23 Years Ago: Global Research Was Born. “When the Lie Becomes the Truth, There Is No Moving Backwards”

Twenty-three years ago today, on September 9th, 2001, two days prior to the tragic events of 9/11, the Global Research website was launched at www.globalresearch.ca.

We started up in late August 2001 with a handmade web design on FrontPage. A student in philosophy gave me a hand in drafting the home page and putting the project online. (See below for screenshot.)

On the morning of September 8,  2001 (which happened to be my birthday), I took a two hour “crash course” on the use of file transfer FTP software from a young software specialist, who taught me how to upload articles to the website.

Among our first articles was a coverage of the dramatic events surrounding 9/11 and the subsequent invasion of Afghanistan on October 7.  

There was no organized online censorship against  independent media in September 2001.

Censorship was largely applied by the mainstream media including Le Monde diplomatique, CBC, Radio Canada among others with which I actively collaborated since my early years teaching at the University of Ottawa.

From these modest beginnings in 2001-2002, with virtually no resources, the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)  evolved into a dynamic research and independent online media group.

Our thanks to our authors from all major regions of the World, from all walks of life, from committed independent voices, journalists, scholars, scientists, politicians, members of the military and intelligence communities, university, college and high school students, human rights and anti-war activists, environmentalists.

Over the years, more than 16,822 authors (September 03, 2024) have contributed to Global Research (in English, French and Spanish as well as in other languages).

The number of  published articles on Global Research is of the order of 100,000 (99,839, September 03 2024).



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Today at Global Research, 23 Years Later 

Inevitably we have aged (with wisdom?).  But at the same time we have come to understand the complexities of what today constitutes the most serious crisis in modern history, affecting humanity in its entirety.

In recent years, digital online censorship has become increasingly sophisticated, largely committed to suppressing freedom of expression.

Global Research has been on the hit list of censorship since 2016.

Since the onslaught of the corona crisis, we have been witnessing the denial of fundamental human rights worldwide coupled with corruption at the highest levels of government.

Most Western governments have endorsed Israel’s genocide against the People of Palestine.

Distinguished authors, journalists and anti-war activists who are opposed to the outright “killing of civilians”, –which is a criminal act under international law– are being arrested.

The writings of eminent scholars including politicians –focussing on the dangers of nuclear war– are the object of censorship. 

And scientists and medical doctors who warn their patients and reveal that the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine is a dangerous drug, are threatened and in some cases arrested.

What we are witnessing is the criminalization of the State, coupled with a Worldwide process of impoverishment and economic and social chaos,  

Our commitment on the 23d anniversary of Global Research is as follows:

  1. Support The Truth,
  2. Support Humanity in its Entirety, More than 8 Billion People
  3. Endorse “The Criminalization of War”
  4. Endorse Fundamental Human Rights and “Real Democracy”

Truth is a powerful and “peaceful weapon”.

On our 23d anniversary, we call upon people worldwide:

Solidarity must prevail at the level of the entire planet.

We should embrace social diversity and cultural identities Worldwide in more than 190 countries.

When the Lie becomes the Truth, there is no moving backwards.

—Michel Chossudovsky, September 9, 2024


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On behalf of the Global Research team, we extend our sincere thanks for your continued support and encouragement over all these years!

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