often tends to be, remains the great hoax of economics.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a regular contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected] 

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Mike Whitney interviews Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, a renowned author and academic, and chairman of The Institute for Political Economy.

Mike Whitney (MW): To what extent has the war in Ukraine accelerated the move to a new global realignment?

Paul Craig Roberts (PCR): It was Washington’s economic sanctions against Russia, the theft of Russia’s central bank reserves, and the theft of Venezuela’s gold, not the conflict in Ukraine, that weaponized the US dollar and resulted in global realignment.

The limited Russian intervention in Donbas was Putin’s belated eight-year-delayed response to the US coup that overthrew the government of Ukraine in 2014 and installed a government hostile to Russia and to the Russian population that had been incorporated into the Ukraine province of the Soviet Union by Soviet leaders. The intervention was forced on Putin by the United States’ buildup of a large Ukraine army poised to overthrow the self-declared Donbas republics.

By habit and convenience, the US dollar is used as world money to settle imbalances in international trade, but the sanctions woke the world up to the risks of using the dollar. Consequently, the BRICS suddenly expanded with membership extended to Argentina, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. The organization now contains essentially the entirety of world oil production and 40-45% of World GDP.

Clearly, a realignment has already occurred.

MW: Iran, Saudi Arabia and UAE have now all joined BRICS. How will this affect the dollar’s role as the world’s reserve currency? (Is this the end of the petrodollar?)

PCR: Saudi Arabia announced the end of the petrodollar when it began accepting payment for oil in other currencies. The BRICS are working out how to carry on trade among themselves without use of the US dollar, which in effect brings to an end the role of the dollar as world reserve currency.

The BRICS might try to create a new reserve currency consisting of a weighted basket of their currencies. This is unnecessary and could lead to strains among BRICS members from disputes over the shares of each currency in the basket. A reserve currency is no longer needed. A reserve currency was needed at the end of WWII because the other industrialized economies were destroyed. As the US had the only intact economy, the role fell to the US dollar. Today this is not the situation. Central banks can keep their reserves in the form of the currencies of their trading partners.

What this means for Washington is that the US will begin having financing problems for its large budget and trade deficits. As long as the dollar was the world money, foreign central banks kept their reserves in US Treasury debt. As US budget and trade deficits grew, so did the reserves of the world banking system.

The situation is changing. If a dozen countries constituting about half of the world’s population and 40-45% of world GDP cease using the dollar, the foreign central bank market for US debt shrinks considerably. Having offshored its manufacturing, the US is import-dependent. Declining use of the dollar means a declining supply of customers for US debt, which means pressure on the dollar’s exchange value and the prospect of rising inflation from rising prices of imports.

MW: Can Washington allow this realignment to stand or should we expect to see a coup in Saudi Arabia where the US has five military bases and numerous CIA offices?

PCR: I do not know if Washington has the ability to overthrow the Saudi government or whether Russia, China, and Iran would permit it. Remember, President Obama was going to overthrow Assad in Syria, but Putin did not permit it.

MW: The globalist dreams of the western oligarchs (WEF) appear to be coming to an end along with the so-called “rules-based order”. In your opinion, how important has Vladimir Putin been in spearheading the move towards a “new architecture for global security” and laying the groundwork for a new multipolar world order?

PCR: What broke up Washington’s version of global order was the West’s cold shoulder to Putin’s effort to be a part of the world order on equal standing and not in a subservient position. It was Washington’s arrogance and foolishness that broke up the global order.

MW: Before he died, national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski warned that the US would need to seek an accommodation with Russia and China to ease the transition away from the unipolar system. Here’s what he said:

“As its era of global dominance ends, the United States needs to take the lead in realigning the global power architecture… the United States is still the world’s politically, economically, and militarily most powerful entity but, given complex geopolitical shifts in regional balances, i t is no longer the globally imperial power….

the United States must take the lead in realigning the global power architecture in such a way that the violence …can be contained without destroying the global order.…

a long and painful road toward an initially limited regional accommodation is the only viable option for the United States, Russia, China, and the pertinent Middle Eastern entities. For the United States, that will require patient persistence in forging cooperative relationships with some new partners (particularly Russia and China)…

The fact is that there has never been a truly “dominant” global power until the emergence of America on the world scene…. During the latter part of the 20th century no other power even came close. That era is now ending. Toward a Global Realignment, Zbigniew Brzezinski, The American Interest

In your opinion, how should the United States deal with Moscow and Beijing? Is there a way that we can defend US interests while –at the same time– avoiding years of conflict and confrontation? What should our foreign policy objectives be?

PCR: The neoconservatives’ goal of US hegemony prevents Washington from hearing Brzezinski’s advice. Washington’s chance to deal with Russia and China has passed. The question we face is how will Russia and China deal with Washington. The neoconservative monopoly on US foreign policy means that there are no other voices for Washington to hear, and American hegemony is out of the question.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Michael Whitney is a renowned geopolitical and social analyst based in Washington State. He initiated his career as an independent citizen-journalist in 2002 with a commitment to honest journalism, social justice and World peace. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). 

Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Who Controls the World and War in Ukraine?

August 29th, 2023 by Jerome Irwin

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Who and why those among the Deep State, a metaphor meaning what each and every human is doing by omission or commission about war in the Ukraine and about war everywhere else, not to mention the destruction of the planet’s entire natural world well-being and survival, is inexorably causing the intentional worldwide destruction and instability of whole cultures, societies of human and non-human life, as well as, while, at the same time, intentionally and indifferently continues to condone the brutal wholesale annihilation of both human and non-human planetary life, with the real possibility of a potential nuclear war, and the devastation to all of life itself that it poses, and the mass insanity and madness of what is being perpetrated in front of the world’s eyes, beyond what no words can adequately convey.

The cause of such brutal madness and the inexplicable ‘irrationality’ underlying it all, remains a conundrum, other than the gross motives of mindless greed, power and control, that is being exercised by those totalitarian “puppet master” entities who exist within the financial world’s Deep State. They’re the ones who control the world and all that continues to feed upon whatever warmongering conflict.

They’re the ones who are forever comfortable with allowing the hideous conflict in Ukraine, as well as with every other mindless, hideous, irrational world conflict, or deteriorating human and non-human life condition on Planet Earth, to remain unchecked until it so suits them; as with the now dangerous drift ever closer in the direction of some human-created planetary climate crisis or nuclear cataclysm, with the victimized body of Ukraine now but the latest identified epicenter.

The Deep State is simply a metaphor for what happens when the enormously destructive, evil powers of obscenely-massive amounts of money, wealth and power, are amassed in the hands of the few or many immoral, conscienceless individuals or groups of individuals, who care little to nothing about what happens to any one person, nation or state other than themselves.

The monstrous mass destruction being indifferently perpetrated against Ukraine, is the same monstrous indifference that is causing the mass destruction of the world’s societies, because of unheralded numbers of refugees and immigrants who are being forced to flood to all points on the globe, in search of harbors of safety. This tragic phenomenon, in turn, is causing the wholesale mass disruption and destruction to traditional cultures and heritage of peoples lives and their natural habitats everywhere. What is happening is not only morally unconscionable, but gross criminality of the worst kind against all of humanity and Mother Earth herself, for which the whole world continues to suffer, grievously.

In simple truth of fact, the Deep State is a cannibalistic human-created monster of plutocrats, oligarchs and tyrants who are prepared to perpetually feed upon the human and planet’s collective bodies, whether through Peace or War, as if they were nothing more than rotting carcasses.The rapacious appetites of these carnivorous entities know no limits, but only crave more and more and more to feast upon, as in the current case of Ukraine, until the beast is duly satiated. Until the next time, when the lust for the riches of monies and the planet’s natural resources once again overcomes their sense of moral sanity. The Deep State simply is a malignant seed that has existed within every human being, to varying degrees, and in various shadowy disguises, since the beginning of the species creation on earth.

Part I:

The Ukraine War Will Only End

When the Deep State Says It Will

“How will the war in Ukraine End?” The questions are endless, but what are the right questions to ask? Before reading any further, one must ask themselves both the question and the answer: “How will the war in Ukraine end?”

Any number of theses or predictions continue to be put forward by myriad pundits to suggest how it will happen, Some historian’s predict Five Ways To End the War”.

Other Innumerable Military Analysts Point to How the War Will End and Why?

Some Ask, “When Will the War End?”; “Others say “The War Will End in Calamity Once the United States Gives F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine”.

Still others say, “Depleted Funds Finally Will Put an End to Russia’s War in Ukraine”:

Some say “The War Will Only End With the Liberation of Crimea from Russia”; while others argue

“The Fatal End For the World Will Come When Ukraine’s Land War Escalates Into a Maritime War in the Black Sea”.

But who really knows? Trump once laimed he could, “End The Ukraine War in One Day”; while an Ex-CIA Director Predicts “I Already Know Who Will Win The War and How”:

Some others say “The War Will End Sooner Than Expected?”;

“Others contend, “The War may go one for years more yet”, while some say.

“Ending the War in Ukraine through negotiations will only present Dangers of a False Peace”:

These same ones argue, “The Only way to End The War is by a Russian Defeat on the Battlefield”,

while others worry, “Ukraine Can Only inevitability become an endlessly-wider, cancerous conflict that ultimately will be fatal to both Western and Eastern Europe.”

In point of truth, the end, “Only the Shadow really knows.”

The list of articles and titles and suppositions are endlessly-long but they all lead nowhere, save for a multitude of yet more suppositions and predictions. Yet never is any direct mention ever made, by name, of the Deep State and its Machiavellian involvement and culpability in the course and direction of the war, by simply always Following the Money To Whatever Conclusions It Leads

The Money Continues to Flow Along with the Body Count

By now, after over eighteen months of bloody slaughter warfare, as heinous as anything that ever occurred in WWI or WWII, the reticence to put an end to this Unending War remains patently evident among U.S., NATO, Ukrainian and Russian combatants involved, in spite of the horrendous cannon fodder the Ukrainians and their mercenaries have since become in the onslaught.

Little mention is ever made about why the ruthless, double-speaking corporate press once severely criticized the presence of Neo-Nazi’s in the war in Ukraine, but since have virtually whitewashed the obvious reasons why the ever-widening, far-right, Neo Nazi elements in Ukraine and in the world, for nine years since the Coup of 2014, and even many years before that, have been actively supported by the U.S., NATO, and the majority of their citizenry and still obstinately refuse to enter into any meaningful ceasefire or peace negotiations with Russia.

This reality becomes ever more disgustingly clearer with each passing day and month as military escalation and the threat of collapse continues to drift towards some unknown potential hideous nuclear end game, world-wide financial collapse or consequent immense societal chaos.

Whomever the Deep State plutocrats, oligarchs and tyrants are in the world who have backed this nine-year war since the Coup of 2014, while remaining mysteriously-enshrouded behind the curtains, continually pulling out all the stops and levers, they continue to reap unbelievable profits from the war for a slew of multi-national investment management companies, like the Vanguard Group and Black Rock, or financial institutions like the U.S. Federal Reserve, Barclays Bank, JP Morgan, Chase & Company, Merrill Lynch, UBS, Bank of New York, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Alfa Bank, Gazprom, Sberbank, and VTB, to name but a few. For decades, if not centuries in other previous wars, protected by the immensity of the same dark veil of their wealth and privilege, the principles of these financial institutions, or others of their kind, continue to be provided with the same protective anonymity and total invisibility. But does anyone really care?

On the other hand, their many political underlings within the Western World’s apparatchik and nomenklatura within the United States Government and other Western governments among NATO Nation, can be readily identified by name and by face and position of power, whether they’re: Presidents, Prime Ministers, Secretary’s of State, Undersecretaries of State, National Security Advisors, myriad Ambassadors, Ministers of Foreign Affairs, or Defense Commanders. But not so within the principals of the Deep State.

The whole nameless, faceless mob of them and the rest of us poor dolts, as unwitting co-conspirators, collectively, could otherwise simply be known as “Deflectors of The Truth” or “The Gatekeepers”, who forever obfuscate and deflect from the real timeless, ever-unfolding, human story from being fully known or told, whose directives remain forever paramount.

There actually isn’t anything clandestine about this since most elected officials and prominent figures in positions of power everywhere in the world mostly openly adhere to the same world view and faithfully subscribe to its tenets, with little problem whatsoever, while dutifully carrying out the orders and directives of their shadowy Deep State puppet masters, safely ensconced behind their closed chambered doors. It’s they who always, ultimately, will have the last word as to when and how the war in Ukraine finally will end.

Meanwhile. the world’s populace, more and more dumbed down by the greatest, most savage, corporate propaganda war ever waged in history against the world’s masses, stand by hopelessly transfixed, like deer caught in the on-coming blinding flash of a nuclear holocaust, massive societal collapse or some other equally-dire life-ending calamity.

Unlike other wars, when massive upwellings of anti-war, pro-peace protests once readily responded to whatever widespread war or social chaos erupted, or when some demonstrative affirmative action was needed to respond to the serous lack of food, money or jobs; their once existed within the world’s citizenry a belief in their ability or capacity to demonstrate vigorously, even violently, to stop the insanity of whatever war or societal collapse existed. But why some never-ending deep-felt self-hatred exists among certain humans, who inexorably continue to lead the world towards oblivion, whether by military or planetary destruction, remains the greatest unanswered conundrum of them all. What is now happening throughout the world is not only morally unconscionable, but nothing short of gross criminality against all of humanity and Mother Earth herself.

Though the masses once did have the capacity to believe in the power of their collective mass actions against wars in places like Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Libya or Palestine, that belief or conviction since has been seriously eroded and shown, over time, to be proven to be untrue.

What Has Happened to World Leaders Who Did Hold to that Belief

This futility can be seen in the past actions taken by more than a few world leaders who sought on their own to try to make a real difference in the world; such as in the fate of their countries like the Congo, Iraq and Libya, whose leaders, Patrice Lamumba, Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi, once also had the temerity and chutzpah to dare to challenge the Deep States iron grip on the way human society works; especially the dominance of the U.S. Petro Dollar & U.S. Dollar as the world’s Reserve Currency.

But for all their efforts they, too, ended up ruthlessly assassinated by the Deep State in the West, while their vast national financial wealth and holdings, wrongly thinking they were safe once they were securely kept within American, British and French financial institutions, were horribly misled. In the end, once they were assassinated, all their holdings ended up cannibalized by those same Western Banks and financiers, without any trace whatsoever left of where all their monies and wealth ultimately went and who the mongrels were who actually devoured them. And that was that.

But today, after eighteen months of the collective world’s virtual passivity towards the war in Ukraine that threatens a hideous nuclear apocalypse, those one-time peace advocates extraordinaire who also once dared to care, like U.S. President John F. Kennedy, Russia’s Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, and singer-songwriter John Lennon, are now helpless to do anything more about it other than continue to roll in their graves.

Part II:

Who Exactly Is the Deep State

and What Are They All About


One can never know the full extent of the reach of the Deep State’s behemoth octopus and its outstretched tentacles that reach into every aspect of the world’s geo-politics; or whatever high-level talks continue to occur among secret cabals of plotters over time who’ve regularly met at secluded places like the Bohemian Grove in California’s remote Monte Rio of Sonoma County. It’s but one of the many nefarious playgrounds where Deep State players and plotters annually gather to play and plot. At least 5 U.S. presidents, at various critical moments in modern history, have attended Bohemian Grove’s obscene whatever goings-on; without any corporate press in attendance to record the hush-hush event, or majority of world politicians or general public allowed to be present or even made aware of, while these Machiavellian’s engage in whatever nefarious plots or plant whatever evil seeds for the world’s questionable future.

The Deep State Has a Long Timeline

But the antics of shadowy puppet master players within the Deep State of the Old World would similarly also have to include a long line of shadowy figures within entities like the infamous Rothschild Dynasty, an immensely-wealthy German Ashkenazi Jewish family who, for over 200 years, has exercised enormous power and influence on the geo-political-military-economic-banking history of the nations of Europe and those nations within the America’s of the New World, as well.

Without ever knowing all the gory, brutal, unseemly details, it’s all but a virtual certainty that the huge international dynastic banking reach of the Rothschild and Rockefeller Dynasty’s, and those others of their ilk, such as the Bilderberg Group and Trilateral Commission, still, somehow, since their inceptions, continue to have a hand in whatever the nation-stripping of national wealth or whatever economic upheavals, wars and violent regime changes have occurred. They continue to play key roles in the engineering and manipulations of the current war in Ukraine; or whatever other carefully planned and executed, future regime changes In Ukraine that may yet require the deposing or assassination of a Zelenskyy, Russia’s Putin, or whatever underlings replace them, if need be, to ultimately strip Ukraine or Russia of their huge stores of natural resources and financial web of connections

David Wilcock: Financial Tyranny on Russian TV, Part One: Jan 16, 2013 further elaborates upon the historical antecedents of what has been, and continues to be, the financial tyranny of war in general, and who its perpetrators have been and continue to be, specifically among the Western World’s financial warmongers who, to date, remain utterly indifferent and aloof to the amount and degree of death and destruction, pain and anguish to which they are party to and continue to directly play an active hand in their creation.

The viewer of this production is left to ponder whether or not there indeed truly exists a secret cabal in the world, that some refer to as the “Illuminati” or some other esoteric moniker, who may not be an identifiable organization of card-carrying members at all, but, like the infamous Koch brothers in the United States, nevertheless serve more like an umbrella of disparate, mutually self-serving individuals and groups of large numbers of powerful individuals and collectives who have been controlling or heavily influencing some of the most important aspects of human life for centuries, up to the present day.

These Globalist New World Order’, dark ‘One World’ cabalists and elites include the world’s: top figures in financial institutions; investment markets; multi-national corporations, religious institutions; international corporate publishing houses, educators, media; military forces judicial systems, entertainment industry; medical enterprises, government regulatory and advisory bodies, and even members among the various Royal families.

This nefarious umbrella, historically as well as today, continues to keep the world dumbed down, ill-informed and totally in the dark; uninformed about the real intentions of these planetary overlords whose intended objective is to perpetually keep the global network within their total control, in such a way that influences and bends all of life on Planet Earth as it/they so see fit.

Part III

Trajectory of the Ukraine War

and Its Relentless Murder and Mayhem


To sense where the trajectory of the war is leading there is no better one to listen to then the renowned peace activist and all-wise geo-political commentator, Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs, engaged in a conversation with the also extremely intelligent TV commentator Tulsi Gabbard on her You Tube Tulsi Gabbard Show, who, herself, at one time unsuccessfully campaigned, in 2020, for the office of the U.S. Presidency. If Tulsi Gabbard had won the presidency, the world no doubt would absolutely be a far different place today than it is.

Pay close attention close to where the collective thoughts of Sachs and Gabbard are going on the part the Deep State is playing in the war, and the lackey roles countries like America, Canada and others continue to play, by allowing the war to slowly, inexorably, turn ever more towards a nuclear direction.

Professor Sachs contends the U.S. Democratic and Republican Party’s now essentially are a single ‘War Party’, collectively pitted against the hegemons of China and Russia, and why America’s lackey allies in Canada and NATO also are opposed to the concept of Neutrality. For, as in the case of Ukraine, as a seminal chess piece within the NATO game of geo-political life, as Sachs declares, “NATO is U.S. Power in the world.” Any notion of Neutrality only dissuades and interferes with that reality. It’s simply bad for business, not to mention world investments and world conquest! Clearly, this is perhaps the most dangerous red flag of the war.

Sachs further suggests that the passive assent, so typical of countries of even normally non-aggressive countries like Canada, that once were favorably looked upon as paragons of peace and non-violence, now are so terrified, and passively willing to acquiesce, if not prostrate themselves,  to the United States on-going sledgehammer proxy war against Russia.

In Another Time and Another Place, Canada Was a Leader of Nations

Twenty years ago, Canada, once prideful of itself as one of the world’s pre-eminent peace-keeping nations, once deployed nearly one-third of Canada’s army around the world, who proudly wore the UN’s Blue Helmuts (or blue berets), with thousands of its peacekeepers deployed in troubled places like the Balkans, Somalia, the Golan Heights and Cypress, as well as many other smaller places in the world.

But now, in Canada, with ever-increasing numbers of pro-war, anti-Russian Ukrainian immigrants and refugees continuing to flow into all parts of the country, Canada, for all intents and purposes, has thrown aside the Blue Helmuts and Blue Berets and essentially signed onto the willingness of the war hawks in the United States and its allies in the world to refuse to aggressively work for any ceasefire, peace negotiations or notion of neutrality. In so doing, Canada, in effect, has become a willing party to allow the war in Ukraine to predictably turn, by design or default, into a potential nuclear catastrophe. In short, other allies to America, also have essentially, as Jeffrey Sachs says, all “drank the Deep State’s WWIII Kool Aid”.

Sach’s further points out that by such fearful, cowardly countries unequivocally supporting, in tandem, the United States and President Biden’s far-right, Neo Con war policies and those of his U.S. Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland, for years, have been willing to look the other way, with the full approval of the majority of Democrats and Republicans alike, while using Ukraine to constantly agitate for a nuclear confrontation with Russia and China. Sachs suggests they essentially are supporting what is “a collective death wish”.

Part IV

JFK’s Bold Peace Speech

When the Threat of War Was Darkening

Professor Jeffrey Sachs, as an activist for world peace and cynic of the real intentions of the United States and NATO master plan for the world, often makes reference in his presentations, speeches and interviews to President John F. Kennedy’s “Peace Speech”. Professor Sachs rightly suggests JFK’s Peace Speech is, indeed, perhaps the greatest speech ever made by an American President, or any other world leader for that matter, that puts to shame the wishy-washy, duplicitous words of those leaders today, like President Biden and PM Justine Trudeau, who continue to do just the opposite.

Once the reader has had a chance to compare and contrast their words and actions against those of President Kennedy’s, and starts to intellectually connect all the dots until they feel it in their guts, some blatantly obvious questions will arise. Such as, “Why was it only three short months after Kennedy made his ground-breaking peace speech that he was assassinated? Was the President REALLY murdered by Lee Harvey Oswald as a Russian dupe, or was the President assassinated by some far more dark, sinister Deep State global entity that, historically, finally was prepared to once-and-for-all come out of the closet and assert, in broad daylight for all to see, its fundamentally-hateful opposition to peace anywhere in the world. The bottom line being that peace is always bad for business as well as financial world investments!

Can the world’s major geo-political-military-economic events, that since have transpired in other countries throughout the world since Kennedy’s assassination, likewise be connected to the on-going historical activities of the Deep State that have been in play, in various guises, for at least the past two centuries, since the United States birth as a nation, and then traced forward in time to Kennedy’s assassination and then fast forwarded to the present-day war in Ukraine?” Carefully comparing and contrasting Kennedy’s words with those of Biden and his actions in Ukraine is an important first step to take.

Part V

The War Calls Into Question

if There Ever Was a Benevolent Creator


Did There Ever Exist, in Fact, a Kind, Benevolent Creator of Planet Earth

The question why humankind can’t seem to follow any other plan or direction for life on Planet Earth, other than an endless, unbroken chain of war, domination and hegemon over all human beings, and Planet Earth herself, begs the obvious question, “Has there ever existed a kind, benevolent creator responsible for America and Canada, or any other nation since their earliest origins in the New World; or who ever actually has been behind these nations so-called God-led, Creation-based, democracies? Or has this somehow otherwise served as mere religious devices, historically used by this same mysterious, rapacious, evil, earlier European-Dark State and its twisted, devil-obsessed vision for life on Planet Earth?”

The United States, without a doubt, has had a troubled political-ideological-military existence from its earliest beginnings; what with its European origins rooted in: treacherous financial skullduggery; religious witch hunts; the slavery of captive Africans, the eradication or removal of almost all Native Indian Nations in America’s Southern portion, to make way for the planting of cotton and harvesting by its New World captive African slave industry as its first “cash crop”, or Canada’s Northern Western prairies, when animal furs became their first “Big Money” crop; or a U.S. Civil War that, since its temporary cessation over a century ago, of military combat between hostile economic, political-religious-ethnic elements, has never actually ever ended or been fully resolved, politically, ideologically or morally, to the present day. To a different, lesser degree, the same could be said for the modern-day nation of Canada and, indeed, the rest of the New & Old World’s “Foreign Settler” governments.

Part VI

Thin Ray of Hope to the War’s

Peaceful Ending Is a Hope Against Hope


There is at least one last remaining thin ray of hope as a possible exit strategy to the war in Ukraine, proposed by the grand war strategist-wizard himself, William Luttwak, as a plebiscite vote that will allow the native-born or naturalized citizenry of Ukraine’s independent oblast regions in the Donbas, Donetsk and Luhansk Republic’s, of Eastern Ukraine, to vote on their permanent annexation by Russia.

Luttwak suggests his bold proposal would be a sterling example for all other nations to follow in-kind as humanity’s best, if the only way forward, to finally take the giant step it needs to take to  put an end to the madness of constant warfare on Planet Earth.

Perhaps, in the future, instead of Planet Earth continuing to perpetuate, throughout the universe among other inhabitants of other celestial bodies, its widespread black reputation as That Dangerous Warring Planet To Be Avoided At All Cost”, something else again might begin to happen. Those more advanced beings in the universe, who, for millenniums, have purposefully avoided any formal contact with Planet Earth’s primitive humans for that reason, will no longer be afraid to attempt to make official contact with we human inhabitants of this Earth, and finally will instead become known, throughout the Solar System and beyond, as “Those of the Peaceful, Peace-loving Planet”.

But therein lies the conundrum in trying to get so many diverse Neo-Nazi, nationalist elements in the world to agree, given how deeply ensconced they are within Ukraine, Eastern-Western Europe, the America’s, as well as everywhere else; who now have the capacity to continue to do so much great harm to life, and all living things, everywhere in the world with their amassed extensive arsenal of so much of the hideous weaponry, with which the United States and NATO have thus far lauded Ukraine; yet while intentionally failing to ever even keep an accurate account of those into whose hands all this extremely-dangerous weaponry now have fallen; thereby threating in the future still other nations welfare and wellbeing.

Luttwak, as the author of “Coup d’etat: a Practical Handbook”, fully understands the dangerous, knotty problem any such bold plebiscite vote represents. He is a senior associate in the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Wash. D.C., a consultant to government and international enterprises, who also has served many times as a consultant to the U.S. Department of Defense, National Security Council, the White House chief of staff, the U.S. Department of State, the US Army, US Air Force and several allied governments. He also is well-known and respected for his work on grand geo-political-military strategies, geo-economics, military history and international relations, but, perhaps, especially more so for his book, “Coup d’etat; a Practical Handbook, that now is required reading in many military colleges and universities, worldwide.

If, as this on-going war continues, and Biden and Putin readiness to do a peace deal since has passed,latest and Luttwak’s proposal doesn’t work out, given the abject hostile, malevolent resistance by those like Zelenskyy and Nuland, he says the world might be looking at something more like a 7 Year War or maybe even a 25 year, or longer, war yet ahead, not to mention some more immediate, unexpected, premature, nuclear conclusion once all the West’s money, weapons, and/or patience, finally runs out.

Says Luttwak, “There is only one conceivable exit strategy from the increasingly destructive war in Ukraine: a Plebiscite in the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts (as per USSR map), preceded by a total cease fire secured by the lifting of all war-sanctions. “There is no other path”, he warns, “to a Russian victory or to a greater Russian defeat.” He further adds, almost as a cautionary aside, that perhaps the best or only possible answer to the problematic reality of so many of today’s existing tyrants in the middle of this war, is to finally realize that “It’s time to kill all the bastards.”

Part VII

Biden, Zelensky, NATO,

Putin Follow the Deep State’s Orders

It’s abundantly clear that Biden, Zelenskyy, NATO and Putin are the known main players in the War in Ukraine, but, in truth, it’s their silent Deep State partners, whoever, whatever or wherever they are, who have the complete and utter ear of U.S. President Biden, NATO, Zelenskyy and Putin, whose recent actions speak loudly of the aggressive course the war continues to take.

Ukraine’s attack: on the Crimea Bridge, Russia’s downing of a NATO drone over the Black Sea;

Russia’s boarding of an Egyptian/Ukrainian grain ship in the Black Sea;

Biden’s decision to send F16 Fighter jets to Ukraine;

NATO’s sophisticated drone attack in the Black Sea’s Novorossiysk Bay against a commercial oil ship and Russian amphibious landing assault ship, the Olienegorsky Gornyak, at one of Russia’s most extensive naval bases, and largest commercial port on the Black Sea;

and now, with the still unsolved revelation of who committed the assassination of the Wagner Group’s leader, Yevgeny Prigozhin, all suggest where the war in Ukraine is heading and must inevitably end in some kind of world-wide Civil War or Nuclear War.

This further raises the more serious question if the U.S.-NATO-Ukrainian-land war strategy, instead of moving in the direction towards peace, has instead since begun to shift towards an even more aggressive maritime war strategy of total war against military and commercial shipping in the Black Sea; while possessing drone missiles with a range of 500 kilometers, within easy-striking distance of Moscow and other ports along the Danube.

This is but yet another one of, perhaps, the most dangerous and intolerable of all ‘red lines’, totally unacceptable to Russia, that is deliberately being crossed by the West with impunity; the predictable consequences of which can only but lead where it is inexorably going.

Yet Another International Flashpoint Dangerously Threatening a WWIII

Ukraine’s maritime naval drone attack in the Black Sea can be likened to the still unsolved, Nord Stream Sabotage, that could, without Putin and Russia’s wise forbearance, have already become a fatal flashpoint for WWIII but didn’t because the ‘smoking gun’ proof that suggested a higher-level of technical complicity, expertise and know-how, involving more sophisticated operatives than just Ukraine, was flagrantly and criminally destroyed by the West.

At this point, this writer is reminded of yet another nefarious crime-of-the high-seas, that also, in the not-too-distant past, could have become the flashpoint onset of yet another potential world war that never happened, nor also never will be solved, because the still covered-up truth will never ever be revealed in the full light of day.

This international outrage was Israel’s, never to be forgotten, heinous attack, that still rankles many Americans to this day, against the USS Liberty in 1967, when Israeli air and naval forces attacked America’s most advanced spy ship in international waters, that killed 34 innocent American sailors and seriously wounded another 174.

The stinging lesson of this long unprovoked cold-blooded attack, that will forever live in infamy, was that which the Zionist state, like many other criminal states today, also might not heed doing to even its friends, not to mention its enemies, in order to get its own way. The similar lesson today being the sabotage of Russia’s Nord Stream Pipeline, while still unsolved, is also that there is nothing the American and NATO Neo Con’s and the Deep State, also might not refrain from doing to its friends or its enemies, in order to get its own way.

Fifty-eight years on, with the on-going complicity of the tightly corporate-controlled mainstream media still firmly in place, if not more so, in the war in Ukraine , this heinous closed book cover up, ordered by none other than President Johnson himself, still remains in place. End of story! Or maybe it’s Back To The Future in the case of Ukraine.

The Absolute Ludicrousness of the War Being a Proxy War

So, too, for the notion of the war in Ukraine, or any other war ever being any other kind of proxy war other than it being, just what it is, a war by the Deep State. This time around, wink-wink, the current war is nothing more than an extension of what all along has been, and continues to be, an already on-going virtual world war that simply awaits its final grizzly exclamation mark conclusion.

Meanwhile, the feigned U.S. and NATO ruminations about seriously considering possible peace negotiations, in view of Ukraine’s now utterly failed Spring and Summer Offensives and Counteroffensives, with 43,000 of their reconstituted army of 60,000 now already dead or wounded, and a suggested total of already, perhaps, 500,000 total, dead or wounded, Ukrainian Army troops, combined with Zelenskyy’s absurd 10 Point “Back to Square One” Plan that arrogantly demands, before peace talks can ever begin in earnest, that there first must be: the return of Crimea to Ukraine and its de-occupation, with the total withdraw of Russian troops from Ukrainian soil; while the Russian leaders responsible for the war must be brought to trial before the Nuremburg Courts. “Hello? The Lights Are On, But Is Anyone Home?”

So much for Edward Luttwak’s ambitious Plebiscite Vote for Donetsk, Luhansk and Crimea’s independence.

Has the War Shifted from a Land War in Ukraine to the Black Sea?

Judge Napolitano, on his You Tube Show, Judging Freedom, recently interviewed Alastair Crooke, a former British Diplomat (not to be confused with BBC’s Alistair Cooke), who is the founder and director of the Beirut-based Conflict Forum, that advocates engagement between political Islam and the West. Previously a ranking figure in both British Intelligence (MI6) and European Union (EU) diplomacy, Alistair Crooke had many pithy things to say to Judge Napolitano about the Ukraine war.

In his recent interview, Crooke pressed the question in greater detail about what the real dangers are if the war on the Black Sea, that already now, in fact, has becomes the real war in Ukraine, turns ugly. One of the ugly truths about this new war in the Black Sea, as Crooke point out, is, once again, true to form, the West’s betrayal  and non-observance of the original agreement they made with Russia to allow it, in spite of the many sanctions imposed against Russia by the West, they agreed to allow Russia, to ship, for humanitarian reasons, its grains and fertilizer to world markets, if Russia would allow Ukraine to likewise do the same by shipping its own grains to ports, like Turkey and Spain for milling and export to world markets.

The inherent problem, however, is that the West (U.S. NATO, Europe), true to form, always somehow end up being pathological liars and betrayers, who never honored their agreements with the commies. In this case, Russian ships weren’t allowed to ship their grains and fertilizers, while many of Ukraine’s so-called ‘grain’ ships, once their grain cargoes were off-loaded, were returning with smuggled weapons in their holds. Yet now Russia is the one being called “evil” by the West for not rejoining the original grain agreement, that the West itself violated. So much for ‘Gentleman’s Agreements’ between West and East.


Miscalculations or Misinterpretations?

Calamities in the Black Sea

A Mistake Could Happen at Any Moment

Any one of the many careless miscalculations, miscommunications or misinterpretations, that regularly occur between the Americans, NATO, Ukraine and Russia in the Ukraine War, if carelessly committed in the Black Sea, could end the war and, fatally, the rest of us.

Historically, the Black Sea has long seen any number of flashpoints occur between Russia and the West; its theatre of competition between Russia and the West an especially super-charged dynamic now of the Ukraine War. The New York Times says, “If you had to rank the spots on the globe where the militaries of the United States and Russia could possibly run into each other, the Black Sea would probably be near the top of the list.”

A U.S. drone recently intercepted by two Russian warplanes, was downed just 75 miles southwest of Crimea, while six countries on the Black Sea’s coast are members of NATO (Turkey, Rumania, Bulgaria), with Ukraine friendly to the alliance; while with Turkey’s control of the Black Sea’s straits (the Dardanelles and the Bosporus), all shipping must pass through to transit between the Black Sea and other global waterways. Whereas the Montreux Convention of 1938 also gives Turkey the right to close the straits to most military traffic in times of war, which it exercised after Russia began its Special Military Operation (SMO). To say this is yet another ticking time bomb, is an understatement.


Hold Onto Your Hats Ladies and Gent’s. The rest of 2023 and 2024 is going to be a Rough Ride; what with so many unsettled wars, financial chaos, chaotic movements of refugees and immigrants, societal collapses, controversial, contentious seminal elections and crucial geo-political summits.


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The writer Jerome Irwin is a Canadian-American writer who originally was a Criminology student working in one of America’s local police departments. For decades, Irwin has sought to call world attention to problems of environmental degradation and unsustainability caused by a host of environmental-ecological-spiritual issues that exist between the conflicting world philosophies of indigenous and non-indigenous peoples.

Irwin is the author of the book, “The Wild Gentle Ones; A Turtle Island Odyssey” (, a spiritual odyssey among the native peoples of North America that has led to numerous articles pertaining to: Ireland’s Fenian Movement; native peoples Dakota Access Pipeline Resistance Movement; AIPAC, Israel & the U.S. Congress anti-BDS Movement; the historic Battle for Palestine & Siege of Gaza, as well as; the many violations constantly being waged by industrial-corporate-military-propaganda interests against the World’s Collective Soul. The author and his wife are long-time residents on the North Shore of British Columbia.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

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Just four and a half months since President Biden declared an end to the Covid “emergency,” the media is suddenly full of stories about the return of Covid. This time a new “variant” is being rolled out and the media, in collusion with big Pharma and the fear-industrial complex, are churning out stories about how forced masking is making a comeback.

Also, the “unvaccinated” are again to be denied basic human rights in the name of fighting a virus that the vaccine demonstrably does not protect against.

In short, they are desperately trying to revive the tyranny, insanity, and utter irrationality of the two-year Covid scare. And they are pretending none of us remembers how they destroyed society with their lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccine mandates. They are hoping that none of us will remember the suicides, lost jobs, broken marriages, increased alcoholism and drug abuse, and the rest of what went along with the world’s experiment with global lockdown.

Even Fauci himself is back – like a moth drawn to the light of publicity. Despite all the scientific evidence that the lockdowns were a disaster, that they did far more harm than good, Fauci has re-emerged with his trademark arrogance and claimed that they were the right thing to do and should be done again if that’s what it takes to force people to take the vaccine. A vaccine that does not work.

They won’t even allow us to mention the spike in all-around mortality or the millions who may have been vaccine-injured the first time around. They want us to think that 20-year-old world-class athletes have always just dropped dead of heart attacks out of the blue. It’s all normal! Don’t question it! What are you, some kind of conspiracy theorist? Are you a science-denier?

Yes, look for a renewal of all those old hollow phrases used to attack those of us who can see with our own eyes and hear with our own ears. Their slogans are meant to silence any debate. The same “experts” like Fauci who claimed “I am the science” are back and they shamelessly demand to silence us again.

The big question is…why? Why are they doing this and how do they think they can get away with it a second time? One reason they believe they can get away with it again is that no one has ever been punished for what they did the first time. The Federal Government made sure that the pharmaceutical companies would not be liable for vaccine damages.

The public figures who openly became monsters, demanding the unvaccinated be drummed out of society and maybe even off the face of the earth have not been shamed or shunned. Politicians who displayed cowardice and worse have not been voted out of office for their treachery.

Why are they coming back around for another round of Covid tyranny? Fear is a weapon to gain control. Last time around they generated fear to radically change how America voted. Suddenly everyone was mailed ballots. How closely were they checked? No one knew and no one dared ask. The people who did ask about the election are now facing jail terms.

They want us to shut up while they do it again. Will we?


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Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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President Joe Biden’s comments that all Americans will “likely” be advised to get a new COVID vaccine as new variants spread through the country are “irresponsible,” according to Stanford University Professor of Medicine Dr. Jay Bhattacharya.

“I signed off this morning on a proposal we have to present to the Congress, a request for additional funding for a new vaccine—that is necessary, that works,” Mr. Biden told reporters in South Lake Tahoe, California, on Aug. 25.

“And tentatively, not decided finally yet, tentatively it is recommended—it is likely to be recommended—that everybody get it, no matter whether they got it before,” he added.

Since early July, COVID-19 hospitalizations have been on the rise domestically, with three new variants of the disease spreading across the country. The uptick has resulted in some businesses, schools, and hospitals reinstating mask mandates.

Multiple drug companies, including Pfizer, Novavax, and Moderna, have introduced new vaccines they say will be effective against the EG.5, or ERIS, variant of COVID-19.

“It never occurred to me that an American president would be the number one spokesperson for a pharmaceutical company, but here we are,” Dr. Bhattacharya told The Epoch Times.

“It’s irresponsible to make this kind of public health advice for the entire American public in the absence of excellent randomized trial evidence, which has not been produced by the pharmaceutical companies,” he added.

“The FDA [Food and Drug Administration] never asked for them to produce them,” Dr. Bhattacharya said, referring to vaccines targeting the new COVID variants.

The Standard professor said that authorities are incorrectly treating COVID booster shots ” just like the flu vaccine, that you just update it from year to year.”

But, in contrast with the COVID-19 injections, for flu vaccines “there’s a long track record where the safety record of the vaccine is understood,” Dr. Bhattacharya said.

“Not requiring randomized trial evidence for updating the vaccine is irresponsible. It’s using a different mechanism than the flu vaccine. You can’t extend the experience you have with the flu vaccine to this vaccine,” he said.

The professor also picked up on President Biden’s comment that everyone will likely be advised to take the new vaccine “no matter whether they got it before.”

“Here where they’re saying is, essentially like it’s amnesty—We’re all going to be treated as if we’re unvaccinated with regard to this vaccine,” Dr. Bhattacharya said.

According to CNBC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials told reporters Thursday that the vaccines are expected to become available to the public in mid-September, though they are still pending approval from the FDA.

An independent CDC advisory committee is scheduled to meet on Sept. 12 to vote on recommended guidelines for eligibility for the new COVID-19 jabs.

During the press briefing, CDC and FDA officials advised that both agencies intended to urge Americans to get an updated COVID-19 shot, as well as the flu shot and the recently approved RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) vaccine produced by GlaxoSmithKline.

“Vaccination is going to continue to be key this year because immunity wanes and because the COVID-19 virus continues to change,” a CDC official said.

Dr. Paul Marik of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care was scathing in his response to the president’s announcement.

“It’s insanity,” he told The Epoch Times.

“I think the vaccines have failed, and this is untested,” he added.

“Making a new vaccine against a new variant which is untested makes no sense,” Dr. Marik continued, saying that he “can’t see any group of patients who would benefit from a vaccine.”

“We need to know more information,” he added.


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Samantha Flom contributed to this report. 

Nathan Worcester covers national politics for The Epoch Times and has also focused on energy and the environment. Nathan has written about everything from fusion energy and ESG to Biden’s classified documents and international conservative politics. He lives and works in Chicago. Nathan can be reached at [email protected].

Featured image is from The Unz Review

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

If Osama bin Laden Didn’t Do 9/11, Then Who Did?

By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, August 28, 2023

The dominant War Lords behind the rising onslaught of apocalyptic upheavals are very meticulous in some facets of their planning. Their Big Plans often involve the exploitation of manufactured disaster to generate panic, lot’s of panic…. panic meant to help destabilize, depopulate, and terrorize the general population. 

Kiev’s Slow Counteroffensive Makes Biden Lose Interest and Consider Talks with Russia

By Ahmed Adel, August 29, 2023

The longer Ukraine’s counteroffensive goes on, the more difficult it is for the US to maintain its support in political terms, reported Bloomberg, citing an expert. Reportedly, European officials “worry” that US President Joe Biden “may eventually look to nudge Ukraine toward negotiations” with Russia if Kiev’s forces do not make any significant successes in its counteroffensive.

COVID Crisis: “Mexico should be our example of what is possible.” AMLO and the Morena Party

By Teri Mattson and Rick Sterling, August 28, 2023

I love Mexico, particularly having grown up in California with the shared history. So I went to Mexico City. There were restrictions but they didn’t close their economy down. Like so much of the global south, it’s a cash-based economy. Things were open but managed.

COVID Reemerges: Why You Shouldn’t Panic

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 28, 2023

According to news reports, new COVID-19 variants are on the rise and are being closely monitored for pandemic spread. Media headlines clearly show we’re again facing a coordinated fear campaign to drive people into vaccination clinics.

When He Was Vice-President, Joe Biden Acted Like Ukraine Was His ‘Own Backyard’: Fired Ukraine Prosecutor

By Arjun Singh, August 28, 2023

The former Ukrainian prosecutor who was fired at the insistence of then-Vice President Joe Biden in 2016 after investigating Burisma, claimed that Biden treated Ukraine like his “own backyard,” according to comments made during an interview with Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade on Saturday.

Where’s the Beef? Ranchers Take Stand Over Synthetic ‘Meat’ Label

By Matthew Lysiak, August 28, 2023

American cattlemen are readying for a fight to protect the definition of the word meat from producers of synthetic cellular-based beef alternatives. The synthetic “meat” market has already arrived in America.

Niger’s CNSP Military Junta Asks French Ambassador to Leave. “France Out of Africa” Instrumented by Washington?

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Chinedu Asadu, August 28, 2023

General A. Tiani who led the coup d’Etat received his military training in the US at the National Defense University (NDU). He has close links to the Pentagon. The Biden administration has  casually refused to describe the ouster of President M. Barmou as a “Coup d’Etat” or a “regime change”. Washington has accepted “the three year rule” proposed by the military Junta. 

NIH Study Suggests N95 COVID Masks May Expose Wearers to Toxic Compounds Linked to Seizures, Cancer

By Margaret Flavin, August 28, 2023

The intense propaganda used to coerce you to wear a face mask is not based on science. It is a pure political power play designed to force you and your children into submission. And they are preparing to force you to mask up again.

Israeli Strikes Hit Syria’s Aleppo Airport Causing Heavy Damage

By Middle East Eye, August 28, 2023

The Israeli military attacked Aleppo International Airport in the early hours of Monday morning, according to Syrian state media, Sana. At about 4.30 am local time Israel carried out an “aerial act of aggression” from the direction of the Mediterranean Sea, said the Syrian state news agency, Sana. 

History of American Hegemony: USA as “Global Greatest Power”. From Alaska (1867) to Europe (1917)

By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, August 28, 2023

It can be indicated from a historical viewpoint that the USA emerged on the stage of global (world) politics in 1867 (four years before Germany did the same in 1871 after the Franco−Prussian War of 1870−1871). Both these imperial states at the same time exerted extremely influential politics in the process of radical transformation of the modern world both in Europe and outside of the Old Continent.

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The longer Ukraine’s counteroffensive goes on, the more difficult it is for the US to maintain its support in political terms, reported Bloomberg, citing an expert. Reportedly, European officials “worry” that US President Joe Biden “may eventually look to nudge Ukraine toward negotiations” with Russia if Kiev’s forces do not make any significant successes in its counteroffensive.

Support for Ukraine remains essential because Europe lacks the financial conditions and military capacity to maintain Kiev’s forces. However, an expert quoted by Bloomberg explained that because of Ukraine’s sluggishness, the US will be less interested in what happens in Ukraine.

“[If fighting grinds to an impasse over the winter], it’s a really big problem, there’s going to be war fatigue,” said Samantha de Bendern, an associate fellow at the Royal Institute of International Affairs. “The U.S. is going to be less and less interested in what’s happening in Ukraine and it’s going to be more and more difficult for Europeans to convince the Americans that Ukraine is an American problem.”

Bloomberg also pointed out that Russia has enough ammunition for at least another year of fighting, with the Kremlin deploying new troops on the front lines. The wear and tear of the long conflict is becoming an advantage for the Russians.

“More than two months into its counteroffensive, Kiev has made only tactical advances against heavily dug-in Russian forces, despite having committed many units trained and armed by the US and Europe for the operation. The window for further significant actions is narrowing as wet and cold weather looms in the autumn,” wrote the outlet.

The Russian Ministry of Defence reported that Kiev suffered more than 26,000 casualties during the counteroffensive and lost 3,000 military equipment, confirming that the Western-backed attack failed in all its goals. Yet, this has not stopped Europe from continuing to back Ukraine, despite de Bendern’s warning that Biden could lose interest in the conflict, especially as Donald Trump surges in popularity following his interview with Tucker Carlson and the release of his mugshot.

The EU’s foreign policy spokesperson, Peter Stano, announced on August 22 that the bloc would continue to support Kiev “as long” as it takes, showing once again that the Union has little concern for the declining economic situation, which is hurting economies and working families.

According to EU data released earlier this month, the number of bankruptcy declarations of EU businesses reached a record high in the second quarter of 2023 compared with the previous quarter, which was up by 8.4%. This number of bankruptcies means this quarter is the highest since data collection began in 2015.

“Looking specifically at bankruptcies by activity, all sectors of the economy registered increases in the number of bankruptcies in the second quarter of 2023 compared with the previous quarter,” said the report published by Eurostat. “Accommodation and food services (+23.9%), transportation and storage (+15.2%), and education, health and social activities (+10.1%) were the sectors with the highest increases in the number of bankruptcies in the second quarter of 2023 compared with the previous quarter.”

Yet, with the economy performing dismally, European officials are still prioritising Ukraine over improving the declining living standards of European citizens.

“We are supporting Ukraine in its efforts to repair, recover and keep the state running. Today we paid a new €1.5 billion to Ukraine,” President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen posted on X on August 22.

It also appears that the US, like Europe, will support Ukraine unrelentingly. However, Biden could potentially lose interest in Ukraine. Next year’s election campaign will begin in the coming months, and the Ukraine issue will inevitably be a hot topic. Questions will be raised on how much money was wasted for no positive outcome in Washington’s view.

The latest poll by Gallup found that Biden had a job approval rating of only 42%. Less than half of those surveyed approved his handling of the situation in Ukraine, while only 37% supported the current state of relations with Russia. Eighty-three per cent of Democrats approve of Biden’s handling of the situation in Ukraine, while their ratings of his job on ties with Russia is at 78%. In contrast, only 13% of Republicans approved Biden’s handling of the situation in Ukraine, while 7% supported the current state of relations between Washington and Moscow.

Although Biden unsurprisingly has majority support in his Ukraine and Russia policies among his Democrat base, he has been an unprecedented disaster for the Independents and Republicans. As elections are looming and the Ukrainian military has been pulverised, a successful Russian offensive will likely see Biden scrambling to resolve the conflict peacefully, especially as the US cannot endlessly pump money into a war Ukraine has no chance of winning.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Teri Mattson is producer and host of the weekly podcast “WTF is Going on in Latin America & the Caribbean?” broadcast on Spotify, Apple podcast, CODEPink, as well as on Popular Resistance.

Rick Sterling (RS): How did you wind up living in Mexico City?

Teri Mattson (TM): I went to Mexico City in September of 2020 in response to how the Covid pandemic was being managed in Washington DC, where I was living at the time. I was walking every day outside to get moderate exercise, fresh air and sunshine to stay healthy during covid. And on two of my outings, I was stopped by the DC Metropolitan Police. They wanted to know what I was doing outside and where I was going. I told them I was out trying to stay healthy, and they asked for my papers, my id, and the address of my destination. After the second time that happened, I thought  the writing’s on the wall, the direction the US is going, and I just can’t live here any more.

I love Mexico, particularly having grown up in California with the shared history. So I went to Mexico City. There were restrictions but they didn’t close their economy down. Like so much of the global south, it’s a cash-based economy. Things were open but managed. For instance, the restaurants were all open with outdoor seating but everything closed at five. To go into a brick and mortar business, you had to line up outside six feet apart, mask on. When you got to the door, somebody would take your temperature, make sure your mask was on correctly, and make sure you sanitized your hands. People continued to use the buses and the subway. Vaccinations were free, testing was free. I didn’t get sick and none of my Mexican friends got sick.

The other BIG reason I went to Mexico is to witness what is happening with Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), the Morena Party and the fourth transformation. To see what is happening in Mexico.

RS: The Morena party is relatively new but in 2018 won a plurality in the Mexican Congress. How have they organized so effectively?

TM: They have a formal institution of political education. They do in person classes almost daily.  I’ve gone to many of them. They have a small college campus that they can use in the evening. These classes and events are  broadcast live throughout Mexico and other regions of the world, specifically the United States, where they have a large Mexicano diaspora. That institute has 15 satellite sites throughout Mexico. They also do in-person teaching events throughout the country. There are thousands of people on those zoom calls and hundreds of people in person, young and old, Mexicans of all ages.

RS: Was the Institute created by the government or by the Morena Party? How often do they have these meetings?

TM: It is by the party, not the government. Sometimes there are meetings every night. They have a whole calendar. You can see their programs and activities at INFPMORENA.MX. This summer every Thursday night they have a theme about social movement building and political formation to help people learn the process and what’s involved and different philosophical elements of it.

RS: How are these organized?

TM: Here’s an example. There was a panel discussion with the Bolivian Ambassador, a Peruvian representative and Morena spokesperson Jesus Ramirez. It was right after AMLO had nationalized the lithium fields. Bolivia, Peru and Mexico all have valuable lithium fields. Bolivia was couped because of their lithium fields and Peru the same. Now there’s the threat of US intervention in Mexico. They talked about the history of European and US colonialism and about the extraction of natural resources. The modern day scenario is lithium. It was petroleum, and now it’s lithium. The discussion was phenomenal.

That’s just one example. And then I’ve gone to an afternoon of Marxist films. They showed all these films that were blacklisted in the McCarthy era and the film producers and directors who were on the Hollywood blacklist. We looked at those films and what the messaging was, the Marxist themes out of them. We did a whole film study of that. Wow, it was good. I’ve also been to a few political formation classes. One I attended was an all day class on Hugo Chavez. It was great stuff covering both domestic issues and foreign policy issues, weaving it all together for the Mexican population.

This is how they are empowering their population to ensure that AMLO’s party and his vision continue.  There is a base of people to succeed him so it won’t just be one six year project.

RS: When is the next Mexican presidential election and how are they preparing for that?

TM: The election will be in June 2024. AMLO cannot run again per the Constitution. It’s one six year term for a Mexican president. AMLO is a popular charismatic leader, but  he can’t run again.

The Morena party itself has a lot of talent and a lot of experience, and is enormously popular. Mexico City is split 50 -50 but the rest of the country is solidly Morena,  led by Morena Governors and local leaders.

The key people who are running to be next Morena candidate for President are Claudia Sheinbaum, governor of Mexico City and the former foreign minister Marcelo Ebrard. Ebrard  has been studying and preparing to be president of Mexico someday. And he has the resume and the experience to support that for sure. Claudia is younger and people love what she’s done for Mexico City.  And each of the mayors within her city as well, she’s empowered all of them as well. So, so she is very popular. And then you have the president of the Congress. There’s two other candidates. They’re all good.

In order to avoid the appearance that someone was anointed by AMLO, and also to hold the party together, all four of the candidates had to resign their public positions so they could run their campaigns without appearing to be benefit from their government position.   So all four candidates had to resign their position. It was also agreed that regardless of who wins the Morena presidency, the remaining three are guaranteed either a cabinet position or a legislative position. So the new president will have the infrastructure around him or her to continue the overall project.  It’s just brilliant.

On September 6  the party will announce who will be the candidate to represent Morena in the election next year.

RS: What has impressed you about changes in Mexico under AMLO?

TM: Well, the first thing is communication with the people.  AMLO is very clear: this is who we are as a government; this is what we want to achieve and this is how we’re gonna do it. This is the brainchild of  the president’s brilliant press secretary, Jesus Ramirez.

The president has a press conference every working day at 7:00 AM no matter where he is.  Sometimes they’re an hour, sometimes much longer. AMLO gives updates on the major departments, foreign policy, domestic policy, healthcare,  education, etc. If the military is being used to alleviate a flood or natural disaster, or if there is a big drug interdiction,  he talks about it.

It also gives him opportunity to challenge or correct any negative news from the day before. And sometimes he will say, oh, that’s completely false. Here’s what really happened. Or he’ll say, you know what? That did happen and we were wrong, and here’s how we’re gonna fix it. Or he can say, you know, it sort of was that way, but it was more this way. So he can get out in front every morning, get out in front of the news cycle. When the newspapers and news are being broadcast, he is on Twitter explaining their perspective and actions.

AMLO goes live on Twitter at 7:00 AM and many people in Mexico, not just Morena,  start their day listening to their president.  AMLO  reaches a really broad segment of the Mexican population, building a relationship with the people, helping them understand what is happening day to day in their government, what’s been achieved, what still needs work.

RS: In AMLO’s book New Hope for Mexico he talks about moral values.  How do you see that?

TM: AMLO is 69 years old.  For many of the young people that voted for him, he’s their grandfather.  They love him, and  he them.  So they relate to him that way.  AMLO’s government tries to find popular solutions for the majority of the people, which to me is liberation theology.

There are young people who say he’s not doing things fast enough.  I can appreciate that, but their parents and grandparents will tell you if you ask them, sometimes with tears in their eyes, never in their lifetime did they think they would see a president like they have now. So for them, it’s more than they ever dreamed possible.

But the young people will keep pushing harder, harder.

RS: What are some other examples of  positive things done by the Mexican government?

TM: The biggest thing has been the infrastructure projects, for example public transportation. There is now a gondola system providing easy access for people in the northern hills of Mexico City.  They call it the cable bus. There are two lines so far with more planned.  It’s been a life changer for the people in those colonias. I have friends who live in one of those areas. Public transportation is a game changer for many people.

Another example of effective governance is regarding parks and public spaces.  Since I arrived in September of 2020 I have seen so many parks renovated. They can be little parks that you’ll see down alleyways where people sit,have coffee and talk to the neighbors.  Or they can be kids playgrounds. They’re green, the fountains are working again.It’s unbelievable how many I have seen come back into fruition. The investment in public space is the investment in your people. Having those outdoor public spaces supports the emotional and physical health. People use those places for picnics. The other thing is all the public art installations. It’s profound. And now the art installations are used for educational purposes, like teaching people about Mexico, history of Mexico City, former presidents etc.. And there is art all over. They’ll feature historical artists, modern day artists, youth, collective art …they rotate.

RS: You’ve been living in Mexico for over two years now. How does the US look from the outside?

TM: From the outside it seems there is nothing happening. I don’t mean that all of you activists are not doing anything. But as as a nation it seems there is no change happening in the US. We are not doing anything to create a new system, a new structure, or to renovate the structure we have in any significant way. It’s all collapsing. A good percentage of  progressive and leftists don’t believe it’s possible to have a third party, a viable third party.

Meanwhile in Mexico there is a national organized strategy and strategic change happening. Morena was created as a third party to break up the P A N / PRI  duopoly that existed in Mexico for 70 plus years. It is the same type of system we have in the US. I get so tired of hearing a third party’s not possible.  Mexico has done it.  It took a lot of time and groundwork but they have broken the two party duopoly. They are our neighbor and they should be our example of what is possible.


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Rick Sterling is an independent journalist based in the SF Bay Area. He can be reached at [email protected].

COVID Reemerges: Why You Shouldn’t Panic

August 28th, 2023 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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According to news reports, new COVID-19 variants are on the rise and are being closely monitored for pandemic spread. Media headlines clearly show we’re again facing a coordinated fear campaign to drive people into vaccination clinics

In the U.S., EG.5, nicknamed Eris, has been declared a “variant of interest,” which means it is being monitored for mutations that might make it more hazardous

Australian news are highlighting the BA.2.86 variant, nicknamed Pirola, while Irish news are warning about an Omicron offshoot dubbed “the real deal” by World Health Organization officials

However, none of these variants are showing signs of being more hazardous than previous Omicron strains

Despite proof that masking is useless and lockdowns were a devastating mistake that should never be repeated, federal whistleblowers warn that these failed strategies may be reimplemented sometime between September and December 2023


According to news reports, new COVID-19 variants are on the rise and are being closely monitored for pandemic spread. In the U.S., EG.5, nicknamed Eris, has been declared a “variant of interest” (VOI), which means it is being monitored for mutations that might make it more hazardous.1

Australian news are highlighting the BA.2.86 variant, nicknamed Pirola,2 while Irish news are warning about an Omicron offshoot dubbed “the real deal” by World Health Organization officials3,4— just in case you decided that COVID was no big deal anymore.

Seven other COVID variants are also being monitored by the WHO, and an additional three variants have been declared VOI, which calls for more extensive monitoring.5

Considering the many variants that have come and gone since 2020, isn’t it curious that media are now all of a sudden focusing on particular COVID strains again, just as we’re moving into fall and influenza season?

As previously predicted, we were given a short respite over the summer, and in the fall, the fearmongering will ramp up again to drive people into the vaccination clinics where they will be pressured to get not just one but three different shots — a booster for COVID, a flu vaccine and a brand-new fast-tracked vaccine for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

And, despite proof that masking is useless and lockdowns were a devastating mistake that should never be repeated, these failed strategies will likely be reimplemented as well. Our only hope, really, is mass disobedience, because those in charge are ignoring both science and the law.

Pirola Detected in Four Countries

Pirola has currently only been detected in Denmark, Israel, the U.S. and the U.K. As a “variant under monitoring” (VUM), the epidemiology of Pirola is being investigated and its characteristics and spread are being tracked.6

The WHO declared Pirola a VUM due to the number of mutations it carries, but according to some experts, it’s not expected to behave any differently than other Omicron substrains. Francois Balloux, Ph.D., a professor of computational systems biology at University College London, told ABC Australia:7

“BA.2.86 is the most striking SARS-CoV-2 strain the world has witnessed since the emergence of Omicron. Over the coming weeks we will see how well BA.2.86 will be faring relative to other Omicron subvariants.

Even in the worst case scenario where BA.2.86 caused a major new wave of cases, we are not expecting to witness comparable levels of severe disease and death than we did earlier in the pandemic when the Alpha, Delta or Omicron variants spread.

Most people on Earth have now been vaccinated and/or infected by the virus. Even if people get reinfected by BA.2.86, immune memory will still allow their immune system to kick in and control the infection far more effectively.”

No Reason to Worry About the ‘Real Deal’ Subvariant

Despite its ominous nickname, the “real deal” variant has only infected three people worldwide as of August 18, 2023, and according to a state medical lab in Denmark, there are no indications to suggest the new strain can cause severe illness.8

However, like Pirola, this strain is being monitored due to its collection of mutations, and some scientists are already calling for a return to lockdowns and mask-wearing to “slow down the spread.” Meanwhile, more logically-inclined experts have pointed out that most communities will have high immunity from exposure to previous Omicron strains.9

A Coordinated Fear Campaign

A quick look at the latest top mainstream media stories clearly reveal that we’re again facing a coordinated fear campaign orchestrated by government and media:10

Media are also pushing the idea of a “tripledemic” this fall, and they’re all reading from the same cue cards.

tripledemic headlines

TSA Whistleblower Warns Mask Requirements Will Soon Return

August 18, 2023, Alex Jones of InfoWars reported he’d been contacted by a high-level Transportation Security Administration (TSA) manager who warned that “by the middle of September,” TSA managers and airport employees will have to wear masks again.

By mid-October, all airline passengers will be required to mask up as well, and sometime in December, the TSA expects a full return to the 2021 COVID protocols.11 When managers asked why this would be occurring, they were told it was “because of the new variant in Canada.” Another federal contact that Jones spoke with said the same thing.

Likewise, the U.S. government is again stocking up on COVID-19 equipment and is hiring consultants to enforce COVID-19 “safety protocols.” Some of these contracts have start dates in September and October 2023, and will run into 2024 or 2025.12

Supposedly, the variant referred to is Eris (EG.5) — which currently accounts for an estimated 17.3% of new COVID cases in the U.S.13 — but how can they know, in mid-August, that this particular variant will suddenly become problematic in mid-September? Obviously they can’t, which means the coming “safety protocols” will again be based on fiction and fabrications.

Are They Gearing Up for Election Interference?

As noted by Jones, the coming COVID restrictions are likely part of “a deliberate attempt by the Biden administration to influence the outcome of the 2024 presidential election” by insisting it’s too dangerous to vote in person so we need mail-in ballots and absentee ballot harvesting14 — two strategies that make it easier to rig the election results.

The first COVID scare was pushed for two years, and the elections are only a little over a year away. More than likely, they will try to keep the second round of COVID fear porn going for longer than the first round, considering the intention is to make rolling lockdowns and restrictions a permanent state of affairs.

If we give in and go along with this charade, the globalist cabal will get their One World Government and the rest of the global population will be reduced to slaves and serfs.

There’s no question that that is the plan, and all they need to succeed is for people to go along with their false narratives. My recommendation remains the same as it was before: Peaceful civil disobedience. Do not comply. Remember, you cannot comply your way out of tyranny.

Common Risk Factors for Hospitalization and Death

As reported by the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC),15 Eris appears no more dangerous than previous Omicron variants, all of which have been far milder than the original COVID strain. There are lots of “cases,” yes, but few cases of severe illness and hospitalization. Risk factors for hospitalization and death include:16

  • Being older than 60
  • Comorbidities, especially obesity, metabolic syndrome and frailty
  • Delayed treatment
  • High D-dimer level
  • Recent COVID booster

“The good news is that the advice we’ve been sharing from the FLCCC all along still stands — do what you can to prevent getting ill and if you do get it, treat immediately. Early treatment is critical,” the FLCCC writes.17

Signs and Symptoms to Watch Out For

Common symptoms experienced by those infected in the latest COVID-19 wave (in which BA.4, BA.5, BQ.1.1 and XBB1 variants have predominated) include:18

If any of these symptoms arise, begin treatment immediately. You can download the FLCCC’s latest treatment recommendations here. As noted by the FLCCC, there is NO need to wait for a confirmed PCR test, as the tests were developed for older variants and have always been unreliable at best anyway.

Another simple and inexpensive yet highly effective treatment strategy that I’ve promoted throughout the COVID pandemic is nebulized hydrogen peroxide. You can find more information about that here, here and here, and in the video below.

Prevention Strategies

As for prevention of COVID-19, influenza and RSV, the FLCCC suggests:19

  • Following their prevention protocol, which includes antimicrobial mouthwash, a nasal spray with 1% povidone-iodine, and immune-boosting supplements like quercetin and zinc, vitamins C and D, melatonin and elderberry syrup.
  • Intermittent fasting and balancing your gut microbiome.
  • Reduce stress.
  • Get good sleep. On average, adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night.
  • Spend more time outside in the sun and fresh air.

Regarding the use of ivermectin, the FLCCC comments:20

“… if you have significant comorbidities, lack natural immunity, or have a suppressed immune system you may want to try a twice-weekly dose of ivermectin at 0.2 mg/kg.

Likewise, consider it if you are currently suffering from long COVID or post-vaccine syndrome and are not currently being treated with ivermectin.

If you have an upcoming situation where you may have high possible exposure — such as travel, weddings, or conferences — taking daily ivermectin starting two days before departure and either daily or every other day during the period of high exposure is a reasonable approach.

Remember to immediately initiate daily ivermectin at treatment doses (0.4 mg/kg) at the first signs of any kind of viral syndrome. It bears repeating: Early treatment is essential! Most of all, pay no mind to the ongoing drumbeat of fear-mongering that the mainstream media is providing. We know the routine. We’ve been here before.”

Fearmongering Is a Tool to Foster Obedience

Indeed, it’s important to realize that the alleged “threats” posed by COVID, flu and RSV are being magnified for a reason. The biosecurity crisis needs to continue indefinitely because it’s the primary justification behind The Great Reset. At regular intervals, there must be another Chicken Little warning that the sky is still falling.

At some stage, you must realize that the more you give in and obey, the more you must give in and obey. There really is no end to what they can and will take from you, and holding on to the belief that your government would never [fill in the blank] is becoming more dangerous by the day.

It’s also important to realize that your government isn’t the ultimate power. Our government officials take orders too, from what is often referred to as the deep state. It’s not a government at all, but a global, hidden power structure that is accountable to no one, while influencing and manipulating everyone to bring about a new world order.

In years past, this shadowy cabal of power brokers were referred to under the term the New World Order. In 2020, the World Economic Forum came out on the public stage and announced The Great Reset, which is nothing but the NWO rebranded.

Don’t Get Fooled Twice

We can no longer afford to disbelieve the lengths to which this globalist cabal can and will go to seize control. They’ve already told us what the ultimate plan is — to use bioterrorism to take control of the world’s resources, wealth and people.

All we need to do is to believe it, and realize that the only thing giving them the power to impose their will is our fear. As long as we choose fear and demand our government keep us safe, they have every chance of winning.

Hopefully, a clear majority of people will have learned this lesson by now, and won’t fall for the same tricks again, even though they’ve upped the ante with a triple threat, rather than just one. Fear is a tool used to control you, but that only works if you buy into it.


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1 CNBC August 15, 2023

2, 5, 6, 7 August 19, 2023

3 August 21, 2023

4, 8, 9 GB News August 18, 2023

10 Twitter Ryan Cunningham August 18, 2023

11 Daily Telegraph NZ August 19, 2023

12 Twitter Natalie Winters August 21, 2023

13 Benzinga August 11, 2023

14 CBS News September 1, 2020

15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 Substack FLCCC Alliance Community August 21, 2023 

Featured image is from Mercola

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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We bring to the attention of Global Research readers:

Important debate and analysis on the death of Wagner’s Prigozhin, chaired by Judge Napolitano 


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The former Ukrainian prosecutor who was fired at the insistence of then-Vice President Joe Biden in 2016 after investigating Burisma, claimed that Biden treated Ukraine like his “own backyard,” according to comments made during an interview with Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade on Saturday.

Viktor Shokin was fired by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in 2016 after Biden — who was in charge of Ukrainian policy during the Obama administration — gave him an ultimatum, saying that Ukraine would not receive $1 billion dollars in aid until Shokin was dismissed. In an interview with Brian Kilmeade on “One Nation” on Saturday, Shokin claimed that Biden treated Ukraine as if it were his “own backyard.”

“I developed a very firm understanding of the fact that the vice president was only acting in his own interest. He, generally speaking, handled Ukraine like it was his own backyard,” Shokin told Kilmeade. “The office of Poroshenko, the president, was humiliated, but the entire country was humiliated,” Shokin added, describing Biden’s ultimatum that he be dismissed, which Biden publicly boasted about at a Council on Foreign Relations event on Jan. 23, 2018.

“I’m going to be leaving here in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch, he got fired and they put in place someone who was solid,” Biden said at the event.

At the time of Shokin’s firing, his office was investigating Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company that had hired Biden’s son, Hunter, to join its board. FBI documents released by Congress in July suggested that Hunter was hired to enable Burisma to utilize his father’s political influence and avoid threats to the company.

Shokin also suggested that Biden was personally engaged in corruption in Ukraine, citing his firing as one instance. “They were being bribed. The fact that Joe Biden gave away $1 billion in U.S. money in exchange for my dismissal, my firing, isn’t that alone a case of corruption?” he said.

“For years, these false claims have been debunked, and no matter how much air time Fox gives them, they will remain false,” said White House spokesperson Iam Sams in a statement to the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Fox is giving a platform for these lies to a former Ukrainian prosecutor general whose office his own deputy called a hotbed of corruption, drawing demands for reform not only from then-Vice President Biden but also from U.S. diplomats, international partners, and Republican Senators like Ron Johnson.”


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American cattlemen are readying for a fight to protect the definition of the word meat from producers of synthetic cellular-based beef alternatives.

“It’s a red line. It isn’t right that these factory-made products should be able to market and sell their products off the backs of the cattleman,” Justin Tupper, President of the United States Cattlemen’s Association, told The Epoch Times.

“We are talking about chemical-laced cell-cultured products that can in some ways simulate meat, but they aren’t meat, and the American consumer needs to understand that,” added Mr. Tupper.

The synthetic “meat” market has already arrived in America.

Last year, the USDA gave two producers the green light to start producing and selling their lab-grown chicken-like products in the United States.

Where’s the Beef? Ranchers Take Stand Over Synthetic ‘Meat’ Label

Consumers shop for meat at a grocery store in Annapolis, Md., on May 16, 2022. (Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images)

While a decision over the labeling of the product has yet to be announced, the cattle industry plans on being aggressively proactive in both discussions with the USDA and, if needed, litigation after having learned a valuable lesson from the dairy farmers.

“The milk industry really dropped the ball,” said Mr. Tupper. “They never believed that anyone would think that almond milk was actual milk, so they brushed it off at the time. Now there are hundreds of items with milk in the name but with no milk in the product, and it has really hurt the entire dairy industry.”

“In the same way that you can’t milk an almond, you can’t get meat from a lab, only an animal, and we are not going to allow them to use our name to promote their product.”

Synthetic meat-like products are created by taking cells acquired from animals and placing them in a warm, sterile area, usually, a metal vat, where they are then combined with a solution of chemicals that causes the cells to double once a day.

The demand for synthetic meat has been spurred largely by corporate entities and government agencies working in tandem with the environmental movement.

Bill Gates, an investor in Upside Foods, one of the two synthetic meat producers approved by the USDA, believes meat alternatives are needed to save the world from upcoming catastrophic climate events caused by greenhouse gasses.

In a 2021 interview with Technology Review, Mr. Gates said that all well-off nations need to switch to be completely weaned off of living, breathing cows.

“All rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef. You can get used to the taste difference, and the claim is they’re going to make it taste even better over time,” Mr. Gates told the interviewer. “Eventually that green premium is modest enough that you can sort of change the people or use regulation to totally shift demand. So for meat in the middle-income-and-above countries, I do think it’s possible.”

A switch from animal meat to a laboratory-grown substitute would eliminate the need for animals to be bred and slaughtered—in the U.S. alone, around 9 billion chickens and 32 million cattle are killed every year.

However, beef cattle production constitutes only a small fraction of the gasses that many environmentalists claim have had a negative impact on the planet.

Just 2 percent of total greenhouse gas emissions in the United States come from beef cattle production, while energy production and transportation produce a combined 54 percent of emissions, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Italian Ban

American ranchers aren’t the only ones raising the alarm. After two million Italians signed a petition calling for a ban against synthetic meat products, the Italian Senate passed a bill earlier this week, becoming the first country to make it illegal to produce or market the food, highlighting health concerns as the primary reason.

Ettore Prandini, President of Coldiretti, the largest association representing Italian agriculture, touted the vote as a legislative victory for the Italian people over corporate powers, telling the media that “the products in the laboratory in the authorization processes are not equated to food but rather to products of a pharmaceutical nature.”

An April 2023 report by the United Nations on the safety of “cell-based food products” cited 53 potential health hazards, including “the potential for expression of novel toxins, toxic metabolites, or allergens or a change in expression of toxins, toxic metabolites, or allergens as a result of genomic instability.”

The report concluded with a call for additional research and funding in order to draw more definitive conclusions.

Transparency Needed

Mr. Tupper isn’t calling for a ban on synthetic foods, only transparency, and believes that despite the large push for meat alternatives coming from corporate leaders and government agencies, the American cow is here to stay.

“The simple truth is that the taste of real beef cannot be replicated and, more importantly, when people discover the chemical storm that is actually in this product they are trying to pass off as meat, consumers are going to come to the conclusion that beef should come from a cow, not from a laboratory.”

“Our hopes are that the USDA will label this product for what it is, a cellular-based derivative of chemicals,” added Mr. Tupper.


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It should be understood that Niger’s CNSP Military Junta headed by General A. Tiani is supported by Washington.

General A. Tiani who led the coup d’Etat received his military training in the US at the National Defense University (NDU). He has close links to the Pentagon. 

The Biden administration has  casually refused to describe the ouster of President M. Barmou as a “Coup d’Etat” or a “regime change”.

Washington has accepted “the three year rule” proposed by the military Junta. 

Visibly there is a clash between the U.S. and France, barely acknowledged by the media. What is unfolding is the creation of political divisions within West Africa, which could potentially lead to Armed Conflict.

Similarly, the governments of Mali and Burkino Faso which were requested by Niamey to send troops to Niger. The military governments in both countries are aligned with Washington. 

In this regard, The Republic of Mali led by Colonel Assimi Goita –who is also a “friend of America” as well as an instrument of the Pentagon– had already in 2022  set the stage for “Removing France from Africa”.

Colonel Goita  issued in early 2022 a directive to “end diplomatic, military and economic ties with France”. Concurrently, he announced in 2022 that French was to be abolished as Mali’s official language.

In Burkina Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traore came to power in a military coup, in October 2022, and ordered the withdrawal of French forces.

Is a similar pattern envisaged for Niger?

The CNSP military Junta no doubt in consultation with Washington has requested the French Ambassador Sylvain Itte to leave Niger within 48 hours. 

In a bitter irony, the process of “French Decolonization” (i.e “Paris out of Africa”) does not ensure the instatement of democratic forms of government. Quite the opposite, it tends to favor the hegemonic development of U.S. neocolonialism and the militarization of the African continent, which must be forcefully opposed.

A pattern of US militarization (coupled with the imposition of neoliberal “shock treatment” macro-economic policies), has unfolded in several francophone countries of sub-Saharan Africa.


Michel Chossudovsky, August 28, 2023

See related detailed article: 

Niger’s Military Junta Is Supported by the Pentagon. Washington’s Unspoken Objective: “Remove France from Africa”

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 27, 2023


According to the Associated Press (Selected Excerpts):

Niger’s junta authorized troops from neighboring Mali and Burkina Faso to come to its defense and asked the French ambassador to leave the country Friday, raising the stakes in a standoff with other West African nations who are threatening force to reinstate Niger’s democratically elected president.

The junta leader, Brig. Gen. Abdrahmane Tchiani, signed two executive orders authorizing the “security forces of Burkina Faso and Mali to intervene on Niger territory in the event of aggression,” senior junta official Oumarou Ibrahim Sidi said late Thursday, after hosting a delegation from the two countries in the Nigerien capital, Niamey.

Sidi did not provide further details about the military support from the two countries whose military regimes have said any use of force by the West African bloc ECOWAS against Niger’s junta would be treated as an act of war against their own nations.  …

France has consistently acknowledged only the authority of Niger’s elected President Mohamed Bazoum, still detained by the junta. Paris reiterated Friday night that “only legitimate elected Nigerien authorities” have a say about the fate of its ambassador.

The invitation of troops from Mali and Burkina Faso as well as the expulsion of the French ambassador show “a very strong alignment” between the regimes of the two countries and that of Niger “in terms of having a very strong anti-Western and pro-authoritarian orientation,” said Nate Allen, an associate professor at the Africa Center for Strategic Studies.

The ECOWAS Commission president, Omar Alieu Touray, said Friday that the bloc’s threat to use force to reinstate Bazoum was “still on the table,” rejecting the junta’s three-year transition plan.

To read complete AP report click here 


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The intense propaganda used to coerce you to wear a face mask is not based on science. It is a pure political power play designed to force you and your children into submission.

And they are preparing to force you to mask up again.

In April, The Gateway Pundit reported on a German study that reveals that using a face mask during pregnancy may increase the chance of stillbirth, testicular dysfunction, and cognitive decline in children. 

Now, a study from researchers at Jeonbuk National University in South Korea, released in April and quietly being re-shared, suggests the “gold standard” surgical N95 masks may expose users to dangerous levels of toxic chemicals.

The study looked at two types of disposable medical-grade masks and several reusable cotton masks.

The Daily Mail reports:

The study found that the chemicals released by these masks had eight times the recommended safety limit of toxic volatile organic compounds (TVOCs).

Inhaling TVOCs has been linked to health issues like headaches and nausea, while prolonged and repeated has been linked to organ damage and even cancer. 

‘It is clear that particular attention must be paid to the VOCs associated with the use of KF94 [medical] masks their effects on human health,’ the researchers wrote in the study published April.

TOVCs, or Total volatile organic compounds, describes a wide range of organic chemical compounds, which are release by things like cleaning and beauty products, burning fool and cooking,  that could be classified as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs are reserved for characterization of such substances in polluted air, that is, VOCs generally refer to vapors of gases given off by compounds rather than the liquid phase.

While The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends keeping TVOC levels below 0.5 parts per million in indoor air, the study reveals that disposable masks studied contained up to 14 times the TVOCs compared to the cotton masks. 

Samples A1 through B3 represent disposable masks, whereas samples C1 through E4 are cloth masks. Disposable masks had up to 14 times more TVOCs than cloth masks Credit:

The study is concerning especially in tandem with research released in January, 2023 by the Cochrane Library  that suggests masks provide ‘little to no difference’ to Covid infection or death rates:

There is uncertainty about the effects of face masks. The low to moderate certainty of evidence means our confidence in the effect estimate is limited, and that the true effect may be different from the observed estimate of the effect. The pooled results of RCTs did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection with the use of medical/surgical masks. There were no clear differences between the use of medical/surgical masks compared with N95/P2 respirators in healthcare workers when used in routine care to reduce respiratory viral infection. Hand hygiene is likely to modestly reduce the burden of respiratory illness, and although this effect was also present when ILI and laboratory‐confirmed influenza were analysed separately, it was not found to be a significant difference for the latter two outcomes. Harms associated with physical interventions were under‐investigated.


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Who Killed Yevgeny Prigozhin?

August 28th, 2023 by Ted Snider

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Although Wagner leader Yevgeni Prigozhin had reportedly been banished to Belarus after his brief and spectacularly unsuccessful rebellion, he seemingly enjoyed a surprising freedom of movement. He apparently traveled between Belarus and Africa and traveled frequently between St. Petersburg and Moscow. He even made a very public and conspicuous appearance in July at the Russia-Africa summit where he met with African representatives and praised Vladimir Putin. But on August 23, Prigozhin was killed in a plane crash.

It could have been an accident: planes crash, and Prigozhin flew often. It could have been a murder. There is no shortage of people who might have wanted Prigozhin dead. Forces in Niger – whose coup government had just requested Wagner’s help and whom Prigozhin had just praised – or parties with an interest in Niger, or an interest in arresting Russia’s influence in Africa, might have wanted to put an end to his recent campaign to recruit mercenary soldiers to Africa. Ukraine or Poland, upon whose border Wagner’s forces were massing, might have wanted to eliminate him. The US or Ukraine might have wanted to destabilize Russia by rekindling the struggle between Moscow, the Ministry of Defense and now angry and vengeful Wagner forces. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu or Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov, whom Prigozhin wanted removed, might have wanted to remove him.

But most people will point to Putin. Most people will say that Putin was just waiting to kill him to remove a threat and punish a traitor.

President Biden and CIA Director William Burns had both previously predicted that Putin would kill Prigozhin. Both suggested that Prigozhin shouldn’t fire his food taster. But despite Burns’ claim that Putin is “the ultimate apostle of payback,” the many media claims over the years that Putin habitually arranges the murders of opponents are unsupported. The late Stephen Cohen, who was Professor Emeritus of Politics and director of Russian Studies at Princeton, dismisses the charge in a single sentence, declaring it the easiest accusation against Putin to refute “because there is no actual evidence . . . to support it.”

In his biography of Putin, Philip Short dedicates more pages to the charge but comes up with a slightly more accusatory but similar verdict. By not punishing people who arranged killings, Putin may have “allowed a climate to develop” in which powerful people could order killings. But “contrary to widespread belief in the West,” Putin “did not” authorize the killings. Short reports that, “once the fog of conspiracy theories cleared,” responsibility for some of the most famous killings were “traced back to the entourage of Chechen leader, Ramzan Kadyrov.” Short calls the evidence massed against Putin in one of the most famous cases “entirely circumstantial.” Of the long list of “high-profile” killings in Russia, Short concludes that “with the exception of Litvinenko, none had been killed at Putin’s behest.” Short argues that in a list of ten suspicious deaths compiled by the Washington Post, “only the death of Alexandr Litvinenko can be laid firmly at Putin’s door. All the others appear to have been killed for reasons unconnected with the Kremlin.” Cohen argues that, despite the verdict that Putin was “probably” responsible for Litvinenko, “there is still no conclusive proof” even for that one death. Of the two cases that cemented Putin’s reputation as a murderous thug in the media, Cohen says that “Not a shred of actual proof points to Putin in either case.”

A skeptical cloud over the case against Putin in the death of Prigozhin is the flamboyant blowing up of his plane in Russian skies just outside Moscow. Assassinations are usually made of more subtle stuff.

The strongest circumstantial case against Putin is the seemingly more coordinated than coincidental firing, or demoting, of General Sergei Surovikin on the same day. On June 27, The New York Times reported that, according to US officials, Surovikin “had advance knowledge of Yevgeny Prigozhin’s plans to rebel against Russia’s military leadership.” When Prigozhin demanded  the removal of Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov, he nominated Surovikin to replace him. Surovikin lost his job, and Prigozhin lost his life on the same day: a coincidence that at least suggests a coordinated plan, if Surovikin did, in fact, know of the rebellion and kept the knowledge from the Kremlin, to remove the two most powerful men behind the mutiny.

It may be long before the evidence is in – if it is ever in – on what happened the day Yevgeni Prigozhin died. But, though there is a case against Putin, it is far from a closed case. And, despite the constant claims, there is not a well-established line of high profile killings ordered by Putin to add to the evidence. There are also a number of other parties with a motive that should not be allowed to walk away just yet. That list includes, not just Putin, but ousted elements in Niger; parties, including the US, France and the political West with an interest in Niger and broader influence in Africa; countries, including the US and Ukraine, with an interest in restarting the Wagner-Moscow war; Poland with its Wagner crowded Belarusian border; and even other elements, like Shoigu and Gerasimov, in Russia who had felt Prigozhin’s danger.


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Ted Snider is a regular columnist on US foreign policy and history at and The Libertarian Institute. He is also a frequent contributor to Responsible Statecraft and The American Conservative as well as other outlets.

Featured image is from The Unz Review

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It is becoming increasingly obvious to a range of Western observers — from the warmonger former French president Nicolas Sarkozy to the anti-war American journalist Ted Snider — that the Biden administration planned to ignite the Ukraine war long before it broke out, and has since been intent on prolonging it and blocking all attempts to negotiate any solution that could bring it to a peaceful end.

In his recently published memoir, Sarkozy said he opposed Ukraine’s accession to NATO when he was in power, and was supported in that stance by German chancellor Angela Merkel. He acknowledged that Crimea was part of Russia with a predominantly Russian population, and thought Ukraine should be a neutral state acting as bridge between Europe and Russia. Washington’s determination to prolong the war there is not in Europe’s interest, and it should muster the courage to say that and renounce the Western habit of launching wars by proxy — a clear reference to the US.

Ted Snider’s article in The American Conservative magazine detailed how the US sabotaged three rounds of talks between Russia and Ukraine held in Belarus and Istanbul in the early days of the war. They had reached preliminary agreement on ending the war by Russia offering concessions (to withdraw from the Kyiv area, not target President Volodimir Zelensky, and cease demanding Ukraine’s disarmament), in exchange for Ukraine undertaking not to join NATO.

Former Turkish foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, who chaired the Istanbul talks, said afterwards that certain NATO members want to prolong the war and scupper any agreement to halt it — another clear reference to the US.

Biden has always been, and continues to be, eager to keep the war going. He believes it could result in the destruction of Russia, just as his country destroyed Iraq, Syria, and Libya with policies combining

economic siege, impoverishment, and military invasion pursued by successive US administrations.

We are witnessing a replay of the ‘Kuwait precedent’ where the US planned and provoked a war and sought to drag it on for as long as possible in pursuit of its goals. The George Bush Sr. administration lured Iraqi President Saddam Hussein into the trap of war in Kuwait and opposed Saudi efforts to prevent its outbreak at last-minute talks held in Taef. It pressured the Kuwaiti side to reject Saudi proposals aimed at avoiding hostilities just two days before they began.

History is now repeating itself in the Ukraine crisis, the major difference being that this time the US’ enemy is a nuclear-armed superpower fighting to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

American calculations in Ukraine have been wrong-headed since day one of the war. Persisting with them is not in the interest of the US or its European partners who have begun to pay the price of their involvement in the form of economic crises, inflation, and falling living standards for their citizens.

US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, who came up with the idea of holding the Ukraine peace summit in Jeddah, imagined it would be a forum to celebrate Russia’s surrender like a latter-day Versailles conference. But the outcomes have proven completely contrary to these naive assumptions.

The Ukrainian counteroffensive which the US was banking on failed miserably. Veteran journalist Seymour Hersh revealed that US intelligence agencies warned Secretary of State Anthony Blinken that this offensive, so loudly trumpeted by the Biden administration, would not lead to Russia’s defeat and was merely a stunt by Zelensky.

The Biden administration has now authorised countries like Denmark and The Netherlands to send F-16 warplanes to Ukraine military, ostensibly to end Russian air force’s dominance of Ukrainian airspace. But these planes will be easy prey for Russia’s air defences and will no more tip the military balance than did the previously supplied Patriot and other missile systems or the US Abrams, German Leopard, and British Challenger tanks.

The sending of drones to strike central Moscow or blow up the Crimean bridge is no more than a desperate show staged by Zelensky and his handlers to conceal the reality of defeat as Russia consolidates its control of Crimea and the four annexed eastern provinces.

I’ve always said this and will say it again: Nuclear powers cannot be defeated, and as winter begins to set in in weeks to come, ‘General Frost’ will join the fight alongside the Russian army, promising more unpleasant military surprises for Biden.


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The Israeli military attacked Aleppo International Airport in the early hours of Monday morning, according to Syrian state media, Sana.

At about 4.30 am local time Israel carried out an “aerial act of aggression” from the direction of the Mediterranean Sea, said the Syrian state news agency, Sana. 

It reported no casualties, but the Syrian transport ministry said the damage to the only functioning runway has put the airport out of service, adding that flights have been diverted to Damascus and Latakia airports.

“Maintenance teams will start repair work today to return the airport to service as quickly as possible,” ministry official Suleiman Khalil told AFP.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said weapons depots at the adjacent Nayrab military airport were also targeted by air strikes. 

The strike comes a week after an Israeli attack on sites near Damascus killed two pro-government fighters, according to the Observatory.

This is the fifth time in under one year that Israel has struck Aleppo airport.

Alleged Israeli strikes last put Aleppo airport out of service in May, and prior to that twice in March, and one in September 2022.

Israeli missile strikes have also hit the airport in the Syrian capital of Damascus at least four times this year.

The Israeli military has made no comment following the latest attacks, a stance it has maintained following previous assaults on Syria.

Israel has conducted hundreds of air strikes in Syria since 2011, targeting Syrian troops, Iran-backed fighters and Hezbollah.

However, attacks targeting airports and paralysing aviation have become more frequent over the last year.


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After weeks of local speculation, the purchasers of 55,000 acres of northern California land have been revealed. The group Flannery Associates – backed by a cohort of Silicon Valley investors – has quietly purchased $800m worth of agricultural and empty land, the New York Times has reported. Its goal is to build a utopian new town that will offer its thousands of residents reliable public transportation and urban living, all of which would operate using clean energy.

The project was spearheaded by Jan Sramek, a 36-year-old former trader for the investment banking firm Goldman Sachs, and is backed by prominent Silicon Valley investors including Michael Moritz, a venture capitalist; Reid Hoffman, the co-founder of Linkedin; Laurene Powell Jobs, the founder of the philanthropic group Emerson Collective and wife of Steve Jobs; Marc Andreessen, an investor and software developer; Patrick and John Collison, the sibling co-founders of the payment processor Stripe; and the entrepreneurs Daniel Gross and Nat Friedman, the Times reported.

Though Flannery has been purchasing farmland and empty plots over the past five years it has only recently started interacting with local officials and residents, according to the Times and local reports.

Flannery has purchased land from farmers for several times more than the market value and become the biggest landowners in Solano county, an area 60 miles north-east of San Francisco. The land bought by the firm encircles Travis air force base in Fairfield, a city of about 120,000 residents and home to the Anheuser-Busch Co brewery and the Jelly Belly jelly bean factory.

Recently, Flannery has been meeting with local officials and representatives, according to the Times. It has also been sending out opinion polls to local residents to gauge their feelings on an initiative that could appear on Solano county voter’s ballots, according to the newspaper SF Gate.

“This project would include a new city with tens of thousands of new homes, a large solar energy farm, orchards with over a million new trees, and over ten thousand acres of new parks and open space,” a screenshot of the survey obtained by the newspaper reads.

The poll also asks if residents would support the project if it was placed in an area with “bad soil that only contributes 5% of the county’s agricultural production,” according to a Facebook post from Catherine Moy, the mayor of Fairfield, the closest city to Flannery’s purchases.

Despite the lofty goals set forth by Flannery, the group faces an uphill battle that will affect each step of the process of creating a new city from scratch. The firm has sued land owners who sold their land over what it describes as an “illegal price-fixing conspiracy”. Flannery would have to get the blessing of officials at the local and state levels and residents. It will also have to navigate environmental and zoning roadblocks, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

[This article was amended on 27 August 2023 to clarify that Flannery Associates has sued land owners from whom it bought land for an alleged price-fixing conspiracy.]


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A Voice Heard in the Land. Diana Johnstone

August 28th, 2023 by Diana Johnstone

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The song “Rich Men North of Richmond” is a personal lament, a cry of pain and despair over the state of the “new world”.

The fact that Oliver Anthony’s powerful voice and frank lyrics immediately resonated with millions of listeners tells each of us something about the rest of us. On the simple but deep level of sensibility, millions of very different people found they shared something in common.

Exactly what this might be and where it might lead is a mystery, but there is potential political meaning in the subjective unity aroused by this song.

No, not unity but division! – promptly decreed liberal establishment opinion-makers. It’s the “right wing” that loves it, ruled The Guardian and the rest. Scrutinizing the lyrics for rightwing extremist stigmata, critics jumped on just these lines.

Lord, we got folks in the street
Ain’t got nothin’ to eat
And the obese milkin’ welfare

But God if you’re five foot three
And you’re three hundred pounds
Taxes ought not to pay
For your bags of fudge rounds

North of Richmond, where lobbyists and legislators play, this may seem to be all about welfare payments, good on the left, bad on the right. But in its way, this is a poem, and as such it calls for a more poetic interpretation.

[After 40 million views on YouTube, Edward Snowden tweets that Oliver likely already has an FBI file.]

Here the author is pointing to a paradox, the coexistence of having nothing to eat and suffering from obesity. This contrast is observed and experienced with growing frequency in the working class.

Anxiety, despair, substance abuse and binge eating, homelessness and bad nutrition, not to mention poor health and lowered life expectancy come together in these apparently opposing phenomena. All, including welfare itself, reflect the misery of the contemporary working class.

And if we stand back and look for causes and effects, we can drop the minor matter of too many fudge rounds and get to the great big root causes of the whole picture behind Oliver Anthony’s rapid sketch.

The Planned Obsolescence of the Working Class

Teamsters Local 804 rally in New York outside a UPS customer center. (Teamsterts for a Democratic Union)

The plight of the contemporary Western ruling class goes back roughly forty years, to the political takeover of public policy by financial capital. Financial capital makes the investment decisions that shape society, and governments, to lure those precious investments, began to cede more and more freedom to those decision-makers. The social impact was enormous.

Capitalist rulers not only chose measures to increase the share of stockholder profits over remuneration to employees for their productive work, but began to plan the obsolescence of the Western working class altogether. Automation and outsourcing diminished the political influence of labor, further weakened by uncontrolled immigration of potential substitute job fillers.

The plain truth is that planned obsolescence has been the dominant policy of the Western elite toward the working class since the neoliberal power seizure of the 1980s.

And what about the political left in all this, the political thinkers and activists who under Marxist influence once championed the working class as both the agents and the beneficiaries of historic progress?

To a significant extent, the American intellectual left settled into the ivory tower of academia, where it thrived following a trajectory in harmony with the obsolescence of the working class. Ensconced in humanities departments, the intellectual left more or less forgot about class as they theorized society in terms of a new array of human categories, racial and sexual. As befits a left, it actively promotes progress, championing oppressed identity categories as it once championed theoretically oppressed wage earners.

Now, when a working class stiff, who suffered a bad accident working in a paper mill, comes along with his complaint, representatives of this contemporary left don’t get it. What is he complaining about? Is he racist?

It is not just the present that causes suffering. Somehow the Western working class can feel that at more than one level, its future has been taken away from it.

Today’s official left doesn’t capture this discontent because it has essentially abandoned the working class and is no longer interested in ownership of the means of production, or even production, which may be bad for the planet.

The academic left see the whole world as classrooms and conference halls. It asserts its values by championing diversity, equity and inclusion in math classes and corporate board rooms. It wants fair distribution within its own elite and other elites as well.

It doesn’t care about the identity distribution of workers in a paper mill, which probably should be shut down anyway, for the sake of the environment. Yes, society is bitterly divided, but it sure ain’t the fault of Oliver Anthony.

“I’ve been sellin’ my soul, workin’ all day / Overtime hours for bullshit pay / So I can sit out here and waste my life away / Drag back home and drown my troubles away.

It’s a damn shame what the world’s gotten to / For people like me and people like you / Wish I could just wake up and it not be true / But it is, oh, it is.

Livin’ in the new world / With an old soul / These rich men north of Richmond / Lord knows they all just wanna have total control / Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do / And they don’t think you know, but I know that you do / ‘Cause your dollar ain’t shit and it’s taxed to no end / ‘Cause of rich men north of Richmond.

I wish politicians would look out for miners / And not just minors on an island somewhere / Lord, we got folks in the street, ain’t got nothin’ to eat / And the obese milkin’ welfare.

Well, God, if you’re 5-foot-3 and you’re 300 pounds / Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds / Young men are puttin’ themselves six feet in the ground / ‘Cause all this damn country does is keep on kickin’ them down.”


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Diana Johnstone was press secretary of the Green Group in the European Parliament from 1989 to 1996. In her latest book, Circle in the Darkness: Memoirs of a World Watcher (Clarity Press, 2020), she recounts key episodes in the transformation of the German Green Party from a peace to a war party. Her other books include Fools’ Crusade: Yugoslavia, NATO and Western Delusions (Pluto/Monthly Review) and in co-authorship with her father, Paul H. Johnstone, From MAD to Madness: Inside Pentagon Nuclear War Planning (Clarity Press).

She is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization

She can be reached at [email protected] 

Featured image: Dec. 14, 2018: Amazon workers in Shakopee, Minnesota, protesting a variety of working conditions. (Fibonacci Blue, Flickr, CC BY 2.0)

Video: Maui Wildfires: Evidence of Direct Energy Weapon?

August 28th, 2023 by Hawaii Real Estate

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Media has been restricted access to Lahaina after the catastrophic wildfires. So residents of the town investigated themselves and found smoking gun about the possible cause of the fires.

Watch the video below and judge for yourself: was directed energy weapon (DEW) involved in the wiping out of a town?


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Featured image: Lāhainā Lighthouse surrounded by August 2023 wildfire ruins

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The Gateway Pundit previously reported that InfoWars published insider information that alleges the TSA and US Border Patrol will be moving back to 2020-era COVID-19 mandates and restrictions starting in mid-September through mid-October, to include mask mandates on all flights. This is in addition to the confirmed mask-mandate reinstatement at Morris Brown College in Atlanta, GA, and Lionsgate Studios in Santa Monica, CA. Also, a school district in South Texas just outside of San Antonio closed down temporarily due to an ‘uptick’ in COVID cases.

That same week, War Room’s Natalie Winters uncovered millions of dollars in funding, awarded primarily to the Department of Veteran’s Affairs and DoD, to ramp up testing and other COVID-19 related.

This was just a week after the NIH appointed Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo, a staunch advocate for masks, lockdowns, and vaccine mandates, as the replacement for Dr. Fauci.

To further the suggestion that another lockdown scare is in the forecast, on Tuesday, the US Department of Health and Human Services announced funding of $1.4 billion to “support the development of a new generation of tools and technologies to protect against COVID-19 for years to come” according to a press release.

“Project NextGen is a key part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to keeping people safe from COVID-19 variants,” said HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. “These awards are a catalyst for the program – kickstarting efforts to more quickly develop vaccines and continue to ensure availability of effective treatments.”

Project NextGen, a $5 billion initiative led by ASPR’s Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) in partnership with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), coordinates across the federal government and the private sector to advance innovative vaccines and therapeutics into clinical trials, regulatory review, and potential commercial availability for the American people. The project builds on a better understanding of COVID-19 – with HHS developing, using, and constantly re-evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of current vaccines and therapeutics for over three years.

Recipients of the awards include: 

  • $1 billion to four BARDA Clinical Trial partners to support vaccine Phase IIb clinical trial studies: ICON Government and Public Health Solutions, Inc of Hinckley, Ohio; Pharm-Olam, LLC, of Houston, Texas; Technical Resources Intl (TRI), Inc, of Bethesda, Maryland; and Rho Federal Systems, Inc., Durham, North Carolina.
  • $326 million to Regeneron to support the development of a next-generation monoclonal antibody for COVID-19 prevention.
  • $100 million to Global Health Investment Corp. (GHIC), the non-profit organization managing the BARDA Ventures investment portfolio to expand investments in new technologies that will accelerate responses in the future.
  • $10 million to Johnson & Johnson Innovation (JLABS) for a competition through Blue Knight, a BARDA-JLABS partnership.

The press release claims that their partnership with Regeneron will help develop a “novel monoclonal antibody that will protect people who do not respond to or cannot take existing vaccines,” despite their attempts to limit the distribution in Florida in 2021.

On Friday, Joe Biden announced that he plans to request more funding from Congress to develop a new COVID vaccine “that works.”

“I signed off this morning on a proposal we have to present to the Congress a request for additional funding for a new vaccine that is necessary, that works,” Biden told the reporters while vacationing in Lake Tahoe.

Biden warned that everyone will get it despite their previous vaccination status.

“It will likely be recommended that everybody get it no matter whether they’ve gotten it before or not,” he added.


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Jim Hᴏft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

Featured image is from GP

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

If Osama bin Laden Didn’t Do 9/11, Then Who Did?

August 28th, 2023 by Prof. Anthony J. Hall

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Introduction. Manufacturing Panics and Disasters

The dominant War Lords behind the rising onslaught of apocalyptic upheavals are very meticulous in some facets of their planning. Their Big Plans often involve the exploitation of manufactured disaster to generate panic, lot’s of panic…. panic meant to help destabilize, depopulate, and terrorize the general population. Often responses of panic and fear can be finessed to strip away any semblance of rationality.

This tactic for repressing reason and logic makes it much easier to manipulate large masses of terrified people as occurred on 9/11.

The business of manufacturing widespread panic attacks is thus becoming essential in the War Lords’ accelerating process of reducing once-fairly-healthy populations into human rubble.

The political economy of packaged hysteria thrives on the fabrication or intensification of catastrophe.

Sometimes the strategy is to divert attention from the real catastrophes by building up the illusionary aura of fake catastrophes like climate change. Manufactured disasters include the outcome of the Directed Energy Weapons zapped at Maui. This outcome was spun as offering specious proof that climate change is ruining the planet.

Manufactured disasters also includes the massive toxic chemical fire ignited by murderous saboteurs after a train went off the tracks in East Palestine Ohio. Some of the derailed train cars carried dangerous loads that should have been carefully removed from the town site and then unloaded professionally at an appropriate facility. Instead the saboteurs purposely torched the toxic materials in East Palestine to create maximum contamination, murder and mayhem over a large region. This operation has all over it the finger prints of the most aggressive branch of the billionaire War Lords seeking their further aggrandizement at our expense.

Both The Maui and East Palestine events took place in 2023. What further surprises await us in the closing months of 2023? What does the academic calendar of 2023-24 hold in store? What might be this year’s September Surprise as we embark on the teaching and learning cycle of 2023-23, a cycle when education is rapidly giving way to indoctrination for civilizational nullification.

Just as school starts in September, so too did the War on Terror. September of 2001 proved to be a propitious time for the perpetrators of the 9/11 crimes. The misrepresentation of the lies and crimes of 9/11 were sold to the public on the basis of a script largely authored by Orientalist operative, Bernard Lewis.

The late Bernard Lewis perfectly embodied the Zionist component in the imperial trajectory of the Anglo-American Empire. Throughout the twentieth century the UK and the US invested much political capital onto the rise of the Zionist movement to create and expand Israel. An academic Orientalist, Lewis moved into the intelligence apparatus of the United States from the Arab Bureau of British intelligence. As Edward Said has so compellingly explained, this imperial school of Orientalist experts was deeply involved in colonizing the Muslim and Arab peoples throughout Eurasia.

At the White House, Lewis coached National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski on the development and deployment of Arab mercenary armies with the goal of overturning the Soviet Union. That process gained traction in the decade culminating in 1989 when the Soviet puppet government in Afghanistan collapsed due to the military incursions of a US-recruited, trained, armed and backed mujahideen proxy army. A Saudi component of the mercenary force included CIA asset, Osama bin Laden.

The demise of the Soviet puppet government in Afghanistan helped hearten especially CIA-Vatican-backed Polish opponents of the Soviet regime. By 1991 the USSR was relegated to the dust heap of history while Lewis stayed on as the chief strategist in remaking the USA’s Muslim allies into made-for-TV terrorist enemies. This process of demonizing Muslims served Israel’s objective of furthering the Jewish State’s heavy-duty exploitation of America’s military muscle.

This history constitutes the background of Bernard Lewis’ role in developing the Public Relations fable of al-Qaeda and bin Laden as personifications of “the West’s” new post-9/11 enemy.

Lewis’ goal in orchestrating the 9/11 fable was to produce an impactful example of the “clash of civilizations” he had successfully promoted as the new strategic paradigm to replace the bipolar dynamics of the Cold War. Like the 9/11 false flag, the implementation of this paradigm served many objectives but especially the agenda of cultivating the culture of never ending war to further enrich the world’s richest people.

War is the biggest bonanza in the money-making strategies of the world’s dominant banking cartels. Typically the top tier of bankers finance different sides in conflicts, This tactic helped set strategies for modern-day hedge funds.

The dominant bankers work closely with the war profiteers in running the supposedly US-led military-industral complex.

Anxious to continue their dominating role in the US political economy, these death merchants needed a dramatic display of violence to illustrate the applicability of Lewis’ clash-of-civilizations paradigm.

It is no coincidence, therefore, that the media’s depiction of Arabs and Muslims after 9/11 was effective in turning public opinion in the direction of support for Israel’s campaign to weaken, divide and dominate the predominantly Islamic populations of western Asia.

The bin Laden fable was sold to the public through the propaganda techniques developed and elaborated by Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernays. Bernays’ involvement extends from Goebbels’ propaganda ministry in National Socialist Germany, to Madison Avenue PR, to covert warfare on behalf of United Fruit Company and the intelligence branches of the US Armed Forces. Edward Bernays helped cultivate the seeds of what would become the military-media complex of Silicon Valley currently dominated by the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith.

In the Bernaysian tradition, the essence of the 9/11 hit job was to establish the existential basis for a huge and ongoing psychological operation whose overriding goal is to establish Zio-American omnipotence in the governance of the globe.

Creating Illusions While Destroying Evidence 

On the bright sunny morning in Manhattan, an event soon named “9/11” ushered in a new era of accelerated civilizational decline. In the early hours of the disaster, Israeli agents were already spinning the story on the BBC of what the West’s response should be. Ehud Barak, a former Israel prime minister, immediately proposed the mounting of a War on the Islamic Terror with Osama bin Laden as the leading target.

In retrospect, Barak’s words can be viewed as directives describing what was about to come. In essence he was articulating the War Lords’ instructions. These instructions were to be carried out immediately, without any authentic investigation whatsoever concerning what happened in September of 2001. To this day, the US government has never engaged in a serious and credible investigation of what transpired on 9/11. Why would they? So much is at stake and there is so much to hide.

In the absence of the willingness of countless of officials to do their jobs honestly, much investigation has been carried out by conscientious citizens seeking to stave off the dishonesty of the liars that govern us. We have come up with an extensive body of work supporting conclusions that have influenced hundreds of millions of independent-minded people around the world.

Generally speaking this informal constituency of nay sayers do not support the audacious fakery permeating the official story. There is a very big gap between the existing evidence and the official narrative woven in and around the hugely transformative event in twentieth century history.

Video: Ehud Barak Interview An Hour After 9/11

Even as the events of 9/11 were still unfolding, the US government went into high gear to hide and destroy the evidence chronicling what happened.

Much of this rush to hide the truth of 9/11 was under the executive command of Michael Chertoff. Chertoff is a Zionist Jew with huge heft in the federal government. On 9/11 he was the official in charge of the US Justice Department’s criminal division, including the FBI.

The officials under Chertoff were especially anxious to get rid of evidence contained in the remnants of the structural steel at ground zero. A careful analysis of the undisturbed steel left in place, could have explained much about the completely unprecedented free fall of three, steel-framed skyscrapers in Manhattan.

Most of the material content of these massive structures, the pride of American structural engineering, literally vanished into thin air due to intense vaporization and pulverization. The resulting spectacle offered a high-end display of technological wizardry the likes of which have never been seen before or since 9/11. Where did the enormous amount of energy come from in order to dramatize this stunning enactment of terrorism in action?

What kind of military technology was made available to the 9/11 culprits who pulled off the Hollywoodized extravaganza was set and largely prepared in the Wall Street district of Manhattan.

Certainly the bogus study that was done by NIST stands as a monument to the deeply fraudulent character of the government’s pretend investigation of 9/11. The vaporization and pulverization of the World Trade Center towers simply could not have happened in the way the National Institute of Standards and Technology reported it did.

NIST’s failure to tell the truth presents a telling illustration of the role of 9/11 in helping to collapse the stature and functionality of the once-dominant superpower. As the following video attests, NIST’s perjury in sticking to the fraudulent script of the 9/11 fantasy, epitomizes the treasonous trashing of a crucial agency at the very nexus of American science, technology and industry. The best interests of the United States and its people were sacrificed to advance the interests of a foreign power.

Video: “Stand for the Truth”. Peter Michael Ketcham

In August 2016, Peter Michael Ketcham, a former employee of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), began looking into the reports his agency had released years earlier on the collapse of the World Trade Center. What he found shook him to the core. In this poignant half-hour interview, Peter Michael Ketcham tells his story of discovering that the organization where he had worked for 14 years had deliberately suppressed the truth about the most pivotal event of the 21st century.

Large amounts of the twisted WTC steel that escaped being vaporized and pulverized were quickly hauled off to China to be transformed into battle ships and such. The lies and crimes were covered over in the post-9/11 era in countless ways. Decisions large and small were made in order to put obstacles in the way of those seeking to answer the question: What really happened on 9/11?

Video: “Twin Tower Vaporization”

The flurry of coordinated erasure under the oversight of the Justice Department and FBI extended to the destruction Air Traffic Controllers tapes and to the imposition of Soviet-style “minders” to prevent federal officials involved in the matter from going on record with their own testimony. Moreover, many types of video records documenting both the events of 9/11 and the related interrogations, have been made to disappear.

The same is true of paper transcripts and other incriminating evidence dumped by the triumphant conspirators into the 9/11 memory hole. At the same time the US national security state went into high gear to use excruciating torture of human beings as a means of extracting false evidence to back up the bogus official narrative.

See this and this.

Like many officials involved in the crackdown on truth and government accountability, Michael Chertoff was rewarded in 2005 by being made head of the then-new Homeland Security Dept., an agency created on the basis of the supposed “lessons learned” from 9/11. In this position Chertoff accused those who questioned his leading role in facilitating and misrepresenting the 9/11 debacle as being very similar to “Holocaust Deniers.”

The terrorist entrepreneur exploited his influence on government policy by selling airport security equipment developed by the Chertoff Group. In other words, he cynically cashed in on the transformation of rights-bearing citizens into terrorist suspects subject to the arbitrary rule of our invisible and unaccountable governors.

Video: Homeland Security Michael Chertoff

Along with the specious interpretation of the events of 9/11 came a new stage in pulverizing our remaining freedoms and civil liberties as well as the remnants of our hollowed out democracies. A permanent State of Emergency was declared, one that continues to this day with added layers of toxic Covidian pseudo-law.

This retreat away from the checks and balances of constitutional governance secured even tighter Zionist control over the operations of the Anglo-American war machine and its propaganda branches. The misrepresentation of the 9/11 false flag initiated a period of US-led wars for Israel. These Zionist wars were mostly directed at Muslim-majority countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Somalia.

The War on Terror and the War on Truth

There is much scanty evidence of a large elaborate Israeli spy ring operating invasively throughout the United States prior to 9/11. There is also evidence of Mossad agents put in place to record the hits on the Twin Towers. These agents were employees of Israeli-run trucking companies in the New York/New Jersey area, companies that were well placed to transport goods required to wire the Twin Towers for controlled demolition.

Surprisingly Rupert Murdoch’s FOX news began to break the story of the Israeli spy rings involved in 9/11. Then the network backtracked but not without doing enough reporting to make it clear that the Jewish, Israeli and neocon facet of the 9/11 debacle is undeniable and deep.

There is a very large literature debunking the obscenely stupid and outright insulting official explanation of what happened on 9/11. Who really believes the ridiculous fable any more of Osama bin Laden as “the mastermind of 9/11”? Bernard Lewis must be having a good laugh in his grave.

Much of this skeptical literature evades any direct reckoning with the Zionist role in the debacle. The people behind the 9/11 crime have lots of means at their disposal to intimidate, damage and deplatform those that do the necessary investigations. The citizen investigations became necessary because of the treasonous avoidance by those whose job it is to enforce the law and defend the United States from foreign subversion.

Laurent Guyénot is one of those who have stepped up to the the plate where those possessed of profession responsibility and scholarly integrity do their stuff. I conclude with a link to Guyénot’s essay, “9/11 Was an Israeli Job.”

See this.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack.

Dr. Anthony Hall is editor in chief of the American Herald Tribune. He is currently Professor of Globalization Studies at University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada. He has been a teacher in the Canadian university system since 1982. Dr. Hall, has recently finished a big two-volume publishing project at McGill-Queen’s University Press entitled “The Bowl with One Spoon”.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

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As I have noted in the past, the western world came within a knife’s edge of being completely subjugated and placed under perpetual medical tyranny by a coalition of government officials, globalist interests and corporate partners. Liberty movement analysts have talked often of “open conspiracy,” but it was not until the pandemic response that we truly witnessed the mask come off and the greater agenda revealed.

Not more than five years ago the most common retort from skeptics was that such a conspiracy was “impossible” because it was “too elaborate to organize.” Today these people look rather foolish. It is undeniable – There is a cabal of power elites, they are highly organized around the globalist ideology and they want total centralized control of society. It is an immutable fact supported by endless proof. The debate is over. The covid response ended it.

The list of crimes against civil liberties is long. The establishment and the political left (with the help of a handful of Neocons) tried to implement unprecedented authoritarian measures from business and church shutdowns to forced masking (studies show the masks are useless) to forced vaccination using experimental mRNA products with no long term safety testing. In some countries (including New Zealand and Australia) covid camps were actually built to imprison not just citizens traveling overseas, but non-traveling citizens as well. Legislation to build such camps was pushed in the US.

A large percentage of Democrats in polls supported even more extreme policies, including:

  • 55% of Democrats wanted fines for unvaxxed Americans.
  • 59% of Democrats wanted the unvaccinated forcefully confined to their homes.
  • 48% of Democrats wanted prison time for anyone that questioned the vaccines.
  • 47% of Democrats were in favor of government tracking of the unvaxxed.
  • 29% of Democrats were in favor or taking children away from the unvaxxed.

So, if someone tells you there “are no sides” and that the conflict is an illusion created by the “false left/right paradigm,” you know they are full of manure. There are definitely sides and the globalists are not our only concern. And though there are always nuances to take into consideration, exceptions to the rule do not change the rule.

As many leftists openly admitted during the mandates, the goal was to make life so miserable for the unvaccinated that they would eventually comply in order to survive. In this way, establishment elites and leftists could claim that people “volunteered” for the vaccines and no one was forced. What they really meant was, no one was forced at gunpoint, but we all knew that threat was coming next.

Keep in mind that all of these measures were rationalized in the name of “saving lives.” No lives were saved by the mandates. The official median infection fatality rate of covid is a mere 0.23%. In other words, all of these constitutional violations were attempted over a virus that 99.8% of people would inevitably catch and easily survive. I continue to suspect that the establishment expected covid to kill far more people than it did – When lab created diseases get out into the wild they change rapidly, usually evolving to be more infectious but less deadly.

The cabal is not all powerful and certainly not infallible. They make mistakes often. The covid agenda relied on multiple disjointed factors that were difficult to predict and most of them had to work in tandem. One of those factors was the dependency on the political left (a group of weaklings) to act as useful idiots and mob enforcers. Frankly, leftists just aren’t frightening enough to inspire compliance.

Another factor was the assumption that the response of conservative and independent free thinkers would be limited and easy to control. Finally, most if not all state governments in the US had to enforce the mandates for the duration.

Globalists seem to have greatly underestimated the potential resistance to their agenda, specifically in the US where 50 million+ armed citizens were ready to go to war over the draconian restrictions. I think the vaccine passports were the KEY to the scheme; vax passports would have given the establishment full spectrum dominance of the economy with people unable to get jobs or purchase necessities without submitting to the mandates.

It was here that many conservatives, independents and dozens of red states (to my surprise) made their stand, and suddenly, like magic, the covid hysteria vanished. The media propaganda campaign went quiet (compared to the previous two years), and the mandates were abandoned in most places around the world. The globalists were not ready to risk a fight against a massive insurgency.

It has been suggested that the covid agenda is about to make a comeback with a new hyped up strain of the virus. If this is the case, then the attempt will hit a wall. With even more Americans aware of the pointlessness of the mandates and the masks it is unlikely to gain much traction. Of course, as long as the people behind these schemes remain unpunished, they will be free to try again and again until something sticks.

Government agencies and officials like Anthony Fauci remain unpunished for their numerous covid lies. Joe Biden remains unpunished for his attempts to supplant the Bill of Rights. The mainstream media and Big Tech companies remain unpunished for their collusion in propaganda and censorship efforts.

And, let’s not gloss over the fact that Donald Trump promoted the fast-tracked mRNA vaccine programs (I will admit that as far as I know he never called for people to be forced to comply).

He also placed many technocrats and globalists within his own cabinet who would later go on to help institute authoritarian policies. How much these people influenced him or lied to him is up for debate, but his current prosecution does not negate his role leading up to the lockdowns. If there is an election in 2024 and Trump re-enters the White House, remember that no president is going to save us from this fight, we must save ourselves.

The goal of the globalists will be to move swiftly into other crisis events, whether real or fabricated, to bring the population to heel. Enter today’s climate change hysteria…

The covid agenda and the climate change agenda are very similar in that they rely on a core fallacy. The lie is that these events are actually dictated by human behavior, and thus human behavior must be controlled in the name of the “greater good.” The idea goes beyond this, though, into the realm of collectivism; for the globalists and leftists assert that each individual action affects the lives of the rest of the population in a great and unending hive. Therefore, every single person must have their lives micromanaged by the state to prevent some kind of chain reaction that leads to catastrophe for the precious bug colony.

This was the claim during the covid farce, and it’s also the claim for climate change and carbon restrictions. They have fabricated yet another excuse for eliminating personal freedoms. For covid it was the air we each breath out that would supposedly destroy public health, and for climate change it is once again the air we breath out that will supposedly destroy the world. Coincidence? I think not.

During the lockdowns, numerous globalists and globalist connected climate researchers publicly expressed joy at the suggestion that covid lockdowns could be useful for reducing carbon emissions. The phrase “climate lockdowns” started circulating around major conferences and in various globalist funded studies.

These studies obviously show a precipitous drop in human based carbon emissions during the lockdowns, but still do not provide any evidence that man-made emissions actually cause climate changes. This remains the underlying con game of the climate narrative – Climate researchers with access to billions in government funds and think-tank funds happily operate on the ASSUMPTION that emissions cause warming, when in fact they have zero evidence to support this position. Correlation is not causation.

This summer, the media has been relentlessly pounding the climate propaganda drum to a degree that mimics the covid propaganda of a couple years ago.  The nihilistic reports of impending “global boiling” are built upon a house of cards.  Almost all climate crisis claims are based on records of a little over 100 years old. The Earth’s climate history is vast and there have been numerous warming periods much hotter than today. All of these warming events occurred during periods of ample animal and plant life and without human industry to blame.

The climate bogeyman is nothing more than another covid-like fraud, a vehicle for grabbing power and erasing our freedoms. There is no threat, and even if there was there is nothing that human beings could do about it since we have no bearing whatsoever on the course of the Earth’s temperatures. The world’s climate has been changing for millions of years, and there is no difference between the changes of today vs the changes of the past.

The globalists know that to achieve the “new world order” or the “great reset” they desire, a large percentage of the population has to be onboard. And since most people have a measure of conscience as well as self interest, their enslavement has to be presented as a positive.  Tthey must be made to believe that by embracing slavery they are saving the planet and the lives of others.

None of this is true of course, but as long as the populace thinks they are doing good they can often be manipulated into supporting immense evil.


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On 17 August 2023, Former French President Sarkozy made a test balloon for accept Russian objectives.

1. Accept Russian territorial gains
2. Ukraine must remain neutral
3. Ukraine cannot become member of NATO.
4. Ukraine cannot even become member of the EU.

Probably, Macron, Scholz, and others have silently agreed to let Sarkozy put up this perspective, in order to test the reaction. Sarkozy is unpopular anyway, so Sarkozy is the perfect persona to send up this “test-balloon” to see if it gets shot down or if it floats. And it floats.

Sarkozy made his statements 10 days ago which is already a long time in politics. And nothing happened. Apart from the programmatic outcries from Kiev, no major politicians in the EU pushed back on Sarkozy’s points. Not even from Germany’s chancellor Scholz or France’s president Macron. This signals that Sarkozy’s views have silent and wide support in the EU. EU leaders who still publicly support the hopeless Ukraine war have silently had more than enough of it. 

For the past 10 days since Sarkozy made his comments, the US has tried to ignore Sarkozy and those many he speaks for in the EU. But as Sarkozy’s views keep hanging unopposed in Europe, the US deep state cannot ignore it anymore. Only now, very late, a pushback comes against Sarkozy’s comments – not from Europe, but from one of the US deep state media, the New York Times (NYT).

It is revealing to notice the tone of the NYT piece. The US neocons speaking through the NYT are hurt, angered, defenseless – and scared. As war fatigue grips the EU political environment both left and right, the tone in the NYT shows that US neocons feel betrayed that the Europeans are losing appetite on sacrificing themselves for the US imperial project in Ukraine. And we are already talking about very important political voices speaking for broad European populations both left and right, who go against the Ukraine war.

Voices like the French Socialist Ségolène Royal, a former presidential candidate.

Voices like former German chancellor Gerhard Schröder, who is a heavyweight in chancellor Scholz’ own Social Democratic party SPD. Voices like the party “Alternative for Germany”, which due its outspoken resistance to the Ukraine war has become a broad popular party of no less than 21%.

The war-happy mainstream media still try to outcast “Alternative for Germany” as a “far right party”, but the fact is, that “Alternative for Germany” has become mainstream – not because Germans have become “fascist”, but on the contrary, because Germans have become fed up with sacrificing their own country for a war which destroys Ukraine and goes against German interests in prosperity and peace in Europe. See this. 

A big political change regarding the war in Ukraine is forming below the surface tightly censored by US media control. In the end, USA, NATO, and the EU will abandon Ukraine, let it sink to the bottom of the ocean, and let Russia take care of the economic disaster and human mess which Ukraine has become due to US control. What remains of Ukraine will become a new Belarus under a leadership sympathetic to Moscow and depend economically on China’s Belt & Road Initiative for its reconstruction and as foundation for its future economy.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

The Mask Cult Is Back! The Pandemic Propaganda Has Been Unleashed

By Dr. William Makis, August 28, 2023

Big Pharma compromised corrupt doctors, and virtue signaling far left activist doctors (medical students & residents who think they are smarter than they actually are) are the worst of the worst.

CDC Now Refusing New COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports in Its “V-Safe Program”

By Dr. David Gortler, August 28, 2023

The V-safe website simply states: “Thank you for your participation. Data collection for COVID-19 vaccines concluded on June 30, 2023.” If you go there today, V-safe directs users to the FDA’s VAERS website for adverse event reporting, even though officials continually derided VAERS as “passive” and “unverified.” 

U.S. Doubles Uranium Imports from Russia. Where Are the Sanctions?

By Mac Slavo, August 28, 2023

The United States’ uranium purchases from Russia have doubled since last year. The U.S. bought 416 tons of uranium from Russia in the first half of the year, more than double the amount for the same period in 2022 and the highest level since 2005.

Potential Accountability for British Intelligence’s Involvement in CIA Torture

By Jennifer Hicks, August 28, 2023

Recent developments suggest that British intelligence agents might finally face legal consequences for their lesser-known involvement in the CIA’s global torture program. A tribunal responsible for intelligence oversight is turning its focus on scrutinizing Britain’s foreign and domestic intelligence activities.

Torture Comes Home to Roost

By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, August 28, 2023

Last week, at the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, torture came home to roost when the government suffered serious setbacks in two cases. In one, a military judge suppressed the confessions of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri — the alleged mastermind of the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000, which killed 17 American sailors — because he found that the confessions were obtained under torture.

Federal Agency Responds to Rumors of Coming COVID-19 Lockdown

By Jack Phillips, August 28, 2023

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) on Friday responded to social media-driven claims the federal government is looking to re-impose mask mandates, vaccine mandates, and lockdowns.

Anger and Fear Follow Japan’s Release of Radioactive Water

By Cho Jung-Woo, August 28, 2023

Civic groups and politicians in Korea on Thursday expressed fierce opposition to Japan’s decision to begin releasing treated radioactive water from the defunct Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

“Israel commits massive ethnic cleansing in Palestine, while building more illegal settlements.” Interview with Fra Hughes

By Fra Hughes and Steven Sahiounie, August 28, 2023

The current government ruling Israel is the most far-right Jewish extremist in history. Senior members in power have been asking for the forced deportation of Palestinians, in a frightening echo of the Nakba of 1948, when three-fourths of the Palestinian population was expelled in a massive ethnic cleansing while the US and western nations stood by in silent complicity.

The Demolition of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. “The Devil’s Trick”

By Mark H. Gaffney, August 27, 2023

As we approach the 22nd anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks, more than enough evidence exists to draw reasonable conclusions about what happened that day and who was responsible. Most of the basic facts have been known for years, though unfortunately have not been readily available to the general public.

World War III Has Already Begun, but the Truth Is Being Withheld from the Public Until the Very Last Moment

By Mike Adams, August 27, 2023

World War III has already begun. You simply aren’t being told this because your government and dishonest media outlets are dedicated to keeping you in the dark. After all, they want to use the remaining time to stockpile food, ammunition, medical supplies and precious metals for themselves, and this can only be accomplished by withholding the truth about the situation for as long as possible.

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) V-safe website quietly stopped collecting adverse event reports with no reason or explanation.

The V-safe website simply states: “Thank you for your participation. Data collection for COVID-19 vaccines concluded on June 30, 2023.” If you go there today, V-safe directs users to the FDA’s VAERS website for adverse event reporting, even though officials continually derided VAERS as “passive” and “unverified.” 

VAERS and V-safe are mutually exclusive safety collection databases operated by the FDA and CDC, respectively. VAERS is an older way of collecting safety data where one can fill out a form online, or manually, or by calling a toll-free number, whereas V-safe is a device “app” which requires online registration. Both VAERS and V-safe collect personal information, lot numbers, dates and associated information, but V-safe was an active collection system geared towards a younger app-using demographic. 

Here is the last report before deletion.

Does this mean that the CDC believes that the mRNA Covid-19 injections are so safe, there is no need to monitor adverse event reports any longer? What is the argument against continued monitoring, especially since the V-safe website was already up and paid for? 

While CDC’s V-safe was stealthily and abruptly turned off, refusing to accept new safety reports, to this very day the CDC continues to urge everyone ages 6 months and older to stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines and boosters. 

As a drug safety expert, I personally can’t cite another example of any agency or manufacturer halting collection of safety data. It seems even worse because mRNA technology is relatively new with long-term manifestations unknown. On top of this, both manufacturers and the FDA refuse to share the list of ingredients, such as lipid nanoparticles, which could affect individuals differently and take a long time to manifest clinically. 

Safety Data Collection Should Never Stop

Now, contrast that with the fact that the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA) will still accept a safety report for a 30-year-old Ford Bronco II. Indeed, this is an oddly specific example, but only because I drove this exact vehicle as a family hand-me-down as a student, through my residency, fellowship, for my tenure as a Yale professor on the mean streets of New Haven and even during my years at the FDA as a medical officer /senior medical analyst. 

Like mRNA shots, Bronco IIs are still available on the market and people are still using them up to this very day. My Bronco became an intermittent topic of conversation with friends and FDA colleagues. One day, I was informed by a patrolling security guard at the FDA that it was the oldest car on campus.

I didn’t know much about cars (or mRNA technology) back then, but when a fellow FDA-er informed me that my Bronco II had noteworthy safety problems and that the NHTSA still had their eye on this vehicle (rollover accidents were more common and more fatal) I addressed the problem: I got rid of the reliable relic, even though I really liked it. 

NHTSA is still accepting safety reports on things like my 30-year-old Ford Bronco II, but the CDC isn’t accepting new safety reports on 2-year old novel mRNA vaccines.

CDC No longer accepting safety reports despite rapidly increasing safety findings:

Unlike my old Bronco, mRNA injections have only been on the market for about twoyears, and according to the FDA Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database, mRNA “vaccines” have been named the primary suspect in over 1.5 million adverse event reports, of which there are >20,000 heart attacks and >27,000 cases of myocarditis and pericarditis just in the USA alone. Worldwide numbers would be greater. According to many references, including an FDA-funded study out of Harvard, VAERS reports represent fewer than 1 percent of vaccine adverse events that actually occur

Interestingly, the NHTSA link above on my Ford Bronco II only shows: one parts recall, one investigation and 23 complaints, and still features a button in the upper right hand corner for submitting new complaints. 

Wikipedia defines an humanitarian crisis or humanitarian disaster as a: “singular event or a series of events that are threatening in terms of health, safety or well-being of a community or large group of people.” Based on VAERS and previous V-safe findings, adverse events from mRNA shots in the USA alone could be considered a humanitarian crisis. 

Despite those alarming clinical findings, the CDC has concluded that collecting new safety reports is somehow no longer in the interest of America’s public health. Existing data from the V-safe site showed around 6.5 million adverse events/health impacts out of 10.1 million users, with around 2 million of those people unable to conduct normal activities of daily living or needing medical care, according to a third-party rendering of its findings. In other words, despite mRNA shots still being widely available and the CDC promoting its continued use, it’s “case closed” with regards to collecting new safety reports, under today’s federal public health administration. 

Will the CDC opine on the existing data or justify its halting of collecting new safety data? To the best of my knowledge, stopping the collection of public health information doesn’t have a clinical justification or scientific precedence — especially when it comes to an actively marketed product. 

In George Orwell’s 1984, characters were told by The Party to “reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.” Now, the CDC isn’t even allowing that evidence to be collected for viewing (and prospective rejecting). It’s a terrible idea for any product, let alone novel mRNA technologies. 


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Dr. David Gortler, a 2023 Brownstone Fellow, is a pharmacologist, pharmacist, research scientist and a former member of the FDA Senior Executive Leadership Team who served as senior advisor to the FDA Commissioner on matters of: FDA regulatory affairs, drug safety and FDA science policy. He is a former Yale University and Georgetown University didactic professor of pharmacology and biotechnology, with over a decade of academic pedagogy and bench research, as part of his nearly two decades of experience in drug development. He also serves as a scholar at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.

Featured image is from Shutterstock

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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The United States’ uranium purchases from Russia have doubled since last year. The U.S. bought 416 tons of uranium from Russia in the first half of the year, more than double the amount for the same period in 2022 and the highest level since 2005.

Considering the U.S. rulers’ continual demonization of Russia, this seems strange to say the least. RIA Novosti reported on the uranium purchases Thursday, citing data from the U.S. statistical service. Russia is supplying the U.S. only with enriched uranium, a critical component for civil nuclear power generation, according to a report by RT. 

RIA calculations show that Washington’s rulers paid $696.5 million for uranium deliveries from Russia, marking the highest value since 2002. Over the first half of the year, the cost of supplies increased by 2.5 times, and Russia’s share of American imports increased by 13 percentage points to 32%.

Germany and Canada were also in the top five uranium suppliers to the U.S. market, accounting for 13% and 11% of imports respectively. According to a recent New York Times report, roughly a third of enriched uranium used in the US is imported from Russia. GHS Climate, a clean-energy consulting company, states that one out of every 20 American homes and businesses was powered by Russian uranium last year.

Nearly half of the world’s enriched uranium is produced in Russia, and U.S. efforts to reduce its reliance on imports from the country have so far failed. American enrichment plants were shut down after the Cold War as it was significantly cheaper for importers to buy Russian uranium. Currently, only two US facilities – one in Ohio and the other in New Mexico – are licensed to produce high-grade nuclear fuel. -RT

Back in January, The Washington Post reported that if sanctions are imposed on Rosatom, Russia’s civilian nuclear firm, it could cut off exports of uranium to the U.S. and European nuclear industry.  U.S. reliance on Russian nuclear fuel is substantial, but American companies have some options if Rosatom is hit with sanctions.

It looks like the U.S. is always trying to work around the rules it creates.


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Recent developments suggest that British intelligence agents might finally face legal consequences for their lesser-known involvement in the CIA’s global torture program. A tribunal responsible for intelligence oversight is turning its focus on scrutinizing Britain’s foreign and domestic intelligence activities. A significant ruling from London’s Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) on May 26 has allowed complaints from two Saudis who were tortured at CIA black sites and imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay to be heard, albeit behind closed doors.

Despite the British government’s claims that the IPT, which examines misconduct by London’s security and intelligence agencies, lacked jurisdiction in the cases of Mustafa al-Hawsawi and Abd al-Rahim Nashiri, the tribunal disagreed. The IPT recognized the gravity of the allegations, emphasizing the importance of establishing the truth if the claims are valid and asserting that it’s in the public’s interest to address these matters.

As a result of the ruling, the tribunal is now likely to review the complaint filed by Mustafa al-Hawsawi. He has remained in US custody since his capture in 2003, experiencing brutal treatment and subject to “enhanced interrogation” techniques, which have left him with severe injuries and ongoing health problems. Lawyers representing al-Hawsawi assert that British intelligence agents played a role in supporting and facilitating his torture.

Al-Hawsawi is among the small number of Guantanamo detainees charged in connection with the 9/11 attacks. The declassified summary of the U.S. Senate report on CIA torture revealed that he was held and abused despite doubts about his connection to terrorist threats. Lawyers contend that British intelligence contributed to the abuse, providing questions for interrogations and being privy to information obtained during these sessions.

Another detainee, Abd al-Rahim Nashiri, detained in 2002 due to his alleged involvement in an al-Qaeda attack on the USS Cole in Yemen, was also subjected to torture and mistreatment. The UK’s Rendition Project detailed the harrowing techniques inflicted upon him, including threats of sexual abuse, brandishing a pistol, and holding a cordless drill to his body. Nashiri’s lawyers suggest that British intelligence had a specific interest in him, potentially explaining why the CIA’s rendition flight refueled at Luton Airport during his transfer.

The British government’s efforts to prevent legal action against MI5 and MI6 by Abu Zubaydah, a Guantanamo detainee subjected to extensive torture, add another layer to the controversy. British authorities argue that domestic laws don’t apply to Zubaydah, and he should file his claim against the countries where torture occurred.

The 2018 report by the UK Parliament’s Intelligence and Security Committee confirmed British intelligence’s awareness of the mistreatment of Zubaydah at the hands of the CIA. Despite this knowledge, MI5 and MI6 continued to provide questions for his interrogators. The report also exposed that British agencies cooperated extensively with foreign liaison agencies in facilitating detainee capture, often turning a blind eye to the potential for torture.

The IPT’s willingness to examine the complaints of al-Hawsawi and Nashiri provides an opportunity for the public to gain insight into the potential role of British intelligence in facilitating the CIA’s torture program. The circumstances surrounding these cases raise concerns about the ethics and accountability of intelligence agencies, especially when cooperation with foreign partners results in human rights abuses.


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Jennifer Hicks is a columnist and political commentator writing on a large range of topics.

Featured image is from Evening Standard

Torture Comes Home to Roost

August 28th, 2023 by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano

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“Maybe there is a beast. Maybe it’s only us.” — William Golding (1911-1993), “Lord of the Flies”

Hidden within some folks are the souls of saints. Hidden within others are the souls of beasts. Torture unleashes the beasts.

Nothing is more destructive of human decency, nothing is less fruitful in seeking truth, nothing is more totalitarian and nothing so undermines the government’s own cases as its use of torture.

Yet, torture is universally condoned by the government.

Last week, at the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, torture came home to roost when the government suffered serious setbacks in two cases.

In one, a military judge suppressed the confessions of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri — the alleged mastermind of the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000, which killed 17 American sailors — because he found that the confessions were obtained under torture. In the other, government lawyers reluctantly agreed to enter into a plea agreement with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed — whom the government says planned the 3,000 murders of 9/11 — in order to avoid defending the tortures that the CIA inflicted upon him.

In the former, the government is unlikely to appeal and is now stuck with the most adverse ruling it has received in 21 years at Gitmo. In the latter, President Joe Biden has apparently authorized Mohammed’s plea deal and the government is now trying to explain it to surviving family members.

In both cases, the evidence of guilt discoverable without torture was substantial. Yet, the sickening lust for government-inflicted pain fomented by the morally challenged and ethically obtuse President George W. Bush materially weakened the government’s cases. The government effectively tortured its own prosecutions.

Here is the backstory.

At Nashiri’s pretrial hearing at Gitmo last year, the psychologist in charge of interrogating him described in vivid detail both the modern and the medieval techniques of torture used upon him.

The psychologist was called as a defense witness in order to demonstrate to the court that a good deal of the evidence that prosecutors plan to introduce against Nashiri was obtained directly or indirectly through, or was tainted by, his torture and thus cannot lawfully be used at his trial.

Torture committed by government officials and their collaborators upon a person restrained by the government is a felony punishable by up to 20 years in a federal prison, and its fruits are inadmissible in all courts.

For many years, the CIA documented torture through videos of its masked agents and contractors torturing its captives so it would have a record of the events without the need for revealing the participants’ identity. But the tapes of Nashiri’s torture were destroyed either by the chief CIA official in the United States in charge of torture or his then-chief of staff. That chief of staff, Gina Haspel, nicknamed by her colleagues “Bloody Gina,” would go on to become the director of the CIA.

Image is from Strategic Culture Foundation

What caught the eyes of those of us who monitor these events was the mention of the name of the CIA official under whose watch Nashiri’s torture occurred and who wrote detailed, graphic descriptions of it to her bosses. That official is the same Gina Haspel. She was the head of the CIA station at Thailand in 2002, at which Nashiri was tortured, and she was the senior member of the torture team.

After nearly drowning and severely beating him repeatedly, locking him in a coffin and raping him for months, Bloody Gina’s team suspended Nashiri by his wrists secured behind his back until his arms were nearly pulled out of their shoulder sockets.

Nashiri’s torture went on in Afghanistan, Thailand, Poland and at Gitmo. Afterward, the interrogation team concluded that Nashiri was being truthful and essentially said the same things under torture as he told interrogators after the torture. Thus, his torture was fruitless except to undermine the government’s case. Why? If a defendant says under torture “I did it,” and then says the same not under torture, neither statement may legally be used against him.

Bush and his lawyers and torturers did not know Criminal Procedure 101.

Nashiri, who has the same speedy trial rights as anyone being prosecuted by the government, has been waiting for his trial for 16 years. He is on his second team of military and civilian defense lawyers. His first team quit when they discovered that their communications with their client had been secretly recorded by federal agents — an unprosecuted felony.

Civilian judges would have dismissed the charges against Nashiri because of the torture. But at Gitmo, where the judge and the prosecutors have the same boss — the Secretary of Defense — the niceties of due process are sometimes overlooked.

Thus, the significance of the ruling preventing prosecutors from using anything that Nashiri told them is profound. This is the first time in Gitmo’s gruesome, 21-year history that the feds have suffered such a setback and due process has enjoyed such a triumph.

In Mohammed’s case, his defense team has told the judge and the prosecutors that it will call his torturers as witnesses. They will be forced to describe under oath the crimes that they committed upon Mohammed. Fearing the public response to torture, and unable ethically to defend it, the military and civilian prosecutors earlier this month entered into a preliminary plea agreement that will avoid a trial, eliminate the death penalty and avoid government embarrassment.

Torture — no matter the goal — is the most tyrannical government overreach imaginable. It presumes that there are no natural rights or moral standards; it utterly negates the personhood of the victim; it reveals that there is no end to what the government can do and get away with. It is expressly prohibited by the Constitution and federal law.

Torture is government by beasts. A government that unleashes beasts — the American government — recognizes no limits on its powers.


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Who Is Barry Duffield? 

Barry Duffield is an Australian actor, producer, scriptwriter, born in Feb.28, 1962 in Billingham, UK and living in Auckland, New Zealand.

He is mostly known for his portrayal of “Lugo” in the Starz television series Spartacus.

Barry Duffield’s COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Story 

Barry had no issues with his 1st COVID-19 vaccine, he is a competitive bodybuilder who continued training daily after his 1st jab.

His COVID-19 vaccine injury started with the 2nd COVID-19 vaccine.

The following is an interview with Liz Gunn (31 min total, vaccine injury is from 5:00 to 23:00).

Click here to view the video

His Pfizer mRNA injuries, which started within 12-24 hours of 2nd jab include:

  • Cardiac – leg swelling, myocarditis, cardiomyopathy, heart palpitations
  • neurological – chronic fatigue, arm and hand tremors, crawling skin, headaches
  • psychiatric – depression, panic attacks, suicide attempt

Although he was initially put on medications for Parkinson’s Disease (Sinemet), his side effects were so severe, Barry describes it as “I didn’t know who I was” and had to stop taking them.

This led to a suicide attempt by hanging that he doesn’t remember.

He is currently trying some alternative treatments (in addition to working out every day):

  • Ivermectin
  • Ozone therapy
  • he is seeing a kinesiologist

My Take… 

Actor Barry Duffield describes everything that is wrong with medicine today.

To this day, not a single doctor will acknowledge his Pfizer mRNA vaccine injuries and he is constantly being misdiagnosed and gaslit.

I found it interesting that his cardiologist was angry and frustrated but cannot bring himself to see the Pfizer mRNA vaccine for the fraud and the harmful product that it is.

Barry has a vaccine injury syndrome, that in Europe is diagnosed as “Post COVID-19 Vaccine Syndrome”.

This is a cluster of injuries that often involve cardiac issues and neurological issuesand is extremely difficult to treat.

He had heart inflammation and injury (myocarditis, heart failure), which led to his leg swelling, palpitations, and interestingly this is apparently improving.

He also had neurological injuries the most obvious being his uncontrollable left hand and arm tremor, skin crawling sensations, chronic fatigue and panic attacks.

UK Triathlete Roz McGinty has an almost identical cluster of cardiac and neurological injuries, which makes me think there is a common underlying mechanism. I documented Roz McGinty’s injuries here.

I don’t know if Barry has tried any COVID-19 vaccine spike detox nutraceuticals such as Nattokinase, Bromelain, Quercetin, Olive Leaf, Black Seed (Nigella Sativa), NAC, Curcumin, etc.

I hope Barry continues to share his Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine injury journey, as he will undoubtedly help thousands who are suffering from similar injuries.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications. 

Featured image is from Pixabay

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) on Friday responded to social media-driven claims the federal government is looking to re-impose mask mandates, vaccine mandates, and lockdowns.

Earlier this week, InfoWars host Alex Jones claimed that a TSA manager informed him that COVID-19 lockdowns and mandates would be returning. The worker said that on Aug. 15, TSA managers were told that by mid-September, mask mandates would return at airports, and by December, lockdown measures would return.

“BREAKING: Alex Jones says a TSA whistleblower has told him TSA employees were instructed on Tue that masks are coming back by October for travelers & full Covid restrictions/lockdowns by December due to a new ‘dangerous variant’ out of Canada,” said a post on X, with the video of Mr. Jones earlier this week.

The TSA told The Epoch Times the claims are not true and that the agency “does not have any new requirements and there has not been any meeting on the topic.” It further noted that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the federal agency that makes public health determinations, including whether masking is needed.

Meanwhile, the “TSA has authority to impose mask-related requirements to implement mask orders from the CDC related to transportation systems. TSA is not imposing mask-related requirements at this time,” the agency said. It later pointed to CDC recommendations that people get “up to date” on COVID-19 vaccinations and “consider wearing a mask in crowded or poorly ventilated indoor areas, including on public transportation and in transportation hubs.”

Benjamin Haynes, a spokesperson for the CDC, told The Associated Press that any reports of upcoming lockdowns are “utterly false.” The Epoch Times has contacted the agency for comment on Friday.

Mr. Jones, of InfoWars, has not responded to a request for comment.

Last week, COVID-19 hospitalizations rose across the country, according to data from the CDC. Hospitalizations rose by 21.6 percent, to 12,612 new admissions from 10,370, according to the data ending Aug. 12.

Despite the increase, it’s among the lowest levels of hospitalization recorded since the start of the pandemic in early 2020.

“An upswing is not a surge; it’s not even a wave,” Dr. Shira Doron, the chief infection control officer for Tufts Medicine, told ABC News this week. “What we’re seeing is a very gradual and small upward trajectory of cases and hospitalizations, without deaths really going along, which is great news.”

On Jan. 29, 2021, the CDC issued an order requiring people to wear masks on public transportation, including airplanes, and in transportation hubs, that was implemented and enforced by the TSA. A federal judge in Florida struck down the mandate on April 18, 2022, finding that the CDC failed to justify the order and that it did not follow proper rulemaking procedures.

Mandates Returning Elsewhere?

It comes as Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) sounded the alarm that a small number of offices, hospitals, and schools reinstated mask mandates in recent days. A college in Atlanta, Lionsgate’s office in Santa Monica, and a handful of hospitals in San Francisco and New York have reimposed mandates.

Describing the mandates as “alarming,” Mr. Johnson told the Moms for Liberty group on Aug. 23 that they are ineffective and said he would keep fighting them.

“It’s alarming that the mandates are kicking in again,” he told the group. “It’s like, OK, we noticed masks didn’t work, particularly for children. We always knew they didn’t work for kids.”

As for Lionsgate, a Hollywood film studio, a manager released a memo to employees saying that employees on certain floors will have to wear masks. The memo, however, did not explain why other floors don’t have the mask mandate.

“Employees must wear a medical grade face covering (surgical mask, KN95 or N95) when indoors except when alone in an office with the door closed, actively eating, actively drinking at their desk or workstation, or if they are the only individual present in a large open workspace,” a Lionsgate manager said in a memo, reported by Deadline Hollywood.

In Santa Rosa, California, a Kaiser Permanente Hospital location brought back the mask rule for visitors, patients, nurses, and doctors this week. And Upstate Community Hospital in Syracuse, New York, did the same.

“To ensure that we are helping protect the health and safety of our patients, our workforce, and our community, we have reintroduced a mask mandate for physicians, staff, patients, members, and visitors in the hospital and medical offices in the Santa Rosa Service Area,” Kaiser Permanente said in a statement.

At the same time, there appears to be an uptick in alarmist media coverage of the increase in COVID-19 cases as well as several new variants. For example, multiple doctors appeared on CNN this week to issue warnings about wearing masks.

“It’s riskier that you will get infected now than it was a month or two ago, without question, probably twice as risky,” Dr. Bob Wachter, chair of medicine at the University of San Francisco, told CNN. “If you’re trying to be careful, it’s time to whip out the mask again.”

In response, some Republicans and conservative social media influencers called on their supporters not to comply.


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Jack Phillips is a senior reporter for The Epoch Times based in New York. He covers breaking news.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Featured image is from Pixabay

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Civic groups and politicians in Korea on Thursday expressed fierce opposition to Japan’s decision to begin releasing treated radioactive water from the defunct Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

On Thursday afternoon, police took 16 university students into custody after they attempted to break into the Japanese Embassy in central Seoul to protest the discharge of the Fukushima water into the Pacific Ocean.

The students, members of civic groups opposed to the water’s release, shouted slogans denouncing the discharge and the Yoon Suk Yeol government as they tried entering the Japanese Embassy in Seoul.

Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco), the operator of the plant, said it began releasing radioactive water from the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant at 1 p.m. Thursday as planned.

A total of 7,800 tons of radioactive water, generated in the process of cooling reactor fuel at the plant after it experienced a meltdown due to an earthquake and tsunami in 2011, will be dumped into the Pacific over 17 days during the first release.

Environmental activists in Korea denounced the decision, calling it a “terror against humanity.”

A union of environmental civic groups, including the Korea Federation for Environmental Movements, held a press conference at Gwanghwamun in central Seoul on Thursday morning to criticize the Japanese government, saying that the discharge will be historically recorded as “an act of nuclear terrorism against humanity.”

The environmental activists argued that diluting the radioactive water with seawater would still “damage the environment as the total amount of radioactive material in the water will still be the same.”

“The Japanese government should promptly halt the dumping of Fukushima wastewater into the ocean,” a member of the environmental group said.

The members also criticized the Yoon Suk Yeol government for not standing up against the decision.

“The Korean government has never supported nor opposed the plan,” an environmental activist who attended Thursday’s rally said.

Democratic Party (DP) chief Lee Jae-myung, front left, and DP lawmakers hold a picket sign protesting Japan’s discharge of treated radioactive water from the defunct Fukushima nuclear power plant during the party’s emergency meeting held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, western Seoul. [NEWS1]

“We hope the government will express opposition against dumping the wastewater and demonstrate at least a minimum of responsibility to the public.”

The Korean government has not taken a clear stance regarding the discharge so far, although it had said the discharge would pose no “scientific or technical issue” if conducted according to Tepco’s plan.

In response to the discharge, the liberal Democratic Party (DP), which strongly condemned the release of treated contaminated water from Fukushima, said it would legislate measures to ban imports of seafood at risk of exposure to radioactive water.

The DP convened a parliamentary assembly Thursday and decided to push forward with a bill that stipulates banning imports of seafood exposed to wastewater.

The bill also offers compensation to people in the fishing industry who experience harm from the seawater’s radioactivity.

“The fishing industry is expected to see serious damage from the wastewater release,” DP chief Lee Jae-myung said during his party’s general assembly Thursday, adding that the party will promptly push forward a budget and bills for those affected by the discharge.

During the meeting, Lee criticized the Yoon government, urging it to no longer support “Japan’s environmental crime.”

The DP chief a day earlier strongly condemned the release, referring to the plan as an “act of terror.”

Local governments also began drawing up measures as Japan’s release of the treated wastewater sparked fears among citizens.

Eighty-four percent of Korean citizens opposed the release of wastewater in a survey conducted by local newspaper Hankook Ilbo and the Yomiuri Shinbun in Japan between May 26 and 28.

According to Busan Development Institute’s survey from January to February, around 80 percent of respondents responded they believed the Fukushima wastewater discharge would be dangerous, even though it would not affect the radioactivity in the waters of Busan.

The Busan Metropolitan Government held an emergency meeting a day earlier to draw up responses to manage and protect the safety of seafood in the port city.

The city will conduct monitoring of the seawater by operating tools that promptly analyze the radioactivity of the water.

It also plans to establish a communication system with related institutes, such as university labs, to keep track of the radioactivity level of the city’s waters.

The Seoul Metropolitan Government also announced its measures to secure safe seafood, which includes conducting sampling tests every day to check the radioactivity of seafood.

Safety tests that were only conducted on imported seafood will now be expanded to domestic seafood.

The city government will also begin a special inspection of 3,000 restaurants and stores that use seafood imported from Japan.

“We will try to make sure that people consume safe food by conducting tests as much as possible to check contamination and promptly releasing the result,” Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon said during his visit to Seoul Public Health and Environment Research Institute under the metropolitan government after Japan began releasing the treated radioactive water on Thursday.

The institute conducts close radioactivity analysis on seafood and processed seafood foods distributed in the city.


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Featured image: Police on Thursday apprehend a university student who attempted to break into the Japanese Embassy in central Seoul to protest Japan’s discharge of the treated radioactive water from the ruined Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. [YONHAP]

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The current government ruling Israel is the most far-right Jewish extremist in history. Senior members in power have been asking for the forced deportation of Palestinians, in a frightening echo of the Nakba of 1948, when three-fourths of the Palestinian population was expelled in a massive ethnic cleansing while the US and western nations stood by in silent complicity.

The Israeli Defense Forces have repeatedly attacked refugee camps in the West Bank, especially Jenin. Meanwhile, the Jewish citizens of Israel have been in the street protesting their own issues, which have nothing to do with the apartheid state of Israel, and the human rights abuses and war crimes committed almost daily by the Israeli government against the Palestinians held without any form of human rights or justice.

The UN and many members of the international community have voiced their support of the Palestinian cause and the right to resist occupation, and yet there is no end in sight, or even a peace plan to discuss.

In an effort to gain some insight into the present situation in the Occupied Territories of Palestine, Steven Sahiounie of MidEastDiscourse interviewed Fra Hughes.

Hughes’ book, ‘My Walk With Palestine’ catalogues the Palestinian solidarity work that he and others have been involved in since 2010, when he took a trip to Gaza.  Hughes, is a Belfast native, and felt similarities between Northern Ireland and Palestine. The siege-busting convoy to Gaza in 2010 is only really the beginning of Fra’s story, and his work has seen him visit Egypt, Jordan and Syria. 

Steven Sahiounie (SS): The Saudi envoy to Jordan, Nayef Al-Sudairi, has been appointed to serve as the nonresident ambassador to the State of Palestine. In your view, what is the significance of the Crown Prince Mohammed bin-Salman’s choosing to make this important appointment at the time?

Fra Hughes (FH): It’s difficult to know for sure. while obviously a very important step, is it too little too late? What power does he have, what influence can he bring to bear on the continued illegal occupation of the West Bank Jerusalem?  The ongoing ethnic cleansing of the indigenous Palestinian population with the continued, indeed accelerated construction of more illegal Jewish settlements, and the ongoing siege of Gaza and the apparent shoot to kill policy carried out on behalf of the Israeli government and by extension Israeli society who elected it. At this stage it is a symbolic appointment, but taken together with the Saudi-Iran rapprochement, the potential ending of the war in Yemen and Syria’s inclusion into the Arab league, it certainly has America the EU and Israel concerned.

SS: President Sisi of Egypt hosted King Abdullah, II of Jordan and President Abbas of Palestine yesterday in a meeting to discuss the need to end the Israeli occupation of Palestine. In your opinion, is there international consensus on getting back to peace negotiations?

FH: There will never be real peace negotiations. The Israeli apartheid government talks peace as a stalling tactic to buy time while it attempts to absorbs all of Palestine under its racist control.

If Sisi is real, he should open the Gazan border fully, and allow fuel, building equipment and medicine into Gaza.

Egypt must end the pivotal role it plays in forcing Palestinians to live under a blanket of fear disease and poverty.

Abbas is unelected and in my opinion he is a collaborator with the occupation.

Egypt and Saudi Arabia wish to join BRICS and as they move away from the influence and control of the western hegemonic powers perhaps we are witnessing a renaissance of rapport with Russia, and by extension China, via the belt and road initiative, and a new energy cartel to rival OPEC.

SS: The Palestinian resistance groups in Jenin have been repeatedly attacked by Israeli Defense Forces.  After the massive destruction in Jenin, can you explain the status of Jenin now, and is there any help being offered?

FH: The Israelis achieved their short term goals: not the extermination of the Resistance fighters, but the devastation of homes, centres of employment, and the destruction of the infrastructure leaving those living in Jenin in dire need of support from the international community. Help which I believe will not be forthcoming unless there are political strings attached.

SS: There are Israeli citizens who publically complain that Israel is an apartheid state.  Are there enough Jews in Israel who recognize the occupation and apartheid to make a deference in the government’s policy? 

FH  We have witnessed the internal contradictions within Israeli society when it comes to the new far right government elected by Israeli voters.

There’s an old saying: you get the government you deserve.

They complain about judicial reforms and hundreds of thousands have come onto the streets, yet they attacked some activists who had the temerity to fly Palestinian flags at these protests.

Israeli society cares nothing for dead, injured, maimed, and imprisoned Palestinians.

They are beneath contempt as quasi fascist ideological fundamentalists.

SS: There are serious differences among the various political factions in Palestine.  In your view, is there any compromise among the groups, and can it help to find a solution for the Palestinian people?

FH: Scrap the Palestinian Authority; they are nothing short of corrupt politicians collaborating on the demise of their own people, their culture, and their future for money, power, prestige, and the illusion of government.

All groups must embrace the choice of resistance. End division in the interests of self-preservation and strike out against the occupation before it’s too late.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from MD

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Big Pharma compromised corrupt doctors, and virtue signaling far left activist doctors (medical students & residents who think they are smarter than they actually are) are the worst of the worst.

Some doctors are “mini-celebrities” who need to feed their narcissism and need for attention. Don’t know who they are? Well, they’re famous and you’re not.

Some doctors are “true believers”. They are professionals. They are highly educated. They don’t understand why everyone laughs at them. But they are brilliant and you’re not. And brilliant people mask up.

It wouldn’t be leftist virtue-signaling propaganda without the presence of some form of child abuse. “It seems tolerable?” – An abusive leftist mother ponders. Virtue. Signaled.

Some take the propaganda all the way to the maximum (and in their mind, logical) endpoint. They are maximally safe and you’re not. They even measure their CO2 levels, because it’s the biggest poison known to mankind.

You’re not truly safe if you’re not wearing safety goggles! “Well, don’t laugh” Eryn says. Believe me Eryn, I’m trying very hard not to. But I keep hearing a voice saying “winter is coming…”

You better be masked up if you’re doing any kind of physical activity by yourself like driving, hiking or skiing (especially swimming):

When you’re the only one masked up on the plane but you don’t care because you’re virtuous and you’re saving lives. The one with the toaster on his face, Markham Hislop, writes about Climate Change for a living. There are levels to being a hero. And look at how perfectly that mask fits on that gigantic beard!

Virtue signalers who save lives are creative individuals who beautify their masks, even respirators. This is raw talent, creative genius. They all belong in a museum!

Being masked is not enough to be a true hero, because a true hero performs additional activism WHILE BEING MASKED, like saving the climate, or spreading “love”.

Even heroes need to stay hydrated! There is no way COVID is sneaking in past that climate friendly plastic straw!

You must be well versed in the latest mask propaganda, fortunately, the propaganda is everywhere in easy to understand cartoons, as cutting edge science dictates.

For example, Large Music Concerts have a Coronavirus Risk Level 9, which is the deadliest level there is. No one has ever come back alive from one of these.

Friendly messages to “mask deniers” are important. Like this one: 2 masks + 6 feet apart = 0% COVID transmission, something that even an idiot mask denier can understand.

CONCLUSION: Our pandemic heroes send their greetings: you know them by their masks, and the friendly smiles they carry underneath those masks.

They will be the only masked person on the plane, and they will wear their masks driving alone in their car, because that’s what heroes do.

My Take… 

Masks don’t work.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications. 

Featured image is from Pixabay

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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First published on August 19, 2023

As we approach the 22nd anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks, more than enough evidence exists to draw reasonable conclusions about what happened that day and who was responsible.

Most of the basic facts have been known for years, though unfortunately have not been readily available to the general public.

Way back in 2007, a physics professor at Brigham Young University, Dr Steven E. Jones, turned up critical evidence while investigating samples of World Trade Center (WTC) dust. The samples had been collected immediately after September 11, 2001 from the thick deposit of dust that blanketed the WTC site and much of lower Manhattan. Jones found tiny bits of an exotic incendiary known as thermate that can cut through steel like a hot knife through butter. Thermate burns at ~5,000°F. The main product of the reaction is molten iron.

Thermate differs from its better known cousin thermite in that it contains sulfur which lowers the melting point of iron, speeding up the reaction. The presence of both sulfur and aluminum was diagnostic for thermate. Jones called this “the last nail in the coffin.” (Dr. Steven E. Jones, Revisiting 9/11/2001. Applying the Scientific Method, 2007, posted here)

Jones also found an abundance of tiny iron microspheres in the dust (up to .05% by volume), proof that large amounts of WTC steel had melted. The diameter of the spheres ranged from one micron to 1.5 mm. When Jones obtained some thermate, which is commercially available, and used it to cut through a steel plate, the reaction produced an intense spray of molten droplets which cooled into iron microspheres identical to the spheres in the dust.

Other studies of the WTC dust also reported the iron microspheres. (Heather A. Lowers and Gregory P. Meeker, Particle Atlas of World Trade Center Dust, posted here; also see Damage Assessment: 130 Liberty Street Property. WTC Dust Signature Report: Composition and Morphology. December 2003, posted here)

Jones and his colleagues learned that thermite/thermate can be made more explosive by reducing the particle size of the ingredients. This more reactive variety is known as super thermate or nano-thermate. (Niels H. Harrit, et al, Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe, 2009, posted here)

And there were other revelations. It is indeed shocking how far the development of thermate had “progressed” by the late 1990s. Jones & Co, learned that a liquid sol-gel form of nano-thermate can be applied to steel simply by spraying or painting it on. This means insiders could have prepped the twin towers for demolition undetected during an elevator retrofit, a fireproofing upgrade, or even during routine maintenance. Nor was it necessary to wire the entire building. Ignition can be accomplished remotely using a specially designed thermitic match triggered by a radio signal. Once thermate is ignited, the reaction is self perpetuating. (Kevin R. Ryan, The Top Ten Connections between NIST and Nano-thermites, July 2, 2008, posted here)

All of this is consistent with the many eyewitness accounts of explosions on 9/11. And it is consistent with the testimony of New York City firemen, first responders and clean-up crews who reported seeing copious amounts of molten steel on site. As one fireman put it: “molten steel was flowing down the channel rails like in a foundry…”

(David Ray Griffin, The New Pearl Harbor revisited, 2008, pp. 31-37; Mark H. Gaffney, The 9/11 Mystery Plane, 2008, pp.132-139; Graeme MacQueen, 118 Witnesses: The Firefighters’ Testimony to Explosions in the Twin Towers, posted here)

Office and building fires do not reach temperatures anywhere near hot enough to melt steel which has a melting point of 2,500°F. Nor were there any combustible materials in the WTC, nor any combination thereof, capable of approaching this temperature. Although burning jet fuel has been frequently (and incorrectly) cited as the reason for the WTC collapse, the reality is otherwise. Jet fuel is essentially kerosene and will not burn in air in excess of 1,832°F, far below the melting point of steel.

Not long after the towers collapsed, a hard rain storm drenched Manhattan. Firemen also sprayed millions of gallons of water onto the smoking ruin of the WTC in an attempt to extinguish the fires, all to no effect. This is consistent with burning thermate, which includes its own chemically bound oxygen. This is why a thermate fire cannot be smothered by dowsing and will even burn underwater.

The WTC site was so hot it melted the workmen’s rubber boots. Search-and-rescue dogs brought in to help locate survivors suffered severe burns, and three of the dogs died. Just how hot was the pile? We got an idea on September 16, 2001 when NASA conducted a flyover using an infrared spectrometer (AVIRIS) and detected surface temperatures as high as 1,376° F. Temperatures beneath the pile were undoubtedly much higher. (See this)

The site remained intensely hot for five months. Molten steel was reported as late as February 2002 when clean-up crews finally reached the bottom of the WTC bathtub. (Jennifer Lin, “Recovery Worker Reflects on Months Spent at Ground Zero”, Knight-Ridder Newspapers, May 29, 2002, posted here)

The discovery of thermate in the WTC dust should have been front-page headline news across America, and indeed, around the world. Yet, as we know, the US media went deaf and dumb on the issue. Why? If Muslim jihadists were behind the 9/11 attacks, why would the media censor this breaking story? The only plausible reason for suppressing it was to prevent the truth from emerging about what actually happened. Blanket censorship has been the rule, ever since.

Nor was the cover up limited to the media. After many months of stalling, the G.W. Bush White House reluctantly appointed a government agency, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), to investigate and explain the WTC collapse.

The agency released its findings in 2005. In its final report NIST unequivocally states that it found no evidence the WTC was demolished. The multi-volume 10,000-page report gives the appearance of a thorough investigation. But a close reading (I spent many weeks digging into it) shows that NIST worked backwards looking for facts to support a predetermined conclusion that plane impacts and office fires caused the WTC collapse. In the process, NIST dismissed an abundance of evidence to the contrary.

No doubt, this is why many concerned citizens flooded NIST with critical comments and questions about its report. The public wanted to know: Did your scientists actually look for explosives? If so, where is the beef?

In 2006, the agency posted a clarification on its website. NIST acknowledged that it failed to look for explosive residues. (See question #29 here)

The admission was fatal to the agency’s credibility, and exposed the NIST report for what it is, a pile of stinking manure. Testing for thermitic incendiaries and explosives is standard practice in fire investigations. The national standard calls for it. (NFPA 921)

All of which means that the familiar narrative about Osama bin Laden and nineteen fanatic A-rabs is nothing but a cover story: a tapestry of lies. There is no way foreign jihadists could have gained access to the WTC to pre-position explosives. Nor in any event could Al Qaeda have manufactured thermate in a cave in Afghanistan. The incendiary is high-tech and in 2001 only a handful of nations had the capacity to produce it, the US and Israel at the top of the list.

As Sherlock Holmes famously told Watson: My friend, once you rule out the impossible what remains must be the truth. Like it or not.

The Devil’s Trick?

But is thermate the whole truth? Can thermate alone account for everything we witnessed on 9/11? This is the contentious question that some in the 9/11 truth community have been attempting to raise, for years.

According to NIST, the steel in the monster box columns in the core of the towers was up to seven inches thick at the base. Could thermate cut through columns of this size? Doubtful. (NIST NCSTAR 1-3 p. 10).

We know that enormous explosions ripped through the basement of each tower shortly before they fell. A photographer named Rick Siegal actually captured these explosions on film from Hoboken, just across the Hudson River from Manhattan. The quality of Siegal’s video was excellent because his camera was set on a tripod. Moreover, it was also equipped with audio so he was able to record the thunderous noise which carried across the river. The footage is graphic. After each blast a dust cloud is plainly visible rising from around the base of the tower. Collapse ensued within minutes. These huge explosions shook the ground and evidently were intended to weaken the towers by destroying the gigantic core columns. In my opinion they were not caused by thermate.

We also know that during the collapse large segments of the outer perimeter wall were thrown at least 600 feet from the base of the towers. Could thermate do this? Not likely. This points to a much more powerful explosive.

Recently, I also learned about another anomaly. On completion of the clean up at ground zero, two cavernous holes in the bedrock were very much in evidence at the site. They were located near to where the towers stood. The deepest of these was 110-feet below street level, so deep the bottom was below sea level. Obviously, thermate did not excavate these enormous voids in the granite. I was stunned when I learned about this.

Image: The crater in WTC-6 (Source: Mark Gaffney)

The official story is that ice age glaciers carved the “grand canyon of Manhattan” 20,000 years ago. (David W. Dunlap, At Ground Zero, Scenes from the Ice Age, New York Times, September 21, 2008, posted here)

However, a German physicist who thinks outside the box, Heinz Pommer, has a different explanation. In 2018, during a presentation in London, Pommer argued that the twin towers were demolished with a nuclear bomb [e.g. dirty bomb, “type of a “radiological dispersal device” (RDD) that combines a conventional explosive, such as dynamite, with radioactive material”]. He thinks the enormous voids in the granite may have been a collateral effect.

Pommer is not the first to refer to the use of nukes on 9/11. Others who did so before him have faced disbelief and ridicule. The main argument against nukes is the absence of radiation at the WTC site. Although a nuclear isotope, tritium, was definitely detected, allegedly its presence has been otherwise accounted for, ruling out nukes.

But Pommer begs to differ. He argues that the placement of the Uranium charge at the bottom of the WTC elevator shaft explains the seeming absence of radiation. The nuclear reaction in these simple but effective weapons proceeded slowly, at first. As the heat from fission built up, the Uranium charge melted down into the granite.

The result was a pressure chamber in the bedrock below each tower where fission ultimately fizzled and was contained. The fusion component, however, formed a rising plasma needle that eventually broke containment. At a critical point, super-heated gas and gamma radiation vented vertically through the core of each tower, analogous to a volcanic gas jet eruption. All of this was hidden from view until the moment the tower visibly exhaled dust and gas from the upper levels. Then came the symmetric top-down collapse.

Pommer argues (yet to be confirmed) that only the vast energy of a nuke can explain the conversion of hundreds of thousands of tons of concrete and steel into dust. And only a nuke can account for the sudden disintegration of the upper portion of the South Tower (WTC-2) which had tipped at a weird angle and was falling as a unit. And only a nuke can explain the near total absence of ceramic sinks and toilets, filing cabinets, furniture, and human bodies in the wreckage. Almost everything in the towers was vaporized by gamma radiation.

According to Pommer, the nuclear reaction progressed over at least an hour, and this would explain a number of anomalies. These include electromagnetic interference of radio and tv transmissions, spontaneous fires in surrounding buildings and in nearby vehicles, the pyroclastic cloud that enveloped lower Manhattan, conspicuous venting of steam from underground sewers, strange rainbow effects and silverfish flashes in video footage, and the like.

Recently, important new evidence has also come to light. In 2019, doctors at Mt. Sinai Medical Center reported “an increased incidence of thyroid cancer among 9/11 rescue workers….the etiology of which remains unclear.” I only learned about this, a few days ago. (See this)

Ever since Hiroshima and Nagasaki, thyroid cancer has been recognized as the tell-tale signature of exposure to nuclear radiation. A spike of thyroid cancers also occurred after the Chernobyl disaster. (See this)

I believe the thyroid cancers are the true smoking gun of 9/11, and a wake up call. Pommer’s thesis deserves thoughtful consideration. He calls it the devil’s trick. (Part one below, part two here, part three here)

Read part two of this essay



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Mark H. Gaffney is the author of Dimona the Third Temple (1989), The 9/11 Mystery Plane and the Vanishing of America (2008), Black 9/11. Money, Motive and Technology (2016), and Deep History and the Ages of Man (2022). Mark can be reached for comment at [email protected]

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First published on September 7, 2022


Many holes are busting through the thick mental wall of media-generated obstructions meant to block wide public understanding of the COVID-19 power grab. The fake fight to vanquish the celebrity coronavirus is being widely exposed as a multi-faceted deception.

As delusions are shattering, more and more people are starting to open their minds to the profound nature of the actual dangers engulfing us.  In the process the dons directing the COVID Mafioso are losing control of the dominant COVID narrative. The narrative’s embattled defenders are becoming increasingly desperate to divert public attention away from the scene of the COVID crimes.      

In spite of the diversionary tactics, a growing constituency is coming to see that human predators, not the surprise invasion of some new type of germ, are the primary culprits driving the malaise that has been overtaking us. Our economy, our rights, our freedoms, our institutions, and increasingly our very lives and wellbeing are under attack as the COVID-19 power grab moves into new frontiers of subversive infiltration.

Some of those engaged in the grab for power have exposed their true agenda by celebrating the crash of existing forms of political economy. They have lauded the destruction of our life support systems as a necessary expedient to clear decks for massive structural transformation sometimes described as the Great Reset. See this.

This slogan is best understood as a cynical PR phrase whose propagandistic purpose is to disguise the lawless ruthlessness of the COVID-19 power grab. In their internally contradictory fantasies the Davos devotees pushing the idea of a Great Reset, picture a woke and green utopia under the digitally-enabled iron fist of corporatist dictatorship.

To anticipate where this power grab is taking us, we need only evaluate the trajectory of developments delivered to us since 2020. The weight of evidence has become overwhelming that the COVID measures imposed in the name of safeguarding human health are doing precisely the opposite. The COVID lockdowns accelerated a well-advanced economic calamity and the injections have set in motion a massive global public health catastrophe still in its infancy.

 See this.

COVID jabs, the primary supposed remedy for the misnamed pandemic, have so far been shot into the arms of well over half of the world’s 8 billion inhabitants.  As imperfect and incomplete as it is, the evidence points to the now-inescapable conclusion that these injections are making a very high proportion of jab recipients sicker rather than better. The jabs are truncating lifespans, not prolonged them.

Moreover all those who have taken the shots are made more vulnerable to the full array of infectious diseases including COVID-19. The COVID jabs are surreptitiously destroying human immunity, a process of biological sabotage that becomes more and more severe with repeated injections.

The aim of this assault on natural immunity is to advance the conditions for a permanent and universally mandated regime of cradle-to-grave injections. The wonders of natural immunity are being stripped from humans as part of a broader assault design to render most people more dependent on our overlords for our very survival.

Promoting the Industrial Re-engineering of Human Biology

The World Health Organization played a significant role in this coordinated attack on innate immunity through its strategic redefinition of “herd immunity.” Before October of 2020 the WHO acknowledged that populations can reach collective immunity—herd immunity– by widespread “natural immunity developed through previous infection.” Then the WHO proclaimed that herd immunity can only be attained only when a “threshold of vaccination is reached.” See this.

This WHO pronouncement promoted the inaccurate claim that vaccine-induced immunity is more effective than natural immunity. The main health division of the United Nations thereby sanctioned what amounted to an industrial takeover of the core mechanisms governing human interactions with disease.

This change helped to clear the way for the global push to universalize COVID-19 injections, an unprecedented campaign that we can now see in retrospect as the thin edge of the wedge in the technocratic takeover of bodily autonomy. So far there has been almost no space afforded by governments or the media for open public discussion and democratic due process on the corporate implementation of this transhumanist agenda.

We the human guinea pigs inducted into unregulated bouts of nonconsensual medical experimentation have not been dealt in to the decision-making process on how our own bodies are to be invaded, reconstituted, and controlled. If it has already been decided by our masters that even our very persons no longer belong to us, what else can we expect from the next stages of the “Great Reset”?

The COVID injections have provided the main point of entry enabling the surveillance state to penetrate under people’s skin as part of the industrial re-engineering of human biology. This ongoing engineering project extends to the continuation of the imperial quest for total information awareness and control, including over the digital flow of cashless money. Many of our upper echelon governors want to further empower themselves by making cashless money systems tied to social credit scoring the basis for AI control of all financial transactions.     

Accordingly, the imposition of the biggest injection campaign in history aimed at inoculating the entire population of the world is anything but safe and humanitarian. Rather, this campaign is a key element in a determined grab for power pressed forward on the basis of an enormous fraud. Instead of offering protection, the toxic jabs are ruining and snuffing out lives in what is proving to be by far the biggest medical scandal of all times.

See this.

In the face of these developments, the guardians of the COVID myths continue to try to expunge and hide as much of the evidence as they can of injection deaths and injuries. The determination continues that nothing must be allowed to call into question the sunny ways fairy tale that the COVID injections are safe and effective.

Honest Mistakes or Malicious Intent?  

The rapid exposure suggesting the immense scale of the COVID fraud is happening in clear view of the many millions of people who have learned to steer around the lockstep deceptions of the now-discredited regime media. The truth seekers have been feeding and absorbing this rush of disclosure. They have developed skills in critical and independent thinking, sufficient to recognize sources of generally reliable COVID-related information.

Those capable of making the necessary distinctions between credible and fraudulent sources, however, still remain a minority.  Will this minority group now grow into a majority as more and more people lose loved ones or look on as the medical system denies proper recognition, empathy and treatment to family members who well understand they have been severely injured by the jabs?

How much more lying and severe abuse, including acts of premeditated murder, can members of the public withstand before they become outraged enough to demand some measure of accountability from COVID Officialdom?  

What will happen to those who until now have trusted authorities in government and the media to guide them through the supposed remedies promoted as if they have the capacity to ease and end the claimed COVID inflictions? Will the scale and intensity of new revelations about the grave harm being done in the name of fighting COVID, continue to push global public opinion in a positive direction? 

Will those who have so far trusted in the guidance of authority figures overseeing the COVID fiasco find the gumption to put their gullibility aside and start asking some pertinent skeptical questions?

Can majority opinion be stretched enough to embrace the realization that we are in the midst of a monumental power grab misrepresented as an evidence-based response to a medical emergency? Will public awareness develop to the point where a vigilant, aroused and well-informed citizenry can bring forward demands backed by the weight of solid public opinion?

The heart of these demands must call on public officials to put together credible teams of objective investigators with the background to knowledgeably explore many unanswered questions. A number of these most vital questions have been brought to light by conscientious whistleblowers who often have faced severe recriminations for pointing out the lies and crimes of COVID Officialdom.

As with the case of the “medical jails” set up for COVID patients at, for instance, the Amita Health Resurrection Center in Chicago, the leads uncovered by whistle blowers like Dr. Elizabeth Vliet are often extremely significant. They must be followed up by the work of professional investigators armed with extensive subpoena powers. If properly done, many of the investigations will have to give way to criminal charges pressed against some of the worst COVID culprits.

Before society as a whole begins to come to terms with major revelations of COVID wrongdoing now captured on the public record, many more people will have to critically examine their own assumptions about what went wrong. It is natural to first assume, for instance, that any failure to respond appropriately to the vagaries of the COVID debacle must be inadvertent— an outcome of say honest mistakes, simple misunderstandings, or maybe even unfortunate incompetence.

There can be no doubt that incompetence, stupidity and the naïve complicity of some officials have played a role in the genesis of the COVID debacle. Any assumption, however, that this explanation is sufficient in itself to explain the depth of our current dilemma is simply wrong.

So too is the tendency to explain away the genuinely criminal nature of the COVID operation with the view that all the professional people involved were simply doing their best to respond to a daunting set of uncharted and unprecedented circumstances. Many of these “unprecedented circumstances,” however, can now be shown to be carefully planned and implemented.

Such shallow and incomplete assessments about the nature of the COVID-19 power grab will only leave society more vulnerable to even more audacious crimes to come. The ongoing hunt by multi-billionaires and their accomplices for added spoils is best achieved by implementing methods of more complete control.

Dr. Michael Yeadon has reflected on the difficulty now and in the past that people have had in taking action to block the rise of ruthless regimes whose leaders seem intent on causing great harm. He has written,

“Many have asked why people didn’t resist tyrants in the past. Partly it is fear. But it’s more than that. It’s that normal people, like you and me, simply cannot imagine being so evil. We trust in humanity. And so we should. Most people are good. Few are truly terrifyingly horrible. But some are. It’s the inability to believe it’s happening that really stopped people objecting when they should, when the evidence was unmistakable but had not yet quite reached their door, their family.”

 A good way to move towards more proactive engagement with menacing developments is to avoid overdependence on assumptions. To transcend the realm of assumption one must ask questions, plenty of questions, directed especially at those claiming special imperatives to educate the public from positions of well-rewarded authority. 

Those who fall into the danger zones where unsupported assumptions prevail are often the victims of groupthink. In this COVID-19 power grab, groupthink is often promoted by the lockstep decisions of those directing many media venues.

Since the debacle began in 2020, media people have been leading human lambs to receive their jabs on the sacrificial altars of the TV religion preaching redemption from COVID infection. Medical practitioners have performed their assigned role in the ritualized killing, injury and obliteration of the natural immunity of those put under the needle of invasive spike protein replication.

Breaking Social Cohesion by Pushing the Idea We Are All Biohazards to One Another  

How is it that the governments of the vast majority of the world’s 195 countries have all made essentially the same set of errors in reacting to the same set of circumstances? The replication of the same set of wrong responses to the manufactured COVID crisis began almost immediately.

The decisive move came with the unprecedented decision to follow China’s lead in shutting down global society’s life’s blood of free movement and circulation. The new obstructions put in place extended in many directions, including to the strangulation of targeted aspects of commerce and work.

The lockdowns were constructed with an eye to putting up particularly high obstacles to transactions supporting small business, the middle class, and the independence of working people. The lockdowns enormously accelerated the suck up of assets from the largest mass of humanity to a tiny contingent of wealthy people far above the top 1 %.

Especially hard hit were about a billion and a half workers in low-income countries where informal employment is most common.

See this.

The lockdowns promoted the view that even healthy people are potential biohazards to one another; that everyone has cause to picture everyone else as suspects to be spurned, distrusted and subjected to many forms of distancing. This shattering of social cohesion helped along imperial strategies of divide-and-conquer.

The quick and uniform implementation of such an invasive assertion of state power indicates that some global authority was the common source of the directives to national governments. What global authority would be in a position to impose through compulsion a conformist policy on most national systems of public health throughout the world?

Certainly the WEF played an important role. But the WEF takes its orders ultimately from those in charge of global corporations and the bankers that facilitate their operations. Only international banking institutions and their corporate proxies, including BlackRock and Vanguard, would be in a position to compel such uniform and consistent responses from almost all national governments.

The terrible implications of this formidable display of geopolitical muscle-flexing must be resolutely faced. More than that, the existing kleptocracy that forms the dominant financial system must be remade to effectively serve all of humanity, not just a minute minority within it.  The required changes point in a very different direction than the Great Reset advocated by the WEF and its most annoying mascot and flunky, Justin Trudeau.

Trudeau’s dilettantish quest to extend “post-nationalist” governance is representative of larger forces pointing humanity towards mass enslavement. Trudeau personifies an emerging class of hucksters trying to replicate the example of the “philanthropic” crime boss, Bill Gates.

Only by building up financial expressions of national self-governance can we the peoples of the world escape further entrapment in the COVID-19 power grab and in all the other manufactured crises being made to flow from it.

The stimulation of fear and confusion over everything from moneypox to widespread famine is helping to hold back some careful investigation of who and what is behind COVID-19 power grab. Rather than allowing ourselves to be distracted by more rounds of manufactured fear, we need to stand our ground. We must demand formal means of investigating the evidence of organized criminality facilitating the manufactured COVID crisis whose devastating outcomes continue to unfold. See this.

From Cutting Carbon Footprints to the Eliminating Masses of People

The Paris agreement on climate change transacted in 2015 can be pictured as a prelude to the adoption of near-identical policies by nearly all national governments in responding to the supposedly new coronavirus.

Within hours of being sworn into office in January of 2021, US President Joe Biden authorized the US adhesion to the Paris agreement.

The World Economic Forum was a major player drawing the governments of all the world’s countries into the Paris agreement. For those who imbibe the Kool-Aid of the WEF, the goal of reducing and even eliminating the “carbon footprint” of people starts with the quest to decarbonize all energy production.

From there it goes to conceiving of people as cancers to be eliminated. In the minds of the world’s most highly entitled virtue signalers, the global population is composed of human herds to be culled and reduced in making a greener and more healthy world.

The COVID-19 power grab and its expression in the Great Reset are meant to reduce humanity’s overall carbon footprint. In fact the injection program seems well calculated to cancel out every type of footprint of those humans eliminated in the waging of a secular yet holy war to conquer sickness, overpopulation, and global warming.

The anti-carbon, anti-human preoccupations of the puppet regimes dominating the Western governments are taking the form of unprecedented interventions to slow the pace and shrink the scale of economic activity. The key means of making this contraction happen are to make food and fossil fuels more scarce and expensive. See this.

The goal of imposing brakes on economic activity constitutes a virtual death sentence whose first victims are millions of poor people. This initiative is being pushed by the same people who are putting pressure on Zioamerican-led NATO to engage in military conflict with Russia and China.

The promotion of simultaneous acts of war, one targeting those on the home front and the other aimed at provoking the hostility of nuclear-armed superpowers, is both bizarre and reckless to say the least. One could interpret this convergence of unfolding scenarios as one well calculated to accelerate the mass elimination of people.  

Operational and Conceptual Deceits in the COVID Lies

Dr. Michael Yeadon originally perceived the medical mess being made of misnamed pandemic as the result of a series of serious mistakes. Gradually he moved away from this view. Dr. Yeadon has put on the public record a very rich account of his changing perceptions of COVID Officialdom. See this.

As the futility of his quest to help out the cause of medical sanity became increasingly clear to him, Dr. Yeadon gradually embraced the view that the COVID-19 debacle is no accident that happened randomly. Rather it is his professional conclusion that the whole fiasco is the outcome of a sinister plan to purposely inflict harm.

In going through this analytic transition, Dr. Yeadon has rendered explicit the views of many who are making similar shifts of understanding. Dr. Yeadon is speaking for a wider circle of participants and witnesses in concluding that it is maliciousness, not incompetence, that is the primary driving force of the COVID fiasco.

Dr. Yeadon brings to his interpretation a wealth of experience and achievement in the process of Research and Development in the creation of commercial drugs. He is a former VP of Pfizer where he was the worldwide head of research in the fields of allergy and respiratory diseases.

When he left Pfizer in 2011 Dr. Yeadon founded and led a biotech firm, Ziarco. Novartis acquired Ziaroco in 2017. See this.

An independent consultant to 30 biotech companies, Dr. Yeadon is currently Chief Scientific Adviser to America’s Frontline Doctors.

As the manufactured COVID crisis gathered momentum, Dr. Yeadon responded by engaging in constructive collaboration with professional colleagues. In February of 2021 Dr. Yeadon was part of a response made by Doctors for Covid Ethics. See this.

The D4CE initiative addressed the European Medicines Agency. The interveners charged that the agency was “premature and reckless” in granting the makers of COVID injections the European equivalent of Emergency Use Authorization.

Among the major issues that Dr. Yeadon and his colleagues raised was that the new medical products would almost certainly create major health deficits by stimulating “blood clots, profuse bleedings and haemorrhagic stroke.” See this.

The assertion by D4CE that these experimental injection products should be withdrawn from public distribution has been repeated many times by a wide variety of top-level scientific and professional groups. In the case of the COVD-19 power grab, however, the precautionary principle like so many other axiomatic rules of public health and public safety has simply been thrown to the wind in the warp speed rush to inflict widespread harm.

In the months that followed the intervention with the European Medicines Agency, Dr. Yeadon became increasingly convinced of the uselessness of appealing to corrupt regulatory agencies in the quest to protect the public from the dangerous medical products. The rot and corruption of these industry-captured regulatory bodies was simply too far advanced. The real project, he concluded, was to inflict massive medical harms with the intention of concentrating control over humanity in fewer and fewer hands.

His essays and interviews became more and more rooted in the well-backed thesis that the whole COVID drama was a high-level scam devoid of all honesty and benign intentions. In the course of developing this line of analysis, Dr. Yeadon authored a concise overview entitled “The Covid Lies.” See this.

In outlining his approach, Dr. Yeadon explained he had in 2020 “tried to find benign explanations” for the health care disaster underway but “failed to do so.” He determined that “the overall picture is one of extreme deception and highly organized fraud.” As he sees the COVID saga, “the entire event is based on lies.”

From Dr. Yeadon’s perspective, these lies are the outcome of “long-tern planning” meant to bring about “deliberately injurious acts” with “lethal consequences.” The whole methodology “gives a cloak of invisibility to those who want to commit mass murder, quite literally,” in an environment “where so many people are willing to imagine that it is not happening.”

Clearly Dr. Yeadon is not mincing his words in raising an alarm with enormous implications.

Dr. Yeadon sees at the end of this process the creation of a system of “vaccine passports” that are the gateway to a massive global system of mandatory digital IDs under the private proprietorship of a corporate leviathan. He continues,

“Add to this [power grab] a ‘financial great reset’ with the withdrawal of cash and introduction of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and we have a wholly controlled population, controlled automatically without human intervention on the ground. All that is needed is to require the population to show their health passport or else they will not be allowed to cross a regulated threshold, like accessing a food store, or make a transaction using digital money unless the AI algorithms permit it.”

The largest part of Dr. Yeadon’s essay is composed of 12 subsections that identify and explain the nature of 12 COVID lies. Two of these lies involve what he calls “the central conceptual deceit” and the “central operational deceit.”

The operational deceit is the inaccurate system of PCR testing. This diagnostic procedure produces great abundances of false positive results that are deployed to inflate fear and justify the building up of a huge infrastructure of COVID operations.

For a time most of the world’s newspapers ran daily headlines calculated to push the public into panic because of “increased confirmed cases.” This fraudulent news was based on nothing more than the meaningless outcomes of a test whose inventor made it very clear that it was not made to diagnose disease. See this.

The chief conceptual deceit was the lie that COVID-19 was an elusive pathogen that could be prolifically spread by people not showing any symptoms of sickness. The lie of asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 opened the floodgates of fake PCR testing. It also opened the way to the global lockdowns that savaged the global economy and subjected humans to plagues of ailments like suicide, depression, domestic violence and substance abuse.

The Governments of Canada, the Netherlands and the WEF Team Up to Diminish Food Supplies and Promote Digital IDs as Conditions for Air Travel 

The digital IDs and so-called vaccine passports that Dr. Yeadon warned against are being pushed forward in a wide variety of ways. For instance the World Bank has contributed $1 billion to fund “new cross-country vaccine passport frameworks.” See this.

The US approach to vaccine passports involves “a complex web of Big Tech partnerships.” See this.

One of the initiatives involves a collaborative project between the World Economic Forum (WEF), the Trudeau government in Canada and the Mark Ruffe government in the Netherlands. The trilateral cooperation between these parties is devoted to getting off the ground a pilot project named Known Traveller Digital Identity, KTDI. See this.

Many of those people who lined up to take the COVID jabs voluntarily did so in order to travel. This same constituency is being targeted again in the push to extend the COVID power grab into globalized Digital IDs.

The joint KTDI/WEF web site describes the initiative as “the first global collaboration of its kind,” one that “enables more secure and seamless travel.” It will do so by “enabling consortium partners to access verifiable claims of a traveller’s identity.”

One of the ways that the KTID partners say they will meet the objective of “cross-border data sharing and collaboration” is by embracing biometrics. Biometrics enable computerized systems of facial recognition that allow authorities “to link digital identity with the physical person.” See this.

The same trilateral partnership backing the KTDI initiative is also being put on international display in the growing resistance to the Dutch-Canadian-WEF plan to cut the use of nitrogen-emitting fertilizer by 30%. Those behind this cut justify the resulting diminishment of available food to adherence to the UN’s Agenda 2030 plan.

The concerted resistance of Dutch farmers to this attack on their economic viability has often been compared to the response of the Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy to the repressive actions of the Trudeau government. Now the resistance movements of farmers in both the Netherlands and Canada are joining forces against similar attacks on food production being waged by their own WEF-indoctrinated governments.

See this.

Half of Justin Trudeau’s cabinet are political neophytes that have graduated from the WEF’s Young Leaders program. A document entitled “Introducing the Government of Canada’s Digital Ambition 2022” is very much in sync with the Great Reset agenda of the WEF. In it the Trudeau government lays out its ambitious plan for the next stages of the COVID-19 power grab into more sophisticated forms of spyware monitoring enabled by universalized standards in Digital IDs. See this.

The lengthy web post opens with the assertion, “Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Canadians have increasingly worked, shopped, learned, and engaged with government online.” The statement goes on to boast, “During the pandemic, the government quickly deployed new and innovative programs to support Canadians.”

This assertion veers away from much of what really happened. In fact the one-way stream of COVID communications from the Canadian government had little to do with “engagement” or “innovative programs.” Rather the top official in the Canadian government used the Internet to publicize his bitter personal attacks aimed at defaming, demonizing, segregating, threatening, and stripping from employment many Canadians who opted against taking the pathogenic clot shots.

The promised “consultation” on “Canada’s Digital Ambitions” will probably continue to marginalize and dismiss the views of any Canadians who do not share the same agendas as Canada’s WEF-indoctrinated government.

See this and this.

The KTID Digital ID scheme will no doubt be promoted as a way out of the chaos that has taken hold of the aviation industry. One of the most notorious international examples of this breakdown in the air travel business is Toronto’s Pearson International Airport. It operates within the federal jurisdiction of the Justin Trudeau government.

In the spring and summer of 2022 the Pearson Airport made many international headlines by being named “worst in the world” for flight delays and cancellations. The breakdown of the aviation system is closely connected to the imposition of injection mandates that caused thousands of aviation staff to exit their jobs.

The voluntary or coercive exit of masses of experienced airline employees fleeing their employers’ federally-empowered jab police, form the core element in the aviation industry’s very public breakdown. See this and this.

Those injection-compliant aviation workers who followed the mandates include fully-jabbed pilots. As recipients of the clot shots, the high-altitude working environment of the remaining pilots puts them at heightened risks of heart attacks, strokes, and such. See this.

Accordingly, those travellers who are able to make it into the air are being subjected to the added menace of aviation disasters caused by medical emergencies in the cockpit. See this and this.

The notorious mess at the Toronto Airport can be pictured as a reflection of Justin Trudeau’s incompetence. Trudeau manages to monkeypox practically every federal responsibility he touches.

Trudeau has been treating Canada’s busiest airport as a real life video game for his experiments in, for instance, random COVID testing, quarantining, and the mandatory imposition on all passengers of the QR coded ArriveCan Travel App. See this.

This ArriveCan app has been described as “a piece of glorified tracking technology with a record of what COVID vaccines you have received.” Basically it is a disguised vaccine passport ready to be folded into the infrastructure of the KTID project. See this.

Can We Restore a Rule of Law Together with a Decent and Reasonable Way of Living?

Christine Anderson, a Member of the European Parliament, recently chaired a meeting in Brussels on the chaos in air travel. In the assembly the contention was raised that “vaccinated pilots may no longer be fit to fly.”

The deteriorating state of the traumatized aviation industry is increasingly being regarded as a telling example of the deep malaise arising from the mass implementation of the COVID lies. Only now are the implications of putting aside precautionary principles in order to act on these misrepresentations, starting to be faced by a brave few in many discredited professions, institutions, and industries. See this and this.

The early stages of this stirring of self-reckoning within the airline business points the way to similar processes that must take place throughout society. We shall` not be able to restore anything like a viable rule of law, let alone decent and reasonable living conditions, without our coming to grips with the role of the COVID lies and COVID crimes in the ongoing COVID power grab.

In part 2 of this essay we shall explore more of the factors that caused Ms. Anderson to put the aviation fiasco in context. This fiasco is unfolding, she reflected, as one aspect in “the biggest crime ever committed in history on humanity.”


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Dr. Anthony Hall is editor in chief of the American Herald Tribune. He is currently Professor of Globalization Studies at University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada. He has been a teacher in the Canadian university system since 1982. Dr. Hall, has recently finished a big two-volume publishing project at McGill-Queen’s University Press entitled “The Bowl with One Spoon”.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 

Purchase directly from the Global Research Online Store

You may also purchase directly at DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page(NOTE: User-friendly)

Il 15° Summit dei BRICS, svoltosi a Johannesburg in Sudafrica,  ha preso una serie di decisioni che gettano le basi di un nuovo ordine internazionale, alternativo a quello imposto dall’Occidente.

L’associazione BRICS – formata da Brasile, Russia, India, Cina, Sudafrica – si allarga ad altri 6 Paesi, che dal 1° gennaio 2024 diventeranno membri a pieno titolo:  la Repubblica Argentina, la Repubblica Araba d’Egitto, la Repubblica Federale Democratica di Etiopia, la Repubblica Islamica dell’Iran, il Regno dell’Arabia Saudita e gli Emirati Arabi Uniti.

Attualmente 44 Paesi vogliono  entrare nei BRICS: 22 hanno già fatto richiesta ufficiale, altri 22 hanno espresso l’intenzione di farlo. Per questo il Summit ha incaricato i ministri degli Esteri di preparare un elenco di Paesi partner quale base di ulteriori allargamenti.

I cinque attuali membri rappresentano complessivamente oltre il 42% della popolazione mondiale, il 30% del territorio mondiale, il 23% del PIL e il 18% del commercio globale. Tra i candidati che potrebbero aggiungersi ai 6 già ammessi quali membri a pieno titolo vi sono: Afghanistan, Indonesia,  Thailandia, Algeria, Nigeria, Senegal, Nicaragua. Un BRICS allargato a questi 13 paesi avrebbe più di 4 miliardi di abitanti, ossia oltre la metà della popolazione mondiale, possiederebbe il 45% delle riserve mondiali di petrolio e oltre il 60% delle riserve mondiali di gas. Il suo PIL complessivo ammonterebbe a circa 30 mila miliardi di dollari, più del PIL degli Stati Uniti, il doppio di quello dell’Unione Europea.

La realizzazione di un nuovo ordine internazionale, alternativo a quello imposto dall’Occidente, è dunque possibile: valore fondante dei BRICS è infatti l’impegno condiviso a ristrutturare l’architettura politica, economica e finanziaria globale in modo che sia equa, equilibrata e rappresentativa. In tale quadro i BRICS hanno lanciato un piano di de-dollarizzazione degli scambi commerciali, che sta già riducendo l’egemonia del dollaro, e hanno  creato la Nuova Banca di Sviluppo, alternativa alla Banca Mondiale. Ulteriori passi in questa direzione si attendono dal 16° Summit BRICS, che si svolgerà nel 2024 in Russia.

Manlio Dinucci


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According to Prof. Angus Dalgleish, “We must stop all the boosters immediately.”

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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Albert Bourla, the notorious snake oil salesman and horse doctor who serves as the CEO of Pfizer, is now the highest paid executive in the entire Pharma industry.

In Vivo has published the total compensation package for Bourla, which last year reached an astronomical $33 million dollars. He has earned just short of $100 million in salary since 2019. On top of that, Bourla has earned tens of millions through the sale of Pfizer stock. At the end of last year, he sold 222,328 shares of Pfizer stock, cashing out over $6 million. He retains about a quarter million shares in the company.

Credit: In Vivo

Under his “leadership” while serving as CEO of Pfizer since 2019, Bourla worked with both the Trump Administration and Biden Administration (along with countless additional nations) to loot billions of dollars from the treasuries of dozens of nations, striking deals in which Pfizer provided a “free vaccine” that redirected all of their costs on to taxpayers instead of Pfizer. On top of that, all of the profits generated from the shots went directly to Pfizer, allowing for the Pharma giant to publish record profits year after year.

Almost all of Pfizer’s profits since the beginning of the covid hysteria era have come from its mRNA shot and horse pills that are branded Paxlovid. Without Covid-19, Pfizer would not have made any net income since 2019.

In exchange for the billions of dollars in taxpayer funds, Pfizer was supposed to provide an immunizing and effective agent that worked to stop the Wuhan sniffles. Pfizer succeeded in bamboozling the masses by committing statistical malpractice and outright scamming. In further hyping the Pfizer shots, Bourla often engaged in fraudulent marketing practices, routinely falsely claiming the Pfizer mRNA shot was akin to a cure to the coronavirus.

Not only did their “vaccine” fail to achieve any upside whatsoever or any demonstrated capability to stop the sniffles, it has shown to display an unprecedented side effect portfolio.

Sadly, Bourla is far from the only Pharma exec to make tons of money through the sale of snake oil products.

Stephane Bancel, the CEO of Moderna, turned into a billionaire during the Covid-19 era, thanks to his large equity stake in the company.

Via Forbes

Bancel also rakes in almost $20 million a year in compensation, per In Vivo.


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Featured image is from Kanekoa the Great

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First published on August 23, 2023


1. Sun Tzu said: In the practical art of war, the best thing of all is to take the enemy’s country whole and intact; to shatter and destroy it is not so good. So, too, it is better to recapture an army entire than to destroy it, to capture a regiment, a detachment or a company entire than to destroy them.

2. Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.

— Sunzi, “Chapter 3: Attack by Stratagem,” The Art of War

Chinese wisdom from 6th century BCE explains why China, barring the crossing of a redline by separatists in Taiwan, has no inclination to attack. Why would China want to destroy a part of itself? Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the country has navigated bumps in the road while pursuing a path of supreme excellence.

In the late 1940s, in the latter stages of the Chinese civil war, after the Communists had defeated the Guomindang (KMT) on the mainland, the KMT escaped across the Taiwan Strait. Because the US 7th fleet was patrolling the waters and protecting the KMT, and because the Communists lacked a formidable navy, an aquatic pursuit was ruled out for the Communists.

The US interjecting itself into a far flung conflict was not unusual. Author William Blum wrote about this, remarking about American untrustworthiness toward erstwhile allies in his book Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II (pdf available online).

The communists in China had worked closely with the American military during the war, providing important intelligence about the Japanese occupiers, rescuing and caring for downed US airmen.1 But no matter. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek [of the KMT] would be Washington’s man. (p 20)

Fervent anti-communism in Washington and Langley, saw the CIA aiding the KMT against the mainland. But the US would have to address “One China”:

The Generalissimo, his cohorts and soldiers fled to the offshore island of Taiwan (Formosa). They had prepared their entry two years earlier by terrorizing the islanders into submission—a massacre which took the lives of as many as 28,000 people.15 Prior to the Nationalists’ escape to the island, the US government entertained no doubts that Taiwan was a part of China. Afterward, uncertainty began to creep into the minds of Washington officials. The crisis was resolved in a remarkably simple manner: the US agreed with Chiang that the proper way to view the situation was not that Taiwan belonged to China, but that Taiwan was China. And so it was called. (p 22)

Thus it was that the anti-Communist US had a dog in this fight, and that dog was (and still is) Taiwan. The US backed Jiang Jieshi (aka Chiang Kai-shek), and the CIA trained, organized, and conducted military incursions across the Taiwan Strait against the mainland. (p 23)

Manifestly, the big fish for the imperialist hegemon to try and fry is the One-China policy, to which the US is a signatory, which acknowledges there being only one China and that Taiwan is a province of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Such is the fervor of the diminishing imperial US that it unabashedly is in violation of an agreement it signed by de facto treating Taiwan as a separate country by selling arms to it and sending political representatives and military personnel without seeking the approval of the government in Beijing.

How would the US feel if China sent political representatives to meet with the Hawaiian sovereignty movement? If China sold or gave arms to this movement? After all, the Apology Resolution — passed in 1993 by a Joint Resolution of the US Congress 100 years after the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy — “acknowledges that the Native Hawaiian people never directly relinquished to the United States their claims to their inherent sovereignty as a people over their national lands.”

Canadian and American media reported on 4 June “that a Chinese warship came within 150 yards of colliding with an American destroyer in the Taiwan Strait during a joint U.S.-Canada exercise.” Of note: the US media report mentions that the US-Canadian warships were “allegedly in international waters.” If not allegedly in international waters, then presumably they were in Chinese waters.

Of concern to US militarists is the realization that China’s navy is larger than the US navy and the gap is widening. More foreboding for any potential attacker are China’s hypersonic anti-ship missiles.

Even if the warships were enforcing freedom of navigation (FON), an analysis, published on 15 May by the South China Sea Strategic Situation Probing Initiative (SCSPI) at Peking University, questions what exactly FON means for the Taiwan Strait.

SCSPI argues that the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea “ultimately aims to maintain a balance between the interests of maritime powers and coastal states. There has never been an unrestricted right of navigation in the Convention or in general international law.”

Although foreign ships enjoy the right of innocent passage in the territorial sea, Article 25 of the Convention provides that the coastal state may take the necessary steps to prevent passage which is not innocent. That is, the coastal States have the right to decide whether the passage of a foreign ship is consistent with the “right of innocent passage” under Article 19. The Convention also provides that the coastal State may adopt domestic law on innocent passage and may require a foreign warship that disregards any request for compliance with domestic law to leave the territorial sea immediately…. U.S. warships may exercise the right of innocent passage, but at the same time must respect the coastal state’s determination of whether the passage is innocent and comply with the laws and regulations of the coastal State concerning passage through the territorial sea.

If China was a militaristic country, then people ought to consider when would be the most opportunistic time for China to militarily reincorporate Taiwan back into the motherland. How about when the US is on the verge of an embarrassing defeat in Ukraine, having sunk almost a $115 billion into losing a proxy war and having depleted much of its weapons stores, having its missile defense batteries destroyed, HIMARS defended against, Nati-tank Javelins brushed aside, Bradley tanks rendered nugatory, etc?

What conclusion then can one draw from the fact that militarily powerful China has not launched any attack against Taiwan during this period of time?

The US seeks to keep Taiwan separate from the mainland, as a reincorporated Taiwan would open strategic access to the Pacific for the PRC. Thus, president Joe Biden has doubled down on his pledge to intervene in any fighting between China and its province Taiwan. Two problems with Biden’s tough-guy posturing: 1) words are cheap; and 2) aside from making clear its redlines, the talk of China attacking its province of Taiwan is all from the US side. It is clearly not in the mainland’s interest to kill its own citizens or cause damage to the island. China has pledged itself to peace.

I asked Wei Ling Chua, the author of Democracy: What the West can learn from China and Tiananmen Square “Massacre”? The Power of Words vs. Silent Evidence, his analysis of what US interventions hold for the One-China policy.


Kim Petersen: Taiwan became part of the Chinese Qing dynasty in 1683. That is almost a century before European natives destroyed several Indigenous nations and dispossessed them of their land, resources, culture, language — i.e., genocide — and established the ill-begotten United States of America in 1776.

Yet the US encourages the separatist movement in Taiwan led by the Democratic Progressive Party. Importantly, the Republic of China (ROC, Taiwan) also claims that there is one China and that the mainland, Tibet, and, until 2002, even outer Mongolia constituted the ROC.

Why is Taiwan outside the direct control of the PRC? This is because despite being aided by the US, Jiang Jieshi and the Guomindang (KMT) were defeated by the Communist forces led by Mao Zedong. The US 7th Fleet, however, protected the escape of the KMT to Taiwan, as China at that time had a minuscule navy. If not for that, the Communists might well have brought Taiwan fully back into the motherland’s fold long ago.

The US and western-aligned media serially warn that the PRC is poised to invade Taiwan. The US says it stands poised to blow up Taiwan’s critical chip producer TSMC in case of a Chinese attack. Why would the PRC militarily attack a valuable part of the motherland, especially given that the vast majority of the planet’s 190 or so countries recognize the one-China policy whereby Taiwan is a province of the PRC?

Wei Ling Chua: To explain clearly a series of essential facts (including not widely noticed facts) about the relations between Taiwan Province, China, and the USA, I need to breakdown the information as follows:

Ignorance of Taiwan Youth About Their Own Constitution

Recently, a number of street interviews were conducted in Taiwan province asking young Taiwanese “Do you know the relationship between the Republic of China and Taiwan?”, the reply shocked the interviewer as the majority of the youth in Taiwan didn’t even know their political entity’s official name is the Republic of China (ROC), and that the ROC’s constitution regards the mainland of China and Taiwan being parts of the ROC sovereign territory. For example:

  • A street interview in June 2023 asked: “What is the relationship between Taiwan and the ROC?” The reply: “…Enemy…”;  The interviewer then asked: “Have you heard of ROC? Do you know where is ROC?” The reply: “The other side of the Taiwan Straits? … I don’t know, I don’t know…” During the interview, almost all interviewees didn’t know the ROC, some later replied: “Taiwan” (with a guessing element after observing the interviewer’s tone);
  • A street interview in May 2023 asked: “What is the relationship between Taiwan and the ROC?” The reply: “… looks like the relationship is not too good…”; The interviewer then asked: “According to the ROC constitution, Taiwan sovereignty includes the mainland of China, do you know that?” The reply: “No”.

The above interviews demonstrated the success of the ongoing brainwashing tactics used by the current ruling party (the DPP) in Taiwan province by modifying historical facts in school textbooks in the past 2 decades. One needs just to search under “DDP modify Taiwan history textbook” to learn about the issues. If one uses simplified Chinese or traditional Chinese to search the subject, one will get even more examples and news on the topic of young Taiwanese being heavily brainwashed into believing that they are not a part of the Chinese civilization despite their shared history, culture, tradition, values, food habits, ethnicity, religions, and languages (spoken and written). This reflects the scary effect of what fake news and propaganda could do to divide society and create conflict across the world.

The One-China Wording in the ROC Constitution

It is important to note that the content of the ROC Constitution is still the same today as before the Nationalist government lost the internal war to the Communist Party and escaped to Taiwan Province in 1949. It is also important to note that all the incoming Taiwan Presidents and MPs have to be sworn in under the Constitution of The ROC before taking office. So, what does the ROC Constitution say about the relation between the mainland of China and Taiwan island? The full text of the ROC’s Constitution is on the current Taiwan (Province) government’s official website. The following points shown that the ROC Constitution includes the entire mainland of China as it sovereign territory:

  • Point 4 of the Constitution: The territory of ROC based on its inherent boundaries, cannot be changed without a resolution of the National Assembly;
  • Point 6 refers to the design of the ROC flag used since 1928 (which is still in use today across Taiwan Province by whoever is in power);
  • Point 26: Outline the number of Representatives based on the population in an area/region for the National Assembly (with special mention of the Mongolia and Tibet regional representatives);
  • Point 64: About the makeup of representatives for law-making: this point also mentioned the .minority population representative with special mention of Mongolia and Tibet regions.
  • Point 91: About the makeup of representatives in the Government Supervisory Body: again Mongolia and Tibet regions are mentioned.

If we search for a map of the ROC, one will notice that the ROC territory in the map includes the entire People’s Republic of China (PRC) territory. That means the territory outlined in the Constitution of both the PRC and ROC includes Taiwan province and the Mainland of China. Both documents are the legal foundation of one-China. So:

  • Any Western media wording that suggests Taiwan province is not a part of China is without any legal foundation under both the ROC and the PRC Constitutions.
  • The Western media and politicians’ ongoing warning that “China is going to invade Taiwan” is preposterous because what they are warning is that China is about to invade itself.
  • America named the war between the South and the North (12 April 1861 to 26 May 1865) as the American Civil War revealing the double standard regarding the use of the term “invasion” to describe a possible future China reunification process through military action.

Therefore, the dispute between the PRC and ROC is a yet-to-settled historical event. It is purely a domestic issue between the 2 governments. Former Singapore Foreign Minister George Yao is right to point out in a recent interview that “China sees the Taiwan issue as a matter of historical justice”; he warns the Western powers about the danger of interfering in the reunification process.

The Territory Still Under ROC Control Includes Islands Only 2 km Away from the PRC-governed Mainland

Many people did not notice that the territory under the control of today’s ROC includes not only Taiwan Island itself but a number of islands right next to the mainland of the PRC. See the following screenshot map of the ROC (the purple territory in the bottom right-hand corner below is still under the control of the ROC):

One should note from the above map of the ROC-controlled (purple) territory that there are islands located right next to the mainland of China:

  • Kinmen Islands: The nearest part of the Kinmen group of Islands is just 1.8 km from the PRC (mainland China); it is 210 km from Taiwan Island. Former Chinese World Bank Chief Economist Justin YiFu Lin was a ROC army official stationed in Kinmen Islands. He is the man who in 1979, swam 2130 meters to mainland China to call the PRC home;
  • Matsu Islands: The nearest part of this group of islands is 18.5 km away from the Mainland of China and 203 km away from Taiwan Island;
  • As for Taiwan Island itself, the nearest part to the mainland is 126 km away.

The above distance information between the ROC-controlled territory and the PRC-controlled mainland tells us a lot about the intention of the PRC government working towards a peaceful reunification:

  • If China (PRC) wanted to take those islands right next to the mainland by force, they would have done it a long time ago. There is no reason to doubt the PRC military capability to do so given their ability to force the US-led military coalition back more than 500 km from the China-DPRK border to the 38th parallel and stop the US-led military coalition’s further aggression in the 1950-1953 Korean War;
  • Even Taiwan Island (province) itself is so close to the mainland that a modern short-range missile and artillery are good enough to do the job of crippling the island’s economy and forcing a surrender; some contend that the current military technological capability of the PLA may be more advanced than the USA.
  • Therefore, the ongoing Western media articles and news with headings that suggest China’s pending aggression and possible invasion of Taiwan to justify US/Japan/NATO/Australia/Canada militarism on the Chinese doorstep is nothing more than a smear campaign against China.

The History of Taiwan Island’s Relation with the Chinese Dynasties Dates Back to 230AD 

The history of Taiwan being a part of China was far earlier than 1683. This site (English) and this site (Chinese) provide a detailed Timeline of Taiwan’s relations with the Chinese dynasties beginning as early as the year 230AD: During the 3 kingdoms era, a written record of (沈莹) Shen Ying under the title 《临海水土志》 (direct transaction word by word: “surrounding seas water lands record”) already mentioned the Island of Taiwan. And that is almost 1800 years ago.

The trouble for many people who haven’t researched much about Chinese history is that they may be susceptible to Western media propaganda that portrays China as historically backward compared to the West, hence the ongoing smear campaign that China steals Western technology. So, it may be hard for some people to believe that in 230 AD, the Chinese already had the shipping technology to explore islands hundreds of km away in the rough sea. So, it is important for one to note the following facts about the Chinese being far more advanced than the West in shipping technology for thousands of year:

  • One should note that the compass used by Columbus to “discover” America in 1492 AD was a Chinese-invented compass (invented during the Han Dynasty between 202 BC – 220 AD);
  • 2500 years ago, China not only had a great military strategist Sun Zi (The Art of War) for land battles but also had a navy war strategist (伍子胥) Wu Zi Xu for water battles 水战兵法 (direct word by word translation “Water war military strategy”).

One should also take note that before Columbus “discovered” America in 1492 (as if the Indigenous peoples on the continent at that time were not regarded as “human beings” and so, the land has to be “discovered” by a “higher being” from Europe), the Ming Dynasty Navy General Zheng He had already led 7 ocean expeditions traveling the world (1405 to 1433), with “hundreds of huge ships and tens of thousands of sailors and other passengers. More than 60 of the 317 ships on the first voyage were enormous Treasure Ships, sailing vessels over 400 hundred feet long, 160 feet wide, with several decks, 9 masts, 12 sails, and luxurious staterooms complete with balconies.”

It is important to note that, despite such a scale of world voyages, China did not do what Columbus and Captain Cook’s voyages did to the Indigenous population in what would become America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The Ming Dynasty Imperial Voyages led by General Zheng He (a Chinese Muslim) were peaceful in nature.

There is also a well-researched book 1421: The Year China Discovered the World (including America) by Gavin Menzies (a former British Royal Navy Submarine Commanding Officer) who spent 15 years tracing the astonishing voyages of the Ming Dynasty’s fleet, visited over 900 museums across the world, engaged in conversations and correspondence with Universities professors specialized in Asia Study, and reading hundreds of titles in European country’s libraries that mentioned the Chinese voyages.

Despite the fact that Gavin’s compelling narrative pulls together ancient maps, precise navigational knowledge, astronomy, and the surviving accounts of Chinese explorers and the later European navigators, and that Gavin’s research also brings to light the artifacts and inscribed stones left behind by the emperor’s fleet, the evidence of the Ming Dynasty’s sunken junks along its route, and ornate votive offerings left by the Chinese sailors wherever they landed, Gavin’s book still discredited by the Western propaganda machine as “fiction” and “controversy”. As a reader of Kevin’s book to the last word, I am convinced by the incontrovertible evidence presented in regard to the Ming Dynasty Imperial Voyages, however, other readers’ opinions are also important. Please read the thousands of reader comments here, here, and here.

So, for those who are interested to know in detail about the 1800 years of history of Taiwan Island’s relation with the Chinese dynasties, please click here (English) and here (Chinese).One should note that, in July 1894, Japan launched a war of aggression against China. In April 1895, the defeated Qing Dynasty government was forced to cede Taiwan, etc, to Japan in an unequal treaty  (Treaty of Shimonoseki in Japanese, also known as Treaty of Maguan in Chinese).

International Treaties by US, UK, China, and Japan recognized Taiwan as China’s territory 

1943 Cairo Declaration (Image of the original document): Signed by President Roosevelt (USA), Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek (ROC President), and Prime Minister Churchill (UK) as military allies against the Japanese military aggression. The objective of the Cairo Declaration is to “procure unconditional surrender of Japan,” and that “all the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as Manchuria, Formosa (known as “Taiwan” in Chinese), and … shall be restored to the Republic of China” (The Chinese government at that time).(Note: It seems that the US government history document website [] has removed the Cairo Declaration document)

1945 INT Potsdam Declaration (Image of the original document) Point 8 stated: “The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out and Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku, and such minor islands as we determine.” And again, this international treaty was entered into by the US, China, and UK governments, and agreed upon by the Japanese government after the US dropped the 2 atomic bombs on Japan.

Note: the US government history document website shows the full content of this 13-point document including point 8.

So, the above two international documents entered into by the US, China, UK, and Japan recognized Taiwan as a part of China, and Japan’s territory is limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, and Shikoku and such minor islands as we determine.” UN Resolution replaced ROC with PRC as the only legitimate government of China

UN Resolution 2758: passed on 25 October 1971: “Recognized the People’s Republic of China (PRC) as “the only legitimate representative of China to the United Nations” and removed “the representatives of Chiang Kai-shek” (referring to the ROC)  from the United Nations.Since then, as of June 2023, out of the 193 UN member nations, only 12 smaller nations recognize the ROC government, and 181 recognize the PRC government. (Including the US and all other Western governments. This is the condition for establishing diplomatic relations with the PRC.)

As a result, the ROC (in Taiwan) needs the PRC’s approval to get access to any international organizations or institutions such as the Olympics, WHO, etc. The PRC’s sovereignty over Taiwan is officially recognized by the UN document and 181 UN member states.

Blood Is Thicker Than Water: The Policy of Peaceful Reunification Since Mao’s Era

If one searches on the Internet for “台湾 血比水浓” (Taiwanese Blood is Thicker than Water), one will notice that there are millions of articles and news headlines over the decades describing the feeling of the Chinese people in the PRC towards the Chinese people in the ROC (Taiwan Province). They regard people in Taiwan as their brothers and sisters and hope for peaceful reunification.

Since the founding of the PRC, the Chinese leadership (from Mao to Xi) has been working hard toward a peaceful reunification with Taiwan Province. Just to name a few examples as follows:

Example 1:

During the Chinese Revolution, the then Nationalist Party government led by ROC President Chiang Kai-shek killed 6 of Chairman Mao’s relatives including Mao’s beloved wife (Yang Kaihui). In 1957, Chairman Mao wrote a touching poem in remembrance of his late wife with a description of his grief when he heard the news of her murder by the Nationalist government: “bursting into tears like rainwater” (泪飞顿作倾盆雨). Despite such personal grief in losing his loved one, Chairman Mao put the interest of the people and the Chinese nation first: For example:

After China and DPRK won the Korean War against the US-led 16-nation military coalition, there was a perception of Western nations trying to break Taiwan away from the motherland to create two Chinas, like the two Koreas (North and South Korea), and the two Germanys (East and West Germany). To prevent that, in 1956, Mao wrote a personal letter to Chiang Kai-shek, telling him the importance of Taiwan’s geographical position in accessing the Pacific Ocean for the Chinese nation, and urged him to safeguard the interest of the Chinese civilization to maintain the principle of a one-China policy. That is Taiwan province and the Mainland as integrated parts of one China. He then raised the idea of negotiation toward a peaceful reunification under the following principles:

  • Foreign Power should be out of Taiwan;
  • Taiwan must recognize the Central People’s Government as the only legitimate government of the PRC.
  • Both the Nationalist Party and the Communist Party have to uphold the principle of a one-China policy;
  • Chiang Kai-Shek will enjoy a special privileged status once Taiwan is unified with the mainland;
  • Once unified, besides Foreign Affairs and Defence, Chiang Kai-Shek will retain the power of administering Taiwan in all other aspects such as the power for the appointment of officials and their removal in Taiwan, the treasury in Taiwan, and Chiang is allowed to keep his arm forces, and the central government will fund the development of Taiwan.
  • Once unified, both sides will stop covert operations and propaganda against each other, and will not do anything to damage the relationship of both political parties.
  • In the letter, Mao also enclosed a photo of Chiang’s ancestor’s grave in China, telling him that they are well maintained. (Photo below):

Unfortunately, for Chiang, it was a hard decision.Chiang died in 1975; to this day, his coffin is still not buried. According to his son Chiang Jing-guo’s Diary: Chiang wished to be buried on the mainland: at Nanjing, Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Zijin Mountain, Zhengqi Pavilion. Therefore, they are waiting for the day when the political climate is such that Chiang can be so interred.

Example 2:

In 1981, the PRC spelled out a 9 points policy toward peaceful reunification under a One-China policy (below is a translation from the Chinese text):

  • The Communist Party and the Nationalist Party can negotiate on an equal footing;
  • The two parties reached an agreement on postal, commercial, air, family visits, tourism, and academic, culture, and sports exchanges;
  • After reunification, Taiwan can retain the military and enjoy special autonomy as a special administrative region;
  • Taiwan’s society, economic system, way of life, and economic and cultural relations with other foreign countries remain unchanged; private property, houses, land, business ownership, legal inheritance rights, and foreign investment are inviolable;
  • Political leaders in Taiwan can serve as leaders of the national political institutions and participate in national management;
  • When Taiwan’s local finances are in difficulty, the central government can subsidize them at its discretion;
    • Taiwanese who wish to return to the mainland to live are guaranteed to make proper arrangements, come and go freely, and not be discriminated against;
  • Welcome Taiwanese businesses’ investment in the mainland, their legal rights and profits are guaranteed;
  • People and organizations from all walks of life in Taiwan are welcome to provide unified suggestions and discuss state affairs together.

One should acknowledge that no other nation in world history ever went to such length, patience, inclusiveness, and generosity in pursuing a nation’s peaceful reunification with an offer like this. The PRC government always believes that given time, they will be able to develop China into a better and better society, and will eventually unify every heart and mind in Taiwan.

Has any other nation in world history ever gone to such lengths, patience, inclusiveness, and generosity in pursuing peaceful reunification with an offer like this? The PRC government has always believed that given time, it would be able to develop China into a better and better society, and would eventually unify with the hearts and minds in Taiwan.

Of course, the Western mass media will never tell the world the above generous 9 points offered to Taiwan for peaceful reunification. They will only tell the world China is bullying Taiwan.

Example 3:

After years of negotiations, in 1992, the PRC Communist Party and the ROC Nationalist Party reached an agreement in Singapore to deepen the exchange of people between both sides. Both Parties agree to the principles of One China, and any other issues can be negotiated with flexibility. The term used for such a historic agreement is “1992 Consensus.”

Example 4:

In order to win the hearts and minds of the brothers and sisters in Taiwan province, the PRC has been very generous to Taiwan’s farmers and businesses and allowed Taiwan to enjoy an enormous trade surplus of up to $104.68 billion a year. About 44% of Taiwan’s exports go to mainland China. Without the PRC’s economic support, Taiwan’s economy would likely have fallen into a negative GDP like most parts of the Western world.

Again, the Western mass media is uninterested in reporting the above trade statistics.

Example 5:

The ROC-controlled Kinmen (Jinmen) Islands with a rising population and water shortage problem. Between 2006 and 2022, the population of the Jinmen Islands increased from 76,000 to 141,500.  To help the brothers and sisters in Jinmen solve their water problem, the PRC government invested heavily over a period of 22 years in infrastructure to lay an underground and undersea pipeline to deliver water from the mainland to the islands. And sell the water to the islands at a subsidized price of 9.89 Taiwan dollars per unit of water, which is cheaper than the charges per unit of water supplied by the local authority on the islands.

Again, the Western media won’t report news like this. They will only keep spreading the message to the world: “China bullies Taiwan” and “China is going to invade Taiwan”.

Example 6:

Like the US, after decades of political infighting, corruption, and incompetency in managing the economy and infrastructure upgrade, Taiwan suffered a series of issues including an electricity shortage that requires rationing from area to area. So, power Rationing Information is made available for residents to check when their area power will be cut off and for how long. Such a situation has been the new normal for a number of years already. It has badly affected business activities and damaged foreign investment. As a result, Taiwan’s youth unemployment rate has been consistently above 10%. And nearly 60% of the Taiwanese working overseas went to China. A report in 2017 by TVBS Taiwan showed that: over a period of 35 years, Taiwan startup wages remained almost the same, 70% of Taiwan youth refused to be trapped by low wages and wished to start their own business in order to make more money. Forbes Magazine reported the issue: “Workers in Taiwan are struggling. They took home an average of $1,510 per month in 2016, according to Taiwan’s National Development Council, which is low for an industrialized Asian economy that has developed a lot like Singapore and South Korea over the decades.”

In response to such low wages and employment problems faced by Taiwanese youth, Chairman Xi canceled the work permit requirement for Taiwanese people to seek employment on the mainland.

In fact, as early as 2016, the China People’s Congress had already set up an RMB40 billion fund, to help facilitate Taiwan Youth intent on setting up their own business in China.

Again, the Western mass media is uninterested in this kind of news. They will keep telling the world that China is bullying Taiwan.Example 7:There are too many stories of the PRC government (from Chairman Mao to Chairman Xi) extending goodwill to the Taiwanese people and awaiting eventual peaceful reunification. It is impossible to list them all. So, just to provide a couple more examples below:

  • Whenever an overseas emergency happens, such as an outbreak of war, the Chinese embassies and military will immediately evacuate all Chinese citizens, including any Taiwanese who apply to the PRC with a Taiwan Compatriot ID document. Click here for a few dozen short news and videos.
  • Any Taiwanese who run into trouble while overseas can easily seek help from any of the Chinese embassies in the respective country. A number of Taiwanese friends I met, while I was working in Eastern Europe based in Hungary in the 1990s, told me that the PRC embassy staff are more helpful than the ROC commercial office representative.

In 2022, China released a White Paper titled “The Taiwan Question and China’s Reunification in the New Era” (Here is the full text in English and Chinese).  It is a bit lengthy but worth reading. The policy document outlines the intention to reintegrate Taiwan by all possible peaceful means, and the many benefits  Taiwan people will enjoy in the process, including all the tax revenue collected in Taiwan will be used solely for the social well-being of the Taiwanese people and the economic development of Taiwan.

China: There is no Taiwan problem, only an American-caused problem.

China is a country with a very long history of peace culture. Examples:

  • Malaysia’s former Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir said: “We always say, we have had China as a neighbor for 2000 years, we were never conquered by them. But the Europeans came in 1509, and in two years, they conquered Malaysia.”
  • East Timor President Jose Ramos-Horta defended China’s role as a growing strategic and economic power in Asia-Pacific in the National Press Club of Australia (2022), arguing: “China has hardly ever invaded other countries and was unlikely to do so in the future.”
  • Indonesia’s Defence Minister Prabowo Subianto said in Singapore (2022) during an interview with Aljazeera: “But China has also helped us. China has also defended us and China is now a very close partner with Indonesia. And actually, China has always been the leading civilization in Asia. Many of our sultans, kings, our princes in those days would marry princesses from China. We have hundreds of years of relationship.”

The above 3 positive comments about China are from leaders of three of China’s neighboring countries in Asia. Their country’s experience with China since ancient times tells a lot about the peaceful nature of China. The question here is: will Latin American countries, African countries, other Asian countries, and Middle Eastern countries say the same about their country’s experience with the US and Europe? Or perhaps, will European countries say the same about their own neighboring countries in Europe?

The reality is that: Western imperialism is not dead after the 2 World Wars; in particular, the USA has always been a troublemaker for the rest of the world. The following examples should provide us with a good picture of how the US is threatening peace in Asia, and its main target since 2008 is China:

  • US: Chinese are not allowed to be wealthy

During the 2008 GFC, US Secretary of Finance Henry Paulson visited China almost every month to seek help to stabilize the dollar’s status as a reserve currency. As a result, China bought almost an extra $600b in US Treasury debts in 2008, which accounted for over half the total issued by the US government to bail out the too-big-to-fail banks and the US economy that year.

Once the US economy stabilized, the world stopped dumping the dollar due to China having injected ($600b) confidence in US treasury debts, the only positive thing China received from America in return for its support of the US economy is open praise from Henry Paulson in the New York Times on 22 Oct 2008 “Thanking China’s cooperation in easing the Financial Crisis“.

Since then, in 2010, Obama said in Australia: “If over 1 billion Chinese citizens have the same living patterns as Australians and Americans do right now, then all of us are in for a very miserable time. The planet just can’t sustain it.”

In 2011, an opinion piece in the New York Times suggested that Obama “should enter into closed-door negotiations with Chinese leaders to write off the $1.14 trillion of American debt currently held by China in exchange for a deal to end American military assistance and arms sales to Taiwan and terminate the current United State-Taiwan defense arrangement by 2015.” Years later, a Wikileaks leaked email revealed the then Secretary of States Hillary Clinton wanted to discuss ditching Taiwan in exchange for China to erase US debts.In 2013, a Jimmy Kimmel Live show on ABC asked some kids what to do about the $1.3 trillion of debts the US owes to China, a very young boy suggested that “The US kill everyone in China instead of repaying its debts.”

In 2021, Joe Biden said in a press conference: “China wants to become the most wealthy, powerful country but it’s ‘not gonna happen on my watch’.”

In 2023, under the excuse of an imaginary “China threat” and to “Protect Taiwan from China invasion”, US politicians proposed a series of bipartisan bills aiming to restrict how China can use its money, restricting China’s rights in International Financial Institutions, and a plan to confiscate China’s sovereign fund and Chinese citizens’ overseas bank accounts and assets like the way the US and Europe did to the Russians in 2022.P

lease click the following links for details of their proposed “looting” bills:

  • H.R.554, the “Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act of 2023”, sponsored by Rep. French Hill;
  • H.R.510, the “Chinese Currency Accountability Act of 2023,” sponsored by Rep. Warren David;
  • H.R.839, the “China Exchange Rate Transparency Act of 2023,” sponsored by Rep. Dan Meuser;
  • H.R.803, the “Protect Taiwan Act,” sponsored by Rep Frank Lucas;

From the above series of behavior and statements made by two US Presidents, a Secretary of State, a very young boy, the US media, and 4 politicians who sponsored anti-China bills, it is hard not to come to the conclusion about the ungrateful nature of Americans. It would appear to me that the robber DNA is deep in the blood and bone of many people in the US society (I hate to generalize my comment unless someone can convince me that the above-named series of behaviors within the US society are merely coincident!).

  • US military threat to China at China’s doorstep

Let’s put aside the various issues from a reported 2012 US plan to deploy 60% of the US Navy fleet to the Asia Pacific by 2020, and the 2011 Obama Pacific Pivot with a secret plan to start a war against China by 2030 with a coalition of nations to militarily control commercial shipment to and from China via the South China seas to limit China freedom to trade with the rest of the world, and should China resist, the US-led military coalition would begin to attack China.

John Pilger is an award-winning journalist who produced a 2 hour documentary with details of US military bases around China and how the US may plan to start a war with China.

In 2017, US Admiral Scott Swift assured everyone he was ready to follow President Trump’s orders to launch a nuclear missile against China.

In 2022, former US National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien suggested destroying Taiwan’s semiconductor factories rather than letting them fall into China’s hands.

In 2023, US talk show host Garland Nixon wrote on Twitter that White House insiders said that US President Joe Biden had warned about a plan for “the destruction of Taiwan” when asked if there could be any greater disaster than the Ukraine crisis.

There are endless US military activities and arrangements targeting China in recent years. Just to list a few more examples below:

  • While the Western media and politicians keep telling the world that the PLA is increasingly aggressive against Western countries’ (military) freedom of navigation in the South and East China Seas, a recent report by the US Department of Defence revealed that “the US has conducted around 120 military exercises a year with allies and partners in the region.” Ironically, such statistics of US military aggression on China’s doorstep failed to attract the interest of the Western Media.
  • In 2021, Australia reached a deal with the US and UK on a $386b nuclear submarine deal with China as their target.
  • In 2022, US Defense Secretary Austin announced that: “The US is at a pivotal point with China and needs military strength to ensure that American values, not Beijing’s, set global norms in the 21st century.” He then talked about the need to align the US budget as never before to the China Challenge. He then mentioned a $1.2 trillion estimated cost as part of a major nuclear triad overhaul underway by the Congressional Budget Office.

One should note that such an additional budget for military expenses is on top of the fact that the US military already spent more than the next 10 countries combined.

  • In July 2023, USS Kentucky, a US nuclear submarine (capable of firing nuclear ballistic missiles) suddenly arrived in Busan, South Korea.
  • Again, in July 2023, Nato head Jens Stoltenberg pushed to increase ties with Asia with the intention to form an Asia NATO alliance. Former Australia PM Paul Keating labeled Stoltenberg a ‘supreme fool’ and ‘an accident on its way to happen’.

To justify NATO’s intention to set up its military presence in Asia, NATO engaged in a series of smear campaigns against imaginary Chinese threats based on NATO’s own past behavior across the world. The latest smear campaign was in the NATO Vilnius Summit Communique. As a result, China’s Permanent Representative to the UN refuted NATO’s false accusations against China, and challenged NATO if it can make the same claims as China on the following 6 points:

  1. China has never invaded other countries;
  2. China has never engaged in proxy wars;
  3. China has never carried out military operations around the world;
  4. China did not threaten other countries with force;
  5. China did not export ideology
  6. China did not interfere in other countries’ internal affairs

The reality is that the US initiated an all-out hostility against China after China helped the US out of the 2008 GFC. Examples:

  1. Obama’s Pacific Pivot;
  2. Obama’s TPP to Exclude China from International Trade;
  3. Trump and Biden all-out trade Wars;
  4. Trump and Biden all-out technological wars;
  5. US military deployments, and military activities surrounding China. Despite the US already having 313 of its 750 worldwide military bases surrounding China, the US continued to expand by another 4 recently via the Philippines with 3 of them close to Taiwan.

The Ukrainization of Taiwan

Despite the past US administrations (1972, 1979, 1982) entering into 3 Joint Communiques with China over the Taiwan question (The One-China agreements), the US politicians have over the years, through their own acts, brutally violated all the written agreements with China re the One-China Policy. The latest developments are the worst:

In July 2023, the US House of Congress passed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act to ban Pentagon maps from depicting Taiwan and its major outlying islands, Kinmen, Penghu, Mazudao, Wuchudao, and Ludao (etc) as part of China. (Here is the content of the original amendment bill).

Below is just a quick list of examples of US violating all its signed One-China documents with China to provoke a war over Taiwan:

  • In 2021, Taiwan English News reported the news of “Pentagon doubled the number of US troops in Taiwan”,
  • In 2022, VOA (Chinese news) reported that the US has again increased the number of its military personnel in Taiwan. The intention is to help coordinate both militaries in a possible future war with China.
  • In April 2023, US lawmaker, Chairman of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee Michael McCaul pledged to help provide training for Taiwan’s armed forces and to speed up the delivery of weapons.
  • In July 2023, it was widely reported in Taiwan that the U.S. wants Taiwan to set up a P4 Biological Laboratory. Yahoo Chinese News pointed out that Taiwan Chinese newspaper (联合报) is the first to break the detail of the Biological Weapons Lab story. Taiwan CTI TV news reported in detail that the Lab is to test biological weapons using Chinese DNA as “the DNA of the Taiwan population can represent Chinese DNA.” Not surprisingly: the Western media is very much silent on this kind of news despite the fact that the US State Department later deniedthe Taiwanese report that the US asked Taiwan to develop weaponized biological agents.
  • Perhaps to justify a possible preemptive war against China under the Bush Doctrine in the foreseeable future, the US Congress passed a $500m anti-China propaganda bill in February 2022. How much of this $500m goes to brainwashing Taiwanese?

In a recent interview, Jeffrey Sachs describes a series of US actions against China as a “Path to War With China.”

DPP Politicians Prepare for War and an Escape Route While Taiwanese People Reject War

The trouble with Western forms of so-called democracy is that to win an election, one needs to build an election war chest. That is to seek political donations in return for favors when one is in a position of power. It usually involves an under-the-table deal between politicians and their donors. As a result, corporate donors, billionaires, foreign cash, and foreign powers could easily penetrate domestic politics.

Since the beginning of Taiwan having a Western form of election, dark money, corruption, bribery, and scandals have become a part of the social norm within the Taiwanese political circle. If we search for the name of any DPP senior politicians (especially Ministers and Prime Ministers) with the term “Dark-Money”, “corruption”, or “scandals”, one should notice almost no innocent people in the system. Western media usually self-censored negative news linked to the pro-independence party, so, the best way to search for such news is to search in Chinese language. For examples,

  • Search in Chinese for corruption of the Current Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen;
  • Search her deputy (the coming DPP presidential candidate) Lai Ching-te;

Corruption and democracy often go hand in hand. Here are some hyperlinks to examples of how the US interferes in foreign elections:

Those who follow the Taiwan issue via the Taiwan media should notice that, while those Taiwan politicians ally with the US foreign policy and campaign for independence, most of their family members (including themselves) already have US or other Western countries’ citizenship, bank accounts, and assets. For examples,

  • A report in Taiwan media in 2015 revealed half of current Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen family members have foreign citizenship;
  • As for the Vice President (the coming DPP presidential candidate) 赖清德 (Lai Ching-te), his son and grandson are American citizens;

The irony is that, while these pro-independence politicians eagerly ally with the US to provoke war with the PRC by promoting Taiwan independence, their family members have on the other hand migrated overseas during this time. This is a bit like President Zelensky acting in the interest of the USA, and allowing the entire Ukraine to be bombed and destroyed, because, according to OCCRP (Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project): “Zelensky and his inner circle have unexplained $ billions overseas.”

In fact, during Taiwan’s military exercises, one of their programs is on how the president could safely escape if a war breaks out. (Of course, whenever the Taiwan media reports such escape details, the Ministry of Defense will deny it.)

The tragedy for the average Taiwanese person is that the island economy is already damaged before such a war would begin. According to a recent Financial Times report: “‘People are nervous’: Taiwan’s wealthy shelter money overseas in fear of China conflict.” The same thing happened to foreign companies in Taiwan with “half of the foreign companies in Taiwan making contingency plans due to evacuations and supply chain disruptions concerns.”  The latest Taiwan GDP is down 3.02%.The reality in Taiwan is that many young people refuse to join the army, and the DPP government is having a problem recruiting new soldiers. As a result:

  • The DPP government decided to extend the serving time of existing soldiers by an additional year;
  • In June 2023, Taiwan amend the military recruitment regulation to include recruits from Hong Kong and Macao people working and living in Taiwan;
  • Again, in June, the DPP government reportedly worked with the Ministry of Education to impose a 3 + 1 university program. That is 3 years of study plus a year of military training.

In February 2023, Jinmen Island local lawmakers voted to declare Jinmen a non-military zone, and Jinmen governor Li Zhufeng (李炷烽) suggests using Jinmen Island as a pilot program for the One Country Two Systems and expanding gradually thereafter. 

Professor John V. Wash in a recent article titled “Arming Taiwan is an Insane Provocation” cited a hyperlink to a 2022 polling that showed that an overwhelming majority (82.1%) of Taiwanese now would like to preserve the status quo with only 5.3% wanting immediate independence.”

How much longer will China tolerate the US’s endless escalating military provocations?

In July 2023, Hungary Prime Minister Orban observed that “Beijing managed to develop as much in 30 years as other countries in 200 years. Therefore, they can claim their ‘place under the sun’. However, Washington does not accept that quick development, the fact that China preceded them in many sectors… As a result, a clash between the two world powers is inevitable…. War is not inevitable, but the USA does not accept that it has become the world’s second most powerful nation, Orbán added.”

An article on Education Monitor News rightly pointed out that “The Greatest Threat to the USA is not China, but Peace.”

In 2014, the New York Times put up an article titled ‘The Lack of Major Wars may be Hurting Economic Growth.’

One should bear in mind that the USA was created on the foundation of invasion, massacre, looting, and enslavement of others. Not a single thing the US possesses today is through peaceful means including every inch of its current territory.

Since 2008, China has already realized that its kindness towards the US will only be perceived as a weakness. That will only encourage more aggression and greed from the US imperialist rulers. So, the first thing Chairman Xi did after taking office in 2012 is to visit a PLA military base. He openly called upon the PLA to prepare for war and to win the war.

In February 2023, China released a report titled “US Hegemony and Its Perils,” and in May “America’s Coercive Diplomacy and its Harm” outlining the many crimes committed by the US against the world and that China is no longer interested in accommodating the US crimes and behaviors.

In March 2023, a Chinese government website reported that Chairman Xi Jinping told a group of more than 300 high-ranking government officials that: “History has repeatedly proven that if we seek security through resolve, security will prevail; If we seek security through concessions, security will perish; If we seek development through resolve, development will prosper; If we seek development through compromises, our development will suffer.”

In June 2023, China released The Law on Foreign Relations of the People’s Republic of China outlining the country’s attitude toward foreign relations, UN Charters, International Laws, and possible counter-action against any hostile foreign policy and behavior that harms Chinese interest and security.

In July, China called NATO “a trouble-maker”, and issued a warning to NATO: “Beijing doesn’t cause trouble, but is not afraid of trouble”. Days later, the Chinese ambassador to the US issued a direct warning to Washington: “If people violate me, I will hit back.”

So, how long will China continue to tolerate US provocation? How long will China allow the US military to continue to violate its sovereignty in Taiwan? Will China allow the US more time to arm Taiwan like what they did in Ukraine before Putin would no longer tolerate the threats and was forced to take military action?


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Kim Petersen is an independent writer. He can be emailed at: kimohp at

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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First published on June 30, 2023


Join us for an insightful 1-on-1 interview featuring Michelle Leduc Catlin and Professor Michel Chossudovsky as they delve into his testimony from an economics perspective. In this engaging conversation, Professor Chossudovsky challenges the prevailing narrative, highlighting his belief that there is no pandemic and shedding light on the initial announcement of the pandemic, which reported ~120 cases in Canada according to the W.H.O.

During the interview, Professor Chossudovsky explores the impact of lockdown measures, arguing that they contribute to economic destabilization and undermine civil society. This thought-provoking discussion offers a unique perspective on the current global situation. 

Bill Gates, for example, knew in advance what Tedros was going to announce.  “I’m sure about this,” he said.  “It’s probably him [Gates] who told him [Tedros] what to say … People who make money with speculation [on the stock exchange], they know in advance …

he knew in advance what Tedros was about to say and it’s clear, that day he made a fortune.  It’s not only him, it’s the people around him [as well].”  Prof. Chossudovsky named BlackRock and Rockefeller as examples of others who were guilty of insider trading

“If they were to profit from the crash they would have had to short shares – or at least sell actual shares before the crash. Do you have data to show this?” 

To gain a deeper understanding of Professor Chossudovsky’s insights, we encourage you to watch his full testimony here.



A note on Censorship directed against Prof Michel Chossudovsky’s presentation to the National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) by Youtube: 





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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Ukraine Will Capitulate Unconditionally. Scott Ritter

August 25th, 2023 by Scott Ritter

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The conflict between Russia and Ukraine will conclude with Kiev’s unconditional surrender, according to Scott Ritter, a former US intelligence officer and UN weapons inspector.

On Wednesday, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky claimed in a post on X (formerly Twitter) that “Ukraine does not trade its territories, because we do not trade our people.”

The message was dedicated to the Third Crimea Platform Summit, where Ukraine discussed ways of “de-occupying” the peninsula, which reunited with Russia in 2014 following a referendum triggered by the US-backed Maidan coup in Kiev earlier that year.

Replying to Zelensky’s post, Ritter wrote that “it was NATO that suggested a trade. Russia isn’t trading anything.”

The former US intelligence officer was apparently referring to remarks by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg‘s chief of staff, Stian Jenssen, who said in mid-August that Ukraine could “give up territory [to Russia], and get NATO membership in return.” According to Jenssen, this idea was actively being discussed within the US-led military bloc.

Jenssen later apologized for his remarks, saying they were “a mistake.”

The suggestion caused outrage in Kiev, with presidential aide Mikhail Podoliak branding it “ridiculous.” Such a move would amount to “deliberately choosing the defeat of democracy… and passing the war on to other generations,” he claimed.

The head of the Ukrainian National Security Council, Aleksey Danilov, reiterated that Kiev would never negotiate with Russian President Vladimir Putin, insisting that “Russia must be destroyed like a modern-day Carthage.”

Ritter insisted that Moscow is “dealing with reality” when it comes to the conflict with Kiev, including “where Russian boots will be when Ukraine capitulates unconditionally.”

“Think Tokyo Bay, September 2, 1945. That’s your future. Enjoy,” he wrote, addressing Zelensky.

On that date, representatives of the Japanese Empire signed an unconditional surrender to the Allies aboard the USS Missouri, ending the country’s participation in World War II.

In line with the deal, Japan agreed to the loss of all its territories outside of its home islands, complete disarmament, Allied occupation of the country, and tribunals to bring war criminals to justice.

On Wednesday, Zelensky admitted that the Ukrainian counteroffensive against Russian forces, which began in early June, was proving “very difficult.” However, he also claimed that the operation was moving “slowly, but in the right direction.”

Earlier this week, the Washington Post reported that the Ukrainian campaign is showing “signs of stalling.” The newspaper warned that “the inability to demonstrate decisive success on the battlefield [by Kiev’s forces] is stoking fears that the conflict is becoming a stalemate and international support could erode.”

President Putin claimed on Wednesday that it was “astonishing” to see how little the authorities in Kiev cared about Ukrainian soldiers. “They are throwing [them] on our minefields, under our artillery fire, acting as if they are not their own citizens at all,” the Russian leader said.

According to Moscow’s estimates, Ukraine has failed to make any significant gains since the launch of its counteroffensive, but has lost more than 43,000 troops and nearly 5,000 pieces of heavy equipment. Kiev has so far claimed the capture of several villages, but these appear to be some distance from Russia’s main defensive lines.

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The men gathered in a graveyard in the dead of night. They wore body armor, boots and carried semi-automatic weapons. Their target lay a mile away, the official residence of the president of The Gambia, Yahya Jammeh — a U.S.-trained military officer who seized power in 1994. Those in the cemetery planned to oust him, but within hours, they were either dead or on the run.

One of those killed, the ring-leader and former head of Gambia’s Presidential Guard, Lamin Sanneh, had previously earned a master’s degree at the Pentagon’s National Defense University in Washington, D.C. 

Some of the plotters were eventually convicted in the United States “for their roles in planning and executing an unsuccessful coup attempt to overthrow the government of The Gambia on December 30, 2014.” Four pled guilty on counts related to the Neutrality Act — a federal law that prohibits Americans from waging war against friendly nations. A fifth was sentenced in March 2017 for buying and exporting weapons used in the failed coup, which pitted two generations of U.S.-trained mutineers against each other.

The State Department doesn’t know about any of this — or doesn’t want to. A simple Google search reveals this information, but when Responsible Statecraft asked if Yahya Jammeh or Lamin Sanneh had received U.S. training, a State Department spokesperson responded: “We do not have the ability to provide records for these historical cases at this time.” When asked about other trainees in other nations that have experienced military uprisings, the response was the same.

Responsible Statecraft has found that at least 15 U.S.-supported officers have been involved in 12 coups in West Africa and the greater Sahel during the war on terror.

The list includes military personnel from Burkina Faso (2014, 2015, and twice in 2022); Chad (2021); Gambia (2014); Guinea (2021); Mali (2012, 2020, 2021); Mauritania (2008); and Niger (2023).

At least five leaders of the most recent coup in Niger, received U.S. training, according to a U.S. official. They, in turn, appointed five U.S.-trained members of the Nigerien security forces to serve as governors, according to the State Department. 

The total number of U.S.-trained mutineers across Africa since 9/11 may be far higher than is known, but the State Department, which tracks data on U.S. trainees, is either unwilling or unable to provide it. Responsible Statecraft identified more than 20 other African military personnel involved in coups who may have received U.S. training or assistance, but when asked, the State Department said it lacks the “ability” to provide information that it possesses.

“If we are training individuals who are executing undemocratic coups, we need to be asking more questions about how and why that happens,” said Elizabeth Shackelford, a senior fellow at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and lead author of the newly-released report, “Less is More: A New Strategy for U.S. Security Assistance to Africa.” “If we aren’t even trying to get to the bottom of that, we are part of the problem. This shouldn’t just be on our radar — it should be something we intentionally track.”

Shackleford and her colleagues say that the U.S. penchant for pouring money into abusive African militaries instead of making long-term investments in bolstering democratic institutions, good governance, and the rule of law, has undermined wider American aims.

In addition to training military mutineers in Africa, other U.S. security assistance efforts during the war on terror have also foundered and failed. Ukrainian troops trained by the U.S. and its allies stumbled during a long-awaited counteroffensive against Russian forces, raising questions about the utility of the instruction.

In 2021, an Afghan army created, trained, and armed by the United States over 20 years dissolved in the face of a Taliban offensive.

In 2015, a $500 million Pentagon effort to train and equip Syrian rebels, slated to produce 15,000 troops, yielded just a few dozen before being scrapped. A year earlier, an Iraqi army built, trained, and funded — to the tune of at least $25 billion — by the U.S. was routed by the rag-tag forces of the Islamic State.

“U.S. policy in Africa has for too long prioritized short-term security to the detriment of long-term stability by prioritizing the provision of military and security assistance,” Shackelford writes in the new Chicago Council report. “Partnerships and military assistance with illiberal, undemocratic countries have delivered little, if any, sustainable security improvements, and in many cases have prompted further instability and violence by building the capacity of abusive security forces.”


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Featured image: A U.S. Special Forces Soldier demonstrates a kneeling firing position before a live fire range, March 6, 2017 at Camp Zagre, Burkina Faso. Burkina Faso Soldiers also practiced firing in seated position, standing position, and practiced turning and firing. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Britany Slessman 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne) Multimedia Illustrator/released)

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The recent plane crash that occurred in Tver region was reason enough for western media outlets to launch a huge wave of disinformation, sharing unsubstantiated narratives and rumors. The aim is to gain attention from Western public opinion and to portray Russia’s image negatively, thus “justifying” the war policy against Moscow.

The tragedy happened on August 23, when an Embraer 135BJ Legacy 600 jet traveling from Moscow to St. Petersburg crashed in Tver. There is still no precise information about what motivated the accident, with suspicions of both an attack in the air and sabotage with planted bombs. More details are expected in the coming days as the investigation progresses.

According to data from the Russian Ministry of Emergencies and the Rosaviatsiya agency, Evgeny Prigozhin and Dmitri Utkin, co-founders and leaders of the Wagner Group, were among the ten passengers on the aircraft, as well as other high-ranking PMC commanders. There were no survivors in the accident, which is why Prigozhin and Utkin are presumed dead. However, no official confirmation of death has been given so far, as the bodies of the passengers have not yet been identified.

In addition, there is a second plane connected to the Wagner involved in the news. On the same day of the event, an RA-02878 jet departed from Moscow shortly after the Embraer Legacy, having returned to land after the pilot was notified of the accident with the other jet. There is no confirmation about the names of the passengers on this aircraft so far, with only speculation, unofficial reports and rumors about who could be on board.

Obviously, when situations like this occur, authorities act with extreme caution and only confirm data after thorough investigation, given the sensitive nature of the topic. Even more prudence is expected from the authorities of a country in conflict, as is the case in today’s Russia. However, the same attitude is not seen in the western media. Without any commitment to truth and information, pro-NATO media outlets spread all kinds of anti-Russian rumors, only with the intention of defaming the country and its leaders.

The narrative adopted by the newspapers was that the plane would have suffered an attack by the Russian defense forces in an act of personal revenge by President Vladimir Putin against the head of the Wagner Group. This would have been a response to the mutiny led by Prigozhin on June 24, when Wagner troops began a “march” from Rostov to Moscow, aborting the operation after reaching an agreement mediated by Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko.

CNN, for example, wrote that “Prigozhin would be latest in line of Putin critics who met an early death”. In an article published on August 24, CNN journalists said that Prigozhin “appears to have joined an ever-growing list of high-profile Russians who have fallen from the president’s good graces and died in mysterious circumstances”.

Something similar was published by the BBC on the same day. Journalists accused Moscow of having destroyed the Wagner plane to provide a belated response to the June 24 mutiny. According to Western reporters, Vladimir Putin was discredited for not punishing Prigozhin, so he has now operated an attack to strengthen his image again.

“When Yevgeny Prigozhin and his Wagner troops launched their insurrection two months ago, Vladimir Putin made his feelings more than clear (…) He promised that the perpetrators would be punished. So there was incredulity in Russia when they were not (…) It made President Putin look weak (…) Suddenly things look rather different”, the article reads.

In the same vein, several journalists published on social networks a video of an interview with President Vladimir Putin, in which he states that it is not possible to “forgive” a “betrayal”. The video dates back to 2018, but was spread out of context to try to relate it to Prigozhin’s death.

Indeed, this wave of disinformation favors the Western plan to portray Russia as a dictatorial country, ruled by a “murderer” who acts selfishly against personal enemies. With this work of disinformation, the western media hopes to generate anti-Russian antipathy in public opinion, fomenting popular support for the war that NATO is waging against Moscow.

However, if analyzed in depth, all these narratives are easily refuted. The June 24th riot ended peacefully, without any remaining friction between Wagner and state forces. Days after the mutiny, Putin and Prigozhin met in person in Moscow, making it clear that the deal brokered by Lukashenko indeed ended any conflict of interest, with Wagner remaining a force loyal for the Russian state.

Furthermore, even if one supposes that eventually the Russian government would have an interest in eliminating Wagner’s members, certainly this type of clandestine operation would be done in a more professional way. Intelligence agents are expected to operate purges cautiously and without leaving a trace. Shooting down a plane inside Russian airspace and generating fear in the population is obviously not a tactic consistent with these requirements.

There is no convincing evidence to speak of Russian government involvement in the case. Most likely, the plane was sabotaged or attacked by Ukrainian, Western agents or bribed Russian dissidents. More information about the case will certainly be released by the authorities in the near future. The only thing that is clear for now is that the mainstream media is not a reliable source for understanding what happens in Russia.


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Lucas Leiroz is a journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant. You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.

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Can NATO Win a Conventional War Against Russia?

August 25th, 2023 by Drago Bosnic

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In recent decades, one particularly persistent trope was that Russia would lose a conventional war with NATO. And yet, this notion never actually held, not even during the disastrous 1990s. Nowadays, it couldn’t possibly be further from true. Since the early 2000s, Moscow has seen a dramatic resurgence of its already significant military power, a process that is yet to reach its peak. The US has been trying to prevent Russia’s rearmament program, to at least hamper the continued growth of its kinetic might.

This has been a priority for the Pentagon, so much so that it pushed Ukraine into a suicidal confrontation with the Kremlin in hopes of derailing the process. And this was even publicly stated by US Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin in late April 2022, when he said that “we want to see Russia weakened“. Concurrently, the Russian military is presented as supposedly “underperforming”. Well, if that’s the case, then why the US needs to “weaken Russia”?

This sort of mental gymnastics is quite common in Washington DC, as its political elites often inadvertently reveal the sheer illogic of their claims. The statement was made over a year ago, but ever since, not only has the Pentagon failed miserably in its intention of weakening Moscow, but the Russian military actually grew in power. Various improvements range from increased drone usage to drastically reduced response time to battlefield threats, leading to the exacerbation of the Kiev regime’s losses.

There are numerous reasons why the Russian military is dominating the battlefield, which is further reinforced by the escalation of militarily inconsequential attacks on civilian targets within Russia or at the very least “hype assaults” for propaganda purposes. Still, this leaves the question of how would the Russian military really fare in a conventional clash with NATO. To answer that, we will quote Colonel Douglas McGregor and his latest interview with Tucker Carlson.

“I think all of the lies that have been told for more than a year and a half about the ‘Ukrainians are winning’, ‘Ukrainian cause is just’, ‘the Russians are evil’, ‘the Russians are incompetent’, all of that is collapsing,” Macgregor said, adding: “And it’s collapsing because what’s happening on the battlefield is horrific. Ukrainians now we think have lost 400,000 men killed in battle. We were talking about 300-350 thousand a few months ago. Within the last month of this supposed counteroffensive which was to sweep the battlefield, they lost at least 40,000 killed.”

The estimate of military deaths is debatable due to numerous factors, including the Kiev regime’s attempts to hide the catastrophic losses. However, the lowest estimates are now well over 250,000 KIA (killed in action). We can only imagine the number of WIA/MIA (wounded/missing in action), but McGregor gave a rough assessment of that too, estimating that the much-touted counteroffensive resulted in “40,000 to 50,000 Ukrainian amputees” and that “hospitals are full”.

He also pointed out that entire units are surrendering because of the sheer number of wounded who simply can’t be evacuated. Regular Ukrainian soldiers are aware they will be treated fairly by the Russian military, something that the Neo-Nazi junta that sent them to certain death neither can nor it cares to do. Even the rabidly Russophobic Nazi units captured in Mariupol and elsewhere have been treated humanely, unlike Russian POWs who have been subjected to brutal torture and summary executions.

However, even more importantly, McGregor touched upon the subject of direct confrontation between Moscow and NATO. According to his assessment, the belligerent alliance is simply not ready for war with Russia. He warned about the continuous decline of discipline and readiness in NATO, in large part due to ideological shifts that swept through Western militaries in recent decades. McGregor also stressed the incomparable difference between the Russian military and the opponents US fought in countless wars.

“Russia today is stronger than it has been in 30 or 40 years. You have a Russian military establishment that is now more potent and more capable than the Russian military was in the mid-1980s,” McGregor said, later adding: “You can’t defeat what the Russians have built. They were the first back in the 1970s to understand the criticality of linking intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance [ISR] in space, as well as on land and at sea with strike weapons.”

He then explained just how many types of long-range weapons Moscow has, including regular and rocket artillery, as well as hypersonic, ballistic and cruise missiles. In turn, these are connected to Russia’s improved ISR, providing an almost instantaneous strike capability. McGregor also warned that the hatred and hostility the political West continues to demonstrate towards the Russian people have homogenized them, resulting in a resolve to fight not just the Neo-Nazi junta, but also NATO itself.

The reason why this is a dangerous prospect for the belligerent alliance is that it can’t actually match the Russian military, because “[US/NATO’s] probable opponents are investing in very different capabilities”, as McGregor told Carlson. He pointed out just how overextended the US military is, further reinforcing the notion that America is indeed in an imperial overstretch. Its forces are extremely vulnerable, particularly as the Pentagon has been neglecting tactical air and missile defenses for years, which would result in catastrophic losses in case of confrontation with a remotely serious opponent.

McGregor also warned that if pressure on Russia doesn’t subside, the war will inevitably reach the US itself. He then stated that the latest precision strikes on the border with Romania, Poland and Moldova, including with hypersonic missiles, are a very clear message to the US/NATO. He assessed that America’s conventional military power is incomparable to what it was just two or three decades ago and that fighting a country like Russia would be an unpleasantly sobering experience. McGregor asserts that war never stopped being an industrial effort and that the US has largely neglected its ability to sustain it.

At the end of the interview, Carlson played a video of Michael John Cirillo (now posing as Sarah Ashton-Cirillo), an American-born spokesperson for the Neo-Nazi junta forces, where “she” kept parroting the usual propaganda tropes about the “bloodthirsty Kremlin dictator”. This glorified crossdresser with highly questionable mental health, or simply “a guy with fake breasts”, as Tucker Carlson put it, has previously called the Russian people “subhuman”. As per McGregor, precisely people like Cirillo are part of the issue the US and most other Western militaries have.

He concluded the interview with a rebuttal of Cirillo’s accusations, warning that up to 60,000 Ukrainian children have been trafficked out of Ukraine, while countless girls and women have been sold into prostitution, which is further exacerbating its already disastrous demographics. McGregor also added that “this war is a catastrophe” and that “the people bathing in blood are in Kiev and Washington, not Moscow”. He also warned that Europe (particularly Germany) is going through rapid deindustrialization that will eventually destroy its geopolitical relevance.

To better understand McGregor’s claims, we should take into account the opinions of military sources, such as the Global Firepower, which regularly publishes the index of the world’s most powerful militaries. According to their 2023 ranking, Russia is right behind the US. Their formula calculates only conventional military power, meaning that weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) are not taken into account. It puts America’s power index at 0.0712, Russia’s at 0.0714 and China’s at 0.0722.

According to their formula, the smaller the number, the more powerful the country is. The US, Russia and China are the only countries with a power index below 0.1. Given that Russia’s conventional military power is virtually identical to America’s, this finally puts to rest all the laughable propaganda about “Burkina Faso with nukes”. However, given the sheer magnitude of discrepancy in nominal military spending between the two superpowers, it’s clear that Russia is getting a lot bigger bang for its buck.

Thus, considering its resurgent societal cohesion, a larger and more robust economy, revised strategic posturing, virtually unrivaled rearmament program, as well as its performance in Ukraine, Russia’s prospects against NATO look increasingly positive. All this is without even considering Moscow’s second-to-none thermonuclear arsenal or its ability to conduct strategic conventional strikes, a capability the US baselessly boasted about for decades, but was never actually able to accomplish.


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Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst.

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July 3, 2023 – BRAZIL – 52 year old singer and composer Frank Aguiar is married to 31 year old Caroline Aguiar, who revealed on social media on her birthday that she had Stevens-Johnson Syndrome that “burns the body” and was hospitalized in the ICU for 10 days, almost died.

This is now a recognized reaction to Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines:

October 2022 – 22 year old Charish Chambers worked as CNA for the VA. She developed Stevens-Johnson Syndrome after her COVID-19 vaccine. She now suffers from Neuropathy.

Jan. 2023 – Julie Mitchell Peel is a photographer, her daughter Lia was diagnosed with Stevens-Johnson Syndrome/TEN. She lost 74% of her skin and was intubated but has recovered.

What Is Stevens-Johnson Syndrome?

Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) is an acute hypersensitivity reaction that causes extensive necrosis of the mucous membrane and skin.

SJS results from a cytotoxic immune reaction in keratinocytes, which leads to widespread keratinocyte apoptosis (cell death).

Although bacterial and viral infections are considered causative factors in the syndrome, medications also are thought to be a major cause.

SJS has also been reported with vaccines: influenza, measles, varicella, tetanus.

Often described as SJS/TEN (TEN = toxic epidermal necrolysis)

  • It is SJS if < 10% of the body surface is involved
  • It is TEN if > 30% of the body surface is involved

According to earlier studies, the prevalence of SJS is fewer than 1 to 2 cases per million people per year.

Mortality rate is approximately 25-30%.

Saudi Arabia Reported First SJS Case after Pfizer mRNA

  • Elboraey and Essa reported the 1st SJS case after Pfizer mRNA in Oct.2021:
  • It was a middle aged female in Saudi Arabia
  • She developed lesions 5 days after 2nd Pfizer dose (nothing after 1st dose!)
  • they theorized Pfizer mRNA stimulates immune cells, cytotoxic T cells and Natural killer cells that secrete granulysin which destroys cells in skin and mucous membrane by dysregulation of specific protein pathways.

South Korea Reported First SJS Case after Pfizer Booster

  • Mihn-Sook Jue et al reported another case:
  • 20 year old South Korean woman had 3rd Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine
  • next day she came to ER with fever & skin lesions (had no issues with dose 1 or 2)
  • she needed 5 weeks of IV steroids.

Croatian Doctors Take a Shot at “Anti-vaxxers” and Fail 

  • A hilarious 2022 paper by Croatian doctors Dodig et al:
  • SJS (clinical) presentation is impressive and anti-vaxxers’ misinformation regarding COVID-19 vaccination campaign was focused on SJS to increase vaccine hesitancy”
  • Conclusion: “SJS after COVID-19 vaccination seems to be a possible but exceedingly rare adverse drug reaction. The potential signal identified in our short analysis, regarding Moderna vaccine, deserves further in-depth analysis and could be due to the substantially higher dose used by the Moderna vaccine”

USA (Minnesota)

  • Padniewski et al. reported a 46 yo Ethiopian woman who had 1st Moderna mRNA
  • she presented in ER 3 days later with skin and mucosal lesions


  • Stanley et al – Doctors in a burn unit in a Hospital in Sydney, Australia published:
  • 7-fold increase in SJS since start of COVID-19 vaccination
  • 8 patients all mRNA vaxxed (3 were double, 4 were triple, 1 was quadruple jabbed
  • Theorized that spike protein may bind T helper type 1 cells leading to clonal expansion of cytotoxic T cells that may abnormally release granules that cause apoptosis in skin
  • Although theorized that spike protein could “prime” the immune system for a future drug to cause SJS/TEN.

AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Did this Too 

  • Gouveia et al, Brazilian researchers reported SJS with AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine also
  • 40 year old black woman had 1st AstraZeneca COVID-19 jab, 2 days later presented with this

My Take…

Stevens-Johnson Syndrome was a rare hypersensitivity reaction, reported to occur with over 200 drugs, including influenza vaccines (flu shots) and other vaccines.

Since COVID-19 vaccines rolled out, there has been a 7-fold (700%) increase in SJS.

SJS is now a known reaction to Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, with 296 cases reported to WHO database VigiAccess.

Clinical Picture:

  • Mortality rate of SJS/TEN can be up to 25-30%
  • starts with fever, cough, lymph nodes
  • rash first appears on mouth (look for lip sores), neck and arms
  • can spread all over the body with blisters and crusting
  • skin may get detached
  • may involve mucosa: esophagus, vagina, rectum and the eyes (risk of blindness)
  • disfiguring scars may develop

SJS/TEN is evidence of a dysfunctional immune system response.

The theory is that this is a delayed type hypersensitivity reaction, T-cell mediated, which can occur anywhere from 6 hours to weeks after mRNA vaccine injection.

The COVID-19 Vaccine spike protein is expressed on keratinocytes in the skin and stimulates an abnormal immune response resulting in cytotoxic T-cells that release enzymes that lead to apoptosis (cell death) in the skin and mucous membranes.

You can get this reaction with any mRNA dose, even if you had no reaction to previous doses, this is probably due to the batch to batch variability of the contents of mRNA vials.

SJS/TEN is a MEDICAL EMERGENCY that responds to IV steroids, but after getting immediate medical attention for this reaction, detoxing the spike protein is still very important!

Spike protein detox is the usual:

  • Spike breakdown: Nattokinase, Bromelain (Serrapeptase, Lumbrokinase)
  • Spike binding: Quercetin, Olive Leaf, Black Seed, Curcumin, Dandelion extract
  • Antioxidants: NAC, Taurine, Vitamin C, Resveratrol, CoQ10
  • Immune Support: Vitamin D, Zinc, Magnesium, Selenium, Melatonin, etc
  • Autophagy: 3-day water fast

(Special thanks to Nashville Angela on Twitter for bringing attention to these painful mRNA vaccine injury cases and trying to wake people up!)


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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“This is quite something,” remarked Nadi Abusaada in a May 8 tweet. As many of us have done, the Palestinian academic found himself experimenting with the seemingly boundless powers of OpenAI’s ChatGPT software. But during this activity, he uncovered something disturbing.

“I asked @OpenAI whether Palestinians deserve to be free,” he said. The natural-language processing tool responded to Abusaada’s query ambivalently:

As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions, feelings or beliefs. The question of whether Palestinians deserve to be free is a complex and controversial issue with many different perspectives and opinions….

But then he posed the same question about Israelis. This time, the chat box did not equivocate:

Yes, like all people, Israelis deserve to be free. Freedom is a fundamental human right that should be protected and guaranteed for all individuals, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity or religion. It is essential that Israelis, like all people, are able to live their lives free from violence, oppression and discrimination….

“Explanation?” demanded Abusaada.

The explanation lies in the overarching attitudes of the 570 GB of data that ChatGPT scrapes from the internet. And, with news media being one of the primary sources of information that the bot is trained on, Abusaada’s experience is hardly surprising.

To say that US news skews pro-Israel raises many an eyebrow, since the public has been conditioned to believe otherwise. With outlets like NPR vilified as “National Palestinian Radio” and papers like the New York Times castigated by pro-Israel watchdogs for lending “the Palestinian narrative” undue credence (CAMERA, 10/15/13), the myth of pro-Palestine bias appears plausible.

Yet such claims have been litigated, and the verdict is plain: US corporate media lean in favor of Israel. As Abeer Al-Najjar (New Arab, 7/28/22) noted: “The framing, sourcing, selection of facts, and language choices used to report on Palestine…often reveal systematic biases which distort the Palestinian struggle.” Some trends are more ubiquitous than others, which is why it is vital that news readers become acquainted with the tropes that dominate coverage of the Israeli occupation.

1. Where Are the Palestinians?

In 2018, 416Labs, a Canadian research firm, analyzed almost 100,000 news headlines published by five leading US publications between 1967 and 2017. The study revealed that major newspapers were four times more likely to run headlines from an Israeli government perspective, and 2.5 times more likely to cite Israeli sources over Palestinian ones. (This trend was further confirmed by Maha Nassar—+972, 10/2/20).

Owais Zaheer, an author of 416Labs’ study told the Intercept (1/12/19) that his findings call attention to “the need to more critically evaluate the scope of coverage of the Israeli occupation and recognize that readers are getting, at best, a heavily filtered rendering of the issue.”

In its media resource guide, the Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association (AMEJA) counseled reporters: “Former US diplomats, Israeli military analysts and non-Palestinian Middle East commentators are not replacements for Palestinian voices.”

The exclusion of Palestinian voices from corporate media reporting does not stop at sourcing. For example, contrary to its pro-Israel critics, NPR’s correspondents are rarely Palestinian or Arab, and almost all reside in West Jerusalem or Israel proper (, 4/2/18). Editors also overlook obvious conflicts of interest, like when the son of the New York Times‘ then–Israel bureau chief Ethan Bronner joined the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) (Extra!, 4/10).

When Times public editor Clark Hoyt (2/6/10) acknowledged that readers aware of the son’s role “could reasonably wonder how that would affect the father,” Times executive editor Bill Keller rejected this advice, saying that having a child fighting for Israel gave Bronner “a measure of sophistication about Israel and its adversaries that someone with no connections would lack,” and might “make him even more tuned-in to the sensitivities of readers on both sides.” It’s hard to imagine Keller suggesting this if Bronner’s son had, say, signed up with Hamas.

Isabel Kershner, the current Jerusalem correspondent for the Times, also had a son who enlisted in the IDF (Mondoweiss, 10/27/14). Moreover, her husband, Hirsh Goodman, has worked at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) (, 5/1/12), where his job was

shaping a positive image of Israel in the media. An examination of articles that Kershner has written or contributed to since 2009 reveals that she overwhelmingly relies on the INSS for think tank analysis about events in the region.

When establishment media outlets privilege one narrative over another, public opinion is likely to follow. Thus, the suppression of alternative viewpoints is among today’s most concerning media afflictions.

2. Turning Assaults Into ‘Clashes’

Reporting on Israel/Palestine often relies on a lexical toolbox designed for occlusion rather than clarity, “clashes” rather than “assaults.” Adam Johnson (, 4/9/18) explains that “clash” is “a reporter’s best friend when they want to describe violence without offending anyone in power—in the words of George Orwell, ‘to name things without calling up mental pictures of them.’”

FAIR has documented the abuse of “clash” in the Israeli/Palestinian context time and time again: In 2018 Gaza, Israeli troops fired at unarmed protestors 100 meters away. No Israelis perished, but 30 Palestinians were murdered. That was not a “clash,” as establishment media would have you believe; that was a mass shooting (, 5/1/18). During the funeral for Shireen Abu Akleh, the reporter who was assassinated by Israeli gunfire, the IDF beat mourners, charged at them with horses and batons, and deployed stun grenades and tear gas. The procession was so rocked by the attacks that they nearly dropped Abu Akleh’s casket. That was not a clash, that was a senseless act of cruelty (, 7/2/22). This summer, when Israeli forces raided the West Bank and stood by as illegal settlers arsoned homes, farmland and vehicles, that was not a “clash”; that was colonialism (, 7/6/23).

The choice to use “clash”—and other comparably hazy descriptors of regional violence, like “tension,” “conflict” and “strife”—is bad journalism. Such designations lack substance, disorient readers and above all spin a spurious storyline whereby Israelis and Palestinians inflict and withstand equivalent bloodshed. (According to the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem, 3,584 Palestinians have been murdered by Israeli security forces since January 19, 2009, while 196 Israelis have been killed by Palestinians during the same period.)

AMEJA’s media resource guide reminds journalists that the occupation “is not a conflict between states, but rather between Israel, which has one of the most advanced militaries in the world, and the Palestinians, who have no formal army.”

But when such a power imbalance is inadequately acknowledged, “clash” and its misleading corollaries will not sound out of place, and readers will not have the context necessary to separate the perpetrators from the victims of violence.

3. Linguistic Gymnastics

The passive voice—or, as William Schneider describes it, the “past exonerative” tense—is a grammatical construction that describes events without assigning responsibility. Such sentence structures pervade coverage of the Israeli occupation.

In her 2021 investigation into coverage of the first and second intifadas, Holly M. Jackson identified disproportionate use of the passive voice—i.e., “the man was bitten” rather than “the dog bit the man”—as one of the defining linguistic features of New York Times reporting on the uprisings. The Times used the passive voice to talk about Palestinians twice as often as it did Israelis, which demonstrated the paper’s “clear patterns of bias against Palestinians.”

While Jackson’s study only examined New York Times coverage during the intifadas, passive voice remains a common grammatical cop out—still permeating national newspaper headlines in recent months:

  • “At Least Five Palestinians Killed in Clashes After Israeli Raid in West Bank” (New York Times, 6/19/23)
  • “Two Palestinians Killed in Separate Episodes in Latest West Bank Violence” (AP, 8/4/23)
  • “Israeli Forces Say Three Palestinians Killed in Occupied West Bank” (CNN, 8/7/23)

Other times, raids are miraculously carried out on their own, violence randomly erupts and missiles are inexplicably fired. The now-amended New York Times headline “Missile at Beachside Gaza Cafe Finds Patrons Poised for World Cup” (7/10/14) begged the question: Who fired the missile that, as if it had a mind of its own, “found” Palestinian World Cup spectators?

Image: Shireen Abu Akleh was an icon in Palestine and throughout much of the Arabic speaking world for her reporting from the occupied territories (Illustration/MEE)

Similarly, the Washington Post piece “Yet Another Palestinian Journalist Dies on the Job” (5/12/22) leaves the reader puzzled. How exactly did Shireen Abu Akleh—left unnamed in the title—die?

Headlines that omit the Israeli subject are unjustifiably exculpatory, because editors know exactly who the assailant is.

4. Newsworthy and Un-newsworthy Deaths

Operation Cast Lead, Israel’s three-week military assault on Gaza in 2008, was carnage. According to Amnesty International and B’Tselem, the attack claimed 13 Israeli lives (four of which were killed by Israeli fire), while Palestine’s death toll was nearly 1,400—300 of which were children. Yet the media response was far from proportional.

In a 2010 study of New York Timescoverage of Operation Cast Lead, Jonas Caballero found that the Times covered 431% of Israeli deaths—meaning each Israeli fatality was reported an average of four times—while reporting a mere 17% of Palestinian deaths. This means that Israeli deaths were covered at 25 times the rate Palestinian ones were.

The Times is not an outlier. FAIR’s examination (Extra!, 11–12/01) of six months’ worth of NPRIsrael/Palestine broadcasting during the Second Intifada determined that 81% of Israeli fatalities were reported on, while Palestinian deaths were acknowledged just 34% of the time. The disparity only widened when Palestinian victims were minors:

Of the 30 Palestinian civilians under the age of 18 that were killed, six were reported on NPR—only 20%. By contrast, the network reported on 17 of the 19 Israeli minors who were killed, or 89%…. Apparently being a minor makes your death more newsworthy to NPR if you are Israeli, but less newsworthy if you are Palestinian.

Media also erase or downplay Palestinian deaths in the language of their headlines. When the New York Times (11/16/14) ran a story entitled “Palestinian Shot by Israeli Troops at Gaza Border” it did not seem to occur to the editor that specifying the age of the victim would be important. The Palestinian in question was a 10-year-old boy. In another headline, “More Than 30 Dead in Gaza and Israel as Fighting Quickly Escalates,” the Times (5/11/21) neatly obscures that 35 out of the “more than 30 dead” were Palestinian, while five were Israeli.

5. Sidelining International Law

Attempts to insulate Israel from condemnation also manifest themselves in establishment media’s reluctance to identify the country’s breaches of international law (, 12/8/17).

In Operation Cast Lead coverage, FAIR (Extra!, 2/09) noted that—despite the blatant illegality of Israel’s assaults on Palestine’s civilian infrastructure—international law was seldom newsworthy. By January 13, 2009, only two evening news programs  (NBC Nightly News, 1/8/09, 1/11/09) had broached the legality of the Israeli military offensive. But, only one of those TV segments (Nightly News, 1/8/09) reprimanded Israel—the other (Nightly News, 1/11/09) defended the illegal use of white phosphorus, which was being deployed on refugee camps.

Meanwhile, just one daily newspaper (USA Today, 1/7/08) mentioned international law. But that single reference—embedded in an op-ed by a spokesperson from the Israeli embassy in Washington—was directed at Hamas violations, rather than Israeli ones.

When it comes to reporting on the unlawful establishment of Israeli settlements, media are no better. Colonizing occupied territories violates both Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention and Security Council Resolution 446, yet outlets like NPR, CNN and the New York Times have a history of concealing Israeli criminality by benevolently branding settlements as “neighborhoods” (, 8/1/02, 10/10/14).

Such charitable descriptions have also been extended to settlers themselves. In an October 2009 Extra! piece, Julie Hollar investigated a bevy of articles that characterized settlers as “law-abiding,” “soft-spoken,” “gentle” and “normal.” One tone-deaf Christian Science Monitor headline (8/9/09) even read: “Young Israeli Settlers Go Hippie? Far Out, Man!” As Hollar observed, “ethnic cleansing could hardly hope for a friendlier hearing.”

Even when news media have characterized settlements and settlers as engaging in unlawful colonial practices, they have done so reluctantly. In 2021, Israeli settlement expansion in Sheikh Jarrah culminated in an unlawful campaign of mass expulsion. A New York Times (5/7/21) article on the crisis waited until the 39th paragraph before suggesting that Israel was acting criminally. Similarly, while describing Benjamin Netanyahu’s increasingly aggressivesettlement policies, Associated Press (6/18/23) buried the lead by avoiding the “illegal” designation until the middle of the piece.

It’s important to bring up the rule of law not only when Israel is actively injuring innocents or erecting colonial communities. The ceaseless maltreatment of Palestinians constitutes—according to Amnesty International, B’Tselem and Human Rights Watch—apartheid. Apartheid is a crime against humanity, yet news media avoid acknowledging the human rights community’s consensus (, 7/21/23, 2/3/22, 4/26/19). As FAIR (5/23/23) pointed out, it is a journalistic duty to do so:

The dominant and overriding context of anything that happens in Israel/Palestine is the fact that the state of Israel is running an apartheid regime in the entirety of the territory it controls. Any obfuscation or equivocation of that fact serves only to downplay the severity of Israeli crimes and the US complicity in them.

6. Reversing Victim and Victimizer

As Gregory Shupak (, 5/18/21) wrote:

Only the Israeli side has ethnically cleansed and turned millions…into refugees by preventing [Palestinians] from exercising their right to return to their homes. Israel is the only side subjecting anyone to apartheid and military occupation.

Nevertheless, US media enter into fantastical rationalizations to make the Israeli aggressor appear to be the victim. Blaming Palestinians for their suffering and dispossession has become one of the prime ways to accomplish this feat.

A 2018 FAIR report (5/17/18) analyzed coverage of the deadly Great March of Return—protests that erupted in response to Israel’s illegal land, air and sea blockade on the Gaza Strip. The ongoing siege bans the import of raw materials and significantly curtails the movement of people and goods. The International Committee of the Red Cross (6/14/10) deplores the blockade: “The whole of Gaza’s civilian population is being punished for acts for which they bear no responsibility.”

Despite the ICRC indictment, FAIR found that established media held besieged Palestinians accountable for Israel’s reign of terror following anti-blockade demonstrations. The New York Times (5/14/18) editorial board went so far as to suggest that Palestinians (and not the siege-imposing Israel) were the only obstacles to peace:

Led too long by men who were corrupt or violent or both, the Palestinians have failed and failed again to make their own best efforts toward peace. Even now, Gazans are undermining their own cause by resorting to violence, rather than keeping their protests strictly peaceful.

Casting Palestinians as incorrigible savages is also easier when US media use defensive language to excuse the bulk of Israeli violence (, 2/2/09, 7/10/14). FAIR (5/1/02) conducted a survey into ABC, CBS and NBC’s use of the word “retaliation”—a term that “lays responsibil­ity for the cycle of violence at the doorstep of the party being ‘retaliated’ against, since they presumably initiated the conflict.” Of the 150 mentions of “retaliation” and its analogs between September 2000 and March 17, 2002, 79% referred to Israeli violence. Twelve percent were ambiguous, or encompassed both sides. A mere 9% framed Palestinian violence as a retaliatory response.

Greg Philo and Mike Berry’s books Bad News From Israel and More Bad News From Israel posit that television’s “Palestinian action/Israeli retaliation” trope has a “significant effect” on how the public remember events and allot blame (, 8/21/20). When Palestinians are consistently portrayed as the aggressive party and Israel as the defensive one, US news media are “effectively legitimizing Israeli actions.”

Coverage of the Russian invasion of Ukraine celebrates the efforts of Ukrainian resistance. With the anti-imperial Palestinian struggle, however, news media refuse to extend the same favor (, 7/6/23), thus creating a

media landscape where certain groups are entitled to self-defense, and others are doomed to be the victims of  “reprisal” attacks. It tells the world that…Palestinians living under apartheid have no right to react to the almost daily raids, growing illegal settlements and ballooning settler hostility.


Malcolm X once declared,“If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” As stories about Israel/Palestine continue to bombard our screens and daily papers, readers and journalists alike need to remain aware of the pro-Israel pitfalls that pockmark establishment news coverage. Then maybe one day we can move towards a future where ChatGPT answers “yes” when users like Abusaada ask it whether Palestinians deserve to be free.


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Lara-Nour Walton is a Summer 2023 FAIR intern. She is a junior in Columbia University’s Dual BA with Sciences Po Paris, concentrating in political science, history, and Middle Eastern studies.

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The American Academy of Pediatrics published a study in the journal Pediatrics showing that firearms continued to be the leading cause of death among U.S. children.

The study found that 4,752 children died from gun-related injuries in 2021, an 8.8-percent increase from the year before.

In 2021, among U.S. children who died by firearms, 84.8 percent were male, 49.9 percent were Black, 82.6 percent were aged 15 to 19 years, and 64.3 percent died by homicide.

“Despite the documented dominance of male deaths by firearm, the firearm mortality death rate is increasing in both males and females, demonstrating a concerning upward trend of firearm deaths overall,” the study warned.

“Racial disparities in firearm mortalities have also worsened significantly, with Black children accounting for half of firearm deaths in 2021 and exhibiting the greatest increase in death rate from 2020 to 2021. This is consistent with previous data demonstrating Black Americans have represented the majority of those hospitalized with firearm injury.”

Geographically, there were worsening clusters of firearm death rates in Southern states and increasing rates in Midwestern states from 2018 to 2021. Across the United States, higher poverty levels are also correlated with higher firearm death rates.

“U.S. pediatric firearm deaths increased in 2021, above the spike in 2020, with worsening disparities. Implementation of prevention strategies and policies among communities at highest risk is critical,” researchers concluded, recalling that firearm injuries became in 2020 the leading cause of death among U.S. children and adolescents.


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Featured image: Protest against gun-related violence in the U.S. | Photo: X/ @cgtnamerica