Global Research News

Syria: Women’s Rights and Islamist Education in a “Liberated” Area of Aleppo By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 27 2013

Editor’s Note

Religious Wahhabi school and women’s rights in a  “liberated” area of Aleppo run by the US-Saudi backed “opposition”,  “a definite improvement” when compared to the prevailing system of secular education in Syria.

The following video provides an insight

Bradley Manning’s Nobel Peace Prize Nomination By David Swanson, March 27 2013

Whistleblower Bradley Manning has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize , and he should receive it. 

No individual has done more to push back against what Martin Luther King Jr. called “the madness of militarism” than Bradley Manning. The …

War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity: The Story of U.S. Exceptionalism in Iraq By Ajamu Baraka, March 26 2013

This month marks the tenth anniversary of the U.S. attack on Iraq, one of the most egregious expressions of naked power and imperial ambition since the Second World War.

The attack defied both an outraged world opinion — expressed by

Splitting The Sky Remembered: Tribute to a Remarkable Activist By James Corbett and Splitting The Sky, March 26 2013
Iraq, 10 Years Later : Living with No Future By Dahr Jamail, March 26 2013

Back then, everybody was writing about Iraq, but it’s surprising how few Americans, including reporters, paid much attention to the suffering of Iraqis.  Today, Iraq is in the news again. The words, the memorials, the retrospectives are pouring out, and …

Expanding Guantanamo By Stephen Lendman, March 26 2013

In 2008, candidate Obama promised to close Guantanamo. Straightaway as president, he issued Executive Order titled “Review and Disposition of Individuals Detained at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base and Closure of Detention Facilities.”

Sec. 3 states: “Closure of Detention Facilities …

Keystone Trans-Canada Pipeline: Oil Industry Insiders Wrote US State Department’s Environmental Impact Assessment By William Boardman, March 26 2013

 Conflict of Interest

So it turns out that friends of the oil industry wrote the environmental impact [1]statement[1] issued by the State Department about the Keystone XL pipeline on March 1.  That’s the report that assured people tar …

Economic Integration: Towards a North America – EU Transatlantic Free Trade Zone By Dana Gabriel, March 26 2013

 Pressure is mounting on Canada to finish up a long-delayed trade deal with the EU. Despite outstanding issues that still must be settled, there is a final push to try and complete an agreement this summer. If both sides are

Emergency Financial Manager takes over Detroit By World Socialist Web Site, March 26 2013
By Bryan Dyne

Kevyn Orr began the first day of his eighteen-month tenure as the state-appointed Emergency Financial Manager (EFM) of Detroit Monday, three days before the new emergency manager law goes into effect. Detroit is now the largest US

European Union Imposes Bank Bailout on Cyprus, Pending Conflicts with Moscow By Jordan Shilton and Chris Marsden, March 26 2013

The Cypriot government and the European Union (EU) arrived at an agreement early yesterday morning to secure a bailout of Cypriot banks and avert state bankruptcy in Cyprus.

The terms set by the bailout amount to the economic devastation of …

10 Years Later, U.S. Legacy in Iraq: Death, Disease, Devastation, Displacement By Larry Everest, March 26 2013

Ten years ago, on March 19-20, 2003, the U.S. invaded Iraq, overthrew the Saddam Hussein regime, and then occupied the country for the next eight and a half years. President George W. Bush said the U.S. went to war to

Cyberwarfare: NATO Targets “Patriotic Hackers” By Rick Rozoff and John Robles, March 26 2013

In a new directive, the “North Atlantic” Treaty Organization (NATO), has now made it part of its military doctrine to target hackers and hacktivists who are operating for “ideological, political, religious or patriotic” reasons, effectively making patriotism for a country

The Non-Aligned Road: Toward Freedom in Africa By Greg Guma, March 26 2013

In 1954 the Soviet Union tested its first hydrogen bomb. In the summer negotiations between France, Britain, Vietnam, China and the USSR ended the Indochina War. Vietnam was divided into communist and non-communist sectors, but the US refused to sign

The Cyprus Eurocrisis: The Beginning of the End of the Eurozone? By Nicos Trimikliniotis, March 26 2013

The Cyprus crisis is essentially a Eurozone crisis which threatens the very foundations of the European Union (EU). This small island economy, only 0.2 per cent of the Eurozone, is proving to be ‘systemic’ at the political, social and economic

Monetary Geopolitics: Have The Russian Oligarchs Withdrawn All Their Cash From Cyprus? By Zero Hedge, March 26 2013

On March 24, we reported on something very disturbing (at least to Cyprus’ citizens): despite the closed banks (which will mostly reopen tomorrow, while the two biggest soon to be liquidated banks Laiki and BoC will be shuttered until Thursday) …

Imperial “Justice”: Newly-Elected Kenyan President Forced to Stand Trial at the ICC By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 25 2013

Known on the continent as the “African Criminal Court” due to its exclusive indictments, prosecution and persecution of regional leaders, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has refused to drop charges against President Uhuru Kenyatta. Kenyatta was elected by over 50

Kerry Demands Iraq Stop “Arms Flow” to Syria even as US Arms/Funds Al Qaeda By Tony Cartalucci, March 25 2013

Absurd demands were put forth by US Secretary of State John Kerry, regarding Iraqi airspace and alleged aircraft passing through it with arms and cash supposedly destined for the Syrian government. The Washington Post reported in its article, “Kerry:

Financial Market Actors: The Fiction of “Regulation” of Global Banking By Eric Toussaint, March 25 2013

Markets have become too huge, complex, and fast-moving to be subject to twentieth-century supervision and regulation. No wonder this globalized financial behemoth stretches beyond the full comprehension of even the most sophisticated market participants. Financial regulators are required to

Journalists Who Got Iraq Wrong 10 Years Ago and Syria Wrong Now Should Be Sacked By Wayne Madsen, March 25 2013

Although Cable News Network (CNN) no longer reports news but blatant propaganda and worthless reports on insignificant celebrities, it and other media operations should not be permitted to engage in the same war-mongering today that they fostered ten years ago.…

Netanyahu’s Secret War Plan: Leaked Document Outlines Israel’s “Shock and Awe” Plan to Attack Iran By Richard Silverstein, March 25 2013
"The reason they leaked it is to expose the plans advanced by the Bibi-Barak two-headed warrior. Neither the IDF leaker, my source, nor virtually any senior [Israeli] military or intelligence officer wants this war".
Canada’s Secret War: IRAQ – Ten Years After “Shock and Awe” By Michael Welch, Richard Sanders, and Hans von Sponeck, March 25 2013

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Iraq War, the Global Research News Hour interviews Richard Sanders of the Coalition Opposed to the Arms Trade (COAT) about the myth of Canada’s non-involvement in Iraq.

There is a follow-up

U.S.-Israeli Cyber-Sabotage of Iran: Throwing the First Cyber-Stone By Arjen Kamphuis, March 25 2013

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper calls cyber-attacks a top national security concern, but these U.S. alarms sound hypocritical after the joint U.S.-Israeli cyber-sabotage of Iran’s nuclear industry.

A few years ago, Israeli and American intelligence developed a computer virus …

US Senate Budget Proposes $975 Billion in Spending Cuts By Kate Randall, March 25 2013

The US Senate passed its first budget in four years early Saturday morning. The Democratic-controlled chamber passed a $3.7 billion budget plan for fiscal year 2014, which includes close to a trillion dollars in spending cuts, as well a modest …

US Steps up War against Syria after Obama’s “Peace” Trip to Israel By Johannes Stern, March 25 2013

After US President Barack Obama’s trip to Israel last week the US and its allies are moving ahead with plans to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and install a pro-Western regime. CIA operations and calls to arm the Syrian opposition …

Obama, the Israel Sycophant By Abdel Bari Atwan, March 25 2013

Obama’s visit to the region was not that of a peace mediator, but of a warlord who came to spark its fire…

Never in my life have I seen a president that fawns over the Israelis, begs for their approval,

West Drops Syria WMD Narrative As Evidence Points to Western-Armed Terrorists By Tony Cartalucci, March 25 2013

For the US, UK, France, and its regional partners including Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar, nothing would have suited their interests more than if the recent chemical attack reported in Aleppo Syria turned out to be (or could have

The Civil Rights Movement and Martin Luther King: Continuing the Legacy of the Great Walk to Freedom of 1963 By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 25 2013

These remarks were delivered at a panel on the 50th anniversary of the “Great Walk to Freedom” held in Detroit on June 23, 1963. The panel was part of the 55th Annual Michigan in Perspective Local History Conference in Livonia.

Rumors of Bashar Al Assad’s Assassination are Greatly Exaggerated By Michael Collins, March 25 2013

There’s a strange story out there about Syrian President Bashar Assad’s assassination and possible death. It has little merit but the sourcing is interesting.

Gateway Pundit reported: BREAKING: Assad Shot By Bodyguard – Hospitalized in Damascus – Posted by Jim

Obama Boosts Syria Support as Congress Pushes Military Intervention By Global Research News, March 25 2013

by Samer Araabi

As the Syrian uprising enters its third year, the United States and its allies are preparing to materially increase their support of the armed opposition in Syria.

Secretary of State John Kerry pledged an additional 60 million …

Political Assassinations: Chavez Knew US Special Services Were After Him By Nil Nikandrov, March 25 2013

Hugo Chavez was not the man obsessed by the thought he was being followed and watched, that’s what the propaganda tried to make him look like. He was a politician who faced the reality and knew how hated he was

Waging Peace in the Cold War: The Non-Alligned Movement By Greg Guma, March 25 2013

In the early 1950s most publications ignored the anti-colonial campaigns in progress around the world and focused almost exclusively on the East-West “superpower” struggle between the USA and the USSR. But not Toward Freedom, which debuted at the end

America’s Political Prisoners By J. B. Gerald, March 25 2013

Political prisoners are those currently in prison because of their race, religion, political convictions, or care for others. Removed from community because they seek justice for their people, some are branded with inappropriately long sentences and are often in solitary …

The Crisis of the European Welfare State By Asbjørn Wahl, March 25 2013

Vladimir Simovic and Darko Vesic (VS and DV): Norway is considered as one of the most successful (economically, socially, etc.) countries in Europe and beyond. As such Norway is usually taken as a model for other countries to look up

Chicago Announces Plans to shut 61 Public Schools By Shane Feratu, March 24 2013

In the face of mass opposition, the city of Chicago, Illinois announced plans to close 61 public schools after the close of the school year, affecting 30,000 students. About one thousand teaching positions will be moved or eliminated. The closure …

Cyprus: Savage Austerity Measures and Economic Dictatorship By Jordan Shilton and Chris Marsden, March 24 2013

Cyprus’ fate illustrates how the European Union imposes the dictatorship of the global speculators, banks and corporations on the working class. The EU yesterday continued to demand massive austerity in Cyprus to raise €6 billion ($7.8 billion) in return for …

Week in Review: The “Ides of March” and the New Ice Age By Global Research and Global Research, March 24 2013
India: Genetically Modified Seeds, Agricultural Productivity and Political Fraud By Arun Shrivastava, March 24 2013

Vile and crafty King Sisyphus, so the Greek myth goes, thought he was as smart as God. Zeus being smarter punished him to roll a boulder up the hill only to repentantly watch it roll down the other side.


Reliving South Africa’s Struggle By Danny Schechter, March 24 2013

London: Thomas Wolfe wrote “You Can’t Go Home Again” years ago,  and its core truth keeps popping up in my life even as I tend to retrace some of my life journeys, in an endless walk down memory lane.

I …

Western Media Celebrates Faux Progress in Myanmar By Tony Cartalucci, March 24 2013

Even as mobs loyal to Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi hacked to death scores of Rohingya refugees in a racist, genocidal orgy of violence, the West has been of late, showcasing what it calls a  newly “open,” “independent,” and …

Obama’s Grand Bargain? Israel Apologizes to Turkey, Promises Mavi Marmara Compensation By Richard Silverstein, March 24 2013

In a remarkable about-face after three years of adamant refusal, Bibi Netanyahu has apologized to Turkey’s premier for Israel’s 2010 massacre on the Mavi Marmara.  He’s also promised financial compensation to the families of the nine Turkish citizens murdered during …

Real Liars go to Tehran By Pepe Escobar, March 23 2013

Marx never thought about this one: history repeating itself as double tragedy after already being a farce in the first place. Let’s examine the case in hand. First of all, take a close look at this Wall Street Journal op-ed

Chemtrails: Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War By Amy Worthington, March 23 2013

This important article was first published by Global Research in June 2004

North America is now suffering its seventh year of conspicuous and dangerous aerosol and electromagnetic operations conducted by the U.S. government under the guise of national security. Concerned

U.S.-Sponsored Genocides: From Guatemala to Congo By Glen Ford, March 23 2013

Guatemala has put its U.S.-backed genocidal maniac on trial, but Washington continues to protect its agents of mass murder in the Democratic Republic of Congo. “There is no auditorium big enough to hold the all the living Americans who should

Access to Health Care, Basic Necessities a Matter of Life or Debt By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, March 23 2013

Examining the argument that “medical and other debt shouldn’t exist because debt is part of a rigged system of mafia capitalism that extracts wealth from people who are trying to meet their basic needs.”

This week the Strike Debt Rolling

US Sponsored Terror: Syria Teeters on Obama’s “Red Line” By Nile Bowie, March 23 2013

 The pages of history tell us that beautiful civilizations emerged and prospered in the ancient cities of Damascus and Aleppo, some of the oldest continually inhabited cities on earth. The harrowing circus of brutality that is the Syrian conflict, now

The Drums of War are Beating: Iran’s Nuclear Program, Pretext to Justify Further Military Intervention By Anthony Mustacich, March 23 2013

According to Article IV of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (N.P.T.), all signatory member nations possess the “inalienable right” to “develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes without discrimination.”1

As a signatory nation, the Islamic Republic …

Iran’s Nuclear Program: Tehran’s Negotiations with the West By James Corbett and Kourosh Ziabari, March 23 2013

 Canadian radio host and journalist James Corbett believes that the group of six world powers have not ever been sincere and honest in their negotiations with Iran and constantly used the opportunity of talks to put more pressure on Iran

Myanmar: Aung San Suu Kyi’s “Saffron Monks” Stalk Streets With Machetes – Mass Slaughtering Refugees By Tony Cartalucci, March 23 2013

In Southeast Asia’s Myanmar, already 20 are reported dead in the latest genocidal violence carried out by Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi’s “Saffron monk” political movement. CNN’s, “Armed Buddhists, including monks, clash with Muslims in Myanmar,” reports …

The Cyprus Bank Battle: The Long-planned Deposit Confiscation Scheme By Ellen Brown, March 22 2013

“If these worries become really serious, . . . [s]mall savers will take their money out of banks and resort to household safes and a shotgun.”    — Martin Hutchinson on the attempted EU raid on private deposits in Cyprus banks…

The BBC: Impartial Reporting or Pro-Israel Bias? By Lesley Docksey, March 22 2013

The British Broadcasting Corporation has often been accused of anti-Semitism, usually by representatives of the Israeli government, the Israeli Ambassador to the UK or the Chief Rabbi. 

Any passing mention of the plight of the Palestinians on the news used

From Detroit to Cyprus, Banksters in Search of Prey By Glen Ford, March 22 2013

“Detroit and the people of Cyprus share the same enemy.” The Lords of Capital, who are preparing to snatch chunks of cash straight out of ordinary people’s accounts in Cyprus, to pay for a bank bailout, are the same class

Mass Panic In Cyprus: The Banks Are Collapsing and ATMs are Running Out Of Money By The Economic Collapse Blog, March 22 2013

European officials are openly admitting that the two largest banks in Cyprus are “insolvent“, and it is now being reported that Cyprus Popular Bank only has “enough liquidity to cover the next few hours“. Of course

‘Hunger strike is Gitmo detainees’ only recourse’ By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 22 2013

Hunger strike is the only recourse Guantanamo detainees have as they have been denied the right to due process and are detained without even being charged, says Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of the Pan-African News Wire in Detroit.

On March 19, …

Fake Intelligence: “US Manipulated Public Opinion before Iraq war”. Former Intel. Officer By RT, March 22 2013

 The US used every possibility to prove that Iraq was reluctant to cooperate in the war against terror, while it wasn’t, argues Salim Khalaf al-Jumayli, a former Iraqi intelligence officer, who made the revelation to RT.

Ten years after Iraq

Meltdown of Russia’s Offshore Banking Haven in Cyprus By Global Research News, March 22 2013

Jamestown Foundation.

Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 10 Issue: 53

By: Pavel Felgenhauer

The Cypriot financial meltdown has rocked Moscow. Russia provided Cyprus in 2011 with a 2.5 billion-euro ($3.2 billion) low interest loan and believed the European Union and the …

Kremlin Closes Door on Cyprus, Russia’s Offshore Banking Haven By RT, March 22 2013
 Cyprus was left face to face with its grave financial crisis and is due to adopt new emergency legislation to secure the EU bailout after Russia said it would not help.

Nicosia introduced emergency legislation in the parliament late on

Middle East Wars and the Unbreakable US-Israeli Ties By Stephen Lendman, March 22 2013

Longstanding US/Israeli ties remain firm. Obama’s visit reinforces them. It does more.

It assures continued support. It endorses hardline extremism. It affirms occupation harshness. It lets Israel do what it pleases.

America’s special relationship does more harm than good. It’s …

U.S. Congress Approves $380 Million For NATO Missile System By Stop NATO, March 22 2013

Congress approves $380 million for Lockheed Martin’s MEADS anti-missile program

The MEADS missile defense project is the single largest radar contract in the history of Lockheed Martin’s plant at Electronics Park in Salina

U.S. Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., was among

The Hidden Face of Austerity: American Corporate Executives Cash In By Andre Damon, March 22 2013

As the US government prepares to furlough 1 million federal workers and slash hundreds of billions in social spending, corporate executives in the United States are receiving among the highest payouts in history. USA Today reported Thursday that at least …

Obama Talks “Peace” in Israel while Preparing War By Bill Van Auken, March 22 2013

In a speech delivered in Jerusalem on Thursday, US President Barack Obama identified US interests unconditionally with Israel while reiterating war threats against both Syria and Iran.

The speech, delivered to several hundred Israeli university students, was ostensibly meant to …

The Iraq Factor: Secret Memo to Tony Blair By Global Research, March 22 2013
The following Memo addressed to Prime Minister Tony Blair is purported to have been written by Blair's foreign policy advisor David Manning. It was written in anticipation of PM Blair's Visit to the Texas Ranch.
Civilians in An Occupied Land: The Iraqi Resistance Movement By Dirk Adriaensens, March 21 2013
Civilians in an occupied country have no obligation of loyalty towards the Occupying Power regardless of the motives of the invading forces.
Making Connections: From “Shock and Awe” in Iraq to the Plague of Wall Street Banking By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, March 21 2013

This week marks the tenth anniversary of the “Shock and Awe” US invasion of Iraq.

The ravages of that invasion continue at home and in Iraq, the US is still at war in Afghanistan (troops and contractors remain in Iraq) …

Breaking the Cycle of War: It’s Time for a Season of Peace By Global Research and Global Research, March 21 2013

Worldwide, March brings about changing seasons, shifting temperatures and unpredictable weather – but the one thing we have come to count on is that March is also the month of choice for militarized intervention, armed conflict and declarations of all-out …

The Last Letter: A Message to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney From a Dying Veteran By Global Research News, March 21 2013

To: George W. Bush and Dick Cheney
From: Tomas Young

I write this letter on the 10th anniversary of the Iraq War on behalf of my fellow Iraq War veterans. I write this letter on behalf of the 4,488 soldiers …

Children of the “Dirty War”: Argentina’s Stolen Orphans By Francisco Goldman, March 21 2013

[image: Leader of the Military Junta General Jorge Videla with the  Vatican’s nuncio Pio Laghi]

During the Process of National Reorganization—the military junta’s grandiose name for the period of its rule, from 1976 to 1983—as many as thirty thousand people,

Forced Medicine: The Philosophy Behind Fluoridation By James Corbett and Anthony Gucciardi, March 21 2013
Scientific studies have linked fluoridation of the water supply to lowered IQs, increased risk of cancer, and bone disease, amongst other conditions. So why do we still fluoridate? As researchers like Anthony Gucciardi warn, fluoridation may in fact only be the thin edge of the wedge when it comes to forced medication of the population. This is the GRTV Backgrounder on Global Research TV.
Who is the Aggressor, North Korea or the U.S.? The Armistice Agreement has been Repeatedly Violated by Washington By Dr. Kiyul Chung, March 21 2013

The DPRK on March 5 declared the 1953 Armistice Agreement void. The day after, M4 Intel, April Media’s own video program, interviewed DPRK specialist Dr. Kiyul Chung to analyze the situation. Chung is convinced that given the circumstances have fundamentally

10 Years Later: The Mysterious Why of the Iraq War By Robert Parry, March 21 2013

Americans today know a lot more about Iraq than they did ten years ago, knowledge gained painfully from the blood of soldiers and civilians. But a crucial question remains: why did George W. Bush and his neocon advisers rush headlong

CIA and FBI Counter-Terrorism Officials: Cheney Lied About 9/11 Hijacker By Washington's Blog, March 21 2013

Cheney Caught In Another Major Lie

Everyone knew that Iraq did not possess weapons of mass destruction (update here).

Dick Cheney admits that he lied about 9/11.

MSNBC recently noted that these two facts are intertwined:

Mark Rossini,

Search and Destroy: The Rape of Iraq By Pepe Escobar, March 21 2013

First thing we do, let’s kill all mythographers (lawyerly or not): the rape of Iraq is the biggest, man-made humanitarian disaster of our times. It’s essential to keep in mind this was a direct consequence of Washington smashing international law

US-Israeli Bellicose Threats against Syria and Iran By Bill Van Auken, March 21 2013

Starting a two-day visit to Israel on Wednesday, US President Barack Obama issued bellicose threats against both Syria and Iran. The visit, which plainly has the character of a US-Israeli war council, makes clear that ten years after the US

Europe in Crisis as Cyprus Faces National Bankruptcy By Jordan Shilton and Chris Marsden, March 21 2013

The vote by Cyprus’s parliament Tuesday evening to reject the terms of the European Union (EU) bailout agreed last Saturday has deepened a crisis which threatens to spread across Europe, posing the risk of national bankruptcy.

Thirty-six parliamentarians voted against …

Out of Control Derivative Trade Threatens the U.S. Economy By Washington's Blog, March 21 2013

Out-of-control derivatives were largely responsible for the 2008 financial crisis … and still pose a massive threat to the economy.

Unchecked derivatives are so harmful to the economy that:

  • Warren Buffet called them “weapons of mass destruction”
  • A Nobel
“Russia Must Be Ready To Counter Threat From West Using Military Force”: Kremlin By Global Research News, March 21 2013

Russia must be ready to counter threat using military force – Rogozin

“The Cold War rudiments, both in their organization, such as NATO, or propaganda, such as Russophobia, forms have not disappeared, ” Rogozin said.

“Western civilization is a condition …

Obama’s Visit and Israel’s Penchant for Conflict By Jamal Kanj, March 21 2013

President Barack Obama’s visit to the Middle East has coincided with the 10th anniversary of the killing of American peace activist Rachel Corrie. She was murdered by an American-made and financed Israeli bulldozer on March 16, 2003.

President Barack Obama’s …

US Plan for “Pinpoint Strike” Attack on Iran, Israeli Security Official By Global Research News and RT, March 21 2013

The US is taking plans for a possible military operation against Iran “very seriously,” a senior Israeli security official, who is said to be in the know about aspects of the American plan, has told Haaretz daily.

Obama’s administration,

The Iraq War: Ten Years of U.S. Crimes against Humanity By Sara Flounders, March 21 2013
The corporate media play an insidious role in rewriting the history of U.S. wars. They are intertwined with U.S. military, oil and banking corporations. In every war, they act as the public relations arm of corporate dominance.
Join the Campaign to Stop U.S. Aggression on the Korean Peninsula By Global Research News, March 21 2013

The International Action Center is supporting this campaign called by the Korea Alliance of Progressive Movements! 

We urge you all to do the same!  

Stand for Peace on the Korean Peninsula!

Join Our Photo Campaign to End the Korean War …

Main Japanese Opposition Party Questions 9/11 in Parliament By Global Research, March 21 2013

Originally published in 2008

for complete transcript in english scroll down

VIDEOS NOW SUBTITLED – not complete gets updated

Japan’s prime minister and main opposition rival clashed on Jan. 9th, 2008 over the controversial naval mission in support of U.S.-led …