Global Research News

How to Wipe Out Puerto Rico’s Debt without Hurting Bondholders By Ellen Brown, October 13 2017

During his visit to hurricane-stricken Puerto Rico, President Donald Trump shocked the bond market when he told Geraldo Rivera of Fox News that he was going to wipe out the island’s bond debt. He said on October 3rd:

You know …

Beyond Las Vegas and Why Che Guevara Matters, 50 Years After His Death By Prof Susan Babbitt, October 13 2017

I listened with interest to CBC call-in shows about the mass killing in Las Vegas. Caller after caller, some who’d been there months before, or never, described confusion, guilt about surviving, helplessness. A commentator spoke of one person shielding another

Abandoned buildings used by ISIS militants in northern Syria. / RT
Washington Pretends to be Combating ISIS in Syria By Stephen Lendman, October 13 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Syria’s Foreign Ministry released video and other evidence, showing US and Israeli arms and munitions ending up in the hands of ISIS, al-Nusra and

“Calm Before the Storm”? Trump Sends Second Aircraft Carrier to Korean Peninsula with 7,500 Marines Aboard By Zero Hedge, October 13 2017

Just one week after uttering his now-infamous “this is the calm before the storm” statement to the press ahead of a dinner with military leaders, we now learn that President Trump has dispatched a second nuclear aircraft carrier, the USS

More than 1,000 Foreign ISIS Terrorists Enter Syria via Iraq: Report By Leith Fadel, October 13 2017

More than 1,000 foreign Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists have entered Syria via Iraq, the pro-opposition Syrian Opposition for Human Rights claimed on Thursday.

According to the report released by the pro-opposition group, the 1,000+ ISIS terrorists came from several countries

Jimmy Carter Offers to Meet with Kim Jong-un to Prevent War with North Korea By James Holbrooks, October 13 2017

With tensions once again flaring up between the United States and North Korea, it was reported Tuesday that former U.S. president Jimmy Carter has offered to meet with leader Kim Jong-un to discuss ways to achieve peace.

The revelation comes …

Five Reasons Why Trump Is Moving Towards War with Iran By Dr. Trita Parsi, October 13 2017

Make no mistake: We do not have a crisis over the Iran nuclear deal. It is working and everyone from Secretary Mattis and Tillerson to the US and Israeli intelligence services to the International Atomic Energy Agency agree: Iran is

Why North Korea Wants Nuke Deterrence By Nicolas J. S. Davies, October 13 2017

Featured image: North Korean missile launch on March 6, 2017.

The Western media has been awash in speculation as to why, about a year ago, North Korea’s “crazy” leadership suddenly launched a crash program to vastly improve its ballistic missile

Eyewitness Report of Las Vegas Shooting. “There Was More Than One Shooter” By Gio Rios, October 13 2017

Reported by KITV Hawaii:

“Gio Rios and Marissa Castle, from Kaua’i witnessed the shooting in Las Vegas first hand. They said they continued to hear bullets coming and when they dropped to the ground two or three other people

Video: Syrian Army Pressures ISIS Units in Deir Ezzor City. US Backed Militants Surrender By South Front, October 13 2017

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies are developing momentum against ISIS north and east of Deir Ezzor city.

Government forces have secured the al-Siyasah bridge and further advanced to tighten the siege on ISIS units inside the northern

Big Banks, Lobbyists and the ECB Regulations Farce By Corporate Europe Observatory and True Publica, October 13 2017

TruePublica Editor: You would have thought after banking scandals such as rigging Libor, mass money laundering operations involving drug cartels, illegal financial transactions with sanctioned countries, fraud on a scale never witnessed before and instigating the implosion of the

Where’s the Beef? The Senate Intel Committee and Russia. Confirmation Bias, Endorses Accuracy of Intelligence Community Assessment (ACA) By Mike Whitney, October 13 2017

The Senate Intelligence Committee has made it clear that it is not conducting an open and independent investigation of alleged Russian hacking, but making a determined effort to support a theory that was presented in the January 6, 2017 Intelligence

After Ten Years, Time to Ground Britain’s Reaper Drones By Chris Cole, October 13 2017

Featured image: An armed British Reaper drone

This month (October 2017) marks ten years of British Reaper drone operations.  Acquired on a  temporary basis as an ‘Urgent Operational Capability’, the UK began operating armed drones in Afghanistan in October 2007

In ‘Disgusting’ Attack, Trump Blames Puerto Rico; Says FEMA Can’t Stay ‘Forever’ By Common Dreams, October 13 2017

In less than an hour on Thursday morning, President Donald Trump went from encouraging Americans to watch his favorite show, Fox & Friends, to telling residents of Puerto Rico the crisis there is “largely of their own making” to ultimately

FedEx, UPS Push for Tax Cuts as Documents Show Them Sinking Millions into Automation By Steve Horn, October 13 2017

Featured image: Above: Left: UPS CEO David Abney (Photo via; Right: FedEx CEO Fred Smith (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

FedEx and UPS—two of America’s biggest employers—have been publicly pushing tax cuts as job creators even as they plan

The US Government Targets Black Resistance By Black Alliance for Peace, October 13 2017

The state is growing more desperate and dangerous.

It faces a crisis, one where its own legitimacy is being questioned.

In a re-play of the repression faced by Black liberation forces in the 1960s and ‘70s, news broke that the …

The CIA: Seventy Years of Organized Crime By Douglas Valentine and Lars Schall, October 13 2017

Lars Schall: 70 years ago, on September 18, 1947, the National Security Act created the Central Intelligence Agency, CIA. Douglas, you refer to the CIA as “the organized crime branch of the U.S. government.” Why so?

Douglas Valentine: Everything the

How Gore, Kerry and Clinton Put Trump in the White House By Harvey Wasserman, October 13 2017

Amidst the hellish chaos of the Donald Trump catastrophe, it’s more essential than ever to understand how he got into the White House and who put him there. Then we need to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

In her …

As Battle Rages in UK Labour Party, Moshe Machover Expelled After Asserting ‘Anti-Zionism Does Not equal Anti-Semitism’ By Jonathan Cook, October 13 2017

Over the past 18 months the British Labour party has been beset by a moral panic. According to pro-Israel activists in Labour, there has been a surge of anti-semitism in the party since Jeremy Corbyn became leader two years

How the West Is Trying to Recreate Myanmar’s Crisis in Thailand By Tony Cartalucci, October 13 2017

Media platforms either directly funded by the United States government or by their political proxies in Thailand, including US-funded Prachatai and Khao Sod English, have begun investing increasing amounts of energy into fueling a currently non-existent sectarian divide in Thai

“Clash of Civilisations” 2.0 By Thierry Meyssan, October 13 2017

Featured image: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi & Ashin Wirathu (Source:

Over the last 16 years, numerous debates have troubled the experts in international politics in their attempts to define the objectives of US strategy. It is obviously much easier to

Costa Rica’s Banco Popular Shows How Banks Can be Democratic, Green – and Financially Sustainable By Thomas Marois, October 13 2017

A decade on from the 2007-08 global financial crisis, the majority of private banks have changed very little. Most remain solely concerned with maximizing their returns, while sustainable or social goals remain subservient to this. For conventional economists, anything

Spain Moves Toward Military Rule in Catalonia By Alex Lantier, October 13 2017

In a menacing speech to the Spanish Congress on Wednesday, Popular Party (PP) Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy stated that, in response to Catalan regional Premier Carles Puigdemont’s speech affirming the October 1 independence referendum, he was preparing to invoke

North-South Korea Cooperation vs. Trump’s “Fire and Fury” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 13 2017

Ten years ago, the historic October 4, 2007 agreement, signed between the ROK and the DPRK set the basis for establishing peace on the Korean peninsula.

The October 4 agreement was entitled Declaration for Advancing Inter-Korean Relations and Peace and

Big Batteries and Tesla’s Lithium Strategic Gambit By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 13 2017

Featured image: Elon Musk (Source: @elonmusk / Twitter)

At the end of last month, Tesla boss Elon Musk held a party in South Australia’s mid-north. It seemed premature, but Musk was typically confident. Construction on what will be the

The Las Vegas Shooting: An American Trauma Surgeon Responds By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 13 2017

We bring to the attention of Global Research readers, this article by Paul Craig Roberts, which includes a letter by a Trauma Surgeon and comments by readers.

The Trauma Surgeon questions the legitimacy of the official story. 

Dear Dr. Roberts:

Is Trump the Back Door Man for Henry A. Kissinger & Co? By F. William Engdahl, October 13 2017

The term Back Door Man has several connotations. In the original blues song written by Willie Dixon, it refers to a man having an affair with a married woman, using the back door to flee before the husband comes

Israel’s Role in the Cataclysm to Come By Phil Butler, October 13 2017

Finally, the skeleton is out of the Arab Spring closet via an article in Foreign Policy written by Jonathan Spyer. Israel has been at war for total dominance in the Middle East and, according to the senior research fellow

US Militarization of Scandinavia: Less Than a Year After First US Base in Norway, a Second One in the Offing By Terje Maloy, October 13 2017

Featured image: Humvees are stored inside the Frigaard Cave in central Norway. The cave is one of six caves that are part of the Marine Corps Prepositioning Program-Norway, which supports the equipping of Marine Expeditionary Brigade consisting of 15,000 Marines

On ‘Independence’: Catalonia, Kurdistan, North Korea and Latin America By Andre Vltchek and Alessandro Bianchi, October 13 2017

1) Alessandro Bianchi: Self-determination of peoples and respect for the borders and sovereignty of a country. This is of the most complicated issue for international law. How can it be articulated for the case of Catalonia?

Andre Vltchek: …

In Iran and North Korea, Trump Is Playing with Nuclear Fire By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, October 12 2017

The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, which spearheaded a landmark nuclear disarmament treaty, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The significance of this award cannot be underestimated.

Donald Trump‘s bombastic and frightening threats against North Korea and Iran

US-North Korean War Could Trigger a Russian-American Nuclear Exchange By Dave Majumdar, October 12 2017

In the event that North Korea tests another Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) or potentially launches an attack on the United States, the Pentagon could try to intercept those missiles with the Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system. However, as many analysts

Forget Catalonia, Flanders Is the Real Test Case of EU Separatism! By Andrew Korybko, October 12 2017

Catalonia’s separatist campaign has dominated European headlines for the past couple of weeks, but it’s really the northern Belgian region of Flanders which will serve as a barometer over whether large chunks of the EU will fall apart into a

Video: US-backed Forces Negotiate with ISIS Over Raqqah City By South Front, October 12 2017

The US-led coalition and the Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are negotiating a deal with ISIS terrorists in the city of Raqqah, according to multiple local and opposition sources. According to reports, ISIS units would be allowed to withdraw to

Kenyan Opposition Leader Withdraws From Scheduled Rerun of Presidential elections By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 12 2017

Featured image: Raila Odinga (Source: @RailaOdinga / Twitter)

Kenyan opposition leader of the National Super Alliance (NASA), Raila Odinga, 72, announced on October 10 that he would not participate in the Supreme Court ordered rerun of the national

Togo Opposition Set for Renewed Round of Anti-Government Demonstrations By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 12 2017

Featured image: President of Togo Faure Gnassignbe

Togolese officials have reportedly issued restrictions on planned demonstrations scheduled to begin October 18. These actions, which have spread broadly across the West African state in recent months, have been a source of

Columbus Day Honors The History of Genocide By Stephen Lendman, October 12 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Columbus Day was commemorated on Monday. The US federal holiday should have been abandoned long ago. It never should have been established in the

Why U.S. and Saudi Arabia Back Rohingya in Myanmar By Sara Flounders, October 12 2017

Featured image: British colonial forces in Myanmar, known at the time as Burma.

Demonstrations, protests and online petitions have appeared worldwide to defend the struggle of the Rohingya people who have been driven from Myanmar into exile. What is of

OPCW Marks Completion of Destruction of Russian Chemical Weapons Stockpile By Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, October 12 2017

Featured image: OPCW Director-General Ahmet Üzümcü (Source: OPCW)

In the margins of the 86th Session of the Executive Council of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), a ceremony to mark the completion of the destruction of

Catalan Premier Affirms Right to Independence From Spain, but Delays Formal Declaration By Alex Lantier, October 12 2017

Featured image: Catalan premier Carles Puigdemont (Source: Government of Catalonia)

Speaking Tuesday evening before the Catalan parliament in Barcelona, regional premier Carles Puigdemont announced that Catalonia would secede from Spain, in line with the result of the October 1

On Hiding Truth in Canada By J. B. Gerald, October 11 2017

Freedom of expression includes not saying what you don’t want to. So these updates which may give some insight to ‘truth management’ in Canada start out with the journalist’s right to protect his/her sources. Refusing to reveal a source to

Catalonia Declares Independence By Stephen Lendman, October 11 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Catalan President Carles Puigdemont and majority parliamentarians declared Catalonia’s right to be a sovereign independent state.

A 92% referendum “yes” vote demanded it. For …

Las Vegas Shooting: An In-depth Analysis. Timeline of Events as They Occurred By Shepard Ambellas, October 11 2017

Featured image:  A view from inside the venue which hosted the 2017 Route 91 Harvest Music Festival where 57 people lost their lives on Oct. 1. (Joe Ward/Street View)

The proof is in the pudding or so they say.


Trump’s Racist Immigration Plan By Stephen Lendman, October 11 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Earlier he banned travel to America from targeted countries, majority Muslim ones plus North Korea and Venezuelan officials.

He absurdly claims America is the

Gun Violence Created the United States By Mark Karlin, October 11 2017

Featured image: The foundation of the United States is embedded in gun violence. (Photo: Joe Loong)

It happens after every mass shooting. Corporate media outlets have a formula for coverage. They publish stories for a week or so ascertaining

Catalonia’s Paradox By Josep Maria Antentas, October 11 2017

October 1 has passed, closing a period of the shared history between Catalonia and the Spanish state and beginning an uncertain future. It was a day when all the tension building over the five-year independence process came to a head.

Video: Syria: ISIS Clashing with Al Nusra in Northern Hama By South Front, October 11 2017

On October 9, ISIS terrorists attacked Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) terrorists in northern Hama.

ISIS seized the villages of Jub Al Tabqalia, Abu Lafa, Nafila, Murjajib, Al Jumlan, Shakushiya, Wadi Zarub, Um Al

The Transforming China-Pakistan Economic Corridor By F. William Engdahl, October 11 2017

In May, 2017 the Prime Minister of India refused to participate in the founding meeting in Beijing of the ambitious Belt-Road Initiative (BRI), the network of high-speed rail and deep water port linkages across the Eurasia land mass. The official

US Defence Secretary Calls on Military to be “Ready” for War Against North Korea. “There are No Risk Free Options” By Peter Symonds, October 11 2017
In comments that underscore the advanced US preparations for war with North Korea, Defence Secretary James Mattis declared yesterday that the armed forces had “to be ready to ensure that we have military options that our president can employ if needed.”
The Psychology of Mass Killers: What Causes It? How Can You Prevent It? By Robert J. Burrowes, October 11 2017

In Las Vegas on 1 October 2017, it appears that one man (although it might have been more) killed 59 people and shot and injured another 241 (with almost 300 more injured while fleeing). The incident got a lot of

Selected Articles: US Military Dropped 751 Bombs in Afghanistan on September By Global Research News, October 11 2017

Global Research is an independent organization that is funded exclusively through the support of its readers. It does not accept public or private funding. Every contribution helps us continue to bring you the up-to-date, incisive information that you count on.

Old & New Mccarthyism: Fear of Russia, China in the American Mind By Caleb Maupin, October 11 2017

It has become almost cliche to compare the current atmosphere of Russo-Phobia in US politics to the 1950s “Mccarthyism.” The sometimes open and sometimes subtle demonization of alleged Chinese influence in Hollywood has drawn similar parallels. While the anti-Russia, anti-China

“Russia Interfered!” – By Purchasing Anti-Trump Ads? By Moon of Alabama, October 11 2017

After the ludicrous “Russian hacking” claims have died down for lack of evidence, the attention was moved to even more ludicrous claims of “Russian ads influenced the elections”. Some readers are upset that continue to debunk the nonsense the media

“US Coalition Out of Syria Now!” Syria Solidarity Movement Statement By Syria Solidarity Movement, October 11 2017

Russian military forces in Syria have successfully constructed a bridge across the Euphrates River near the city of Deir-Ezzor, recently liberated by the Syrian Arab Army. Currently, the main body of the Syrian Arab Army is crossing or has crossed

Sputnik and Russia Today Under Investigation by US Department of Justice (DOJ) By Philip Giraldi, October 11 2017

Somehow everything keeps coming back around to Russia. In one of its recent initiatives, the Justice Department (DOJ) appears to be attacking the First Amendment as part of the apparent bipartisan program to make Vladimir Putin the fall guy for

The Kremlin’s “US-Gate” Probe: Russia Gets Ready for US “Interference” in 2018 Presidential Election By Anton Kulikov, October 11 2017

Attempts to interfere in Russia’s internal affairs continue, and this process is not going to fade in light of the upcoming presidential election in Russia in March of 2018.

Officials with the Federation Council Commission for the Protection of State

White House Puts Ideology Over Science and Law in Repealing Clean Power Plan By Ken Kimmell, October 10 2017

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is expected to issue a proposal tomorrow to repeal the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan—continuing its pattern of putting ideology over science, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS). The purported rationale for this

US Military Dropped 751 Bombs in Afghanistan in September By Press TV, October 10 2017

The United States military has dropped a total of 751 bombs on Afghanistan in September, the highest monthly number in the past seven years, according to data by the US Air Forces Central Command.

The figure indicated a 50-percent increase

Ousted Brazilian President: US Intervention in Venezuela Could Spark “Civil War” By Lucas Koerner, October 10 2017

Former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff warned Sunday that Washington’s interference in Venezuela is “extremely dangerous” and could provoke an armed conflict. 

“Our continent has been living in peace for 140 years. Any attempt to interfere in the legitimate constitutional process

Dismantling White Supremacy By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, October 10 2017

Last weekend, tens of thousands of people marched in Washington, DC in the combined March for Racial Justice and March for Black Women. Native Americans joined black and brown people to lead the march.

At the march, Rev. Graylan Hagler

52 Years After Fascist Genocide, Indonesians Scared of “Communist Ghosts” By Andre Vltchek, October 10 2017

It was once again a hot, muggy day in Jakarta. The air was full of pollutants, epic traffic jams blocking entire center of the city. Biasa, as locals would say, or in a lax translation, ‘business as usual’.

It is …

Despite Syrian Government’s Attempts to Unify Country US-backed Kurdish SDF Persist with Land Theft By Sarah Abed, October 10 2017

The West claims that the Kurds are one of the most moral and dignified forces in the Middle East fighting against Daesh. But if their focus is on defeating Daesh, as they claim, why are they committing genocide against Syrians

US_Turkey Relations: Ankara Issues Arrest Warrant for 2nd US Consulate Worker By South Front, October 10 2017

The diplomatic relations between Turkey and the US are seem to become much colder.

Ankara has issued a detention warrant for a second US consulate worker, according to Hurriyet newspaper.

“The man, who is a staff member at the U.S.

Syria – Turkey Violates Astana Agreement – Renews Alliance with Al-Qaeda By Moon of Alabama, October 10 2017

Yesterday Turkish army forces entered the Syrian Idleb governate from the west. The move is officially part of a de-escalation supervision process agreed upon between Syria, Turkey, Russia and Iran. One point of the agreement is to continue the fight

Kremlin Issues Stern Warning to Washington Over US Help for Terrorists in Syria By Dr. Gilbert Doctorow, October 10 2017

From time to time, the Kremlin uses the Sunday evening weekly news wrap-up program of Dmitry Kiselyov on state television channel Rossiya-1 to send blunt and public warnings to Washington without diplomatic niceties. 

Last night was one such case and …

Video: ISIS-Daesh Repealed. Syrian Army Restores Control Over Palmyra-Deir Ezzor Highway By South Front, October 10 2017

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA), the National Defense Forces (NDF) and Hezbollah have repelled all ISIS attacks along the Palmyra-Deir Ezzor highway, regained an area east of Sukhna and restored control over this key supply line to government forces operating

NATO “Concerned by Russia’s Military Buildup Close to Our Borders” By Eric Zuesse, October 10 2017

The Secretary-General of NATO said this on October 9th, speaking in NATO member Romania, right across the Black Sea from Russia’s region of Crimea (which had always been part of Russia except for the brief period 1954-2014, when the Soviet

Venezuela Wants Peace, Sovereignty and Bolivarian Democracy By Nino Pagliccia, October 10 2017

During four days, September 16-19, I was in Caracas, Venezuela, as one of more than 200 delegates from 60 countries who responded to an invitation to attend the international solidarity meeting “Todos Somos Venezuela – Dialogo Mundial por la Paz,

Signals from the Adult Day Care Center: Trump, Tillerson and Corker By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 10 2017

Featured image: Senator Bob Corker (Source: FreedomWorks)

“I know for a fact that every single day at the White House, it’s a situation of trying to contain him.” – Senator Bob Corker on Donald Trump, New York Times, Oct

Kyrgyz Color Revolution Fears – Imagined or Imminent? By Andrew Korybko, October 10 2017

Kyrgyzstan’s state security service arrested Kanatbek Isayev, a supporter of opposition candidate Omurbek Babanov, just weeks before the presidential election on 15 October on the grounds that he was coordinating with criminal groups in planning Color Revolution riots

“Human Flow, When There is Nowhere to Go, Nowhere is Home” By Barbara Nimri Aziz, October 10 2017

Featured image: Ai Weiwei @ 798 Beijing (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

When I received the invitation from Magnolia Pictures to preview a forthcoming film by artist Ai Weiwei, recognizing the name of its celebrated Chinese director, I was eager to

Selected Articles: Remembering the Inception of the “War on Terrorism” – 16 Years of Afghan Crisis By Global Research News, October 10 2017

Global Research is a small team that believes in the power of information and analysis to bring about far-reaching societal change including a world without war.

Truth in media is a powerful instrument. As long as we all keep probing,

Afghanistan: US Occupiers and NATO, Their Puppets, the Taliban and ISIS Are the Cause of the Current Disaster! By RAWA, October 10 2017

Sixteen years ago, the criminal US army, with the partnership of the English colonizers, invaded our country under the pretext of “war on terror” and dismantling the Taliban and Al Qaeda. The invaders overthrew and annihilated its Taliban stooges in

Catalan Independence: Out of Madrid’s Frying Pan, Into the NATO Fire? By Tony Cartalucci, October 09 2017

Media on all sides surrounding the recent Catalan referendum for independence from Spain focused on Madrid’s security crackdown on voters. However, what is not being mentioned about Catalonia’s ongoing bid to achieve independence, who is leading it, and what their

Kremlin Warns Against Steps Aggravating Situation on Korean Peninsula By Sputnik, October 09 2017

Moscow is calling on all interested parties to show restraint regarding the situation on the Korean Peninsula and to avoid steps that could aggravate the situation, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Monday.

“As for the Korean Peninsula, of course,

The Courage to Decide for Peace. The Threat of Nuclear Annihilation By Christopher Black, October 09 2017

“Competitive armament is not a way to prevent war. Every step in this direction brings us nearer to catastrophe. The armament race is the worst method to prevent open conflict.

On the contrary, real peace cannot be reached without systematic

Big Surprise: Energy Industry Has a Best Friend in the Oval Office By Alison Grass, October 09 2017

Spicer also blustered that under the Trump Administration you will see Secretaries Zinke and Perry working together to produce massive yields of oil and gas from public lands in an “environmentally responsible way” — even though we know that shale

Longest War in US History Turns 16 Today – Thousands Dead, No End in Sight & It’s Getting Worse By Rachel Blevins, October 09 2017

On this day 16 years ago, less than one month after 9/11, President George W. Bush delivered a televised address from the White House announcing the beginning of the Afghanistan War.

“On my orders, the United States military has begun

Finding Our Way Back to Truth by Following a String of Facts By Edward Curtin, October 09 2017

If you find yourself lost and confused in a dark wood, then perhaps following this network of knots strung on a long string of dates listed below will help you find your way back home, where the bread of truth

Afghanistan: US Sponsored Al Qaeda “Freedom Fighters” Were Used to Railroad the Formation of a Secular Socialist Government By Gaither Stewart, October 09 2017

Featured image: Mohammad Najibullah, Former President of Afghanistan

When in 1978 the 31-year old Afghan Communist politician-activist, Mohammad Najibullah, arrived in Tehran, “exiled” to neighboring Iran as Afghanistan’s Ambassador, I had just left Iran where I had worked throughout