Global Research News
XVIIIth Conference “Mut Zur Ethic”: Direct Democracy
Feldkirch, Austria, 4 September 201o:
I am very happy to be speaking with you this evening. I want to express my gratitude to Zeit-Fragen for publishing the German language edition of my …
Ban Ki-Moon obviously has a very twisted sense of humour. As if the Katrina fiasco wasn’t sufficient evidence of the singular unsuitability of the U.S. to lead any sort of disaster effort, appointing a power-abusing sex-offending lying ex-President as Special …
Last night, right-wing blogger (and law professor) Glenn Reynolds promoted this media analysis from right-wing blogger (and Los Angeles Assistant District Attorney) Patterico regarding coverage of the Fort Hood shootings. Patterico wrote: “Whenever there is breaking news, it’s good to …
Global Research Editor’s Note
This article first published in May 2006 provides an interesting review of the debate on Climate Change.
It was five years before the turn of the century and major media were warning of disastrous climate change. …
Far from being radical, the attacks on France for its role in the 1994 war are designed to whitewash Western intervention more broadly.
First published in August 2008
Last week, the Rwandan government published the findings of its commission of …
Yesterday the public finally got to see the full text of an infamous Department of Justice memorandum from March 2003 designed to authorize torture. I will have some more comments on this odious document authored by John Yoo, a man …
The tar sands production center in northern Alberta in Canada is one of the clearest signs that the easy-to-get oil is on the wane. Tar sands are a low grade hydrocarbon deposit that requires enormous energy input to process and …
Today in the globalized realm of international relations everything is interlinked. Eurasia is all but a giant jigsaw in name. Two opposite forces are creating a synthesis. This state is a result of the dynamic and static pushes to infiltrate …
Yesterday’s events influence the direction of tomorrow. The question is: are future developments, as a result of past events, foreseen or unforeseen?
Are the results of past events mostly unintended consequences or serendipity?
This is an age old subject that …
I took this photo on the last day of my journey: one the triplets
Afghanistan is has become the disaster words could not describe, hence, I decided to illustrate this disaster …
Iraqi and visiting doctors, and a number of news reports, have reported that birth defects and cancers in Iraqi children have increased five- to 10-fold since the 1991 Gulf War and continue to increase sharply, to over 30-fold in some …
First published by GR on June 5, 2016.
Imagine a nuclear war in 2018, with bombs 100 times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb which resulted in 100,000 deaths in a matter of seven seconds following the bombing.
This …
No peace or stability can emerge in West Asia through occupation, subjugation, and the military slaughter of civilians.
ON JULY 28, 1989, a detachment of heavily armed Israeli commandos descended upon the southern Lebanese village of Jibchit. The time was …