Osama comes to Moussaoui’s defense?


That Osama, what a standup guy! No sooner did Judge Brinkema reaffirm the ruling on Moussaoui evidence, which denied his appeal to reverse his plea from guilty to innocent of conspiracy in connection with the hijacked airliner attacks on the World Trade center . . . no sooner than the ink dried on the tabloids did old Osama bin Laden show his face in a plain pipe-rack video (a still of him with voiceover) and say Moussaoui had “no connection whatsoever.” . . . wow!

Moreover, if there was any credibility whatsoever about the 9/11 Osama did it tale, he admitted once again “I am certain of what I say, because I was responsible for entrusting the 19 brothers, Allah have mercy upon them, with those raids.” He also mentions the brothers were split into “pilots and support teams” but Moussaoui was “only learning to fly.” Actually Zach flunked out of a Norman Oklahoma flight school after 55 lessons. He was grounded, baby. A no-fly.

Of course the authenticity of the tape could not be verified. It was posted on the old “Web site often used by Al Qaeda,” according to Reuters, whose link now says, “sorry the story is not available.” While the The New York Times’ Scott Shane says in his article, Bin Laden Is Said to Talk of Moussaoui, “Though a technical review of the tape was incomplete on Tuesday night, an American counterterrorism official said that the speaker appeared to be Mr. bin Laden. The tape includes English subtitles and a still photograph of the Qaeda leader in front of a plain white wall.” Boy, that’s damning evidence. But there’s more.

“During the four-and-a-half-minute tape, the voice believed to be that of Mr. bin Laden addressed the American people,” etcetera. Well, the voice is “believed” to be him. And what about the still photo? Does that look like the man in the confession of December 14, 2001, in a house in Jalallabad, Afghanistan, the man who looks like a Halloween version of bin Laden, right handed, not left handed as the FBI said Binny was? In the video, the ersatz bin Laden, writes with his right hand, with a big gold ring on it, which is verboten for Muslims. Check LooseChange2 towards the end of it for the footage.

Ah so, so who is testifying for whom? Could it be another one of those CIA put-ons, those whacky guys, who love to dress up like Muslim “extremists.” Of course “the counterterrorism official, who was granted anonymity because his agency does not allow him to speak on the record, called the tape ‘propaganda’ possibly intended to demonstrate that Mr. bin Laden, who is believed to be hiding in Pakistan or Afghanistan, is still relevant and in touch with current events.” Well, it’s nice to see he keeps up, even though he’s still hiding and Bush hasn’t found him.

And on whose word do we take it that former CIA operative bin Laden, who worked for the Agency from 1979 to 89, organizing the Mujihadeen against the Ruskies who had invaded Afghanistan, was not still on the payroll? After all, as late as July 2001, he was seen in Dubai in the Arab Emirates in a hospital, taking treatment for a kidney infection, and seen with his CIA handler, duly noted in the conservative French newspaper, Le Figaro, and quoted as such in ex- CIA-station chief, Robert Baer in his book, Sleeping with the Enemy.

Who you gonna believe, these days? It’s enough to make you cynical and think they’re all full of crap. Why, even from Al-Jazeerah.info no less, Jim Kirwan writes in The CRIME that Covered-up the Coup, “The enemy of the United States of America is located in Washington, D.C., in Tel Aviv and to a lesser degree in London. This cabal has used and abused the events of 911 to create tyrannies and to advance murder and torture on a grand scale, while they continue to act as intermediaries for the Corporatocracy that is the real power hiding behind most governments. It is these essentially private and protected corporate interests that are using governments worldwide to crush whatever remains of those freedoms and laws that were supposed to protect people from exactly this kind of takeover. What has happened is that governments everywhere have largely become superfluous, because the real power now lies with the multinational corporate giants of the Corporatocracy.”

Wow! Jim goes on to say, “911 was an attack upon the Constitution and the people of the United States, carried out by forces that had far greater designs for their private interests than could have ever been allowed under the US Constitution. Without the chaos of 911 that essentially stripped people of all the protections of law, and that turned all discussions into nothing more than fear mongering and terror warnings that we now know, were used to justify the immediate targeting of the entire US population, as potential terrorist sympathizers.”

If you read the whole article, he really lays the blame on the United States government, Israel and Great Britain, not Osama. So maybe Osama is still doing what he’s told to do by the CIA, if that’s even really him talking on the tape. I mean, I don’t have a CD of his greatest hits, so what am I, Joe Citizen, supposed to judge by? Everybody’s confessing to everything here, then doing 180s. That is, everybody is confessing but the one so many people, including LC2, the Scholars for 911Truth.org and a list as long as your arm say did it, the US government, they’re not confessing. Just tap-dancing on eggshells, getting ready to illegally attack another country.

And Osama’s confession, like Moussaoui’s confession, is just another smokescreen. And behind it are the fallen towers, the battered Pentagon, nearly 3,000 people killed in one day, and the homegrown perps still walking around. My god, could that be? Could they be so low, so vile, so corrupt, and so hungry for power that they would kill their own people, like the plan the Joint Chiefs of Staff laid out in Operation Northwoods to spark a war with Cuba?

The general who was chief instigator of that wretched idea, General Lyman Lemnitzer, the head of the Join Chiefs of Staffs, got canned by Kennedy for that. Meanwhile poor Kennedy’s in the grave 43 years, and his contemporary, who was in Dallas the day of the assassination, George Herbert Walker Bush, is still walking around, making mega-millions in the Carlyle Group, a big weapons producer and money handler for the rogues of the world. As Lord Acton said, “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” No argument there.

I mean, they have absolute power, now. The executive branch now runs the Congress and the courts. The complete system of checks and balances is out the window, the separation of church and state down the drain, kaput. So maybe all these protesters aren’t wackos. Maybe they’re good loyal Americans trying to free this country from the lies and the Un-Patriot Acts and the Secret Prisons and the National Security Agency spying on us all, yes, even as I write this piece, having paid my taxes, never committed a crime, raised three kids, worked all my life.

I mean I’m no Marxist, never had a beard, shave every day, root for the Yanks (no comments from Red Sox fans or anyone else), and sing God Bless America every time I go to the stadium. And every time I walk out in that incredible crowd of Americans of all colors, ethnic backgrounds, religions, I get this surge of love and pride almost to tears for who we are and can be. So why do we have these goons running the show? Why aren’t they shoveled out of office? Why aren’t they sitting in the Super-rot prisons?

You think it’s like the cynics say, “life’s a bitch and then you die.” “Who says life is fair?” “Throw enough crap against the wall and some of it’s bound to stick.” Is that it? Is that what I’m supposed to tell the kids? Multinational corporations are eating everybody’s feet, then kneecaps, then heads? Or should I tell them, let’s eat them back. Let’s fight back. Let’s tell those NSA listeners they should be ashamed of themselves for spying on their neighbors. It’s not just a job, and not just an adventure. It’s a damned crime. Piled on top of everything since 9/11.

So how about we impeach this guy Bush and his Boyz? Who and what’s standing in the way of that? Anybody who’s up to it has got my vote as of right now, in addition to the many petitions for same I’ve signed so far. I know one of them one day will work. This is still America.

Jerry Mazza is a freelance writer who lives in NYC. Reach him at gvmaz@verizon.net .

Articles by: Jerry Mazza

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