Global Research News

Bradley Manning Full Leaked Testimony: His Motives for Revealing Secret US Government Documents By RT, March 13 2013

A speech freedom advocacy group has released audio of Bradley Manning’s testimony about his motives for leaking secret US government documents to WikiLeaks. It marks the first time the public has heard Manning’s voice since his 2010 arrest.

Defying the

How Fake Intelligence on Iraqi WMD Contributed to Triggering the Invasion, The Insiduous Role of Israel By Global Research News, March 13 2013

By Maidhc Ó Cathail

Three years ago this month, I wrote a piece entitled “Who’s to Blame for the Iraq War?” to mark the seventh anniversary of the US invasion. My sole purpose in compiling a by-no-means-exhaustive list of 20 …

Cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security: Which Members of Congress Are Standing Up for Economic Decency – And Which “Progressives” Aren’t By Norman Solomon, March 13 2013

Now we know.

Every member of Congress has chosen whether to sign a letter making a crucial commitment: “We will vote against any and every cut to Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security benefits — including raising the retirement age or …

Rag Tag Guerilla “Invasion” of Malaysia: Covert Operation to Trigger Social Unrest and Foster Regime Change? By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, March 13 2013

A hung parliament, or even a narrow majority for the BN, may set the stage for massive street agitation which could pave the way for a regime change which is the goal of not only the Opposition but also its

Nuclear War Through North Korean Eyes By Nile Bowie, March 13 2013

There is little doubt that civilians on both sides of the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) are weighed down with anxiety as both countries carry out provocative large-scale military drills amid threats of nuclear war. North Korea has recently announced that

Chernobyl Death Toll: 985,000, Mostly from Cancer By Prof. Karl Grossman, March 13 2013

This past April 26th marked the 24th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear plant accident. It came as the nuclear industry and pro-nuclear government officials in the United States and other nations were trying to “revive” nuclear power. And it followed

The Unemployment Crisis in America: Staring “Economic Armageddon” In The Face While Hiding It With Official Lies By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 13 2013

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the US economy created 236,000 new jobs in February.  If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I’ll let you have at a good price.

Where are these alleged jobs?…

Fukushima vs. Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment By Dr. Rosalie Bertell, March 13 2013

We are bringing to the attention of our readers this important review article by the late Dr. Rosalie Bertell, a prominent and distinguished American scientist, committed to World Peace and Human Rights.

The publication of the study by Alexey Yablokov,

Alabama’s Appeal of the 1965 Voting Rights Act: States’ Rights Over Voting Rights? By William Boardman, March 12 2013

Though the Voting Rights Act was overwhelming reauthorized by Congress in 2006, the five Republican justices on the U.S. Supreme Court may gut the law in the name of “states’ rights.” Justice Scalia led the way with provocative, offensive and

Fukushima: Nuclear Apologists Play Shoot the Messenger on Radiation By Dr. Helen Caldicott, March 12 2013

Article originally published in April 2011

TWENTY-FIVE years after Chernobyl, many billions of dollars are at stake if the Fukushima reactor meltdowns cause the so-called “atomic renaissance” to halt or even slow down. This is evident from the nuclear industry’s …

“Scientific Assassinations” Are Part of the CIA’s Modus Operandi By Wayne Madsen, March 12 2013

The Guardian newspaper’s self-proclaimed Venezuela expert Rory Carroll has glibly categorized serious charges that Venezuela’s late President Hugo Chavez Frias was assassinated by a United States-produced bio-weapon as being in the same league with «conspiracy theorists who wonder about aliens

“Poison Dart”: Secret CIA Weapon of Assassination, Triggers Heart Attack By Fred Burks, March 12 2013

A CIA secret weapon used for assassination shoots a small poison dart to cause a heart attack, as explained in Congressional testimony in the short video below. By educating ourselves and others on vitally important matters like this, we can

South Africa’s Deepseated Economic and Social Crisis By Danny Schechter, March 12 2013

These are not the best of times in South Africa. It seems clear that there is fear and loathing everywhere as the press is packed with fresh allegations of corruption, and a restive mood spreads even as the country prepares

Large-Scale Russia-Belarus War Games in Response to Deployment of US Missile Shield in Europe By Ria Novosti, March 12 2013

Russia Starts Preparing for Zapad-2013 War Games

MOSCOW: This week the Russian Defense Ministry will start  preparing for large-scale joint strategic military exercises with Belarus, scheduled for fall of 2013, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Monday.

“Strategic command and …

Wall Street Banks: Too Big to Fail, Too Big To Jail By Joseph Kishore, March 12 2013

In testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, US Attorney General Eric Holder made an extraordinary admission.

Responding to questioning from Republican Senator Chuck Grassley, who noted that there had been no major prosecutions of financial institutions or executives …

Tensions Rise on Korean Peninsula: “The Armistice Agreement has been Nullified” By Peter Symonds, March 12 2013

Amid threats from both sides, North Korea yesterday cut the phone “hotline” between the two Koreas and abrogated the 1953 armistice that ended the Korean War. The move came as American and South Korean troops began joint military exercises and

American “Smoke and Mirrors”: The Politics of Imagined Opinion By James F. Tracy, March 12 2013
Political elites have for close to a century carefully crafted and presided over a political universe of smoke and mirrors for their subjects; one where citizens think and act as if they have political choices
US Threatens Pakistan with Sanctions over Gas Pipeline Deal with Iran By Press TV, March 12 2013

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his Pakistani counterpart Asif Ali Zardari on Monday officially inaugurated the final construction phase of the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project despite US pressure to dissuade Pakistan away from the project.

The US State Department has …

Iraq and the Betrayal of a People – Impunity Forever? By Hans von Sponeck, March 12 2013

Iraq’s recent history includes two far reaching events, on the 2 August 1990 Iraq’s invasion into Kuwait and on 19 March 2003 the US/UK invasion into Iraq. Whether political leaders will draw lessons from these events will be, at best,

The Precious Art of Assassinating “Legally”: Hugo Chávez on the Hit List of “United States Inc.” By William Blum, March 11 2013

I once wrote about Chilean president Salvador Allende:

Washington knows no heresy in the Third World but genuine independence. In the case of Salvador Allende independence came clothed in an especially provocative costume – a Marxist constitutionally elected who continued

US Supports Terrorism under Guise of “War on Terror” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 11 2013
But we are in a situation whereby the United States is supporting terrorism under the disguise of a so-called war on terrorism and the media lies which sustain this are absolutely mind-boggling that people do not realize that these al-Nusra terrorists are in fact an instrument of the western military alliance
Second Year Anniversary of Fukushima: The Accident Is NOT Contained. “Reactor 2 has a Large Crack in It” By Washington's Blog, March 11 2013

Worse Than Ever?

Nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen said today that the containment vessel at Fukushima reactor 2 has a large crack in it.

Reactors 1, 2 and 3 all exploded.

BBC reports today:

They know very little about what’s

Foreign Interference in Kenya’s Elections? By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 11 2013
Uhuru Kenyatta has won the national presidential elections in Kenya. Kenyatta, the son of the first president of the country, Jomo Kenyatta, has come under fire from International Criminal Court (ICC) as well as the governments of the United States and Britain.
“Another Type of Warfare” in Syria: Washington’s Support to Insurgents, Subversives and Assassins By Nile Bowie, March 11 2013

In his famous description of irregular warfare operations, former US President John F. Kennedy in a 1962 quote alludes to “another type of warfare,” one that is “new in its intensity, ancient in its origin—war by guerrillas, subversives, insurgents, assassins;

Two years after Fukushima: North Eastern Japan still a Disaster Zone By Peter Symonds, March 11 2013

Two years ago today, northern Japan was hit by a devastating magnitude 9.0 earthquake, triggering a tsunami that flattened dozens of coastal towns and a crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Nearly 19,000 people were killed or went missing, …

Stand for Peace on the Korean Peninsula! By International Action Center, March 11 2013

The International Action Center is supporting this campaign called by the Korea Alliance of Progressive Movements!  We urge you all to do the same! 

Stand for Peace on the Korean Peninsula!

Join Our Photo Campaign to End the Korean War

Israel’s “Plan Dalet”: The Green Light for Zionism’s Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine By Global Research News, March 11 2013

I find myself wondering how many of our present day leaders, President Obama in particular, are aware of what happened in Palestine that became Israel on 10 March 65 years ago today.

On that day in 1948, two months before …

The Fall of the House of Europe By Pepe Escobar, March 11 2013

The Enchanters came / Cold and old,
Making day gray / And the age of gold
Passed away, / For men fell
Under their spell, / Were doomed to gloom.
Joy fled, / There came instead,
Grief, unbelief, / Lies,

The Syria “Gun-Running Program”: US and Britain Channel Large Shipments of Weapons to Al Qaeda Terrorists By Patrick Henningsen, March 11 2013

It’s well known by now that NATO and the Gulf States initial plans to overturn the sovereign state of Syria has been running behind schedule since their operation was launched two years ago. They had hoped for the sort of

America Training Syrian “Rebels” in Jordan By RT, March 11 2013

Foreign instructors are training Syrian rebels in modern warfare in Jordan, suggest media reports from Europe. Sources claim the trainees will be the security force if Assad goes, while the combat skills they are being taught distort the picture.

In …

The Severity of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster: Comparing Chernobyl and Fukushima By Prof. Matthew Penney and Prof. Mark Selden, March 11 2013
Uncertainty about the long-term health effects of radiation
“Targeted Killings”: Timeline of U.S. Policy Concerning Covert Operations Involving Assassination By Global Research News, March 11 2013

This Timeline Reviews Changes in U.S. Policy on the Issue of Assassination

1949-1954: As part of U.S. anti-communist policies in Guatemala, lists of human targets for political assassination were prepared as early as 1949.  Offers of assistance and preparations …

Fed Spends As Much Each MONTH as Sequestration Budget Cuts Cost In a YEAR By Washington's Blog, March 11 2013

Painless and Easy Ways to Cut $83 Billion

Stopping the failed war on drugs would more than pay for the $83 billion dollars in “sequestration” budget cuts.

Congressman Grayson notes that we could replace the sequestration cuts by ending

Power Monopoly Behind Europe’s Austerity Policies: “You Cannot Repair a Broken Vehicle by Changing the Driver” By R. Teichmann, March 11 2013

“You don’t change the person driving a broken car and expect it to work, you must fix or change the car.”

That sums up the situation in which many people in Europe (and the world for that matter) find themselves

The Death of Hugo Chavez. Executive Orders to “Assassinate Foreign Leaders” Emanate Directly from the US President By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 10 2013

Was the president of Venezuela Hugo Chavez Frias the object of a targeted assassination by the Obama administration?

When addressing this question, it is worth recalling that in the immediate wake of September 11, 2001, President George W. Bush restored …

“Operation Condor”. Latin America: The Thirty Years Dirty War By Global Research News, March 10 2013

Article originally published in May 2001

A Mexican judge has ruled that an exiled Argentinian torturer must be extradited to stand trial in Spain; a Buenos Aires court has waived military immunity against criminal charges. And evidence mounts of decades

“Conflict in History” By Anthony Freda, March 10 2013
Anthony Freda’s award-winning illustration was spotted by people at The University of Queensland in Australia, who contacted him about licensing the image for a conference and publication titled “Conflict in History.”


“Apparently, the conference committee became embroiled in a heated

Venezuela After Chávez By Global Research News, March 10 2013

Many times over the years Chavez complained that he had to act as the mayor of Venezuela and not as president, in other words, officials were not doing their job and all the complaints were coming to him and he

Maryland: A Government of, by, and for Lockheed Martin By David Swanson, March 10 2013

What’s the world’s biggest war profiteer to do if it already owns the federal government but is having trouble kicking around the local government of Montgomery County, Maryland, where it’s headquartered?  Why, hire the state of Maryland to step in,

America’s Long War: “U.S., NATO Want To Remain In Afghanistan Indefinitely” By Rick Rozoff, March 10 2013
There is a growing sense among the Afghan people that all talk about withdrawal of foreign troops is only partially true and that the US and NATO intend to maintain a military presence in the country indefinitely,
US Dirty Tricks? Malaysia Faces Uncertain War in Sabah By Nile Bowie, March 10 2013

Tension is high in Malaysia’s eastern state of Sabah following an ongoing standoff between Islamic militants from the nearby southern Philippines and Malaysian security forces. 235-armed militants landed in eastern Sabah in early February and occupied several villages in an

Britain’s Drone Secrets By Chris Cole, March 10 2013
Orwellian Secret Courts in the UK: Britain on the Brink of Tyranny By Global Research News, March 10 2013

Britain is on the brink of tyranny. The Justice and Security Bill, if it becomes law, will enable judicial trials to be held in secret, and it will even be illegal to tell anyone about them. The bill has now …

Her Name is Rachel Corrie By Eileen Fleming, March 10 2013

“My Name is Rachel Corrie” is based on the writings and journals of Rachel Corrie, the 23-year-old Evergreen State College student, who traveled to the Gaza Strip in 2003 and was run over and killed by a USA MADE Caterpillar …

US Backed Overthrow of Democracy: What Does it Mean – “Chavez Vive, la Lucha Sigue!” By J. B. Gerald, March 10 2013

In Canada where early March brings no good news, Prime Minister Harper has used the Venezuelan leader’s death for ideological propaganda favouring his own brand of economics. At Venezuela’s first shock into mourning the Prime Minister responded – “At this

Operation Condor: Trial On Latin American Rendition And Assassination Program By Carlos Osorio and Peter Kornbluh, March 10 2013

National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 416

Edited by Carlos Osorio

Former military officers from Argentina and Uruguay went on trial this week in Buenos Aires for their human rights abuses in Operation Condor, a cross-border conspiracy of dictatorships …

Alleged CIA Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders By Global Research News, March 09 2013

The Church Committee investigated CIA plots to assassinate foreign leaders. This Interim Report, published in 1975, discusses alleged plots to kill:

• Patrice Lumumba (Congo)
• Fidel Castro (Cuba)
• Rafael Trujillo (Dominican Republic)
• Ngo Dinh Diem (Vietnam)
• …

Fukushima 2 Years Ago: Radioactive Winds Chase Evacuees in Japan; Hawaii Threatened by Fukushima Fallout By Rady Ananda, March 09 2013

Global Research Editor’s Note

This article published by Global research on March 15, 2011 focuses on the chronology of an impending catastrophe.

We recall that the first explosion was on March 11, 2011 at Reactor 1 of the Fukushima Daiichi

US Unemployment Figures are a Camouflage. Boom in Corporate Profits, Collapsing Wages By Andre Damon, March 09 2013

The number of jobs in the US grew by 236,000 in February, and the official unemployment rate fell to its lowest level since 2008, according to the Labor Department’s latest jobs report released Friday.

The media jumped on the jobs …

CIA Drone Attacks: Killing Suspects “Just in Case” They are Guilty By Global Research News, March 09 2013

by Jason Liosatos

There is a new trend in the ‘war on terror’ by the real world terror of the US, Israeli and Western governments, and it is called ‘bomb them just in case’.

With the looming threat of an …

Remember Libya: How US-NATO Destroyed an Entire Country Under a Humanitarian Mandate By Alexander Mezyaev, March 09 2013

Libya was a self-sufficient, prosperous state which collapsed two years ago. It makes remember the dramatic events and what it resulted in. First of all, it was a new type of war, a «virtual revolution» and the United Nations Security

Cheney Admits that He Lied about 9/11 By Washington's Blog, March 09 2013

What Else Did He Lie About?

The New York Times’ Maureen Dowd writes today:

In a documentary soon to appear on Showtime, “The World According to Dick Cheney,” [Cheney said] “I got on the telephone with the president, who was

Outlawing Natural Health, The Fracking Bubble, The Life and Death of Hugo Chavez By Michael Welch, March 09 2013

Global Research News Hour Episode 17

Imagine a middle-aged couple starting a simple business. They provide herbs or vitamins or some other innocuous product to the public. Let’s suppose they also promote the health benefits of taking this product.

Under …

Cuban “Blogger” Working for the CIA and the US State Department By Nil Nikandrov, March 09 2013

All Western agencies joined together reporting the news that Yoani María Sánchez Cordero, a 37 years old Cuban blogger, got a permission to leave Cuba. She had tried to get the permission for five years, now she got it. Sánchez

Did the Department of Justice Say that the Government Would Not Assassinate Americans? By Washington's Blog, March 09 2013

After a 13-hour filibuster by Senator Paul asking for a yes-or-no answer, on the question of whether the government could kill Americans on U.S. soil with drones, the Attorney General responded:

Dear Senator Paul:

It has come to

Arming Syria’s Al Nusra Terrorists: US-British Al Qaeda Airlift of 3,000 Tons of Weapons By Tony Cartalucci, March 09 2013

 The primary reason, we are told, that the West must immediately begin wider operations to support the so-called Syrian rebels is to head off extremists – namely Al Qaeda, from overrunning Syria. This narrative has been sold for nearly a

Document Reveals How Turkish Intelligence Recruits Al Nusra Terrorists to Fight in Syria By Al Manar, March 09 2013

by Nidal Hmadeh 

The document is a ten page application form distributed by the Turkish authorities on Syrians inside Syria. Based on the information mentioned in the application, the individual is enlisted either in the ranks of a certain phalanx

Iraq War Crimes: Neocons Escape Accountability By Paul R. Pillar, March 09 2013

Nearing the Iraq War’s tenth anniversary, an overriding truth is that few of the key participants – in government, media or think tanks – have faced accountability commensurate with the crime. Indeed, many of these Mideast “experts” are still go-to …

Hugo Chavez, Humble Man Who Transformed the World By Rick Rozoff and John Robles, March 09 2013


He reconfigured the power relationships not only in the Western Hemisphere, but globally, in a way that could not have been foreseen. The head of state of a country that isn’t a tremendously large one, isn’t a tremendously powerful

The CIA and Political Assassinations: The Guatemala 1954 Documents By Kate Doyle and Peter Kornbluh, March 09 2013

These documents, including an instructional guide on assassination found among the training files of the CIA’s covert “Operation PBSUCCESS,” were among several hundred records released by the Agency on May 23, 1997 on its involvement in the infamous 1954 coup

The Self-Defense Self-Delusion: Owning Guns Doesn’t Stop Gun Violence By FAIR, March 08 2013

By Steve Rendall

In the gun lobby’s arsenal of propaganda, the claim that guns make people safer may be the most potent.

After all, while gun advocates make grandiose—and historically inaccurate (Consortium News, 12/21/12)—claims about the Second Amendment …

State Department Intelligence and Research Predicted 1973 Arab-Israeli War By William Burr, March 08 2013

The fabled but previously secret State Department intelligence memorandum that predicted, five months in advance, the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, has now emerged from classified vaults that were so obscure that even State Department historians and CIA FOIA officers could not …

China’s Looming Economic Crisis. Poverty and Rising Social Inequalities By John Chan, March 08 2013

Outgoing Premier Wen Jiabao warned this week, in his final report to the National Peoples Congress (NPC), that China faces a series of unresolved crises, ranging from a lack of access to basic healthcare and education, to a yawning gap

US Senate approves John Brennan, tied to torture and drone assassination, as CIA director By David Walsh, March 08 2013

John Brennan, the mastermind of the Obama administration’s drone assassination program, was confirmed by the US Senate as CIA director on Thursday by a vote of 63 to 34. The confirmation, which comes as no surprise, is another step in …

Syria: West’s Legitimacy Collapses as it Props up Hostage-Taking Terrorists By Tony Cartalucci, March 08 2013

The so-called “Syrian rebels” have taken dozens of UN peacekeepers hostage, demanding the Syrian Army withdraw its troops from its own nation’s territory. The UN has confirmed that their peacekeepers are indeed being held hostage by what they call …

Pentagon Ran Torture Centers in Iraq, Atrocities Revealed By John Glaser, March 08 2013

“The Pentagon sent a US veteran of the ‘dirty wars’ in Central America to oversee sectarian police commando units in Iraq that set up secret detention and torture centres to get information from insurgents,” The Guardian reports. “These units …

Poison in the Food Chain: The Health Impacts of Aspartame By Global Research News, March 08 2013

The big health news from this past week is the petitioning of the FDA by two very powerful dairy organizations, The International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) and the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF), to allow aspartame and other artificial sweeteners

How Deregulation Has Resurrected American Economic Insecurity By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 08 2013

We might not be in a Great Depression, but economic insecurity has nevertheless returned to America.

John N. Gray, a distinguished intellect and retired professor of intellectual history at the London School of Economics, disagrees with the view that “the …

National Disgrace: The Lack of Opposition to Obama’s Kill List Policy By Washington's Blog, March 07 2013

Democrats Shamefully Silent on Obama Administration’s Assertion of Right to Assassinate Americans on U.S. Soil

Rand Paul carried out a historic 13-hour filibuster of dronemaster-in-chief John Brennan’s nomination for CIA chief.

Huffington Post slammed Democrats for being missing in action

War Is a Lie By David Swanson, March 07 2013

In honor of the 10th Anniversary of Operation Iraqi Liberation, and in hopes of helping us keep in mind that every war is based on similar lies, even if sometimes the lies are told more competently, I’m making available here

Operation Condor: Campaign by US-backed Latin American Dictators to Hunt Down, Torture and Murder Tens of Thousands of Opponents By Bill Van Auken, March 07 2013

A trial that opened Tuesday in Buenos Aires is the first to consider the totality of crimes carried out under Operation Condor, a coordinated campaign by various US-backed Latin American dictatorships in the 1970s and 1980s to hunt down, torture

The Assassination of Yasser Arafat had been Ordered by the Israeli Cabinet By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 07 2013

In the light of recent developments concerning the death on Hugo Chavez, it is important to emphasize that the US has an explicit policy pertaining to the extrajudicial assassination of foreign leaders.

Since 2001, the order to assassinate foreign leaders

Israel Persecuting Palestinian Knesset Member Hanin Zoabi By Stephen Lendman, March 07 2013

Israel’s Supreme Court ruled twice on her. Most recently it did so in mid-February. It went both ways. More on that below.

In July 2010, Knesset members stripped her of key parliamentary rights and privileges. They did so lawlessly and …

Are Attorney General Holder’s Statements on Banks and Drones Connected? How Far Will the Government Go to Defend the Too Big to Fail Banks? By Washington's Blog, March 07 2013

The Attorney General of the United States made the following 2 statements within 48 hours:

These statements may – …

Obama Administration Claims Right to “Lawfully” Assassinate Citizens within the US By Joseph Kishore, March 07 2013

According to the Obama administration, the president has the right to assassinate American citizens within the United States, without charges or any legal process. This claim, contained in a letter from Attorney General Eric Holder, constitutes the most far-reaching abrogation …

Quantitative Easing (QE) for the People: Comedian Grillo’s Populist Plan for Italy’s Economy By Ellen Brown, March 07 2013

Default on the public debt, nationalization of the banks, and a citizen dividend could actually save the Italian economy.

Comedian Beppe Grillo was surprised himself when his Five Star Movement got 8.7 million votes in the Italian general election of …

The Legacy of Hugo Chavez: The Revolution Within the Revolution Will Continue By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, March 07 2013

 The death of Hugo Chávez is a great loss to the people of Venezuela who have been lifted out of poverty and have created a deep participatory democracy. Chavez was a leader who, in unity with the people, was able

Shadow Lives: How the War on Terror in England Became a War on Women and Children By Victoria Brittain, March 07 2013

Once, as a reporter, I covered wars, conflicts, civil wars, and even a genocide in places like Vietnam, Angola, Eritrea, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, keeping away from official briefings and listening to the people who were living

Wall Street Banks, Money Laundering and the Drug Trade By Tom Burghardt, March 07 2013
In the face of evidence that laundering drug money was anything but a mistake, the DOJ decided not to criminally prosecute HSBC on the presumption that the $1.9 billion settlement’s “strict conditions and penalties [will] serve as a deterrent against future similar conduct.”
EU-Funded Israeli Theft By Jamal Kanj, March 07 2013

A leaked report commissioned by the European Union (EU) has concluded that Israeli settlement construction “remains the single biggest threat” to peace in the Middle East.

The confidential, 15-page report outlines 10 recommendations for the 27 EU states to consider …