Global Research News

Israeli Attack on Syria: Desperate Bid to Save Failed US-NATO Covert War By Tony Cartalucci, January 31 2013

Israel has conducted airstrikes in Syria based on “suspicions” of chemical weapon transfers, in a flagrant violation of the UN Charter, international law, and in direct violation of Syria’s sovereignty. The Guardian in its report titled, “Israel carries out

Israel Attacks Syria: Warplanes Bomb Research Center Near Damascus By RT, January 30 2013

Israeli fighter jets targeted a military research center near Damascus early on Wednesday morning, the Syrian army said. The statement follows earlier reports of an Israeli airstrike on a convoy with Syrian weapons heading to Lebanon.

­The Syrian army’s general

U.S. Secret Prisons and the Guantanamo Trials, Systematic Torture By Sara Flounders, January 30 2013

According to UN investigations in 2010 there are more than 27,000 prisoners held by the U.S. in more than 100 secret prisons around the world and on 17 ships as floating prisons. These are almost entirely Muslim prisoners.

According to

Rape Victims Must Sign Away Rights to Get Remedy from Barrick Gold By MiningWatch Canada, January 30 2013

Ottawa – Washington, D.C. – Oxford – January 30, 2013. Following years of denial, Barrick Gold is implementing a remedy program for victims of rape by employees of its Porgera Joint Venture (PJV) mine in Papua New Guinea (PNG).

In …

The Politics of Debt in America: From Debtor’s Prison to Debtor Nation By Steve Fraser, January 30 2013

[This essay will appear in the next issue of Jacobin.  It is posted on Global Research with the kind permission of that magazine.]

Shakespeare’s Polonius offered this classic advice to his son: “neither a borrower nor

The Real Invasion of Africa is Not News, and a Licence to Lie is Hollywood’s Gift By John Pilger, January 30 2013

A full-scale invasion of Africa is under way. The United States is deploying troops in 35 African countries, beginning with Libya, Sudan, Algeria and Niger. Reported by Associated Press on Christmas Day, this was missing from most Anglo-American media.

The …

Israel Attacks Lebanon By Stephen Lendman, January 30 2013
Lebanon’s Naharnet news site said 12 Israeli fighter jets entered Lebanese air space in the last 24 hours. Flights overflew the Beka Valley.On Saturday, Lebanon’s Al-Mustaqbal daily said a southern weapons storage facility was struck. No official confirmation followed.


Obama’s Annoyance with Media By Danny Schechter, January 30 2013

The U.S. news media typically applies hackneyed or partisan templates to political issues, often distorting rather than informing the public debate. In a recent interview, President Obama mildly challenged some of that media behavior, reports Danny Schechter.

There is one …

Is the French Invasion of Mali tied to a Colonial War for Uranium? By Saeed Shabazz, January 30 2013

There is still confusion in UN corridors concerning France’s military intervention in Northern Mali, which began on Jan. 11 with air strikes against the so-called Islamist camps moving closer to the capital city of Bamako.

The confusion stems from the …

Verbal Tics and Political Routines: Distorting Concepts, Turning Realities Up Side Down By Norman Solomon, January 30 2013

A lot of what we say and do becomes habit-forming. Groundhog Day 2013 could serve as a reminder that some political habits should be kicked. Here are a few:

**  “Defense budget

No, it’s not a defense budget. It’s …

Good Terrorist, Bad Terrorist By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, January 30 2013

The French military operation in Mali has brought to the fore the blatant double standards in the approach of certain Western nations to the whole question of terrorism. In the case of Mali, France, with the support of Britain, Germany

NATO Intensifies Missile Buildup On Syrian Border By Stop NATO, January 30 2013
Two Patriot complexes put on combat duty in TurkeyTwo NATO’s surface-to-air missile complexes Patriot have been put on combat duty not far from the Syrian border, Reuters reported Tuesday citing German sources.

These two complexes which were delivered from Germany

Britain To Deploy Troops To Mali By RT, January 30 2013
Downing Street has said that the British government will dispatch 350 troops to Mali to aid French troops stationed in the country’ s north, as part of a UK mission to train local forces and engage in “force protection.”


The Bank Bailout Scandal: US Treasury Approves “Executive Bonuses” for CEOs of Bailed-out Companies By Andre Damon and Barry Grey, January 30 2013

The office tasked with monitoring the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) bank bailout fund issued a report Monday revealing that the US Treasury has routinely rubber-stamped requests from bailed-out firms for executive bonuses in excess of guidelines put

Israeli Jets said to have Struck Target near Syria Border By Global Research News, January 30 2013
by Laura Rozen

The Lebanese Army reported the heavy presence of Israeli jets over its airspace on Wednesday, as sources said Israeli Air Force jets had struck a target, alleged to be a weapons convoy, near Syria’s border with Lebanon

The War on Media Freedom: Undermining the Independent Alternative Online Media, EU to “Regulate” Internet Search Engines By Nathan Allonby, January 30 2013
An EU report recommends regulation of internet news, modifying search engines to control access to "conspiracy sites", the creation of European government news agencies and the training of new "cadres of professional journalists... for... science, technology, finance or medicine".
US Imperialism, International Law and the United Nations By Julie Lévesque, January 30 2013
The broad principles underlying the United Nations (UN) are noble and peaceful. They have unfortunately been perverted from the UN’s inception. The UN is currently being used as a means to justify military intervention by several permanent member States of the UN Security Council.
The Crimes of NATO’s Neocolonial Wars: The Mainstream Media are Organs of State and Corporate Propaganda By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, January 30 2013

Although ignored by all major news media, one of the most important parliamentary speeches was made recently by Laurent Louis, a young Belgian deputy in the Chamber of Representatives (la Chambre des Représentants).

In his speech Louis denounced the French

Manipulating Wikipedia Content: Israeli Program to Train Editors to Ensure that “What is Written” is “Zionist in Nature” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 29 2013

In  August 2010, the Yesha Council together with Israel Sheli (My Israel), organized a workshop in Jerusalem to teach people how to edit Wikipedia articles in a pro-Israeli way. (Wikipedia)

The Yesha Council which is the Hebrew

Poverty versus Progress: Comparing the US and Venezuela By Eric Draitser, January 29 2013

If we are to take the traditional definition of the term, then “Third World” refers to those (non-white) countries that struggle to attain high levels of economic development and which, for the most part, are reduced to the periphery of

Which Way Do We Go? “Obama Recession” or Full Employment? By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, January 29 2013

We want to focus your attention on two topics. 

One shows the only path out of the economic collapse.

The other shows the direction that will most assuredly take us into deeper collapse.  So far, the bi-partisans in Washington, DC

Pentagon Coverup: U.S. Yokosuka Naval Base Evacuated Following Fukushima Disaster By Global Research News, January 29 2013

by Hiroyoshi Itabashi and Hidefumi Nogami

Between late on March 14, 2011, and early the next morning, a top secret diplomatic cable arrived at the Foreign Ministry. […]

“The United States has made various preparations to deal with the nuclear

Iraq: Mass Social Uprisings against US Sponsored Puppet Regime By Prof Souad N. Al-Azzawi, January 29 2013

With all the rage, strikes, and civil disobedience going on in major Iraqi cities, people around the world are wondering what’s happening in Iraq these days. The answer to this question is that the people in Iraq cannot bear any

Mali “Resource War” Extends into Niger: France sends Troops to Secure Niger Uranium Mines By Bill Van Auken, January 29 2013

Barely two weeks after invading Mali with over 2,000 troops of the Foreign Legion, France has dispatched special forces troops to neighboring Niger to secure uranium mines run by the French state-owned nuclear power company Areva.

The new French military …

From the Algerian Terror to Al Qaeda Meets Mali: The West’s Hidden Agenda By Victor Kotsev, January 29 2013

When it comes to unfamiliar, far-off places, we trust our mainstream media to tell us what is going on with interminable conflicts raging through much of the world, and why—and most media trust Western governments’ explanations.

Thus, we learn that

Guns Over Butter: The Military-Industrial Complex and the Destruction of the U.S. Economy By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, January 29 2013

The American political system continues to ignore President Eisenhower’s dour warning about the Military-Industrial Complex and embrace President Reagan’s happy “We’re No. 1” illusions. The long-term consequences of this choice have been devastating to most U.S. citizens and to the

Department of Energy Wants to Let Radioactive Scrap Metal Back into Consumer Products By Washington's Blog, January 29 2013

The overwhelming scientific consensus is that any amount of radiation – no matter how small – can cause cancer and other serious health effects.

(Current safety standards are based on the ridiculous assumption that everyone exposed is a healthy man

Hidden Agenda behind America’s War on Africa: Containing China by “Fighting Al-Qaeda” By Ben Schreiner, January 29 2013

Harnessing Asia’s growth and dynamism is central to American economic and strategic interests. Hillary Clinton

France’s military intervention into Mali may at first glance appear to have little to do with the U.S. “pivot” to Asia. But as a French

Malian War Spreading into Niger: French Military Moves Further Into Northern Region By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 29 2013

Reports emanating from the West African state of Mali indicate that French grounds forces accompanied by the national army from the capital of Bamako–along with a small contingent of regional troops from Niger, Burkina Faso, Togo, Senegal, Benin, Chad and

The 2006 Mass Murder of Iraqi Civilians by US Forces. Evidence of Unspeakable War Crimes By Dirk Adriaensens, January 28 2013
Following the massacre, the Iraqi police --which has a mandate to act in liaison with US occupation forces-- accused US troops of rounding up and deliberately shooting 11 people, including 5 children and 4 women, before blowing up their house
In Walmart and Fast Food, Unions Scaling Up a “Strike-First Strategy” By Socialist Project, January 28 2013

by Jenny Brown

Small but highly publicized strikes by Walmart retail and warehouse workers last fall set the labour movement abuzz and gained new respect for organizing methods once regarded skeptically. “The labour movement is all about results,” says Dan

Huge New Slick at Site of BP’s 2010 Gulf Oil Spill By Washington's Blog, January 28 2013


Wings of Care provided new photos of an oil slick in the area of the Gulf oil spill, noting:

Here is the large surface slick that has been sitting over the Macondo area since last autumn, with as yet

The Benghazi Affair: Uncovering the Mystery of the Benghazi CIA Annex By Ronda Hauben, January 28 2013

“The U.S. effort in Benghazi was at its heart a CIA operation, according to the officials who briefed on intelligence.” WSJ, Nov 1, 2012

Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, finally appeared before the US Senate and House Foreign …

Why Has Iceland Experienced a Strong Economic Recovery after Complete Financial Collapse in 2008? By Martin Zeis, January 28 2013

Iceland’s President Olafur Ragnar GRIMMSON was interviewed over the weekend (26./27.01.2013) at the World Economic Forum in Davos on why Iceland has enjoyed such a strong recovery after it’s complete financial collapse in 2008, while the rest of the Western …

US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner’s “Economic Legacy” By Stephen Lendman, January 28 2013

From January 26, 2009 – January 25, 2013, he was Obama’s Treasury Secretary. He and Fed chairman Bernanke engineered crisis conditions.

Bankers profited hugely. They still do. Ordinary people were scammed. Geithner’s gone. His legacy speaks for itself. His background

Ordinary Evil: Vietnam’s History Reveals the Banality of Systemic Violence By Global Research News, January 28 2013

by Jerry Elmer

MY LAI, Vietnam — My Lai is known to Americans as the site of a massacre of Vietnamese civilians by American troops. On the morning of March 16, 1968, American forces entered the village and gathered up

Hate Crimes in America (and Elsewhere): A Rape a Minute, a Thousand Corpses a Year By Rebecca Solnit, January 28 2013
Here in the US, where there is a reported rape every 6.2 minutes, and one in five women will be raped in her lifetime, the rape and murder of a young woman in New Delhi in December 2012 was treated as an exceptional incident
Obama’s Vendetta against Whistleblowers: Former CIA Agent Who Revealed US Agents Involved in Torture, Sentenced to Prison By Tom Carter, January 28 2013

The Obama administration’s vendetta against whistleblowers continues with the sentence of 30 months jail time handed down on Friday for former CIA agent John C. Kiriakou, who in 2007 acknowledged that US agents were involved in torture.

On December 10, …

The CIA’s Secret Prisons in Poland By RT, January 28 2013

A Polish investigation into secret CIA jails is being suppressed because it will embarrass the top echelon of the country’s government, lawyers of two men held illegally in one of the CIA’s ‘black sites’ in Poland tell media.

Reportedly, the

France’s President François Hollande is Afraid of His Military High Command By Thierry Meyssan, January 28 2013
The military adventures of Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande in Afghanistan, Ivory Coast, Libya, Syria and now in Mali are hotly discussed in the French army. And the opposition they face is at a critical point.
Israeli Spy was Central Cog in Nuclear Weapons Proliferation Alliance By Wayne Madsen, January 28 2013

It is clear that during the middle of December of last year that the Obama White House had settled on former Nebraska Republican Senator Chuck Hagel to be the Secretary of Defense. The U.S. Intelligence Community and defense establishment was

The Pacific Ocean: The Pentagon’s Next “Human Battleground” By Wayne Madsen, January 28 2013
The Pentagon planners and their paid anthropologist shills are gearing up for the Pentagon’s next battle: the one for the Pacific that will ensure that the island nations that dot the vast maritime expanse will remain a part of the
Top US Officials Vastly Underestimated 2008 Economic and Financial Crisis By Andre Damon, January 27 2013

In the run-up to the 2008 financial crisis, top US regulators and monetary policy officials were largely blind to the impending financial collapse, according to transcripts of discussions within the Federal Reserve’s policy-making Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) released last

The Hidden War on Nature By Lesley Docksey, January 27 2013

Western governments are blind to the campaign they should be waging, that of climate change, the degradation of the environment and the destruction of the natural world upon which all humanity depends.

We have been told for years about the …

Crimes against Humanity: Routine Torture and Murder in Iraq’s Prisons By Dirk Adriaensens, January 27 2013

“How Many Times Did You Blow Yourself Up?” Or, Why Iraq is Revolting” 

 The inhuman prison system in Iraq,  a legacy of the US occupation

Azzaman reported on 25 January:

The question “How many times did you blow yourself

Drone Wars: “The Ethics of Killing Civilians” By Global Research News, January 27 2013

While Americans debate the ethics of killing American citizens abroad without a trial, as happened when a U.S. predator drone targeted U.S.-born Al Qaeda campaigners Anwar Al-Awlaki and Samir Khan last month, there has been little talk about the ethics

NATO Terrorists in Syria Attack Kurdish Minority By Eric Draitser, January 27 2013

 The Western media and Western government representatives from the United States and across the European Union, still insist that the sectarian bloodbath unfolding in Syria, fueled by US, British and EU weapons and cash, is a so-called “pro-democracy” uprising. Why

Drone Proliferation – Crimes Against Humanity for “Global Security” By Global Research and Global Research, January 27 2013

The Children Killed by America’s Drones. “Crimes Against Humanity” committed by Barack H. Obama., Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 26, 2013


Behind each name there is the face of a child with a family history in a village

‘French War Exacerbates Mali’s Internal Tensions’ By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 27 2013

To watch this TV interview with Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of the Pan-African News Wire, click here

A political commentator believes that the French military operation against Malian fighters has exacerbated the internal tensions in the resource-rich African country.

France initiated

The New Mediterranean Oil and Gas Bonanza By F. William Engdahl, January 27 2013
The entire eastern Mediterranean is swimming in huge untapped oil and gas reserves. What are the geopolitical and military implications?
The Destruction of the Earth’s Ecology: Nature’s Capital Is The Limiting Resource By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 27 2013

Life will perish as the environment perishes. (21st century ecological economist).

Only in science fiction can humans escape the consequences of destroying their own habitat. In Robert A. Heinlein’s Time Enough For Love, the “Great Diaspora of the Human Race” …

The Children Killed by America’s Drones. “Crimes Against Humanity” committed by Barack H. Obama. By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 26 2013
Behind each name there is the face of a child with a family history in a village in a far away country, with a mom and a dad, with brothers and sisters and friends.
Japan’s Currency War. Militarization and Monetary Policy By Peter Symonds, January 26 2013

Japan’s new Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) government has begun implementing an aggressive nationalist program on two fronts. An expansion of the military unshackled from constitutional restraints is being matched by a unilateralist monetary policy aimed at weakening the yen and

The United States Promotes Israeli Genocide Against the Palestinians By Prof. Francis A. Boyle, January 26 2013
The paradigmatic example of “crimes against humanity” is what the Nazis did to the Jewish people. This is where the concept of “crimes against humanity” originally came from. And this is what the U.N. Human Rights Council determined that Israel is doing to the Palestinian people.
Obama’s New Appointments Prove that He Will Continue to “Lick Wall Street’s Boots” By Washington's Blog, January 26 2013

The party line is that Obama’s new pick for SEC boss – Mary Jo White – will be tough on Wall Street.

For example, the Wall Street Journal writes:

Obama Taps Ex-Prosecutor Mary Jo White, Portending Increased Policing of

Who’s Faking It? Pentagon “Cyber-Warriors” Planting “False Information on Facebook” By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, January 26 2013
The art of propaganda, deception and digital warfare involves the manipulation of social media, the insertion of viruses in computer systems and the hacking of digital networks of enemy states.
Terrorism and Non-Conventional Warfare: France, Qatar, and the New World Disorder By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, January 26 2013

 According to investigative journalist Silvia Cattori, the barbaric bombing of Aleppo University on January 15 has been officially claimed by the terrorist group the Al Nusra Front. This confirmation should not come as a surprise to those who have

Regulating Financial Markets under Obama II: Wall Street’s in Good Hands with Mary Jo White By Stephen Lendman, January 26 2013

On January 24, Obama nominated Mary Jo White as SEC head. “You don’t want to mess with Mary Jo,” he said.

The Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 followed the Securities Act of 1933. Under the Constitution’s interstate commerce clause,

Proliferation of Armed Drones for “Global Security”: Will the UN Drone Inquiry Get to the Heart of the matter? By Chris Cole, January 26 2013


The UN inquiry into the use of armed drones for targeted killing, announced yesterday by London-based UN Special Rapporteur on Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights, Ben Emmerson, is very much to be welcomed.

Undertaken at the direct request of

“Very Democratic”: US and British Press Hail “Liberal Policy” which Allows Women to Fight in the Frontline By Cem Ertür, January 26 2013

Excerpts from:

Equality at the front line: Pentagon is set to lift ban on women in combat roles

by Elisabeth Bumiller and Thom Shanker,

New York Times, 25 January 2013

[U.S.] Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta is lifting the military’s …

UN Launches Major Investigation into Civilian Drone Deaths By Chris Woods, January 26 2013

by Chris Woods and Alice K Ross

A UN investigation into the legality and casualties of drone strikes has been formally launched, with a leading human rights lawyer revealing the team that will carry out the inquiry.

The announcement came

Barack Obama versus Martin Luther King; The Mali Endgame, Imperial Handover By Michael Welch and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 25 2013

“Obama is not the lesser of two evils, he is the more effective of two evils… Obama is getting away with things that no white president could get away with .. .those who have orchestrated his two terms are well

“Bad Terrorists” versus NATO’s “Good Terrorists” By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, January 25 2013

The chief of the Spanish police Enrique Baron told La Razon newspaper on January 24th that Spanish « jihadists » have left Spain for Syria where they are fighting in Japhat Al Nousra, the Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist group currently

Is Britain Intent Upon Leaving the European Union? By Julie Hyland, January 25 2013

British Prime Minister David Cameron finally set out his position on Britain’s relationship with the European Union (EU).

His speech [January 23 2013], committing the Conservative Party to a referendum on EU membership in 2017, had been postponed for a …

US Debt Ceiling Maneuvers Set the Stage for New Budget Cuts By Patrick Martin, January 25 2013

The Republican-controlled House of Representatives pushed back the deadline for raising the federal debt ceiling Wednesday, voting for a measure that would suspend the current limit on federal borrowing until May 19. The vote averted an immediate crisis over the …

US-NATO “Economic Terrorism”: The Collapse of Syria’s Industry and Agriculture By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 25 2013

The Syrian economy is being hit by the combined impacts of the US-NATO sponsored terrorist attacks and the economic sanctions regime. 

The ultimate objective of the US-NATO covert war on Syria is the destabilization of the Syria economy and the

Health Care in Syria before and During the Crisis By Global Research News, January 25 2013

by Kherallah M, Alahfez T, Sahloul Z, Eddin KD, Jamil G.

Syrian International Coalition for Health, Global Health Equity Foundation, Geneva

The Syrian International Coalition for Health (SICH) is a consortium of organizations and health professionals who are committed to

The Qatar Leaks: The Secret Business of Foreign Affairs By al Akhbar, January 25 2013

By Radwan Mortada

Al-Akhbar publishes leaked minutes from the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs that have Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu and Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi discussing regional affairs – from Russia’s involvement in Syria to Gaddafi’s fall – with

The Derivative Bubble: Speculating on Food Prices, Banking on Famine By Michael Snyder, January 24 2013

Why does it seem like wherever there is human suffering, some giant bank is making money off of it?  According to a new report from the World Development Movement, Goldman Sachs made about 400 million dollarsbetting on food prices …

Turks Rally Against NATO Missile Deployment Near Syrian Border By Stop NATO, January 24 2013

Part of the NATO Patriot anti-missile complexes, which were requested by Ankara from the Alliance, has already arrived in Turkey. They are planned to be deployed near the border with Syria, ostensibly to protect Turkey against possible missile attacks from …

Spying on Americans under Obama II: Five More Years of Widespread Government Surveillance By Anthony Cuthbertson, January 24 2013

As the War on Terror enters its second decade, the rhetoric of fear remains effective in silencing opposition to warrantless surveillance, which—along with drone strikes and indefinite detention—seems immune to meaningful legislative oversight or judicial review.

In the name of

The Biggest Bubble In History: Fraud By Washington's Blog, January 24 2013

Forget the Housing, Bond or Derivatives Bubbles … Fraud Is the Biggest Bubble of All Time

The housing bubble which burst in 2007 or so was the biggest bubble of all time.

Many argue that the bubble in U.S.

Reports of atrocities emerge as France escalates Mali war By Ernst Wolff, January 24 2013

Only thirteen days after starting a war in Mali, France is massively escalating its troop presence there, even as reports emerge of escalating ethnic killings by French-backed Malian troops.

On Tuesday the Malian regime extended the state of emergency declared

Lynne Stewart’s Struggle for Justice Continues By Stephen Lendman, January 24 2013

Numerous previous articles discussed her case, character, and dedication to rule of law principles. She’s an internationally recognized human rights lawyer.

She tirelessly worked for justice. She devoted her life and work to upholding principles too important to reject. She

“Green Socialism” and the Left By Global Research News, January 24 2013
“Another grand, left-wing concept with an adjective... Shouldn't we rather work on concrete social-ecological projects – on initiatives for conversion, a process of ‘energy transition,’ or free public transport?”
I Hate to Bother You: Is Justice Right Side Up? By Eduardo Galeano, January 24 2013

Is justice right side up?

Has world justice been frozen in an upside-down position?

The shoe-thrower of Iraq, the man who hurled his shoes at Bush, was condemned to three years in prison. Doesn’t he deserve, instead, a medal?

Who …

Worldwide Recession: Forecast for Global Economic Growth. The Failures of Monetary Policy By Barry Grey, January 24 2013

The World Bank issued its biannual Global Economic Prospects report Tuesday, sharply downgrading its forecast for economic growth from its previous report released last June. The Washington-based international lending agency projected an expansion of the world economy in 2013 of …

Obama’s inauguration, Rhetoric versus Reality. “I The People Still Believe in War” By Richard Becker, January 23 2013
President Obama’s second Inaugural Address, Jan. 21, Washington, D.C.

President Barack Obama’s second Inaugural Address has been greeted by much of the corporate media and his supporters as a new “liberal vision,” in the words of a New York Times

Mali: France’s New Afghanistan By He Wenping, January 23 2013
Since France launched military strikes against Mali rebels on January 11, the little-known West African country, which has been mired in a crisis for over a year, suddenly came under the media spotlight and made headlines around the world.In
Destroying Libya And World Order By Prof. Francis A. Boyle, January 23 2013

Book Review: Destroying Libya and World Order: The Three-Decade U.S. Campaign to Reverse the Qaddafi Revolution By Francis A. Boyle

It took three decades for the United States government-spanning and working assiduously over five different presidential administrations (Reagan, Bush I, …