Global Research News

Latin America’s Social Movements and the ALBA Alliance By Federico Fuentes, May 27 2013

An important summit of global significance, held in Brazil May 16-20, has largely passed below the radar of most media outlets, including many left and progressive sources.This summit was not the usual type, involving heads of states and business leaders.

Obama Speaks: Drone Warfare and Counterterrorism By Chris Cole, May 27 2013

On Thursday (23 Oct) President Obama gave a much-trailed speech on counterterrorism, large parts of which focused on the US use of drones.

At the same time a ‘fact sheet’ on US policy on the use of force outside declared

Sweden Rebellions Reveal Deepening Racial and Class Divisions By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 27 2013

Many people in Sweden and across Europe and the world were shocked at the week of unrest which began on May 19 in the suburb of Husby just outside of Stockholm. Known for its social services programs, clean commercial districts

The Need to Work for Peace On the Korean Peninsula By Socialist Project, May 27 2013

by Marty Hart-Landsberg

This long post examines the causes of and offers a response to the dangerous escalation of tensions on the Korean peninsula.

While the details of U.S.-North Korean relations are complex, the story is relatively simple.

In brief,

Millions Rally around the World in March Against Monsanto By Mike Adams, May 27 2013

Millions around the world rallied against Monsanto today, marching in person in nearly 300 cities and spreading the message of food freedom across websites, Facebook and Twitter.

In Austin, Texas, at least a thousand people took part in an upbeat,

President’s Obama’s Promise: Global War on Terror to Continue, with Fresh Makeup. Assassinating People Prevents Them From Attacking Us By William Boardman, May 27 2013

The United States uses Predator and Reaper drones to kill people at a distance, sometimes at random, sometimes Americans or children, and after a decade of this practice, in the face of scattered popular protest, President Obama gave a speech

Malaysia Supported UN General Assembly Resolution on Syria By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, May 26 2013

It is disappointing that Malaysia chose to support the UN General Assembly resolution on Syria on 15 May 2013. Even if we did not want to vote against it — which is what 12 governments did, including Russia, China, …

The Network of Global Corporate Control: A Giant Bow-tie Structure, A Tightly-knit Core of Financial Institutions By Global Research News, May 26 2013

by Stefania Vitali, James B. Glattfelder,  Stefano Battiston

The structure of the control network of transnational corporations affects global market competition and financial stability. So far, only small national samples were studied and there was no appropriate methodology to assess

World Bank Insider Blows Whistle on Corruption, Federal Reserve By Alex Newman, May 26 2013

A former insider at the World Bank, ex-Senior Counsel Karen Hudes, says the global financial system is dominated by a small group of corrupt, power-hungry figures centered around the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve.

The network has seized control of

America’s “Permanent War”: The “Authorization to Use Military Force” Forever? By William Boardman, May 26 2013

The Militant American Empire Doesn’t Need Any More AUMF 

On September 14, 2001, the Congress authorized the President to wage unfettered, permanent war against pretty much anyone the President, in his sole discretion, deemed related to the 9/11 attacks and

From Agent Orange to Pesticides and Genetically Engineered Crops. Why Not to Trust Monsanto By Josh Sager, May 26 2013

The Monsanto Corporation is among the largest pesticide and biotechnical corporations in the world today.

Their products are used in most sectors of agriculture, public land upkeep, landscaping/gardening and can be found in most markets across the United States. Monsanto

Who Calls the Shots in Washington? Government Of, By, and “For The Banks” By Andre Damon, May 26 2013

Five years since the 2008 financial meltdown, the speculation and fraud that caused the crash are back in full force in the United States. Flush with the $85 billion in cash printed up and handed to the banks every month …

US and Allies Step Up War Preparations against Syria, Lebanon, Iran By Chris Marsden, May 26 2013

The United States and its allies continue to escalate their military aggression against Syria, behind the smokescreen of a proposed international peace conference scheduled for June in Geneva.

In official public discourse, the conference is seeking a political solution to …

Syrian Army Continues Crackdown on Terrorists in al-Qseir and Other Areas By Global Research News, May 26 2013

The following report by the Syrian News agency SANA provides details on the crackdown on US supported terrorists in the border town of Al Qseir.

The armed forces on Saturday continued operations against the armed terrorist groups in al-Qseir

Massacre in Central Burma: Muslim Students Terrorized and Killed in Meiktila By Physicians for Human Rights, May 26 2013

by Holly G. Atkinson, MD, FACP and Richard Sollom, MA, MPH

This report details the results of a PHR investigation into the March 20 and 21, 2013, attacks on Muslim students, teachers, and residents in the Mingalar Zayyone quarter of

Monsanto’s GMO Killer Seeds: Profits Above Human Health By Stephen Lendman, May 26 2013
On May 25, more than two million people marched against Monsanto Worldwide. They did so in dozens of countries worldwide. They had good reason.They want consumer protections enacted. They want safe food to eat. They want governments assuring it.
Britain’s Elite School Justifies Shooting Protesters Dead By Press TV, May 26 2013

Britain’s elite school Eton, where Prime Minister David Cameron went to school, has asked 13-year old boys to pretend to be Prime Minister and justify the army shooting dead 25 protesters in a speech to win a scholarship, British media

Genetic Engineering: Two Million People In 52 Countries March Against Monsanto By Washington's Blog, May 26 2013

 Monsanto’s Arguments Debunked

2 million people in 52 countries protested against Monsanto today. (Pictures here.)

In response to the protest, Monsanto’s spokesperson said:

Among the challenges facing agriculture are producing food for our growing population and reducing

Quantitative Easing: Three Reasons Why Stocks Have Skyrocketed Over the Past Couple of Years By Washington's Blog, May 26 2013

 The Big Buyers … Unmasked

Stocks have soared since 2009 because the Fed’s quantitative easing has – intentionallypumped them up.

They’ve also skyrocketed because central banks are directly buying stocks.

NBC News reports on a third …

Guns Versus Trade: U.S. and China Rivalry over Africa’s Riches By Asad Ismi, May 26 2013

 In my report on France’s invasion of Mali published in the March issue of The Monitor, I wrote that, “According to U.K. journalist John Pilger, ‘A full-scale invasion of Africa is under way. The United States is deploying

Monsanto Expands in the Caribbean: Puerto Rico is the Testing Ground By Timothy Alexander Guzman, May 26 2013

Monsanto is the global multinational corporation that has been expanding its operation in the Caribbean nation of Puerto Rico.  It has been using Puerto Rico as an experiment for its Genetically Modified Seeds (GMOs). 

According to a 2011 report called …

Rogue President Obama: Defending the Indefensible By Stephen Lendman, May 25 2013

Forked tongue rhetoric can’t disguise it. Throughout Obama’s tenure, he has governed lawlessly. He’s done so at home and abroad. He spurns rule of law principles and other democratic values.

Nothing suggests change. Business as usual continues. War on humanity

FBI Agents Killed in Virginia Were Investigating the Boston Bombing By Global Research News, May 25 2013

 By JG Vibes

Two FBI agents died in a “fall” from a helicopter in Virginia this week. 

Days later it has emerged that these agents were involved in the arrest of  Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings.

Why Disinformation Works. In America “Truth has no Relevance. Only Agendas are Important” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 25 2013
Have you ever wondered how the government’s misinformation gains traction? What I have noticed is that whenever a stunning episode occurs, almost everyone whether on the right or left goes along with the government’s explanation,
Seeds of Destruction: The Record of Monsanto and Genetic Manipulation By Michael Welch, Dr. Vandana Shiva, and F. William Engdahl, May 25 2013

Control the oil, and you control nations. Control the food, and you control the people.”* -Henry Kissenger

Genetic Engineering is the direct manipulation of the coding sequence, or genome, within the cell of an organism. It proceeds by

Monsanto Protection Act Signed By Obama, GMO Bill “Written By Monsanto” Signed Into Law By Global Research News, May 25 2013

The Monsanto Protection Act, essentially both written by and benefiting Monsanto Corporation, has been signed into law by United States President Barack Obama. The infamous Monsanto Corporation will benefit greatly and directly from the bill, as it essentially gives companies …

America’s GM Grain Surpluses: Sowing the Seeds of Famine in Ethiopia By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 25 2013

This article, which describes how genetically modified seeds granted as “food aid” was instrumental in triggering famine. It was first published in The Ecologist in September 2000. It was one the first articles published on Global Research in September 2001. 

May 25th: Global March Against Monsanto By Washington's Blog, May 25 2013

On Saturday, May 25th, folks around the world will be marching against Monsanto.

Here’s why people are marching. And here.

(Remember, Monsanto’s genetically engineered foods have allegedly been linked to obesity, cancer, liver failure, infertility and …

The World of Our Children By Jack A. Smith, May 25 2013

The front cover of the May edition of National Geographic has an intriguing headline. Just over a large photo of a baby of several months are the words: “THIS BABY WILL LIVE TO BE 120.” Wow. In smaller type an

The World Against Monsanto: Holding the Corrupt Accountable By James Corbett and Tami Canal, May 25 2013
Monsanto is a company feared and reviled by the public in equal measure. Now, a new movement is seeking to galvanize grassroots resistance to the corporation, and derail its agenda.
Guantanamo, Drone Strikes and the “Non-War Terror War”: Obama Speaks By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, May 24 2013

As one of the 1,200-plus signatories to the full-page ad that appeared in The New York Times, calling for the closure of Guantanamo, I was disappointed in President Barack Obama’s speech Thursday on counterterrorism, drones and Guantanamo.

Torture and Indefinite

Building Mass Resistance against New World Order Economic Austerity By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, May 24 2013

“We are in the midst of the pre-history of historic transformational change that will end the rule of money.”

This was a week that exemplified the historic moment in which we live.  We will look back at these times and …

Students, Youth Movements, Women’s Organizations, Labor Unions, Farmers: Declaration of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) By Global Research News, May 24 2013
From the 16th to the 20th of May, in the National School Florestan Fernandes, municipality of Guararema, State of São Paulo, Brazil, with the participation of more than two hundred delegates from women’s, campesino, urban, indigenous, student and youth movements,
Puerto Rico’s Colonial Status and the U.S. Invasion By Timothy Alexander Guzman, May 24 2013

Puerto Rico was a Colony of the Spanish Empire for more than 400 years.  After the Spanish-American War of 1898 instigated by the ‘Remember the Maine’ incident, the United States declared Puerto Rico, Hawaii, the Philippines and Guam as its …

Why We Oppose U.S. and Israeli intervention in Syria By ANSWER, May 24 2013

Having overthrown the Governments in Iraq in 2003 and Libya in 2011, the U.S. government has sought to topple the Syrian government during the past two years. The CIA has been the coordinating agency for massive weapons shipments from Saudi …

Israel-Mexico: Military Cooperation to Crush Zapatistas Liberation Movement By Jimmy Johnson and Linda Quiquivix, May 24 2013

Mexico has gone public about military coordination with Israel in Chiapas, home to the Zapatistas liberation movement.  (Image: Omar Torres / AFP/Newscom)

Earlier this month, Jorge Luis Llaven Abarca, Mexico’s newly-appointed secretary of public security in Chiapas, announced that …

Global Stock Markets fall after 7 percent Collapse in Japan’s Nikkei index By Alex Lantier, May 24 2013

Stock markets posted significant losses worldwide, led by a one-day 7.3 percent drop in Japan’s Nikkei stock index, amid signs of a growing global slump and demands for increasing attacks on the working class in Japan.

The Nikkei fell 1,143 …

Media Disinformation and the Conspiracy Panic Phenomenon By James F. Tracy, May 24 2013
To posit that one’s government may be partially composed of unaccountable criminal elements is cause for serious censure in polite circles.
Illinois illegally seizes Bees Resistant to Monsanto’s Roundup; Kills remaining Queens By Global Research News, May 24 2013

The Illinois Ag Dept.  illegally seized privately owned bees from renowned naturalist, Terrence Ingram, without providing him with a search warrant and before the court hearing on the matter, reports Prairie Advocate News.

Behind the obvious violations of his

British Columbia Election Frustrates Labour, Environmental and Indigenous Activists By Roger Annis, May 24 2013

The May 14 general election in British Columbia was a setback to progressive political forces in the province and throughout Canada. The incumbent BC Liberals won a fourth straight term, winning 50 seats with 44 per cent of the vote,

Woolwich London Killing: Terrorism or False Flag? By Stephen Lendman, May 24 2013

Reports said two assailants hacked a British soldier to death. He’s been identified as Lee Rigby. He was killed in broad daylight. It was several hundred meters from southeast London’s Woolwich Royal Artillery barracks.

Weapons included a machete type knife.

Blood on the Streets of London: Who will Protect us from the Real Extremists? By Colin Todhunter, May 24 2013

Two men armed with knives and gun(s) apparently hack to death an off-duty soldier outside an army barracks in Woolwich, London. As the soldier lies dead or dying in the road, one of the alleged attackers approaches a man filming

Grassroots Rising: The People’s Movement Against Monsanto By James Corbett and Tami Canal, May 24 2013
Monsanto is a company feared and reviled by the public in equal measure. But whatever cases Monsanto has lost in the court of public opinion it has made up for in the courts of justice thanks to its revolving door with the upper reaches of Washington. Now, a new movement is seeking to galvanize grassroots resistance to the corporation, and derail its agenda. This is the GRTV Backgrounder on Global Research TV.
HAITI: Continental Conference to End Military Occupation by UN’s MINUSTAH By Kim Ives, May 23 2013

Delegates from around the world will converge on Port-au-Prince May 31 to take part in a two-day Continental Conference aimed at bringing an end to the United Nations Mission to Stabilize Haiti or MINUSTAH, which marks its ninth anniversary on

Bahrainis Demand Regime Change By Vladislav Gulevich, May 23 2013

World media outlets give little attention to the events in Bahrain, a small island nation, which is a key ally of Saudi Arabia and the United States in the Persian Gulf.

On May 10 thousands of anti-government activists flocked …

May 25 ‘March Against Monsanto’ planned for over 30 countries By Global Research News, May 23 2013

Press Release


Emilie Rensink
Media Facilitator
March Against Monsanto
[email protected]
(317) 643-1677

May 25 ‘March Against Monsanto’ planned for over 30 countries

SEATTLE, Wash. (May 1, 2013) – March Against Monsanto has announced that on May …

Two FBI Agents Involved in Arrest of Boston Bombing Suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s “FALL” Out of Helicopter and Die By Global Research News, May 23 2013
Two members of the FBI’s elite counterterrorism unit died Friday while practicing how to quickly drop from a helicopter to a ship using a rope, the FBI announced Monday in a statement.The statement gave few details regarding the deaths of
Witness Tied to Boston Bombing Suspect Killed by FBI By Barry Grey and Nick Barrickman, May 23 2013

Twenty-seven-year-old Ibragim Todashev was shot and killed early Wednesday morning while being interrogated by police and intelligence officials in an Orlando, Florida, apartment. Todashev, a friend of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev and, like Tsarnaev, an ethnic Chechen, was

Behind “Syria Peace Talks”, US Prepares Regional War By Bill Van Auken, May 23 2013

While ostensibly touring the Middle East to discuss a joint US-Russian proposal for peace talks between the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad and Western-backed “rebels,” Secretary of State John Kerry met with US allies to prepare for region-wide war.

“The Global Rendition System”: Major Study Sheds New Light on CIA Secret Prisons By Reprieve, May 23 2013

Today sees the launch of the “Global Rendition System” database and interactive map – the most comprehensive resource so far created illustrating the CIA’s programme of renditions and secret prisons as part of the ‘war on terror’.

On …

Mission Creep: Toward Full-Scale War on Syria? By Stephen Lendman, May 23 2013

On May 20, Secretary of State John Kerry headed back to the Middle East. It’s his fourth regional visit since January.

On May 21, he met Oman’s Sultan Qaboos. An air defense system/weapons sale, Syria, and related issues were discussed.…

Austerity Redux: Crisis in Ontario’s Health Care System By Doug Allan, May 23 2013

Contrary to the hysteria from conservatives, health care spending continues to decline as a percentage of the provincial budget. Last year, health care accounted for 38.5 per cent of total expenditures, this year the government plans to bring it down

Hezbollah and the War in Syria: Why is the UK Pressuring the EU to Designate Hezbollah a “Terrorist” Group? By Phil Greaves, May 23 2013

A distinct increase of negative coverage has been forming in Western and Gulf press; this focus is specifically regarding Hezbollah’s direct involvement in the battle currently raging to take control of the Syrian town of Qusair; its overall role in

The Growing Global Challenge to Monsanto’s Monopolistic Greed By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, May 23 2013

Monsanto.(Photo: Monsanto via The New York Times)

The common problem we face is the power of concentrated wealth and monopolistic corporate interests. This has created a crony capitalist economy that uses government to further enrich the wealthy at the expense

On the Road to Damascus: An Eyewitness Report By Antonio C. S. Rosa, May 22 2013

I participated, May 1-11, 2013 in the Mussalaha International Peace Delegation to Lebanon-Syria alongside fellow TRANSCEND member Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire, from Ireland, and 15 others from eight countries. Keenly aware of my responsibility, especially to my newly made …

Western Mercenaries Have Integrated the Ranks of Al Qaeda Rebels in Syria By Global Research News, May 22 2013

In April, the EU’s anti-terror chief Gilles de Kerchove told the British media that some 500 Europeans were in Syria to fight against the government of President Bashar al-Assad.

German Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich has said that a number of

Fed Pours Huge Sums Into Foreign Bank Coffers: Why Is the Fed Bailing Out the World … On Our Dime? By Washington's Blog, May 22 2013

We noted even before the TARP bailout law was signed into law that bailout moneys could flow to foreign banks.

We were right. A large percentage of the bailouts went to foreign banks (and see this). And so did …

Goal Reached: Time to Restart the Economy By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, May 22 2013

Finally – it’s over.  The goal of Simpson and Bowles has been met, the deficit is shrinking rapidly. And the intellectual underpinning for deficit reduction, based on the study by Rogoff and Reinhart, has been destroyed.

Phew! Glad that is

Argentina’s General Videla and the “War on Terror” By Bill Van Auken, May 22 2013

Gen. Jorge Rafael Videla died May 17 at the age of 87 as the result of injuries suffered from a fall in a prison shower. He was remembered as the head of a savage military dictatorship that between 1976 and

Israel, US Threatens War with Syria as Sectarian Fighting Spreads across Region By Alex Lantier, May 22 2013

Israeli and Syrian forces exchanged fire across the cease-fire line in the Golan Heights yesterday, amid rising US and Israeli threats of intervention in the US-led sectarian proxy war in Syria, which is rapidly spreading throughout the region.

Fighting in …

Israel Heads Closer to War on Syria By Stephen Lendman, May 22 2013

Syria is Washington’s war. Israel’s very much involved. It abhors peace and stability. Its history reflects belligerence. It’s a direct threat. It borders Syria.

Both countries are longstanding imperial partners. The Israeli Lobby plays a key role.

Orwell once said …

Genocide Denial in Guatemala By J. B. Gerald, May 21 2013
Guatemala’s Constitutional Court has overturned the Ríos Montt guilty verdict of May 10th, setting the legal proceedings back to April 19th – after the evidence was presented but before Ríos Montt was declared guilty.
HAITI: Massive March Signals Resurrection of Aristide’s Lavalas Movement By Kim Ives, May 21 2013

Image: Wendell Polynice/Haïti Liberté

Well over 15,000 people poured out from all corners of Haiti’s capital to march alongside the cortege of cars that carried former Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide back to his home in Tabarre from the Port-au-Prince courthouse

Billionaires Unchained: America is a Democracy of the Wealthy By Andy Kroll, May 21 2013

Billionaires with an axe to grind, now is your time. Not since the days before a bumbling crew of would-be break-in artists set into motion the fabled Watergate scandal, leading to the first far-reaching restrictions on money in American politics,

Israeli Army Vehicle Enters Syria, Israel Supports Al Nusra Rebels By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 21 2013
Israel is in close liaison with rebel commanders in Southern Syria, implying frequent incursions into Syria. Wounded Al Nusra rebel fighters are being provided medical care in an Israeli hospital in the Golan Heights:
US-China Confrontation: Washington’s Hacking Charges Escalate Pressure on Beijing By Alex Lantier, May 21 2013

Yesterday, top US officials and media made unsubstantiated allegations of hacking of US computer systems by a military unit in Shanghai, escalating tensions with China.

The New York Times led this campaign, publishing an article titled “Chinese Hackers Resume Attacks …

Systemic Breakdown? Financial Bubbles Creating Conditions for New Crash By Nick Beams, May 21 2013

It is a sure sign of the systemic breakdown of the global capitalist system that the very measures put in place to try to prevent a crisis are creating the conditions for a financial meltdown beyond even the scale of

The Caring Facade of French Imperialism By David Cronin, May 21 2013

The “public relations” accompanying wars has become wearily predictable. Whenever one of its governments or allies conducts a military action, there is a near certainty that the European Union will host or participate in a “donors’ conference”.  

One of these

Reinventing Guatemalan History. Wall Street Journal Upholds Rios Montt, Denies Crimes against Humanity By Stephen Lendman, May 21 2013
Washington tolerates no independent governments. Left of center democratic ones are most vulnerable. In 1954, Washington ousted Guatemala's Jacobo Arbenz Guzman. In 1952, Truman authorized CIA action. Eisenhower followed through.
Guatemala’s Constitutional Court Overturns Rios Montt’s Genocide Conviction By Stephen Lendman, May 21 2013

On May 20, Guatemala’s Constitutional Court (its high court) overturned Montt’s conviction. It did so by a three – two majority. Montt will return to house arrest.

“Rios Montt was found guilty on May 10 of overseeing the killings by

The Bigger Story Behind the AP Spying Scandal By Washington's Blog, May 21 2013

Attack on the Press

You know that the Department of Justice tapped scores of phone lines at the Associated Press.

You might have heard that the Attorney General of the United States isn’t sure how often reporters’ records are seized

South African Mineworkers Union Demands 60 Percent Pay Increase By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 20 2013

South Africa’s main industry, mining, is facing tremendous uncertainty with workers threatening strikes over the recent announcement that thousands of employees would be laid-off. The industry has been the scene of protracted struggles since mid-2012 when a series of wildcat …

From Reactive to Proactive: The World Social Forum and the Anti-/Alter-Globalization Movement By Marian Pinsky, May 20 2013

Given the prevailing research interest on the transition from anti- to alter- globalization, this paper examines where the World Social Forum is situated in the spectrum of movements against neo-liberal globalization. I argue that the progression of the anti/alter-globalization movements,

Correa’s Re-election in Ecuador: Sweeping Triumph of Socialist Economic Program By Asad Ismi, May 20 2013

The Latin American Revolution scored another victory on February 17 when Rafael Correa, Ecuador’s socialist leader, won his third successive election as President. Correa amassed close to 58% of the vote, leaving his closest rival 34 percentage points behind.  Alianza

Flawed Financial System: Governments Held Hostage by the “Too Big to Fail” Banks (TBTF) By Global Research News, May 20 2013

 By Andy Xie

The G-7 summit brought up too-big-to-fail (TBTF) financial institutions as a systemic risk to be addressed. The odds are low that any real reform will materialize. Removing this flaw could trigger a big global downturn. No major

No Bear Market In Gold. “Bullish Sentiment” in the Market for Physical Gold Bullion By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 20 2013

You know that gold bear market that the financial press keeps touting? The one George Soros keeps proclaiming? Well, it is not there. The gold bear market is disinformation that is helping elites acquire the gold.

Certainly, Soros himself doesn’t …

CIA Troublemaking in Caucasus By Wayne Madsen, May 20 2013

It is clear that Russia’s arrest and expulsion of two CIA agents who were trying to recruit members of the Russian intelligence service fighting against Salafist separatists in the Caucasus is part of a Russian mopping-up operation directed at the

Reagan Backed Ex-Dictator Jorge Videla and Argentina’s Dirty War By Robert Parry, May 20 2013

The 87-year-old ex-Argentine dictator Jorge Videla died Friday in prison where he was serving sentences for grotesque human rights crimes in the 1970s and 1980s. But one of Videla’s key backers, the late President Ronald Reagan, continues to be honored

Covert Israeli Forces Inside Syria Within Rebel Ranks? Israeli Military Vehicle Seized: Report By Global Research News, May 20 2013

Media sources confirm the seizure of an Israeli military vehicle in Al Qseir inside Syrian territory.

The vehicle’s licence plate corresponds to that of the Israeli military with a black background and the letter Tsade (צ) (see image below)

Al …

US Supreme Court Rules for Agribusiness Giant Monsanto, Destruction of the Family Farm By World Socialist Web Site, May 20 2013

By Eric London

A series of pro-business decisions announced by the US Supreme Court in recent weeks marks a continuation of the judicial branch’s steady movement to the right. The rulings further enshrine the power of corporate behemoths to exploit …