Nuclear Power Plants and the Dangers of Radiation in North America
Reader's Comment
I was reading an excellent article entitled, Fukushima: A Nuclear War Without A War, by Professor Michel Chossudovsky, Editor of Global Research, Canada. His concern expressed over the inability of the mainstream political arenas and press to emphasize and prioritize this very urgent issue seems to mirror my own feelings on this issue. Certainly, it appears that both the political policy and mainstream media statements up to now appear to be protecting the nuclear industry in North America.
This issue has been buried in the back pages, when it should be front page news for all to see. It also reminded me of an incident that took place last summer and what I consequently learned, as a result.
Last summer, a dear friend and I were speculating on where we would retire, if we had the financial resources to do so. One of the best retirement centres I read about unfortunately had a problem. It was well known, as a former mining centre for uranium. Because of these uranium mines, we both had concerns about the entire area. So I decided to do some research on the issue of radiation in various forms affecting the health and safety of the North American population.
What I found in various research documents and reports shocked me. I realized that with the assistance of our governments and mainstream media, we have been deliberately kept in an illusory world of their making.
I wasn’t too shocked to find that the retirement community in question and the surrounding area had higher than normal levels of radon gas seeping out of the ground, which I understand that even with the safeguards used can be harmful to the health and safety of those residing there over a long period of time. However, I was very surprised and shocked to find that there are substantially significant areas throughout all of North America that had what were considered by some reports to be unacceptable levels of naturally occurring radon gas seeping out of the ground. US Map (County Specific) of Radon Zones. Both US and Canadian Maps
I didn’t know about this. I will lay odds that many others didn’t know either.
I also found that there are scientific reports stating that governments raised the acceptable level or limit of radon gas seeping out of the ground near nuclear facilities of various types, so that the populations could continue to live there. – What are acceptable levels of radon gas?
This really made me shake my head in disbelief that our governments would actually do this to their jurisdictional populations.
Then on top of all this, the disaster at Fukushima occurred. The question of whether or not it was safe around the nuclear plant and elsewhere was blown out of the water so-to-speak from the following announcement purportedly made by Tepco that was picked up by Jiji Press and sent through ENENEWS to each one of us.
Now I think it is fairly safe to say from all the news announcements that Tepco has been involved in, since the Fukushima Disaster started with the earthquake/tsunami that; their reputation for accurate statements is not high on the list that people note, when thinking about Tepco.
“The total amount of radioactive cesium that leaked from the containment vessels of the No. 1 to No. 3 reactors reached 70 million becquerels per hour, up 12 million becquerels from the December level […]
It seems that radioactive dusts were stirred up because plant workers went inside reactor buildings and removed rubble […]
Last month, the leaked amount was put at 10 million becquerels each for the No. 1 and No. 2 reactors and 40 million becquerels for the No. 3 reactor.”
However, the above statement does ring true to me, based on what has happened since the start of this disaster. Regardless of the excuse given for having higher radiation counts since December 2011 re: radiation leakage from their damaged reactors – take a look at what they admitted too. They have actually admitted to radiation leakage of at least 58,000,000 becquerels (bq)/hr. without even stirring up the rubble creating radioactive dust for example, as Tepco has claimed in the latest readings.
Now I am not in any way an expert; but if somebody tells me that radiation to the overall accumulative level of 58,000,000 bq/hr; is leaking from the various containment vessels of the damaged reactors out into the air; I would have a hard time with anyone saying that what is leaking isn’t dangerous to Japan and possibly, the entire human population. Wouldn’t you think so?
Further, if I then take a look at what appears to be the government sanctioned maps in Professor Michel Chossudovsky’s “Fukushima: A Nuclear War Without A War” article, I really have to shake my head in wonderment. Based on what I have seen so far, they were and are totally incorrect in regards to the spread of radiation throughout all of North America.
Last fall, if I remember correctly, an individual decided to test the waters so-to-speak and travelled across Canada to check on the levels of radiation, which he reported over the Internet. He found higher than normal levels of radiation, to such a significant degree across the entirety of Canada that they should have been noticed by our governments.
Yet how can the governments do so, when even they purportedly don’t know! You see they have deliberately shut off all the radiation sensors in Canada and the U.S. Is it not just amazing how intelligent our political representatives are? Or is it simply that they are deliberately withholding the data from us?
A couple of days ago a person, who, if I remember correctly, lives in Kalamazoo, Michigan; took readings with his Geiger counter and then showed others on the web what he found out. The Geiger counter had a reading of 45 before the rain started. During the rain, the Geiger counter reading went all the way up to 240 – approximately 5 times greater than normal!
What am I saying here? We have finally got an acknowledgement that a highly significant amount of radiation/hour is going up into the air currents that are being taken around the world on the jetstream. We know from reports that there is a high likelihood or possibility of radiation entering the water or ocean on a possibly higher than significant level and being carried by the ocean currents around this world of ours.
Not one of our national governments around the world is insisting on shutting down Tepco, after forcing Tepco to do the right thing. On the other hand, the Russian people exhibited tremendous courage, honour, integrity as well as incurring a tremendous cost in lives and in the sacrifices they made to do the right thing at Chernobyl.
Why aren’t the national governments on a global basis, forcing the Japanese government and TEPCO to do the same? Yet, nothing is being done.
Do I have the right to express my opinion here about this issue? Yes I do. Our various governments around this world of ours; appear to be deliberately withholding information that is vital to the health and safety of every human being on this planet. Somebody had to start the ball rolling. I am thusly, very glad that Professor Michel Chossudovsky along with others mentioned in his article have started the process. It really is about time!
However, what do I know? I am just one of the so-called “great unwashed.” It appears our various governments are more concerned with their own illusory opinions than the opinions of the ordinary soul. So what conclusion can I now reach?
Since the advent of the Fukushima disaster, every single person in this world now lives on an increasingly radiated planet. Perhaps the retirement community my friend and I discarded, as not feasible due to radon levels is now appropriate to consider.
After all, thanks to TEPCO, it doesn’t matter where one now lives. It can easily be said that on a global basis, we are being significantly radiated, wherever we live!!! What a marvellous thought to have to consider and live with!
In the meantime, all I can say is that until this issue affecting the health and safety of everybody on this planet becomes front-page news; we will continue to be conned in our governments’ deliberately created illusory world, while our planet becomes slowly over time, uninhabitable for human life, as it now is.