Global Research News

Video: Syrian Army Reaches Deir Ezzor City. Large Scale anti-ISIS Operation By South Front, September 04 2017

Government forces have lifted a 3-years long ISIS siege from the city of Deir Ezzor, according to pro-government sources.

Last weekend, government forces, led by the SAA Tiger Forces and supported by the Russian Aerospace Forces, recaptured a large area

British Troops Withdraw From South Syria, End Training to Militants By Andrew Illingworth, September 04 2017

The United Kingdom has withdrawn its troops from the coalition-operated al-Tanf base in Syria’s southwestern desert and de facto ended all military assistance hitherto provided to Free Syrian Army (FSA) affiliated mercenaries in the region.

Just like US military personnel …

The Peanut – North Korea Tests a New Nuke – Continues to Press for Negotiations By Moon of Alabama, September 04 2017

Earlier today North Korea published pictures of its leader Kim Jong Un admiring a thermonuclear device or H-bomb. Hours later it tested such a bomb in an underground explosion. The North Korean news agency announced:

Pyongyang, September 3 (KCNA)

Working Together to Usher in the Second “Golden Decade” of BRICS Cooperation By Pres. Xi Jinping, September 04 2017

Your Excellency President Michel Temer,

Your Excellency President Jacob Zuma,

Representatives of the Business Community,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Friends,

Good afternoon! It is my great pleasure to have all of you with us in the beautiful …

Did Defense Secretary James Mattis Commit War Crimes in Iraq? By Aaron Glantz, September 04 2017

This article was first published in January 2017. Is “Mad Dog” James Mattis who is now in charge of the Pentagon a war criminal?

Retired Gen. James Mattis earned the nickname “Mad Dog” for leading U.S. Marines into battle in

Unnerving the Donald: North Korea’s Sixth Nuclear Test By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 04 2017

We are now into reckless territory with the latest North Korean nuclear test – in all probability a genuine hydrogen weapon – sending the ever reckless US President Donald Trump into a true state of belligerent adolescence.

After Saturday midnight, …

Russia-gate’s Totalitarian Style By Robert Parry, September 04 2017

It is a basic rule from Journalism 101 that when an allegation is in serious doubt – or hasn’t been established as fact – you should convey that uncertainty to your reader by using words like “alleged” or “purportedly.” But

Gallup: Only Republicans’ Trust in Newsmedia Plunged After 2003 By Eric Zuesse, September 04 2017

On August 25th, Gallup headlined “Republicans’, Democrats’ Views of Media Accuracy Diverge”, and reported that ever since America’s newsmedia in 2003 tried to postpone and suppress the findings that there had been no WMD (weapons of mass destruction) in

North Korea: “Annihilation”, “Massive Military Response” or Economic Warfare? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 04 2017
Now “Mad Dog” Mattis heads the Pentagon, in charge of both tactical and strategic nuclear weapons, threatening an entire country with a Fallujah inspired “Massive Military Response”. The same criminal motivations prevail on a much larger scale. North Korea lost 30% of its population as a result of US carpet bombing during the Korean war. Let’s be under no illusions: It was a policy of total annihilation.
UK Trident Nuclear Deterrent Useless, Against Israeli Cruise Missile Fleet By Anthony Bellchambers, September 03 2017

The British Trident ‘deterrent’ is a £100 billion bad joke when Israel now has a nuclear­-armed, state­-of­-the­-art fleet of five German-built submarines armed with SLCM Cruise missiles that can already blow a British SLBM-armed Trident submarine out of the water

Thermochemical Gas Fracturing: Russia Claims to Have Invented Alternative to Hydraulic Fracking By Tsvetana Paraskova, September 03 2017

Russian scientists and local oil field services companies claim to have created a technology for thermochemical gas fracturing that could be an alternative to hydraulic fracturing and could increase oil production by between 1.7 and 6 times, Russia’s news agency

Russia Protests US Searches of Its Diplomatic Facilities By Stephen Lendman, September 03 2017

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: (Home – Stephen Lendman). Contact at [email protected].

The Trump administration ordered the closure of Russia’s San Francisco consulate, a chancery annex in Washington, and a New York consular annex – effective

Russia Does Not Want War and Is Not Going to Participate in It — Lavrov By Sergey Lavrov, September 03 2017

The Russian people do not want war and do not plan to take part in it, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday, speaking to students and teachers of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), an academic

“Civil War” and Geopolitics in South Sudan By P.D. Lawton, September 03 2017

Featured image: US freelancer Christopher Allen killed while reporting in South Sudan (Source: Twitter)

Last week, Christopher Allen, a young American journalist was killed on the 27 August by South Sudanese government forces near the Ugandan border of South

A North Korean H-Bomb? Another Nuclear Test? By Stephen Lendman, September 03 2017

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: (Home – Stephen Lendman). Contact at [email protected].

Pyongyang claimed it developed a hydrogen bomb miniaturized enough to fit atop a ballistic missile, according to its KCNA news agency.

Kim Jong-un was

“Voices From Syria” that the West Has Refused to Listen to By Michel Raimbaud, September 03 2017

I have finished the reading of Mark Taliano’s upsetting and comforting book “dedicated to the people of Syria, all of whom are on the frontlines against international terrorism”.

The author is a rigorous investigator and makes no secret of …

Vaccination and the Semmelweis Reflex: Rejecting New Medical Evidence “Because it Contradicts and Refutes Established Norms” By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, September 03 2017

“It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong.”  – Voltaire

“If you offend the powers that be; if you offend the public health establishments; if you offend the pharmaceutical industry and threaten their

London Grenfell Tower Fire Tragedy: Criminal Negligence of the Professional By Anthony Bellchambers, September 03 2017

All polymer foams – polyurethane, polystyrene and polyethylene, are fire accelerators that will not only quickly combust but will burn with the production of hugely toxic hydrogen-cyanide gas. Anyone in close proximity of such dangerous combustion will be either burned

Big Pharma’s Battle against Vitamins and Homeopathic Medicine By Wendell O. Belfield, Jr., September 03 2017

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” (Upton Sinclair)

(OMNS Sept 1, 2017) Now there’s yet another article cautioning readers to not take vitamins because they

Thailand’s Ousted Prime Minister Shinawatra Flees Abroad: The Rest of the Story By Joseph Thomas, September 03 2017

Shortly before ousted Thai prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra was to face a court ruling for her failed populist rice subsidy scheme, she reportedly fled the country, joining her likewise fugitive brother Thaksin Shinawatra in hiding abroad. Thaksin Shinawatra was himself

U.S. Secretly Backing ISIS in Syria By Eric Zuesse, September 03 2017

Russian television headlined on September 1st, “Syrian rebel defector says his US-trained unit sold arms to ISIS”, and reported statements by a defector from — a man who had quit — the U.S.-backed Maghawir al-Thawra group, the remnants of

FBI, DHS Officially Classify “Antifa” Activities as “Domestic Terrorist Violence” By Zero Hedge, September 03 2017

President Trump was crucified by the mainstream media a few weeks back after hosting an improvised press conference and saying there was “blame on both sides” for the violence in Charlottesville that resulted in the death of a counterprotester. The

Trans-sexualism: America’s Latest Advertising Coup By Adam Garrie, September 03 2017

Gore Vidal once remarked that advertising was the only art form that America ever created. Beyond this, America’s ideological debates are both a product of and a symptom of a culture where everything is commodified and when there is nothing

Russia Slowly but Surely Putting an End to the American Empire? By Darius Shahtahmasebi, September 03 2017

Over the past few weeks, some dramatic stories and a potential nuclear war have taken the media’s attention away from the non-story that is the Russiagate-election scandal. But as attention veers away from the Russian hacking narrative, why are genuine

Joe Arpaio Is No Aberration By Margaret Kimberley, September 03 2017

Even most leftish white Americans like to think that their country is good and its institutions are fair and equitable. According to this wishful thinking human rights abuses only happen in faraway places and injustices here are resolved by reining

Taliban Leader Claims that Group Controls Over Half of Afghanistan. “Taliban Not Connected to Terrorist Attacks” By Islamic World News, September 03 2017

Featured image: Taliban leader Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada (Source: South Front)

Taliban leader Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada in a message on the occasion of Eid Al-Adha announced that the departure of all American and NATO forces from Afghanistan is the only solution

Attempted Political Coup Underway in Kenya By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 03 2017

In an unprecedented legal decision four members out of seven within the Kenyan Supreme Court struck down the results of the presidential elections which were held on August 8.

Four members voted in favor of nullification, two were dissenting, while …

Arkema Texas Plant Explodes, Again. Major Public Health Emergency By Stephen Lendman, September 03 2017

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: (Home – Stephen Lendman). Contact at [email protected].

On August 31, two explosions rocked the plant, causing toxic chemical fires, contaminating air and water.

The company’s web site said the “threat of

US Military Battles Syrian Rebels Armed by CIA By Jason Ditz, September 03 2017

US ground troops were attacked outside of the Syrian city of Manbij today, according to coalition spokesman Col. Ryan Dillon. They came under fire from Syrian rebels allied with Turkey, and US forces returned fire before fleeing back into

Rethinking Conspiracy By Shawn Hamilton, September 03 2017

First published by Global Research on November 17, 2014

The terms “conspiracy theorist” and “conspiracy nut” are used frequently to discredit a perceived adversary using emotional rather than logical appeals. It’s important for the sake of true argument that we

Selected Articles: BRICS: Weakening US Hegemony, Reshaping the Global Economy? By Global Research News, September 03 2017

In light of the ninth BRICS summit which will be held in Xiamen, China on September 4 and 5, Global Research brings to your attention some articles on the framework and roadmap of the BRICS partnership. 

Will the US empire

US Contempt for Rule of Law: Dismal Bilateral Relations, America’s Deep State Confronts Moscow By Stephen Lendman, September 02 2017

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: (Home – Stephen Lendman). Contact at [email protected].

Republican and undemocratic Democrats flagrantly breach international, constitutional and US statute laws.

They demand subservience from all other nations. They treat US citizens contemptuously.

Syria’s White Helmets and Terrorists: The Jib-Al-Qubeh War Crime in Aleppo, Denied by Channel 4 By Vanessa Beeley, September 02 2017

“Harrowing footage published by the White Helmets volunteer rescue group showed a street littered with corpses and body parts, after civilians fleeing eastern Aleppo were reportedly hit by (regime) artillery fire. Shoes, clothing, suitcases and bags could be seen among

Remember 9/11. Where is the Truth. This Week’s Events By AE911Truth, September 02 2017

Event Info:

Sept. 6 Dr. Hulsey Presentation Livestreamed from Alaska

Sept. 11 Bobby McIlvaine Act News Conference in D.C.

In addition to the two major events that AE911Truth is organizing, Richard Gage, AIA, will be appearing in two other

Tal Afar Liberation Signals the End of ISIS-Daesh Presence in Northern Iraq By Al Shahid, September 02 2017

Following a swift campaign and assault on the Tal Afar district, the Iraqi forces within a matter of days cleared the last pockets of Daesh militants from Ayadiyah. With that, the Iraqi Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi declared the province of

Video: Never Ending War in Afghanistan. Trump’s New Strategy Leads to Further Escalation of Conflict By South Front, September 02 2017

On August 30, the Taliban claimed that it downed a US helicopter in the Afghan province of Logar and that 20 US soldiers were killed in the attack.

A spokesman for the US military in Afghanistan, Bob Purtiman, denied …

Threatening China: US Intends Increased Military Patrols in South China Sea By Stephen Lendman, September 02 2017

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: (Home – Stephen Lendman). Contact at [email protected].

Washington has dismal bilateral relations with Russia, China and other sovereign independent nations.

Things got worse with the ordered closure of Russia’s San Francisco

The Reasons for Netanyahu’s Panic By Alastair Crooke, September 02 2017

A very senior Israeli intelligence delegation, a week ago, visited Washington. Then, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu broke into President Putin’s summer holiday to meet him in Sochi, where, according to a senior Israeli government official (as cited in the 

Washington Is Preparing for Nuclear War in Europe By Johannes Stern, September 02 2017

Amid mounting military and diplomatic tensions between the US and Russia, the German daily Süddeutsche Zeitung reported Friday that the American Congress has taken the first steps toward Washington’s annulling of the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.

The INF, …

Analysis: Harvey Triggered Release of Nearly a Million Pounds of Toxic Air Pollutants By Jessica Corbett, September 02 2017

Featured image: Texas refineries and petrochemical plants affected by Hurricane Harvey have released nearly 1 million pounds of seven dangerous air pollutants, and upwards of 2 million pollutants overall, according to industry data. (Photo: IIP Photo Archive/flickr/cc)

Texas refineries

Terror Incognita: ‘Demystifying’ the Fog of War By Sean Stinson, September 02 2017

“The Muslim terrorist apparatus was created by US intelligence as a political weapon” – National security adviser to the Carter administration, Zbigniew Brzezinski

“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al-Qaeda, and any informed intelligence

BRICS: Towards New Horizons of Strategic Partnership By Pres. Vladimir Putin, September 02 2017

Vladimir Putin’s article BRICS: Towards New Horizons of Strategic Partnership was published ahead of the BRICS Summit, which will be held in Xiamen, China, on September 4 and 5.

Below is the official English translation of the letter in

The Flawed Institution: Australian Marriage and the Same-Sex Debate By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 02 2017

It’s a pretty curious thing to see: marriage being defended at all. Like slavery, and not necessarily inconsistent with it, marriage is an institution. It embraces codes. It imparts obligations, duties, and rights. And it creeps up on you.

In …

Video: Syrian Army Advances Deep Inside Deir Ezzor Province Besieged by ISIS By South Front, September 02 2017

Pro-government forces, led by the Syrian Republican Guard, have liberated the strategic al-Bishri Mountain as well as the al-Birshri triangle from ISIS and deployed in only about 37 km from the city of Deir Ezzor besieged by ISIS terrorists. Some

Geostrategic Shift: Russia’s Foreign Policy Progressives Have Trumped the Traditionalists By Andrew Korybko, September 02 2017

Featured image: Russian FM Sergey Lavrov greeting his Saudi counterpart in Moscow, June 2016 (Source: Oriental Review)

Many observers of Russian foreign policy have been left confused over the past couple of years as Moscow’s deft geostrategic maneuverings in the

Anti-Syrian Sanctions Relief Would be the Right Move for All the Wrong Reasons By Andrew Korybko, September 02 2017

There’s been speculation lately that the EU might remove some of the anti-Syrian sanctions that it promulgated over the past six years, which would be a godsend to the millions of people who are suffering from the attendant lack of

IAEA Certifies Iran’s Compliance with Nuclear Deal By Stephen Lendman, September 01 2017

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: (Home – Stephen Lendman). Contact at [email protected].

In its latest quarterly report, the IAEA again certified Iranian compliance with the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Trump wants cooked CIA …

Arkema CEO: “No Way to Prevent Imminent Explosion” at Texas Chemical Plant By Zero Hedge, September 01 2017

Update: here is the statement posted late on Wednesday afternoon on Arkema’s US website on the current status of the Crosby, TX plant:

Comments from Rich Rowe, President & CEO, Arkema Inc. on our Site in Crosby, Texas 


Millions Worldwide Hit by Unprecedented Flooding as Climate Change Becomes a Deadly Reality By Claire James, September 01 2017

Featured image: A Coast Guard MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew from Air Station Houston conducts an overflight of a southeastern Houston neighborhood on 27 August 2017. (Source: U.S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Corinne Zilnicki)

We knew this

Death Toll Expected to Rise as Chemical Explosions Add to Devastation Caused by Hurricane Harvey By Niles Niemuth, September 01 2017

The number of dead and the devastation wrought by Hurricane Harvey continue to mount in what is already one of the worst disasters in American history.

The confirmed death toll from the region surrounding Houston, Texas remains at 31, but …

Cricket Test Match: Bangladesh’s Victory Over Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 01 2017

The cricket punter will be delighted by this result. Those favouring status quos and sides with long stretches of dominance will not. The first test match between Bangladesh and Australia in Mirpur was unnervingly close, delighting the home team which

Battlefield America Is the New Normal By John W. Whitehead, September 01 2017

“If we’re training cops as soldiers, giving them equipment like soldiers, dressing them up as soldiers, when are they going to pick up the mentality of soldiers?”— Arthur Rizer, former police officer

America, you’ve been fooled again.

While the

Mossad Agent Who Infiltrated ISIS-Daesh Arrested in Libya: Israeli Website By Middle East Monitor, September 01 2017

Featured image: Ephraim Benjamin, a Mossad agent [masralarabia]

Libyan security forces have arrested a Mossad agent who held a leading position in Daesh in the north-eastern Libyan city of Benghazi, the Israeli website Inian Merkazi reported.

The Hebrew website whose …

Israel Seeks ‘Jewish’ Non-Jews in Numbers Battle with Palestinians By Jonathan Cook, September 01 2017

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu offered a crushing rebuke to the perennial optimists roused to hopes of imminent peace by the visit to the Middle East last week of Donald Trump’s adviser and son-in-law, Jared Kushner. At an

Myanmar Regime Projects Rohingyas as Terrorist “Jihadists” By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, September 01 2017

The Rohingyas – or at least some Rohingyas – are now being projected as terrorists, as “Jihadists” out to kill Myanmar soldiers and civilians. Myanmar leaders including Aung San SuuKyi have spoken along these lines.

This view of the Rohingyas …

2017-2020, Euro Crisis: A Compromise Solution for a Non-democratic Euroland By Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin (GEAB), September 01 2017

In the GEAB no 109 of November 2016 we wondered if “the euro would survive beyond the year 2017”. Five months later, we wish to deepen and complete our analysis. One reason for the weakness of the euro comes from

Regulatory Laxness Exacerbated Hurricane Harvey’s Environmental Nightmare By Stephen Lendman, September 01 2017

Featured image: National guardsmen rescue residents stranded by flooding after Hurricane Harvey hit the Texas coast, 27/08/2017, Houston, Texas. (Credit: Planetpix/Alamy Stock Photo)

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: (Home – Stephen Lendman). Contact at [email protected].

UN Says 27 Dying Each Day in US-led Siege of Raqqa By Bill Van Auken, September 01 2017

United Nations Deputy Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Stephen O’Brien told the UN Security Council Wednesday that 27 people are being killed each day by the US-led siege of Raqqa. The Syrian city, controlled by the Islamic State of Iraq and

Google Is Coming After Critics in Academia and Journalism. It’s Time to Stop Them By Zephyr Teachout, September 01 2017

About 10 years ago, Tim Wu, the Columbia Law professor who coined the term network neutrality, made this prescient comment: “To love Google, you have to be a little bit of a monarchist, you have to have faith

Facts of the Korean War: UN Security Council, Instrument of US led Wars, Blatantly Biased Against North Korea By Carla Stea, September 01 2017
“The illegal resolution of 27 June, 1950, adopted by the Security Council under pressure from the US shows that the Security Council is acting not as a body which is charged with the maintenance of peace, but as a tool utilized by ruling circles of the US for the unleashing of war
Charlottesville and the Battles of History By Mumia Abu-Jamal, September 01 2017

Featured image: Malcolm X (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

The events surrounding Charlottesville, Virginia have a resonance far beyond the borders of Old Dominion. Even though they began as a strictly local affair, they quickly assumed a national character, because this

Should V.P. Mike Pence Become America’s President? By Eric Zuesse, September 01 2017

On August 26th, Morning Consult headlined “More Voters Want Pence as President Than Trump, Poll Shows” and reported that “In a choice between the president of the United States and his second-in-command, more voters say Vice President Mike Pence should

Durable Conspiracies: Twenty Years After Princess Diana’s Death By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 01 2017

It has been two decades, and a stocktake of the conspiracy theories over the circumstances of Princess Diana’s death in the Pont de l’Alma road Tunnel will reveal the same inventory as were spawned in the immediate aftermath of

Paul Robeson: The Artist as Revolutionary By Hugo Turner, September 01 2017

Featured image: Paul Robeson (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Paul Robeson was larger then life. He was a giant in every sense of the word. The brilliant Gerald Horne has written a biography attempting to tell the amazing story of Paul Robeson

Ukraine Is the US’ Most Valuable Post-ISIS Bargaining Chip Against Russia. Giant Military Base on the Black Sea Coast By Ollie Richardson, September 01 2017

With the news that the US is now turning the Black Sea coast of Ukraine into a de-facto giant military base, the mind begins to wonder how such a flagrant occupation of sovereign land by the West can happen in

The US Plan for “Rojava”. US Strategy for Military, Economic and Political Influence in Northern Syria By Andrew Korybko, September 01 2017

The Kurdish-led “Syrian Democratic Forces” recently announced that the US has a strategy for military, economic, and political influence in northern Syria for decades to come.

The US of course denied the implication that it was planning to occupy this …

Journalist Interrogated, Fired for Story Linking CIA and Syria Weapons Flights By Zero Hedge, September 01 2017

A months-long investigation which tracked and exposed a massive covert weapons shipment network to terror groups in Syria via diplomatic flights originating in the Caucuses and Eastern Europe under the watch of the CIA and other intelligence agencies has resulted

15 Pan African National Party Leaders Sentenced to Prison in Togo By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 01 2017

Featured image: Faure Gnassingbé (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Unrest swept the West African state of Togo beginning on August 19-20 when an opposition coalition CAP 2015 and the Pan African National Party (PNP) demanded the resignation of the current government

Selected Articles: Hurricane Harvey: Environmental Hazards, A Hole in Local Governance By Global Research News, September 01 2017

Global Research strives for peace, and we have but one mandate: to share timely, independent and vital information to readers across the globe. We act as a global platform to let the voices of dissent, protest, and expert witnesses and

The Korean Powder Keg By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 31 2017

It was famously dubbed the European power keg, a term deemed appropriate by such strategists as German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck. Such figures feared the imminent release of violence in the Balkans, the sort that just might unravel the grand

To Senator Sanders By Margaret Flowers, August 31 2017

At the start of the August congressional recess, Senator Bernie Sanders announced that he will introduce a senate bill this September “to expand Medicare to cover all Americans.” Since the election, the movement for improved Medicare for all, has been

Toxic Risks of Electromagnetic Fields: The Health Impacts of Smart Meters By Chemical Concern, August 31 2017

Yesterday a neighbour voiced misgiving about the smart meters which the government decided to offer as part of measures to upgrade our energy supply and tackle climate change. They are said to give the user more control over energy consumption,

Video: Syrian Army Advances against ISIS Northeast of Sukhna By South Front, August 31 2017

Government forces, led by the Syrian Republican Guard, have overrun the ISIS defense north of Sukhna and liberated Al Khuwayliyah, Khan al-Baghala, the Subai’i Mount, the Daba Mount, the Khashm Baghal Mount and the nearby areas, according to pro-government sources.

Flagship Resort in Damascus Backs to Peaceful Life By Sophie Mangal, August 31 2017

Featured image: Partly destroyed altar of Zabadani Church

According to the statements of local authorities, Zabadani resort town in Damascus province, which is located 25 kilometers from the Syrian capital, is now fully liberated after the fierce clashes between Syrian

UN Secretary-General’s Hollow Call to Lift Gaza Blockade By Stephen Lendman, August 31 2017

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: (Home – Stephen Lendman). Contact at [email protected].

When has the UN done anything significant to help beleaguered Palestinians, especially Gazans suffocating under illegal blockade – imposed for political, not security, reasons!

The US Military Project For the World By Thierry Meyssan, August 31 2017

In the first part of this article, I pointed out the fact that currently, President Bashar al-Assad is the only personality who has adapted to the new “grand US strategy” – all the others continue to think as if the

Curing Incurable Leukemia By Tony Cartalucci, August 31 2017

Featured image: A virtual cure for leukemia – paid for by taxpayers and charity, hijacked and sold for nearly half a million dollars by pharmaceutical giant, Novartis. 

While Americans squabble over irrelevant political diversions, a revolutionary breakthrough in human healthcare

Imperialism and Solidarity in the Age of Trump. Weather Underground (WUO) Activists Speak Out on the Media By Dahr Jamail, August 31 2017

Featured image: “Empire always, then and now, cloaks itself in the garments of mystification and deceit,” says Bill Ayers. (Photo: Lloyd Lee / Flickr)

Seven months into the so-called administration of President Donald Trump, things are going further

Video: ISIS Goes All-in in Southern Raqqah By South Front, August 31 2017

On August 30, the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq claimed that ISIS fighters killed two Russian military service members near Uqayribat town in the eastern Hama countryside. Amaq claimed that the two Russian soldiers and several Syrian soldiers were killed when

Donald Trump Crosses China’s Red Line in Afghanistan Just as Obama Crossed Russia’s in Syria and Ukraine By Adam Garrie, August 31 2017

In discussions about the ‘roles’ countries play in the new multipolar world, it is often said that Russia provides the geo-political muscle while China provides the economic engine of a world where the US is no longer a singular hegemon.