Global Research News

Iraqi Kurdistan Independence Referendum By Stephen Lendman, September 29 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

The referendum held on September 25 received overwhelming 93% support, Kurdish officials in northern Iraq calling the results binding. Turnout was around 80%.


Flag Idolatry Is a Pathology that Crushes Real American Values By William Boardman, September 29 2017

The flag is a symbol, and there is no agreement as to what it actually symbolizes. By design, the flag’s thirteen stripes stand for the original 13 states, none of which would ban slavery. The 14th state, Vermont, was the

Washington’s Iron Curtain on the Euphrates By Mike Whitney, September 29 2017

For more than six years, Syrians have made great sacrifices to defend their country in the face of a terrorist war of unprecedented brutality….  The Syrian people have stood their ground, against all odds, because they knew that this was

Selected Articles: The ‘Exoneration’ and ‘Near-Victory’ of Assad in the Syrian War By Global Research News, September 29 2017

Global Research strives for peace, and we have but one mandate: to share timely, independent and vital information to readers across the globe. We act as a global platform to let the voices of dissent, protest, and expert witnesses and

Behind the Saudi-led Blockade of Qatar By Asad Ismi, September 29 2017

A blockade imposed on Qatar by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain and Egypt entered its third month in August as negotiations to end it remained deadlocked. The comprehensive blockade cuts diplomatic relations between the countries, closes borders

Breaking Video: ISIS Fighter Admits that ISIS Is Forbidden to Attack Kurdish Forces in Deir Ezzor By Andrew Illingworth, September 29 2017

A video has just been released on social media showing the interview of an ISIS fighter from Deir Ezzor who admits that the terrorist group’s forces in the region are forbidden by their commanders from attacking US-backed, Kurdish-led militias.

The …

Destruction of Last Chemical Munition in Russia Is ‘Historic Event’ – Putin By Sputnik, September 29 2017

The last kilogram of Russia’s 40,000-tonne stockpile of chemical warfare agents, which was contained in two artillery shells, was destroyed on Wednesday at the Kizner facility in Udmurtia.

Attending the event via video link, Putin said that it is “a …

Expanding Horizons Key to BRICS’ Second Golden Decade By Zhao Minghao, September 29 2017

The first BRICS foreign ministers’ meeting was convened in September 2006, which marked the foundation of the BRICS mechanism. In the 10 years since then, BRICS has become an important international economic bloc representing some of the world’s key emerging

American Patriotism Is a Two-Edged Sword By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 29 2017

I sometimes wonder if America’s greatest threat is the population’s hyper-patriotism. The bulk of the population is now at work shutting down the NFL players’ First Amendment rights, and none of the incensed censors are capable of understanding that it

Holy Days for Sports in Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 29 2017

It looks like a gross mismatch: the ferocious Tigers versus the flighty Crows. But the latter, who stem from Adelaide, are the favourite. This is Australian Rules Football (“footy” to the initiated), one of the stranger hybrids in the sporting

United States
Kurdistan and the Break up of Iraq? Whenever the US Attempts or Effects “Regime Change”, Disaster Follows By Michael Jansen, September 29 2017

Whenever the US attempts or effects “regime change”, disaster follows.

North Korea is the latest country where Washington would like to oust the leadership, perhaps because its ruler, Kim Jong-un, called Donald Trump a “dotard”, a senile old

Sunday’s Catalonia Independence Referendum By Stephen Lendman, September 29 2017

Featured image: Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy (Source: Wikimedia Commons)


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy’s regime is going all-out to block it.


Breaking: US Coalition Using Illegal Chemical Weapons in Deir ez-Zor By Adam Garrie, September 29 2017

Syria has confirmed that the US led coalition whose very presence in Syria is illegal according to international law, has recently dropped white phosphorus munitions over a village in Deir ez-Zor.

Similar to the infamous napalm munitions the US used

Cuba-U.S. Relations By Nino Pagliccia, September 29 2017

A new book by Canadian journalist and political scientist, Arnold August, has recently been published by Fernwood Publishing (2017) titled “Cuba-U.S. Relations-Obama and Beyond.” The book has a well-written Foreword by eminent Canadian scholar Keith Ellis (“Arnold August brings

Economic Sanctions Against Russia Flop. They Hit the EU Much More than Russia By Eric Zuesse, September 29 2017

Did U.S. President Barack Obama create the anti-Russia sanctions in order to weaken the EU in its competition against America? If so, the policy has been a huge success — it has enormously damaged the EU’s economy. But, if Russia

U.S. and Gulf States Hinder Libyan Crisis Settlement By Adel Karim, September 29 2017

The United Nations General Assembly, which kicked off on September 12 at UN headquarters in New York has just ended. During the meeting, the priority was given to the issues of global security and combating terrorism. The settlement of crisis

Trump’s Deplorable Tax Cut Scheme By Stephen Lendman, September 29 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

David Stockman thinks it’s going nowhere. He blasted today’s GOP, specifically Mitch McConnell-led senators, saying he and likeminded upper house members “turned the conservative

UN Takes First Concrete Step to Hold Israel Accountable for Violating Palestinian Human Rights By Palestinian BDS National Committee, September 29 2017

Today’s media reports revealed that the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights began sending letters two weeks ago to 150 companies in Israel and around the globe, warning them that they could be added to a database of complicit companies

India and Eurasian Geopolitics: Has Narendra Modi Switched Sides? By F. William Engdahl, September 29 2017

It’s very discomforting to see the nation of India, one of the great potential leading countries of the world systematically self-destruct. Provoking a new war with China over remote chunks of land in the high Himalayas where the borders of

Russia: Terrorists Used Sarin in Khan Sheikhoun By Jim Carey, September 29 2017

Featured image: Director Russian Foreign Ministry’s Non-Proliferation and Weapons Control Department, Mikhail Ulyanov (Source: U.S. Mission Photo/Eric Bridiers)

The Director Russian Foreign Ministry’s Non-Proliferation and Weapons Control Department, Mikhail Ulyanov spoke to reporters at a press conference on Tuesday with

An Emerging Multi-polar World: Polarized, Unstable and Dangerous By Greg Guma, September 29 2017

First published in July 2017

We’re in uncharted territory. On some days, as the West’s domination of world affairs winds down, you can feel the wheels of history turning. A multi-polar world seems to be emerging. But so far it

Puerto Rico Is Our Future By Richard Heinberg, September 29 2017

News reports tell of the devastation left by a direct hit from Category 4 Hurricane Maria. Puerto Ricans already coping with damage from Hurricane Irma, which grazed the island just days before, were slammed with an even stronger storm on

The Painful Truth: War is a Racket on Behalf of Wall Street and the Bankers By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, September 29 2017

“We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth…For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it might cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.” —Patrick Henry

Trump’s Muslim Ban 3.0 Is Still Unconstitutional By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, September 28 2017

Featured image: Donald Trump attends the 9/11 Observance Ceremony at the Pentagon in Washington, DC, September 11, 2017. (Photo: Jim Mattis)

After federal courts struck down Donald Trump‘s first two Muslim bans, his functionaries crafted a third one.

Information Warfare and the “Human Rights” Scam: Western Backed NGOs Have Acted as Enablers of Sanctions and Military Intervention By 21st Century Wire and South Front, September 28 2017

Just look around the world and throughout recent history, and you will find a number of compelling cases where western-backed NGOs have frequently acted as enablers for the military interventions, sanctions and economic blockades that followed. Look at Iraq, Libya,

Death of the Playboy: Hugh Hefner’s World By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 28 2017

Featured image: Hugh Hefner (Source: The Gazette Review)

“The style he created wasn’t just about women, it was about connoisseurship.” – Camille Paglia, Playboy, May 1995

A dream factory based on flesh; a vision packed with sexuality, sharp

Poll: Majority of Voters Say Trump Isn’t Fit to be President By Emily Goldberg, September 28 2017

A majority of American voters say Donald Trump is not “fit to serve as president,” according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday, with 51 percent of respondents saying they are embarrassed to have Trump serve as president.

The poll …

The City of London – Capital of an Invisible Empire By True Publica, September 28 2017

In July 2017 director Michael Oswald’s latest film, The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire was premiered at the Frontline Club in London. It has since had several screenings in London and public screenings can be organised from November onwards. 

Norwegian Elections: Another Right-Wing Victory, and a Serious Labour Defeat By Asbjørn Wahl, September 28 2017

The centre-left failed in getting rid of the so-called ‘blue-blue’ government at the parliamentary elections in Norway on 11 September. The Labour Party was the main loser, while small parties on the centre-left advanced slightly. However, the parliamentary basis of

Germany: Right Wing Rising? By Andrew Korybko, September 28 2017

The right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party is entering parliament for the first time ever, though its electoral rise seems to be more of a reaction to Chancellor Merkel than anything else.

The AfD came in third place by scoring …

Rival Superpower Strategies: World War III with China By Prof Alfred McCoy, September 28 2017
Until recently, the U.S. enjoyed a greater “disparity of power” over its would-be rivals. The US no longer remains “the sole superpower for decades to come.”
Video: Strategic Bombers Deliver Fire and Hell to Al Qaeda and ISIS Terrorists in Syria By South Front, September 28 2017

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies have liberated Rasm Naqa, Rasm Arnab, Jafiah, Rasm Rik, Ghuzaylah, Haba, Um Sous and Um Huwaysh villages inside the ISIS-held pocket in eastern Homs. However, ISIS still keeps positions in its central

Iraqi Parliament Introduces Drastic Measures in Response to the Kurdistan Referendum By Samer Hussein, September 28 2017

The Iraqi Parliament has prepared 13 steps in the wake of the Monday’s Kurdistan independence referendum staged by the Kurdistan Regional Government.

In its statement, issued on Wednesday, the Iraqi Parliament has pointed out that the unilateral referendum on Kurdistan …

Damascus Calls Upon Syrian Refugees to Return to their Homeland By Sophie Mangal, September 28 2017

Speaking at a press conference in the Armenian capital Yerevan, a member of the Syrian parliament, Zhirayr Reisyan, said recently that the liberated city of Deir ez-Zorr is a large and significant victory of the Syrian army.

Zhirayr Reisyan …

Israel Is Not Nazi Germany By Anthony Bellchambers, September 28 2017

To condemn Israel for acting like Nazi Germany, is patently a false analogy. During the Holocaust of WW2, the Nazis killed many millions of Jews and other minority groups, (on a horrific industrial scale), throughout the whole of Europe.

Israel, …

China’s News Unmanned Drone: Can Take Off and Land on Water By Global Research News, September 28 2017

Featured image: Shanghai UVS Intelligence System’s U650 amphibious drone 

In the following report (September 27, 2017) CNN Money addresses China’s 20 foot long unmanned drone which can land on water. The Chinese drone has both military as well as commercial

Video: War and Peace at the United Nations By Adam Garrie and Nedka Babliku, September 28 2017

Nedka Babliku sits down with Adam Garrie to discuss everything that happened at the 72nd opening of the UN General Assembly.


If Trump Were Really President, He’d Forgive Puerto Rico’s Debts and Rescue It By Prof. Juan Cole, September 28 2017

I’m not sure what Donald Trump thinks the job of president consists of. One task is to swing into action when 3.4 million Americans are living without electricity, 40% of them without potable water, and hundreds of thousands without shelter.

ISIS Militants and Commanders Flee to Turkey By Sophie Mangal, September 28 2017

On September 25, security forces of Turkey detained 36 people in Istanbul suspecting them of having links with ISIS militants. According to law enforcement agencies,  five of the detainees participated in the military operations in Syria and Iraq. It is

The “Russian Influence” Story Falls Apart – A New Fairy Tale Is Needed By Moon of Alabama, September 28 2017

The Obama White House and some Democratic officials pressed Facebook to find evidence for alleged “Russian interference” in the U.S. election. When Facebook found none, the pressure increased. Facebook went back, again found nothing and political pressure increase further. Congress

Donald Trump Fails European Politics 101 By Global Research News, September 28 2017

Trump is often confused: in recent developments president Trump addressed the prime minister of Spain as “President”.

European Politics 101.

There is no president in Spain because Spain is a constitutional monarchy and the King of Spain Felipe VI is

Trump Makes Another Reckless Threat Against North Korea By Peter Symonds, September 28 2017

In another act of utter recklessness, US President Donald Trump yesterday again threatened North Korea with destruction if it failed to totally capitulate to Washington’s demands. By declaring that military action is not only an option but could be imminent,

Gandhi Jayanti
Gandhi’s Truth: Ending Human Violence One Commitment at a Time By Robert J. Burrowes, September 28 2017

Gandhi Jayanti – 2 October, the date of Mohandas K. Gandhi’s birth in 1869 and the International Day of Nonviolence – offers an opportunity to reflect on human violence and to ponder ways to end it. There may be

Putin to Visit Erdogan in Turkey as Russia Supports a United Iraq By Adam Garrie, September 28 2017

Russia’s Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov has confirmed that President Vladimir Putin will arrive in Ankara on the 28th of September to meet with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The two leaders already spoke over the phone in the …

The Rise of the New McCarthyism By Robert Parry, September 28 2017

Featured image: Sen. Joseph McCarthy, R-Wisconsin, who led the “Red Scare” hearings of the 1950s.

Make no mistake about it: the United States has entered an era of a New McCarthyism that blames nearly every political problem on Russia and

Severe Humanitarian Crisis in Puerto Rico By Stephen Lendman, September 28 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

It was nearly a week after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico for Trump to notice, tweeting:

“Texas & Florida are doing great but Puerto

Selected Articles: Cold War Then. Cold War Now By Global Research News, September 28 2017

Global Research strives for peace, and we have but one mandate: to share timely, independent and vital information to readers across the globe. We act as a global platform to let the voices of dissent, protest, and expert witnesses and

Deporting Palestinians? By Stephen Lendman, September 27 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

The scheme keeps resurfacing – deporting families of Palestinian activists for justice to Syria or Gaza.

In November 2014, months after Israeli Protective Edge

Punishing the Media: The Fantasies of the CIA and William J. Casey By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 27 2017

“Unauthorized disclosures of classified information have become a cancer which undermines presidential authority to conduct foreign policy, our national security process, and our intelligence capabilities.” – William J. Casey, Director of the CIA, Nov 14, 1986

It’s the perfect

There Is No Rehabilitating the Vietnam War By Robert Freeman, September 27 2017
The Vietnam War is beyond redemption and must be remembered and condemned for the calamity that it was. The Vietnam War was “one of the greatest American foreign policy disasters of the 20th century.”
The Repatriation of the Treasures Looted During Colonialism By Colonialism Reparation, September 27 2017

Featured image: Triumphal procession into Paris of art looted by Napoleon from Italy in 1797. The Horses of Saint Mark in the centre, themselves taken from Constantinople in 1204, were returned to Italy in 1815. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)


The Analysis of “Revolutions”: University of Manitoba Conference By Global Research News, September 27 2017
A three-day conference on ‘Revolutions’ this weekend at the University of Manitoba will feature major speakers from China, Russia, and Venezuela. Over sixty delegates from 13 countries, also including India and South Africa, will take part in the initiative, hosted
Here’s Every Nuclear Weapon in the US Arsenal By Union of Concerned Scientists, September 27 2017

There are enough nuclear weapons in the US arsenal to blow up the planet several times.

The explosive capacity (blast yield) of one W87 thermonuclear bomb is 300 kilotons of TNT, namely 20 times that of the “Little Bomb” (15

Texas Bio-hazard Laboratory Survives Hurricane Harvey By Robert Scott, September 27 2017

Featured image: Galveston National Laboratory (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

The Galveston National Laboratory (GNL) in Texas, which contains samples of deadly and incurable diseases, has reported itself safe almost a week after Hurricane Harvey struck last week Friday.

Late on …

Revolutionising Energy Resources: From Fossil Fuels to Black and Fusion Energy By Ylli Përmeti, September 27 2017

This article argues that the goal of achieving 100% renewable energy for every nation is not impossible. But to achieve it we must create two parallel dynamics: at society level, we must create a compatible culture for the efficient administration

Cold War Then. Cold War Now. By William Blum, September 27 2017

The anti-Russian/anti-Soviet bias in the American media appears to have no limit. You would think that they would have enough self-awareness and enough journalistic integrity -– just enough -– to be concerned about their image. But it keeps on coming,

Breaking: Iraqi Troops Join Military Drills in Turkey (Live Video) By Adam Garrie, September 27 2017

Over the last 48 hours Turkish and Iranian troops have been conducting large scale military drills on the border with Iraq as Kurdish separatists in northern Iraq have voted in a unilateral referendum of secession which has been widely condemned

Analysis by Analogy: Myanmar Is Not Syria By Tony Cartalucci, September 27 2017

Many geopolitical analysts and commentators have noted many worthwhile similarities between the Syrian crisis and the one now unfolding in the Southeast Asian state of Myanmar. However, what is different about these two crises is just as important as what

Will Central Banks Survive to the Mid-21st Century? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, September 27 2017

(In this article, just published in the World Financial Review (London), Dr. Jack Rasmus comprehensively elaborates on the failures of global central banks’ nine-year experiment since 2008, their inevitable transformation, and ultimately, their survival beyond the mid-21st century. The article

Selected Articles: Kurdistan Referendum: “Ethnic Cleansing” or Total Independence? By Global Research News, September 27 2017

Global Research strives for peace, and we have but one mandate: to share timely, independent and vital information to readers across the globe. We act as a global platform to let the voices of dissent, protest, and expert witnesses and

The Creation of a “Second Israel”? Kurdistan Will Cause Years of War By Rudaw, September 27 2017

Featured image: Mowaffak al-Rubai is an Iraqi MP from the ruling Shiite National Alliance. He is also a fromer Iraqi National Security Adviser. (Source: Rudaw TV)

An Iraqi official has accused “racist” Kurds of trying to establish a second Israel

The White House as Donald Trump’s New Casino By Nomi Prins, September 27 2017

During the 2016 election campaign, Donald Trump repeatedly emphasized that our country was run terribly and needed a businessman at its helm. Upon winning the White House, he insisted that the problem had been solved, adding, “In theory, I could

Russian Special Forces Repel a US-planned Attack in Syria, Denounce the USA and Issue a Stark Warning By The Saker, September 27 2017

[September 21] Something rather unprecedented just happened in Syria: US backed “good terrorist” forces attempted a surprise attack against Syrian government forces stationed to the north and northeast of the city of Hama.

What makes this attack unique is that …

Fake News? Trump Tweeted About Iran Missile Launch that Never Happened By Mike Murphy, September 26 2017

The Iranian ballistic missile launch that President Donald Trump tweeted about Saturday apparently never happened.

That’s what U.S. officials told Fox News and CNN on Monday after U.S. intelligence assets in the region, including radar and satellites, found no indication …

Angela Merkel: The IKEA Politician By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 26 2017

“The recipe for her success, which she has only latterly discovered, is that she’s been able to develop an image as someone who is tuned in to the German soul.” – Oskar Niedermayer, Sep 22, 2017

Modular furniture divinities,

My Threats Are Bigger than Your Threats. Trump Vowed to ‘Totally Destroy’ North Korea if it Dared Threaten the US” By Eric Margolis, September 26 2017

Not since Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev banged his fists and waved his shoe at the UN in 1960 has a world leader made such a spectacle of himself as President Donald Trump did this past week at the world organization.

A Failing Empire: Russia and China’s Military Strategy to Contain the US By Federico Pieraccini, September 26 2017

Looking at the global political landscape over the last month, two trends are becoming more apparent. The infamous military and economic power at America’s disposal is declining, whereas in the multipolar field, an acceleration has occurred in the creation of

Washington Has Initiated Military Conflict with Russia By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 26 2017

Russia has provided evidence that Washington is collaborating with ISIS in attacks on Russian forces. 

In one Washington-directed attack, ISIS tried to capture 29 Russian military policemen. However, Russian special forces entered the fray, and the result was spectacular losses

Video: US-Russian Tensions Grow in Deir Ezzor Province By South Front, September 26 2017

Featured image: Russia’s Lieutenant general Valery Asapov (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

An ISIS shelling has killed Russia’s Lieutenant general Valery Asapov near Deir Ezzor city, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Sunday. The general died after sustaining a “fatal injury”

How to End the Korea Crisis By Rep. Ron Paul, September 26 2017

The descent of US/North Korea “crisis” to the level of schoolyard taunts should be remembered as one of the most bizarre, dangerous, and disgraceful chapters in US foreign policy history.

President Trump, who holds the lives of millions of …

Election Results in Germany. Rise of the Ultra Right Wing By Stephen Lendman, September 26 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Angela Merkel’s fourth term as chancellor was marred by the rise of the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, winning 13% of the

Western Propaganda in Southeast Asia — a True “Success Story” By Andre Vltchek, September 26 2017

It is all done in a fully barefaced manner. Those who are not part of this world could never even dream about such a ‘perfect’ design.

You come to your club, in my case to The Foreign Correspondent Club of

Colin Kaepernick, The Super Patriotic Draft Dodger’s Rag: “Fire the Son-of-a-Bitch” By Edward Curtin, September 26 2017

So I wish you well, Sarge, give ’em Hell!
Kill me a thousand or so
And if you ever get a war without blood and gore
I’ll be the first to go
Phil Ochs, The Draft Dodger’s Rag

Satellite Images Show US-Support for ISIS in Syria By Stephen Lendman, September 26 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

This and other incriminating evidence clearly reveal US support for ISIS – the scourge it pretends to combat, arming its fighters, providing other material

Very Dangerous Escalation in Syria. Russia “Officially” Accuses US of Collaborating with ISIS. Pentagon to Attack Russian Forces Directly By The Saker, September 26 2017

Featured image: Lieutenant-General Valery Asapov

By now many of you must have heard the news: a Russian Lieutenant-General, Valery Asapov, and two Colonels have been killed in what appears to be a very precisely targeted mortar attack.  Just

Kurdistan’s Referendum Gamble By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 26 2017

“We hope for a unified Iraq to annihilate ISIS, and certainly a unified Iraq to push back on Iran.” – Sarah Huckabee Sanders, White House spokeswoman, Sep 25, 2017

What a gamble, and a seemingly ugly one. The merchants

Trump and Israel Want War Against Iran, But It Won’t be One-sided By Abdel Bari Atwan, September 26 2017

This week’s headlines have been dominated by reaction to US President Donald Trump’s bluster against North Korea during his address to the UN General Assembly on Tuesday. This has overshadowed the equally threatening and ominous references he made in

Kurdish PKK and YPG’s Hidden Notorious Crimes: Kidnapping, Murder, and Narcotics Trafficking By Sarah Abed, September 26 2017

The Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, and its Syrian spinoff, the YPG, are cult-like radical movements that intertwine Marxism, feminism, Leninism and Kurdish nationalism into a hodge-podge of ideology, drawing members through the extensive use of propaganda that appeals to

Threats of Total Destruction Are Unlawful and Extremely Dangerous; Direct Diplomacy between the US and the DPRK Is Essential to Avert Disaster By Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy and Western States Legal Foundation, September 26 2017

“The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea. Rocket Man is on a suicide mission for himself and

There’s No Beautifying Israel’s Treatment of Palestinian Children By Sarit Michaeli, September 26 2017

Featured image: Israeli border police officer chases Palestinian children during land day demonstration in Damascus gate, East Jerusalem, March 30, 2014. (Source: via +972 Magazine)

Israeli occupation apologists masquerading as protectors of Palestinian children in military detention? Few displays