Global Research News

As Obama touts end of Afghan war, US strike kills 10 civilians By Bill Van Auken, February 14 2013

A US airstrike in eastern Afghanistan Wednesday killed 10 civilians, including five children. The deadly attack came just hours after the State of the Union speech in which President Barack Obama falsely claimed that the more than decade-long US war …

Bush Was a Total Disaster … Obama Is WORSE By Washington's Blog, February 14 2013

Preface: I voted for Obama in 2008.

More Redistribution of Wealth to the Richest

Sure, Bush made the rich richer.

But Obama has actually redistributed wealth from the middle class to the very richest more than Bush.

Specifically, income inequality …

Detroit Financial Fraud: Foreclosures, Evictions and Utility Shut-offs By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 14 2013

Detroit strangled by $16 billion in debt facing financial ruin, emergency management

The Moratorium NOW! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures, Evictions and Utility Shut-offs

A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit was filed on February 12 on behalf of David Sole, …

Historic Court Case Against the BBC’s Cover Up of 9/11 Evidence By Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, February 14 2013

The BBC is being challenged strongly for its refusal to present to the British public the available scientific evidence which contradicts the official version of events of 9/11. Thank you very much to all those who have sent letters to …

World Indifferent as Palestinian Hunger Striker Nears Death By CJPME, February 14 2013

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is extremely concerned that Samer Issawi — a 34-year-old Palestinian on a hunger strike — is near death. Issawi has been on a hunger strike for over 200 days to …

Punishing Anti-Nuke Protesters By John La Forge, February 14 2013

A twisted part of modern America is that harsh punishments are given to people who stand for truth and justice, while torturers and war criminals go free. That’s the case for Bradley Manning who released secrets and anti-nuclear protesters who

Lies, Smokescreens and the Shameful Smearing of Julian Assange By John Pilger, February 14 2013

Last December, I stood with supporters of WikiLeaks and Julian Assange in the bitter cold outside the Ecuadorean embassy in London. Candles were lit; the faces were young and old and from all over the world. They were there to

Can Internet Technology Destroy the Financial Monopoly? By Washington's Blog, February 14 2013

The big banks are destroying our economy … and our country.

They are literally run as criminal enterprises (even the mainstream media now admits that), they own the politicians, and they are encouraging the worst, most authoritarian

Obama’s Failed State By Stephen Lendman, February 14 2013

Obama’s State of the Union address didn’t surprise. It reflected rogue leadership. It was beginning-to-end demagogic boilerplate.

Defending the indefensible took center stage. Rhetoric substituted for progressive policies. Bombast assured business as usual.

Priorities include waging war on humanity, force-fed …

How Congress Could Fix Its Budget Woes, Permanently By Ellen Brown, February 14 2013

As Congress struggles through one budget crisis after another, it is becoming increasingly evident that austerity doesn’t work. We cannot possibly pay off a $16 trillion debt by tightening our belts, slashing public services, and raising taxes. Historically, when the

Our Coming Environmental Catastrophe: Geoengineering and Weather Warfare By James Corbett, February 14 2013
The practice of geoengineering is now well over half a century old. As early as the late 1940s, American mathematician John von Neumann was researching weather modification and its potential uses in climatic warfare for the US Department of Defense.
War Crimes and the Global War on Terrorism: US Arms Al Qaeda in Syria, Mass-Slaughters Civilians in Afghanistan By Tony Cartalucci, February 14 2013

AFP has reported that a recent NATO airstrike in Afghanistan has killed over 10 civilians in an all-too-familiar headline glossed over by the Western media in an exercise of both depravity and hypocrisy. RT’s article, “NATO airstrike kills 10 Afghan

What Obama Said — and What He Meant — About Climate Change, War and Civil Liberties By Norman Solomon, February 14 2013

The words in President Obama’s “State of the Union” speech were often lofty, spinning through the air with the greatest of ease and emitting dog whistles as they flew.

Let’s decode the president’s smooth oratory in the realms of climate

Obama’s State of the Union: The Economic Dimensions By Kevin Zeese, February 14 2013

Obama proclaimed in the State of the Union was that the economy was getting stronger even though the last quarter showed a shrinking GDP not an expanding one, the last month showed a rise in unemployment and a report issued

Harvest of Hypocrisy: Farmers Being Blamed for GMO Crop Failures By Glenn Davis Stone, February 13 2013

Of all the GMO controversies around the world, the saga of Bt cotton in India continues to be one of the most interesting and important. In the latest chapter, reported by the Business Standard, cotton yields have dropped to

Afghan Civilians Killed in NATO Airstrike By Global Research News, February 13 2013

ASADABAD, Afghanistan, Feb. 13 (Xinhua) — At least 10 Afghan civilians were killed overnight in a NATO airstrike originally targeting a militants’ hideout in the country’s eastern province of Kunar, the provincial governor said on Wednesday.

“The NATO-led coalition forces …

Escalating Pressure on Iran By Stephen Lendman, February 13 2013

Secretary of State John Kerry’s clear where he stands. He laid down markers. He demands Iran comply with Washington’s demands. Left unsaid is what follows otherwise.

On February 26, nuclear talks will resume. P5+1 countries (Washington, Britain, Germany, China and …

Obama and the Illusory State of the Empire By Pepe Escobar, February 13 2013

Barack Obama would never be so crass as to use a State of the Union (SOTU) address to announce an “axis of evil”.

No. Double O Bama, equipped with his exclusive license to kill (list), is way slicker. As much

North Korea Tests Nuclear Device, World Braces For Reaction By James Corbett, February 13 2013
A defiant North Korea has conducted its third nuclear test, prompting a wave of international criticism from governments and other organization. It also said that more “measures” may follow, raising concerns that more nuclear devices may be exploded.
Obama Defends Drone Assassinations in State of the Union Address By Barry Grey, February 13 2013

The most significant point in President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address Tuesday night was a passing and euphemistically worded reference to his program of extra-judicial drone assassinations. “Where necessary, through a range of capabilities, we will continue to …

New Report: Brennan’s ‘Black Ops’ In Libya Caused “Benghazigate”, Stevens Death By Patrick Henningsen, February 13 2013

Benghazigate’ continues to unravel, and the man who’s front and center at this week’s Washington DC hearings is now being blamed for the villa siege last September…

According to a new investigative book published by two former US special operations …

Russia: The World’s Top Gold Buyer By RT, February 13 2013

Over the last decade Russia’s Central Bank acquired 570 metric tonnes of gold. The amount is almost triple the weight of the American Statue of Liberty and makes Russia the world’s biggest buyer of gold.

The amount is a quarter …

Obama’s Expanding Kill List By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 13 2013
Prosecutors always expand laws far beyond their intent. Attorneys in civil cases do the same. For example, the 1970 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act was passed in order to make it easier for the government to convict members of
Nuclear Test #3: What will Follow Pyongyang’s Dangerous Atomic Gambit? By Nile Bowie, February 12 2013

 North Korea’s nuclear and rocket tests are viewed domestically as essential for national security and prestige. But they alienated even China, and may escalate tensions beyond the point of no return, which would be disastrous for everyone involved.

Tensions on …

Impeach Obama: A National Imperative By Stephen Lendman, February 12 2013

Do it now before it’s too late!

America’s Declaration of Independence states:

“(W)hen a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, (it’s the right of the people, …

Assassination Bureau: Justification Of U.S. Drones Killing A Travesty By Rick Rozoff, February 12 2013


The justification of targeted killings by the United States government is “a travesty” according to U.S. law, an analyst said.

U.S. senators are reportedly considering an idea to create a secret “assassination court” that would be charged with deciding …

Obama Pushes Austerity in the Guise of Defending the “Middle Class” By Patrick Martin, February 12 2013

In the days leading up to Tuesday night’s State of the Union address, the Obama administration has combined calls for austerity measures to slash social spending with demagogic attacks on congressional Republicans for advocating even larger cuts in domestic social …

Ecuador: Left-Center Political Regimes versus Radical Social Movements By Prof. James Petras, February 12 2013


On February 17, 2013, national elections will take place in Ecuador in which incumbent left-center President, Rafael Correa, is likely to win with an absolute majority against opposition candidates covering the political spectrum from Right to Left.  Since he …

Besieged, Abused, Ignored: Ethiopian Annihilation Of The Ogaden People By Graham Peebles, February 12 2013

In the harsh Ogaden region of Ethiopia, impoverished ethnic Somali people are being murdered and tortured, raped, persecuted and displaced by government paramilitary forces. Illegal actions carried out with the knowledge and tacit support of donor countries, seemingly content to

French Imperialism Moves Deeper Into Mali By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 11 2013

French defense ministry officials have said that they are planning to make a withdrawal from Mali by April. Since January 11, when the French military began to bomb and launch a ground invasion into this resource-rich country, the government in

Western Imperialism Curbs Bahrainis Struggle for Democracy By Don DeBar, February 11 2013
Haiti: Did the U.S. Provide a “Green-Light” for Duvalier’s Return in 2011? By Kim Ives, February 11 2013

UpdateJean-Claude Duvalier did not appear in court as planed on February 7, 2013. He was represented by his lawyer who read a letter in which Duvalier explained his absence. His audition was reported for the 4th

More Evidence Obamacare Ripped Off Americans By Stephen Lendman, February 11 2013

Make no mistake. March 23, 2010 will live in infamy. With strokes from 22 pens, Obama enacted the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).

It’s a ripoff. It’s a healthcare rationing scheme. It’s a boon to predatory providers. It’s …

Generalissima Clinton Expanding the Empire By Ralph Nader, February 11 2013

Hillary Clinton has completed her four-year tenure as Secretary of State to the accolades of both Democratic and Republican Congressional champions of the budget-busting “military-industrial complex,” that President Eisenhower warned about in his farewell address. Behind the public relations sheen,

Manufactured Media: Spanish Public Television under Political Pressure By Eulàlia Mata, February 11 2013

The Council of Europe recently released a report that warns that political pressure is being put on Spanish public television broadcasting (Televisión Española, TVE). The report draws attention to similar situations of politics pushing broadcasting in Hungary, Romania, Italy, Serbia

Drones and Dreams By John Zogby, February 11 2013

We are Americans. Not just a continent, not just a melting pot. We are an idea, a set of dreams built on an idea. Yes, we are also a nation-state with the need and instinct to protect ourselves and our …

Trillions for Wars, None For Cancer Stricken Children By Tony Cartalucci, February 11 2013
In “On the Cusp of Ending Big Pharma,” a coming revolution in biology and medicine made possible by a better understanding of genetics and gene therapy was described in detail. Almost as if to validate the premise of
Daniel Ellsberg: Obama, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Senators Voting for Indefinite Detention Are “Enemies of the Constitution” By Washington's Blog, February 11 2013

American Government Claims Power that Even King George Didn’t Claim
Daniel Ellsberg said this week:

[The indefinite detention provision of the defense bill] allows you to put an American citizen – a civilian – in military custody, treated like Bradley

Mass Protests shake US-backed Islamist Regime in Tunisia By Barry Grey, February 11 2013

Tens of thousands of Tunisians demonstrated Friday to mourn the death of secularist opposition politician Chokri Belaid and demand the removal of the US-backed Islamist government.

A one-day general strike called by the Tunisian General Labour Union (UGTT) shut factories, …

The US Drone Assassination Program. The Threat of Dictatorship in America By Bill Van Auken, February 10 2013

Thursday’s confirmation hearing for John Brennan, President Barack Obama’s nominee for director of the US Central Intelligence Agency, provided a revealing and grim spectacle of the disintegration of what remains of democratic rights in the United States.

Some press accounts

Obama’s Shakedown of Medicare By Shamus Cooke, February 10 2013
In a political era of corporate dominance it was inevitable that doublespeak would become the official language of Washington, DC. Now “cuts” to social programs are referred to as “savings,” while the destruction of these programs is “reform.” This is
Police State USA. Glimmer of Hope: Citizens Force Seattle To Scrap Police Drones By Patrick Henningsen, February 10 2013

It’s one of those stories that you had to listen twice when you heard the report on the radio, and then, still in a state of suspended disbelief, I rushed to the internet to check and see if indeed it

Two Years Later Uprisings Continue in Tunisia and Egypt: Neo-Colonialism and the Struggle for Genuine Democracy and National Unity By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 10 2013

On February 8 in Tunisia a general strike and mass demonstrations marked the response by the youth and workers to the assassination of opposition organizer Chokri Belaid. Over two years after the rebellions and strikes that initiated the upheavals throughout

Record Numbers of US Military and Veteran Suicides By Stephen Lendman, February 10 2013

Headlines like this should shock: Suicides Outpace War Deaths. Surge in Military Suicides. Nearly Two Dozen Veterans Commit Suicide Daily.

These reports and similar ones reveal imperialism’s dark side. War takes its toll. Civilians suffer most. So do many combatants …

Google Moves to Destroy Online Anonymity … Unintentionally Helping Authoritarian Governments By Global Research News and Washington's Blog, February 10 2013

Governments Move to Destroy Online Anonymity

Some of the world’s leading social critics and political critics have used pen names.

As Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge points out (edited slightly for readability):

Though often maligned (typically by those frustrated by

When Racketeering is Heralded As ‘Development’. The Demise of India’s Farmer in Favor of Western Agribusiness By Colin Todhunter, February 10 2013
In his January editorial piece in Kisan Ki Awaaz (National Magazine of the Farmer’s Voice), Krishan Bir Chaudhary claims there is a conscious attempt by officialdom in India to remove farmers from farming.
If his claim were to be valid, …
The Cost of America’s Wars: At Least 253,330 Brain Injuries and 1,700 Amputations By Spencer Ackerman, February 10 2013

There are indications of the lingering costs of 11 years of warfare. Nearly 130,000 U.S. troops have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, and vastly more have experienced brain injuries. Over 1,700 have undergone life-changing limb amputations. Over 50,000 have …

Three North Korean Doctors killed while asleep: Spreading the War on Terror to Nigeria? By Ria Novosti, February 10 2013

Three North Korean doctors were killed by suspected Islamists in northeast Nigeria’s Yobe state, local authorities said on Sunday.

“It is true. The three doctors were slaughtered while sleeping in their house,” Nigeria’s Yobe state police commissioner, Sanusi Rufai, was …

The CIA Orchestrates a Pre-Election Campaign in Paraguay By Nil Nikandrov, February 10 2013

The marked increase in numbers at the US embassy in Asunción over the past year is being necessitated by the need to maintain control over the Paraguayan government. The pre-election campaign is in full swing and in order to «manage …

The War in Mali and AFRICOM’s Agenda: Target China By F. William Engdahl, February 10 2013
Mali at first glance seems a most unlikely place for the NATO powers, led by a neo-colonialist French government of Socialist President Francois Hollande (and quietly backed to the hilt by the Obama Administration), to launch what is being called by some a new Thirty Years’ War Against Terrorism.
Sanctions on Iran Leave 11,000 French Citizens working in the Auto Sector Jobless By Global Research News, February 10 2013

France’s largest automaker, struggling to compete in Europe’s stagnant car market, is cutting 8,000 jobs and closing the Aulnay-sous-Bois factory,” Euronews stated.

The decision has been taken after the French company has stopped export of automobile spare parts to Iran …

Obama declares that the US is ready to hold talks with the Taliban By Global Research News, February 10 2013

Following a meeting with his Afghan counterpart Hamid Karzai US President Barack Obama made a statement, many experts called sensational. Obama expressed readiness to hold talks with the Taliban movement. In fact such an unbelievable statement means radical changes in

Kazakhstan and Russia sign agreement to create a Unified Regional Air Defense System By Global Research News, February 10 2013

Kazakhstan and Russia signed an agreement on a common regional air defense system.

“Russian Defense Minister rendered a visit to our country for the first time. We discussed important issues and signed document to create a common air defense system. …

Russian-led Military Alliance to establish Academy in Armenia By Global Research News, February 10 2013

On January 29-30, delegation of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) led by Secretary General Nikolay Bordyuzha will participate in the joint meeting of Interstate Commission on Military and Economic Cooperation and the meeting of RA interdepartmental commission on coordination …

Campus Fightbacks in the Age of Austerity: Learning from Quebec Students By Socialist Project, February 09 2013

by Xavier Lafrance and Alan Sears

The 2012 Quebec student strikes delivered one of the few victories we have seen in anti-austerity struggles in the Canadian state. The mobilization, which at its high point saw over 300,000 students on limited …

Knowledge and Public Education in Crisis. “Accelerated Privatization of Global Education” By Sajjad Ali Malik, February 09 2013
Instead of hailing the introduction of free online courses as a revolution in global education that will alleviate poverty and suffering, why do we not question the global system which allowed, if not actively encouraged, the formation of the existing desolate situation to begin with?
Austerity is a Scam: Crisis Legislation and Dodgy Debt Repayment Schemes By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, February 08 2013

Austerity is a sham. Debt is economics for the ‘little people’.  If the people produce the wealth then why are they always poor and/or paying back debts? Because the national and international wealthy lend us back the money (with interest) …

Targeted Killings: The White Paper Allows the Government to Kill a US Citizen who is not on the Battlefield” By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, February 08 2013

An Interview with Marjorie Cohn about Targeted Killings

By Dennis Bernstein

B:  We continue our discussion of the revelations around a memo coming out of the Justice Department that the administration plans to keep up these assassinations and expand the

The Global Water Grab: Meet the “New Water Barons” By Shiney Varghese, February 08 2013

Writing in National Geographic in December 2012 about “small-scale irrigation techniques with simple buckets, affordable pumps, drip lines, and other equipment” that “are enabling farm families to weather dry seasons, raise yields, diversify their crops, and lift themselves out of …

The Cost of Development: The Three Gorges Dam By Emile Bouffard, February 08 2013

China’s Three Gorges dam, completed in 2006 and put into use last summer, is the world’s largest source of ‘clean’ hydroelectric power. With a generating capability equal to that of 15 nuclear reactors, the project has been hailed as a

Senate Intelligence Hearing: What Senator Mark Warner Asked CIA Director John Brennan By David Swanson, February 08 2013

When CIA nominee John Brennan faced the Senate Select Committee on So-Called Intelligence on Thursday, countless critical and cutting questions had been prepared by bloggers and journalists.  None of them were asked.

Brennan might have been asked why he’d lied …

Big Oil’s in Good Hands With Obama’s New Interior Secretary Sally Jewell By Stephen Lendman, February 08 2013

On February 6, Obama chose Jewell as new Interior Secretary. More on her below.

She’ll replace Ken Salazar. He supported BP’s Deepwater Horizon operation. He ignored environmental risks. He approved BP’s exploration plan with no environmental analysis.

His negligence permitted …

Media Covered Up US Assassination Base in Saudi Arabia By Joseph Kishore, February 08 2013

For more than a year, several major US media outlets—including theWashington Post and the New York Times —deliberately concealed the existence of a US drone base in Saudi Arabia. The base was used to carry out many of the …

NATO-Trained Kosovo Army To Be Activated in June By Stop NATO, February 08 2013

Kosovo is planning to convert its lightly-armed Kosovo Security Force into a full-fledged army.

Established in 2009, the force consists of 2,500 active and 800 reserve members and is primarily responsible for crisis response.

Over the past few years, it …

What they Don’t Tell You About the Economy By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, February 08 2013
The corporate media and front groups for big business and political parties leave out what we believe are important details. That’s why at It’s Our Economy we focus on articles that go deeper into current news. This week: the real
American Foreign Policy – Have our War Lovers Learned Anything? By William Blum, February 08 2013

Over the past four decades, of all the reasons people over a certain age have given for their becoming radicalized against US foreign policy, the Vietnam War has easily been the one most often cited. And I myself am the

America’s WMD Pretext to Wage War on Iraq – Ten Years after Colin Powell By Michael Welch, February 08 2013

Global Research News Hour Episode 14

“We know that Saddam Hussein is determined to keep his weapons of mass destruction, is determined to make more … Leaving Saddam Hussein in possession of weapons of mass destruction for a few more

Drastic Austerity Cuts: The Great Recession has Smashed Public Services on a State by State Basis By Shamus Cooke, February 07 2013

The Great Recession has quietly devastated public services on a state-by-state basis, with Republican and Democratic governors taking turns leading the charge. Public education has been decimated, as well as health care, welfare, and the wages and benefits of public

It Has Happened Here in America: The Police State is Real By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 07 2013
The Bush regime’s response to 9/11 and the Obama regime’s validation of this response have destroyed accountable democratic government in the United States.
So much unaccountable power has been concentrated in the executive branch that the US Constitution is no …
US Violating Human Rights of Children, Says UN Committee By Allison Frankel, February 07 2013

The Obama Administration recently underwent its first U.N. treaty body review, and the resulting concluding observations made public yesterday should be a cause for alarm. The observations, issued by independent U.N. experts tasked with monitoring compliance with the international treaty …

The Face of Austerity: Photoshopping Away Police Torture in Greece By Leonidas Oikonomakis, February 07 2013

Greek police may vainly try to Photoshop away the torture of four alleged bank robbers, but they cannot gloss over the radicalization of Greek youth.

The story is as follows.

On February 1st 2013, an attempted robbery of two banks …

Firms Make Billions as Middlemen in Government Cover-Up of Wall Street crimes By Andre Damon, February 07 2013

In the network of corrupt and incestuous relations between government financial regulatory agencies and the banks they nominally police, a growing role is played by private, for-profit “consulting” firms that serve as middlemen in the government cover-up of corporate crime.…

Extrajudicial Killing: Official US Policy By Stephen Lendman, February 07 2013

Since taking office, Obama headed America toward full-blown tyranny. He enforces Bush administration police state laws. He added more of his own. He governs like a tinpot despot.

He targets free expression, dissent, whistleblowing, and other constitutional freedoms. He usurped …

Brainwashing and Obama’s War Propaganda: Pentagon Gearing Up to Fight the ‘PR War’ By Patrick Henningsen, February 07 2013

How much money does it cost to get populations to think a certain way? Answer: it requires a blank cheque. But can Americans really afford it?g and

Chief among the pitfalls of managing any global empire – persuading the …

Globalization and Social Destruction: Stealing Wealth and Health in India By Colin Todhunter, February 07 2013

What is happening in India right now encapsulates the current battle that is taking place across the globe, which will decide the future direction of humanity.

This country of 1.2 billion people is where modernity meets tradition head on. We …

America’s Sniper Fetish By Mickey Z, February 07 2013

“Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.”  Henry Kissinger

When the story broke about the Feb. 2 shooting death of former Navy SEAL and American Sniper author, Chris Kyle, we immediately learned …

Israel Enters The Syrian Theater: Confronting Iran via the Third Option By Ben Schreiner, February 07 2013

With its air strikes against targets inside Syria last week, Israel announced its formal entry into the Syrian crisis.  The Israeli targeting of Iran has thus entered the Syrian theater.

According to McClatchy, the Israeli strikes on January 30 targeted …

Chris Kyle, Navy Seal in Iraq: “American Sniper” Gets Sniped By Margaret Kimberley, February 07 2013

One of the ways in which humans wrestle with the existence of evil is by hoping that the evil doer gets his or her just desserts.

This hope is expressed with expressions such as “what goes around comes around” or …

Cambodia and America’s “Killing Fields” By Kieran Kelly, February 06 2013

For John Kerry the incoming Secretary of State, the bombing of Cambodia by the US was illegal. But, even as Kerry reaffirms his condemnation of US actions in Cambodia, it comes to light that in June his colleagues in the …

Military Chief Tries To Scare Sweden Into NATO With Russian Threat By John Robles, February 06 2013

A scandal has erupted in Sweden after the Swedish Armed Forces chief, Sverker Göranson, said that his country wouldn’t last even two days against Russia, in an attempt to spur Sweden’s NATO entry. Swedish Prosecution has accused the General of