Global Research News

How We Are Impoverished, Gentrified and Silenced – And What to Do About It By John Pilger, July 25 2013

I have known my postman for more than 20 years. Conscientious and good-humoured, he is the embodiment of public service at its best. The other day, I asked him, “Why are you standing in front of each door like a

SEAL Team 6 Families Force Congress To Investigate Mysterious Chopper Crash By Steve Watson, July 25 2013

Led by firebrand Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), Congress is to launch an official investigation into the mysterious helicopter crash that killed several members of the Navy SEAL team 6 in Afghanistan in 2011.

Back in May, the families of the …

UK Spy Warns of Iraq War Disclosures By Annie Machon, July 25 2013

Photo: Sir Richard Dearlove, former head of Great Britain’s MI-6 intelligence agency.

For more than a decade since the Iraq invasion, President Bush, Prime Minister Blair and their senior aides have stuck to the story of innocent intelligence mistakes and …

Commodity Scams: Barclays, Goldman & JP Morgan Under Fire By Pratap Chatterjee, July 25 2013

JP Morgan Chase is expected to announce over $600 million in penalties and repayments for allegedly cheating customers in energy markets in California and Michigan. This just after Barclays bank paid out $470 million for manipulating electricity rates. Now Goldman …

Activist Daniel McGowan: Victimized by “Green Scare”, US Injustice By Stephen Lendman, July 25 2013

He’s an environmental/animal rights activist. A previous article discussed him. He was victimized by “green scare.”

It refers to legal and extralegal government actions against animal liberation and environmental activists.

In October 2001, the USA Patriot Act created the federal …

Do “Peace Accords” Lead to Peace, Justice and Security for the People? By Prof. James Petras, July 25 2013

 In Memory of Manuel Marulanda, Farabundo Marti and Augusto Sandino


            It is commonly assumed that “peace agreements” between pro-US rightwing regimes and leftwing insurgents lead to peace, justice and greater security.  A number of peace agreements which

Contempt for the Bill of Rights: Obama’s Willing Executioners of the Fourth Amendment By Norman Solomon, July 25 2013

It’s now painfully clear that the president has put out a contract on the Fourth Amendment. And at the Capitol, the hierarchies of both parties are stuffing it into the trunks of their limousines, so each provision can be neatly

The Corporate Media’s Mass Hypnosis By Margaret Kimberley, July 25 2013

Delivery systems and platforms for information may proliferate at blinding speed, but most Americans have no access to anything resembling the truth. They may know the names of the dead – like Trayvon Martin – but have no clue why

After White House Intervention, House Defeats Constraints on Domestic Spying By Thomas Gaist, July 25 2013

Following intense pressure from the Obama administration and top intelligence officials, the US House of Representatives defeated an amendment that would have placed constraints on the National Security Agency’s powers to spy on the American people.

The amendment to the …

America’s “Imperial-Left” and the Proxy War Against Syria By Jay Tharappel, July 25 2013

Recently in June the American activist organisation ‘Campaign for Peace and Democracy’ (CPD) issued a ‘Statement On Syria’ supporting the so-called “Syrian revolution”. If the CPD had issued a similar statement two years ago it would have been somewhat understandable …

The Militarization of America By Bill Van Auken, July 25 2013

This week’s deployment of Blackhawk helicopters in Chicago is only the latest in a series of “urban warfare training” exercises that have become a familiar feature of American life.

As elsewhere, this exercise was sprung unannounced on a startled civilian …

“Who Authorized Preparations for War with China?” The Two Faux Democracies Threaten Life On Earth By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 25 2013
Amitai Etzioni has raised an important question: “Who authorized preparations for war with China?”  Etzioni says that the war plan is not the sort of contingency plan that might be on hand for an improbable event.  Etzioni also reports
Mass Hunger Strike by California Prisoners continues despite Retaliation by Authorities By Dylan Murphy, July 25 2013




“Understand that … people are dying who could be saved, that generations more will die or live poor butchered half-lives if you fail to act.”. George L. Jackson, former Black Panther activist – shot to death …

Armageddon at a City Near You By Global Research News, July 25 2013

A new interactive map lets users nuke any location in the world with a nuclear bomb of their choosing.

The Nukemap 3D uses Google Earth images to simulate the nuclear attack and bases the animations on how mushroom clouds have

Time to Decide: Concentrated, Privatized Wealth or Shared Prosperity and Economic Democracy By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, July 25 2013

One of the major conflicts of the era that is not often highlighted for public debate is whether we want an economy that privatizes government services and public resources and continues to concentrate wealth; or whether we want to develop …

Syria, Iraq and Depleted Uranium By J. B. Gerald, July 25 2013

As the U.S.considers expanding its war on Syria to overt military aggression, Iraq provides some warning of the human cost of accepting the policies of madmen. In Iraq military action starting with “Desert Storm” in 1991, caused the near total …

Inside Syria: Britain Violates Own Anti-Terrorist Legislation By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 24 2013
“Progressive” Mainstream Media Supports the Destabilization and Balkanization of Syria By Phil Greaves, July 24 2013

Since the onset of the Syrian crisis, Martin Chulov of the Guardian has continuously been one of the most prominent “journalists” whose coverage, to put kindly, has been skewed beyond any recognition of objective journalism. His narratives have systematically relied …

Troops on the Ground? Martin Dempsey’s Five Options for War with Syria By Global Research News, July 24 2013

In a July 22 article by Chris Carroll , The US military online news site Stars and Stripes provides a review of US war plans against Syria as outlined in a letter by Chief of Staff General Martin Dempsey addressed 

Crisis in Egypt and Gaza: Longstanding Strategic Relationship in Jeopardy? By Nicola Nasser, July 24 2013

Gaza will remain a matter of national security for Egypt .

And regardless of who is in charge in Gaza , Egypt will also remain a strategic asset for Gaza , a lifeline for its people, and a mainstay of

NSA Spying on Chinese Citizens? US/China Relations Again in the Spotlight By Dr. Thorsten Pattberg and James Corbett, July 24 2013

With the latest revelations of NSA spying on Chinese citizens and the recent meeting of Obama and Xi Jinping, US / China relations are once again in the spotlight.

From his vantage point at Peking University, Dr. Thorsten Pattberg breaks …

U.S. Arctic Ambitions and the Militarization of the High North By Dana Gabriel, July 24 2013

With back-to-back chairmanships, it gives both countries an opportunity to increase cooperation on initiatives that could enhance the development of a shared North American vision for the Arctic. The U.S. has significant geopolitical and economic interests in the high north …

FED’s Propaganda On Deflation, Inflation & Bubbles By Matthias Chang, July 24 2013

Every day, I read dozens of articles on finance and economics and I am amazed that the mainstream media continue to publish articles written by the so-called financial experts and Nobel Laureates such as Paul Krugman which are essentially mumbo-jumbo

The ‘Unnatural’ Death of Dr Kelly: The Forensic Pathology – The Subversion of Due Process Continues By Dr. David Halpin, July 24 2013

Andrew Watt ended his article with the post-mortem examination being carried out by Dr Nicholas Hunt on the evening the body was found 18 July 2003.  It was the penetrating smell of Lysol, lights and stainless steel in the mortuary …

Appalling Israeli Gulag Prison Conditions By Stephen Lendman, July 24 2013

Israel’s gulag is one of the world’s worst. On July 9, 16 human rights organizations headlined “RE: European Parliament Fact-Finding Mission on Palestinian Political Prisoners.” They include:

Addameer Prisoners’ Support and Human Rights Association

Aldameer Association for Human Rights

Al …

Canadian Mining Company HudBay Minerals Sued for Shootings, Murder and Gang-Rape in Guatemala By Global Research News, July 24 2013

In a precedent-setting ruling with national and international implications, Superior Court of Ontario Justice Carole Brown has ruled that Canadian company Hudbay Minerals can potentially be held legally responsible in Canada for rapes and murder at a mining project formerly …

Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN Al-Jaafari: Israel’s Occupation of Arab Lands Reached Dangerous Stages By Global Research News, July 24 2013

Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Bashar al-Jaafari warned that the Israeli occupation of the Arab territories has reached dangerous stages in light of the international inability to force Israel to end its occupation in implementation of the relevant international …

US Military Plans Direct Intervention in Syria By Alex Lantier, July 24 2013

The Pentagon is planning a major escalation of the US-led war against Syria, involving direct US military involvement to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

In a letter to Democratic Senator Carl Levin, the head of the Senate Armed Services Committee, …

Leaked Emails Reveal Conspiracy to Throw Detroit into Bankruptcy By Bryan Dyne, July 24 2013

Leaked emails show that as far back as January, there were backroom discussions being held between Detroit and Lansing public officials and corporate law firm Jones Day suggesting that the best course for Detroit would be to send it through …

Jailed Journalist: “Only Obama Can Compete with Yemen’s Dictators in Jailing Journalists and Killing Civilians” By Kevin Gosztola, July 23 2013

Yemeni journalist Abdulelah Haider Shaye, who United States President Barack Obama had been keeping in prison, has been released.

Shaye was apparently given a presidential pardonthat requires him to remain in Sanaa for two years. This means he would …

The Fallout from Nuclear Secrecy: Newly Declassified Documents By Beverly Deepe Keever, July 23 2013

Picture: A U.S. government photograph of Operation Redwing’s Apache nuclear explosion on July 9, 1956.

During the Cold War’s early years, the U.S. government detonated dozens of nuclear explosions on Pacific atolls, spreading nuclear fallout around the globe and making …

Israeli-Palestinian “Peace Talks”: Kerry to Name Pro-Settlements Martin Indyk as Chief Negotiator By James M. Wall, July 23 2013

Secretary of State John Kerry is expected to name Martin Indyk as the U.S. Representative to the Israel-Palestinian peace negotiation. Indyk has been around this peace talk track before.

He belongs to a small group of Jewish diplomats who have …

Globalization: What Price Our Future, Our Communities – A Bulging Swiss Bank Account? By Colin Todhunter, July 23 2013

Drip and drip again. It’s a walk through Triplicane. It’s a walk through the Triplicane and Royapettah areas of Chennai in July. It’s hot here. It’s always hot here. Watch your back. Watch your front. And, by the way, watch

Brazil: Extractive Capitalism and the Great Leap Backward By Prof. James Petras, July 23 2013


                Brazil has witnessed one of the world’s most striking socio-economic reversals in modern history:  from a dynamic nationalist industrializing to a primary export economy.  Between the mid 1930’s to the mid 1980’s, Brazil averaged nearly 10% growth in its

FISA Court Renews NSA Spying Program By Tom Carter, July 23 2013

On Friday, the Obama administration announced that it had sought—and the secret FISA court had granted—a renewed authorization for the NSA spying program that compels US telecommunications companies to turn over their telephone records in bulk.

“Consistent with his prior …

US Expands Global Drone Warfare By Thomas Gaist, July 23 2013

In what the Washington Post describes as the “next phase of drone warfare,” the Obama administration is set to “extend the Pentagon’s robust surveillance networks far beyond traditional, declared combat zones.” According to thePost, Washington is set to …

America and Germany: Longstanding Espionage Partners By Stephen Lendman, July 23 2013

A previous article discussed Stasi. It was East Germany’s secret police. It was one of the most repressive state apparatuses in modern times.

Its infamous reputation speaks for itself. It’s reincarnated in new form. Given today’s state-of-the-art technology. It’s …

US: Assassination of Citizens, Uncounted “Collateral Damage” and a Law Suit By Felicity Arbuthnot, July 23 2013

One man’s collateral damage is another man’s son.” (Political cartoonist, Jeff Danziger, August 2nd 2006.)

The words of Nasser al-Aulaqi, have a measured, dignified determination, shadowed by bewilderment and the betrayal by a country for which he …

Collateral Damage: QE3 and the Shadow Banking System By Ellen Brown, July 23 2013

Rather than expanding the money supply, quantitative easing (QE) has actually caused it to shrink by sucking up the collateral needed by the shadow banking system to create credit. The “failure” of QE has prompted the Bank for International Settlements …

Israel to Sign Guns for Refugees Deal With African States By Richard Silverstein, July 22 2013

Writing this blog as long as I have, I’ve seen some pretty low blows from the Israeli government.  But this one ranks right up there.  Those of you old enough remember Ronald Reagan’s arms for hostages deal with the Iranians–now, …

On the Death of Helen Thomas By Prof. Lawrence Davidson, July 22 2013

In her long career, Helen Thomas walked a tightrope. She was part of Washington’s journalistic club yet an outsider who asked unwelcome questions. When she was tossed out of the club in 2010 over a careless remark about Israel, she

Global Geopolitics: Chinese Internet vs. U.S. Internet By Dr. Thorsten Pattberg and James Corbett, July 22 2013
With the latest revelations of NSA spying on Chinese citizens and the recent meeting of Obama and Xi Jinping, US / China relations are once again in the spotlight. From his vantage point at Peking University, Dr. Thorsten Pattberg breaks down the latest developments and what they mean for global geopolitics.
Aid to Palestine or Israel? Ottawa Delivered Millions in Aid to Palestinian Authority to Advance Israeli Interests By Yves Engler, July 22 2013

A recently uncovered government document confirms that Ottawa has delivered millions of dollars in aid to the Palestinian Authority in a bid to advance Israel’s interests. The internal memorandum also sheds light on Canada’s efforts to build a security apparatus …

Monsoon Wedding Director Mira Nair Boycotts Israel Film Festival By Ali Abunimah, July 22 2013

Mira Nair, the internationally-acclaimed director of Salaam Bombay! and Monsoon Wedding, has refused an invitation to take her latest film to Israel, citing the Palestinian call for cultural boycott.

In a series of tweets today, Nair made …

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): The Terrible Plutocratic Plan By David Swanson, July 22 2013

Thanks to Michael Feikema and Doug Hendren for inviting me.  Like most of you I do not spend my life studying trade agreements, but the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is disturbing enough to make me devote a little time to it, …

Political Prisoner in America: Aafia Siddiqui – Victim of U.S. Injustice By Stephen Lendman, July 22 2013

She’s one of thousands of US political prisoners. She’s well known. She committed no crimes. She’s been brutalized in captivity. Mercy isn’t in America’s vocabulary. Rogue states operate that way.

Washington’s by far the worst. It reportedly agreed to Pakistan’s …

Court of Appeals Rules Obama Administration can Force Journalist to Testify against alleged Leaker By Eric London, July 22 2013

The US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit ruled Friday that New York Times reporter James Risen can be forced to testify against former CIA officer and alleged leaker Jeffrey Sterling in a case brought against Sterling by the …

Detroit Bankruptcy Sets Stage for National Assault on Public-sector Pensions By Jerry White, July 22 2013

Last week’s bankruptcy filing by the city of Detroit is being used as a test case for a much wider assault on the pensions and health benefits of millions of state and municipal employees around the country.

The city’s emergency …

America No Longer Has a Functioning Judicial System By Washington's Blog, July 22 2013

The Separation of Powers Which Define Our Democracy Have Been Destroyed

The Department of Justice told a federal court this week that the NSA’s spying “cannot be challenged in a court of law”.

(This is especially dramatic given that …

Edward Snowden: A Portrait of the Leaker as a Young Man By Norman Solomon, July 21 2013

Why have Edward Snowden’s actions resonated so powerfully for so many people?

The huge political impacts of the leaked NSA documents account for just part of the explanation. Snowden’s choice was ultimately personal. He decided to take big risks on …

Spying on Americans, Cellphones, Emails: The NSA is on the Line — All of Them By Kim Zetter, July 21 2013

Global Research Editor`s Note

Read the following article by Kim Zetter published in in 2006. 

Kim Zetter interviews Martin Aid, a historian of US intelligence and university professor.

This 2006 interview with Martin Aid provides in-depth analysis and information

What’s Next for Syria? The “Washington Consensus” for All Out War By Stephen Lendman, July 21 2013

Conflict drags on interminably. Dozens or more die daily. Syrian forces outmatch Western-backed death squad terrorists. They’re not rebels. They’re lawless invaders.

They’re US proxy fighters. They’re imported from dozens of countries. They’re waging war against sovereign Syrian independence.

Assad’s …

Leaked CIA Document and Freedom of the Press By Trevor Timm, July 21 2013

Often forgotten amidst journalists’ public personas and front page scoops is the crux of their profession: the practice of gathering news. Reporting, at its best, consists of bringing to light information powerful factions want kept in the dark, and the

NSA Spokesman Accidentally Admits that the Government Is Spying On Virtually All Americans By Washington's Blog, July 21 2013

NSA Spying:  A Matter of Degree

We have long noted that the government is spying on just about everything we do.

The NSA has pretended that it only spies on a small number of potential terrorists.  But NSA Deputy …

“Transformational Leadership” and the Creation of a U.S Truth and Reconciliation Commission By Cynthia McKinney, July 20 2013

This was posted to my facebook page

My Proposal for us to discuss this weekend:

Creating a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to move this country forward, to a higher level, where we all–on this page, anyway–want it to be. (Bill

CIA Is Funding Government-Led Chemtrail Project: Spy Agency to Help Study “Security Impacts” of Geo-engineering By Steve Watson, July 20 2013

The CIA is funding a scientific study to determine the feasibility of altering the planet’s climate in order to stave off climate change, according to documents released by The National Academy of Sciences.

The papers reveal that the project will …

It was the CIA that helped Jail Nelson Mandela By Brian Becker, July 20 2013

Today is Nelson Mandela’s 95th birthday, but forget the crocodile tears from the U.S. government about Mandela’s poor health. Imperialist diplomacy with all of its sugar-coated phrases is nothing more than a form of historical perjury.

Nelson Mandela’s arrest in …

From Turkey with Love: Another Israeli attack on Syria? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, July 20 2013
No one should be surprised to hear that Israel and Turkey are collaborating together against the Syrians. The Israeli-Turkish alliance never really ended. Israel and Turkey are comrades-in-arms.
US, Britain Push for Military Intervention in Syria By Chris Marsden, July 20 2013

The Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, has told the Senate that the Obama administration is actively considering the use of military force in Syria.

Dempsey said Thursday that he had provided President Barack Obama …

The Militarization of the US-Mexican Border: Counterinsurgency or Immigration Reform? By Tom Hayden, July 20 2013
Senate immigration bill SB 744may be a savvy way to divide the Republican Party in the coming elections, or a small step forward at the cost of massive militarization of the border. Already many immigrant rights activists are in …
Swedish Journalist Nominated for Prestigious Award for Fighting “Politically Correct” Racism By Global Research News, July 20 2013

Swedish journalist Jan Hagberg has been nominated for the Raoul Wallenberg Prize for writing about racism within parts of the Swedish establishment, towards those Slavic peoples and nations who “are not entirely subordinated to the dictates of the West.”

Justitia …

US- South Africa War Games: The Pentagon’s Hidden Agenda is to Make “Africans fight Africans” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 20 2013
While the stated purpose of the war games is to “protect Africa”, the real objective is imperial conquest. Washington’s hidden agenda is to “make Africans fight Africans”.
Panama Arrests Ex-CIA Chief of Station Wanted by INTERPOL for Abduction of Muslim Cleric By Joseph Fitsanakis, July 19 2013

A retired 21-year veteran of the United States Central Intelligence Agency, who is wanted by INTERPOL for participating in the abduction of a Muslim cleric in Italy, has been detained by police in Panama. Robert Seldon Lady was the CIA’s …

Haiti: Political Assassination? Suspicious Death of Judge Who Called for Prosecution of Presidential Family By Francklyn B. Geffrard, July 19 2013

The highly suspicious death last weekend of an Investigating Judge (Juge d’instruction) who was probing alleged corruption in the presidential family has shocked Haiti and started a cycle of charges and counter-charges which will surely widen Haiti’s ever-growing political divide.

Britain’s Top Military Brass: The UK Must be Prepared “To Go to War”. “We Must Risk War with Syria” By Global Research News, July 19 2013

“Britain has to be prepared to “go to war” is the message of the outgoing British Chief of Staff General Sir David Richards.

In an interview in the Daily Telegraph, Richards criticized the British government for its ineptitude. According the …

GlaxoSmithKline Alleged to Pay Bribes in China By Pratap Chatterjee, July 19 2013

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has been accused of bribing doctors in China in order to boost sales. Chinese government officials say they have uncovered evidence of a bribery scheme involving 700 travel agencies who were used to funnel as much as three

Archbishop of Wales Barry Morgan Calls on UK to Abandon Nuclear Missiles By David Williamson, July 19 2013
Photo: HMS Victorious, one of Britain’s Trident nuclear submarines
Archbishop of Wales Barry Morgan has called on the UK government to abandon its nuclear weapons, insisting the deterrent ‘cannot be justified on moral, strategic or economic grounds’
Archbishop of Wales
The Grand Scam: Spinning Egypt’s Military Coup By Esam Al-Amin, July 19 2013

Image: M. ElBaradei

Every coup d’état in history begins with a military General announcing the overthrow and arrest of the country’s leader, the suspension of the constitution, and the dissolution of the legislature. If people resist, it turns bloody. Egypt

Human Rights Lawyers on Hunger Strike to Show Solidarity with Guantánamo Detainees By Clive Stafford Smith, July 19 2013

I’ve just finished my hunger-strike, done to show solidarity with the detainees in Guantánamo Bay. I had no idea how long I could go for, but I managed about six days. I think I could have gone on longer, but

US Courts Approve Indefinite Detention and Torture By Stephen Lendman, July 19 2013

America’s a police state. It’s ruthless. Iron fist authority rules. International law’s quaint and out-of-date. US statute protections aren’t worth the paper they’re written on. 

Constitutional rights don’t matter. They never did for most people. It’s truer now than ever. …

Australian War Games: U.S. Military Machine Out Of Control By Rick Rozoff, July 19 2013
The “military machine” of the United States is “out of control” as it is spreading its military tentacles throughout the Asia-Pacific region amid a massive and unprecedented series of war games in Australia, an antiwar activist says.Approximately 20,000 US …
Key Mistakes Sway Jury in Zimmerman Trial: Jury Prevented from Considering Race and “First Aggressor” By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, July 19 2013
A Southern jury of six women – none of them black – found 28-year-old George Zimmerman’s shooting of unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin to be justifiable homicide because he acted in self-defense.

The jurors were prohibited from considering race. They were

The Insider’s Economic Dictionary: The Antidote to Euphemism By Prof Michael Hudson, July 19 2013
How a society defines economic terms and relationships will determine who controls it. Terminology serves to “frame” the way in which people perceive economic relationships.
Ten Years Ago: The Death of Dr. David Kelly. Murdered on the Orders of Her Majesty’s Government? By Dr. David Halpin and James Corbett, July 19 2013

On July 18, 2003, British biowarfare expert and UN weapons inspector David Kelly was found dead on Harrowdown Hill, near his home in Oxfordshire. Ruled a suicide by the official judicial inquiry chaired by Lord Hutton, now a group of

Political Assassination and the Crimes of War: The “Unnatural Death” of Dr. David Kelly By Dr. David Halpin, July 19 2013
A bearded man of avuncular appearance had started early in replying to e-mails on the 17th July 2003. He was in the office of his pretty cottage, with the scent of roses telling of an English summer.
Iraq’s Doctors are Subject to Humiliation and Murder By Global Research News, July 19 2013

by Kawkeb Al-Auwsi

It is not an exaggeration, or scaremongering, to talk about the grave risks to which doctors are exposed by clans and families, especially when committing a medical error and causing the death of the patient.

The predicament …

Confronting the Unanswered Questions of 9/11 By Global Research News, July 19 2013

In the 12 years since the events of 9/11, independent researchers have assembled a body of evidence that overwhelmingly contradicts the official account of 9/11. A primary area of research has been the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7

Drug-Financed Salafi Jihadism: The Afghan Drug Trade, A Threat to Russia and U.S.-Russian Relations By Prof Peter Dale Scott, July 18 2013

This article was published on May 23, 2012

Preface for a North American Audience

I delivered the following remarks at an anti-NATO conference held in Moscow on May 15, 2012. Unlike other speakers, my paper urged Russians — despite the

Documents Show Undersea Cable Firms Provide Surveillance Access to US Secret State By Tom Burghardt, July 18 2013

Documents published last week by the Australian web site Crikey revealed that the US government “compelled Telstra and Hong Kong-based PCCW to give it access to their undersea cables for spying on communications traffic entering and leaving the US.”

The …

Silencing the Outrage: Obama Dog Whistles Over Trayvon By Margaret Kimberley, July 18 2013

George Zimmerman was acquitted because the jury empathized with him as a fellow human being, and felt no such connection with Trayvon Martin and his tribe. White privilege – including the privilege to kill Black people – “is accepted and