Global Research News

The U.S. Bombed Afghanistan More in September than Any Month Since 2010, but the “Death Toll” Remains Hidden By Emran Feroz, October 18 2017

On August 21, U.S. President Donald Trump unveiled his long-awaited Afghanistan strategy. He made clear that the longest war in modern U.S. history had no end in sight, and that the U.S. government would increase its troop contingent by several

North Korea – As Trump Threatens, the Nation Still Struggles with America’s Lethal Legacy By Felicity Arbuthnot, October 18 2017
As the US threatens to decimate North Korea again – if not the entire planet, given Trump’s chillingly casual approach to the use of nuclear weapons – an article has revealed the criminal legacy remaining from America’s last attack, ending 64 years ago, on a country smaller than Mississippi
Israel Is Hiding the Fact that Its State of the Art F-35 Warplane Was Hit by Syrian S-200 Missile – Reports By South Front, October 18 2017

Featured image: Israeli Air Force F-35 warplanes (Source: South Front)

It looks that the Israeli “demonstration of power” during the recent visit of Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has turned into a total failure.

On October 16, Shoigu arrived Israel …

The Communist Party of China (CPC) at Its 19th National Congress. President Xi’s Battle against Corruption By Robert Lawrence Kuhn, October 18 2017

Foreign analysts and media look to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China for clues about China’s future. It is no secret that President Xi Jinping, during his almost five years as China’s senior-most leader, has

China Gains Ground in Global Ranking of Research By People's Daily, October 18 2017

Academic research papers from China garner the second most worldwide citations, after those from the United States but ahead of those from the United Kingdom, according to a new study.

The analysis was conducted by Amsterdam-based information and analytics company …

Will the Kirkuk Campaign Lead to Regime Change in Kurdistan? By Andrew Korybko, October 18 2017

This area has long been disputed between the Iraqi central authorities and the Kurdish Regional Government of Northern Iraq, and Article 140 of the post-2003 US-imposed “constitution” decreed that a referendum was supposed to have been held here

Is It Time for “Food Diplomacy” in Venezuela? By Andrew Korybko, October 18 2017

The convincing victory of Venezuela’s governing socialist party in this weekend’s elections provides a convenient opportunity for President Maduro to finally request food aid from his Russian and Chinese partners, both of whom would be more than eager to receive

Masked and Armed with Rifles: Military Security Firms Roam Streets of San Juan, Puerto Rico By Joel Cintrón Arbasetti, October 18 2017

Featured image: Antonsanti Street in Santurce, Puerto Rico (Joel Cintrón Arbasetti | Centro de Periodismo Investigativo)

It’s the morning of Oct. 7 and a man stops traffic on Antonsanti Street in Santurce, behind the Ciudadela building. He is wearing a

Korea: Diplomacy that Opens the Door to Healing and Reunification By Bishop Hee-Soo Jung, October 18 2017

Featured image: Bishop Hee-Soo Jung

Mr. President, I respectfully write to you with four appeals.

First, I want to appeal to you for exemplary leadership in the case of North Korea. In a volatile and dangerous situation, a calm, cool, …

U.K. Parliament to be ‘Shut Out’ of Post Brexit Trade Deals By True Publica, October 18 2017

The Trade Justice Movement has welcomed the government’s recognition in its trade white paper, released yesterday, of the need for trade policy to be “transparent and inclusive”. However it has criticised the government’s commitments so far as woefully inadequate, in

Iraqi Seizure of Oil-rich Kirkuk from Kurds Risks Broader War By Jordan Shilton, October 18 2017

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi ordered an offensive by Iraqi army units and pro-government Shia militias Monday to capture the oil-rich city of Kirkuk and surrounding areas from the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG). The attack, which reportedly provoked clashes in

War in Iraqi Kurdistan By Stephen Lendman, October 18 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

On September 25, Iraqi Kurds voted overwhelming for independence. A 93% majority spoke for itself, Kurdish officials calling the results binding. Turnout was around

Kurdish Nationalist Group PJAK Utilized to Weaken and Divide Iran By Sarah Abed, October 18 2017

Every major Kurdish political group in the region has longstanding ties to Israel. It’s all linked to major ethnic violence against Arabs, Turkmens, Aramaeans, and Assyrians. From the PKK in Turkey to the PYD and YPG in Syria, PJAK in

The Iran Dilemma – The Tyrant Has Spoken By Peter Koenig, October 18 2017

The tyrant, of course, is Donald Trump. He launched tirade after tirade, and keeps launching them, insult after insult, lies after lies after miserable lies at the Government of Iran – about Iran not fulfilling the conditions of the

America: Dead Nation Walking. The Use of Propaganda to Frighten and Manipulate Public Opinion By Philip A Farruggio, October 18 2017

They have a term for those on death row awaiting execution, as ‘Dead Men Walking’. Well, ditto for a large (too large) segment of our American populace. One needs to first read William Hartung’s brilliant piece “How the Military Industrial

Bolivia Demands the Recovery of Its Access to the Pacific Ocean By Jorge Edgar Zambrana Jiménez, October 18 2017

Trucks are in mile-long lined up on Bolivia’s border to Chile. Bolivia is a country without access to the sea. The country’s access to ship transport depends on cooperation with Chile. It is difficult and expensive. And when Chile’s custom

Video: Israel Wants War with Iran. Penetrating Historical Analysis of Israeli-CIA Meddling By Steve Pieczenik, October 18 2017

Steve Pieczenik brings us a carefully documented analysis focussing on the history of the Middle East.

“Allow me to explain the Iran situ, its complicated and yes, Israel is involved.”

We created the Iran-Iraq war with the support of Israel.  

KCNA picture shows a test-firing drill of anti-ship missiles at sea © KCNA / Reuters
The U.S. Pushed North Korea to Build Nukes: Yes or No? By Mike Whitney, October 18 2017

Let’s say you know someone who wears funny blue suits and doesn’t share your views on politics. So you decide to stick this person in a cage and put him on a diet of bread and water until he agrees

Rationalism and Nuclear Lunacy By Kim Petersen, October 18 2017

This article was first published by Global Research in August 2017

The Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea is ramping up its nuclear deterrence, and this is causing consternation and wild proclamations from western officials and corporate media. What is

Divide and Rule: Separatist Nations Are Victims of Global War Theorists By Sami Karimi, October 18 2017

Partitioning of nations is now a rather familiar word that draws people into new waves of discussions. It is possible that many separatist movements could retreat or strike a reconciliatory deal with opposing governments, unless there is no interventionism or

Vengeful in Defeat: Hillary Clinton Fantasises about WikiLeaks By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 18 2017

The Hillary Clinton mope tour, which should have reached a high water mark, has gone global. It entails drumming up her credentials (immaculate, we are told, but unnoticed), and pouring upon the man who beat her to the White house

Video: Syria Government Forces Liberate City of Mayadin from ISIS By South Front, October 18 2017

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) Tiger Forces, supported by the Russian Aerospace Forces, have liberated the strategic city of Mayadin from ISIS terrorists in the province of Deir Ezzor. The SAA has also taken control of Buqrus Fawqani and Buqrus

Israel Supplies Weapons to ISIS-Daesh: Report By SANA, October 18 2017

According to Syria’s official news agency, Syrian Forces Discover Dozens of Israeli-made Weapons and Equipment in ISIS Dens

Syrian Forces have discovered dozens of Israeli-made arms, ammunition and telecommunication devices, while searching through ISIS dens in the countrysides of Homs

Deplorable US Public Ignorance, Attributable to Media Disinformation By Stephen Lendman, October 18 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Americans are the most over-entertained, uninformed people on the planet – despite 84% of households having a computer, 73% with broadband Internet access, according

Time for a Vigilant Celebration in Venezuela. By Nino Pagliccia, October 18 2017

In one day, on October 15, Venezuela has achieved several outstanding landmarks in our region at a time when we face dangerous world conflicts and unrest. By carrying out fair elections for governors of the 23 states, Venezuela has shown

Trump’s CEQ Appointee Hartnett-White Would Put Environment, Public Health on Dangerous Footing By Ken Kimmell, October 18 2017

Featured image: Kathleen Hartnett-White 

President Trump has nominated Kathleen Hartnett-White to lead the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). A former chair of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Hartnett-White is now affiliated with an oil industry-funded think tank in Austin.

US Meddling Across Southeast Asia: Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar… By Joseph Thomas, October 18 2017

At a time when US political leaders decry with little evidence what they claim is a pandemic of “Russian interference” in Western political affairs from Western Europe to North America, years of documented evidence exist of this very same interference

American Literature on the Battle of Okinawa and the Continuing US Military Presence By Steve Rabson, October 17 2017


The several works of American literature set in Okinawa or about Okinawans include travel narratives, war diaries, memoirs, biography, fiction, drama, and musical theater Perhaps the earliest, Francis L. Hawks’s 1856 Narrative of the Expedition of an American

Spies on Campus: The CIA and the FBI from the Indochina Wars to the “War on Terror” By Daniel Golden, October 17 2017

On the crisp autumn afternoon of November 26, 2007, a black car picked up Graham Spanier, then president of Pennsylvania State University, at Dulles International Airport and whisked him to CIA headquarters in Langley, Va. Using his identification card

US Betrays Iran Deal as Predicted – Edges Closer to War By Tony Cartalucci, October 17 2017

This article was first published on February 2, 2017

As the world remains mesmerized by the antics of US President Donald Trump, his national security adviser Michael Flynn brazenly linked Iran to Yemeni fighters who attacked a Saudi warship, as

Trump Team Targets Iran By Eric Zuesse, October 17 2017
Catalan Leader Fails to Meet Madrid’s Deadline By Stephen Lendman, October 17 2017

Featured image: Catalan President Carles Puigdemont


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Catalan President Carles Puigdemont is more equivocator than decider, failing to formally declare independence from Spain – the

Here’s How the Russian-Saudi Rapprochement Might Affect Yemen By Andrew Korybko, October 17 2017

The agreements to sell S-400 missiles and manufacture Kalashnikovs in the Kingdom represent some of Russia’s best practice of “military diplomacy” yet, creating a solid basis for building long-term and strategic relations with Saudi Arabia in the context

Get Ready for a New Chernobyl in Ukraine By Oriental Review, October 17 2017

With the onset of winter and the increasing strain on Ukraine’s energy system, the threat of a new nuclear disaster in Central Europe is becoming more than just a theoretical danger. According to analysts from Energy Research & Social Science

Washington Is Destroying American Power By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 17 2017

Readers at home and around the world want to know what to make of the announcement that China henceforth will conduct oil purchases and sales in gold-backed Chinese currency.

Is this an attack by Russia and China on the US …

Canadian Mining Is Dispossessing Indigenous Peoples and Campesino Communities in Mexico By Mexican Network of Mining Affected People and Richard Fidler, October 16 2017

As Prime Minister Trudeau makes his first official visit to Mexico, writes Mining Watch Canada, “the Mexican Network of Mining Affected People” (REMA by its initials in Spanish) has issued a communiqué to call on Trudeau to live up to

North Korea’s Foreign Minister Explains Exactly What Is Needed for Pyongyang to Negotiate with US and Others By Adam Garrie, October 16 2017

North Korea’s Foreign Minister, Ri Yong-ho, has spoken exclusively to TASS on the occasion of the 69th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Pyongyang and Moscow.

Before taking questions, Ri Yong-ho, who recently delivered the DPRK’s speech

The Russiagate Scandal Descends into Total Absurdity By Alexander Mercouris, October 16 2017

Even as the Trump administration disintegrates – with the President publicly quarreling with his Secretary of State, and his Chief of Staff forced to deny he is about to resign – the scandal which more than anything else has defined

Wrongful Rhetoric and Trump’s Strategy on Iran By Kathy Kelly, October 16 2017

Featured image: Mordechai Vanunu in 2004 shows the article for which he was imprisoned. (Source: Voices for Creative Nonviolence)

Mordechai Vanunu was imprisoned in Israel for eighteen years because he blew the whistle on Israel’s secret nuclear weapons program. He

The Real Reasons Trump Is Quitting Unesco By Jonathan Cook, October 16 2017

At first glance, the decision last week by the Trump administration, followed immediately by Israel, to quit the United Nation’s cultural agency seems strange. Why penalise a body that promotes clean water, literacy, heritage preservation and women’s rights?

Washington’s claim …

Kurdish SDF Terror Proxies Re-Occupy (What’s Left of) Raqqa, Syria By Mark Taliano, October 16 2017

The occupation and destruction of Raqqa, Syria, by Western-supported terrorists, is now transforming itself into a re-occupation by “Kurdish” SDF terror proxies who are taking the place of the previous place-setters — ISIS/Daesh — many of whom are now being

Europe Should Stop Trump from Starting Another War in the Middle East By Farhang Jahanpour, October 16 2017

As was expected, President Trump has decertified Iran’s compliance with the nuclear deal or, to give it its full name, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), despite the fact that he certified it twice before. As recently as 14

US to Stay in Iran Nuclear Deal: UN Ambassador Haley By Press TV, October 16 2017

The United States is going to stay in the 2015 Iran nuclear deal despite President Donald Trump’s move not to recertify it, says US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, asserting that Iran is not in breach

Video: Iraqi Army Pushes to Retake Kirkuk from Kurdistan Peshmerga By South Front, October 16 2017

Late on October 15, Iraqi government forces launched a military operation to take back the area of Kirkuk from the Peshmerga, the military force of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG).

According to Iraqi sources, the 9th Armoured Division, the Federal …

Iran – Trump Has No Strategy, Only Aims and No Way to Achieve Them By Moon of Alabama, October 16 2017

Trump hates the international nuclear deal with Iran.  The agreement put temporary restriction of Iran’s nuclear program and opened it up to deeper inspections. The other sides of the deal committed to lifting sanctions and to further economic cooperation. Trump

Selected Articles: Trump’s Belligerence Could Lead to Nuclear War By Global Research News, October 16 2017

Global Research is an independent organization that is funded exclusively through the support of its readers. It does not accept public or private funding. Every contribution helps us continue to bring you the up-to-date, incisive information that you count on.

Breaking: Parliament to Debate Holding Second Brexit Referendum By Jonathan Curtis, October 16 2017

A petition on the government’s official page about holding a SECOND BREXIT REFERENDUM  about the terms of the final deal with the European Union has reached 100,000 signatures – this means that the government is obliged to debate discuss it

Organized Chaos and Confusion as Political Control By Edward Curtin, October 16 2017

“There’s something happening here, but what it is ain’t exactly clear.” – Buffalo Springfield 1967

It’s not supposed to be clear, now or then. If you’re confused by the news you’re hearing, you should be. They want you to be.

Trump’s Iran Deal By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 16 2017

Bad deals. Very bad – unless, of course, they are minted in the United States, with Make America Great Again credentials. Hardly the stuff of presidential clout and oratorical flair, but the US president is making good his word to

The Unraveling of American/Russian Relations By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 16 2017

I agree that the official Las Vegas story seems to be unraveling. A public mass shooting should be transparent, not opaque. I think we explored the story long enough to discover that without knowing the facts, we cannot arrive at

Coming to the Rescue of the Victims of Natural Disasters: Spending for War vs. Natural Disaster Relief By Chris Ernesto, October 16 2017

I have an aunt who lives in paradise – Paradise, California, that is. But in 2017 it has been anything but, as the communities surrounding Paradise have been evacuated on two separate occasions due to natural disasters and crumbling infrastructure.

Las Vegas Massacre Survivor Dies Abruptly After Posting Her Detailed Eyewitness Account of Multiple Shooters on Facebook By Shepard Ambellas, October 15 2017

A woman by the name Kymberley Suchomel, 28, who attended the Oct. 1 Route 91 Harvest Music Festival, passed away Monday at her Apple Valley home just days after she had survived the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S.

“More U.S. Troops at Our Borders”: Russian TV Says U.S. Violates Peace Treaty By Eric Zuesse, October 15 2017

Headlining “‘More US troops at our borders’ – Russian Defense Ministry”, Russian Television (whose U.S. broadcasts the U.S. Government is considering to ban) reported, on Friday, October 13th, that “On Thursday, the U.S. announced the presence of a second

The US-Turkish “Visa War” Is a Hybrid War Harbinger By Andrew Korybko, October 15 2017

The US-Turkish “visa war” began when Ankara arrested a US consulate employee on terror charges over his suspected connections with the Gulenists, which served as the pretext for the US to do what it had apparently been considering for some

Is Trump’s “Friend” Kissinger Steering Him from Calm to Storm? By Whitney Webb, October 15 2017

President Donald Trump met with top defense officials Tuesday morning — including Secretary of Defense James Mattis and the Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair General Joseph Dunford — in the White House Situation Room, to discuss potential options for responding

Iran’s Foreign Minister Warned that Trump Threats Would Backfire By Dania Akkad, October 15 2017

Two months into the new Trump administration, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif warned that Washington’s behaviour towards the nuclear deal threatened to “render the entire bargain meaningless,” according to a copy of a letter obtained by Middle East Eye.

“Iran …

Longstanding Sexual Abuse in Hollywood By Stephen Lendman, October 15 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

It’s been commonplace throughout tinseltown’s history. The so-called casting couch has been around for the past century, producers and other industry executives demanding sexual

Who are the War Criminals? Truman’s 1951 “Fire and Fury” against The People of North Korea By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 15 2017

Image: Truman and MacArthur on Wake Island

“Fire and Fury” was not invented by Donald Trump. It is a concept deeply embedded in US military doctrine. It has characterized US military interventions since the end of World War II.


Al Qaeda and the Human Mindset: The Threat of the Islamic State (ISIS), … An Incessant and Repetitive Public Discourse By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 15 2017
How does the daily bombardment of Al Qaeda concepts and images, funnelled into the Western news chain affect the human mindset? What is at stake is human consciousness and comprehension based on concepts and facts.
The Korean War and Crimes against Humanity: Forgotten When We Need to Remember By Jeff Williams, October 15 2017

First published by GR in May 2017



US Regime Change in Venezuela: The Truth Is Easy if You Follow the Money Trail. The Opposition is Pro-Washington, Not “Pro-Democracy” By Tony Cartalucci, October 15 2017

First published by GR in August 2017

Venezuela’s ongoing crisis is not driven by political ideology – it is not a battle of socialism versus capitalism or dictatorship versus democracy – it is the result of two centers of political

Trump Is Trying to Make NAFTA Even Worse By Ethan Earle, October 15 2017

Featured image: A North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Logo. (Source: Nicoguaro / Wikimedia Commons)

First published by GR in July 2017

Many on the Left have been deeply critical of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) since

Australia’s Climate Change Insurgent: Tony Abbott’s Crusade By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 15 2017

He is the inimitable, true political ugliness, the bad boy with a mistimed punch. While not quite professorial in his lunacy (that honour will have to go to Pauline Hanson of One Nation, whose sincere bigotry remains pungent), he aspires

Venezuela in the Crosshairs: Are we Witnessing a Slow-Motion Coup D’Etat? By Michael Welch, Lucas Koerner, and Henry Heller, October 15 2017

Today’s announcement of sanctions against the Maduro regime underscores our commitment to defending democracy and human rights around the world.

– Hon. Chrystia Freeland, P.C., M.P., Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs September 22, 2017 [1]


What Produces Wealth in America: Studies Show Republicans Don’t Understand By Eric Zuesse, October 14 2017

A Pew poll published on May 2nd was headlined “Why people are rich and poor: Republicans and Democrats have very different views”, and it reported that, “Most Republicans link a person’s financial standing to their own hard work –

The Middle East Pivot: Erdoğan’s Turkey Seven “Deadly Sins” By Prof. James Petras, October 14 2017

Multiple wars ravage the Middle East. Turkey has inserted itself into the middle of most of these regional conflicts and ended up a loser.

Under President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Turkey has intervened and formed alliances with a rogue’s gallery …

Video: Turkish Military Intervention in Northwestern Syria. Troops and Vehicles Enter Idlib By South Front, October 14 2017

Late on October 12, the Turkish Army started deploying troops and vehicles in Syria’s Idlib province. According to reports, at least 30 Turkish vehicles entered Idlib via the Atme border crossing and deployed in an area between it and Darat

War Crimes and the Rights of Children in Syria and Iraq: On the Importance of Media Literacy in Times of Universal Deceit By Mark Taliano, October 14 2017

Just as it has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that ISIS/Daesh are Western proxies/strategic assets in Syria, so too has it been demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt the myriad illicit ways in which the terrorists enrich themselves to the

The US Withdraws from UNESCO, Due to “Continuing anti-Israel Bias at UNESCO” By Andrew Korybko, October 14 2017

US domestic law takes precedence over international law, just as it was recently decreed is the case for Russia as well, so no matter how controversial it may be that Washington is pulling out of the globalist body for naked

How Ukraine Turned into An Arms Dealer? Supplying Weapons to Al Qaeda and ISIS-Daesh By Sophie Mangal, October 14 2017

The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) together with the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network revealed a scheme of weapons supply to the terrorists of ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra.

There is no secret that the U.S. provides the so-called moderate …

Separatist Kurdish Factions: Human Rights Violations and Racism By Sarah Abed, October 14 2017

The West has effectively preyed on the Kurds’ internal divisions and has used some factions to fulfill an imperialist goal of dividing and weakening the Near and Middle East. The Kurdish people are diverse, and in recent years, aspects of

The Las Vegas Mass Shooting – More to the Story Than We’ve Been Told By Shawn Helton, October 14 2017

Although many are still stunned in the aftermath of the Route 91 Festival tragedy – a series of  unanswered questions persist following what has been described by media as the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history.

The motive for

Selected Articles: US-DPRK Relations: The Calm Before the Storm? By Global Research News, October 14 2017

Global Research is a small team that believes in the power of information and analysis to bring about far-reaching societal change including a world without war.

Truth in media is a powerful instrument. As long as we all keep probing,

North Korea and Trump’s “Reality Free Zone”: Tweeting About Armageddon By Felicity Arbuthnot, October 14 2017
Trump is threatening generating the potential extinction of life on earth. His obsession with “if we’ve got nuclear weapons why don’t we use them” argument goes back decades, but his kindergarten rhetoric shows a frightening disconnect from statesmanship, diplomacy & reality.
US Military Presence in Niger. Did Trump Just Have His Benghazi without the Mainstream Media Even Noticing? By Sophia Tesfaye, October 13 2017

Four dead Americans.

It’s been five years since terrorists attacked the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012, leaving four Americans dead. Last week, as CIA officers disguised in wigs and mustaches testified in court about the predawn

The US on the Brink of War with North Korea By Peter Symonds, October 13 2017

Amid accelerating US preparations for conflict with North Korea, yesterday’s night-time flight by two B-1B bombers over the Korean Peninsula was designed to provoke a North Korean response that could be used as the casus belli for all-out war.

The …

Dollar Blow: China Launches New ‘Yuan-Ruble’ Payment Mechanism By 21st Century Wire, October 13 2017

This week it was announced that China has established a ‘payment versus payment‘ (PVP) system to clear Chinese yuan and Russian ruble transactions. The aim, we’re told, is to to “reduce risks and improve the efficiency” of its

Congressional Disaster Relief Legislation Ignores Puerto Rico By Stephen Lendman, October 13 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Hurricanes Maria and Irma caused vast destruction in Puerto Rico, creating humanitarian crisis conditions for millions.

Instead of massive amounts of vitally needed aid

Uzbekistan’s New President Mirziyoyev Is Undoing Karimov’s Legacy. Towards a Rapprochement with Moscow and Beijing? By Andrew Korybko, October 13 2017

Featured image: Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Vladimir Putin at the funerals of late Uzbekistan president Islam Karimov, December 2016

Uzbekistan’s new leader has spent his first year in office undoing his predecessor’s legacy, implementing an Erdogan-like “Zero Problems With Neighbors” approach

Che Guevara– Viva! Hasta la Victoria Siempre! “Che! – Among the Greatest Revolutionaries of the 20th Century”. By Peter Koenig, October 13 2017

Che! – You are one of the greatest revolutionaries of the 20th Century. You inspired tens of millions of people throughout the world to fight for justice, for their freedom and civil rights. You have left a vision of