Global Research News

Arab Opinion Reflects Regional Changes By James J. Zogby, June 02 2023

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Government Nudge Units Find the “Best” Ways to Manipulate the Public By Marie Hawthorne, June 02 2023

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‘Cash Is Printed Freedom’ – 530,000 Austrians Demanded Right to Cash Payments be Added to Constitution, But They Are Being Betrayed, Says FPÖ By John Cody, June 02 2023

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US Next Steps on China By Karsten Riise, June 02 2023

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The Insanity that Rules the West By Eric Zuesse, June 02 2023

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WHO Initiative Would ‘Promote Desired Behaviors’ by Surveilling Social Media By Michael Nevradakis, June 02 2023

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Bad Batches (“Hot Lots”) of Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: 4.2% of Pfizer Vaccine Doses Are Deadly, But What About the Rest? By Dr. William Makis, June 02 2023

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Australia’s Ben Roberts-Smith: The Breaking of a Plaster Saint By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 02 2023

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UN Agencies Warn ‘Acute Food Insecurity’ Likely to Worsen in 18 Hunger Hot Spots By Jessica Corbett, June 02 2023

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Kissinger Explains How to Avoid a Third World War By Marc Vandepitte, June 02 2023

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Growing Discontent in Iraq 20 Years After the US Invasion By Shane Quinn, June 02 2023

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Video: “What I’ve Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy: The War Against the Third World” By Frank Dorrel, June 02 2023

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Polish Political Prisoners of the Pro-NATO Regime By Konrad Rękas, June 02 2023

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Reflections on Russia and Crimea: “Helping to Achieve Peace” By Daniel Kovalik and Rick Sterling, June 01 2023

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Kosovo’s PM Albin Kurti’s Ill-Fated Decision By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, June 01 2023

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They Censored at the Behest of the White House: Alleged “Anti-Vaccine Disinformation on Social Media Platforms” By Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, June 01 2023

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Believing Impossible Things. “The Geopolitical Tectonic Plates are Shifting” By Alastair Crooke, June 01 2023

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The US Plan for China By Karsten Riise, June 01 2023

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No Worries No Virus By Mark Keenan, June 01 2023

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Taiwan Under American Nuclear Umbrella? Excellent Move If US Wants WW3 By Drago Bosnic, June 01 2023

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Impending Catastrophe: A Billion Lives Hang in the Balance in Europe and the Middle East By Hans Stehling, June 01 2023

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“DNA Contamination” in Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Vials By Dr. William Makis, June 01 2023

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Weaponizing Anti-Semitism, Bringing Down Corbyn By Asa Winstanley, June 01 2023

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Experts Urge Action to Mitigate ‘Risk of Extinction From AI’ By Kenny Stancil, June 01 2023

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Czech General Warns NATO ‘Is Currently on a Course’ for War with Russia By Kyle Anzalone, June 01 2023

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Zelensky Honored with NATO Award Shortly After Bakhmut’s Defeat By Al Mayadeen, June 01 2023

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11 Signs That Global Conflict Could Soon Spiral Completely Out of Control By Michael Snyder, June 01 2023

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Insisting on “Demilitarized Zone” in Russia, Kiev Shows No Interest in Diplomatic Solutions By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, June 01 2023

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British Police Detain Journalist Kit Klarenberg, Interrogate Him About The Grayzone By Max Blumenthal, June 01 2023

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Authorities Admit Loneliness Epidemic but Shun Responsibility By Dr. Joseph Mercola, June 01 2023

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Libertarian Apologists for Ukraine’s Authoritarianism By Ted Galen Carpenter, May 31 2023

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Russia Issues Arrest Warrant for Lindsey Graham Over ‘Killing Russians’ Remarks By Zero Hedge, May 31 2023

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The Vax Coverup Continues By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 31 2023

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New Documentary Film: Covidism: Contagious Deception By Bonum Vincit, May 31 2023

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Saudi Arabia Set to Join BRICS’ New Development Bank By Ahmed Adel, May 31 2023

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Washington Doctor Under Investigation for Criticizing COVID Policies Wins Emergency Injunction By Michael Nevradakis, May 31 2023

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Green Energy Has a Dirty Secret By Connor Vasile, May 31 2023

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AI More Powerful Than Ukraine and Taiwan By Karsten Riise, May 31 2023

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AUKUS, Congress and Cold Feet By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 31 2023

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Durham Blasts the FBI, But Ignores the Role of Russiagate Ringleader, John Brennan By Mike Whitney, May 31 2023

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Conspirators for the Constitution: When Anti-Government Speech Becomes Sedition By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, May 31 2023

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WEBINAR: Can the BRICS+ Bloc Achieve Durable, Just De-Dollarization? By Prof. Patrick Bond, May 31 2023

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Video: The Covid mRNA Vaccine, Truths and Lies: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Talks with MP Andrew Bridgen By Andrew Bridgen MP, Reiner Fuellmich, and Prof. Joseph Molitorisz, May 31 2023

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Joe Biden Launches His War on Antisemitism By Philip Giraldi, May 31 2023

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Will Moscow Cut Diplomatic Ties with London Over UK Military to Assistance Kiev Regime By Drago Bosnic, May 31 2023

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Moldova President Sandu Targets Media Freedom with New Censorship Institution By Ahmed Adel, May 31 2023

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Died Suddenly: COVID-19 mRNA-Vaccinated Young People Who Died in Their Sleep. SADS Is Not Happening, This Is mRNA Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis Sudden Cardiac Death Phenomenon By Dr. William Makis, May 31 2023

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When Will US Join Global Call to End Ukraine War? By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, May 31 2023

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Europe’s War Against Refugees Is Fueling the Far Right’s Ascension By David Goeßmann, May 30 2023

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Turkey: Erdogan’s Election Victory – What’s Next? By Peter Koenig, May 30 2023

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Why Exactly Does the Government Dump Toxic Fluoride Into ¾ of the US Water Supply? By Ben Bartee, May 30 2023

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The FBI’s Seditious Behavior By Renee Parsons, May 30 2023

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Honoring Military Whistleblowers on Memorial Day By Justin Smulison, May 30 2023

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African Unity and the New Cold War By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 30 2023

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European Parliament to Join the Militarisation Path By Herman Michiel, May 30 2023

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Russia Unofficially Supports Iran Going Nuclear? By Karsten Riise, May 30 2023

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Trade War
Call It “Decoupling” or “De-risking”, US Economic War Against China Doomed to Backfire By Uriel Araujo, May 30 2023

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Target Corporation Partners with Org: Pushing for Kids’ Genders to be Secretly Changed in Schools Without Parental Consent By Hannah Grossman, May 30 2023

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Ukraine War Threatens Biden Megadonor By Paul Sperry, May 30 2023

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Drones Over the Kremlin: Is Ukraine Trying to Assassinate Putin? By Ted Snider, May 30 2023

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The Secret of Erdogan’s Success in Turkey’s 2023 Election By Steven Sahiounie, May 30 2023

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Most Important Medical History Lesson We Must Never Forget By Dr. Joseph Mercola, May 30 2023

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After Bakhmut By Douglas Macgregor, May 30 2023

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Meta and Privacy: The Economy of Data Transgressions By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 30 2023

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Robotic Pills for Gastrointestinal-Tract-Targeted Oral mRNA Delivery By Dr. Peter McCullough, May 30 2023

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Biden Regime Faces First-ever U.S. Lawsuit Over COVID “Vaccine” Injuries, Deaths By Ethan Huff, May 30 2023

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A WHO Pandemic Treaty Would be a Threat to Our Freedom By Prof. Karol Sikora, May 30 2023

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Russian Fascist with Ties to Leading German Neo-Nazis Led Ukrainian-backed Incursion of Russia By Clara Weiss, May 30 2023

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Survivors of Kissinger’s Secret War in Cambodia Reveal Unreported Mass Killings By Nick Turse, May 30 2023

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First Documented Case of Pegasus Spyware Used in an International War Context. Report By Arzu Geybullayeva, May 30 2023

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China’s Belt and Road Diplomacy. Towards Economic Cooperation and Peace By Peter Koenig, May 30 2023

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Did Globalization Drive Far-Right Electoral Success in European States From 1990-2020? By Ben Bartee, May 30 2023


Globalization is the process of political, cultural, and economic integration of national economies and societies at the regional and international levels. This phenomenon arguably threatens the primacy of the state as the main actor on the international stage, supplanted
Dr. Brian Hooker on Environmental Toxins, Causes of Autism and the Need for Vaccine Safety Studies By Prof. Brian S. Hooker and David Marks, May 30 2023

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“Free Trade” as Revealed in the China-United States Paradigm By Wei Ling Chua and Kim Petersen, May 30 2023

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Ophthalmologists Now Ethically Obligated to Denounce COVID-19 Vaccines, as 20,000 New Eye Disorders Are Reported By Lance Johnson, May 29 2023

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Stillbirths are skyrocketing in the Post-Covid Vaccination Era, leaked Hospital Email reveals By Ethan Huff, May 29 2023

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The High Costs of Military Air Shows By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, May 29 2023

Author’s Note and Update 

The US Navy’s “Blue Angel” fighter jet squadron are scheduled to “perform” at Duluth, Minnesota’s military air show on July 15/16, 2023. The economic and environmental costs of such pro-military propaganda stunts that heavily contribute to

Memorandum to War: Manlio Dinucci By Manlio Dinucci, May 28 2023

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Died Suddenly – COVID-19 vaccine injured swimmers: 37 yo Italian swimming champion Claudio Rais was driven to suicide by his Moderna COVID-19 booster Injuries, plus 9 other swimmers collapsing & dying By Dr. William Makis, May 28 2023

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Brain Implants: Neuralink says it has the FDA’s OK to start clinical trials By John Timmer, May 28 2023

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