Global Research News

German Federal Police Illegally Collect Data to Blacklist Journalists and Activists By Martin Kreickenbaum, September 07 2017

Germany’s Federal Criminal Police (BKA) are illegally storing masses of data regarding supposed “politically motivated crimes.” As broadcaster ARD reported, data on more than 100,000 people accused of such offenses is being held in a database called “Internal Security,” even

The US-Pakistan Standoff: Trump’s “Anti-Pakistan Strategy” is Directed against China and Russia By Sami Karimi, September 07 2017

The US has warned Pakistan very often, but none of them were so stern. Then China popped up to hit back at Washington which was an eye-opening backlash. Only China and Russia’s standing against Trump’s Pakistan speech is enough to

BRICS in Talks to Create Own Cryptocurrency in Another Blow to US Dollar By Adam Garrie, September 07 2017

The Head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) Kirill Dmitriev has stated that the BRICS may opt to create their own cryptocurrency for the purposes of global commerce.

A cryptocurrency is a digitally based means of exchange wherein the …

The Conflict in Syria Was Always Israel’s War By Whitney Webb, September 07 2017

After years of fomenting the Syrian conflict from the shadows, the U.S. has recently seemed to back away from its push to militarily intervene in the embattled nation, instead choosing to focus its saber-rattling and destabilization efforts on other theaters.

‘Toxic to Democracy’: New Project Reveals Corrupting Web of Trump Empire By Jake Johnson, September 07 2017

Public Citizen on Tuesday launched a new project aimed at documenting President Donald Trump‘s vast entanglement of business interests and highlighting “the urgent need for the president to disclose his tax returns so Americans can determine the extent of

Selected Articles: Golfing with Trump: Powerful Elite Can Literally Play for Access By Global Research News, September 07 2017

Global Research strives for peace, and we have but one mandate: to share timely, independent and vital information to readers across the globe. We act as a global platform to let the voices of dissent, protest, and expert witnesses and

Yemen: Catastrophic Humanitarian Disaster, A Forgotten Man-made Tragedy By Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, September 07 2017

Today’s newspapers are full of storms and the story about the USA trying to establish a colony on China’s eastern flank, pardon me, North Korea’s hydrogen bomb test. In Yemen, every ten seconds, one child dies from malnutrition, while the

We Don’t Want War in Korea! By Bruce K. Gagnon, September 07 2017

I’ve maintained for some time that the US aggressive attitude toward North Korea is a foil – a way to increase tensions in the region in order to pump-up the fear and allow the Pentagon to increase its military encirclement

Open Letter to the People and Government of the United States of America by the People of Venezuela By Embassy of Venezuela in Canada, September 07 2017

We, the People of Venezuela, wish to address the People of the United States of America. You must know that on August 11, 2017, President Donald Trump threatened the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela with direct military intervention. This dangerous threat

Top Eight Carcinogenic Food Additives and Ingredients Banned Nearly Everywhere Except in the US By S.D. Wells, September 07 2017

There’s one reason the United States has such loose regulations when it comes to allowing known carcinogens and health-crippling chemicals to be put in our most popular food products: It’s a big bread winner for the pharmaceutical industry. Why? It’s

Democracy in Crisis: According to Emmanuel Macron, the Days of “Popular Sovereignty” Are Over By Thierry Meyssan, September 07 2017

Delivering a keynote speech before the most senior of French diplomats, President Macron revealed his conception of the world and the way in which he intends to use the tools at his disposal. According to him, there will be no

The Gaping Hole in Trump’s US-Mexico Border Wall. Reckless Spending of Our Tax Dollars By Jim Hightower, September 07 2017

How much of our money does Donald Trump want to pour into his xenophobic fantasy of erecting an impenetrable wall on our Mexican border?

The big-businessman-turned-president insists that costs be damned — just build it! That seems to be a …

British Air and Drone Strikes in Iraq and Syria. UK Reaper Drone Ops By Chris Cole, September 07 2017

New figures released to Drone Wars UK in response to Freedom of Information requests shows a dramatic increase in the number of RAF operations in Syria in the first six months of 2017.  According to the figures, UK armed

Tipperary’s White Helmets Peace Prize: A Judas Kiss to the Antiwar Movement and Syria By Patrick Henningsen, September 07 2017

The Tipperary International Peace Award ceremony was held today at the BallyKisteen Hotel, in Tipperary, Ireland. We’re told that this year’s award is “a testament to the enormous bravery and courage shown” by the Syria Civil Defence, also known as

Video: Syrian Army Repels ISIS Counterattack, Liberation of Hamas Countryside, Support of Russian Airforce By South Front, September 07 2017

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies have liberated Abu Dali, Masud, Abu Rimal, Hamadat al Amr, and Al Marami from ISIS in the eastern Hama countryside. Now, clashes are ongoing in the vicinity of Suhah.

The Russian Aerospace …

Golfing with Trump: Analysis Reveals Powerful Elite Can Literally Play for Access By Andrea Germanos, September 07 2017

Featured image: The Trump National Golf Club in Los Angeles. (Photo: Yuki Shimazu/flickr/cc)

A new USA TODAY investigation reveals that top executives, lobbyists, and contractors are buying access to President Donald Trump through memberships at the president’s numerous golf

Who is Behind “Human Rights Abuses” in Syria? Blaming Assad for Crimes Committed by US Sponsored Terrorists By Stephen Lendman, September 07 2017

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: (Home – Stephen Lendman). Contact at [email protected].

The COI’s mandate is investigating human rights abuses. Its reports hugely biased, consistently blaming Assad for US-supported terrorists’ high crimes.

Earlier he accused the

The Real BRICS Bombshell By Pepe Escobar, September 07 2017

The annual BRICS summit in Xiamen – where President Xi Jinping was once mayor – could not intervene in a more incandescent geopolitical context.

Once again, it’s essential to keep in mind that the current core of BRICS is “RC”; …

Gold Trade Between Russia and China – A Step Closer Towards De-Dollarization? By Peter Koenig and Sputnik, September 07 2017

The largest Russian bank Sberbank is planning to increase the supply of gold to China up to 10-15 tons in 2018, the head of Sberbank CIB, the bank’s investment department, told Sputnik.

“In July, our subsidiary bank in Switzerland started

Dear Russia: An Enemy Is Not a Partner. By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 07 2017

Russians are concerned about Washington’s arbitrary closing of their San Francisco consulate and the illegal searching of diplomatic properties. There is no question that Washington has violated diplomatic protections and international law.

Why did Washington show its outlaw face to

Unending War in Syria? Hezbollah Won, But Israel Won’t Stop Supporting ISIS-Daesh By Andrew Korybko, September 07 2017

Hezbollah swiftly defeated Daesh in an effective anti-terrorist campaign coordinated with the Syrian Arab Army along the mountainous Syrian-Lebanese border. Observers were taken aback by how quickly victory was attained, as the terrorist group has hitherto put up fierce resistance

Video: China’s New World Order: Gold-backed Oil Benchmark on the Way By James Corbett, September 07 2017

China has announced a “new world order” for world oil markets that could have profound effects on the global economy and the monetary order itself.

But as The Shanghai International Energy Exchange gears up for operation, it’s important to note

The Role of NATO’s New Intelligence Headquarters. Espionage and “Humanitarian” Secret Operations By Manlio Dinucci, September 07 2017

On 5 September 2017, a ribbon-cutting ceremony took place at Lake Patria (Naples), where the Joint Nato Forces Command (Jfc Naples) is based. It was at these headquarters (which cover an area of 85,000 m2 and accommodates a bulked up

Taking Aim: WikiLeaks, Congress and Hostile Agencies By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 06 2017

Various scribbles have started to pepper the conversation started by the adventurous head of the CIA Mike Pompeo after he branded WikiLeaks a hostile intelligence agency before the Center for Strategic and International Studies. (This would have generated a wry

Myanmar: The Rohingya, Saudi Backed ISIS Militants, Aung San Suu Kyi is a US Proxy By Tony Cartalucci, September 06 2017

The unfolding crisis in Southeast Asia’s state of Myanmar has confounded many geopolitical analysts due to its complex history and the intentionally deceptive and now contradictory coverage provided by the Western media.

The current government of Myanmar is headed by

“Neocon Creep” and the Trump Administration By Karen Kwiatkowski, September 06 2017

Those of us who closely observed, and tried to stop, the neoconservative takeover of the Presidency, and the nation’s security and intelligence leadership between 1999 and 2004, may have thought it was so well publicized and so destructive that it

How Corporate Lobbyists Dominate Meetings with UK and EU Brexit Negotiators By True Publica, September 06 2017

The far-reaching Brexit agreement that will govern the UK’s exit from the European Union is not only being shaped at the negotiating table, but also by the lobbyists who are trying to influence each side’s position papers and red lines.

The New UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons By Manlio Dinucci, September 06 2017

122 States have adopted a “Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons” which can be seen as supplementing and following on from the “Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty”. This new text clarifies how states are actually behaving: all the States who have

Art, Music and History, The View From Above: Vienna at a Glance By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, September 06 2017

Featured image: Closeup of the Cabin of the Wiener Riesenrad in Vienna (Source:

VIENNA, Austria – Among Vienna’s many landmarks, few are as unmistakable and beloved as its Riesenrad, the giant Ferris wheel that stands in the Prater

Combating Hatred with History. Resurgence of Racism, Anti-Semitism and Xenophobia in Europe By Guy Verhofstadt, September 06 2017

BRUSSELS – After a white-supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in which anti-fascist campaigner Heather Heyer was killed, and many others injured, US President Donald Trump notoriously blamed “both sides” for the violence. By equating neo-Nazis with those who stood against

North Korea in the Great Nuclear Game By Manlio Dinucci, September 06 2017

The political-media spotlights are directed at North Korea’s nuclear missile tests. Yet the general context in which these test are taking place is completely obscured. What is this context? An arms race that is gathering pace, that while it maintains

Hollywood Whitewashes History and Covert Ops into “Action Adventure” By Greg Guma, September 06 2017

The latest Tom Cruise movie, American Made, manages the incredible — to sympathize with an amoral drug smuggler and government informer whose lies sparked a deadly, early example of fake news. The target of the disinformation was Nicaragua, the

The Liberation of Deir Ezzor. Remorseless in Defeat. The West Evacuate ISIS Commanders By Mark Taliano, September 06 2017

Nothing much is surprising anymore.

The Syrian Arab Army recently liberated Deir Ezzor from its ISIS occupation amidst the joy and jubilation of its captive population.

Syrian resident Lilly Martin explains that people have been dying of hunger and illness …

When Will Raqqa be Totally Liberated From ISIS? Washington Is Not Interested in Eliminating the ISIS-Daesh Terrorists By Anna Jaunger, September 06 2017

It’s been over three months since the U.S.-led Coalition along with Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have launched concluding phase of the Raqqa campaign.

Despite all promises of the Combined Joint Task Force concerning the end of the operation, the situation

Role of the New York Times By Eric Zuesse, September 06 2017

Here’s a common example of authentically fake-news journalism, the type that’s pervasive in the U.S. — not something like “Saddam’s WMD,” which changed history, but the ordinary everyday type of lies by the American press, being mixed-in with truths so

Ghostly Voices Dancing in the Rain By Edward Curtin, September 06 2017

“In the other room Rateau was looking at the canvas, completely blank, in the center of which Jonas had merely written in very small letters a word that could be made out, but without any certainty as to whether it

Big Meat: Mega-farming in China’s Beef, Sheep and Dairy Industries By Thomas David DuBois, September 06 2017

The incredible growth of China’s cattle, sheep and dairy production is a visible phenomenon of the past twenty years, but its foundations were laid decades earlier. Seeking to industrialize its hinterland, and exploit its vast wealth of grazing livestock, China

Putin Talks Peace with South Korean President By Adam Garrie, September 06 2017

Russian President Vladimir Putin has met his South Korean counterpart Moon Jae-in during the course of the Eastern Economic Forum in the Russian city of Vladivostok. North Koran delegates are also present at the Forum.

After the meeting, Putin continued …

Is Trump Really Going to Terminate NAFTA? By Andrew Korybko, September 06 2017

Unloading his frustrations at the pace of the NAFTA renegotiation talks with Canada and Mexico, Trump tweeted a week and a half ago that “We are in the NAFTA (worst trade deal ever made) renegotiation process with Mexico & Canada.

Proposal for a Lasting Korea Peace Agreement: Signing of a Bilateral North-South Korea Peace Treaty By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 05 2017
What should be envisaged is the signing of a bilateral Entente between the DPRK and the ROK, with a view to establishing Peace on the Korean Peninsula. The “state of war” --which prevails under the armistice agreement-- should be “side-tracked” by the signing of a comprehensive bilateral North-South peace agreement, coupled with cooperation, trade and interchange.
The Rohingya of Myanmar – Pawns in an Anglo-Chinese Proxy War Fought by Saudi Jihadists By Moon of Alabama, September 05 2017

Media attention is directed to some minor ethnic violence in Myanmar, the former Burma. The story in the “western” press is of Muslim Rohingya unfairly vilified, chased out and killed by  Buddhist mobs and the army in the state of

The Need for US-North Korea Peace Talks: Jimmy Carter. “They Want a Peace Treaty to Replace the [1953] Ceasefire” By Jimmy Carter, September 05 2017

The harsh rhetoric from Washington and Pyongyang during recent months has exacerbated an already confrontational relationship between our countries, and has probably eliminated any chance of good faith peace talks between the United States and North Korea. In addition to

Selected Articles: The Truth About North Korea By Global Research News, September 05 2017

The mainstream media has vilified North Korea, without acknowledging that the US has threatened to attack the DPRK with nuclear weapons for more than half a century.

Who is a threat to global security, Kim Jong-un or Donald Trump?  


Endless Regional Chaos: American Presence in Afghanistan By Federico Pieraccini, September 05 2017

The geographic location of Afghanistan has always occupied a central role in many geopolitical studies. Donald Trump’s reasons for reinforcing US troops in the region are driven by the continuing US need to prevent a complete Eurasian integration among regional

Israeli-syllabus School Set Up in Syrian Area Controlled by Terrorist Armed Groups By Middle East Monitor, September 05 2017

Featured image: A makeshift school in Jordan’s Za’atari refugee camp which is home to 80,000 Syrian refugees (Source: Save the Children)

An Israeli-US organisation has set up a school in the northern Syria governorate of Idlib, which is under the

Retired FBI Agent Sues DOJ for Records on Contributions Made by a Clinton Ally to McCabe’s Wife By Zero Hedge, September 05 2017

Over the weekend, Judicial Watch announced that it had filed a lawsuit against the DOJ on behalf of retired special agent Jeffrey Danik seeking records related to roughly $700,000 in political contributions made by groups tied to Virginia Governor Terry

Unwinding the Iran Nuclear Deal By Jonathan Power, September 05 2017

The big mistake, apparently about to be made by President Trump, in undoing the nuclear agreement made by President Barack Obama with Iran is not just that he intends to go backwards, it is that he doesn’t intend to

Cocktail of Pesticide Residues in Fruit and Vegetables Given to Schoolchildren By Catherine Early, September 05 2017

A government-funded scheme providing free fruit and vegetables to all four to six-year olds in the country sounds like a health win. However, research by campaigners at Pesticide Action Network UK (PAN UK) has revealed that the produce supplied may

Why Is the Media Promoting Antifa? Self-proclaimed “Anti-Fascists” Promoting Violent Protest By Gabriel Black, September 05 2017

Over the past week, the anarchist affiliation Antifa (“Anti-fascist”) has received widespread and favorable coverage in the establishment media.

On August 18, the New York Times, the main newspaper voice for the Democratic Party, published a major front-page feature article,

Iran, Israel and the Big Mess in Washington By Giulietto Chiesa, September 05 2017

In the big mess of the current American foreign policy, which is an effect of the internal political mess, Iran represents the biggest issue.

It is unclear whether Donald Trump is acting in this way in order to cancel everything

U.S. Rescues ISIS Field Commanders in Syria. “The Terrorists R Us” By Sophie Mangal, September 05 2017

The new evidence regarding the U.S.-led international coalition interested in pursuing political interests in Syria instead of fighting ISIS continue to be reported. There are a lot of facts proving the assistance of the U.S. special services to high-ranking ISIS

Large-scale Manoeuvres Encircling Venezuela By Manlio Dinucci, September 05 2017

On 11 August 2017, the U.S. President, Donald Trump put on the table the option of taking military action against Venezuela. As Manlio Dinucci substantiates in this article, President Trump was not plucking words out of the air. The Mobility

Breaking: Syrian Army “Officially” Breaks the ISIS-Daesh Siege on Deir Ezzor with Support of Russian Air Force By South Front, September 05 2017

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) Tiger Forces have repelled an ISIS counter-attack at the Sukhna-Deir Ezzor highway and established full control over the Sohlah area following intense fighting with terrorists.

Government troops entered the Sholah and Kobajjep areas last weekend.  …

“Trump has been Trumped” by Putin: North Korean Delegation Arrives in Russia, Joined by South Korean President By Adam Garrie, September 05 2017

Hours after the 9th annual BRICS summit wrapped up in Xiaman, China, delegates from East and South East Asia have begun arriving in the Russian city of Vladivostok for the Eastern Economic Forum. 

The Forum is an event designed to …

Russia and China Versus the West on North Korea By Stephen Lendman, September 05 2017

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: (Home – Stephen Lendman). Contact at [email protected].

Their positions are world’s apart – evident in Monday’s Security Council meeting on North Korea.

Russia and China urge diplomacy to resolve a deepening

The Beggars for War: The US, North Korea and Bankruptcy By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 05 2017

The statement before members of the United Nations Security Council was both brash and high strung. The US ambassador had clearly decided that firm words were needed to understand the continuing military advances of North Korea. To do so, Nikki

Lacking Transparency: Israeli Drones and Australian Defence By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 05 2017

Featured image: Marise Payne (Source: Financial Review)

“Give us the chance to compete, to see our capabilities, to compare, to see the benefit we can bring with our [drone] system.” – Shaul Shahar, Israel Aerospace Industries Vice-President, March 2,

The People of North Korea. Vilified Nation, What is the Truth By Eva Bartlett, September 05 2017

Featured image: Children in Pyongyang Orphanage before performing drumming. August 29, 2017.

From August 24-31, I visited the DPRK (North Korea) as part of a very small delegation interested in hearing from North Koreans themselves about their lives, the US

Zionism Contradicts Human Rights and Universal Justice: Israel’s Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked Speaks the Truth By Dr. Ludwig Watzal, September 05 2017

Featured image: Minister of Justice Ayelet Shaked

There, said it! Zionism contradicts not only human rights but also universal justice. Zionism is above all. No less than the Israeli Minister of Justice Ayelet Shaked said this at a conference organized

Stronger BRICS Partnership for a Brighter Future By Pres. Xi Jinping, September 05 2017

Translated from Chinese, this is the opening speech of the President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping at the BRICS Xiamen Summit

“A partnership forged with the right approach defies geographical distance; it is thicker than glue and

British Counter-insurgency Campaigns Since the End of the Second World War By Adeyinka Makinde, September 05 2017

With centuries of experience garnered from waging wars of colonial conquest, combating revolutionary movements and imperial policing, the British Army has been seen as an expert institution in the area of counter-insurgency operations. The high regard held for the theoretical

Cambodia’s US-Backed Opposition Leader Charged with Treason By Joseph Thomas, September 05 2017

The Guardian in its article, “Cambodia’s strongman PM digs in with arrest of opposition leader,” would report:

The Cambodian opposition leader, Kem Sokha, has been arrested accused of treason, according to the government, in the latest

Trump Springs the Neocon Trap Again: North Korea’s ‘Test’ Is No Act of War By Patrick Henningsen, September 05 2017

Yesterday, Pyongyang’s state broadcaster came out declaring what it claims was another ‘successful test’, this time with a hydrogen bomb, which they say could be mounted on to their still as yet nonexistent intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).

Seizing the moment, …

A New Twist in the Investigation into the Shooting Down of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 By Oriental Review, September 05 2017

In late August Russia handed over decoded radar data to the Netherlands from the aerial zone where Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 was shot down on July 17, 2014. These materials had initially been provided in their original, i.e., non-decoded

Brick by BRICS: The Roadmap for Cooperation in the Wider ‘Global East’ All Leads to One Belt–One Road By Adam Garrie, September 05 2017

As the 9th Annual BRICS summit commences in Xiamen, it is becoming increasingly clear that four major organisations which help to unite the countries of Asia and Eurasia, and also increasingly those beyond, have unique purposes to achieve the

What the Media Isn’t Telling You About North Korea’s Missile Tests. The DPRK has No Plans to Nuke the West By Mike Whitney, September 05 2017

Here’s what the media isn’t telling you about North Korea’s recent missile tests.

Last Monday, the DPRK fired a Hwasong-12 intermediate-range ballistic missile over Japan’s Hokkaido Island. The missile landed in the waters beyond the island harming neither people nor

“Mutually Assured Destruction” (MAD): Deterrence Believers Should Cheer the North Korean Bomb By Craig Murray, September 05 2017

If the theory of nuclear deterrence holds true – and it is the only argument the supporters of WMD have got – then we should all be cheering the North Korean bomb. The logic of nuclear deterrence is that it

Trump, North Korea and the Danger of World War By Peter Symonds, September 05 2017

The North Korean nuclear test yesterday, its sixth and most powerful, has once again exposed the extremely volatile and precarious state of global geopolitics and the great danger of a descent into a nuclear world war.

The unstable regime in

The Illegal Overthrow of Patrice Lumumba’s Government: The Congo and the Elimination of Patrice Lumumba Revisited By Bob A. Feldman, September 05 2017

“…I would like to refer specifically to the painful case of the Congo, unique in the history of the modern world, which shows how, with absolute impunity, with the most insolent cynicism, the rights of peoples can be flouted. The

US Sponsored Economic Warfare against Russia: Who’s Going to be the Ultimate Loser? By Phil Butler, September 04 2017

Full scale economic war in between America and Russia is underway. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said so, and the US administration and the American congress voted it in with new sanctions. The only question that remains is “who will

The Legacy of Slobodan Milosevic By Marcus Papadopoulos, September 04 2017

Slobodan Milosevic was faced with an extremely serious and deadly situation in the 1990s. Indeed, that applied to all Serbs at that time in the Balkans, and still does to this very day. Mr Milosevic was up against the West,

Raqqa: A Hellhole Created by US-NATO By Neil Clark, September 04 2017

As Jan Egeland, the UN humanitarian adviser on Syria, has stated, if there’s a worse place to be in the world at the moment than the Syrian city of Raqqa, then it’s hard to imagine.

This week, the UN …

Two Venezuela Bank Executives Arrested After Opposition Leader Found with Cases of Cash By Telesur, September 04 2017

Two vice presidents of the Banco Occidental de Descuento (BOD) bank were arrested in connected with over 200 million bolivars found in a vehicle of Lilian Tintori, the wife of jailed opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez.

Junior Fructuoso Marquez

US Senators Want America to “Prevent Genocide and Mass Atrocities” through the Use of Military Force By Ann Garrison, September 04 2017

How goddamn dumb do Senators Cory Booker, D-NJ, Al Franken, D-MI, and Elizabeth Warren, D-MA, think we are?

All three Democratic presidential hopefuls are “initial co-sponsors” of an Orwellian bill to “enhance” our government’s ability to “prevent

The ISIS Retreat and the Stranded ISIS Bus Convoy By Zero Hedge, September 04 2017

In a bizarre twist to an already unusual story, a convoy of 17 buses carrying Islamic State terrorists and their families has remained stranded since Thursday in the Syrian desert as the US, Russians, and Syrians discuss their fate: attack

A Lesson for the US: Cuba’s Response to Hurricanes By Telesur, September 04 2017

Preparedness and prevention are hallmark qualities of the Cuban Revolution. They’re evident in the Caribbean island’s medical sector, educational system, environmental policies and at Playa de Giron in 1961. However, an often overlooked area where these two qualities safeguard the

Leaked Documents Reveal How U.S., Gulf Countries Ship Weapons to Terrorists Using Diplomatic Flight Cover By Brandon Turbeville, September 04 2017

A recent report by Bulgarian journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva entitled, “350 Diplomatic Flights Carry Weapons For Terrorists,” may very well have blown the lid on a secret program to provide weapons to terrorists in Iraq and Syria as well as

Selected Articles: A Tit for Tat on US Aggression? By Global Research News, September 04 2017

Global Research strives for peace, and we have but one mandate: to share timely, independent and vital information to readers across the globe. We act as a global platform to let the voices of dissent, protest, and expert witnesses and

Mad Dog Mattis Threatens North Korea with Mass Destruction By Stephen Lendman, September 04 2017

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: (Home – Stephen Lendman). Contact at [email protected].

Aggressive war is the only language spoken in Washington – diplomacy not an option with sovereign independent states.

On Sunday, Defense Secretary Mattis warned …

Macron’s War on Labor Rights By Stephen Lendman, September 04 2017

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: (Home – Stephen Lendman). Contact at [email protected].

On Thursday, French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe and Labor Minister Muriel Penicaud unveiled what Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire called “the mother of all