Global Research News

Nicolas Maduro did not Steal the Venezuelan Elections By Greg Palast, April 24 2013

The guy in the cheap brown windbreaker walking up the dirty tenement steps to my New York office looked like a bus driver.

Nicolas Maduro, elected President of Venezuela last Sunday, did indeed drive a bus, then led the …

Israeli Weapons Exports to Brazil By Soraya Misleh, April 24 2013

Image: Brazilian soldier at the 2009 Latin American Aerospace and Defense (LAAD) fair

“PASSPORT!” demanded the Israeli security guard in English as he approached demonstrators at the Latin American Aerospace and Defense (LAAD) fair, which took place April 9-12 at …

Building a Pretext for an All Out War against Syria? Allegations of Chemical Weapons Use By Stephen Lendman, April 24 2013

New allegations claim Syrian chemical weapons use. We’ve heard similar ones before. Obama calls using them a “game changer.” He also said their use crosses a “red line.”

Syrian officials are unequivocal. Weeks earlier, Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Miqdad spoke …

Oil Geopolitics in the Horn of Africa: Somaliland DNO Oil Deal Adds Fuel to the Conflict in North Somalia By Mahdi Ali, April 24 2013


US Sponsored Dictators: Tales of Reagan’s Guatemala Genocide By Robert Parry, April 18 2013

Guatemala is finally putting ex-dictator Efrain Rios Montt on trial for genocide in the extermination of hundreds of Mayan villages in the 1980s, but Ronald Reagan remains an American icon despite new evidence of his complicity in this historic crime,

Sensationalism and Media Hysteria over Boston Bombing By Barry Grey, April 18 2013

The cable news networks, …

Child Poverty in America among the Highest in the Developed World By Nick Barrickman, April 18 2013

A recent report by the United Nation’s Children’s Fund (UNICEF) details the growing levels of poverty facing children in the major capitalist countries.

Compiled with information taken in the final two years of last decade (2009-2010), the report reveals a

The US has No Intention of Leaving Afghanistan: Military Presence in Afghanistan to Maintain US Geostrategic Interests By Rick Rozoff, April 18 2013


The U.S. has no intention of leaving Afghanistan after the 2014 deadline for withdrawing its troops because of the geostrategic importance of the country, says Rick Rozoff from the Stop NATO organization.

On Tuesday, Gen. Joseph Dunford, the current …

Post-Boston Bombings Fear-Mongering: The Alleged Ricin and Anthrax Terrorist Attacks By Stephen Lendman, April 18 2013

On April 17, major media reported Obama and Senator Roger Wicker (R. MI) receiving letters containing suspicious substances.

FBI testing continues. Initial evaluations confirmed ricin. A subsequent statement reported “inconsistent results.” Further analysis is being conducted.

Ricin is poisonous if

Margaret Thatcher and Augusto Pinochet: “Dictators willing to serve the West are sent Tanks, Guns and Christmas Cards” By David Edwards, April 18 2013

The late American historian Howard Zinn wrote:

‘The truth is so often the reverse of what has been told us by our culture that we cannot turn our heads far enough around to see it.’ (The Zinn Reader – Writings …

Surreal: US Troops Stage in Jordan to Defend and Protect Al Qaeda in Syria By Tony Cartalucci, April 18 2013

 CNN reports that some 200 US troops are staging along Syria’s border, this as reports reveal huge amounts of US-provided flour smuggled into Syria have formed the foundation of Al Qaeda’s public relations strategy. Together with huge amounts of US-provided …

Last Chance for Cyprus? – Financial Bailout may still be rejected By R. Teichmann, April 18 2013

“We’ve fought for freedom, we’ve fought to maintain the Cypriot Republic,” …”It is, in my opinion, a crime and wrong to deliver Cyprus into the hands of the troika and allow it to become a colony.”

The people of Cyprus …

The Boston Bombings in Context: How the FBI Fosters, Funds and Equips American Terrorists By James Corbett, April 17 2013
The Boston Marathon bombing has provoked shock, grief and outrage from around the world. After decades of conditioning, the public automatically equates such terrorism with Muslim radicals
American Terror: Manufactured by the FBI By James Corbett, April 17 2013
The Boston Marathon bombing has provoked shock, grief and outrage from around the world. After decades of conditioning, the public automatically equates such terrorism with Muslim radicals. But the evidence shows that every major terror plot on American soil in the past 10 years has been fostered, funded and equipped by one organization: the FBI.
Washington Wants to Sabotage New Venezuelan Government: Maduro accuses US Embassy of Supporting Violent Protests By RT, April 17 2013

Venezuela’s post-election crisis is growing deeper, with at least seven people killed during clashes between the opposition and police. President-elect Nicolas Maduro says he has proof that the US embassy is financing the ongoing protests.

The deaths occurred on Monday, …

The Orwellian Warfare State of Carnage and Doublethink By Norman Solomon, April 17 2013

After the bombings that killed and maimed so horribly at the Boston Marathon, our country’s politics and mass media are awash in heartfelt compassion — and reflexive “doublethink,” which George Orwell described as willingness “to forget any fact that has

The Tower of Basel: Secretive Plans for the Issuing of a Global Currency By Ellen Brown, April 17 2013
Awesome and fearful role of running monetary policy for all humanity