Global Research News

Western Collapse: From Economic Turmoil to Cultural Chaos By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and James Corbett, June 03 2013
The Poor People’s Campaign: Our Next Steps By Global Research News, June 03 2013

Congratulations to every single person and organization that helped to make the 2013 Poor People’s Campaign March a tremendous success!  For those who had the privilege of participating it was truly historical.  For those of you who could not be

Vermont Politics, Threats to Civil Liberties and Freedom of Information By Greg Guma, June 03 2013

This is the tenth chapter of a series excerpted from “Maverick Chronicles,” a memoir-in-progress. Previous stories can be found at VTDigger.

Before Burlington’s progressive revolution in 1981, the Vermont Vanguard Press was the Champlain Valley’s strongest voice for change to …

Israel Treats the Bedouin Like “People in a Box” By Global Research News, June 03 2013

Lucy Westcott interviews EID JAHALIN of the Jahalin Association

For thousands of years the Bedouin people have made their home in the desert of what is now Israel. But for almost the last six decades, the Bedouin have been on

What is Happenning in Istanbul? By Global Research News, June 03 2013

by İnsanlik Hali

To my friends who live outside of Turkey:

I am writing to let you know what is going on in Istanbul for the last five days. I personally have to write this because most of the media …

“Pivot to Asia”: US Military Build-up in Asia, Threatening China By Peter Symonds, June 03 2013

A speech on Saturday by US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel to the Shangri-la Dialogue in Singapore—the region’s top annual security conference—underscored the speed and extent of the US military build-up in Asia directed against China. Defence ministers, officials and top

Wealth from Economic “Recovery” has gone to the Richest Americans By Nick Barrickman, June 03 2013

A new study from the St. Louis Federal Reserve documents the vast disparity in the fortunes of American families since the financial crisis of 2007-08, with the bulk of the “recovery” in aggregate wealth going to the richest layers of

Anti-Government Protests Rock Turkey By Stephen Lendman, June 03 2013

In 2001, Recep Tayyip Erdogan established the Justice and Development Party (AKP). In November 2002, it won nearly two-thirds of parliamentary seats. It did so with 35% of the vote.

Earlier dominant parties were rebuffed. Hard times aroused public anger.

African Land Grabs: Defending Basic Human Rights, Promoting Sustainable Agriculture By Grain, June 03 2013

SOCFIN Agricultural Company Sierra Leone Ltd. (SAC), a subsidiary of SOCFIN, (Société Financière des Caoutchoucs), a Luxembourg-registered company controlled by the prominent French entrepreneur Vincent Bolloré and Belgian businessman Hubert Fabri, is suing a Sierra Leonean NGO, Green Scenery, for …

Report from Turkey: A Taste of Tahrir at Taksim By Sungur Savran, June 03 2013

Istanbul has become a battlefield covered by tear gas. The police, no doubt at the behest of the Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan and his AKP government, have been attacking protestors in the centre of the city, near Taksim Square, for …

Social Crisis in Greece: The Plight of The Refugees By Sofiane Ait Chalalet and Chris Jones, June 03 2013

Axmed, a Somalian refugee, has been stuck

The Oslo Illusion: The Historical Accords between Palestine and Israel By Adam Hanieh, June 03 2013

This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the signing of the Oslo Accords between the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Israeli government. Officially known as the Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements, the Oslo Accords were firmly ensconced

“Humanitarian Wars” and “Regime Change”:Tony Blair Continues to Push the Neo-Con Agenda. By Phil Greaves, June 02 2013

Tony Blair, one of the Chief architects of the wholly illegal, and barbaric act of aggression put upon the state of Iraq and its population in 2003 – resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians –

The Administration’s domestic Surveillance and Torture programs: Obama appoints former Bush deputy Attorney General to lead FBI By Eric London, June 02 2013

Last week, sources within the Obama administration announced the president’s plans to appoint James Comey as director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He would replace Robert Mueller, who is scheduled to step down later this year.

Comey served as

Opposition Terrorists Target Hospital: Largest Cancer Treating Hospital in Syria Closed ‘Temporarily’ By Arabi Souri, June 02 2013

Al-Biruni University Hospital near Harasta, Damascus countryside, was closed ‘temporarily’ last Wednesday 29 May 2013 due to the security situation near the location, the patients were discharged, 2 only were transferred to Public Muwassat Hospital for monitoring.

Aliqtisadi news site …

Perpetual War and Obama’s Perpetual Con Game By Glen Ford, June 02 2013

President Obama’s perpetual scam machine is in high gear – which signals another expansion of war and war-powers accumulation. The president played the reluctant warrior who doesn’t really want the limitless powers he has arrogated to himself. But, what he’s

International Children’s Day: Welcome to our Wonderful World By Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, June 02 2013

On International Children’s Day, we spell out a clear message: welcome to our wonderful world, the world created by us, adults, a world in which despite the teachings of the holy books, we continue to use religion as a banner

Monsanto is a Ticking Time Bomb for U.S. Agriculture: Japan halts Imports of U.S. Wheat after USDA’s Finding of Genetic Pollution from GMOs By Mike Adams, June 02 2013

It has already begun: Japan has just cancelled a large contract to purchase U.S. wheat. “We will refrain from buying western white and feed wheat effective today,” Toru Hisadome, a Japanese farm ministry official in charge of wheat trading, told …

US-NATO Supplying Syria Opposition Terrorists with Chemical Weapons By Press TV, June 02 2013

The Syrian army has seized two cylinders of the nerve agent sarin during an operation in the city of Hama.

Syrian media say the operation was carried out against a militant hideout in the city’s al-Faraieh neighborhood on Saturday.

Sarin …

Genetically Engineered Wheat is Destroying US Agriculture: Oregon Wheat Found Contaminated with GE Wheat By Global Research News, June 02 2013

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that unapproved genetically engineered (GE) wheat was found growing in an Oregon wheat field. The discovery has implications for U.S. trade as Japan has already indicated it would stop purchasing U.S. wheat exports.…

America’s War and Syria’s Right to Defend itself against Foreign Aggression By Stephen Lendman, June 02 2013

Seventeenth century philosopher/political theorist/jurist Hugo Grotius perhaps helped inspire international law. In 1625, his “On The Law of War and Peace” said “Most Men assign three Just Causes of War, Defense, the Recovery of what’s our own, and Punishment.”

War …

The Chemical Weapon Accusations against Syria are Overshadowing the Insurgent Retreat By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, June 02 2013

The timing of Tel Aviv’s repeated attacks on Syria in May 2013 and the kindling of yet another round of accusations and tensions between the Turkish government and Syria that have resulted from the car bombings in the Turkish town …

Who Was Behind the Woolwich Killing? Criminality of Britain’s Ruling Elite By Chris Marsden, June 01 2013

The killing of soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich, London has lifted a corner of the carefully constructed veil of lies, intrigue and criminality surrounding British foreign policy.

Immediately after Rigby’s brutal murder, a chorus of political and media figures insisted …

More Austerity in Europe in face of Record Unemployment By Christoph Dreier, June 01 2013

Unemployment in the euro zone hit a two-year high in April. According to the latest figures of Europe’s Eurostat statistical agency published on Friday, the unemployment rate rose from 12.1 percent in March to 12.2 percent last month. Fully 24.4

John McCain: War Hero or Something Less? By Philip Giraldi, June 01 2013

Two time Medal of Honor recipient Marine Major General Smedley Butler once saidwar is a racket.” He might have added that while enriching the few it victimizes and degrades everyone else who is caught up in the …

Data Shows that Palestinians now Own just 8 per cent of Historic Palestine By Global Research News, June 01 2013

New data published by the Lands Research Centre (LRC) shows that Palestinians own only eight per cent of historic Palestine.

The LRC is affiliated to the Arabic Studies Association in Jerusalem. In a press conference held in Ramallah, it announced

Murder, Inc: Official US Policy By Stephen Lendman, June 01 2013

America does it wholesale and retail. Obama’s wars increase body counts. They mount daily. Special forces death squads in over 120 countries add their own.

So do covert CIA agents. They’re licensed to kill. They do it globally.  FBI assassins

Obama’s War on Whistle Blowers: The Trial of Bradley Manning By Dylan Murphy, June 01 2013

“If you had free reign over classified networks… and you saw incredible things, awful things… things that belonged in the public domain, and not on some server stored in a dark room in Washington DC… what would you do?”

“God …

“We Steal Secrets” The New Movie About Wikileaks Infuriates Wikileaks By Danny Schechter, June 01 2013

Every documentary filmmaker begins with deciding

A New “War on Drugs” in West Africa? Think Tank Report Says West Africa is a Drug Trafficking Hub By Timothy Alexander Guzman, June 01 2013

In a report recently conducted by the Africa Center for Strategic Studies by Senior Diplomatic Advisor David E. Brown called “The Challenge of Drug Trafficking to Democratic Governance and Human Security in West Africa” wrote that “West Africa is under

Deflation Smackdown: Bernanke’s Madcap Money Printing Fails to Boost Inflation By Mike Whitney, May 31 2013

“Under a fiat money system, a government… should always be able to generate increased nominal spending and inflation, even when the short-term nominal interest rate is at zero.” Ben S. Bernanke, “Deflation: Making Sure It Doesn’t Happen Here”, November, 2002

Post-Fukushima Japan: Deap-seated Economic and Social Crisis By James Corbett and Michael Welch, May 31 2013

They’re seeking to revise the constitutional article that actually prohibits the Japanese military from functioning as a military and that is a particularly worrying sign that a nation that has been so thoroughly pacifist for the last half century

John Kerry Proposes Investments in Palestine While Funding Israeli Apartheid, Main Obstacle to Commerce By Robert Fantina, May 31 2013

As U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry attempts to put his particular spin on resolving the generations-old crisis of Israeli oppression of the Palestinians, he has travelled to the World Economic Forum. There he waved the possibility of $4 billion

Deadly Honduras Counterdrugs Operation Raises New Questions Regarding U.S. Role By Center for Economic and Policy Research, May 31 2013

A new report from the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) and Rights Action raises new questions regarding a May 11, 2012 DEA-related counternarcotics operation in which four Afro-indigenous civilians were killed and others were wounded in Honduras’ Moskitia

UK: Soldier Killing Suspect Approached by MI5 to Become Informer By Margaret Kimberley, May 31 2013

Two British-Nigerians frightened the great former colonial empire to death by nearly beheading a soldier, in London. Yet British and other western politicians have far more blood on their hands than the young Africans. “This killing was no more awful

Genetic Engineering and Corporate Agribusiness: GMOs and the Impacts of Glyphosate Herbicide By Prof Don Huber, May 31 2013

Seeds evolved for millions of years before humans invented corporate agribusiness.

Genetic selection to improve crops began only when people invented farming.

Early on, there was a vast germ pool from which to select differences in vigor, growth, quality characteristics,

Bill S-7 “Combating Terrorism Act” Now in Force in Canada By Global Research News, May 31 2013

On May 24, 2013, Bill S-7, with the short title of the Combating Terrorism Act (S.C. 2013, c.9), received Royal Assent and came into force.

This omnibus legislation both revives some of the “sunsetted” and most controversial …

US Attorney General Eric Holder Personally Approved Obama’s Secret Effort to Seize Email and Phone Records of News Reporters By Eric London, May 31 2013

US Attorney General Eric Holder personally approved the Obama administration’s secret effort to seize email records of Fox News reporter James Rosen in 2010. The Justice Department was forced to admit this fact following an NBC News report documenting Holder’s

Citizens of Wisconsin Deliver War Crimes Indictment against President Barack H. Obama By Kevin Zeese, May 31 2013

Peaceful Attempt to Deliver War Crimes Indictment to Commander Results in Arrests

Wisconsin Coalition to Ground the Drones and End the Wars
May 29, 2013

CAMP DOUGLAS, WI – Five nonviolent activists attempted to deliver an indictment for war crimes

The FBI Murder of Ibragim Todashev: The Boston Witness “Who Knew Too Much”? By Bill Van Auken, May 31 2013

FBI and other law enforcement officials revealed Wednesday that Ibragim Todashev, the 27-year-old Chechen immigrant who was shot and killed after being interrogated for days about the Boston Marathon bombings, had been unarmed.

The killing of Todashev, and the rapid …

Monsanto’s Genetically Modified Wheat. Threatens US Exports By RT, May 31 2013

The discovery of a Monsanto-created, genetically modified strain of wheat in the US that was never approved by the United States Department of Agriculture has imperiled US exports of a staple world food commodity.

Japanese authorities have already opted to …

A Proxy War Is Raging In Syria By Washington's Blog, May 31 2013

Right now inside Syria, Hezbollah fighters – backed by the Syrian government, Iran and Lebanon – are fighting Al Qaeda, and Muslim Brotherhood terrorist fighters – backed by the U.S., Israel, the Eurozone, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

BBC reports:…

CIA Global Renditions: Abductions and Extrajudicial Transfers from one Country to Another By Stephen Lendman, May 31 2013

Extraordinary renditions include arbitrary abductions and extrajudicial transfers from one country to another. Targeted individuals are called terrorists.

Corroborating evidence isn’t needed. What Washington says goes. Rogue hegemons operate that way.

International, constitutional, and US statute laws don’t matter. They’re …

US Supported Jabhat al-Nusra Caught with Sarin Gas inside Turkey By Global Research News, May 31 2013


SYRIA: President Bashar Al-Assad: Full Interview and Transcript By Bashar al Assad, May 31 2013

We bring to the attention of our readers, the full interview of President  Bashar Al-Assad with the Lebanese al-Manar Tv channel. The English transcript is provided below:

Interview given by President al-Assad to Lebanese Al-Manar TV

SANA, 30 May 2013…

The US Fiat Dollar Ponzi Scheme: Digital Money Used to Purchase Toxic Assets from the “Too Big To Fail” Global Banks By Matthias Chang, May 30 2013

In the Hoisington Quarterly Review and Outlook (First Quarter 2013), Dr. Lacy Hunt wrote and we quote:

“The Federal Reserve is printing money. No statement could be less truthful. The Federal Reserve (FED) is not, and has not been, ‘printing

Man Linked to Tsarnaev Boston Suspects “Shot Six Times”, Killed during FBI Interrogation. Photos. By RT, May 30 2013

Ibragim Todashev, who was killed by the FBI during a questioning, was shot six times, once in the crown of his head, photos shown at a press conference in Moscow reveal. His father suspects it could have been a kill

Guatemalan High Court upholds overturning of Rios Montt Conviction By Bill Van Auken, May 30 2013

Guatemala’s Constitutional Court Tuesday upheld its May 20 decision to throw out the conviction of the former US-backed dictator Efrain Rios Montt on charges of genocide and crimes against humanity.

The order followed the concurrence of the country’s appeals court …

US Banks Post Record Profits By Nick Barrickman, May 30 2013

Profits for the US banking industry rose in the first quarter of 2013 to a record $40.3 billion, according to a report released by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation on Wednesday.

Profits surged by 15.8 percent compared to the same …

The Fight against Consumerism and Planned Obsolescence. The Everlasting Light Bulb By Global Research News, May 30 2013

by Miriam Valero

The founder of the SOP movement has hit out against planned obsolescence by making an everlasting light bulb and establishing a movement with the aim of putting an end to the abusive practises of multinational companies.

Benito …

Canada and Gunboat Diplomacy By Yves Engler, May 30 2013

People seldom think of Canadian foreign policy when the term “gunboat diplomacy” is used, but they should. It is not just the USA, Great Britain, France or other better-known imperial powers that use military force as a “diplomatic” tool.

For …

Israel is Fighting a Regional War in Syria By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, May 30 2013
The entry of Israeli troops and the Mossad security service into Syria with repeated Israeli air strikes via illegal use of Lebanese airspace on the Syrian military research facility in the town of Jamraya clarifies Israel’s role in destabilizing Syria.
Austerity, Mass Unemployment and Emigration in the European Union. Ireland and the Basque Country By Prof. James Petras, May 30 2013


Many billions of Euros are being extracted from Europe’s vassal-debtor nations – Spain , Greece , Portugal and Ireland –and transferred to the creditor banks, financial speculators and swindlers located in the City of London , Wall Street ,

Turkish Police find Chemical Weapons in the Possession of Al Nusra Terrorists heading for Syria By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, May 30 2013

According to a report in Turkey’s state media agency Zaman, agents from the Turkish General Directorate of Security (Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü) ceased 2 kg of sarin gas in the city of Adana in the early hours of yesterday morning. The

Russia’s S-300 Surface to Air Missile, Already Deployed and Functional in Syria? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 30 2013
The deployment of the S-300 to Syria has been on the drawing board of Russia's Defense Ministry since 2006. Moscow announced in 2006 that it would deploy the S-300 to protect both its Naval base in Tartus in Southern Syria as well Syria's airspace.
Bush Administration Convicted of War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity By Prof. Francis A. Boyle, May 30 2013

Former U.S. President George W. Bush recently dedicated his Presidential Library in Dallas. The ceremony included speeches by President Obama, ex-President Bush, and every other living ex-president. But none of the speeches so much as mentioned to Iraq war —

Lifting the Fake EU Arms Embargo: Weapons for Al Qaeda in Syria By Stephen Lendman, May 29 2013

On May 27, the so-called one-year EU arms embargo on Syria’s opposition ended. Officially it does so on June 1. EU nations agreed to end what never existed.

Since Washington’s war on Syria began in early 2011, arms flowed freely. …

Britain’s Security Service: More Questions about MI5’s Relations with the Woolwich Killers By Julie Hyland, May 29 2013

Questions continue to pile up over the security services’ familiarity and contact with the two killers of Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich, southeast London.

Rigby was hacked to death on a public high road, near Woolwich army barracks. His killers, …

Syria Escalation poses Growing Risk of Regional War By Bill Van Auken, May 29 2013

In the wake of the European Union’s vote late Monday to lift a ban on directly arming Western-backed “rebels,” there is a mounting danger of wider war. Growing military tensions in the region are likewise threatening to turn a Syrian …

The Role of Turkey in the US-NATO-Israeli War on Syria By Cem Ertür, May 29 2013
The repercussions of the May 2013 Reyhanli false-flag bombing attacks near Turkey’s border with Syria is the latest evidence of a deep crisis of legitimacy for the United States, Britain, Israel and Turkey; the four countries whose alliance has been dominating the political scene in the Middle East and beyond since 1990.
The Obama “Dog Whistle” By Margaret Kimberley, May 29 2013

“It’s obvious by now that Barack Obama is treating black Americans like one treats a demented uncle, brought out from his room to be ridiculed and scolded before company from time to time…” – Ishmael Reed in 2008

Every successful …

Government Impunity in Forced Disappearance of Dominican Journalist and Professor Narciso González By The National Security Archive, May 29 2013

Image: Celebrated Journalist and University Professor, Narciso (Narcisazo) González.

Government Impunity in Narciso González Case Continues after 19 Years

Inter-American Court Ruling Confirmed by Declassified Documents

National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 429

Edited by Emily Willard 

The Dominican …

Israel Channels Weapons and Military Aid to Al Qaeda in Syria By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 29 2013

‘If they (the Western Leaders) were concerned and sincerely committed to the peace process, they would immediately cease supporting a terrorist organization which is linked to al-Qaeda and which is involved in atrocities and killings in Syria.”

Press TV has
“Battle of the Bees”: EU High Court rules on GMO Contamination; Opens Door to Biotech Liability By Rady Ananda, May 29 2013

In Sept. 2011, the European Union’s top court paved the way for farmers and beekeepers to recoup losses when their crops or honey become genetically contaminated from neighboring GM fields.

The European Court of Justice ruled that all food products

Osama bin Laden Responsible for the 9/11 Attacks? Where is the Evidence? By David Ray Griffin, May 29 2013

The idea that Osama bin Laden was responsible for the 9/11 attacks has been an article of faith for public officials and the mainstream media. Calling it an “article of faith” points to two features of this idea. On the …

“The Wipeout”: The Attempt to Destroy the Individual By Jon Rappoport, May 28 2013

“What is finished is the idea that this great country is dedicated to the freedom and flourishing of every individual in it. It’s the individual that’s finished. It’s the single, solitary human being that’s finished. It’s every single one of

The Mavi Marmara: Comoros Government Initiates Legal Procedure against Israel at the International Criminal Court (ICC) By Global Research News, May 28 2013

Certain errors are difficult to fix, as the adjacent picture shows.

On May 28, 2013, a Merkava 3 tank found itself upside down in Tzeelim, a training base near Gaza. Loaded, the vehicle surpasses the 90 metric tones of

Canada: Harper’s Foreign Policy – Helping the Rich Get Richer Around the World By Yves Engler, May 28 2013

If the Harper government were honest about its policies, it would proclaim for all to hear: “Our goal is to make the rich richer.”

Many Canadians would agree that has been the effect of Conservative domestic policies, but may be …

Obama’s Presidency: A Disaster for African Americans. Can Black Politics Be Revived? By Glen Ford, May 28 2013

Obama’s presidency has been disastrous for African Americans, who have been economically crushed and disconnected from their historical roots in social struggle. Political fantasists now urge us to put our faith in demographics, claiming that change will inevitably flow from

The Bilderberg, Google and the G8: New Global Tax Regime Already in the Works By Patrick Henningsen, May 28 2013

This year’s annual Bilderberg conference is rapidly approaching – where the world’s political and business elite meet in private to discuss their agenda which will determine future policies that govern global affairs.

Some aspects of this year’s Bilderberg agenda are …

How Obama and Al-Qaeda Became Syrian Bedfellows By Shamus Cooke, May 28 2013

For a president that is executing Bush’s “war on terror” against Al-Qaeda and “it’s affiliates,” it seems odd that President Obama has targeted the secular Syrian government for “regime change.”

Equally odd is that Obama’s strongest military ally on the

The Privatization of Public Wealth: The Heroic Story of Working-class Detroit By Linda Averill, May 28 2013
A city worker on strike at Detroit’s Wastewater Treatment plan, Sept. 30, 2012. Photo: Diane Bukowski

A city worker on strike at Detroit’s Wastewater Treatment plan, Sept. 30, 2012. Photo: Diane Bukowski

Note: This is the first in a series of articles on Black America.

Almost 50 years after the Civil Rights Movement won the 1965

The War on Terror and the Fate of US Democracy By Joseph Kishore, May 28 2013

The speech delivered by President Barack Obama at the National Defense University in Washington, D.C. last week has revealed not only a crisis within the Obama administration and increasingly bitter conflicts within the highest echelons of the state, but also, …

The “Measures of Academic Progress” (MAP) Test in American High Schools By Dylan Murphy, May 28 2013

On Monday, May 13, Seattle Schools Superintendent Jose Banda announced that “High schools may opt out of MAP [Measures of Academic Progress Test] in 2013-14.”

This announcement was greeted with spontaneous celebrations by teachers and students at Garfield High School

European Powers Lift Embargo, Move to Arm Syrian Opposition. Direct Military Support to Al Nusra Terrorists By Johannes Stern, May 28 2013

On Monday the foreign ministers of the European Union (EU) met in Brussels and agreed not to renew the arms embargo against Syria. This will allow each European country to directly arm the Syrian opposition fighting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad,

Greece: the Challenges for the Left and the Need for a Radical Strategy By Panagiotis Sotiris, May 28 2013

For the past three years Greece has been at the same time an experiment in neoliberal social engineering and a laboratory of movements and collective struggles. For the first time in many decades we have the case of a country …

More War, “Kill Courts” at Home. The Real Meaning of Obama’s National Security Speeches By Rep. Ron Paul, May 28 2013

 This past Thursday and Friday, President Obama delivered two speeches designed to outline his new thinking on national security and counter-terrorism. While much was made in the media of the president’s statements at the National Defense University and the US

Freedom of the Cuban Five By Global Research News, May 28 2013
International Committee for the
Freedom of the Cuban 5
Momentum is building:

Participants of 22 Countries and Cubans Living in Miami to Call for the Freedom of the Cuban 5 in Washington DC

All Out to Washington D.C. for the Cuban 5
All Out to Washington D.C. for the
Diet Drinks: America’s Passion for Poison By Charles Foerster, May 28 2013
The voices of medical doctors and research scientists who are aware of the health impacts of artificial sweeteners...
Poor Utilization of the Land Behind Food Shortages in Venezuela By Global Research News, May 27 2013

by Chris Carlson

As Venezuela continues to suffer shortages in many key food items and a dependence on food imports, some officials are pointing poor land utilization as a key cause of the problem.

Last week, Venezuela approved the import