Global Research News

10-Year Iraq War Anniversary: What We’ve Learned By Washington's Blog, March 19 2013

The Iraq war started 10 years ago.

Here’s what we know now:

Greece, Syriza and the Struggle Against Austerity By Socialist Project, March 19 2013

Ingo Schmidt (IS): The economic and political crises in Greece were headline news for a couple of years. An explosion of sovereign debt, caused by an uncompetitive private economy and a bloated public sector, was presented as cause of the

Israel Denies Electricity to Palestinians: Orders Removal of EU-funded Solar Cells By Global Research News, March 19 2013

images_News_2013_03_16_panels_300_0AL-KHALIL (HEBRON):  The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) ordered the removal of solar cell panels providing a Palestinian community east of Yatta town in Al-Khalil with electric power.

Local sources reported that the occupation civil administration handed on Friday notices to …

Pope Francis and Argentina’s Military Junta’s Policy of Mass Assassinations By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and James Corbett, March 19 2013
Interview with Michel Chossudovsky on the Corbett Report:
Audio click below

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With the election of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio as the next Pope comes some ghosts from his past.

As evidence continues to

Fabricated Iraq War WMD Pretext: Who was behind the “Terrorist Network” in Northern Iraq, Baghdad or Washington? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 19 2013

First published by Global Research on 5 February 2003

What we’re giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence…” (Colin Powell, 5 February 2003)

The plagiarized British “intelligence report” cited by Powell in his UN address is

Iraq After 10 Years By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 19 2013

The legacy of “the war on terror” is the death of liberty.

March 19, 2013.  Ten years ago today the Bush regime invaded Iraq.  It is known that the justification for the invasion was a packet of lies orchestrated by

‘Smoking Gun’ Memo Proves Pope Francis Collaborated with Military Junta By Global Research News, March 18 2013

By Brett Wilkins

Allegations that Jorge Bergoglio, now Pope Francis I, collaborated with Argentina’s brutal military dictatorship have been circulating for decades. The Pope, and the Vatican he now heads, have vehemently denied these allegations.

The Vatican has dismissed the …
Ireland Collaborates with CIA, Deploys Troops in Support of US-NATO Military Operations By R. Teichmann, March 18 2013

On the 13th of March it was reported that Defence Minister Alan Shatter confirmed eight Irish soldiers and 18 from the UK will travel to Mali with the Royal Irish Regiment.

During the campaigns leading up to the referendum on 

What’s Behind the Emergency Management of Detroit? Michigan Governor Imposes Corporate Rule By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 18 2013

On March 14, multi-millionaire Gov. Rick Snyder appointed Kevyn Orr as an “emergency manager’ over the city of Detroit. Detroit becomes the latest city in a string of other majority African American municipalities in Michigan to fall under the dictatorship

The “Domestic Terrorist Threat” in America: “Extremist” Publicity and Historical Reality By James F. Tracy, March 18 2013

The Southern Poverty Law Center[1] is advising the US government of the alleged “domestic terror threat” posed by political conservatives, “conspiracy theorists,” and others skeptical of their government’s policies and behavior. A March 5, 2012 letter to the US Departments …

Haiti “Open for Business”: Sourcing Slave Labor for U.S.-Based Companies By Haiti Grassroots Watch, March 18 2013

Last October, officials from the Haitian government and a number of foreign governments and institutions, who call themselves“friends of Haiti,” saw their dream become a reality. Finally, there was earthquake reconstruction progress worth celebrating with the inauguration of the giant

Pope Francis, CIA and ‘Death Squads’ By Robert Parry, March 18 2013

In the 1970s, Father Jorge Bergoglio faced a moment of truth: Would he stand up to Argentina’s military neo-Nazis “disappearing” thousands including priests, or keep his mouth shut and his career on track? Like many other Church leaders, Pope Francis …

The New Propaganda is Liberal. The New Slavery is Digital. By John Pilger, March 18 2013

What is modern propaganda? For many, it is the lies of a totalitarian state. In the 1970s, I met Leni Riefenstahl and asked her about her epic films that glorified the Nazis. Using revolutionary camera and lighting techniques, she produced

Who Was Hugo Chavez? By John Pilger, March 18 2013

The Venezuelan elite’s opposition to Chavez arose primarily out of his seizure of the nation’s oil industry. It previously controlled the country’s petroleum output, providing the United States with a cheap supply in return for a majority of the profits.

Workers Rights and the Trade Union Movement in the U.S. and Canada By Prof. Sam Gindin, March 18 2013

The spread of the notoriously misnamed ‘right-to-work’ legislation in the U.S. – most notably in Michigan, the home of the iconic sit-down strikes and effective birth of modern American-Canadian trade unionism – has given confidence to union-bashers in Canada to

US Occupation Forces in Afghanistan. Incompetent, Irreverent, and Irrelevant By Dana Visalli, March 18 2013

On Fridays in Kabul there is a bazaar at the edge of the U.S. military base, Camp Eggers, so I went one day in March to have a look. Penetrating the perimeter area takes some time; there are four checkpoints

“Chinese Dream”, Deepening Economic Crisis: China NPC Installs New Leadership By John Chan, March 18 2013

China’s National Peoples Congress (NPC) concluded yesterday after completing the once-in-a-decade leadership transition that began with last year’s Chinese Communist Party congress. CCP general secretary Xi Jinping was formally endorsed as the president of China, replacing Hu Jintao, and Li

New Phase in the Global Financial Crisis: EU Summit Sparks Run on Cyprus Banks By Stefan Steinberg and Chris Marsden, March 18 2013

It took until Saturday morning for the European summit to agree to a much reduced €10 billion ($13 billion) loan to bail out the banks in Cyprus, the fifth euro zone country after Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain to apply

Too Big Banks Are Just Crony Capitalists By Washington's Blog, March 18 2013

Big Banks Destroy Real American Style Capitalism

Reuters notes that the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas – Richard Fisher –  said yesterday:

The largest U.S. banks are “practitioners of crony capitalism,” need to be broken up to

U.S. Drone Strikes In Syria: Dangerous Escalation By Rick Rozoff, March 18 2013

The introduction of drone strikes by the United States inside Syria would mark a dangerous escalation in the Syrian unrest, says Rick Rozoff, manager of the Stop NATO organization.Rozoff told the U.S. Desk that if deadly U.S drone strikes are …

Ten Years Ago and Today: A Warfare State of Mind By Norman Solomon, March 18 2013

On a plane circling Baghdad in gray dawn light, a little Iraqi girl quietly sang to herself in the next row. “When I start to wonder why I’m making this trip,” Sean Penn murmured to me, “I see that child …

Obama is Worse than Bush By Washington's Blog, March 17 2013

Even Democratic Party Loyalists Starting to Wake Up to the Fact that Obama Is As Bad As Bush … Or Worse

Obama Is Worse than Bush In Favoring the Super-Elite, Bailing Out the Big Banks, Protecting Financial Criminals, Targeting Whistleblowers,

Iraq Memories By Felicity Arbuthnot, March 17 2013

I wrote this article as the bombs fell on Baghdad on the 20th of March 2003, with tears streaming down my face.

I had come back from Iraq just days before. In another sparkling pink and azure dawn on the

Syria, Under the Banner of “Democratization”: Shipping Weapons to Al Nusra Terrorists, Encouraging the Establishment of Sharia Law By Patrick Henningsen, March 16 2013

The crisis in Syria is developing new and acute symptoms which threaten the region on more levels than were previously thought, which should be of immediate concern, not just for the region itself, but for the international community as a

America Threatens China, Russia and North Korea: US to Boost Anti-ballistic Missile Systems in Asia Pacific By Peter Symonds, March 16 2013

US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel announced yesterday that the Pentagon would expand the number of ground-based, anti-ballistic missile interceptors deployed in the Asia Pacific region by nearly 50 percent by 2017. An additional 14 interceptors would be based at Fort

2003-2013: Iraqi Resistance, America’s “Dirty War” and the Remaking of the Middle East By Dirk Adriaensens, March 16 2013
The crippling devastation of Iraq overwhelms all else. It is difficult, given the facts on the ground, to recapture the imperial vision that was to make Iraq an exemplar of US sponsored democracy and a model for the American remaking of the Middle East.
Global Research News Hour: The Legacy of Hugo Chavez and The Korean Powder Keg By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, and Gregory Elich, March 16 2013

Global Research News Hour Episode 18

“I swear before my people that upon this moribund constitution I will drive forth the necessary democratic transformations so that the new republic will have a Magna Carta befitting these new times.”

-President Hugo …

The Truth Behind Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Pope Francis: Breaking the Silence, the Catholic Church in Argentina and the ‘Dirty War’ By Horacio Verbitsky, March 16 2013

Originally published in 2005. Image. Pope Francis with Leader of military junta General Jorge Videla

Argentina between 1976 and 1983 was wracked by a “dirty war” in which successive military regimes hunted down, tortured and “disappeared” tens of

PATRIOT Act: Judge Ordered FBI to Stop Issuing Spying Orders, Called “National Security Letters” (NSLs) By Global Research News, March 16 2013

We did it! Hours ago, a federal judge ordered the FBI to stop issuing spying orders, called national security letters (NSLs), which forced companies to disclose customer data while simultaneously censoring them from discussing the order with the press or …

Ten Years After the Invasion: America Destroyed Iraq, War Crimes Remain Unacknowledged and Unpunished By BRussells Tribunal, March 16 2013

by Nicolas J.S. Davies

The evil unleashed on the people of Iraq has been painstakingly obscured behind a tapestry of lies

Since the end of the Second World War, American political leaders and opinion-makers have led the public to believe …

The Iraq War Fiasco, Ten Years Later By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, March 16 2013

“International law? I better call my lawyer; he didn’t bring that up to me.George W. Bush (1946- ), U.S. president (2001-2009), (December 12, 2003)

“I told George Bush as early as August 2002, during a meeting in Detroit,

Rebels Trained in Jordan by U.S. Cross into Syria By Press TV, March 16 2013

Meanwhile, the United Nations said lifting the ban is “counterproductive and will not lead to a solution” to the ongoing crisis in the Arab country.

[Washington Us wants the ban on the import of weapons into Syria to be lifted

Jorge Mario Bergoglio: The “Dirty War” Pope By Bill Van Auken, March 16 2013

Image: Bergoglio with Military Dictator General Jorge Videla

For over a week, the media has subjected the public to a tidal wave of euphoric banality on the Roman Catholic Church’s selection of a new pope.

This non-stop celebration of the …

America, The “Offshored Economy”: When Truth Is Suppressed Countries Die By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 16 2013

Over a decade during which the US economy was decimated by jobs offshoring, economists and other PR shills for offshoring corporations said that the US did not need the millions of lost manufacturing jobs and should be glad that the

“Murió Chávez”: Architect of a New Latin America: Chávez Has Died By Arnold August, March 15 2013

On March 5, 2013, I was accompanying the President of the Unión de Periodistas de Cuba – UPEC (Cuban Association of Journalists), Tubal Páez. The occasion was a ceremony to honour an outstanding Cuban journalist. It took place in the …

Venezuela: Did Opposition Presidential Candidate Henrique Capriles have a Falling Out with his US Handlers? By John Robles, March 15 2013

The opposition politician in Venezuela, Henrique Capriles Radonski, is said to be in the sights of US assassins. This is not surprising as Capriles’ history and deep ties to the US and his key position in US operations to destabilize

Bureaucracy v. Bradley Manning By Prof. Lawrence Davidson, March 15 2013

Awash in evidence of U.S.-inflicted civilian killings in Iraq and Afghanistan, Army intelligence analyst Bradley Manning chose action over silence, releasing thousands of documents via WikiLeaks to the public. In doing so, he violated the code of faceless bureaucratic complicity.

A Financial Dictator for Detroit By Joseph Kishore, March 15 2013

With the appointment of an emergency manager on Thursday, Detroit became the largest city in US history to be taken over by the state government. The new manager, bankruptcy lawyer Kevin Orr, will have vast powers and one essential task: …

US Sequester Cuts Target Jobs, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security By Kate Randall, March 15 2013

Two weeks into the “sequester” triggered on March 1, the effects of the $85 billion in federal cuts mandated this year are already being felt across the country. The failure of the Obama administration and the Republicans to come to …

Ireland’s Home Mortgage Crisis: No Debt Relief. The Destruction of Savings and Pensions By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, March 15 2013

We are living in a society where the combination of fractional-reserve banking (lending out multiples of deposits) helped along by quantitative easing (printing almost unlimited quantities of money) based on fiat currencies (money without intrinsic value) has created exponential growth …

The Geopolitics of the South Atlantic: The Falklanders Have the Right to be Stupid By Craig Murray, March 15 2013

When there is a 99.8% vote for something, either it isn’t a democracy or it is a very stupid question. Nobody has ever disputed that the majority of the Falkland Islanders wish to remain British. The point of the referendum

Spinning Out Of Control: Governments, Banks and Energy Companies “Fuelling Climate Change” By Lesley Docksey, March 15 2013

Being born ‘with a silver spoon in your mouth’ means that you start with an advantage that others don’t have: parents with money, property, influence, business connections and so on, connections that can last for generations.  A silver spoon that …

Jaw-Dropping Crimes of the Big Banks By Washington's Blog, March 15 2013

Preface: Not all banks are criminal enterprises. The wrongdoing of a particular bank cannot be attributed to other banks without proof. But – as documented below – many of the biggest banks have engaged in unimaginably bad behavior.

You Won’t

Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the War on Iraq: Who is John Kerry? By Brian S. Willson, March 15 2013
October 1, 2002

FROM: S. Brian Willson ([email protected])
TO: John Kerry ([email protected])

Dear John,

It has been a long time since we have had contact. As you might remember, our very first meeting was at VVAW’s Dewey Canyon III, “A

President Hugo Chavez: A 21st Century Renaissance Man By Prof. James Petras, March 15 2013
Hugo Chavez was unique in multiple areas of political, social and economic life. He made significant contributions to the advancement of humanity.
The “Dirty War” and Argentina’s Military Dictators: Women Killers and Baby Thieves By Global Research News, March 14 2013

These are the pathetic wrecks of two of this Hemisphere’s once formidable monsters.

Jorge Rafael Videla and Reynaldo Bignone led Argentina during the Dirty Wars of the 1970s and 1980s.

These right wing dictators relied on “disappearings,” kidnappings and secret

New Pope Tied to Argentina’s Dirty War By Kurt Nimmo, March 14 2013

Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the former Archbishop of Buenos Aires who was elected Pope by the papal conclave on Wednesday, was intimately involved in Operation Condor’s “Dirty War” in South America.

A product of Chile’s DINA secret police and five other …

Doubts About America’s Official Gold Holdings: The US Gold Reserve Audit By Valentin Katasonov, March 14 2013

Everyone is talking about the audit of USA’s gold reserves. The presence or possible absence of the yellow metal in the vaults and basements of the American repository is a definite source of anxiety in the United States and

Controversy Concerning the Korean Armistice Agreement: “A State of War Still Remains in Effect” By Jim Naureckas, March 14 2013

The New York Times (3/8/13), writing about Korean tensions, reported:

The North said this week that it considered the 1953 armistice agreement that halted the Korean War to be null and void as of Monday because of the

Terror in Central Asia: NATO’s Great Game By James Corbett, Rick Rozoff, and Sibel Edmonds, March 14 2013
In this age of manufactured terror, one of the most vital regions on the global chessboard is also an area that few in the West know anything about: Central Asia. This geostrategic and resource-rich area on the doorstep of China and Russia finds itself in the middle of an all out terror campaign. But, as key national intelligence whistleblowers are pointing out, these terrorists are working hand-in-glove with NATO. This is the GRTV Backgrounder on Global Research TV.
The Fiscal Cliff and Israel’s Appetite for US Welfare Funds By Jamal Kanj, March 14 2013

US legislators who regularly squabble over local spending, never fail Israel’s appetite for taxpayer’s largesse. Now they have another opportunity to show their servitude when considering bill H.R. 938 United States-Israel Strategic Partnership Act of 2013;  a uniquely privileged status

Unfolding Humanitarian Crisis at Guantánamo By Center for Constitutional Rights, March 14 2013

As Detained Men Enter Fifth Week of Hunger Strike in Peaceful Protest of 11 Years Detention, U.S. Officials Face Questions About Guantánamo for First Time Since Obama Re-Election

March 12, 2013, Washington D.C.— Today, the Center for Constitutional Rights

CIA Media Disinformation and US Proxy Wars: Fallouts of Iran-Contra’s “Lost Chapter” By Robert Parry, March 14 2013

Originally published on June 30, 2008

In 1987, amid the Iran-Contra inquiry, investigators found that the scandal fit within a larger Republican scheme for manipulating American public opinion through CIA-style disinformation. But GOP senators blocked inclusion of the chapter in …

Germany’s Dominant Role in the European Union By Michael Werbowski, March 14 2013

After nearly a quarter of a century since the fall of the wall, Berlin has become the uncontested centre of the continent in both political and economic terms. Only in military aspects is the reunited powerhouse of Europe curbing its

Technocracy Comes To America By Devon Douglas-Bowers, March 14 2013

It has been known for quite some time that technocratic governments had taken hold in Europe, with the most prominent examples being in Greece, where “Lucas Papademos, a former vice president of the European Central Bank, interim prime minister of

Afghanistan, Ecology and the End of War By Dana Visalli, March 14 2013

The United States has spent over $600 billion dollars on its Afghan war effort1, but most of the money has gone to military infrastructure and sophisticated weaponry; little of it has gone to the education of Afghan youth or to

The Idea of Hugo Chavez and What it Means for the Future of Venezuela By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 14 2013

 No army can withstand the strength of an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

The Passing of Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez has people from all over the world mourning.  Many are also celebrating, especially in Washington.  What does the …

Targeting China: Washington Announces Formation of “Offensive Cyber War Units” By Alex Lantier, March 14 2013

In testimony before US Senate committees, top US intelligence officials announced Tuesday that Washington is setting up military units to wage offensive cyber war—i.e., to write malicious computer code to disable or destroy computers and computer-controlled infrastructure.

These statements came …

The European Union Wants more Austerity By Peter Schwarz, March 14 2013

The summit attended by 27 leaders of the European Union in Brussels tonight resembles a besieged fortress. Several of the participants are on their way out of office because the massive opposition to the austerity measures of the European Union …

9/11 Commission of Inquiry: Alleged Torture Testimony is “Worthless” By Kevin Ryan, March 14 2013

The ground is giving way under the feet of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the attacks of September 11. The main source of the Commission’s report, Abu Zoubeida, whose confessions were extracted under torture, is now officially considered worthless.

Chavez Poisoned? Venezuela To Investigate Whether Late President Was Infected With Cancer By ‘Dark Forces’ By Global Research News, March 14 2013

By Hunter Stuart

Venezuela’s acting president, Nicolas Maduro, said the country would open a scientific investigation to see whether late leader Hugo Chavez was poisoned “by dark forces that wanted him out of the way,” Reuters reports.

“We are …

Pope Francis I: Bergoglio Has Ties To A Dark Period For The Catholic Church By Global Research News, March 13 2013

by Geoffrey Ingersoll

Francis I along with the whole Argentine Catholic Church have faced criticism for their silence or complicity during the post-1976 military dictatorship — a failure for which the Church apologized in 2012.

Known as the Dirty War,

Hugo Chavez: Friend of the American People, Enemy of US Hegemony and Washington’s Injustice By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 13 2013

On March 5, 2013, Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela and world leader against imperialism, died. 

Washington imperialists and their media and think tank whores expressed gleeful sighs of relief as did the brainwashed US population. An “enemy of America” was

Obama’s Commerce Secretary Nominee: Billionaire “Penny” Pritzker By Stephen Lendman, March 13 2013

She’s one of America’s most powerful women. Forbes estimates she’s worth $1.85 billion.

She’s also heir to the Hyatt Hotels and Pritzker family fortune. It’s net worth exceeds $20 billion.

Her official bio calls her a “civic and business leader.” …

Bipartisan Theatrics and the Obama Budget Crisis: “Deeper Cuts” to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security By Andre Damon, March 13 2013

Less than two weeks after the start of $1.2 trillion in government spending cuts, under the so-called “sequester,” Republicans and Democrats have unveiled budget proposals that include far deeper cuts in social programs, including Medicare and Medicaid.

Paul Ryan, the …

Neoliberal Economic Austerity Measures in Portugal: Mass Protests Point to Government Crisis By Dick Nichols, March 13 2013

Whenever there is a protest in Portugal you are almost certain to hear the haunting song “Grandola, Vila Morena” (“Grandola, sunburnt town”), with its line “who most rules within you, O city, is the people”. On March 2, at huge

Suicide Attacks in Afghanistan: Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel Meets US-Backed Puppet “President” Hamid Karzai By Bill Van Auken, March 13 2013

President Barack Obama’s newly confirmed defense secretary, Chuck Hagel, confronted suicide bombings, an “insider” attack and vitriolic criticism from the US-backed puppet, President Hamid Karzai, during his weekend visit to Afghanistan.

The planned centerpiece of the trip, a joint press …

Anti-Iran Sanctions are Immoral, Illegal and Cowardly By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich and Kourosh Ziabari, March 13 2013

 Sanctions imposed on Iran by the United States and its allies are “immoral and illegal – and cowardly”, public policy scholar and researcher Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich says.

Sepahpour-Ulrich, who has a Master’s in Public Diplomacy from USC Annenberg for Communication, made

Trillions in “Bank Subsidies”: Handouts to Giant Banks Exceed $780 Billion Dollars a Year By Washington's Blog, March 13 2013

Trillions In Subsidies to the Giant Banks Are Continuing to This Day

Chris Whalen is one of America’s top banking analysts.

Nouriel Roubini notes:

Chris Whalen is one of the leading independent analysts of the US banking and financial

Manitoba Métis Win Historic Ruling By Roger Annis, March 13 2013
According to the Manitoba Act of 1870, the children of then-Métis residents were to receive some 1.4 million acres of land.
Bradley Manning Full Leaked Testimony: His Motives for Revealing Secret US Government Documents By RT, March 13 2013

A speech freedom advocacy group has released audio of Bradley Manning’s testimony about his motives for leaking secret US government documents to WikiLeaks. It marks the first time the public has heard Manning’s voice since his 2010 arrest.

Defying the

How Fake Intelligence on Iraqi WMD Contributed to Triggering the Invasion, The Insiduous Role of Israel By Global Research News, March 13 2013

By Maidhc Ó Cathail

Three years ago this month, I wrote a piece entitled “Who’s to Blame for the Iraq War?” to mark the seventh anniversary of the US invasion. My sole purpose in compiling a by-no-means-exhaustive list of 20 …

Cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security: Which Members of Congress Are Standing Up for Economic Decency – And Which “Progressives” Aren’t By Norman Solomon, March 13 2013

Now we know.

Every member of Congress has chosen whether to sign a letter making a crucial commitment: “We will vote against any and every cut to Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security benefits — including raising the retirement age or …

Rag Tag Guerilla “Invasion” of Malaysia: Covert Operation to Trigger Social Unrest and Foster Regime Change? By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, March 13 2013

A hung parliament, or even a narrow majority for the BN, may set the stage for massive street agitation which could pave the way for a regime change which is the goal of not only the Opposition but also its

Nuclear War Through North Korean Eyes By Nile Bowie, March 13 2013

There is little doubt that civilians on both sides of the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) are weighed down with anxiety as both countries carry out provocative large-scale military drills amid threats of nuclear war. North Korea has recently announced that

Chernobyl Death Toll: 985,000, Mostly from Cancer By Prof. Karl Grossman, March 13 2013

This past April 26th marked the 24th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear plant accident. It came as the nuclear industry and pro-nuclear government officials in the United States and other nations were trying to “revive” nuclear power. And it followed

The Unemployment Crisis in America: Staring “Economic Armageddon” In The Face While Hiding It With Official Lies By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 13 2013

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the US economy created 236,000 new jobs in February.  If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I’ll let you have at a good price.

Where are these alleged jobs?…

Fukushima vs. Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment By Dr. Rosalie Bertell, March 13 2013

We are bringing to the attention of our readers this important review article by the late Dr. Rosalie Bertell, a prominent and distinguished American scientist, committed to World Peace and Human Rights.

The publication of the study by Alexey Yablokov,

Alabama’s Appeal of the 1965 Voting Rights Act: States’ Rights Over Voting Rights? By William Boardman, March 12 2013

Though the Voting Rights Act was overwhelming reauthorized by Congress in 2006, the five Republican justices on the U.S. Supreme Court may gut the law in the name of “states’ rights.” Justice Scalia led the way with provocative, offensive and

Fukushima: Nuclear Apologists Play Shoot the Messenger on Radiation By Dr. Helen Caldicott, March 12 2013

Article originally published in April 2011

TWENTY-FIVE years after Chernobyl, many billions of dollars are at stake if the Fukushima reactor meltdowns cause the so-called “atomic renaissance” to halt or even slow down. This is evident from the nuclear industry’s …