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Jamaal Bowman and Bernie Sanders Urge the Biden State Department to Investigate Israeli Use of US Weapons By Alex Kane, March 31 2023

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Does America Have a Future? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 31 2023

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The Beginning of the End of Israel By Steven Sahiounie, March 31 2023

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Hope Is Alive: Dutch Farmer-Citizen Movement Wins Historic Electoral Victory By Ben Bartee, March 31 2023

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History: 50 Years of the 1973 Yom Kippur War By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, March 31 2023

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Israel’s Crisis Is About Who Gets to Play Tyrant: The Generals or Religious Thugs By Jonathan Cook, March 31 2023

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‘Noah’s Wounds Were Not Survivable’: Parents Allow Detailed View of AR-15 Carnage By Kenny Stancil, March 31 2023

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Deep-sea Mining Damage ‘Irreversible’ By Yasmin Dahnoun, March 31 2023

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These Electric Vehicles Need Their Batteries Replaced Most Often By Alexa St. John, March 31 2023

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Dangerous Crossroads: US to Withhold Nuclear Weapons Data From Russia as Last Treaty Collapses By Zero Hedge, March 31 2023

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Joint Chief of Staff General Mark Milley: Fighting Both China and Russia Together Would be a ‘Very, Very Difficult Thing’ By Susan Jones, March 31 2023

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Hundreds of French Citizens Suffer Cardiac Events After Bivalent Boosters By Dr. Peter McCullough, March 31 2023

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Iraq Twenty Years after “Shock and Awe”: The Mysterious Death of David Kelly By Michael Welch and Dr. David Halpin, March 31 2023

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It’s Official, According to U.N. Spokesperson: “There’s No US Armed Forces inside of Syria” By Prof. Glenn Diesen, March 30 2023

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The Great Food Reset Has Begun By Thomas Fazi, March 30 2023

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Israeli Protesters Fixated on Themselves and Israel’s Flawed Democracy By Michael Jansen, March 30 2023

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‘The Dwindling Band of Iraq Obsessives’ – Endless War and Media Complicity By Media Lens, March 30 2023

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RFK, Jr. and Children’s Health Defense Sue Biden, Fauci for Alleged Censorship By Dr. Brenda Baletti, March 30 2023

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Pause Giant AI Experiments: An Open Letter By Future of Life Institute, March 30 2023

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Minneapolis School District to Host Gender Clinic Director Who Says 3-year-olds Can be ‘Transgender’ By Jean Mondoro, March 30 2023

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UK ‘Unaware’ of Russia Firing Depleted Uranium in Ukraine By Phil Miller, March 30 2023

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Shifting Sands of the Arab Gulf Herald a New Middle East. Rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Iran By Steven Sahiounie, March 30 2023

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The WMD Pretext, The Senate Voted “To Approve a Fabricated War”. The AUMF Against Iraq (HJ Res. 114). By Renee Parsons, March 30 2023

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Canada Auditor General Finds a ‘Minimum’ of $27.4 Billion in Suspicious COVID Benefit Payments By Christopher Nardi, March 30 2023

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Fires in the Streets of France Illustrates Anger over Pension Reforms By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 30 2023

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Video: Dr. McCullough US Senate: To Save Lives Pull the COVID-19 Vaccines Off the Market By Dr. Peter McCullough, March 30 2023

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Video: War and Crimes against Humanity. “Fake Intelligence” and the Destruction of Countries. Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux, March 30 2023

US War Crimes

In this video interview, Michel Chossudovsky reviews the war crimes committed by US-NATO against numerous countries in the wake of World War II, as well as the “fake intelligence” and media propaganda used to justify the invasion

The Truth About Electric Cars and The Dangers of Large Lithium-Ion Batteries By Andrew Orlowski, March 30 2023

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Why the Main Players Behind the Israeli Protest Movement Are Bringing the Confrontation to a Head By Razi Nabulse, March 30 2023

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Klaus Schwab: Who Controls those A. I. Technologies “Will be the Master of the World.” By Jacob Nordangard, March 30 2023

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German Health Minister Admits COVID Jabs Can Cause ‘Permanent Disabilities,’ Contradicting Past Statements By Andreas Wailzer, March 29 2023

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Italy Coronavirus: New Explosive Information By Jon Rappoport, March 29 2023

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Police Violence. Has France become a Police State? Bastille 2.0?: 3.5 Million People Mobilize against Macron By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 29 2023

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Canadians Protest Outside US Embassy Against Biden’s Visit By Al Mayadeen, March 29 2023

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Congress Has Been Captured by the Arms Industry By William D. Hartung, March 29 2023

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Video: US-NATO Proxy War in Ukraine Utilizes Space Technology By The Global Network, March 29 2023

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Former Wall Street Analyst Counts the True Cost of COVID-19 Vaccines. By John Leake, March 29 2023

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US and Taiwan Plan to Equip Kiev Regime Forces with ‘Swarms-of-swarms’ Drones By Drago Bosnic, March 29 2023

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China: Democracy and Development By Peter Koenig, March 29 2023

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Video: What Is “American Exceptionalism”? Ray McGovern and Judge Napolitano By Ray McGovern and Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, March 29 2023

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A State of Never-Ending Crisis: The Government Is Fomenting Mass Hysteria By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, March 29 2023

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Why Most of the World Isn’t on Board with the NATO-Russia War By Weimin Chen, March 29 2023

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The Digital Iron Curtain: How the RESTRICT Act Threatens to Devastate Privacy and Crush Free Speech Online By Matt Agorist, March 29 2023

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UN Security Council Won’t Probe Nord Stream Bombing By Dave DeCamp, March 29 2023

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Serbia and Hungary Form Strategic Council Despite EU Opposition By Ahmed Adel, March 29 2023

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Where Did the Claim that “97% of Scientists” Believe Climate Change Is a Man-Made, Urgent Problem Come From? Is It True? By Arjun Walia, March 29 2023

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Radical Protests in France, A Province of the Global Orwellian Empire. Can Fascism be Overcome? By Gilbert Mercier, March 29 2023

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“Facing Clear Evidence of Peril” in a Country of Lies. “Money is the Dirty Secret of all News” By Edward Curtin, March 29 2023

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Romanian TAROM Flight RO-7673 Diverted. 30-Year Old Pilot Had Chest Pain and Collapsed In-flight. Seventh Pilot Incident this Month By Dr. William Makis, March 29 2023

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Punjab: Democracy Under Siege? By Sandeep Banerjee, March 29 2023
Build the Movement to Oppose AUKUS Nuclear Submarines By Jacob Andrewartha, March 29 2023
Video: Strength of New Multipolar World Alliances. Future of Taiwan & NATO Mission in Asia By Vladimir Zakharov and Scott Ritter, March 29 2023
Israel Protests: “Democracy” in an Apartheid Regime? By Richard Becker, March 29 2023

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Calculated Exonerations: Command Responsibility and War Crimes in Afghanistan By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 29 2023

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Detroit Remains Mired in Poverty as City Council Approves $800 Million Tax Giveaway to the Rich By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 29 2023

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Afghanistan: Harm From Unexploded Ordnance Results in Death of Children: UNICEF By Mitra Majeedy, March 28 2023

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Singapore’s Position on Ukraine, “Business As Usual with Russia”, Realigns with ASEAN By Ahmed Adel, March 28 2023

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“The Crisis of American National Power has Begun”. Col. Douglas Macgregor By Douglas Macgregor, March 28 2023

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Stephen Lendman – A Tribute to the “Most Prolific Journalist in Independent Media” By Michael Welch, Stephen Lendman, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Ellen Brown, Peter Phillips, and Rick Rozoff, March 28 2023

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Misplaced Attacks on MP Andrew Bridgen’s Speech on the COVID Vaccine to the UK Parliament By Norman Fenton, Dr. Clare Craig, and et al., March 28 2023

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Anti-war Protests in Deutschland and the Need to Change Course on Kiev By Hamzah Rifaat, March 28 2023

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Understanding the International Rules-based Disorder By Larry Johnson, March 28 2023

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Women’s Rights in Modern Iran. A Study in Contrasts By J. Michael Springmann, March 28 2023

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Ukraine Receives Deliveries of German, British Tanks By Dave DeCamp, March 28 2023

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West’s False Atrocity Stories Were Key to Justifying Iraq Invasion. Interviewing Scholar A. B. Abrams on New War Propaganda Research By A. B. Abrams and Military Watch Magazine, March 28 2023

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Netanyahu Has Taken Israel to the Abyss. What Is His Exit Strategy? By Richard Silverstein, March 28 2023

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International Criminal Court to Open Ukraine Office Following Putin Arrest Warrant By Julia Shapero, March 28 2023

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Art as Propaganda: The Message Embedded in Star Trek By Ben Bartee, March 28 2023

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Mass Psychosis: When Will We Free Ourselves From Toxic Propaganda, If Not Now? By Mark Taliano and George Eliason, March 28 2023

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COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries to the Liver By Dr. William Makis, March 28 2023

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“Sexual Deviance” at the WHO? The “Comprehensive Sexuality Education” Project By Stop World Control, March 28 2023

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US Politicians Urge Biden to Send Cluster Bombs to Kiev By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 28 2023

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UN Complicity in Terrorism – The Case of Nicaragua By Stephen Sefton, March 28 2023

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„Das geht mich nichts an.“ Politische Verbrechen konnten ohne Widerspruch geschehen By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, March 28 2023

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Why Crashing Banks Will Usher in Digital Currency By Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 28 2023

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Air Transat Flight TS739 FDF-YUL Service from Fort-de-France to Montreal, Airbus A321-200: Pilot Incapacitated In-flight on March 18th, 2023, Sixth Incident This Month By Dr. William Makis, March 28 2023

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American Library Association Reports Record Number of Demands to Censor Library Books and Materials in 2022 By ALA News, March 28 2023

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AUKUS Nuclear Submarines: Accelerating the Sleepwalking to War with China By Dr. Joseph Gerson, March 28 2023

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Serbia President Aleksandar Vucic Condemns US-NATO: International Law Died 24 Years Ago, but Serbian Spirit Was Not Broken By Tanjug, March 28 2023

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Video: “The Economic Iron Curtain”, The European Union is Part of America’s Hegemonic Project By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and James Corbett, March 28 2023
The EU is a Cold War Construct, a US imperial project formulated by the Washington Consensus. The growing movement against EU domination is an anti-imperial initiative of Worldwide significance. It is also a movement against neoliberalism