A Fateful Nobel Prize in Medicine to Convince “Reluctant People” to Get Vaccinated. For Making Possible the “Genetic Lobotomy” of a Large Part of the World’s Population

Using the Nobel Prize in Medicine to Convince Vaccine Hesitants

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The German newspaper “Handelsblatt” reported on October 2nd that the mRNA COVID “vaccine” was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in order to convince reluctant people to undergo this experimental gene therapy treatment, which I call “spiking” for short.

I derive the term from the fact that the mRNA components code for the coronary spike protein. In my new book, The Indoctrinated Brain, to be published December 12 2023, I show that the recently awarded Nobel Prize for “spiking” is a neuropathological attack on our autobiographical memory (the hippocampus). The injections have dramatic consequences, not only for the cardiovascular system, as is now well documented. In particular, rational thinking, psychological resilience, and natural human curiosity have been shown to be severely impaired.

Coronavirus spikes are produced in high numbers after COVID vaccination and have dramatic consequences on the neurological system

In the article “SARS-CoV-2 spike protein induces TLR4-mediated long-term cognitive dysfunction recapitulating post-COVID-19 syndrome in mice” Brazilian researchers outline the spike protein’s role in causing prolonged hippocampal damage. This sheds light on “Long COVID” and post-vaccination issues, which I collectively term “Post-Spike Syndrome” or “Spikeopathy.” This draws parallels to lobotomy.

The Parallels to a Lobotomy 

Spiking effectively cuts off the frontal brain from its mental energy source in the hippocampus, which is essential for critical thinking. This effect has far-reaching consequences, and I want to make them abundantly clear to you. In 2023, for the second time, a Nobel Prize was awarded to a treatment method involving permanent personality change. The first similar case occurred about a generation ago, when Portuguese neurologist António E. Moniz (1874-1955) won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1949 for

“the discovery of the therapeutic value of prefrontal leukotomy in certain psychoses.”

Prefrontal leukotomy, which involves severing fiber connections in the central nervous system, is a synonym for lobotomy.

The psychosurgical procedure known as lobotomy has created individuals with robotic qualities and controllable behaviour.

A Fateful Nobel Prize

Soon after, tens of thousands of people began to undergo lobotomy each year instead of thousands. The Nobel Committee’s decision to award Walter Freeman had unforeseen consequences. Freeman himself later admitted that the procedure’s effects were not adequately recognized as they were both downplayed and shocking. In addition, Freeman played a significant role in the industrialization of the controversial ice-pick procedure. According to Freeman, the psychosurgical operation’s terrible secret of success lies in “crushing the imagination, blunting emotions, destroying abstract thought, and creating a robot-like, controllable individual” (source: PubMed). In my book, I demonstrate that this description also pertains to numerous aspects and effects of spikeopathy.

Advertising “Psychosurgical Intervention” 

So now, the Nobel Prize in Medicine awarding institution hopes that the prize will increase the confidence of those hesitant about the Corona vaccines and ultimately increase the number of people undergoing a personality-altering “psychosurgical procedure,” just as before. This time, the process is genetically engineered and therefore more subtle, but no less fatal, especially considering its global reach.

As a final quote from my book:

It is imperative to convey that we’re all facing the grave and imminent danger of living under totalitarian conditions after the [Great Reset] is completed, or being ruled by humans and their machine and digital henchmen who have literally stepped over corpses and will most likely continue to do so to gain or retain power.

Assuming that each individual [conscious mind] can inform or convince merely one or two other people in his or her own environment, the tide is shifting rapidly in our favor.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Michael Nehls.

Featured image is from FiercePharma

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Articles by: Dr. Michael Nehls

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