Global Research News

Climate Change, Economic Crisis and the Violence of War By William Blum, December 11 2012

The hurricanes, the typhoons, the heat waves … the droughts, the heavy rains, the floods … ever more powerful, ever new records being set.

Something must be done of course. Except if you don’t believe at all that it’s man-made.

Beyond NAFTA: Shaping the Future of North American Integration within the Global Economy By Dana Gabriel, December 11 2012

In a move that signaled the importance placed on the NAFTA partnership, Mexico’s new president visited the U.S. and Canada before his inauguration. This was seen as a step forward in further strengthening political, economic, energy and security ties between

Decentralize Big-Retail: How to Uproot Walmart and Bring Jobs Back Home By Tony Cartalucci, December 11 2012

In many towns across America, Walmart, or a similar mega-retailer, is the only option you have when you need (almost) anything. Big-retail is a monopoly in its truest form and it has become so, not through “free market” economics, technological

Oil Pipeline Politics: Canada’s Tar Sands By Richard Fidler, December 11 2012

Petroleum giant Enbridge Inc. has taken huge strides in recent weeks to complete its plan to transport tar sands oil to eastern Canada and from there to foreign markets. Already assured of support from the Harper government, the company is

Sanctions Are Destroying Iranian Society By Mehrnaz Shahabi, December 11 2012

Economic sanctions are not only shattering the lives of the Iranian people but also strangling Iran’s social and cultural development. Iran is headed for a humanitarian catastrophe unless steps are taken to avert it.

For 33 years now, since the …

War and the “Fiscal Cliff”: Economic Crisis Fuels Military Intervention in Syria By Danny Schechter, December 11 2012

The US economy is sluggish with fears of a new recession. The Democrats and Republicans once more cannot agree on what to do about the alleged “fiscal cliff” that threatens to further unravel the economy, even as analysts say that

Syria Boils. War Propaganda Abounds. Full Scale Western-led Intervention Looms? By Stephen Lendman, December 11 2012

News from Syria is grim. Libya 2.0 looms. Fabricating a chemical weapons threat looks like pretext for full-scale war.

On December 8, the Toronto Sun said Foreign Affairs officials urged Canadian citizens to leave Syria. Maybe they know something they’re …

Post Gaddafi Era: Libyan Women Losing Rights By Prof. Lawrence Davidson, December 11 2012

When rebels challenged Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, the West and its media adopted a “good-guy/bad-guy” dichotomy, hyping dubious claims about Gaddafi and ignoring troubling extremism among the rebels. Now, the new Libya is clamping down on women’s rights,

Changing the Face of War: U.S. Militarizing Space By Robert Bridge, December 11 2012
Zaitsev said that America’s push to militarize space may include the use of both nuclear and conventional weapons, which could have dangerous and dramatic implications for future warfare.“The United States, as well as some other leading powers, is attempting
Israel Defeated at the United Nations By Jack A. Smith, December 10 2012

The UN General Assembly has delivered two major defeats to Israel in the last two weeks. The governments of the U.S. and Israel are furious.

On Nov. 29, UN member states voted  138-9 with 41 abstentions to advance Palestine’s status …

From 9/11 to the Middle East War: Syrian Terrorists Trained by the KLA in Kosovo By Thierry Meyssan, December 10 2012

Thierry Meyssan replies to the questions of the Serbien news magazine Geopolitika.

He reviews his interpretation of September 11, the events in Syria, and the current situation in Serbia.

Geopolitika: Mr. Meyssan, you gained fame worldwide when you published

Living with Austerity: Depression Hangs over Greek Islands’ Economy By Chris Jones, December 10 2012

Those of you who have been following my austerity diaries over the past year will know that I have recently emphasized the pall of depression that hangs over the island as austerity and economic disaster take their toll on the

“Shadow Statistics”: More Phony Employment Numbers By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 10 2012

Statistician John Williams ( calls the government’s latest jobs and unemployment reports “nonsense numbers.”

There are a number of ongoing problems with the released numbers. For example, the concurrent-seasonal factor adjustments are unstable. The birth-death model adds non-existent

Syrian “Rebels” establish Unified Military Command under De Facto NATO Jurisdiction By Oliver Campbell, December 10 2012

Syrian “rebel” militia groups established a new unified command last Friday in talks in Turkey, attended by officials from the US, Britain, France, the Gulf States and Jordan. Around 500 delegates elected a 30-member Supreme Military Council and a chief

The “Fiscal Cliff” and the Dismantling of Medicare By Kate Randall, December 10 2012

It is becoming increasingly clear that any deal reached in the negotiations in Washington over the “fiscal cliff” will include a major expansion of means testing for Medicare, the federal health insurance program for seniors and the disabled. The introduction …

NATO to Deploy Six Patriot Missile Batteries and 600 Troops to Turkey By Xinhua, December 10 2012

ANKARA: Around 600 foreign troops are expected to accompany six Patriot missile systems to be deployed in Turkey to reinforce the NATO member country’s air defense and calm its fears of coming under a possible missile attack from neighboring Syria, …

Russia Will not Allow Repetition of “Libya Scenario” in Syria By Global Research News, December 10 2012

MOSCOW: Russia will not allow a repetition of the Libyan scenario in Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Sunday.

“We’ll not allow the Libyan experience to be reproduced in Syria.

Unfortunately our Western partners have departed from the …

Labour Legislation: Teachers, Education Workers and Students Confront Ontario Government By Doug Nesbitt, December 10 2012

This week, Ontario’s teachers, education workers and students will be turning up the heat on the Liberal minority government and Bill 115, which imposes a concessionary bargaining agenda on teachers’ unions and the school boards, and allows the cabinet to

Egypt and Argentina: The Right-Left Alliance By Prof. James Petras, December 10 2012

Once again world public opinion faces a most bizarre political event:  an alliance between political forces on the extreme Right and the Left, including collaboration between NATO regimes and Marxist sects.  The apparent ‘unity of opposites’ is a response to

Preemptive Strike on Syria Looms By Stephen Lendman, December 10 2012

Washington planned war on Syria years ago. Only its timing and methodology remained to be decided.

US administrations want all independent governments replaced by pro-Western puppet regimes. War is the bottom line option when other methods fail.

Washington’s proxy war …

US and UK Troops Accused of Killing Afghan “Children with Potential Hostile Intent”. By Global Research News, December 10 2012

The US military is facing fresh questions over its targeting policy in Afghanistan after a senior army officer suggested that troops were on the lookout for “children with potential hostile intent”.

In October, the U.S. launched an airstrike in Afghanistan

Raising Money for Killers By Stephen Lendman, December 09 2012

Imagine holding a fundraiser for murder, destruction and military occupation.

On December 6, Friends of the Israeli Defense Forces (FIDF) held their annual gala in Los Angeles. Guests annually include high-ranking Israeli military and government officials. Well-known Americans attend.


Potential Military Confrontation: Russia Arms Syria with Powerful Ballistic Missiles By Global Research News, December 09 2012

Global Research Editor’s Note

We bring to the attention of Global Research readers the following news excerpt from regarding the delivery of Russian Iskander missiles to Syria in response to the deployment of US Patriot missiles in Turkey. 

*     …

Protests spread throughout Egypt against Islamist dictatorship By Johannes Stern, December 09 2012

Mass protests against the ruling Islamist Muslim Brotherhood (MB) and US-backed President Mohamed Mursi’s assertion of dictatorial powers spread throughout Egypt yesterday.

Hundreds of thousands of workers and youth defied a protest ban in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, and marched …

Japanese Election Mired in Nationalism and Militarism By Peter Symonds, December 09 2012

The campaign in Japan for the December 16 election has marked a sharp turn to nationalism and militarism across the political establishment, directed especially against China. The rightward shift in Japanese politics is a warning of the dangers facing the …

Israel’s Fourth President, Ephraim Katzir, Founded IDF Biological Weapons Program By Richard Silverstein, December 09 2012

I recently wrote a post which recounted two episodes in Israeli history in which the IDF resorted to biological warfare against its Arab enemies.  In one case, Moshe Dayan brought home tubes containing typhus to be used in poisoning the

End of the World: Hear the 2012 Prophecy … Direct from the Mouths of the Mayan Priests By Washington's Blog, December 09 2012
Many people are talking about the Mayan 2012 prophecy. But few know what the Mayan priests actually said about 2012. In reality, Mayan elders say something very different from what you might have heard.
The Magnitsky Act against Russia: Washington Accuses Moscow of Soviet Style “Czardom” for Opposing US Dominance on the Global Stage By Global Research News, December 09 2012
If Russia is more supportive of the West in terms of its pursuit of dominance on the global stage or takes the initiative to shrink its nuclear weapons pool, it wins Western praise. The US Senate approved on Thursday the
NATO Intervention in Syria Imminent? By Stephen Lendman, December 09 2012

On December 7, Voice of Russia (VoR) headlined: “Iraq 2.0, another false-flag invasion rated XXX,” saying:

“The US and NATO are set to invade Syria, something many of us have been warning about for a while now. It has been …

Former military adviser to Colin Powell ‘skeptical’ of ‘politicized’ US intelligence on Syria By RT, December 09 2012

Syria will never use chemical weapons against its own people, Lawrence Wilkerson, a retired US Army Colonel who was Chief of Staff to Colin Powell told RT. Instead, the reality is that US is “preparing the ground to intervene in

Strategic Communications: How NATO Shapes and Manipulates Public Opinion By Public Intelligence, December 08 2012

When NATO forces intervened in Libya last year to help oust Muammar Qaddafi, military planners were aware that one of the greatest battles of the conflict would not be military, but ideological: justifying the legitimacy of their actions to both

Ongoing Economic Slump in America: Tepid US Jobs Report By Andre Damon, December 08 2012

The Labor Department reported Friday that the United States added 146,000 jobs in November, barely enough to keep up with population growth. The net payroll increase was below the average monthly number for the past two years of 150,000.

The …

Mounting Evidence of US Plans for Military Intervention against Syria By Chris Marsden, December 08 2012

Yesterday, Military.Com reported that 400 US and Dutch NATO troops were already “massed on Turkey’s Syrian border…readying Patriot missiles three days after NATO agreed to deploy the MIM-104 Patriot surface-to-air missile system in Turkey.”

This follows the announcement this week …

Double Standards. US Nuclear Weapons Test condemned by Iran, Japan By RT, December 08 2012

Iran has strongly condemned the US for carrying out a nuclear test in Nevada this week, saying the move threatens world peace and shows a hypocritical set of double standards set by Washington when it comes to nuclear research.


Ireland: The Devastating Social Impact of Economic Austerity Measures By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, December 08 2012

Another political party is selflessly sacrificing itself to the ‘preying’ mantis of the Irish establishment. We are seeing the Labour Party (in coalition with the conservative Fine Gael) being slowly ingested before our eyes as they struggle to justify their …

7.3 Earthquake Rattles Fukushima By Washington's Blog, December 08 2012

A 7.3 earthquake hit near Fukushima.

That is large earthquake … bigger than the 1989 San Francisco earthquake (But it is much smaller than last year’s 9.0 Japanese earthquake, which produced almost 1,000 times more energy.)

The location was very

“Military Voyeurism” or Invasion of Syria? French Special Forces Team Up with Foreign Backed Terrorists By Dr. Ismail Salami, December 08 2012
As part of the sinister plan for Syria at work, French military agents have recently held face-to-face meetings with the foreign-backed militants inside the country in a bid to “assess the situation on the ground.”
Chemical Weapons in Syria? US-NATO “False Flags” and Dirty War Plans By Lisa Karpova, December 08 2012

Now that Barack Obama is firmly ensconced in office, re-elected for a second term, it appears that the hounds of hell are desperately barking for some action on Syria. Frustrated by the successful efforts of the Syrian government to turn

West’s Stance on Syrian Chemical Weapons: Prelude to Military Intervention? By Xinhua, December 08 2012
News Analysis: Talks of Syrian chemical weapons: prelude for intervention or further pressure on Damascus?

“The real concern is that the U.S. may have other plans; to provide the terrorist groups with such weaponries.. .to justify any foreign intervention in

Hillary Clinton: thwarting re-Sovietization or imposing Americanization? By Boris Volkhonsky, December 08 2012
“We are trying to figure out effective ways to slow down or prevent it.”

Indeed, they are. For that, the US has launched full-scale wars in close vicinity to the region (not to mention local clashes and a “limited” use

Missile Deployment Points to NATO Military Involvement in Syria Conflict By Global Research News, December 08 2012
Russian diplomat sees sign of NATO involvement in Syrian conflict in missile deploymentMOSCOW: The deployment of Patriot missiles in Turkey near the Syrian border indicates that NATO is getting involved in the conflict in Syria, Russian ambassador to the …
Militarization of Israel’s Apartheid Wall: Anglo-Danish Security Giant G4S Services Military Checkpoints By Global Research News, December 08 2012

by Adri Nieuwhof

The British-Danish security giant G4S has become the target of rights activists in different countries because of its provision of services to Israeli prisons, military checkpoints and to firms in illegal settlements in the West Bank.


The Public Bank Option for Scotland: Ensuring Economic Sovereignty By Ellen Brown, December 07 2012

The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) and the Bank of Scotland have been pillars of Scotland’s economy and culture for over three centuries.  So when the RBS was nationalized by the London-based UK government following the 2008 banking crisis, and

Canada: Starving the People in Order to Feed the Banks By Rocco Galati and Michael Welch, December 07 2012

“What is this? This is nonsense! This is an unconstitutional use of the Bank of Canada and it also breaches the terms for which it was set up. The other dimension is, why do we have foreign private interests dictating

Syria: EU Nobel Winners, Dodgy Deals, Clinton and Osama bin Laden’s Ally By Felicity Arbuthnot, December 07 2012
Marking abandonment of the last shred of pretense of observing the rule of law, the Nobel Peace Prize winning European Union Foreign Ministers are to meet with the leader of the Syrian insurgency in Brussels
Pollux: Subcritical Underground US Nuclear Explosion Test By Andrew Kishner, December 07 2012

On December 6, the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) posted on their website that a day earlier it had conducted ‘Pollux,’ the U.S.’s 27th subcritical nuclear experiment since signing the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). Pollux was a first-of-its-kind

The American Media Establishment and the British Royal Pregnancy By David Walsh, December 07 2012

The announcement that Kate Middleton, wife of Britain’s Prince William and Duchess of Cambridge, is expecting a baby has produced unseemly squeals of delight from the American media and establishment generally.

Why this stupidity? Or is it something more than …

US tightens military noose around Syria By Bill Van Auken, December 07 2012

Amid an escalating drumbeat about a supposed threat that Syria’s government is preparing to use chemical weapons against its own people, Washington has deployed a naval armada off the country’s coast.

The USS Eisenhower carrier strike group was sent through …

Another American Drone Captured by Iran: Washington Feels Trepid By Kourosh Ziabari, December 07 2012

Iranian media reported on Tuesday, December 4 that the naval forces of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps have successfully hunted down an American Scan Eagle surveillance drone which had violated Iran’s airspace while on an espionage mission over the Persian Gulf …

Potential War Against Syria: Chemical Weapons, Russian Warships and Terrorists By Washington's Blog, December 07 2012


We reported yesterday:

  • 10,000 U.S. troops – as well as French, British and Nato troops – are amassing off the coast of Syria for a potential invasion
  • “Anonymous U.S. sources” are claiming that Syria is mixing chemical weapons …
2012: The Year of the Drone in Afghanistan By Spencer Ackerman, December 07 2012

The soldiers and marines are packing their bags. The pilots are sitting on the tarmac. But the armed robotic planes are busier than they’ve ever been: Revised U.S. military statistics show a much, much larger drone war in Afghanistan than

NATO Expansion into the Middle East, Confronting Russia, Systematic Surrounding of China By Rick Rozoff and John Robles, December 07 2012

NATO expansion into the Middle East, the systematic surrounding of the People’s Republic of China, the current state of relations between Russia and NATO and what appears to be broken promises and continued aggression on the part of the U.S.

Deployment of Unmanned Drones: Israel To Strike Iran From Azerbaijan By Xinhua, December 07 2012
Ahead of a possible strike, Heron drones armed with Hellfire missiles would take out the missiles before they leave the ground… Several reports over the past year have suggested that Azerbaijan, located beside the Caspian Sea and bordering Iran from
US Sponsored Genocide Against Iraq 1990-2012. Killed 3.3 Million, Including 750,000 Children By Sherwood Ross, December 06 2012

Approximately 3.3 million Iraqis, including 750,000 children, were “exterminated” by economic sanctions and/or illegal wars conducted by the U.S. and Great Britain between 1990 and 2012, an eminent international legal authority says.

The slaughter fits the classic definition of Genocide …

10,000 U.S. Troops – Plus French, British Forces – Get Ready for War Against Syria By Washington's Blog, December 06 2012

Anonymous U.S. officials are accusing Syria of building chemical weapons, and DebkaFile is reporting (via RT)  that an aircraft carrier, numerous battle ships, amphibious ready group, 10,000 troops and heavy military equipment have already been sent to the …

Orwellian “Eavesdropping on a Worldwide Scale”: United Nations asks for Control over the World’s Internet By RT, December 06 2012

Members of the United Nation’s International Telecommunications Union (ITU) have agreed to work towards implementing a standard for the Internet that would allow for eavesdropping on a worldwide scale. 

At a conference in Dubai this week, the ITU members decided …

WMD Hype: Syrian Government will not Use Chemical Weapons against its Own Citizens By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, December 05 2012

Syria will not use any chemical or biological weapons against its own people. The Obama Administration and company are just recycling the same lines that were used months earlier against Damascus.

These statements are disingenuous and hollow. They can easily …

Iran: When the Drones Backfire on America. Washington’s Troubled Dream? By Dr. Ismail Salami, December 05 2012

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has recently described Iran as the hardest issue she has been dealing with as secretary of state.

In 30-minute keynote address at the annual US-Israeli forum, Clinton clearly enunciated that she has failed to

Canada’s Vote Opposing UN Recognition of Palestine. Quebec’s Motion to Recognize Palestine Statehood By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, December 05 2012

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) hails the motion to recognize Palestinians’ right to self-determination and to establish a state, adopted without opposition yesterday by Quebec’s National Assembly. Presented jointly by Foreign Affairs Minister Jean-François Lizée

The Omissions of “Mainstream” Journalism: “History in the Un-Making” By John Pilger, December 05 2012

In the week Lord Leveson published almost a million words about his inquiry into the “culture, practice and ethics” of Britain’s corporate press, two illuminating books about media and freedom were also published. Their contrast with the Punch and Judy

Americans Are The Most Spied On People In World History By Washington's Blog, December 05 2012

According to the Wireless News TechDirt:

In a radio interview, Wall Street Journal reporter Julia Angwin (who’s been one of the best at covering the surveillance state in the US) made a simple observation that puts much of

Israel’s Doomsday E-1 Settlement. Diabolical Encroachment to Prospective Palestinian State By Nicola Nasser, December 05 2012

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has definitely crossed an international red line to vindicate a swift and firm rejection from Israel’s closest allies when he announced plans recently to build a new settlement on a corridor of occupied Palestinian

Dangerous Crossroads: NATO Missiles in Turkey Pointing at Syria By Tony Cartalucci, December 05 2012
NATO has approved stationing US-made Patriot missiles along Turkey's border, for what it claims is "Defense." A de facto No-fly Zone is in the Works to establish Rebel "Safe Havens."
Syria War Preparations: NATO Selects Patriot Missile Sites In Turkey By Ria Novosti, December 05 2012
ANKARA: NATO military experts have selected sites for the deployment of at least three Patriot air defense systems along Turkey’s border with Syria, local media reported on Monday.

NATO member Turkey formally requested Patriot missiles from the military alliance after

The Illusion of Palestine Statehood: Inhumanity, Illegality and Grand Theft By Felicity Arbuthnot, December 05 2012
Palestine’s recognition at the UN as a Non-Member Observer State, led the self proclaimed “only democracy in the Middle East” to hurl its metaphorical toys out of the pram...
NATO War on Syria? Germany, Netherlands to Provide Patriot Missiles to Turkey By Stop NATO, December 05 2012

[S]peculation is rife that the deployment is a measure to counter a possible missile threat not from Syria, but from Iran…

The monitoring operations of the Patriot radars will be controlled from the Ramstein Allied Air Command headquarters, which serves

Foreigner Appointed Governor of the Bank of England By Hugo Radice, December 05 2012

The appointment of Mark Carney as next Governor of the Bank of England has been greeted with universal acclaim. In the House of Commons Ed Balls was quick to congratulate Chancellor George Osborne on his choice, and on the evening

Credit Default Swaps: Evolving Financial Meltdown and Derivative Disaster Du Jour By Ellen Brown, December 05 2012
If there are no rules, the players can cheat; and cheat they have, with a gambler's addiction.
Civil War in The Congo: Template for Neo-Colonialism By J. B. Gerald, December 05 2012
The takeover of Goma by M-23 brings to public awareness Rwanda's control of the Democratic Republic of Congo's Kivu Province.
Bradley Manning: A Window Into The American Soul By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 05 2012

Liberty consists of government being ruled by law and citizens having control over law. This was the way our founding fathers set up the US Constitution. It is the Constitution that defines the United States. Every member of the government

Top NSA Spying Chief: “If You Ever Get On Their Enemies List, Like Petraeus Did, Then You Can Be Drawn Into That Surveillance” By Washington's Blog, December 04 2012

Government Spies On All Americans … And Harasses Anyone On Its “Enemies List”

We’ve noted for years that national security laws are being used to stifle dissent … more than to protect us from bad guys.

We noted in 2008:…

Syria: The WMD “Justification” to Wage a “Preemptive War”: US Repeats Syrian Chemical Weapons “Warnings” By Tony Cartalucci, December 04 2012
US repeats same tired, desperate accusations that the Syrian army is preparing to use “chemical weapons.”Once again, the US has issued a warning against Syria deploying “chemical weapons” citing “intelligence reports that the Damascus government is preparing such munitions …
Wikileaks, Anonymous: “Media Instruments” Supportive of US-NATO Sponsored Regime Change? By Ryan O’Neill, December 04 2012

Throughout early 2011, the European liberal left were in a frenzy over the ‘Arab Spring’ uprisings that were sweeping across the region. The Mainstream Media supplied around the clock coverage of the mass demonstrations in Tahrir Square as we were

Israel Asked Jordan’s Approval To Strike Alleged Syrian WMD Facilities By Global Research News, December 04 2012

Global Research Editor’s note

We bring to the attention of our readers the following report, which portrays Israel as an active partner in the US-NATO led war on Syria. Alleged WMD  facilities are being used as pretext and a justification

Iran Captures US ScanEagle Drone over Persian Gulf By Global Research News, December 04 2012

Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) Navy Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi announced that his forces hunted a US Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) over the Persian Gulf after the drone violated the country’s airspace.

The UAV which had conducted …

UK Economy Falls into Double-Dip Recession By Bulent Gokay, December 04 2012

New Boss of the Bank of England Cannot Create Miracles. Four years after the Great Crash, UK economy falls into double-dip recession

The appointment of Mark Carney – current Head of Bank of Canada – as the first non-British governor

Colombia-Nicaragua Territorial Dispute. Bogota Will Not Recognize International Court of Justice’s Ruling By Global Research News, December 04 2012

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos assured Friday that the decision of the International Court of Justice in The Hague “will not be applied” regarding the differences with Nicaragua.

“I might have a meeting with President Daniel Ortega tomorrow. And we …

Protesting Morsi: Egypt’s Constitutional Court Closes By Ria Novosti, December 04 2012

Egypt’s Supreme Constitutional Court has halted its work “indefinitely” after protesters prevented justices from getting to their offices on Sunday morning.

The court building is being blockaded by protesters who support President Mohamed Morsi and his November 22 “Constitutional Declaration.”…

Israel To Deploy Drones in Azerbaijan. Preemptive Strike on Iran? By Xinhua, December 04 2012

Israel plans to use unmanned drones it deployed in Azerbaijan to preemptively strike Iranian missile sites in the event of a war, the London-based Sunday Times reported.

The report comes amid mounting speculations that Israel may launch a military strike …

Iranian Medicine Saving Lives of Americans while US Sanctions Killing Iranian Patients By Press TV, December 04 2012
Iranian medicine has been saving the lives of Americans while the illegal US-led sanctions against the Islamic Republic have been adversely affecting the lives of many Iranian patients.

A Sunday report on the website of the Wall Street Journal said …