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Some New Developments in the Spy Business. The CIA Is in the News but Not for the Right Reasons By Philip Giraldi, August 08 2023

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Strategic Visit? Victoria Nuland in Niamey: Some Interesting Details About Her Discussions in Niger By Andrew Korybko, August 08 2023

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History of World War II: Axis Position Weakens in North Africa: “The end of the Axis’ power in Africa was only a matter of time.” By Shane Quinn, August 08 2023

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Emerging New Political Order: Niger’s Military Coup d’Etat and Its Implications for Africa By Prof. Maurice Okoli, August 08 2023

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Niger – The Liberation from “Independence” By Peter Koenig, August 08 2023

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Wie das grenzenlose Problem der Gewalt lösen? By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, August 08 2023

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Peter Pan Man: Elon Musk’s Rebranding of Twitter By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 08 2023

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“Unidentified Aerial Phenomena”(UAP): What’s Up with All the Elites’ Alien Talk? Let’s Talk Motive By Ben Bartee, August 07 2023

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How to Solve the Boundless Problem of Violence? By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, August 07 2023

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Russophobic Policies in Latvia: Thousands of Ethnic Russian Citizens Ordered to Leave the Country By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 07 2023

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Died Suddenly on Vacation: Collapsing on the Beach. Covid Vaccinated while on Holidays By Dr. William Makis, August 07 2023

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Carbon Dioxide Is the Least of Our Worries By Josh Mitteldorf, August 07 2023

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Indicting a President Is a New Development in America’s Decline: How It Happened By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 07 2023

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Latin America and West Africa – Patterns of Neocolonialism By Stephen Sefton, August 07 2023

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Dangerous Crossroads, “Towards Total War”? Supported by US-NATO, Kiev Regime Wages Attacks, Targets “Inside Russian Territory” By Drago Bosnic, August 07 2023

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History: The Making of Modern Russia from Ivan the Great (1462) to Alexander I (1815) By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, August 07 2023

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American Public Rejects Continuous US Funding of Ukraine By Peter Koenig and Press TV, August 07 2023

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Fire! Fire! Fire! … But Wait a Moment… By Julian Rose, August 07 2023

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Video: The Ukraine Crisis – What You’re Not Being Told By StormCloudsGathering, August 07 2023

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U.S. Government on “Wrong Side” of Ukraine War. Who Started the War? By Eric Zuesse, August 07 2023

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Apology to the Japanese People and the World on the 78th Anniversary of the Bombing of Hiroshima By Emanuel Pastreich, August 07 2023

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Islamophobia: Scapegoating Muslims in France By Salah Lamrani, August 07 2023

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A “Purely Military” Target? Truman’s Changing Language About Hiroshima By Prof. Alex Wellerstein, August 07 2023

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On the 78th Anniversary of Hiroshima: An Urgent Call for Peace Action. Canadian Peace Congress By Canadian Peace Congress, August 07 2023

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Video: Why Are We Still in Afghanistan? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and James Corbett, August 07 2023
The 9/11 attacks were categorized as act of war by a foreign nation (Afghanistan) against a member of the Atlantic Alliance (the USA). Afghanistan had attacked America. Under NATO’s doctrine of collective security the terror attack on the WTC was an act of war by a foreign country against all NATO member states.
The US-Australia AUSMIN 2023 Talks, Building for War against China? The US Imperium’s Top End Spend By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 07 2023

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Israel Lights Up Palestinian Refugee Camp Violence in Lebanon By Steven Sahiounie, August 07 2023

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Retired Suddenly: NFL Players and International Soccer Players Injured After Taking COVID-19 Vaccines. Pericarditis, Arrhythmia, “Heart Conditions”, Blood Clots in Legs & Lungs By Dr. William Makis, August 07 2023

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Counting the Dead at Hiroshima and Nagasaki By Prof. Alex Wellerstein, August 06 2023

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Hiroshima: A “Military Base” according to President Harry Truman By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 06 2023
“The World will note that the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima a military base. That was because we wished in this first attack to avoid, insofar as possible, the killing of civilians..”(President Harry S. Truman in a radio speech to the Nation, August 9, 1945).
Video: Nuclear War between Russia and the US. “Nuclear Winter” By Future of Life Institute and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 06 2023

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How So Many Americans Learned to “Stop Worrying” and “Love the Nukes” By Edward Curtin, August 06 2023

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Hiroshima-Nagasaki: Remembering One of Humanity’s Worst Catastrophes, 78 Years On By John Steinbach, August 06 2023

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Hiroshima Day 2023. Towards a World War III Scenario: The Privatization of Nuclear War By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and James Corbett, August 06 2023
At no point since the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945, has humanity been closer to the unthinkable. All the safeguards of the Cold War era have been scrapped. “Offensive” military actions using nuclear warheads are now described as acts of “self-defense”
The Moral Legacy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, August 06 2023

First published by GR on August 8, 2010

“We have discovered the most terrible bomb in the history of the world. It may be the fire destruction prophesied in the Euphrates Valley Era, after Noah and his fabulous Ark…. This

Nuclear War or Invasion: The False Dichotomy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki By Brett Wilkins, August 06 2023

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Albert Einstein’s 1948 Letter to the NYT Warning Of Zionist Fascism In Israel By Dr. Albert Einstein, August 05 2023

Global Research Editor’s Note

Of  relevance to recent developments in Israel, we bring to the attention of our readers the following letter by Albert Einstein, et al, to the NYT published on December 4, 1948.

It is of utmost significance

Preparing to Wage a Nuclear War? Nuclear Attack F-16 Fighters to Ukraine By Manlio Dinucci, August 05 2023
US-NATO escalation against Russia brings Europe to the threshold of nuclear war. The political-media complex falls a "curtain of silence" so as not to alarm European public opinion and prevent it from reacting.
August 6: Humanity for Peace International Demonstration By Kevin Gribbroek, August 05 2023

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Corona Crisis: Silencing Dissenting Medical Doctors in New Zealand By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, August 04 2023

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The Geopolitics of Central Asia: The Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan Triangle By Andrew Korybko, August 04 2023

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Target China By Mike Whitney, August 04 2023

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Fitch Ratings Downgrades U.S.: “Erosion of Governance, Fiscal Mismanagement” Attributable to Debt and War Spending By Uriel Araujo, August 04 2023

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Are They Really Fighting Terrorists? U.S. Occupation Forces in Syria Receive New Weapons for a Future Conflict with Syrian and Russian Forces By Timothy Alexander Guzman, August 04 2023

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Climate Instability Worldwide: Does the US Military “Own the Weather”? “Weaponizing the Weather” as an Instrument of Modern Warfare? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 04 2023
Weather-modification, according to the US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report, “offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary”, capabilities, it says, extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes
Kiev Regime Involved in Child Trafficking By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 04 2023

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Video: Blackrock, State Street and Vanguard Have the Ability of “Buying Up” Entire Countries By Patrick Bet-David, Joe Rogan, Peter Koenig, Manlio Dinucci, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 04 2023

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Lessons from the Korean War By M. K. Bhadrakumar, August 04 2023

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Syria: A Tale of Plunder and Resurrection By Pepe Escobar, August 04 2023

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mRNA COVID Vaccines and Pregnancy: Turbo Cancers in New Mothers (COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated) By Dr. William Makis, August 04 2023

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Foreign Armed Intervention in Haiti: Kenya Chooses Imperialist Servitude Over Pan-African Solidarity By Black Alliance for Peace, August 04 2023

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The New Woke Order By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, August 04 2023

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“The Choice of Resistance” By Dr. Dina Y. Sulaeman, August 03 2023

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Video: “There is no corona pandemic but only a PCR Test plandemic”. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich By Reiner Fuellmich, August 03 2023

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Trailer for ‘Oppenheimer’: Lt General Leslie Groves (Matt Damon) Challenges Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer (Cillian Murphy) By Jen Juneau, August 03 2023

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Trinity’s Shadow: First Atomic Bomb Named Trinity. Terrifying Predicament that Many Wish to Ignore By Edward Curtin, August 03 2023

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False Perceptions of BRICS? An Alliance of “Sovereign Countries” Committed to “Dedollarization” By Andrew Korybko, August 03 2023

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What Impact Will Trudeau’s Marital Separation Have on His Political Career? By Marnie Cathcart, August 03 2023

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Turbo Cancer in Doctors: Top Breast Cancer Surgeon and Top 20 Oncologist Influencers By Dr. William Makis, August 03 2023

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Three African Military Governments Say They Will Resist Any Western-backed Intervention in Niger By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 03 2023

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Science and Public Interest Halt the Push for GM Crops in India: Approval by Contamination? By Colin Todhunter, August 03 2023

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American Public’s Confidence in U.S.Armed Forces has Plummeted. Gallup poll By Ahmed Adel, August 03 2023

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Russia’s “Ocean Shield” Naval Exercises in the Baltic Sea. Not a “NATO lake” By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 03 2023

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Kiev’s Secret Plan Regarding Zelensky’s Replacement. Western Media Report By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 03 2023

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The Jeffrey Epstein Files: Trove of Never-before-seen Emails and Calendars Gives Unprecedented Insight Into Late Pedophile’s Network of Power and Influence that Includes Chris Rock, Peter Thiel, and Richard Branson By Daniel Bates, August 03 2023

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Attacks on RFK Jr. as a “Conspiracy Theorist” Show All the Hallmarks of CIA Disinformation By Jeremy Kuzmarov, August 03 2023

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Transition to a New Global Order By Jacob Nordangard, August 03 2023

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Blinken Meets ASEAN: Turning Southeast Asia Against China By Brian Berletic, August 02 2023
Is Nuclear War Comparable to Climate Change? By Peter Koenig, August 02 2023

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French Invasion of Niger could Turn Into an “All-out Franco-African War”? By Drago Bosnic, August 02 2023

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The Boom Bust Bailout Process that Places Nations in Debt By Mark Keenan, August 02 2023

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“Fighting Child-Sex Trafficking” and the “Elite Pedo Rings”: There Is Something Terribly Wrong with Media’s Reaction to the “Sound of Freedom” Movie By Vigilant Citizen, August 02 2023

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The Media’s “New Narrative”: Niger Is Now a Global Epicenter of Terrorism By Andrew Korybko, August 02 2023

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Collapsed Suddenly: 18-year-old Colombian World Cup Star Linda Caicedo Collapsed at Training By Dr. William Makis, August 02 2023

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Technocensorship: The U.S. Government’s War on So-Called Dangerous Ideas By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, August 02 2023

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The Day Australian Sovereignty Died By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 02 2023

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Russia-Africa Summit Held Amid Worsening Global Security Situation By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 02 2023

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“Green” Values: What Is the West Really Fighting for in Ukraine By South Front, August 02 2023

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Died Suddenly While Hiking or Climbing – The Perils of Being COVID-19 Vaccinated By Dr. William Makis, August 02 2023

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Germany, Second Arms Supplier to Ukraine. Unspoken Agenda? The History of Germany’s Eastern Territories Ceded to Poland By M. K. Bhadrakumar, August 02 2023

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