Global Research News

Carnage: 53 Killed In Syria Courtesy of US Allies By Global Research News, February 22 2013

By Daniel McAdams

While the US and its Western partners pretend to be engaged in a global war against terrorism, their terrorist allies in Syria have set off another car bomb, tellingly very close to the ruling Baath party offices …

Bradley Manning Incarcerated without a Trial: One Thousand Days Too Many By Margaret Flowers, February 22 2013

Think of that, count it off . . . 1,000 days; that is how long Bradley Manning has been incarcerated without a trial.

Even though he has been incarcerated for nearly three years most Americans have no idea what he …

The “Alternative Media” Challenges Officialdom’s Views By Colin Todhunter, February 22 2013

The mainstream media is under threat. And the threat is in the form of what is known as the ‘alternative media’. Decades ago, the ‘underground’ media took the form of pamphlets and booklets.

These days, it’s no longer ‘underground’ and

On Education, Barack Obama is the President of Privatization By Bruce A. Dixon, February 22 2013

By the time his term is over, President Obama and his Race To The Top program will have forced the closure and privatization of thousands of inner-city schools, a feat no white Republican or Democrat could have accomplished. But he’ll …

Obama’s Next Big Housing Market Giveaway to the Bankster Mafia By Mike Whitney, February 22 2013

For those who missed President Obama’s latest giveaway to the Bank Mafia, we’ll repeat what he said here. This is an excerpt from his recent State of the Union Speech:

“Part of our rebuilding effort must also involve our housing …

Why The Banking Elite Want Riots in America By Paul Joseph Watson, February 22 2013

Every indication clearly suggests that authorities in the United States are preparing for widespread civil unrest. This trend has not emerged by accident – it is part of a tried and tested method used by the banking elite to seize

When You’re Cutting Social Security, ‘Wealthy’ Begins at $25K By Jim Naureckas, February 22 2013

Here’s a proposal for Social Security that was on the New York Times‘ op-ed page yesterday (2/20/13):

“The top third of beneficiaries (by lifetime income) [would] receive no annual cost-of-living adjustment in retirement. The middle third would …

Israel’s Coming “Civil War”: The Haredi Jews Confront the Militarized Secular Zionist State By Prof. James Petras, February 21 2013
Israel is heading towards a profound internal crisis: a Jew-on-Jew confrontation, which has major implications for its relations with the Palestinians, as well as its Arab neighbors.
How Reagan Promoted Genocide By Robert Parry, February 21 2013

Special Report: A newly discovered document reveals that President Reagan and his national security team in 1981 approved Guatemala’s extermination of both leftist guerrillas and their “civilian support mechanisms,” a green light that opened a path to genocide against hundreds …

America the Poor: The Human Consequences of Unlivable Wages By Ralph Nader, February 21 2013

How could Barack Obama say, in his State of the Union speech, “Let’s declare that in the wealthiest nation on Earth no one who works full-time should have to live in poverty, and raise the federal minimum wage to $9.00

Iraq and the Betrayal of a People – Impunity Forever? By Hans Christof Von Sponeck, February 21 2013

Ethnic tension and sectarianism have become a major element in Iraqi politics since the US/UK invasion of 2003, a polarization of inter-group relations Iraqis had not known before. This explains much of the existing hideous crime including murder, kidnapping, property

Destroying Online Privacy: Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) Is Back By Stephen Lendman, February 21 2013

It shouldn’t surprise. The 2011 Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) never really went away. It ducked and covered for another day.

It’s more about destroying personal freedom than online security. It gives government and corporate supporters unlimited power …

The Return of German Imperialism By Johannes Stern, February 21 2013

Germany is making intensive preparations to conduct new wars to secure resources. This was the unmistakable message of a lead article in Germany’s business newspaper Handelsblatt, “Expedition Resources: Germany’s new course.”

The article shows the real face of the German …

Somalia: the Real Causes of Famine By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 21 2013
Economic and social chaos resulting from IMF "economic medicine" had set the stage for the launching of a US sponsored "civil war". An entire country with a rich history of commerce and economic development, was transformed into a territory.
America’s New Cold War against Russia and China By Global Research News, February 21 2013

by Zhao Jinglun

If NATO further expands to Georgia and Ukraine, crossing the Kremlin’ s “Red Line,” hostility would be further heightened. The missile-defense installations are supposedly aimed at Iran, but do pose a direct threat to Russia in the

Global Systemic Economic Crisis: Bank Failures, Currency Wars By Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin (GEAB), February 21 2013

Just as the Euro crisis pushed Europe to modernize and adapt its economic and financial governance to the challenges of the 21st century, the terrible US dollar crisis will oblige the world to transform the whole of world governance structures,

Cyberwarfare: US uses Hacking Allegations to Escalate Threats against China By Barry Grey, February 21 2013

The Obama administration is utilizing unsubstantiated charges of Chinese government cyber-attacks to escalate its threats against China. The past two days have seen allegations of hacking into US corporate and government web sites, hyped by the US media without any

The Wrong Economic Prescriptions: Deeper Austerity as a “Solution” to Austerity By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, February 21 2013

Leeches could also be used in bloodletting. The withdrawal of so much blood as to induce syncope (fainting) was considered beneficial, and many sessions would only end when the patient began to swoon.

As the economy shows signs of recession,

Sharia Shushed: Majority of Egypt against Muslim Brotherhood By F. William Engdahl, February 20 2013
Imperialism, Unequal Development and Forced Migration By Raúl Delgado Wise, February 20 2013

It is impossible to disentangle the migration and labor question today without a deep understanding of the nature of contemporary capitalism, namely, neoliberal globalization. One of the main features of the new global architecture, boosted by the emergence of one

Why has Israeli Soldier’s Photo Sparked More Outrage than Israeli War Crimes? By Rania Khalek, February 20 2013

The Instagram photo posted by an Israeli soldier showing what appears to be a Palestinian child in the crosshairs of his rifle has sparked outrage, as it should. Ali Abunimah was the first to report on this at the Electronic

Israel’s War Criminal of the Year Award By Stephen Lendman, February 20 2013

Imagining honoring crimes of war, against humanity and genocide. Imagine calling war on humanity honorable.

Imagine granting a nation’s highest civilian award for waging it. It shouldn’t surprise. Obama will receive Israel’s Presidential Medal of Distinction. More on him below.…

Oakland, California: FBI Foils Another Fake Terror Plot By Karl Eisner, February 20 2013

On February 8, federal authorities arrested a San Jose man for attempting to set off a car bomb outside a bank in Oakland, California. The charges filed against Matthew Llaneza, 28, stem from a months-long operation staged by the FBI’s …

Repealing Obama’s “Perpetual War” By Norman Solomon, February 20 2013

Congress waited six years to repeal the Tonkin Gulf Resolution after it opened the bloody floodgates for the Vietnam War in August 1964.

If that seems slow, consider the continuing failure of Congress to repeal the “war on terror” resolution

Imperial Jockeying in Africa: U.S. Intervention Sets to Deepen By Ben Schreiner, February 20 2013

As “the peril of guerrilla war looms” for the French in Mali, the United States prepares to step-up its intervention across Africa.

Speaking in Bamako on Tuesday, U.S. Senator Christopher Coons, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, stated that …

Secret Memo by Donald Rumsfeld Proves Iraq War Started On False Pretenses By Washington's Blog, February 20 2013

Everyone Knew Iraq Had No WMD … and Was Not Behind Anthrax Attacks or 9/11

Everyone knew that Iraq didn’t have weapons of mass destruction.

Indeed, Secretary of State Colin Powell’s chief of staff – Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson – just …

What’s Causing the Epidemic of Gun Violence? By Washington's Blog, February 20 2013

Might Makes Right Based Violence By the Military Promotes Violence At Home

Gun control advocates point to all of the recent shootings as evidence that we should ban guns … or at least assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.

On the …

UN Human Rights Commissioner Navi Pillay: “Pretext-maker” for Western Military Aggression By Ken Stone, February 20 2013

Navi Pillay is up to her old tricks: she’s abusing her position as United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to provide a pretext for imperial aggression against Syria. Today, February 18, 2013, she repeated her call for Syrian President

“From Idealism to Imperialism”: Canada’s Dark History of NGO Funding By Julie Lévesque and Nik Barry-Shaw, February 20 2013

For many years Stephen Harper’s Conservative government has been heavily criticised for its ideological management of aid funds. Known for its ties to right-wing religious groups and its unwavering pro-Israeli stance, the Harper government has cut the funding of organisations

Austerity Can’t Solve Crises of Capitalism By Gene Clancy, February 19 2013

Millions of workers across the United States received a rude and unpleasant jolt this January when they discovered that their take-home pay had just shrunk by 2 percent. The Social Security payroll tax cut of 2009 was restored, costing workers

Brennan Refuses to Rule Out Drone Assassinations Within the US By Tom Carter and Barry Grey, February 19 2013

In written responses to questions submitted by the Senate Intelligence Committee, John Brennan, the Obama administration’s nominee for director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), refused to rule out drone assassinations of American citizens on US soil. The committee on …

Political Crisis in Malaysia: Aussie Senator Nick Xenophon Arrested : “The Not-So-Impartial Observer” By Nile Bowie, February 19 2013

Malaysia’s decision to detain and deport Australian Senator Nick Xenophon has become a hot topic of discussion across the nation’s blogosphere.

Xenophon came to Kuala Lumpur as part of a seven-member international team of election observers invited by de-facto opposition

Hagel: Israel’s Nukes More of a Threat than Iran’s By Voltaire Network, February 19 2013

In a newly surfaced video recorded in 2008, during a promotion event for his then-recently published book [1], Secretary of Defense nominee Chuck Hagel expresses more concern over Israel’s nuclear weapons than Iran’s and advocates the U.S. engage with Iran

Breaking Down Legalized Segregation: 1963 Mass Struggles Advanced the Cause of Civil Rights By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 19 2013

In 1963, despite the tremendous campaigns aimed at breaking down legalized segregation and national oppression for eight years, the demand for federal civil rights legislation remained stalled due to southern segregationist influence, northern indifference and political avoidance by the John

The Climate Change Corporate Lobby: A Threat to the Environment By Tony Cartalucci, February 19 2013
At a recent Washington climate change rally, who is demanding action? Demanding action from whom? What action?In reality, the diminutive, corporate-media inflated rally in DC was organized by the very corporate-financier special interests that have been wreaking terrible havoc on …
America Shamed Again: Are US Lawmakers “Owned” by the Israel Lobby? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 19 2013

Americans have been shamed many times by their elected representatives who cravenly bow to vested interests and betray the American people. But no previous disgraceful behavior can match the public shame brought to Americans by the behavior of the Senate

Obama’s State of the Union: Pro-corporate Agenda with Chocolate Covered Rhetoric for the 99% By Shamus Cooke, February 19 2013
When President Obama speaks, most Americans hear what he wants them to hear: lofty rhetoric and a “progressive” vision.   But just below the surface the president has a subtly-delivered message for the 1%, whose ears prick up when their buzzwords
GMO Agribusiness and the Destructive Nature of Global Capitalism By Colin Todhunter, February 19 2013
Predator corporations in India are merely engaged in managing and thus profiting from the crises they themselves have conspired to produce with their destruction of traditional agriculture and local economies and their chemical inputs and genetic engineering.
The Children of Iraq: “Was the Price Worth It?” By Bie Kentane, February 19 2013

The following is a presentation given in the Dialogue sessions of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, May 2012.

“…Line up the bodies of the children, the thousands of children — the infants, the toddlers, the schoolkids — whose bodies

Profiting From Human Misery By Chris Hedges, February 18 2013
The majority of those we incarcerate in this country—and we incarcerate a quarter of the world’s prison population—have never committed a violent crime. Eleven million undocumented immigrants face the possibility of imprisonment and deportation. President Barack Obama, outpacing George W. Bush, has deported more than 400,000 people since he took office. Families, once someone is seized, detained and deported, are thrown into crisis. Children come home from school and find they have lost their mothers or fathers. The small incomes that once sustained them are snuffed out. Those who remain behind often become destitute.
Libya: The Second Anniversary of a Bloody Coup By Maximilian Forte, February 18 2013

This weekend, marking the second anniversary of the start of protests that would usher in a bloody and prolonged NATO-led coup to overthrow the Libyan Jamahiriya and Muammar Gaddafi, offers many reasons to celebrate for those whose intention was the

Upcoming Iranian Nuclear Talks By Stephen Lendman, February 18 2013

Multiple previous P5+1 talks were held. America manipulated them to fail. So did Israel covertly. Western nations were pressured to go along.

On February 26, new talks will be held in Almaty, Kazahhstan. Expect no more this time than earlier.

Inequality and American Democracy By Joseph Kishore, February 18 2013

In his State of the Union address on Tuesday, President Obama began by declaring that economic recovery was well underway. “Together, we have cleared away the rubble of crisis,” he said, “and can say with renewed confidence that the state …

Jordan and Israel Secret Talks, to Import Natural Gas from Israel’s Tamar Field By Global Research News, February 18 2013

There have been secret talked to import natural gas from Israel’s Tamar field to Jordan according to recent reports.

The gas would be delivered through the Israeli gas pipeline that serves Israel Chemicals’ Dead Sea Works plant in Sodom. Extending …

Racism Embedded in Israeli School Textbooks By Nurit Peled-Elhanan, February 18 2013

A new report on Palestinian and Israeli school books has elicited much debate (“Israel shoots back: ‘Look beyond the textbooks,’” The Times of Israel, 6 February).

The report — by academics in Tel AvivBethlehem and …

Rafael Correa re-elected in Ecuador By Global Research News, February 18 2013

According to the results obtained by three private media agencies of Ecuador (El Universo, Ecuavisa El Comercio newspaper), the exit poll confirms that the current president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa was re-elected in the first round with 58.8% total votes.…

After Meetings with the KLA, Egypt Preparing to Recognize the Puppet State of Kosovo By Ria Novosti, February 17 2013

The Arab Republic of Egypt is “on its way” to recognize Kosovo as an independent state, Egypt’s presidential aide said on Sunday as Kosovo Albanians celebrated the fifth anniversary of their declaration of independence from Serbia.

The statement was made …

Unemployment Rises in Egypt By Global Research News, February 17 2013

Unemployment in Egypt rose by 0.5 percent in the last quarter of 2012, according to the official statistical agency, which set at 13 percent unemployment rate, in a report released on Sunday.

The figure includes only registered workers, regardless of …

Idle No More: Stop the Harper Government’s Attack on Indigenous Canadians By Global Research News, February 17 2013

We call on the AFN National Chief, Shaun Atleo to denounce the actions of the Conservative Government and the Department of Indians Affairs, now known as Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC). In light of the following disturbing circumstances, …

New Media Scoop to Wage War on Iran: “Specialized Magnets”, Alleged “Fast-Track” to Atomic Weapons Capability By FAIR, February 17 2013

by Peter Hart

In the run up to the Iraq War, the New York Times  (9/8/02) famously reported on an Iraqi scheme to procure special aluminum tubes that could only have one purpose:  Iraq’s secret nuclear weapons program. …

The “Democracy” Racket: US Covert Attempt to Implement “Regime Change” in Malaysia By Tony Cartalucci, February 17 2013
The Australian reported in its article, “Xenophon deported by Malaysia,” that Australian Senator Nick Xenophon has been detained and then deported in Malaysia as part of an “unofficial parliamentary delegation to review the electoral system.”In reality, Senator Xenophon …
Absolute Lawlessness: Libyan “Democracy” Two Years After NATO Air War By Andrei Smirnov, February 17 2013

Mass protests are sweeping across Libya as the country marks the second anniversary of the beginning of a civil war that ousted Muammar Gaddafi. Two years after the fall of the Gaddafi regime, no new constitution has been drafted.


War in Mali: France in Africa – Fifth Republic or Third Empire? By Dmitry Minin, February 17 2013

Paris has its own history of meddling into affairs of former French West African colonies, Cote D’Ivoire, for instance. The black continent (Libya, Mali) interventions have increased in scale and have become more frequent. It has given a rise …

The 911 Truth Movement Goes to Court in the UK. By Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, February 16 2013
On February 25, in the small town of Horsham in the UK, 3 hours of detailed 9/11 evidence is to be presented in a court of law where the BBC will be challenged over the inaccurate and biased manner in which it has portrayed the events and evidence of 9/11.
The Globalization of NATO in Africa: From Angola and Libya to Somalia By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, February 16 2013

This highly educative discussion is on how the globalisation of NATO is affecting Africa. Our expert guest is, MAHDI DARIUS NAZEMROAYA. Mahdi is an award winning author and global geopolitical analyst. He is also a sociologist and research associate in …

Egypt: Claims and Counter-Claims against Muslim Brotherhood in Activist’s Death By Al Ahram, February 16 2013

On a TV show on Sunday a witness emerged claiming to have seen Mohamed Al-Guindi at Al-Gabal Al-Ahmar camp, the Central Security Forces (CSF) camp in Nasr City where activists say the young man was subjected to torture that led

America’s African Drone Wars: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow By Chris Cole, February 16 2013

This week the New York Times reported that the US is planning to establish a new base for its drones in north-west Africa.  While the base is to be used initially to fly unarmed surveillance drones, according to the …

The Militarization of Space: Moscow Calls for New Space Defense System By Ria Novosti, February 16 2013

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin on Saturday backed calls to establish a new system to identify and neutralize threats in space.

“Humankind must create a system to identify and neutralize objects that pose a danger to the Earth” he wrote …

Who Was the Iranian Revolutionary Guard General Killed in Syria? By Global Research News, February 16 2013

Global Research Editorial Notes

We bring to ours attention this report about the murder of Hussam Khoshnevis, a general of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, in Syria. Most mainstream media reports fail to mention that he was an engineer that was

Norway’s Austin Radio Unveils Turkish-Saudi-Qatari Plot to Assassinate Iraqi PM By Global Research News, February 16 2013

According to a report by Norway’s Radio Austin,  European states are concerned about the partnership of certain regional countries with a plan proposed by certain opposition forces for assassinating the Iraqi prime minister.

The report said that the Western …

Attacks on Dečani Monastery: Apartheid, Attempt to erase Serb History in Kosovo By Global Research News, February 16 2013

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Aleksandar Vulin said that threats and protests outside the Dečani Monastery represent an attempt to wrap up the ethnic cleaning and that there are attempts to remove evidence of existence of Serbs.

FARC Insists that Jailed Commander Simon Trinidad Attend Colombian Peace Talks in Havana By Global Research News, February 16 2013

Colombia’s Revolutionary Armed Forces (FARC-EP) insisted on Friday that guerrilla commander Simon Trinidad, jailed in the United States, participates at peace negotiations with the Colombian government underway in Havana.

Shortly before the dialog resumed at Havana’s Convention Center, FARC-EP delegate …

Russian Duma Vice-Speaker: The Meteorite was a new US Weapon By Global Research News, February 16 2013

The leader of Russia’s Liberal Democratic Party and vice speaker of the State Duma Vladimir Zhirinovsky accused on Friday the United States of testing new weapons over Russia immediately after reports of a meteorite explosion appeared.

“There have been no …

Meteorite hits Russian Urals, up to 1,200 injured By RT, February 16 2013

Russia’s Urals region has been rocked by a meteorite explosion in the stratosphere. The impact wave damaged several buildings, and blew out thousands of windows amid frigid winter weather. Hundreds have sought medical attention for minor injuries.

Eyewitness accounts of …

Who is John Brennan, Obama’s Nominee to Head the CIA? By Nil Nikandrov, February 16 2013

General Petraeus, the head of CIA, resigned admitting to a scandalous extramarital love affair. It made Barack Obama rush to find someone to replace him. As an intelligence veteran, John Brennan was the likely candidate. His nomination for the position

While Left And Right Fight, Power Wins By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 16 2013
My experience with the American left and right leads to the conclusion that the left sees private power as the source of oppression and government as the countervailing and rectifying power, while the right sees government as the source of
Genetically-Engineered Meat Isn’t Tested for Human Safety By Washington's Blog, February 16 2013

Eater Beware

USA Today reported last October that the FDA doesn’t even test the safety of genetically engineered food:

Q: Does the FDA test these foods before they’re allowed on the market?

A: No. Instead there is a voluntary

Week in Review: Africom’s Agenda, BBC’s 9/11 Cover Up and American Dictatorship By Global Research and Global Research, February 16 2013
Serious Political Activism is a Lifelong Endeavor By Larry Pinkney, February 16 2013

“Each generation must discover its mission, fulfill it or betray it, in relative opacity.”—Frantz Fanon

Serious political activism, like history itself, is both ongoing and dialectical in breadth, depth, and scope. It cannot be worn and then conveniently removed like …

Monsanto Keeps on Moving Toward a Lock on the World’s Food System By John Funiciello, February 16 2013

Arguments are scheduled to begin next week before the U.S. Supreme Court about whether an Indiana farmer is right when he claims that the seeds he planted should not be considered under the control of Monsanto, the giant transnational chemical

U.S.-NATO Threats, From Europe To Middle East By Rick Rozoff, February 16 2013


NATO continues to surround the Russian Federation with their missiles, which according to Rozoff may soon number in the thousands and NATO also continues to aggressively seek to “integrate” country after country into their “alliance”. Rick tells us why …

An Insightful Documentary on Mumia Abu-Jamal By Dolores Cox, February 16 2013

An important film documentary about the life of Mumia Abu-Jamal premiered in New York City on Feb. 1. “Long Distance Revolutionary: A Journey with Mumia Abu-Jamal” explores through prison interviews, archival footage and narrations, the life of a political prisoner …

Israel and the Iran-Contra Scandal: How Neocons Messed Up the Mideast By Robert Parry, February 15 2013

Special Report: Newly available documents reveal how Ronald Reagan’s neocon aides cleared the way for Israeli arm sales to Iran in 1981, shortly after Iran freed 52 U.S. hostages whose captivity doomed Jimmy Carter’s reelection. The move also planted the

LAPD High Crimes By Stephen Lendman, February 15 2013

Michael Ruppert is a former LAPD cop. He knows its dark side well. He witnessed it firsthand.

Its rap sheet includes corruption, abuse of power, complicity with CIA drugs trafficking, unjustified arrests, beatings, murder, perjury, witness tampering, evidence planting, frame-ups, …

Teenager Shot Dead in Bahrain Protest Against US-Backed Monarchy By Bill Van Auken, February 15 2013

Security forces shot to death a 16-year-old boy in Bahrain Thursday, while scores of other people were wounded and arrested in mass protests against the US-backed monarchy.

The teenager, identified as Ali Ahmed Ibrahim al-Jazeeri, was killed by a shotgun …

US Drone Killings in Waziristan. Indepth Investigation by American and Pakistani Lawyers By Asad Ismi, February 15 2013

Joe Lombardo is co-coordinator of the United National Anti-War Coalition (UNAC), the largest anti-war coalition in the United States. He is also a founding member of Project Salaam, a group that helps Muslims persecuted (mainly by the government) in the …

Lest We forget, Ten Years Ago: Anti-Iraq War Protesters were in the Right By Global Research News, February 15 2013

by Matthew Carr

TOMORROW it will be exactly ten years since the massive Iraq war protests of 15 February 2003. More than one million people marched in London that day as part of an international series of protests that embraced

It’s the Interest, Stupid! Why Bankers Rule the World By Ellen Brown, February 15 2013
The rich get progressively richer at the expense of the poor, not just because of “Wall Street greed” but because of the inexorable mathematics of our private banking system.
Pentagon Creates Medal to Honor Drone Operators By John Glaser, February 15 2013

The Defense Department has decided to create a medal to honor US soldiers who sit at a computer and operate armed, unmanned vehicles bombing people thousands of miles away.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta on Wednesday announced that the Pentagon can …

Iraqi Demonstrator Pelts US Ambassador Bremer with his Shoes By Eman A. Khamas, February 15 2013

According to press reports, Ambassador Paul Bremer, the American ex-governor of Iraq was pelted with shoes by an Iraqi demonstrator in London last Wednesday Feb 6th In the House of Commons, Hall 6-bit.

Bremer’s lecture was supposed to last …