Global Research News

Syria: U.S. Central Command Declares War on Russia By Moon of Alabama, September 25 2017

Yesterday three high ranking Russian officers were killed in an “ISIS attack” in eastern-Syrian. It is likely that they were killed by U.S. special forces or insurgents under U.S. special forces control. The incident will be understood as a declaration

PLO Urges International Criminal Court (ICC) to Investigate Israel’s Settlement Activities, UN to Check Its Nuclear Facilities By WAFA, September 25 2017

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Sunday asked the International Criminal Court (ICC) to start investigating Israel’s settlement activities in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, and for the United Nations (UN) to inspect Israel’s nuclear facilities, according to a

Photos: US, Kurdish-led Forces Pass Through ISIS Territory with No Confrontation in Deir Ezzor By Paul Antonopoulos, September 25 2017

The Russian Defense Ministry wrote on Facebook on Sunday that US special forces have escorted the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) across ISIS positions.

“Without any resistance from the IS militants, the SDF units are moving further along left shore

Downfall of an Icon: Aung San Suu Kyi, the Rohingyas, and the Bigger Picture By Michael Welch, Stephen Lendman, and Whitney Webb, September 25 2017

There have been disturbing reports of attacks by security forces against civilians, which are completely unacceptable. Aid activities…have been severely disrupted. I call on the Myanmar authorities to suspend military action, end the violence, uphold the rule of law,

Selected Articles: Washington’s Deep-seated Aversion to Independent States By Global Research News, September 25 2017

Global Research strives for peace, and we have but one mandate: to share timely, independent and vital information to readers across the globe. We act as a global platform to let the voices of dissent, protest, and expert witnesses and

Oil, Gas and Geopolitics: US Hand in Playing the Rohingya Crisis against China By Whitney Webb, September 25 2017

In recent years, Myanmar (formerly Burma) has only rarely been in the news. The quiet treatment owed much to the assumption that the country’s fledgling democracy was in “good hands” once the U.S-backed 1991 Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San

New Research Links Flint Water Crisis to ‘Horrifyingly Large’ Spike in Fetal Death Rates By Andrea Germanos, September 25 2017

Featured image: A new working paper links the Flint water crisis to a “horrifyingly large” increase in fetal death rates. (Photo: Jay Weenig/flickr/cc)

Shedding new light on the human costs of the ongoing Flint water crisis—as well as

Trudeau Government Seeking to Oust Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro By Yves Engler, September 25 2017

Alongside Washington and Venezuela’s elite, the Trudeau government is seeking to oust President Nicolás Maduro. While Ottawa’s campaign has recently grown, official Canada has long opposed the pro-poor, pro-working class Bolivarian Revolution, which has won 19 of 21 elections

North Korea versus the United States: Who are the Demons? North Korea Lost 30% of Its Population as a Result of US Bombings in the 1950s By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 25 2017

This article was first published in December 2011. Does the DPRK constitute a security threat to the USA?

The American people should, in the words of Vietnam War Veteran Brian Willson  “place themselves in the position of people living in

Environmental Pollution: There Should be no Experimental Copper Mines Dug in Water-rich Northern Minnesota By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, September 25 2017

To the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources  (DNR), regarding PolyMet’s most recent permitting request:

(Email address: [email protected]):

Here are my reasons that the DNR should reject PolyMet’s permit applications for their earthen tailings dam, their liquid slurry pipeline pumping …

Trump at War with Dissent By Stephen Lendman, September 25 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Trump continues finding ways to disgrace himself, the latest episode Friday evening, criticizing legitimate dissent.

It’s the highest form of patriotism, the comment attributed

Deportations and Harassment of Irish Group Traveling to West Bank By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, September 25 2017


I joined the group in Dublin airport on the morning of September 8th and we flew out to Istanbul where we waited in a transit area cafe for a couple of hours. As it turned out our flight departure

NATO’s “Fake News” Russia Scare Increases Defense Waste By Moon of Alabama, September 25 2017

The military of the Russian Federation is organized in four districts – west, central, east and south. Each year one of the districts will stage a division size maneuver. 10,000 to 15,000 soldiers leave their quarters to move against imaginary

“Unlimited Imperialism”, History of American Militarism: Light at the End of the Tunnel? By Prof. Francis A. Boyle, September 25 2017

It is the Unlimited Imperialists along the line of Alexander, Rome, Napoleon and Hitler who are now in charge of conducting American foreign policy…

Historically this latest eruption of American militarism at the start of the 21st Century is akin …

“The Syrian People Knew that This War Was to Eliminate Their Country”: Syria’s Deputy Prime Minister’s Impassioned UN Address By Stephen Lendman, September 25 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Syria and its people are victims of US aggression – ISIS and like-minded terrorists used as imperial foot soldiers, along with Pentagon-led terror-bombing since

Poroshenko and Trudeau: Canada’s Ukrainian Attitude By Jim Miles, September 25 2017

“We continue to stand with Ukraine against the illegal illegitimate incursion of Russia into Ukrainian territorial sovereignty and their attempts to destabilize Ukraine economically and many other ways,” Trudeau said. CBC, September 22, 2017.  


The Canadian government operates under …

Art and Politics, and Why Happiness Is Overrated By Prof Susan Babbitt, September 25 2017

As the thinking man was overtaken by a great storm, he was sitting in a big car and took up a lot of space.

The first thing he did was to get out of his car.

The second was to

Slow Boat to China By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, September 25 2017

There was a day
It was still called Cathay
By those in the West
Who travelled that way
Silk and tea
Porcelain and spice
They brought us
We even took rice.
For centuries
We bought there
Things we don’t …

Facing Irma in Cuba: “¡Saldremos adelante!” (“We Can Only Move Forward!”) By Arnold August, September 25 2017

“Saldremos adelante!” (“We can only move forward!”). This is what a colleague exclaimed during one of my several phone calls to Havana in the days after Irma unleashed its wrath on the capital.

Others, when asked how they, their families,

Statement by Syria’s Deputy Prime Minister H.E. Walid Al-Moualem at the UN General Assembly By Walid Al-Moualem, September 25 2017

President of the seventy-second session of the United Nations General Assembly,

I would like to congratulate you on your election as president of the current session of the General Assembly and wish you all success. I would also like to

Video: North Korea’s Foreign Minister Denounces Trump’s “Reckless and Violent”, “Gravest Threat to International Peace and Security” By Ri Yong Ho, September 25 2017

Below is the full transcript of Mr. RI YONG HO, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea at the General Debate of the 72nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly, New York, 23rd September 2017 

A Risky Referendum for Kurdistan Underway in Iraq By Barbara Nimri Aziz, September 25 2017

At least the combative and haughty Israeli prime minister is forthright: he supports a free and independent Kurdistan. Tomorrow’s vote by Iraqi Kurdish parties to secede from Iraq may well push the country into another war, a civil war. (Doubtless

The Iran “Nuclear Deal” Leads to War, Not Peace By Tony Cartalucci, September 25 2017

The so-called Iran “nuclear deal,” officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was hailed as “historic” when the United States among other nations became a signatory of it. Then US President Barack Obama, attempted to make

Video: Trump’s “Mein Kampf” Tirade By World Socialist Web Site, September 25 2017

This incisive video produced by the World Socialist Website points to Trump’s criminal narrative at the UN, comparable to that of Adolph Hitler 



Trump Keeps Eyes on Afghan Mineral Prize in Meeting with President Ghani By RT News, September 25 2017

President Donald Trump and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani have voiced support for US companies developing Afghanistan’s vast trove of minerals, in what Trump sees as payment for the US’s role in the drawn out war.

The two leaders met in

Catalonia Referendum: Resisting the Spanish Government Siege By Dick Nichols, September 25 2017

In 1713-14, it took the troops of Spain’s Borbon monarchy 14 months of siege before taking Barcelona and ending Catalan self-rule. In September 2017, Catalonia is again under siege, this time from the central Spanish People’s Party (PP) government. Under

“Committee to Investigate Russia:” Rob Reiner and Morgan Freeman’s Warmongering Video By David Walsh, September 25 2017

Actor-director Rob Reiner and actor Morgan Freeman have teamed up with a sordid crowd of extreme right-wingers to push the McCarthyite anti-Russia campaign.

Reiner, a longtime Democratic Party fundraiser and fervent Hillary Clinton supporter, is a member of the Advisory …

Nuclear Plants Plus Hurricanes: Disasters Waiting to Happen By Harvey Wasserman, September 25 2017

Featured image: St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant at Port St. Lucie, Florida (Source: The Progressive)

Although the mainstream media said next to nothing about it, independent experts have made it clear that Hurricanes Harvey and Irma threatened six U.S. nuclear

Is Health Care a Commodity or Right? By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, September 25 2017

With just a week left before Congress’ budget reconciliation process ends, the Senate is once again peddling a poorly-thought out plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA). If Senators vote before the September 30 deadline, they only

Cuba’s Foreign Minister Delivers Stinging Takedown of Trump in UN Speech By RT News, September 25 2017

Featured image: Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

In the wake of President Donald Trump’s controversial speech at the UN General Assembly, Cuba delivered a zinging takedown of US hypocrisy in a wide-ranging speech that

200,000 Israelis Expected in “Kurdistan” Once Independence Is Declared By Voltaire, September 25 2017

According to the magazine Israel-Kurd based in Erbil, the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu and Massoud Barzani, the self-appointed President of the future independent Kurdistan, have reached a secret agreement.

Tel-Aviv is committed to installing 200 000 Israelis of

Kabuki Politics and the Threat of Nuclear Genocide By Israel Shamir, September 25 2017

Donald Trump has chosen the wrong career. His flamboyant style would make him a popular and much loved Kabuki actor. The Japanese call it aragoto, literally a “rough business” style of heroic drama, featuring a big bold warrior with red

U.S. Near Bottom in Public Trust of News Media By Eric Zuesse, September 25 2017

According to the most extensive study ever done of the public’s usages of, and trust in, the newsmedia in their country — a study that (in late January early February) scientically sampled thousands of people in each one of 36

In Defence of Democratic Rights in Catalonia By José Luis Martínez, September 25 2017

In Catalonia an important process of independence is taking place against Spain. At the request of the Popular Party (PP), the Spanish Constitutional Court declared the Catalan Statute of 2010, unconstitutional. This statute was negotiated between the Government of José

The Intolerance of Tolerance in Australia: Tony Abbott’s Head Butt Episode By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 25 2017

“This was a violent and criminal act, nothing whatsoever to do with the point of view of those of us who favour a yes vote.” – Senator George Brandis, Australian Attorney-General, Sep 22, 2017

It came, less out of the

Overwhelming Resistance to Trump’s Plan to Scuttle the Iran Deal By John Glaser, September 25 2017

This has not been a good week for President Trump’s Iran policy. As the president has indicated, he plans in mid-October to decertify Iranian compliance with the nuclear deal, or the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), negotiated

After the ISIS Caliphate, Rojava By Thierry Meyssan, September 25 2017

Featured image: This map was published by Robin Wright nine months before the offensive by Daesh into Iraq and Syria. According to this Pentagon researcher, it rectifies the map published in 2005 by Ralf Peters for the reshaping of the

Signs Indicate Trump Continuing Obama’s Support for Al Qaeda in Syria By Eric Zuesse, September 25 2017

According to a report issued on September 22nd by the most accurate reporter on the current status of forces in the war against Syria — the anonymous military and geostrategic blogger who owns, and posts exclusively at, the “Moon of

Uncle Sam vs. Russia in Eastern Syria: the Nightmare Scenario By Mike Whitney, September 24 2017

The impending collapse of ISIS has touched off a race for territory in the oil-rich eastern part of Syria pitting US-backed forces against the Russian-led coalition of Syria, Iran and Hezbollah.  This is the nightmare scenario that everyone wanted to

‘Blank Check to Kill with Impunity’: Trump to Quietly Scrap Drone Restrictions By Jake Johnson, September 24 2017

President Donald Trump is reportedly gearing up to roll back even the most limited restrictions on U.S. drone operations overseas, further opening the door for the expansion of airstrikes and commando raids into nations like the Philippines and Nigeria and

US to Plunder Afghanistan’s Mineral Riches By Stephen Lendman, September 24 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Endless US aggression in Afghanistan has nothing to do with combating terrorism (America supports it), everything to do with controlling the country, using it

The Crazy Imbalance of Russia-gate By Robert Parry, September 24 2017

The core absurdity of the Russia-gate frenzy is its complete lack of proportionality. Indeed, the hysteria is reminiscent of Sen. Joe McCarthy warning that “one communist in the faculty of one university is one communist too many” or Donald Trump

The US Federal Reserve 4.5 Trillion Sell-Off. “Central Bankers at the End of Their Ropes” By Dr. Jack Rasmus, September 24 2017

This past week the US central bank, the Federal Reserve, announced it would begin selling off its $4.5 trillion debt that it accumulated since 2008 by buying up investors’ toxic mortgage and T-bonds at above market rates.

The Fed has …

Israeli Forces Struck Damascus International Airport. Syrian Air Defense Downed Israeli Drone – Reports By South Front, September 24 2017

Early on Friday, the Israeli Air Force struck a target in the Damascus International Airport, according to pro-opposition sources and the Israeli media.

There are no details about the damage caused by airstrikes. Pro-Israeli sources claim that the Israeli Air …

The Kurds: Historical Revisionism and the Real Reasons They Have Remained Stateless By Sarah Abed, September 24 2017

The Kurds are the largest group of nomadic people in the world that have remained stateless since the beginning of time. This fact has allowed Western powers to use the “stateless” plight of the Kurdish people as a tool to

Canada’s Disgrace: “Ottawa Supports Illegal Coalition Tasked with Destroying Syria and its People” By Mark Taliano, September 24 2017

The Canadian government and its agencies have disgraced themselves on many levels by supporting the illegal Coalition tasked with destroying Syria and its peoples.

International law is broken so Canadian politicians will unlikely be judged at The Hague, as they …

Putin Orders End to Trade in US Dollars at Russian Seaports By RT News, September 24 2017

Featured image: Novorossiysk commercial sea port (Source: Vladimir Astapkovich / Sputnik)

Russian President Vladimir Putin has instructed the government to approve legislation making the ruble the main currency of exchange at all Russian seaports by next year, according to the

Unknown Oil and Gas Deal Just Changed the Global Energy Balance. Russia’s Rosneft Buys India’s Essor Oil By Dave Forest, September 24 2017

One of the biggest energy stories this year has been Russia’s Rosneft buying India’s Essar Oil — giving the Russian company a firm grip on one of the world’s biggest emerging oil and gas markets

And this past week, …

The Deadly Rocket Scare Redux: North Korea’s Role in the Arms Game By Phil Butler, September 24 2017

North Korea is once again the big, bad, bogey man of Asia, a convenient villain Washington will use to fuel a spanking new arms race. If all-out war does not follow Donald Trump’s insane policies aimed at Pyongyang, something

Kim Jong-un Responds to Trump By Kim Petersen, September 24 2017

An AP report described as “a rare if not unprecedented move,” a purported statement [1] by Kim Jong-un, the chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic Republic of Korea, in response to United States president Donald Trump’s

political sanctions
Netanyahu and Trump Conspire to Ditch Deal with Iran By Anthony Bellchambers, September 23 2017

In a dangerously inflammatory speech to the UN General Assembly, this week, a warmongering Israeli Prime Minister, (currently under investigation for fraud, bribery and corruption by his own Justice Department), incited violence by calling for insurrection by the Iranian people

Unites Nations – and the Monster in the Room By Peter Koenig, September 23 2017

There are no words, other than Monster, not even human monster, that can describe Trump’s appearance before the UN General Assembly last Tuesday, 19 September.

It’s of no use to go through details of the insults he yelled at the …

Trump Alone Threatened War in His UN Address By Stephen Lendman, September 23 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

The UN is a venue for promoting world peace and stability. Trump used his General Assembly address for hostile chest-thumping, threatening North Korea, Iran,

Benjamin Netanyahu, Penguins and the United Nations By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 23 2017

“That’s why Israel’s policy regarding the nuclear deal with Iran is very simple: Change it or cancel it. Fix it or nix it.” Benjamin Netanyahu, UN General Assembly Address, 2017

While he is very much the traditional politician,

Fact Check: Updating Cold War Myths About Thailand By Joseph Thomas, September 23 2017

Many honest, busy analysts outside established media circles in the United States and Europe are plagued by mythologies stemming from once pseudo-truths they simply lack the time or energy to dig into and finally correct.

Among them are enduring myths …

How the US Became a Warmonger Police State By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 23 2017

Professor David Ray Griffin is a tenacious person. He has written a number of carefully researched books that demonstrate the extraordinary shortcomings in the official account of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon and the subsequent

The Dangerous Decline of U.S. Hegemony By Daniel Lazare, September 23 2017

The showdown with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is a seminal event that can only end in one of two ways: a nuclear exchange or a reconfiguration of the international order.

While complacency is always unwarranted, the first seems …

Fears of Nuclear War Grow After Trump’s Threat to Annihilate North Korea By Alex Lantier, September 23 2017
The ruling elite internationally is politically bankrupt, in a state of perplexity, terror and denial in the face of the danger that Washington will launch or provoke a nuclear war. None of them have any way to stop military escalation by the imperialist hegemon at the center of the world capitalist system.
Secret Document Reveals Former CIA Director’s Plan to Make Reading WikiLeaks a Crime By Jay Syrmopoulos, September 23 2017

SECRET declassified report by then-CIA Director William Casey, titled, “Unauthorized Disclosures to the Media” proposed creating legislation that would make possession of classified information a criminal offense.

At the time that would make anyone reading a New York

Kim Jong-Un Delivers Rare Personal Address to Donald Trump By Adam Garrie and Kim Jong-un, September 22 2017

North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-Un has offered a rare personal statement in the aftermath of the US President’s remarks at the United Nations General Assembly which threatened the destruction of North Korea. Additionally, Donald Trump referred to the man North

Out in the Open: Monsanto’s Involvement in the Retraction of the Séralini Paper By Chemical Concern, September 22 2017

Claire Robinson reports that internal Monsanto documents released by attorneys leading US cancer litigation show that Monsanto attempted to suppress a study showing adverse effects of Roundup herbicide. The full report may be read here.

She writes:

“The study, led …

The Worst Mistake in US History By Jacob G. Hornberger, September 22 2017

Featured image: U.S. Army (USA) M1A1 Abrams MBT (Main Battle Tank), and personnel from A Company (CO), Task Force 1st Battalion, 35th Armor Regiment (1-35 Armor), 2nd Brigade Combat Team (BCT), 1st Armored Division (AD), pose for a photo under

U.S. Is Not Ready for the End of War in Syria. The White House does Not Want Peace By Firas Samuri, September 22 2017

It is no secret that the American government has been supporting terrorist groups during the entire Syrian conflict. One of these days, another fact proving this statement was recorded.

On September 20, Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) militants with their allies …

America’s Military Footprint Lands in Israel By Stephen Lendman, September 22 2017

Featured image: Israel Air Force Brig. Gen. Zvika Haimovich, the IDF’s air defense commander, left, with U.S. Army Maj. Gen. John Gronski at the ground-breaking ceremony for the new permanent U.S. Army base in Israel. (Israel Defense Forces)


Brexiting Hard: Boris Johnson Goes to War By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 22 2017

The Times was none too pleased, riled and concerned. Contributors to The Spectator were wondering whether an imminent implosion was about to take place.  Who would profit from this act of suicide, this ritual of Tory party cannibalism? The Labour

Syria – Russia Accusing U.S. of Attacks, Abduction Attempts, Team-play with Al-Qaeda By Moon of Alabama, September 22 2017

The situation in Syria is reaching another critical point. There is an increased possibility of a large scale clash between U.S. and Russian forces. We had warned of such a clash over control of the rich fields east of Deir

Video: US-backed Forces Push for Syrian Oil By South Front, September 22 2017

Early on Friday, the Israeli Air Force struck a target in the Damascus International Airport, according to pro-opposition sources and the Israeli media. There are no details about the damage caused by airstrikes. Pro-Israeli sources claim that the Israeli Air

Selected Articles: Trump’s “Imprudence” Before the UN General Assembly By Global Research News, September 22 2017

Global Research strives for peace, and we have but one mandate: to share timely, independent and vital information to readers across the globe. We act as a global platform to let the voices of dissent, protest, and expert witnesses and

Incoherent President Reassures UN that US Policy Is Insane By William Boardman, September 22 2017

“If the righteous many do not confront the wicked few, then evil will triumph.” – Minority President Donald Trump, September 19, 2017, addressing the United Nations

With stunningly unintended precision, about a third of the way into his UN

The World’s Only Undeclared Nuclear Weapons State By Anthony Bellchambers, September 22 2017

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute reports that developments in North Korea’s nuclear program “contributed to international political instability with potentially serious knock-on effects.”

SIPRI says that as of January 2017 the United States, Russia, Britain, France, China, India, Pakistan,

The Day of the Generals: Winning Armageddon By Phil Butler, September 22 2017

In a room, somewhere deep inside the Pentagon generals and admirals met recently in order to prepare an assessment for the United States Senate Armed Services Committee. Present at the metering were General Mark Milley, the U.S. Army’s Chief

International Systems of States and Global Security Models By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, September 22 2017


The fundamental aim of the text below is to deal with the concept and models of global security as one of the crucial topics of global politics studies. We have to keep in mind that a term and notion

Brexit and the Status Quo Ex-Ante By Prof. John Weeks, September 22 2017

Where we are

At the end of August Britain’s Labour Party formally announced its policy towards future relations with the European Union. The policy document explicitly “accepts the referendum result” and will “build a close new relationship with the EU”.

Afghanistan’s Opium Trade: A Free Market of Racketeers By Franz J. Marty, September 22 2017

Featured image: A man in an opium-yielding poppy field, Dara-i Mazor, Nurgal district, Kunar province, Afghanistan (May 2017) (Source: Franz J. Marty)

DARA-I MAZOR, NURGAL, KUNAR, AFGHANISTAN — It is only a short drive into a side valley just off

Happy Birthday CIA: Seven Truly Terrible Things the Agency Has Done in 70 Years By Carey Wedler, September 22 2017

On Monday, President Trump tweeted birthday wishes to the Air Force and the CIA. Both became official organizations 70 years ago on September 18, 1947, with the implementation of the National Security Act of 1947.

After spending years as a …

Petrodollar System Under Attack By Darius Shahtahmasebi, September 22 2017

Once upon a time, the U.S. dollar was backed by the gold standard in a framework that established what was known as the Bretton-Woods agreement, made in 1944. The dollar was fixed to gold at a price of $35 an

President Trump’s Bluster at the United Nations By Dr. Ludwig Watzal, September 22 2017

Donald Trump‘s appearance before the General Assembly of the United Nations could have been a rare highlight of his chaotic young presidency. If Trump had just repeated his inauguration address, the audience would have burst out in gales of

The White House Is Secretly Planning for Confrontation with Iran: Report By Darius Shahtahmasebi, September 22 2017

As Donald Trump takes to the U.N. General Assembly to demonize Iran yet again, the Trump administration is also considering a more aggressive strategy towards Iran behind closed doors, sources have told Reuters.

According to six current and former …

Trump at the United Nations: Full Transcript By Pres. Donald Trump, September 22 2017


“The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea,” Trump told the meeting. “Rocket Man is on a

China Comes Out in Strong Show of Support for Venezuela By Adam Garrie, September 22 2017

China is scheduled to address the UN General Assembly on the 21st of September, the same day as Russia, but prior to the speech, it already became clear that China was not about to take heed of Donald Trump’s