Global Research News

Obama’s “Playbook” and the Threat of Nuclear War in Asia By Peter Symonds, April 05 2013

The Obama administration has engaged in reckless provocations against North Korea over the past month, inflaming tensions in North East Asia and heightening the risks of war. Its campaign has been accompanied by the relentless demonising of the North Korean

Military Provocation, Playing the North Korea Card By Stephen Lendman, April 05 2013

For decades, North Korea’s wanted normalized relations with Washington. It’s been repeatedly rebuffed. Promises made were broken. America needs enemies.

North Korea’s straight from central casting.  On April 2, Washington Post editors headlined “Answer North Korea with financial sanctions,” saying:…

The South also rises: The Poorer Nations: A History of the Global South By Pepe Escobar, April 05 2013

Review of  The Poorer Nations: A Possible History of the Global South

by Vijay Prashad

It is not so far-fetched to imagine Walter Benjamin’s Angel of History succumbing to the temptation, and stressing that the time of the Global South …

US “Humanitarian Aid” to the Palestinian Authority (PA): An “Opium” for Palestinians By Jamal Kanj, April 05 2013

Last month, Norwegian Foreign Minister Epsen Barth Eide attributed the PA’s continued financial crisis to Israeli restrictions in occupied Palestine. In addition to negotiations, if conditions would ever allow it, Palestine should consider pursuing in tandem a plan to delegitimise

US Deploys ‘Chemical Battalion’ to South Korea as Jitters Grow. US Insists Deployment ‘Coincidental’ By Jason Ditz, April 05 2013

The US military has deployed the 23rd Chemical Battalion to South Korea today, a group specifically equipped to deal with chemical and nuclear weapons attacks, in the wake of repeated threats to launch nuclear attacks by North Korea.

The US …

Another Middle East War is Round the Corner. Israel Threatens Lebanon and Syria By Andrei Akulov, April 04 2013

Israel has recently intensified air force flights over Lebanon. It gives rise to suspicions it may preparing for sizable offensive air operations against Hezbollah or Syria, or both, as Islamists advance into southern Syria close to the occupied zone in

The Conspiracy to Kill Martin Luther King: Not a Theory But a Fact By Prof. Ira Chernus, April 04 2013

Should the United States government be allowed to assassinate its own citizens? That question was in the air briefly not long ago. April 4 is an excellent day to revive it:   On April 4, 1968, the government was part of …

Money and “Humanitarian Credentials”: How the U.S. Government Co-Opts Human Rights Groups By Coleen Rowley and John V. Walsh, April 04 2013

Image: Former State Department official Suzanne Nossel, the new executive director of PEN, American Center.

For decades, the U.S. government has worked to bend respected human rights groups to the goals of Official Washington, often by spreading around money and …

Sanctions and Austerity: The Globalists’ Twin Weapons of Mass Destruction By Wayne Madsen, April 04 2013

The world’s global bankers and purveyors of new world order dictates are relying on two weapons of mass destruction to achieve their ends: the increasingly-antiquated weapon of sanctions and the supranational financial organization-driven weapon of mandatory austerity.

For those nations …

Fabricated War Pretext, Rising Tensions: Seoul Confirms that N. Korea Missiles do not Target the US By RT, April 04 2013

South Korea’s defense minister announced that North Korean ballistic missiles are not targeting mainland US territory as the American showcase of power in the South provokes Pyongyang to resort to a last-ditch nuclear argument.

The South’s Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin …

Demise of Britain’s Welfare State: Largest ever Welfare Cuts. Millions of Families Affected By Paul Mitchell, April 04 2013

On April 1, the largest ever welfare cuts came into force in Britain. As a result, millions who already live on the breadline are to be driven further into destitution.

For the next three years, most welfare benefits will be …

War in the Middle East? Washington Escalates Syria Intervention By Bill Van Auken, April 04 2013

The US and Jordanian militaries have stepped up a secret program to train thousands of armed fighters to send into Syria with the apparent aim of carving out a buffer zone in the south of the country.

Citing unnamed US …

Breaking Up the “Too Big to Fail” Banks: Only a Small Percentage of Americans are opposed to Breaking Up the Big Banks By Washington's Blog, April 04 2013

50% In Favor of Directly Breaking Them Up … Many More In Favor of Stopping Artificial Support and Letting them Shrink On Their Own

A new Huffington Post/YouGov poll finds:

Sixty-one percent of respondents said that banks and other

Hugo Chavez Leaves a Prodigious Legacy That Will Never Die By Asad Ismi, April 04 2013

Great revolutionary leaders never die. They are immortalized in the hearts of the people they have served. As Aleida Guevara, daughter of Che Guevara, put it: “My father lives in a mountain of people.” So it is with Hugo Chavez,

Canada To Play Large Role In Massive NATO War Games By Xinhua, April 04 2013
OTTAWA: More than 900 sailors and airmen of the Canadian Armed Forces have departed to participate in a joint multinational NATO exercise in Britain, the National Defense Department said on Tuesday.

Exercise Joint Warrior, scheduled for April 15-25, is the

One Million Deaths from Afghan Heroin, Drug Production “40 Times Higher” since 2001 US-NATO Invasion By RT, April 04 2013

Heroin production in Afghanistan increased 40 times since NATO began its ‘War on Terror’ in 2001, the head of Russia’s Federal Drug Control Service stated, adding that more than 1million people have died from Afghan heroin since then.

“Afghan heroin

Battleground against Neoliberalism: European Trade Unions and the Struggle for Public Services By Christoph Hermann, April 04 2013

The public sector is a key battleground for a progressive trade union strategy and for an alternative to neoliberalism in Europe. On the one hand the existence of a public sector is a continuing example that a not for profit

Public Banking: A Solution to the Economic Crisis? How to Reverse the Tide of Corruption and Private Enrichment By Stephen Lendman, April 04 2013

Money power in private hands games the system. It does so destructively. Controlling money, credit and debt for private enrichment assures speculation, booms, busts, inflation, deflation, instability, crisis, recessions and depressions.

The Cypriot crisis alone begs the question. Money power …

DPRK’s “State of War” Declaration Is a Faulty Translation: Not an Official Policy Statement from Kim Jung Un By Scott Creighton, April 04 2013

“from that time” becomes “from this time on”  and “from this moment“… little change, big difference

As much as our leaders would like them to have taken the bait, North Korea has not declared war on the South …

Britain’s De-industralization and Privatization: The Economic and Social Legacy of Margaret Thatcher, “The Iron Lady” By Colin Todhunter, April 04 2013

“We understood the Conservative government’s determination to use the state machine against us. In order to dismember the welfare state, they had to break the trade union movement and they needed to break the miners first.” – Mick McGahey, Vice

Israel and Occupied Palestine: Just another Shin Bet Interrogation By Global Research News, April 04 2013

by Awad Abdel Fattah

I was fortunate this week. I had a quick and easy crossing from Jordan back into Israel. No delays, no questions, no invasive body searches and no lengthy rummaging through my luggage. The border guard sitting

Russian War Games send a Strong Message against NATO Intervention in Syria? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, April 04 2013
Is there a connection between US threats directed against Syria and North Korea and Russia’s decision to conduct unscheduled Black Sea war games, involving 7,000 servicemen, Special Forces, Marines, and airborne rapid deployment troops.
The Growing Campaign to Revoke Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize By Norman Solomon, April 04 2013
The Nobel Peace Prize that President Obama received 40 months ago has emerged as the most appalling Orwellian award of this century. No, war is not peace. George Carlin used to riff about oxymorons like “jumbo shrimp,” “genuine imitation,” “political
Avoiding Economic Collapse: A Guide to Complementary Currencies By James Corbett, Paul Glover, and Wayne Walton, April 03 2013
As the Cyprus fiasco focuses attention once again on the faltering Euro, the public is finally questioning the value of the money in their wallets and bank accounts. But as the issue of monetary reform gains currency amongst the public, a vast array of complimentary currencies are already helping people facilitate transactions without the central bank administered fiat money. Find out more in this week's GRTV Backgrounder on Global Research TV.
Worse than the Great Depression: Mass Unemployment, 100 Million Americans Live in Poverty By Fred Magdoff and John Bellamy Foster, April 03 2013

Workers in the United States are in a very difficult situation—one made significantly worse by the Great Recession and the very slow “recovery.” The latest data as we write this (available for January 2013) indicates that although the unemployment rate

U.S. Aid to Haiti: “Troubling” Lack of Transparency, Effectiveness By Center for Economic and Policy Research, April 03 2013


new report from the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) identifies significant problems with the delivery of U.S. aid in Haiti and finds an overall lack of transparency on how the billions of dollars obligated …

BRICS Challenges Unipolar World and US Dollar Hegemony By Global Research News, April 03 2013

The BRICS just became impossible to ignore.  At the close of the Fifth annual BRICS Summit in Durban, South Africa last week, there was little question that this group of five fast-growing economies was underwriting an overhaul of the global

List of 132 Names of Cyprus Elites and Companies Who Emptied Bank Deposits ahead of “Confiscation Day” By Global Research News, April 03 2013
Four pages with the names of some 132 companies and individuals who withdrew the bulk of their deposits in euros, dollars and rubles kept in local banks reveals a publication of the first issue.
Money transfers made within 15 days,
Germany: Ending Nuclear Power has Contributed to Reducing Carbon Dioxide (CO2) By Washington's Blog, April 03 2013

 Nuclear Power INCREASES Carbon Dioxide

There has been a tremendous amount of voodoo science pushing the claim that radiation isn’t harmful.  (It is.)

Similarly, a new report published by Environmental Science & Technology claims that nuclear power saves

Nakba: How Israel Stole Palestine’s Culture, Science and National Heritage By Richard Silverstein, April 03 2013

There are thousands of evils the Israeli Occupation does every day. 

Just as there were similar evils of the Nakba which preceded it and served as its harbinger.  But we’re used to focusing on the big and obvious ones like

U.S. May Launch Preemptive Nuclear “First Strike” Against Russia: Chief of Staff By Stop NATO, April 03 2013
US may launch pre-emptive strike at Russia – Russia’s ex chief of staff
The United States still hasn’t let go of the pre-emptive nuclear strike doctrine against Russia and China, Russia’s former chief of staff Gen. Yuri Baluyevsky said at
Guantanamo Hunger Strike Spreads By Stephen Lendman, April 03 2013

Detainees have few ways to resist. Refusing food challenges injustice. It’s now past two months.

Around 130 detainees refuse food. They’re surviving only on water. Some are being force-fed. Doing so constitutes torture.

Obama’s been dismissively silent. On March 28, …

War against the “Axis of Evil”. How Hollywood Smears North Koreans By Danny Schechter, April 03 2013

The trend towards movies ripped from the news, or perhaps ripping off the news continues.

Olympus Has Fallen is the latest in the popular  “learn to fear thy enemy even more than you did before” category,  as director Antoine Fuqua …

America’s Six Trillion Dollar Wars By Bill Van Auken, April 03 2013

Harvard University’s new report estimating that the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will end up costing as much as $6 trillion is another indication of the terrible price paid by working people the world over for the crimes of …

America Threatens to Wage War: US Escalates Military Tensions over North Korean Nuclear Program By Alex Lantier, April 03 2013

Washington is continuing to escalate military tensions in the global crisis triggered by the US confrontation with North Korea over its nuclear program. All of the region’s major powers are carrying out military exercises amid rising fears of a war …

The Economic and Social Crisis in Greece: Fighting for a New Future By Chris Jones, April 03 2013

Sofiane Ait Achalet and Chris Jones

Throughout March students all over Greece have been demonstrating and in some cases occupying their universities and colleges in protest at the coalition government’s plans for restructuring higher education. Known as the Athena Plan, …

What are the Causes of Breast Cancer? New Epidemiological Study By Socialist Project, April 03 2013

by James Brophy, Robert DeMatteo, Margaret Keith and Michael Gilbertson

As part of a team of international researchers, we have produced a new epidemiological study[1] on the causes of breast cancer. This study adds considerable weight to a growing

Fukushima Radioactive Fallout in California and Alaska: Health Impacts on American Children By Global Research News, April 03 2013

By John Upton

Fallout from that Fukushima meltdow?It’s not just the Japanese who are suffering, though their plight is obviously the worst.

Radioactive isotopes blasted from the failed reactors may have given kids born in Hawaii and along the American

Truth Is Offensive: How long before being Offensive becomes being “An Enemy of the State”? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 03 2013

In America truth is offensive. If you tell the truth, you are offensive.

I am offensive. Michael Hudson is offensive. Gerald Celente is offensive. Herman Daly is offensive. Nomi Prins is offensive. Pam Martens is offensive. Chris Hedges is offensive. …

Countries at War? Coca-Cola Sold in North Korea, with a Distinctive Can and DPRK Logo By Media Freedom Foundation, April 02 2013

A YouTube video that surfaced in August 2012 seemed to show patrons of a restaurant in Pyongyang, North Korea, drinking Coca-Cola in October 2011. This sparked controversy because a US trade embargo has banned the sale of Coca-Cola in North

Human Trafficking By Media Freedom Foundation, April 02 2013

The United Nations is investigating human trafficking in the Philippines, an underreported story in the United States given the active or tacit involvement of many US citizens and businesses in the practice.

“The Government of the Philippines should strengthen implementation …

What are the Causes of “Catastrophic Incidents”? The Impacts of Geo-Engineering on Climate and the Environment By R. Teichmann, April 02 2013

There are still many people who believe that anyone pointing out “chemtrails in the sky” and asking questions is somehow out of tune with reality.

But this is slowly changing as geo-engineering and its effects cannot be kept under wraps …

Obama Signs Monsanto Protection Act into Law after Promising GMO Labeling in 2007 By Anthony Gucciardi, April 02 2013

 President Obama has signed into law the notorious Monsanto Protection Act legislation hidden inside of the Continuing Resolution spending bill, which protects Monsanto and its genetically modified creations from federal courts.

Passing up the chance to veto the bill in …

Predatory Capitalism and the Rise of the “Global Corporatocracy”. The Lifestyles of an “Economic Hit Man” By Ravi Bhandari and John Perkins, April 02 2013

Economic hit men (EHMs) are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. They funnel money from the World Bank, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and other foreign “aid” organizations into the

Korea: North and South on Verge of War By Alexander Vorontsov, April 02 2013

The tensions on the Korean Peninsula have been escalating these days. A flow of tough rhetoric exchanges is unrelenting, Seoul and Pyongyang promise to wipe each other off from the face of the earth. The new phase of crisis was …

The Great Afghan Corruption Scam: How Operation Enduring Freedom Mutated into Operation Enduring Corruption By Dilip Hiro, April 02 2013

America’s post-9/11 conflicts have been wars of corruption, a point surprisingly seldom made in the mainstream media. Keep in mind that George W. Bush’s administration was a monster of privatization. It had its own set of crony corporations, including Halliburton

Green Light to Genetic Engineering: The Monsanto Protection Act By Stephen Lendman, April 02 2013

Agribusiness giant Monsanto is the world’s leading GMO seed producer.

GMO foods and ingredients are toxic. They’re unsafe to eat. Independent studies prove it. Monsanto and other agribusiness giants want all animal and vegetable life forms patented. They want worldwide …

The Most Expensive War in World History: Costs of Iraq, Afghanistan wars could rise to $6 trillion By Bill Van Auken, April 02 2013

Over a decade of US wars of aggression in Afghanistan and Iraq will in the end cost as much as $6 trillion, the equivalent of $75,000 for every American household.

These wars have left the United States heavily indebted and …

The Risk of War: South Korea’s Threats Heighten Danger of Military Conflict By Peter Symonds, April 02 2013

South Korean President Park Geun-hye yesterday gave her country’s military the green light to take any action that it saw fit in response to a threat from North Korea. Her comments escalate the danger of conflict on the Korean Peninsula …

Post-Chavez Latin America Will Continue to Drift Away from the United States By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, April 01 2013

Many questions are arising about what direction the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Latin America will take now that Hugo Chavez has died of cancer. The answer seems to be that the trend towards regional autonomy and populism in what …

A Curious New York Times Article on Teacher Evaluations By Ann Robertson and Bill Leumer, April 01 2013

A recent New York Times article, “Curious Grade For Teachers: Nearly All Pass,” finds incredulous the idea that, “In Florida, 97 percent of teachers were deemed effective or highly effective in the most recent evaluations.”

The author goes on to …

The History of America’s “Africa Agenda”. The Role of John Foster Dulles By Greg Guma, April 01 2013

On February 11, 1958 Secretary of State John Foster Dulles was asked about Tunisia during a press conference.

A few days earlier French planes had bombed and strafed schools and a local market in the village of Sakiet. Dulles’ reply …

America’s War on North Korea By Stephen Lendman, April 01 2013

On July 27, 1953, the Korean War ended. An uneasy armistice persists. The heavily fortified 2.5 mile Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) separates North and South. Occasional incidents occur.

Truman’s war never ended. Its origin was misreported. IF Stone’s “Hidden History

Fake Science Alert: Fukushima Radiation Can’t Be Compared to Bananas or X-Rays By Washington's Blog, April 01 2013

Nuclear Energy Apologists Are Going Bananas

Nuclear apologists pretend that people are exposed to more radiation from bananas than from Fukushima.

But the EPA explains:

The human body is born with potassium-40 [the type of radiation found in bananas]

Arkansas Hit with Nuclear Accident and Major Oil Spill By Washington's Blog, April 01 2013

Arkansas Nuclear One Reactor and ExxonMobil Pipeline Both Suffer Major Accidents

The Arkansas Nuclear One nuclear reactor – operated by Entergy – suffered an accident yesterday which killed one and injured 8 workers.

The plant vented steam to cool the …

Ruined Urban Economy, Detroit Crisis Escalates. Legal Action and Exposure of Bank Fraud By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 01 2013

Major developments took place during the first official week of emergency management in Detroit. A series of demonstrations against state-appointed bank functionary, Kevyn Orr, highlighted that the widespread opposition to the usurpation of local power still has resonance.

On March …

Buoyant Silver Market: China’s Silver Demand Increases as the Euro Continues its Downfall By Timothy Alexander Guzman, April 01 2013

Silver will be in high demand in the future. The future of silver looks promising.  Many industry insiders understand that silver has the highest electrical and thermal conductivity of any metal that currently exists. As we already know, silver has

The Impacts of Depleted Uranium. Cancer, Birth Defects and The Children of Iraq: How the BBC Turns Realities Upside Down By William Bowles, April 01 2013

Under the title ‘Fallujah’s children’s ‘genetic damage’, that old war horse ‘literally’ of the BBC’s foreign propaganda service, John Simpson, manages not to mention the phrase ‘depleted uranium’ when allegedly reporting on the alarming rise in birth defects that include …

Black Mass Incarceration, the Prison-Industrial Complex and the Prison State By Bruce A. Dixon, April 01 2013
Michelle Alexander’s 2010 book “New Jim Crow” provided a language to talk about the prison state that we never had before. But is it entirely accurate? Is the prison industrial complex real? What’s the difference between fighting against racism or
Seleka Rebels Form New Government in the Central African Republic By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 01 2013

 Michel Djotodia, the leader of the Seleka Coalition, which seized power in the Central African Republic of Bangui on March 24, has established a new government largely composed of opposition figures. Francois Bozize, who was ousted in the military coup,

An Outpouring of Love and Support for Bradley Manning to Receive the Nobel Peace Prize By Norman Solomon, April 01 2013

During the last week of March, more than 30,000 people signed a petition urging the Norwegian Nobel Committee to award the Nobel Peace Prize to Bradley Manning. While the numbers continue to mount on the petition website, so do

Who is Behind the Military Coup in Bangui? Pro French Central African Republic Coup Leaders Scrap Chinese Oil Deals By Thomas Gaist, April 01 2013

Over 500 French troops are deployed in Bangui, Central African Republic, supporting the new regime headed by Michel Djotodia, heading the Seleka rebel coalition that recently ousted CAR President François Bozizé.

Djotodia has announced that he is dissolving parliament and …

The Dangers of War: What is Behind the US-North Korea Conflict? By Jack A. Smith, April 01 2013
Washington has threatened North Korea since the 1950s. It has used this year’s war games, which began in early March, as a vehicle for staging a mock nuclear attack on North Korea by flying two nuclear-capable B-2 Stealth bombers over the region March 28.
Financial Warfare and the Power of Money: “Attack is the Best Form of Defence” By Alexander Gorokhov, April 01 2013

The history of financial wars is in no way shorter than the history of conventional wars. However, although many have understood the power of money to subordinate nations, using it as a full-fledged alternative to the use of ordinary weapons

The Economic and Social Crisis in Britain: Defeating Austerity and the People’s Assembly By Chris Nineham, April 01 2013

The Peoples’ Assembly will meet in London on June 22, where thousands of those opposing the Coalition’s cuts will gather to work out a strategy to defeat austerity, and by implication, the government. Waiting till a 2015 election is hardly

Rising Risk of War: US sends Fighter-bombers to Korea By Alex Lantier, April 01 2013

American F-22 stealth warplanes arrived in South Korea yesterday, placing East Asia on hair-trigger alert as Washington escalated its confrontation with North Korea, ostensibly over the country’s nuclear program.

Normally stationed at Kadena Air Force Base in Japan, the jets …

Cyprus Economic Collapse. ‘Troika will take everything and push Russians out’ By Patrick Henningsen, April 01 2013

The worst is yet to come for Cyprus as the banks of Northern Europe are set to further rape and pillage the economy here.

Bureaucrats and technocrats in Nicosia have been busy trying agree on an even more horrible haircut …

“Fit for Purpose” Cannon Fodder: Recruiting for Violence in the Military By Lesley Docksey, April 01 2013

How ‘fit for purpose’ are British soldiers?  Are they truly the well-trained, highly professional people that can always be relied on to uphold the standards of international laws while putting themselves ‘in harm’s way’?  Not if one reads the evidence

The Confiscation of Savings in Canada? Cyprus-Style “Bail-Ins” Proposed by Ottawa Government By The Economic Collapse Blog, March 31 2013
The politicians are coming after your bank accounts. Ottawa's “Economic Action Plan 2013″ which the Harper government has submitted to Parliament, proposes a ‘bail-in’ regime which allows "the conversion of certain bank liabilities into regulatory capital."
NATO Triggers Destruction, Insecurity and Poverty. It Must be Abolished! By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya and Silvia Cattori, March 31 2013

[Image above: Mahdi D. Nazemroaya at Montreal airport upon his return from war-torn Libya in September 2011]

Appreciated for the rigor and the accuracy of his analysis, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, age 30, has emerged as one of the best scholars

War with a Human Face: Britain’s “Humanitarian” Campaign to “Save African Women and Syrian Children” By Cem Ertür, March 31 2013

Having kept a low profile on the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, the British government launched two ‘humanitarian’ campaigns in an effort to disguise its genocidal wars in the Middle East and Africa. On the day Britain deployed

War on Iran Would Mean World War III By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 31 2013

[initially published and broadcast by RT in January 2012]

The situation today is far more serious. We are at a very dangerous crossroads (M.Ch.)

The military build-up and economic sanctions against Iran are designed to unleash a global war from

South China Sea Dispute: U.S. Proxy Conflict With China By Stop NATO, March 31 2013

China will not be passive in sea disputes

Despite the fact that John Kerry, the new US secretary of state, has stepped into office and some side effects brought by his predecessor’s aggressive approach are in decline, the US stance

Syria: Democracy vs. Foreign Invasion. Who is Bashar Al Assad? By Arabi Souri, March 31 2013
The so-called “spontaneous popular uprising” started in Daraa on March 15th, 2011. The court house, police stations, governor's house, and other public buildings were looted and torched by the “peaceful protestors” in the first week of the crisis.
Depositor Haircuts Spreading: Canada Endorses Cypriot Financial Harshness. Ottawa’s Proposed “Bail-in Regime for Important Banks” By Stephen Lendman, March 31 2013

A previous article called them the new normal. Bad ideas spread fast. Canada endorses Cypriot harshness. Its “Jobs Growth and Long-Term Prosperity: Economic Action Plan 2013” says so.

On March 21, it was submitted. It endorsed depositor haircuts. It did

Caught In The Cyprus Financial Crossfire: Small Businesses Suddenly With Zero Cash By Zero Hedge, March 31 2013

One of the prevailing false conventional wisdoms about the Cypriot cash confiscation is that it primarily affected rich, tax-evading individuals of Russian origin. Alas, those same individuals are likely to have been least affected, as subsequent discoveries of capital control …

“Liberating Iraqis”, Limb by Limb, Life by Life, Home by Home, Gene by Gene By Felicity Arbuthnot, March 31 2013
In these days of the tenth anniversary of the illegal invasion and near destruction of Iraq, answers are owed not alone for the dead, but to the cancer stricken, the deformed, to their parents, their siblings and all Iraqis.
Madiba: Nelson Mandela Fights For His Life…Again! By Danny Schechter, March 31 2013

Nelson Mandela is fighting for his life again—his third hospitalization in four months as the world looks on with silent prayers. The media attention he is receiving speaks to the respect with which he is held, even though most of

The World Must Unite Against the US-Saudi-Israeli Proxy War in Syria By Tony Cartalucci, March 30 2013

US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel have conspired to destroy Syria by way of arming sectarian extremists since 2007.

The West now admits it, along with Saudi Arabia and Qatar, have provided thousands of tons of weapons to militants in Syria

Cyprus: As the Financial Dust Settles, Talk of Reciprocity and Whispers of Retribution By Patrick Henningsen, March 30 2013

“If it happened anywhere else, there would have been riots in the streets”

On Friday at high noon the banks of Cyprus opened for the second day in a row and with minimal queues, and almost no trouble from a …