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CJPME Appalled by Minister Joly’s Meeting with Far-Right Israeli Government By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, March 20 2023

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Banking Crisis 2023: Deep Origins and Future Directions By Dr. Jack Rasmus, March 20 2023

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The US Has the World Setup for a Worse Financial Crisis Than in 2008 By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 20 2023

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ICC’s Putin Arrest Warrant Signals Long Overdue Unraveling of So-called ‘Rules-based World Order’ By Drago Bosnic, March 20 2023

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US and Israel
Does ICC’s Arrest Warrant Limit Putin’s External Visits? “The West is Hysterical” By Kester Kenn Klomegah, March 20 2023

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Young Pilot’s Heart Damaged Right After COVID-19 Vax By John Leake, March 20 2023

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G20, the Ukraine War and the Global Economic Crisis By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 20 2023

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US Decides Whether or Not Kiev Should Negotiate Peace By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 20 2023

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Endless Wars: US Escalation to the East. Manlio Dinucci By Manlio Dinucci, March 20 2023

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A 10-year-old Canadian Hockey Player From Hamilton, Ontario, Died Suddenly on March 11, 2023. Canada’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for Athletes Ages 12+ Are a Serious Crime By Dr. William Makis, March 20 2023

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The 1999 NATO Aggression on Yugoslavia – A Turning Point By Živadin Jovanović, March 20 2023

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Russia’s Economy Is Booming – Despite or Because of Sanctions? By Peter Koenig, March 20 2023

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Central Venous Thrombosis of the Brain After SARS-CoV-2 Infection and mRNA Vaccination By Dr. Peter McCullough, March 20 2023

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International Criminal Court Wants to Arrest Putin for Sheltering Child Refugees By Kurt Nimmo, March 20 2023

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Iraq Invasion 20th Anniversary: Five Million Dead in Iraqi Holocaust 1990 Onwards By Gideon Polya, March 20 2023

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To Prevent a Civil War That Is About to Happen in Pakistan By Prof. Abdul Jabbar, March 20 2023

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Criminals at Large: The Iraq War 20 Years On By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 20 2023

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Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen: How Many Millions Have Been Killed in America’s Post-9/11 Wars? By Nicolas J. S. Davies, March 20 2023

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Afghanistan and Pakistan: How Many People Has the U.S. Killed in Its Post-9/11 Wars? By Nicolas J. S. Davies, March 20 2023

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The Iraq War Death Toll. “War Crimes Prosecutions of Senior U.S. and U.K. Officials” By Nicolas J. S. Davies, March 20 2023

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My Lai, ‘Killing Ideology’ & Disobeying Orders: 55 Years Ago Today By Mickey Z, March 20 2023

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“China is Not a Threat”. A Sane Voice Amidst the Madness. Former Australian PM Paul Keating By Joe Lauria, March 20 2023

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Does Canada Support Regime Change in Russia? By Ted Snider, March 20 2023

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Psyops Are Not New, Just More Dangerous By Alan Lash, March 20 2023

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Canada’s ‘China Syndrome’ By Taylor C. Noakes, March 20 2023

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Boom: Trilateral Commission Declares “2023 Is Year One of This New Global Order” By Patrick Wood, March 20 2023

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Arrest Warrant Issued for Putin for War Crimes? Hold on a Minute! By Janet Phelan, March 20 2023

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Testicular Turbo Cancer in Young Athletes? Diagnosis to Death in Days or Weeks. COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Spike Protein Injury to the Testes By Dr. William Makis, March 20 2023

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Spent Matters: The AUKUS Nuclear Waste Problem By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 20 2023

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America’s New “Angels of Death”: Inject Humanity with a Gene-altering Death-dealing Technology. Medical Professionals Cannot Claim Ignorance By Prof. Bill Willers, March 19 2023

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The War on Yugoslavia 24 years Ago: Milosevic Exonerated by the ICTY, as the NATO War Machine Moves on By Neil Clark, March 19 2023
On the 24th of March 2023, the people of Serbia will be commemorating NATO’s illegal and criminal invasion of Yugoslavia.

Twenty-four years ago in the early hours of March 24, 1999, NATO began the bombing of the Federal Socialist 

Chaos in Pakistan: Imran Khan Takes on America and Its “Comprador Elites” By Junaid S. Ahmad, March 19 2023

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20 Lies About the Iraq War By Glen Rangwala and Raymond Whitaker, March 19 2023

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Credit Suisse: Down the Drain, or Converting Into a Bank for the People By Peter Koenig, March 19 2023

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Iraq War Based on Fake Intelligence: “Sexed up” Report on the Death of Weapons Inspector Dr. David Kelly: Lord Hutton Findings challenged by Medical Doctors By Dr. C. Stephen Frost, Dr. Christopher Burns-Cox, Dr. David Halpin, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 19 2023
It was not only the intelligence which had been "sexed up", the Hutton Report, which assumed suicide without proof, had "sexed up" its findings to implement a coverup.
5G Wireless Technology Is War against Humanity By Claire Edwards, March 18 2023
This phoney war is also silent, but this time shots are being fired – in the form of laser-like beams of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from banks of thousands of tiny antennas[1] – and almost no one in the firing line knows that they are being silently, seriously and irreparably injured.
Implementation of Agenda 2030: “Personal Carbon Allowances”. Study By Makia Freeman, March 18 2023

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Bill Gates, Vaccinations, Microchips, and Patent 060606 By Leonid Savin, March 18 2023

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“US Hegemony and Its Perils”: China Document By China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Karsten Riise, March 18 2023

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Covid-19: “A Vaccine in Record Speed” By John Leake, March 18 2023

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“Electronic Money” under “The One World Order” (OWO): Are We Becoming “Money Slaves”? By Peter Koenig, March 18 2023

With foresight, this timely article was written by Peter Koenig almost six years ago in July 2017.

“Electronic Money” is currently on the One World Order agenda (OWO)


Electronic money, a cashless society, is perhaps the ultimate and most

Bill Gates “Solution: Lab-Grown Meat Is Made of Cancer Cells. Would You Like It Rare or Medium? By Igor Chudov, March 18 2023

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Justification to Wage War on Iraq based on “Fake Intelligence”. Whistleblower Dr. David Kelly: Who Ordered his Assassination? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 18 2023

Our thoughts today are with the people of Iraq, whose country was invaded twenty years on March 20, 2003. The destruction and loss of life are beyond description.

The architects of this illegal invasion are “war criminals”. Amply documented the

Long History of US-Russia Confrontation. Analysis of Ukraine-Russia Relations By Prof. John Ryan, March 18 2023

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Iraq and 15 Lessons We Never Learned By David Swanson, March 18 2023

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History of the Rockefeller Family: John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937), the World’s First Billionaire By Richard Sanders, March 18 2023

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Saint Patrick’s Day: The Real Irish American Story Not Taught in Schools By Bill Bigelow, March 17 2023

“Wear green on St. Patrick’s Day or get pinched.” That pretty much sums up the Irish-American “curriculum” that I learned when I was in school. Yes, I recall a nod to the so-called Potato Famine, but it was mentioned only

The Israeli Protest Movement against Netanyahu. Does It Include the Rights of Palestinians? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 17 2023

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US Terrorism Against Nord Stream: A Polish Perspective By Konrad Rękas, March 17 2023

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Spying on Americans in Plain Sight By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, March 17 2023

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Free Speech for Peace not Supported by “Stand With Ukraine” By Michael Welch, Prof. John Ryan, and Glenn Michalchuk, March 17 2023

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Constructive Diplomacy Isn’t Possible When We Are Demanding Capitulation By Daniel Larison, March 17 2023

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COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries: Ear and Labyrinth Disorders – Tinnitus, Vertigo, Ear Pain, Hearing Problems, Deafness By Dr. William Makis, March 17 2023

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Surge in Global Weapons Sales: Top Ten Exporters of Major Arms By Telesur, March 17 2023

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The US Blockade and Its Effects on Cuban Medicine By Prof. Carlos L. Garrido, March 17 2023

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Synthetic mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines. The Critical Role of Pseudouridine By Dr. Peter McCullough, March 17 2023

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The Weaponization of “Anti-Semitism”. Requiem for a Smear Victim: Clemens Arvay By Margaret Anna Alice, March 17 2023

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Blood and Treasure: United States Budgetary Costs and Human Costs of 20 Years of War in Iraq and Syria, 2003-2023 By Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, March 17 2023

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Video: Imminent 5G Induced Genocide: Vaccinated Vulnerable To 5G Kill Grid’s Deadly Tech! – Dr. Reiner Fuellmich By Reiner Fuellmich and Stew Peters, March 17 2023

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Image: For those complaining ceaselessly about the migrants produced from the West's global meddling and warmongering, now would be a good time to speak up against attempted intervention in Syria by the West in a last ditch effort to collapse the government in Damascus and create division and destruction that will turn a steady stream of refugees into a cataclysmic flood.
Paying Tribute to Truth By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, March 17 2023

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US Blackmails Switzerland to Boost Military Support to Ukraine By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 17 2023

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French President Macron Approves the Pension Reform by Decree By Telesur, March 17 2023

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Why the Bank Crisis Is Not Over By Prof Michael Hudson, March 17 2023

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Every St. Patrick’s Day, Everywhere, All at Once: A Disaster for Ireland By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, March 17 2023

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Why Three US Banks Collapsed in One Week: Economist Michael Hudson Explains By Prof Michael Hudson and Ben Norton, March 17 2023

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On the 20th Anniversary of Invasion of Iraq It Must be Clear: The U.S. Is the Greatest Threat to World Peace and Collective Humanity By Ajamu Baraka, March 17 2023

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Despair and Joy. The Protest Movement against War. Manifesto Calling for Cease-Fire in Ukraine By Victor Grossman, March 16 2023

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Canada’s Foreign Minister Proposes “Regime Change” in Russia By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 16 2023

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Lula Is Lying: The NATO-Russian Proxy War Isn’t Being Fought “Over Small Things” By Andrew Korybko, March 16 2023

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Pakistan’s Coup Regime Tries to Arrest Imran Khan – But Faces Massive Popular Resistance By Junaid S. Ahmad, March 16 2023

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China’s Breakthrough in the MIddle East By Aqib Sattar, March 16 2023

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In Silicon Valley Bank Collapse, Asia Sees 1997 All Over Again By William Pesek, March 16 2023
OXFAM Criticizes IMF Loans. IMF Creates Poverty & Inequality in Developing Nations By Shenali D Waduge, March 16 2023

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The COVID Scam and the Lockdown Files: “Biggest Scandal of the Century?” Does It Qualify as a Crime Against Humanity? By Marcel de Graaff MEP, March 16 2023

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The Deplorable State of Affairs in Canada’s Federal New Democratic Party (NDP) By Prof. John Ryan, March 16 2023

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“Provoked” NATO Expansion, “Unprovoked” Ukraine War, and the Dire “China Threat” By Felix Abt, March 16 2023

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Geofence Surveillance: First, They Spied on Protesters. Then Churches. You’re Next By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, March 16 2023

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False Narrative: How the Vermont Trial of an Alleged “Terrorist” Revealed the Danger of Guilt by Association, and the Way Disinformation Creates a False Narrative. By Greg Guma, March 16 2023

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Video: Japan Is Waking Up to the Facts. The COVID-19 Injections Are Causing Harm. By Hirofumi Yanagase, March 16 2023

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日本は、COVID-19 mRNAワクチンの傷害と死亡を隠蔽している大手製薬会社と腐敗した日本の保健当局に対する大きな反発を目の当たりにしている – 第二次世界大戦以来最高の過剰死亡 By Dr. William Makis, March 16 2023

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