Not for Them. Do Not Vaccinate Our Children. Open Letter to PM Boris Johnson
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TO: Boris Johnson PM, Mark Drakeford FM, Nicola Sturgeon FM, Paul Gican MLA,
Chris Whitty CMO, Dr Frank Atherton CMO, Dr Gregor Smith CMO, Dr Michael McBridge CMO
Sajid Javid MP and Eluned Morgan MS
AND: JCVI, MHRA, Children’s Commissioners and Children’s Charities
We are writing as professionals, medics, academics, parents, grandparents, and members of the public to express our grave concerns about suggestions to extend the Covid-19 vaccination programme to children. We believe this to be a hasty step that is uncalled for under present circumstances.
You have been clear that society can reopen once the vulnerable have been offered vaccination against Covid-19. This has now been achieved. All the highest risk groups have now been vaccinated and the Government’s own data confirms that 98% of over 60s have antibodies from either vaccination or infection.[1] The NHS has been protected and we are no longer in a crisis situation. Whilst the very old and very frail will, sadly, always be at risk of serious illness, our children are the future. Children’s lives have been put on hold for over a year already at great cost to their physical and mental wellbeing and education. We must not ask them to suffer further harm for the sake of adults.
Limited Benefits v Unknown Harms, Ethics and Efficacy
Thankfully, the evidence shows that children and young people are minimally affected by Covid-19. Vaccinating children, then, is of limited direct benefit to them but for the primary purpose of protecting adults. However, medical treatment cannot be justified if it poses a risk to the individual which is greater than the harm it protects against and this approach would mark a significant departure from established principles of medical ethics. Kate Bingham of the Government Vaccine Task Force said last October, “we just need to vaccinate everyone at risk….there’s going to be no vaccination of people under 18.”[2]
Furthermore, many of the Covid-19 vaccines involve new technology that represents a radical departure from previous forms of the vaccine. We should be especially cautious about using new technologies on our children. Novel vaccines fast-tracked to market have in the past caused devastating harm – we draw your attention, for example, to the many children who now live with severe nervous system injuries caused by the Swine Flu vaccine which was given to children in 2009-10 before being withdrawn.[3][3.1] In another recent example, Dengvaxia, a new vaccine against Dengue Fever, was rolled out to children ahead of the full trial outcomes, and 19 children died of possible antibody-dependent enhancement before the vaccine was withdrawn.[4]
We are aware that many medical doctors and researchers have warned about a variety of potential dangers to children from Covid-19 vaccines. In particular, we refer you to the Open Letter[5] written to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) as reported in the Daily Telegraph on 18 May 2021[6], which described the plan to vaccinate children as “irresponsible, unethical and unnecessary”. We urge you to re-read that letter.
It was further reported in the press on 23rd May that some teenagers and young adults who received Covid-19 vaccines have experienced heart inflammation.[7] The aforementioned letter informs you that there have now been a number of child deaths associated with covid vaccination in the U.S., despite these vaccines only being given to children within trials and a very recent rollout to 16-17 year olds. Repeating mistakes of the past with the Covid-19 vaccines would not only be devastating for the children and families affected but would risk fuelling vaccine hesitancy for other critical childhood vaccination programmes where there is a direct benefit for the child.
Fully Informed Consent
Fully informed consent is the bedrock of medical ethics and should underpin all vaccination programmes, but by contrast, a general assumption towards vaccinating young people against Covid-19 is already being created. Examples include the statement by Professor John Edmunds, a member of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies, that “there will continue to be a major disruption in schools until we have vaccinated our children”[8]. Similarly, Mark Drakeford, First Minister of Wales, said “we might, by the autumn, be able to have young people returning to schools with a vaccine available to them and as a result, some of the measures we currently have in schools, such as children wearing masks, might be able to be eased”[9]. Factually misleading and emotionally manipulative teaching material has been circulated to some schools,[10] and statements encouraging the use of peer pressure have been made by school leaders.[11]
Societal Segregation
The vaccination of children raises broader questions which go to the very heart of the society we wish for ourselves and our children. Would vaccinated children be treated differently to unvaccinated children – for example in access to facilities within schools, or indeed in relation to schooling itself as the statements above of Professor Edmunds and Mark Drakeford imply? The broader implications are disturbing.
International Equity
To deploy a significant stock of vaccines on a very low risk group in the UK when many parts of the developing world are struggling to vaccinate even high risk groups is morally fragile. It has been heavily criticised by experts[12][12b] and has been labelled a “moral catastrophe” by World Health Organization’s Executive Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.[13] However, even after vulnerable adults worldwide have been offered the vaccine, it still would be inappropriate to vaccinate healthy children.
Not For Them
We are profoundly concerned that you are considering taking the UK down this road. As a society, we have striven over this last year to protect the vulnerable, but vulnerability comes in many forms and absolutely now includes children. We simply must not put children in unnecessary danger, nor in the situations described above. There is no need to rush to vaccinate children for Covid-19, and there may never be any need to do so. Individual children at very high risk can already receive vaccination on compassionate grounds.[14]
No Covid-19 vaccines should be approved or licensed for use in children until the current clinical trials are complete, all adult safety data is fully published and reviewed, and potentially serious long-term side effects have been conclusively ruled out. There must be an open scientific debate, including ordinary ethical standards with a routine assessment of potential conflicts of interest, as well as due process and Parliamentary scrutiny. Informed questions and criticisms should not only be welcomed but encouraged in order to prevent tragedies from occurring.
In conclusion, we join together in urging you to call a halt to the roll out of the Covid-19 vaccination programme to children.
This is a decision of generational significance. We do not believe you will ever regret a decision to be cautious when it comes to the health and welfare of the twelve million children of this nation.
Selected Signatories (a small selection)
Academics and Scientists
Professor Anthony Fryer Professor of Clinical Biochemistry, Keele University
Professor Antony Brookes Professor of Genetics and Data Science, Leicester University
Professor David Paton Professor of Industrial Economics, Nottingham University
Professor Matthew Ratcliffe Professor of Philosophy (Mental Health), University of York
Professor Richard Ennos Honorary Professional Fellow, Biological Sciences, University of Edinburgh
Professor Robert Endres Professor, Biological Physics., Imperial College, London
Professor Robert Sauer Chair of Economics, Royal Holloway, University of London
Dr Lee Jones University Lecturer, Queen Mary, University of London
Dr Tanya Klymenko Lecturer in Biochemistry, Sheffield Hallam University
Dr David Critchley PhD Emeritus Professor, Dept of Biochemistry, University of Leicester
Dr Branko Latinkic Lecturer – molecular biologist – University of Cardiff
Professor Bill Durodie Chair of Risk and Security at University of Bath
Professor Peter Allen Lecturer, LSE
Professor Keith Willison Chemical Biologist
Prof Georgina Ellison-Hughes Professor, King’s College London
Dr Markus Wolf Senior Lecturer, School of Computing, University of Greenwich
Dr Peter Hewitson Senior Lecturer, Dept of Chemical engineering, Brunel University
Dr Oliver Robinson Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Greenwich
Jemma Dale Biomedical Scientist
Suzanne Tomkinson Biomedical Scientist
Jamie Jenkins Statistician, Former head of health analysis of the ONS
Medical Professionals
Professor John A Fairclough Professor Emeritus Orthopaedic Surgeon
Dr Catherine Heaton GP
Dr Emma Brierly GP
Dr Fiona Underhill GP
Dr Gabriella Fetherston GP
Dr Helen McArdle GP
Dr Helen Westwood GP
Dr Jillian Wilson GP
Dr Jonathan Eastwood GP
Dr K Singh, MRCGP GP
Dr Kim Wilbraham GP
Dr Lisa Clewing GP
Dr Rachel Bristow GP
Dr Renée Hoenderkamp GP
Dr Rick Freeman GP
Dr Ross Worthington GP
Dr Anne Renfrew GP (Retired)
Dr Claudia Wilkinson GP (Retired)
Dr Elizabeth Burton GP (Retired)
Dr Hugh Charles Pollard GP (Retired)
Dr Katrina Young GP (Retired)
Dr Leo Barragry GP (Retired)
Dr Sandra Price GP (Retired)
Dr. Mary Dainton GP (Retired)
Dr Rosamond A K Jones Consultant Paediatrician (retired)
Dr C.Geoffrey Maidment Consultant Physician (retired)
Dr Christopher Paul Chilton Consultant Urologist Emeritus
Dr Julie Maxwell Community Paediatrician
Dr S Allam Consultant Anaesthetist
Dr T. James Royle Consultant general surgeon
Michael Anthony Church Consultant Neuropsychologist (retired)
Dr Nichola Ling Consultant obstetrician
Dr David Conkey Consultant Oncologist
Dr Karen Horridge Consultant Paediatrician
Dr John Roche Consultant Psychiatrist
Dr David Bramble MD Consultant Psychiatrist and Physician
Dr Anthony Hinton FRCS Consultant Surgeon
Dr Lasantha Wijesinghe Consultant surgeon
Dr Christian Duncan Craniofacial Surgeon
Dr Tess Lawrie Director, Evidence-Based Medicine
Dr Bryony Henderson Doctor
Dr Chi Eziefula Doctor
Dr Anne Mc Closkey Doctor
Dr Helen Hawkins Doctor
Dr Helen Macklin Doctor
Dr Ian Wilson Doctor
Dr Natalie Caves Doctor
Dr Rob Duncan Doctor
Dr Sarah Yardley Doctor
Dr Tudno Watkins Doctor (retired)
Dr Marco Chiesa Doctor of Medicine
Dr Alistair Holdcroft Medical Doctor
Dr Gerard Hall Medical Doctor
Dr Vivienne Hornby Medical Doctor
Morgan Kleczkowska Former Immunologist
Dr David Green Intensive Care Consultant
Dr Elizabeth Evans Retired Doctor
Dr Margaret Ann Tottle-Smith Retired doctor
Graham Crawley Retired NHS Consultant
Dr John Mason Doctor
Jessica Righart Biomedical Scientist
Dr Paul Hughes Retired dentist
Dr Charlotte Courtenay-Stamp Dental Surgeon
Dr Robert Durling Dental Surgeon
Dr Susan Hunter Dental Surgeon
Dr David Gill Dentist
Dr Matthew Jackson Dentist
Dr Sylvia Krafft Dentist
Dr Mark Atkinson Retired Medicinal Chemist
Dr Susie Coughlan Veterinary surgeon with PhD Immunology
Dr Ruth Elliott Veterinary Surgeon
Dr Samantha Coe Veterinary Surgeon
Dr Katharine Wiltshire Veterinary Surgeon
Dr Jennifer Aspey Veterinary Surgeon
Dr Rachel Mahoney Clinical Psychologist
Andrea Halewood Psychologist, Psychotherapist
Joanne Rees Radiographer
Julie Deamer Radiographer
Julia Dobson Radiographer
Kirsten Fletcher Radiographer
Dr Gary Sidley Retired Clinical Psychologist
Alton Ainley Chartered Psychologist
Darchana Patel Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Sita Castillo Child Psychologist
James Tapper Clinical Neuropsychologist
Dr Zenobia Storah Clinical Psychologist
Naomi Simcock Clinical Psychologist
Stefania Pethica Clinical Psychologist
Dr Faye Bellanca Clinical Psychologist
Dr Harrie Bunker-Smith Clinical Psychologist
Livia Pontes Clinical Psychologist
Sasha Lillie Lyons Clinical Psychologist
Camellia Kojouri