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“The Sound of Freedom”, The Abuse against Innocent Children: Politicians and Public Figures have Remained Conspicuously Silent By Stephen Karganovic, August 01 2023

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The Deep State Is All Too Real By David Bernhardt, August 01 2023

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U.S. Media Calls for New PATRIOT Act Against So-called “Domestic Terrorists” By Ben Bartee, August 01 2023

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Thinker, Poet, Philosopher Giordano Bruno Devoted to the Truth, condemned by the Roman Inquisition, 475 Years Later By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, August 01 2023

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Gender and Politics By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, August 01 2023

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mRNA COVID Vaccines May be Triggering ‘Turbo Cancers’ in Young People: Experts By Megan Redshaw, August 01 2023

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Measuring the Mandates: Assessing the State’s Response to COVID-19 By Richard Cox, August 01 2023

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Moscow Accused of Inciting “Hunger Games”: The World Will Not Face Wheat Crisis in the Wake of the “Ukraine Deal” By F. William Engdahl, August 01 2023

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Liberation Philosophy. The Convergence of Catastrophes Facing the West. Youssef Hindi By Alexander Wolfheze, August 01 2023

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Algeria Will Play An Important Role If West Africa Descends Into War? By Andrew Korybko, August 01 2023

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Western Weapons sent to Ukraine end up in the Hands of African Terrorists By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 01 2023

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mRNA Vaccine: The COVID-19 Spike Injury You Need to Know About By Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 01 2023

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The Ukraine War Will Only End When and How the Deep State Says It Will? By Jerome Irwin, August 01 2023

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State of the World: “Political Treachery, Deceptions, Lies and Criminality”. Colonel Pedro Baños By Peter Koenig, August 01 2023

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Video: Fractured Nation. The Pillaging of Western Canada By Aaron Gunn, August 01 2023

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Video: Hiroshima Day. “The Privatization of Nuclear War”. Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 01 2023
While one can conceptualize the loss of life and destruction resulting from present-day wars including Iraq and Afghanistan, it is impossible to fully comprehend the devastation which might result from a Third World War, using “new technologies” and advanced weapons, until it occurs and becomes a reality.
Biden Regime Allows Big Pharma to Loot Medicare? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 31 2023

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Bankers Rule The Economic World via Debt By Mark Keenan, July 31 2023

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UK Training Ukrainian Soldiers to Invade Crimea By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 31 2023

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The West Wants Nigeria to Invade Its Northern Neighbor By Andrew Korybko, July 31 2023

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The Assertion by Israel to Have the Only Valid Claim to Palestinian Land Is “Dangerous Nonsense”! By Hans Stehling, July 31 2023

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Seven Reasons Why Russia Dominates in Ukraine By Drago Bosnic, July 31 2023

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The 77th Anniversary of the Bombing of Nagasaki. Unwelcome Truths for Church and State By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, July 31 2023

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“Russia Starves the World.” Italy’s Meloni “Confirms It”. The Causes of Hunger are Manipulation of Food Prices and Corporate “Land Grabbing” By Manlio Dinucci, July 31 2023

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Putin Issues Stark Warning to Poland and NATO By Larry Johnson, July 31 2023

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Young Teachers (COVID-19 Vaccinated) Who Died Suddenly During Jan-Feb 2023 By Dr. William Makis, July 31 2023

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The Darkness Ahead: Where the Ukraine War Is Headed By John J. Mearsheimer, July 31 2023

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The Ever Widening War. Paul Craig Roberts By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 31 2023

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“Multipolarity and Equality”, Russia-Africa Collaboration and the St Petersburg Summit: Time to Act on Multidimensional Economic Initiatives By Prof. Maurice Okoli, July 31 2023

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Carl Sagan Warned Us about Fauci and “Authoritarian Science” By Ben Bartee, July 31 2023

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Bishop Alvarez and the U.S. April 2018 Insurrection against Nicaragua: An Open Letter to President Lula of Brazil By Reverend Fred Morris, July 31 2023

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Let Them Eat Bugs: Challenging the WEF’s Corporate-Driven Food Reset By Colin Todhunter, July 31 2023

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AUSMIN and Assange: The Great Vassal Smackdown By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 31 2023

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Wildfires in Syria Used as a Weapon of War By Steven Sahiounie, July 31 2023

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Serbia Asserts Its Sovereignty as a Nation State. No Recognition of the US-NATO Sponsored “Kosovo Republic”. Zivadin Jovanovic By Živadin Jovanović and Enrico Vigna, July 30 2023

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Electromagnetic and Informational Weapons: The Remote Manipulation of the Human Brain By Mojmir Babacek, July 30 2023

Editors Note:

We bring to our readers this carefully documented review article by Mojmir Babajek first published in 2004.

While the text deals with a number of complex scientific processes, the implications of these findings are far-reaching. This study also

Across the West, People Are Dying in Greater Numbers. Nobody Wants to Learn Why By Jonathan Cook, July 30 2023

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The Heroic Archbishop Viganò: The Corrupt Billionaire Agenda, “SARS-CoV-2 Virus is Nothing but a Seasonal Flu” By His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò and Steve Bannon, July 30 2023

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Are Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) Destined to Fail? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, July 30 2023

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Enough of the Ukrainian Clown Show! Ukraine and the “Borderlands”. Historical Analysis By David Stockman, July 29 2023

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Russia-North Korea “High Level Defense” Talks. Sergei Shoigu’s Visit to Pyongyang By Drago Bosnic, July 29 2023

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Nothing Is Protected These Days. “The assault against identity and freedom has been massive, beyond belief” By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, July 29 2023

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Israel on the Brink of Constitutional Anarchy By Steven Sahiounie, July 29 2023

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AI to Force 12 Million American Workers to Look for Jobs By Karsten Riise, July 29 2023

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New “Thrust” in Ukrainian Counteroffensive Not Enough to Reverse Military Scenario By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 29 2023

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Brain Aneurysms: People Who Died Suddenly From Aneurysms (Likely COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Injury to Blood Vessels) By Dr. William Makis, July 29 2023

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U.S. Homeland Security Denies RFK Jr. “Secret Service Protection”: “This Man is a National Treasure” By Ben Bartee, July 29 2023

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White House Concerned Over Niger Coup By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 29 2023

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Barbie Pathologies: It’s All About a Doll By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 29 2023

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Amid Disagreements, EU-CELAC Summit Shows Latin America Growing in Importance By Uriel Araujo, July 29 2023

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Video: The Threat of Nuclear Annihilation. Helen Caldicott By Dr. Helen Caldicott and Michael Welch, July 29 2023

First published by Global Research on August 22, 2018

This exclusive interview for GRTV features one of the world’s leading anti-nuclear advocates, Dr. Helen Caldicott, addressing the threat of a deliberate or accidental nuclear war 73 years after the

Video. The Imminent Danger of a Nuclear War. Technical and Political Glitches: “You Can Win a Nuclear War” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 29 2023

First published on August 23, 2018

Professor Michel Chossudovsky has been tracking and analyzing the trajectory of U.S. military planning for the last two decades and has been at the forefront of dissecting the propaganda describing these projects as ‘self

Why We Must Fix the Media – and Save the World. Hollywood’s “Just Wars” By Matthew Alford, July 28 2023

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Black Radical News in 2023: Mumia’s Fate, African Colonialism, and the Zone of Peace in the Americas. By Michael Welch, Abayomi Azikiwe, and Johanna Fernandez, July 28 2023

(Originally published April 14, 2023)

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Video: Women and Children First! Baby Gap and Young People’s Excess Mortality in Switzerland By Prof. Konstantin Beck, July 28 2023

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US-NATO’s War against Yugoslavia: The Criminal Nature of The Hague ICTY Tribunal By Alexander Wolfheze, July 28 2023

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Techno-Hell: Pfizer mRNA Flu Shots Soon to Hit Pharmacies Worldwide By Ben Bartee, July 28 2023

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The Top 10 Largest Nuclear Explosions, Visualized By Mark Belan, July 28 2023

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Towards a New Peace and Multipolar Security Thinking for A Cooperative and Peaceful World By Jan Oberg, July 28 2023

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“Decoupling”: Washington’s Plan to Kneecap China’s Economy By Mike Whitney, July 28 2023

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The Philippines: Amid Threat of Regional War, Socialists Oppose US Militarisation and China’s Bullying By Sonny Melencio and Federico Fuentes, July 28 2023
Study: Trinity Nuclear Test Fallout Impacted 46 States, Canada, and Mexico By Connor Freeman, July 28 2023

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BRICS’ Financial and Geopolitical Options: The New Development Bank (NDB). Putin Meets Dilma Rousseff in St. Petersburg By Prof. Maurice Okoli, July 28 2023

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Former Journalist Blows the Whistle on CBC’s COVID-19 Coverage By Michael Welch, July 27 2023

“On February 27 of this year, papers with hundreds of profiles of suspected COVID vaccine injuries and deaths were plastered onto the doors and windows of CBC Toronto. I had a really hard time looking at those pictures, because that

Beijing Will Respond to CIA Threats of Expanding Spy Network in China By Drago Bosnic, July 27 2023

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The Taylor Swift Exploitation Machine By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 27 2023

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COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Injury Treatment – Nigella Sativa (Black Seed Extract) By Dr. William Makis, July 27 2023

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Kiev Regime Plans to Continue Attacking Crimea By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 27 2023

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Collateral Damage: American Civilian Survivors of the 1945 Trinity Atomic Bomb Test By Lesley M. M. Blume, July 27 2023

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Millions to Lose Job to AI in Three Years By Karsten Riise, July 27 2023

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Justin Trudeau’s “Democracy” and the Freedom Convoy: The “Coutts Four” Denied Bail, in Prison in Canada for Over 500 Days Without Trial. Are They Political Prisoners? By Ray McGinnis, July 27 2023

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A Legitimacy Scandal Rocks Bosnia and Herzegovina. “Technically a Sovereign State”, Who is in Charge? By Stephen Karganovic, July 27 2023

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Whether You Live in a Small Town or a Big City, the Government Is Still Out to Get You By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, July 27 2023

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Niger Soldiers Overthrow Western Allied Government By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 27 2023

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On Global Security Models and Their Functionality By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, July 27 2023

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One in Thirty-five MRNA Booster Recipients Had Jab-Associated Myocardial Injury By Mark Taliano, July 27 2023

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President Biden Makes the CIA Director Member of His Cabinet: Message and Consequence By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, July 27 2023

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Russian Military Instructors in Africa. St Petersburg Russia-Africa Summit By Kester Kenn Klomegah, July 26 2023

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Albanian Narco-terrorists, the KLA and the UK Cocaine Market By Drago Bosnic, July 26 2023

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Cardiac Arrest: Lebron James’s 18-year-old Son Bronny James Had a Cardiac Arrest During Practice on July 24, 2023. He Was Fully COVID-19 Vaccinated. By Dr. William Makis, July 26 2023

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