Global Research News

US “Delisting” of Terror Network: Washington overtly supports the Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO) By Tony Cartalucci and Kourosh Ziabari, October 07 2012

In a flagrant show of hostility toward the Iranian nation and a clear exercise of double standards in dealing with international terrorism, the U.S. Department of State has just removed the name of Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO) from its list of

A US Plan to Topple Hugo Chavez? By Mike Whitney, October 06 2012

“The socialist revolution will not be stopped by anyone because it has become the people.” Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez

There’s no better time to read Cindy Sheehan’s heartfelt and galvanizing new book “Revolution, A Love Story” than today, just hours

Venezuelan Elections: It’s either Chávez or Washington! By Adrian Salbuchi, October 06 2012

This Sunday’s elections will pit incumbent President Hugo Chávez Frías against neoliberal pro-US opposition candidate Henrique Capriles Radonski. Opinion polls vary widely both ways, proof it will be a head-to-head race.

­This election is not only of vital importance to …

Confronting the EU “Oligarchy of Governments”. Joining Forces for Another Europe By Socialist Project, October 06 2012

By Tommaso Fattori

In Europe we are living in particularly dramatic times. Democracy is in death-agony and we are witnessing post-democratic processes taking over at the national and supranational level. EU leaders have further concentrated decision-making power on public and

Western Propagandists Attempt to Trigger Catastrophic Turkish-Syrian War By Tony Cartalucci, October 06 2012
Bloomberg, Guardian, Ynet, and others are all posting in their headlines an identical unconfirmed report that Turkey and Syria have “agreed” to establish a 6 mile wide “buffer zone” running the length of the Turkish-Syrian border.


Financial Warfare: Destabilizing Iran’s Monetary System By Nile Bowie, October 06 2012

ESFAHAN – Dramatic fluctuations of the Iranian rial triggered small protests among merchants in Tehran’s grand bazaar on October 3rd, 2012. In an attempt by authorities to prevent further devaluation, Iran’s central bank recently issued new limits on the amount …

Attacking Democracy: Chavez, the US, and the Destabilization of Venezuela By Eric Draitser, October 06 2012

Venezuela goes to the polls this Sunday in an election many are calling a referendum on President Chavez and his policies.  Although there is surely such a dimension, the significance of the elections goes far beyond political opinion and partisan

Turkey-Syria Showdown: Pressure Building for More Middle East War By Stephen Lendman, October 06 2012
Obama’s currently waging more direct and proxy wars than any previous president. He plans more. Expect it post-election whoever wins.Middle East ones won’t end until America exerts unchallenged regional hegemony. Conflicts may rage for years. Millions more may die. Expect …
Christians ’emptied from Middle East’: Western Supported Terrorists Involved in Ethnic Cleansing By Global Research News, October 06 2012

by: Rowan Callick

Mother Agnes-Mariam de la Croix

Syrian Christian abbess, Mother Agnes-Mariam de la Croix, pictured at St Patricks church in Melbourne during a visit to Australia. Picture: Stuart Mcevoy Source: The Australian

THE mother superior of a 1500-year-old monastery in Syria warned yesterday

From Persuasion to Coercion: PsychoPharma’s “Priesthood of the Mind” By James F. Tracy, October 06 2012

The “psychopharmaceutical complex”[1]— modern psychiatry, the pharmaceutical industry, and an accommodative regulatory apparatus–sustains itself through a public belief in its medical scientific expertise and legitimacy realized through marketing and public relations. Now a combination of more direct government

Another Phony US Employment Report: Spiralling Number of Involuntary Part Time Workers By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 05 2012
“2.5 million persons were marginally attached to the labor force.” They “wanted and were available for work,” but “they were not counted as unemployed"
German state TV reports: Syrian rebels claim responsibility for attack on Turkey By Global Research News, October 05 2012

by R. Teichmann

On Oct. 4th, the German state TV channel ZDF reported on the attack on Turkey several times.

In its “Mittagsmagazin” at 1300 hours it reports as follows:

02:06 – 02:32

„Raketen- und Granatfeuer. Die Türkei übt

Did Romney ‘Win’ the Debate? By Robert Parry, October 05 2012

The instant analysis after the first presidential debate — even on liberal-leaning MSNBC — was that Mitt Romney was the decisive “winner.” But Romney not only ducked the specifics of his plans but looked sneaky and nervous in doing so,

European Union demands further cuts in Greece By Christoph Dreier, October 05 2012

Last weekend, representatives of the troika—the European Central Bank (ECB), European Commission (EC) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF)—returned to Athens to discuss a third package of budget cuts with the Greek government.

Officially, the troika has the task of …

Obama and the debate By Patrick Martin, October 05 2012

In the 24 hours since Wednesday night’s debate between President Obama and his Republican challenger Mitt Romney, the American media has been filled with commentary on the failure of Obama to conduct a serious defense of his record or mount …

NATO ready to “intervene” in Syria? By Rick Rozoff and John Robles, October 05 2012

Rick Rozoff,  manager of the Stop NATO website comments on NATO’s emergency meeting surrounding the situation on the Turkish/Syrian border and its role in the region. He claims that: “NATO countries and their Allies in the Persian Gulf aren’t going

Syria FSA Terrorists Behind “False Flag” Attack against Turkey By Global Research News, October 05 2012

One of the German state television channels, the ZDF, has broadcasted two interesting reports today.

In both reports it is said that the so-called Syrian rebels have taken responsibility for yesterday`s provocations for which the Syrian Arab Army and thus,

Obama versus Romney: Bipartisan Consensus on Foreign Policy and Global Warfare By Jack A. Smith, October 05 2012
Despite the sharp charges and counter-charges about foreign/military and national security policy there are no important differences on such matters between President Barack Obama and challenger Mitt Romney
Flim Flam Substitutes: The Obama-Romney Election Debate By Stephen Lendman, October 05 2012

So-called presidential debates are well-rehearsed, prescripted theater. Theater of the absurd best describes them.

Even some mainstream media were underwhelmed. At least one was honest as far as his editors let him. London Guardian contributor Charles Ferguson headlined “America’s duopoly …

Leading World Bank Demographer: Vaccination Campaigns Part Of Population Reduction Policy By Jurriaan Maessen, October 04 2012

On October 2nd a retired demographer at the World Bank admitted that vaccination campaigns are an integral part of the World Bank’s population policies. John F. May, the Bank’s leading demographer from 1992 to 2012, told the French web journal

George W. Bush the Murderer: The Movie By David Swanson, October 04 2012

A  new movie has just been released based on Vincent Bugliosi’s book “The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder.”  Bugliosi, of course, prosecuted Charles Manson and authored best sellers about Manson’s guilt, O.J. Simpson’s guilt, and Lee Harvey Oswald’s …

Cyber Martial Law in the Philippines By Global Research News, October 04 2012

Tens of millions of internet users in the Philippines woke up Wednesday to a new reality: Sharing a link, clicking ‘Like’ on Facebook, or retweeting a message could land you 12 years in jail.¹

The Cybercrime Prevention Act, which …

Elections in Georgia: U.S. and NATO Lose their “Geopolitical Chess Queen” By John Robles, October 04 2012
It is no secret that Saakashvili is the “West’s man in the Caucasus” the darling of Hillary Clinton and Obama’s US State Department, NATO headquarters and the Pentagon and the intelligence services of the UK and the US. He is
How soon will Americans flee from Afghanistan? By Boris Volkhonsky, October 04 2012

In Afghanistan, they make a kind of deal securing their presence in four to five heavily guarded military bases, simultaneously giving assurance that they will not interfere in the local affairs – poppy cultivation in particular (which is the case

Building a Pretext to Wage War on Syria: Turkey attacks Syria after stray shelling By Bill Van Auken, October 04 2012

Turkey’s military attacked Syria Wednesday after a stray shell from Syria killed five people in a Turkish border town. With Ankara invoking NATO’s collective defense agreement, the danger is rising of a direct Western intervention into the 18-month-old civil war

Top Nuclear Experts: Technology Doesn’t Yet Exist to Clean Up Fukushima By Washington's Blog, October 04 2012

World-renowned physicist Michio Kaku said recently:

It will take years to invent a new generation of robots able to withstand the radiation.

(The radiation inside the reactors is too hot even for robots.)

AP reports:

Hiroshi Tasaka, a nuclear

America’s Sham Electoral Process By Stephen Lendman, October 04 2012

It’s bad enough to make some despots blush. It doesn’t rise to the level of good fiction. No respectable film producer would accept a script explaining it. Who’d believe a democratic system so implausible. It’s more fanciful than real.


Turkey Attempts to Trigger a NATO-led War against Syria By Tony Cartalucci, October 04 2012
After over a year of harboring foreign terrorists and supporting their operations near and across the Turkish-Syrian border, NATO-member Turkey has "retaliated" with military force against "targets" inside Syria for an alleged attack on Turkish territory...
Boycott and Chaos at the United Nations in Geneva: Who Committed War Crimes in Iraq? By Dirk Adriaensens, October 03 2012

Iraqi Sources of the BRussells Tribunal – edited by Dirk Adriaensens

A Conference in Geneva about the “crimes of the former Iraqi regime” of Saddam Huseein, organised by the Iraqi government, has turned into a condemnation against the

The Fed’s “QE Infinity”: Money Galore… What Is It All About? By Ellen Brown, October 03 2012

QE3, the Federal Reserve’s third round of quantitative easing, is so open-ended that it is being called QE Infinity. 

Doubts about its effectiveness are surfacing even on Wall Street.  The Financial Times reports:

Among the trading rooms and floors …

Nuclear Radiation: Washington Forces the Re-Start of Japan’s Nuclear Reactors By Washington's Blog, October 03 2012

Americans Are Largely Responsible for Japan’s Ongoing Nuclear Policy

Archaic nuclear reactor designs such as those used at Fukushima – built by American company General Electric – were chosen because they were good for making nuclear bombs.   The U.S.

Hegemony and Propaganda: The Importance of Trivialisation in Cementing Social Control By Colin Todhunter, October 03 2012
While in some cases sound-bite sayings may be making a serious point, they are repeated over and over again to the point where they merely become meaningless, feel-good rhetoric.
NATO Terrorists Mass Slaughter Civilians in Aleppo, Syria By Tony Cartalucci, October 03 2012

NATO-backed terrorism swept the northern Syrian city of Aleppo this week, killing and maiming scores of civilians. Al Qaeda-style car bombings targeted public squares throughout the city in a coordinated attack the Western press has attempted to claim was “targeting

The life and death of an Australian hero, whose skin was the wrong colour By John Pilger, October 03 2012

Arthur Murray died the other day. I turned to Google Australia for tributes, and there was a 1991 obituary of an American ballroom instructor of the same name. There was nothing in the Australian media. The Australian newspaper published a

Independence of Iraqi Kurdistan: Big Oil Pressuring for Breakup of Iraq? By Global Research News, October 03 2012

There are some contradictory stories emerging about whether oil major Royal Dutch Shell is in negotiations with the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). Twice before it was in talks with the Kurds, but withdrew to protect its investments in southern Iraq. …

US May Keep American Troops in Iraq, Despite Lack of Congressional Authority By John Glaser, October 03 2012

The US is keeping hundreds of American troops and security personnel in Iraq, despite a recently-passed resolution from Congress that failed to reauthorize funding for the US military to train and support Iraqi security forces.

Most Americans have been led

Energy New Front in Economic Warfare By Global Research News, October 03 2012

by Daniel J. Graeber

Opposition leaders in Canada suggested a string of cyber security threats to domestic companies might be the work of Chinese hackers. Twice last week, the Canadian government confirmed two separate companies -– both in the energy …

US-NATO Sponsored Syria Terrorists: 40 killed, 90 wounded in Aleppo blasts By Global Research News, October 03 2012

In this photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, Syrian security officers gather at the scene in front of destroyed buildings where triple bombs exploded at the Saadallah Jabri square, in Aleppo city, Syria on Wednesday (AP photo)
Iraq: Ten Years, a Million Lives and Trillions of Dollars Later By Dennis Kucinich, October 03 2012

Ten years ago today the debate over the Iraq War came to Congress in the form of a resolution promoted by the Bush Administration. The war in Iraq will cost the United States as much as $5 trillion. It played

Religious Leaders Slam Bankers By Washington's Blog, October 02 2012

Church of England: Bankers Should Repent

We’ve extensively documented that Jesus, his apostles, and ancient Jewish leaders would all be furious with modern bankers.

We’ve also noted that the first Christians and Jews insisted on debt forgiveness as one of

China’s sweatshops exploit students By World Socialist Web Site, October 02 2012

By Louis Zou

The brutal reality behind the much-hyped release of Apple’s new iPhone 5 was exposed last week when several thousand Foxconn workers in the Chinese city of Taiyuan clashed with security guards and police. The incident was apparently

World economy slides deeper into slump By Andre Damon, October 02 2012

A string of negative reports coinciding with the start of the fourth quarter has revealed a significant deterioration in the global economy, with world trade slowing, manufacturing contracting, and the number of unemployed workers in the euro zone hitting a

Children and Drones By Global Research News, October 02 2012
from children...“oh please!... stop killing us!... we’re just children!... you killed the others!... you killed our mother!... you killed our father!... and then our sister!... and our brother!... and for what?!...
The Emerging Gulag State: What Is Happening to Muslims Will Happen to the Rest of Us By Chris Hedges, October 02 2012

The decision by the European Court of Human Rights last week to refuse to block the extradition of the radical Muslim cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri and four others to the United States on terrorism charges removes one of the last

Bradley Manning Trial: A Mockery of Justice By Global Research News, October 02 2012

Bradley Manning’s lawyer, David Coombs, has filed a 117-page motion calling for the dismissal of all charges with prejudice, for lack of a speedy trial. When he argues the motion at Ft. Meade, October 29 – November 2, Bradley will

US Drones and The “Global War on Terrorism” By Andy Roth, October 02 2012

The initial US response to the deadly attack on the nation’s Libyan embassy includes deploying spies, Marines, and drones. Current reports indicate that US drones operating in Libyan airspace will be limited to surveillance. But the decision to deploy them

Arab Jews versus Palestinians: Israel’s Refugee Pawns By Jonathan Cook, October 02 2012

In the shadow of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s theatrics at the United Nations last week, armed with his cartoon Iranian bomb, Israeli officials launched a quieter, but equally combative, initiative to extinguish whatever hopes have survived of reviving the peace …

The U.S. Democratic Party and the Left By Socialist Project, October 02 2012

Max Bohnel lives in New York and is the U.S. foreign-correspondent for German-speaking public radio networks and progressive newspapers. Previously he worked as a Middle East foreign correspondent in Jerusalem. His conversation with Ingar Solty is a slightly reworked and

Cynthia McKinney On Leadership By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 02 2012
Cynthia McKinney is a leader, a person with sufficient fire, knowledge, and compassion for others. Cynthia McKinney served six terms in the House of Representatives as a Democrat from Georgia. In 2008 she was the Green Party’s candidate for president.
Libya: How Many Dirty Western Hands? By Felicity Arbuthnot, October 01 2012
A: “French secret serviceman, acting on the express orders of the then President Sarkozy, is suspected of ”the murder of Colonel Quaddafi”, on 20th October last year.
Canadian Peace Congress: End the Aggression Against Syria! Stop the Drive to War Against Iran! By Global Research News, October 01 2012

The Canadian Peace Congress condemns the ongoing foreign intervention in Syria and the escalating drive to war against Iran, and calls for the immediate withdrawal of all Canadian, NATO and foreign mercenary forces from the region. We further call upon

Tens of thousands protest austerity policies in Portugal, Spain By Patrick Martin, October 01 2012

Tens of thousands of workers, young people, unemployed and retirees took part in demonstrations in major cities of Portugal and Spain Saturday, in a mounting confrontation between the European working class and the savage austerity policies demanded by the bankers, …

Iran says to Nuclear Israel: Don’t Talk to Us about “Red Lines” By Common Dreams, October 01 2012

A high level official in Iran fired back this weekend following Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech at the United Nations on Thursday where he took out a red magic marker to draw on a chart depicting an alleged Iranian

Drone Warfare: Barack Obama’s Idea of a “Just War” By Global Research News, October 01 2012

by Prof. Tobias L. Winright and Prof. Mark J. Allman

This is an edited version of an article by US Catholic theologians Tobias L. Winright and Mark J. Allman that first appeared in the 18th August 2012 edition of the

Novelist Kenzaburo Oe: Japan should Reflect on its Colonial History By Xinhua, October 01 2012

Commentary: Japanese government must listen to voices of reason

Kenzaburō Ōe: Categorical imperative to renounce war forever

BEIJING: Japanese novelist Kenzaburo Oe, a Nobel laureate, has called on the Japanese government to reflect on its view of history and stop …

Western Powers Double Down on Syria’s Destruction By Shamus Cooke, October 01 2012
“The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those, who in time of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.” – Dante
The world watches as a nation is torn, slow motion, at the seams. Money and geopolitics has caused a
USAID Spying in Latin America By Nil Nikandrov, October 01 2012
The ejection of USAID from Russia was a long-awaited and welcome development. Moscow has repeatedly warned its US partners via an array of channels of communication that the tendency of USAID to interfere with Russia’s domestic affairs was unacceptable and,
Is Iran Trying To Tell Us Something We Won’t Hear? By Danny Schechter, September 30 2012

Sometimes, major media is the last to recognize, shifts in policy positions. Iran is a case in point.

In the lead up to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s annual speech to the General Assembly, the American TV stations were preparing their audiences

Fire Congress, Vote Out Incumbents By Joel S. Hirschhorn, September 30 2012

For politicians to do what is right, first citizens must do what is right.

Of all the many, many stupid things that most Americans do, nothing is more insane than the ritual every two years of reelecting incumbent members of

How The Government’s Lies Become Truth By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 30 2012
In my last column, “A Culture of Delusion,” I wrote that “Americans live in a matrix of lies. Lies dominate every policy discussion, every political decision.”  This column will use two top news stories, Iranian nukes and Julian Assange, to
Guantanamo Bay: The model for an American police state? By John W. Whitehead, September 30 2012

“The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home.”—James Madison

For most Americans, the detention center at Guantanamo Bay—once the topic of heated political debate by presidential hopeful Barack Obama but rarely

Revival of Nuclear Arms Race: US Conducts New Underground Nuclear Tests By Andrew Kishner, September 30 2012

In 1997, five years after its last underground nuclear test, the U.S. Department of Energy conducted its first subcritical nuclear test. Back then, critics said that the subcritical test program was creating a crisis of confidence in the negotiations over …

Islamophobia: The Man Behind the Movie By Tanya Cariina Hsu, September 30 2012
THIS is the face of the man who created the painful-to-watch video, Innocence of Muslims. Whilst the Prophet’s face should not be shown, there is no reason to not reveal Nakoula Basseley Nakoula’s image, much protected in the media in
Violation of Sovereignty: Pakistan Rejects Obama’s Claim that it Allows US Drone Strikes By Chris Woods, September 30 2012
Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry has bluntly rejected claims by the Obama administration that it tacitly approves CIA drone strikes on its territory, saying that ‘drone attacks are illegal, counterproductive, in contravention of international law and a violation of Pakistani sovereignty.’The …
Killing the Truth: A tribute to Veteran War Correspondent Maya Nasser assassinated by Syria Terrorists By Global Research News, September 30 2012

By Hala Jaber

The story below is written by my dear friend and veteran journalist for the Sunday Times, Hala Jaber.

It is a tribute to her friend and colleague, the martyr Maya Nasser,  who was assassinated by NATO/GCC-funded terrorist

America’s Strategy To Destabilize the Asia-Pacific Region By Stop NATO, September 29 2012

By Zheng Yongnian

Thinking that the U.S. will invest huge resources to confront China as it did against the Soviet Union during the Cold War, these countries, especially the ones which have maritime boundary disputes with China, have chosen to

Delisting the MKO. America: A State Sponsor of Terrorism against Iran By Kourosh Ziabari, September 29 2012

In an act of unequivocal and explicit hostility toward Iran, the United States took the name of Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO) off its list of foreign terrorist organizations on Friday, September 28, showing its unconditional support to the sworn enemies of

Netanyahu’s Crazy UN Speech: Medievalist poses as champion of “modernity” By Justin Raimondo, September 29 2012

It’s no wonder the Israeli Foreign Ministry initially held back from releasing a transcript of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to the UN General Assembly: Bibi’s wackiness doesn’t bear close scrutiny. Perhaps “wacky” isn’t quite the right word for his …

Netanyahu Backs Off on Iran By Global Research News, September 29 2012

While Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu was belligerent in tone at the UN, he signaled a retreat on substance, postponing his threatened attack on Iran’s nuclear sites. That suggests he is reading the U.S. polls and thinks he may have to

As Popular Opposition Grows: Austerity Budgets imposed across Europe By Alex Lantier, September 29 2012

The French, Spanish and Greek governments all announced multibillion-euro austerity plans yesterday in the face of massive popular opposition.

The French budget presented by the Socialist Party (PS) government of President François Hollande is the harshest since the austerity budgets …

What is behind the global stock market rally? By Andre Damon, September 29 2012

Despite a string of disastrous economic figures, stock markets throughout the world are surging.

In the past year, the US Dow Jones Industrial Average and the British FTSE 250 have each risen by 20 percent, while the German DAX has …

Surreal: Clinton Pledges $45 Million in Aid to Al Qaeda in Syria By Tony Cartalucci, September 29 2012
September 28, 2012 –  US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced that the US would be providing an additional $45 million in “non-lethal aid” to the “opposition” in Syria, reported the Associated Press. The Western press chose their words
Election Campaign in Venezuela: Chavez Opposition Disintegrating By Stephen Lendman, September 29 2012

On October 7, voters get to choose Venezuela’s next president. It’s all over but the cheers, postmortems, and perhaps opposition planned disruptions.

Chavez remains overwhelmingly popular for good reason. He’s a shoe in for reelection.

In modern times, no previous

Outside Meddling In Syria Threat To Whole World Order: Russian Official By Stop NATO, September 29 2012

MOSCOW: Attempts to solve the Syria crisis outside the U.N. would have destructive consequences for both Syria and the existing world order, a senior Russian diplomat said Friday.

“The attempts to look for ways out of the crisis in Syria …

Syria: Russian Foreign Minister Warns of Abyss of Bloody Sectarian Strife By Stop NATO, September 29 2012

Western support to rebels  ‘pushes Syria deeper into the abyss of bloody sectarianism’ – Lavrov

Those who insist on a ceasefire only by the Syrian government encourage the opposition to intensify its hostilities, and “take upon themselves an enormous responsibility,”

U.S. Troops Deployed in Iraq Again By Global Research News, September 29 2012

 by Jack Kenny

A unit of U.S. Army Special Operations soldiers was recently deployed to Iraq and more U.S. soldiers may soon be on their way, according to a New York Times report on the impact the civil war in

Skimming Profits Off Bad Loans: Bankers And Their Dirty Tricks By Mike Whitney, September 29 2012

Didn’t Ben Bernanke promise that another round of bond purchases would lower unemployment and boost economic growth?

We think he did, which is why we’re wondering why all the benefits from QE3 appear to be going to the banks. According …

Israeli Prime Minister Lays out Path to War with Iran By Joseph Kishore, September 28 2012

In a bellicose speech before the United Nations Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu demanded a “red line” be placed on Iran’s nuclear enrichment program, outlining a plan of action that would lead to war next year, if not sooner.

Europe sees unprecedented Social Polarization. “Poverty is Returning to Europe” By Julie Hyland, September 28 2012

The giant consumer goods company Unilever has announced that it has begun employing its “third-world” marketing strategy in Europe. This is eloquent testimony to the growing social inequality now besetting the continent.

Jan Zijderveld, head of European operations, stated bluntly

Romney’s Curious View of Freedom By Robert Parry, September 28 2012

Election 2012 is a choice between two visions for America’s future and also a contest between two versions of the U.S. past. Mitt Romney and the Tea Party draw from a national narrative that claims the Framers opposed a strong