Hillary Clinton and Secret Swiss Bank Accounts

July 31st, 2015 by Patrick Martin

A lengthy report in the Wall Street Journal Thursday details Hillary Clinton’s actions while US secretary of state,on behalf of the Swiss banking giant UBS. The bank reciprocated by means of large contributions to the Clinton Foundation and a fat paycheck for Bill Clinton to participate in a question-and-answer session with UBS executives.

The article examines the type of exchange of services for cash payment that is standard operating procedure for capitalist politicians and their corporate masters worldwide. The only unusual aspect of the transactions is the detailed record, supplied in part thanks to the publication of US State Department cables from Switzerland by the whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks.

In 2008, an American employee of the bank, working in Switzerland, revealed that UBS had thousands of US customers who had opened accounts to avoid paying US taxes. The bank signed a consent agreement in 2009, agreeing to pay a $780 million fine and give the names of 250 account holders. But the IRS was pressing for a broader disclosure—the names of US citizens who held 52,000 numbered accounts worth an estimated $18 billion.

At Clinton’s first meeting with her Swiss counterpart, Micheline Calmy-Rey, there was a list of pressing issues, several relating to Iran, where the Swiss embassy has represented US interests since 1979. The Obama administration wanted Switzerland to accept some Guantanamo detainees, to curtail business by a Swiss-based energy company in Iran, and to intervene on behalf of a US journalist detained in Iran. The Swiss government, serving as the political agent of the Swiss banks, wanted to curb the forced disclosure of information by UBS.

A deal was worked out. In return for Swiss action on its concerns, the US government agreed to a legal settlement with UBS that limited disclosure to information on 4,450 accounts, less than 10 percent of the 52,000 sought by the IRS.

It was at this point that the arrangement moved beyond the routine horse-trading between capitalist governments, into direct financial kickbacks. UBS began to step up its donations to the Clinton Foundation, from less than $60,000 through 2008 to more than $600,000 in total by the end of 2014.

The Journal report continues:

“The bank also joined the Clinton Foundation to launch entrepreneurship and inner-city loan programs, through which it lent $32 million. And it paid former president Bill Clinton $1.5 million to participate in a series of question-and-answer sessions with UBS Wealth Management Chief Executive Bob McCann, making UBS his biggest single corporate source of speech income disclosed since he left the White House.”

The newspaper then adds the disclaimer, “There is no evidence of any link between Mrs. Clinton’s involvement in the case and the bank’s donations to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, or its hiring of Mr. Clinton.”

But of course, no such link is required in the elevated circles in which the Clintons move. Rarely is it a matter of cash in envelopes. Actions on behalf of corporate benefactors and expressions of “gratitude” and “support” follow like night follows day.

UBS officials vociferously denied any such crass exchange. “Any insinuation that any of our philanthropic or business initiatives stems from support received from any current or former government official is ludicrous and without merit,” a bank spokeswoman told the Journal .

By 2012, a UBS-sponsored program it called Elevating Entrepreneurs was listed by the Clinton Foundation as one of its most important projects, featuring 11 appearances by Bill Clinton with former President George W. Bush playing the role of second banana at a number of locations, for an undisclosed fee.

Given the Journal ’s hostility to Clinton and the Democratic Party, there is little doubt that the newspaper’s decision to publish the report was politically motivated and intended to damage the frontrunner for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination. The facts uncovered, however, are nonetheless damning.

It should also be pointed out that Rupert Murdoch, the billionaire who owns the Journal and dozens of other media properties, including Fox News, is a longtime practitioner of the tax avoidance that Swiss banks like UBS facilitate. Murdoch has changed his citizenship from Australia to Great Britain to the United States to further the expansion of his corporate empire by taking advantage of favorable tax treatment.

As for Hillary Clinton, the report on UBS is only a further demonstration of her decades of hobnobbing with the bankers and billionaires.

One of the grosser expressions of this was reported earlier this week by Politico.com, which detailed Bill and Hillary Clintons’ attendance at the 2005 wedding (his third) of billionaire Donald Trump to Slovenian model Melania Knauss, at Trump’s Palm Beach estate.

According to this account, based on tabloid reports of the $1 million celebrity-studded event, the groom wore a black Brioni tuxedo, while the bride

“wore a $200,000 Christian Dior dress, replete with 300 feet of satin, 1,500 crystals and pearls and a 13-foot, 50-pound train. The strapless gown reportedly took 1,000 hours to make. The reception and after-party at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago mansion featured song and dance facilitated by Tony Bennett and Billy Joel; lobster, caviar and filet mignon; and a 5-foot-tall wedding cake covered with buttercream frosting and 3,000 roses made of white icing.”

Trump is today leading in polls for the Republican presidential nomination. Ten years ago he called himself a Democrat, praised Hillary Clinton extravagantly and donated to her campaigns. This history only demonstrates the vanishingly small differences between the Democrats and Republicans, both controlled lock, stock and barrel by the financial oligarchy.

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A right-wing Orthodox Jewish zealot carried out an attack Thursday against a gay pride march in occupied East Jerusalem, stabbing at least six marchers. Two of them—a 17-year-old girl and a female border guard—were reported in critical condition.

The assailant was identified as Yishai Schlissel, who only three weeks earlier had been released on parole after serving nearly 10 years in prison for carrying out a nearly identical attack that left three participants in the 2005 gay pride march with stab wounds.

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat acknowledged Thursday that “something went wrong” in the failure of police to monitor Schlissel, who while in prison had repeatedly used ultra-Orthodox social media to promote attacks on gays and describe his knifing spree as a “mission from God.”

The Israeli Hebrew daily Maariv reported that the assailant had published a handwritten letter the week before the parade, denouncing it as a “march of abomination.”

“It is incumbent upon every Jew to risk beatings or imprisonment and together to stop the desecration for the sanctity of His name,” the letter stated. “If we refrain from declaring war, they’ll feel free to spread this shame all over the world.”

Immediately after his release from prison, Schlissel gave an interview to an ultra-Orthodox radio station, declaring, “If a single person comes and wants to hold the [gay pride] parade, it’s worthwhile doing something extreme.” He added, “the objective—I need to stop this parade.”

Jerusalem Police Chief Chico Edry said there would be an investigation, but claimed that the police knew nothing of Schlissel’s plans. A protester interrupted Edry’s televised press conference, denouncing the failure to protect the parade and shouting, “Shame on the police.”

“The writing was on the wall,” commented Israel’s Channel 2 reporter Moshe Nussbaum. “Everybody knew, except the police…about Schlissel’s intentions.”

Schlissel reportedly attempted twice unsuccessfully to attack Thursday’s march, the second time charging at the crowd screaming, before on his third attempt he was able to reach and begin stabbing the marchers.

The attack prompted a ritualistic chorus of condemnation, including from right-wing Orthodox politicians who have fomented the obscurantist backwardness that found violent expression in Schlissel’s terrorist attack, as well as the other right-wing secular Zionist politicians who curry favor with these religious fanatics.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a statement denouncing the attack as a “despicable hate crime” and declaring: “The state of Israel respects the private freedom of individuals which is a fundamental principle exercised in this country. We must ensure that every man and every woman can live in full security in any way that they choose.”

What hypocrisy! Israel was built through the systematic expulsion of its existing Arab population. It continues its brutal subjugation of the Palestinians in the Occupied Territories, while Arabs within Israel itself are treated as second-class citizens, subject to unrelenting discrimination.

On the same day as the vicious knife attack against the gay pride march in Jerusalem, the Israeli parliament demonstrated its commitment to “the private freedom of individuals” by passing legislation authorizing the force-feeding of Palestinian political prisoners on hunger strike, a practice recognized as a form of torture.

The organization Physicians for Human Rights-Israeli commented in a statement that the legislation “pushes the medical community to severely violate medical ethics for political gain, as was done in other dark regimes in history.” The group appealed to doctors “to refuse to serve as a fig leaf for torture.”

Netanyahu and other Israeli politicians have cultivated the right-wing ultra-Orthodox elements that produced Schlissel, depending on their support for the creation of rightist coalition governments led by the Likud Party.

Moreover, they view these fanatical religious elements as a useful battering ram against the Palestinians, through their frenetic drive to expand settlements on the occupied West Bank—which they regard as the biblical territories of “Judea and Samaria”—and through their demands that Israel be recognized as a religious state. Schlissel was himself a resident of Modi’in Illit, a large, predominantly ultra-Orthodox, West Bank settlement founded illegally through the destruction of five Palestinian villages.

The ultra-Orthodox parties are afforded extensive privileges and substantial state funding to carry out religious and social welfare work that helps consolidate their hold on sections of the most oppressed. The ultra-Orthodox parties play a special political role as a constituency for the most right-wing social and political policies, while denouncing the perceived liberalism of secular Jews as a threat to Jewish values, to be countered by ever-increasing social control by the religious authorities.

Elements like Schlissel combine hatred of Palestinians with hatred of gays and abhorrence for virtually any form of social progress. The cultivation of this toxic religious right is—along with Israel’s endless wars of aggression—an unmistakable symptom of the historic dead end and moral disintegration of the entire Zionist project.

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Donetsk and Aleksandrovka were hard shelled from positions of Ukrainian forces at Mariinka-Krasnogorovka last night. There were fires in residential areas of the DPR capital. DPR Armed Forces destroyed a Kiev’s raiding force at Donskoe detaining 4 militants.

A movement of Ukrainian military equipment was observed at the Shumi settlement around Donetsk.

2 civilans have been wounded in Gorlovka in result of Ukrainian artillery shelling. Kiev forces shell the town from the directions of Artemovsk and Kodema. DPR Armed Forces reported that at least 1 time Ukrainian MLRS was used from there.

Since yesterday the situation has been stable, only 26 ceasefire violations, in most of LPR territories instead of Schastie. Kiev’s raiding force was observed there.

Kiev has built a new fortified area around the city of Mariupol. They built 300 defensive pivots.  The total length of the defense constructions is 600 km. The cost is 1 billion UAH (about 47 million USD).

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Just as predicted, vaccine companies are soon planning to unveil an Ebola vaccine in response to the manufactured Ebola outbreak that’s allegedly still spreading throughout West Africa. A genetically-modified (GM) Ebola vaccine that’s currently undergoing human clinical trials will be a spray rather than an injection, and its administration, according to one virologist, “…will not require trained medical personnel.”

Much like an inhaler, the novel GM Ebola vaccine will be delivered through a special “breathing device” that anyone can pick up and use without a doctor’s help. It’s made from a common respiratory virus known as human parainfluenza virus type 3, or HPIV3, that scientists artificially engineered to contain genes from the Ebola virus. These genes purportedly encode the proteins of Ebola virus on the outside of the HPIV3 virus, prompting an immune response.

Researchers publishing their work in the Journal of Clinical Investigation say the vaccine has already been tested on six rhesus macaques, whose respiratory tracts were deliberately infiltrated with the GM virus. One month later, these same monkeys were injected with a dose of Ebola virus that was 1,000 times higher than the level that would normally kill them, but they survived.

The GM virus in the vaccine apparently replicated in the monkeys’ respiratory tracts upon inhalation, which in turn caused their cells to produce multiple copies of the Ebola virus’s coat. Recognizing the resultant end product as a foreign invader, the monkeys’ immune systems attacked it, which researchers say is an indicator of success.

They’re now testing this experimental GM Ebola vaccine on a small group of humans in the next step towards eventual commercialization, with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) leading the Phase I trial. The goal is to confirm the safety and efficacy of the vaccine, which they expect to undergo another three years or more of safety testing.

Aerosolized GM Ebola vaccine provides airborne vector to unleash deadly disease outbreak

The researchers involved with the study claim the vaccine doesn’t show any signs of harmful side effects, but time will tell whether or not this is actually the case. The unmitigated replication of a genetically engineered virus inside the body can’t be a good thing, even if the body supposedly recognizes it as foreign and attacks it.

This particular vaccine also works differently from other vaccines in that it targets two types of immunity – “local” and system-wide. Local, in this case, refers to the immunity present in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, while system-wide immunity refers to the gamut of immune cells that normally circulate throughout the body.

How this alteration in immune stimulation will affect humans in the long term is currently unknown, though researchers don’t seem all that concerned about the potential for major autoimmune effects. Their only focus, it seems, is to rush this GM Ebola vaccine to market as quickly as possible and to make it as easy as possible for people to receive it, particularly in poorer areas of West Africa.

As with any aerosol-based vaccine, there’s also the potential for viral spread beyond the individual to whom it’s being administered. Like with live-virus influenza vaccines, virus “shedding” is a serious concern, as is the threat of a GM virus spreading like wildfire throughout a population and potentially causing an outbreak of disease.

“In other words, creating the vector Ebola hasn’t had yet – being airborne,” wrote one Gizmodo commenter about the potential for a major catastrophe stemming from this novel vaccine. “Giving it to strains that will have developed a resistance to the vaccine and then disseminating it worldwide. What could possibly go wrong?”







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Bishop Sobilo says his country faces its worst crisis since the Second World War

The Russian-backed separatist rebellion has plunged Ukraine into its worst humanitarian crisis since the Second World War and “millions of refugees” could soon head for Europe to escape starvation, according to a Ukrainian bishop.

“Huge numbers are now caught between hammer and anvil; the separatists aren’t looking after them, and the Ukrainian government won’t care for them because they haven’t declared which side they’re on,” said Auxiliary Bishop Jan Sobilo of Kharkiv-Zaporizhia.

“Not since World War II have we seen such poverty and destitution,” he said.

People are continually arriving at our Catholic communities asking for food, medicines, money and shelter,” he said, noting they included young widows with small children, whose husbands have stayed in the war zone or been killed.

Residents near Kramatorsk, Ukraine, queue for water after a shelling destroyed their water supply (Photo: CNS)

The bishop spoke as the Catholic Caritas organisation also warned of growing starvation and desperation in separatist-controlled eastern Ukraine.

Bishop Sobilo told the Catholic News Service that a lack of water currently posed the biggest problem in eastern Ukraine, where food prices were three times higher than in the rest of the country.

He added that local children would be unable to start the new school year because most schools were closed and that the Ukrainian authorities had hushed up a spiraling rate of suicides.

“Whereas family members and friends were ready to help for a month or two, most have now exhausted their money and savings and had to ask the refugees to move on,” Bishop Sobilo said.

Many elderly educated people, who previously had jobs, have been unable to face begging on the streets and have thrown themselves from windows and bridges. Such people often have no means of survival and no one to turn to, and have ended up starving.

Although Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly denied direct Russian involvement in Ukraine, Church leaders repeatedly have accused Moscow of military intervention in the war. A United Nations report published in June said more than 6,400 people had died and 16,000 had been wounded.

In an interview with Germany’s Cologne-based Dom Radio, Andrij Waskowycz, president of Caritas Ukraine, said 700,000 Ukrainians had now left the country, while 1.4 million more were internally displaced by the fighting and lacked basic necessities.

He said a February ceasefire agreement had failed to prevent daily skirmishes and conflicts, adding that at least 100,000 people were now without water in the separatist-controlled Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Bishop Sobilo said Church leaders had been promised access to Catholics by separatist forces, but had been barred from visiting the “occupied territories” by the Ukrainian troops controlling the makeshift borders.

He added that Western aid often failed to reach those in need and was “not always the right kind of help”. He said it was “more effective and less wasteful” for Church donors to send money.

“This is a war of oligarchs, and any future peace will depend on the conversion of those oligarchs in Russia and Ukraine who’ve kept the conflict going with their lies,” the bishop said.

The West should get ready to accept the millions of homeless, hungry refugees who will soon head across central and western Ukraine toward Europe,” he said. “Pope Francis has urged help for refugees from Africa, and we now have parts of Africa right here. Unless solidarity is shown with them, countless innocent people will die simply because they happened to live in an unlucky place during a conflict ignited by those with a personal interest in war and suffering.

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Russia used its veto right at the UN Security Council to stop a Malaysian drafted resolution that called for the establishment of an ad-hoc tribunal to investigate the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine on July 17 2014.

The investigation of the crash is led by the Dutch Safety Board. Russia described the resolution as premature, considering that a final report from the DSB is expected to be published in October. The case could be brought before the International Criminal Court – an extremely dubious scenario that would not remedy that the general public and independent media need independently testable data rather than geopolitical chess games.

MH17_wreckage_Holes_CRGA UN Security Council Resolution is only fully binding with the concurrent vote of all its permanent members; although there have been “gentlemen agreements” on that point. Agreements like UNSC Resolution 1973 (2011) that led to the disaster in Libya. China abstained from voting while Russia used its veto right. Eleven other countries voted in favor of the resolution, blocking for the establishment of an, arguably, quasi-legal ad-hoc tribunal. The situation does not exclude the possibility that another, modified draft resolution eventually could be adopted.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and senior Russian diplomats argued that Russia is fully cooperating with the ongoing investigation that is led by the Dutch Safety Board, that Russia cooperates beyond this investigation, but that it was premature and inexpedient to establish an ad-hoc tribunal.

The Russian veto was harshly criticized by the nations that backed the Malaysian-drafted resolution, resulting in blame-games, political posturing and positioning at the UN and among top-diplomats, and the very “geopolitical chess-games”  that the Malaysian PM Razak condemned after the downing of the Malaysian Airliner.

Next Stop the ICC? 

One option that is being discussed is to transfer the case to the office of the prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, The Netherlands. Proponents of this move argue that the ICC has the mandate to deal with alleged crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression.

While the details about the downing of MH17 remain unknown – or unpublished and unverifiable for independent media, the DSB concluded in its preliminary report that the Boeing 777-200 was struck by high-velocity objects that penetrated the hull from the outside. The DSB is currently investigating two scenarios; the use of a BUK missile system and/or the shooting down of the airliner by a military jet.

The Rome Statute affords non-ICC member States such as Russia, Ukraine and the USA to ask the court for assistance. One of the main points of criticism with that scenario is that neither Russian, Ukrainian or US American citizens can be made subject to prosecution, let alone punitive action by the ICC. Considering that all three countries have been directly or indirectly involved in bringing about the crisis in Ukraine that led to the civil war and arguably to the downing of the Malaysian airliner, any case that is brought before the ICC could only yield highly questionable results. One exemption from a “free ride” at the ICC would be that non-ICC-member State that asks the ICC for assistance.

There’s an Elephant in the Room when the Downing of the Jumbo is being discussed.

One fact that non of the directly or indirectly implicated parties discusses is that all those countries who have delegated members to the investigative team of the Dutch Safety Board have implicitly submitted themselves to the Dutch Kingdom Act. That means Australia, Malaysia, the USA, the UK, The Netherlands, Ukraine as well as Russia.

The Dutch Kingdom Act exempts investigative details from the Dutch Freedom of Information Act (WOB). That means, neither Russia, The Netherlands, Ukraine, the UK, the USA, Australia or Malaysia will be giving independent media access to the raw data for independent verification. All that may and will be published will be the DSB’s final report.

Considering that fact, any trial at the ICC would, arguably, also have to be dealing with closed evidence that cannot be independently verified by media – The Elephant remains in the room no matter what.

The families and loved ones of the 298 that perished on board the Malaysian Jumbo and the global flying public will be held in the dark – the geopolitical positioning, scapegoating and chess games will continue – unless “someone” in an appropriate position within the Australian, US, UK, Ukrainian, Russian, Dutch or Malaysian government musters a much-needed amount of courage, of backbone and integrity and passes certifiable, testable evidence on to media as whistle-blower.

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The big Saudi success in Aden has turned out to be a failure. Saudi proxies with the support of Operation Golden Arrow have been expanding areas of control north of Aden, showing local gains rather than total victory.

The Al Houthis have been successfully defending al Anad air base and advancing in number of points including Aden. The only hope of the Saudi-led forces is the rumored withdrawal of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh from the al Houthis, who rely in part on forces loyal to Saleh, or a full-scale invasion.

Click to see the full-size high resolution map (2921×2160)

  1. July 23-30, Pro-Saudi militants allied with the Saudi-led coalition continue to battle the Yemeni government forces for control of Aden. The clashes have been going at the Yemen-controlled al Anad air base in the Lahij governorate, north of Aden, since Saudi’s proxies attempted to seize al Anad air base on July 19, 22, 24 and 26. The al Houthis have control in the Taiz governorate and have been counter-attacking in al Dhaleh city, which was lost in late May. Although Saudi forces had momentum advancing on the north, the Yemen government looks determined to remain in control of the territory it holds.
  2. July 24, AQAP refused to leave al Mukalla, Hadramawt. A local AQAP fighter Omar al Nahdi told that AQAP will not abandon Hadramawt and will stay to protect the governorate from the al Houthis. AQAP seized al Mukalla on April 2 and established a council with local tribes to oversee governance of the city. Previous reports indicated that AQAP was negotiating with local tribes in al Mukalla to withdraw from the city and establish a security force.
  3. July 25, In Aden Southern Resistance militants reportedly captured Abdul Khaliq al Houthi, who is the al Houthi overall military commander and brother of the al Houthi leader, Abdul Malik al Houthi.
  4. July 25, Aden clashes appear to have invigorated ISIS Wilayat Aden. On Saturday Pro-ISIS Twitter accounts posted a photo series of ISIS Wilayat Aden fighters training at the al Shaikhain training camp in Aden. It is unclear when and where in Aden the photos were taken. ISIS Wilayat Aden most recently claimed an attack on the al Houthis on July 18. Separately, ISIS Wilayat Hadramawt militants posted via Twitter on July 26 photos of militants establishing military equipment in an unidentified location in Hadramawt.
  5. July 25, Pro-Saudi militant group “Southern Resistance” pushed al Houthis out of al Wahat, north of Aden. Meanwhile, a Saudi coalition airstrike hit a housing complex in Mocha, killing at least 100 civilians.
  6. July 26, The Saudi coalition and its proxies on Saturday announced a cease-fire that will take effect at 11.59 p.m. (20.59 GMT) on Sunday evening for five days to allow for the delivery of humanitarian aid, but didn’t stop the storm of al Anad air base. Yemeni leader Abdel-Malek al Houthi was reported to have rejected the truce, arguing it would benefit only militant groups Islamic State and Al-Qaeda. The Yemen government publicly accuses Saudi forces of being in cahoots with Islamist militants like Al-Qaeda, something the coalition denies. Thus, a unilateral Saudi Arabia-proposed ceasefire broke down the moment it began.
  7. July 26, Notwithstanding the failed truce, Houthi forces held up 16 trucks carrying humanitarian aid from the World Food Programme through Yemen’s Al Hudaydah province to support displaced persons in the major city of Taiz.
  8. July 27-28, Coalition warplanes carried out raids near Sanaa late Saturday and Sunday. The targets included Sanaa residential areas and a military base near the city. In the city, a bomb exploded underneath a passenger bus, killing three people and wounding five in the southern district of Dar Selm, local police report.
  9. July 29, Saudi fighter jets bombarded Harad district in the northwestern province of Hajja and a government building in the southwestern province of Ad Dali’. The Saudi coalition also launched airstrikes on several regions in the central province of Ma’rib.
  10. July 29, At least three people were killed in a car bomb attack in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa. At least six people also sustained injuries. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack. The terrorists also claimed responsibility for a bombing which reportedly killed nearly 30 people in the Yemeni capital.

The Saudi forces offensive seems to be decreasing as the al Houthi government remains entrenched in north-central Yemen. Yemeni forces have been continuing to conduct counter-attacks in Aden, Ma’rib, al Dhaleh, near the Saudi border and to defend its positions in al Anad air base, Lahij and Taiz.

The US experts hope that the withdrawal of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh’s support would probably weaken Yemen government and lead it to consolidate forces farther north to prevent being overstretched across south and central Yemen. The reasoning behind these assumptions is representatives from Yemen’s ruling party headed by Saleh, are reportedly in negotiations with U.S., British, and UAE diplomats to find a peaceful solution to the ongoing war. Nonetheless, loyal to Saleh military units are fighting for al Houthi government.

Despite denial, the Aden Saudi operation synchronized with increasing ISIS activity in Aden and the recent confirmed attacks aimed on the al Houthi government forces.

ISIS groups will likely seek to carry out more attacks on Yemeni government forces in Sanaa, Aden and Lahij. Moreover, AQAP militants in Hadramawt have roughly stated that their purpose is “to protect the governorate from the al Houthis”. Sure enough, ISIS and AQAP are likely secret allies of the Saudi coalition and its proxies in Yemen.

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Throughout human history, governments have been interested in “mastering the human domain”—in fully understanding how to control the minds of their populations. In 2015, DARPA’s Narrative Networks” ( or N2) program is in full swing.

The project is intended to analyze how “narratives” play into human psychology, delving into the way these constructs affect the mind. A narrative is a way of phrasing something, a choice of words, for example, that is likely a biased strategy to frame information.

“Narratives exert a powerful influence on human thoughts, emotions and behavior and can be particularly important in security contexts,” DARPA researchers said in a paper published in the Journal of Neuroscience Methods.

They discussed “…conflict resolution and counterterrorism scenarios [and] detecting the neural response underlying empathy induced by stories is of critical importance.”

Mastery of “narratives” could potentially be used to manipulate the perception of a population using platforms of communication like television to subtly and potently make a person think a certain way. Many people know this tactic by a more familiar term: propaganda.

“Governments often use stories to present information, so understanding how we comprehend them is important,” said co-author Eric Schumacher, an associate professor of psychology at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

In addition to narratives, the study focused on fear. Researchers observed a phenomenon of “tunnel vision,” or impaired reasoning, triggered in the brain when suspects processed, for example, a suspenseful moment in a movie.

As the Washington Post summarized,

“When suspense grew, brain activity in viewers’ peripheral vision decreased. Schumacher called it the ‘neural signature of tunnel vision.’ Moments of increasing suspense were also associated with greater interference with a secondary task. In this case, responding by pressing a button when hearing a tone.”

It is likely that predatory actions of war could come out of this particular accumulation of knowledge.  The U.S. Military has a long history of funding psychological experiments, some entrenched in human rights violations (like the experiments performed during the Project MKUltra era).

Now we have the Pentagon-funded DARPA program, which pays researchers at colleges and other scientists millions of dollars to enhance and bolster methods of war. Such work places great technological power in the hands of a demonstrably criminal government and military.

DARPA paying geniuses to work for them could be considered an exploitation of intellectual capability to further consolidate government and military power.

This is but a sliver of information in the full timeline of the U.S. Military’s acquisition of propaganda techniques, but even that smallest sliver of information is a necessary piece of the puzzle.

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Tuesday, a Tripoli court under the not officially recognized government of Libya in Tripoli sentenced Saif al-Islam Qaddafi, Abdulah Senussi and seven other officials of the government that was ousted in 2011 to death. Numerous others received harsh sentences. The court’s verdict prompted protests in several districts of Libya.

The verdict and death sentences for Saif Al-Islam Qaddafi, the son of the ousted and murdered former head of State Muammar Qaddafi, Abdullah Senussi, and seven other members of his ousted regime were no surprise. Also sentenced to death were; former Prime Minister Al-Baghdadi Al-Mahmoudi; the former General-Secretary of the People’s Committee Abuzeid Dourda; the head of the ousted government’s internal intelligence agency Mansour Dhou; the head of internal security, Milad Daman; assistant to Abdullah Senussi, Abdulhamid Ohida; chargé for the Tripoli Revolutionary Committees, Awidat Ghandoor Noubi; and Mundar Mukhtar Ghaniami.

Said Al-Islam Qaddafi, son of the ousted and murdered head of State Muammar Qaddafi participated in three out of 24 court sessions via video-link.

The trial against Saif al-Islam and Abdullah Senussi was carried out in absentia. Saif participated in only three out of 24 sessions via video link. The son of the ousted head of State is reportedly being held in Zintan. There has been controversy about the defendant’s access to lawyers and the right to confidential conversations with legal representatives.

Both Saif al-Islam and Abdulah Senussi are concurrently wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. Controversially, the ICC would describe the trial against Saif al-Islam Qaddaffi as fair, while the ICC maintains that he should be transferred to The Hague for prosecution. The Tripoli court sentenced the accused to death by firing squad. The verdict raises questions about the legality of a court and procedures under the not internationally recognized government in Tripoli – an artifact of the chaos the country has descended into after the foreign-backed ouster of the Libyan government in 2011. The internationally recognized government, for its part, has fled Tripoli and is resident in Tobruk.

Other sentences against defendants include life sentences for Husni Al-Wahishi, Mohamed Al-Deeb, Mabrouk Masood, Omran Furjani, Mahamed Al-Hanashi, Amer Fraraj, Radwan Al-Hamali, and Bashir Hamidan; Twelve years imprisonment for Mohamed Al-Zway, Mohamed Al-Sherif, Abdullah Abu-Kasem, Muhsen Lamooji, Jibril Kadiki, Ali Ahmeda, and Sayd Gheriani; Ten years imprisonment for Abdulhafeed Zlitni, Bu Ajeela Masood, Amar Nayed, and Mohamed Ramadan; Six years imprisonmentfor Abdulraheem Gmati, Ali Abdussalam, Abdulrauf Ahour; as well as a five years prison term for  Ali Mozogi.

nsnbc international is currently attempting to reach out to the court and the Ministry of Justice in Tripoli to procure the court documents and / or transcripts of the trial and the verdicts.

The sentences against the former government officials prompted protests and demonstrations in districts including Sebha’s Manshiya district, Brak, Qirah, Shuwairif. The three localities are dominated by the Magarha tribe, of which Senussi is a member. The tribe controls the water supply to Tripoli, leading to speculations that the tribal leaders would use the water-supply to Tripoli for political leverage. Protests against the court and the verdicts were also held in Bani Walid as well as in Sirte, even though the city is largely under the control of the self-proclaimed “Islamic State” a.k.a. Daesh, ISIS or ISIL.

The Libyan government was overthrown and Muammar Qaddafi was murdered in 2011, after a NATO-led coalition overstepped the provisions of UN Security Council Resolution 1973 (2011) that called for the enforcement of a no fly zone. Instead, the NATO-led coalition, with strong support by Qatar and Saudi Arabia as well as unofficial support from Israel, were actively supporting Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda-linked terrorist brigades. Moreover, thousands of foreign mercenaries were flown into the country, in part with direct support by the US’ CIA. Libya has since then become a springboard for the wars in Syria, Mali as well as Iraq.

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Puerto Rico in the Hurricane of America’s Economic Crisis

July 31st, 2015 by Ariel Noyola Rodríguez

By all possible means, the political leaders of the United States attempt to make invisible the economic crisis they face. While a few weeks ago the President of the Federal Reserve System (Fed), Janet Yellen, insisted that the federal funds rate will increase this year, now it appears that this will not happen until the first quarter of 2016, when the Fed will begin to close the faucet of global liquidity.

The fall of prices (deflation) –a consequence of the fall of the rate of profit– the extreme weakness in the prospects of investment, the volatility of financial markets, product of the economic debacle of Greece and the countries castigated by the euro zone crisis, the drop of the stock market in China, are factors that, according to Yellen, put off the decision until next year.

It is obvious that the United States is more inclined to look for the guilty outside rather than look inside their own country to resolve their crisis. The deterioration of the Silicon Valley, Detroit, West Virginia,; Mississippi, Alabama, as well as the fiscal mess of the island of Puerto Rico are symptomatic signs of the economic decadence of the US, that even though Washington has paid little attention in recent years, now begin to appear in the mass media.

The case of Puerto Rico is, by a long way, that of more notoriety. Even voices such as that of Hillary Clinton (pre-candidate for the Presidency of the US in the democratic Party) look to find electoral advantage echoing the crisis that, according to her words, should be immediately resolved through the support of the so-called American Union.

For nearly ten years the island of Puerto Rico is sinking in a sea of debts. These now amount to some 70 billion US dollars, an amount that is equivalent to over one hundred per cent of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

What explains this high level of debt? In addition to being a world class tourist centre, the economy of Puerto Rico has been based on manufacturing, above all from the pharmaceutical industry. Nevertheless, the place of Puerto Rico in that industry began to slide due to competition from Asia and Eastern Europe, which gained ground due to labour productivity and scientific development since the mid-1960s.

Already in the following decade the oil crisis provoked by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) brought the US to oblige the island to apply fiscal legislation to increase the profit of US companies. In this way, since 1976, the multinational corporations installed in the island were exempt from taxes on their profits, a situation that marked the beginning of their fiscal debility.

Nevertheless, capitalist globalization from the decade of the 1990s ended by undermining the manufacturing sector of the country. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) led to massive export of capital to Mexico and Canada, countries that were disposed to establish better conditions of exploitation for North American capitalists compared to Puerto Rico: lowering of taxes, stagnation of wages, environmental deregulation, etc.

Slowly the Puerto Rican economy began its long decline. To top things off, at the beginnings of the XXI century, the island suffered a grave mortgage crisis, the result of state deregulation. as well as the consequences of the incorporation of China in the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001, an event that ended in undermining the competitiveness of the productive activity of the Caribbean island.

Thus in 2006, overwhelmed by the slow growth of their GDP, the government of Puerto Rico decided to eliminate the system of fiscal exemption. But the cure was worse than the illness. That same year the economy went into recession. Since then the country has been the victim of a crisis of enormous proportions, the product both of the closing of companies and the massive emigration of people to the United States in search of employment.

Unemployment in Puerto Rico is alarming. At the present time the rate is 14%, almost three times the national average (5.5%). Because of the slow perspectives of the economy, some 50,000 emigrate annually. The island has 3.5 million inhabitants, while some 5 million Puerto Ricans (a fifth of them in the state of Florida). There is no doubt that fewer persons believe in a future for the country.

In the face of the fall of the economy and less income from taxes, the government of Puerto Rico –mistakenly– opted for tax increases, cutting public expenditures and increasing the emissions of bonds. It is obvious that it will be impossible to maintain this strategy indefinitely. These measures only contribute to increase the debt, undermine the economy and limit even more the resources at the disposition of the government.

After the bankruptcy of Detroit, investors were leery of municipal bonds, and with this the prime interest risk of Puerto Rican bonds increased, severely limiting their access to credit markets.

Even though the authorities have, in recent months, demanded a restructuring of the debt, to date noting has been done. After the negative response of the White House the economic interests of the powerful investment funds (Franklin Templeton, OppenheimerFunds, etc.) who tend to push governments against the wall through financial speculation, activities known as vulture funds.

Between 2006 and 2013 the island emitted more than 60 billion US dollars in bonds, that produced nearly 1.5 billion US dollars in fees for Wall Street bankers and big business for law firms that defend the cashing of fraudulent debts.

In a word, Puerto Rico has gained little from the US government, more disposed to safeguard the profits of bankers than to support debt relief and economic recovery in municipalities and colonies punished by the crisis.

Translation: Jordan Bishop.

Ariel Noyola Rodríguez is an economist graduated from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Contact: [email protected]. Twitter: @noyola_ariel.

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The New Silk Road, A Chinese-style “New Deal”. The Economic and Geopolitical Consequences

July 31st, 2015 by Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin (GEAB)

Historians will remember that the Chinese President Xi Jinping officially launched the new “Silk Road” with a 30 minute speech at the Boao Economic Conference on Hainan Island the 28 March 2015, in front of 16 heads of State or government and 100 or so ministers from the 65 countries which are on the path, land or sea, of this new trade route[1]. For us, involved in political anticipation, what a challenge we have been given! China is suggesting that we imagine the future by stepping back several centuries, even two millennia.

Such a move isn’t absurd, as a fact ! The strength of nations such as Russia, Iran, India or China comes from their ability to think far into the future. Europe also has an historical depth – the two world wars encouraged it to rediscover the age before nations, that of Charlemagne or even the Roman Empire. This way of thinking is probably most alien to the US undoubtedly and which will look at the Chinese project with the greatest suspicion. However it will have to live with reality: the appetite for this “resurrection of the past” from their European allies, but also a country like Israel[2], all countries which have just decided to join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank created by China for the occasion, confirms that this project which is based on an ancient past has a future.

silk route

In what follows, we propose sketching the foreseeable consequences of the Chinese initiative. Three elements must be identified more clearly: do we say “the road and corridor” of Chinese power? What will be the repercussions on the rest of Eurasia? What will be the US attitude, facing what represents the first challenge of a new era, where it’s going to have to learn that power is shared.

65 countries, 4.4 billion people, 63% of the global population are affected by the New Silk Road. For the moment, these countries together only account for 29% of world output, but we are only at the beginning of a global rebalancing around Eurasia. China expects that, within 10 years, its trade relations with the countries along what it calls “the road and corridor” should have more than doubled to $2.5 trillion. China has sent a very strong signal: at a time when its economic growth has begun to slow, China hasn’t chosen to stimulate its economy through military spending, which would justify a possible “Cold War” with the US[3]. It has chosen diplomacy and trade with a view to rebalancing: to depend less on the transatlantic economic relationship it seems to it that it must strengthen various relationships “in the West”. It’s a matter of literally once again becoming “The Middle Kingdom” [4].

To gather together the capital necessary for this new economic axis’ gigantesque infrastructure, China has launched the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, with 52 participating countries, including the nine leading European economies. The initial capital was originally intended to be $100 billion but, given the influx of applications, it will be higher. China has already made it known that, to attract investments, no right of veto would be given to the Board of Directors (unlike the US in the Bretton Woods financial institutions). However, let’s not be under any illusion, China, drawing on its diplomatic experience since time immemorial, will find all sorts of indirect means to control to control a public investment bank for which it took the initiative[5].

The country intends to take advantage of a favourable situation to advance its interests: Russia needs its support if it wants to stand firm in the showdown with the US over the Ukraine’s future. And the EU is seriously tempted by increased Chinese investment in Europe to contribute to an exit from the crisis[6].

However, don’t overestimate China’s position of strength either. Having accumulated huge dollar reserves, it feels, given the US economy’s fragility, the need to diversify its assets. Investing part of its currency reserves in a major project such as the “New Silk Road” matches a need. On the other hand in the diplomatic power struggle which puts it against the US, Russia isn’t totally dependent on China: not only can it count on its nuclear deterrent but also on the support, direct or indirect, of India, Iran and Turkey. Finally, carefully note that China is financial power is far from sufficient to meet investment needs spanning two continents and four seas. The « road and corridor» project will only succeed to the extent that each regional group invests massively[7]. From the EU perspective this already raises the question of knowing what will follow the Juncker Plan. The European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development will play an increasing role in the coming years to enable Europe to play its part in the “New Silk Road”.

The EU is at a crossroads. The Ukrainian crisis becomes a handicap if it continues: not only do the economic sanctions imposed on Russia negatively affect the European economy, but an increasing number of investment opportunities are being lost in central Asia, and the Union itself risks being divided between an Atlantist camp and one eager to come to an arrangement with Russia. To tell the truth there is no other way than reinforcing the Minsk agreements. And, to avoid an endless crisis, Germany will gradually give substance to a European pillar of the Atlantic Alliance, strong enough to influence the US and lead it to the crisis’ exits. The way in which the European countries have converged on the Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank confirms that a rebalancing towards Eurasia from the transatlantic link – the European equivalent of the Chinese move from the transpacific link towards the “New Silk Road” could take place quickly.


Figure 1 – China’s New Silk Road – Chinese projects for a modern economic zone – land route in brown; sea route in blue. Source : Die Welt

The map that unfolds in front of our eyes is fascinating for an historian accustomed to think like Fernand Braudel, an historian of the Mediterranean and capitalism, with a “long-term” approach: from a Chinese point of view the land route leaves from Xi’an, passing through Bishkek, Tashkent, Teheran, Ankara, Moscow, Minsk before reaching Rotterdam, Anvers, Berne and Venice.

The ancient City of the Doges is at the western end of a maritime route through Athens, Cairo, Djibouti, Nairobi, Colombo, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore (with a branch towards Jakarta), Hanoi, Hong Kong and Fuzhou ending at Hangzhou. China is therefore offering us a tie-up with a 2000 year old trade route; it’s also proposing, in contrast to Huntington’s fatalistic vision, a true dialogue of civilizations between the Confucian, Indian, Persian, Turkish, Arabic, East African, Christian Orthodox and Western zones of influence.

Players in a polycentric globalization, the heirs of the Chinese Empires, Mongolian, Persian, Russian, Ottoman, Arab, Byzantine, Romano-Germanic, French and British have the fascinating opportunity to finally live a common and peaceful history. Care should be taken, for Eurasia’s balance, that India should be increasingly sought and better integrated in these new networks than China is currently planning. France and Germany, with the rest of the European Union, has a natural card to play here, also important from the point of view of their long-term interests: this “New Silk Road” will only be beneficial for all the countries concerned to the extent that it will be based on a balance of forces. The rapprochement with India is a valuable advantage to weigh against Russia and China. Additionally, it allows it to stay more in line with the BRICS rationale, a rationale to which the Silk Road doesn’t belong at the moment, at a time when Chinese dynamism and the Russian need to neutralize US influence in Central Asia leads to favouring The Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

The Chinese “New Silk Road” project is made possible by the new organizational age of which the Internet is one of the most striking manifestations. The Chinese leaders have undoubtedly understood faster than their European counterparts that the information revolution has exploded the old geopolitical opposition between the continental and maritime powers.

Crossed by high-speed trains, called to depend less and less on its energy resources’ geographic concentration, Eurasia is in the process of becoming a “liquid space”[8]. The New Silk Road can, without exaggeration, be considered as a double “liquid” axis falling under the same criteria of analysis. Obviously, such a development will have its shadowy areas. The “liquid spaces” could be infested with pirates – already numerous on the Internet. Pepe Escobar of the Asia Times online has, for a long time, called the “liquid war”[9] the way in which the US contributed to the destruction of States like Iraq, Libya or the Ukraine. However, let’s measure the change underway and the immense changes on the horizon for the European Union, whose mission is no longer to build this “small promontory of the Asian landmass” which Paul Valéry spoke of, but to organize a triple interface: Euro-Atlantic, Euro-African and Eurasian….


[1] Source : Die Welt, 30/03/2015

[2] Source : Japan Times, 01/04/2015

[3] Whilst in 2010, China had decided to begin reducing its military spending (source: Wikipedia), the tensions between the West and the emerging nations, expressed in 2014 by the Ukrainian crisis, nevertheless led it to

increase it by 12.2% last year with 10% announced for 2015. That said, as a percentage of GDP, which is the method habitually chosen for measuring a country’s military spending (remember that the US asks NATO members to contribute up to 2% of their GDP to the Alliance’s budget), the share of this spending is more or less stable – around 2.1% (the US spends more than 4%) – taking account of the fact that China’s GDP is increasing by nearly 7% this year. Something else seems to say that China is increasing its military spending as reasonably as possible and it’s the fact that, in the context of its opening to the world, it’s forced to be more transparent and that a whole host of hidden spending is undoubtedly simply in the process of emerging into the open. But the total budget for military spending doesn’t peak at only 95€ billion, versus 460€ billion for the US, knowing that this sum is largely devoted to maintaining a huge military personnel (2.1 million), and that the share devoted to equipment purchase is all the more reduced(source : Deutsche Welle, 04/03/2015).

These factors lead our team to consider that, contrary to what the Western media would have us believe, China doesn’t have an aggressive military posture.

[4] Michel Aglietta/ Guo Bai, La voie chinoise. Capitalisme et empire, Paris, Odile Jacob, 2012

[5] François Godement, Que veut la Chine ?, Paris, Odile Jacob, 2012

[6] Claude Meyer, La Chine banquier du monde, Fayard, Paris, 2014

[7] Source : Eurasia Review, 30/03/2015

[8] I have borrowed this concept from John Urry, Global complexity, 2000

[9] Pepe Escobar, Globalistan : How the Globalised World is Dissolving into Liquid War, 2007

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Election season can be the worst time to be a radical. Which is to say, it’s tough to be someone who believes that fundamental systemic change is needed when the parties that have our democratic imagination in a sleeper hold are sucking the air out of the living rooms of the nation pitching their tweaks to the status quo.

There’s not much to do for those who believe in dealing with environmental destruction, colonial pillage, alienation and inequality: the fundamental features of capitalism. If you see radicals out and about during election season, they’re either eating ballots or sporting a cynical grin as they wrangle volunteers at a temporary NDP campaign office for some fast cash. If they’re not decrying the pitifully limited range of debate, they’re probably just crying.

We can either join the flock of Shepherd Mulcair or assume the role of black sheep, baying from the edge of the field, but too weak to face down any wolves alone. Does it have to be this way? Is there something better? We believe so.

Members of Montreal’s Haitian community disrupt an appearance by Pierre Pettigrew in 2005

Elections can be a unique opportunity to bring up issues and assert some “radical” influence. Here’s an example.


During the 2006 election, a small group of Haiti solidarity activists mounted a campaign to defeat then-Foreign Minister Pierre Pettigrew. Pettigrew had played a role in overthrowing Haiti’s elected government, and covering up the human rights violations and killings that followed.

We didn’t back a candidate; our only goal was to unseat Pettigrew. We fashioned some posters featuring Pettigrew’s image with the words “WANTED FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY IN HAITI”. It wasn’t subtle, but it had the virtue of being true, and the Minister had declined several opportunities to change course. We mustered a crew of a dozen or so activists and saturated the riding, handing out over 12,000 flyers at metro stops and on the street. We put up 2,000 posters in the riding and organized a few actions. Our message was hard to avoid.

We even got a little overzealous, and postered over some of Pettigrew’s election signs — a federal offense. In one instance, Pettigrew’s campaign manager saw two of us and called the police. But even that hurt the Foreign Minister. We sent out a press release concerning our arrest, and were rewarded with our first coverage in two years of campaigning in the crime-obsessed tabloid paper, Journal de Montreal. A photo of our poster appeared on page five.

Members of Montreal’s Haitian community at confront then-foreign minister Pierre Pettigrew in 2005

So thoroughly had we saturated the riding with our propaganda, that in the last week of the campaign, we got cocky and tried to go after Denis Coderre (who also helped the coup d’etat) in a riding further to the north.

When the votes were counted, Pettigrew went from holding one of the highest offices in the land to having extra time on his hands as a private citizen. His successor as the MP of Papineau? Viviane Barbot, a woman of Haitian descent running for the Bloc Quebecois. (She understandably distanced herself from our campaign early on, but the symbolism nonetheless spoke loudly.)

Montreal dailies La Presse and Le Devoir credited our campaign with playing a spoiler role for Pettigrew. Elections Canada paid us the compliment of sending a retired cop to investigate if we had broken any rules. (The all-volunteer campaign was well under the spending limit.)

It was exhilarating, even if the victory was ultimately overshadowed by a Conservative minority government. It’s disappointing, but not surprising, that there have been few campaigns since that have followed anything like the “Pettigrew model”.

Today, much of the “anyone but Harper” campaigning that’s happening suffers from lowest-common denominator political messaging designed to tell people what the messengers believe people want to hear. We believe that more bold messaging and an aggressive tactical approach can both change the terms of the debate and achieve electoral outcomes. In fact, we think it’s more likely to succeed in defeating sitting Conservative MPs in close ridings.

A few Haitians and solidarity activists pulled it off with minimal resources, but it’s important to note the factors that led to success in the Pettigrew case. The riding, Papineau, is small, low income, and has a significant immigrant population, including many people of Haitian descent. It also has a number of metro stops and a vibrant commercial district, which means lots of foot traffic: high visibility for posters and easy flyering.

Members of Montreal’s Haitian community disrupt an appearance by Pierre Pettigrew in 2005

We had a small group of highly-motivated people who agreed on the basics: that Canada orchestrated a brutal coup d’etat, and Pettigrew must go. None of us had a problem with members of the group risking tickets or arrest. Because of these factors, we were able to make our message nearly unavoidable to residents of Papineau.

How many people got educated about the coup d’etat, and became convinced? It’s hard to know. We can imagine that the saturation provoked a few dinner table conversations. It probably shaped a lot more: it’s harder to declare your support for someone when their face is on wanted posters pasted on every street corner. Our campaign coincided with a wave of revelations about Liberal scandals, which probably demoralized constituencies that would normally turn out. We helped make the decision to stay home a little easier.

But we don’t want to undersell the accomplishment either. A Haitian woman running for the Bloc Quebecois beat a well-financed star candidate and high-ranking cabinet minister in what was historically a Liberal stronghold (it’s now Justin Trudeau’s riding). We think that’s enough to be able say that this kind of electoral intervention is underutilized. But for mostly obvious reasons, groups like LeadNow, Council of Canadians and Unifor are unlikely to undertake this kind of campaigning. So it’s up to small, independent groups of motivated and organized people who want to set the agenda.

How, then, can this experience inform other situations? Here are some questions to ask. Is there a constituency for whom a key value or lived experience finds no expression in the electoral landscape? Has the incumbent candidate been centrally involved in some really bad stuff? Has their party? Have they already faced questions on the issue? What are the common areas of the riding like? What are the opportunities for postering or flyering? Door to door? Do you have a motivated crew? Have you had the requisite conversations and camaraderie to ensure that people can make decisions together?

Saturation, we believe, is key. To substantially impact the discussion, the message must be unavoidable for thousands of people in a sustained way.

If a group was to run a campaign around the Conservative Party’s climate record, could it work?

Imagine the climate justice movement exerting itself by flooding a few vulnerable Conservative ridings with tens of thousands of posters and leaflets denouncing Harper’s climate crimes with bold messages about the millions of people whose lives have been profoundly disturbed (or worse) by climate change. Who knows what kinds of dinner table conversations that kind of campaign could inspire?

Tactical election interventions can leave a dent in the political landscape. And they can be fun — the adrenaline rush and camaraderie of a campaign without the watered-down impact. That said, an election campaign on its own is still a dead end. The best interventions are going to be one stop on the way to a more distant destination.

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The Greek Coup: Liquidity as a Weapon of Coercion

July 31st, 2015 by Ellen Brown

My father made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. Luca Brasi held a gun to his head and my father assured him that either his brains, or his signature, would be on the contract.”    — The Godfather (1972)

In the modern global banking system, all banks need a credit line with the central bank in order to be part of the payments system. Choking off that credit line was a form of blackmail the Greek government couldn’t refuse.  Former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis is now being charged with treason for exploring the possibility of an alternative payment system in the event of a Greek exit from the euro. The irony of it all was underscored by Raúl Ilargi Meijer, who opined in a July 27th blog:

The fact that these things were taken into consideration doesn’t mean Syriza was planning a coup . . . . If you want a coup, look instead at the Troika having wrestled control over Greek domestic finances. That’s a coup if you ever saw one. Let’s have an independent commission look into how on earth it is possible that a cabal of unelected movers and shakers gets full control over the entire financial structure of a democratically elected eurozone member government. By all means, let’s see the legal arguments for this.

So how was that coup pulled off? The answer seems to be through extortion. The European Central Bank threatened to turn off the liquidity that all banks – even solvent ones – need to maintain their day-to-day accounting balances. That threat was made good in the run-up to the Greek referendum, when the ECB did turn off the liquidity tap and Greek banks had to close their doors. Businesses were left without supplies and pensioners without food. How was that apparently criminal act justified? Here is the rather tortured reasoning of ECB President Mario Draghi at a press conference on July 16:

There is an article in the [Maastricht] Treaty that says that basically the ECB has the responsibility to promote the smooth functioning of the payment system. But this has to do with . . . the distribution of notes, coins. So not with the provision of liquidity, which actually is regulated by a different provision, in Article 18.1 in the ECB Statute: “In order to achieve the objectives of the ESCB [European System of Central Banks], the ECB and the national central banks may conduct credit operations with credit institutions and other market participants, with lending based on adequate collateral.” This is the Treaty provision. But our operations were not monetary policy operations, but ELA [Emergency Liquidity Assistance] operations, and so they are regulated by a separate agreement, which makes explicit reference to the necessity to have sufficient collateral. So, all in all, liquidity provision has never been unconditional and unlimited. [Emphasis added.]

In a July 23rd post on Naked Capitalism, Nathan Tankus calls this “a truly shocking statement.” Why? Because all banks rely on their central banks to settle payments with other banks. “If the smooth functioning of the payments system is defined as the ability of depository institutions to clear payments,” says Tankus, “the central bank must ensure that settlement balances are available at some price.”

How the Payments System Works

The role of the central bank in the payments system is explained by the Bank for International Settlements like this:

One of the principal functions of central banks is to be the guardian of public confidence in money, and this confidence depends crucially on the ability of economic agents to transmit money and financial instruments smoothly and securely through payment and settlement systems. . . . [C]entral banks provide a safe settlement asset and in most cases they operate systems which allow for the transfer of that settlement asset.

Internationally before 1971, this “settlement asset” was gold. Later, it became electronic “settlement balances” or “reserves” maintained at the central bank. Today, when money travels by check from Bank A to Bank B, the central bank settles the transfer simply by adjusting the banks’ respective reserve balances, subtracting from one and adding to the other. Checks continue to fly back and forth all day. If a bank’s reserve account comes up short at the end of the day, the central bank treats it as an automatic overdraft in the bank’s reserve account, effectively lending the bank the money in the form of electronic “liquidity” until the overdraft can be cleared. The bank can cure the deficit by attracting new deposits or by borrowing from another bank with excess reserves; and if the whole system is short of reserves, the central bank creates more to maintain the liquidity of the system. The most dramatic exercise of this liquidity function was seen after the banking crisis of 2008, when credit was frozen and banks had largely stopped lending to each other. The US Federal Reserve then stepped in and advanced over $16 trillion to financial institutions through the TAF (Term Asset Facility), the TALF (Term Asset-backed Securities Loan Facility), and similar facilities, at near-zero interest. Toxic unmarketable assets were converted into “good collateral” so the banks could remain solvent and keep their doors open.

Liquidity as a Tool of Coercion

That is how the Fed sees its role, but the ECB evidently has other ideas about this liquidity tool. Whether a country’s banks are allowed to “access monetary policy operations” is seen by the ECB not as mandatory but as discretionary with the central bank. And as a condition of that access, if a country’s bonds are “below investment grade,” the country must be under an IMF program — meaning it must subject itself to forced austerity measures. According to ECB Vice President Constâncio at the same press conference:

[W]hen a country has a rating which is below the investment grade which is the minimum, then to access monetary policy operations, it has to have a waiver. And the waiver is granted if there are two conditions. The first condition is that the country must be under a programme with the EU and IMF; and second, we have to assess that there is credible compliance with such a programme. [Emphasis added]

Liquidity is provided only on “adequate collateral” — usually government bonds. But whether the bonds are “adequate” is not determined by their market price. Rather, political concessions are demanded. The government must sell off public assets, slash public services, lay off public workers, and subject its fiscal policies to oversight by unelected bureaucrats who can dictate every line item in the national budget. Tankus observes:

Europe now has a system where liquidity and insolvency problems can occur and can be deliberately generated (at least in part) by the central bank. Then the Troika can force that country into an “IMF program” if it wants to continue having a functioning banking system. Alternatively, the central bank can choose to simply “suspend convertibility” to the unit of account [i.e. cut off the supply of Euros] and force the write down of deposits [haircuts and bail-ins] until the banks are solvent again.

Pushed to the Cliff by the Financial Mafia

Were liquidity and insolvency problems intentionally generated in Greece’s case, as Tankus suggests? Let’s review. First there was the derivatives scheme sold to Greece by Goldman Sachs in 2001, which nearly doubled the nation’s debt by 2005. Then there was the bank-induced credit crisis of 2008, when the ECB coerced Greeceto bail out its insolvent private banks, throwing the country itself into bankruptcy. This was followed in late 2009 by the intentional overstatement of Greece’s debt by a Eurostat agent who was later tried criminally for it, triggering the first bailout and accompanying austerity measures. The Greek prime minister was later replaced with an unelected technocrat, former governor of the Bank of Greece and later vice president of the ECB, who refused a debt restructuring and instead oversaw a second massive bailout and further austerity measures. An estimated 90% of the bailout money went right back into the coffers of the banks. In December 2014, Goldman Sachs warned the Greek Parliament that central bank liquidity could be cut off if the Syriza Party were elected. When it was elected in January, the ECB made good on the threat, cutting bank liquidity to a trickle. When Prime Minister Tsipras called a public referendum in July at which the voters rejected the brutal austerity being imposed on them, the ECB shuttered the banks. The Greek government was thus broken Mafia-style at the knees, until it was forced to abandon its national sovereignty and watch its public treasures sold off piece by piece. Suspicious minds might infer that this was a calculated plot designed from the beginning to throw Greece’s prized assets onto the auction block, a hostile takeover and asset stripping for the benefit of those well-heeled entities in a position to purchase them, including the very banks, hedge funds and speculators instrumental in driving up Greek debt and destroying the economy.

No Sovereignty Without Control Over Currency and Credit

In the taped conference call for which Yanis Varoufakis is currently facing treason charges, he exposed the trap that eurozone countries are now in. It seems there is virtually no legal way to break free of the euro and the domination of the troika. The government has no access to the critical data files of its own banks, which are controlled by the ECB. Varoufakis said this should alarm every EU government. As Canadian Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King warned in 1935:

Once a nation parts with the control of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes the nation’s laws.  Usury, once in control, will wreck any nation.

For a nation to regain control of its currency and credit, it needs a central bank with a mandate to serve the interests of the nation. Banking should be a public utility, serving the economy and the people.

Ellen Brown is an attorney, founder of the Public Banking Institute, and author of twelve books including the best-selling Web of Debt. Her latest book, The Public Bank Solution, explores successful public banking models historically and globally. Her 300+ blog articles are at EllenBrown.com. Listen to “It’s Our Money with Ellen Brown” on PRN.FM.

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A Navy e-18 “Growler” jet refuels while in midair, June 15, 2010. The noise produced by Growlers averages at 81 decibels inside a home, which is louder than the noise level averaged by heavy truck traffic. (Photo: US Navy)

“This is a public health emergency that is literally killing people.”

This stark, shocking warning about the US Navy’s war-gaming in the Pacific Northwest comes from Dr. James Dahlgren, a doctor of occupational and environmental medicine who is also a diplomat of the American Board of Internal Medicine.

He spoke with Truthout about how Navy warplanes flying in and out of Naval Air Station (NAS) Whidbey Island, as well as the Navy’s OLF [Outlying Field] Coupeville in Washington State’s Puget Sound, are generating chronic exposure to noise levels well in excess of 80 decibels.

To provide an idea of relative loudness of sounds: A vacuum cleaner is 70 decibels, heavy truck traffic is around 80 decibels, a chainsaw is 90 decibels, and being within approximately 100 feet of a jet engine is 140 decibels. Exposure to 140 decibels may cause immediate and permanent hearing damage or loss, as well as bleeding from the ears.

In communities nearby the Navy airfields, noise levels from the Navy’s E18 “Growler” warplanes have been recorded that regularly reach 130 decibels, and shockingly, even average 81 decibels inside residential homes.

The human health impacts from these levels of chronic jet noise include hearing loss, immune toxicity, insomnia, stroke, heart attacks and even death.

“The first time I heard the Growlers, in August 2012, they started flying over my house, and I developed a cardiac arrhythmia on the spot and had to go to the ER,” retired lawyer Ken Pickard, who lives on Whidbey Island, told Truthout.

Pickard is the executive director of Citizens Of Ebey’s Reserve (COER), a group that describes itself as “committed to closing OLF Coupeville and removing the EA18G Growler from North Puget Sound.”

OLF Coupeville is a Naval military airport located two miles southeast of Coupeville, Washington, a small town on Whidbey Island.

Pickard is a third-generation Coupeville resident, who realized after his trip to the ER: “I realized if I wanted to continue to live here, we needed to do something to stop this, so we started COER.”

Growing numbers of US residents are finding themselves in the firing line of domestic military expansionism, whether it be living in areas subjected to chronic, harmful jet noise, or having their fishing areas disrupted and polluted by Naval war gaming exercises. For many, the issue could literally be a matter of life and death.

Major Health Crisis

The impacts of noise pollution are often underestimated. Its effects span a broad range of health issues, many of which don’t seem connected with sound or hearing at first glance.

“This is a major health crisis caused by noise, and that’s why it’s so hard for people to understand,” Pickard said. “We first thought it was just hearing loss as an issue, but there are several very real life-threatening issues [that result from] living with this.”

Karen Bowman, an occupational and environmental health specialist of over 25 years, empathizes with Pickard and all those who are suffering health impacts from the chronic jet noise in their area.

“When people hear intense jet noise at the levels they are around OLF Coupeville, as well as around numerous other military bases in the country, our bodies go into functions that cause hypertension, increased triglycerides, lack of sleep, anxiety, lack of enough REM and other negative impacts,” Bowman told Truthout. “Several studies show that the higher the decibels and the longer the hours, the higher potential for increased myocardial infarction, hypertension, anxiety and other issues.”

While the situation at Coupeville, Washington, might seem like an anomaly, chronic exposure to jet noise levels is an issue for hundreds of thousands, and possibly millions, of people in the US. And the situation in Coupeville has implications for anyone and everyone living near an airbase anywhere in the country.

Pickard, whose group has brought a motion for a preliminary injunction against the Navy, believes the issue boils down to this: “The question is, can the military be allowed to willfully and irreparably injure citizens in order to conduct their training?”

The oral arguments in COER’s motion for an injunction started in July in a federal district court in Seattle; it won’t be until later this summer that we learn what the federal court decides. Meanwhile, millions of people across the country are being injured by chronic jet noise, and the crisis is worse than most people know.

Bowman explained it this way: “When you are trying to relax at night, we can’t turn off our hearing like we can our vision by just closing our eyes. So if we’re sleeping or trying to relax, jet noise heard is perceived as danger, and our bodies react instinctively.”

COER hired an expert to measure noise levels around OLF Coupeville, and Bowman spoke to the results of the study. She explained that people in the area around the Navy’s airstrip are regularly exposed to 80 decibels and that at that level, OSHA requires training and hearing protection be worn, as part of a hearing protection program.

Maryon Attwood, a business owner in Coupeville, has recorded 130 decibels of Naval jet noise on the front porch and regularly records noise of 80-85 decibels inside her home.

When the jets fly over her family’s home, “We stop doing whatever we were doing in living our lives, take immediate actions to protect ourselves, close all of the windows, and reach for our noise-reducing head phones.”

This of course means they can no longer talk to each other or anyone else, and if the flights continue, they are forced to leave their home to escape the damaging jet noise, which of course becomes more challenging at night.

Attwood said that the experience of being exposed to this level of noise produced by the warplanes “is hard to describe.”

She explained: “It vibrates windows, walls and water in the bathtub. You can feel it vibrating the insides of your body. It is frightening. It feels like you are going to die. The noise really is killing me, slowing and over time. And I am having physical symptoms of this impact, both physically and psychologically.”

According to Dr. Dahlgren, Attwood’s experience of feeling like she is going to die is not unfounded, according to several peer-reviewed medical studies: These levels of noise can, actually, cause death.

“The cardiovascular system is at risk,” he explained. “Noise excites a classic stress response, because historically humans and other mammals are hard-wired to respond to noise as danger. So when loud noise occurs, the stress response causes an increase in blood pressure and heart rate and alertness. It is a basic biological reflex. So if I were to put a blood pressure cuff on you and expose you to those noises, your blood pressure would go up.”

And if the noises we are exposed to occur abruptly, as when a Growler, the single loudest aircraft ever manufactured, flies near our home, the negative health response Dahlgren refers to becomes even more accelerated.

“Approaching Levels … That Would Kill People”

A peer-reviewed study titled, “Acute circulatory effects of military low-altitude jet noise,” published on the US National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health website, tracked Israeli jet fighters as they took off and landed over homes nearby airstrips in Israel. The situation, in many ways, mirrored what people on Whidbey Island near the military airstrips are exposed to.

“The effect on blood pressure was devastating,” Dahlgren said of the study. “It is identical to what the COER people are experiencing. You can extrapolate from that Israeli study that this is very, very bad for your cardiovascular system. There is a huge body of literature that gives evidence that noise of the urban areas is causing cardiovascular disease in the general population. It’s a ubiquitous adverse effect on humans.”

Dahlgren also noted how the nervous system is greatly impacted and said the jet noise interferes with sleep patterns. He pointed out that lack of sleep can lead to anxiety and depression, making the Whidbey Island flights, which often continue past midnight, particularly harmful.

According to Dahlgren, people, and especially children, also develop a psychological response to the noise, and it interferes with their ability to learn.

He also cited a study titled, “Acoustic Noise as a Non-Lethal Weapon,” which discusses the damaging effects of noise-weapons that have been used by the military and police and said that it is important to note that the French government did studies using 140 decibels of sound as “a weapon to kill people.”

“If you are exposed to below-audible levels – very low [frequency] levels but at 140 decibels – sound waves can actually fracture the liver,” Dahlgren said. “If you look at their [sound level] studies from Whidbey, these jets generate sub-auditory effects that were also reaching 140 decibels. People describe that their internal organs are vibrating as these planes fly over their homes, and that is exactly what is happening.”

The low rumblings that accompany the loud jet noises are basically lower-frequency sound waves that actually cause internal organs to vibrate, causing the damage Dahlgren is speaking of, even if the rumblings don’t sound loud.

“There is another study from Holland from commercial jets landing in Amsterdam,” Dahlgren continued. “There is an increase of heart attacks, and I postulate that on Whidbey, there are probably people who’ve had heart attacks and strokes from this and have died. We have to remember that on Whidbey, the levels of noise you’re looking at, up to 120-30 decibels – you are approaching levels that the French had decided would kill people.”

The Navy’s Response

Truthout requested comment from the Navy about the noise issue on Whidbey Island and contacted Michael Welding, the Navy’s public affairs officer in Oak Harbor, on Whidbey Island. When asked if the Navy was aware of the noise problem and all of the complaints about it coming from residents around Whidbey Island, Welding stated: “Although the Navy disputes a number of assertions that have been made about the noise impacts experienced as a result of flight operations at OLF Coupeville, the Navy also understands that some people are concerned about those operations. The Navy strives to be a good neighbor and works with the community to attempt to address those concerns. The Navy will conduct a review of the available literature on alleged health effects from aircraft noise as part of the Environmental Impact Statement that is being prepared now.”

However, members of COER dispute Welding’s claims that the Navy is working with the community to attempt to address their concerns.

“We’ve had no dialogue with the Navy,” Pickard told Truthout. In fact, he said, he has been unable to get any response from the Navy whatsoever.

“Last year, some of our members went to DC and met with the deputy director of Environmental Health at the Pentagon, and we presented our health info, which we thought would be of great interest, but they already knew it all,” he said. “They knew what this does to people. They basically thanked us for coming and sent us on our way. They’d done the research; most of our information comes from them, but they just don’t care.”

Cate Andrews, a board member of COER, was equally exasperated by the Navy’s lack of responsiveness.

“The response we’ve gotten from the Navy is basically no communication,” she said. “We’ve sent them hundreds if not thousands of emails, faxes and letters, and we’ve had total nonresponse. It’s been frustrating beyond comprehension. The message we are given by this is that citizens don’t matter to the Navy, or the politicians.”

Truthout asked Welding what the Navy was doing to address the noise issue.

“While our mission continues, we work with our local communities to modify flight operations to minimize our impact when possible,” Welding said. “We meet often with elected officials, school representatives, and community organizations and groups. When schools notify us about their testing schedules, we adjust our flights if weather conditions allow. During weekends, we minimize flights at OLF Coupeville to limit disturbance. Additionally, in an attempt to make the public more aware of our planned operations, we publish flight schedules for OLF Coupeville on our Facebook page and in the Whidbey News Times a week in advance. We also send this flight schedule to other area media outlets, which may or may not choose to publish the information.”

Attwood and Pickard acknowledged the Navy is publicizing its flight schedules, but said that this does nothing to alleviate the extreme noise pollution and the health impacts it is causing in their communities.

Dr. Dahlgren explained that he had sent the Navy scientific studies addressing the noise issue but had also never received a response.

“You’re in a whole new ball game of absurdity when they try to say that this [jet noise] is not going to hurt anyone,” he said, about a Navy claim that the jet noise is harmless to communities surrounding the airstrips. “They’ve not even bothered to look at the literature I’ve sent them. It’s as if they don’t want to be burdened by the facts.”

Dahlgren concluded that the only reasonable solution for the Navy would be to fly their warplanes in areas not populated by humans and animals.

“Bottom line is they need to build an airstrip somewhere else outside of any population areas,” he said. “They are just using their bullying tactic to get their way, that’s my impression.”

A Social Justice Issue

According to David Mann, an attorney for COER, Navy aircraft using one of the flight paths on Whidbey Island arrive “directly over, and at well under 1,000 feet, over more than 1,000 homes, including the Admirals Cove neighborhood.”

“The Navy can’t come back and say they are not exposing people to over 80 decibels,” Bowman told Truthout. “They are, and those people are not required to wear hearing protection.”

Bowman feels that this level of noise pollution, the deleterious health impacts, and the Navy’s bellicose response to requests to change the situation are “a social justice issue.”

“Because you don’t see the Bill Gates and the Rockefellers living across the street from the airport or OLF Coupeville,” she said. “There are other issues besides noise, and there is jet fuel, dust and other harmful particulates as well. All of it makes for a huge human health issue.”

The US EPA defines noise as an “unwanted or disturbing sound.” Sound becomes “unwanted” when it interferes with normal life activities such as sleeping and communicating, as well as when it disrupts or diminishes one’s quality of life.

The EPA sets community noise standards at 70-dBA. Washington state has stricter standards and lists the maximum allowable noise in a residential setting at 55dBA, with the limit going down to 45dBA between 10 pm and 7 am.

Nevertheless, the military uses “national security” as the primary excuse for remaining exempt from the laws and regulations that apply to everyone else.

“The military can usurp these [regulations], and they are torturing the citizens that they have been hired to protect,” Bowman said. “Noise is becoming an ever-increasing issue. I see noise at these levels as toxic.”

When the US used to conduct above-ground nuclear testing in Nevada, people living downwind from the tests became irradiated by the fallout and developed dramatically increased rates of cancer. (They were referred to as “downwinders.”) Maryon Attwood pointed out that years of concerted organizing and resistance on a community level eventually succeeded in stopping the above-ground nuclear tests in the US.

“The DOD no longer tests nuclear bombs above ground because we know the harm it causes, even though we can’t see it,” Attwood said. “This has similarities with our situation. We know that the noise levels of the military supersonic jets cause harm to people. Yet they keep doing it, and we are damaged as a result of their training by something that can’t be seen but harms us in our own homes. We’re not downwinders, we’re underneathers. The precedent of causing harm to civilians by the nuclear testing was stopped when the harm was acknowledged.”

Bowman believes that people should not be afraid to stand up and advocate for their health and use their civil rights to address this issue.

“This is an opportunity where we can say we know you do this to protect us, but over the years it’s gotten worse and needs to be changed,” she said. “People must stand up and question this and demand change.”

Pickard said that COER has filed for an injunction to stop the flying at the OLF field, pending a health impact study and a completed Environmental Impact Study on these issues.

“We are just working to prevent irreparable injury to civilians living in their fly zones,” he said. “But the Navy hasn’t done any studies on the health impacts.”

Copyright, Truthout. Reprinted with permission.

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Both the MH17 and the MH370 crashes are currently in the news. While MH17 is the object of the UN Security Council Resolution, US officials confirm that debris of MH370 have been found in the French island of La Reunion in the Indian Ocean.

This incisive July 2014 article by Criminology Professor Jason Kissner of California State University analyzes the relationship between the two Malaysian airline crashes.  

*       *      *

Four months after the vanishing of Malaysia Airlines flight 370, Malaysian Airlines flight 17 was allegedly brought down by a surface-to-air missile.

Western Mainstream Media (MSM) hastened–on the basis of very thin evidence joined with the refusal to even mention other evidence–to attribute blame to the “appropriate” party, which in the case of flight 17 happens to be Vladimir Putin.

 Careful observers of the mainstream media processes are well aware that this sort of thing is what we are to expect, and undoubtedly helps explain the very low level of trust people place in MSM institutions.

 Here, of course with the leave of figures such as Anderson Cooper and Barack Obama, we are going to do some of our own thinking about, and analysis of, certain key pieces of evidence.  In so doing, we should not be surprised if we arrive at conclusions different from that which our Ruling Class masters would have us believe.

 First, let’s present the currently prevailing theory as to what happened.  K.T. McFarland, national security analyst at Fox, presents “three possible scenarios” pertaining to the attribution of responsibility.

Of the three “possible” scenarios McFarland presents (and one wonders exactly what scenarios are supposed to be impossible), McFarland (and many others) appears to favor the prospect that pro-Russian rebel separatists are responsible.  The theory is that motive and opportunity coincide in that group better than they do with respect to other potential malfeasants.

 Maybe the separatists are responsible.  But the case is hardly closed, and plenty of evidence that people such as McFarland choose to ignore should be considered as objectively as possible.

First, similar to Malaysia Airlines flight 370, there is evidence that contact with Malaysia Airlines flight 17 was lost in advance of the wayward event. Next, and once more like flight 370, we have evidence that the pilot of Flight 17 actually diverted–purportedly on the basis of a vague sense of being “uncomfortable”–the craft into the dangerous warzone region where it was shot down.

Next, reflect that, on the same day, 55 planes flew over Donetsk just as flight 17 did and that these flight patterns have been in place for some time.

The Normal MH17 Flight Path vs. the Warzone flight path over Donesk Oblast on July 17th


And here is evidence reported by Zero Hedge that may be very important:

 “While there are various questions that have already emerged from what was supposed to be Ukraine’s “slam dunk” proof confirming Russian rebel involvement in today’s MH-17 tragedy, perhaps one just as gaping question emerges when one looks at what is clearly an outlier flight path in today’s final, and tragic, departure of the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777.

 Perhaps the best visualization of what the issue is, comes from Vagelis Karmiros who has collated all the recent MH-17 flight paths as tracked by Flightaware and shows that while all ten most recent paths pass safely well south of the Donetsk region, and cross the zone above the Sea of Azov, it was only today’s tragic flight that passed straight overhead Donetsk.”

 The Karmiros evidence could of course be wrong, but can we prove that it is wrong now, and can we be 100% confident that what the MSM tells us is true?

 And, if it’s wrong, why hasn’t the Karmiros evidence been refuted?  The answer to that is that it’s probably because it hasn’t received any discussion.  Why not?

 Next, here are a few other curious tidbits.  The flight 17 crash shares an anniversary with the demise of TWA 800, which AT’s own Jack Cashill has compellingly argued was, in fact, brought down by a missile on July 17, 1996 and subsequently covered up by the US government.  And, the maiden flight of flight 17 occurred in 1997 on the date of, you guessed it, July 17.

[Moreover Russia’s last ruling monarch of the Romanov family Tsar Nicholas II, together with his wife Tsarina Alexandra and their five children Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and Alexei were executed on 17 July 1918. Subliminal message to Putin? No doubt it’s another “coincidence”]

 So “17s” are everywhere.  To be sure, though, each of the items in the last paragraph is easily ranged under the heading “coincidence.”

But before we do that, there is one more piece of evidence to consider.  Upon having done so, we will synthesize all of the evidence by thinking in terms of probabilities.

 There is evidence at YouTube that seems to indicate that CNN recently used footage of a helicopter downing in Syria and represented it as depicting the downing of a helicopter, by pro-Russian forces, in the Ukraine (go to 2:39 for a photo comparison).

Now to the probabilistic summary.

Reasoning with probabilities is notoriously tricky, so we have to proceed carefully.  Fortunately, a simple coin flip analogy can be employed.  If you flip a fair 50/50 coin twice, four possible sequences can occur, and each has an equal likelihood of occurring {HH, HT, TH, TT}.  The equal likelihood of the possible sequences flows from the standard supposition that the coin flips are independent of one another, which is simply to say that an H on flip 1 says nothing about whether flip 2 will produce an H or a T.

The analogy with MH 17 is as follows.  If five months ago (before the vanishing of MH 370) you had contemplated the likelihood that the next two major airline disasters to receive massive global coverage would each involve Malaysia Airlines, you would have been justified in concluding that the likelihood was very low indeed.  By analogy, it would be like specifying only an {H, H} sequence as the outcome ahead of time (a {T, T} sequence would represent the same airline as having been involved, but not Malaysia Airlines).

 Now what the Western mainstream media are implicitly arguing is that MH 370 and MH 17 have no real link and are only connected with massive airline disasters in recent months by chance; they’re saying that it could just as well have been any two flights so linked (by analogy, {H, H} or {H, T} or {T, H} or {T, T}).  If this argument is valid, nothing at all should be made at all of the fact that Malaysia Airlines was involved in both instances, since all possible sequences are accounted for and no sequence is much more likely than any other.

And yet, the evidence presented in this article suggests that MH 370 and MH 17 are linked in ways that might not be due to chance.  Both MH 370 and MH 17 appear to have lost communicative contact, and both appear to have veered off course on very unusual routes.  How many aircraft of other airlines have done so in recent months, never mind how many of the 55 aircraft over Donetsk did so on July 17?  How many aircraft other than MH 17 had their inaugural voyage on the date of July 17?

These considerations suggest that, in fact, in the cases of MH 370 and MH 17 we might not be dealing with a “fair coin.”

In turn, the following very reasonable question presents itself: was Malaysia Airlines in particular targeted on July 17, and, if so, what ragtag rebel would have even been in a position to do that (especially given the route alteration, if true), and, if so, how did they accomplish it?

 One suspects that the MSM will completely ignore these considerations and will likely coalesce, for several reasons, around an account that blames the episode on an accidental discharge that Putin can nonetheless be blamed for given the hostilities in the region.

However that may be, one thing is almost certainly true: the likelihood that Western MSM would in any way, shape, or form discuss evidence implicating U.S. aligned interests in the demise of MH 17 is virtually nil, no matter how compelling such evidence might be.

Dr. Jason Kissner is Associate Professor of Criminology at California State University. Dr. Kissner’s research on gangs and self-control has appeared in academic journals.  His current empirical research interests include active shootings.   You can reach him at [email protected].

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A current Centers for Disease Control (CDC) senior scientist has made an unprecedented admission: he and his colleagues–he says– committed scientific misconduct to cover up a meaningful link between vaccines and autism in black boys.

Just as startling, the CDC scientist, Dr. William Thompson, says the study co-authors “scheduled a meeting to destroy documents related to the study. The remaining four co-authors all met and brought a big garbage can into the meeting room, and reviewed and went through all the hardcopy documents that we had thought we should discard, and put them into a huge garbage can.”

The…co-authors…brought a big garbage can into the meeting room… [and put the documents]…into a huge garbage can. –CDC Senior Scientist Dr. William Thompson

Despite this whistleblower testimony, which Dr. Thompson provided to Rep. Bill Posey, R-Florida, there is little chance of a meaningful hearing or investigation.

Rep. Bill Posey, R-Florida

In an untainted news environment, the allegations would make headlines in most legitimate publications and would trigger federal inquiries. However, the interests of the powerful pharmaceutical industry reach deeply into Congress and the news media through lobbyists, propaganda and advertising dollars.

The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. –CDC Senior Scientist Dr. William Thompson

That’s why Congressman Posey resorted to simply reading some of Dr. Thompson’s statement today on the House floor…including the part in which Dr. Thompson says he retained the evidence that had been thrown in the garbage can, in the unlikely event that a neutral investigative or scientific body would like to see it today.

“[B]ecause I assumed it was illegal and would violate both FOIA [Freedom of Information Act] and DOJ [Department of Justice] requests, I kept hardcopies of all documents in my office, and I retain all associated computer files,” Posey quotes Dr. Thompson as reporting.

The CDC and Thompson’s co-author Dr. Frank DeStefano, CDC Director of Immunization Safety, have defended the controversial study as originally published. Dr. DeStefano explains why here in detail.

One final note: Rep. Posey unequivocally states that he is pro-vaccine. However, the propaganda campaign typically falsely portrays anyone who addresses vaccine safety issues as “anti-vaccine.”

Listen to Rep. Posey’s statement here at 1:02:24

CDC responds to allegations it omitted vaccine-autism study link AUDIO

CDC: Possibility that vaccines rarely trigger autism

Rep. Posey’s entire statement about Dr. Thompson:

“I rise today on matters of scientific integrity and research. To begin with, I am absolutely, resolutely, pro-vaccine. Advancements in medical immunization have saved countless and greatly benefitted public health. That being said, it’s troubling to me that in a recent Senate hearing on childhood vaccinations, it was never mentioned that our government has paid out over $3 billion through a vaccine injury compensation program for children who have been injured by vaccinations.

“Regardless of the subject matter, parents making decisions about their children’s health deserve to have the best information available to them. They should be able to count on federal agencies to tell them the truth. For these reasons, I bring the following matter to the House floor.

“In August 2014, Dr. William Thompson, a senior scientist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, worked with a whistleblower attorney to provide my office with documents related to a 2004 CDC study that examined the possibility of a relationship between [the] mumps, measles, rubella vaccine and autism. In a statement released in August, 2014, Dr. Thompson stated, ‘I regret that my co-authors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics.’

“Mr. Speaker, I respectfully request the following excepts from the statement written by Dr. Thompson be entered into the record.

“Now quoting Dr. Thompson.

“‘My primary job duties while working in the immunization safety branch from 2000 to 2006, were to later co-lead three major vaccine safety studies. The MADDSP, MMR autism cases control study was being carried out in response to the Wakefield-Lancet study that suggested an association between the MMR vaccine and an autism-like health outcome. There were several major concerns among scientists and consumer advocates outside the CDC in the fall of 2000, regarding the execution of the Verstraeten Study. One of the important goals that was determined up front, in the spring of 2001, before any of these studies started, was to have all three protocols vetted outside the CDC prior to the start of the analyses so consumer advocates could not claim that we were presenting analyses that suited our own goals and biases. We hypothesized that if we found statistically significant effects at either 18 or 36 month thresholds, we would conclude that vaccinating children early with MMR vaccine could lead to autism-like characteristics or features. We all met and finalized the study protocol and analysis plan. The goal was to not deviate from the analysis plan to avoid the debacle that occurred with the Verstraeten thimerosal study published in Pediatrics in 2003.

‘At the Sept 5th meeting we discussed in detail how to code race for both the sample and the birth certificate sample. At the bottom of table 7, it also shows that for the non-birth certificate sample, the adjusted race effect statistical significance was huge.

‘All the authors and I met and decided sometime between August and September 2002, not to report any race effects from the paper. Sometime soon after the meeting, we decided to exclude reporting any race effects. The co-authors scheduled a meeting to destroy documents related to the study. The remaining four co-authors all met and brought a big garbage can into the meeting room, and reviewed and went through all the hardcopy documents that we had thought we should discard, and put them into a huge garbage can. However, because I assumed it was illegal and would violate both FOIA and DOJ requests, I kept hardcopies of all documents in my office, and I retain all associated computer files. I believe we intentionally withheld controversial findings from the final draft of the Pediatrics paper.’

“Mr. Speaker, I believe it is our duty to insure that the documents that Dr. Thompson are not ignored. Therefore I will provide them to members of Congress and the House Committees upon request. Considering the nature of the whistleblower’s documents as well as the involvement of the CDC, a hearing and a thorough investigation is warranted.

“So I ask, Mr. Speaker, I beg, I implore my colleagues on the appropriations committees to please, please take such action.”

Read CDC Vaccine Safety Info here

Read other vaccine news reports here

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Empeñado en impulsar el crecimiento de la economía mexicana a través del mismo plan aplicado desde hace más de 3 décadas, el Gobierno de Enrique Peña Nieto decidió apostar por la privatización del petróleo.

En diciembre de 2013, con el apoyo mayoritario de los legisladores del Partido Acción Nacional (PAN) y el Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD), el partido en el Gobierno, el Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), sacó adelante los cambios a la Constitución (artículos 25, 27 y 28) para de esta manera, permitir la participación de empresas privadasen la industria petrolera.

De acuerdo con el diagnóstico de los economistas de la ortodoxia, para incrementar la productividad laboral, generar empleos de calidad, impulsar la modernización tecnológica e incrementar la competitividad del sector, únicamente bastaba con llevar a Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) y sus actividades a un punto de venta, es decir, eliminar las barreras legales que mantuvieron el monopolio del Estado sobre los hidrocarburos desde 1938.

Según las estimaciones del Gobierno mexicano, el proceso de apertura detonaría un enorme cúmulo de inversiones venidas desde el exterior que apuntalarían, finalmente, el desarrollo económico gracias a la solidez institucional y la estabilidad macroeconómica del país.

Sin embargo, el último año puso de manifiesto que México no tiene instituciones sólidas ni estabilidad macroeconómica. Por un lado, es evidente que el narcotráfico se salió de control, más todavía después de que Joaquín Guzmán Loera (conocido como “El Chapo Guzmán”, el líder del Cártel de Sinaloa) logró escapar del penal del Altiplano. La inseguridad aumenta y el crimen organizado no encuentra obstáculos a su paso, consecuencia tanto de la corrupción como de los pactos de impunidad que se han extendido en todos los niveles del Gobierno.

Por otro lado, la economía se encuentra en el borde del abismo. Según la actualización más reciente del Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI), en 2015 la economía mexicana registrará un débil crecimiento de 2.4%. Aunque el Banco de México tiene por objetivo proteger la estabilidad del tipo de cambio, el peso mexicano se ha depreciado severamente ante la divisa estadounidense. El tipo de cambio se encuentra en la actualidad en 16.40 pesos por dólar, mientras que a principios de año se mantuvo entre 14 y 15. Las reservas internacionales del Banco de México se desvanecen a medida que el Sistema de la Reserva Federal (Fed) parece dispuesto a incrementar la tasa de interés de referencia(‘federal funds rate’) el próximo mes de septiembre.

En ese sentido, no existía ninguna señal que revelara fortaleza en el aparato del Estado y la economía como para prever que la primera etapa de licitaciones de la Ronda Uno sería exitosa. Las inversiones masivas en el sector petrolero brillaron por su ausencia.

Aunque a principios de año la Comisión Nacional de Hidrocarburos (CNH) tenía puestas sus esperanzas en que gigantes de la energía como ExxonMobil, Chevron, British Petroleum y Shell acudirían a presentar numerosas propuestas de inversión, ninguna de ellas hizo valer su poder económico el miércoles 15 de julio.

De un total de 14 bloques petroleros subastados (localizados en las provincias de Cuenca Salinas y Macuspana, en el sureste de México), sólo 2 se lograron asignar. El titular de la Secretaría de Energía (Sener), Pedro Joaquín Coldwell, contempló que la subasta obtendría un porcentaje de éxito de entre 30 y 50%, sin embargo apenas registró un débil 14%.

La empresa Sierra Oil & Gas se hizo de los bloques 2 y 7 de aguas someras, mismos que tienen un potencial de 605 millones de barriles. Las inversiones requeridas para los próximos 5 años se calculan en torno a los 2,500 millones de dólares.

Contrariamente a lo que se divulga en la prensa de circulación nacional, la empresa Sierra Oil & Gas no es de propiedad mexicana. A cargo del venezolano Iván Sandrea (exejecutivo de British Petroleum y exasesor de Citigroup y Merrill Lynch), Sierra Oil & Gas no tiene experiencia en la actividad petrolera, por eso no participó en solitario en la Ronda Uno, sino en consorcio con la estadounidense Talos Energy y la británica Premier Oil (las 3 empresas cuentan con 1,000 millones de dólares para desarrollar proyectos de exploración y producción petrolera).

Los fondos de inversión de Nueva York son los principales proveedores de financiamiento de Sierra Oil & Gas. El año pasado, 3 fondos de inversión de capital estadounidense y uno mexicano invirtieron alrededor de 530 millones de dólares en la compañía.

Se trata de EnCap Investments, Riverstone Holdings, Riverstone Energy e Infraestructura Institucional, esta última era la única empresa mexicana involucrada hasta que el fondo de inversión más grande del mundo, BlackRock (gestiona una cartera de activos que supera los 4.5 billones de dólares), se animó a comprarla. Riverstone por su parte, está asociada con el Grupo Carlyle, presuntamente propiedad de la familia del expresidente George W. Bush.

Las operaciones de Riverstone y el Grupo Carlyle distan mucho de ser limpias y transparentes. En Estados Unidos ambas empresas han sido objeto de numerosas acusaciones en los últimos años por realizar sobornos y pagos fraudulentos utilizando el dinero de los pensionados de Nueva York.

Si bien en la primera etapa de licitaciones las empresas globales de la energía no concesionaron ninguno de los bloques petroleros, eso no implica que el petróleo del Golfo de México carezca de importancia. Los meses que vienen los bloques de aguas profundas se van a añadir a las subastas, aquéllos que presumiblemente poseen una de las mayores reservas petroleras del mundo.

Toda vez que el precio de la mezcla mexicana de petróleo se mantiene en niveles mínimos, aproximadamente en 50 dólares por barril, las empresas estadounidenses esperan el momento indicado para que el Gobierno mexicano se vea obligado a disminuir sus exigencias en las subastas. Salieron de los rascacielos de Nueva York, ahora sobrevuelan ya el Golfo de México, los zopilotes de Wall Street están listos para capturar a su presa, el petróleo…

Ariel Noyola Rodríguez

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El pacto militar entre Grecia e Israel

July 30th, 2015 by Manlio Dinucci

Cuando Tsipras accedió al poder en Grecia en Israel sonaron voces de alarma: Syriza que apoyaba la causa palestina pedía poner fin a la cooperación militar de Grecia con Israel. Ante la brutal represión israelí contra los palestinos, advertía Tsipras “no podemos permanecer pasivos, porque lo que hoy sucede en la otra ribera del Mediterráneo puede suceder mañana en nuestras costas”. Siete meses después se acallaron las alarmas: Panos Kammenos, ministro de defensa del Gobierno de Tsipras, realizó una visita oficial a Tel Aviv y firmó junto al ministro israelí de defensa, Moshe Ya’alon, un importante acuerdo militar. Con esta decisión Kammenos, fundador del nuevo partido de derecha Anel, eligió el preciso momento en que Grecia se hallaba atenazada por el problema de la deuda. El “acuerdo sobre el status de las fuerzas”, comunica el ministerio de Defensa griego, establece el marco jurídico que permite “al personal militar de cada uno de los dos países trasladarse y residir en el otro con el objeto de participar en ejercicios y actividades cooperativas”.

Israel solo ha firmado un acuerdo similar con Estados Unidos. En la agenda de las conversaciones también se incluye lo referente a la “cooperación en el sector industrial militar” y la “seguridad marítima”, en especial los yacimientos de gas “off shore” que Israel, Grecia y Chipre consideran de su propiedad como “zona económica exclusiva”, rechazando las reivindicaciones de Turquía.

En la mesa de negociaciones también se incluyeron “los temas relativos a la seguridad en Medio Oriente y en el norte de África” haciéndose eco de Ya’alon que denuncia a Irán como “generador de terrorismo, cuya ambición hegemónica mina la estabilidad de los demás estados”. Kammenos ha declarado que “también Grecia se halla al alcance de los misiles iraníes, aunque solo uno llegara hasta el Mediterráneo podría acabar con los estados de la región”. Decidió por lo tanto contactar con el mando de las fuerzas armadas israelíes con el objeto de establecer una coordinación más estrecha con las griegas. Al mismo tiempo el jefe de la marina militar helena, el vicealmirante Evangelos Apostolakis, firmó también con su contraparte israelí un acuerdo de cooperación no demasiado explícito sobre “servicios hidrográficos” .

El pacto militar con Israel, en nombre del gobierno de Tsipras, no es solo un éxito personal de Kammenos. Forma parte de la estrategia de EE.UU./OTAN, que en su ofensiva hacia el este y hacia el sur, busca integrar más estrechamente a Grecia no solo en la Alianza, sino también en la más amplia coalición de países que integran Israel, Arabia Saudí, Ucrania y otros.

El secretario general Stotenberg declaró que el “paquete de rescate” de la UE para Grecia es “importante para toda la OTAN” ya que Grecia es un “sólido aliado que invierte más del 2% en defensa” (similar a los niveles alcanzados en Europa solo por Gran Bretaña y Estonia). Para la OTAN es especialmente importante la base aeronaval de la bahía de Suda en Creta, permanentemente usada durante los últimos años por EE.UU. y otros aliados, durante la guerra con Libia y las operaciones militares en Siria. Utilizables ahora gracias al pacto con Grecia y con Israel sobre todo en la función anti-Irán.

En este marco estratégico se profundizan los contrastes entre Grecia e Israel por una parte y por la otra Turquía. En Turquía, la OTAN mantiene otras 20 bases y el comando de las fuerzas terrestres que en nombre de la “lucha contra el Estado Islámico” bombardea a los kurdos del PKK (los verdaderos combatientes anti-EI) y junto a EE.UU. y a los “rebeldes” se prepara a ocupar la franja septentrional del territorio sirio. Escudándose en el artículo 4° del Pacto Atlántico, en lo referente a ser una amenaza para la propia seguridad y la integridad territorial.

Manlio Dinucci

Fuente:  http://ilmanifesto.info/il-patto-militare-grecia-israele/

Traducido del Italiano para Rebelión por Susana Merino



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Embajadas en La Habana y en Washington el 20 de julio


El restablecimiento de las relaciones diplomáticas entre Cuba y los Estados Unidos y la apertura de embajadas en La Habana y en Washington, D.C., constituye una victoria para Cuba. Previo a la publicación de la noticia el 17 de diciembre de 2014, durante 18 meses los dos países llevaron a cabo negociaciones secretas. El 1 de julio de 2015 se selló el acuerdo con el anuncio formal de la fecha de apertura de las embajadas, el 20 de julio, en las capitales de los respectivos países. Es importante resaltar que en el transcurso del proceso que ha durado dos años, Cuba ha permanecido fiel a sus principios. Los dos ejemplos más importantes de la adhesión a sus preceptos pertenecen a las cuestiones controvertidas relativas a la democracia y a los derechos humanos y a Venezuela.

En primera instancia, en cuanto a democracia y a derechos humanos se refiere, los dos vecinos convinieron en abordar el tema. Cuba lleva tiempo manifestando su deseo de entablar dicha plática siempre y cuando se abra el debate sobre la democracia y los derechos humanos en los Estados Unidos y a condición de que se le reconozca a Cuba el derecho de debatir con los Estados Unidos en calidad de país soberano e independiente, sobre la base del respeto mutuo y la igualdad. Por lo tanto, Cuba fue quien solicitara esta parte del acuerdo con miras a superar el prolongado estancamiento que dura ya más de cinco décadas, desde que los Estados Unidos rompiera las relaciones diplomáticas con Cuba. De hecho, las dos partes abordaron las cuestiones de democracia y derechos humanos durante una sesión de debate que tuvo lugar entre el 17 de diciembre de 2014 y el 1 de julio de 2015. Cuba no abandonó ninguno de sus principios y continúa en su avance para producir cambios conforme sus propios criterios y necesidades específicas.

El segundo problema que puede presentarse a Cuba acerca de la afirmación de sus principios corresponde a uno de los temas más controvertidos en América Latina y la región del Caribe: la Revolución Bolivariana en Venezuela y la legitimidad del presidente Nicolás Maduro. Coincidencia o no, durante la fase álgida de las negociaciones entre el 17 de diciembre de 2014 y el 1 de julio de 2015 entre Cuba y los Estados Unidos, este último tomó medidas provocadoras y desestabilizadoras que hubieran acabado por perturbar a Venezuela y eventualmente derrocar al Gobierno de Maduro mediante un “golpe de Estado en cámara lenta”. No obstante, Cuba continuó apoyando al Gobierno de Venezuela y a oponerse a toda tentativa por parte de los Estados Unidos para alentar un cambio de régimen. Cuba no abandonó su principio de solidaridad internacionalista, que ha llegado a convertirse en una de sus características, solo para congraciarse con los Estados Unidos mientras despliega esfuerzos para crear relaciones diplomáticas.

Además de los dos ejemplos anteriores de la adhesión a sus principios, el de la democracia y el de Venezuela, no podemos ignorar el hecho de que los tres últimos prisioneros de las Cinco de Cuba volvieron a Cuba el pasado 17 de diciembre, tras un encarcelamiento que duró 16 años. No hay manera alguna en que Cuba hubiese dado el primer paso hacia el restablecimiento de las relaciones diplomáticas sin que volvieran a la Isla estos tres prisioneros.

El día el 20 de julio significa reanudación de relaciones diplomáticas y apertura de embajadas, pero nada más. Esto representa la primera fase que puede conducir al largo itinerario de la normalización de las relaciones. Quedan por resolver muchos temas dentro del marco de la normalización, tales como el levantamiento del bloqueo impuesto por los Estados Unidos, la devolución a Cuba de la Bahía de Guantánamo, el cese a la legislación discriminatoria sobre la inmigración, el fin de la subversión interna estadounidense y demás iniciativas de desestabilización en Cuba en nombre de la democracia y de los derechos humanos.

Me gustaría abordar una de estas disputas: la relación existente entre la promoción de la democracia por parte de los Estados Unidos y el bloqueo. Entre otros textos legislativos, los dos bloques sancionados en el Congreso estadounidense que enarbolan los conceptos que forman la trama del bloqueo figuran la Ley Torricelli de 1992 y la Ley Helms-Burton de 1996. La primera de estas leyes, originalmente conocida como Ley de la Democracia Cubana, establece la “Asistencia prestada para apoyar la democracia en Cuba. El gobierno de los Estados Unidos podrá prestar ayuda, por medio de organizaciones no gubernamentales competentes, para ayudar a personas y organizaciones a promover el cambio pacífico hacia la democracia en Cuba.” (En inglés). El segundo marco jurídico en vigor es la ley de 1996, intitulada Ley para la Libertad y la Solidaridad Democrática Cubanas, conocida por su título resumido como Ley Libertad de 1996. En su sección 109, intitulada Autorización del apoyo a los grupos democráticos y de derechos humanos, así como a los observadores internacionales, esta ley establece que:

se autoriza al Presidente a prestar asistencia y otros tipos de apoyo a

personas y organizaciones no gubernamentales independientes en favor de los esfuerzos de democratización de Cuba, incluidos los siguientes:

1) Materiales publicados y de carácter informativo, como libros, vídeos y cassettes, sobre

transiciones a la democracia, derechos humanos y economías de mercado, para que se

hagan llegar a los grupos democráticos independientes de Cuba.

2) Asistencia humanitaria a las víctimas de la represión política y sus familiares.

3) Apoyo a los grupos democráticos y de derechos humanos de Cuba. (En inglés).

Con fundamento en lo dispuesto en esta ley, en junio de 2015, un comité del Congreso estadounidense aprobó el proyecto de Ley de Apropiaciones de Operaciones Extranjeras para el año fiscal 2016 que permitirá inyectar fondos, entre otras organizaciones, a la Fundación Nacional para la Democracia (NED). Con arreglo a Cuba, “la recomendación del Comité incluye 30 millones de dólares para los programas de promoción de la democracia y el fortalecimiento de la sociedad civil (cantidad que excede lo asignado para estos fines el año anterior), de los cuales no menos de ocho millones se destinarán a la NED”. Los fondos restantes serán administrados por otras organizaciones tales como la USAID. Se indica claramente que el financiamiento forma parte de las leyes sobre el bloqueo económico al que los Estados Unidos tiene sometida a Cuba. “El Comité exige que los fondos sean utilizados exclusivamente para los programas y actividades […] vinculados con la Ley para la Libertad y la Solidaridad Democrática Cubanas(Ley Libertad de 1996 […] y la Ley de la Democracia Cubana de 1992 y especifica que no deberán ser empleados para fines de promoción comercial, reformas económicas, iniciativas empresariales y demás actividades que no sean las de democratización. (En inglés).

El presupuesto relativo a la Justificación de Gastos por Operaciones Extranjeras, Anexo 3 correspondiente al ejercicio fiscal 2016, presentado por el Congreso de los Estados Unidos, toma en cuenta el objetivo concreto de la promoción de la democracia en Cuba a partir del 17 de diciembre de 2014. En dicha fecha, “El Presidente declaró durante su discurso sobre política exterior que la promoción de los principios democráticos y de los derechos humanos continua siendo la meta principal de la ayuda a Cuba por parte del Gobierno […] El Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América continuará prestando ayuda a Cuba para apoyar a la sociedad civil y consolidar los derechos humanos en el seno del pueblo cubano […] Continuamos apoyando la democratización y los derechos humanos en países donde existen condiciones difíciles, incluidos Cuba y Venezuela.” (En inglés).

El único punto que es primordial considerar respecto de la democracia en Cuba es que el enfoque a seguir solo concierne al pueblo y al Gobierno cubano. Es derecho soberano de Cuba como nación independiente elegir el camino que desea seguir. Ningún otro país puede dictar el tipo de democracia que debiera existir en Cuba.

Por su parte, los Estados Unidos tiene su propia marca de democracia y Cuba no posee un programa para socavar y subvertir el statu quo estadounidense, aun cuando la opinión cubana sobre el sistema económico y político del país vecino se ha dado a conocer pública y claramente. El hecho de que Cuba sea un pequeño país tercermundista no le da derecho a ningún país primermundista de imponer su sistema. En definitiva, este es el nudo gordiano de la promoción de la democracia estadounidense. Una lectura detenida de las leyes antes citadas pone de manifiesto la declaración abierta por parte de los Estados Unidos de que su estilo de elecciones multipartitas y el libre mercado (capitalismo) son las metas de la promoción de la democracia en Cuba.

En lo tocante a democracia, Cuba posee su propia historia y tradición. Irónicamente, la influencia negativa de la democracia estilo estadounidense es parte de este legado. En la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, en el transcurso de sus guerras libradas contra España para defender su independencia, Cuba se ve confrontada con dificultades de prioridades sociopolíticas y de organización. En las zonas liberadas del dominio Español, esto hace que los patriotas cubanos experimenten con la organización de sus propias asambleas constituyentes y constituciones, consagradas en lo que hoy llamamos derechos humanos. No obstante, esta orientación y la evolución de una gama de valores conformes a la visión cubana fueron interrumpidos en un contexto donde los Estados Unidos interviene en la guerra contra España, obviando a esta para colocarse en calidad colonizador. Entre 1901 y 1958, época de la dominación estadounidense, los invasores redujeron los beneficios positivos aun cuando fueren incipientes de la democracia y de los derechos humanos. Durante la mayor parte del siglo XX, los cubanos sufrieron bajo un régimen político y socioeconómico que se parecía, en términos muy generales, a la democracia y la economía de mercado estadounidense. La transición a la democracia cubana se volvió a poner en marcha con el triunfo de la Revolución Cubana el 1 de enero de 1959. Hasta hoy esta Revolución ha conocido cambios y continúa produciendo muchos más.

La democracia cubana y la democracia estadounidense corresponden a dos sistemas políticos muy diferentes. Cada uno implanta sus propios valores y tradiciones. No son comparables, ya que obedecen a dos categorías distintas.

La pregunta de si Cuba ha realizado cambios en su sistema político es válida. Efectivamente, sí los ha llevado a cabo, pero no en el sentido que ambicionaría la política oficial de los Estados Unidos. Por ejemplo, de 1959 al período 1974-1976, Cuba ejerció el poder político sin tener elecciones ni nueva constitución: sin embargo, durante ese período la participación popular en el proceso político cubano estaba en pleno apogeo, —época que hoy día muchos cubanos consideran con nostalgia. Ente 1974 y 1976 los cubanos participaron en la redacción de una constitución y votaron sobre esta en un referendo, así como celebraron elecciones. El 1992, se realizaron modificaciones en los sistemas político y electoral. En la actualidad se habla de una nueva ley electoral y de otros cambios políticos. Estas nuevas iniciativas responden a las necesidades y al análisis de Cuba y no al de los Estados Unidos. Dicho sea en otras palabras, a pesar de sus puntos débiles, Cuba es una democracia en movimiento.

¿Y que se puede decir de los Estados Unidos? ¿Su sistema político opera cambios? Sí, pero solo en el contexto de su propio sistema político y dentro de los cotos y límites impuestos por estos. Por ejemplo, ha habido cambios en torno al financiamiento de los partidos políticos, los cuales no niegan en lo más mínimo la característica principal del partidismo político y del financiamiento de partidos que reposa en la riqueza y los privilegios. También se ha llevado a cabo enmiendas en el derecho al voto, pero no trascienden el contexto político y socioeconómico, el cual se basa en la discriminación racial y la desigualdad y se nutre de apatía.

Por lo tanto, cada una, la democracia cubana y la democracia estadounidense, tiene sus propias características. La promoción de la democracia estadounidense en Cuba continuará, mismo después del 20 de julio. ¿Quiere decir esto que el establecimiento de las relaciones diplomáticas y de las embajadas constituye aún una victoria para Cuba? Sí, en mi opinión. La situación ha cambiado radicalmente. Antes del 20 de julio, Cuba no contaba con un canal oficial conveniente con los Estados Unidos para manifestar su oposición a los programas antedichos. Ahora que han reanudado las relaciones diplomáticas con el establecimiento de embajadas en las capitales de ambos países, Cuba podrá poner sus cartas sobre la mesa con sus homólogos estadounidenses en La Habana y en Washington, y presentar su caso apoyándose en hechos y pruebas. ¿Querrá decir esto que el lado americano escuchará razones y tomará en cuenta la versión cubana de los hechos? No necesariamente.

La situación, no obstante, ha mejorado en otra forma. Desde el 17 de diciembre de 2014, Cuba ocupa el primer plano en la escena política internacional encabezada por el presidente Raúl Castro. Si bien hay muchas interpretaciones de este evento del 17 de diciembre, lo que resalta es que “Cuba ha tenido razón” a lo largo de más de cinco décadas. Su resistencia heroica frente al imperio ha dado sus frutos. Antes del 17 de diciembre de 2014, Cuba fue marginada en la política internacional (salvo en varias partes de América Latina, la región del Caribe y del hemisferio Sur). La voz de Cuba ahora se ha extendido no solo hacia los Estados Unidos y Europa sino al mundo enero. Ya no puede vérsele con desprecio.

El prestigio del presidente Obama también se incrementó con sus logros en ámbitos internacionales —Cuba incluida— y nacionales; sin embargo los presidentes de los Estados Unidos siempre ocupan el primer plano de la escena política. Por ejemplo, en 2008 estando en Berlín, Obama dio uno de sus primeros discursos de campaña electoral para consumo interior y exterior. Cuba no ha tenido el lujo de atraer automáticamente todas las miradas, si no es por algunos reportajes esporádicos y distorsionados sobre Fidel Castro en ámbitos internacionales. Es de esperarse que a medida en que surjan problemas, el mundo deberá tomar en cuenta lo que dice el Gobierno de Cuba respecto de los efectos subversivos y de desestabilizantes causados por los programas de promoción de la democracia de los Estados Unidos. Las relaciones Cuba-Estados Unidos tendrán en cuenta el consenso implícito en la opinión pública internacional.

En un mundo ideal, este debate abierto ante medios internacionales podría aumentar la presión sobre el presidente Obama y su sucesor para que, entre otras cosas, en el Congreso se levantara el bloqueo impuesto como parte de sus programas de promoción de la democracia. ¿Sería un adelanto el que se considerara eludir a un Congreso hostil mediante el uso de sus poderes ejecutivos de manera a desviar estos programas? Tales programas pueden desestabilizar a Cuba hasta un cierto punto, pero intentarlo solo serviría para socavar la posibilidad de tener relaciones diplomáticas armoniosas. De hecho, esto podría colocar a los Estados Unidos en una situación delicada, mientras que Cuba saldría indemne. ¿Esta percepción es ingenua? Hay una nueva realidad en los Estados Unidos. Cada vez Cuba recibe más visitantes de toda condición, con la inclusión de estudiantes, profesores, artistas y otras personas influyentes, tales como periodistas. Una vez que se familiaricen con Cuba, ¿cómo reaccionarían si es sabido que el Gobierno estadounidense está empleando fondos para desestabilizar a Cuba? Además, por muy extraño que parezca, es posible que los medios de negocios estadounidenses, cada vez más centrados en Cuba, prefieran mantener sus inversiones y hacer negocios en el marco de un sistema político estable liderado por el gobierno revolucionario, en vez de hacerlo en un contexto donde la sociedad está en pleno caos porque algunos individuos que cuentan con la asistencia de los programas de promoción de la democracia estadounidenses se oponen al status quo en movimiento y se lanzan en una batalla a capa y espada. Ante todo, es Cuba tal como existe en la actualidad la que ha estado atrayendo gente de negocios para que inviertan y tengan actividades comerciales con el país. De momento, parece ser que la industria del turismo lleva la delantera; está sacando provecho del deseo de la gente de Estados Unidos de visitar a la Cuba actual en un contexto de seguridad y tranquilidad, al tiempo que el país actualiza su sistema socioeconómico y atraviesa por los cambios inherentes. Esto es lo que los visitantes quieren ver, no a una Cuba que sea el reflejo caribeño de los Estados Unidos. Las cosas pueden cambiar en los Estados Unidos a lo largo de los muchos años que pueda tomar levantar el bloqueo contra Cuba y abandonar las actividades de promoción de la democracia en suelo cubano. ¿Quién hubiera pensado antes del 14 de diciembre de 2014 que este giro histórico hubiera sido posible?

Arnold August

Articulo en inglés :

USA Cuba

Democracy and the Restoration of Cuba-US Diplomatic Relations, 20 de Juilio de 2015

Arnold August, periodista y conferencista canadiense es el autor de Democracy in Cuba and the 1997–98 Elections y, más recientemente, Cuba and Its Neighbours: Democracy in Motion (y su traducción Cuba y sus vecinos: Democracia en movimiento, disponible en Cuba). Los vecinos de Cuba son los Estados Unidos, Venezuela, Bolivia y Ecuador. Siga a Arnold en Twitter @Arnold_August.

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Britain’s Conservative government and the media have responded with undisguised xenophobia to attempts by migrants at the French port of Calais to enter the UK via the Channel Tunnel.

The desperate efforts of migrants to enter Britain led to the death Tuesday night of a Sudanese man who was hit by a truck leaving a cross-channel ferry. A spokesman for Eurotunnel, which runs the Channel crossing, said Wednesday, “Our team found a corpse this morning and the firefighters have confirmed the death of this person.”

Two other Sudanese migrants, both in their 30s, were recovering in hospital after being struck by high-speed trains on Monday.

This tragedy was treated as a mere detail in lurid reports of between 1,500 and 2,000 migrants “storming” the terminal, as if they were laying siege to the tunnel—a perception reinforced by Eurotunnel having closed the gate “used in the event of a terrorist attack,” according to Sky News.

It emerged later that the headline figure referred to the total number of individual attempts made, not infrequently by the same people.

UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage called for the army to be brought in to help search vehicles coming into Britain for illegal immigrants. Kevin Hurley, the police and crime commissioner for Surrey, specified a preference that Gurkha soldiers be deployed. “The Gurkhas are a highly respected and competent force, and are just around the corner. They could help to ensure that our border is not breached,” he declared.

The Tories responded by announcing the convening of an emergency session of the Cobra committee on national security under Home Secretary Theresa May.

Prime Minister David Cameron was quoted repeatedly, speaking from Singapore, expressing his “sympathy” with British holidaymakers, before adding, “We are working very closely with the French” and “have invested money in the fencing around Calais, including fencing around the entrance to the tunnel.”

He was referring to an announcement earlier this month by Home Secretary May of an extra £7 million, on top of an already agreed £12 million, to step up security at the Channel Tunnel railhead in Coquelles, after a meeting with France’s Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve. This involves setting up 1.2 miles of fencing around each side of the platform at Coquelles, supplied from the security fencing used at the NATO summit in Wales last year.

Not to let slip an opportunity to pontificate, Cameron blamed “the cancer of corruption” and “low economic growth” in poorer countries for leading migrants to leave their home countries and travel to the UK.

Following the Cobra meeting, May adopted a Churchillian pose: “What we are looking at now is improving security at the railhead at Coquelles, so we can ensure people are not trying to come through the tunnel,” she said. This was being done in conjunction with France— “talking particularly on law and order and border security … Eurotunnel has a role to play here in the measures they themselves put in place to protect their trains.”

Asked if the military should be used, May said,

“The key thing is to make sure we have got the security right at Coquelles and ultimately actually the answer to this problem is to ensure we are reducing the number of migrants who are trying to come from Africa across into Europe.”

This involved, in particular “the work we are going to be doing with the French on returning people to West Africa,” she said.

Labour was determined not to be outdone by the Tories. Interim Labour leader Harriet Harman focused on calls for deportations, declaring,

“As long ago as nine months ago we were pressing the government that they needed to get on to this and sort this out. … What the Government should be doing is getting the French to process the 3,500 to 4,000 people who are massed at Calais and need to be documented. Either they are genuine asylum-seekers who should be given asylum or they should be deported. The Government should have got on to this months earlier.”

She was backed by Labour MP Keith Vaz, who chairs the Home Affairs Select Committee, who said migrants need to be returned to their country of origin once they are determined to have no right to stay in France.

In response to migrants’ desperate efforts to reach the UK, a Eurotunnel spokesman issued a statement of breath-taking callousness, explaining that “there was some damage to our fences, which we’ll have to repair, as they tried to board shuttles. Fortunately, there wasn’t any damage to shuttles. Unfortunately, a number of people were injured.”

The company, which made €101 million net profit in 2013, responded to criticisms by governments in both Britain and France that it was not doing enough to stop migrants, by releasing a statement that its security staff had stopped 37,000 attempts to get to the UK via the Channel Tunnel since January. Eurotunnel director of Public Affairs John Keefe said the company had to call in French police 28,000 times between January and June to remove migrants who had broken through security fences.

It has spent €13 million on boosting security at the terminal in Calais—a figure it was seeking to be recompensed for by the British and French governments.

The depiction of Britain having been placed under siege by hordes of migrants is being used not only to conceal but also to justify a human tragedy of monumental proportions, for which the UK and French governments and their counterparts in Europe and the United States bare full responsibility.

The migrants at Calais and Coquelles account for between 3,000 and 5,000 of the many hundreds of thousands who have been rendered homeless in places such as Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran by civil wars and desperate poverty—both caused by the predatory actions of the major powers, global corporations and banks.

More than 185,000 people have crossed the Mediterranean into southern Europe since January. Most seek asylum elsewhere in Europe, but some end up at Calais seeking access to the UK.

The treatment of those who make it to France is a disgrace. The French government closed the Sangatte refugee camp in 2002, which officially held 600 but ended up housing twice as many people in conditions that sparked riots by those detained.

The official replacement camp, Jules Ferry, has space for just 600 women and children, leaving all the men and most women and children to occupy an unofficial makeshift ghetto known as “the Jungle,” with no running water or sanitation.

Press reports have cited nine migrants having died near the Channel Tunnel terminal since June—the French authorities do not even bother to keep a record of those killed or seriously injured. But according to the Calais Migrant Solidarity group, more than 30 migrants have been reported as having died while trying to reach Britain via the Channel Tunnel since the beginning of 2014. Migrants have suffered horrible deaths due to falls, or being burnt, drowned, crushed or hit by vehicles.

Those who have died in Calais account for a small percentage of the overall deaths resulting from the efforts to transform Europe into a fortress in order to keep out the poor and desperate. Over 22,000 migrants died between 2000 and 2014. In just the first five months of 2015, 1,800 died—over five times higher than the same period in 2014.

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The Obama White House has rebuffed a petition signed by almost 168,000 people demanding “a full, free, and absolute pardon” for NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.

The petition on whitehouse.gov had surpassed the 100,000 signatures required by the White House for a response in June 2013, over two years ago. It declared

“Edward Snowden is a national hero and should immediately be issued a full, free, and absolute pardon for any crimes he has committed or may have committed related to blowing the whistle on secret NSA surveillance programs.”

The Obama administration studiously ignored the petition, which collected 100,000 signatures in only 15 days. While it was stalling for two years, another 68,000 people added their support.

No doubt the administration feared the immense response by working Americans to the increasingly disturbing NSA revelations, which include metadata retention, voice-to-text programs, facial recognition software and the use of surveillance data to guide drone strikes.

The arrogant response by Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Lisa Monaco on July 28 exposes the Obama administration claims to be “the most transparent administration in history.”

In it, Monaco repeats the unsubstantiated lie that “Snowden’s dangerous decision to steal and disclose classified information had severe consequences for the security of our country and the people who work day in and day out to protect it.” This claim flies in the face of reality, and journalists and analysts have exposed it time and time again.

Moreover, Snowden did not actually “disclose” any documents. Instead, he turned them over to a group of journalists from several news organizations, including the Guardian and the Washington Post, who then published the revelations about NSA. The White House would rather not dwell on this, since the logical result of Monaco’s comment is to arrest and prosecute the journalists and the publications they worked for. New York Times journalist James Risen has already called the Obama administration “the greatest enemy of press freedom that we have encountered in at least a generation.”

Monaco also repeats the tired canard that Snowden should “accept the consequences of his actions … not hide behind the cover of an authoritarian regime [Russia].” It was the Obama administration itself that stranded Snowden at the Moscow airport by revoking his passport as he attempted to fly to South America.

Snowden has repeatedly stated that he would return to the United States if he were able to present a whistleblowing defense at his trial. Under the 1917 Espionage Act, however, Snowden would be unable to argue that his leaks were justified because the NSA spying was illegal and unconstitutional and the American public had a right to know about it.

One signatory remarked on Twitter, “Man, the White House’s response to the Snowden petition I signed some time back is remarkably pathetic.”

The scale of ordinary people’s response to the Snowden revelations is demonstrated not only in the number of signatories but also in their distribution. Many signatories listed their cities, which ranged from Rochester, New York (where the petition’s creator lived in 2013) to Piedmont, South Carolina; Central City, Iowa and Portland, Oregon.

In other words, people from every region of the United States expressed their belief that, because of his heroism in exposing a conspiracy to unconstitutionally spy on and lie to the American people, Snowden should be pardoned.

The general response of the Obama administration to petitions on whitehouse.gov has been a combination of dismissiveness and contempt.

Despite over 27 million signatures by 19.5 million registered users—with the largest number of petitions dealing with civil rights and liberties and human rights, according to the administration’s data—many petitions have been ignored. When the administration answered the Snowden petition on July 28 it also issued answers to 19 other long-neglected petitions.

These included non-answers and evasions on petitions advocating the federal prosecution of police officers Darren Wilson and Peter Liang for the killings of Michael Brown and Akai Gurley, respectively. The White House also endorsed a vague “update” to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act in response to a petition entitled “Reform ECPA: Tell the Government to Get a Warrant.” The word “warrant” is not to be found in the reply.

The entire political establishment, including its supposed “left” wing, has lined up against Snowden. MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry, voice practically dripping with contempt, asked Snowden to “come on home, Ed.” Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, Clinton’s supposedly “socialist” rival for the Democratic nomination, has said that “there is no debate that Mr. Snowden violated an oath and committed a crime” and has called only for “some form of clemency or a plea agreement that would spare him a long prison sentence or permanent exile”—in other words, jail Snowden, but not forever.

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A massive decontamination exercise is under way in Iitate Village near Fukushima, writes Kendra Ulrich: step one in a plan to force 6,000 residents back into the evacuated zone in 2017. But as radiation levels remain stubbornly high, it looks like the real plan is to ‘normalize’ nuclear catastrophe, while making Iitate residents nuclear victims twice over – and this time, it’s deliberate.

The worst nuclear disaster in a generation at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant – which began in March 2011 – is still very much an ongoing crisis that will not be solved for the many many decades.

Most of the massive radioactive releases were carried out to the Pacific Ocean by the prevailing winds at that time of year. But, on the nights of 15th and 16th March, the winds turned, carrying an enormous amount of radiation inland. Fukushima prefecture, especially to the northwest of the crippled reactor site, was heavily contaminated.

The Japanese government is undertaking decontamination efforts with the intention of lifting evacuation orders by March 2017.

But Greenpeace investigations have made a shocking discovery: in Iitate – one of the priority targets of the Abe Government’s plan – radiation dose levels are comparable to those inside the 30km exclusion zone around Chernobyl. Even more surprising, this was true even around homes that had already been supposedly ‘decontaminated’.

What on earth would motivate the Japanese Government to do such a thing to the tens of thousands of nuclear victims and decontamination workers?

Decontaminating Iitate – the 200 sq.km ‘village’

To answer that question, it is first important to understand a bit of background on ‘Iitate Village’. It is actually a 200 sq.km area of heavily forested hills, mountains, and lakes, interspersed with farm fields, and homes. It lies 28 – 47 km to the northwest of the destroyed Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, in the direct path of the heaviest on-land radioactive fallout.

Although the Abe Government has stated on its website that it is “decontaminating” Iitate – even going so far as to say on the Ministry of Environment website that 100% of the forest has already been decontaminated – you have to dig through several different pages to discover that they are only referring to about a quarter of the land area of Iitate.

In other words, of the 200 sq.km of Iitate Village only 56 sq.km are targeted for decontamination. Of that fraction, most of the focus has been on fields, 10-20 m strips of forest either side of public roads, and in the small immediate area around people’s houses.

Even the limited amount of targeted forest isn’t finished and will continue for at least another year or longer.

And what strikes you when you see it is not just the swarms of workers raking away at the woodland floor and trimming blades of grasses by hand in these first 10-20m of forest along the roads, but the extent of the vast mountains upon mountains of dense, lush forest stretching out behind them as far as the eye can see.

You feel sorry for them. You also admire their intensive effort, meticulous work, and commitment. They are working in sweltering heat, in protective clothing, boots, gloves masks and goggles; not even their eyes are visible. And they are doing intense physical labor for almost no impact.

Many of these workers are the residents of other impacted areas, like Minamisoma, who lost their jobs in farming, forestry, fishing or services due to the nuclear disaster. So many are working on their former home areas which are now heavily contaminated with radioactivity.

It’s surreal. And it’s heartbreaking

On March 27th 2011, Greenpeace radiation investigations in Iitate had revealed extremely high levels of contamination, which led our organisation to urgently recommend to the Japanese government the immediate evacuation of the more than 6,000 residents.

Until that point, the residents of Iitate had been told that evacuation was not required. Evacuation did not begin until April 22. And still, eight weeks after the start of the accident, in early June, over 1,200 people remained in Iitate. As a result, the people of Iitate were the most exposed to radiation of all citizens of Fukushima prefecture.

Iitate has since become an iconic area within the story of Fukushima: a constant reminder to the Japanese public and the international community that a major nuclear disaster is not confined to a small ’emergency planning’ zone around the reactor site. The impacts are far reaching, destroy entire regions and communities, rip people from the fabric of their lives, and cannot be repaired.

Over four years after the triple reactor core meltdowns and exploded containment buildings at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, the majority of the Japanese public has remained opposed to any nuclear restart. The country has been completely nuclear-free for nearly two years, thanks in large part to significant public opposition, in spite of the massive pressure from nuclear utilities and the Abe government on local city governments.

However, these utilities are massively powerful and the Abe government is wholly in bed with them.

‘Normalizing’ nuclear catastrophe

In an effort to reduce public opposition, Abe has been pushing forward the pro-nuclear agenda to ‘normalize’ nuclear disaster.

If the public can be convinced that less than five years after the worst nuclear disaster in a generation, citizens can go home and return to life the way it was before the disaster – with no additional health risks – then that is a powerful argument against the majority of Japanese citizens who oppose nuclear reactor restarts.

The effort to minimize the impact of the disaster on the nuclear industry has been aided by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), an agency charged with the promotion of nuclear energy in its charter.

The IAEA has sought to downplay the radiological risks to the population since the early days in 2011. In fact, it produced two documents that can be said to have laid the foundation and justification for Abe’s current policy of de facto forced resettlement.

The reality is this myth making requires that the people of Fukushima prefecture – especially the people of Iitate – be the sacrificial lambs for the nuclear industry. This is not only wholly unjust, but is a violation of their human rights.

They have already been exposed to more radiation than any other population in the region. To deliberately force the people of Iitate, especially women and children, back to areas where dose rates reach up to 20 millisieverts per year puts them at significant, unacceptable, and unnecessary risk.

A deliberate plan that will have terrible consequences

After all, this is not the confusion that ensues after a nuclear disaster. This is a thought-out plan of forcing people back into their heavily contaminated former homes, no matter what the cost – both in wasteful, ineffective decontamination of these areas and in human health risks.

Compounding the gross injustice of the Abe Government’s forced resettlement policy, by focusing on creating a myth of a return to normalcy – and therefore investing vast amounts in expensive and futile decontamination – it is therefore utterly neglecting the contaminated areas that were never evacuated.

Rather than addressing this urgent need to reduce the radiation risks to these populations, whom are currently living in contaminated areas, the government is more interested in deceiving the public in Japan and globally by creating illusions in places like Iitate.

What is clear is that the damage done to the people of Fukushima prefecture, and especially Iitate, is irreversible and irreparable. Their entire communities and way of life were destroyed by the nuclear disaster at Fukushima Daiichi, with no prospect for a safe return in the foreseeable future.

At minimum, we as Greenpeace, demand:

  1. No lifting of the evacuation order in Iitate;
  2. Exemptions and Government support for those determined to return after having full and accurate information regarding the risks; and,
  3. Full compensation for their loss of livelihood, property, community, mental distress, and health risks incurred, so that they may fully support themselves to move forward to pursue whatever life they so choose.

To keep the victims of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in limbo, many crammed into tiny temporary housing cubicles, for nearly five years is inhumane. To force these citizens back into such heavily contaminated areas via the economic leverage the Government holds over them is a gross iniquity.

And for the International Atomic Energy Agency to assist the Japanese Government in the propaganda war being waged on Fukushima victims not only undermines whatever credibility it may have, but amounts to it being an accomplice in a crime against the people of Japan.


Kendra Ulrich is Senior Global Energy Campaigner for Greenpeace Japan.

This article was originally published by Greenpeace International.

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Image: Photo by Russavia

According to a US official, newly discovered debris shown in a photograph belongs to the same type of aircraft as missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

New wreckage, which appears to be the wing flap of a Boeing 777, was found Wednesday morning off the coast of Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean. The island is roughly 380 miles off the coast of Madagascar.

Crash investigators are hopeful that the piece will contain serial numbers which would link it to flight MH370. “Every manufacturer puts a data tag, or data plate, on every part that goes on an airplane,” former NTSB investigator Greg Feith told Wired. The debris is currently in the hands of local authorities. Earlier, experts said that several aspects of the debris appeared consistent with the missing flight, though they also stressed it could be wreckage from from a twin-engine Piper PA-23 which crashed in 2006. “If it is a part from a triple 7, we can be fairly confident it is from 370 because there just haven’t been that many triple 7 crashes and there haven’t been any in this area,” aviation analyst Mary Schiavo told CNN.

Xavier Tytelman, an airplane security expert based in France, told Wired that after he analyzed the photos, he noticed a series of two letters and three numbers. Reading BB670, he thinks the series could be part of a serial number, but that number would not match that of MH370. Flight MH370 went missing en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, disappearing from radar screens on March 8, 2014. The plane was carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew members.

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An article in the New York Times was published recently discussing that the US and Turkey had agreed to create a ‘safe zone’ in Syria. Specifically the article stated that the plan was to have “an Islamic State-free zone controlled by relatively moderate Syrian insurgents, which the Turks say could also be a ‘safe zone’ for displaced Syrians.”

Now, ignoring the fact that this is obviously a massive infringement upon the sovereignty of the Syrian state, there are some problems with this, as well as larger implications.

For starters, Turkey has actively been aiding ISIS. In November 2014, Newsweek ran an interview with a former ISIS member in which he stated that he “travelled in a convoy of trucks as part of an ISIS unit from their stronghold in Raqqa, across Turkish border, through Turkey and then back across the border to attack Syrian Kurds in the city of Serekaniye in northern Syria in February” and that commanders told him and other fighters that they nothing to fear “because there was full cooperation with the Turks.” The very next month,Claudia Roth, then-deputy speaker of the German Parliament, noted that the Turkish government was aiding ISIS.

In addition to this, information just came to light from a US Special Forces raid in May, which shows “undeniable” evidence that “Turkish officials directly dealt with ranking ISIS members.”

The second problem is the hope that “relatively moderate Syrian insurgents” will take over the area. This assumes that there are moderates, which doesn’t seem to be true, given the fact that the US essentially gave up on the Free Syrian Army when it decided to create an entirely new force of fighters. Before then, the US had been touting the FSA as moderates. (This, of course, doesn’t get into the fact that, for example, an FSA brigade commander admitted to working with Al Nusra and ISI or that a major beneficiary of this war on ISIS is AL Qaeda.)

A third problem is that while Turkey has essentially declared war on ISIS, they are bombing Kurdish positions as well, due to the fear that they have always had of Kurdish independence.

The US had been backing the Kurds, however it seems to now have sold them out, at least on the Syrian front, in order to further its own goals in the region and calms the Turks’ nerves.

The Times article also reported that “American officials said they would need to arrange the same kind of system for calling in airstrikes that American Special Operations forces have worked out successfully with Kurdish fighters to the east in Syria,” which sounds like Libya, where US forces were on the ground, aiding the Libyan rebels.

Furthermore, the article later reports that “Insurgents, as well as their supporters in the Syrian opposition and the Turkish government, are already envisioning the plan as a step toward establishing an area where alternative governance could be set up without fear of attack by Islamic State or government forces.” Thus implying that this entire idea of a ‘safe zone’ could really just be used as a staging ground to consolidate anti-Syrian government forces and allow them to coordinate attacks.

What this does for the US is it allows for them to continue to put even more pressure on the Syrian government, it gives the Turks free reign for the most part and lets them know that Washington will turn a blind eye to the bombing of the Kurds, and gives the US the option of turning the situation into another Libya, all while the US doesn’t have to truly directly engage in any actions aside from Special Forces and air strikes.

This entire scenario could allow for another Libya-type situation to unfold where the goal posts are constantly shifted until they are at the outcome the US and its allies want: the fall of the Assad government.

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As the NATO Article 4 meeting concludes with little or no fanfare and no major decisions made regarding a “no-fly zone” over Syria, many onlookers may take the opportunity to sit back in satisfaction that the meeting was concluded without any announcement of further direct military involvement in Syrian affairs. For many, the lackluster meeting was simply more proof that Turkey and the United States will not attempt a frontal assault on the Middle Eastern country.

Unfortunately, however, the big decision was not made at the NATO Article 4 meeting, it was made bilaterally days before between Turkey and the United States.

The new agreement effectively creates a “buffer zone” that will span from the Turkish border line into Syria. It will extend from Azaz in the East to Jarablus in the West and as far south as al-Bab. The width of the zone would be about 68 miles and would extend around 40 miles deep into Syria, right on the doorstep of Aleppo.

The zone will be much smaller than that which Turkey and the United States have been calling for over the last few years and will not even stretch the length of the Turkey-Syria border. But it is a start.

True to form, the US and Turkey are attempting to obfuscate the fact that their new agreement is thecreation of a no-fly zone by renaming it an “ISIL-free zone.” This is the same tactic used when the term “no-fly zone” and “buffer zone” began to draw too much ire from observers only a year ago. Then, theterm became “safe zone.” Now, the NATO powers are playing semantics yet again and deeming the area an “ISIL-free zone” as if it were merely the unveiling of a new soda minus a crucial ingredient.

Semantics have served NATO and the United States well over the years. After all, a simple name change of terrorist organizations has made the Anglo-American powers able to produce “moderate rebels” and the most frightening terrorist organization the world has ever seen while using the same group of terrorists.

The description of the “ISIL-free zone” is that it will be a distinguished area in which the Turkish and U.S. military will engage in aggressive operations against ISIS. It is said that this area will also function as a place where civilians displaced by the Syrian crisis may run to for safe haven and where “moderate rebel” forces can maintain a higher presence free from the battles with ISIS.

“Once the area is cleared, the plan is to give control to as-yet-unidentified moderate Syrian rebel groups. The United States and Turkey have differing interpretations as to which groups can be defined as ‘moderate,’” the Washington Post reports.

The reality, however, is that the “ISIL-free zone” will be nothing more than a Forward Operating Basedeeper into Syrian territory, working under the direct protection of the U.S. military and Turkish air force.

Keep in mind, there has been no mention of the question of what would happen if the Syrian Air Force began bombing ISIS positions within the “ISIL-free zone.” Would NATO interfere? Would NATO should the Syrian planes down? What if the Syrian Air Force began attacking the non-existent “moderate rebels” in the zone? Would NATO should the Syrian planes down?

If the answer to either of these questions is “yes,” the “ISIL-free zone” is actually a “no-fly zone.” After all, the Syrian military is the only party in the Syrian crisis that maintains and uses an air force.

It must also be pointed out that the justifications on which the ISIL-free zone are based are nothing than myths.

First, the idea that there is even such a thing as a “moderate rebel force” operating inside Syria has been debunked time and time again. From the beginning, there were no moderate forces fighting against the secular government of Bashar al-Assad. The alleged opposition was nothing more than death squads, jihadists, snipers, and terrorists – a presentation the West attempted to maintain until images of beheadings, torture, and cannibalism were too numerous to control any longer.

Enter the Islamic State

ISIS was never a truly separate force from the cannibals operating in Syria since the beginning of the crisis. It was always on the ground in Syria, going by the name of Jobhat al-Nusra or al-Qaeda, the Free Syrian Army, Yarmouk Brigade, or Harakat Hazm. The name ISIS is truly nothing more than a name.

It has, however, been immensely successful at drumming up American fear and support of military adventures abroad. Unfortunately, with just the right amount of propaganda, Western audiences are easily convinced of just about anything.

The second myth is that there is a war on ISIS being conducted by the U.S. coalition and Turkey. For two countries opposed to ISIS, one would easily be convinced of the opposite after examining the facts on the ground. Turkey has long acted as a funnel and a conduit for ISIS crossing into Syria, and the United States can be credited with the creation of the terrorist organization entirely. With aid being provided to so-called moderate rebels, the U.S. and Turkey have directly armed ISIS, funded them, and provided them with the necessary logistics and intelligence to conduct successful attacks in Iraq and Syria.

U.S. airstrikes allegedly against ISIS in Iraq and Syria have likewise been questionable at best. U.S. airstrikes have largely targeted Syrian infrastructure, civilian areas, and Syrian food storage facilities. American airpower has been notorious for dropping supplies to ISIS and firing on the Iraqi military. In instances where the U.S. has targeted ISIS, it has largely been an effort of “death squad herding,” border shaping, or protection of Western oil fields from terrorist brigades who may have briefly gotten off the reservation.

Even the idea of a “Buffer Zone” has been in the cards since the beginning of the Syrian crisis. Both the United States and Turkeyhave long argued for the creation of a “no-fly zone,” with Turkey renewing its calls for such a zone on an almost weekly basis. Indeed, the infamous military-industrial complex “think tank” The Brookings Institution has provided detailed propositions for the creation of “buffer zones” and a “multi-front war” for the ultimate purposes of destroying the secular government of Bashar al-Assad.

Regardless, the Anglo-American powers are successfully using semantics yet again to achieve a goal that was unpalatable to the public when different words were originally used. Unfortunately, the change from “no-fly zone” to “ISIL-free zone” will be an effective mechanism to ensure that the small portion of the American public attempting to follow current affairs support the new U.S. moves in Syria.

While the overwhelming majority of Western audiences tuned in and dropped out a long time ago, it will unfortunately be the Syrian people who pay the price for their absence.

Brandon Turbeville is an author out of Florence, South Carolina. He has a Bachelor’s Degree from Francis Marion University and is the author of six books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom7 Real ConspiraciesFive Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 andvolume 2, and The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria. Turbeville has published over 500 articles dealing on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s podcast Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV.  He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at) gmail.com. 


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Neither Russia nor Donbass freedom fighters had anything to do with downing MH17. Not a shred of evidence suggests it. 

Plenty points to Washington and Ukraine culpability. They had clear means, motive and opportunity – the key determinants for initiating a criminal proceeding. They and partnered nations want Moscow and rebels blamed for their crime.

The Obama administration conspired with Malaysia, the Netherlands, Belgium, Australia and Ukraine for unprecedented Security Council authorization for a tribunal to absolve culpable parties responsible for the incident and declare innocent ones guilty by accusation – a kangaroo process to be US manipulated and controlled to assure the outcome Washington wants.

Eleven nations voted “yes” (America, Britain, France, Chad, Chile, Jordan, Lithuania, Malaysia, New Zealand, Nigeria and Spain). Three abstained (China, Venezuela and Angola).

Russia’s veto defeated the draft resolution. Envoy Vitaly Churkin criticized its backers for submitting a measure with no chance for passage – rejecting compromise language Moscow proposed.

(P)olitical purposes were more important for them than practical objectives,” Churkin said. Russia rejected the proposal because “UNSC resolution 2166 didn’t qualify the Boeing tragedy as a threat to international peace and security.

How can it “now suddenly become one.” No precedent exists for establishing an international tribunal to hold culpable parties accountable for a transportation catastrophe”, he stressed. Nor should the Security Council be involved in these type matters.

Common sense, logic and precedent didn’t deter Russia bashing by other SC members. Malaysian Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai said Moscow’s veto sends a “dangerous message of impunity to the perpetrator of this heinous crime.”

Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop bashed Moscow saying “the anticipated excuses and obfuscation by the Russian Federation should be treated with the utmost disdain.”

The exercise of the veto today is an affront to the memory of the 298 victims of MH17 and their families and friends.

Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders said “I find it incomprehensible that a member of the Security Council obstructs justice.”

Kiev’s illegitimate foreign minister Pavlo Klimkin ludicrously said “(t)here is no reason to oppose (the proposal) unless you are a perpetrator.”

Neocon UN envoy Samantha Power’s comments didn’t surprise, saying:

By vetoing this resolution, Russia has tried to deny justice to the 298 victims on that plane, and deny their families a chance to hold accountable those responsible.

Russia has callously disregarded the public outcry in the grieving nations, the appeals of the families affected. It is tragic that Russia has used the privilege entrusted to it in order to advance international peace and security in order to frustrate international peace and security.

She promised continued Washington efforts to blame Russia for US/Kiev criminality. She ignored how often America vetoes SC resolutions to hold Israel responsible for the highest of high crimes.

Media scoundrels bashed Russia irresponsibly. The New York Times said Moscow “(i)nfuriated nations that lost citizens…”

The Washington Post ran an AP article full of Russia bashing quotes. A Russian Foreign Ministry statement said:

“Russia will continue making the most energetic efforts on rendering all possible assistance to investigating the air crash.” It rejects politicizing the MH17 incident supported by Washington and 10 other SC members.

It urged adopting a constructive framework for determining culpable parties and holding them responsible.

“This is exactly what (unanimously adopted Resolution 2166) proposed by Russia…was aimed at – to broadly employ UN mechanisms for soonest completion of full, transparent and trustworthy international investigation of the crash and subsequently search for the most appropriate format of legal proceedings,” Russia’s Foreign Ministry said.

Only the full implementation of Resolution 2166 will (enable) finding those guilty and bring them to justice.

Russia condemns the destruction of Malaysian plane MH17 by unidentified persons and once again expresses deepest condolences to the relatives of all passengers and crew members that became victims of this horrible tragedy.

Ten SC members ignored Russia’s responsible proposal. “Instead of that, they preferred to hastily submit for voting in the Security Council their own version with establishing an international tribunal without discussing any other options.”

Our persistent explanations about inexpedience and counter-productiveness of such step, that had no precedents in the past, before the ongoing investigation into circumstances of the air crash is complete, were not taken into account.

Washington and complicit partners intend exploiting Russia’s veto irresponsibly – another stick to justify maintaining lawless sanctions, US-led NATO troop deployments near its borders and continued vilification for baseless reasons. Imperialism works this way.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs. 


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The Eurogroup — which has no legal standing — is anti-democratic, disdainful of the European Commission, which it now commands, and internally fractured. This is what it did to Greece.

In 2010 the Greek state lost the capacity to service its debt. Put simply, it became insolvent and thus lost access to capital markets. To prevent a default on fragile French and German banks that had irresponsibly lent billions to irresponsible Greek governments, Europe decided to grant Greece the biggest loan in world history on condition of the largest ever fiscal consolidation (better known as austerity) which, naturally, resulted in a world-record loss of national income — the greatest since the Great Depression. And so began a vicious cycle of austerity-driven debt deflation, spearheading a humanitarian crisis and a complete inability to repay the nation’s debts.

For five years the troika of Greece’s official lenders (the International Monetary Fund, European Central Bank and European Commission, representing creditor member-states) were committed to this dead-end strategy that financiers label “extend and pretend”: lending to an insolvent debtor more and more money in order to avoid having to write off a bad debt. The more the creditors insisted on this strategy, the greater the damage to Greece’s social economy, the less reformable Greece became, and the larger the creditors’ losses.

This is why our party, Syriza, won last January’s election. Had the electorate believed that Greece was on the mend, we would not have won. Our mandate was straightforward: to stop the “extend and pretend” loans and the associated austerity, which were driving Greece’s private sector into the ground. And to lift the fog of doom in which it was impossible to carry the people with us along the road toward the crucial, deep reforms that Greek society needed.

In my first Eurogroup meeting (1), on 11 February, I delivered a simple message: “In our government you will find a trustworthy partner. We shall strive for common ground with the Eurogroup on the basis of a three-plank policy to tackle Greece’s economic malaise: deep reforms to enhance efficiency and defeat corruption, tax evasion, oligarchy and rent-seeking; sound state finances based on a small but viable primary budget surplus that does not impose too heavy a burden on the private sector; and a sensible rationalisation, or re-profiling, of our debt structure so as to allow for the viable primary budget surpluses consistent with the rates of growth necessary to maximise the true value of our repayments to our creditors.”

A few days earlier, on 5 February, I paid my first visit to Dr Wolfgang Schäuble, the German finance minister. I reassured him that he could expect from us proposals aimed not at the interests of the average Greek but at the interests of the average European — German, French, Slovak, Finn, Spaniard, Italian, etc.

But none of our noble intentions were of any interest to Europe’s powers-that-be. We were to find this out the hard way during the five months of ensuing negotiations.


On 30 January, a few days after I became finance minister, the president of the Eurogroup, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, paid me a visit. Within minutes he asked me what I was planning to do vis-à-vis the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that the previous government had signed up to. I explained to him that our government was elected to re-negotiate that MoU; that is, we would be asking for an opportunity to re-visit the blueprint of fiscal and reform policies that had failed so spectacularly over the past five years, having diminished national income by one third and turned the whole of Greek society against the very notion of reform.

Dijsselbloem’s response was immediate and crystal clear: “That won’t work. It is either the MoU or the programme crashes.” In other words, either we would have to accept the failed policies that were imposed on previous Greek governments, and which we were elected to challenge, or our banks would be shut down — for this is what a “crashed programme” entails in the case of a member state that has no market access: the European Central Bank removes financing of the banks, whose doors and ATMs then shut down.

This blatant attempt at blackmailing an incoming, democratically elected government was no one-off. At the Eurogroup meeting that followed 11 days later, Dijsselbloem’s disregard for democracy’s most basic principle was confirmed, and enhanced, by Schäuble, who spoke immediately after Michel Sapin, the French finance minister. Sapin had just argued in favour of discovering common ground between the validity of the existing MoU and the right of the Greek people to mandate us to re-negotiate crucial parts of the MoU. Schäuble lost no time in giving short shrift to Sapin’s reasonable point: “Elections cannot be allowed to change anything,” he said, with a large majority of finance ministers nodding along.

At the end of that same meeting, while negotiating the joint statement to be released, I asked that the word “amended” be added in front of “MoU” in a sentence that was meant to commit our government to the latter. Schäuble vetoed my proposed phrase, saying that the existing MoU was not to be negotiated just because the Greeks had elected a new government. After a few hours of the resulting standoff, Dijsselbloem threatened me with an imminent “programme collapse” (which translated into bank closures by 28 February) if I insisted on adding “amended” in front of “MoU”. On instructions from my prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, I left the meeting without a communiqué being agreed to, ignoring Dijsselbloem’s threat. Although the threat proved empty, it soon returned with a vengeance.

Time and again we would be threatened with bank closures when refusing to endorse a programme, the MoU, which had so demonstrably failed in every possible way. The creditors and Eurogroup refused even to engage with our economic arguments. They demanded that we capitulate. They even accused me of daring to “lecture” them on economics!

And so it was that Greece’s negotiations with its creditors were conducted — under a dark cloud of threat. That the threat was credible we knew from the outset, even though we were not prepared to stand down or to lose hope that Europe would change tack.

A month before we were elected, the previous Greek government, in cahoots with the governor of the Bank of Greece (who had previously served as that same government’s finance minister), had already sparked off a mild bank run. After our election, the ECB began to signal that it would steadily switch off the flow of liquidity to Greece’s banking system, reinforcing the deposit flight that, at a time of the Eurogroup’s choosing, would “justify” the closing down of the banks — as Dijsselbloem had threatened.

Stonewalling, propaganda and fragmentation

The negotiations, once they commenced at the “technocrat” level, confirmed our worst fears. The creditors publically proclaimed their concern for getting their money back and for reforming Greece. In truth, however, they only cared about humiliating our government and forcing us to choose between resignation and capitulation, even at the cost of ensuring that creditor nations would never get their money back and jeopardising a reform agenda that only our party could convince Greeks to adopt as their own.

Time and again, we proposed that legislation should be passed on three or four areas that we agreed with the institutions — measures to tackle tax evasion, shield the tax authority from both political and corporate influence, address corruption in procurement, reform the judiciary, etc. Their reply was: “No way!” Nothing should be legislated before a “comprehensive review” was complete.

During the Brussels Group negotiations, we would be asked to present our plans for VAT reform. Before we could pin down an agreement on VAT, the troika representatives would shift to pension reforms. They would immediately rubbish our proposals before moving on to, say, labour relations. Once they rejected our proposals on that, they would shift to privatisations. And so on, ensuring that the discussions moved from one topic to another before anything was agreed, without any serious negotiation on any topic, creating a process that resembled a cat chasing its tail. For months the troika representatives stonewalled, insisting that we should talk about everything, which is equivalent to negotiating on nothing at all.

Meanwhile, without having put forward any proposals of their own, and while threatening us with a cessation of talks if we dared publish our proposals, they would leak to the press that our proposals were “weak”, “ill-thought-out” and “not credible”. In the hope that they would, at some point, meet us halfway, we went along with this impossible process.

Perhaps the greatest impediment to a sensible negotiation was the fragmentation of our interlocutors. The IMF was close to us on the importance of debt restructuring but insisted that we should remove any rights that organised labour retained while destroying the surviving protections of middle-class professionals. The Commission was far more sympathetic to us on these social issues, but forbade any talk of a debt restructuring. The ECB had its own agenda. In short, each of the institutions had different red lines, which meant that we were imprisoned in a grid of red lines.

Even worse, we had to deal with our creditors’ “vertical disintegration”, as the bosses of the IMF and Commission had a different agenda from their minions, and the German and Austrian finance ministers had an agenda totally at odds with that of their chancellors.

Defeated friends, defeated Europe

Perhaps the most dispiriting experience was to be an eyewitness to the humiliation of the Commission and of the few friendly, well-meaning finance ministers. To be told by people holding high office in the Commission and in the French government that “the Commission must defer to the Eurogroup’s president”, or that “France is not what it used to be”, made me almost weep. To hear the German finance minister say, on 8 June, in his office, that he had no advice for me on how to prevent an accident that would be tremendously costly for Europe as a whole, disappointed me.

By the end of June, we had given ground on most of the troika’s demands — with one exception: we insisted on a mild debt restructuring that would involve no haircuts, and smart debt swaps. On 25 June I attended my penultimate Eurogroup meeting where I was presented with the troika’s “take it or leave it” offer. Having met the troika nine tenths of the way, we were expecting them to move towards us a little, to allow for something resembling an honourable agreement. Instead, they backtracked in relation to their own, previous position (on VAT). Clearly they were demanding that we capitulate in a manner that demonstrated our humiliation to the whole world, offering us a deal that, if we had accepted it, would have destroyed what was left of Greece’s social economy.

The following day, Prime Minister Tsipras announced that the troika’s ultimatum would be put to the Greek people in a referendum. A day later, on Friday 27 June, I attended my last Eurogroup meeting, which put in train the foretold closure of Greece’s banks — a form of punishment for our audacity in consulting our people.

In that meeting, Dijsselbloem announced that he was about to convene a second meeting later that evening, without me: without Greece being represented. I protested that he could not, of his own accord, exclude the finance minister of a eurozone member state, and I asked for legal advice.

After a short break, the advice came from the Secretariat: “The Eurogroup does not exist in European law. It is an informal group and, therefore, there are no written rules to constrain its President.” In my mind, that was the epitaph of the Europe that Adenauer, de Gaulle, Brandt, Giscard d’Estaing, Schmidt, Kohl, Mitterrand, etc had worked towards. Of the Europe that I had always thought of, ever since I was a teenager, as my point of reference, my compass.

A week or so later, despite the closed banks and the scaremongering of the corrupt Greek media, the people of Greece delivered a resounding no in the referendum. On the following day the Euro Summit responded by imposing on our prime minister an agreement that can only be described as our government’s terms of surrender. And the weapon of choice? The illegal threat of severing Greece from the eurozone.

Whatever one thinks of our government, this episode will go down in European history as the moment when official Europe, using institutions and methods that no treaty legitimised (the Eurogroup, the Euro Summit, the threat of eviction from the eurozone), dealt a major blow to the ideal of an ever-closer democratic union. Greece capitulated, but it is Europe that was defeated.

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All tricksters, other than magicians, depend to a great extent upon the fact that they are not known to be, or even suspected of being, tricksters. Therein lies their great advantage.

— John Mulholland (H. Keith Melton and Robert Wallace,The Official CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception, William Morrow Paperbacks, 2010)

Magicians wield secrecy on the theater stage in the service of illusions. Spies likewise wield illusion on the world stage in the service of secrecy. So it is with the events behind the attacks of 9/11 where those who question the official story are derided as conspiracy theorists. Thanks to the investigative digging of reporter James Bamford, with the assistance of NSA whistleblowers like Thomas Drake and Kirk Wiebe, the 9/11 crowd can now point to a conspiracy fact: an incredible cover-up that goes all the way to the top of the American intelligence community.

In a recent piece published by Foreign Policy Bamford examines a phone call to a clandestine operations center run by Osama bin Laden in Yemen during March of 2000. The phone call was dialed by one of the 9/11 hijackers, Khalid al-Mihdhar, from his apartment in San Diego. In fact, there were a number of such phone calls made by 9/11 hijackers living in San Diego. Why didn’t our security services immediately launch investigations?

According to then Director of the NSA, Michael Hayden, the NSA was unable to determine the geographic origin of these calls despite the fact that the phone line in Yemen (967-1-200-578) was under intense scrutiny by NSA. The Yemen number was tracked using a form of surveillance known as “cast-iron” coverage where dedicated resources were allocated to continuously monitor the line 24/7.

Years later, in 2014, Hayden claimed that technical difficulties prevented exact geolocation. By the way, this is the same justification that he relied on post-9/11 to help institute the bulk collection program for phone metadata. Haydentold interviewers from Frontline:

Two guys, Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar, living in San Diego… come to the United States, call home, call Yemen, call a safe house in Yemen seven times. We intercepted every one of the calls, right?

Nothing in the physics of the intercept, nothing in the content of the call told us they were in San Diego. If we’d have had the metadata program, OK, if we’d have had that basket of stuff and that phone number of that safe house in Yemen, which we knew, and we would have walked up to that metadata and said, ‘Hey, any of you guys talked to this number in Yemen?,’ those numbers in San Diego would have popped up.

James Bamford, himself a former NSA whistleblower, digs into Hayden’s assertions. Leveraging the technical expertise of former NSA insiders he unearths an unsettling find. The narrative spun by Hayden is “an absolute lie.” The NSA knew damn well that these calls were coming from San Diego. According to former NSA senior executive Thomas Drake:

Every number that comes into that switchboard, if you’re cast-iron coverage on that switchboard, you know exactly what that number is and where it comes from.… You know exactly—otherwise it can’t get there.

Former NSA senior analyst Kirk Wiebe expounds on Drake’s counterpoint, noting that telephone communiques are bundled with the bits of information necessary to bill the correct phone company:

You know the phone numbers involved, who’s making the phone call, and who it’s going to because the billing system has to have that metadata to charge you.

So Drake, Wiebe, and other NSA veterans charge that Hayden is full of it. That the NSA was aware of terrorists in San Diego phoning home to Yemen. This raises some important questions. For example, how on earth could an intelligence agency with billions in resources neglect to follow up on these calls? From people whom they knew to be associated with bin Laden? How could internal security services not request court authorization for wiretaps and launch an inquiry? It’s a given that any investigator worth their salt would’ve linked and correlated the San Diego callers to other 9/11 terrorists in the United States and almost certainly put a halt to the operation.

There may be those who point to incompetence and embarrassment as a possible explanation. Such people would argue that the NSA is an agency like other agencies made up of people and that people are fallible; the San Diego call was somehow overlooked or was accidentally lost in the commotion of the NSA’s monolithic bureaucracy.

Your author questions this account, as it would indicate an organization that’s way beyond dysfunctional. Recent disclosures by WikiLeaks describeeconomic espionage by the United States which depict an NSA that’s more than capable of performing SIGINT missions. Other Snowden-era documents also indicate that the NSA runs a world class spy outfit. Consider also that foreign countries like Germany are just itching to be brought into the Five Eyes fold. No keystone cops here, no sir!

Precluding ineptitude leaves us with a more disturbing scenario. That the calls from San Diego were intentionally ignored. In other words certain people didn’t want them investigated. Thus raising even more disturbing questions. And from this point we must reluctantly travel down the rabbit hole. An entrance to a wilderness of mirrors, a place defined by secrecy and illusion traveled heavily by the tricksters of the American Deep State.

Bill Blunden is an independent investigator whose current areas of inquiry include information security, anti-forensics, and institutional analysis. He is the author of several books, including The Rootkit Arsenaland Behold a Pale Farce: Cyberwar, Threat Inflation, and the Malware-Industrial Complex. He is the lead investigator at Below Gotham Labs.Read other articles by William A..

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We are about to enter August. And that’s a special month in India. Each year, on the 15th, the country commemorates the anniversary of independence from Britain.

To mark the occasion, official public celebrations take place in Delhi with flag waving and fly-pasts, and the corporate media is awash with patriotic sentiments.

Behind the scenes, however, agriculture, the very heart and soul of the nation, will continue to be restructured for the benefit of foreign interests, raising the question:

just where does the notion independence sit with such a policy?

In India, small farms account for 92 percent of all farms and occupy around 40 percent of all agricultural land. They form the bedrock of food production. Indeed, small farms produce most of the world’s food [see this]. Facilitated by an appropriate policy framework, smallholders could easily feed the global population.

Throughout the world, however, there is a concerted effort to remove farmers from the land. Smallholders are squeezed onto less than a quarter of the world’s farmland, and the world is fast losing farms and farmers through the concentration of land into the hands of big agribusiness, institutional investors and the powerful moneyed classes. If nothing is done to reverse this trend, the world will lose its capacity to feed itself.

Hundreds of thousands of farmers in India have taken their lives since 1997 and many more are experiencing economic distress or have left farming as a result of debt, a shift to (GM) cash crops and economic liberalisation [see this]. Facilitated by the WTO and the US-India Knowledge Initiative on Agriculture, there is a deliberate strategy to make agriculture financially non-viable for India’s small farms, to get most farmers out of farming and to impose a World Bank sanctioned model of agriculture. The aim is to displace the current model and replace it with a system of industrial (GM) agriculture suited to the needs of Western agribusiness, food processing and retail concerns.

If you want to see the kinds of impact this could have, look no further than what has happened in Mexico on the back of NAFTA, in terms of rising food security, bad health and poisoned agriculture (not to mention a devastated economy with former workers driven into the arms of drug cartels to make a living).

It’s not difficult to see where policy makers’ priorities lie in India. Trade and food policy analyst Devinder Sharma has highlighted such priorities:

Agriculture has been systematically killed over the last few decades… because the World Bank and big business have given the message that this is the only way to grow economically… 60 percent of the population lives in the villages or in the rural areas and is involved in agriculture, and less than two percent of the annual budget goes to agriculture… When you are not investing in agriculture… You are not wanting it to perform…

There is a huge con-trick taking place in India: support given to agriculture is portrayed as a drain on the economy and is reduced, while the genuinely massive drain of tax breaks, bail outs, sops, tax avoidance and evasion that benefit industry and the rich are afforded scant attention. Despite these advantages, industry has failed to deliver. And yet regardless of the gross under-investment in agriculture, it still manages to deliver bumper harvests year after year.

Sharma continues:

In the last 10 years, we had 36 lakh crore going to the corporates by way of tax exemptions. Where are the jobs? They just created 1.5 crore (15 million) jobs in the last ten years. Where are the exports? … The only sector that has performed very well in this country is agriculture. Year after year we are having a bumper harvest. Why can’t we strengthen that sector and stop the population shift from the villages…?” (36 lakh crore is 36 trillion rupees: 64 rupees = 1 USD)

Corporate-industrial India has failed to deliver in terms of boosting exports or creating jobs, despite the massive hand outs and tax exemptions given to it [see this and this]. The number of jobs created in India between 2005 and 2010 was 2.7 million (the years of high GDP growth). According to International Business Times, 15 million enter the workforce every year [see here].

With GDP growth slowing and automation replacing human labour the world over in order to decrease labour costs and boost profit, where are the jobs going to come from to cater for hundreds of millions of agricultural workers who are to be displaced from the land or those whose livelihoods will be destroyed as transnational corporations move in and seek to capitalise industries that currently employ tens of millions?

India’s development is being hijacked by the country’s wealthy ruling class and the multinational vultures. Meanwhile, the entrepreneurs who work the fields and have been custodians of the land and seeds for centuries, are being sold out to corporate interests whose only concern is to how best loot the economy. (Over the past decade or so, Monsanto has appropriated $900 million from small farmers in India.)

Thanks to its political influence and removal of choice, Monsanto already dominates the cotton industry in India with its GMOs. It is increasingly shaping agri-policy and the knowledge paradigm by funding agricultural research in public universities and institutes. Its practices and colonisation of institutions have led to it being called the ‘contemporary East India Company‘, and regulatory bodies are now severely compromised and riddled with conflicts of interest where decision-making over GMOs are concerned.

It should be made clear, however, that the Monsanto enterprise in India is a corrupt one, something that the pro-GMO lobby conveniently ignores. Just like it chooses to ignore the fraudulent wayby which GMOs were placed onto the commercial market in the US.

In a recent piece, Vandana Shiva spells out the fraudulent nature of Monsanto in India in some detail. First, she notes that on a global level Monsanto imposed the false idea of ‘manufacturing’ and ‘inventing’ seeds in order to slap patents on them, or in India’s case extract massive royalties. Second, its collection of these royalties as ‘trait value’ or as a ‘fee for technology traits’ is an intellectual property rights category that does not exist in any legal framework. It was concocted by Monsanto lawyers to work outside of the laws of the land and is thus illegal. Third, the introduction of GMOs without approvals, and thus Monsanto’s original entry into India, was a violation and subversion of India’s biosafety regulations.

To compound the deceptions, Monsanto forwards the myth that GM food is necessary to feed the world’s burgeoning population. Its claims are always hidden behind a flimsy and cynical veil of humanitarian intent (helping the poor and hungry), which is easily torn away to expose the hypocrisy and self-interest that lies beneath. The world does not need GM to feed itself. GM and these humanitarian sentiments are little more than a Trojan horse aimed at securing greater control of food and agriculture.

The International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge and Science for Development Report stated that smallholder, traditional farming (not GMOs) can deliver food security in low-income countries through sustainable agri-ecological systems. Moreover, the roots of hunger and food poverty result from structural factors, including trade, distribution problems, lack of personal income and the increasingly globalised and exploitative system of industrialised agriculture and food production [for instance, see thisthis and this]. The companies behing the GM project are part of that system: they fuel it and profit from it. Through patents and royalties, GM ensures greater profits and greater control over food and agriculture.

India’s Standing Committee on Agriculture unequivocally concluded that GM seeds and foods are dangerous to human, animal and environmental health and directed the former Government of Manmohan Singh to ban GMOs.  Despite this and the recommendations to put a hold on open field GM trials by the Supreme Court-appointed Technical Expert Committee, such trials are being green-lighted.

The GM biotech sector should not be trusted, however. The issues raised in Shiva’s recent piece aside, as the sector’s largest player, Monsanto is responsible for knowingly damaging people’s health and polluting the environment and is guilty of a catalogue of decades-long deceptive, duplicitous and criminal practices [see this]. It has shown time and again its contempt for human life and the environment and that profit overrides any notion of service to the public, yet it continues to propagate the lie that it has humanity’s best interests at heart because its so-called GMO ‘frontier technology’ can feed the hungry millions.

The sector attempts to control the ‘science’ around its product, places restrictions on any independent research into its products and censors findings that indicate the deleterious impacts of its products. It also attacks scientists who reach conclusions not to its liking [see this]. It cannot demonstrate that yields are better, nutritional values are improved, health is not damaged or that harm to the environment does not occur with the adoption of GMOs. Independent studies and evidence, not inadequate industry funded or back ones, have indicated yields are often worse and pesticide use has increased, health is negatively impacted, soil is damaged and biodiversity is undermined, among other things.

Agriculture used to cement US global hegemony

Around 56 percent of Russia’s agricultural output comes from family farms which occupy less than 9 percent of arable land. A remarkable achievement that is mirrored in many countries across the world. Russia does not need or want GM crops, which the Russian Prime Minister has described as amounting to little more than a form ofbiological warfare weapon. And Russia is correct to regard agriculture in this way because the US has for many decades used it as a means of subjugating other nations.

The oil-rich Rockefeller family set out to control and profit from global agriculture via the petrochemical-dependent ‘green revolution’. Along with other players, such as Cargill Grain Company, Rockefeller interests set out to destroy family farms in the US and the indigenous agriculture and food security of other countries (and also to depopulate the ‘third world’ and ensure the US population remained ignorant, apathetic and easy to control). This hegemonic strategy was actively supported by their stooges the US government [for a summary of what occurred, see this] and facilitated globally through ‘free’ trade agreements, the IMF, World Bank and WTO. Thanks to the Trojan horse agritech corporations, GMOs now represent the ultimate stranglehold of US interests over food via ‘terminator’ seed technology, seed patenting and intellectual property rights. (And let it not be overlooked that Monsanto now ‘owns’ the Epicyte ‘sterility’ gene.)

Despite compliant politicians and officials in high places in India who seem hell-bent on capitulating to Monsanto and facilitating US hegemonic interests, many recognise the dangers associated with GMOs and are working hard to resist their introduction. However, they are attacked and accused of slowing down growth because of their resistance to GMOs. Certain activists and civil organisations are also accused of working against the national interest by colluding with foreigninterests to undermine ‘development ‘. The hypocrisy is blindingly obvious: the state itself has for a long time been colluding with foreign interests to undermine the basis of traditional agriculture.

This is similar to the type of cynical attack experienced by opponents of GM the world over, whose resistance to GM is portrayed as robbing food from the bellies of the poor and as ‘anti-human’. While espousingfake concern for the poor in order to help line the pockets of big agribusiness, the pro-GMO lobby says nothing about the structural violence waged on rural communities thanks to agri-business-backed IMF/World Bank/WTO policies or the devastating effects of GMOs in places like South America.

While dodging these issues, it sets out to denigrate opponents and to portray the real solutions (as opposed to the bogus GM solution) its critics offer for hunger and poverty as being ‘anti-capitalist twaddle’ or some other uniformed, cheap slur. This lobby has been unable to win the debate on GM, so slick PR, dirty tricks and smears are thus the order of the day.

The political backing for GMOs by the US State Department, the strategic position of the US GM biotech sector in international trade agreements (from TTIP to the US-India Knowledge Initiative on Agriculture) and at the WTO and the push to get GMOs into India and to contaminate agriculture via open-field trials with the compliance of key officials and official bodies does not bode well.

The impending GMO onslaught in India is ultimately part of a US-led neoliberal invasion (and part of a global war on working people – whether they are smallholders in India or workers in Greece or the US), resulting in the selling off to private concerns of seeds, retail, water, airports, land, industry, energy, telecommunications, etc.

If the beneficiaries are not always India’s ruling class, then they are its senior associates in the interlocking directorate of state-corporate interests in the West who have plundered their own economies and are now plundering the rest of the planet under the guise of ‘globalisation’. Those behind this project regard the folk whose lands are taken, wealth appropriated and livelihoods stripped away as ‘collateral damage’.

Part of the strategy involves convincing ordinary people that all of this is necessary and that it represents progress. And Part of it involves convincing everyone that the ability to flag-wave, do fly-pasts and express patriotic sentiments in Delhi on 15th August somehow constitutes ‘independence’.

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Obama’s Africa Hypocrisy

July 30th, 2015 by Margaret Kimberley

The president’s visit to East Africa has been the occasion for the same kind of hypocritical finger pointing Barack Obama usually reserves for his frequent hectoring of Black America, this time using “gay rights” as the standard. It’s a standard which he would never use to lecture America’s other vassals like the bloodstained beheading backward Saudi regime.

On January 20, 2017 Barack Obama will leave the presidency and those black people capable of critical thought will have many reasons to breathe sighs of relief. They will no longer have to submit to condescending lectures directed exclusively at them. From the moment he ran for president Obama has harangued black people on a wide variety of issues. It doesn’t matter if his audience is made up of church congregants, graduating students, or Kenyan dignitaries. Every black person unlucky enough to be in his vicinity risks being treated like a dead beat dad, career criminal or cousin Pookie, Obama’s own imaginary Willie Horton.

During his trip to east Africa the president chastened Kenyans about gay rights, domestic violence, genital cutting, forced marriage and equal rights for women. He went on and on with no mention of how well his country lives us to any accepted standards of human rights.

American presidents have no business chastising others. The country with the world’s largest prison state, military and history of aggressions is on shaky ground when giving anyone else advice. In the neighboring country of Somalia the United States regularly sends drones intended to kill al-Shabaab fighters but they deliver collateral damage to other people too. The blowback has killed many Kenyans, who are targeted by al-Shabaab because of their country’s role as an American puppet.

Because hypocritical Americans have made gay rights the new measurement of societal well being all over the world, the president took the opportunity to castigate Kenyans about that too. Of course homosexuality is illegal in Saudi Arabia, America’s partner in crime. Yet there is no record of public shaming for any Saudi prince or king on that or any other issue. Their sensibilities are deemed too delicate for tongue lashing. It must be pointed out that Saudis take lashing quite literally.

Those countries that are considered important are never called to account about American concerns du jour. They can even be praised no matter how awful their behavior. The president regularly genuflects to Israel, a country which violates every norm of international law, including the Geneva Conventions prohibitions against collective punishment. In Gaza civilians of every age and gender are massacred and Israel maintains the right to continue the bloodshed, and always with American financial and military support.

Obama even compared the establishment of Israel’s apartheid state to black Americans’ fight for liberation. That statement was a lie, a grotesque distortion of history. The slander is akin to a blood libel but Africans cannot expect the recitation of bizarre statements on their behalf when Obama comes to town.

The recipients of American hypocritical condemnation are many. While Obama was brow beating Africans, Syrian president Bashir al-Assad was telling the world about his nation’s suffering at the hands of the United States. More than 200,000 of his citizens are dead, and up to 9 million are refugees because the United States claims the right to decide who should control that country.

“They [the Western countries] call it terrorism when it hits them, and [they call it] revolution, freedom, democracy and human rights when it hits us.” For four years the United States and allies like Saudi Arabia have waged a terror campaign against Syria. The Islamic State, ISIS, is also part of the terror mix, but it wouldn’t even exist without the United States. Now ISIS is used as a subterfuge in the effort to finish off Assad and what is left of his country.

In Obama’s finger wagging about the treatment of Kenyan women he made a point that he would do well to remember about himself and the United States. “Every country has traditions that are unique. Just because something is a part of your past doesn’t make it right. It doesn’t mean that it defines your future.”

If those words were applied to his country all the jails would be emptied, the banks would be nationalized, and the United States military would start closing up foreign military bases and heading for home. There would be no need for Africom because imperialism would be off the table. Saudi princes would have to look elsewhere to destabilize other nations. Israel would have to free Palestine and Iran could enrich all the uranium it wanted. There would be no income inequality based on race and brutal police would be prosecuted.

Yes Mr. President, the past shouldn’t define the future. You would do well to take those words seriously.

Margaret Kimberley‘s Freedom Rider column appears weekly in BAR, and is widely reprinted elsewhere. She maintains a frequently updated blog as well as athttp://freedomrider.blogspot.com. Ms. Kimberley lives in New York City, and can be reached via e-Mail at Margaret.Kimberley(at)BlackAgendaReport.com.

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What is it about these figures?  Death becomes them, and obituaries are fairly useless, less they suggest finality.  The point about such fantasy producing tropes such as the “war on terror” is that they cannot allow their subjects, their targets, to ever truly die.  If it is not the multi-death simulacrum that is Osama bin Laden, then it seems to be the Taliban spiritual leader, Mullah Muhammad Omar, the man of many lives and many changes.  His survival record, suggested David A. Graham, “would be the envy of any alley cat.”[1]

Affirmations of death in this line are never reliable. The entire saga about Osama bin Laden’s body was one such example. He became the fantastic figure of the terrorist imaginary, a moralist surge that place a head on a problem.  While there was nothing imaginary about what happened in terms of al-Qaeda’s attacks, there was something distinctly spectral about Osama.  Even when he was officially slain in the Abbottabad compound, accounts of how his body were dealt with did not seem to add up.  The doubters crew in number.  Accounts multiplied.

Omar has not quite been able to boast that same line of survivability and rumour, though he has come close.  From 1994 to 2001, he reigned as Amir in devastated Afghanistan, muddling through the tribal politics and becoming a figure of consequence in a brutal, theocratic regime.

When the American-led invasion of Afghanistan commenced, US forces supposedly came close to killing Omar.  They certainly got his son.  Wanted posters were put out.  The US State Department mimicked the language of cowboys and Indians – namely that of President George W. Bush.  On its “Rewards for Justice” page, Omar gets a special spread. “Although Operation Enduring Freedom removed the Taliban regime from power, Mullah Omar remains at large and represents a continuing threat to America and her allies.”[2]

The rumour mill kept its inexorable grind, either focusing on physical ailment as the cause of death (the bogeyman must also be terminal) or military incident.  In July 2011, the Taliban’s Website was duly hacked, leading to the remark that Omar had died “after an illness of the heart”.  Not so according to Alex Strick van Linschoten, a Dutch researcher stationed in Kandahar since 2007.  Strick van Linschoten took the prisoner angle: that Omar, far from having any agency or movement, was “essentially a prisoner” in a safehouse.

In 2012, the spectral Omar networked in the halls of the imaginary, finding himself in the camp of the dead and the living.  Arsala Rahmani of the Karzai government’s High Peace Council was unclear as whether “he’s still alive or what his position is.” Forwarding this matter to current times, and you have speculations about how his death (life at rest?) would spell difficulty for the various Taliban factions negotiating over the issue of peace.

This year, the living-dead Omar had come out to bat for the Afghan peace talks, with his statements sounding much like committee decisions.

  “Concurrently with armed jihadi, political endeavours and peaceful pathways for achieving these sacred goals is a legitimate Islamic principle and an integral part of Prophetic politics.”

The busy Omar was putatively engaged in creating a “Political Office” tasked “with the responsibility of monitoring and conducting all political activities.”[3]  But the leader also went further, suggesting that a united jihadi front had to be maintained against those “who attempt to create differences” and “damage” that front.  The target in that case was ISIS and the ambitions of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the ideological soul giver of ISIS who had upstaged Omar in the extremist polling contest.

There were also accounts from intimates.  Sami Yosafzai was told a different story – by a self-proclaimed member of Omar’s circle of family friends. Omar was, according to this member, dead.  There was no speedy exit, or sly escape.  That cat of many lives was dead.  The Taliban would have a new leader: Amir-ul-Momineen.  In the meantime, the cloak of secrecy would be maintained. Even the Taliban believe in keeping up appearances.

Then came the latest revelations, if one can even call them that.  BBC’s Afghan Service was told that Omar died of health problems at a Pakistan hospital in 2013. The broadcaster would even relent some dark humour here.  “The latest reports of Mullah Omar’s death are being taken more seriously than previous such reports.”  Rank them; rate them.  The office of Afghanistan’s President Ashraf Ghani certainly weighed in, claiming that the latest news was “based on credible information”.

Credibility has not tended to be a term associated with Afghan security dispatches, but we are encouraged to assume.  In some ways, even less credible sources have been found in Pakistan.  A security official could simply say that, even as peace talks between the Taliban and the Afghan government were taking place, one could not really be sure if Omar was actually dead.  The point always pivoted on that old deception, one also used with bin Laden: that Pakistan could possibly provide refuge to the Taliban leader.  In the factory of lies, one more doesn’t really matter.  The living dead tend to last.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne.  Email:[email protected]


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Washington’s Worldwide Spying: Incongruities in the News

July 30th, 2015 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Jonathan Pollard, a paid spy for Israel described by Michael D. Shear as “one of the country’s most notorious spies,” has been pardoned from his life sentence. It strikes me as hypocritical for the US government to sentence anyone to prison for spying when the government itself spies on everyone everywhere. All Americans including members of the House and Senate, congressional staff, military officers, foreign governments including the leaders of Washington’s closest allies, and foreign businesses are spied upon. No one is exempt from Washington’s spying.

Washington claims that its worldwide spying does no harm. So how did the very limited spying of one person—Pollard—a civilian employee of Naval intelligence do so much harm as to warrant a life sentence? What some of us would like to see is a life sentence for NSA.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (image right)

What disturbs me about the case is that it is Pollard, who spied for a foreign country, who is released. In contrast, Manning and Snowden who spied for the American people are locked away, Manning in a federal prison and Snowden in his Russian exile. Julian Assange, who merely did his job as a journalist and made available to newspapers documents leaked to him, is confined to the Ecuadoran embassy in London.

It seems to me that if Pollard who spied for Israel can be set free, so ought to be Manning, Snowden, and Assange who spied for the American people and reported the illegal activities of the US government and the dangerous impact of Washington’s illegal activities on the liberty of Americans. Pollard is a hero to Israel, not to America, and it is Pollard who is released. Manning, Snowden, and Assange are heroes to America, and they continue to be confined.

* * *

The Dutch or the Europeans, whoever it is that has responsibility for investigating the downing of the Malaysian airliner, MH-17, is unable to get a report released. What does this tell us? It tells me that the facts don’t support the propaganda that Russia is responsible. You can bet your last dollar that if there was any evidence of Russia’s responsibility, the report would have been out long ago. Only Russia has complied with the evidentiary requirements of the investigation, turning over all evidence in its possession. Washington refuses to release the information from its spy satellite that was directly overhead at the moment of the airliner’s destruction, and Kiev refuses to release its communications with the airliner that directed the airliner to change course and to fly over a combat zone.

In place of the withheld report, there are planted “leaks” in the media claiming that the report has concluded that Russia is responsible. These “leaks” make news everywhere, but the denials by the investigators never receive the same media attention.

Apparently, there is still a mite of integrity left in the Dutch. Washington can block the report but not completely falsify it. So now Washington is pushing a UN International Tribunal on the airliner crash in hopes of getting the result Washington wants.

A person can’t help but wonder why Russia did not conduct the investigation, inviting in the European governments with complete access to all available information. The remains of the airliner fell on territory friendly to Russia. If Russia had conducted the investigation, we would have transparency. Instead, what we have is a report that can’t be issued and Washington calling for a new investigation that it can fully control. To prevent Russia’s frame-up, Russia had to veto today (July 29) the resolution in the UN. Now Russia is accused by the West speaking with one voice of hiding its complicity in the attack on the airliner and opposing justice for Malaysia. At some point the Russian government needs to understand that its faith in the West is a mistake and that when Russia relies on Western good will Russia cuts its own throat.

* * *

We have an economic recovery, allegedly, one ongoing since June, 2009. Tell that to the millions of “discouraged workers” who have been unable to find a job, have given up looking for nonexistent jobs, and are not counted as among the unemployed as measured by the fake 5.3% rate of unemployment.

The stock market, not too far below its highs, is used as evidence of recovery. However, the stock market is supported by companies buying back their own shares and by the liquidity that the Federal Reserve has poured into the financial system. Dan Strumpet reported in the Wall Street Journal that a mere six companies account for more than all of the gain in market-capitalization in the S&P 500. How’s that? We have a recovery in which a mere six companies participate—Amazon, Google, Apple, Facebook, Gilead, and Walt Disney Company.

Sounds like a rip-roaring recovery.

In the second quarter of this year the US economy contracted by 1.4%. Second quarter durable goods orders, minus commercial aircraft orders which are placed years ahead and do not reflect the state of the present economy, are in annual decline. Second quarter new home sales fell 7.3%. And Wall Street still hypes hope and recovery.

* * *

Mike Huckabee, one of the Republican morons running for president described the US agreement with Iran regarding Iran’s nuclear energy program as “marching the Israelis to the door of the oven.” In other words, according to Huckabee, Obama has launched the Second Holocaust.

Rand Paul, the libertarian hope, is not far behind Huckabee in his groveling before Israel:


My suggestion is: let’s cut out the middleman. Let’s elect Netanyahu or the Chicago gambling king Sheldon Adelson President of the United States and be done with it.

This explanation of the Iran agreement, if correct, means that the Iranian One Percent sold out Iran in order to join forces with the One Percent in the West.


* * *

As for Bill Clinton, so for the British Lords. sex, not mass murder and war crimes, is the punishable offense. http://www.rt.com/uk/310828-lord-sewel-video-resign/

* * *

For those dwindling numbers of progressives and liberals who still wear their gullibility on their sleeves by believing in government, digest this:


And what do we make of this?


* * *

The other day I heard the BBC presstitute Will Grant patronizing Cuba’s newspaper Granma. The presstitute, a mouthpiece for Washington and London, was telling the Cuban journalists that now that relations were normalized with the West, Granma had to toe the Western propaganda line or remain an outcast in the journalism world. The Cuban journalists made an effort to defend their integrity, but one senses that the allure of foreign travel, conferences and awards will spell the death knell of the newspaper associated with the Cuban Revolution. Of course, the Cuban Revolution itself is finished, as the money pouring in from abroad will reconstruct Cuba and make Cuba into a profitable foreign enterprise of the corporatocracy.

* * *

Obama was recently in Ethiopia where he warned the Ethiopian government against violating the rights of journalists. If only Obama had the same sympathy for American journalists. Instead, Obama threatens American journalists with indictments if they do not rat on their whistleblower sources.

* * *

The recent bombings in Turkey. Are the bombings a false flag operation so that Turkey can do what it wants to do anyway?

So often bombings are the work of “security” forces. The bombings are used to blame those whom the security forces wish to discredit. The Tsar’s secret police used bombings in order to arrest labor agitators. As Operation Gladio revealed, Western intelligence services bombed women and children in Europe in order to blame communists and thus reduce their vote in elections

False flag attacks are common throughout history. Those who expose them are labeled “conspiracy theorists” in order to protect governments’ secret agendas from exposure. The gullibility of the population ensures the government’s success.

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Ms Truss, the Secretary of State for Environment Food and Rural Affairs, says British farming is one of the Government’s key successes – though farmers are taking their own lives at a rate of one a week, according to many sources, though officialdom is reticent about this.

The Times of India reports that Maharashtra’s farmer suicide count in the six-month span from January to June this year stood at 1,300 cases, the state’s revenue department figures show.

Respected analyst Devinder Sharma points out that indebtedness and bankruptcy tops the reasons behind these suicides; followed by family problems and farming related issues. In both countries the authorities try to evade the real issue and blame the availability of shotguns, pesticides and so on.

Snapshots from a presentation to the UN summarises the real reasons:

farmers suicide some reasons3

British and Indian governments daren’t offend the party funding middlemen and corporate end-buyers who – without lifting a finger – profit from the food produced at the expense of the hard-working producers who are often obliged to sell at a loss.

More respect from the new Greek government

At least – the Financial Times points out – in Greece, Syriza is allowing some leeway to those producing the most essential goods. They are refusing to increase the financial burdens on farmers, who at present pay 13% per cent income tax, compared with the general 25% rate, and receive special treatment for fuel and fertiliser expenses.

With 12.4% of the country’s labour force employed in producing food and cotton and a thriving fishing industry, the new Greece government is showing some grasp of essentials and priorities – would that the British and Indian governments showed similar respect for their most important workers.

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Image: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the US Capitol, March 3, 2015, in Washington, DC.

More than 40 US lawmakers are scheduled to travel to Israel next month to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu before they vote in Congress on the nuclear agreement with Iran.

Congress has until September 17 to review and vote either to reject or approve the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) reached between Iran, the US and the five world powers on July 14 in the Austrian capital of Vienna.

According to the text of the agreement, Iran will be recognized by the United Nations as a nuclear power and will continue its uranium enrichment program.

The trip to Israel –one with Democrats, the other with Republicans– which occurs every two years, are organized and funded by the American Israel Education Foundation.

The foundation is an educational nonprofit affiliated with the Israel lobby, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). The AIPAC-linked foundation has spent more than $9.4 million on congressional travels during the past 14 years.

House Minority Leader Steny Hoyer will take part in the Democratic trip, which kicks off on August 3. The Republicans’ visit will begin on August 8.

We’ll meet with Mr. Netanyahu, [and] I’m sure he will repeat his very deep concerns and the dangers he believes that the deal presents to Israel,” Hoyer told the Hill. “We will speak to people in Israel who do not share his view.

Netanyahu is expected to make his case directly to lawmakers.

The lawmakers will also meet with other high-ranking officials, as well as US ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro.

Most Republicans oppose the nuclear agreement with Iran, but they need a two-thirds vote in both chambers of Congress to override a presidential veto and to reach that threshold, Republicans need Democrats’ support.

In remarks before the Council on Foreign Relations on Friday, Secretary of State John Kerry suggested that if Congress rejects the Iran agreement, the world would hold Israel responsible because of its extensive campaign against it.

US President Barack Obama has also vowed to veto any congressional resolution seeking to reject the agreement.

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A man injured by Israel’s bombs is taken to al-Najjar Hospital in Rafah, a city in southern Gaza, at the beginning of August last year. (Eyad Al Baba/APA images)

A joint investigation by Amnesty International and Forensic Architecture found “strong evidence” that the Israeli army carried out war crimes in an attempt to kill an Israeli soldier captured in Gaza last summer and as revenge for his capture.

On 1 August 2014 — a day Palestinians have come to know as Black Friday — the Israeli army initiated its deadliest act of butchery during its 51-day war on Gaza, bombing men, women and children in an effort to kill one of its own soldiers in Rafah, Gaza’s southernmost city.

When the dust settled, anywhere between 135 to more than 200 Palestinian civilians were dead, including 75 children. With the morgues full to capacity, medical workers were forced to store the corpses of small children in vegetable refrigerators and ice cream coolers to accommodate the high volume of dead bodies, producing some of the most haunting images produced by the 51-day offensive.

Using eyewitness testimony, satellite images and multimedia documentation of the carnage, researchers at Forensic Architecture, based in Goldsmiths, University of London, reconstructed the Black Friday attacks. This allowed them to determine that the Israeli attacks were aimed at locations believed to be harboring the soldier Hadar Goldin, leading Amnesty to conclude that the Israelis were trying to kill Goldin with no regard for the harm inflicted on civilians.

“The ferocity of the attack on Rafah shows the extreme measures Israeli forces were prepared to take to prevent the capture alive of one soldier — scores of Palestinian civilian lives were sacrificed for this single aim,” said Philip Luther, director of Amnesty’s Middle East and North Africa program.

Based on statements made by Israeli officials and soldiers, Amnesty also concluded that the attacks were partly motivated by vengeance for the capture.


Just before a temporary three-day humanitarian ceasefire negotiated by Egypt and the United States went into effect on the morning of 1 August, a unit of soldiers from the Israeli army’s Givati Brigade conducted a tunnel incursion southeast of Rafah on the order of  its commander Ofer Winter, an ultranationalist religious Zionist who exhorted his troops to holy war in Gaza.

It was there that they encountered a team of Palestinian resistance fighters and exchanged gunfire. Two Israeli soldiers and one Palestinian were killed in the ensuing firefight, while another, Goldin, went missing. It was later determined that Goldin died in the gunfight, but in the immediate aftermath the Israeli army operated under the assumption that he had been captured alive, putting into motion a bloodbath of epic proportions.

Goldin’s alleged capture led to the implementation of the Hannibal Directive, a classified Israeli military protocol authorizing firepower to prevent a captured Israeli soldier from being taken alive, even if it means killing the soldier and hundreds of civilians in the process.

Hannibal was crafted in the 1980s to deny Palestinian or other Arab resistance groups a bargaining chip down the line while relieving Israeli leaders of the political fallout from having to make concessions — such as prisoner swaps — to secure a captive’s release.

On Ofer Winter’s command, Israel unleashed a torrential downpour of at least 2,000 bombs, missiles and shells on 1 August alone. Half of the explosives were fired within the initial three hours of the operation on an area bustling with civilians who had just returned home for what they believed was a ceasefire.

No escape

“I would not be exaggerating if I told you that around 50 to 60 shells were falling every minute,” Rafah resident Saleh Abu Mohsen told Amnesty.

“People were running away from their homes in terror. It was a scene reminiscent of 1948 [the 1948 ethnic cleansing of more than 750,000 Palestinians, known as the Nakba], which we had only seen on TV,” he said, adding, “People were barefoot, women were running with their heads uncovered, it was a very difficult scene.”

The carpet-bombing began just before 10am, sending Palestinians bolting for safety in all directions, but to no avail. Israeli missiles decapitated fleeing civilians as they ran in the streets and shredded vehicles attempting to evacuate the wounded to Rafah’s al-Najjar Hospital.

The most lethal Black Friday attack occurred in Rafah’s eastern al-Tannur neighborhood, where the Israeli army dropped two one-ton MK-84/GBU-31 bunker buster bombs designed to penetrate underground command centers onto a single-story building, leaving a massive crater and a wide radius of destruction.

Though the building was empty, at least 18 people were killed in the streets as they dodged an assortment of artillery, helicopter and drone fire hunting them. It was the single deadliest attack on Black Friday.

Among those killed in the maelstrom was Mohammed Anas Mohammed Arafat, just 55-days-old. The infant was impaled while in his mother’s arms as she fled their home with her four children.

“He died in my hands… My son got hit in the head and was injured in the face and his face split open,” Shirin Jamal Arafat told Amnesty.

The attack appeared to be aimed at a tunnel shaft inside the building, where the Israeli army believed Goldin was possibly being held.

Killing the wounded

In the earliest hours of the attack, “the Israeli army appeared to fire at moving vehicles without distinction,” particularly ambulances moving toward al-Najjar Hospital. The Israeli attacks on ambulances were likely an attempt to prevent Goldin’s captors from getting him medical treatment.

Residents of the Musabbeh neighborhood gathered at the nearby mosque in the afternoon, following Israeli orders to evacuate. An eyewitness told Amnesty that he watched from his rooftop as a drone missile struck Suleiman Muhawish al-Hashash and his daughter, who were passing by the mosque on foot looking for a ride to safety.

When people inside the mosque came out to help, a second missile attacked. “Then a third missile hit the door of the mosque, injuring Youssef Ahmed Sheikh al-Eid, Dua Sheikh al-Eid and her three children, all under four years of age,” the witness told Amnesty.

Three ambulances were dispatched to the scene. The first to arrive scooped up the wounded but was struck by a missile fired from a drone.

The missile caused an explosion that burned all eight people — including three medics, an elderly man, a woman and three children — before the ambulance could make it back to the hospital.

Jaber Darabih, a paramedic from the second ambulance to arrive, which was also attacked, later learned that his son, a volunteer medic named Youssef Darabih, was among the dead. Their bodies were so badly torched, they “had no parts — no legs, no hands … So we took them out and put them inside plastic bags and brought them to the Abu Youssef al-Najjar Hospital and put them in the refrigerator,” Jaber told Amnesty.

Those who made it to the hospital alive on Black Friday poured into al-Najjar Hospital, the medical facility nearest to the site of Goldin’s capture.

The hospital was completely overwhelmed and unequipped to deal with the severity and volume of injuries. To make matters worse, the Israeli military repeatedly attacked in and around the hospital, blowing out windows, injuring medical staff and patients and ultimately forcing a frantic evacuation that sent patients fleeing with intravenous drips in hand.

Ashraf Hijazi, a doctor at the hospital, recalled to Amnesty that “some had plaster casts, with drips in their chests and stomachs. I saw a young boy in a plaster cast crawling trying to flee by dragging himself along.”

Amnesty concluded that the Israeli army was attacking the hospital just in case Goldin had been wounded and his captors were seeking medical help.

“Gloves off” policy

The Black Friday attacks, though lessening in ferocity, carried over into 2 August.

Rasha Abu Taha, who was pregnant during the attack, told Amnesty that on Black Friday over 25 family members had gathered at her in-laws’ house in the al-Shabora refugee camp. The following day, after an intense night of attacks, Abu Taha was preparing lunch as the children played and snapped photos when “suddenly the ceiling fell on us.”

Abu Taha rushed to rescue all the children she could, including her daughter, nephew and two nieces. Her sons, 12-year-old Mohammed and 10-year-old Youssef, and her nephew, 8-month-old Rizq, were killed.

“They brought Youssef out on a blanket without a head nor arms, only the lower part of his body,” Abu Taha told Amnesty.

While the Israeli army claims to have fired on “suspicious” persons and structures containing tunnel shafts that were possibly harboring Goldin, Amnesty concluded that in some cases, the motive was revenge (revenge as a motive was not uncommon last summer).

“Public statements by Israeli army commanders and soldiers after the conflict provide compelling reasons to conclude that some attacks that killed civilians and destroyed homes and property were intentionally carried out and motivated by a desire for revenge — to teach a lesson to, or punish, the population of Rafah for the capture of Lieutenant Goldin,” Amnesty found.

Revenge appears to have motivated the ferocious destruction of the Tabet Zare neighborhood, where an Israeli ground operation plowed through buildings with D-9 bulldozers and sprayed homes with Israeli tank fire.

“The motto guiding lots of people was, ‘let’s show them’,” an Israeli officer told Breaking the Silence, an organization of Israeli soldiers who have served in the occupied West Bank and Gaza.

Other soldiers declared to the media that their intention during the operation was “to settle accounts” or to “extract a price,” according to Amnesty.

Givati Brigade commander Ofer Winter bragged to one of Israel’s most widely circulated newspapers, “We shredded them,” adding, ”Anyone who abducts should know that he will pay a price.”

“They simply messed with the wrong brigade,” Winter declared. apparently with pride.

The fact that the implementation of the Hannibal Directive continued even after a death certificate was issued for Hadar Goldin on 2 August suggests revenge was indeed a guiding principle in Rafah.

“Under the veil of the Hannibal Directive, the Israeli army enacted a ‘gloves off’ policy,” concluded Amnesty, “whereby it struck general targets from its ‘target banks’ — a continuously updated list of targets prepared by the military intelligence — that were not previously authorized because they were determined to involve too high levels of collateral damage.”

Amnesty goes on to note that those responsible for these atrocities are unlikely to face repercussions for what amount to war crimes due to “the pervasive climate of impunity that has existed for decades” in regard to Israeli brutality.

Indeed, only three Israeli soldiers who participated in the 51-day slaughter have been indicted by Israeli military prosecutors for alleged looting during the ground invasion. Meanwhile, an Israeli military investigation ruled that the overwhelming firepower unleashed on Black Friday day was proportionate.

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The full report of the World Health Organization’s cancer agency IARC, concluding that glyphosate is a “probable carcinogen”, has been published and is available for download:


It’s clearly written and provides a useful document in support of individuals and groups campaigning against glyphosate herbicide spraying.

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Guinea Forest Region In 2014 (Photo Credit Daniel Bausch)

The notion of a neoliberal Ebola is so beyond the pale as to send leading lights in ecology and health into apoplectic fits.

Here’s one of bestseller David Quammen’s five tweets denouncing my hypothesis that neoliberalism drove the emergence of Ebola in West Africa. I’m an “addled guy” whose “loopy [blog] post” and “confused nonsense” Quammen hopes “doesn’t mislead credulous people.”

Scientific American’s Steve Mirksy joked that he feared “the supply-side salmonella”. He would walk that back when I pointed out the large literature documenting the ways and means by which the economics of the egg sector is driving salmonella’s evolution.

The facts of the Ebola outbreak similarly turn Quammen’s objection on its head.

The virus appears to have been spilling over for years in West Africa. Epidemiologist Joseph Fair’s group foundantibodies to multiple species of Ebola, including the very Zaire strain that set off the outbreak, in patients in Sierra Leone as far back as five years ago. Phylogenetic analyses meanwhile show the Zaire strain Bayesian-dated in West Africa as far back as a decade.

An NIAID team showed the outbreak strain as possessing no molecular anomaly, with nucleotide substitution rates typical of Ebola outbreaks across Africa.

That result begs an explanation for Ebola’s ecotypic shift from intermittent forest killer to a protopandemic infection infecting 27,000 and killing over 11,000 across the region, leaving bodies in the streets of capital cities Monrovia and Conakry.

Explaining the rise of Ebola

The answer, little explored in the scientific literature or the media, appears in the broader context in which Ebola emerged in West Africa.

The truth of the whole, in this case connecting disease dynamics, land use and global economics, routinely suffers at the expense of the principle of expediency. Such contextualization often represents a threat to many of the underlying premises of power.

In the face of such an objection, it was noted that the structural adjustment to which West Africa has been subjected the past decade included the kinds of divestment from public health infrastructure that permitted Ebola to incubate at the population level once it spilled over.

The effects, however, extend even farther back in the causal chain. The shifts in land use in the Guinea Forest Region from where the Ebola epidemic spread were also connected to neoliberal efforts at opening the forest to global circuits of capital.

Daniel Bausch and Lara Schwarz characterize the Forest Region, where the virus emerged, as a mosaic of small and isolated populations of a variety of ethnic groups that hold little political power and receive little social investment. The forest’s economy and ecology are also strained by thousands of refugees from civil wars in neighboring countries.

The Region is subjected to the tandem trajectories of accelerating deterioration in public infrastructure and concerted efforts at private development dispossessing smallholdings and traditional foraging grounds for mining, clear-cut logging, and increasingly intensified agriculture.

The Ebola hot zone as a whole comprises a part of the larger Guinea Savannah Zone the World Bank describes as “one of the largest underused agricultural land reserves in the world.” Africa hosts 60% of the world’s last farmland frontier. And the Bank sees the Savannah best developed by market commercialization, if not solely on the agribusiness model.

As the Land Matrix Observatory documents, such prospects are in the process of being actualized. There, one can see the 90 deals by which U.S.-backed multinationals have procured hundreds of thousands of hectares for export crops, biofuels and mining around the world, including multiple deals in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Observatory’s online database shows similar land deals pursued by other world powers, including the UK, France, and China.

Under the newly democratized Guinean government, the Nevada-based and British-backed Farm Land of Guinea Limited secured 99-year leases for two parcels totaling nearly 9000 hectares outside the villages of N’Dema and Konindou in Dabola Prefecture, where a secondary Ebola epicenter developed, and 98,000 hectares outside the village of Saraya in Kouroussa Prefecture. The Ministry of Agriculture has now tasked Farm Land Inc to survey and map an additional 1.5 million hectares for third-party development.

While these as of yet undeveloped acquisitions are not directly tied to Ebola, they are markers of a complex, policy-driven phase change in agroecology that our group hypothesizes undergirds Ebola’s emergence.

The role of palm oil in West Africa

Our thesis orbits around palm oil, in particular.

Palm is a vegetable oil of highly saturated fats derived from the red mesocarp of the African oil palm tree now grown around the world. The fruit’s kernel also produces its own oil. Refined and fractionated into a variety of byproducts, both oils are used in an array of food, cosmetic and cleaning products, as well as in some biodiesels. With the abandonment of trans fats, palm oil represents a growing market, with global exports totaling nearly 44 million metric tons in the 2014 growing season.

Oil palm plantations, covering more than 17 million hectares worldwide, are tied to deforestation and expropriation of lands from indigenous groups. We see from this Food and Agriculture Organization map that while most of the production can be found in Asia, particularly in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, most of the suitable land left for palm oil can be found in the Amazon and the Congo Basin, the two largest rainforests in the world.

Palm oil represents a classic case of Lauderdale’s paradox. As environmental resources are destroyed what’s left becomes more valuable. A decaying resource base, then, is no due cause for agribusiness turning into good global citizens, as industry-funded advocates have argued. On the contrary, agribusiness seeks exclusive access to our now fiscally appreciating, if ecologically declining, landscapes.

Food production didn’t start that way in West Africa, of course.

Natural and semi-wild groves of different oil palm types have long served as a source of red palm oil in the Guinea Forest Region. Forest farmers have been raising palm oil in one or another form for hundreds of years. Fallow periods allowing soils to recover, however, were reduced over the 20th century from 20 years in the 1930s to 10 by the 1970s, and still further by the 2000s, with the added effect of increasing grove density. Concomitantly, semi-wild production has been increasingly replaced with intensive hybrids, and red oil replaced by, or mixed with, industrial and kernel oils.

Other crops are grown too, of course. Regional shade agriculture includes coffee, cocoa and kola. Slash-and-burn rice, maize, hibiscus, and corms of the first year, followed by peanut and cassava of the second and a fallow period, are rotated through the agroforest. Lowland flooding supports rice. In essence, we see a move toward increased intensification without private capital but still classifiable as agroforestry.

But even this kind of farming has since been transformed.

The Guinean Oil Palm and Rubber Company (with the French acronym SOGUIPAH) began in 1987 as a parastatal cooperative in the Forest but since has grown to the point it is better characterized a state company. It is leading efforts that began in 2006 to develop plantations of intensive hybrid palm for commodity export. SOGUIPAH economized palm production for the market by forcibly expropriating farmland, which to this day continues to set off violent protest.

International aid has accelerated industrialization. SOGUIPAH’s new mill, with four times the capacity of one it previously used, was financed by the European Investment Bank.

The mill’s capacity ended the artisanal extraction that as late as 2010 provided local populations full employment. The subsequent increase in seasonal production has at one and the same time led to harvesting above the mill’s capacity and operation below capacity off-season, leading to a conflict between the company and some of its 2000 now partially proletarianized pickers, some of whom insist on processing a portion of their own yield to cover the resulting gaps in cash flow. Pickers who insist on processing their own oil during the rainy season now risk arrest.

The new economic geography has also initiated a classic case of land expropriation and enclosure, turning a tradition of shared forest commons toward expectations whereby informal pickers working fallow land outside their family lineage obtain an owner’s permission before picking palm.

Palm oil and Ebola

What does all this have to do with Ebola?


The figure at top left (of Fig. 1) shows an archipelago of oil palm plots in the Guéckédou area, the outbreak’s apparent ground zero. The characteristic landscape is a mosaic of villages surrounded by dense vegetation and interspersed by crop fields of oil palm (in red) and patches of open forest and regenerated young forest.

The general pattern can be discerned at a finer scale as well, above, west of the town of Meliandou, where the index cases appeared.

The landscape embodies a growing interface between humans and frugivore bats, a key Ebola reservoir, including hammer-headed bats, little collared fruit bats and Franquet’s epauletted fruit bats.

Nur Juliani Shafie and colleagues document a variety of disturbance-associated fruit bats attracted to oil palm plantations. Bats migrate to oil palm for food and shelter from the heat while the plantations’ wide trails also permit easy movement between roosting and foraging sites.

Bats aren’t stupid. As the forest disappears they shift their foraging behavior to what food and shelter are left.

Bush meat hunting and butchery are one means by which subsequent spillover may take place. But to move away from the kinds of Western ooga booga epidemiology that wraps outbreaks in such ‘dirty’ cultural cloth, agricultural cultivation may be enough. Fruit bats in Bangladeshtransmitted Nipah virus to human hosts by urinating on the date fruit humans cultivated.

Almudena Marí Saéz and colleagues have since proposed the initial Ebola spillover occurred outside Meliandou when children, including the putative index case, caught and played with Angolan free-tailed bats in a local tree. The bats are an insectivore species also previously documented as an Ebola virus carrier.

Whatever the specific reservoir source, shifts in agroeconomic context still appear a primary cause. Previous studies show the free-tailed bats also attracted to expanding cash crop production in West Africa, including of sugar cane, cotton, and macadamia.

Indeed, every Ebola outbreak appears connected to capital-driven shifts in land use, including back to the first outbreak in Nzara, Sudan in 1976, where a British-financed factory spun and wove local cotton. When Sudan’s civil war ended in 1972, the area rapidly repopulated and much of the local rainforest—and bat ecology—was reclaimed for subsistence farming, with cotton returning as the area’s dominant cash crop.

Are New York, London and Hong Kong as much to blame?

Clearly such outbreaks aren’t merely about specific companies.

We have started working with University of Washington’s Luke Bergmann to test whether the world’s circuits of capital as they relate to husbandry and land use are related to disease emergence. Bergmann and Holmberg’s maps, still in preparation, show the percent of land whose harvests are consumed abroad as agricultural goods or in manufactured goods and services for croplands, pastureland and forests.

The maps show landscapes are globalized by circuits of capital. In this way, the source of a disease may be more than merely the country in which it may first appear and indeed may extend as far as the other side of the world. We need to identify who funded the development and deforestation to begin with.

Such an epidemiology begs whether we might more accurately characterize such places as New York, London and Hong Kong, key sources of capital, as disease ‘hot spots’ in their own right. Diseases are relational in their geographies, and not solely absolute, as the ecohealth cowboyschronicled by David Quammen claim.

Similarly, such a new approach ruins the neat dichotomy between emergency responses and structural interventions.

Some disease hounds who acknowledge global structural issues tend to still focus on theimmediate logistics of any given outbreak. Emergency responses are needed, of course. But we need to acknowledge that the emergency arose from the structural. Indeed, such emergencies are used as a means by which to avoid talking about the bigger picture driving the emergence of new diseases.

The forest may be its own cure

There’s another false dichotomy to unpack—this one between the forest’s ecosystemic noise and deterministic effect.

The environmental stochasticity at the center of forest ecology isn’t synonymous with random noise.

Here a bit of math can help. A simple stochastic differential model of exponential pathogen population growth can include fractional white noise of an index 0 to 1 defined by a covariance relationship across time and space. An Ito expansion produces a classic result in population growth:

When below a threshold, the noise exponent is small enough to permit a pathogen population to explode in size. When above the threshold, the noise is large enough to control an outbreak, frustrating efforts on the part of the pathogen to string together a bunch of susceptibles to infect.

Never mind the technical details. The important point is that disease trajectories, even in the deepest forest, aren’t divorced from their anthropogenic context. That context can impact upon the forest’s environmental noise and its effects on disease.

How exactly in Ebola’s case?

It’s been long known that if you can lower an outbreak below an infection Allee threshold—say by a vaccine or sanitary practices—an outbreak, not finding enough susceptibles, can burn out on its own. But commoditizing the forest may have lowered the region’s ecosystemic threshold to such a point where no emergency intervention can drive the Ebola outbreak low enough to burn out on its own. The virus will continue to circulate, with the potential to explode again.

In short, neoliberalism’s structural shifts aren’t just a background on which the emergency of Ebola takes place. The shifts are the emergency as much as the virus itself.

In contrast to Nassim Taleb’s Black Swan—history as shit happens—we have here an example of stochasticity’s impact arising out of deterministic agroeconomic policy—a phenomenon I’ve taken to calling the Red Swan.

Here, sudden switches in land use may explain Ebola’s emergence. Deforestation and intensive agriculture strip out traditional agroforestry’s stochastic friction that until this point had kept the virus from stringing together enough transmission.

Under certain conditions, the forest may act as its own epidemiological protection. We risk the next deadly pandemic when we destroy that capacity.

Rob Wallace is an evolutionary biologist and public health phylogeographer currently visiting the Institute of Global Studies at the University of Minnesota. He also blogs at Farming Pathogens.

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When police in America want someone eliminated, they’re as good as dead. Thirty-seven-year-old Black woman Ralkina Jones is another killer cop victim. 

She was “perfectly fine” the day before her death, according to her sister, Renee Ashford. Last Saturday, she and other family members visited her. “She didn’t complain of nothing, saying she was hurting or anything,” Ashford said.

She “would want us to find out why. You can’t just tell me one minute I seen my sister, then the next day she’s dead. That don’t even make sense. And it’s just, ‘I can’t help you. I can’t tell you.’ Like, no. That’s un-human.”

She was a go-getter…She was the person who held us together.” Cleveland Heights Jail Facility authorities said her body was found “during a routine jail check of prisoners.

Squad personnel were unable to locate any vital signs, and it was determined by CHFD paramedics that Ms Jones was deceased.

According to police, the Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner is investigating her death. An autopsy completed Monday “revealed no suspicious injuries,” he claimed.

“The exact cause of death will be determined by the medical examiner pending further studies.” On Friday, Jones was arrested “on charges of felonious assault, domestic violence and child endangerment” – following an alleged confrontation with her  former husband.

Cleveland police said she “was being treated for several medical conditions that were documented during her intake process and she administered her prescribed medication as directed.”

On Saturday, she was taken briefly to a local hospital to check on possible blood pressure and blood sugar abnormalities. After her vital signs were determined normal, she was returned to her cell. Her vitals were last recorded as normal at 12:45AM Sundaymorning. Police said they continued monitoring her overnight to check if she was OK.

Yet she was found dead in her cell at 7:30AM under suspicious circumstances. How could a young woman perish hours after being medically determined healthy – another case wreaking of foul play!

Cleveland police shot and killed her uncle, Craig Bickerstaff, in 2003 after an alleged struggle. Family members received $22,500 after suing the city. They’re left with unanswered questions about both deaths.

Given epidemic levels of cops in America killing nonthreatening Blacks, judge for yourself the cause of Jones’ death.

When a 37-year-old woman pronounced healthy suddenly turns up dead in police custody, the stench of foul play is overwhelming.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs. 


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By: Who What Why

It has been said that African-Americans are often arrested for “driving while black.” In fact, African-Americans seem to be arrested for walking, talking—or just breathing—while black.

This is not news. What is news is that the Department of Justice investigated the city, the police department, and the judicial system of Ferguson, Missouri—which is apparently just one of many places in America where such racially driven abuses occur on a regular basis.

Photo Credits: Steven Melkisethian/Flickr CAPTION: The shooting of Michael Brown sparked protests and rallies in Ferguson and beyond, including this one hosted by the Montgomery County Civil Rights Coalition in Silver Spring, Maryland.

Photo Credits: Steven Melkisethian/Flickr The shooting of Michael Brown sparked protests and rallies in Ferguson and beyond, including this one hosted by the Montgomery County Civil Rights Coalition in Silver Spring, Maryland.

Out of this came The Ferguson Report.

Here we present anecdotes from that report, a catalog of grinding daily harassments, humiliations—and worse—by a police department intent on keeping a people “in their place” while earning revenue for the city by writing as many tickets as possible.

Theodore M. Shaw—Julius L. Chambers Distinguished Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Civil Rights at the University of North Carolina—wrote an eloquent introduction to the Report. In it, he said the DOJ pursued the investigation

in order to understand the context in which the events following the shooting of Michael Brown took place. Even if Darren Wilson [the officer who shot him] was not criminally indicted, in a broader sense the City of Ferguson, Missouri, stood indicted for its unconstitutional and racially discriminatory actions, deeds, and omissions in its daily treatment of its African-American citizens.

Below are selections from the Report. They have been edited and compressed to fit space requirements.

WhoWhatWhy Introduction by Milicent Cranor


Attitudes in Writing

We have discovered evidence of racial bias in emails sent by Ferguson officials, all of whom are current employees, almost without exception through their official City of Ferguson email accounts, and apparently sent during work hours. These email exchanges involved several police and court supervisors, including *FPD supervisors and commanders. The following emails are illustrative:

• A November 2008 email stated that President Barack Obama would not be President for very long because “what black man holds a steady job for four years.”

• A March 2010 email mocked African Americans through speech and familial stereotypes, using a story involving child support. One line from the email read: “I be so glad that dis be my last child support payment! Month after month, year after year, all dose payments!”

• An April 2011 email depicted President Barack Obama as a chimpanzee.

• A May 2011 email stated: “An African-American woman in New Orleans was admitted into the hospital for a pregnancy termination. Two weeks later she received a check for $5,000. She phoned the hospital to ask who it was from. The hospital said, ‘Crimestoppers.’ ”

• A June 2011 email described a man seeking to obtain “welfare” for his dogs because they are “mixed in color, unemployed, lazy, can’t speak English and have no frigging clue who their Daddies are.”

An October 2011 email included a photo of a bare-chested group of dancing women, apparently in Africa, with the caption, “Michelle Obama’s High School Reunion.”

• A December 2011 email included jokes that are based on offensive stereotypes about Muslims.

Attitudes in Action:  Violations of Rights Under the First Amendment

FPD’s [Ferguson Police Department’s] approach to enforcement results in violations of individuals’ First Amendment rights. FPD arrests people for a variety of protected conduct: people are punished for talking back to officers, recording public police activities, and lawfully protesting perceived injustices.

For example, one afternoon in September 2012, an officer stopped a 20-year-old African- American man for dancing in the middle of a residential street. The officer obtained the man’s identification and ran his name for warrants. Finding none, he told the man he was free to go. The man responded with profanities. When the officer told him to watch his language and reminded him that he was not being arrested, the man continued using profanity and was arrested for Manner of Walking in Roadway.


In February 2014, officers responded to a group of African-American teenage girls “play fighting” (in the words of the officer) in an intersection after school. When one of the schoolgirls gave the middle finger to a white witness who had called the police, an officer ordered her over to him.

One of the girl’s friends accompanied her. Though the friend had the right to be present and observe the situation— indeed, the offense reports include no facts suggesting a safety concern posed by her presence—the officers ordered her to leave and then attempted to arrest her when she refused. Officers used force to arrest the friend as she pulled away. When the first girl grabbed an officer’s shoulder, they used force to arrest her, as well.

Officers charged the two teenagers with a variety of offenses, including: Disorderly Conduct for giving the middle finger and using obscenities; Manner of Walking for being in the street; Failure to Comply for staying to observe; Interference with Officer; Assault on a Law Enforcement Officer; and Endangering the Welfare of a Child (themselves and their schoolmates) by resisting arrest and being involved in disorderly conduct.

This incident underscores how officers’ unlawful response to activity protected by the First Amendment can quickly escalate to physical resistance, resulting in additional force, additional charges, and increasing the risk of injury to officers and members of the public alike.

Photo credit:Thomas Hawk/Flickr

Photo credit:Thomas Hawk/Flickr


FPD officers also routinely infringe on the public’s First Amendment rights by preventing people from recording their activities. The First Amendment “prohibit[s] the government from limiting the stock of information from which members of the public may draw.”

In Ferguson, however, officers claim without any factual support that the use of camera phones endangers officer safety.

In May 2014, an officer pulled over an African-American woman who was driving with her two sons. During the traffic stop, the woman’s 16-year-old son began recording with his cell phone. The officer ordered him to put down the phone and refrain from using it for the remainder of the stop. The officer claimed this was “for safety reasons.”

The situation escalated, apparently due to the officer’s rudeness and the woman’s response. According to the 16 year old, he began recording again, leading the officer to wrestle the phone from him. Additional officers arrived and used force to arrest all three civilians under disputed circumstances that could have been clarified by a video recording.


In June 2014, an African-American couple who had taken their children to play at the park allowed their small children to urinate in the bushes next to their parked car. An officer stopped them, threatened to cite them for allowing the children to “expose themselves,” and checked the father for warrants. When the mother asked if the officer had to detain the father in front of the children, the officer turned to the father and said, “You’re going to jail because your wife keeps running her mouth.”

The mother then began recording the officer on her cell phone. The officer became irate, declaring, “You don’t videotape me!” As the officer drove away with the father in custody for “parental neglect,” the mother drove after them, continuing to record. The officer then pulled over and arrested her for traffic violations. When the father asked the officer to show mercy, he responded, “No more mercy, since she wanted to videotape,” and declared “Nobody videotapes me.” The officer then took the phone, which the couple’s daughter was holding.

After posting bond, the couple found that the video had been deleted. A month later, the same officer pulled over a truck hauling a trailer that did not have operating tail lights. The officer asked for identification from all three people inside, including a 54-year-old white man in the passenger seat who asked why. “You have to have a reason. This is a violation of my Fourth Amendment rights,” he asserted.

The officer, who characterized the man’s reaction as “suspicious,” responded, “The reason is, if you don’t hand it to me, I’ll arrest you.” The man provided his identification. The officer then asked the man to move his cell phone from his lap to the dashboard, “for my safety.” The man said, “Okay, but I’m going to record this.” Due to nervousness, he could not open the recording application and quickly placed the phone on the dash. The officer then announced that the man was under arrest for Failure to Comply.

At the end of the traffic stop, the officer gave the driver a traffic citation, indicated at the other man, and said, “You’re getting this ticket because of him.” Upon bringing that man to the jail, someone asked the officer what offense the man had committed. The officer responded, “He’s one of those guys who watches CNBC too much about his rights.” The man did not say anything else, fearing what else the officer might be capable of doing. He later told us, “I never dreamed I could end up in jail for this. I’m scared of driving through Ferguson now.”

Attitudes in Action:  Violations of Rights Under the Fourth Amendment

The Fourth Amendment protects individuals from unreasonable searches and seizures. The Fourth Amendment permits law enforcement officers to briefly detain individuals for investigative purposes if the officers possess reasonable suspicion that criminal activity is afoot. In addition, if the officer reasonably believes the person with whom he or she is dealing is armed and dangerous, the officer may conduct a protective search or frisk of the person’s outer clothing.

“We found numerous incidents in which—based on the officer’s own description of the detention—an officer detained an individual without articulable reasonable suspicion of criminal activity.”

In reviewing FPD records, we found numerous incidents in which— based on the officer’s own description of the detention—an officer detained an individual without articulable reasonable suspicion of criminal activity or arrested a person without probable cause. In none of these cases did the officer explain or justify his conduct.

Many of the unlawful stops we found appear to have been driven, in part, by an officer’s desire to check whether the subject had a municipal arrest warrant pending. Several incidents suggest that officers are more concerned with issuing citations and generating charges than with addressing community needs.

In October 2012, police officers pulled over an African-American man who had lived in Ferguson for 16 years, claiming that his passenger-side brake light was broken. The driver happened to have replaced the light recently and knew it to be functioning properly. Nonetheless, according to the man’s written complaint, one officer stated, “Let’s see how many tickets you’re going to get,” while a second officer tapped his Electronic Control Weapon (“ECW”) on the roof of the man’s car.

The officers wrote the man a citation for “tail light/reflector/license plate light out.” They refused to let the man show them that his car’s equipment was in order, warning him, “Don’t you get out of that car until you get to your house.” The man, who believed he had been racially profiled, was so upset that he went to the police station that night to show a sergeant that his brakes and license plate light worked.

At times, the constitutional violations are even more blatant.  An African-American man recounted to us an experience he had while sitting at a bus stop near Canfield Drive. According to the man, an FPD patrol car abruptly pulled up in front of him. The officer inside, a patrol lieutenant, rolled down his window and addressed the man:

Lieutenant: Get over here.

Bus Patron: Me?

Lieutenant: Get the f*** over here. Yeah, you.

Bus Patron: Why? What did I do?

Lieutenant: Give me your ID.

Bus Patron: Why?

Lieutenant: Stop being a smart ass and give me your ID.

The lieutenant ran the man’s name for warrants. Finding none, he returned the ID and said, “Get the hell out of my face.”


While the record demonstrates a pattern of stops that are improper from the beginning, it also exposes encounters that start as constitutionally defensible but quickly cross the line. For example, in the summer of 2012, an officer detained a 32-year-old African-American man who was sitting in his car cooling off after playing basketball. The officer arguably had grounds to stop and question the man, since his windows appeared more deeply tinted than permitted under Ferguson’s code.

Without cause, the officer went on to accuse the man of being a pedophile, prohibit the man from using his cell phone, order the man out of his car for a pat-down despite having no reason to believe he was armed, and ask to search his car.

When the man refused, citing his constitutional rights, the officer reportedly pointed a gun at his head, and arrested him. The officer charged the man with eight different counts, including making a false declaration for initially providing the short form of his first name (e.g., “Mike” instead of “Michael”) and an address that, although legitimate, differed from the one on his license. The officer also charged the man both with having an expired operator’s license, and with having no operator’s license in possession. The man told us he lost his job as a contractor with the federal government as a result of the charges.

Photo Credit: Elvert Barnes/Flickr CAPTION: Sign at an anti-Police Brutality Rally in Washington D.C.

Sign at an anti-Police Brutality Rally in Washington D.C. Photo Credit: Elvert Barnes/Flickr


Officers in Ferguson also use their arrest power to retaliate against individuals for using language that, while disrespectful, is protected by the Constitution. For example, one afternoon in September 2012, an officer stopped a 20-year-old African-American man for dancing in the middle of a residential street. The officer obtained the man’s identification and ran his name for warrants. Finding none, he told the man he was free to go. The man responded with profanities. When the officer told him to watch his language and reminded him that he was not being arrested, the man continued using profanity and was arrested for Manner of Walking in Roadway.


FPD engages in a pattern of excessive force in violation of the Fourth Amendment. Many officers are quick to escalate encounters with subjects they perceive to be disobeying their orders or resisting arrest. They have come to rely on ECWs, specifically Tasers®, where less force—or no force at all— would do. They also release canines on unarmed subjects unreasonably and before attempting to use force less likely to cause injury. Some incidents of excessive force result from stops or arrests that have no basis in law. Others are punitive and retaliatory.

In December 2011, officers deployed a canine to bite an unarmed 14-year-old African-American boy who was waiting in an abandoned house for his friends. Four officers, including a canine officer, responded to the house mid- morning after a caller reported that people had gone inside. Officers arrested one boy on the ground level.

Describing the offense as a burglary in progress even though the facts showed that the only plausible offense was trespassing, the canine officer’s report stated that the dog located a second boy hiding in a storage closet under the stairs in the basement. The officer peeked into the space and saw the boy, who was 5’5″ and 140 pounds, curled up in a ball, hiding.

According to the officer, the boy would not show his hands despite being warned that the officer would use the dog. The officer then deployed the dog, which bit the boy’s arm, causing puncture wounds. According to the boy, with whom we spoke, he never hid in a storage space and he never heard any police warnings. He told us that he was waiting for his friends in the basement of the house, a vacant building where they would go when they skipped school.

The boy approached the stairs when he heard footsteps on the upper level, thinking his friends had arrived. When he saw the dog at the top of the steps, he turned to run, but the dog quickly bit him on the ankle and then the thigh, causing him to fall to the floor. The dog was about to bite his face or neck but instead got his left arm, which the boy had raised to protect himself.

FPD officers struck him while he was on the ground, one of them putting a boot on the side of his head. He recalled the officers laughing about the incident afterward.

The lack of sufficient documentation or a supervisory force investigation prevents us from resolving which version of events is more accurate. However, even if the officer’s version of the force used were accurate, the use of the dog to bite the boy was unreasonable.

Though described as a felony, the facts as described by the officer, and the boy, indicate that this was a trespass—kids hanging out in a vacant building. The officers had no factual predicate to believe the boy was armed. The offense reports document no attempt to glean useful information about the second boy from the first, who was quickly arrested.

By the canine officer’s own account, he saw the boy in the closet and thus had the opportunity to assess the threat posed by this 5’5″ 14 year old. Moreover, there were no exigent circumstances requiring apprehension by dog bite. Four officers were present and had control of the scene.


In December 2012, a 16-year-old African-American boy suspected of stealing a car fled from an officer, jumped several fences, and ran into a vacant house. A second officer arrived with a canine, which reportedly located the suspect hiding in a closet.

Without providing a warning outside the closet, the officer opened the door and sent in the dog, which bit the suspect and dragged him out by the legs.

The first officer, who was also on the scene by this point, deployed his ECW against the suspect three times as the suspect struggled with the dog, which was still biting him. The offense reports provide only minimal explanation for why apprehension by dog bite was necessary.

The pursuing officer claimed the suspect had “reached into the front section of his waist area,” but the report does not say that he relayed this information to the canine officer, and no weapon was found. Moreover, given the lack of a warning at the closet, the use of the dog and ECW at the same time, and the application of three ECW stuns in quick succession, the officers’ conduct raises the possibility that the force was applied in retaliation for leading officers on a chase.


In November 2013, an officer deployed a canine to bite and detain a fleeing subject even though the officer knew the suspect was unarmed. The officer deemed the subject, an African-American male who was walking down the street, suspicious because he appeared to walk away when he saw the officer.

The officer stopped him and frisked him, finding no weapons. The officer then ran his name for warrants. When the man heard the dispatcher say over the police radio that he had outstanding  warrants—the report does not specify whether the warrants were for failing to appear in municipal court or to pay owed fines, or something more  serious—he ran.

The officer followed him and released his dog, which bit the man on both arms. The officer’s supervisor found the force justified because the officer released the dog “fearing that the subject was armed,” even though the officer had already determined the man was unarmed.

The sergeant detained the man, although he did not articulate any reasonable suspicion that criminal activity was afoot. When the man declined to answer questions or submit to a  frisk—which the sergeant sought to execute despite articulating no reason to believe the man was  armed—the sergeant grabbed the man by the belt, drew his ECW, and ordered the man to comply.

The man crossed his arms and objected that he had not done anything wrong. Video captured by the ECW’s built-in camera shows that the man made no aggressive movement toward the officer. The sergeant fired the ECW, applying a five- second cycle of electricity and causing the man to fall to the ground. The sergeant almost immediately applied the ECW again, which he later justified in his report by claiming that the man tried to stand up.

The video makes clear, however, that the man never tried to stand—he only writhed in pain on the ground. The video also shows that the sergeant applied the ECW nearly continuously for 20 seconds, longer than represented in his report. The man was charged with Failure to Comply and Resisting Arrest, but no independent criminal violation.

# #

Go here to read The Ferguson Report in its entirety.

Copyright Who What Why 2015

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Experts claim that the United States and its European allies forced a UN Security Council vote on the MH17 tribunal resolution on Wednesday because they knew Russia would cast what the Western powers hope to frame as an incriminating veto.

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The United States and its European allies forced a UN Security Council vote on the MH17 tribunal resolution on Wednesday because they knew Russia would cast what the Western powers hope to frame as an incriminating veto, experts told Sputnik.

“What they [the United States and its allies] are going to say, with the support of Western media propaganda, is that Russia vetoed the [UN MH17] resolution because it was scared that it would be indicted,” Centre for Research on Globalization Director Michel Chossudovsky told Sputnik on Wednesday.

Earlier on Wednesday, Russia vetoed a draft UN Security Council resolution that would establish an international tribunal to prosecute the perpetrators of the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 crash in eastern Ukraine.

The Western media, Chossudovsky argued, will develop a storyline that the Russians voted against the resolution to prevent a probe into who is responsible for the MH17 crash because it might point to the pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine.

Moscow actually wants to discover the real truth, Chossudovsky claimed, which will not be found in a UN mock court that aims to put Moscow and the pro-Russian rebels on trial before all the evidence is gathered.

“Washington and its European allies have been attempting to manipulate the evidence because what they seek in this tribunal is to accuse Russia,” Chossudovsky said. “We can call it a kangaroo court, but that’s insulting the kangaroos.”

All of the evidence gathered to date by OSCE monitors, Dutch investigators and a brave BBC reporter [who’s TV report was censored and taken down by the BBC] , Chossudovsky elaborated, indicate that the MH17 was shot down by an air-to-air attack, which rules out allegations that the plane was downed by pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine using land-to-air weaponry.

Swedish Doctors for Human Rights Chairman Marcello Ferrada de Noli told Sputnik that the Western public is constantly spoon-fed Russophobic propaganda, and the political motives of UN members will render the tribunal verdict a fait accompli.

“The governments and media in those countries that would be integrating the committee [UN tribunal] have already, without exhibiting beyond-doubt proof, ascribed the MH17 crash to the Donbass militia,” de Noli said.

Introducing the UN MH17 tribunal resolution only fuels the unfortunate new “Cold War” that has been restarted to serve the military and financial interests of the Western powers, de Noli added.

On Wednesday, Russian envoy to the UN Vitaly Churkin said “there are no grounds” for the creation of the tribunal. Churkin also said, however, that Russia is ready to continue assisting a thorough and objective investigation into the causes and circumstances of the Boeing 777 crash.

The Dutch Safety Board, authorized to conduct an investigation into the MH17 incident, released a preliminary report on the crash in September 2014, revealing that the plane broke up in mid-air after being hit by a number of high-energy objects penetrating the plane from the outside.

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The MH 17 Crash: The Unanswered Questions

July 29th, 2015 by Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

Western media sources were quick to point the finger at “Russian-backed rebels” operating in Eastern Ukraine, operating a “Russian missile system” to down the Malaysian Airlines flight MH 17 in July 2014. Even the name of Russia’s President was invoked…all without a shred of evidence one year on. Here are some questions to be answered.

1. To make an accusation, you need proof. Without the proof, the accusation amounts to slander or libel. The official enquiry has not yet delivered any hard evidence pointing towards Russia’s involvement in the incident, either passively or actively. Therefore are accusations to the contrary, without evidence to back them up, simply examples of slander and libel levelled by those who have lied time and time and time and time and time again?

2. OCSE monitor Michael Bociurkiw in an interview shortly after the incident on July 17 that there are two or three pieces of fuselage which show indications of heavy machine-gun fire and no evidence of missile damage. How to explain this?

MH 17: The unanswered questions. 55907.jpeg

Pravda.Ru Photo archive

3. The same monitor declared later that certain pieces of the fuselage looked different a few days after he had first seen them. On July 22, he stated to the BBC that certain sections of the fuselage “do look different than when we first saw them”. Was the wreckage tampered with?

4. What about the eye-witness reports of two Ukrainian Air Force fighter jets trailing the plane at the time of the incident?

Impact holes do not match BUK M1 missile

5. How to explain the circular holes bend inwards at impact, when such holes are made by bullets from machine-gun fire? Shrapnel from a BUK missile system would have caused tears in the fuselage more of a triangular shape and would not have concentrated on and targeted the cockpit specifically. Furthermore, fuselage sections on another part of the aircraft have outward-bent impact marks, showing that the MH-17 was being fired at from two different directions.

6. The caliber of the round bullet holes is from a 30-mm. cannon. If the aircraft was downed by a surface-to-air missile, then how could this produce bullet holes from a machine-gun?

7. The fuselage has other marks besides those of machine-gin fire. Was the aircraft hit by an air-to-air missile as well as machine-gun fire from two different sides from the two aircraft said to be trailing it at the time of impact?

8. Why have fragments of information disclaiming the western theory that pro-Russian or Russian-backed rebels were responsible disappeared from the Internet? Why have Facebook accounts showing such evidence been closed down? Why have blog sites carrying evidence disclaiming the western theory been hacked? Why do stories such as these attract an army of Internet trolls making ad hominem attacks against the author, sending threatening emails to her/his email account and vehemently shrieking abuse and lies without discussing any of the points in question?

9. If a guided missile launched by a BUK-M1 Surface to Air Missile battery leaves a comet-like plume of smoke behind it, and given that no such plume was seen at the time of impact against MH 17, during daylight, would this not point towards the fact that the object responsible for the incident was not, in fact, a BUK missile system?

Turn on your microphones, copy and paste this link into a fresh browser window and watch this:

10. If the impact holes on the aircraft show impact from below and sideways, then how does this implicate a BUK missile system, which strikes the target from above?

11. Looking at the video, how can a complex system costing millions and involving different control vehicles be operated by “rebels”?

Aircraft seen trailing MH-17

12. How to explain that eye witnesses saw aircraft trailing MH17, and then shots, without any missile trail, just before the aircraft exploded?

13. Is there any credence in the theory that President Putin was believed to be flying over the same route at the time? Malaysia Airlines confirms  “A flight from a different carrier was on the same route at the time of the MH17 incident”. Sources who have asked not to be named have claimed that the Russian President’s aircraft has very similar contours and coloring to MH17 and that both aircraft intersected at the same point and altitude at a similar time. It was 200 miles behind MH 17. In the event it did not fly over Ukraine, but the trajectory could have fooled those who wanted to murder President Putin?

14. And how to make sense of this? Kiev’s wrath against anti-Kiev commander Bes was well known. Bes operated precisely in the area of the downed jetliner. Then there was the video tape of a supposed conversation between him and subordinates, uploaded five hours after the crash but placing the time of the crash 35 minutes before it actually took place. The log of the video shows it was made on July 16, so one day before the incident took place? Fabricated false flag “evidence”?

15. The video of a recorded conversation between a Ukrainian military pilot and command flying in the area at the same time regarding a downed aircraft has since disappeared from the Net. Why?

Anti-Fascist forces did not have equipment or know-how

16. The BUK M-1 is a sophisticated piece of weaponry that can only be operated by a team of experts, involving training for months. Such personnel know the difference between a civilian and a military aircraft. Coupled with this, the anti-Kiev freedom fighters in the area possess missile systems that do not operate over 10,000 feet. The MH-17 was flying at 33,000 feet.

17. Why was the aircraft flying over a war zone, where ten aircraft had been downed recently?

18. Why does the downed aircraft show cladding damage characteristic with pin and shrapnel warheads (air-to-air systems), much more characteristic of R-27 TOPOR or R-73 missiles used on the Ukraine military MIG-29 and SU-27 aircraft?

19. One year on, where is the official report? Does it really take that long to doctor the evidence?

20. Given the recent history of geopolitical events and given the following, would anyone put any of the questions raised above beyond NATO in general and the FUKUS Axis (France-UK-US) in particular?

Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey


([email protected])

Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey has worked as a correspondent, journalist, deputy editor, editor, chief editor, director, project manager, executive director, partner and owner of printed and online daily, weekly, monthly and yearly publications, TV stations and media groups printed, aired and distributed in Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, East Timor, Guinea-Bissau, Portugal, Mozambique and São Tomé and Principe Isles; the Russian Foreign Ministry publication Dialog and the Cuban Foreign Ministry Official Publications. He has spent the last two decades in humanitarian projects, connecting communities, working to document and catalog disappearing languages, cultures, traditions, working to network with the LGBT communities helping to set up shelters for abused or frightened victims and as Media Partner with UN Women, working to foster the UN Women project to fight against gender violence and to strive for an end to sexism, racism and homophobia. He is also a Media Partner of Humane Society International, fighting for animal rights.


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Time to Stop Resisting Haiti’s Resistance

July 29th, 2015 by Jean Saint-Vil

This article was written on November 29, 2002

As political violence appears to be growing in Haiti in the midst of outrageous calls to overthrow of a democratically-elected government; As a Bush administration denies being, once again, involved in efforts to overthrow Haitian president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide; As many Haitians feel powerless in front of the barrage of pre-coup lies which currently permeates the international press coverage of Haiti, I invite those wishing to understand what is really going on down there to do a little reading. It just might help put all this craziness in proper context.

First, here are the basic FACTS OF THE DAY:

1) President Aristide was duly elected by the people of Haiti on November 26, 2000—he obtained his 5 year term fair and square.

2) George W. Bush and many of his allies have tried and are continuing to try covert (illegal) as well as overt (diplomatic) actions to destabilize then overthrow President Aristide’s government.

3) President Aristide has lost a lot of support in Haiti because of his government’s mismanagement of public affairs.

4) Progressive (majority of) Haitians feel trapped as many of them would like to punish or reward Aristide and his party with their electoral ballots. But powerful coup-plotting foreign and national forces have successfully hijacked the country from its people—offering fratricidal violence as a sole path out of the dangerous stalemate they have created in the empovrished nation.

5) There is racial as well as class solidarity between members of the coup-plotting elites of Haiti, the U.S., Dominican Republic and Europe who are hell bent on deposing Aristide before his full term expires normally on February 7, 2006.

Now, to understand these basic facts of the day, one must take a look Haiti’s history (SANKOFA—Go back and fetch it!).

Haiti’s is a history which can be accurately described to be a tale of two-way resistance. On the one hand, the (majority of) people of Haiti are resisting White Supremacy. On the other hand, white supremacy (supported by peoples of all color and class, both consciously and unconsciously) is resisting the people of Haiti’s stubborn determination to self-govern by black majority rule.

This incredible, and seemingly never-ending saga of resistance, can be summarized by the following FACTS:

The Republic of Haiti was created on January 1, 1804, following a revolt of enslaved Africans who prevailed against the three dominant European militaries of the time: France, England and Spain.

This shattered the myth of white supremacy…. As punishment, Haiti has been attacked, exploited, and vilified every since.

Stan Goff, former U.S. soldier, author of Hideous Dream

1. Resisting to Survive

1492- early 1500’s: Original Taino population of island (over 1 million) completely wiped out by Spanish invaders (Fouchard, Les Marrons de la liberté (LML), 1972)

1499-1791: Africans brought to the island and subjugated to legalized, state-sponsored racial slavery by Europeans (French Code Noir promulgated in 1685)—Europeans used torture, religion and murder to maintain the white supremacist system. Je fis attacher le sorcier et lui fis distribuer environ 300 coups de fouet qui l’écorchèrent depuis les épaules jusque aux genoux Je fis mettre le sorcier aux fers après l’avoir fait laver avec une pimentade (I had the sorcerer held by a post and flogged with 300 lashes that scorched him from his shoulder to his knees then I had him fixed to the irons after being washed with a mix of peppers) Father Labbat quoted in Les Marrons de la liberté (1972), Jean Fouchard, page 112.

1776: Africans of Haiti used in French Army (among them, 12 year-old Henry Christophe—later to become King of Haiti) to fight British forces at Savannah, Georgia —thus, helping White Americans gain their independence from England.

1791- 1803: On November 18,1803, Battle of Vertières won by Africans against Napoléon Bonaparte’s large expedition to Haiti. The 12 year uprising of Africans enslaved on the island culminates in successive and definitive victories of the Africans over the armed forces of Britain, Spain and France.

1804 (January 1): Haiti declares its independence and becomes the very first nation on the continent to banish slavery. Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Haiti’s liberator, offers Haitian citizenship to any freedom seeker who lands on Haitian shores, including hundreds of White Polish men who were brought to the island by Napoleon Bonaparte’s army.

2. Resisting Justice and Progress—Concerted Efforts by «White Nations» to Isolate and Ruin Haiti

1805: Calling for Western [white supremacist ] solidarity , the French foreign minister Prince Charles Talleyrand wrote to U.S Secretary of State James Madison,The existence of a Negro people in arms, occupying a country it has soiled by the most criminal acts, is a horrible spectacle for all white nations. The United States responds by banning trade with Haiti in 1806 and renewing its embargo in 1807 and 1809. (Bellegarde-Smith, Haiti: The Breached Citadel (HBC), p 49)

1815-1816: Simon Bolivar visits Haiti twice and receives military assistance for South American Liberation. In March 1816 Bolivar left Haiti with men, money, munitions, weapons, and a small press for printing South American revolutionary literature and the proclamation abolishing slavery. Bolivar began by freeing his own 1500 slaves, Haiti’s only demand. Yet, Haiti’s invitation to attend the Panama Congress of 1826 was withdrawn under U.S. Pressure, despite the assistance Haiti had given to Latin American independence movements (HBC, p50).

1825: French king Charles X crippled the young Black Republic of Haiti with an outrageous ransom for recognition of 150 million Francs-or, which he justified asindemnity to former slave owners for loss of their property.

[1830: Abolition of racial slavery in Canada]

1838: France recognizes Haitian independence with initial payments on multi-million Francs-or ransom. In 1922, the last payment was made on the 60 million Francs-or eventually extorted from the Haitians by France. (In May 2001, France finally acknowledged the Transatlantic Slave Trade and Racial Slavery to be crimes which it committed against humanity but still refuses to return the ransom collected from Haiti, let alone pay reparations to the descendants of Africans it enslaved).

[1848: France abolishes slavery on its claimed territories]

1853: French Admiral Duquesne threatens to bombard Port-au-Prince to restart payments on the French ransom which had been stopped in 1852 by Haitian Emperor Faustin Soulouque. The latter replied: Je repousserai la force par la force (I will meet force with force), and Duquesne let the matter rest. (Written in Blood, Heiln p199)

1857-1900: U.S.A. intervenes 19 times in Haitian affairs, often with gun-boat diplomacy.

July1861: Spanish gun-boat aggression against Haiti—At issue: Haitian support to Dominican generals Cabral and Sanchez who were resisting attempted Spanish annexation of Dominican Republic. Spanish Admiral Rubalcava collects $200,000 ransom and 21-gun salute from Haitian President Fabre Nicholas Géffrard.

1861-1865: Spain annexes neighboring Dominican Republic by invitation of its white and mulatto minority: Fearing a return of slavery on the island, Haiti helps anti-Spanish forces to regain Dominican Republic’s independence. (HBC, p183)

[1862: End of legalized racial slavery in the United States of America and formal diplomatic recognition by that nation of the Republic of Haiti].

1870: U.S. gun-boat aggression against Haiti using flagship U.S.S. Dictator (This same year, the 15th Amendment is adopted, finally giving Black males the right to vote in the U.S.A) .

1872: German gun-boat aggression against Haiti. Commodore Basch collects 3000 Sterling Pounds from the Haitian government and defames Haitian flag with German excrement.

1877: March: French gun-boat aggession against Haiti. At issue: resumption of payments on the 1825 ransom—balance then re-estimated at 20 million Francs-or. December: Repeat of Spanish gun-boat aggression against Haiti. At issue: Suspected Haitian assistance to rebels fighting to abolish slavery in Cuba.

August 1883: In the midst of popular riots in the capital city of Port-au-Prince, diplomatic representatives of France, Britain, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Holland, Norway and Sweden sign ultimatum threatening Haitian President Lysius Féllicité Salomon of bombarding Haiti’s National Palace.

1884: Spenser St-John, former British Consul-General in Haiti publishes Hayti: Or the Black Republic in which Haiti is deemed an island of «Vaudoux» practicing cannibals. His will be followed by a host of other anti-Haiti, white supremacist publications like Where Black Rules White (Prichard, 1910), in which the American author says of Haitians and of their religion « the perpetuation of a cult so degrading must have its source deep in the character of the race. Yet you find that these undoubted cannibals can on occasion be both kind-hearted and hospitable. Perhaps the root of it all lies in their squalid ignorance». Hollywood would pick-up the theme with a string of Zombie pictures, starting in the 1930s.

1886-88: Legalised racial slavery finally abolished in Spanish and Portuguese colonies (Cuba, Brazil)]

1890: First, using the diplomatic skills of Black abolitionist Frederick Douglass, U.S. Ambassador to Haiti, then using gunboat diplomacy with as many as 7 warships, the U.S. attempts to force Haiti to lease away Môle St. Nicholas as a naval base. Haitian President Hyppolite citing his people’s Constitution, responds negatively to all U.S. demands.

1897: (Affaire Luders) Repeated acts of German gun-boat aggression against Haiti using warships S.M.S. Charlotte and Stein. (HBC, p184)

1915-1934: United States invades Haiti, seizes and expatriates its national treasury and gold reserves, imposes a new constitution allowing property ownership by Americans and dismissing the Haitian legislature from 1917 to 1930. Haiti-U.S accord on reestablishing Haitian Freedom signed in 1933 and on August 15, 1934 all U.S. Marines left Haiti. (HBC, p184). As part of U.S. legacy, the reins of political powers are strongly secured for the anti-black, pro-American mulatto minorities on both sides of the island (Haiti and Dominican Republic). During that period, as William Jennings Bryan of the U.S. State Department could hardly control his surprise at Haitians: Dear me, think of it. Niggers speaking French., the National Geographic Magazine described life in Haiti with such words: while the peasants thus took to the bush, the middle and upper class Haitians gravitated to the seacoast towns, where they learned the art of living by the expert exploitation, political and commercial, of the unthinking black animals of the interior (National Geographic Magazine, 1920: 497).

1937 (October): White Supremacist Dictator Raphaël Trujillo of neighbouring Dominican Republic, benefiting of full support from his great friends U.S. president F. D. Roosevelt and Haiti’s Mulatto president Sténio Vincent, orders the massacre of as many as 30,000 Black Haitians in a fit of anti-Haitian sentiment which also left countless Black Dominicans dead.

3. Resisting Black Majority Rule on Both Sides of the Island—White Supremacist Powers Offer Lip Service to Democracy, Tangible Support to Dictators and Help Reinforce Racist Stereotypes

1957: US Helps François Duvalier win fraudulent elections. (1958-1963): U.S. Marine Corps mission trains Duvalier’s armed forces. Thousands of Haitians are murdered by Duvalier. During the 60s, lucky few seek exile in newly liberated African states.

1960s: In U.S., Black freedom fighter Dr. Martin Luther King gunned down by CIA. Several others who stand to denounce white supremacist policies like racial segregation are murdered by the KKK, CIA or other U.S. government forces. Civil right struggles in the U.S. coincide with continued and ever increasing migration of Haitian exiles (fleeing Duvalier dictatorship) towards the U.S.A., Canada, Africa and Europe.

1971: François Duvalier dies. U.S. Administration supervises transfer of power to his son, 19 year-old Jean-Claude Duvalier and trains new military unit: the Leopards.

[1970s—1980s: American and Canadian sex tourists carry AIDS to Haiti (Farmer, 1994). In 1981, Haitian refugee tragedies and Florida landings reach noticeable levels.]

1983: U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) contributes to worldwide anti-Haitian propaganda with the infamous four H (4H) theory about AIDS; namely that homosexuals as well as heroin addicts, hemophiliacs, and Haitians were the most likely to have the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Haiti’s tourism industry takes fatal plunge and U.S. applies ever more stringent anti-Haitian immigration policies. Finally, in 1985, following widespread protest, the CDC admits it was absurd to make nationality a biological or medical determinant and took Haitians off their outrageous list.

1986: Dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier is deposed by popular uprisings. He flees to Paris with millions of dollars in a U.S. Air Force transport plane. French government pretends to accept him for a week only, on temporary visa  (in 2002, he still lives and spends his stolen fortune there). In Haiti, power is assumed by Haitian Army but the people continue to demand democratic elections.

1987: Haitian student hunger strike is organized to protest Vatican’s decision to transfer popular liberation theologian Jean-Bertrand Aristide to Rome.

1988-1990 Several U.S.-backed military dictatorships rise and fall, dodging popular demand for free elections.

1990: Democratic elections are finally organized. U.S. opposes Jean-Bertrand Aristide’s candidacy and support their own man, former World Bank employee: Marc Louis Bazin. Following Aristide’s overwhelming victory in these democratic elections, U.S. Ambassador Alvin Adams warns festive Haitians with Kreyòl proverb Apre dans tanbou lou (After the dance, drums are heavy to carry).

1991 (September: 7 months after Aristide’ swearing in): Army officials now known to have been on CIA payroll (Nairn, 1995) overthrew President Aristide in a bloody coup d’état in which over 5000 Haitians perished. Former CIA Director, Georges Bush Sr., becomes President of the USA. The Vatican is the only state to officially recognize the de facto government established by the military putchists. (See: Haiti’s Nightmare The Cocaine Coup & The CIA Connection by Paul DeRienzo,http://pdr.autono.net/haiti.html).

1992: Shocking Murder of Prominent Aristide Supporter and Campaign Financer Antoine Izmery who revealed to the New-York Times that Jimmy Carter had tried to get Aristide to concede the election before the first votes were counted. (Written in Blood, Heinl p735) «The Bush and Clinton administrations expressed support for Aristide as Haiti’s elected president, but behind the scenes the junta had powerful allies in the CIA and in the offices of conservative US Senators Jesse Helms and Robert Dole.» (Everybody Needs Some Bodies Sometime (Haiti)—excerpted from the book Toxic Sludge Is Good For You: Lies, Damn Lies and the Public Relations Industry The Torturers’ Lobby by John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton)http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Public_Relations/TortLob_Haiti_TSIGFY.html

Jesse Helms, a leading opponent of Aristide, brought CIA analyst Brian Latell to Capitol Hill, to brief selected senators and representatives on allegations that Aristide had been treated for mental illness. It turned out that the time during which the CIA report alleges Aristide was treated at a Canadian hospital falls within the same period that Aristide was studying and teaching in Israel.


 The CIA fabricated an attack on Aristide’s character that fell apart when it came under public scrutiny. The CIA director then revealed to a congressional committee that his agency had retained on the payroll several military officers who had overthrown the elected president.

Haiti: Success Under Fire, by James Morrell

In the spring of 1994, at the height of a campaign of murder and rape orchestrated by FRAPH (Front for the Advancement and Progress of Haiti), a terror group organized on behalf of Haiti’s military, several publications received unauthorized copies of cables originating from the US. embassy-with the im-primatur of U.S. ambassador Leslie Swing. Haiti is culturally violent, the cables declared, rape was always accepted in Haitian society and women are learning to report it now mainly for political gains. From How The Major U.S. Media Are Undermining Democracy by Jean Jean-Pierre

Fall 1994: After 3 years of boat-people landings on Florida shores, international negotiations in the midst of world-wide protests, including hunger strike by black activist Randall Robinson, the U.S. Army invades Haiti on September 19, 1994 and, in the process, seized and expatriated 160,000 pages of sensitive documents then suspected to link the CIA with murderers in Haiti. After several broad-day assassinations of other key Aristide associates (Lawyer Guy Malary, Father Jean-Marie Vincent) by the FRAPH paramilitary, now confirmed to be linked to the CIA, a U.S. Airforce carrier finally brings President Aristide back to Haiti.

The policy of dumping refugees back into Haiti or into Guantanamo became untenable. Not only were more and more of them truly eligible for political asylum, but there was a gross and offensive racism in barring black refugees while letting in whites. Randall Robinson’s twenty-seven day hunger strike touched a chord among millions of black Americans and indeed all fair-minded Americans .

James Morrell in Haiti: Success Under Fire,

STILL, little-known is the fact that Aristide’s return was confirmed—not until he was forced to agree that 1) his 3 years of exile be considered as part of his 5-year presidency and 2) he signs the infamous Paris Accord of August 1994, which wasnegotiated by the World Bank and the IMF under concerted pressures from several neo-colonial powers (U.S, France, Canada). The Paris Accord called for the drastic reduction of tariffs and import controls, an open foreign investment policy, and privatization—all, policies that ran counter to the nationalist and popular mandate of Aristide’s 1991 government. « We’ll have the banks, the national cooperative, the telephone company, the electricity company-all strategic sectors- in the hands of multinational corporations.» « Aristide was like a prisoner of war in Washington. An accord signed under such conditions could not be valid.»

Camille Chalmers, renowned Haitian economist in—Haiti’s Latest Coup: Structural Adjustment and the Struggle for Democracy, Multinational Monitor, May 1997http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/IMF_WB/Haiti_StrucAdj_MNM.html A jubilant former U.S Ambassador, Robert White, is inspired to declare to the Boston Globe: I think the best thing that has happened to Aristide and his administration-in-exile is that they have had a crash course in democracy and capitalism

October 15, 1994, like a subdued hostage Jean-Bertrand Aristide is returned to organize elections to find himself a suitable successor as President of Haiti.

1994-1995: Much to the dismay of the U.S. Administration and its allies, President Aristide disbands the Haitian Army, asks support for a national disarmament program and adopts a foot-dragging attitude towards implementation of the Paris Accord. U.S. Army in Haiti helps several paramilitary killers escape Haitian justice. Most notorious among them, admitted CIA operative Emmanuel (Toto) Constant who moved to New-York (where he resides to this day !) and exhibitionist torturer Prosper Avril (now jailed in Haiti).

The history of the abuse of Haiti, which in our lifetime has become a tragedy, is also the story of Western civilization’s racism.

Eduardo Galeano in Haiti, Despised by All, December 1996

1995-96: Haitian population elects as president, Aristide’s ally and former Prime Minister René Garcia Préval. Millions of dollars of international aid promised to help rebuild Haiti at the time of the 1994 return of Democracy never materialize. With much political maneuvering, President Préval begins to implement the Structural Adjustment Program imposed by the neo-colonial powers while taking a few verbal jabs at the still hostile Port-au-Prince diplomatic corps (see January 1, 1999 independence day speech http://www.haiti.org/rp1janvye.htm). Préval organizes legislative and presidential elections whose results are contested by a nationally-insignificant but internationally-propped-up opposition. Amid, the ensuing electoral crisis, President Préval manages to complete his full term in office.

 Haiti has been plunged into one of the gravest crises of its history. The crisis began with the implementation of the Paris accord by the Aristide government. The accord, it seems, was one of the conditions imposed on the Lavalas leader by the so-called friends of Haiti, notably the United States, Canada and France, for restoring him to power.

Sony Esteus, director of programming for SAKS,
an organization which supports community-based radio in Haiti.
In Haiti: The Crisis Persists,

1997: American Christian Pastors lead Haitian counterparts to Bwa Kay Iman, site of the 1791 uprising, in an evangelical crusade to convert Boukman (slained leader of 1791 uprising) and Haiti to Christianity—taking them away from Satan in the name of Jesus!. President René Préval, obliged to intervene to cool down rising tensions of religious violence, declares Bwa Kay Iman, a national park. To this day, some American «Pastors» and their cronies are using the same incredibly racist tactics as their 19th century European ancestors to collect money in the name of bringing Jesus to a Satanic Black people. See: www.bli.org.

2000: Once again, the Haitian population elects Jean-Bertrand Aristide to the presidency of their country, as Republican candidate George W. Bush becomes President of the United States. American right wing agencies, the International Republican Institute (IRI) and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), which openly opposed Aristide’s election, provide assistance to Convergence Democratique (CD), a 15-party opposition coalition which declares the elections fraudulent and, in challenge of Aristide’s legitimacy, names its own alternative president while some of its members (CD) bluntly declare their intention to violently overthrow Aristide with assistance of the CIA and the disbanded Haitian Army—for a second time around.The most determined of these men, with a promise of anonymity, freely express their desire to see the U.S. military intervene once again, this time to get rid of Aristide and rebuild the disbanded Haitian army. That would be the cleanest solution, said one opposition party leader. Failing that, they say, the CIA should train and equip Haitian officers exiled in the neighboring Dominican Republic so they could stage a comeback themselves. Haiti Torn by Hope and Hatred As Aristide Returns to Power by Edward Cody (Washington Post, February 2, 2001)

2001: Two murderous armed attacks against Haiti, arriving by way of the Dominican Republic took place on July 28 and December 17. Such actions were predicted as early as February 1996, in a detailed (MUST READ) report by Andrew Reding titled: Haiti: An Agenda for Democracy, in which one can read much of the CIA’s old network, including its highest-ranking member, Michel François, remains at large on Hispaniola, possibly plotting a comeback.

Incredibly, the U.S. and the OAS declared that these attacks against the Haitian government were not coup attempts. Instead [to further frustrate the Haitian people and her government], they join the European Union in demanding that, Haiti’s government pays multi-million dollar reparations to its opposition for victims and loss of property it suffered during the popular unrest that followed the Dec 17thattack.

Furthermore, the same neo-colonial nations, members of a self-appointed conglomerate calling itself Friends of Haiti within the OAS, insist that all aid or loans to the Government of Haiti shall be suspended until a political compromise is reached between the duly elected government and its foreign-backed opponents.

As a matter of fact, they hold hostage $500 million in international aid and loans to the Haitian government, including loans from the Inter-American Development Bank earmarked for education, healthcare and infrastructure projects, such as potable water. Outrageously, Haiti is now required to pay arrears payments and credit commissions on loans that it has not received. Many legal experts believe that the IDB faces possible legal exposure for failing to honor signed contracts with the Haitian Government.

Meanwhile, the dire socio-economic conditions of a ruined country coupled with the political and psychological destabilisation that the people of Haiti (which dared again to elect a government on its own) have had to endure—AND the multiple errors, faults, concessions (Structural Adjustment, Privatization, Creation of Free Zones) and outright disappointments caused by a weakened and overwhelmed Aristide government—are giving rise to sporadic outbursts of violence that are dangerously reminiscent of the days just prior to the Rwandan genocide of 1994.

2002: As people world-wide are becoming more and more fed-up with the blatant racism of powerful neo-colonial nations towards Haiti, conflicts start to boil openly within the OAS between Black-led CARICOM nations and several Latin-American nations who are sympathetic to Haiti and White-led former colonial powers and colonies.

In the U.S, long-time allies of the Haitian people, such as the Congressional Black Caucus and several progressive Whites, denounce the illegal U.S. and European-led embargo against Haiti. To this effect, the Congressional Black Caucus tables Resolution 382 «New Partnership for Haiti» in the U.S. Congress.

They raise their voices to indicate how the racist anti-Haiti sanctions violate the Geneva Convention, the UN Charter, the World Health Organization Constitution, the Convention on the Rights of Children, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States.

The U.S. government is blocking aid to Haiti in order to expand the influence of a single political party that is supported by less than four percent of the Haitian electorate. Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Congressional Black Caucus

Haiti needs help, not unmerited manipulation.

Larry Birns and Michael Marx McCarthy Washington-based Council on Hemispheric Affairs

A lot of the people with whom I live—they’re from central Haiti—point out the similarity between this embargo and that imposed on the Haitian people by the United States after their revolution made them, in 1804, the first independent black republic in the world. The United States refused to recognize the new Republic of Haiti for some 60 years—until 1862—in large part because of the objections from U.S. slaveholding states.

Dr. Paul Farmer In December 2001 interview with The Haiti Bulletin, A Ross-Robinson & Associates Publication. Dr. Farmer is Professor of Medicine and Anthropology at Harvard University. This internationally-respected health expert established a clinic in Haiti in the early 1980’s and has remained an active practitioner in the health care delivery system of that country.

Meanwhile, right-wing Republicans maintain pressure on the OAS to vote one resolution after another unfavorable to the Haitian government. Prompting the highly-respected Council on Hemispheric Affairs to conclude: The international wing of the Republican Party (IRI) and Bush’s White House appear to be conspiring against the hemisphere’s poorest nation. http://www.coha.org/Press_Releases/02-15-Haiti.htm

Many are beginning to see in this latest page of the saga of the Haitian people, the dirty fingerprints of a powerful international network of white supremacists, fomenting civil unrest in Haiti as was the case during the 19th and 20th centuries.

See also: www.washingtonpost.com (Why Do We Punish The Haitian People? by Tracy Kidder) www.haiti-progres.comwww.windowsonhaiti.com,www.haitienmarche.comwww.discoverhaiti.comwww.haitiwebs.com ,http://www.coha.org

The Rwandan Genocide cannot be undone. Will the Haitian one be stopped on time?


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Citigroup Inc.’s online timeline commemorating its 200th anniversary says little about the Republic of Haiti — and no wonder. While the anniversary campaign for the global financial services giant presents a story of achievement, progress, and world-uniting vision, Citigroup’s first encounter with Haiti is remembered as both among the most spectacular episodes of U.S. dollar diplomacy in the Caribbean and as an egregious example of Washington working at the behest of Wall Street. It is also marked by military intervention, violations of national sovereignty, and the deaths of thousands.

In the early 20th century, the National City Bank of New York, as Citigroup was then called, embarked on an ambitious and pioneering era of overseas expansion. Haiti emerged as one of National City’s first international projects. In 1909, Speyer and Co. invited National City President Frank A. Vanderlip to join in the purchase of a moribund American-controlled railway concession in Haiti.


Vanderlip agreed and the purchase turned out to be a “small but profitable piece of business” for the bank. But Vanderlip wasn’t interested in the acquisition for its short-term returns. He thought the stock would give National City a “foothold” in the country that could lead to a risk-free and profitable reorganization of the Haitian government’s finances.

The next year, Haiti’s government cancelled the contract of the Banque Nationale d’Haiti, giving Vanderlip the opportunity he sought. Chartered in 1880, the Banque Nationale was owned by France’s Banque de l’Union Parisienne and was contracted by the Haitian government to finance the national debt and handle the fiscal operations of the state. It was continually dogged by scandal. Haitian politicians accused its directors of graft and fiscal malfeasance (at one point its foreign managers were jailed) and local political aspirants saw the bank’s currency reserves as a bounty for winning political office.

When a new contract was drawn up, the U.S. State Department intervened, claiming it placed an unfair burden on the Haitian people while giving too much leeway to the French to intervene in Haiti’s internal affairs. They also argued that the new contract didn’t represent the American interests then gunning for a share of Haiti.

As a result of State Department pressure, a new institution, the Banque Nationale de la République d’Haïti, was chartered. The Banque de l’Union remained the majority shareholder, but National City – alongside a number of other American banks and a German one – was offered a minority interest.

The Banque Nationale’s executive decisions were made by a committee split between the Banque de la Union in Paris and the National City Bank in New York. Chairing the New York committee was Roger Leslie Farnham. Farnham had spent a decade working as alobbyist for the corporate law firm Sullivan and Cromwell before Vanderlip recruited him to National City in 1911. Farnham lobbied Washington on behalf of the bank, and eventually took charge of all of its Caribbean operations, including in Haiti.

With the onset of World War I, French interests in the Banque Nationale receded. Farnham assumed a large role in its direction while National City slowly began buying out its stock. At the same time, Farnham was becoming a major influence on State Department policy in Haiti. In 1914, Farnham, who once described the Haitian people as “nothing but grown up children,” drafted a memorandum for William Jennings Bryan, then U.S. secretary of state arguing for military intervention as a way of protecting American interests in Haiti. Sending troops, insisted Farnham, would not only stabilize the country, but be welcomed by most Haitians.

That summer, Bryan cabled the U.S. Consul in Cap-Haïtien, Haiti’s second city, stating that he “earnestly desired the implementation of Farnham’s plan.”

Meanwhile, Farnham and National City worked to destabilize the Haitian government. They refused to pay government salaries over the summer, and in December they ordered the transfer of $500,000 of the Republic’s gold reserves to National City’s vaults at 55 Wall Street in Manhattan. The gold was packed up by U.S. Marines, marched to Port-au-Prince’s wharfs, and shipped aboard the USS Machias to New York.

The bank argued that they owned the gold contractually and were bound to protect it from possible theft. The Haitians saw it as robbery, pure and simple, and indicative of a growing threat to the Republic’s sovereignty.

Threat turned to fact on July 28, 1915. On that day, U.S. Marines landed in Haiti and initiated a period of military rule that would last 19 years. The immediate justifications for intervention included fears of encroaching German influence and a desire to protect American life and property – especially after a spate of factional violence that included the dismemberment of the Haitian president in response to a massacre of his political opponents.


Once the occupation began, it was rationalized as a necessary measure to teach Haitians, citizens of a backward Negro republic, the arts of self-government. Sanitation reforms were enacted, education was promised, public-works projects were planned, and a national guard, later mobilized by François Duvalier to maintain control of the country, was established. In the short term, however, the most pronounced labor of the Marines was counter-insurgency. They waged a “pacification” campaign through the Haitian countryside to suppress an uprising against the occupation led by the cacos, peasant guerillas. It left thousands dead, and countless others tortured, maimed or homeless, while caco leader Charlemagne Peralte was assassinated.

For National City, the occupation provided ideal conditions for business, offering the bank the authority to reorganize Haitian finances just as Vanderlip had envisioned in 1909. By 1922, National City had secured complete control of the Banque Nationale and floated a $16 million loan refinancing Haiti’s internal and external debts. Amortization payments were effectively guaranteed from Haiti’s customs revenue and the loan contract was backed up by the U.S. State Department.

Haiti proved a lucrative piece of business for National City during the twenties. Yet by the beginning of the next decade, they began to reconsider their ownership of the Banque Nationale. Following protests that pressured the State Department to disentangle itself from Haiti, the Marines departed in 1934. National City soon followed. Fearful of losing the State Department’s protection, and wary of public criticism of their activities, the bank’s executives sold the Banque Nationale de la République d’Haïti to the Haitian government in 1935 – reluctantly closing a profitable chapter of Citigroup’s imperial history.

Peter James Hudson is an assistant professor of history at Vanderbilt University. An earlier version of this essay appeared on Echoes, the business history blog of Bloomberg.com edited by Stephen Mihm.

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Polluting the Environment in USA, Canada, India and China

July 29th, 2015 by Global Research News

by Chemical Concern

Joakim Bergman is Chief Executive of Changing Markets, a social enterprise which supports environmentally sustainable companies and products to take market share from less sustainable competitors and helps NGOs to run better campaigns that ‘more efficiently activate market shifts’.

He recently wrote to the Financial Times about the dumping of untreated antibiotic waste affecting the health of local communities and also contributes to the global rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Mr Bergman highlighted a major UK government-backed review into antimicrobial resistance (more here) which estimates that by 2050, drug-resistant infections could kill 10m people per year globally and reported that the UK’s chief medical officer has spoken of this as a “catastrophic threat”.

Some “disturbing” environmental damage in India and China by ‘trusted brands’

He refers to an article in the FT which reports institutional investors’ concerns over the “disturbing” environmental damage resulting from multinational drug companies manufacturing in India. Recent research conducted by Changing Markets confirms many other reports showing that pharmaceutical pollution is a huge problem in China, where between 80 and 90% of the world’s antibiotic raw materials are manufactured. In both countries, multinational pharmaceutical plants are failing to treat and manage toxic and drug-rich waste, while their clients – including trusted brands – are ‘turning a blind eye to the problem’.

water pollution america

To a lesser extent, European countries, Canada and America (above) also have chemically polluted water. Read more here. According to a new Cary Institute study, Emma Rosi-Marshall, the lead author of a new study, has tracked pharmaceutical pollution in waters across the globe leading to disruption of ecosystem of streams, including American rivers in New York, Maryland and Indiana. She said when waste water is moved to sewage treatment facilities it is not treated for the removal of pharmaceuticals. Consequently, streams and rivers are exposed to synthetic compounds including antibiotics, stimulants, antihistamines and analgesics.

Concern about the problem in Eastern Europe is evident in the EU Guidelines on waste disposal and in 1999 the UNO World Health Organisation issued detailed guidelines in a more readable document, including disposal methods. In section 1.8 it stresses many dangers from ‘improper disposal or non-disposal of expired pharmaceuticals, including contamination of water supplies or local sources used by nearby communities or wildlife’.

Many companies, including Pfizer and AstraZeneca, have signed up to thePharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative, which has clear guidelines on wastewater management, but in light of the recent revelations it seems that the majority are failing to observe these guidelines.

Bergman concludes: “Without rapid action to remedy this, the global pharmaceutical industry risks becoming complicit in a public health disaster of monumental proportions”.

Copyright Chemical Concern 2015

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Wireless Carjacking: The Chrysler Recall

July 29th, 2015 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

Caught with their proverbial pants down, Fiat Chrysler executives have issued a voluntary recall of a good 1.4 million cars for the vulnerabilities of its installed internet system.  Last Tuesday, Wired burst the bubble of confidence by showing how hackers could take control of a Jeep Cherokee via its internet-connected entertainment system.  “Hackers remotely kill a Jeep on the highway – with me in it,” wrote correspondent Andy Greenberg.[1]

Channelling, without attribution, Hunter S. Thompson’s drug seizure “somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert” in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas(1971), Greenberg relates how he was driving at 70 mph “on the edge of downtown St. Louis when the exploit began to take hold.”  Both cases have a superficial similarity: in either case, an agency of sorts had seized the moment and conquered the human. Either you ingest a good wallop of mind altering substances, or you take the folly-ridden ride on a not so smartphone on wheels.

Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek demonstrated with chilling effect how the vehicle itself could be controlled remotely through a “zero day exploit”.  (Well, quite literally – the Jeep Cherokee did blast cold air, another remotely executed specialty on the part of the duo.)   This entails something akin to a total takeover of the system, one where the dashboard functions, steering, brakes and transmission, may be effectively piloted from a distant source.

The range of vehicles affected by this brazen, and entirely appropriate stunt, is impressive, ranging from the 2013-2015 MY Dodge Viper specialty vehicles to the 2015 Doge Challenger sports coupes.  They share the common ground of having 8.4-inch touchscreens.  But the bigger picture on connected cars goes beyond this – with 26 million functioning on roads in 2013, the number is projected to rise to 152 million by 2020, at least according to the boffins at IHS Automotive estimates.

The market did not take the results too well, with the stock value of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles dropping by more than 2 percent, with an 8 percent fall in the stock value of Sprint, the cellular network connected with Chrysler’s system.

Chrysler and fellow automakers were not operating in the dark on this one.  Moving into the land of smartphone technology was always going to come with its automated hazards.  Valasek, director of security intelligence at IOActive, had previously engineered a control action over the wheels, brakes, accelerations and displays in a Toyota Prius and Ford F-Escape.

In February, Senator Ed Markey (D-Mass.) was spreading the word via a Congressional report that a mere two out of 16 major automakers “were able to describe any capabilities to diagnose or meaningfully respond to an infiltration in real time.”[2]  And just to dispel any doubt, the findings of the report are stated as revealing “that there is a clear lack of appropriate security measures to protect drivers against hackers who may be able to take control of a vehicle or against those who wish to collect and use personal driver information.”  Powerful, and rather damning stuff indeed.

In May, the exercise of questioning the automakers – this time 17 in total – was taken up by the House of Representatives’ Energy and Commerce Committee.  The letter observed that the use of such connected devices which exacerbated “existing cybersecurity challenges” did also produce a dire prospect: “the threat of physical harm – as products responsible for public health and safety are integrated into the Internet ecosystem.”[3]

Responses to such incidents have become scripted affairs, lying in a PR province where fudged accounts and fuzzy justifications hold sway.  While the onus should be on the company for allowing such a system to be installed in the first place (wireless entertainment does come first), the emphasis is placed on hacking as a crime, the big dos and don’ts of interacting with the machine.  Should anyone entertain the notion, any such behaviour “constitutes criminal action”.  The response can never be: We told you so.

Then comes the cooling water to douse the flames of recklessness.  The company claimed it was “unaware of any injuries related to software exploitation.”  The recall is packaged in neat terms of consideration, enabling the “ongoing software distribution that insulates connected vehicles from remote manipulation.”

While the political classes tend to get distracted by phantoms and hobgoblins, the wireless carjack scenario has been concerning enough to Senators Markey and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) to warrant action.  In Markey’s own words, “Drivers shouldn’t have to choose between being connected and being protected.”  Truth is, drivers will increasingly run out of choice in terms of what systems, vulnerable or otherwise, are put in their vehicles.

Legislation would require the National Highway Safety and Transportation Administration and the Federal Trade Commission to jointly create standards on hack-proof vehicle defences with countermeasures and the safeguarding of personal information collected from the vehicle itself (Wired, Jul 21).[4]

The last reflection ought to fall on the security experts behind the experiment.  In responding to the actions of Chrysler, Miller posed the biting, if logical question on Twitter: “I wonder what is cheaper, designing secure cars or doing recalls?”

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. Email:[email protected]



[1] http://www.wired.com/2015/07/hackers-remotely-kill-jeep-highway/

[2] http://www.marketwatch.com/story/will-car-hacking-become-the-new-carjacking-2014-06-03

[3] http://energycommerce.house.gov/press-release/committee-leaders-seek-information-auto-cybersecurity

[4] http://www.wired.com/2015/07/senate-bill-seeks-standards-cars-defenses-hackers/


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There is overwhelming evidence of war crimes commissioned and committed by the Israeli military in Rafah last August, a new report by Amnesty International has concluded.

In what the global human rights NGO has described as a “cutting edge investigation”, the Israeli army was found to have conducted “disproportionate, or otherwise indiscriminate, attacks which killed scores of civilians in their homes, on the streets and in vehicles and injured many more.”

Philip Luther, Director of the Middle East and North Africa Programme at Amnesty International, described a “relentless and massive bombardment of residential areas of Rafah”, carried out “without distinction between civilians and military targets.”

Image from last Summer, of a young girl being rescued from the rubbles of the Ghoul family home in Rafah, after it was shelled by Israeli forces.

Image from last Summer, of a young girl being rescued from the rubbles of the Ghoul family home in Rafah, after it was shelled by Israeli forces.

The events in Rafah, so-called ‘Black Friday’, have attracted attention for the army’s application of the controversial ‘Hannibal Protocol’, a secretive doctrine designed to thwart the capture of an Israeli soldier by the application of overwhelming force.

On August 1, 2014, the Israeli military implemented the Protocol in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip when it was thought that Hamas fighters had captured a soldier, Hadar Goldin, alive. According to Amnesty, “the systematic and apparently deliberate nature of the air and ground attack on Rafah, which killed at least 135 civilians, may also amount to crimes against humanity.”

The online, interactive report, ‘Black Friday’: Carnage in Rafah during 2014 Israel/Gaza Conflict, is the result of a collaboration between Amnesty and Forensic Architecture, a research team based at Goldsmiths, University of London. The pair have previously worked together to map out Israel’s attacks on Gaza in a unique online tool unveiled earlier this month.

Experts analysed eyewitness testimonies, together with “hundreds of photos and videos taken from various sources and multiple locations, as well as new high resolution satellite imagery obtained by Amnesty International.” The “advanced techniques used to analyse evidence” included “studying shadows and smoke plumes in multiple videos to determine time and location of an attack.”

The massive amount of evidence collected was presented to military and other experts, and then pieced together in chronological order to create a detailed account of events from 1 August, when the Israeli military implemented the controversial and secretive ‘Hannibal’ procedure following the capture of Lieutenant Hadar Goldin.

The Amnesty report details “an intensive use of firepower” by the Israeli army, that lasted four days and killed “scores of civilians (reports range from at least 135 to over 200), injured many more and destroyed or damaged hundreds of homes and other civilian structures, mostly on 1 August.”

Amnesty cited evidence that Israeli forces “directly fired at and killed civilians, including people fleeing”, with eyewitnesses describing “horrifying scenes of chaos and panic as an inferno of fire from F-16 jets, drones, helicopters and artillery rained down on the streets.”

Evidence analysed by the researchers indicate that “hospitals and ambulances were attacked repeatedly during the assault on Rafah, in violation of international law.” These attacks included a drone-fired missile strike on an ambulance carrying a wounded old man, a woman and three children, “setting it alight and burning everyone inside including medical workers to death.”

With regards to the question of the Hannibal Protocol, the report notes that Israel’s attacks “may even have been intended to kill [Goldin]”, given the indiscriminate nature of the bombardment. Either way, according to Luther, “scores of Palestinian civilian lives were sacrificed” for the “single aim” of preventing “the capture alive of one soldier.”

In addition, Amnesty notes the “public statements by Israeli army commanders and soldiers after the conflict” that the organisations says “provide compelling reasons to conclude that some attacks that killed civilians and destroyed homes and property were intentionally carried out and motivated by a desire for revenge – to teach a lesson to, or punish, the population of Rafah.”

One of the most striking elements of Amnesty’s latest Gaza report is its commentary on the absence of a credible internal investigation procedure within the Israeli military. Amnesty notes that following Operation Protective Edge, military prosecutors have so far “indicted only three soldiers for one incident of looting.”

Israeli army commanders and officers can operate in confidence that they are unlikely to be held accountable for violations of international law due to the pervasive climate of impunity that has existed for decades. This is due, in large part, to the lack of independent, impartial and effective investigations.

Israeli authorities have “failed to conduct genuine, effective, and prompt investigations into any of the allegations of serious violations of international humanitarian law documented in this report, let alone to prosecute individuals, including commanders and civilian superiors, suspected of committing or ordering related crimes under international law.”

In what is perhaps the strongest worded indictment yet by a leading human rights NGO of Israel’s internal investigation mechanisms, including the role of the Military Advocate General, the report states that “Amnesty International’s view is that no official body capable of conducting such [credible] investigations currently exists in Israel.”

The clear implication, as the report itself states, is that the “the ongoing preliminary examination by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court into the situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories” should receive the cooperation of the Israeli authorities, as should “any future investigations or prosecutions.”

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Polls show that American Jews overwhelmingly support the deal with Iran. For example, the Christian Science Monitor noted last November:

84 percent of American Jews would favor either strongly or somewhat a deal with Iran that would alleviate tough sanctions on the Iranian economy in exchange for Iran’s agreement to limit its nuclear program to civilian purposes and accept inspectors at its nuclear facilities.

The pro-Israel group J Street noted last month:

American Jews express strong support for a final agreement with Iran that increases inspections in exchange for economic sanctions relief. Fifty-nine percent say they would support such a deal, compared to 53 percent of American adults in an April CNN poll that asked the same question.

Today, J Street reported:

A new national survey of 1,000 American Jews, conducted by GBA Strategies for J Street, finds that a large majority of Jews support the agreement recently reached between the United States, world powers, and Iran. The 20-point margin (60 percent to 40 percent) in favor of the agreement is consistent with the 18-point margin found in the LA Jewish Journal’s survey released last week, as well as the 18-point margin in J Street’s survey conducted prior to the agreement. Multiple surveys have shown with resounding clarity that American Jews firmly back the agreement, and now want Congress to approve it.


Given the massive campaigns against the agreement that has been launched by AIPAC and the Republican Jewish Coalition, it is very clear that these high profile campaigns do not reflect the views of the majority of American Jews.


Seventy percent [of American Jews] would support US engagement even if it meant stating US disagreements with both the Israelis and Arabs and 69 percent would support the US pressuring both parties to make the compromises.

And see thisthisthisthisthis, this and this.

Moreover – as J Street reports – hundreds of high-level Israeli defense and intelligence officials support the Iran deal.

So does the head of the CIA.

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Yes, Trade Deals Really Do Overturn Democracy

July 29th, 2015 by David Morris

Forget tariffs, forget Obama’s promises. The whole point of modern ‘trade agreements’ is to whack pesky labor, environment and health laws, writes David Morris, and so empower capital and corporate power against regulators, governments and democracy itself. Unconvinced? Just imagine what these deals would look like if they were there to empower people.

What if a trade agreement were designed to protect and nurture labor rather than capital?

On 8th May at Nike’s headquarters, President Obama denounced opponents of the hotly contested Trans-Pacific Partnership as ill informed:

Critics warn that parts of this deal would undermine American regulation … They’re making this stuff up. This is just not true. No trade agreement is going to force us to change our laws.

Back to the future with TPP and other ‘trade deals’? Winston Cigarette advertisement published in Ebony magazine, July 1971, Vol. 26 No. 9. Photo: Classic Film via Flickr (CC BY-NC

On 18th May the World Trade Organization (WTO) issued a final ruling in favor of Canada and Mexico in a case involving a US law requiring country-of-origin labels on packages of beef, pork, chicken and other kinds of meat.

The three-judge WTO panel estimated economic damages at more than $3 billion. These will be meted out by Canada and Mexico as retaliatory tariffs on a potentially wide array of US industries, from “California wines to Minnesota mattresses”, as Gerry Ritz, Canada’s Minister of Agriculture predicted.

Obama’s false claim exposed in real time

“The only way for the United States to avoid billions in immediate retaliation is to repeal COOL”, Ritz announced. Congress hastened to comply. The day the WTO issued its ruling Rep. Michael Conway (R-TX) introduced legislation to overturn the COOL law. On 10th June the House overwhelmingly passed the bill, 300-131.

The COOL decision and its almost immediate legislative impact demonstrated in real time the inaccuracy of President Obama’s comments. Encompassing 12 Pacific Rim countries with 40% of the world’s economy the Trans-Pacific Partnership would be the largest trade agreement since the WTO was formed in 1995.

But to call it a ‘trade agreement’ is both accurate and misleading for it conjures up images of agreements that largely target tariffs. That is no longer the case. Of TPP’s 29 draft chapters, only five deal with traditional trade issues.

Modern trade agreements have less to do with trade than with national sovereignty. The primary focus of modern trade agreements is the elimination of existing laws that govern commerce.

The decision about whether a country can force the livestock industry to reveal where their animals were reared and slaughtered is behind us. Currently under consideration by the WTO is whether a country can force businesses that sell a lethal product to make the packaging of that product unattractive.

The evil weed – tobacco companies head to court

The product is tobacco. Before the 1990s the US government actively assisted American tobacco companies in opening up markets in Asia by threatening trade fights with countries like Japan, Thailand, Taiwan and South Korea that refused to overturn domestic laws impeding companies from using sophisticated marketing techniques.

In the 1970s and 1980s, as evidence of the malignant effects of tobacco accumulated states and cities began to enact anti-smoking initiatives. In the 1990’s lawsuits by states resulted in a $200 billion settlement with tobacco companies based on concrete evidence that they had willfully kept from the American public the evidence that smoking can and in many cases does cripple or kill.

The increasingly schizophrenic nature of US tobacco policies led Congresses’ General Accounting Office (GAO) to issue a report aptly titled: Dichotomy Between US Tobacco Export Policy and Antismoking Initiatives. The GAO asked lawmakers to clarify which values would guide their decision-making, advising:

If the Congress believes that trade concerns should predominate, then it should do nothing to alter the current trade policy process. The US government can simultaneously continue to actively help US cigarette exporters overcome foreign trade barriers and promote awareness of the dangers of smoking and further restrict the circumstances in which smoking may take place.

If Congress believes that health considerations should have primacy, the Congress could grant the Department of Health and Human Services the responsibility to decide whether to pursue trade initiatives involving products with substantial adverse health consequences.

At the end of his term President Bill Clinton issued an executive order forbidding the US government to advocate on tobacco’s behalf. But by that time we had helped launch a new planetary organization, the WTO and new trade rules that for the first time allowed corporations to sue countries directly for damages caused by regulations.

Adding insult to injury their suit would be heard in a new extra territorial judicial system comprised largely of judges who has been trade lawyers often representing corporations similar to those who would come before them.

(In this new judicial system, largely designed by corporations, there is no conflict of interest. Indeed, the head of the three-judge WTO panel that decided the COOL case hadserved as Mexico’s deputy General Counsel for Trade Negotiations for a decade and had acted as Mexico’s lead counsel in several WTO disputes.)

Now Obama drops tobacco exemption from TPP rules

As countries began to follow the lead of the United States and enact significant restrictions on tobacco products the tobacco companies repeatedly sued under this new judicial system, claiming economic damages for the violation of their copyrights, the diminishing value of their brand name and the expropriation of their intellectual property.

Sometimes tobacco companies sue countries directly, as in the case of Uruguay and Australia. Sometimes they do so indirectly by paying some or all of the legal costs of suits brought by countries like Honduras, Indonesia, Dominican Republic and Cuba.

In May 2014 the WTO appointed a panel to review the many tobacco product-related lawsuits. It expects to issue a final ruling during the second half of 2016.

Given the sordid history of tobacco companies abusing their newly gained ability to sue governments directly President Obama initially was not going to allow that to be expanded to 12 additional countries through the TPP. In September 2013 the Washington Post editorialized,

Initially the Obama administration favored a TPP provision exempting individual nations’ tobacco regulations … from legal attack as ‘non-tariff barriers’ to the free flow of goods. The idea was that, when it comes to controlling a uniquely dangerous product, there’s no such thing as ‘protectionism’.

But Obama later backtracked and the TPP will simply require governments to consult before challenging each other’s tobacco rules and still allows tobacco companies to mount legal challenges.

So far the tobacco lawsuits have not targeted the United State, but that could change. Thomas Bollyky, a former US trade negotiator, observes“US federal, state, and local laws include many of the same regulations that the tobacco industry has challenged in Uruguay, Norway, and elsewhere.”

One of the most pernicious effects of the new trade rules is that they allow giant corporations to cow countries with a limited capacity to defend themselves. As John Oliverinforms us, in 2014 Philip Morris International sent a letter to Togo threatening that tiny country with “an incalculable amount of international trade litigation” if it implemented a tobacco product packaging law.

Togo abandoned the initiative. Uruguay has been able to defend itself for the last 5 years in part because of financial assistance from the World Health Organization and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Would a US city or small state be financially able to defend itself if a global corporation were to sue to overturn laws that require government contracts to favor local businesses and local workers?

The contents of new trade agreements like the TPP largely comprise a laundry list of corporate aspirations.

What if TPP was protecting labor rather than capital?

To understand its bias we might engage in a thought exercise. What if a trade agreement were designed to protect and nurture labor rather than capital? Several US trade agreements have included ‘side agreements’ on labor but these lack the enforcement mechanisms accorded to capital.

There is no extraterritorial judicial system to hear suits by workers or unions. Instead these agreements establish a multi-national forum where nations can be held responsible for not enforcing labor laws they have on the books. As the Heritage Foundationconcludes“they are largely meaningless.”

At present the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) 186 member nations have signed a Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work that, according to the ILO,

commits Member States to respect and promote principles and rights in four categories, whether or not they have ratified the relevant Conventions. These categories are: freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, the elimination of forced or compulsory labour, the abolition of child labour and the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.

But the ILO’s Declaration, like the labor side agreements of US trade agreements lack an enforcement mechanism. Member nations can refuse to ratify any individual standard. Of the eight core conventions, the US for example has ratified only two. It should go without saying that neither workers nor unions have the right to sue for economic damages in a world court comprised of judges who had formerly served as labor lawyers.

If the TPP’s enforcement mechanisms were as toothless as those of labor side agreements or the ILO Declaration there would be no need for fast track, (in which Congress can only vote yes or no on a trade deal with no power to make modifications).

If the labor side agreements or the ILO Declaration had enforcement mechanisms as vigorous as those of the TPP, I daresay the vote on fast track would be lopsidedly against.

The clear and present evidence of the far-reaching negative impact of the TPP is compelling. Rather than being forced to have an up or down vote on a bill consisting of thousands of pages of fine print after only a very limited debate and with no amendments, we should engage in a spirited national conversation about the values that should guide international trade agreements and what type of enforcement mechanisms would best serve the public interest.

David Morris writes for On the Commons.

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Friends of the Earth has taken the first legal steps towards striking out last week’s emergency approval of bee-harming ‘neonic’ pesticides in England, granted last week despite a Europe-wide ban.

The decision last week by environment secretary Liz Truss to allow bee-toxic ‘neonic’ pesticides to be used on oilseed rape crops appears to be “unlawful”according to Friends of the Earth.

The allegation comes in a pre-action letter to Truss, sent by the environment campaign group, which names her as prospective defendant in a judicial review action that could see the controversial permit anulled in the High Court.

Lawyers for FoE took the step after Truss’s department, Defra, and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) failed to supply Friends of the Earth with information on the criteria and process used to permit a ‘derogation’ from the EU’s 2013 partial ban on neonicotinoid pesticides, despite being asked many times for this information.

The huge public interest in bee decline and pesticide use contrasts with the Government’s excessive secrecy and handling of this decision to let bee-harming pesticides back into our fields this autumn”, said Paul De Zylva, Friends of the Earth’s nature campaigner.

Ministers pledged their decisions would be based on science but it has been hard obtaining information, including about the scientific basis, despite repeat requests.

The derogations were issued on 22nd July after applications by the National Farmers Union (NFU) that claimed widespread crop losses of oilseed rape crops due to infestation by cabbage stem flea beetles.

UK Government has not applied the rules

According to FoE’s pre-action letter, “On the basis of the limited information so far disclosed, Friends of the Earth has serious concerns about the lawfulness of the grant of the authorisation and its compliance with Regulation EC 1107/2009 … and in particular Article 53 of that regulation, concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market …

No information or evidence has been provided to us (or made public more generally) in relation to whether or how the Regulation (and in particular Article 53, which governs such emergency authorisations) has been considered or applied.

Importantly, the Authorisations appear to contain no conditions through which the Secretary of State has addressed the concerns relating to high acute risks to bees set out in Implementing Regulation 485/2013, which have led to the prohibition of the uses in question.

We have no information on whether these concerns were considered in the course of approving the application … The decision on its face is therefore unlawful.

Article 53 of the Regulation that banned certain uses of neonicotinoid pesticides allows EU member states to ‘derogate’ from the ban for up to 120 days, and permit the pesticides“for limited and controlled use, where such a measure appears necessary because of a danger which cannot be contained by any other reasonable means.”

But FoE contends that the permit issued by Defra does not appear to conform to these criteria. It is difficult to see how the Authorisations meet the requirements of “limited and controlled”, they say, since the chemicals may be used across the whole of England, while“the use of 950 litres per substance has been authorised without any indication of specific limitations in terms of volume or area.”

Moreover, the Authorisations “require distribution to areas of highest risk but the identification of these appears to be left to the applicant, without any involvement on the part of DEFRA, despite this having been a concern expressed specifically by the ECP (Expert Committee on Pesticides).”

Forcing the release of information

The immediate effect of the action will be to put pressure on Defra to release the information it has so far kept secret, as the letter points out, “in accordance with the Secretary of State’s duty of candour in judicial review proceedings.”

Release is requested no later than Monday next week, to include all information about the Government’s basis for this decision and details of what controls are in place regarding the use of pesticides, as well as other documents yet to be released into the public domain:

  • the NFU’s applications to use the neonic pesticides;
  • documents placed before the ECP at its meeting on 7 July, and the record of its discussions and ultimate decision;
  • any document recording the reasons behind the approval decisions, including details of how the requirements of Article 53 or other requirements of EU law were fulfilled;
  • any relevant briefing or submissions provided to ministers before the final approval decisions were taken;
  • the correspondence with the NFU regarding the approval decisions and compliance with the conditions set out in the decisions.

Once FoE lawyers have been able to review the documents, they will take a view on whether or not the government did, in fact, comply with the Regulation and other EU laws, and whether or not to proceed with the judicial review.

The letter also suggests that the government could avoid judicial review by releasing all the documents, revoking the Authorisations and considering the NFU’s applications afresh.

Scientific evidence

Scientific research has proven that the ‘neonics’ are highly toxic to bees even at very low concentrations, and most especially to wild species including bumblebees.

In January 2013 the European Food Safety Authority announced that neonicotinoids pose“an unacceptable risk” to bees, and in April the EU approved a two-year moratorium on the most damaging uses of three of the chemicals, clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiamethoxam, to take effect in December.

Earlier this year the European Academies Science Advisory Council concluded that these banned pesticides don’t just kill bees, they wreak “havoc” with other insects and plants in the wider countryside too.

This followed earlier work published in July 2014 showing that the impact of neonics reverberated through the entire food chain, even hitting bird populations.

Oliver Tickell edits The Ecologist.

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Saudi-GCC Alliance Continues to Bomb Yemen

July 29th, 2015 by Abayomi Azikiwe

Since March 26 a United States supported coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) have been conducting airstrikes and a proxy ground war against the people of Yemen. Several attempts to negotiate a pause in the fighting for humanitarian purposes have failed repeatedly.

On July 27 the bombing by the Saudi-GCC forces continued with airstrikes carried out in two provinces in Yemen. Reports indicate that some 15 people were killed and 40 wounded.

Bombing operations took place in the area around al-Anad as well as targets north of the strategic southern port city of Aden. Overall sources say that between 3,000-4,500 people have been killed in the airstrikes and ground fighting over the last four months.

The Saudi-backed ousted regime of Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi based in Riyadh had announced what it said would be a five-day halt to the fighting so that food, water, medicines and other essential services could be provided to millions of Yemenis impacted by the war. Later the Hadi regime blamed the Ansurallah Movement (Houthis) fighters for launching an offensive just prior to the beginning of the truce.

Pakistan Today in a story about the situation on July 27 reported “Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, the self-described ‘president of the High Committee of the Revolution,’ a body formed by Houthi militants, said in comments published by the rebel-controlled Saba news agency that his group had not been consulted by the United Nations. The group could therefore not give a ‘negative or positive’ answer about the truce, he said. UN chief Ban Ki-moon made a plea for all sides to ‘agree to and maintain the humanitarian pause for the sake of all the Yemeni people’”.

This ongoing failure to win a truce represents the unwillingness of the U.S.-allied Saudi-GCC Coalition and the militias they support on the ground in Yemen to engage in any meaningful negotiations to resolve the war. The Ansurallah are allied with the Islamic Republic of Iran and the war is being portrayed as a conflict between Tehran and Riyadh for control over Yemen.

The same article from Pakistan Today also notes that “Pro-Hadi Popular Resistance militiamen had attacked the Houthis overnight Saturday (July 25) on the northern outskirts of Aden, forcing the rebels out of the Basateen and Jawala areas. The loyalist forces have been bolstered by new weaponry and armored vehicles delivered by the coalition. They also benefited from coalition air support, military sources said, adding that dozens of rebels were killed in the latest fighting.”

Despite this support from the U.S.-backed forces, seven pro-Hadi militiamen were killed and 29 were wounded.

Weapons Made in the U.S.

Although the Washington-allied forces in Yemen claim that the Ansurallah are acting in the interests of Iran, the real hidden aspect of the war as far as the American people are concerned is the essential role of Washington in the bombing and ground fighting.

The warplanes which are dropping bombs on Yemen are manufactured in the U.S. along with the weapons being used on the people. Pentagon personnel are providing re-fueling technology as well as intelligence to the pro-Hadi militia forces and the Saudi-GCC Coalition.

Secretary of State John Kerry has stated repeatedly that the administration of President Barack Obama will support the ongoing airstrikes and oppose the role of the Ansurallah in the internal struggle taking place in Yemen. The Obama administration withdrew its diplomatic representatives along with at least 100 Special Forces from Yemen on the eve of the beginning of the bombing.

Knowledge of the role of the administration and its NATO allies in the bombing of Yemen is spreading with the recent publication of a report by the Huffington Post which says “Human Rights Watch discovered munitions in Yemen, which an investigation by Malachy Browne reportedly traced to European shipments to the United Arab Emirates. The UAE is participating in Saudi Arabia’s airstrikes in Yemen. Browne found that components for MK82 and MK84 bombs, the same type that investigators found in Yemen, were manufactured by RWM Italia S.p.a, an Italy-based subsidiary of German company Rheinmetall, and shipped in May to a manufacturer that supplies the UAE military.” (July 24)

This same article goes on to say “More disturbingly, human rights groups have documented U.S.-made cluster bombs, banned under international law because of the indiscriminate way they kill, in Yemen. Human Rights Watch recently found unexploded CBU-105 cluster munitions, manufactured by a Massachusetts-based company called Textron Systems, near a Yemeni village.”

Although the U.S. attempts to portray itself as neutral in the Yemen war, the country just several months ago was being framed as a “success story” in the so-called “war on terrorism.” Pentagon and Central Intelligence Agency drone and airstrikes have been carried out for several years allegedly targeting al-Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) operatives. At least two U.S. citizens of Yemeni origin have been killed in such attacks.

The Huffington Post also says “It is not surprising that Saudi Arabia — the largest arms purchaser in the world — is using a Western supply chain to bomb Yemen. The Saudi military already has billions of dollars of state-of-the-art military equipment from the U.S. and other Western nations. The U.S. has expedited weapons sales to Saudi Arabia since the airstrikes began, and the U.K. says it has sent ‘precision-guided weapons’ to the Saudi army.”

Iran Seeks Peaceful Settlement to Regional Conflicts

In an effort to foster a diplomatic solution to the Yemen war, the Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif traveled to Kuwait to promote dialogue across the area.

Zarif appealed to the Gulf States to cooperate against the common threat of “terrorism, extremism and sectarianism”, while at the same time saying that Tehran’s policy will continue along the same path. He emphasized that the legitimate struggles of the oppressed would be supported by Iran.

“Our message to the countries of the region is that we should cooperate to face the common threat,” Mohammad Javad Zarif told journalists on July 26 in the aftermath of discussions with Kuwaiti government officials in his first foreign trip following the nuclear deal with Washington and the European imperialist countries. “Iran has always supported the people of this region in confronting the common threat which is terrorism, extremism and sectarianism,” the foreign minister said.

Zarif stressed that “What is needed is not a change in Iranian policy but a change in the policy of some countries that want conflict and war in this region.”

Nonetheless, a European Union (EU) diplomat who is traveling throughout the region gave tacit support to the sentiment of Saudi Arabia and the other imperialist states by blaming Iran as the source of instability in the area. These sentiments continue even in the aftermath of the nuclear technology agreement negotiated with much fanfare in recent weeks.

Reuters news agency reported on July 27 that “Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir accused Iran of making threats against Riyadh’s ally, Bahrain, which he said showed that the Islamic republic was harboring hostile designs against its Middle Eastern neighbors. Speaking at a joint news conference with visiting European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini, Jubeir said Saudi Arabia had raised the issue with her.”

As long as the imperialist states can divide the nations of the Middle East there can be no genuine peace or stability. The central design behind the Pentagon-NATO strategy for the region centers on the support and bolstering of the State of Israel along with undermined any anti-imperialist government or movements operating in contravention of the interests of the U.S. and the EU.

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Lovinsky Pierre Antoine disappeared in US occupied Haiti on August 12, 2007. No one knows what happened to our human rights icon Lovinsky Pierre Antoine.

Two weeks before he was taken by empire and their agents, Lovinsky Pierre Antoine personally sent to the Ezili Dantò Network/Free Haiti Movement his July 28, 2007 essay to mark the 92nd anniversary of the terrorizing US occupation of Haiti that lasted for 19 years from 1915 to 1934.

Lovinsky Pierre Antoine is amongst the few national treasures of Haiti. He used his life and professional skills to give voice and a space of validation to the victims, especially to Haitian women, of both the first (1991) and second (2004) Bush regime changes/foreign interventions against Haiti these last twenty-four years.

Charlermagne Péralte was assassinated and his body nailed to a door by US Marines in Haiti

Today, July 28, 2015 marks the one hundredth anniversary of the US occupation in Haiti that aimed to re-enslaved Desalin’s children. We recall that to help finance US efforts in the first European World War, the U.S. by force-of-arms took complete control of Haiti’s finances and expropriated Haiti lands to grow sugar, coffee, banana, sisal and rubber for export.

Libète ou lanmò, endepandans ou Lanmò, sa se pawòl sakre kidwe sonnen nan zorèy chak Ayisyen tankou se yon kout loray, tankou yon kout lanbi ki fè nou rasanble epi soude yonn ak lòt.“–Janjak Desalin, Deklarasyon Endepandans Ayiti Premye Janvye 1804 Gonayiv, Ayiti

First, the private City Bank of New York bankers (now Citigroup), along with French and German bankers, destabilized Haiti by refusing to pay Haiti workers for work done on the foreign-financed Haiti railroad, et al…). Then these powerfully-connected City Bank of New York bankers, brought the US Marines to Haiti and used them, in the words of the US’s most decorated marine, as “high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers.”   Major General Smedley D. Butler, wrote that he“was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism…I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in.” (See, War is a Racket by Smedley Butler.)

Besides taking over Haiti banking, deep-water ports and collecting Haiti custom receipts, the US marines carted out Haiti’s gold reserves and brought it to the National City Bank of New York’s vaults in Wall Street New York, never to be seen by Haitians, ever again. The money changers at National City Bank of New York (Citigroup) then proceeded to tie the Haitian gourd, not to our gold reserves which they straight up STOLE, but to the US dollar.  These bankers, primarily the National City Bank of New York, unused to Black independence, used the US military to secure a foothold in Haiti, manipulate its credit and capital and continues to do this to the present day.

100th Anniversary of the US occupation of Haiti in 1915

July 28, 2015 marks the 100th Anniversary of the US occupation of Haiti in 1915

The US Marines from the segregated South, not only carted off Haiti gold to National City Bank’s New York offices, but they were the high class muscle men there to safeguard the gang of foreign bankers’ lives. Just as today’s US/UN forces are the high class muscle men in Haiti protecting the same oppressive, racist and exploitative interests of the NGOs, the corporatocracy’s mining, oil and other interests; Paul Farmer/Bill Clinton charity industry and basically the same foreign bankers from 1915 still controlling Haiti banking and credit.

White supremacy’s muscle men and their economic hit men at USAID/US Embassy have even managed to use the current US occupation behind UN guns and NGO humanitarian imperialism to illegally tax the $2.8 billion in yearly Diaspora remittances (at $1.50 per transfer) to Haiti that’s the only real foreign aid to the people and to tax all Haiti phone calls to, from and within Haiti at an extra .05 cents a call. ( Where Does Haiti Fit in Citigroup’s Corporate History? http://goo.gl/kPYh6A .)

Citigroup in Haiti, 100 year of imperialist oppression

Citigroup in Haiti, 100 year of imperialist oppression

Back during the first invasion, Haiti was forced to renegotiate the 1825 French Independence debt at more usury interests rates against Haiti, while the money vultures (banksters) arbitrarily tied five Haitian gourd to one US dollar ($5 US dollar to one Haiti gourd). This extortion gave, their bogus, uncollateralized US dollar, more value than the previously gold-backed Haiti indigenous money. This, underlines and still undermines Haiti’s containment-in-poverty. Not to mention the fact that their Breton Woods financial institutions, would later, put international enslavement conditions in loan and trade agreements to force the former colonized nations to cut tariffs, not regulate capital export, privatize state assets and basically hollow-up the nation state apparatus to service the artificial legal entities (private Euro-US corporations) that these plantation minds set up for their white supremacist world thievery.

One hundred years ago in 1915, the US marines carted Haitians off to Cuba and the Dominican Republic to go work, as virtual slaves, on the sugar and banana plantations of US corporations. One hundred years ago today, the US instituted the corvee in Haiti, a chain gain system of force labor for those Haitians left in Haiti to build infrastructure for US export economy interests. One hundred years ago in 1915, the US marines from the Southern parts of the US, surrounded the Haiti parliament and at the point of the gun, dissolved parliament in order to re-write Haiti’s constitution to eliminate Dessalines’ Law.

“Never again shall colonist or European set foot on this soil as master or landowner. This shall henceforward be the foundation of our constitution.”–Dessalines’ Law

Franklin Delano Roosevelt who served as the Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Navy rewrote the Haitian constitution and took out Dessalines’ Article 12 which forbid the whites from owning Haiti lands or from ruling in Haiti. (See, The Quiet Genocide in Haiti from FDR to Obama: How it’s wielded– https://goo.gl/XlgBkQ)

The national colours shall be black and red” -Desalin’s Constitution, the First Haiti Constitution, 1805

Ayiti’s lands are sacred, a world heritage for freedom, paid for in Black blood after three hundred years of European barbaric forced labor, systemic white men raping Black people and enslaving them. We are the real land of the free and brave….. We-Haitians carry the scars metered out by all the white power countries, the French, the Spanish, the British, the German, the Dutch, the US and now, since 2004, even Canada. Haiti is the independence symbol for the Black world. Free Haitians carry on the global fight against the annihilation of the Black woman’s children on the island of Ayiti. We are a rallying point for success. The example white supremacy must ground out. Charlemagne Péralte paid our interminable price. ( See, Bandits or Patriots?: Documents from Charlemagne Péralte – http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/4946/ .)

We shall never forget the US marines’ assassination and crucifixion of Charlemagne Péralte and slaughter of 15,000 Haiti prisoners at the current Caracol location that Bill and Hillary Clinton have taken from Haiti to give to a South Korean factory complex. The spirit of the US-slained Charlemagne Péralte and the others walk the halls at Caracol and the entire North where Haiti oil, and now deep water ports are taken by the Bigio family in Haiti and Vicini family in the Dominican destroying and dredging up our sea walls. We aren’t as asleep as the mass media is. We are the Haitians who shall never forget the Haiti men, like the lone Emmanuel Drèd Wilmè, slaughtered by 1,440 U.N. Troops, in Site Solèy on July 6, 2005. We remember the ONE Haiti army soldier who, when he saw the Marine invaders on July 28, 1915 stood in his post and fired back. His name was Pierre Sully, our eternal hero showing the Haiti way:liberty or death, Libète ou lanmò – Endepandans oswa lanmò.

During the first US occupation, Haitian presidents where selected through rigged elections, just like Michel Martelly was selected by the Obama State Department, with Cheryl Mills, Hillary Clinton at the State Department and the US-run OAS, handing Haitians back the result they wanted regardless of the facts. Just like back from 1915 to 1934, today’s elections are shams, to put in US puppets who will serve the domestic and international interests of the US-Euros, not Haiti.

Emmanuel Drèd Wilmè, was assassinated by 1400 US-supported forces in Haiti that pummeled 22,000 rounds of ammunition into the unarmed, sleeping Site Solèy community, at 3am, on July 6, 2005, killing countless Haitians, including Emmanuel Drèd Wilmè and his family. See, the Cite Soley Massacre Declassification Project

Emmanuel Drèd Wilmè (http://goo.gl/pwGjK3) was also a lone Black warrior to take up arms during the second direct US occupation behind UN uniforms that started in 2004 to present. We are the survivors left to tell this untold tale of American despotism, tyranny and imperialism in Haiti behind UN guns and uniforms and NGO fake white benevolence. To say the names of the 20,000 Haitians who were killed by US-supported forces in Haiti from 2004 to 2006. The one’s left behind to say the name Lovinsky Pierre Antoine, and share his essay on this day with all free Haitians. Lovinsky is not here to fight today, on this 100th anniversary of the US occupation. He was our colleague, one of Ezili Danto’s grassroots collaborator, a fellow soldier facing this permanent war against the Black woman’s children. He left the rest to all of us. Tande byen Ayisyen. (English speakers may read the Darren Ell’s interviews with Lovinsky Pierre Antoine, entitled “Sovereignty and Justice in Haiti,” Part 1, dated Feb. 18, 2007 (http://goo.gl/vDVnn1 ) and Part 2, March 4, 2007 -http://goo.gl/1FiyBw.)

Haitians, this was written for you, by Lovinsky, before the US/UN killed him. Lovinsky was the founder of Fondasyon Trant Septanm, the then leading Haiti human rights organization to represent the victims of the 1991 Bush Sr. regime change and 2004 Bush Jr. Haiti regime change and take over. They killed him or have him floating in their rendition ships at sea somewhere on planet earth’s oceans. If he’s still alive, we share his grief, the injustice, terror and unending suffering constantly being metered out by sick white minds running the entire planet as a great big prison battleship. If the US and its Haiti agents killed him outright, today on the 100th anniversary of the US invasion to destroy the one Black republic in the Western Hemisphere, we make time from the battle against white supremacy/racism to lift up Lovinsky’s indomitable spirit and these, his words.

The first piece is the Fondasyon Trant Septanm statement (in Kreyòl) on the 92nd anniversary of the US occupation of Haiti (found on our website, here -http://goo.gl/rSjqCE).  The second, you may find on our website (in French, here -http://goo.gl/cwnQGx ). It’s about UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon’s visit to Haiti, written in July 31, 2007. Lovinsky Pierre Antoine was disappeared in US/UN occupied Haiti on August 12, 2007, just after writing these essays. Konen lambi a, sonnen lambi.

Jean Jacques Acaau and the Pikets are watching. Sonnen Lanbi.

Goman, the legendary leader of the Haiti maroons who fought and won the revolutionary War of Independence against the French, the Spanish and the British and who fought on after the mulatto Petion/Boyer forces killed the Black generals, including Janjak Desalin, Bwaron Tonèr, Kapwa Lamò, Henry Christophe, et al.. All these Haiti warriors, along with, patriots like Charlemagne Péralte, Benoit Batraville, Makandal, Goman, Grann Toya, Grann Guitonn, Defile, Sergeant Major Sanit Bélé, the Pikets, the Cacos have saved a space in the line of warriors going back to Lè Marasa, Lè Mò e lè Mistè for those conscious Haitians who reMEMBER our duty to the Ancestors, to ourselves and our legacy to live free or die. We reMEMBER, give our lifeforce to and understand we’re ONE body, ONE arm, ONE people calling up the Ancestral mother and fathers of Africa, the African spirits, these Ancient first peoples, original to planet earth that walk with Ayiti, our sacred highland, towards liberation from the UN criminals, US superpower terrorizers, NGO greedy opportunists and all theirNdòkiGinen poze.

If I die in police custody

“If I die in police custody, burn everything down, koupe tèt, boule kay. No building is worth more than my life. No white person’s life or sell-out kneegrow’s life is more important than my life. Koupe tèt, boule kay! If I die in police custody, it won’t be suicide. White supremacy murdered me. It will be because I had tried not to accept their torture and was doing my best to take a few terrorist down with me because they kept me in a cage, wouldn’t let make a phone call, put my bail too high for an ordinary Black woman to pay for switching lanes and would not stop the physical and psychological brutality. It will be self-defense, a human right I own. But there is no justice for the un-assimilated Black women and their children in America. And I mean the whole hemisphere. Like Malcom X says, if I got to give up my life, let it be even-steven. Black mothers are rising! Desalin says NO to white supremacy, torture and tyranny in Haiti, in the US, everywhere and in all its forms. I want to live. I want to live. I want to live FREE. If I die in police custody, say my name, say my name, the one I chose, not the colonial name I was given. Say Ezili Dantò, say my name. Give Ezili Dantò her tongue back.” — Ezili Dantò, HLLN/Free Haiti Movement, July 28, 2015, on the 100th anniversary of the US occupation of Haiti (Watch, Black mothers rising video: If I die in police custody, here. )

Ezili Dantò
 Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (HLLN) and Free Haiti Movement, July 28, 2015

The West has two faces. One evil.”

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Polls show that American Jews overwhelmingly support the deal with Iran. For example, the Christian Science Monitor noted last November:

84 percent of American Jews would favor either strongly or somewhat a deal with Iran that would alleviate tough sanctions on the Iranian economy in exchange for Iran’s agreement to limit its nuclear program to civilian purposes and accept inspectors at its nuclear facilities.

The pro-Israel group J Street noted last month:

American Jews express strong support for a final agreement with Iran that increases inspections in exchange for economic sanctions relief. Fifty-nine percent say they would support such a deal, compared to 53 percent of American adults in an April CNN poll that asked the same question.

Today, J Street reported:

A new national survey of 1,000 American Jews, conducted by GBA Strategies for J Street, finds that a large majority of Jews support the agreement recently reached between the United States, world powers, and Iran. The 20-point margin (60 percent to 40 percent) in favor of the agreement is consistent with the 18-point margin found in the LA Jewish Journal’s survey released last week, as well as the 18-point margin in J Street’s survey conducted prior to the agreement. Multiple surveys have shown with resounding clarity that American Jews firmly back the agreement, and now want Congress to approve it.


Given the massive campaigns against the agreement that has been launched by AIPAC and the Republican Jewish Coalition, it is very clear that these high profile campaigns do not reflect the views of the majority of American Jews.


Seventy percent [of American Jews] would support US engagement even if it meant stating US disagreements with both the Israelis and Arabs and 69 percent would support the US pressuring both parties to make the compromises.

And see this, this, this, this, this, this and this.

Moreover – as J Street reportshundreds of high-level Israeli defense and intelligence officials support the Iran deal.

So does the head of the CIA.

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Western Official Confirms Turkey-ISIL Secret Oil Business

July 29th, 2015 by Global Research News

by Islamic Invitation Turkey

A Western official has confirmed the existence of clandestine business links between Takfiri ISIL terrorists and the Turkish government.

In a report published on Sunday, The Guardian quoted an unnamed senior Western official as saying that evidence on direct dealings between Turkish officials and ranking ISIL members was “undeniable.”

[As a result, the oil trade between the jihadis and the Turks was held up as evidence of an alliance between the two. It led to protests from Washington and Europe – both already wary of Turkey’s 900-mile border with Syria being used as a gateway by would-be jihadis from around the world. (Guardian, July 26, 2015) GR ed]

According to the Western official, the documents on the undeclared alliance were obtained following a US raid on the compound of the key ISIL figure, Abu Sayyaf, in Syria in May, which led to his killing.

“There are hundreds of flash drives and documents that were seized there,” the official said. “They are being analyzed at the moment, but the links are already so clear that they could end up having profound policy implications for the relationship between us and Ankara.”

A member of the Syrian government forces stands next to a well at Jazel oil field, near the ancient city of Palmyra in the east of Homs province, after they retook the area from ISIL militants on March 9, 2015. ©AFP

Turkey has been facing criticism for facilitating militants’ border crossings to join ISIL in Syria, which has been grappling with foreign-backed militancy since March 2011. Ankara has also been criticized for providing assistance to Takfiri terrorists waging war in the Arab country.The ISIL operative was responsible for smuggling oil from fields in eastern Syria. The oil then found its way into the black market to become the main driver of revenues for ISIL, with Turkish buyers as its main clients.

The report comes against the backdrop of airstrikes conducted by the Turkish military against targets controlled by Takfiri ISIL terrorists inside Syria as well as the positions of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in northern Iraq.

Copyright Islamic Invitation Turkey 2015

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On the morning of Wed., Jul. 28, 1915, U.S. Marines landed near Port-au-Prince, beginning a brutal 19-year military occupation of Latin America’s first independent nation that left deep scars on the Haitian population and psyche.

In the weeks and months leading up to the 100th anniversary of that fateful day, activists in Haiti and its diaspora held demonstrations and conferences. In New York, Haitian groups and individuals formed the “Patriotic Initiative to Mark the Centennial of the American Occupation of Haiti on Jul. 28, 1915.”

In the final week before the anniversary, the group organized an all-day conference on Sat., Jul. 25 at a school in the heart of Brooklyn’s “Little Haiti,” featuring speakers like Professors Franklin Midy and Jean-Claude Icart of the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM), Frantz Leconte from City University of New York (CUNY), an Alex Dupuy from Wesleyan. Haïti Liberté’s director Berthony Dupont also spoke.

At the same school the next night, there a rousing cultural program with heart-felt presentations by poets Michèle V. Marcelin, Tony Leroy, and Paul Tulcé, as well as singers Wooly Saint-Louis Jean, Azaka, and Rosna Marcelin. Also performing were the Granchimen Cultural Group, saxophonist Buyu Ambroise with Alex (Tit) Pascal, joined later by Eric Faustin, the former lead singer of the “engaged music” group Atis Endepandan (Independent Artists).

On Tue., Jul. 28, a final conference was held at CUNY’s John Jay College of Criminal Justice in Manhattan, with presentations by former radio host Daniel Huttinot, activist/scholar Father Luis Barrios, and Haitian-Dominican rights activist Altagracia Jean Joseph, among others.

Filmmakers Alain Martin and Hans Augustave also presented a trailer for “The Forgotten Occupation,” a soon-to-be-completed documentary, over five years in the making, about the first U.S. invasion of Haiti.

We present the statement issued by the Patriotic Initiative on Jul. 28 and the English portion of Michèle V. Marcelin’s poetic composition, drawn from several Haitian poets including herself, about the occupation, presented at both the Jul. 26 and the Jul. 28 events.

Haiti 1915- Haiti 2015 (a compilation of poems presented by Michèle V. Marcelin)

Patriotic Initiative to Mark the Centennial of the American Occupation of Haiti on July 28, 1915

A group of Haitian patriots in New York thought it important for Haitians abroad as well as those in Haiti to mark the 100th Year Anniversary of the American Occupation of Haiti (1915-2015). They formed the “HAITIAN PATRIOTIC INITIATIVE” to raise awareness and to galvanize the community into remembering this “sad event” in their history.

On Dec. 17, 1914, as a prelude to the coming and full military force of the occupation of the country on Jul. 28, 1915, U.S. marines aboard the USS Machias landed in Port-au-Prince with the sole purpose of seizing the country’s gold reserve, an estimated $500,000 worth, from the Haitian National Bank. They hauled it away to the First National City Bank in New York City.

On Jul. 28, 1915, U.S. Marines landed again, this time in Bizoton in the outskirts of the capital, to fully invade and occupy the country. The occupation would last 19 years (1915-1934). In that span of time, the U.S. Marines brutalized, tortured, and killed many nationalist forces who put up a fierce resistance against them, nationalists such as Haitian soldier Pierre Sully, as well as the peasants that composed the Caco’s military combative forces under the leadership of Charlemagne Péralte and Benoit Batraville. We salute the courage and the resistance that other patriots like Rosalvo Bobo and members of the group “Union Patriotique”, headed by Georges Sylvain, Élie Guérin, Perceval Thoby, Pauléus Sannon, and Joseph Jolibois Fils, who demonstrated against the invaders. We can never forget the defiant stand of the students at the Agriculture School in Damien who organized the first general strike in 1929 against the occupiers, nor can we forget in the least the practical action of revolutionary intellectual Jacques Roumain, who in 1934 set up the first Haitian Communist Party!

The contributions of Haitian women resisters were, given the times, readily forgotten, but we remember them here! In 1926, a delegation of American women, members of the “Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom,” an organization linked to the American Communists, came to Haiti to conduct an investigation on the occupation. They were met by Georges Sylvain’s wife, Eugénie Mallebranche and by Pierre Hudicourt’s wife, who were themselves members of the “Women’s International League.” Georges Sylvain’s three daughters – Suzanne, Madeleine and Yvonne – were involved in the fight against the occupiers together with Alice Garoute, Cléante Valcin, Fernande Bellegarde, Esther Dartigue, Georgette Justin, Léonie Madiou, Maude Turian, and Marie Hakime. In 1934, they created the “Ligue Féminine d’Action Sociale” (The Women’s League for Social Action). In effect, both men and women patriots stood firmly side by side in the struggle against the American military occupation of 1915-1934.

Other organizations from the U.S. such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the magazine The Nation also supported the struggle of the Haitian people at that time.

During the occupation, American imperialism had set up economic structures within their established political and military infrastructure, in order to guarantee that their interests would be served, even in their “absence”. Whether it be the reactionary ruling class, or the post-occupation governments that were to hold office after the purported end of the occupation in 1934, they all accepted dictates of the American government, with very little to no resistance of any sort. They handled the legacy of the occupation, guarantors they were of US interests, and they looked upon the Haitian state as their private and personal “fiefdom” (their ATM machine, so to speak), to do with it as they pleased. The Haitian population were continually victimized and greatly suffered because of this situation. We honor all of those patriots and revolutionaries that resisted this brutal occupation.

Needless to say, Haiti was not the only country that had to face U.S. aggression. Far from it! The 20th century ushered in a new era for American imperialism which they themselves called “gunboat diplomacy.” The U.S. invaded several countries in the Caribbean, Central America, and Latin America. It invaded Cuba 6 times, the Dominican Republic 4 times, El Salvador twice, Guatemala 3 times, Honduras 7 times, Mexico 3 times, Nicaragua 6 times, Panama 8 times, Puerto Rico twice, and the small island of Grenada once, leaving in its trail plains of dead bodies from the indiscriminate killing of men, women and children. The American aggression reflects the violent nature of imperialism during that period and today with the UN Mission to Stabilize Haiti (MINUSTAH) occupation. The violent nature of U.S. imperialism is manifest considering that it has more than 865 military bases installed around the world in more than 63 countries. The U.S. elites have made the whole world’s interests their national interests, justifying the rights and arrogance of the U.S. Defense Department to intervene wherever and whenever they deem desirable. The United States is the most violent country on this planet!

The 1915 occupation had some very grave consequences on the country. The objective of the occupation was to place Haiti in the U.S. political and economic orbit. U.S. imperialism stopped the economic development of the country when it destroyed our sugarcane, syrup, and alcoholic beverage processing plants in favor of American multinational companies. The occupier reinforced racism and color prejudice in the country. They built an economic structure that benefitted the bourgeois and the landowners and pushed the masses down deeper. They concentrated most institutions and power in Port-au-Prince to the detriment of the provinces. They instituted the “corvée,” which is a form of forced labor (slavery) on the peasants. They also created a situation of social and economic deprivation and exclusion in the country, provoking great waves of emigration of Haitian workers who fled to other countries. The imperialist project was to bring the Haitian people to their knees. It is in this sense, they used all past and present governments with the complicity of the reactionary ruling classes since 1915 until now with the MINUSTAH as an occupation force in Haiti.

When in 1934 they left Haiti, they left behind the National Guard of Haiti, a force that continued violence against the Haitian population and patriots in the country; the National Guard was no less than an internal domination force. Even in the absence of the American boots, the domination remained after 1934. When the U.S. boots left the country, the Haitian National Guard, which was becoming the Haitian Armed Forces, played a central role in imposing the American domination of Haiti. The United States invaded Haiti again on Sep. 19, 1994 to re-occupy Haiti with 25,000 soldiers to bring back Jean Bertrand Aristide as president of Haiti. However, today, the boots are here again for the past 11 years (2004-2015) with the MINUSTAH troops. This time, their project is to reinforce the domination and extreme exploitation of the workers based on cheap labor in a form of slavery – or disguised unemployment – in agro-business, Free Trade Zones/sub-contracting factories, and luxurious hotels for tourists, and also exploiting our natural resources, such as gold and other minerals in Haiti.

American imperialism found the Haitian ruling classes, the bourgeoisie, landowners, and subservient politicians ready to collaborate. And they are collaborating today with the occupiers. They continue to help and allow foreign intervention to destroy our economy, instigate coups d’états, massacre the masses, spread cholera in the country, and maintain the misery and extreme poverty of the Haitian people with a disguised occupation to keep Haiti as a dependent country in the imperialist orbit. They all represent the descendants of Conzé, the Haitian traitor who betrayed Charlemagne Péralte, our anti-imperialist Caco leader. Therefore, the occupier had divided the classes into two well-defined camps in the country, the reactionary ruling classes and their allies under the jurisdiction of the Americans on one side, and on the other side the workers’ camp.

Recent events show clearly how the country is totally under American stewardship. While the masses are on the streets protesting to demand that Martelly step down, the American ambassador, Pamela White, came to the Haitian Parliament, in slippers, to dictate orders to the parliamentarians on how to vote on the electoral law. She declared that the American government supported Martelly so as to intimidate or slow down the people’s movement. The subservient parliamentarians did not call out Pamela White to respect the sovereignty of the Haitian Parliament as the representative power of the Haitian people and kick her out as she did not belong there.

Jul. 28, 2015, the 100th Anniversary of the 1915 U.S. occupation, finds our country, 211 years after its independence, again under occupation. In 2015, we demand the liberation of Haiti from occupation, from domination, and from all forms of intervention and intrusions in the affairs of the country and the Haitian people.

We’ve learned! Of the MOTHER LAND, WE ARE THE ONLY OWNERS! Let’s make this a reality! WARRIORS, FORWARD! In this vein and in this context, we firmly support the resistance of the workers and toiling masses, genuine patriots and progressives, the combative women and men, against all current traitors (Conzés) who have economic, political, and social power in Haiti today. Only a powerful anti-opportunist resistance of the Haitian workers against all reactionary forces, including the MINUSTAH occupation under American leadership, will be able to overthrow them in Haiti, which is the only guarantee of a life of dignity for the Haitian people.

Our collective consciousness will help us find the solution. We hope all vigilant and genuine compatriots who agree with the Patriotic Initiative will come forward to support and contribute according to their means and abilities.

Down with occupation in all its forms!

Down with the MINUSTAH!

Down with imperialist domination!

Victory is for people who resist!

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The Dark Side of American Politics

July 29th, 2015 by Patrick Martin

An “Editor’s Note” published on page two of Tuesday’s New York Times confirms that the supposed “newspaper of record” in the United States served as the instrument for a politically-motivated dirty trick directed at the presidential campaign of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Last Thursday’s online edition of the Times, and its Friday print edition, claimed that the inspectors general of the State Department and the intelligence agencies had requested a “criminal investigation” into whether Clinton “mishandled sensitive government information” in the private email account through which she carried out communications during her four years at the State Department.

The front-page report, under a three-column headline, touched off a media firestorm over the weekend, with suggestions that the launching of a criminal probe into Clinton’s email practices could doom her campaign. The issue dominated the Sunday talk shows on all the television networks and was virtually the sole topic of discussion on ultra-right talk radio and Fox News.

In the Tuesday “Editor’s Note,” the Times admitted that its account was false. There was no request for a “criminal investigation,” or for an inquiry into Clinton’s own conduct. Instead, the request was a “security referral” into “whether sensitive government information was mishandled” in a handful of emails that passed through Clinton’s mail server. There was no allegation of potentially criminal conduct and no specific reference to Clinton’s personal role.

However, although the Times maintained that the July 23-July 24 article “was based on multiple high-level government sources,” the newspaper did not report which of these sources supplied the false information about Clinton. This is certainly a relevant and newsworthy issue: either key Obama aides, or top officials of the Justice Department, State Department or intelligence agencies, have leaked a report targeting the frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016. The two scenarios are not, of course, mutually exclusive, given Obama’s intimate ties with the intelligence apparatus.

If Obama loyalists were the source, that would suggest subterranean divisions within the Democratic Party wing of the political establishment. That this may be the case is reinforced by Obama’s public musing, during his ongoing trip to Africa, that if it were not for the constitutional prohibition, he could run for and win a third term in the White House, a clear suggestion that he finds the current Democratic presidential field lacking.

If Justice, State or CIA/NSA officials were the source of the leak, this would indicate significant opposition within the apparatus of the state itself either to Clinton’s campaign in particular, or to the prospect of any Democrat succeeding Obama in the White House. This would be even more important to report to the American people, since it would constitute a deliberate—and illegal—intervention into the US elections by agencies and officials who are accustomed to manipulating the political process in countries around the world.

The record of the Times over the last two decades reinforces the likelihood of the second scenario, in which Friday’s article was a deliberate provocation emanating from the intelligence agencies. Again and again, from the fabrications of Judith Miller about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction to more recent charges of Syrian government gas attacks, Russian missiles shooting down a Malaysian jetliner and Chinese military hackers invading US government computer systems, the Times has been a conduit for entirely unsubstantiated claims, emanating from undisclosed sources, that promote the interests of sections of the military-intelligence apparatus.

The Times gives no accounting of the source of the attack on the Clinton campaign because it is not an independent publication in any genuine sense, but rather the house organ of factions within the US financial and political elite and military/intelligence establishment that use its pages to manipulate public opinion in support of their desired policies.

The bogus report of a Clinton “criminal referral” is only one of a series of incidents that suggest that the 2016 presidential campaign is becoming the focal point for an extraordinary escalation of political tensions within the US ruling elite.

In the past week alone, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, positioning himself as the most right-wing of the Republican presidential hopefuls, publicly denounced Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as a liar. One of Cruz’s rivals for the Christian fundamentalist bloc, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, blasted the six-nation nuclear agreement with Iran, claiming that President Obama “will take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven.”

These statements follow a series of increasingly provocative and bigoted comments by billionaire Donald Trump targeting the 2008 Republican presidential nominee John McCain and many of Trump’s 2016 rivals. Trump currently leads opinion polls of likely Republican primary voters and has held the largest rallies of any of the Republican candidates.

What these episodes suggest is that the underlying social conflicts within the United States are beginning to overload a political system that is rotted through and through. The two officially recognized political parties, the Democrats and Republicans, are controlled by corporate interests and increasingly removed from the real concerns of the great mass of the American people.

There is mounting discontent over protracted economic slump, declining living standards and ever-deepening social inequality. Neither capitalist party has anything genuine to offer to working people. Both are seeking to divert and channel the rising social anger, the Democrats through the “left” demagogy of Bernie Sanders, the Republicans through increasingly vitriolic attacks on scapegoats such as immigrant workers.

It is impossible to predict, more than 15 months before Election Day, how the deepening crisis of American imperialism, and of world capitalism as a whole, will be reflected through the medium of the US presidential election campaign. Suffice it to say that there will be twists and turns and sudden political shocks, foreshadowing the entry of the American working class into mass struggles against the capitalist system.

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Image: A US chopper landed in areas under the control of the ISIL terrorist group in Western Iraq and flew away to an unknown destination with several ISIL commanders on board minutes later, Iraqi intelligence sources disclosed on Monday.

An American helicopter landed in mountainous Hamrin region in Salahuddin province, an Iraqi intelligence source declared on Monday.

“A US chopper was seen in al-Riyadh region near Hamrin mountain,” the Arabic-language al-Malouma news website quoted the source as saying.

The source noted that the US helicopter landed in the region to transfer several ISIL leaders to an unknown destination. “This is not the first time that a US chopper lands in Hamrin mountainous region,” he said.

Meantime, several eyewitnesses also confirmed the flights of US helicopters over the ISIL-controlled areas of Havija located to the Southwest of Kirkuk in order to take the Takfiri terrorist commanders out of the region.

Witnesses say US aircraft have been flying over militant-ruled regions very frequently in the last one year, and their missions have been anything, but war and air raid.

On February 28, a group of Iraqi popular forces known as Al-Hashad Al-Shabi shot down a US Army helicopter that was carrying weapons to the ISIL in the Western parts of Al-Baghdadi region in Al-Anbar province.

To prove their claim, the Hashad Al-Shabi forces released the photos of the shot down chopper through the Internet.

Last February, Head of the Iraqi Parliament’s National Security and Defense Committee Hakem al-Zameli announced that the helicopters of the US-led anti-ISIL coalition had been dropping weapons and foodstuff for the ISIL terrorists in the Southern parts of Tikrit.

He underscored that he had documents and photos showing that the US Apache helicopters airdropped foodstuff and weapons for the ISIL.

Also in late February, al-Zameli disclosed that Iraq’s army had shot down two British planes as they were carrying weapons for the ISIL terrorists in Al-Anbar province.

“The Iraqi Parliament’s National Security and Defense Committee has access to the photos of both planes that are British and have crashed while they were carrying weapons for the ISIL,” al-Zameli said, according to a report of the Arabic-language information center of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq.

He said the Iraqi parliament has asked London for explanations in this regard.

The senior Iraqi legislator further unveiled that the government in Baghdad had been receiving daily reports from people and security forces in al-Anbar province on numerous flights by the US-led coalition planes that airdrop weapons and supplies for ISIL in terrorist-held areas.

The Iraqi lawmaker further noted the cause of such western aids to the terrorist group, and explained that the US prefers a chaotic situation in Anbar Province which is near the cities of Karbala and Baghdad as it does not want the ISIL crisis to come to an end.

Al-Zameli had also disclosed in January that the anti-ISIL coalition’s planes have dropped weapons and foodstuff for the ISIL in Salahuddin, Al-Anbar and Diyala provinces.

Al-Zameli underlined that the coalition is the main cause of ISIL’s survival in Iraq.

“There are proofs and evidence for the US-led coalition’s military aid to ISIL terrorists through air(dropped cargoes),” he told FNA in January.

In late December, Iraqi Parliamentary Security and Defense Commission MP disclosed that a US plane supplied the ISIL terrorist organization with arms and ammunition in Salahuddin province.

MP Majid al-Gharawi stated that the available information pointed out that US planes are supplying ISIL organization, not only in Salahuddin province, but also other provinces, Iraq TradeLink reported.

He added that the US and the international coalition are “not serious in fighting against the ISIL organization, because they have the technological power to determine the presence of ISIL gunmen and destroy them in one month”.

Gharawi added that “the US is trying to expand the time of the war against the ISIL to get guarantees from the Iraqi government to have its bases in Mosul and Anbar provinces.”

Salahuddin security commission also disclosed that “unknown planes threw arms and ammunition to the ISIL gunmen Southeast of Tikrit city”.

Also in Late December, a senior Iraqi lawmaker raised doubts about the seriousness of the anti-ISIL coalition led by the US, and said that the terrorist group still received aids dropped by unidentified aircraft.

“The international coalition is not serious about air strikes on ISIL terrorists and is even seeking to take out the popular (voluntary) forces from the battlefield against the Takfiris so that the problem with ISIL remains unsolved in the near future,” Nahlah al-Hababi told FNA.

“The ISIL terrorists are still receiving aids from unidentified fighter jets in Iraq and Syria,” she added.

Hababi said that the coalition’s precise airstrikes are launched only in those areas where the Kurdish Pishmarga forces are present, while military strikes in other regions are not so much precise.

In late December, the US-led coalition dropped aids to the Takfiri militants in an area North of Baghdad.

Field sources in Iraq told al-Manar that the international coalition airplanes dropped aids to the terrorist militants in Balad, an area which lies in Salahuddin province North of Baghdad.

In October, a high-ranking Iranian commander also slammed the US for providing aid supplies to ISIL, adding that the US claims that the weapons were mistakenly airdropped to ISIL were untrue.

“The US and the so-called anti-ISIL coalition claim that they have launched a campaign against this terrorist and criminal group – while supplying them with weapons, food and medicine in Jalawla region (a town in Diyala Governorate, Iraq). This explicitly displays the falsity of the coalition’s and the US’ claims,” Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Brigadier General Massoud Jazayeri said.

The US claimed that it had airdropped weapons and medical aid to Kurdish fighters confronting the ISIL in Kobani, near the Turkish border in Northern Syria.

The US Defense Department said that it had airdropped 28 bundles of weapons and supplies, but one of them did not make it into the hands of the Kurdish fighters.

Video footage later showed that some of the weapons that the US airdropped were taken by ISIL militants.

The Iranian commander insisted that the US had the necessary intelligence about ISIL’s deployment in the region and that their claims to have mistakenly airdropped weapons to them are as unlikely as they are untrue.

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Image: author Stephen Lendman

Longstanding US/Israeli plans call for redrawing the Middle East map – including balkanizing Iraq and Syria along with installing regional puppets serving Western/Zionist interests.

The ugly scheme involves endless wars – killing millions through violence and deprivation. Imperialism works this way – causing unspeakable human misery for power, resource control and profit.

America, key NATO allies, Israel and rogue Arab states like Saudi Arabia are allied in potentially embroiling the entire region and beyond in endless conflicts – wanting regime change in Iran, Syria and elsewhere.

Washington wants all independent governments replaced by pro-Western puppet regimes. Israel wants all its regional rivals eliminated – Iran, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Assad in Syria.

Former US Political Advisor for the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad, current Consul General to Jerusalem Michael Ratney was just appointed US Special Envoy for Syria.

It comes when Turkey joined America’s war on the Syrian Arab Republic directly – by attacking Syrian Kurds on the pretext of fighting Islamic State terrorists it actively supports – providing them safe haven in its territory, training them and funneling them cross-border to wage war on Syria as US proxy foot soldiers.

Last week, Obama and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan agreed on letting US warplanes use Ankara’s Incirlik and Diyarbakir air bases to bomb Syrian targets – along with the first step toward balkanizing its territory by establishing a buffer and no-fly zone in northern Syria bordering Southeastern Turkey.

At Monday’s daily State Department press briefing, AP’s Matt Lee asked spokesman Admiral John Kirby “what’s going on with the Turks? (I)t seems like a really bizarre situation has unfolded over the course of the past week with them (claiming to join) the air strikes against ISIS, but at the same time bombing PKK positions” in Syria and Iraq.

“So what exactly is going on here, and doesn’t this just make an even bigger mess out of the situation than” earlier?

Kirby ducked the question saying “(w)e are grateful for Turkey’s cooperation against ISIL (America’s ally, not enemy) to include now use of some of their bases for coalition (US/Britain/Israel and now Turkey) aircraft to go against targets – ISIL targets, particularly in Syria.”

Fact: Washington provides air support for IS proxy foot soldiers. Syrian infrastructure is targeted. Easily visible columns of IS elements (via satellite imagery) move free of US attacks.

They could easily be destroyed if Washington wanted them eliminated. Just the opposite. Kirby and other US officials claiming America is at war with IS is polar opposite truth.

Matt Lee pressed Kirby on attacking PKK fighters in Iraq and YPG Kurds in Syria – “perhaps the most effective (ones) on the ground against ISIS/ISIL,” he said. “You don’t have a problem with that,” he asked?

Kirby disagreed on Kurdish effectiveness, called the PKK “a foreign terrorist organization” because Washington say so, and added “Turkey has a right to self-defense” – the same rationale as Israel’s phony claim about a Palestinian threat.

Lee pressed further asking “(i)s the US telling Turkey not to go after the PKK if the PKK in Syria are going after ISIL – yes or no?”

Kirby seemed nonplussed – interrupted by another reporter asking “(s)o you don’t know (about Kurdish elements) fighting inside Syria?”

Kirby lied saying “I have no specific information.”

Question: “Who is shooting at whom at this point?”

Kirby ducked the question – without explaining sophisticated US satellite imagery he understands well as a retired navy admiral, able to follow ground activity wherever the Pentagon wishes.

An unnamed US official said Washington and Ankara are cooperating to create “an ISIL-free zone and ensure greater security and stability along Turkey’s border with Syria.”

Fact: The last thing Washington wants is stability anywhere in Syria or other targeted countries – regionally or elsewhere. It defeats US imperial aims. Endless wars serve them.

On Tuesday, all 28 NATO ambassadors are meeting in Brussels (at Turkey’s request) to discuss Ankara’s intervention in Syria and Iraq along with US/Turkish plans for Syrian buffer and no-fly zones – escalating Obama’s war to oust Assad and perhaps enlisting greater NATO involvement even if not announced.

An Alliance statement said member states “follow developments very closely and stand in solidarity with Turkey.” Whether it suggests direct NATO involvement in Syria and/or Iraq (including ground forces) remains to be seen.

On Monday, Turkey’s Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said Ankara will press ahead with military action against PKK forces – claiming it’s part of its “war on terror” even though the secular PKK is bitterly opposed to IS extremists, engaged in combat against them.

A Syrian Kurdish People’s Defense Units (YPG) spokesman accused Turkey of attacking its positions. Ankara claimed unidentified elements fired cross-border from Syrian territory.

US officials said they’re unaware of any such attack but support Ankara’s right to self-defense – even if its forces committed naked aggression.

Meanwhile, US/Turkish plans call for a 60-mile-long buffer and no-fly zone around 30 miles into Syrian territory, according to various reports.

If established, it’ll constitute a blatant violation of international law without Security Council authorization, besides breaching Syrian sovereignty – along with a first step toward balkanizing the country, destroying it by dismemberment.

At the same time, a shaky 2013 established Turkish/PKK truce was breached. A group spokesman said “(i)t seems Erdogan wants to drag us back into war.”

“When things reach this level and when all of our areas are bombed, I think by then the ceasefire has no meaning anymore.”

White House deputy national security advisor Ben Rhodes expressed support for Turkey’s “right to take action related to terrorist targets.”

So did EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini and Germany’s Angela Merkel – “expressing solidarity and support in the fight against terrorism.”

The region already is boiling. Turkey’s intervention ups the stakes.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs. 


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The Afghanistan Map Of War

July 29th, 2015 by South Front

The Kabul government is preparing for a big advance in northern Afghanistan.

National Security Forces have been involved in intense clashes with the Taliban in 7 provinces.

At the moment security forces have gained round only in Faryab province. The Taliban has now started a new offensive in the Badakhshan province by taking control of the “Kala” military base, seizing several checkpoints and capturing 100 pro-government fighters. Islamic State has also participated in clashes at the Afghanistan-Turkmenistan border.

Afghanistan Map of War, July 20-27, 2015

  1. July 20-27, The operations of Afghan National Security Forces against the Taliban are underway in 7 provinces of Afghanistan. The attacks on the positions of militants were performed in Takhar, Kunduz, Faryab, Nangarhar, Sar-e Pul, Uruzgan and Logar. The Afghan Ministry of Internal Affairs reported government forces killed 20 and detained 2 militants. Also, a serviceman of the Afghan National Security Forces was killed. The most intense clashes were observed in Kunduz, Nangarhar and Faryab (on July 13, Taliban forces captured 22 checkpoints and over 40 settlements there). At the moment, Afghan National Security Forces have liberated a part of the Faryab province and destroyed 2 Taliban bases in the Almar district.
  2. July 24-25, Taliban militants along with the “Unity of Islamic Jihad” took control of the “Kala” military base in the Wurduj district of the Badakhshan province. 25 Afghan servicemen were either killed or wounded, 100 were taken prisoner. Militants captured 10 Kalashnikov LMG, 90 assault rifles, 2 mortars and some other equipment. The Taliban stated it had taken control of 6 check points and 12 settlements around the military base. However, this information wasn’t confirmed by Kabul. Earlier, the acting governor of Badakhshan Shah Wali Adib was alarmed by the situation and asked the central government to send reinforcements.
  3. July 26, The chief of the Badakhshan police General Abdul Wahid Baba Jan accused captured “Kala” servicemen of making a secret deal with the Taliban. According to him Kala servicemen had enough arms and equipment to defend the military base, but they preferred to make a deal with militants.
  4. July 27, The Taliban released the 100 servicemen captured after taking control of “Kala”. The event confirms that General Abdul Wahid Baba Jan’s allegation that they didn’t try their best in clashes against the militants. At the very least, it indicates low morale among the Afghan forces.
  5. July 27, The Ministry of Defense of Afghanistan has been preparing a military operation in the northern part of the country: Badakhshan, Takhar, Kunduz, Balkh and Baghlan. The operation is a result of numerous reports from localized pro-government forces about the lack of support from Kabul.
  6. July 1-27, Islamic State has been advancing at the Afghanistan-Turkmenistan border since early July. 3000 to 4000 of IS militants are concentrated in the region. According to official reports, at least 12 border guard servicemen were killed there. Different reports state a number over 80 Turkmenistan servicemen killed. It’s possible that Islamic State is there is to capture gas fields of Turkmenistan.

Despite Afghan government’s official reports that clashes are underway in 7 provinces, there are many more zones of military activity in the country. The Taliban has party taken control of other Afghan provinces too. Attacks on military servicemen and policemen constantly come around the south, east and central regions. 4100 Afghan National Security Forces servicemen were killed and 7800 wounded since the start of 2015. Kabul’s big advance in the north is a reaction to numerous requests of local authorities and an overdue attempt to get the situation under the control. However, the events in the Badakhshan province on July 24-25 indicate that government forces have most likely been losing the will to fight against the Taliban.

Islamic State militants have increased activity at the Afghanistan-Turkmenistan border. From 12 to 70 Turkmenistan bodyguards have been already killed since early July. The terrorists aim to capture gas fields of Turkmenistan. There are two opportunities for IS there:

  • To create an attack corridor through the border
  • To “infiltrate” the border under the cover of local fights and attack the border guard from two sides (IS uses this strategy regularly)

The increase in IS activity is synchronized with signing of The Iran Nuclear Deal and is clearly pushing the USA’s interests: to prevent the supply of Turkmen gas to China (through TAPI or Uzbekistan) and redirect the flows to the Europe. Iran will replace Russia in energy supplies, enforcing the USA for further anti-Russian actions in the central Europe.

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The Making of the American Police State

July 29th, 2015 by Christian Parenti

Image: Three girls at a juvenile facility in Racine, Wisconsin. Richard Ross

How did we end up with millions behind bars and police armed like soldiers?

How did we get here? The numbers are chilling: 2.2 million people behind bars, another 4.7 million on parole or probation. Even small-town cops are armed like soldiers, with a thoroughly militarized southern border.

The common leftist explanation for this is “the prison-industrial complex,” suggesting that the buildup is largely privatized and has been driven by parasitic corporate lobbying. But the facts don’t support an economistic explanation. Private prisons only control 8 percent of prison beds. Nor do for-profit corporations use much prison labor. Nor even are guards’ unions, though strong in a few important states, driving the buildup.

The vast majority of the American police state remains firmly within the public sector. But this does not mean the criminal justice buildup has nothing to do with capitalism. At its heart, the new American repression is very much about the restoration and maintenance of ruling class power.

American society and economy have from the start evolved through forms of racialized violence, but criminal justice was not always so politically central. For the better part of a century after the end ofReconstruction in the 1870s, the national incarceration rate hovered at around 100 to 110 per 100,000. But then, in the early 1970s, the incarceration rate began a precipitous and continual climb upward.

The great criminal justice expansion began as a federal government reaction to the society-wide rebellion of the late 1960s. It was a crucible in which white supremacy, corporate power, capitalism, and the legitimacy of the US government, at home and abroad, all faced profound crisis. The Civil Rights Movement had transmogrified into the Black Power movement.

“Third World” Marxist and nationalist groups like the Black Panthers and the Young Lords began arming. During riots in Newark, Watts, and Chicago, black people shot back at cops and the National Guard; in Detroit, urban “hillbillies” — poor white Southerners who had also been displaced by the mechanization of agriculture — fought alongside their black neighbors. Transwomen, drag queens, and gay men fought the cops who came to raid the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village. Women organized, filed successful lawsuits, and staged large protests against discrimination.

Even the US Army was in rebellion. In Vietnam draftee insubordination took the form of increasing drug use, combat refusals, and even “fragging” — the murder of overly gung-ho officers.

Added to all this was the increasingly regular rioting that gripped America’s inner cities. Every summer from 1964 through the mid-1970s saw a riot season, in which multiple major American cities were wracked by massive, violent, fiery, spontaneous uprisings of mostly, but not exclusively, unemployed and underemployed African-American youth. Cops were shot, whole commercial districts were looted and burnt, and all of it was captured on TV.

Importantly, these domestic social explosions hurt US imperialism abroad. In the context of the Cold War, burning cities put the lie to official American mythologies. If capitalism and liberal democracy were so much better than socialism, why were black people in America so furious?

In 1967 the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, known as the Kerner Commission, found that in every single case the precipitating cause of the riots was police brutality. Furthermore, the commission found that police tactical incompetence usually made things worse.

It was in response to this panorama of formal and informal rebellion — and law enforcement’s apparent inability to stop it — that the massive criminal justice crackdown began. The opening move was President Johnson’s Omnibus Crime and Safe Streets Act of 1968.

Congress passed the bill literally in the shadow of smoke from yet another riot — this one in outrage at the murder of Dr Martin Luther King. From the passage of the Omnibus Crime and Safe Streets Act of 1968 emerged a new super agency, the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA), which over the next ten years spent a billion dollars annually rationalizing and retooling state and local law enforcement.

It was thanks to the LEAA that American police forces first obtained computers, helicopters, body armor, military-grade weapons, SWAT teams, shoulder radios, and paramilitary training, and started new militaristic forms of interagency cooperation. The LEAA also pushed literacy requirements and basic competency tests for police officers. In other words, the LEAA was simultaneously an attempt to modernize American policing and to intensify and expand it.

If Johnson laid the groundwork for the crackdown, Sunbelt Republicans perfected the rhetoric. Sen. Barry Goldwater of Arizona linked the redistributive efforts of the New Deal and War on Poverty to criminal violence: “If it is entirely proper for the government to take away from some to give to others, then won’t some be led to believe that they can rightfully take from anyone who has more than they? No wonder law and order has broken down, mob violence has engulfed great American cities, and our wives feel unsafe in the streets.”

Here were the old demonizing tropes of white racism. Black people were cast as dangerous, ignorant, unworthy of full citizenship, and thus in need of state repression. As Nixon’s chief of staff, H.R. Haldeman, put it in his diary: “[The President] emphasized that you have to face that the whole problem is really the blacks. The key is to devise a system that recognizes this while not appearing to.” A federal war on heroin followed and with it came new laws like the RICO Actthat empowered prosecutors. At the same time Nixon began his appeal to “the silent majority,” a group not named as white but understood as such.

Meanwhile, as part of police modernization, counterinsurgency became the framework. One law enforcement journal, describing what would become the locked-down ghetto of the near future, advised: “Techniques to control the people include individual and family identification, curfews, travel permits, static and mobile checkpoint operations, and the prevention of assemblies or rallies.”

The article went on to describe rising crime rates as a precursor to revolution, and lauded the “value of an effective police organization — both civil and military — in maintaining law and order, whether in California, Pennsylvania, Mississippi, or the rice paddies and jungles of Viet-Nam.”

Upward Redistribution

Eventually this first phase of the criminal justice buildup began to plateau. By the late seventies, a series of major scandals had revealed the nasty side of policing and government spying. First among these was the Nixon administration’s burglary of Democratic Party headquarters in the Watergate Hotel. Then the Knapp Commission hearings exposed the New York Police Department’s appalling corruption, while the Senate’s Church Committee revealed rampant domestic spying and began reining in the CIA.

From other quarters came revelations about the brutality in Southern prisons. Many lockups in the US South relied on armed trustees, prisoners who acted as guards and were given free rein to abuse fellow inmates. Texas was the last state to abolish the armed trustee system in the early 1980s. All of this caused a momentary pause in the otherwise forward momentum of the repressive buildup.

That pause was short-lived. The Reagan Administration soon relaunched the federally subsidized drug war and the larger project of domestic repression it helped produce.

However, this second stage of the buildup was not about suppressing rebellion; that job was largely done. There were no more riots; the Panthers had been crushed; and many once-radical community organizations had been domesticated, their rank-and-file members demobilized, their leaders reduced to begging for foundation grants.

The Reagan Revolution’s radical economic restructuring had, however, created new problems to which criminal justice offered solutions. Reagan’s massive upward redistribution of wealth had created vast swaths of impoverishment and dramatic new levels of inequality. In this context the reinvigorated war on crime served to physically contain and ideologically explain away, via racist victim-blaming, the massive social dislocations of neoliberal, free-market economic restructuring.

So then, why and how did economic policy move radically rightward in the early 1980s?

Sabotage, at Home and Abroad

This transformation, the beginning of neoliberalism, begins with the crucially important collapse of profit rates in the early 1970s. After twenty years of continual expansion during the long postwar recovery, profits began to sag in 1966 and continued to decline steadily until 1974, when they reached an average of around 4.5 percent. The same pattern of a 20 to 30 percent plunge in profits was true across all advanced capitalist countries.

This was, ultimately, a crisis of over-accumulation rooted in the end of the postwar boom. By the late sixties, the long wave of post–World War II growth had created a global glut. There was finally too much capital, too much stuff, and not enough profitable outlets for investment, not enough consumption to keep the colossus moving.

For the first time in American history the Phillips curve, which plotted an inverse relationship between rising wages and rising unemployment, was out of whack. Historically, when unemployment increased wages tended to go down. But in the early 1970s, both unemployment and wages were increasing. This was the infamous and anomalous “stagflation” — stagnant growth plus inflation.

While the cause of the crisis was overproduction at a global scale, the solution, in the eyes of the ruling class, was cost-cutting in the form of deregulation, tax cuts, and reduced wages.

From the New Deal, through the War on Poverty, and into the Nixon era, the state had played an increasingly prominent role in the economy. Between 1964 and 1979 the federal government enacted sixty-two health and safety laws, plus thirty-two laws protecting the environment and regulating energy use. Between 1970 and 1973, Nixon presided over the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the Consumer Safety Administration, and the Mine Enforcement and Safety Administration.

All this translated into higher costs and thus lower profits for business. High taxes and restrictive regulation, once seen as merely the modern cost of business, where now seen as profit killers.

To make matters worse, the 1970s saw a truly massive offensive by organized labor. Truckers, farmworkers, longshore workers, gravediggers, postal clerks and letter carriers, autoworkers, and assembly line workers of all sorts struck during the 1970s.

And they usually won. The ratio of quits to layoffs reached two to one, almost twice what it was in the late fifties. The share of the workforce involved in some strike activity between 1967 and 1973 reached 40 percent — even though in the same period the unemployment rate crept from 4 to 8 percent.

Restive workers also resorted to informal rebellion on the shop floor. Ford claimed that absenteeism in its plants doubled and sometimes even tripled during the sixties and early seventies. In one factory workers wrote messages to management on their machinery, such as, “Treat me with respect and I will give you top quality with less effort.” Sabotage, slowdowns, and wildcat strikes became the industrial equivalents of “fragging” officers in Vietnam.

One account relays the plight of a Ford manager in a plant plagued with absenteeism and sabotage. Among the plant’s employees was a young man who consistently skipped work on Friday or Monday. When the manager finally demanded to know why the man worked a four-day week, the young worker replied, “Because I can’t make a living working three days a week.”

He spoke for a generation; working-class power translated into an informal, economy-wide slowdown, which meant a measured decline in productivity.

Even more disturbing from the point of view of the capitalists was that government, or at least its recently expanded social safety net, was actually subsidizing the working-class rebellion.

A nationwide strike against GE in 1969 helped crystallize the issue. Strikers were not only receiving strike funds from their union — tens of thousands of them were also drawing welfare checks.

“It’s a mind-boggling situation,” declared Thomas Litwiler, a GE executive in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. “The strikers are living reasonably well on welfare, and nobody knows what to do or what it really means any more.”

Working-class power was being institutionalized within the state, and the state in turn was being transformed. But from the point of view of employers, welfare for strikers meant government-subsidized class war.

The Cold Bath Recession

The solution, for business, arrived in the form of what Francis Fox Piven called The New Class War. Restoring the Phillips curve and getting the price of labor to respond to rising unemployment meant stripping away the supports of the safety net produced by America’s New Deal and Great Society.

The counterattack began in 1979, when President Jimmy Carter appointed Paul Volcker as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. Volcker dramatically boosted interest rates, thus cutting off borrowing and buying power. Reagan accelerated this “monetarist” squeeze, and interest rates reached 16.4 percent in 1981. The United States (and thus much of the world) was plunged into what was then the most severe recession since the thirties.

Referred to as a “cold bath” recession, it was designed to punish the uppity working class. As Volcker told the New York Times: “The standard of living of the average American has to decline . . . I don’t think you can escape that.”

At the same time Reagan cut taxes for the rich and began gutting welfare, he pushed forward on deregulating health, safety, and environmental standards. In 1982 alone Reagan cut the real value of welfare by 24 percent, slashed the budget for child nutrition by 34 percent, reduced funding for school milk programs by 78 percent, trimmed urban development action grants by 35 percent, and cut educational block grants by 38 percent.

The medicine worked. Poverty increased and with that labor militancy and the cost of wages decreased. From World War II on, wages had been rising more or less consistently.

In 1980 not a single new union contract included a pay cut, or even a freeze. But in 1982, only one year into the Reagan Revolution, 44 percent of new contracts included wage cuts or freezes. As the official unemployment rate, always an under-estimate, reached 10 percent, working-class living standards began to collapse.

Alan Budd, chief economic adviser to Margaret Thatcher, described the new economic dynamic as follows: “Rising unemployment was a very desirable way of reducing the strength of the working classes . . . What was engineered — in Marxist terms — was a crisis in capitalism which re-created a reserve army of labor, and has allowed the capitalists to make high profits ever since.”

How was this new social landscape of deindustrialization and increased poverty next to new extremes of wealth to be managed and explained away? Reengaging the criminal justice buildup provided the answer.

Launching the Drug War

Reagan’s criminal justice offensive began quietly at first. His administration doubled FBI funding, loosened wiretap laws, gave more money to the US Bureau of Prisons, appointed a generation of new right-wing federal judges, and urged changes in the criminal code that increased the power of prosecutors. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court handed down decisions that rolled back defendant rights. Gates v. Illinois made it easier for police to obtain search warrants based on anonymous tips; United States v. Leon allowed police to use defective and partially false warrants.

Then came the Federal Crime Bill of 1984, which created the assets forfeiture laws enabling police to keep as much as 90 percent of any “drug-tainted” property seized. This massively incentivized state and local officials to get on board with the drug war.

Next came the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986, which imposed twenty-nine new mandatory minimum sentences, among them the notoriously racist disparity between crack and powder cocaine sentencing.

The escalating repression hit poor people of color hardest, and black people hardest of all. In 1980, African Americans made up 12 percent of the nation’s population and over 23 percent of all those arrested on drug charges. Ten years later, African Americans were still 12 percent of the population, but made up more than 40 percent of all those arrested on narcotics charges. Still more remarkable, over 60 percent of all narcotics convictions were of African Americans.

Overall, drug arrests almost doubled in the late eighties: 1985 saw roughly 800,000 people taken down on drug charges; by 1989 that number had shot up to almost 1.4 million.

By the late eighties, politicians and the media were locked in a symbiotic hysteria, a classic mutually reinforcing “moral panic.” The zenith of this was the Hill & Knowlton–produced TV ads featuring the scowling mug shot of a black convict named Willie Horton, imprisoned for rape and murder. Horton escaped prison while Michael Dukakis was governor of Massachusetts.

During this time the 1988 crime bill was introduced, which created a “drug czar” — cheerleader-in-chief for the drug war — and pumped yet more federal money down to local police and state prison construction. The bill also created a “one-strike” policy for public housing tenants.

The Clinton presidency brought more of the same. After the Los Angeles riots came the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act. Local cops got another $30.2 billion in federal cash. (It is worth recalling that no matter how much the Clinton’s play up their supposed solidarity with African Americans, Bill Clinton’s actual presidency was tyrannical in the extreme for millions of poor and working-class black people caught up in his law-and-order agenda.)

Two years later, with another election on the way, Clinton signed the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act, massively expanding the use of the death penalty and eviscerating federal habeas corpus. Right behind that came the Prison Litigation Reform Act, which barred many prisoners from access to the civil courts, helped eliminate prison law libraries, kept judges from imposing meaningful penalties on abusive prison administrators, and stripped lawyers of their ability to receive legal fees when handling prison civil rights suits.

In election year 1996 Clinton, on a roll of utter brutality and right-wing pandering, delivered the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act, which among other things eliminated an undocumented person’s right to due process while lavishing cash on the Immigration and Naturalization Service.

Throughout the eighties and nineties, state legislatures imitated and matched cues coming from the federal government. California alone made over a thousand changes to its criminal code during these years.

Regulate, Absorb, Terrorize, Disorganize

Looking back we can see clearly the effects of this generalized project of repression: mask the real causes of poverty with racist fearmongering and victim-blaming. Keep once-rebellious communities in America’s cities fragmented and tied up in the criminal justice system. Secure central cities for gentrification and redevelopment. Keep labor cheap by hounding immigrants. And, in a pork-barrel strategy, build new local support via publicly funded prison construction, service contracts, and employment as guards.

In other words, among the important things criminal justice does is regulate, absorb, terrorize, and disorganize the poor. At the same time it promulgates politically useful racism. Criminal justice discourse is the racism circus; from courts to reality TV it is the primary ideological site for producing the false consciousness that is American racism.

Why is racism false consciousness? Because it divides the working class and causes people of all races to misunderstand their real material conditions. It creates, via racialized scapegoats, pseudo-explanations for poverty and exploitation, deluding and frightening downwardly mobile voters.

Most important, the criminal justice crackdown and overuse of incarceration allows capitalism to have the positive effects of mass unemployment (lower wages due to an economically frightened workforce) without the political destabilization that mass poverty can bring. Unlike a robust social safety net, incarceration and militarized policing absorb the poor and working class without empowering them or subsidizing their rebellion, as was the case during the sixties and seventies.

Unlike the soft forms of social control — meaning the ameliorative and redistributive welfare programs of the Great Society — the new model of social control does not come with dangerous notions of “equality” and “social inclusion.”

Today, the poor are thoroughly locked down, as is our political imagination about what poverty means. Law enforcement has moved to the center of domestic politics; state violence is perhaps more than ever a constant, regular, and normal feature of poor people’s lives.

Simply stated, capitalism needs poverty and creates poverty, but is simultaneously always threatened by poverty. The poor keep wages down, but they also create trouble in three ways.

First, their presence calls into question capitalism’s moral claims (the system can’t work for “everyone” when beggars are in the street). Second, the poor threaten and menace the moneyed classes aesthetically and personally simply by being in the wrong spaces. Gourmet dining isn’t quite the same when done in the presence of mendicant paupers. And finally, the poor threaten to rebel in organized and unorganized ways as they did in the sixties and seventies.

Capitalism will never escape these contradictions. The best it can do is manage them with criminal justice, the ideological racialization of poverty, and the geographic segregation of the poor.

One more point. When viewing this history and the present, it is important to think in terms of concomitant and overlapping agendas. Police on the street are not usually consciously pursuing the violent reproduction of neoliberal capitalism. More often local cops in Staten Island; Albuquerque; Ferguson; Waller, Texas; etc. are pursuing their own personal power trips, which very often take on racist angles.

But regardless of what cops think they are doing, their work usually also fits into local political agendas of segregation and real-estate development. And both of those smaller projects fit into the larger national project of social control in an increasingly unequal class society. In other words, the macro, mezzo, and micro levels all line up but also all remain somewhat autonomous.

Finally some good news. Incarceration rates have begun to plateau again, and there are growing divisions among economic and policy elites about the nation’s grotesquely overgrown justice system. California, under court order, has released more than forty thousand prisoners in recent years. This indicates an opening that movements like Black Lives Matter can exploit to force through meaningful policy changes.

And what is our side’s policy prescription? Less. Not better, just less. Fewer prisons, fewer SWAT teams, less surveillance. Not better-trained cops with body cameras, but rather less gear, less money, and fewer cops.

This article draws on Christian Parenti’s book Lockdown America: Police and Prisons in the Age of Crisis.

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by Holly G. Prigerson, PhD; Yuhua Bao, PhD; Manish A. Shah, MD; M. Elizabeth Paulk, MD; Thomas W. LeBlanc, MD, MA; Bryan J. Schneider, MD; Melissa M. Garrido, PhD; M. Carrington Reid, MD, PhD; David A. Berlin, MD; Kerin B. Adelson, MD; Alfred I. Neugut, MD, PhD; Paul K. Maciejewski, PhD1,14


Importance  Although many patients with end-stage cancer are offered chemotherapy to improve quality of life (QOL), the association between chemotherapy and QOL amid progressive metastatic disease has not been well-studied. American Society for Clinical Oncology guidelines recommend palliative chemotherapy only for solid tumor patients with good performance status.

Objective  To evaluate the association between chemotherapy use and QOL near death (QOD) as a function of patients’ performance status.

Design, Setting, and Participants  A multi-institutional, longitudinal cohort study of patients with end-stage cancer recruited between September 2002 and February 2008. Chemotherapy use (n = 158 [50.6%]) and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status were assessed at baseline (median = 3.8 months before death) and patients with progressive metastatic cancer (N = 312) following at least 1 chemotherapy regimen were followed prospectively until death at 6 outpatient oncology clinics in the United States.

Main Outcomes and Measures  Patient QOD was determined using validated caregiver ratings of patients’ physical and mental distress in their final week.

Results  Chemotherapy use was not associated with patient survival controlling for clinical setting and patients’ performance status. Among patients with good (ECOG score = 1) baseline performance status, chemotherapy use compared with nonuse was associated with worse QOD (odds ratio [OR], 0.35; 95% CI, 0.17-0.75; P = .01). Baseline chemotherapy use was not associated with QOD among patients with moderate (ECOG score = 2) baseline performance status (OR, 1.06; 95% CI, 0.51-2.21; P = .87) or poor (ECOG score = 3) baseline performance status (OR, 1.34; 95% CI, 0.46-3.89; P = .59).

Conclusions and Relevance  Although palliative chemotherapy is used to improve QOL for patients with end-stage cancer, its use did not improve QOD for patients with moderate or poor performance status and worsened QOD for patients with good performance status. The QOD in patients with end-stage cancer is not improved, and can be harmed, by chemotherapy use near death, even in patients with good performance status.


Physicians have voiced concerns about the benefits of chemotherapy for patients with cancer nearing death.1– 5 In 2012, an American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) expert panel identified chemotherapy use among patients for whom there was no evidence of clinical value6 as the most widespread, wasteful, and unnecessary practice in oncology. Adequate patient performance status is often used as an indicator of whether the patient will be able to tolerate chemotherapy and respond to treatment. For this reason, performance status is used to gauge whether chemotherapy will offer clinical value.

Specifically, ASCO guidelines recommend against the use of chemotherapy in solid tumor patients who have not benefited from prior treatment and who have an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG)7performance status score of 3 or more (ie, bad or more debilitated than “capable of only limited self-care, confined to bed or chair more than 50% of waking hours”).6 This recommendation is supported by studies from the 1980s, which found that chemotherapy administered to patients with poor performance status resulted in low response rates, high rates of toxic effects, and short survival.8,9 Because patients with good performance status are expected to benefit most from chemotherapy, trials have targeted those patients and have largely excluded cancer patients with poor performance status. As a result, evidence for treatment benefit or harm has rarely been quantified in patients with poor performance status. Research is needed to evaluate the benefits and harms of chemotherapy use among metastatic cancer patients stratified by performance status.

Despite the lack of evidence to support the practice, chemotherapy is widely used in cancer patients with poor performance status and progression following an initial course of palliative chemotherapy.1,4,10,11 A study of patients with non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) found that 28% of patients had performance status scores of 3 or 4 at presentation and that nearly 40% of these patients were receiving chemotherapy.12Available data for patients with NSCLC show a response rate of 2% for third-line and 0% for fourth-line chemotherapy.13 This situation is not unique to NSCLC. A Norwegian study characterizing patients receiving palliative chemotherapy at a regional cancer center revealed that 53% had a performance status score of 2 and 16%, performance status scores of 3 and 4 at the start of last cancer therapy.14 Overall, 10% received chemotherapy in the last 30 days of life. Among those patients, 21% had lung cancer; 15%, colorectal; 13%, prostate; and 9%, breast cancer. Of the breast cancer patients, 12% were receiving second-line therapy (associated with 3- to 6-month duration of response)15 19%, third-line therapy (2- to 4-month duration of response)16,17; and 21%, third-line therapy or higher. Hormone receptor status was not noted in the Norwegian study,14 but in triple-negative breast cancer patients, duration of response was even shorter: 9 weeks after second-line therapy and 4 weeks after third-line therapy.18

The goal of palliative chemotherapy for patients with incurable cancer is to prolong survival and promote QOL. We have shown that chemotherapy use among patients with metastatic cancer whose cancer has progressed while receiving prior chemotherapy was not significantly related to longer survival but was associated with more aggressive medical care in the patient’s final week and heightened risk of dying in an intensive care unit.10 The aim of the current study is to examine the association between patients’ performance status and the effect of chemotherapy on QOL in the last week of life. We hypothesize that patients with good performance status who receive additional palliative chemotherapy will have significantly worse QOL at the end of life than those who do not receive chemotherapy, and that patients with poor performance status will not experience QOL improvements with chemotherapy.

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