No More Crimes Against Peace: Why Canada Must Leave NATO Now
The multi-imperial NATO war machine now hides behind a Liberal Trudeau smile, but not so long ago Tory Harper sent Canadian bombing jets to the front of the laying waste of Libya, an eco-genocidal bombing far more ruinous than any Nazi Luftwaffe SS aerial attack of the past.
In this context, it is well to remember the almost all of US-led NATO’s intelligence on Russia came via the Fort Hunt Treaty with Nazi SS commanders. More poignantly close to Trudeau-Liberal Canada, its Foreign Minister, born as Chrystia Freeland – ‘Christian Freeland’ written into her name – is the granddaughter of the leading Nazi propagandist of Ukraine and in Poland, Michael Chomiak: whom Chrystia has adored as a “freedom loving” heroic man. After long denial but exposure still sticking in the legacy press, ‘Freeland’ now accuses Russia of “interfering in Canadian democracy” with PM Trudeau, not very well informed, denounces the “scurrilous Russian propaganda against our Foreign Minister”. One may not think these absurd reverse accusations of the official US enemy can happen in sovereign Canada, but they already have and there is no end.
The cover-up of the power of Ukraine Nazism in Canada begins with the huge wave of Nazi-sympathizing Ukrainians imported into Canada by a Liberal government after 1945 to overwhelm a progressively activist Ukrainian population. This new bigger vote bank was dominated by a Nazi-sympathizing, Russia-phobic culture that has long been a dark power in Canadian politics. But now it advances into historical power with Russia-hating, ‘Freeland’ as Canada’s Foreign Minister. She is used to the big-lie reverse-accusation method, and so dead-set on demonizing Russia that she makes preposterous claims to cover up her Ukraine “nationalist” lineage and built-in Russo-phobia, in clear step with a neo-Nazi-led Ukraine post-coup state seeking to destroy the Russia-speaking culture and resistance of East Ukraine. Given Canada’s unique success in a bilingual democracy granting full rights to a founding minority of the country, the PM and Foreign Minister should be forging the basis of democratic peace rather than seeking war on Russia to sustain the neo-Nazi coup of a federally elected government in Ukraine whose post-coup billionaire oligarch leader has already instead been welcomed into Canada’s Parliament behind the US-NATO-led propaganda tide.
The key to big lies is absolute repression of the facts disproving them. Thus no mass media, state politician or their conforming followers report or face the facts of the US-orchestrated, mass-murderous coup in Ukraine executed by neo-Nazis who remain the kill-power behind the post-coup government with NATO as the Enforcer of the big-lie violent destruction of an elected federal state before Putin Russia did a thing. Still many people can be made to believe that Russia’s traditional territory for two centuries, the Crimea, was forcefully seized in complete disconnection from the centuries past of Russia’s territory decided in battle with the Ottoman Empire. The mainstream can at the same time completely erase from the record the mainly Russian-speaking Crimean people’s overwhelming and peaceful referendum in favour of this action, even although there was no evidence against this widely reported fact. The police-watched burning of 137 people alive inside a trade-union building in Odessa in the same period stays unknown and uncondemned to this day. Just as hypocritically given the interminable proclamations of “defending human rights” by NATO nations and NATO, everyone talking can remain completely ignorant of the fact that the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Affairs Committee of the UN General Assembly overwhelmingly voted twice for resolutions to condemn Ukraine’s neo-Nazi-led coup government public “glorification of the Nazi movement, former members of the Waffen SS organization, including the installation of memorials to them, and post-coup attempts to desecrate or destroy the monuments to those who fought against Nazism in Ukraine during World War II”. (Canada alone with the US voted against the UN human rights resolution).
Yet during all of this propagandist tide of censorship of facts and reverse-accusing Russia, NATO has been trebling its war forces on Russia’s borders and committing actionable crimes against peace behind endless undocumented accusations and false pretexts of “stopping aggression”.
From NATO-Vassal Crimes against Peace to Canada’s Foreign Minister Leading Them
While Canada has long been in auto-vassal relationship to NATO, the post-1945 colonial-master transnational war machine led by the US (in the eminent Norman Pollack’s words) “at war with a substantial portion of the world and its own population”, it is only since the appointment of ‘Freeland’ to Foreign Minister that she has become the principal provocateur of NATO to more crimes against peace. The historical background makes for war crimes to follow.
The post-1991 pattern of NATO nations across continents is ever increasing threats and war drums against societies not yet subjugated to its US-led military juggernaut – always blaming victim societies’ leaders for attacks upon them, and always standing in fact for more private transnational corporate looting powers and destruction of independent social life capital formations and non-profit civil commons. Try to find any exception to the totalitarian pattern. Where seeming exceptions exist, for example, small-population Baltic nations, they too have strong Nazi pasts and hate-Russia as their cornerstone ideology – just as within the US whose lead corporate titans produced for the Nazis during the Second World War, from armoured trucks to banking (the Bush fortune) to concentration camp IBM identity programs. The Balkans are bit players in the NATO world enforcement mechanism of private transnational extraction of all money-value that can be pumped out of human societies and the planet for more multiplying money debt and private profit to the apical top, with no commitment to any life function. Is there any step of dominant NATO nations since the Cold War that does not fit the pattern?
Ukraine is the biggest giant step of the NATO war machine in history for this global-corporate looting program leaving nothing behind but vast pollutions, wastes and war ruins from Vietnam to Iraq to Yugoslavia to Libya to now all the way East into the greatest natural resource basins in the world. One common quality joins all the victim societies then and now – secular social ownership of natural resources and social infrastructures which block total Wall-Street-and-Corporate Company liquidation “with no barriers”. The question that is kept hidden throughout the war preparations and big lies since the 2014 US-NATO orchestrated overthrow of Ukraine’s elected government and reverse blame of Russia is, as always, cui bono? The answer is self-evident, but unspeakable in official society, academy, and ‘peace-activist’ fronts. Every link of the war-criminal chain of crimes against peace and doomsday bombing aggression is masked as “peace and freedom”, but brings more open transnational powers over, in motion, the biggest corporate-NATO prize in its history. The Ukraine is the bread basket of the Eurasia continent, very rich in new fossil-fuel findings, armed with neo-Nazis and oligarch corruption, coveted now more than any place on Earth on by rich NATO nations for strategic as well as incomparable natural resources, and already so deep in debt to the big banks of the EU and Wall Street that the greatest nation destruction and territorial seizure since the Nazis is set for bombing-war annihilation of all resistance to it.
Canada and Ukraine sign defense cooperation agreement (Source: Sputnik)
All the anti-Russia war drums you have heard since before the neo-Nazi coup of Ukraine’s elected federal state and fever-pitched since Russia re-claimed the Russia-speaking Crimea and supported the Russia-speaking East against the US-engineered Putsch government have been led by NATO with serial false pretexts and escalating war preparations. This much the informed already know. Yet who would ever have thought that Canada would now become through its new foreign minister a lead manipulator behind the NATO war machine provoking new attacks to war? After so long being merely a branch-plant pawn, the dark side of Canada now emerges from its long-hidden fascist underbelly to incite the rising military preparations to swallow Ukraine whole to to loot-capture the greatest resource-basin of the world as “freedom from Russia”. No-one even notices that Canada led by Nazi-descendant Russia hater Foreign Minister ‘Freeland’ has just organised a three-day April meeting of NATO in Canada for just this purpose, behind the scenes illegally inviting the coup-state Ukraine foreign minister to attend to foment military war action against Russia.
The Seven Incontestable Reasons for Canada to Leave NATO
1) NATO has evolved from a long-proclaimed defensive alliance in the Cold War to a de facto alliance of aggression in continual violation of international law: as demonstrated by its long-term ruinous and war-criminal bombing of Libya with falsified justification, and by its unilateral, mounting armed forces including missile-launchers and war jets on Russia’s immediate Western borders.
2) NATO has never abandoned its doctrine of unilateral first use of nuclear weapons.
3) Canada’s junior presence in NATO precludes it from independent action for peace, as demonstrated when Canada failed to support the legally binding international Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in 2017 (in contradiction to basic Science for Peace policy and actions).
4) Belonging to NATO has already obliged Canada with no sovereign decision to participate in transoceanic war preparations on the borders of a major country with a small fraction of the population and wealth of NATO nations, as well as in war-criminal bombing of an African nation destroying its society, social infrastructures and peace in the region with no reason on the ground (except “we do it because we can” in the words of Canada’s then commander-in-chief of Canada’s armed forces, Rick Hillier).
5) NATO has nothing to do with Canada’s defence against armed aggression from abroad since Canada is already so defended by NORAD: while NATO demands more public wealth from Canada, more troops in the line of fire, and more participation in crimes against peace thousands of miles from Canada’s borders.
6) Canada’s participation in NATO’s proven crimes in this century against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity in the name of peace and self-defence exposes Canada to lawful condemnation as a war criminal state and the odium of the larger world and the future at expense of Canada’s people for no gain.
7) Similar allies like Australia and New Zealand want no part of NATO, nor Switzerland, nor Sweden, nor Finland, but Turkey, Albania, Croatia, Romania, trying for Ukraine – all fascist tending – are NATO-nation bases very far from the North Atlantic.
When I sent this statement of the irrefutable facts and reasons why Canada must leave NATO to my local Member of the Parliament of Canada – which anyone can do by MP <first.last name> – he expeditiously thanked me for “your perspective”. I replied as I have replied to everyone who changes the subject to personal perspective or other diversion, “which of (1) to (7) is not a demonstrably objective fact?”
Prof. John McMurtry PhD (London) is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and the author of books and articles published and translated from Latin to Japan, including the three volumes of Philosophy and World Problems for UNESCO Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems and The Cancer Stage of Capitalism. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.