Global Research News

Local Politics Is Hard Work: Anticipating the Coming Nation-wide US Election By Barbara Nimri Aziz, November 06 2017

Politics, especially local politics, is hard work. Easier to share headlines flashed at us through the national press. There’s always another juicy or outrageous anecdote to absorb, dismiss, or share. So our political conversations keep advancing. Maybe.

Following local political …

BREAKING: Lebanon’s Prime Minister Hariri Resigns after Anti-Iranian Meltdown, CIA Accuses Tehran of Supporting Al Qaeda By Adam Garrie, November 06 2017

Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri has delivered a rage filled resignation address from the Saudi capital of Riyadh. Hariri, who is a duel Lebanese-Saudi citizen, leads the Lebanese party Future Movement which forms part of the March 14 Allience in

In the Aftermath of World War I: The Shame and Dangers of Ignoring Arab Opinion and Rights By James J. Zogby, November 06 2017

In 1919, following the first World War, the victorious Allied Powers met in Paris to remake the world (see image below). The prime ministers of Italy, France, and Great Britain as well as U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, collectively known

Six Things You Should Know About the U.S. Nuclear Weapons Arsenal By Reinvent, November 06 2017

If you think nuclear weapons went the way of the Berlin Wall and shoulder pads at the end of the 1980s, think again.

The U.S. still has a very large nuclear arsenal, and we’re considering spending quite a lot of

Israeli-Saudi Tandem Adjusts to Syria Loss By Alastair Crooke, November 06 2017

It seems that matters are coming to a head in the Middle East. For many states, the coming period will likely prove to be the moment in which they determine their futures — as well as that for the region

Selling War and Pentagon Expansion in Asia-Pacific By Bruce Gagnon, November 06 2017

Image: Art by W. B. Park

Trump touched down in Hawaii on his way to Asia.  He was met with protests there and huge marches are happening across South Korea in anticipation of his meeting with the newly elected President

The US Has Soldiers Deployed in Almost Every Country on Earth By Jakob Reimann, November 06 2017

On October 4, four US Special Forces soldiers died in clashes in the West African country of Niger during a routine reconnaissance mission near the border with Mali. While hobby pastor Donald Trump turned via telephone to the mourning widow

Tillerson Creeps in to Afghanistan under Cover of Darkness and News Black Out By Brian Cloughley, November 06 2017

US and NATO representatives keep trying to convince the world that Afghanistan is not a corruption-ridden quagmire of violence, and US Defence Secretary, General Mattis, told reporters in Kabul on September 28 that “uncertainty has been replaced by certainty” because

More Fake News? WMD in Syria Just Like Iraq in 2003? By Rick Sterling, November 06 2017


In early 2003 it was claimed that Iraq was a threat to other countries. Despite ten years of crushing economic sanctions plus intrusive inspections, supposedly Iraq had acquired enough “weapons of mass destruction” to threaten the West. It was …

Iran Accuses U.S. Government of Using Bin Laden’s Files to Distort Truth about 9/11 By South Front, November 06 2017

On November 2, Iran Foreign Minister Javad Zarif accused the CIA and the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) think tank of spreading fake news using the Bin Laden files that were released by the CIA on November 1.

In …

The Netherlands Classifies Mystery of Malaysian Airlines MH17 Crash over Donbass, What Do the Have to Hide? By Dmitriy Sudakov, November 06 2017

The Ministry of Security and Justice of the Netherlands will not expose a number of documents related to the crash of Flight MH17 of Malaysia Airlines over the Donbass in 2014.

According to the Broadcasting Corporation of the Netherlands (HTK), …

The Revolution Party and the Russian Revolution By Leo Panitch, November 06 2017

A fresh and compelling new account of the Russian revolution to mark its centenary concludes by paying tribute to the Bolsheviks for acting as history’s switchmen, a term derived from the small booths that dotted the railway tracks across the

From Neoliberal Injustice to Economic Democracy By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, November 06 2017

The work to transform society involves two parallel paths: resisting harmful systems and institutions and creating new systems and institutions to replace them. Our focus in this article is on positive work that people are doing to change current systems

The Sutherland Springs, Texas Mass-Shootout, The Deadliest in State History By Stephen Lendman, November 06 2017


A gunman identified as 26-year-old Devin Kelley received a bad conduct discharge from the military in 2014. 

Reportedly he entered the town’s First Baptist Church, lethally shooting two dozen worshipers, another two outside, wounding around two dozen others.

The …

Israel Begins “Largest-Ever Aerial Military Drill”, As Saudis Consider Missile Strike (Allegedly) by Iran as “Act Of War” By Zero Hedge, November 06 2017
Today, Israel kicked off its largest international aerial training exercise ever – coined: Blue Flag 2017.

Air-forces from nine countries with about 50 planes are now starting to drill in the most southern region of the country utilizing Uvda

Japan, Overcoming Double Erasure: Japanese “Comfort Women”, Nationalism and Trafficking By Morita Seiya, November 06 2017

Women of Japanese nationality have been erased in relation to the history of the wartime ‘comfort women’.

For many decades after the war the existence of military ‘comfort women’ as a whole was ignored, and Japanese women, too, were ignored,

Trump begins 12-day Visit to Asia to Build War Coalition against North Korea By James Cogan, November 05 2017

Donald Trump, accompanied by a coterie of minders and corporate executives, departed yesterday for a 12-day tour of what US foreign policy strategists now officially designate as the “Indo-Pacific.”

This will be one of the longest official trips to Asia …

BREAKING: Putin and Trump to meet in Vietnam By Fort Russ, November 05 2017 – – translated by Samer Hussein 
DAMASCUS, Syria. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said today that the Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump will soon hold a meeting in Vietnam where they will discuss several important issues,
In a World of Propaganda, Lies, and Self Deception: Reviving the Spirit of Existential Rebellion By Edward Curtin, November 05 2017

“Search for nothing anymore, nothing except truth.

Be very still and try to get at the truth.

And the first question to ask yourself is: How great a liar am I?”

– D. H. Lawrence, Search For Truth

Like existential …

The Deepening Crisis on Manus Island, Australia’s Refugee Detention Centre By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 05 2017

What a weekend it has been.  The Manus Island detention centre in Papua New Guinea may well have closed, but the protests, and those resident at the camp, continue to defy and prevaricate.  At a protest in Melbourne on Saturday,

Palestine and the Balfour Declaration, Explained in Eight Memes
 By Rima Najjar, November 05 2017

In 1917, the British government unleashed the Zionist Jewish colonial enterprise that is now Israel. In the process, it meted out on Palestinians destruction, dispossession and oppression that are ongoing to this day.

[Watch Al Jazeera English video: 100 Years

The Sexual Harassment Storm in British Politics. Defence Secretary Michael Fallon’s Fall By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 05 2017

Feature image: Michael Fallon

Sexual harassment – it’s revelation, that is – is all around at the moment, a toxic cold that is giving political establishments not so much a sneeze as debilitating pneumonia.  In Britain, the cold covered various

The Public Bank Option: Safer, Local and Half the Cost By Ellen Brown, November 05 2017

Phil Murphy, a former banker with a double-digit lead in New Jersey’s race for governor, has made a state-owned bank a centerpiece of his platform. If he wins on November 7, the nation’s second state-owned bank in a century could

Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project By F. William Engdahl, November 05 2017

For the moment it looks as if Russian three-dimensional geopolitical chess moves in the turbulent Middle East have thrown a giant monkey wrench into Washington plans to create an independent Kurdistan. In September the Kurdish population in Iraq voted apparently

China’s Strategic Economic Planning versus America’s Failed Capitalism By Prof. James Petras, November 05 2017
The serious purpose, projections & the presence of China’s President Xi Jinping stand in stark contrast to the chaos, rabble-rousing demagogy & slanders characterizing the multi-billion dollar US Presidential campaign & its shameful aftermath.
Taiwan’s Green Energy Transition Under Way By Justin Chou and John A. Mathews, November 05 2017

The main elements in Taiwan’s green power shift are reviewed, with focus on developments since the election of the DPP government in early 2016 and its commitment to phase out nuclear power in Taiwan by 2025. The drivers of the

Saudi Arabia’s March Towards Civil War? By William Craddick, November 05 2017

Has Saudi Arabia’s brinkmanship and heavy-handed policies of intervention in the Middle East come back to haunt the desert kingdom?

After decades of playing the role of middle man between foreign states

History of the Russian Revolution, Peoples’ Right to Self-determination, and Debt Repudiation By Eric Toussaint, November 05 2017

The Versailles Treaty was eventually signed on 28 June 1919 without Soviet Russia being involved. Even so, this treaty cancelled the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Under Article 116 of the Versailles Treaty, Russia could claim compensation from Germany;yet, consistent with its

Indonesia, Brazil Rainforest: The World Lost an Area of Tree Cover the Size of New Zealand Last Year By Morgan Erickson-Davis, November 05 2017

A new analysis of satellite data found 29.7 million hectares of tree cover was lost in 2016. The number represents a 51 percent jump over 2015.

The analysts say fire is the big culprit. The data indicate big upticks in

JFK Files: CIA Plotted to Assassinate Fidel Castro, Stage Bombings in Miami By Eli Watkins and James Amalino, November 05 2017

The CIA mulled mafia hits on Cuban President Fidel CastroSomeone called the FBI threatening to kill Lee Harvey Oswald a day before Oswald’s murder. And the US examined sabotaging airplane parts heading to Cuba.

These assertions are some …

Forget the Emails… DNC Chair Admits DNC and Clinton Rigged Election Against Sanders By Washington's Blog, November 05 2017

Featured image: Donna Brazile

Forget the hacked/leaked emails showing that the Democratic National Committee stole the primary from Sanders and handed it to Clinton.

Forget whether the Ruskies hacked the emails in an attempt to throw the election to Trump …

Burundi Exits the International Criminal Court (ICC), Interview with Canadian Lawyer David Paul Jacobs By David Paul Jacobs and Ann Garrison, November 05 2017

Last year the African Union resisted Western pressure to intervene militarily in Burundi. On October 26, Burundi officially completed its withdrawal from the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) without being indicted. The next day the Non-Aligned Movement of

US, UK, French Governments Call for Killing Citizens Affiliated with ISIS; Remembering Lenin and the 1917 Russian Revolution By Prof Susan Babbitt, November 05 2017

Significantly, Robert Fisk notes US, UK and French intentions to kill citizens who join ISIS, or might. 1 All three countries lecture the world on human rights. They claim to respect the right of anyone, no matter their views,

The Assassination of JFK, the ‘Lone Gunman’ Mythology and the CIA’s Weaponizing of ‘Conspiracy Theories’ By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, November 04 2017

“We’ll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American people believe is false.” – William Casey, Director of the CIA under Ronald Reagan (1981)

“’Conspiracy theory’ is a term that at once strikes fear and anxiety in

What Is the Aim of Nippon Kaigi, the Ultra-Right Organization that Supports Japan’s Abe Administration? By Tawara Yoshifumi and Tomomi Yamaguchi, November 04 2017


Nippon Kaigi [The Japan Conference], established in 1997, is the largest right-wing organization in Japan. The organization is a major supporter of the current Prime Minister Abe Shinzo, and both Japanese and foreign media report that Abe, and

Jerome Powell: Trump’s New Chairman of the Federal Reserve By Stephen Lendman, November 04 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg Politics and other media said Trump will announce his nomination of Powell at 3:00 PM in the White House

Agent Orange on Okinawa: Six Years On By Jon Mitchell, November 04 2017

Featured image: Workers at the U.S. military dioxin dumpsite near Kadena Air Base. November 2016. Jon Mitchell

In 2011, The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus published the first detailed research into the usage of U.S. military defoliants, including Agent Orange, on

Pentagon Think-Tank Praises Al Qaeda as ‘Moderate’ Islamists By Eric Zuesse, November 04 2017

Featured image: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

An October 24th article by Colin P. Clarke of the Rand Corporation — the main think-tank for the Pentagon — is headlined “The Moderate Face of Al Qaeda”, and a

Organizations Warn Geoengineering Programs Fuel Unprecedented Firestorms By and Minnesota Natural Health Coalition, November 04 2017

The extremely destructive and deadly firestorms in California were not simply an act of nature or a result of global warming. Extensive and compelling evidence implicates “climate intervention” programs (also known as geoengineering) as a major factor in the firestorm

Saudi Arabia: Mirage of Reform in Wahhabism’s Absolute Monarchy By Gilbert Mercier, November 04 2017

Crown Prince Mohamed bin-Salman is such a darling of the global mainstream media that many call him, affectionately, by his initials MBS. The new strongman of the Kingdom has often mentioned the need for reforms and modernization of Saudi Arabia,

UN Security Council Sanctions Constitute a “Collective Punishment” against the People of North Korea By Carla Stea, November 04 2017

On October 27, Tomas Ojea Quintana, UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the DPRK (who has never been in the DPRK) stated: “’I was alarmed by reports that sanctions may have prevented cancer patients from access

Sustainable Development: Have We Made Progress Since the Publication of the 1987 Brundtland Report? By Prof. Jacques Prescott, November 04 2017

In 1987, the United Nations Commission on Environment and Development published “Our Common Future” (1). Written under the chairmanship of Gro Harlem Brundtland who was then Prime Minister of Norway, this report presents the results of a broad global consultation

Pivot to, or Brawl in Asia? West Already Targeting Thailand’s New King By Tony Cartalucci, November 04 2017

Featured image: King Maha Vajiralongkorn

Not even a day had passed after the funeral rites for Thailand’s revered and respected former head of state, King Bhumibol Adulyadej before the Western media began launching attacks on his heir and current Thai

From Iran-Contra to Russia-Gate, Washington Scandals – I’ve Seen This Story Before By Bruce K. Gagnon, November 03 2017

The Iran-Contra scandal is branded into my consciousness. It happened during the years of 1983-1988 when the Reagan administration was violating Congressional mandates not to arm the Contras in Nicaragua who were trying to overthrow the elected leftist government in

Hezbollah Is Not a Threat to America By Sharmine Narwani, November 03 2017

Featured image: Hezbollah’s supporters at Liberation Day, Bint Jbeil, Lebanon, 25 May 2014. (Source: Shutterstock/Gabirelle Pedrini)

Western-backed militants are in retreat, Bashar al-Assad remains president, Hezbollah has stretched its wings regionally, Israeli power is in decline, and Iran is

President Bashar al-Assad: U.S. and Its Western Allies Are to Blame for Failure of Latest Ceasefire By Bashar al Assad and Politika, November 03 2017

President Bashar al-Assad asserted that the United States and its Western allies are to blame for the failure of latest ceasefire, because terrorism and terrorists are for them a card they want to play on the Syrian arena.

In an

The Post-Fukushima Legacy: Nuclear Energy in Asia, South Korea’s Nuclear Energy Industry By Lauren Richardson, November 03 2017

Featured image: The Fukushima disaster of March 11, 2011

Introduction: Nuclear Energy in Asia

by Mel Gurtov

The Fukushima nuclear disaster of March 2011 has raised serious questions about nuclear power.

In our work since Fukushima, we have tried to …

Terrorism and the Continuing Threat from Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) By True Publica, November 03 2017

What do the the international experts on terrorism believe? The Central Intelligence Agency in the USA has said for decades that terrorist interest in weapons of mass destruction or WMD is growing. When former Secretary of Defence Robert Gates was

Downplaying Nazi Crimes to Pursue Russophobia – Neocon Revisionism Hits Britain By Neil Clark, November 03 2017

We live in an age of ‘outrage.’ Make one crass politically incorrect comment on air, and it could well be the end of your career.

But if you‘re a right-wing neocon, peddling the most outrageous anti-Russian historical revisionism and downplaying

Selected Articles: It Was Lord Balfour Who Ignited Zionism By Global Research News, November 03 2017

Did you know that thanks to the contributions of our readers, we have been able to maintain complete independence? This means that we do not accept support from any private foundations, which now more than ever are seeking to

At UN Climate Talks, End Coal and Commit to People-centred Energy System By Friends of the Earth International, November 03 2017

Tomorrow, ahead of the UN climate talks (6-17 November) – hosted by Fiji but opening next week in Bonn, Germany – Friends of the Earth International will join Friends of the Earth Germany and thousands of activists in a demonstration

Washington Corruption Is Unparalleled in History By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 03 2017

Dr. George Szamuely, a distinguished member of the Global Policy Institute of London Metropolitan University, is a British citizen and not a partisan of US politics. He has carefully investigated the so-called Russian dossier and reports that it was

South Koreans to Protest Against ‘War Maniac’ Trump By Julian Ryall, November 03 2017

A coalition of around 220 left-wing organizations has announced plans to demonstrate in Seoul during President Donald Trump‘s upcoming state visit to South Korea, with the groups fiercely critical of the US leader for ramping up tensions with North

World Votes to Lift Blockade on Cuba as US, Israel Vote ‘No’ By Telesur, November 03 2017

The U.N. General Assembly has voted 191 to 2 for the lifting of the U.S. blockade on Cuba as the United States and Israel were the only countries to vote against the resolution.

Delegate after delegate called for the end …

A Lethal Gift: The Halloween Attack, Trump and Immigration By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 03 2017

It could not have been scripted better for the demagogues and security hysterics. With the country still grieving in confusion in the aftermath of the Las Vegas slayings, inflicted by an individual who resisted the classification of terrorist at the

Chaos in Government: Could Brexit Fall Apart? By Ian Dunt, November 03 2017

Politics is endlessly unpredictable. If you could have listed the things which might threaten the delivery of Brexit last year, you wouldn’t have included sexual allegations against a Hollywood movie producer. But the Harvey Weinstein scandal is now causing chaos

UN Panel: Sanctions Needed Against Israel to Stop Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine By Darius Shahtahmasebi, November 03 2017

The U.N. recently launched a scathing critique of Israel’s occupation when the U.N. rapporteur for human rights in the occupied territories delivered a report condemning Israel’s conduct to date.

According to the report, published October 23, the “duration of

Russian Officials to be Charged with DNC Hacking? No Evidence, No Hacking Occurred! By Stephen Lendman, November 03 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

America’s deeply corrupted political system is too debauched to fix. Virtually daily, clear evidence proves it overwhelmingly.

A bipartisan criminal class runs things. Malevolent …

First Indigenous Map of Its Kind; US Map Displays “Our Own Names and Locations” By, November 03 2017
Aaron Carapella, a Cherokee Indian, has taken it upon himself to create a map that shows the Tribal nations of the U.S. prior to European contact. The map is of the contiguous United States and displays the original native tribal names of roughly 595 tribes.
United States Blackmails and ‘Starves’ UNESCO By Andre Vltchek, November 03 2017

What just used to be rumors, suddenly, became official facts. The Government of the United States of America, which for years and decades has been sick and tired of the ‘rebellious UN agency’, decided to leave it, slamming the door

Is Trump Planning Escalated US Aggression in Syria? By Stephen Lendman, November 03 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

He’s a warrior president, waging phony war on terrorism, opposing diplomatic conflict resolution, flagrantly violating campaign promises made.

America has illegal military bases in

Absurdities of Syrian War Propaganda By Eva Bartlett, November 03 2017

As if we have no memory, corporate media continues to recycle accusations of starvation, chemical weapons, and more, in the propaganda war on Syria.

In Syria, there never was a “revolution.” Instead, it was a premeditated war on …

The Toxic Legacy of Balfour and British Colonialism in Israel-Palestine By Richard Silverstein, November 03 2017

Featured image: Banksky’s mock royal apology for Balfour (Source: Tikun Olam)

What do Banksy and Arthur Balfour have in common? Read on.

When I first started hearing about the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, I thought: “Ugh,

Irish Politician to ST: The West, EU, US Aggravate Syrian People’s Suffering by Sanctions By Clare Daly and The Syria Times, November 03 2017

Featured image: Clare Daly (Source: The Syria Times)

The Irish politician Clare Daly, who recently visited Syria along with European delegation, has affirmed that the West and the European Union are aggravating the Syrian people’s suffering by sanctions and

Here’s your ‘Putin Did It!’ Survival Guide… By Adam Garrie, November 03 2017

This article first appeared on GR in November 2016.

As the Duran reported, it was only a matter of time before the ‘Putin Did It’ (see The Duran Lexicon for more) line crept back into the news in light of

Video: Syrian SAA Forces Clearing Northern Deir Ezzor from ISIS By South Front, November 03 2017

The ISIS-held area is rapidly shrinking in the city of Deir Ezzor. On November 1, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) Tiger Forces and the Republican Guard liberated Jubaliyah neighborhood, the central park area, the school of law and education area

Video: The Longest US War: Korea 1950 – 2017 By Ajamu Baraka and WRFG Labor Forum, November 03 2017

This is a presentation by Ajamu Baraka.



Trump Wants Manhattan Incident Suspect Denied All Rights By Stephen Lendman, November 03 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

The deplorable state of America finds ways of sinking to new lows – abroad against nonthreatening nations, at home against targeted individuals, mostly Muslims

Who Must be Held Responsible for Ruined Syria? US-NATO Supported The Terrorists. U.S. Coalition Air Strikes Caused Most of the Destruction By Sophie Mangal, November 02 2017

The six-year violent fratricidal war in Syria caused significant damage to the government.  Syrians, who are unlikely to ever fully recover from the horror they’ve experienced, have to bear the brunt of devastating consequences. In this regard, there is only

How America Spreads Global Chaos By Nicolas J. S. Davies, November 02 2017

As the recent PBS documentary on the American War in Vietnam acknowledged, few American officials ever believed that the United States could win the war, neither those advising Johnson as he committed hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops, nor those

US Deliveries of Weapons and Military Equipment for Terrorists in Syria By Anna Jaunger, November 02 2017

Inside Syria Media Center continues publishing some evidence of the U.S.-made weapons supply to ISIS and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra) terrorists in Syria.

According to Syrian General Ali Al-Ali, the United States illegally delivered at least 1,500

An Acceptable Obscenity: Adani Coal Giant Cultivates Queensland By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 02 2017


The cicadas are studding the night with their sound, and occasionally, the curlews manifest with calls that string out a melody of mournful death. The reminder of Queensland, and certainly this part of the Australian state, is total.

As …

The Division of Syria? US to Build Additional “De-Escalation Zones”: Tillerson By Alex Gorka, November 02 2017

In his testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on October 30, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told lawmakers that the US is working to create additional de-escalation zones in Syria. The secretary did not say where exactly the zones

Neocons Push Dubious Paper to Allege Iran – Al-Qaeda Connection By Moon of Alabama, November 02 2017

The anti-Iran powers in the U.S. again try to smear Iran as allied with al-Qaeda. The accusations will be used to justify further hostilities against the country.

Suddenly an anonymous, and likely fake, document appears and is prominently launched into …

Democrats, Class and Russia-gate Magic By Phil Rockstroh, November 02 2017

Recently, Democratic Party elites have purged progressives from positions of power within the Party; have been exposed in creating and promulgating, and swallowing whole the dodgy Russian Dossier subterfuge; and have gone round-heeled for war criminal and torturer-in-chief George Bush

Former FBI Agent Says Tech Companies Must “Silence” Sources of “Rebellion” By Andre Damon, November 02 2017

Top legal and security officials for Facebook, Twitter and Google appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday, in a hearing targeting “Extremist Content and Russian Disinformation Online.”

Over the course of four hours, senators argued that “foreign infiltration” is the …

Lawmakers Demand Tech Companies Censor Journalists and Conduct Mass Surveillance By Andre Damon, November 02 2017

Wednesday’s hearings by the House and Senate Intelligence committees on “extremist” political views served as the occasion for members of Congress to urge technology companies to flagrantly violate the US Constitution by censoring political speech, carrying out mass surveillance, and

US Department of Justice (DOJ) Continues to Block Media Access to Convicted Boston Marathon Bomber Tsarnaev By James Henry, November 02 2017

Featured image: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Photo credit: US Marshals Service / Wikimedia

For over two years now, WhoWhatWhy has been trying to get the government to give us the details of the justification behind incarcerating convicted Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

Catalan Premier Appeals to EU as Opposition Mounts to Madrid’s Crackdown By Alex Lantier, November 02 2017

Featured image: Carles Puigdemont

From Brussels, where he fled to escape prosecution by Spanish authorities, deposed Catalan regional premier Carles Puigdemont appealed yesterday for the European Union to intervene in the secession crisis. Last week, Madrid invoked Article 155 of

US Has 150 Nuclear Weapons in Five NATO Countries: Turkish Parliament Report By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Hurriyet Daily News, November 02 2017

It took the Turkish parliament more than ten years to acknowledge something which is known and carefully documented: Five so-called non-nuclear states including Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Turkey have stockpiled and deployed in their various military bases 150 tactical