Global Research News

How COVID Shots Pose National Security Issues. “Warning the Military of what was happening to Army Personnel”. By Neenah Payne, July 20 2023

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Economic and Financial Collapse: “Saudi Crown Prince has a new plan for Lebanon” By Prof. Hussein Gharbieh and Steven Sahiounie, July 20 2023

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U.S. Army Surgeon in Tears: Top Brass Ordered Silence on Vaccine Injuries By Art Moore, July 20 2023

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Fauci, Health Officials Accused of Illegally Approving $26 Billion in Grants Using Taxpayer Dollars By J. J. Brannock, July 20 2023

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John Bolton Accidentally Explains Why US Policy on Russia and China Is Wrong By Caitlin Johnstone, July 20 2023

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How The White House Colluded with Twitter to Censor RFK Jr. and Children’s Health Defense By Michael Nevradakis and Paul D Thacker, July 20 2023

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UN Warns Brain Chips Like Elon Musk’s Neuralink Could be Used as ‘Personality-altering’ Weapons — as FDA Approves Tech for Human Trials By Matthew Phelan, July 20 2023

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Brushing, Flossing Could Help Protect Against Dementia By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 20 2023

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South Africa Showed That BRICS Isn’t What Many of Its Supporters Assumed By Andrew Korybko, July 20 2023

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The Road Ahead: Building a Worldwide Movement Against “Corona Tyranny” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 20 2023
We do not seek to negotiate with corrupt government officials. We question their legitimacy. They are liars. Our intent is to confront the powerful actors behind this criminal endeavor which is literally destroying people’s lives worldwide.
Food Insecurity in Africa and the Politics of NATO Expansion. A Global Food Crisis is Looming By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 20 2023

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As NATO Looks for Answers to the Ukraine Conflict, Poland Seeks the Nuclear Option. Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter, July 20 2023

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Impoverishing Ukraine: “Western Political and Business Interests integrated into the Ukrainian State” By Andrea Peters, July 20 2023

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Is Climate Engineering Real? By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 20 2023

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Cognitive Impairment in Adults – What Role Did COVID Vaccines Play? By Igor Chudov, July 19 2023

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Ukraine’s Unrelenting Demographic Collapse. Towards a Failed State under Kiev Nazi Regime By Drago Bosnic, July 19 2023

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The Asinine Insanity of the ‘Climate Change’/C02 Hoax: Kill the Cows to Save the Earth! By Gary D. Barnett, July 19 2023

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US Projected to Spend $117B on Nuke Command and Control in Next Decade By Colin Demarest, July 19 2023

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Doctors Dying Suddenly: Do Doctor Couples Who Inject mRNA Together Die Suddenly Together? By Dr. William Makis, July 19 2023

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US Expected to Announce New $1.3 Billion Weapons Package for Ukraine By Dave DeCamp, July 19 2023

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USAID Chief Samantha Power Announces Hundreds of Million in Aid to Ukraine By Kyle Anzalone, July 19 2023

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US Using Ukraine as Disposal Ground for Banned Cluster Bombs: Colonel By Al Mayadeen, July 19 2023

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Australia, Deserved Cancellations: Victoria Rejects the Commonwealth Games By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 19 2023

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Study: 74% of Post-Jab Deaths Caused by the Shot By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 19 2023

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China-US Tensions: Kissinger’s Surprise Trip to Beijing By Andrew Korybko, July 19 2023

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Mental Health Round-Ups: The Next Phase of the Government’s War on Thought Crimes By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, July 19 2023

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Villainy in Vilnius By David Stockman, July 19 2023

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SpaceX Satellites Forced to Swerve Every 10 Minutes By Steve Huff, July 19 2023

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WEF Partner Aimed to ‘End’ ‘Private Car Ownership’ to Save the Planet By Catherine Salgado, July 19 2023

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Biden Admin Seeks “Mission Accomplished” Moment to Secure Political Exit Route From Ukraine Proxy War By Jordan Schachtel, July 19 2023

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Climate Disruption: It’s Not Due to CO2 By Prof. Claudia von Werlhof and Silvia Terribili, July 19 2023

More than 120 world leaders last November 2022 attended the COP27 summit in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, amidst a stylized propaganda campaign:

“Our Planet is “Sending a Distress Signal”. 

The focus on CO2 emissions and “Global Warming”

The US-Nazi Connection Since World War II: From Inspiring the Third Reich to Supporting the Neo-Nazis of Ukraine By Timothy Alexander Guzman, July 19 2023

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The Story of Pfizer Inc. A Case Study in Pharmaceutical Empire and Corporate Corruption By Health Freedom Defense Fund, July 19 2023

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Is Africa’s “Peace Initiative” Directed against Russia? The St Petersburg Russia-Africa Summit By Kester Kenn Klomegah, July 18 2023

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Guantanamo. “Enhanced interrogation” Techniques: British Intelligence in the Dock for CIA Torture By Kit Klarenberg, July 18 2023

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Video: The Covid-19 “Vaccine”: Canada’s Dr. Mark Trozzi Targeted for Speaking the Truth By Dr. Peter McCullough, July 18 2023

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That Sour Tonic Known as Truth By Emanuel Pastreich, July 18 2023

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NATO Summit Serves Up Cringe Nothing-Burger. Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter, July 18 2023

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Putin Rejects South Africa’s Request to Not Attend BRICS Summit Over ICC Arrest Warrant By Zero Hedge, July 18 2023

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Video: “Definitive Proof the COVID-19 Vaccines are Causing Death”. Kim Iversen Interviews Peter McCullough By Dr. Peter McCullough, July 18 2023

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Is the United States Pursuing a Permanent Cold War with Russia? By Ted Galen Carpenter, July 18 2023

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Biden Is Calling Up Military Reserves…Are Your Kids Next? By Rep. Ron Paul, July 18 2023

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Capitalism’s Failed Paradigm By Megan Sherman, July 18 2023

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Young Teachers (COVID-19 Vaccinated) Who Died Suddenly During March 2023. 14 Sudden Deaths Examined By Dr. William Makis, July 18 2023

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Pilot Incapacitation: Passenger Took Control of Small Plane, 2006 Piper Meridian, After Pilot Collapsed and Crash Landed Near Runway at Martha’s Vineyard Airport on July 16, 2023. Both Survived! By Dr. William Makis, July 18 2023

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A Bit of Political Theater in Vilnius By Philip Giraldi, July 18 2023

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What If – John Lennon Was the Ultimate Visionary Predicting the Times of Globalization and the Doctrine of Globalism By Peter Koenig, July 18 2023

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Impoverishing Ukraine: What the US and the EU Have Been Doing to the Country for the Past 30 Years By Andrea Peters, July 18 2023

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History of World War II: Axis Powers Position Weakens in North Africa By Shane Quinn, July 18 2023

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The Real History of the War in Ukraine By Jeffrey D. Sachs, July 18 2023

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Record Speed on AI Implementation By Karsten Riise, July 18 2023

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Palestinians Face Existential Threat. Palestine Transformed Into “Surveilled Open Air Prison” By Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, July 18 2023

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NATO Summit Aftermath: Zelensky, “NATO didn’t completely ditch him” By Michael Averko, July 18 2023

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Reject U.S./U.N./CARICOM Plan for an Armed Intervention of Haiti. Black Alliance for Peace By Black Alliance for Peace, July 18 2023

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The Beneficiaries of U.S. Imperialism By Eric Zuesse, July 18 2023

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Truth or Consequences in the War in Ukraine. Dangerous Moment in Time, “Who Do You Trust If You Can’t Trust Those in Power?” By Jerome Irwin, July 17 2023

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Countering the WHO’s “Global Tyranny”: Launch of a New Doorway to Freedom By Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Meryl Nass, July 17 2023

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Turbo Cancer of Salivary Glands: Tragic Story of 33-year-old Californian Woman Whose Life Was Destroyed by Three Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines By Dr. William Makis, July 17 2023

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Fear and Loathing on Air Force One. Seymour Hersh By Seymour M. Hersh, July 17 2023

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Worse Than CBDCs: Globalists Publish Plan for Worldwide “Financial Enslavement” Under “Unified Ledger” By Mike Adams, July 17 2023

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Judge Rejects Biden Administration Bid to Overturn Injunction in Social Media Censorship Case By Michael Nevradakis, July 17 2023

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Western-supplied Weapons “All Burned” in Ukrainian Failed Counteroffensive – NYT By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 17 2023

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Kiev Is Not Any Closer to Joining NATO After Vilnius Summit By Uriel Araujo, July 17 2023

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Hindutva Goes to Washington: Narendra Modi’s US Visit By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 17 2023

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Biden’s Presidency Is Sinking Deeper and Deeper Into Failure By Eric Zuesse, July 17 2023

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War in Syria: French Connection to Idlib By Steven Sahiounie, July 17 2023

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Video: The Third Reich Never Died. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich By Reiner Fuellmich and Sweden Under Rewiew, July 17 2023

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Loss of US Cultural Power. “The End of Hollywood as We Know It” By Karsten Riise, July 17 2023

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Is Biden Preparing to Take the U.S. to War Against Russia? By Larry Johnson, July 17 2023

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The Federal Debt Trap: Issues and Possible Solutions By Ellen Brown, July 17 2023

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Video: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: Media Censorship Undermines Independent News By Robert F. Kennedy Jr, July 17 2023

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Dying of Influenza: “2023 Will be Deadliest Flu Season.” Why COVID-19 Vaccinated Young Australians Are Dying of the Flu, and How Their Deaths Will be Used to Push New mRNA Influenza Vaccines By Dr. William Makis, July 17 2023

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NATO Isn’t Defending Ukraine. It’s Stabbing It in the Back By Jonathan Cook, July 17 2023

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Free-Thinkers vs. No-Thinkers: The Ultimate Political Division By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, July 17 2023

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Former Kiev Diplomat: Biden’s Corruption Led to Ukraine’s Destruction By Andrii Telizhenko and Aaron Mate, July 17 2023

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Political Theater in Nepal Is Driving Citizen Flight By Barbara Nimri Aziz, July 17 2023

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Video: Max Blumenthal Addresses UN Security Council on Ukraine Aid By Max Blumenthal, July 17 2023

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US Wants Neither Peace Nor Dialogue: Some Voices Call for Disintegration of Russia By Uriel Araujo, July 17 2023

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Godless Fake Science. The Importance of Truth By Mark Keenan, July 16 2023

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Video: America is at War with Europe By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 16 2023
The evidence amply confirms that The Nord Stream was the object of an act of sabotage ordered by President Joe Biden. Nord Stream –which originates in Russia– transits through the (maritime) territorial jurisdiction of 4 member states of the EU. From a legal standpoint (International Law: UN Charter, Law of the Sea) this was a U.S. Act of War against the EU.