Global Research News
According to a report by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, released Friday, millions of American workers who lost their jobs after the Wall Street crash of 2008 have failed to find work, while millions more have gone back to …
Arctic sea ice coverage shrank to a record low 4.21 million square kilometers as of Friday, declining below the previous record low of 4.25 million sq. km marked in 2007, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency said Saturday, citing satellite …
Israeli oppression of Palestinians not suitable for broadcast by BBC. (Ryan Rodrick Beiler)
One of the most obvious examples of bias by the BBC is the taxpayer-funded broadcaster’s habit of inviting Israeli politicians or the Israeli government spokesperson, …
With zero mandate, SAS allegedly “hunts for WMDs” as West attempts incremental intervention at any cost.
The British Daily Star has reported in their article, “SAS HUNT BIO ARMS,” that, “nearly 200 elite SAS and SBS troops are …
It is unknown if Brandon Raub was detained for anything more than questioning.
UPDATE: A previous version of this article said Raub was detained by the FBI. The FBI has told us their agents had “nothing to do” with …
U.S. base deployment in Uzbekistan will dent Russia’s influence in Central Asia – general
MOSCOW: Washington’s plans to deploy a military base on Uzbek territory could entail negative political and economic consequences for Moscow, Lt. Gen. Leonid Sazhin, a Russian …
Turkey wishes to be one of the main players for NATO, the West and its Middle East Allies in the region and has many times failed to support the positions of its once allies and friends, including Syria as well …
If words could kill, imperial Washington long ago would have returned Iran to its nightmarish Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi days.
Propaganda wars rage daily. Tehran is wrongfully called an existential threat. Imagine a country wanting peace accused of belligerent …
Clashes between tribes sometimes happened under Gaddafi as well. But after he was ousted, they became much more frequent. As a rule, the conflicting sides are very well armed, because during the revolution, many foreign countries, helping Gaddafi’s opponents, flooded …
One can only imagine the headlines had the Syrian government been caught using blindfolded prisoners to deliver trucks to enemy targets, told freedom was at hand when in reality they were delivering vehicles packed full of explosives and were essentially …
Cyprus displeased at reports that British bases provide help to Syrian rebels
NICOSIA: Cyprus said on Thursday it had asked Britain to give an official explanation for a Sunday Times report alleging that the British Sovereign Bases in Cyprus provide …
According to the Los Angeles Times, the Pentagon intends to send “small teams of special operations troops” into Syria with a view to destroying Syria’s Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
These teams would in turn be supported by “precision …
On Monday Greek Foreign Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos met for talks with his German counterpart, Guido Westerwelle. Avramopoulos will be followed on Friday this week by Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, who travels to Germany for discussions with the German Chancellor …
From AP: “the number of Americans with incomes at or below 125 percent of the federal poverty level – the income limit for qualifying for legal aid – is expected to reach an all-time high of 66 million this …
Dear Global Research Readers,
Mainstream media fiction has reached new heights.
Public opinion is duped into endorsing the repeal of civil liberties in the name of “national security” as well as the conduct of “humanitarian wars” with a view to …
This is an urgent appeal from Veterans For Peace.
We are an organization of U.S. veterans formed in 1985 to try to bring an end to war. VFP is a nonprofit organization recognized by the U.N. as an NGO.
We …
The New York Times published a front-page article on August 16 reporting that the US Justice Department is preparing to end a ten-month criminal investigation into the collapse of the Wall Street brokerage firm MF Global without charging the company …
Four days after 34 of their comrades were massacred by heavily armed police, striking South African platinum miners defied a company ultimatum to return to work Monday or be fired.
Stating that barely 27 percent of the workforce had reported …
The threat of a new level of Western intervention in Syria grew yesterday when Barack Obama claimed the threat of any use of chemical weapons Syria was “a red line for us”, adding that even movement of these kind of …
Marine Sent to Mental Ward for Questioning 9/11
Former marine Brandon Raub was carted off by the Feds and locked in a psychiatric ward for Facebook posts questioning the government’s version of 9/11.
Surely the Feds are right … …
Fresh evidence has been increasingly emerging lately of Western weapons shipments to the Syrian opposition, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said.
“Fresh facts have been emerging lately, including in media reports, that Western-made weapons keep arriving at the Syrian …
On the surface, it looked like a simple game of “Gotcha,” when New York Bank regulators blew the whistle on London’s Standard Chartered Bank for laundering money. The fact that the money was allegedly tied to Iran cast a major …
Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, sixty nine years ago….
“The human race stands on the verge of nuclear self-extinction as a species, and with it will die most, if not all, forms of intelligent life on …
“The United States is selling 30 billion dollars worth of F-15 fighter planes to Saudi Arabia.” “Saudi Arabia will buy 84 new planes and 70 jets from the United States.” “About a year ago, the US Congress approved a 10-year …
Sunday, 15 April 2012
A controversial British …
TRIPOLI, Global Research – August 10, 2011 – The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) conducted intensive attacks on Libyan civilians in the night of August 8 and in the early hours of August 9, 2011 from approximately 2:00 a.m. to …
TRIPOLI, Global Research. July 17, 2011 3:30 EET – NATO started a bombing blitzkrieg in Tripoli which lasted initially for almost two hours, from approximately 12:00 to 12:30 a.m. EET to 2:00 a.m. local time (EET). Then there was a …
The Secret Handshake
The Eight Families banking cartel and their Four Horsemen progeny find Islamic fundamentalism quite compatible with the global monopoly capitalism from which they derive their immense wealth. Both ideologies advocate centralized control, intolerance of opposition, rule by …
Around the same time a Navy Seal team was descending upon the Abbottabad complex allegedly housing Osama bin Laden, the US Justice Department was suing Deutsche Bank. Bin Laden was a disciple of Muslim Brotherhood leader Abdullah Azzam. Abbottabad is …
XVIIIth Conference “Mut Zur Ethic”: Direct Democracy
Feldkirch, Austria, 4 September 201o:
I am very happy to be speaking with you this evening. I want to express my gratitude to Zeit-Fragen for publishing the German language edition of my …
Ban Ki-Moon obviously has a very twisted sense of humour. As if the Katrina fiasco wasn’t sufficient evidence of the singular unsuitability of the U.S. to lead any sort of disaster effort, appointing a power-abusing sex-offending lying ex-President as Special …
Last night, right-wing blogger (and law professor) Glenn Reynolds promoted this media analysis from right-wing blogger (and Los Angeles Assistant District Attorney) Patterico regarding coverage of the Fort Hood shootings. Patterico wrote: “Whenever there is breaking news, it’s good to …
Global Research Editor’s Note
This article first published in May 2006 provides an interesting review of the debate on Climate Change.
It was five years before the turn of the century and major media were warning of disastrous climate change. …
Far from being radical, the attacks on France for its role in the 1994 war are designed to whitewash Western intervention more broadly.
First published in August 2008
Last week, the Rwandan government published the findings of its commission of …
Yesterday the public finally got to see the full text of an infamous Department of Justice memorandum from March 2003 designed to authorize torture. I will have some more comments on this odious document authored by John Yoo, a man …
The tar sands production center in northern Alberta in Canada is one of the clearest signs that the easy-to-get oil is on the wane. Tar sands are a low grade hydrocarbon deposit that requires enormous energy input to process and …
Today in the globalized realm of international relations everything is interlinked. Eurasia is all but a giant jigsaw in name. Two opposite forces are creating a synthesis. This state is a result of the dynamic and static pushes to infiltrate …
Yesterday’s events influence the direction of tomorrow. The question is: are future developments, as a result of past events, foreseen or unforeseen?
Are the results of past events mostly unintended consequences or serendipity?
This is an age old subject that …
I took this photo on the last day of my journey: one the triplets
Afghanistan is has become the disaster words could not describe, hence, I decided to illustrate this disaster …
Iraqi and visiting doctors, and a number of news reports, have reported that birth defects and cancers in Iraqi children have increased five- to 10-fold since the 1991 Gulf War and continue to increase sharply, to over 30-fold in some …
First published by GR on June 5, 2016.
Imagine a nuclear war in 2018, with bombs 100 times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb which resulted in 100,000 deaths in a matter of seven seconds following the bombing.
This …
No peace or stability can emerge in West Asia through occupation, subjugation, and the military slaughter of civilians.
ON JULY 28, 1989, a detachment of heavily armed Israeli commandos descended upon the southern Lebanese village of Jibchit. The time was …