Global Research News

The Virtual Economic Recovery By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 30 2012

Since mid-2009 the US has been enjoying a virtual recovery courtesy of a rigged inflation measure that understates inflation. The financial Presstitutes spoon out the government’s propaganda that prices are rising less than 2%. But anyone who purchases food, fuel, …

How to Bomb Iran: “Israel Cannot Do the Job” By Philip Giraldi, October 29 2012

According to intelligence analyst Philip Giraldi  “the Israeli leadership [stance] to attack Iran is not a serious plan… It is more likely a long running disinformation operation to somehow convince the United States to do the job or a deliberate

“Pro-Democracy” Groups Behind Myanmar Refugee Attacks By Tony Cartalucci, October 29 2012

Supporters of Aung San Suu Kyi, leaders of the “Saffron Revolution,” leading ethnic cleansing of Myanmar refugees.

People don’t just come out into the streets and begin murdering each other. There are always instigators on one side, perhaps both, leading …

Center of Meningitis Outbreak: US Health Officials Find Suspected Cause By Kate Randall, October 29 2012

During a tour of the New England Compounding Center (NECC), investigators from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found foreign “greenish-black” material in some vials of the injectable steroid suspected as the cause of the ongoing meningitis outbreak.

The …

Electronic Voting and the 2004 “Election Theft”: John Kerry Must Speak Out By David Swanson, October 29 2012

The presidential election of 2004 left much to be desired.  Millions of votes were suppressed, and the evidence is overwhelming that votes were flipped by interested parties.  Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman summarize:

“The widespread use of electronic voting

Venezuela: The Future of ‘21st Century Socialism’ after the Poll By Federico Fuentes, October 29 2012

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’s re-election on October 7 with more than 55% of the vote was vital for two reasons.

First, the Venezuelan people blocked the return to power of the neoliberal right. Had they won, these US-backed forces would …

Islamophobia: How Anti-Muslim bigotry was brought into the American mainstream By Alex Kane, October 29 2012

Ahmed Sharif was a 44-year-old Muslim Bangladeshi taxi driver in New York City. It was August 24, 2010, a time that marked the height of vitriolic protests against a planned Islamic center to be located in lower Manhattan, a few

America’s Permanent War Agenda: Secret Kill Lists, Global Drone Wars, Special Forces By Stephen Lendman, October 29 2012

Call it elevating Murder, Inc. to a higher level. A Washington Post Special Report discussed America’s permanent war agenda.

It includes targeted killings, Obama’s secret kill list, global drone wars, and White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan’s new rules for …

COINTELPRO Techniques for Dilution, Misdirection and Control of an Internet Forum By Washington's Blog, October 29 2012

The Gentleman’s Guide To Forum Disruption

We have repeatedly addressed the topic of disruption of logical debate on the Internet.

An anonymous writer posted an important new report on disruption at Pastebin. It is in the style of

Hurricane Sandy May Score a Direct Hit On Spent Fuel Pools at Nuclear Plant By Washington's Blog, October 29 2012

Preface: We hope and expect that the severity of the hurricane is being overblown, and that the nuclear plants in the Northeast will ride out the storm without any incident.

We noted Friday that

United Nations: Boycott International companies that benefit from Israeli settlements By Global Research News, October 29 2012

The Human Rights Council’s special rapporteur, Richard Falk, urged the international community to boycott 13 companies benefiting from business with Israeli settlements, the United Nations reported on its website on Thursday.

“Businesses should not breach international humanitarian law

The New World Economic Order: Deepening the U.S.-EU Transatlantic “Trade Partnership” By Dana Gabriel, October 29 2012
The U.S. and European Union (EU) are working towards launching official negotiations on a deal that would further deepen their transatlantic trade partnership.
Korean History: Architect of 1980 Gwangju Massacre, Former Dictator Chun Doo-hwa By Stuart Smallwood, October 28 2012

A former mass-murdering dictator notorious for his rule during the Gwangju Massacre and for his unscrupulous theft from the South Korean people was granted a diplomatic travel passport from the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade on September

America’s New “Defense Concept” By Andrei Akulov, October 28 2012

The USA has come up with a new Americas defense concept. On October 4 the Western Hemisphere Defense Policy Statement saw light outlining the major security vision for the next decade or longer.It makes precise how the January 2012 Defense

America vs. Bank of America Lawsuit: “Spectacularly Brazen” Fraud. No Criminal Charges By Barry Grey, October 28 2012

In the latest token civil suit by the Obama administration against a major Wall Street bank, the Department of Justice on Wednesday charged Bank of America with wholesale mortgage fraud.

The complaint filed by the US attorney for Manhattan, Preet …

Beyond President Chavez Electoral Victory: Socialism in a Rentier State By Prof. James Petras, October 28 2012
The opposition will oppose any changes in ownerships of the private banks, mass media and strategic economic centers which they dominate.
New York Hospital sacrificed for an Israel-backed Science Facility By Global Research News, October 28 2012

by Terri Ginsberg

A New York science campus will be jointly overseen by Israel’s Technion university, which has developed technology used in Caterpillar bulldozers used to destroy Palestinian homes.

(Oren Ziv / ActiveStills)

Despite critical opposition from residents

Are American Troops Protecting Afghan Opium? By Washington's Blog, October 28 2012
The U.S. government has – in some parts of the world – protected drug operations. Big American banks also launder money for the drug cartels.
Paul Wellstone: Tenth Anniversary of His Assassination By Stephen Lendman, October 28 2012

October 25 marked the 10th anniversary of Wellstone’s death. Was it accidental or an assassination to silence a sadly missed principled voice? Convincing evidence suggests foul play. More on that below.

On October 25, 2002, The New York Times headlined …

Fukushima Operators Struggle To Contain ‘Outrageous Amount’ Of Radioactive Water By Common Dreams, October 27 2012

Operators of Japan’s Fukushima Dai-ichi plant are having trouble storing a perpetual accumulation of radioactive cooling water from the plant’s broken reactors, the plant’s water-treatment manager, Yuichi Okamura, told the Associated Press in an interview this week.

The plant currently …

It’s U.S. Election Showtime… By Thierry Meyssan, October 27 2012

Over the last 30 years, no U.S. presidential election has signaled a change in Washington’s foreign policy of Washington. Important decisions have been made outside this time frame. It is quite obvious that the president is the superintendent of a

How Wall Street Won the Election Long Before The First Vote Was Cast By Nomi Prins, October 27 2012

Before the campaign contributors lavished billions of dollars on their favorite candidate; and long after they toast their winner or drink to forget their loser, Wall Street was already primed to continue its reign over the economy.

For, after three

Drone-murders of Americans ‘Totally Right, Totally Constitutional’: Homeland Security Chairperson By Washington's Blog, October 27 2012

… and if you question it, you are “a horrible moron,” concludes Peter T. King, Chair of the House Committee on Homeland Security.

This 2-minute video from We Are Change Luke Rudkowski powerfully captures what US “leadership” has become.

US is Allied with and Actively Supports Al Qaeda By James F. Tracy and Kourosh Ziabari, October 27 2012

American political commentator professor James F. Tracy believes that the United States has been constantly allied with Al-Qaeda and has supported it militarily and financially.

“Major media have recently had to acknowledge that US-NATO interests are aligned with Al Qaeda

Wall Street’s “Deficit Manifesto”: Eighty Top CEOs tell Obama, Romney to Slash Social Spending By David Walsh, October 27 2012

The chief executives of 80 large US corporations have issued a “Deficit Manifesto,” calling on the next president to “fix America’s debt” by making substantial “changes in the federal budget.” The statement was published by the Wall Street Journal on

Financial Turbulence: New Downturn in the Global Economy By Nick Beams, October 27 2012

There are increasing signs that the global economy is about to enter a new period of financial turbulence, coupled with deepening recession in a growing number of countries.

In the immediate aftermath of the global economic breakdown that began in …

UN team to investigate civilian drone deaths By Global Research News, October 27 2012
EmmersonLondon-based UN expert says Geneva unit will investigate civilian drone deathsThe United Nations plans to set up a special investigation unit examining claims of civilian deaths in individual US covert drone strikes.

UN investigators have been critical of US

Netanyahu/Lieberman Unite for War By Stephen Lendman, October 27 2012

American crimes of war and against humanity perhaps exceed all other rogue states in history combined.

Pound-for-pound, however, Israeli lawlessness matches the world’s worst. Long ago, it graduated from a regional menace to a global one.

It enforces barbaric occupation …

Dozen Nuclear Plants In Hurricane Sandy’s Path, Brace for Impact By Washington's Blog, October 27 2012

North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York and Connecticut

Bloomberg reports:

“Because of the size of [Hurricane Sandy], we could see an impact to coastal and inland plants,” Neil Sheehan, a spokesman based in Philadelphia for the

Will War Criminals Ever Be Prosecuted? By Washington's Blog, October 27 2012

JUS IN BELLO Will War Criminals Ever Be Prosecuted?JUS IN BELLO 2.0 Will War Criminals Ever Be Prosecuted?

Images by William Banzai 7

It is virtually beyond dispute that Bush and Cheney are war criminals.

Will they ever be prosecuted?

Or does might make right … since the victor writes history?

“Whoever Owns Space Owns the World”: Star Wars or Star Peace? By Andrei Kislyakov, October 27 2012

The US is making huge investments into satellite technology. Back in 2009 US Defence Minister Robert Gates convinced Congress to designate a sum of $10.7 billion to developing this field.

“Whoever owns space also owns the world,” says the former

No Substantive Difference between Obama and Romney’s Foreign Policy By Rick Rozoff and John Robles, October 27 2012
There is “little meaningful difference” between the Democrats and the Republicans and successive administrations in the US when it comes to foreign policy issues. The owner of Stop NATO Rick Rozoff gave his assessment of the candidates after the US
Addiction to Smokeless Tobacco in America By Charles Foerster, October 27 2012
The obvious target is the youth of America. The tobacco industry is aware of their vulnerability so they focus on large attendance venues where the impressionable youth gather
Czech Elections: “No” to Austerity and “Yes” to Strengthening the Left By Socialist Project, October 27 2012

Jiri Málek

On 12–13 October 2012, elections took place in the Czech Republic. The elections were for regional assemblies and one-third of the Senate. Their political impact could have far-reaching results for the whole of society. They signalled a resounding

Covert War on Terror – the Data By Global Research News, October 27 2012
Reaper unmanned drone (Photo US Dept of Defense/ Flickr)

Yemen: reported US covert action 2012

US covert strikes in Yemen continue to escalate through 2012 – see the data here.

Obama at the Pentagon January 2012 (Flikr/ An Honorable German)

Obama 2012 Pakistan strikes

Ten days into the New Year the CIA’s drones ended the longest pause of Obama’s

Obama’s Gitmo betrayal By Matthew Harwood, October 27 2012

Nearly five years ago, Gary Isaac, a corporate lawyer at a prestigious Chicago law firm, drank deeply from candidate Sen. Barack Obama’s rhetorical reservoir of hope and change. The change Isaac was most concerned about had to do with the

Syria: US-NATO Sponsored Rebels break the Cease Fire By Global Research News, October 26 2012

Reported this morning, the cease-fire  was broken by the NATO sponsored rebels.

Terrorist acts directed against military posts were conducted  throughout the country on Friday.

“Armed terrorist groups opened fire on military posts in Deir Ezzor, including checkpoints in Halabyeh …

Imperialism In The X-Factor Age By Colin Todhunter, October 26 2012
From the TV news and commercials to the game-shows and latest instant fame program, misinformation and distraction pervade all aspects of life.
Countering the Global Corporate-Insurgency which Subverts our Institutions By Tony Cartalucci, October 26 2012
The terms insurgency and counterinsurgency can quickly become confusing in a politically motivated context. However, generally speaking, an insurgency seeks to overthrow an established institution or political order, while a counterinsurgency seeks to maintain that order.In the United States, …
NATO Using Al Qaeda “Rat Lines” to Flood Syria With Foreign Terrorists By Tony Cartalucci, October 26 2012

The discredited and now obscure, defected Syrian ambassador Nawaf Fares, had claimed mid-summer of 2012 that the Syrian government had been behind the influx of foreign terrorists that entered Iraq during the later phases of the US-British occupation of Iraq. …

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and the Military Trial of Alleged 9/11 Plotters By Don Knowland, October 26 2012

Pretrial arguments began last week and continued Wednesday in the military commission trial in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba of the alleged 9/11 plotters over the US government’s attempt to suppress any testimony by the defendants on their torture at the hands

Institutionalized state assassinations and the November 6 election By Bill Van Auken, October 26 2012

With barely a week and a half to go until the November 6 presidential elections, the entire spectrum of the American pseudo-left is exerting maximum efforts to turn out votes for Obama with the claim that the reelection of the

The DOJ Vigilantes: Arresting the “Bad Guys” By Stephen Lendman, October 26 2012

Call it three-bagger injustice. Three “bad guys” in one week include one wrongfully arrested, another forced to plead guilty though innocent, and a third convicted without having committed a crime.

In America, criminal justice works that way more times than …

‘600 killed in Bani Walid fighting in one day’ By RT, October 26 2012

Amid conflicting reports that the Libyan city of Bani Walid was captured by army forces, RT has learned that 600 people were allegedly killed in Wednesday’s fighting, and over 1,000 have been hospitalized. Locals are appealing for international aid.


Russia adopts measures to counter U.S.-NATO “anti-missile” threat By Xinhua, October 26 2012
The anti-missile system would be technically capable of threathening the Russian capital by 2020, Komoyedov said.MOSCOW: Russia needs to undertake additional measures to counter a threat from the U.S. anti-missile system, a high-ranking parliament member of Russia said here …
Top Obama Adviser: Awlaki’s 16-Year-Old Son “Should Have Had a More Responsible Father” If He Wanted Us Not to Kill Him By John Glaser, October 25 2012

Robert Gibbs said if US citizen Abdulrahman al-Awlaki didn’t want to be killed he “should have a far more responsible father”

When Robert Gibbs, former White House Press Secretary and a senior adviser to the Obama campaign, was asked why

Activists Challenge Israeli Lawlessness By Stephen Lendman, October 25 2012

For decades, Israel has literally gotten away with murder. Crimes of war and against humanity repeat regularly. Human and civil rights are spurned.

Anyone not experiencing it firsthand can’t imagine the ruthlessness of occupation harshness. Besieged Gazans suffer most. For …

U.S., NATO In South Asia: Eleven Years Of Carnage By Boris Volkhonsky, October 25 2012

A reported by Reuters, Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Tuesday condemned a NATO operation that he said killed four children in the country’s east.

“Despite repeated pledges by NATO to avoid civilian casualties, innocent lives, including those of children, are

U.S. Supplying Anti-Aircraft Missiles To Syrian Rebels By Global Research News, October 25 2012
Syrian militants are armed with portable air defence systems produced in other countries, including the United States, Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Gen. Nikolai Makarov told reporters on Wednesday.“The General Staff has information that
Are Tall Buildings Safer As a Result of the NIST WTC 9/11 Investigation? By Washington's Blog, October 25 2012

Guest Post by Kevin Ryan, former Site Manager for Environmental Health Laboratories, a division of Underwriters Laboratories (UL). Mr. Ryan, a Chemist and laboratory manager, was fired by UL in 2004 for publicly questioning the report being drafted by

Poll: Israelis Support Ethnic Cleansing, Annexation and Apartheid State By Richard Silverstein, October 25 2012

A new poll  of Israeli Jews by Camil Fuchs and commissioned by the New Israel Fund has alarming findings concerning the deterioration of democratic values in Israel. 

*       *      *

rise of jewish fascism yediot

Yediot graphic juxtaposes Israeli ID with Kach party emblem, a

Stopping The Trans Canada’s Keystone XL Pipeline: Activism from the Trees and on the Ground By Colonel Ann Wright, October 25 2012

It seems as though most Americans don’t know that the Obama administration has backed off its commitment to stop a Canadian oil firm from bringing dangerous and toxic tar sands from the fields in Alberta, Canada to oil refineries in

Orthodox Priest Kidnapped and Executed by US-NATO Sponsored Rebels By Agenzia Fides (Vatican News), October 25 2012

Damascus (Agenzia Fides) – The body of the greek orthodox priest Fr. Fadi Jamil Haddad, pastor of the church of St. Elias in Qatana, was found today in the Jaramana neighborhood (north of Damascus) not far from the place where

America: Land of Shady Elections By Global Research News, October 25 2012

By Carl Gibson

If a country proclaimed itself as the standard-bearer for democracy around the world, while a son of one of the country’s presidential candidates owned voting machines in a state known for swinging elections, would you take that

“Romnography”: Where’s the Persian Gulf? Epic Fail By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 25 2012
Iran has an extensive maritime coastline bordering onto the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Oman and Arabian Sea. Iran is an ally of Syria but it does not have a border with Syria.
Who Will Win the Elections? “The Republicrats” By Julie Lévesque, October 24 2012
There is no democracy in the United States. American political life is dominated by one party with two heads, often called the “Republicrats”. Republicans and Democrats agree on core issues and only argue on technicalities.
UAV Warfare “Brings Peace and Stability”: Drone Apologists – Where is your Evidence? By Drone Wars UK, October 24 2012

Over the past few week there has been increasing attention to the issues raised by the growing use of armed unmanned drones. As protests at factories and bases have taken place, newspapers have begun to editorialize, politicians have formed

About that Voting Machine Company Tied to Mitt Romney and Bain Capital… By Brad Blog, October 24 2012

By Brad Friedman

Late last month, Gerry Bello and Bob Fitrakis at broke the story of the Mitt Romney/Bain Capital investment team involved in H.I.G. Capital which, in July of 2011, completed a “strategic investment” to take over a

Ship to Gaza Activists Brutalized by Israeli Navy By Stephen Lendman, October 24 2012

On October 22, headlined “Release: Estelle crew beaten during (Israel’s) attack. (Participants) were beaten during the attack and by interrogators.” Former Canadian legislator “Jim Manly still in detention.”

More on this below.

Israeli policy includes repeated crimes of war

U.S. Officials Guilty of War Crimes for Using 9/11 as a Justification for Waging War on Iraq By Washington's Blog, October 24 2012

U.S. Officials Created a False Link Between Iraq and 9/11

5 hours after the 9/11 attacks, Donald Rumsfeld said “my interest is to hit Saddam”.

He also said “Go massive . . . Sweep it all up. Things related and

Police State USA: In Amerika there will Never be a Real Debate By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 24 2012
You would never know that US citizens can now be imprisoned and executed without due process. All that is required to terminate the liberty and life of an American citizen by his own government is an unaccountable decision somewhere in the executive branch.
Blood is Their Argument: The Real Campaign Trail By Chris Floyd, October 24 2012

“…for how can they charitably dispose of any thing, when blood is their argument?” –– Shakespeare, Henry V

Even as the presidential candidates meet in ersatz agon to spew their self-serving lies and scripted zingers in a “debate” on

Now That Was a Debate: The Other Presidential Candidates Speak Out By David Swanson, October 24 2012

Here’s a video with highlights of Tuesday’s presidential debate:

Participating were Jill Stein, Rocky Anderson, Virgil Goode, and Gary Johnson. Moderating was Larry King. Larry was a bit unprepared, but his questions were far superior to those asked at

NY Times Dragged Into Sex Scandal At The BBC: Who Knew What When And/Or Forgets What They Knew By Danny Schechter, October 24 2012

I was on the BBC’s World Have Your Say radio show discussing their high-profile sex scandal that is now getting reported in the US press. It involves a former, very popular and now very departed TV host named Jimmy Saville

Israel‘s “Solution” for Gaza: A Starvation Diet By Jonathan Cook, October 24 2012

Six and a half years go, shortly after Hamas won the Palestinian national elections and took charge of Gaza, a senior Israeli official described Israel’s planned response. “The idea,” he said, “is to put the Palestinians on a diet, but

Libya: US Blocks Russian UN Resolution of Bani Walid Violence By RT, October 24 2012

The United States has blocked a draft statement, proposed by Russia, on the resolution of violence in the Libyan town of Bani Walid, which has been under siege for weeks. The statement called for a peaceful solution to the conflict.

Confrontation between China and Japan. Naval Deployments in East China Sea By Peter Symonds, October 24 2012

Relations between Japan and China have continued to fester after the Japanese government announced last month that it had “nationalised” the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu islands by buying them from their private Japanese owner.

In a show of force, China staged a …

Amnesty International: Imperialist Tool By Prof. Francis A. Boyle, October 24 2012

Dear Amnesty Friends:

I am in receipt of the response by three members of the AIUSA Middle East Coordination Group to my message that was entitled “NGOs As Western Tools.” You will note that they never denied any of the …

Israel about to attack Gaza? By Global Research News, October 24 2012

Global Research Editor’s note

We bring this to the attention of our readers. At present this information is still subject to verification.

Internationals in Gaza have been advised that the Erez Crossing, closed because of cross-border fighting, will be open …

Greece: Deepening Economic and Social Crisis By Socialist Project, October 24 2012

by Shaun Harkin

Greece is in a grueling downward economic spiral with massive political and social ramifications. Aspects of Greek society are literally falling apart at the seams. Across the whole eurozone – the countries that use the euro as

‘Moderate Mitt’: Neocon Trojan Horse By Robert Parry, October 24 2012

Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney did all he could in Monday’s debate to calm voters’ fears that he would revert to George W. Bush’s neocon foreign policy. But there was one telling slip-up when Romney signaled that his heart remains

Whistleblower who revealed CIA torture sentenced to prison By RT, October 24 2012

Former CIA agent John Kiriakou pleaded guilty Tuesday morning to crimes related to blowing the whistle on the US government’s torture of suspected terrorists and was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison.

The Wall Street Journal reports that Kiriakou, 48,

Starving People, Targeting Them with Biological and Chemical Weapons By Global Research News, October 24 2012

by Jennifer Loewenstein

Last week the Associated Press reported:

Israeli authorities blockading the Gaza Strip in 2008 went so far as to calculate how many calories would be needed to avert a humanitarian disaster in the impoverished Palestinian territory,

UNESCO Human Rights Conference Honoring Israel’s President Shimon Peres. Four of Five Speakers Pull Out By Ali Abunimah, October 24 2012

Ali Abunimah

A “human rights” conference at the University of Connecticut was in disarray after almost all the speakers pulled out. The Hartford Courant reports today:

Four of the five speakers scheduled to address a conference on human rights scheduled …

“Obama the Muslim:” Ploy to Cover-up Years of US-Al Qaeda Support By Tony Cartalucci, October 23 2012
US establishment admits arming Al Qaeda, but blames it on “Obama the Muslim.”
Neo-Conservative Frank Gaffney thinks you are stupid. After plotting for the better part of a decade, arming Al Qaeda across the Arab World in a documented conspiracy
Crimes against Humanity: Iraq’s Mass Graves By Dirk Adriaensens, October 23 2012

* US Occupation authorities: guilty. They created, trained and armed the National Police and controlled the Ministry of Interior, responsible for death squad policies.

* Maliki government: guilty. They acted as local US stooges. They carried out the US counterinsurgency

Israel Wages War on Human Rights By Stephen Lendman, October 23 2012

Daily incidents reveal Israeli state terrorism writ large. Praying to the wrong God is called terrorism. So is wanting out from under Israel’s repressive boot.

Occupation harshness knows no limits. Torture is official policy. So are virtually all other crimes …

India: Imperialism’s Steel and Glass Facade By Colin Todhunter, October 23 2012

Chennai, Southern India. The overpowering stench of tradition blends.  Thin, young women wrapped tightly in saris disappear into the alleyways. Black burqa-clad figures drift through the dusty twilight. Powerfully built matriarchs chatter in doorways, and grizzly bare-chested old men in

The Danger of Fascism in Greece By Christoph Dreier, October 23 2012

As it mounts brutal attacks on the social rights of workers across Europe, the ruling class increasingly resorts to violence and authoritarian methods to suppress popular opposition. In Greece, which the financial aristocracy has targeted to serve as an example

Obama and Romney concur on War, Assassination and Reaction By Bill Van Auken, October 23 2012

In their debate on foreign policy Monday night, President Barack Obama and his Republican challenger Mitt Romney voiced nearly identical positions in support of war, illegal killings and imperialist intervention across the globe.

With just two weeks until the election, …