No End to Endless War in Syria

Obama’s war in Syria, now Trump’s, continues endlessly.

On or about the Ides of March, US aggression in Syria will enter its 10th year with no prospect for near-term resolution.

Tens of thousands of heavily armed jihadists remain in Idlib province — supported by the US other Western countries, Turkey, and their imperial partners.

What Putin and Erdogan agreed on last week left northern Syria west of the Euphrates River illegally occupied by Turkish troops — north of a contact line agreed to by both leaders.

According to Southfront on Sunday, Turkey’s military established another so-called observation post in Syria — used as platforms for al-Nusra and likeminded jihadists to attack Syrian forces and civilians.

Another Turkish observation post was established last Thursday while Erdogan met with Putin in Moscow.

On Sunday, three days after their meeting, large numbers of Turkish forces and heavy weapons entered occupied northwestern Syrian territory.

Ceasefire agreed to in Moscow is tenuous at best, slowly unravelling at worst like many times before when announced — because the US, Turkey, their imperial partners, and jihadists they support reject conflict resolution.

I believe Southfront is right saying “the Turkish military buildup in Greater Idlib suggests that Ankara may be preparing for a confrontation with the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the region.”

Despite agreeing to ceasefire, committing to fight terrorism, and expressing a willingness to protect and aid civilians in Idlib — effective immediately “from the moment of signing” the joint agreement — Erdogan’s involvement in Syria throughout the conflict showed time and again after agreeing to one thing, he went another way.

Since last Thursday when the ceasefire was agreed on in Idlib, US/Turkish supported jihadists were responsible for multiple daily breaches — probably to increase in the coming days if past is prologue, which seems highly likely.

Last week, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad told Russian 24 television that the Erdogan and Trump regimes are coordinating aggression against the Syrian Arab Republic along its border with Turkey.

Assad: “The core of the issue is American policy. (The Obama regime and now Trump) decided (to replace regional) secular governments” with extremist ones serving US interests.

“(R)eplacement started with the so-called Arab Spring” — orchestrated and controlled by the Obama regime for objectives polar opposite stated ones, aiming to solidify US regional control by wars, coups, and other hostile actions.

Until 2011, Syria had good relations with Turkey. “We didn’t do anything against them, and we didn’t support any forces hostile to them. We believed them to be neighbors and brothers,” Assad explained.

Obama regime launched aggression in mid-March 2011 changed everything — causing endless war, instability, chaos, and the severest refugee crisis since WW II.

Asked if improved relations with neighboring Turkey is possible, Assad said not as long as “Erdogan continues to support the terrorists.”

“He has to stop supporting terrorism, at which point things can return to normal because there is no hostility between the two peoples.”

“The hostility is caused by political actions or policies based on vested interests.”

For Erdogan, it’s all about advancing his revanchist aims, wanting northern Syrian territory annexed.

For the US, it’s all about wanting another imperial trophy, a stepping stone toward replacing Iranian governance with pro-Western puppet rule.

It’s also all about feeding its military, industrial, security, media complex by waging endless wars, smashing one nation after another, advancing its global dominance agenda for greater wealth and power.

How did Syria manage to prevent conquest by the US for nine years?

Assad attributes it to the sacrifices and resiliency of the country’s military and people, most of all because of invaluable help from Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah — allied for regional peace and stability.

“Syria remain(s) steadfast,” Assad stressed. War united its people against a threat to all.

Since Russia’s invention in September 2015, most Syrian territory was liberated from jihadist control, Idlib their last stronghold.

Southern parts of the province are liberated. US/Turkish supported terrorists still control large areas, holding hundreds of thousands of civilians hostage as human shields.

Conflict resolution has miles to go because the US and its imperial partners continue endless war.

At the moment, liberating Idlib is the top military priority, Assad stressed — what the Trump and Erdogan regimes oppose.

Assad: “(W)e see Erdogan using all his force and no doubt under American directives.”

“This is because by liberating Idlib we will be able to move towards liberating the eastern regions” illegally controlled by US and Turkish forces.

“Idlib militarily is an advanced post. (The US-led West and Erdogan) used all their power to obstruct the liberation of Idlib, so that we do not move eastward.”

“However, despite not yet advancing towards the eastern region, we are still in direct communication with the population there.”

“There is a great deal of anger and resentment on their part against the American occupation and against the groups acting on behalf of the Americans.”

“I believe that this anger will build up gradually and there will be resistance operations against the occupiers.”

“It is the national and constitutional duty of the state to support any act against an occupying power.”

“As time goes by, the Americans will not have a population supporting them but a population standing against the American occupation.”

“They will not be able to stay, neither for the oil nor to support terrorists like ISIS and al-Nusra or any other reason.”

“The same of course, applies to the Turks who are occupying the northern part of Syrian territories.”

“If they do not leave through political negotiations, they must leave by force.  This is what we will do.  This is also our patriotic duty as Syrians.”

“The problem right now is dealing with the Americans. The Americans are occupiers; they occupied our lands. The Americans are thieves stealing our oil.”

Assad, his government, and vast majority of Syrians oppose US and Turkish occupation of the country’s territory.

Uninvited foreign occupation of nation’s land breaches the UN Charter. The only acceptable endgame is eliminating it through diplomacy or military means.

A Final Comment

When concluded, Russian television interviewer Yevgeny Primakov Jr. said the following to Assad:

“You have confirmed once again that a person like you can only have one position, the position of the statesman, because the views you have expressed are the views and the position of a statesman” whose top priority is liberating Syria, ending years of war, and rebuilding what imperial forces destroyed.

Note: Russian television host and interviewer Yevgeny Primakov Jr. is a lower house State Duma member.

He’s the grandson of former Russian prime minister Yevgeny Primakov (1998-99), former foreign minister (1996-98), and former chairman of the Soviet Union (1989 – 90).


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

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Articles by: Stephen Lendman

About the author:

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III." Visit his blog site at Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network. It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs.

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