Global Research News

Six Ways to Witness Genocide in Gaza Without Losing Your Sanity By Rima Najjar, August 26 2024

It’s painful, punishing and horrific. You might be tempted not to bear witness and shut off all means of communication and, if you are a believer, to simply focus on prayer, and if you are not a believer, to become

John F. Kennedy Would be on the Side of the Palestinians, Not Israel By Steven Sahiounie, August 26 2024

The late US President John F. Kennedy is not alive today to voice his opinion on the Israeli war on Gaza, but we know he would stand with the Palestinians, not the Israeli government.

While yet a young senator, Kennedy

Letter from London: On the UK Terrorism Act By Alexander Mercouris, August 26 2024

At the time when Prime Minister Tony Blair brought in the Terrorism Act 2000 — note that this was before 9/11 – I was working in the Royal Courts of Justice. As I remember the lawyers were buzzing about it,

Don’t Make the World a Powder Keg That Can be Ignited by a Single Mistake, or Matchstick, to Start World War III By Bharat Dogra, August 26 2024

It must be stated at the outset that regardless of anything else, if one of the great powers follows world dominance as a central precept of its policy then it is only a matter of time before this would bring

Video: U.S. Aggression and Militarization of Korea and the Pacific. The Dangers of Nuclear War. Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 26 2024

[This presentation was made in 2018.]

The U.S. wants to sabotage the inter-Korean dialogue.

The U.S. is waging a war against peace.

These are few of the highlights in the presentation shared by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky on “U.S. Aggression and

Video: RFK, Jr. Suspends His Presidential Bid. A Brilliant Speech by a True Patriot By Robert F. Kennedy Jr, August 26 2024

Sorry to keep everybody waiting.

Sixteen months ago, in April of 2023, I launched my campaign for president of the United States. I began this journey as a Democrat, which is the party of my father, and my uncle.


What Israel Supporters Really Mean When They Say “Release The Hostages” By Caitlin Johnstone, August 26 2024

If you’re not on social media, you’ve likely spent ten and a half months blissfully unaware of an extremely freakish but very common phenomenon in which Israel’s supporters respond to images and videos of dead and mutilated children in Gaza

Warmonger Confessions: More Frankness on AUKUS By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 26 2024
Prime Minister Pashinyan “Blames Russia”: Transforms Armenia Into US-NATO Hub By Drago Bosnic, August 26 2024

On July 31, Russian border guards left the territory of the Zvartnots International Airport (around 15 km west of Yerevan), where they served for the past 32 years. Moscow’s FSB, which is tasked with guarding borders in both Russia and

Monkeypox – Next p(L)andemic on Its Way? Christine Anderson By Christine Anderson, August 26 2024

The following text contains some premium conspiracy theories on the subject of “monkeypox”. At least that’s what those who believe in what the TV tells them would claim. But because almost all of the old conspiracy theories have come true

New Report: DNC Disinformation Program Lists Factual Reporting and Satire as “Disinformation” By Matt Orfalea, August 26 2024

In a video uploaded by Democratic Party strategist Simon Rosenberg in 2023, Tim Durigan, the DNC’s lead disinformation analyst, shares a PowerPoint with a sample intelligence report that provides a rare inside look at what the DNC sees as “disinformation”.

Who Is Behind the Mexican Drug Cartels? By Dean Henderson, August 26 2024

[Former] President Donald Trump has declared that the “Drug Cartels” in Mexico are terrorists, intimating that America should wage a new “war on terrorism” in Mexico modelled on America’s counter-terrorism initiative in the Middle East against Al Qaeda.

What do

Video: Imperial Conquest: America’s “Long War” against Humanity. “The Globalization of War”. Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 26 2024
The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.
The War on Gaza: Perpetual Falsehoods and Betrayals in the Service of Endless Deception. Amir Nour By Amir Nour, August 25 2024

First published on August 12,2024

“Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet, 

Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God’s great Judgement Seat.”

(Rudyard Kipling)[1]

A Brief History of a

The Federal Reserve Cartel. The Roundtable and The Illuminati By Dean Henderson, August 25 2024






Outstanding analysis first published on June 14, 2011. 

Read Part I and II:

The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families

By Dean Henderson, May 06, 2023

History: The Federal Reserve Cartel: Freemasons and The

Bird Flu — Another Attempt to Control the Food System and Make a Profit. A New Wave of Fearmongering Begins – Should You Be Concerned? By Dr. Ashley Armstrong, August 25 2024

First published on July 2, 2024

Give Truth a Chance. Secure Your Access to Unchained News, Donate to Global Research.


Fearmongering around bird flu mirrors COVID-19 responses, with calls for testing, social distancing, and vaccination in the agricultural sector.

History: Israel’s Move to Destroy the Palestinian Authority Is a Calculated Plan, Long in the Making. Prof Tanya Reinhart By Tanya Reinhart, August 25 2024

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). 

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This incisive article

“Diabolical” Agendas and “Fake Democracy” in the U.K. By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 25 2024

This article entitled “Diabolical” Agendas and “Fake Democracy” in the U.K. by Michel Chossudovsky was first published by Global Research

click link


What is the 21st century meaning of “diabolical”?  The repeal of real democracy, wherein prime

The Free Masons “Knights” of the American Revolution. The Rothschilds’ Federal Reserve By Dean Henderson, August 25 2024


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[Excerpted from my book Royal Bloodline Wetiko & The Great Remembering: Chapter 12: The Bloodline Take Down of America: Part I]

During the American Revolution, many Crown agents

Worldwide Monkeypox Health Emergency (PHEIC): For Bill Gates, It’s “Moneypox”: Simulation of Fictitious Monkeypox Virus Pandemic By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 25 2024

Author’s Note and Update

Two years ago, on July 23, 2022, the WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus  went against the majority vote of the WHO expert committee (9 against 6 in favor): The committee was  AGAINST the calling of

Evil Unleashed: Israel’s Move to Destroy the Palestinian Authority Is a Calculated Plan, Long in the Making. Prof Tanya Rheinart By Tanya Reinhart, August 24 2024

Featured image: Former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak

This article, –which at first sight seems to point to the current and ongoing “Evil Unleashed” by the Netanyahu government— was written almost 23  years ago by the late Professor Tanya

Apologists for Rape: The Sde Teiman Protests By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 24 2024

In 2007, the writer Tal Nitsán isolated instances where Israeli male combatants systematically used sexual violence against Palestinian women to the war of 1948.  In essentially marking off such conduct from more contemporary practices, she relied on media accounts, archival

Ukraine: US Launches a Fascist Government, and World War Three? By Felicity Arbuthnot, August 24 2024

It all started on March 5, 2014: a US sponsored fascist coalition government under the disguise of democracy was installed in Ukraine.

With historical foresight pertaining to the dangers of a Third World War, this article by Felicity Arbuthnot was

Global Warfare: “We’re Going to Take out 7 Countries in 5 Years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran..” By General Wesley Clark, August 24 2024

Originally published in March 2007.

Global Research Editor’s Note:

This interview serves as a reminder regarding the diabolical timeline of America’s hegemonic project. Is Iran the next target “to be taken out”?

All these countries including Lebanon and Iran are

History: The Federal Reserve Cartel: Freemasons and The House of Rothschild By Dean Henderson, August 24 2024


Outstanding historical analysis of relevance to an understanding of the so-called “Deep State” and today’s global financial establishment. 

First published on June 8, 2011 



Read Part I:

The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families

By Dean Henderson

“Doomsday Seed Vault” in the Arctic. Bill Gates 2006 Initiative By F. William Engdahl, August 24 2024

This article was first published in December 2007.

One thing Microsoft founder Bill Gates can’t be accused of is sloth. He was already programming at 14, founded Microsoft at age 20 while still a student at Harvard. By 1995 he

The Dumbing Down of America – By Design By Joachim Hagopian, August 24 2024
The most obvious example of how Americans have been dumbed down is through this nation’s failed public education system. As with all of America’s most powerful institutions, privatization has reared its ugly head in public education as well.
The Effects of Pulsed Microwaves And Extra Low Frequency Electromagnetic Waves on Human Brains? Governments Routinely “Classify Information” Pertaining to the Manipulation of the Human Nervous System By Mojmir Babacek, August 24 2024


Incisive analysis, first published by Global Research on November 10, 2023


In the year 1962 the American scientist Allan H. Frey carried out experiments with pulsed microwaves, which produced clicking, buzz, hissing or knocking sounds in the heads

Antivax Grab-Bag: 74 Memes, Blurbs and Links. Mike Whitney By Mike Whitney, August 24 2024

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The Ever Widening War. Paul C. Roberts By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 24 2024

The Kremlin has an amazing inability to confront reality. Peter Koenig explains that NATO has now invaded Russia by entering Kursk, and the Kremlin still pretends it is involved in a limited border conflict with Ukraine in Donbas. Indeed, the

Growing the Surveillance State: Drones, Facial Recognition, AI Enlisted to Fight Crime but at What Cost? By Jesse Smith, August 23 2024

Big Brother is at it again. With rising crime as the backdrop, NYC Mayor Eric Adams is advancing the surveillance state with a plan to use drones to fight crime in Central Park. Sadly, neither rising crime or increasing surveillance

Will the Ultra-orthodox Haredim be Netanyahu’s Black Swan? By Germán Gorraiz López, August 23 2024

The Haredim represent only 14% of Israeli society but would be a state within the state that tries to take over all sensitive areas of power of the Jewish state (Interior, Housing, Mossad and the commands of the Tzahal or

COVID-19 Modified mRNA “Vaccines”: Lessons Learned from Clinical Trials, Mass Vaccination, and the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex By M. Nathaniel Mead, Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Russ Wolfinger, Jessica Rose, Kris Denhaerynck, Steve Kirsch, and Dr. Peter McCullough, August 23 2024


Our understanding of COVID-19 synthetic, modified mRNA (modmRNA) products and their public health impact has evolved substantially since December 2020.

Published reports from the original randomized placebo-controlled trials concluded that the modmRNA injections could greatly reduce COVID-19 symptoms. However,

US Military Base in Bangladesh at the Heart of a Revolution By Steven Sahiounie, August 23 2024

Former Bangladeshi Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina, has a shocking accusation against the US. On August 12, while in exile in India, she told the Economic Times,

I could have remained in power if I had surrendered the sovereignty

COVID-19 Modified mRNA “Vaccines”: Lessons Learned from Clinical Trials, Mass Vaccination, and the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex, Part 2 By M. Nathaniel Mead, Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Jessica Rose, Russ Wolfinger, Dr. Peter McCullough, and Nicolas Hulscher, August 23 2024

Abstract Part II

See Part I of this study here.

The COVID-19 modified mRNA (modmRNA) lipid nanoparticle-based “vaccines” are not classical antigen-based vaccines but instead prodrugs informed by gene therapy technology. Of considerable note, these products have been linked

Israel Will Bleed America Dry and Discard It Like an Old Shoe By Philip Giraldi, August 23 2024

There are some simple truths surrounding all the nonsense being spewed by Israel’s agents and its cheerleaders in the United States, Canada, Europe as well as elsewhere in the Anglophone world. First of all, Israel is no democracy and never

This Week’s Most Popular Articles By Global Research News, August 23 2024
Pro-Zionist Australia’s Shame: Censoring Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Managers Cancel Pianist Jayson Gillham Over Gaza By Gideon Polya, August 23 2024
August 15 in Tokyo and Seoul: Tragedy and Celebration By Prof. Mark Caprio, August 23 2024
John F. Kennedy, 60 Years after his Death: Encounters with Evil. By Michael Welch and Jacob G. Hornberger, August 23 2024

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name.

To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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Australia: Protesters Call Out Labor’s Rejection of Visas for Palestinians Fleeing Genocide By Isaac Nellist, Pip Hinman, and et al., August 23 2024
“Factual Chaos” at the WHO? Dr. Tedros: Monkeypox Outbreak Is “Among Men Who Have Sex with Men” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 23 2024
Where is the science? What are the implications? This was a personalized decision by Dr. Tedros, in defiance of the IHR Committee' Decision NOT to implement a PHEIC. Does his bold statement constitute an encroachment of the fundamental rights of the LGBT Community which is currently the object of the emergency measures?
Kiev’s Plan to Ban the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Shows How Insecure It Is About National Identity By Andrew Korybko, August 22 2024

Kiev hates that a significant share of the population refuses to conform with the “negative nationalism” that they’ve aggressively enforced upon them since 2014 by continuing to worship at the Ukrainian Orthodox Churches’ sites instead of the government-backed Orthodox Church

On Lambs and a Wolf—and a Healthy Life. How Chronic Stress Affects Humans. “Fulfilling Social Relations, Walking the Truth” By Health Freedom Defense Fund, August 22 2024

The 11th-century Persian polymath Ibn Sina, popularly known as Avicenna, reportedly conducted an experiment to illustrate how fear and prolonged anxiety can lead to impacts on mental and physical well-being and have significant negative effects on overall health.


New Cuban Missile Crisis-like Episode on the Way – This Time It’s Germany By Uriel Araujo, August 22 2024

Last month, on the sidelines of NATO’s summit, Berlin and Washington announced that the United States would start deploying long-range conventional capabilities to Germany (which could hit Russia), those being systems that were eliminated in 1987 by a United

American Healthcare: Corrupt, Broken and Lethal. “Politically and Morally Wrong, Health Care is A Human Right” By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, August 22 2024

For a nation that prides itself on being the world’s wealthiest, most innovative and technologically advanced, the US’ healthcare system is nothing less than a disaster and disgrace. Not only are Americans the least healthy among the most developed nations,

Stranglehold of the IMF: Nigerian Government Using Repressive Tactics to Quell Dissent by Youth and Workers By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 22 2024

Over the last ten months the workers and youth of the Federal Republic of Nigeria have organized general strikes and mass demonstrations to express their disagreements over the economic policies of the administration of President Bola Tinubu.

In response

Ocular Hemorrhage Attributed to COVID-19 Vaccination By Dr. Peter McCullough, August 22 2024

In clinical practice I have seen a range of ocular pathologies in patients after COVID-19 vaccination and confirmed findings with ophthalmologists. One thing I have learned is that the Spike protein from COVID-19 vaccination can cause a wide array of

Was Nord Stream Sabotaged with Germany’s Approval? By Nauman Sadiq, August 22 2024

On August 14, German public broadcaster ARD, the daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung and the weekly Die Zeit claimed in a joint report that federal prosecutors obtained an arrest warrant in June against a Ukrainian diving instructor believed to have resided until

Did Flawed PCR Tests Convince Us Covid Was Worse Than It Really Was? By Jo Macfarlane, August 21 2024

[This article was originally published in March 2022.]

It has been one of the most enduring Covid conspiracy theories: that the ‘gold standard’ PCR tests used to diagnose the virus were picking up people who weren’t actually infected.

Some even

FDA Confesses: Zero Scientific Evidence of “Monkeypox Virus” or Contagion… Not Even a “Genome” Found by Anyone… Anywhere By Christine Massey, August 21 2024

Sarah B. Kotler (“J.D.”) acting as Director, Division of Freedom of Information, US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officially confirmed that the people running the FDA have no records authored by anyone, anywhere regarding the monkeypox virus. 




From the Complex History of Imperial Russia to the Soviet Union and its Aftermath. The Peace Process and the Future of Ukraine? By Shmuel Ja'Mba Abm, August 21 2024

In the late 19th and 20th centuries, a Russian word made it into Yiddish and gained currency.

It was coined to spite imperial Russia as anti-Jewish. Tsarist Russia clampdown on Jewish migrants drove the swelling Jewish population into confinement

The UN’s “Pact for the Future” Replete with Ambiguity… Analysis by Meryl Nass and Jacob Nordangård By Dr. Meryl Nass and Jacob Nordangard, August 21 2024

This week Swedish researcher Jacob Nordangard explains what the United Nations and its partners, donors and stakeholders have prepared for the September 2024 UN General Assembly meeting: A Pact for the Future.

Three documents are being proposed to the assembled

“War is inevitable between Israel and Hezbollah”, Interview with Abbas Zalzali By Abbas Zalzali and Steven Sahiounie, August 21 2024

Anthony Blinken left Doha on August 20 empty-handed. He had been pushing Israel and Hamas to come to a ceasefire agreement, but the negotiations appear to have once again failed to find peace for the people in Gaza, who have

US Still Refuses to Come Clean About Its Hypersonic Programs Failures, Despite US Congress “Watchdog Report” By Drago Bosnic, August 21 2024

In about a week, it’ll be a full month since the latest hypersonic test by the US military and we’re yet to see any reports about the results. Immediately after the test, there was either silence or pointless bureaucratic mumbo

The DNC Fiddles While the World Burns. “An Orwellian disconnect haunts the 2024 Democratic National Convention” By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, August 21 2024

An Orwellian disconnect haunts the 2024 Democratic National Convention. In the isolation of the convention hall, shielded from the outside world behind thousands of armed police, few of the delegates seem to realize that their country is on the

Development, Peace and Security: Major Southern African Conference Event (SADC) in Zimbabwe Address Regional Imperatives By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 21 2024

President Emmerson Mnangagwa of the Republic of Zimbabwe has emerged as the regional chairperson of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) 44th Annual Summit which was held in Harare on August 17.

SADC is a 16-member regional organization composed of

Don’t Expect a Radical Response from Russia to the US’ Involvement in Ukraine’s Invasion of Kursk. Andrew Korybko By Andrew Korybko, August 21 2024

Putin has proven to have the patience of a saint by refusing to escalate in response to the slew of provocations that have been carried out against his country since the special operation began.

Russia’s foreign spy agency SVR revealed

The Political Matrix Sustains the Illusion of Freedom By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, August 21 2024

“When a population becomes distracted by trivia, when cultural life is redefined as a perpetual round of entertainments, when serious public conversation becomes a form of baby-talk, when, in short, a people become an audience, and their public business a

Violating the Sherman Act: Google’s Illegal Monopoly By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 21 2024

The occasion sparked much in the way of visionary language and speculative musings.  This month, one of the world’s most conspicuous and dominant behemoths of Silicon Valley was found to be operating an illegal monopoly in internet search and advertising

More European Companies Go Bankrupt, Debts Soar and Shortages Grow By Ahmed Adel, August 21 2024

The number of business failures in the European Union rose by 3.1% in the second quarter of the year after having increased by 4.5% in the previous quarter. Yet, despite the collective European Union economy being ruined, the bloc insists

“Before It’s Too Late”. “Israel is forcing our Civilization to lose its Humanity”. Barbara Nimri Aziz By Barbara Nimri Aziz, August 21 2024

Israel is forcing our civilization to lose its humanity. It has already forced ICJ to lose its authority.

It has stilled the dreams of democracy. It has smothered the mission of countless journalists. It has punished and intimidated university presidents

The Western World Has Succumbed to Tyranny. “The notion that the West is Free is a Joke”. The Arrest of Richard Medhurst By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Richard Medhurst, August 21 2024

We can add Richard Medhurst to Tulsi Gabbard, Scott Ritter, Amb. Craig Murray, Julian Assange, and many others who are harassed, arrested, imprisoned by police state authorities in the US, UK, EU, and Canada for practicing the disappearing profession of

The Future – How They Will Control All of Us. Is “The Deep State” Preparing for Another “Plandemic” By Peter Koenig, August 20 2024

This article by Peter Koenig was first published by Global Research

The Future. How will they Control All of Us!



Everything that concerns the future is speculation.

But at this point, it is worth mentioning the rumors for

A Crash That Was Suspicious to Say the Least… and Horrible! “Eight Medical Doctors Travelling to the São Paulo Oncology Conference” By Xavier Azalbert, August 20 2024

Indeed, according to the Brazilian National Civil Aviation Agency, the aircraft which crashed on Friday August 9, 2024, in Brazil, in Vinhedo, west of Paraná, with 62 people on board (passengers and crew members), had been flying since 2010 and

NATO Countries Fear Kursk Operation Could “Sow Division” Among Kiev Allies. “Escalation That Would Push Ceasefire Further Away” By Ahmed Adel, August 20 2024

Although several NATO allies have supported Ukraine’s decision to deploy troops to Russia’s Kursk region and called the operation a legitimate form of self-defence against Moscow’s so-called war of aggression, some have expressed doubts publicly and privately, and even said

Why Did Israel Invade the Gaza Strip? By Germán Gorraiz López, August 20 2024

After the asymmetric punishment inflicted by Israel in Gaza, all basic infrastructure, schools, mosques, hospitals and 90 per cent of buildings were reportedly destroyed by systematic aerial bombardments resulting in over 40,000 Palestinian civilian casualties and several thousand more buried

Kursk Military Incursion Inside Russia: Zelensky Says it is to Create A “Buffer Zone” By Nauman Sadiq, August 20 2024

Kyiv’s self-proclaimed mayor Vladimir Zelensky belatedly realized the strategic objective of the Kursk incursion was creating a “buffer zone” on the border with Russia. Being a clown who played the role of president in the tragicomic television series “Servant of

Skyline Assassination? Brazil Plane Crash Story Not Adding Up as Strange New Details Emerge. Eight Oncologists on Board By Ben Bartee, August 20 2024

Earlier this month, which you might have seen on Twitter/X, a passenger plane went down over Brazil.

These things happen from time to time as acts of God, but this case is particularly strange for two reasons: the people who

“Observable Real-time Injuries at the Cellular Level in Recipients of the “Safe and Effective” COVID-19 injectables” By Dr. Young Mi Lee and Prof. Daniel Broudy, August 20 2024

We bring to the attention of our readers this important study


Observable real-time injuries at the cellular level in recipients of the “safe and effective” COVID-19 injectables are documented here for the first time with the presentation of a

Kids Who Received mRNA COVID Vaccines Had Altered Immune Systems a Year Later By Dr. Suzanne Burdick, August 20 2024

Children ages 5-11 who received two doses of Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine had heightened levels of a type of antibody suggestive of an altered immune system response one year after vaccination, a new peer-reviewed study revealed.

The team of German

Venezuela: Electoral Warfare by the Book By Marc Vandepitte, August 20 2024

To understand what has been going on in Venezuela over the past few weeks, you have to realize two things: one, that the presidential elections there took place in the “backyard” of the U.S. and two, that the country is

The National Blackout on Affordable Healthcare. “Undermine the Legitimacy of Universal Healthcare” By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, August 20 2024

As the last remaining months click down before the November elections, there has been a surreal national blackout about the dreadful state of Americans’ physical and mental health. It is the forbidden subject in Washington. A viable and affordable healthcare

Keir Starmer Calls for Comprehensive Assistance to Ukraine Despite the Decline of Britain By Ahmed Adel, August 20 2024

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer asked the country’s National Security Council to consider giving more support to Kiev, the British newspaper The Times reported on August 18. Starmer’s request comes as half of British citizens believe their country is heading

Corporate Bioinputs: Agribusiness’s New Toxic Trap By Grain, August 20 2024

Up until the end of the 1990s, Monsanto was mainly a company focussed on producing and selling chemical pesticides. These kill bugs quickly and indiscriminately, ideal for large, monoculture farms and routine spraying, albeit devastating for biodiversity and human health.

What’s Behind Regime Change in Bangladesh By Brian Berletic, August 20 2024
The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. Both the Lockdown and the “Vaccine” Have No Scientific Basis By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 20 2024
One year later the WHO retracts. They don't say "We Made a Mistake". It's carefully formulated. While they do not officially deny the validity of their misleading January 2020 guidelines, they recommend RT-PCR "Re-testing" (which everybody knows is an impossibility).
Ukraine Reportedly Has a Whopping 120,000 Troops Deployed Along Its Border with Belarus By Andrew Korybko, August 19 2024

It would be a mistake for Russia to ignore this large agglomeration of forces since some of them might soon be redeployed to the Donbass and/or Kursk fronts.

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko told leading Russian media in a recent interview

Kamala Refuses to Hire Unvaxxed for Campaign By Ben Bartee, August 19 2024

Kamala, great respecter of The Science™ and pharmaceutical industry cash, has decreed the unvaxxed unhireable in recent campaign staff position postings.

One such posting, located here, for a “National Booker” — tasked with “managing day-to-day relationships with media bookers, 

US/NATO’s Sloppy Attempts to Hide Involvement in Kursk Incursion By Drago Bosnic, August 19 2024

The August heat is becoming far more dangerous than we usually expect, with “outside temperatures” reaching a boiling point much faster than we’re accustomed to. Unfortunately, this isn’t a simple metaphor and things are bound to get a lot worse