Global Research News

Obama, Cameron Hold Syria War Summit in Washington: “More Weapons for Al Qaeda” By Alex Lantier and Chris Marsden, May 14 2013

US President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron met yesterday in Washington to step up their campaign for war in Syria and discuss interventions elsewhere in the Middle East.

They pledged to increase the flow of weapons to …

Will the US and its NATO Partners Establish a Permanent Military Presence in Libya? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 14 2013

Recent developments suggest that the US and its allies are intent upon establishing a permanent military presence in Libya.

The events in Benghazi as well as the rising protest movement against the Tripoli proxy regime are being used as a

Canada and Israeli Apartheid: Why are the Harper Conservatives So Pro-Israel? By James Cairns, May 14 2013

The Canadian government has been a strong supporter of Israel since the country was founded in 1948 through the expulsion of most of the indigenous Palestinian population from their homes. In its friendly treatment of Israel, Canada has long played

Growing Labor Unrest in South Africa’s Mining Industry: Anglo American Threatens to Cut 14,000 Jobs By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 13 2013

Growing labor unrest in the mining industry prompts retaliation from capital

A major struggle is unfolding in the Republic of South Africa with the recent announcement that the Anglo American Platinum Corporation (Amplats) will lay-off thousands of its workers. Amplats …

Gangster State America. “Naked Short” in the Gold Market By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 13 2013
There are many signs of gangster state America. One is the collusion between federal authorities and banksters in a criminal conspiracy to rig the markets for gold and silver. The US government is acting 100% against the interests of US citizens.
Cuts in Social Security and Medicaid Contribute to Further Impoverishing African Americans By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 13 2013

Obama administration set to abolish CPI, Cola and slash medical coverage for poor and elderly

Massive cuts are being proposed which will impact the way in which Social Security and Medicaid are allocated in the United States. The Obama administration …

Criminal and Complicit Mainstream Media By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 13 2013
America’s War on Syria: Another Anti-Assad False Flag? By Stephen Lendman, May 13 2013

Since early 2011, Obama’s been waging proxy war on Syria. Imported death squads masquerade as freedom fighters. The scheme’s familiar. It repeats. It reflects US imperialism’s dark side.

In the 1980s, CIA-recruited Mujahideen fighters battled  Afghanistan’s Soviet occupiers. Ronald Reagan

Syria: The Next Domino to Fall? Is a Major US-NATO Military Intervention Looming? By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, and Rick Rozoff, May 13 2013

“To the best of our professional understanding, the regime has made use of deadly chemical weapons against the rebels in a number of incidents in the past.” Brig.-Gen. Itai Brun, the head of research and analysis in Israeli military …

The Central Banks’ Gold: A Story of Silent Expropriation By Valentin Katasonov, May 13 2013

In recent times, gold has become a key topic in the world’s media. Interest in this yellow metal is warming up reports about the plans of Germany and other countries to repatriate their gold reserves from the USA and Great

Pakistan’s Elections: Continuity of IMF Imposed Austerity Under New Government By Keith Jones, May 13 2013

Pakistani voters decisively repudiated the country’s outgoing Pakistan People’s Party (PPP)-led government, which for five years served as a pliant instrument of US imperialism, extending the AfPak War across northwestern Pakistan and imposing IMF austerity measures.

Official results of Saturday’s …

Bombings in Turkish Border City: “False Flag” Pretext to “Retaliate” against Syria? By Thomas Gaist, May 13 2013

On Saturday, two car bombs exploded in the Turkish city of Reyhanli, on the Syrian border, killing at least 46 people and injuring 155, while damaging 735 businesses and 120 apartments. No organization has yet claimed responsibility for the bombing.

Brutal Treatment of Christian Clergy by Israeli Security Forces By Global Research News, May 13 2013

A Statement from the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem, concerning the Israeli police measures on Holy Saturday- May 2013

We, the Heads of Churches in Jerusalem, watched with sorrowful hearts the horrific scenes of the brutal treatment of …

Libya’s “Water Wars” and Gaddafi`s Great Man-Made River Project By Mathaba, May 13 2013

It was Muammar Gaddafi`s dream to provide fresh water for all Libyans and to make Libya self-sufficient in food production.

Libyans called it the eighth wonder of the world. Western media called it a pet project and the pipe dream

Ronald Reagan: Accessory to Genocide – Ex-Guatemalan Dictator Rios Montt Guilty of Mayan Genocide By Robert Parry, May 13 2013

More than any recent U.S. president, Ronald Reagan has been lavished with honors, including his name attached to Washington’s National Airport. But the conviction of Reagan’s old ally, ex-Guatemalan dictator Rios Montt, for genocide means “Ronnie” must face history’s judgment

Crimes Against Humanity: No Amnesty for Guatemala’s Former Dictator General Efraín Ríos Montt By J. B. Gerald, May 13 2013

On March 13th the Center of Legal Action in Human Rights, revealed the Court of Constitutionality (Guatemala’s highest court) ruled in its favour, refusing amnesty to Efraín Ríos Montt.

The country’s Supreme Court previously denied Montt amnesty.

The trial of …

Syria Endgame Approaching Fast By Shamus Cooke, May 13 2013

The tempo of events in Syria has accelerated in recent weeks. The government forces have scored significant battlefield victories over the rebels, and this has provoked a mixture of war provocations and peace offers from the U.S. and its anti-Assad

America is Losing its Covert Syria War: US Sponsored Al Nusra Rebels Defeated by Syrian Armed Forces By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 12 2013
Al Nusra rebels are cannon fodder. They are no longer supported and upheld as freedom fighters. Washington in consultation with its Western allies has decided to sacrifice its Al Qaeda affiliated foot-soldiers who are now being decimated by the Syrian army.
Economic Depression and the New World Order: Global Poverty in the late 20th Century By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 12 2013
The onslaught of America's war is occurring at the height of a global economic depression marked by the downfall of State institutions, mounting unemployment, the collapse in living standards in all major regions of the World, including Western Europe and North America and the outbreak of famines over large areas.
Mass Poverty, Social Inequality and the Thirdworldization of America By Stephen Lendman, May 12 2013

Center for Economic and Policy Research co-director Dean Baker calls poverty America’s “new growth industry.” The state of today’s America is deplorable.

In his latest May 3 analysis, economist John Williams said “April “employment and unemployment data were nonsense: the

“Defend Russia’s Interests”: Russian Navy’s Permanent Mediterranean Task Force to Include Nuclear Subs By Global Research News, May 12 2013

Russia’s Mediterranean task force will comprise 5-6 warships and may be enlarged to include nuclear submarines, Navy Commander Adm. Viktor Chirkov said on Sunday.

“Overall, already from this year, we plan to have 5-6 warships and support vessels [in the …

Imperialism, The Cold War, and the Contradictions of Decolonization By Anthony Mustacich, May 12 2013

The Second World War had devastated the colonial empires of Western Europe, leaving the United States as the capitalist world’s undisputed superpower. At the same time, the war demolished the colonial system that had defined the imperialist era up until

Buying Time in Syria By Phil Greaves, May 11 2013
The Syrian Army’s success in defeating the US led terrorists constitutes a blow to America's covert proxy strategy. The US “Re-directional” Middle East policy consists in buying time. The current softening of US rhetoric is a smokescreen to enable the US and its allies to shift strategies and proxy allegiances, in their regime change objectives in Syria and Iran.
Scared Americans and “The US Terror State” By Daniel Patrick Welch, May 11 2013

Syria, Libya and other US crimes invisible to financially scared Americans.  

Watch Out, World! Even America’s Wealthy Are Losing Ground.

Cognitive dissonance among the US sub-elite means more war and death for everyone else.

Occasionally the tip of the

The Boston Marathon Bombing’s Inflated Injury Tallies By James F. Tracy, May 11 2013

Exactly how many people were injured as a result of the April 15 Boston Marathon Bombing (BMB)? An official tally from the Boston Public Health Commission puts the number at an incredible 282 injured and four killed, including MIT police

White Supremacy: Exploring the Contours of Race and Power in America By Anthony Mustacich, May 11 2013

On July 27,

Australia’s Defence White Paper. Threatening China and the US “Pivot” to Asia By James Cogan, May 10 2013

The 2013 Defence White Paper, which defines the Australian government’s strategic military orientation, codifies its unconditional support for the Obama administration’s “pivot” to Asia.

The document asserts that “the relationship between the United States and China will determine the outlook

Bush Versus Obama: Who’s Worse? By Washington's Blog, May 10 2013

Obama Names Top Fundraisers to Major Political Posts

Glenn Greenwald notes today:

Last week, the Obama administration announced its choice to lead the Federal Communications Commission: Tom Wheeler, who is not only a former telecom lobbyist but also a huge

US Prepares War with Syria as Washington backed Al Qaeda Rebels Lose Ground By Thomas Gaist, May 10 2013

Calls for a war with Syria mounted yesterday, despite mass popular opposition to war in the United States, amid reports that US-backed Islamist opposition forces fighting the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad have suffered serious reverses.

Speaking on NBC …

“Syria to Respond immediately to any New Israeli Attack”: Syria deputy FM. Tel Aviv Supports Al Nusra Terrorists By Press TV, May 10 2013

Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal al-Miqdad says the country will “respond immediately” to any new Israeli aggression against Syrian territory.

“The instruction has been made to respond immediately to any new Israeli attack without (additional) instruction from any higher leadership, …

“Humanitarian War”: Obama’s Syria Military Game Plan: Libya 2.0 By Stephen Lendman, May 10 2013

Obama’s already waging multiple direct and proxy wars. He’s heading America for more.

Russia, China and most other nations want peace. May 8 commemorates Victory in Europe Day (VE Day). Russia’s toll was greatest. For many, war horrors still echo.

U.S. Marines Train German and Moroccan Troops on How to Operate Drones in North Africa By Timothy Alexander Guzman, May 10 2013

Recently, U.S. Marines conducted a “small unmanned-flying vehicle familiarization course” in a military exercise that involved U.S. Moroccan and German militaries in a yearly exercise called Exercise African Lion 13 in Agadir, Morocco.  The German military participated in the exercise …

The Samson Complex: Israel again Rebuffs Peace with the Arab world By Jonathan Cook, May 10 2013

Washington’s reputation as an “honest broker” in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is in tatters after four years of indulging Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s intransigence. The Obama administration desperately needs to resurrect a credible peace process.

Faced with a diplomatic impasse …

On the Anniversary of Martin Luther King’s Poor People’s Campaign: ‘We will March to Ignite the Revolution King Called for’ By Global Research News, May 10 2013

By the Rev. C. D. Witherspoon

The following press statement was released by Witherspoon, president of the Baltimore chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

Next Saturday morning, many of us will mark the 45th anniversary of the Poor People’s

Death is Preferable to Life at Obama’s Guantanamo By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, May 10 2013
More than 100 of the 166 detainees at Guantanamo are starving themselves to death. Twenty-three of them are being force-fed. “They strap you to a chair, tie up your wrists, your legs, your forehead and tightly around the waist,” Fayiz
No More “Fast Food” in Bolivia: McDonald’s Has Closed Down All Its Restaurants By Global Research News, May 09 2013

Bolivia became the first McDonald’s-free Latin American nation, after struggling for more than a decade to keep their numbers out of ‘the red.’  And that fact is still making news.

After 14 years in the nation and despite many campaigns

Hold the Front Page! We Need Free Media, Not an Order of Mates By John Pilger, May 09 2013

The other day, I stood outside the strangely silent building where I began life as a journalist. It is no longer the human warren that was Consolidated Press in Sydney, though ghosts still drink at the King’s Head pub nearby. …

The Deep Politics of Hollywood By Matthew Alford and Robbie Graham, May 09 2013
Hollywood is driven by the desire for dollars rather than artistic integrity.
Pentagon Demands To Keep Nine Bases In Afghanistan After 2014 By Javed Hamim Kakar, May 09 2013

KABUL: The United States has demanded nine permanent military bases in Afghanistan, something that has long fuelled concerns among regional countries, President Hamid Karzai said on Thursday.

In the bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) being negotiated between the allies, the president …

The Basel Committee and the Global Banking Mafia By Valentin Katasonov, May 09 2013

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (hereinafter – the Committee) is closely associated with supranational organisations like the Bank for International Settlements in Basel (BIS), which is often called the «club», the «headquarters» of central banks or the «Central Bank …

The Extinction of Animal and Plant Species By Rebecca Sato, May 09 2013

Should we be alarmed at the current massive die-offs being noted in the animal and plant kingdoms? After all, new species arise and old species die off all the time. Its just nature taking its course, right? Not necessarily. The

Psychopathy, Politics and The New World Order By Colin Todhunter, May 09 2013

When attempting to analyse what is happening in the world, it is important to appreciate past economic, social and political processes that led us to where we are today. Understanding the tectonic plates of history that led certain countries towards

“Asymmetric Warfare”: Pentagon Accuses China of Cyber Attacks and Espionage By John Chan, May 09 2013

In a marked escalation of Washington’s propaganda against China, the US Defence Department has the first time named the Chinese government and the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) as being responsible for major cyber attacks on Western corporations and the US

Domestic Spying and Social Media: Google, Facebook “Back Doors” for Government Wiretaps By Andre Damon, May 09 2013

The Obama administration is close to announcing its support for a law that would force Google, Facebook and other Internet communications companies to build back doors for government wiretaps, according to an article in the New York Times Wednesday.

John Kerry in Moscow: The Syria Chemical Weapons Saga and the Israeli Air Strikes By Stephen Lendman, May 09 2013

Russian condemnation of Israeli air strikes preceded Kerry’s arrival. Moscow’s Foreign Ministry called them “a threat to regional stability.”

It wants politicizing chemical weapons use stopped. On May 6, Russian Security Council head Nikolai Patrushev said “no one has reliable …

Malaysia: Failure of U.S. to Subvert the Elections and Install a “Proxy Regime” By Tony Cartalucci, May 09 2013
 Wall Street and London’s hegemonic ambitions in Asia, centered around installing proxy regimes across Southeast Asia and using the supranational ASEAN bloc to encircle and contain China, suffered a serious blow this week when Western-proxy and Malaysian opposition leader Anwar
Obama in Plunderland: Down the Corporate Rabbit Hole By Norman Solomon, May 09 2013

The president’s new choices for Commerce secretary and FCC chair underscore how far down the rabbit hole his populist conceits have tumbled. Yet the Obama rhetoric about standing up for working people against “special interests” is as profuse as ever.

Civil Liberties and CCTV Camera Surveillance. Landmark Court Decision in Australia By Charles Farrier, May 09 2013

Last week (2nd May), in the midst of Privacy Awareness Week [1], an Australian campaigner, Adam Bonner won a landmark decision against CCTV cameras in New South Wales [2].

The decision did not rule that the cameras in the town …

Obama Makes Black Liberation Speech an Act of Terrorism By Margaret Kimberley, May 08 2013

The announcement that the FBI added Assat Shakur to the list of most wanted terrorists was initially mystifying, a real life example of the shock doctrine. Shakur has been a fugitive ever since 1979 and was granted asylum by Cuba

Pentagon Contractors Have Trained the Terrorists in the Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 08 2013

CNN just a couple of months ago confirmed that contractors hired by the Pentagon were in fact training the terrorists in the use of chemical weapons.

And now we have a statement by a United Nations Independent Commission, which has

Americans Across the Land Say NO to Austerity: Local Struggles against Budget Cuts By Mark Vorpahl, May 08 2013

Between sequestration, with its damaging impact on workers and the economy, and the billions of dollars in cuts to Social Security, Medicare and other necessary social programs that President Obama is pushing, it is evident that the economic policies of …

Israel Supports Al Qaeda Operatives in Syria By Dmitriy Sedov, May 08 2013

This is the third attack recently. Now nobody can say Israel stands aside. The conflict in Syria spills over the national borders to encompass other international actors.

Israeli aviation hit a target in the North-West of Damascus. 300 are killed …

Media Theatrics and the Syria Chemical Weapons Saga By David Edwards, May 08 2013

Last August, Barack Obama told reporters at the White House:

‘We have been very clear to the Assad regime… that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilised.…

Syrian army regains control of strategic town in south By Press TV, May 08 2013

The Syrian Army has regained control of a strategic town in southern Syria following heavy clashes with foreign-backed militants operating inside Syria.

Reports say the Syrian forces have released the town of Khirbet Ghazaleh on Wednesday from the militants after …

Washington’s Presumption. Obama: “In Satan We Follow” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 08 2013

The new president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, is cast in Chavez’s mold.

On May 4, he called US president Obama the “grand chief of devils.”

Obama, who has betrayed democracy in America, unleashing execution on American citizens without due process

Turning “Mirage Recovery” into a Real Economic Recovery By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, May 08 2013

Recently, news reporters have been sounding almost giddy, saying that unemployment is dropping, housing prices are rising and the stock market is growing to new highs. But, these reports do not ring true with what people see around them. When

US Presses for War on Syria, Dismisses Al Qaeda Rebels Use of Chemical Weapons By Thomas Gaist, May 08 2013

US officials continued to press for war against Syria yesterday, dismissing United Nations investigator Carla del Ponte’s statement that Western-backed opposition forces, not the Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad, had used chemical weapons.

Del Ponte’s comment, based on an …

Global Corporations and the Bangladesh Building Collapse By Peter Symonds, May 08 2013
Syrian Government Likely Did Not Use Chemical Weapons: Who Should You Believe … The UN Investigator or the U.S.? By Washington's Blog, May 08 2013

Haaretz reported on March 24th, “Jihadists, not Assad, apparently behind reported chemical attack in Syria“.

 UN investigator Carla Del Ponte said that there is strong evidence that the rebels used chemical weapons, but that there is not evidence

Fannie and Freddie in Good Hands with Mel Watt By Stephen Lendman, May 08 2013

On May 1, Obama nominated Watt to head the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA).

It replaced the Federal Housing Finance Board (FHFB), the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO), and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (DHUD).

It …

Non-Aligned Movement urges UN Action against Israel for Syria Raids By Global Research News, May 08 2013

The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) has strongly condemned Israel’s recent acts of aggression against Syria, calling on the UN Security Council to take action against the Tel Aviv regime.

In a Tuesday statement, the NAM Coordinating Bureau in New York said …

War and Moral Expediency: US and Israel Support Salafist-Jihadist Terrorists in Syria By Phil Greaves, May 08 2013

Recent Israeli airstrikes on Damascus have once again shed light on a defining western-led policy when it comes to the Middle East: strategic moral expediency. Once again, the counterproductive, and age-old policy of: “the enemy of my enemy: is my …

Death Penalty Dying Out By David Swanson, May 08 2013

Most of the world’s governments no longer use the death penalty.  Among wealthy nations there is one exception remaining.  The United States is among the top five killers in the world.  Also in the top five: the recently “liberated” Iraq.

Multibillion Dollar War Budgets: Proponents of ‘First Strike’ Nuclear War against Iran Rob billions from their own Citizens By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 08 2013
While the Pentagon modernization budget for the pre-emptive nuclear option is a modest $10 billion, the budget for upgrading the US arsenal of “strategic nuclear offensive forces” is a staggering $352 billion.
9/11 Analysis: Radar Loss on the Morning of September 11, 2001 By Paul Schreyer, May 07 2013

The radar coverage of the United States airspace is nearly complete. In particular the northeastern area, where all four hijackings took place on 9/11, has no “gaps” whatsoever in radar coverage. Nonetheless there was radar loss on 9/11 with respect …

Obama Attacks Legitimacy of Venezuelan Government By Ryan Mallett-Outtrim, May 07 2013

Mérida, 6 May 2013 ( – The Venezuelan government hit back at a series of what it describes as “false and “interventionist” statements made by U.S. President Barack Obama over the weekend.

During his visit to Mexico on 3 May, …

U.S Empire and Disaster Capitalism: And Then There Was One By Tom Engelhardt, May 07 2013

It stretched from the Caspian to the Baltic Sea, from the middle of Europe to the Kurile Islands in the Pacific, from Siberia to Central Asia.  Its nuclear arsenal held 45,000 warheads, and its military had five million troops

Is Japan Developing a Nuclear Weapons Program? By Peter Symonds, May 07 2013

The Wall Street Journal published an article on May 1 entitled “Japan’s nuclear plan unsettles US.” It indicated concerns in Washington that the opening of a huge reprocessing plant could be used to stockpile plutonium for the future manufacture of …

UN says US-backed Opposition, not Syrian Regime, used Poison Gas By Alex Lantier, May 07 2013

In a series of interviews, UN investigator Carla del Ponte said that sarin gas used in Syria was fired by the US-backed opposition, not the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

Her account explodes the lies on which Washington and its …