Global Research News

America Close to War with Syria: Obama Deployed US Troops to Jordan “Without Notifying Congress”. By Global Research News, October 13 2012

US Troops have been deployed to Jordan. They are close to the Syrian border. According to a statement of Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, 100 troops have been deployed to the Syrian border. US News reports quotes the statements of …

Evil is Evil: Don’t Vote for Evil By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 13 2012

Back during the George W. Bush neocon regime, President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela in his UN speech summed up George W. Bush for the world. I am quoting Chavez from memory, not verbatim. “Yesterday standing at this same podium was

The EU is not a “Person”: Granting the Nobel Prize to the European Union is in Violation of Alfred Nobel’s Will By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 13 2012
While the EU’s contribution to peace is debatable, the key issue is whether a union of nation states, is an “eligible candidate” for the Peace Prize.
Proposal: 2013 Nobel Peace Prize to NATO By Diana Johnstone and Jean Bricmont, October 13 2012

On the eve of the hundredth anniversary of the outbreak of World War I, what could be more fitting than to award this prestigious Peace Prize to the organization that is truly ready and willing to END ALL WARS!

The …

EU Austerity Measures: Will the Nobel Prize Laureate use NATO to Collect Bad Debts? By Robert Bridge, October 13 2012
[T]he only way to explain the Nobel Committee awarding the EU the Peace Prize at this sensitive juncture in history is to say that it is a smokescreen; a diversionary tactic to draw attention away from the crimes of the
Turkey-Russia Confrontation over Syrian Plane Incident By Global Research News, October 13 2012

NOVO-OGARYOVO: The Russian sender of the cargo transported by a Syrian plane, which has been detained in Turkey, will demand the cargo be returned as shipping documents and cargo characteristics are not violating any laws, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said …

America’s Secret War in Africa By Julie Lévesque, October 13 2012

The U.S. secret warfare is alive and well. In addition to its military command in Africa (AFRICOM), America has been deploying special forces all over the continent:

“Small teams of special operations forces arrived at American embassies throughout North Africa …

How Petraeus’s Afghan ‘Surge’ Failed By Gareth Porter, October 13 2012

In 2009, Gen. David Petraeus insisted on a troop “surge” in Afghanistan like the one he had overseen in Iraq. Yet, despite the positive PR for Petraeus and his “surges,” little was accomplished beyond putting more U.S. GIs within range

Nobel Hypocrisy Wins Again By Stephen Lendman, October 13 2012

Call it a rite of fall. Nobel hypocrisy shows up annually. It came again this year. The only surprise was which disreputable honoree would win.

A surprise of sorts indeed. War criminals often become Peace Prize winners. This year a

EU austerity drives repression in Greece By Christoph Dreier, October 13 2012

In her lightning visit to Athens on Tuesday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel made clear that the European Union (EU) intends to intensify its attacks on the social rights and conditions of working people throughout Europe.

Shielded by 7,000 riot police, …

Turkey’s hijacking of Syrian plane raises specter of wider war By Bill Van Auken, October 13 2012

Turkey’s forcing down of a Syrian passenger jet en route from Moscow to Damascus has heightened tensions between the two countries and provoked a sharp protest from the Russian government.

The incident, which took place late Wednesday, underscores the danger …

Jimmy Carter: US Elections are Corrupt By Global Research News, October 13 2012
By Pete PapaheraklesInjecting billions of dollars into U.S. politics is a recipe for corruption, says former President Jimmy Carter. Placing the blame squarely on the Supreme Court for endorsing a corporate spending free-for-all in American politics, he said the …
The GOP’s October Surprise? By Craig Unger, October 13 2012

By Craig Unger

According to a highly reliable source, as Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama prepare for the first presidential debate Wednesday night, top Republican operatives are primed to unleash a new two-pronged offensive that will attack Obama as

The EU is not a “Person”: Granting the Nobel Prize to the European Union is in Violation of Alfred Nobel’s Will By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 12 2012

This year’s Nobel Peace Prize was granted to the European Union  (EU)  for its relentless contribution to “the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe.”

While the EU’s contribution to peace is debatable, the key issue

Threat of a Complete Financial Meltdown: IMF Report Points to Growing Instability By Nick Beams, October 12 2012

Four years after the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the latest Global Financial Stability Report published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) makes clear that the threat of a complete meltdown of the international financial system remains. And the dangers of

Philippines: Peace Agreement Between Manila and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, October 12 2012

The Peace Accord to be signed in Manila on the 15th of October 2012 between the Philippine Government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) is of tremendous significance to the Philippines nation. If it succeeds, it will not only

BP Macondo Wreckage: New Oil Leak in the Gulf By Washington's Blog, October 12 2012

Now that the new oil “sheen” has been confirmed by the government as coming BP’s crippled Macondo well,  BP’s fallback position is that the new sheen is just oil leaking from the wreckage of the drilling rig lying on the …

Proposal: 2013 Nobel Peace Prize to NATO By Diana Johnstone and Jean Bricmont, October 12 2012

By Diana Johnstone and Jean Bricmont

On the eve of the hundredth anniversary of the outbreak of World War I, what could be more fitting than to award this prestigious Peace Prize to the organization that is truly ready and

Mali: US Africa Command (AFRICOM) Prepares for Another “Humanitarian” Military Intervention? By Patrick Henningsen, October 12 2012

Obama has been carrying the AFRICOM ball down the field after the directive was launched under George W. Bush in 2007. Washington DC, led by African Secretary, Jonnie Carson, speaks to its public at a level deserving of an uninformed,

Preparing for War? Presence of US soldiers in Jordan close to Syrian border described as “routine” By Global Research News, October 12 2012

Presence of US soldiers in Jordan routine, official

by Jordan Times

AMMAN — The presence of military personnel from “brotherly and friendly countries, including the US”, is part of routine military cooperation between Jordan and these countries, said a government

The Post-9/11 Homeland: America Declares War on Islam By Stephen Lendman, October 12 2012

Post-9/11, America declared war on Islam. Injustice triumphed. So did hate and fear. Innocent Muslims became fair game. Guilt by accusation became policy. 

Many innocent men and women were  charged with terrorism or conspiracy to commit it. They languish unjustly

Japanese Militarism: “Resurrection of the Samurai” By Xinhua, October 11 2012

Moscow: Japan’s recent illegal moves to “purchase” China’s Diaoyu Islands show militarism is on the rise in that country, according to a Russian war veteran.

Vasili Ivanov, deputy head of the Russia-China Friendship Society’s Central Office, told Xinhua that Japan’s

Major Powers versus Small Nations: Globalization and the Issue of National Sovereignty By Thomas H Naylor, October 11 2012

Much to the chagrin of Washington and Tel Aviv, a recent meeting of the so-called Non-Aligned Movement, a group formed during the Cold War that views itself as independent of the major powers, sent a clear signal to the US-Israeli

South Korean Missiles: Part Of U.S. Containment Of Russia And China By Stop NATO, October 11 2012

[The U.S.] wants the ROK to take on more of its defense responsibilities. Washington hopes Seoul would gradually increase its weaponry…help strengthen the US’ anti-missile system in Asia to fulfill America’s strategic goal of containing China and Russia.

[B]allistic missiles

Towards a “Colored Revolution” in Nepal? Foreign Interference Triggers Political Chaos By Arun Shrivastava, October 11 2012

When people forget history, mystery repeats itself. History tells us that Nepal had developed a sophisticated democratic system over two thousand years before Aristotle’s Greece; the mystery is that ethnic identity federalists are still groping for a viable one and

Nonviolent Protester of Drone Wars Sentenced to Federal Prison By David Swanson, October 11 2012
Catholic Worker Brian Terrell of Maloy, Iowa has been sentenced to serves 6 months in a federal prison for his witness against the use of drone warfare.Below is a message from Brian and his statement before the court.Friends, We
Financial Crime in London’s “Parasites Paradise”, Or the Best Sanctuary Money Can Buy By Prof. James Petras, October 11 2012
The “Brits” specialize in laundering funds from the Mexican, Colombian and Russian organized crime. Albanian white slavers have their ‘private bankers’ at prestigious City banks.
US Deploying Military Personnel to Syrian-Jordanian Border By Tony Cartalucci, October 11 2012

While the idea of a buffer zone is meant to look like a knee-jerk reaction to recent escalations, in reality this has been planned since at least March 2012, when the idea was proposed by the corporate-financier funded Brookings Institution

War or No War on Iran? By Stephen Lendman, October 11 2012

In Shakespearean terms, indeed that’s the question. Longstanding regime change plans are known. Means to achieve them have been ongoing for years.

A previous article put it this way:

Red lines, timelines, deadlines, sanctions, sabotage, subversion, cyber attacks, assassinations, saber …

Greece’s Evolving Social Crisis: “Black Shirt Fascists” in the Greek Islands By Chris Jones, October 11 2012

Sunday October 7 was a day of mixed emotions. First there was coming to terms with seeing black shirted fascists marching along the water front in Samos Town. When I first came here in 1995 I could never ever imagined

Bounty Hunting, Islamophobia and Blaming the Victims By Felicity Arbuthnot, October 11 2012
The Middle East burns and is being destroyed. It’s people are being systematically terrorized, its great, luminous history and culture dismantled and erased...
Greek police torture anti-fascist protesters By Christoph Dreier, October 11 2012
By Christoph Dreier

Demonstrators protesting against the fascist Chrysi Avgi (Golden Dawn) party were beaten and tortured after their arrest by Greek police at a demonstration on September 30.

According to the victims, the police used techniques similar to the …

In Preparation for Wider War, Pentagon deploys Task Force in Jordan By Bill Van Auken, October 11 2012

In preparation for a direct US intervention in Syria and a wider war in the Middle East, the Pentagon has secretly deployed a 150-strong military task force in Jordan.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta Wednesday confirmed the existence of the task …

Provocation: Syria Plane Intercepted by Turkey: “Close to Disaster” By Global Research News, October 11 2012

Passengers onboard the plane intercepted by Turkish jets said that security forces were making the crew and passengers sign fraudulent papers suggesting that the plane made an emergency landing and no Turkish military were involved in the incident.

­Hours after

Beyond the Québec Student Strike By Matthew Brett and Rushdia-Mehreen, October 10 2012

by Matthew Brett and Rushdia Mehreen

While it is difficult to predict the lasting consequences of the 2012 student strike in Québec, a few things are certain. The strike has fostered a climate of dissent and a respect for direct

Russia and the SCO: Pakistan Must Adapt to Emerging Global Realities By Stop NATO, October 10 2012

Islamabad has long been saying it cherishes the desire of and talking a lot of making a “paradigm shift” in its foreign policy and also took a few steps to come closer to the China/Russia-dominated Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) as

East Asia: Japan Restores Cold War Military Alliance With U.S. By Stop NATO, October 10 2012

Japan’s Prime Minister Noda has restored the Japan-US security alliance – a legacy of the Cold War – as the “foundation” of Japan’s foreign policy, a stark shift from three years ago, when then-Japanese prime minister Yukio Hatoyama sought a

BRICS: Building Blocks of Emerging Global Order By Stop NATO, October 10 2012

The BRICS have argued for diffusion of power concentration at the global level, and at the same time strongly advocated for reform of international bodies

On various past occasions multilateral forums like the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South

America’s Moral Degeneracy By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 10 2012

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

On May 31, 2010, the Israeli right-wing government sent armed military troops to illegally board in international waters Gaza aid ships of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla organized by the Free Gaza Movement and the Turkish

Iran, Syria, Turkey, Israel and NATO: The Dangers of Military Escalation By Stephen Lendman, October 10 2012

by Stephen Lendman

Days of Syrian/Turkish border incidents threaten further escalation into something more serious. Free Syrian Army (FSA) militants fired mortar rounds on Turkish territory from Syrian locations they control.

Assad was wrongfully blamed for their provocation. Syria

Canada-Iran: Who’s demonizing who? By Eric Walberg, October 10 2012

The return of Omar Khadr from Guantanamo, Canadian Islamophobia, and a trip by a first nation leader to Iran make Harper’s human rights award an embarrassment.

After 10 years in Guantanamo, former child soldier Omar Khadr, the last Western national

New US-Canada Border Regime: Deep Integration and the North-American Homeland By Dana Gabriel, October 10 2012
The U.S. and Canada have laid the framework for a new border regime which is pushing the continent closer to a fully integrated North America security perimeter. The sovereignty of Canada as a nation state is affected.
Syria: Is the West Contemplating the Assassination of President Bashar Al Assad? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 09 2012

By Michel Chossudovsky

*      *     *

A policy of  political assassination and “extra-judicial execution” has been on the drawing board of US intelligence for more than half a century. 

In the 1970s, the Senate Select Committee led by Sen. Frank

South Africa’s Ruling ANC Party: Where is the Left? By Global Research News, October 09 2012

by Chris Webb

About a month ago I stood with some 200 striking farm workers in South Africa’s Hex River Valley, a rich agricultural region that produces table grapes for export. The workers were on strike against severe pay cuts

Towards a Western Retreat from Syria By Thierry Meyssan, October 09 2012


by Thierry Meyssan

The Syria war drags on. Continuing it has become too expensive and too dangerous for its neighbors. Russia, which aims to re-establish itself in the Middle East, is trying to show the United States that it

Venezuela Opposition Founded by Wall Street Alumni By Tony Cartalucci, October 09 2012

In “US Prepares for Overthrow of Venezuela,” US policy papers and US State Department National Endowment for Democracy (NED) funding was exposed as openly conspiring to meddle in and manipulate upcoming Venezuelan elections.

The opposition party which includes …

Spiraling Gasoline Prices are Impoverishing Americans By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 08 2012

Together with  draconian austerity measures, home foreclosures, layoffs and the phasing out of social programs, the dramatic hike in gasoline prices constitutes yet another economic mechanism which contributes to the impoverishment of millions of people  across the land.

Gasoline prices

Nuclear Weapons. Who Needs “Red Lines”: Iran or Israel? By Global Research News, October 08 2012

by Nabi Sonboli

In his September 23, 2012 speech at the United Nations General Assembly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asked the United States and its allies to define clear red lines for the Iranian nuclear program, emphasizing that Iran

Draconian Austerity Budget: Eliminating the Collective Bargaining Rights of Ontario’s Teachers By Doug Nesbitt and Andrew Stevens, October 08 2012
The bill effectively eliminates collective bargaining rights for Ontario's 180,000 elementary and secondary school teachers. It imposes a two-year wage freeze...
Free Syrian Army (FSA) Building Military Base for Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) By Global Research News, October 08 2012

TEHRAN (FNA)- The so-called Free Syrian Army, the main armed rebel group fighting President Bashar al-Assad’s government, announced that it has set up two battalions called ‘Martyr Saddam Hussein’ in the cities of Idlib and Deir al-Zour in Syria.

In …

Modern India: Abysmal Poverty and Social Destitution. Neo-Liberalism’s Death Knell By Colin Todhunter, October 08 2012

Today in Chennai (Madras), I witnessed a dead-end journey. A deafening firecracker was set off by a gathering of men at the head of a funeral procession. Stray dogs flinched and onlookers cowered. Shutters were hastily pulled down. The raucous

Putting Palestine On The Agenda: At The Russell Tribunal In New York By Danny Schechter, October 08 2012

The needs and concerns of the Palestinian people are not in the news much in the United States, even though the issues have been around for decades here in the city that hosts the United Nations and where there have

Turkish Military Intervention in Syria? By Devon Douglas-Bowers, October 08 2012
It has been reported recently that Turkey is firing artillery shells into northern Syria in retaliation for the earlier controversial shelling incident.
The situation is tense and could potentially lead the way for a Turkish intervention into Syria.

On October

Chavez wins poll, days after largest-ever march By Rachael Boothroyd, October 08 2012
More than 3 million people marched in support of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and his socialist platform in Caracas on October 4, three days before Chavez was re-elected with 54% of the vote.

Venezuela’s socialist President Hugo Chavez has won

Venezuela’s Victory Over Wall Street By Tony Cartalucci, October 08 2012
Venezuela has provided the world with a successful model to counter the subversive methods of Wall Street. Chavez poses a substantial obstacle to Western ambitions across South America.
Syria, the Story Thus Far By William Blum, October 08 2012

“Today, many Americans are asking — indeed I ask myself,” Hillary Clinton said, “how can this happen? How can this happen in a country we helped liberate, in a city we helped save from destruction? This question reflects just how

Was it worth it? Afghanistan 11 years later By Tanya Cariina Hsu, October 08 2012
October 7 marked the eleventh anniversary of the US war in Afghanistan. An entire country has been destroyed, its population impoverished. More than 2,000 American soldiers have been killed,
Capitalism’s Two Step Survival Plan: Austerity and Structural Reform By Shamus Cooke, October 08 2012

The coast is clear, the media tells us; economic disaster has been averted. The Euro Zone is finally stable and the U.S. economy is recovering. Whew!

Why, then, are government policies internationally still pursuing extremist measures?

In the U.S., a …

Hugo Chavez Frias Wins Venezuela Elections By Global Research News, October 08 2012

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was declared the winner.  10.57pm ET

Chávez obtained 7.444.082 votes and Capriles 6.151.544 de Capriles, with a record participation of 80,94 %.  With 90% of the vote counted, according to the National Election Council, Hugo Chavez

A Hungry War Machine Ignited by Gangster Bombers By Cynthia McKinney, October 07 2012
Real change requires dismantling the current political, economic, and social structures that serve only the interests of an elite to whom current elected office holders answer.
Mass protest against threatened Turkey-Syria war By Chris Marsden, October 07 2012

Tens of thousands of anti-war protesters gathered in Istanbul, Thursday evening, opposing military action against Syria. Marchers streamed through the capital’s commercial district, opposing Turkey’s alliance with the United States and pledging support for the Syrian people.

The demonstration took …

US-NATO Sponsored Atrocities in Syria: ‘It Is Our Soul’: The Destruction of Aleppo, Syria’s Oldest City By Information Clearing House, October 07 2012

Global Research Editor’s Note

In reviewing these images, remember that the Free Syrian Army (FSA) are the foot-soldiers of NATO. They are funded and supported  by the Western military alliance. They are trained and advised by British, French, Turkish and

Expect Bolivarian Election Victory in Venezuela By Stephen Lendman, October 07 2012

October 7 is the moment of truth. Venezuelans get to choose between populism and neoliberal harshness. 

They’re not stupid. They won’t tolerate reinventing the bad old days. Expect Bolivarianism to triumph. Too bad it can’t everywhere when it’s most needed.…

Turkey-Syria Skirmish: Was it a “False Flag”? Unknown Whether Artillery Came from Rebels or Government By Washington's Blog, October 07 2012

New York Times Concedes that It Is Unknown Whether Syrian Artillery Came from Rebels or Government

The Turkish-Syrian Skirmish Is Being Taken Out Of Context

The mainstream American press has trumpeted for days the claim that Turkey is “retaliating” for

US “Delisting” of Terror Network: Washington overtly supports the Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO) By Tony Cartalucci and Kourosh Ziabari, October 07 2012

In a flagrant show of hostility toward the Iranian nation and a clear exercise of double standards in dealing with international terrorism, the U.S. Department of State has just removed the name of Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO) from its list of

A US Plan to Topple Hugo Chavez? By Mike Whitney, October 06 2012

“The socialist revolution will not be stopped by anyone because it has become the people.” Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez

There’s no better time to read Cindy Sheehan’s heartfelt and galvanizing new book “Revolution, A Love Story” than today, just hours

Venezuelan Elections: It’s either Chávez or Washington! By Adrian Salbuchi, October 06 2012

This Sunday’s elections will pit incumbent President Hugo Chávez Frías against neoliberal pro-US opposition candidate Henrique Capriles Radonski. Opinion polls vary widely both ways, proof it will be a head-to-head race.

­This election is not only of vital importance to …

Confronting the EU “Oligarchy of Governments”. Joining Forces for Another Europe By Socialist Project, October 06 2012

By Tommaso Fattori

In Europe we are living in particularly dramatic times. Democracy is in death-agony and we are witnessing post-democratic processes taking over at the national and supranational level. EU leaders have further concentrated decision-making power on public and

Western Propagandists Attempt to Trigger Catastrophic Turkish-Syrian War By Tony Cartalucci, October 06 2012
Bloomberg, Guardian, Ynet, and others are all posting in their headlines an identical unconfirmed report that Turkey and Syria have “agreed” to establish a 6 mile wide “buffer zone” running the length of the Turkish-Syrian border.


Financial Warfare: Destabilizing Iran’s Monetary System By Nile Bowie, October 06 2012

ESFAHAN – Dramatic fluctuations of the Iranian rial triggered small protests among merchants in Tehran’s grand bazaar on October 3rd, 2012. In an attempt by authorities to prevent further devaluation, Iran’s central bank recently issued new limits on the amount …

Attacking Democracy: Chavez, the US, and the Destabilization of Venezuela By Eric Draitser, October 06 2012

Venezuela goes to the polls this Sunday in an election many are calling a referendum on President Chavez and his policies.  Although there is surely such a dimension, the significance of the elections goes far beyond political opinion and partisan

Turkey-Syria Showdown: Pressure Building for More Middle East War By Stephen Lendman, October 06 2012
Obama’s currently waging more direct and proxy wars than any previous president. He plans more. Expect it post-election whoever wins.Middle East ones won’t end until America exerts unchallenged regional hegemony. Conflicts may rage for years. Millions more may die. Expect …
Christians ’emptied from Middle East’: Western Supported Terrorists Involved in Ethnic Cleansing By Global Research News, October 06 2012

by: Rowan Callick

Mother Agnes-Mariam de la Croix

Syrian Christian abbess, Mother Agnes-Mariam de la Croix, pictured at St Patricks church in Melbourne during a visit to Australia. Picture: Stuart Mcevoy Source: The Australian

THE mother superior of a 1500-year-old monastery in Syria warned yesterday

From Persuasion to Coercion: PsychoPharma’s “Priesthood of the Mind” By James F. Tracy, October 06 2012

The “psychopharmaceutical complex”[1]— modern psychiatry, the pharmaceutical industry, and an accommodative regulatory apparatus–sustains itself through a public belief in its medical scientific expertise and legitimacy realized through marketing and public relations. Now a combination of more direct government

Another Phony US Employment Report: Spiralling Number of Involuntary Part Time Workers By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 05 2012
“2.5 million persons were marginally attached to the labor force.” They “wanted and were available for work,” but “they were not counted as unemployed"
German state TV reports: Syrian rebels claim responsibility for attack on Turkey By Global Research News, October 05 2012

by R. Teichmann

On Oct. 4th, the German state TV channel ZDF reported on the attack on Turkey several times.

In its “Mittagsmagazin” at 1300 hours it reports as follows:

02:06 – 02:32

„Raketen- und Granatfeuer. Die Türkei übt

Did Romney ‘Win’ the Debate? By Robert Parry, October 05 2012

The instant analysis after the first presidential debate — even on liberal-leaning MSNBC — was that Mitt Romney was the decisive “winner.” But Romney not only ducked the specifics of his plans but looked sneaky and nervous in doing so,

European Union demands further cuts in Greece By Christoph Dreier, October 05 2012

Last weekend, representatives of the troika—the European Central Bank (ECB), European Commission (EC) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF)—returned to Athens to discuss a third package of budget cuts with the Greek government.

Officially, the troika has the task of …

Obama and the debate By Patrick Martin, October 05 2012

In the 24 hours since Wednesday night’s debate between President Obama and his Republican challenger Mitt Romney, the American media has been filled with commentary on the failure of Obama to conduct a serious defense of his record or mount …

NATO ready to “intervene” in Syria? By Rick Rozoff and John Robles, October 05 2012

Rick Rozoff,  manager of the Stop NATO website comments on NATO’s emergency meeting surrounding the situation on the Turkish/Syrian border and its role in the region. He claims that: “NATO countries and their Allies in the Persian Gulf aren’t going