Global Research News

The Criminality of Nuclear Deterrence. The World is at the Precipice of another World War By Prof. Francis A. Boyle, October 06 2010

XVIIIth Conference “Mut Zur Ethic”: Direct Democracy

Feldkirch, Austria, 4 September 201o:

I am very happy to be speaking with you this evening. I want to express my gratitude to Zeit-Fragen for publishing the German language edition of my

Hidden Intelligence Operation Behind the Wikileaks Release of “Secret” Documents? By F. William Engdahl, August 11 2010
The real story of Wikileaks has clearly not yet been told.
Sweatshop Manufacturing: Engine of Poverty By Gregory Elich, May 16 2010
Over half of the world’s population subsists on less than $2 a day, while the 200 richest individuals own more wealth than 41 percent of the world’s population.
Clinton Co-ordinating Haiti Relief By Julie Webb-Pullman, February 15 2010

Ban Ki-Moon obviously has a very twisted sense of humour. As if the Katrina fiasco wasn’t sufficient evidence of the singular unsuitability of the U.S. to lead any sort of disaster effort, appointing a power-abusing sex-offending lying ex-President as Special …

Fort Hood: A media orgy of rumors, speculation and falsehoods By Glenn Greenwald, November 09 2009

Last night, right-wing blogger (and law professor) Glenn Reynolds promoted this media analysis from right-wing blogger (and Los Angeles Assistant District Attorney) Patterico regarding coverage of the Fort Hood shootings.  Patterico wrote:  “Whenever there is breaking news, it’s good to …

H1N1 Pandemic: Pentagon Planning Deployment of Troops in Support of Nationwide Vaccination By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 31 2009
The Militarization of public health in the case of emergency is now official
Conflicting Views on Climate Change: Fire and Ice By R. Warren Anderson and Dan Gainor, January 22 2009

Global Research Editor’s Note

This article first published in May 2006 provides an interesting review of the debate on Climate Change.

It was five years before the turn of the century and major media were warning of disastrous climate change. …

Rwanda: obscuring the truth about the genocide By Barrie Collins, August 20 2008

Far from being radical, the attacks on France for its role in the 1994 war are designed to whitewash Western intervention more broadly.

First published in August 2008

Last week, the Rwandan government published the findings of its commission of

The Green Light. By Scott Horton, April 13 2008

Yesterday the public finally got to see the full text of an infamous Department of Justice memorandum from March 2003 designed to authorize torture. I will have some more comments on this odious document authored by John Yoo, a man …

Tar Sands vs. Clean Water: Eating the Earth for Cars By Mark Robinowitz, December 11 2007

The tar sands production center in northern Alberta in Canada is one of the clearest signs that the easy-to-get oil is on the wane. Tar sands are a low grade hydrocarbon deposit that requires enormous energy input to process and …

The March to War: NATO Intimidation of Serbia or Preparing for Future War? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, October 19 2007

Today in the globalized realm of international relations everything is interlinked. Eurasia is all but a giant jigsaw in name. Two opposite forces are creating a synthesis. This state is a result of the dynamic and static pushes to infiltrate …

America’s “Long War”: The Legacy of the Iraq-Iran and Soviet-Afghan Wars By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, September 16 2007

Yesterday’s events influence the direction of tomorrow. The question is: are future developments, as a result of past events, foreseen or unforeseen?

Are the results of past events mostly unintended consequences or serendipity?

This is an age old subject that …

The Globalization of Military Power: NATO Expansion By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, May 18 2007
NATO is set on becoming a global military force that can control global resources, with a "global naval force" which controls international waters.
Global Military Alliance: Encircling Russia and China By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, May 10 2007
Steps are being taken by NATO & the U.S. to encircle Russia & China. This initiative includes a military pact in the Asia-Pacific Rim.
Iranian War Games: Exercises, Tests, and Drills or Preparation and Mobilization for War? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, August 21 2006
Iran is fully confident and prepared to defend itself against any military aggression directed against its territory, installations, and sovereignty.
Death Made In America: Impacts of Depleted Uranium Contamination on Afghanistan’s Children By Dr. Mohammed Daud Miraki, May 09 2006




I took this photo on the last day of my journey: one the triplets

Afghanistan is has become the disaster words could not describe, hence, I decided to illustrate this disaster …

Nothing depleted about ‘depleted uranium’ By Abel Bult-Ito, January 22 2006

Iraqi and visiting doctors, and a number of news reports, have reported that birth defects and cancers in Iraqi children have increased five- to 10-fold since the 1991 Gulf War and continue to increase sharply, to over 30-fold in some …

“To Hell and Back”: Hiroshima, Nagasaki and America’s “Nuclear Denial” By Peter Lee, December 17 0201

First published by GR on June 5, 2016.

Imagine a nuclear war in 2018, with bombs 100 times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb which resulted in 100,000 deaths in a matter of seven seconds following the bombing.



Beware of the ‘New Order’ Israel is imposing By Siddharth Varadarajan, November 30 -0001

No peace or stability can emerge in West Asia through occupation, subjugation, and the military slaughter of civilians.

ON JULY 28, 1989, a detachment of heavily armed Israeli commandos descended upon the southern Lebanese village of Jibchit. The time was …