Global Research News

Imagine a World Without Smartphones By Emanuel Pastreich, March 07 2023

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Public Statement by Indian People’s Movements, Trade Unions and Other Civil Society Groups on G20 By, March 07 2023
The Heinous Instrumentalization of Human Rights Against Nicaragua By Stephen Sefton, March 07 2023

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One of the World’s Largest Oil Corporations to Lead Climate Change Talks in 2023 By Pablo Fajardo Mendoza and Gadir Lavadenz, March 07 2023

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Russian Aerospace Forces Failing in Ukraine? Moscow’s “State of the Art” Su-57 Aircraft By Drago Bosnic, March 07 2023

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Standing Together – Resisting the New Normal By Colin Todhunter, March 07 2023

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Sorry to Bother You But People Are Dying! By Olivia DiNucci, March 07 2023

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Young People Who Suffered Blood Clots and Amputations After COVID-19 Vaccination Are Being Lied to, and Media Uses Them to Lie to Us By Dr. William Makis, March 07 2023

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The US and Her Fundamentalist Stooges Are the Main Human Rights Violators in Afghanistan By RAWA, March 07 2023

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Victory Day: “World War II Never Ended”. Historical Analysis By Matthew Ehret-Kump, March 07 2023

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Society Makes People Sick. “What is Truth, What is a Lie”? By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, March 06 2023

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Biden Administration Targets Senate Judiciary for Constitutional Demise By Renee Parsons, March 06 2023

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Peru and the People’s Defenses By J. B. Gerald, March 06 2023

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Switzerland: Insanity – Leopards to Germany By Peter Koenig, March 06 2023

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Our World and How We Behave in It. By Dave McGowan, March 06 2023

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Türkiye-Suriye Depremi: Bu bir terör eylemi mi? Kanıt yok By Peter Koenig, March 06 2023

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Was the Earthquake in Turkey and Syria Man-made? By Prof. Claudia von Werlhof and Zeitpunkt, March 06 2023

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Syria Condemns Illegal Visit of Top US General. Biden Wants to Keep Troops in Country By The Cradle, March 06 2023

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Video: “Never Again Is Now Global”:. Never Give In – Never Give Up By Vera Sharav and Children’s Health Defense, March 06 2023

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Gracias a Dios: The People’s Church in Nicaragua By Becca Renk, March 06 2023

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Does the Kremlin Want the Conflict in Ukraine to Spin Out of Control? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 06 2023

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Putin Signed “Safe Conduct” for Joe Biden, One Return Przemysl Rail Pass, 24-hour Leave Pass for Kiev, in “Covert” Mission to Fool NYT, et al (And It Did) By John Helmer, March 06 2023

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Pilots and Flight Attendants Who Recently Had Cardiac Arrests In-flight and “Died Suddenly”… By Dr. William Makis, March 06 2023

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Africa’s Food Crisis Caused by the West. 278 million Africans— One in Five —are Facing Hunger By Asad Ismi, March 06 2023

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On the Latest UN Human Rights Council Report on Nicaragua By Stephen Sefton, March 06 2023

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Modus Operandi of Peruvian Lawfare By Miguel Santos García, March 06 2023

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Did Serbia Send Weapons to Kiev Regime? By Drago Bosnic, March 06 2023

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Top US General Reaffirms Occupation of Syria During Visit By The Cradle, March 06 2023

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Fish Killing Mania: Australia’s War Against the Common Carp By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 06 2023

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East Palestine’s “Containment Dam” Overflows By Mac Slavo, March 06 2023

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50,663 Dead and 5,315,063 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions By Brian Shilhavy, March 06 2023

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Famine in Africa: Millions on the Verge of Starvation? What are the Causes? By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 06 2023

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Medical Researchers Willfully Blind to Future Risk of Cardiac Arrest After COVID-19 Vaccine Induce Myopericarditis By Dr. Peter McCullough, March 06 2023

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Western Duplicity and the War in Ukraine By Mark Taliano, March 06 2023

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The Seeds Of Suicide: How Monsanto Destroys Farming By Dr. Vandana Shiva, March 06 2023
Control over seed is the first link in the food chain because seed is the source of life. When a corporation controls seed, it controls life, especially the life of farmers.
The Battle for Our Grasslands and Livestock By Viv Forbes, Albrecht Glatzle, and et al., March 06 2023

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How Social Networks Became a ‘Subsidiary’ of the FBI and CIA By Jonathan Cook, March 06 2023

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Globalization and Russia-Africa Relations By Fyodor Lukyanov and Kester Kenn Klomegah, March 05 2023

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First Child Death Due to Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Compensated. Taiwanese Girl 5-11 Years Old Died After Second Pfizer Jab. Government Awarded $115,000 to Family By Dr. William Makis, March 05 2023

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Wars: The Cancelled History By Manlio Dinucci, March 05 2023

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Neo-Nazi Terrorists Invade Russia, Kill Civilians By Kurt Nimmo, March 05 2023

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India’s Education Market: The Next Neo-Colonial Frontier By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 05 2023

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China’s Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis By China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, March 05 2023

The following document released by China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on February 24th 2023 has been in the object of analysis as well a response and rebuttal by the Biden administration.

It should be mentioned that’s the publication of this

Why Biden Snubbed China’s Ukraine Peace Plan By Medea Benjamin, Marcy Winograd, and Wei Yu, March 05 2023

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Video: Ukraine, Russia, NATO and Nord Stream: Mike Adams interviews Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter and Mike Adams, March 05 2023

Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter — also a former United States Marine Corps officer — joins Mike Adams in a far-reaching interview that covers Ukraine, Russia, NATO and Nord Stream.

Ritter is of course heavily censored on mainstream platforms

Davos 2023: Fragmenting the World By Rick Thomas, March 05 2023

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NATO Expansion: What Gorbachev Heard. “Not One Inch Eastward”. What Was Agreed Between the Soviets and the West in 1990? By Svetlana Savranskaya and Tom Blanton, March 04 2023

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Çevresel Modifikasyon Teknikleri (ENMOD) ve Türkiye-Suriye Depremi: Uzman İnceleme Gerekli By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 04 2023

Artificial Intelligence translation into Turkish. Not verified or edited by Global Research

Yapay Zeka Türkçe tercümesi. Global Research tarafından doğrulanmadı veya düzenlenmedi.




Original Article in English

Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) and the Turkey-Syria Earthquake: An Expert Investigation

Heirs of Rosalie Bertell? Her Significance for a Women’s Movement, in View of Today’s “New War Against All Life and Mother Earth Herself” By Prof. Claudia von Werlhof, March 04 2023

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Neocons and the Ukraine Coup By Robert Parry, March 04 2023

Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland.

Of relevance to the ongoing war in Ukraine, this incisive article was first written by the late Robert Parry on February 24, 2014, in the immediate wake of the US Sponsored

Europe’s Energy Armageddon from Berlin and Brussels, Not Moscow By F. William Engdahl, March 04 2023

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Top Japanese Physician-Scientist Gives Dire Warning About COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: ‘Scientifically Misconceived’ By TrialSite, March 04 2023

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From the Gulf of Tonkin to the Baltic Sea. Seymour Hersh By Seymour M. Hersh, March 04 2023

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“Economic Warfare” Directed against China? The Shanghai “Covid Zero Tolerance Mandate” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 04 2023
“Covid Tolerance Zero” has contributed to destabilizing Shanghai’s financial sector as well as China's buoyant export economy. It has created social havoc for millions of people. The Chinese Government has now acknowledged that is was based on fake science.
Twenty Years after the Start of the War in Iraq, People Around the World are still Raging Against the War Machine By Michael Welch, Rep Tulsi Gabbard, Colonel Ann Wright, and Jimmy Dore, March 04 2023

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A 37 Year Old UK Mom Finds a “Lump” After COVID-19 Vaccine. It Turns Out to be a Turbo Cervical Cancer Leaving Her with Months to Live By Dr. William Makis, March 04 2023

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Dr. Strangelove Is No Longer Satire By Dee Knight, March 04 2023

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Straws in the Wind as WWIII Blows In. Peace Negotiations are the Only Solution By Dr. Gilbert Doctorow, March 04 2023

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Twitter Files: GEC, New Knowledge, and State-Sponsored Blacklists By Matt Taibbi, March 03 2023

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US Ambassador to China: “We’re the Leader” of the Indo-Pacific By Caitlin Johnstone, March 03 2023
East Palestine, Ohio and the Oligarchy By Margaret Kimberley, March 03 2023

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Retired U.S. General Advocates Sustained Missile Attack on Crimea By Kurt Nimmo, March 03 2023

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‘I’ve already lived under Stalin!’ Anti-government Protests Spread Across Israel By Gilad Meiri, March 03 2023

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How the President of Peru Was “Removed” by “Outside Forces”. WEF’s Klaus Schwab at His Best By Peter Koenig, March 03 2023

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Nicaragua’s ‘Political Prisoners’ Would be Criminals by US Standards By John Perry, March 03 2023

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Biden Nominates Ajay Banga as President of the World Bank By CADTM, March 03 2023

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US Exceptionalism and the Wars in Syria and Ukraine By Rick Sterling, March 03 2023

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Big Ag Exploiting Carbon Markets to Intensify Grip on Food System: Report By Kenny Stancil, March 03 2023

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Corporate Media Gobsmacked on Crimea By Kurt Nimmo, March 03 2023

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The Coming Battle for the Liberation of Cuba By Ted Snider, March 03 2023

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Conservative Mental Dichotomy on the Draft By Jacob G. Hornberger, March 03 2023

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H5N1 Avian Influenza: What You Need to Know. Wild Rumors and a Look Beyond the Usual Propaganda By Dr. William Makis, March 03 2023

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‘Buildup for War’: US Spins COVID Lab Leak Narrative to ‘Pin Blame on China’ By Emanuel Pastreich, March 03 2023

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10 Steps to the Edge of the Abyss By Edward Lozansky, March 03 2023

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Amidst Chaos of War, a New Report Exposes the Stealth Take-over of Ukrainian Agricultural Land By Oakland Institute, March 03 2023

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China’s Turn. America’s Hyper-Financialized Economic System Is No Match for China’s Government-Directed Investment Model. By Mike Whitney, March 03 2023

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Protest Movement Against Pfizer in New York City. Pfizer Has a Criminal Record By Global Research News, March 02 2023

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“Covid Lab Leaks” and Brick Walls By Catte Black, March 02 2023

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Kiev Regime Flooding Black Markets with NATO-sourced Weapons By Drago Bosnic, March 02 2023

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US Lawmakers Approve Resolution to Uphold Economic Sanctions on Syria By The Cradle, March 02 2023

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