Global Research News

Selected Articles: The CIA and the Pentagon’s Dirty Secrets By Global Research News, October 25 2017

Global Research does not seek financial support from private and public foundations. This is why we value every single donation and contribution. Independent media is threatened. More than ever, we are in the need of the financial support of  our

Ten Reasons Why the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) Won the Election By Prof. James Petras, October 25 2017

Every major newspaper, television channel and US government official has spent the past two years claiming that the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), founded by the late Hugo Chavez, had become a marginalized political party, supported only by 

‘Can You Say Corruption?’ Puerto Rico Contract for Trump-Connected Raises Concerns By Julia Conley, October 25 2017

Featured image: Puerto Rico’s electricity utility, PREPA, offered a $300 million contract to a small private firm to repair its power grid. Whitefish Energy is funded by a major Trump donor. (Photo: Whitefish Energy/Twitter)

Critics raised suspicions on Tuesday over

Japan’s Snap Elections and Prime Minister Abe’s Hawkish Strategy toward North Korea By Tim Beal, October 25 2017

Snap election – harnessing hysteria, diverting attention

Japanese Prime Minister’s gamble in calling a snap election to harness anxiety and hysteria over the much-publicized ‘threat from North Korea’ has succeeded, as it was widely predicted. The political achievement is considerable.

“Dirty Politics”: Hillary and DNC Behind Fake Trump Dossier By Stephen Lendman, October 25 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Make no mistake. There’s plenty about Trump to criticize. Doing it with fabricated accusations is unconscionable – against him or anyone else.

Politics is

Corker and Flake Take Aim: GOP Rumblings Against Trump By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 25 2017

Featured image: Jeff Flake and Bob Corker

GOP members were fuming. Republican Senator Bob Corker of the Foreign Relations Committee was incandescent; Senator Jeff Flake oozed regret and despondency. Both spoke with the freedom of those not seeking re-election, a

India Mimics America and Hints at a Russian Twitter Troll Conspiracy By Andrew Korybko, October 25 2017

The US-Indian Strategic Partnership has rapidly evolved to such a point that the Indian government is now obliquely hinting that Russian twitter trolls are backing the country’s opposition leader, showing that New Delhi is willing to say and do anything

Syrian Government Urges UN Security Council to Put an End to US Coalition Crimes against Civilians By News Desk, October 25 2017

The US-led coalition, whose operation in Syria had not been authorized by the UN or Damascus, has denied that its airstrike resulted in civilian casualties in Deir ez-Zor.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry has urged the UN Security Council to put …

Our Ever-Deadlier Police State By Chris Hedges, October 25 2017

None of the reforms, increased training, diversity programs, community outreach and gimmicks such as body cameras have blunted America’s deadly police assault, especially against poor people of color. Police forces in the United States—which, according to The Washington Post, have 

Video: Syrian Army Advances East of Deir Ezzor City, Heavy Blow to ISIS Terrorists By South Front, October 25 2017

Last night, an airstrike hit the government-held neighborhood of al-Qusour in Deir Ezzor city killing at least 14 people and wounding 32 others. Pro-opposition sources say that the incident is a result of mistake by the Syrian or Russian air

By Sabotaging the Iran Deal, Donald Trump Certifies US Irrelevance By Federico Pieraccini, October 25 2017

On January 16, 2016, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) entered into force following four years of negotiations between Iran, the European Union, Russia, China, and the United States. Shortly after implementing the agreement, the US Congress put into

America’s Plans for its Myanmar Client State By Tony Cartalucci, October 25 2017

As violence continues to unfold in Myanmar’s western Rakhine state against the nation’s Rohingya ethnic minority, the agenda driving the conflict is likewise unfolding in a more transparent and direct manner.

As was predicted – the US is shifting blame …

Slain US Special Forces Troops on Apparent Assassination Mission in Niger By Bill Van Auken, October 25 2017

Three weeks after four US special forces soldiers were killed in a firefight in the landlocked West African nation of Niger, information has surfaced indicating that the American troops and their Nigerien counterparts were involved in a “capture-kill” mission aimed

Xi Jinping’s Road Map to “The Chinese Dream” By Pepe Escobar, October 25 2017

Now that President Xi Jinping has been duly elevated to the Chinese Communist Party pantheon in the rarified company of Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory, the world will have plenty of time to digest the meaning of “Xi

Phoenix 2.0 – CIA’s Vietnam Terror Unleashed Upon Afghanistan By Moon of Alabama, October 25 2017

Last week the new head of the CIA Mike Pompeo publicly threatened to make the CIA a “much more vicious agency”. His first step towards that is to unleash CIA sponsored killer gangs onto the people of Afghanistan:

The C.I.A.

South Korean Progressive Parties Merge to Complete Candlelight Revolution By Zoom in Korea, October 25 2017

Featured image: Signs read: “We oppose THAAD”; Photo – Tongil News

“World without precarious labor, world without war!”

On October 15, ten thousand people gathered in Seoul Plaza in front of Seoul City Hall to celebrate the launch of a

The FBI’s Forgotten Criminal History By James Bovard, October 25 2017

President Trump’s firing of FBI chief James Comey last May spurred much of the media to rally around America’s most powerful domestic federal agency. But the FBI has a long record of both deceit and incompetence. Five years ago, Americans

They Profit, We Die: Toxic Agriculture and the Poisoning of Soils, Human Health and the Environment By Colin Todhunter, October 25 2017

This article was originally published by GR on October 23, 2015.

Our food system is in big trouble. It’s in big trouble because the global agritech/agribusiness sector is poisoning it, us and the environment with its pesticides, herbicides, GMOs and

US-UK Dirty War: ‘Latin American-style’ Death Squads in Iraq Revealed Through Chilcot By Patrick Henningsen, October 25 2017

This article first appeared on GR on July 14, 2016.

This week another toxic revelation dripped out of the Chilcot Report.

According to top British SAS officers, US commander Stanley McChrystal’s counter-insurgency “black-ops” featured a program of relentless violence designed

Setting the Stage to Commit a Massacre in Gaza By Ilan Pappe, October 24 2017

Fifty years after the Six-Day War, the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip shows no end in sight. Acclaimed historian Ilan Pappé provides a comprehensive and damning account of the occupation in his new book, The Biggest

Winning in Africa. US Military-Industrial Complex Supplants State Department Diplomacy By Brian Cloughley, October 24 2017

On October 4 in Niger in central Africa four American special forces soldiers were killed in an ambush by “fifty fighters, thought to be associated with ISIS [Islamic State], a US official said.” In the course of the attack,

A Multipolar World?: “Full Spectrum Superiority”, The Deep State and Global Financial Control By Richard C. Cook, October 24 2017

First published by Global Research in May 2017

Various sources have accused the U.S. of trying to enforce the model of a unitary world where it alone dictates to all other nations. The following essay develops the idea that seeing

Help Wanted – State Department Seeks Self-Consistent Secretary … To Replace Tillerson? By Moon of Alabama, October 24 2017

European business deals with Iran are safe: Tillerson – AFP, October 20 2017

Washington (AFP) – The United States does not intend to disrupt European business deals with Iran, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in comments published Friday.

The Obamacare Fraud and the Case for Socialized Medicine By Kate Randall, October 24 2017

First published by WSWS and Global Research in October 2013

After years of promotion, lobbying and political wrangling, health insurance exchanges are opening for business today across the country as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). …

Remembering Muammar Qaddafi and the Great Libyan Jamahiriya By Gerald A. Perreira, October 24 2017

October 20th, 2017, marks the sixth anniversary of the martyrdom of Muammar Qaddafi, revolutionary Pan-Africanist and champion of the Global South. This day also marks the sixth anniversary of the historic battle of Sirte, where Qaddafi, along with an

On Returning from Syria: More Convinced than Ever Western Media Narrative Is Bulls**t By Brandon Turbeville, October 24 2017

In early October, 2017, I had the pleasure of visiting Syria on a mission to get a sense of the toll of the war, the mindset of the people, and the general situation on the ground. The goal was to

Turkey to Establish Eight Military Bases in Syria’s Idlib Province By South Front, October 24 2017

The Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) are going to establish 8 military bases in Syria’s Idlib province, according to the conservative Turkish daily newspaper Yeni Şafak.

“The Taftanaz Air Base and the Abu al-Duhur Military Airbase [in Syria’s Idlib province] are

George W. Bush Receives a Character Award at West Point: Duty, Honor, Atrocity By Erik Edstrom, October 24 2017

In George W. Bush’s home state of Texas, if you are an ordinary citizen found guilty of capital murder, the mandatory sentence is either life in prison or the death penalty. If, however, you are a former president of the

What’s Going on in Niger? America’s Unspoken War against sub-Saharan Africa By Stephen Lendman, October 24 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Few Americans know anything about the country. They’re minimally knowledgeable geographically about nations only when Washington goes to war – testimony to public ignorance,

Angels, Dolphins and the World Festival of Youth and Students: Condemning Lies that Violate By Prof Susan Babbitt, October 24 2017

The fisherman who found five-year old Elián Gonzalez in 1998 thought he’d been saved by angels and dolphins. His mother put him on an inner tube before she and everyone else on the boat drowned. They were trying to get

China’s Belt and Road: Geopolitical Analysis of Regional Impediments. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Myanmar, India, Bangladesh By Sami Karimi, October 24 2017

China’s colossal industrial overcapacity needs global markets and it drives the country to explore wide-scale and costly corridors for overland access to the east and west.

China’s vision to establish a brand new international currency in lieu of the US

Cuban Workers Condemn US Blockade By ACN, October 24 2017

The Cuban Workers’ Confederation (CTC) and the national trade unions released a statement strongly condemning over 50 yearlong US economic, financial and commercial US blockade on Cuba.

The document published by the weekly Trabajadores indicates that the hostile policy of …

China Faces Growing Debt Problems, Says Central Bank Governor By Nick Beams, October 24 2017

A warning by the governor of the People’s Bank of China, Zhou Xiaochuan, that the country’s financial system faces a possible “Minsky moment” has again raised concerns over the level of the country’s debt.

Zhou, who is expected to …

In a Dramatic Pivot, Shia Militia Leader Tells US: “Get Ready to Leave Iraq” By Zero Hedge, October 24 2017

Featured image: Sheikh Qais al-Khazali (Source: Pars Today)

The Baghdad government and its paramilitary forces increasingly see American troop presence as the actual foreign menace.

A prominent Iraqi militia leader with close ties to Iran has told the United …

‘Blatant Censorship’: Trump EPA Abruptly Muzzles Its Own Climate Scientists By Jake Johnson, October 24 2017

Featured image: Scott Pruitt (Source: Greenpeace USA)

In what critics are calling “a blatant example of the scientific censorship” being imposed on climate researchers by the Trump White House, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) late Sunday abruptly canceled the

Meet the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the CIA’s Big Brother: The Multibillion Dollar US Spy Agency You’ve Never Heard Of By AnonWatcher, October 24 2017

If you haven’t heard of the NGA, you can be forgiven. The NGA – the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency employs over 15,000 people in its shadows. The NGA is the cutting-edge spy agency that oversees the surveillance trade.

Forget the CIA …

US-backed SDF Allegedly Seized Omar Oil Fields. But What Is Really Going On? By South Front, October 24 2017

UPDATE 2: The SDF media wing released a new statement in English (source):

“Our forces carried out a large-scale military operation aimed at the concentration of mercenaries in the fields of Omar oil in the early hours of

Netanyahu Very Upset with Iraqi Forces Capturing Kirkuk, Takes Action to Reclaim Oil By Andrew Illingworth, October 24 2017

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is very upset with Baghdad’s decision to drive back pro-Barzani forces from important cities and energy sites in Iraq.

One week ago, Iraqi pro-government forces launched a powerful offensive along the entire Kurdish frontier in …

Food, Agriculture and the Global Ecology: Rolling Back the Tide of Pesticide Poison, Corruption and Looming Mass Extinction By Colin Todhunter, October 24 2017

An anthropogenic mass extinction is underway that will affect all life on the planet and humans will struggle to survive the phenomenon. So claims Dr Rosemary Mason in a paper (2015) in the Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry. Loss

History: How Britain Assisted the Soviet Union’s Fight Against Hitler By Nikolay Starikov, October 24 2017

In previous installments of the Episodes, we have frequently described the obvious examples of British diplomatic maneuvering in regard to Hitler immediately prior to and at the beginning of World War II (please read, for example, the chapters Poland

Environmental Protest in Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 24 2017

Environment activists and watchers will be detaching themselves briefly from their various points of resistance to observe the implications of a High Court decision in Australia that was handed down last week. The decision found that various anti-protest provisions of

Selected Articles: The Threat of Military Dictatorship in America By Global Research News, October 24 2017

Did you know that thanks to the contributions of our readers, we have been able to maintain complete independence? This means that we do not accept support from any private foundations, which now more than ever are seeking to

Video: ISIS May Surrender Eastern Bank of Euphrates to US-backed Forces By South Front, October 24 2017

On October 22, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced that they took control over the Omar oil fields in eastern Deir Ezzor, on the eastern bank of the Euphrates. Lilwa al-Abdallah, one of the SDF spokespersons, said in a

The American Left: RIP By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 24 2017

Once upon a time the leftwing of the political spectrum was committed to the advancement of the working class and its protection from political and economic abuse by the owners of the means of production. Consequently, the leftwing was politically

The Harmful Effects of Antifa. Crisis of America’s Left By Diana Johnstone, October 24 2017
Whatever they think they are doing, whatever they claim to be doing, the one thing they really are doing is to tie the left into such sectarian intolerance that any broad inclusive single-issue anti-war movement becomes impossible.
US Soldiers in Niger: A Hidden Global Mission By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 24 2017

Featured image: Sgt. La David Johnson (Source: Patch)

Empires of scale are often spread thinly across fields of operations. Vast, often opaque functions on the ground are not necessarily conveyed with accuracy to the metropolitan centre. Command structures, for

93-Year-Old President Carter: Russians Didn’t Alter Election, Obama Didn’t Deliver, We Didn’t Vote for Hillary By Zero Hedge, October 24 2017

Spot the odd one out…

One of these six people says that Russians did not alter the election outcome, or vote for Hillary.



In a lengthy interview with The New York Times recently, 93-year-old former President Jimmy

US Coalition Bombing of Raqqa Comparable to the World War II Destruction of Dresden: Russian Defense Ministry By TASS, October 24 2017

Combat aircraft of the US and the coalition bombarded Syrian Raqqa like Germany’s Dresden was destroyed during World War II. In the operation to liberate the city from terrorists of the Islamic State (IS, terrorist organization outlawed in Russia), thousands

Catalan Regional Government Coup? Images of Police Violence Fake? By Stephen Lendman, October 24 2017

Featured image: Foreign Minister Alfonso Dastis (Source: Wikimedia Commons)


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

You can’t make this stuff up! Madrid appears desperate to justify its unjustifiable imposition

Hassan Diab Still in Legal Limbo as He Approaches His Fourth Year in a French Prison By Hassan Diab Support Committee, October 24 2017

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Dr. Hassan Diab, the Canadian citizen and sociology professor who was unjustly extradited to France in November 2014, approaches his fourth year of imprisonment in France, despite his innocence.

In July 2017, the French investigative …

China-Ruble Settlement and the Dollar System By F. William Engdahl, October 24 2017

The Peoples’ Bank of China has just announced a payment-versus-payment (PVP) system for Russian ruble and Chinese yuan transactions. The stated aim is to reduce currency risks in their trade. The only conceivable risk would be from the US

The Ben Stimson Case: Prosecuted for Fighting Fascism in Ukraine By Christopher Black, October 24 2017

Featured image: Benjamin Stimson (Source: NEO)

On July 14 this year a British man from the Manchester area named Benjamin Stimson, aged 41, a man the London Times called a “socialist” to add to his crimes, was convicted under

Right-Wing EU Think Tank Bashes Russia Today: Kremlin’s Platform for ‘Useful Idiots’ By Stephen Lendman, October 23 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

European Values Think Tank calls itself an NGO “defending liberal democracy” – it clearly disdains by attempting to discredit RT and guests appearing on

United Nations: Ignore Trump on Climate By Paul Brown, October 23 2017

Featured image: Trump rally in Louisiana, US, December 2016. Image: Tammy Anthony Baker via Flickr

The hurricanes and wildfires that have severely damaged large areas of the United States in recent weeks have had no impact on US president Donald

General Kelly’s Tirade and the Threat of Military Dictatorship in America By Bill Van Auken, October 23 2017

Two-and-a-half weeks after the deaths of four US Special Forces troops during a firefight in the landlocked West African nation of Niger, the American media has remained fixated on the ugly controversy surrounding President Donald Trump’s condolence call to

“Imaginary Syria”: Black Is White, White Is Black, in the Washington Post By Eric Zuesse, October 23 2017

The Washington Post presents a shockingly imaginary Syria, in which the U.S. Government has been the friend of the Syrian people by trying to eliminate in Syria simultaneously the jihadists and the Syrian Government that’s been fighting against the jihadists,

US Mercenaries, Iraqi Highways and the Mystery of the Never-Ending ISIS Hordes By Ulson Gunnar, October 23 2017

While the US and European media provided little explanation as to how militants from the self-titled Islamic State (IS) managed to appear, expand and then fight for years against the combined military power of Iraq, Syria, Iran and Russia, it

When Conspiracies Meet: Donald Trump and the JFK Files By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 23 2017

It seems the perfect recipe, a union of minds and fates. A case, long disputed, deliberated over, conspired over, meets a modern US president who favours the notion of birther theories, rigged systems, corrupt elites and corrosive establishments. As President

“Above All” – America’s Military Junta Expands Its Claim to Power By Moon of Alabama, October 23 2017

In an advertising campaign in 2008 the U.S. Air Force declared itself to be “Above All”. The slogan and symbol of the campaign was similar to the German “Deutschland Über Alles” campaign of 1933. It was a sign of things

Raqqa Destroyed to “Liberate It”. “ISIS was a Bogeyman Encouraged by Western Powers” By Eric Margolis, October 23 2017

The so-called Islamic State organization was primarily a bogeyman encouraged by the western powers.  I’ve been saying this for the last four years.

I asserted, as a former soldier and war correspondent, that IS would collapse like a wet paper …

Desecration of Church Property to Silence Syrian Voices By Vanessa Beeley, October 23 2017

On Thursday 19th October, the Media on Trial Event was held in the Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church (BCBC) in London. Prior to the event there had been the usual stream of emails denouncing the speakers as “genocide deniers” “Kremlin agents”

Wiping Out the Christians of Syria and Iraq to Remap the Middle East: Prerequisite to a Clash of Civilizations? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, October 23 2017
Historically, the Levant is the birthplace of Christianity and the oldest Christian communities have lived in it and the entire Fertile Crescent since the start of Christian history.
Washington Forbids Serbia from De-Mining Syria By Daniel McAdams, October 23 2017

This may be one of the cruelest and most cynical moves of Washington in its entire dark “regime change Syria” chapter. Serbian media sources are reporting, based on quotes from US Embassy Belgrade personnel, that the United States has sought

Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently (RBSS): Russia Blasts US Rape of Raqqa By Stephen Lendman, October 23 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

The citizen journalist group Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently (RBSS) provides reliable firsthand reports on high crimes of war and against humanity against defenseless

Trump to Release Classified JFK Files By Stephen Lendman, October 23 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Hold the cheers! Expect nothing incriminating the CIA, the mob. or anyone other than Lee Harvey Oswald from coming out – conveniently gunned down

Medicaid Is a Scam By Richard Hugus, October 23 2017

Medicaid is the supposed health care coverage in the United States for people under age 65. Medicare is for people 65 and over. “MassHealth” is the Massachusetts version of Medicaid. The current MassHealth application requires applicants to agree by signature

Breaking: France’s Minister of Defense: French Citizens Who Joined Jihad Should Die on the Battlefield – “We Don’t Want Them Back” By Peter Koenig, October 23 2017

Featured image: Florence Parly (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

AP reported in The New York Post of 21 October 2017, that during ISIS heydays, it is estimated that about 30,000 citizens from around the world traveled to the Middle East, mostly

How Propaganda Feeds War on Syria By Rick Sterling, October 23 2017

This article first appeared on GR on March 17, 2016.

Western propaganda against countries targeted for “regime change” can be especially insidious because mainstream journalists abandon skepticism and go with the flow, such as the case of Syrian “torture” photos,

World Food Prize: Feeding the World a Slick Campaign of Lies By Katherine Paul, October 23 2017

Tonight (October 19, 2017), the World Food Prize will be ceremoniously bestowed on yet another cheerleader for degenerative agriculture.

This year’s award goes to Dr. Akinwumi Ayodeji Adesina of Nigeria, president of the African Development Bank, and a proud supporter …

What We Still Haven’t Learned from the Vietnam War By Jimmy Falls, October 23 2017

Featured image: Vietnam War protestors march at the Pentagon in Washington, DC on October 21, 1967. (Photo credit: Frank Wolfe / LBJ Library / Wikimedia)

Fifty years ago today, in 1967, nearly 100,000 Americans marched on Washington, DC, to

Video: Korean War: 600,000 Tons of American Bombs on the North. Every City was Destroyed By mlovmo, October 22 2017

This episode details the UN bombing campaign over North Korea and the results for the people on the ground.

The majority of civilians killed in the Korean War were killed in North Korea by air attack. (This segment on the

Selected Articles: Weather Modification as US Military Strategy? By Global Research News, October 22 2017

Global Research brings to the attention of our readers a selection of articles on weather modification, with a view to promoting debate on a timely and important issue.

A 1996 CBC TV documentary reported on “HAARP, US military weather weapon”.…

Washington’s Design is to Fracture Syria: US-backed Militia Says Raqqa to be Part of ‘Federal Syria’ By RT News, October 22 2017

Raqqa will be part of a decentralized federal Syria after the city has been freed from Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), the US-backed militias that captured it said on Friday.

The Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) said the people of

Madrid Imposes Direct Rule Over Catalonia By Stephen Lendman, October 22 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

As expected, Spanish PM Mariano Rajoy suspended Catalan self-governance after a Saturday morning cabinet meeting.

A regime statement said

“(a)t an emergency meeting on

Great Powers and Global Politics By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, October 22 2017


A meaning of the term Great Power(s) (GP) in global politics from the beginning of the 16th century onward refers to the most power and therefore top influential states within the system of the international relations (IR). In other

Strengthening the Russia-Israeli “Strategic Partnership”, Russia’s Defense Minister Shoigu Visits Israel By Andrew Korybko, October 22 2017

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu just went on his first-ever visit to “Israel”.

Although serving in his capacity as Russia’s top military leader for almost five years now, Shoigu hadn’t once set foot in “Israel” until now. He arrived on …

Dickenson, Texas Residents Told No Hurricane Harvey Relief Funds If You’re Against Israel By Stephen Lendman, October 22 2017

Featured image: Governor Greg Abbott (Source: Wikimedia Commons)


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Israel’s sinister influence over US policy extends to tiny Dickenson, TX, population around 19,000, ravaged by

NGO Publishes Names of 2,300+ RT Guests, Labels Them ‘Useful Idiots Who Undermine Western Democracy’ By RT News, October 22 2017

An NGO called the European Values Think-Tank has published a report on RT featuring an extensive list of US and European public figures who have been accused of “undermining western democracy” just by appearing in RT shows.

The report, claiming

Poland’s “Pivot Towards Turkey” Is All About the “Intermarium” By Andrew Korybko, October 22 2017

Poland appears to have enacted a seemingly inexplicable pivot towards Turkey after President Duda welcomed his Turkish counterpart on a one-day visit to Warsaw earlier this week to attend a business forum.

This in and of itself wouldn’t be a …

Draft GOP Bill in US Senate Breaches Iran Nuclear Deal By Stephen Lendman, October 22 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

International treaties can’t be changed without the consent of all signatories. None may legally act unilaterally, a notion the Trump administration and congressional GOP