Global Research News

Democrats and Labor: A Tale of Abuse By Shamus Cooke, March 06 2013
The Democratic Party’s participation in the recent national “sequester” cuts is yet another big dent in their love affair with organized labor. But break-ups are often a protracted process. Before a relationship ends there is usually a gradual deterioration based
Systemic Economic Collapse: A Brief History of Market Manipulation By James Corbett, March 06 2013
As the major stock indices hit new record highs, many are left wondering how such a bull market can develop while the average worker faces layoffs, lower wages and rising costs. The underlying cause: openly acknowledged manipulations of the markets by governments, central bankers, and institutional banks.
Chavez vs. Thaksin: How the Media Demonizes a Progressive Leader while Praising a Corrupt Autocrat By Tony Cartalucci, March 06 2013
Confounding was the Australian’s (newspaper) recent op-ed titled, “Death of a ruthless autocrat,” in regards to the late Hugo Chavez. Confounding not for the op-ed’s condemnation of socialist policies or its criticism of Hugo Chavez, an obstruction to …
American Austerity: Generously Providing Poverty to the Masses By Global Research and Global Research, March 06 2013

There can be no denying that unprecedented numbers of people, of all ages and creeds, are increasingly frustrated by the governmental and corporate financial machinations which keep them struggling to make ends meet while effectively jeopardizing their long-term potential to …

Controversial Obama Appointees Linked to Wall Mart and Big Oil By Stephen Lendman, March 06 2013

Throughout his tenure, he ignored the best, brightest, most honorable and well qualified. He chose cabinet and other top picks he should have spurned.

He did again. He addressed reporters in the White House East Room. He “announc(ed nominations for) …

The Stock Market Bonanza By Barry Grey, March 06 2013

Tuesday, four days after President Barack Obama signed the budget sequestration order unleashing brutal cuts in social programs, there was general jubilation in the media as the Dow Jones Industrial Average crashed through its previous high, dating from 2007.

The …

Challenging the Draconian Politics of Economic Austerity. Is Europe Ripe for Revolution? By Michael Werbowski, March 06 2013

The question may not seem so far-fetched, as recent events have shown, the old continent is now confronted with ever (that is since the financial crisis first struck in 2008) deepening social fractures which have led to widening political instability. 

The Death of Hugo Chávez: Was it a Political Assassination? By Global Research News, March 06 2013

Within hours of the announcement of the death of President Hugo Chávez, civil rights groups in the United States filed Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) demands with federal agencies seeking information and documents that “relate to or reference or discuss

Obama’s Track Record By Washington's Blog, March 06 2013
France’s Invasion of Mali: A Carefully Planned Military Intervention By Roger Annis, March 06 2013

France perpetrated two large deceptions in conducting its military intervention into Mali more than seven weeks ago. These have been universally accepted in mainstream media reporting. The first is that the unilateral decision to invade Mali on January 11, 2013

US Attorney General Holder: President Can Order Assassination of Americans On U.S. Soil By Washington's Blog, March 06 2013
Because America Is a Battlefield In The Eyes of the GovernmentAttorney general Eric Holder wrote the following to Senator Rand Paul yesterday:

On February 20, 2013, you wrote to John Brennan requesting additional information concerning the Administration’s views about

“Chavez Death Could Be A US Plot” By Ria Novosti, March 06 2013

The death of Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez from cancer may have been part of a plot by the United States to infect its enemies in Latin America with the disease, the leader of Russia’s Communist party, Gennady Zyuganov, speculated on

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez dies: “We are all Chavez”. National Army deployed to ensure Venezuelan People’s Sovereignty By RT, March 06 2013

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has passed away at the age of 58 following a two-year fight against cancer and a severe respiratory infection. His untimely demise raises serious questions about the future of the oil-rich Latin American power.

The president …

Why Are Walmart Billionaires Bankrolling Phony School ‘Reform’ In California? By Dreier Peter, March 06 2013

For years, Los Angeles has been ground zero in an intense debate about how to improve our nation’s education system. What’s less known is who is shaping that debate. Many of the biggest contributors to the so-called “school choice” movement …

America’s Fiscal Crisis: “Sequester Facts” on US Policy Manipulations You Should Know By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, March 06 2013

Right now, the American people are like frogs in warm sequester water.  For some, inundated with all the corporate media talk about out-of-control spending, the cuts to the deficit feel good right now. But as the sequester takes hold and

President Hugo Chavez has Died By Tamara Pearson, March 06 2013

By Tamara Pearson

Merida, March 5th 2013 ( –After two years of battling cancer, President Hugo Chavez has died today at 4.25 pm.

Vice-president Nicolas Maduro made the announcement on public television shortly after, speaking from the Military Hospital

Her Majesty’s “Throwaway Ministry”: Defense, Austerity and the Wasting of Money “Military Style” By Lesley Docksey, March 06 2013

How desperate are the politicians, particularly those with connections to arms manufacturing, selling guns and/or firing them (AKA the military, ‘our boys’, former career in …) to continue financing the machines of war while the economy goes down the tube?  …

Hugo Chavez Dies, Vice President Alludes to a “Scientific Attack” on Chavez, US Embassy Officials Expelled over Alleged Coup Plot By Global Research News, March 05 2013

By Ryan Mallett-Outtrim

Venezuelan media today announced that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has died.

At approximately 5.30pm local time on March 5, Vice-President Nicolas Maduro addressed the nation, stating that after nearly three months of treatment in Cuba and Venezuela,

Afghanistan: Atrocity against Civilians. The Fiction of US Troop Withdrawal By Richard Becker, March 05 2013

On March 1, a U.S./NATO helicopter gunship killed two Afghan brothers, seven and eight years of age, as they tended cattle in Uruzgan province. According to reports from residents, the boys were listening to a radio, which the helicopter

George W. Bush to be Held Accountable for War Crimes By Global Research News, March 05 2013

When the George W. Bush Library and Policy Institute is dedicated on April 25, 2013, at Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas, Texas, protestors will be there to demand the ex-president be held accountable for war crimes, crimes against humanity,

Does Obama’s CIA Nominee John Brennan Know Morality? By Ray McGovern and Scott McDonald, March 05 2013

Image: White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan, who is President Barack Obama’s nominee to be CIA director.

Sen. Barbara Mikulski and other defenders of CIA Director-nominee John Brennan say they are reassured by his Jesuit education at Fordham that he

Washington Steps up Africa Intervention By Bill Van Auken, March 05 2013

The Obama administration is “markedly widening its role” in the escalating French-led neo-colonial war in Mali, according to a report published Monday in the Wall Street Journal.

According to unnamed French officials cited in the report, US Reaper drones …

Mafia State: The US is the Don Corleone of International Politics By Adrian Salbuchi, March 05 2013

South America – Venezuela in particular – has been the target of a coordinated campaign by the US government and private industry over the past few years. But those of us who have been paying attention know this is nothing …

United Kingdom Funds Al Qaeda Syria Terrorists By Tony Cartalucci, March 05 2013
 Resorting to name-calling, the United Kingdom’s legitimacy slumped further still as it stubbornly maintained its support for terrorists attempting to overthrow the Syrian government, now unsuccessfully for over 2 years. Unlike in Libya where NATO was able to militarily intervene
Shadow Justice in the UK: Britain’s “Secret Courts” By Global Research News, March 05 2013

Civil liberties campaigners vowed to continue fighting Government plans for secret court hearings in sensitive national security cases after MPs rejected stronger safeguards.

Ministers comfortably saw off a bid to reinstate amendments made by the House of Lords despite Labour

Internet Censorship: Youtube Takes Down Videos Depicting Atrocities Committed by Syria Opposition Rebels By Press TV, March 05 2013
An activist tells Press TV that the video-sharing site, Youtube, deliberately takes down videos depicting the war crimes perpetrated by the FSA terrorists against the people of Syria but ironically provides those terrorists with space to wage their propaganda war …
We Must Not Fail Wikileaks Whistleblower Bradley Manning By Kevin Zeese, March 05 2013
As I sat in court last Thursday at Fort Meade, watching Bradley Manning take responsibility as the Wikileaks whistleblower, two things struck me: (1) his thorough intelligence fueled by intellectual curiosity and (2) his empathy for other people when so
UN Demands Prosecution of Bush-era CIA Crimes By RT, March 05 2013

 A United Nations investigator has demanded that the US publish classified documents regarding the CIA’s human rights violations under former President George W. Bush, with hopes that the documents will lead to the prosecution of public officials.

Documents about the …

Who Wants War on Iran? By William Boardman, March 05 2013
 There are those who would have bombed or invaded Iran years ago to make sure there would be no Iranian Bomb, and their voices are getting louder again as another day of high level talks approaches.  Even though Iran’s Supreme
Justice Scalia described historic legislation as ‘racial entitlement’ By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 05 2013

Forty-eight years after the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Supreme Court is currently deliberating the enforcement provision of the historic legislation known as Section 5. The provision requires that any changes proposed by “covered jurisdictions” must …

Israel Lobby Is Actively Promoting War On Iran By Stephen Lendman, March 05 2013

On March 3, AIPAC’s 2013 conference began. It “Celebrat(es) 65 Years of Friendship.” Washington again was venue. A rogue’s gallery of participants attended. Warmongering speeches were featured. AIPAC does it annually.

It calls Iran “the world’s leading state sponsor of …

The Fed’s Monetary Policy of Zero Interest Rates By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, March 05 2013

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property

Fracking our Future: the Corrosive Influence of Extreme Energy By Global Research News, March 05 2013

by Frack Off

Following in the wake of shale gas and coal-bed methane (CBM) extraction is the spectre of underground coal gasification (UCG). But if we adopt these wholesale we could close off any hope of stepping back from the

The Consumer’s “Dream World”: The Global Shopping Mall By Danny Schechter, March 04 2013

Back in 2002, South Africa hosted a UN environmental Summit on sustainability. It drew a rag tag army of green activists from all over the world, many excited to visit the now free South Africa that they fought for through

Africa and Latin America: Building Unity and Solidarity against Western Intervention By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 04 2013

From February 20-23, the Third Africa-South America Summit (ASA) was held in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea. The event was a follow-up meeting to two others held in Nigeria in 2006 and Venezuela in 2009.

This event enjoyed the participation of 63 …

Is Copyright Infringement Now Seen As Terrorism? Government Uses Law As a Sword Against Dissent By Washington's Blog, March 04 2013

We reported last year:

The government treats copyright infringers as terrorists, and swat teams have been deployed against them. See thisthisthis and this.

As the executive director of the Information Society Project at Yale Law

German Imperialism: Parliament Approves Military Operations in Mali By Johannes Stern, March 04 2013

February 27, the German parliament voted by a large majority to support the French colonial war in Mali. In April, up to 330 German soldiers are to be stationed in that country.

The parliamentary motion includes two mandates. As part …

Imperial America’s in Good Hands with Assistant Secretary of State Philip Gordon By Stephen Lendman, March 04 2013

He’s an American diplomat. He’s a foreign policy specialist. He’s Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. His portfolio includes 50 countries.

He’s moving on. More on that below.

He serves US imperial interests. They include international security, …

The Israel Lobby at its Intimidating Worst – in Britain By Global Research News, March 04 2013

How the British Board of Jewish Deputies and its allies are smearing a decent critic of Israel as an anti-Semite – and the success they’re having.

The view in Israel of British Jewry is that they’re cowed by traditional British

North Korea and the United States: Will the Real Aggressor Please Stand Down? By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, March 04 2013

US political leaders and media pundits trumpet North Korea’s recent testing of missiles and nuclear weapons as a great threat. But the US mass media do not tell the whole story. Without the context of history and current events, the

Time for Outrage! By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, March 04 2013

“Ninety-three years old. The last leg of my journey. The end is in sight. I am lucky to be able to seize the time I have left to reflect on my lifelong commitment to politics: the Resistance and the program

NATO’s 1999 War on Yugoslavia: The Bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade. Was it Deliberate? By Ilija Trojanovic, March 04 2013


Five states emerged after the breakup of the nation formerly known as Yugoslavia: Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the FYR Macedonia, Serbia, and Slovenia. Later, Montenegro split from Serbia in 2006, and Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in 2008 (despite

Russian Weapons for Iraq. How Will US-NATO React? By Global Research News, March 04 2013

In an exclusive interview to the Voice of Russia, Iraq’s Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari talks about the upcoming meeting of the bilateral commission on cooperation as well as the large deals regarding arms and oil trade.

Mr. Zebari, the

Pfc. Bradley E. Manning’s Statement at the Providence Court Martial Inquiry By Alexa O'Brien, March 04 2013

The statement below was read by Private First Class Bradley E. Bradley at the providence inquiry for his formal plea of guilty to one specification as charged and nine specifications for lesser included offenses. He pled not guilty to 12

Bradley Manning Nobel Peace Prize Nomination 2013 By Global Research News, March 04 2013
We have the great honour of nominating Bradley Manning for the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize. Manning is a soldier in the US army who stands accused of leaking documents which point to a long history of corruption and war crimes by the US government.
The Missing US Economic Recovery By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 04 2013

Officially, since June 2009 the US economy has been undergoing an economic recovery from the December 2007 recession.  But where is this recovery?  I cannot find it, and neither can millions of unemployed Americans.

The recovery exists only in the …

Britain’s Police State: The Manufacture of “Surveillance by Consent” By Charles Farrier, March 04 2013

It’s not often that you get to witness the birth of a new philosophy but that is what we are told is at the heart of the new Surveillance Camera Code of Practice published by the UK’s Home Office this

“Dirty Tricks” Covert Op? Armed Phillippines Based Islamists Land on Beaches of North Borneo Ahead of Malaysian Elections By Tony Cartalucci, March 04 2013
 Coincidence? West’s use of terrorism raises concerns latest violence in Sabah is linked to Wall Street’s campaign to install Anwar Ibrahim as head of Malaysia.

Disturbing and bizarre reports of Philippine-based armed “Islamist” militants landing on the beaches of Malaysia’s

Egyptian Military Clashes with Protesters in Port Said By Xinhua, March 04 2013

One military officer and two soldiers were injured in clashes between protesters and security forces in Port Said in northern Egypt on Sunday, Helmy el-Hefny, deputy of health ministry in Port Said, told Xinhua.

While state-run Ahram online quoted a …

Russia: The Friends of Syria Group supports Terrorism By Ria Novosti, March 04 2013

A resolution adopted by the Friends of Syria Group in Rome on Thursday encourages extremists there to seize power by force, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said on Friday.

US, EU and Arab officials who met in Rome on …

Georgia President and Azerbaijan Deputy Prime Minister: Azerbaijan “Must be Ready to Fight the Russians” By Global Research News, March 04 2013

When Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili made an official visit to Azerbaijan last week, he took with him a bit of his unique brand of anti-Russia rhetoric, saying that Baku today faces a similar threat from Russia as has Tbilisi. From …

Syria President Al-Assad’s Interview with The Sunday Times By Bashar al Assad, March 03 2013

Sunday Times: Mr. President your recent offer of political dialogue was qualified with a firm rejection of the very groups you would have to pacify to stop the violence: the armed rebels and the Syrian National Coalition, the main opposition …

Neurotoxins in Your Chocolate Milk? By Charles Foerster, March 03 2013
While healthy eating habits and a reduction in childhood obesity are good ideas, using additional aspartame in the food chain, as proposed by the Milk producers, is counter-productive and dangerous.
The Greek Catastrophe: “Economic Progress” Built on Rotten Political Foundations By Prof. James Petras, March 03 2013


As Greece enters the sixth year of Europe ’s worst economic depression, with 30% of its labor force unemployed and over 52% of its youth jobless, the entire social fabric is unraveling; a suicide rate are skyrocketing and close …

Towards a Framework of Global Warfare? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 03 2013

Washington’s most influential establishment think tank The Brookings Institution has called upon the Obama administration to implement what is tantamount to a framework of Global Warfare.

According to Brookings Michael E. O’Hanlon, the US should intervene simultaneously through direct military …

Who Will Stand Up to Big Oil’s Profiteering? The Gas Gougers By Ralph Nader, March 03 2013

Here we go again. A sudden surge in the price of gasoline and heating oil is followed by reported expressions of frustrated despair by hard-pressed consumers in the midst of silence from the oil companies and abdication of responsibility by

Washington Seeks to Destabilize Venezuela? By Global Research News, March 03 2013

Venezuela’s opposition leader Henrique Capriles went to the United States to find ways and means aimed at destabilizing the situation in his country, Vice President Nicolas Maduro said.

“He had meetings in Miami already and will be meeting tomorrow with …

Obama’s Military Presence in Niger: US Control over Uranium under the Disguise of Counter-terrorism By Wayne Madsen, March 03 2013

 President Obama’s military incursion into Niger, ostensibly to establish a drone base to counter «Al Qaeda» and other Islamist guerrilla activity in neighboring Mali, has little to do with counter-insurgency and everything to do with establishing U.S. control over Niger’s

Energy Geopolitics: The Economic and Social Crisis in Bulgaria By Vadim Vikhrov, March 03 2013

Bulgaria is facing the wave of the largest mass protests in the last 16 years provoked by price hikes. So the resignation of Boyko Borisov government has been expected. It was this very government and big time players from Washington

Afghanistan: Any 15-30 Year-Old Male is a Target for US “Elimination” By Kathy Kelly and John Robles, March 03 2013

The US built Al-Qaeda and Osama’s encampments


In Afghanistan any 15-30 year-old-male is a target for US “elimination”, activists were arrested and sent to prison in the US for attempting to deliver a letter to Whiteman Air Force Base, …

Greek Military Prepares for Mass Repression By Robert Stevens, March 02 2013

Former high-level Greek diplomat Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos told the UK’s New Statesman last week that discussions had taken place between senior Greek politicians and the armed forces on the military’s response to what Chrysanthopoulos described as an “explosion of social unrest” …

Unemployment Hits New Record in Euro Zone, Personal Income Plummets in US By Barry Grey, March 02 2013

Economic statistics released this week reflect a further weakening of the world economy and a further fall in the living standards of the international working class.

Reports on unemployment, manufacturing activity, economic growth and personal income in Europe, China and …

Week in Review: Hollywood Revisionism and Media Manipulation By Global Research and Global Research, March 02 2013
‘Cry dear Sphinx’: Egypt’s Finance Ministry Proposes Renting out Pyramids By RT, March 02 2013

Renting out Egypt’s iconic landmarks, including the Giza Pyramids, to international clients could rake in up to $200 billion over five years, according to a proposal aimed at boosting the economy submitted to the country’s antiquities ministry.

The proposal was …

U.S.-NATO Missile System: First-Strike Potential Aimed At Russia By Vladimir Kozin, March 02 2013
U.S. operational missile defense systems to be deployed in Romania and Poland are not designed to intercept potential ballistic missiles launched by Iran…They are deployed in Europe to destroy Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Obama’s Agenda: Direct Military Intervention and the Relentless Destruction of Syria as a Nation State By Shamus Cooke, March 02 2013

The recent announcement that the United States would increase its “non lethal” military aid to Syria’s rebels shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone.  Some speculated that Obama — having been repeatedly proved wrong about the Syria government’s stability — would

Washington is the Architect of “Political Islam”: U.S. Replicates Afghan Model In Middle East, North Africa By John Robles and Zalmay Gulzad, March 02 2013

Interview with Dr. Zalmay Gulzad


The former Soviet Union built everything in Afghanistan including the bases which the U.S. is now occupying. The United States is supporting radical Islamic groups, including Chechen terrorists, to destabilize countries they are targetting.

Eating Horses in Paris By Michael Parenti, March 01 2013

In 1951, only five years after World War II ended, I managed to make my way to Paris where I landed a job as a courier diplomatique (messenger boy) for the United Nations Sixth General Assembly. Despite the years of …

Supreme Court Authorizes Lawless Wiretapping By Stephen Lendman, March 01 2013

America’s Supremes are notoriously hard right. Equal justice under law is just a figure of speech. Rule of law principles and egalitarian fairness don’t matter. Power politics corrupts the High Court. It lacks legitimacy.

Five Supreme Court justices are Federalist …

Upcoming Tenth Anniversary of Illegal Invasion of Iraq. Her Majesty’s Government: “Don’t Mention the War” By Lesley Docksey, March 01 2013

 Why is it, just when you think the British Government can sink no lower and visit no more embarrassment and shame upon the country they are supposedly there to represent, that within a week or less one of the Ministers

Planeloads of Croatian Combat Weapons for Syria Al Qaeda Rebels By Global Research News, March 01 2013

Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic announced that his country will withdraw its troops from the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force, which separates between the Israeli and Syrian armies in the Golan Heights. He denies that this is the result of

Political Impasse in the Wake of Italy Elections. Corrupt EU Power Elites Challenged By R. Teichmann, March 01 2013

The result of the elections in Italy is shaking the power elite. The mainstream media all over Europe and internationally portray it as a disaster and blame it on the Italian voters.  The disaster seems to be that a relatively …

South Korea- Japan Relations and Washington’s Containment of China By Stuart Smallwood, March 01 2013

South Korean boycott of Japanese products suggests long-term challenge for US Pivot

As the United States government attempts its “Pivot to Asia” by strengthening military alliances with democratic and (contrary to the official portrayal of America as a …

Banning Nuclear Weapons: UK to Snub Discussions on Humanitarian Consequences of Nuclear Weapons By Global Research News, March 01 2013

Campaigners say this shows why a ban treaty must go ahead without them 

The UK has said today that it will not be participating in next week’s international conference on the humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapon use. The meeting will …

Seoul’s “Blood Alliance” with Washington: Former Dictator’s Daughter takes over South Korean Presidency By Ben McGrath, March 01 2013

Park Geun-hye, the daughter of former South Korean military dictator Park Chung-hee, who ruled with an iron-fist from 1961 to 1979, was officially sworn in as president on Monday. The media’s promotion of her as the country’s first female president

Washington Escalates Syrian Bloodbath By Bill Van Auken, March 01 2013

Meeting in Rome with the so-called Friends of Syria—fellow NATO powers and the reactionary Sunni monarchies of the Gulf states—Washington’s new secretary of state, John Kerry, announced on Monday that for the first time the US will begin funneling “non-lethal” …

Deepwater Horizon: BP Exec Admits Knew of “Big Risk” of Explosion By Natasha Lennard, March 01 2013

As Grist has flagged, on the second day of the trial against BP over the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster, Lamar McKay, who was president of BP America at the time of the explosion, admitted that there was knowledge of

The Geopolitics of Oil and Natural Gas: Russia is Back to Stay in the Middle East By Global Research News, March 01 2013

By Felix Imonti

Russia is back. President Vladimir Putin wants the world to acknowledge that Russia remains a global power. He is making his stand in Syria.

The Soviet Union acquired the Tartus Naval Port in Syria in 1971 without …

Washington’s “Expanded Battlefield Aid” to Syria Al Qaeda Terrorists By Tony Cartalucci, March 01 2013
The US State Department, and to a greater extent, US foreign policy itself, having exhausted completely their collective credibility, has attempted yet another “reset.” By bringing in John Kerry to pose as the next US Secretary of State, it is
This Year’s Subsidy to Wall Street is Equal to the Amount of This Year’s Sequester Cuts By Eric Zuesse, March 01 2013

Since we’ve bailed out the 10 largest banks $83 billion this year alone, should they give it back to us by paying into the U.S. Treasury the amount of this year’s sequester? After all, it’s the same amount.

On February