Global Research News

Boy, Is This Stupid or What? Shambles of US Foreign Policy in the Middle East By Philip Giraldi, November 22 2017

Americans have been living in a country that has not known peace since 9/11, when President George W. Bush and his posse of neoconservatives delivered the message to the world that “you are either with us or against us.” The

Robert Mugabe Resigns as President of Zimbabwe By Chris Marsden, November 22 2017

Robert Mugabe resigned as president on Tuesday, six days after Zimbabwe’s military first moved against him. His resignation was announced in the midst of a debate in parliament on impeachment initiated by his factional rivals in the ruling Zimbabwe African

Selected Articles: The Complicity of Warmongers By Global Research News, November 22 2017

We bring to the attention of Global Research readers the selection of articles below which reveals the insidious role of the US and its allies in fomenting war and conflict in the Middle East, not to mention the biased news

Nonviolent Civil Disobedience in Protest Against Coercive Flu Shots (Without Informed Consent) By Samantha C. and Dr. Gary G. Kohls, November 22 2017

Hello Fellow Healthcare Worker! Having managed so far to avoid being fired for refusing the seasonal Flu vaccine, with methods ranging from Religious Exemption, to Mask-Wearing, here are some of my observations “from the field”, in hopes that you may

Trials of the Flesh: Extraordinary Painter with New Eyes, Caravaggio in Milan By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, November 22 2017

The ambitiously conceived exhibition ‘Dentro Caravaggio’ (Inside Caravaggio) wants us to see this extraordinary painter with new eyes. Currently on display at the Palazzo Reale in Milan, eighteen masterpieces are accompanied by never-before-seen reflectographs and x-radiographs. These artistic diagnoses offer

India’s Health Crisis: State Hospitals’ Neglect Aggravates Crisis in the Clinics of the “All India Institute Of Medical Science” (AIIMS) By Rajat Mishra, November 22 2017

The number of people sitting outside AIIMS, waiting to be treated, reflects the grim reality of health sector in states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Haryana, etc.

“I am counting the last days of my life, along with waiting to get …

How Saudi Efforts to Provoke War Were Stopped and Lebanon United. The Role of Hezbollah By Joyce Chediac, November 22 2017

Featured image: Picture of Hariri on Hamra Street. | Photo: Joyce Chediac

Pictures of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri line the streets in every neighborhood of this city. The large somber portraits bear the Arabic hashtag “All of us are

Canada: Is Trudeau Ready for a Middle East War? By Murray Dobbin, November 22 2017

The world is now at the mercy of a coalition of three of the most dangerous autocrats on the planet: Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu and Saudi Arabia’s new absolute ruler Mohammad bin Salman, a name that will become increasingly

Wireless Smart Utility Meters. Health and Environmental Impacts By Patricia Burke, November 22 2017

On November 14, 2017 the Environmental Defense Fund and the Citizen’s Utility Board of Illinois released the results of a study “New Smart Meter Data Shows Potential of Real-Time Pricing to Lower Electric Bills.”

The report concluded that “Ninety-seven percent

The Syria Sarin Gas Attack: ‘Experts’ and the Left’s Witchfinder General. George Monbiot By Jonathan Cook, November 22 2017

Investigative journalist Gareth Porter has published two exclusives whose import is far greater than may be immediately apparent. They concern Israel’s bombing in 2007 of a supposed nuclear plant secretly built, according to a self-serving US and Israeli narrative, by

Crocodiles and Freedom Fighters: Zimbabwe, Colonialism and Violence By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 22 2017

The strongman lost some muscle this week. Robert Mugabe, a leader of the liberation movement that transformed colonially pressed Rhodesia into post-colonial Zimbabwe, had issued a letter of resignation. There had been no orgy of blood, no ordering of grievances

Video: Hezbollah Forces Are on High Combat Readiness to Confront Possible Israeli Attacks By South Front, November 22 2017

The situation in the Middle East is developing. The expected conflict between the resistance axis, primarily Hezbollah, and the Saudi-Israeli block is the current center of attention.

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Iran wants to deploy its troops …

A New Movement of Rights and the Right in Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 21 2017

Scholars have wondered what “triggers” might be in the social furniture of a culture that might propel a people to embrace a bill of rights.  Australia remains proudly, and idiosyncratically, opposed. 

Previous efforts to enshrine a charter of rights have

Climate Change and Corporate Sponsorship: Calling Out the UK Government About Corporate Financing at COP23 By Katie Hodgetts, November 21 2017

Government hypocrisy and corporate interest are two very well acquainted lovers, and they were last spotted at COP23, the annual climate conference to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, nuzzled together in the lavish space of the UK

Lawsuit Challenges Trump Administration’s Elephant, Lion Trophy Import Decisions By Center For Biological Diversity, November 21 2017

Image: African elephant courtesy USFWS

The Center for Biological Diversity and Natural Resources Defense Council sued the Trump administration today for allowing U.S. hunters to import elephant and lion trophies from Zimbabwe. The lawsuit aims to protect animals and resolve

The Lost Journalistic Standards of Russia-gate By Robert Parry, November 21 2017

A danger in both journalism and intelligence is to allow an unproven or seriously disputed fact to become part of the accepted narrative where it gets widely repeated and thus misleads policymakers and citizens alike, such as happened during the

How Syrian-Nuke Evidence Was Faked By Gareth Porter, November 21 2017

When Yousry Abushady studied the highly unusual May 2008 CIA video on a Syrian nuclear reactor that was allegedly under construction when Israeli jet destroyed it seven months earlier, the senior specialist on North Korean nuclear reactors on the International

Who’s A ‘Foreign Agent’? By Justin Raimondo, November 21 2017

You know life’s become a joke when the US Department of Justice starts requiring foreign media to register as foreign agents. Will the BBC be forced to issue a disclaimer with every broadcast and web posting: “Proceed with caution –

Why Are We Helping Saudi Arabia Destroy Yemen? By Rep. Ron Paul, November 21 2017

It’s remarkable that whenever you read an article about Yemen in the mainstream media, the central role of Saudi Arabia and the United States in the tragedy is glossed over or completely ignored. A recent Washington Post article purporting to

Donald Trump, Congress, and War With North Korea By Michael Eisenscher, November 21 2017

On August 8th Donald Trump threatened North Korea with “fire and fury like the world has never seen.” He ordered the Pentagon to prepare for all military options. In the interim, he has ordered mock invasion war games with

Trump Designates North Korea as State Sponsor of Terrorism By Peter Symonds, November 21 2017

US President Trump has compounded tensions on the Korean Peninsula yesterday by putting North Korea back onto the US State Department’s list of state sponsors of terrorism. The move paves the way for the imposition of new sanctions on the

Bring Hassan Diab Home. Release ordered by French Judge Overturned By Hassan Diab Support Committee, November 21 2017


1. Eighth Release Order by Fourth French Judge Overturned; Hassan Diab Begins Fourth Year in Detention

2. How You Can Help

3. Notes from Visits to Hassan in Prison

4. Screening of “Rubber Stamped” Documentary at the

The Middle East: the Decline of American Might By Victor Mikhin, November 21 2017

The Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei stated that the cooperation between Moscow and Tehran and the refusal of mutual payments in US dollars could isolate the USA and “repel the American sanctions”. The Supreme Leader added, “It is possible

Turkey Reconsidering NATO Membership? By Stephen Lendman, November 21 2017

Turkey’s military in the alliance is second only to America in size. President Erdogan nominally sides with Russia and Iran on Syria.

His sincerity is another issue entirely. He’s long coveted annexing northern Syrian and Iraqi territory, especially its oil-rich …

Trump Continues Obama’s Support of Nazism. U.S. Votes Against UN Resolution Condemning Nazism By Eric Zuesse, November 21 2017

On November 16th, U..S. President Donald Trump, acting through an agent of his agent U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, voted at the U.N. against a resolution that condemns bigotry, and especially condemns nazism and all forms of racism. He

Video: Syrian Government Troops Liberated Al-Bukamal from ISIS By South Front, November 21 2017

On November 19, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), Hezbollah and Iranian-backed militias restored control over the border city of al-Bukamal after a week of intense fighting with ISIS terrorists there. The Russian Aerospace Forces actively supported the SAA advance.

Iranian …

Keystone XL TransCanada Pipeline Route Approved but Hurdles Remain By Greenpeace, November 21 2017

Today, the Nebraska Public Service Commission approved a permit to build the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline but rejected TransCanada’s preferred route through the state of Nebraska.

In response, Greenpeace Canada Climate and Energy Campaigner Mike Hudema said:

“Today’s decision

Nearly 200 Million People Are “Modern Slaves” or Child Laborers By Trévon Austin, November 21 2017

According to a report by the United Nations’ International Labour Organization, nearly 200 million people are victims of modern slavery or child labor around the globe. In 2016, 40.3 million men, women and children were victims of modern slavery. Nearly

Zimbabwe Witnessing an Elite Transition as Economic Meltdown Looms By Prof. Patrick Bond, November 21 2017

In Harare, Bulawayo and smaller Zimbabwean cities, hundreds of thousands of citizens joyfully took to the streets on Saturday, November 18, approving a Zimbabwe Defence Force (ZDF) military semi-coup that resolves a long-simmering faction fight within the ruling party and

Fake News Is Only the Beginning. The FCC Votes to Let Monopolies Decide What Local News You See By Sue Wilson, November 20 2017

What would happen if the politician you love to hate were indicted, but your local news didn’t report it? No newspaper stories, no TV news, no radio news on the hour, nothing.

Couldn’t happen? Think again.

The Republican-controlled Federal Communications

The Faces of Yemen – Where Is American “Outrage?” By Brandon Turbeville, November 20 2017

As the world focuses on isolated incidents of terrorism taking place in Western countries, the wholesale slaughter being committed by Western countries against others generally goes unnoticed unless being pinned on the victim nation. However, even with Americans and other

Experts Warn It Would Take More Than One US General to Thwart “Illegal” Nuclear Strike Emanating from the White House By Jon Queally, November 20 2017

“What would happen if a president ordered a nuclear strike, but the commanding general refused, believing it to be illegal? The truth is, no one knows.”

Air Force Gen. John Hyten, said Nov. 18, 2017, an order from President
A Thanksgiving for JFK By Edward Curtin, November 20 2017

If he had lived, President John F. Kennedy would have been 100 years old this year.  At Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, his family would be raising a glass in his honor.

But as we all know, he was murdered in …

US/Saudi/Israeli Alliance for Greater Regional Turbulence? By Stephen Lendman, November 20 2017


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Contact at [email protected].

The alliance is beset by failures. Longstanding US/Israeli plans to redraw the Middle East map failed to achieve its objective so far.

Libya in

Top US Air Force General Won’t Obey Illegal Orders? Emanating from President Trump By Stephen Lendman, November 20 2017


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Contact at [email protected].

At a Saturday Halifax, Nova Scotia International Security Forum, US Strategic Command head General John Hyten said all top Pentagon commanders are trained to …

Saudi-Israeli Friendship Is Driving the Rest of the Middle East Together By Federico Pieraccini, November 20 2017

Through its top official, Prince Mohammad bin Salman (MBS), Saudi Arabia continues a wave of internal arrests, having seized nearly $800 billion in assets and bank accounts. A few days later, MBS attempted to demonstrate his authority by summoning Lebanese

Nikki Haley Rage in Response to Russia’s Veto at the UN Security Council By Stephen Lendman, November 20 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

Long ago, Washington had respectable UN ambassadors, including Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., Adlai Stevenson, Arthur Goldberg, and Andrew Young.


What a Typical Oil Pipeline Spill/Rupture in Dakota Farmland Looks Like By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, November 20 2017

The photos below were taken soon after the 2013 underground rupture of a Tesoro pipeline near Tioga, North Dakota. Farmer Steve Jensen, who had been paid by the pipeline company in exchange for permission to bury the pipe across

Hundreds of ISIS Fighters Covertly Smuggled Out as Part of a US-UK Deal: Report By PTI, November 20 2017

Hundreds of Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists were smuggled out of Raqqa in Syria last month as part of a deal struck by the US and UK armed forces, a media investigation has claimed.

ISIS fighters and their families

Guardian, NYT Paint Power-Grabbing Saudi Dictator as Roguish, Visionary ‘Reformer’ By Adam Johnson, November 20 2017

Two weeks ago, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman carried out a brutal crackdown on his political opponents, arresting dozens of high-ranking relatives, kidnapping the prime minister of Lebanon, and seeing eight of his political rivals die in a convenient 

Western Elites Find New ‘China Threat’ Theory By Jiang Feng, November 20 2017

The world has been keeping an eye on China for the past 40 years, with adulation and anxiety. Last month, Western mainstream media outlets including the US’ TIME, France’s Le Monde and Germany’s Der Spiegel chose Chinese characters or pinyin

The Saudi-US War on Yemen Is Killing 130 Children a Day & Other Bleak Statistics By Prof. Juan Cole, November 20 2017

The Saudi-led coalition is waging total war on Yemen in a bid to defeat the guerrilla group, the Houthis or the Helpers of God. The Houthis took power in Sanaa in fall of 2014 and consolidated it in early 2015.

US Wants to Divide Pakistan and Iran By News Desk, November 20 2017

Iranian Ambassador to Pakistan Mehdi Honardoost has said that United States wants to divide Pakistan and Iran.

In an exclusive interview with The Nation here, the envoy said there was a huge potential of cooperation between the two powers

Dissent Under Attack by Government and Corporations By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, November 20 2017

It is often hard to tell how close popular movements are to success or whether they are even a threat to the status quo power structure. Despite vigorous protests, it is common to worry whether or not movements are having

Andrew Jackson
Is Bitcoin Standing In for Gold? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler, November 20 2017

The Bitcoin is once again on News headlines. First published by Paul Craig Roberts and Global Research on May 31, 2017, this article sheds light on the impacts of the Bitcoin on the gold and silver markets

In a series

The Hidden Smoking Gun: The Deletion of Clinton’s Emails By Paul Thompson, November 20 2017

Since April 2016, I’ve worked with a team of people to put together the most detailed timeline on the Clinton email controversy. With this in-depth knowledge of the issue, one recently revealed event stands out as the most

Canada’s Foreign Policy and the New World Order. Ottawa Acting as a Pawn of Washington By Jim Miles, November 20 2017

Canada unfortunately is not just a follower of the U.S. but a strong forward carrier of the British Imperial system as well. Strong racial biases, pro-Zionism, acceptance of colonial settler practices are and were well advanced in Canada without U.S.

What is Behind the Military Coup in Zimbabwe? By Gregory Elich, November 20 2017

Long-roiling factional conflict within Zimbabwe’s ruling ZANU-PF political party exploded last week in a military coup that quickly seized control of the government and state media. The coup was led by Commander of Zimbabwe Defense Forces Constantino Chiwenga, who is

Trump Administration Threatens Palestinians By Stephen Lendman, November 19 2017


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US foreign policy favors pressure, bullying and threats over diplomacy – color revolutions and wars launched when other tactics fail.

The Trump administration delivered

France Intensifies Intervention in West Africa with Launch of Sahel G5 Force By Kumaran Ira, November 19 2017

The Sahel, which has been devastated by the 2011 NATO war in Libya and the resulting French war in Mali starting in 2013, is facing a new military escalation as France steps up its deployments in the strategic, resource-rich region

NATO, a Monstrous Institution By Karel van Wolferen, November 19 2017

Their anxiety about the future of NATO, recently on full display again when the American president was in Europe, could not be bettered as a measure of the incapacity of Europe’s top politicians to guide their continent and represent its

Campaign to Force Out Mugabe Escalates in Zimbabwe By Chris Marsden, November 19 2017

Zimbabwe’s war veterans’ association is staging a march today through the capital, Harare, demanding the resignation of President Robert Mugabe. Tens of thousands are expected to take part after all ten of the country’s provincial Zimbabwe African National Union–Patriotic

The Student Loan racket: Defaulting on Student Loans Can Mean Loss of Jobs By Stephen Lendman, November 19 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

The following states have laws permitting suspension of professional or driver’s licenses of individuals defaulting on student loans – compounding a deplorable racket:


Selected Articles: US War Crimes By Global Research News, November 19 2017

In an era of media distortion, our emphasis has been on the “unspoken truth”. As an independent site, it is our mandate to challenge the engineered truth by the corporate media. The selected articles below reveal media omission pertaining to  

More About the Great American Tax Cut Swindle By Stephen Lendman, November 19 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

On November 18, the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) explained the “revised Senate Plan would raise taxes on at least 29% of

No One Man Should be Able to Trigger Nuclear War By Eric Margolis, November 19 2017

Amidst the rising clamor in the US over groping and goosing, America’s Congress is beginning to fret about President Donald Trump’s shaky finger being on the nation’s nuclear button. 

The air force officer that dutifully trails the president carries …

Saudi Prisoners to be Freed in Exchange for 70% of Their Wealth. Reports By Middle East Monitor, November 19 2017

Featured image: Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal [Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud/Facebook]

Saudi officials are seeking to appropriate billions of dollars from captured princes and businessman in exchange for their release.

According to the Financial Times (FT) the …

Israel’s Ploy: Selling a Syrian Nuke Strike By Gareth Porter, November 19 2017

In September 2007, Israeli warplanes bombed a building in eastern Syria that the Israelis claimed held a covert nuclear reactor that had been built with North Korean assistance. Seven months later, the CIA released an extraordinary 11-minute video and mounted

President Trump Accelerates Drone Strikes in Somalia By Zero Hedge, November 19 2017

President Trump’s expansion of war is most evident in the skies of Somalia where an acceleration in drone strikes have been reported.

U.S. Africa Command has conducted fourteen airstrikes since August bringing the year’s total to eighteen. The increased tempo …

Secretary Mattis Is Off Base: US Military Presence in Syria Has No Legal Grounds By Peter Korzun, November 19 2017

Although the US has many times stated that its target is IS only, it appears that its intentions may go beyond the stated objective. In fact, Washington is seeking to retain post-conflict zones of influence within the country, where the

The US-led War Against ISIS Is Killing 31 Times More Civilians Than Claimed. Report By Alex Ward, November 19 2017

The Pentagon claims that its air war against ISIS is one of the most accurate in history and that it is so careful in who it targets that the 14,000 US airstrikes in Iraq have killed just 89 civilians.


Brennan and Clapper: Elder Statesmen of the Intelligence Community or “Serial Fabricators”? By Mike Whitney, November 19 2017

On Sunday, Former CIA Director John Brennan and Former National Intelligence Director (NID) James Clapper appeared on CNN’s morning talk show, State of the Union, to discuss Donald Trump’s brief meeting with Vladimir Putin in Vietnam. The two ex-Intel

The Veiled Threat: Australia’s Campaign Against New Zealand’s Refugee Policy By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 19 2017

Another twist in the farce over the stained treatment of refugees on Papua New Guinea’s Manus Island has surfaced. New Zealand has been insisting for some time that it is more than willing to welcome some 150 to its shores.

Grenfell Tower: Criminal Negligence in Worst Fatal Residential Fire in London for Over 100 Years By Hans Stehling, November 19 2017

The test for gross criminal negligence/manslaughter is:

1.     Was there a ‘duty of care’ owed by the defendant to the deceased?

2.     Did a breach of that ‘duty of care’ lead to the death(s)?

3.     Did the behaviour of the

NATO Adds to Turkey’s Chagrin. Turkish Good-Bye to NATO? By Moon of Alabama, November 19 2017

There has long been speculation about a Turkish good-bye to NATO.

The U.S. and its military proxy organization in Europe are doing their best to further such a move:

The image of Atatürk was displayed as a target during

Massive TransCanada Keystone 1 Pipeline Oil Spill By Stephen Lendman, November 19 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

All pipelines spill, when transporting oil or gas, environmental damage to land, waterways and human health is inevitable.

On Thursday, Friends of the Earth

North Korea and Its Missile Program – All What You Need to Know By South Front, November 19 2017

One may say that the political and military situation in the Asian Pacific is a calm before the storm. The race to prepare everyone to an armed conflict between the “free world” and the “communist totalitarian regime” in Pyongyang that

J’accuse! The Demand for Injustice By Christopher Black, November 19 2017

J’accuse! The phrase of Emil Zola, that shook a nation because it demanded justice for a falsely accused man, the phrase that will ever be remembered, as will the man who wrote it, is a phrase now used to

The Plot Against Kennedy: Why it Matters in the Era of Trump By Michael Welch, Paul Zarembka, and Ray McGovern, November 19 2017

Our collective denial of the obvious, in the setting up of Oswald and his transparent silencing of Ruby, made possible the Dallas cover-up. The success of the cover-up was the indispensable foundation for the subsequent murders of Malcolm X,

Video: Syrian Government Forces Storm Al-Bukamal ISIS Stronghold By South Front, November 18 2017

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA), Hezbollah and Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) are storming the Syrian border city of al-Bukamal from 3 directions after having liberated Tal Salasse, the village of Hamdan and the airstrip and reached the Euphrates

America’s Renegade Warfare. Is the U.S. Guilty of Genocide By Nicolas J. S. Davies, November 18 2017

Seventy-seven million people in North and South Korea find themselves directly in the line of fire from the threat of a Second Korean War. The rest of the world is recoiling in horror from the scale of civilian casualties such

When Will the West Ever Learn from History? By Lord Lothian and Amir Nour, November 18 2017

“I regret the wasted years during which ‘the West lost the Middle East’ but I feel that now maybe the time has come to put all that behind us. In this modern age of horizontal communication we must seek to

Washington-Moscow Duel: UN Security Council Resolutions on the Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria By Stephen Lendman, November 18 2017


(Home – Stephen Lendman). 

Contact at [email protected].

On Thursday, Russia and Washington faced off in a Security Council debate with dueling resolutions on extending the OPCW/UN Joint Investigation Mechanism (JIM).

Its …

Kiev Euromaidan: Participants in 2014 Ukrainian Coup Confess By Eric Zuesse, November 18 2017

The overthrow of the democratically elected President of Ukraine in February 2014 was one of the most important geostrategic occurrences during the past century, because it led to the breakaway from Ukraine of the two regions — Crimea and Donbass

The Biggest UK Pension Fund Backs Coal Mine Set to ‘Destroy’ the Great Barrier Reef By Jan Goodey, November 18 2017

Featured image: The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest coral reef system stretching for over 2,300 kilometres

The biggest local government pension fund in the UK – Tameside Metropolitan Borough/Greater Manchester (GMPF) – is investing in the most controversial

Britain’s Islamic State Fighters Are Returning Home Without Punishment By Kieren Underwood, November 18 2017

Here are startling figures. The British government believes up to 850 Britons left the country to fight with the Islamic State. Over 400 of them have returned home. Of them, only 54 have been convicted of crimes. The rest

Who Gets to Push the Nuclear Button? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 18 2017

William Binney is the former National Security Agency (NSA) official who created NSA’s mass surveillance program for digital information. He says that if the Russian government had conspired with Trump, hacked the Democratic National Committee’s computer, or in any way

Trump and the Nuclear Option: The Fiction of Sanity By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 18 2017

It had not happened in decades. On Tuesday, members of the US Congress gathered to consider the scope of presidential power in launching a nuclear strike. The state of the mind of the current president was very much at the

Assessment of White House Intelligence Report About Nerve Agent Attack in Khan Shaykhun, Syria By Dr. Theodore Postol, November 18 2017
The document does not provide any evidence whatsoever. In fact, a main piece of evidence that is cited in the document points to an attack that was executed by individuals on the ground, not from an aircraft. My own assessment, is that the source was very likely tampered with or staged, so no serious conclusion could be made from the photographs cited by the White House.
Burundi Defies the Imperial Criminal Court, An Interview with John Philpot By John Philpot and Ann Garrison, November 18 2017

The International Criminal Court (ICC) propagates injustice as stark as slavery or South African apartheid. It’s a Western court that prosecutes Africans exclusively. In June 2011, the ICC engaged in one of its most shocking imperial crusades by indicting Libyan