Global Research News

Collapse of an Empire: Why America Fell So Far … So Fast By Washington's Blog, May 07 2013

Thomas Edison said, “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.”   And because I love my country, I frequently criticize America’s shortcomings in the hopes of making her better.

But the truth is that the United States is not unusual …

What’s Behind the Renewed Attacks on African American Activist Assata Shakur? By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 07 2013

On the 40th anniversary of the shooting and capture of Assata Shakur, the FBI and the State of New Jersey has now placed the African American revolutionary on the most wanted terrorist list. This latest provocation against Shakur, 65, is

The Israeli Attack on Syria and the History of War: Profile of Lawless Aggression By Stephen Lendman, May 07 2013

Israel and America are longstanding imperial partners. They spurn international laws. They do so repeatedly. They ignore their own.

They jointly plan and wage wars. Israel’s attack on Syria was a joint  US/Israeli provocation. Haaretz’s military correspondent Amos Harel suggested

Mali Under French Military Occupation By Roger Annis, May 07 2013

France’s National Assembly and Senate have voted to extend the country’s military intervention in Mali. A resolution passed both houses of parliament on April 22. Not a single vote was cast in opposition. Three days later, the United Nations Security

US-Israeli Military Escalation Points toward Wider Intervention By Richard Becker, May 07 2013

Obama, Israel and the new phase of the war on Syria

The massive Israeli air strikes on May 5 near Damascus mark a new phase in the imperialist-led campaign to overthrow the Syrian government.

Huge bombs lit the early morning

Psychopathy in Politics and Finance By Stefan Verstappen and James Corbett, May 06 2013

As more and more studies demonstrating the corrosive effect of psychopathy on government, finance, and business emerge, researchers have begun to explore how our society itself has been molded in the psychopaths’ image.

Now, one of those researchers, Stefan Verstappen,

UN: Rebels – Not Syrian Government – Used Chemical Weapons By Washington's Blog, May 06 2013

UN investigator Carla Del Ponte said that there is strong evidence that the rebels used chemical weapons, but that there is not evidence that the government used such weapons.

This is not surprising.  Haaretz reported on March 24th, “Jihadists,

Flooding in Northern Canada. State of Emergency in First Nations Communities By J. B. Gerald, May 06 2013

Unprecedented flooding is reported in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, in northern Quebec and northern and central Ontario. Aboriginal Bands and entire municipalities have declared states of emergency. Due to location First Nations settlements prefigure flood warnings for the larger towns. Kashechewan First …

The US-NATO-Israel Military Alliance: Israeli Warplanes Attack Syria By Stephen Lendman, May 06 2013

In late January, Lebanese military sources reported multiple Israeli violations of Lebanon’s airspace. One or more targets on the Syrian-Lebanese border were struck.

Around the same time, Israeli warplanes attacked a military research center in Jamraya. It’s about 10 miles

Deepening Economic Crisis: Austerity Policies Heighten National Divisions throughout Europe By Stefan Steinberg, May 06 2013

In recent weeks, debate has been raging in political circles and the media over the merits of implementing austerity measures in Europe. The background to the polemics is the rapidly worsening economic crisis in Europe and the emergence of mass

The Israeli strikes on Syria By Alex Lantier, May 06 2013

Israel’s bombing of Damascus International Airport Thursday night and Syrian army targets across Damascus yesterday morning are unprovoked and illegal acts of war, abetted by Washington and its European allies as part of their escalating campaign against Syria.

Russian media …

In Wake of US-Israeli Attack on Syria, UN Reveals Terrorists Not Government Used Sarin Gas By Tony Cartalucci, May 06 2013
The reasoning behind recent US-Israeli attacks on Syria has been undermined further as the UN reveals Western-backed terrorists, not the Syrian government, deployed sarin gas during the 2 year conflict. Reuters reported in their article, “U.N. has testimony that
Mechanisms of Destruction and Collapse of the World Trade Center (WTC) Buildings on 9/11 By Timothy E. Eastman and Jonathan H. Cole, May 06 2013
The importance of understanding the mechanisms of collapse for the three WTC buildings cannot be over-estimated, for these unusual collapses and their disputed causes raise questions regarding all future steel-frame building design.
Washington’s “Civil Society”: CIA Financing of Chechen and Caucasus Regional Terrorists By Wayne Madsen, May 06 2013

Through a myriad of «civil society» organizations, the United States has been financing Chechen groups inside the autonomous republic, in Russia, and abroad. However, large portions of U.S. assistance money has «bled» over to support Chechen and other North Caucasus

The Development of Fascist Hatred in Greece By Sofiane Ait Chalalet and Chris Jones, May 06 2013

On Saturday April 30th the Greek fascist party, Golden Dawn, attempted to create blood banks for the exclusive use of Greek nationals. Across the country, Golden Dawn members, with much pre publicity arrived at general hospitals to donate blood …

Drone Warfare against Afghanistan Waged from the UK By Chris Cole, May 06 2013

Less than a week ago, the UK MoD announced that British Reaper drones over Afghanistan are now being controlled directly from the UK.

This morning  a number of British defence journalists are reporting that the first British drone strike …

Globalism, Violent Oppression and Electronic Warfare: 2 + 2 = 5 By Michael T Winter, May 05 2013

It is within the nature of mankind for a disproportionately small percentage of men to attempt to exert control over the greater multidinous horde.  The primary method of control is achieved through violent oppression.

Violence is required as most people …

The Hypocrisy of Ban Ki-moon about Israel’s Attacks on Syria By Global Research News, May 05 2013

Global Research Note

We bring to the attention of our readers the following news release about the Israeli attack on Syria from the United Nations. Ban Ki-moon has called “on all sides to exercise maximum calm and restraint.” No words …

Israel Used Depleted Uranium on Syria By Global Research News, May 05 2013

It has been disclosed that Israel has used depleted uranium in its recent missile attacks on a suburban Damascus area.

The first missile which hit Jamraya near al-Haviyeh in Reef (outskirts of) Damascus contained uranium substances, a correspondent of Russian …

The Global Economic and Social Crisis: Why We Must Fight the New World Order By Devon Douglas-Bowers, May 05 2013

Even doing so much as glancing at the occasional headline or ticker feed can make one feel as if the world is going to hell in a handbasket.

From the economic crisis in Europe to the bombings in Boston, to

What does the Stripping of Rights of Parents to Home Schooling mean? By Dale Hurd, May 05 2013

Recently, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has said that home schooling is not a parent’s right. It is a statement some are saying should frighten American parents.

Nations like Germany and Sweden show that when governments take away home schooling …

Like Russia, Bolivia Expels USAID for Supporting Political Destabilization Activities By Ria Novosti, May 05 2013

Bolivian President Evo Morales followed the example of his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, expelling Wednesday the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) from the country.

Morales accused USAID of “manipulating” local public groups in order to destabilize Bolivia, the …

Secret Spy Court Authorizes 100% of US Government Requests By Lauren McCauley, May 05 2013

A secret federal court last year did not deny a single request to search or electronically spy on people within the United States “for foreign intelligence purposes,” according to a Justice Department report this week.

The report (pdf), which …

Turkish Officials are using Syrians for Organ Harvesting By Global Research News, May 05 2013

The Lebanese ad-Diyar newspaper revealed that the Turkish authorities are involved in trafficking the body organs of injured Syrians who reach the Turkish territories.

In its issue on Saturday, the newspaper said the Turkish authorities transport young Syrian injured of …

Syria’s Iranian and Russian Allies may Openly Intervene if Crisis Escalates By RT, May 05 2013

Israel’s reported second air strike on Syria in two days targeted a facility just outside the capital. But there was no escalation toward Israel to justify the attack – and Tel Aviv is only trying to drag the US into

A Crass Apology for imperialist intervention in Syria by members of the Left By Bill Van Auken, May 05 2013

In the midst of a growing drumbeat for direct Western intervention in Syria, Gilbert Achcar, a professor at the School of Oriental and African Studies of the University of London and the chief Middle East analyst for the Pabloite United …

A pregnant mother of four sentenced to 10 months in prison by US for resisting the Iraq War By Naomi Spencer, May 05 2013

On Monday, US Army Private Kimberly Rivera, a pregnant mother of four, was sentenced by court martial to 10 months in prison and given a bad-conduct discharge for crossing into Canada in 2007 to avoid redeployment to Iraq.

Rivera, now …

Beirut condemns Israel’s repeated violations of international law, use of Lebanon’s airspace to strike Syria By Global Research News, May 05 2013

President Michel Sleiman strongly condemned Sunday Israel’s airstrike on Syria and its use of Lebanon’s airspace to carry out such an “aggression.”

According to his office, Sleiman “strongly condemned Israel’s aggression on Syrian sites [which it carried out] by violating …

Iran: Obama Approved the Israeli Attack on Syria By Press TV, May 05 2013
Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi says Israel launched the recent attack against Syria with the US approval.

“The Zionist regime’s (Israel) attack against this country (Syria), which was launched with the US green light, unmasked the connection between …

The Iranian Armed Forces are ready to aid and train the Syrian Military By Press TV, May 05 2013
The Commander of the Ground Forces of the  Iranian Regular Armed Forces, Brigadier General Ahmad-Reza Pourdastan, says Iran is ready to train the Syrian army should Damascus require assistance.

Speaking to reporters on Sunday, Pourdastan added that the Syrian army …

Israel’s attacks have opened the door “to all possibilities” in the Middle East: Regional War in the Horizon? By Press TV, May 05 2013
Syria has described the recent Israeli aggression against its territory as a “flagrant violation of international law,” adding that the attacks have opened the door “to all possibilities.”

Syrian Information Minister Omran al-Zohbi, told reporters following an emergency government meeting …

Israel Bombs Syria: Drumbeats of the Start of a Regional War? By RT, May 05 2013

Strong blasts hit the outskirts of Syria’s capital early on Sunday, with reports saying that they were results of Israeli airstrikes on a military research center. Other sources suggest Damascus Airport was hit.

Massive explosions have been heard near Mount …

US supportive of Israeli airstrikes on Syria By RT, May 05 2013

The Obama administration is fully supportive of Israeli airstrikes on Syria, US officials told NBC News. Israel has reportedly carried out a second airstrike on Syria in two days.

Earlier Sunday, Syria’s information minister said that those who infringe on …

Israel fuels Regional Crisis by attacking Syria: Syrian Cabinet calls Urgent Meeting to Discuss Retaliation By Global Research News, May 05 2013

Senior Syrian officials are due to convene in an urgent cabinet meeting later today to discuss a possible response to the recent Israeli airstrike on Damascus, media reports said.

Syrian Prime Minister Wael al-Halqi and his ministers will convene later …

Ex-Bush II Administration Official: Israel could have used Chemical Weapons in Syria By Global Research News, May 05 2013
The former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell has said that the use of chemical weapons in Syria could be the result of an Israeli false flag.
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson made the comments during an interview on …
The European Union and the McJihad in Syria By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, May 05 2013

Interesting developments have been taking place in the European Union. Red flags are going up across the EU, with officials in the European Union and various EU member states expressing fears about their returning nationals fighting in Syria.

The red …

9/11 in Context: The Importance of the Growing Contradictory Evidence By Elizabeth Woodworth, May 05 2013

Nearly 12 years after the event, the

Aftermath of the Boston Bombings: The FBI, Canada and the Politics of Terror By Michael Welch, Trevor Aaronson, Rocco Galati, and Julie Lévesque, May 05 2013

In terrorism stings, it’s really only the FBI that’s making it possible for people who otherwise couldn’t acquire weapons, who couldn’t build a bomb to move forward in an act of terrorism like we’re seeing in these sting operations.

American “Media Objectivity”: “Israel Bombs Syria” Becomes “Israel Is Only Defending Itself” By Danny Schechter, May 05 2013

An Israeli plane bombs a target in Syria. The news is passed along first to Fox News, (huh?) by someone in the Administration.. It happened on a Thursday, but we find out about it  late on Friday. The New York

America and Israel: Imperial Partners in War against Syria By Stephen Lendman, May 05 2013

Longstanding ties remain firm. Both nations are imperial partners. Naked aggression is official policy. Regime change in Syria is planned. Daily events head inexorably toward full-scale intervention.

The latest incident ups the stakes. On May 4, The New York Times …

Unprovoked Israeli Acts of Aggression against Syria, Prelude to a Broader War? By Global Research News, May 05 2013

The US feigns disassociation with act of Israeli aggression – as was planned since 2007.

The West has carefully cultivated Israel into “regional bully.” Immune from international condemnation, it is now being used to commit egregious war crimes against neighboring

Detroit’s Economic Crisis and the Role of the Banks: Part of a Global Crisis By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 05 2013

Note: The following address was delivered at a public meeting organized by the Moratorium NOW! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures, Evictions and Utility Shut-offs on the role of the banks in the financial ruin of the city of Detroit. The

Military Stand-Off between China and India By Deepal Jayasekera, May 04 2013

The military stand-off between India and China along their border—the disputed Line of Actual Control (LAC), separating Tibet from the Ladakh area of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir—is continuing into its third week. Several rounds of bilateral negotiations

The Social Crisis in America. The Myth of an Accelerated Economic Recovery By Andre Damon, May 04 2013

US stock markets surged Friday to new record highs as Wall Street traders seized on a tepid jobs report to engage in a fresh orgy of speculation.

Popular Resistance and Protest Movements across America By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, May 04 2013

Yesterday, a media outlet contacted us to be on a show about how Occupy had “fizzled coming into this year’s May 1.” The media keeps looking for encampments or last year’s protests and is missing how popular resistance is growing …

Guantanamo Prisoners’ Attorney Andy P. Hart: Suicide or Murder? By Stephen Lendman, May 04 2013

On May 1, Truthout‘s Jason Leopold reported Hart’s “apparent suicide.” He represented a number of Guantanamo prisoners. More on that below.

Key questions remain unanswered. Why would a federal public defender kill himself? Where and when did he die?…

The Boston Marathon, This Thing called Terrorism, and the United States By William Blum, May 04 2013

What is it that makes young men, reasonably well educated, in good health and nice looking, with long lives ahead of them, use powerful explosives to murder complete strangers because of political beliefs?

I’m speaking about American military personnel of …

Desperate Acts to Provoke Syria and Iran: Israel’s “Air Strikes” against Syria By Tony Cartalucci, May 04 2013

Alleged airstrikes hope to expand conflict, undermine Syrian advances, and provoke Syria and Iran to give US justification for military intervention. 

Once again, Israel is “leaking” information about alleged airstrikes it claims it has conducted against Syria along the Lebanese-Syrian

Kosovo Independence. “Serbia Prime Minister Ivica Dacic is a Traitor”, Government is a Sellout By Global Research News, May 04 2013

Some are furious, others resigned, but most Serbs in northern Kosovo feel betrayed by a historic deal reached by Belgrade and Pristina to normalise ties in a step to heal the festering enmity in the Balkans’ last trouble-spot, AFP reported.…

Questioning the Official Narrative: Support Movement for Tsarnaev Brothers as Innocent Grows By RT, May 04 2013

As the probe into the Boston Marathon bombing continues, leaflets voicing support for the attack’s surviving suspect have appeared in the capital of Russia’s Republic of Chechnya, and in Kyrgyzstan, where Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was born.

Several petitions calling for the …

Israelis Attempted to kidnap another Lebanese shepherd By Global Research News, May 04 2013

An Israeli five-member foot patrol breached at 14.00 pm Thursday the withdrawal line near al-Naqqar pond in Shabba region, in a fresh violation of Lebanese sovereignty, Army Command-Guidance Directorate said in a communiqué.

The Israeli patrol attempted to kidnap a …

US Backed Rebels in Syria Destroy Christian Monastery By Global Research News, May 04 2013

“There was an explosion near our church in Deir Ezzor that destroyed it,” writes Br. Antoine Haddad, Viceprovincial Minister of Lebanon, in a message to us.

The news was picked up by the media because the two Capuchin friars who …

Indian FM to Discuss IP Gas Pipeline in Tehran By Global Research News, May 04 2013

Indian External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid is slated to discuss extension of a gas pipeline project which is due to take Iran’s rich gas reserves to Pakistan and then to India, during his upcoming visit to Tehran, media reports said.

Canada Adopts “Anti-terrorism” Law that Tramples Basic Rights By Keith Jones and Jack Miller, May 03 2013

The Combating Terrorism Act revives two measures included in the Anti-Terrorism Act of December 2001 that lapsed in 2007 under a “sunset clause”—preventive detention and investigative hearings. The new law also increases the penalties for persons who refuse to cooperate

Bush Official: Syria Chemical Weapons Attack Could Be “Israeli False Flag Operation” By Washington's Blog, May 03 2013

Hawks Desperate to Drum Up an Excuse for War

It is likely that Al Qaeda rebels – and not the Syrian government – carried out the chemical weapons attack which the hawks in Washington are trying to use as a …

US Defense Secretary Says Washington Weighs Arming of Syrian Insurgency By Bill Van Auken, May 03 2013

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel told a Pentagon press conference Thursday that the US is “rethinking” policy on directly arming the so-called rebels in Syria.

Appearing with British Defense Minister Philip Hammond, Hagel became the first Obama administration official to acknowledge …

Three Months After 9/11: U.S. and NATO Worked with Bin Laden and His Top Lieutenant. Report By Washington's Blog, May 03 2013

FBI Translator Alleges that Bin Laden and His Number 2 Worked as Part of Operation Gladio

Former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds has been deemed credible by the Department of Justice’s Inspector General, several senators (free subscription required), and a coalition

Was the Syria Chemical Weapons Probe “Torpedoed” by the West? By Adam Larson, May 02 2013
Much credible evidence suggests the documented chemical warfare so far has been by the rebels, against soldiers and supporters of the same government slated to be blamed.
Big Energy Means Big Pollution: Fracking Ourselves To Death In Pennsylvania By TomDispatch, May 02 2013

By Ellen Cantarow

More than 70 years ago, a chemical attack was launched against Washington State and Nevada. It poisoned people, animals, everything that grew, breathed air, and drank water. The Marshall Islands were also struck. This formerly pristine …

Anglo-American Remote Warfare: The US and Britain Establish “Drone Sharing” By Chris Jones and Alice K Ross, May 02 2013
An estimated 600 campaigners staged a march and rally at a Lincolnshire air base this weekend protesting at the opening of the UK’s first military base for remote armed drone operations.

Protesters marched four miles from Lincoln to RAF Waddington.

The Weight of Chains: US/NATO Destruction of Yugoslavia By Boris Malagurski, May 02 2013

Boris Malagurski’s award-winning Canadian film “The Weight of Chains”, dealing with the breakup of Yugoslavia from a different angle – finally, exclusively, on YouTube!

Watch the film that has stirred controversy around the world, screened at cinemas across Australia, Canada

You Are The Hope By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 02 2013

If there is hope, dear readers, you are it.

You are motivated to find truth.

You can think outside the box. You can see through propaganda.

You are the remnant with the common sense that once was a common American …

Tiptoeing Toward War on Syria By Stephen Lendman, May 02 2013

Events in Syria resemble the run-up to Obama’s Libya war. Victims are called aggressors. Pretexts are created for intervention.

Washington appears headed for more war. Lack of public support doesn’t matter. A New York Times/CBS poll showed 62% of respondents …

Guantanamo Hunger Strike, Force Feedings Continue By Bill Van Auken, May 02 2013


At least 100 detainees being held at the Guantanamo prison camp remained on hunger strike Wednesday, a day after President Barack Obama told a White House press briefing that he would “re-engage Congress” on closing the facility.

A spokesman …

Obama Hails Police Lockdown, Covers Up State Role in Boston Bombings By Barry Grey, May 02 2013

At a White House press conference Tuesday, President Barack Obama praised the April 19 police-military lockdown of metropolitan Boston and dismissed questions regarding links between the suspected Boston Marathon bombers and US intelligence and police agencies. He went on to …

IRS to Spy on Our Shopping Records, Travel, Social Interactions, Health Records and Files from Other Government Investigators By Washington's Blog, May 02 2013

 More and More People Are Staring Into Our Fishbowl

We noted in March that all U.S. intelligence agencies – including the CIA and NSA – are going to spy on Americans’ finances.

The IRS is joining the fun.

U.S. …

Hawija: War Crimes, Iraqi Resistance and America’s Weapons of Mass Destruction By Dirk Adriaensens, May 02 2013