U.K. Starmer Government’s Proposed NHS Gender Clinics and Puberty Blocker Trials on Children. Sign The Petition “Children are not Lab Rats to be Experimented On”

these drugs permanently damage a child's health.


Thousands of children will be experimented on with puberty blockers.

NHS England has confirmed plans to open six new gender clinics and to begin puberty blocker trials on children. The alarming clinical trial will be launched in January 2025 and will see thousands of children mutilated and experimented on for the sake of pushing a trans agenda.

These drugs are designed to pause and alter the physical changes of puberty, permanently affecting the child’s development and causing irreversible harm. This is completely unjustifiable and unethical. The programme should be cancelled straight away!

This is the new wave of supposed ‘gender’ care and is supposed to find out the “potential benefits and harms of puberty suppressing hormones for children and young people”.

However, it is already well-known and proven that:

 These drugs permanently damage a child’s health.

The Cass Review, published in April 2024, demonstrated that these drugs should not be distributed to children for gender care. It also revealed the devastating effects of even less invasive ‘transgender care’ such as social transitioning. The review found that these interventions in a young person’s life cause long-term damage to their mental and physical health.

Yet, now the Labour government is working on bringing puberty blockers back into the mainstream. Instead of expanding gender clinics, the NHS should focus on addressing the root causes of gender dysphoria, such as mental health issues, autism, and family-related problems. This programme is nothing but another way to use vulnerable children as political pawns.

All we need to do is look at the tragic cases of detransitioners who were treated at the Tavistock clinic to prove that a child can never understand what they are agreeing to; they are not capable of consenting to puberty blockers. In any other context, this kind of treatment would be considered mutilation and be illegal. In no other field of medicine is experimentation upon children for the purposes of research considered acceptable. Yet, gender activists have somehow managed to persuade our political leaders that this is medical care.

Now, the government is ready to use thousands of children in this puberty blocker clinical trial l. These trials will see physically healthy teenagers receive drugs that will permanently alter their development, disrupt their hormones and damage their reproductive health.

Along with irreversible physical consequences, the drugs have serious mental health implications.

A legal form of child mutilation

The dramatic changes in hormones and the unnatural changing body cause a great deal of psychological turmoil, which can be permanent.

Effectively, what we are witnessing here is a legal form of child mutilation. This is absolutely unacceptable. We have a moral obligation to stand up for these children and protect them since the NHS is willing to abuse children on taxpayer dime.

How has this happened?

With enough pressure from trans rights activists, the government has decided to bring these harmful policies back.

However, there is good news! If public pressure can bring in the policies, it can also ensure they are kicked out.

That is why I need your help! Only public pressure can stop this. We have the power to make a positive change.

If we fail, we’ll fail to protect society’s most vulnerable. These children need our advocacy against this medical abuse.

We have a duty and moral obligation to safeguard our children’s well-being and future, averting lifelong damage and preserving their childhood.

Our impact can prevent these trials and protect thousands of innocent children.

Let’s send a powerful message to the government.

Sign our petition urging Keir Starmer and Wes Streeting to stop the opening of new gender clinics and cancel the puberty blocker clinical trials on children.

Children are not lab rats to be experimented on by the NHS.

Text of Petition

Stop NHS Gender Clinics and Puberty Blocker Trials on Kids

Dear Keir Starmer and Wes Streeting,

I urge you to reverse plans to open six new gender clinics for children and run clinical trials for puberty blockers on children.

Children are not lab rats for NHS experiments. These drugs have severe, long-term effects on their health and well-being.

The Cass Review has already proven the dangers and damage puberty blockers cause to children.

Are the detransitioners who were harmed by the Tavistock clinics not enough? Must we permanently harm more children under the guise of ‘gender care’?

Instead of expanding gender clinics, address the root causes of body dysmorphia, like mental health issues and family problems.

Don’t use children as political pawns.

This shameful program risks thousands of children’s health. It is a waste of taxpayer money, especially when the NHS is already overburdened.

Stop the reintroduction of puberty blockers. Protect our children from irreversible harm.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]

Sign our petition urging Keir Starmer and Wes Streeting to stop the opening of new gender clinics and cancel the puberty blocker clinical trials on children.



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