Open Letter to Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Dr. Angela Merkel, on Whose Behalf Are You Acting?


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Translated from German by the author


My lady!

When I watched a video by lawyer Dr Reiner Füllmich of the German Corona Committee Foundation again today – this time a video from “Report 24 News” of 9 May 2021 entitled “Lawyer asks: ‘Why did government knowingly order lethal measures?'” –, I felt that enough was enough. Although I have been writing regular commentaries, articles and open letters on the Corona issue since early 2020, published in the independent alternative media such as “Global Research”, “Neue Rheinische Zeitung NRhZ” or “RUBIKON” and once also in “Epoch Times”, I have so far left you and your role in the whole madness out.

As you will surely remember, many years ago I already had the opportunity to speak to you personally twice as the then Minister for Family Affairs in matters concerning the “Verein zur Förderung der psychologischen Menschenkenntnis VPM” together with colleagues in Bonn and Berlin. Excuse my frankness: but at that time I was very surprised that you were never able to spontaneously comment on the matter, but always asked to be allowed to question your advisors first in order to be able to form a personal opinion.

Today I am convinced that after many years in a very responsible office, you know very well what you are doing and stand fully behind your political decisions. Starting with your decision “We can do it!”, when you tried to talk down the huge migration crisis and the population exchange throughout Europe, until today, when you – to quote Dr. Füllmich again – knowingly ordered and continue to demand lethal measures together with the other members of the government in order to supposedly cope with the declared pandemic.

These measures caused immeasurable economic, social and individual-human damage, the extent of which cannot even be foreseen today and which cannot be repaired. But this is probably what you and your kind want in order to push through the well-known diabolical plans of the “Great Reset” and the “New World Order NWO”. Encouraging your own people to turn themselves over to a killer “vaccine” approved only on an emergency basis is only the tip of the iceberg of a gigantic fraud and crime against humanity.

My Lady!

I therefore ask you: on whose behalf are you acting? Certainly not on behalf of the German people, which, as you know, would be your task. How is it possible that you have been able to stay at the head of the German government for so long despite your actions being against the interests of the German people? Personally, I could no longer stand your politics and therefore left my fatherland.


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Dr. Rudolf Hänsel is a qualified psychologist and educationalist.

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Articles by: Dr. Rudolf Hänsel

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